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The de-silication of water by the magnesite sorbent, SOV/96-58-10-11/25 of the VODGBD Institute. the water was passed from top to bottom, but this soon clogged the beds and it wag found necessary to reverse the flow. When raw Volga water was treated with magnesite sarbent, the silica content of the treated water was below 0.5 mg/litre silica for only 7 days, during which time 200 litres of water were purified. The silica content then rapidly rose and after two weeks it was 1.4 mg/litre silica. When the water was clarified before treatment, the purifier operated for 27 days before the silica content rose to 0.5 mg/litre, and during this time 1,320 litres of water were purified. Thereafter, the silica content rose to I mg/litre. When the water was first eation-treated, the filters operated for a month before the silica content rose to 0.5 mg/litrej thereafter it rose to 1 - 1.5 mg/litre silica. Information in given about the water hardness and the content, of other ions during the teste. The chemical composition of the sorbent is discussed. In effect, the substance is magnesia cement and there is no agreed theory of the hardening of this substance. The various existing theories are briefly stated. The effect of the input water analysis on the mechanical properties and dissolution of the sorbent is considered. If very soft cation-treated water passes through the sorbent, some inevitably dissolves. The minimum enrichment of the water in Card 2/4 bivaleat magnesium and calcium ions is governed by the solubilities The de-ijilication of water by the magnesite sorbent of SOV/96-58-10-11/25 the VODGEO Institute. of Mg(OH)2 and CaC03 (see Table.3.). The relationship between the possible content of bivalent magnesium and the pH value of the water at the outlet from the tube has been calculated and is given in Table.4. In practice, equilibrium was not established and the magnesium content was less than this. To check whether any of the damage to the sorbent was mechanical, tests were made with the water flowing downwards through the bad, though it was occasionally reversed to increase the rate of flow through the bad. The tests were continued for 26 days and the sorbent was examined. The results show clearly that the pulverisation of the sorbent that was observed in the original tests resulted from chemical attack. Lime-treated water was de-silicated at the water purification plant of a metallurgical works., Previously, caustic magnesite treatment had jield~ed-."tevrdf high silica content and had given rise to operating 4ifficulticis':' largely because of unsatisfactory construction of'the clarifiers. Moreover, the caustic magnesite was not treated properly. The tests with the magnesite sorbent are described in the preceding article by Mamet and Nikolayev. After a period of use, the ratio of magumsium oxide to magnesium chloride in the sorbent altered from l.Otl to 16s1. This is apWoutly eaused by the washing-out of the soluble Card 3/4 components, because the filtered water was not sufficiently alkaline, The do-silication of water by the nagnesite sorbent of the SOV/96-5s-10-11/25 VODGED.Inatitute. due in turn to the use of carbonatealhalinity conditions in liming. Although the water was coagulated and lime-treated, the sorbent beepme contaminated with organic substances and iron oxides. It was shown that it was technologically possible to de-silicate lime-treated water in this way, but that it must first be filtered. The system needs further testing to check the silica capacity of the sorbent and the effectiveLess of de-silication. There are 5 tables and 6 Soviet referehces4t!.!.. ASSOCIATION: All-Uhion Thermo-Technical Institute (Vse9oyu2rqy Teplotekhnicheakiy Institut) Card 4/4 KvYA-rK0V50Y, V, M , 3011/24-58-10-34/34 AUTHOR: Solomonov, hi. S. TITLE: Conference on Water Preparation in Thermal Power Stations (0 vodopodgotovke na teplovykh elektrosta--tsiyakh) PERIODICAL: Izvestiya Akademii nauk SSSR. Otdeleniye tekhnicheskikh nauk, 1958, Nr 10i PP 159-160 (USER) ABSTRACT: During June 24-2?, 1958, a conference took place on problems of water preparation in thermal power stations of high, inter- mediate, super-high and super-critical pressures. The confer- ence was convened by the Commission on Steam of Very High Parameters of the Power Research Institute, Academy of Sciences USSR, imeni G. M. Krzhizhanovskiy, jointly with the Ministry of Power Stations USSR and the idosoow Scientific-Technical Society of the power industry. Over 400 representatives of scientific research establishments and of power stations par- ticipated. In the section on design, setting and operation of combined plant with magnesium desilisizing, the following pap- ers were read: 1) "Experience in setting up and operation of water treat- ment plant with desilisizing by means of magnesium", V. F. Gvozdq~v (ORGRES),, ,2)"State and tasks in the development of plant for magnesium desilisizing of water in thermal power stations',' V, M. Kvyat- Card 1/5 SOV/2-4-58-10-34/34 Gonference on Water Preparation in Thermal Power Stations kovskiy (VTI), 3) "Schemes of automation of plant with desilisizing by means of magnesium" , Ye. N. Krasotkin and V. M. 4yyatkovskiy (VTI), 4)"Problems of designing combined cathion water_~Ereatment lantswith magnesium desilisizing", A. A. Krupchitskiy arlkovskoe otdeleniye TEP), M 5) I'Desilisizing of the water by means of filters", 0. N. Shemyakin (VODGEO),, 6)"Investigation of the process of magnesium deSiliSiZing Of water at elevated temperatures", L. M. Zhivilov (VTI), 7)"Blagnesium--athion method of desilisizing water". L. S. Foshko (Donbassenergo). In the second section, "Exper.-Lence in designing, setting and operation of chemical desalting plant". the following papers were read: 1) "Results of investigations and of industrial tests of chemical desalting plant and prospects of their application in thermal power stations with super-high and above-critical steam parameters". F. G. Prokhorov (MES SSSR), Card 2/5 SOV/24-58-10-34/34 Conference on Water Preparation in Thermal Power Stations 2) "New ionites for water preparation plant and prospects of their industrial manufacture", A. V. Pashkov (Institut plastmass im. Frunze), 3)"Problems of design of chemical desalting plant", V. S. Chernov MOTEP), 1. M. Sokolov, 4) "Automation.of pressure filters for water treatment in power stations", S. M. Gurvich (MOTsKTI). In addition to these papers9 20 informative communications of various local representatives were presented. It trans- pired that during recent years methods of magnesium desili- sizing and of thorough chemical desalting of water have gained extensive utilisation in Soviet power stations and these played an important role in the development of Soviet steam power. Successful mastering of magnesium desilisizing of water together with the application of stepwise evaporat- ion in boilers, washing of steam and other measures enabled ensuring reliable and economic exploitation of high pressure (110 atm) boilers in combined heat and power stations which operate with a large loss of condensate. During recent years rational designs of illuminators have been developed and also methods for dry dosing of caustic magnesite as well as mech- Card 3/5 anization of its handling and an original method was described 3011/24-58-10-34/34 Conference on Water Preparation in Thermal Power Stations of desilisizing by applying lime on the preliminarily mag- nesiUm-cathionated water. In individual cases it became possible to feed the water directly from the illuminators into cathion filters of the first stage, in which the Drocess- es of filtration and cathion treatment are combined. ~kork has started on automation and mechanisation of preliminary purifi- cation and of introducing treatment involving high temperature pre-heating of the water. Water treatment by application of lime and in individual cases by simultaneous desilisizing by magnesium in the case of heating up to 1200C permits more thorough elimination of silicon compounds. High temperature desilisizing requires special apparatus operating under pressure,. thermally stable cathions and also new automatic circuits, Laboratory, semi-industrial and industrial tests of the filtration method of desilisizing water,developed by VODGEO have shown that this method is applicabie also for H-a cathionated water without preliminary application of lime. In chemical desalting plants which use ioniba-s of Soviet manu- facture, it became possible to solve the problem of feeding very high pressure drum boilers (180 atm) and thus extensive prospects are opened up of using thoroughly desalted natural Card 4/5 SOV/24-58-10-34/34 Conference on Water Preparation in Thermal Power Stations water and condensates for feeding powerful direct flow boilers of super-critical pressures. An ionite method of purification of condensates of nitrogen-fat plants permits utilising desalted condensate for feeding high pressure boilers and returning regeneration products into the techno- logical cycle of the plant for producing from it the indus- trial product. Such a process of purification of the waste condensates allows reducing operational costs for water treat- ment and feeding of industrial heat-power stations in chemical works. Various deficiencies were pointed out in the existing technology of water purification as well as in the designs adopted ifi some of the projects. Card 5/5 uscomi-Dc-6o,653 kTYATKOVSKIY, V.14.,iazh. Compensating the reactive power of inverter substations used for direct current transmission. Blekata, 29 no.11:40-46 N 158. (MM 11:12) (Electric substations) KVYATKOVSKIT, V.M. Transient processes in the invertor conversion scheme under various methods of umpeneation of the reactive power. Ixv. NIIPT no.4:19-37 159. (MIRk 13:2) Mectric circuit brakers) SOV/96-59-5-13/19 AUTHORS., Kvyatkovskly, V.M.0 Candidate of Technical Sciences and Zhivilova, L.M., Candidate of Technical Sciences TITLE: An Investigation of the Process of Magnesia De-silicat:Lon of Water at High Temperature (Issledovaniye protsessa magneziallnogo obeskremnivaniya vody pri N-jsokoy temperature) PERIODICAL: Teploenergttika~ 19597 Nr 5v PP 70-74 (USSR) ABSTRACT: The practice of treating water with lime or soda-lime at temperatures of 1000C and more is receiving attention in the American technical press,also special de-silicating agents are sometimes used. The main advantage of the proposal from the standpoint of Sovitt practice is the pros_pect of obtaining more efficient de-silication. This article describes work done to assess the possibility of achieving good do-ailication of water by lime treatment without introducing additional magnesia agents~ also to investigate the possibility of improving de-silication when water is treated with caustic magnesite or in other ways. The laboratory equipment that was used to treat Card 1/5 C water at a temperature ef 120 to 130 C is described and SOV/96-59-5-13/19 An Investigation of the Process of Magnesia De-silication of Water at High Temperature drawn schematically in Fig 1. The test results are in Fig 2, 3 and 4 and Tables It, 2v 3, and li~ They ishow that by means of caustic magneoite at 120 to 130c'C it J-5 possible to reduce the content of silicic acid compounds in the water to a value of the order of 0-3 mg/litre S'03- At 40 to 80*C the silica content can only be reduced to 0.75 mg/litre. In making the tests, particular attention was paid to reducing the contact time of the liquid and suspended precipitates. It will be seen front the results plotted in Fig 4, that the process of de-silication of water at 120 to 1300C is completed quite quickly and is very nearly over in 15 minutes. If the contact time is increased to I hour there is some improvement in the de-ailication but the time of 15 minutes is best because then the size of the treating equipment can be very much reduced. Comparative tests showed that there i 19 nothing to choose between the temperatures of 120 and 130%. When treating water with Card 2/5 caustic magnesite at temperatures in this range a SOV/96-59-5-13/19 An Investigation of the Process of Magnesia De-silication of Water At High Temperature residual silica content of 0.5 mg/litre can be obtained with a caustic magnesite dose of 5 mg/mg and a contact time of 15 minutes. The process of de-silication was then worked out when using lime to treat various waters. These were ordinary water, magnesium-cationised water and finally water in which the initial magnesium ion content was artificially increased by introduction of magnesium chloride. The test results show that adequate de-silication may be obtained, provided the amount of magnesium separated from the treated water is not less than 1 mg equiv per 10 mg S103 in the initial water. The data in Table -5 were obtained during lime treatment of magnesium-catlonised water at 120 to 130% and indicate that the do-silication is more effective than at 40*C. The results plotted in Fig 6 show that increasing the contact time only improves the do-silleation from O~8 mg/litre S103 at 15 minutes to Card 3/5 0-7 mg/litre S'03 at 60 minutes. Tcble 4 gives for soV/96-59-5-13/19 An Investigation of the Process of Magnesia De-silication of Watez, at High Temperature comparison data that can be obtained when de-silicating water with caustic magnes.1te and by lime treatment of magnesium-cationised water at 120 to 130*C. The de-silication is Impyo-ved by adding caustic.-magnesite to the water. Do-silication by 1-ime treatment of magnesium-cationised water is limited by the possibility of increasingthe magnesium content in the water to be treated. it follows from the tests that the method can be used only for treating water with an initial hardness not less than 2,5 to 3-0 mg equiv/litre. If the water hardness is only 1 to 1.5 mg equiv/litre, the residual silica content is up to 1 mg/litre. When treating water at 120 to 1300C thermal losses areo of course, higher than at 400C but this is more than counter-balanced because reduced blow-down can be used when the silica content of the water is reduced. It is calculated that overall the use of high temperature for de-silicat-ion- will reduce the feed-water cost by about 35 kopeks a-ton. Card 4/5 It is concluded that the investigation has confirmed the sov/96-59-5-13/19 An Investigation of the Process of Magnesia Do-silication of Water at High Temperature technological and economic advantages of using a temperature of 120 to 130*C for water de-silication. It will be necessary to have temperature-stable cationite, also clarifiers and batch meters ef special construction for operating under pressure. A further study will be requVred into the technology of de-silication and the desIgn of equipment. There are 6 figures, 4 tables and 5 references, 2 of which are Soviet Ahd 3 English. ASSOCIAT16N:Vaesoyuznyy teplotekhnicheskiy institut (Thet All-Union Thermo-Technical Institute) Card 5/5 MATKOVSKIT, V.~L, kand.tekhn.nenk -.*,Z - , - " . . 4A_ C~ 'freatment of water by tiethodo involving the precipitation of dissolved impuritieB. Zhar. VKHD 5 no.6:637-645 160. (MIRA 13112) (Water-Purification) (Water --Softening) AMSELIROD, M.M.; KVUTNOVSE31. V.M. Technological and economic indices of d.c. power transmission and its comparison to other modes of transporting power resources* lov. NIIPT no.6:92.-Ill 160. (MIU 14:7) Electric power distribution-Direct current) over resources-Transportation) R M... kand.tekbu.nauk; BAULINA, A.I., inzh.; 4YU-MM41., L.S.,, iuzh.1 LITVINOVI V.G., inM.; WEVI A.S.,, inzh. Studying the hot liming procews in water arxiched with mpesium compounds. Toploenergetiks 7 no.10:1+7-52 0 160. (MIRA 14-.9) 1, VoesoyuzW teplotekbnichookly institut i Donbassenergo. (FW water purification) SHKROB, Mikhail Sawylovich, doktor tekhn. nauk) PROKBOROV, Fedor Georgi- yevich, kand. tekhn. nauk, PrInAmali uchastiye; AKOLIZIN, P.A., doktor tekhn. nauk; APELITSDI, I.E., doktor tekhn. adukj ZENKEVICH, Yu.V., kand. tekhn. nauk;_.KVYATEOVSM V,,M., kand. teklin. nauk; UZACHKO, V.A., doktor tekhn. nauk; GURVICH, S.M., inzh.; ORZHEROV- SKIY, M.A., inzh.1 STYRIKOVICH, M.A., retsenzent; MARTYITOVA, 0.1., retsenzent; VOROVIIN, K.P., tekhn. red. (Water treatment and water systems for steamw-turbine electric power plants] Vodopodgotovka i vodrqi rezhim paroturbinnykh elektrostantsii. Moskva, Goa. energ. Izd-voj 1961. 470 D. (MJRA 14:9) (Feed water purification) (Steam turbines) KVYATKOVSKIY, V.M.; MELIGUNOV, N.M. Static stability of a d.c. power transmission system feeding a receiving load of a comparable power. Izv. NIIPT no-7:93-110 ,61. (MIRA 14:9) (tlectric power distribution--Direct current) ,E.VYATKDV$KIY. V.M., kand.tekhn.nauk; SHCHUKINA, A.G., inzh.; 'KMKEVIGH,'G.V., inzh. Automatic proportioning of reagents at the water treating installations of electric power plants. Teploenergetika g,no.4:15-19 Ap 161. (MIRA 14:8) 1. Vsesoyuzny7 teplotekhnicheskiy institut. (Electric powei plants) (fte&water purificatiim) .1 -KVYAT.KOVS.KIY, V.M.; MATSKEVICH, G.V.; SHEVTSOVA, A.G. Automation of systems with clarifying agents for preliminary water purification. Vodopod., vod. rezh. i khimkont. na parosil. ust. no.ltl32-142 164. (MIRA 18:2) 1. Vsesoyuznyy ordena Trudovogo Krasnogo Znameni teplotekhnicheskiy institut Imenj V.E. Dzerzhinskogo. ~, , .2 -I I 1~ I ,~- - - ~ ! . I r I .~ ~ I . - - - h'VYATKOVSK'IY., V. S. Prof., "Effect of the Flow on the Chamber of the Operating Wheels in a Klapan Turbine)" abstracted in Gidrotekh. stroi., Hos. 5/6~ pp 280299 1946 VIGM KVYA'fKU-,'jS7,1Y, V. S. ed. Maiye gidroturbiny Z-Small hydraulic turbines-/., Moskva, Masgiz' lqt~O. QrIthly Lij -154. SO: t of Russian Accessiong, Vol 6, No 12 March IL, I K7YAKTOVSKIY# V.S., professor# Process of regulating the.flow through (and capacitY Df) reaction turbines. Trudy VIGH no.12:5-18 '50- (MLEA lOt8) - (Hydraulic turbines) KV=W"TI* V':Skot laureat StalIn8koT PrOmii, professor; KATUYNTA, Ye.j., zekhmah-6skly redaktor: takhmIcheekly redaktor. [Working-processes in axial-flov bydraulic turbines] 4bochii pro- tsess osevoi gidroturbiny. _.Moskva, Goo. tmuchno-tekhn. iz(l-vo mashinostroit.-lit-ry.-1951. 156 p. Part Is [Studying currents in axial-flow hydraulic turbIinel Iasledovanie potokov v osevykh gidro- turbinakh.(Mosoow. Vessoiuznyi nauchno-iseledovatell6kii institut gidromehinootroenila. Trudy, no.14). (NLPA 10:8) (Hydraulic turbines) KVUTKOVbTlY V.S. laureat Stalinskoy premil, professor; SHCUPOV, N.M., dokto:FteIr'hnJcheskikh nauk, professor, redaktor; POMI, S.M., tekhnicheskiy redaktor; TIKHONCN, A-Ta., tekhnichesk-ly redaktor. [Working process of axial-flow hydraulic turbines; Pt. 2: Methods for hydraulic calculation of blades for hydraul-Ic turbines] Rabochii protsess osevoi gidroturbiny; Pt. 2: 0 sposobakh gidrai-lichookogo rascheta lopastei osevykh gidroturbin. Moskva, Goo. nauchn.-tekhn. izd-vo mashinostroitellnol lit-ry, 1952. 140 p. (Vaesoluzayi nauch- no-issledovatellskit institut gidromashinostroeniia. Txmdy, no.15) OU-U 9: 8) (Hydraulic turbines--Blades) KVYATKOV.SKIY, V.60 Ellegulating the power and rotation speed of emll hydraulic turbines] Regulirovanie mo6hdbnosti i ekorosti vrashchanlia malykh gidroturbin. V.S.Kviatkovskogo. Moskva. Goo. energ. izd-vo, 1953. 55 P. (MM 7-4) (Elydraulle turbines) J,m-ayva.Ty. V_ S_ The Comlttee an Stalim PrIzes (of the C0=CU of MAletere USSR) it tbe f Jeldo of acitwe w4 inventlom wxw=*s th" the followUW sclantifle works, Wpul&r scien- tific bookso mg textbwks bave been subodtted fbr em"Ution for SUlLn Prizes for the yewre 1952 wid 1953. (Sqvvt*~W Kultumo Idoscov, No. 22-40, 20 ]v*b Apr 19541 Name Tltle of Work WomImted by 0--m-M. KvI.atovskiy, V. S. "The Worl4mg Process of an A2d,il-Flou 4draulic Turbinelt All-Union Scientific Research Institute of 4draulic Rachine BaUding SO: W-3C6D4, 7 July 1954- C- C 1 C! I'! S SOV/124-57--9--10371 Translation from: Referativnyy zhurnal, Mekhanika, 1957, Nr 9, 1) 69 (USSR) AUTHOR: . Kvyatkovskiy, V. S. TITLE: On the Cavitational Properties of Hydraulic Turbines (0 kavita-- tsionnvkh svoystvakh gidroturbin) PERIODICAL: Tr. Mosk. energ. in-ta, 1956, Nr 19, pp 329-353 ABSTRACT: The cavitation coefficient is found from the Bernoulli equation for the absolute and relative flow through a turbine, Assuming that the exit velocity triangle is an isosceles one, and replacing the veloci-- ties with velocity coefficients, which are constant for geometrically- similar turbines, the author develops an equation for the determina- tion of the cavitation coefficient of an actual turbine in accordance with known laboratory results of cavitation tests on a model turbine. The practical value of the formula obtained remains yet to be con- firmed by a test. The paper suggests a method for the quantitative evaluation of the influence of the shape of the various working parts of a turbine on its cavitational properties. The influence of the spiral casing, of the shape of the guiding distributor and draft tube, and of Card 1/2 the location of the main shaft is analyzed, On the basis of the On the Cavitational Properties of Hydraulic Turbines SOV/124-57-9-10371 formulae obtained a comparison is made of vertical and horizontal turbines identical in size and with identical tailwater submersion and cavitation expectancy for curved- and straight- cente rl ine draft tubes. The advantages of a horizontal turbine with a straight- cente rline draft tube are demonstrated. Because of the higher efficiency of the horizontal reaction-type axial turbines, their smaller foundation depth and the availability of a reserve plant capacity during a flood period, a wider use of this type of turbine is suggested. 1. 1. Orlov Card 2/2 KOVA LEV, H. N., prof.; WWAMCLU-II&J.S., doktor tekhnonauk, prof.; TISTROVA, O.N., red.; VCRONIN, K.P., [Wdroaulic turbine industry in U.S.S.R.] Gidroturbinostroenie Y SSSR- Moskva, Goo* energet. izd-vo 1957. 151 p. ' (KMA 11:1) 1. Chlen-korresponclent AN SSSIt (for Kovalev) (Wdraulic turbines) iA v / /,- I / I , ~, ~--, -A I - . -,P " - M ATKOVSKIY, V.S., doktor tekhn.nauk, prof. Two new systems for reaction rotating vane h7draulic turbines. 1- Gidr.stroi. 26 no.11:62-67 11 '57. (MIRA 10:10) (Hydraulic turbines) r\,v \/S r\ PHASE I BOOK EXPLOITATION io65 Vsesoyuznyy nauchno-issledovatellskiy Institut gidromashinostroyenlya Issledovaniya i raschety gidroturbin I regulyatorov (Investigation and Design of Hydraulic Turbines and Regulators) Moscow, Mashgiz, 1958. 129 P. (Series: Its: Trudy, vyp. 21) 4,000 copies printed. Ed.: Kvyatkovskiy, V.S., Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor; Ed. o, rubilshin-g-70-use: Prokoflyeva, L.G.; Tech. Eds: Shikin, S.T. and Gerasimova, Ye.S.; Managing Ed. for Literature on Ma- chine Building and Instrument Construction (Mashgiz): Pokrovskly, N.V., Engineer. PURPOSE: is intended for engineers, technical workers, and graduate students and also for upperclassmen of vuzes and tekhnikums studying problems of hydraulic turbine building. COVERAGE: This is a collection of articles dealing with investiga- tions of hydraulic turbines and regulators and their design. The following subjects are covered: results of model testing of im- Card 1/3 Investigation and Design (Cont.) lo65 Dulse and reaction (axial) hydraulic turbines, theoretical in- vestigAtions and calculations on hydraulics of rotors of axial and radial-axial (mixed flow) hydraulic turbines, characteristics of cavitational and starting~regimes of axial hydraulic turbines., and analysis and calculations of dynamics of speed regulators of hydraulic turbines. TABTZ OF CONTENTS: Voytashevskiy, D.A., Candidate of Technical Sciences. MeanVeloc- ities of Flow in Axial Hydraulic Turbines 3 Ivanov, V.I., Candidate of Technical Sciences. Analysis of Flows in Axial Hydraulic Turbines Under Starting Conditions 19 Kvy~Lj9QYAkiy4_V.S._,_Dootor of Technical Sciences, Professor. of Rotor Blades of Radial-axial [Mixed Flow) Hydraulic Turbines 39 Card 2/3 Investigation and Design (Cont.) 1065 Shallnev, K.K. Effect of the Shape of Blade-end Edges on Cavita- tion and Performance of a Hydraulic Turbine 57 Shchipulin, I.F., Candidate of Technical Sciences. Analysis of Performance Characteristics of a Hydraulic Turbine With Inclined Nozzle Based on the Flow Energy Balance 76 Shchipulin, I.F., Candidate of Technical Sciences. Efficiency- power Characteristics of the Impulse [Felton) Turbine Model 96 Popov, D.N., Candidate of Technical Sciences. Effect of the Characteristics of a Servomotor on Hydraulic Turbine Speed-regu- lation Regimes 110 AVAILABLE: Library of Congress GO/mfd 1-28-59 C ard 3/3 MAPKOVSKIY, V.Se, doktor tekhn.nauk, prof. ----mom Designing .... runner blades for Francia-type hydrnulic- turbines. Trudy VION n0-21:39-56 '58, (Milu 11:11) (Hydraulic turbinea-Blades) 8(6) PHASE I BOOK EXPLOITATION SOV/2226 Vsesoyuznyy nauchno-issledovatellskiy institut gidromashinostroyeniya Issledovaniye gidroturbin Study of Hydraulic Turbines) Moscow, Mashgiz, 1959. 195 P. Rer'ies: Its: Trudy, vyp. 23) 1,900 copies printed. Additional Sponsoring Agencyt USSR. Oosudarstvennaya planovaya komissiya. Glavnoye upravleniye nauchno-issledovatellskikh i proyektnykh organizatsiy. Ed.: V.S. Kvyatkovskiy, Doctor of Technical Sciences; Ed. of Pub-ZZONIiij=HFu~-- M Pr~okof 'Yeva.,,,and A.M. Monastyrtakaya; Tech. Ed.: V.D. ElIkind; Managing Ed. ?6r Literature on machine Building and Instrument Making: N.V. FokrovBkiy, Engineer. PURPOSE: This book may be of interest to designers, operations personnel of hydroelectric stations, and students of vtuzes who are specializing in the field of hydraulic turbine manu- fe.eturing. Card 1/3 Study of Hydiaulic Turbines SOV/2226 COVERAGE.- This is the 23rd issue of the Transactions of VIGM. It contains four articles by Professor N.M. Shchapov, Doctor of Technical Sciences, and is dedicated to him on the occasion of his 50th anniversary in the teaching profession. The first: article deals with the method of determining the efficiency of' an actual turbine from the results of model testing. The secand article deals with the selection of the optimum length of a hydraulic turbine draft tube. Various charatteristics of a draft tube are described. In the third article an attempt is made to substantiate the theory of hydraulic engines utilizing the energy of open channel flow. The last art-1-cle describes, annular-flow impulse turbines. No personaliti~is are mentioited. References follow each article. TABLE OF CONTENTS z Preface Nikolay Mikhaylovich Shchappv (Creative Life) 4 Card 2/3 Study of Hydraulic Turbines SOV/2226 Types of Energy Losses in a Hydraulic Reaction Turbine and a Discrete Refiguring of the Efficiency of an Actual 'Nirbine From the Results of Model Testing 8 Optimum Length of Hydraulic Turbine Draft Tube 141 Theory of a Hydraulic Engine Utilizing the Erkergy of Open Chan-nel Flow 181 Annular Flow Hydraulic Impulse Turbines Ali AVAILABLE: LibrAry of Congress Card 3/3 GO/ec 10-9-59 AYXKSANMOV. B.K., prof.-, prinimall,uchastiye: ITALT)V-SMOLEPUlY, k.Ve. dote.; KORMDVA# V.I., inzbe; OBDWTMP M*G*v Imah.; RVTATKOVSKIY, V.S., prof.; ALB=lzvv A.Ye., prof. Hydroelectric power stations with horizontal generating j units. Gidr. strot. 30 no.6:1-8'je.160. (MIRA 13:19 1. Chlen-korrespondent AN SSSR (for Aledeandrov). (Hydroelectric power stations) LVYATKOVSKIY7 V.S.0 doktor tekhn.nauk, prof. Development of the hydraulic turbine industry in the U.S.S.R. Trudy ~EI no.33:267-284 160. (MIRA 15:3) (Hydraulic turbines) ITTATKOVMT, V.V. -, I- Statiquery imstallatioz for metal recovery from slag. Stall 15 so.10:948-949 0 155, (MM 9:1) I.Zavod imexi Dzershizakogs. (Slag) (Mlegmetic separation of ilran) KVYATKOVSKIY, Te.M.; TSIGXL9IAN. I.S. Simplified method of,treadM metal ore assaying samples. Razved.i okbr.nedr 22 no.5:28-31 MY 156. (MLRA 9:9) 1. Leningradekly gorWy Institut. (Ores--Sampling and estimation) (Assaying apparatus) DUBOV, R.I. -_.,XWATKOVSKIT,, Te.M. - ~ 1., , , Spectrum analysis of metallometric samples for tungsten. Izv. vys. uoheb, 2aV&; g801. i razv. 2 no.2:102-lo6 P '59. (MIRA 12t10) 1.Leningradskiy gornyy Inetitut im. G.V. Plakhanova. Kafedra geofizicheskikh metodov razvadki6 (Tungstst--Spectra)"~- XVYATKOVSKIY, Ye.M. Some regularities in the relief development of mountainous regions and the formation of secondary dispersion halos. Zap. LGI 39 no.2:124-128 '61. (MIRA 15:2) (Transbaikalia--Ore deposits) XVYATKOVSKIY9 Y ; KRITSUK, I.N. Method of vietallometric surveying in prospecting for tin deposits. Zap. LGI 39 no.2:129-135 '61. (MIRA 15:2) (Transbaikalia--Tin ores) S/08 61/000/023/012/061 B1 17YB1 47 AUTHORS: Dubov, R. I., Kvyatkovskiy, Ye. M. TITLE: Distribution of tungsten in secondary aureoles of diffusion PERIODICAL: Referativnyy zhurnal. Khimiya, no. 23, 1961, 103, abstract 23066 (Zap. Leningr. gorn. in-ta, v. 39, no. 2, 1961, 136-144) TEXT: One of the tungsten deposits in the eastern Transbaikal region is connected to greisenizated muscovite-granites and Faleozoic sandstones and schists cemented with chert. The method of sampling loose deposits is described, frofn which 1109 samples have been taken in three sections at different depths. It has been found that in samples taken from greater depths the relative number of samples with appreciable amounts of W in- creases. The configuration and size of aureoles of diffusion depend on the eluvial-diluvial fraction used in the analysis. The manifest them- selves most clearly by an analysis of the coarse alluvial fraction. A study of the distribution of W according to fractions shews that its high concentrations are fixed in 1 - 3 and 0.25 - 1 mm fragments. Coarser and finer fractions show a poorer W content. The portion of clay of the Card 1/2 Distribution of tungsten in ... deposits contains virtually no W. depths and fractions is essentially note: Complete translation I S/08 61/000/023/012/061 B117YB147 The distribution of Sn according to equal to that of W. ~bstracterls Card 2/2 KTdATY-Q KTX,,.Ye.M.; KRITSUK, I.N. - ~ vs 4uantitative interpretation of secondary dispersion halos of lead. Zap. LGI 45 no. 2:3-9 163. (MIRA 17:5) KVYATKOVSKIY, Ye.M. Primary dispersion halos ol' auric quartz veins in tho Iyubav-11--re ore-bearing area (Eastern Transhhikalia). Zap. LGI 45 nL, 2: 10-15 163. (M MI .17: 5) BLINOV V.A.; KTLILTKOvSKIY-j-Ye-.Ik,-- Y Geochemical characteristics of granitoids in the Khapeheranga region. Zap. LGI 45 no. 2:31-33 63. (MIRA 17:5) GRIGORIYEVA, O.A.; KVYATKOVSKIY, Ye.M. __ Highly sensitive double-arc method of spectrographic analysis for the detection cf gold and some disseminated elements. Zap. LGI 45 no. 2:74-80 163. (MIRA 17:5) KVYATKOVSKIY, Ye.V. (Moskva); GIJ,,Y2-ER, G.D. (I-Ioskva) Psychology of the activaLion of teaching in evening 3econdury schools. Vop. psikhol. 10 no.6:173-176 N-D 164. (111RA 18: 21-) CZE-CHOSLOVAKIA/Electronies Photocells and Semiconductor Device H Abs Jour Ref Zhur Fizika, No 12, 1959, 27913 Author Nesvadba, Otabar; Kvaczek, Ortm-r; Machala, Frantisek 111st Tesla Roznov, Czechsolovaltia Title Geometrical Model of a Fused p-n-p Junction Orig Pub Slaboproudy ubzor, 1958, 19, No 11, '155-758 Abstract As is luio-,ni, oxides on the surface of germanium jiuic- tions, and also the warm humid ambient reduce the constancy of the properties of transistors both dur- ing storage time and during the operating process. To attain this constancy by techDological raeans, a geometrical model is proposed for the fused p-q-p Junction. The action of this model is investigated when moisture acts on the Junction at an increased Card 1/2 - 88 - CZE-CHOSLOVAKIA/Electroliies - Photocells and Semicoliductor Device. H Abs Jour Ref Zhur Fizika, No 12, 1959, 27913 temperature, by measurinG such electric parameters as the collector aurrent in a grounded-lbase circuit and with the emitter disconnected, the surface cur- rent of the collector for a grounded emitter, the rate of surface recombination. Bibliography, 20 titles. Card 2/2 POILL, Julian,, inz-j--.""ZWMA Annap mgr. Nw sand carriers for hydraulic cleaving of petroleum and gas collectors. Prace Inst naft no.76:1-7 163. TLOG"i PERIODIChL, PRACE; ma. 58; 1958. ; p.; Szadaj, Z. The7~Mpari:rig of imter for flood~.-Ig- petrolelm, deposits. ,A P. 3. nthly List of East Euronean Accessions (E'7"1I) LC Vol. I,)', No. Auril, 1959, Unclass. " .io ) r,14"A C'-T S 21, -5-M I ': "~ p !, . *;z-- - --- - - - Sand carriers for the liydrsullc fracturing oil-bearinf- sm-ndstmes. 1-. 2 (Katowice, Pohnd (City) Instytut 'Frace. No. Katcwice, Poland) Yonthly Index of East European Accessions (EFJJ) LC. Vol. 7,, tic. 2) February 1953 POHL, Julian, Inz.; XWACrSZ'EWSKA, Anna, mgr. ]Jew carriers for Joints of patrol" and gas doposits.1fafta Pol 17 no.lltM of bulletim 161. _-)9UCISZMKA7-A. j, mgr; POMMIA p Z. . mgr; SZADA ) Z. ) i= e Analytic methods for athanolamina in gas desulfurization in Lubaczow. Nafta Pol 19 no.2:Suppl,4 Biul inst naft 13 no.1:2 163. ---...KWAr-I3ZFWSK.A, Anna, mgr I---- - ... I - ". ..- - Selection of now demalsifiers for ovishliq; jx~trolomr, occurring in the Polish petroleum indiistry. Nafta Pol, 20 no. 7t Suppl. Kul in3t naft 14 no. 5,16:13 164. T. "Aer(dyranic fcr -Iari(7-,,i',- - :ad(,,,h.-cr--',~~--,-.,l --~. I,' ~ j k - I ~ , I .. T,Clf-,~;,, - Yo. 4/1 , C ctolrcr 1-15A '., -, flu , I- C, 1, -11 ~d ) I ~ /,., Ll~ -i% ~-. - j - Vol. 2 SO: !,.onthly List cf -last Accessicn,- (T-- U) Ic Vr--l. ;, (I. -~Jl March 19'55, UnO-. KWAK, T,_; CHRONIK, Ze; PBZYBYSZEWSKI, H. "What They Say About the let Polish Parachutist Contest." P. 746. (SKRZY.DLATA POLSKA, Vol. 10, No. 47, Nov- 1954, Warszawa, Poland.) SO: Monthly List of East European Accessions, (IFAL). LC, Vol. 4, No. 5, May 1955, Uncl. p. 12 .~arachutc and parachutist. (To be contd.) Y(W'KA- ~JAgo Lotniczv) ~,;vLr~;Ivewa, Poland. V.1. 11 no. 26, Julv 195-5. iF;t of V~~C4 '1,,uroi)c,,an accession LC. Vol. NG Switember, 14,ontl-17 L !~~59. Uncl. Kv,bl', T. n,TAY, T. Aerodynem,",cs of I-arachutes 8-n6, ;UmPs- (Conclusicn) p. ll. Vol. El , bo. 29, Jily Ic:,5--". SY-;---,'YLLATA ICLSYA. TECHINCII C-Cy warnawa, Yolbnd So: East Ltropean Accession, Vol. 5, 1"'o. 5, 11-lay 195(-, d, fog JERZykIEW -AND are delCribed. They my q usm on)y up to 30 kV, S)Mfttic mateliols Are n cEKzwd ma spdal )z;u:m7=m for voltap tramp lormpa (vilih on caritmd or balb izrn um cai,.bed) and vxmt tmWormT1. (bigh ff=hani. arinSo ot insubdon an 94-t-cIrcuit) Rre r--,nplgl cir Uamfuhmm mith plotic imulatl~nl; AR M W . . M SO FMAL, Marceli, mgr. inz.; HELLER, WMelm, mgr. inz.; JACZEWSIU, Marek, -Ar. inz.; JASINSKI, Edwardp mgr. inze Correction to the article, "Idghtning faults of the Polish high voltage network in 1958 - 1959,0 Energetyka 16 no.5:158 My 162. 1. Glowny inzynierp Zaklady Wytworeme Aparatow Wysokiego Napiecia im. G. Dymitrowa (for Kwal). KWAPIEWSK-1, Zbigniew, prof. dr; SLIWIOK, Jozef, dr I Detection of high fatty acids on paper obromatcgrans. Chers anal 9 no.1:119-121 164. 1. Department of Organic Chemistry, Pedagogic School, Kat..owice. WAPINSKI, Jerzy; BACZYNSKA, Krystyna; GALL, Wieslawl Barbara Waaler-Rose reaction. Postapy reumat. no,2:45-58 1956. 1. Z Instytutu Reumatologicznego w Warazawim Dyrektor: prof. dr. E. Reicher. (ARTHRITIS, RHBMTOID, diag. serodiag., Waaler-Rose reaction (Pol)) (RHMWATIC YNER, diag. gane) BORYNIEG, Atanazy- KWAPINSKIS-~J~an-' NIKOLAJCZYKOWA, Terepa; k PETRYCHA .9 yl~wtg-~---- Copolyesters of phthalic acid. Polimery tworz wielk 9 no.3: 89-92 Mr 164. 1. Depart-me!- of Technology of Artificial Fiberst Technical University, Lodz. BORYNIECP Atanazy-, WAPINSKI, Jan; NIKOLAJCZYK, Wlodzimierz Vinyl acetate grafting of polyacrylonitrile initiated by potassium persulfate. Polimery tworz wielk 9 no.'"92-94 Mr 16-4. 1. Department of Technology of Artificial Fibers, Technical University, Lodz. KWASNIEWSKI. Jan. inz. Digital computer method of preparing interlocking tables and route diagrains. Przegl kolej elektrotech 11 [i.e.16) no.3.- 75-80 Mr 164, KWASNIEWSKI, Jan, inz. Digital computer method of preparing station interlockinfitables and route diagrams. Ft.2. Przegl kolej elektrotech 11 .e. 16] no.5:145-149 My 164. IVAIPIMKI, J.J. Correlation between virulence and morphology in colonies of acid- resistant tubercle bacilli. Grazlica, Warszawa 17 no-3-4:233-248 Jl-D $49. (CLXL 19:3) 1. Of the Institute of Medical Microbiology of Wroclaw University (Director -- Prof. L.Hirssfeld, M.D.). ILVAPINSKI, J.J. " 31ffect of strptomycia ox tubercle bacilli in cero'hre-spimal f luid. Gruzlioa, Warszawa 17 ace-3-4:249-264 ji-D 149. (CLKL 19:3) 1. Of the Institute of Medical Microbiology-of Wroclaw University (Director -- Prof. Indvik Hirssfeld, N.D.) and of the Pediatric Glinic of.Wroclaw University (Director -- Prof. Hanna Hiroxfoldowa, M.D.). mpival, J. Tubercle bacilli in the mM supply in Wroclaw. Gruslica, Warszawa 17 n0-3-4-.265-273 JI-D 149. (OLML 19:3) 1. Of the Institute of Nedloal Microbiology of Wroclaw University (Director -- Prof. Indw1k Hirssfeld, M.D.). K-VIAPINSKI, J. "I" -- - Morphologic differentiation of pathogenic and non-pathogenic strains of acid fast bacteria. Med.doaw.Mikrob. 2 no.2:224 1950. (CULL 20:6) 1. Summary of the report given at 10th Congress of Polish Microbio- logical and Dpideniological Society hold in Gdansk, Sept. 1949. (Wr6ctaw.) KWAPINSKI, J. j~e *-~F ~ ,, - 'I" . : ' ' Significance of respiratory infections in the opfdoziology of tuberculosis. Gruslica, Warszawa 18 no.1:118-ULO Jan-Mar 1950- (CLHL 20:1) 1. Of the Physiological Clinic of Wroclaw University (Direct ip diseased)-Zdzielaw Skibinski). KWAPINSKI, J. - Streptomycin resistance of Mycobacterium tuberculosis cultured in cerebro-spinal fluid.Gruzlica, Warszawa 18 no-3-4:437-447 July-Dec 50- (CLML 20:7) 1. Of the Institute of Medical Microbiology of Wroclaw University (Director-Prof. Indwik Hirszfeld, H,D.) and of the Pediatric Clinic of Wroclaw University (DirectorProf. Hanna Hirazfeldowa, M.D.). KWAPIINSKI, J. -- General pathology of virus infections. Polski tygod. lek. 6 no. 3911267-1270 24 sept. ig5i. OCLMI Z:L:3) KWAPIIISKI, J. Sq01% . .. Experimental and clinical basis of use of antibiotics in medicine. Polski tygod. lek. 6 no- 39:1270-1275 24 Sept. 1951. (CLML 21:3) KWAPINSKI, J. -- - S&livax7 fungi In normal sugjecto and in tubarculosia. Grttzlicat Wares. 19 no.1:10-23 Jan-yeb 1951- (CLXL 220) KWAPINSKI, J. Flocculoreactior, of the cerebrospinal fluid, Gruzlica, Warez. 19 no. 5:584-589 Sept.-Oct. 1951 (CLML 21:3) 1. Of the Bacteriologic-Chemical Laboratory of National Complex of Sanatoria in Otwooke KWAPINSKI, J. Staining variations of acid-fast bacilli cultures. Med. doew. m1krob., Wares. 4 no. 2:283-289 1952. (CLML 22:4) 1. Of the Central Bacteriological Laboratory of the Rational Complex of Tuberculosis Sanatoria. KWAPIRSKI, J. Changes in coloration of acid-fast bacilli. Had. dosw. mikrob., Warsz. 4 no. 3:412 1952. (GLML 23:3) 1. Suumary of work progress presented at 11th Congress of Polish Microbiologists hold in Krakow Miq 1951. IWAPInn, J. Antagonism among microorganisms and antagonistic substances, Polski tygod.lek. 7 no. 24:805-808; qo'ntd. 16 Jone 1952. (ML 23:3) RVAPMXI, J. LV- ..ollllz~tv I Antagondsm among microorganisms and antagonistic substances. Plolski. tygod. lek. 7 no. 25:839-849;conel. 23 June 1952. (CIbIL 23:3) KWAPIRSKI, J. ~ Permanganate cerebrospinal fluid test, author's own method. Polski tygod. lek. 7 no. 39:1203-1209 29 Sept 1952. (GLXL 23:5) 1. Of the Pblish-Swedish Sanatorium (Director-R. &ainowski, M.D.), Warsaw. KWAPIESKI, J. Draluation of modern antituberculosis chemotherapeutics, Przogle lek., Krakow 8 no. 3:58-68 1952. (CUL 22:5) 1. Of the Complex of State Tuberculosis Sanatoria (Scientific Director -Docent Jan Stopezyk, M.D., Director of Samtoriua-M. Skokowska- Rudolf, M. D.) In Otwock. KVAPIMKI I J. Status of knowledge about poliomyelitis (in relation to writings of Czech authors).Prsegl. lek., Krakow 8 no. 10:279-289 1952. (CLXL 23:5) 1. M.D. 2. Warsaw. IVAPIMKI, J.;PIETRASZKMIOZOWA, H. Effect of phenanthrene alkaloids on variation of pigpent prodaction by Pseudomonad aeruginosa and Serratia maroescens. Med. doev. milamb.. 5 no-2:159-164 1953. (GIN1 25:1) 1. Of the Institute of Microbiology of Warsaw Medical Academy, I KWAPDISKI, J. - Quantitative investigation on flocculation reaction. Polski tygod. lek. 8 no.16:586-590 20 Apr 1953, (CIAL 24:5) 1, Of the Bacteriologic Chemistry Laboratory of the Pediatric Taber- culosis Sanatorium in Otwock, MIAPINSLI Jerzy, Dr.m#3d. %WONBNNW- Immunochamistry of exudates in rheumatism; preliminary communica- tion. Postepy reamat. no.1-79-82 1954. 1. Z Paustwowego Instytutu Raumatologicznago Dyrektor: prof dr E.Reicher. (ART.HRITIS,'RBWJM&TOID, exu(iates, Imunol. chem. of) (IXUDATES AM TRMMAM, in various diseases, rheum. arthritis, immunol. chem.) IWAPINSKI. Jerzy - ------ --- wwa'-V-~~T. v' : '--. ~ - ; Detection of specific and nonspecific antibodies in the blood in qphilis. Wisdomosel lek. 7 no,4:229-234 Apr. 54. (SYPHILIS. diagnosis, . serol.)