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MMINA, J.; GROSSHM, V. Changen in binding of dolsin with the blood of rats irradiated by roentgen rays. Cesk. f~,siol. 8 no.4:320 July 39. 1. Farmkologicky urutav lek. fak. KU. Hradec Kralove. (ANAIMICS AND ANT-IMETICS, blood) (RADIATION X"MTS) SEROL, M.; MIOS, 0.; GROSSMKNN, V.; KUTINA, J. Gritical considerations on sodium succinate therapy of multiple sclero- sis. Cesk. neur. 22 no.ltll-19 Feb 59. 1. - Haurologicks. klinUm VIA J. Xv. P.. prednoata prof., Dr. So. )L Serol Farmakologicky ustav VLL J. Xv. P., prednosta doc. Dr. V. Grossmann, (MULTIPIN SOLIRMLS,'therapy, sodium Buccinate (Cz)) (SUCCIIIATRS, ther. use, sodium succinate in multiple sclerosis (Cz)) SRB~V.; Kv~7- P!~, -ya-.,, Changes in the reactivity of an irradiated organiam. V.Srb., IA. Kvetina. Radiobiologiia 2 no.69950-952 162 NIRA 16:11) =R WETIKL, j. (technical co-workers: PMt,. 0. , CMMVA,,J.,, DI?I'EUOVA,, H.) no acadcnic degree indicated dept. of p%armacology of the medical facixIty at Charles University (katedra farriakologie lek.fak.0)', Hradec Kralove; director: Prof. GMSSM V.., RD - (for all) Britislava., Bratislavske, Lekarske Listyp No 1, 1963,, pp 41-51 "'The Pharmacodynamica of Dolsin and its Idetabolites in the Cowse of Radiation Sickness" KUTMA, -Tarosla:r ;technical assistancel C--llerova, J. On the question of liberation of ferments from the liver in the course of irradiation disease. Sbo:rm.ved.prac.lek.fak. Karlov*Unive(Hrad.Kral.) 6!23-126 163. The effect of sodium suceinata iDn dehydrtogeraticm activi-*ty of the liver tissue in rats al'ber irradiation. 1. Department of Pharmacology, Charles University, Faculty of Medicine at Hradec Kralove; headt prof.dr~ Vojtech Grosmmmm. KVETINA, Jaroslar; ZICHA, Bohuslav; DYNTAROTA, Hana Changes in pH of body in animals after irradiation. Sborn. ved.prac6lek.fai.Karlov.Univ. (Brad.Kral.) 6 no.ltl75-177 1163. 1. Department of PharmacoloP7, Charles Universityt Faculty of Medicine,. Hradec Kralove- ~headt prof. MMr. Vojteoh Grossmann),and Veterinaty Research Centerp Fesgue. -KVETIIIA,_I=alaw-iKvetina,Jaroslav]; GROSSMM, Voytekh [Grossmarm, Vojtech]; tekhricheskoye sotrudnichestvo,. PETSA,O. [Peca,0,1 Effect of pethidine and thiopental on the survival of irradia- ted animals. Cesk. otolaryng. 12 no.6:101-103 D163. 1. Kafedra farmakologii Meditsinskogo fakulltota Karlova uni- versiteta, v Gradtse Kralove (nikovoditelli Grossmann) GRADILp Illya; KiETM&,jqzgp~ar [Kvetinap Jaroslav]; LRYSEK, Karl (Lejsek, Electron microscopy of mitochondria from rat liver after roentgern irradiation. Cesk. otolaryng. 12 no.6:141-143 D163. 1. Kafedra gistologii s embriologiyey (rukovoditell: prof. drevet. i dre biol* Vlastimil. Vrtish); Kafedra farmakologii (nikovoditeltz Prof. Voytekh Grossmann); i Kafedra meditsinskoy khimii (rukovoditelltdr.meci. Ivo Gays) Medi- tsinskogo fakultteta Karlova universitets. v Gradtse Kralove. C72CHOSLOVAKIA C-.-LIOSSI-Lou V. given]. 9 _IQ ~-,-IWA~pJ. , and SRB p V. [ af filiation not "Symposi:on on the Change in the Reactivity of Irradiated organisms" Prague, Casopis Lelcaru CesLcych, Vol CII, No 23, 31 May 63, 'OD 644-G46. Abstract: The Symposium took place in 11radec Kralove, 17 and E77ay 1962. Sponsors were the Pao-,,lty of Medicine, Chaxles University iai Hradec Kralove, Czechoslovak J.Ev. Purk.~me Miedical Society (Ceskoslovenska lekarska spolecnost j.Ev. Purkyne), and Military Medicine Research and Trai Institute (Vojensky lekarsky vyzkumny a doskolovaci usuav Agenda: Changes in the reactivity of the cardiovascular system following irradiation; effect of ionization on ve- gegative functions; changes in the liver following irradiation; and changes in the permeability of barriers in irradiated . 1/1 animals. J - KVETINA, Jaroslav. Technicka spoluprace.* CELLEROVAJ. J. Penetration of pethidine and norpelhAdine fran the blocd in-, o the brain depending on whole body X-ray irradiation and on induced alkalosis and acidosis. Sborn. ved. prac. lek. fak. Karlov. Univ. 9 no.IaI97-204 164. 1. Ustav farm. akologie. (predriostai prof. MUDr. V. GMssmam), University Karlovy v Hrad~', Kralove. VIA, W 11576-66. - Fwr(m) ACC NRt AP6006057 SOMCE CODE: CZ/OO53/65J'0l4/0a4/j030l/03O1 -AUTHOR: Kvetina, J. ORG*6 -Institute.of Pharmacology, Medical Fagulty. Charlee Universityt Hradec Kralove (Farmakologicky ustav leko fakulty KU) 'TITLE: Pharmacology and metabolism.of amidopyrine during the course of acute radiation sickness [This paper was presented during the Twelfth Pharmacologic Mays., Smolenicejv 29 Jan 65.j -SOURCE: Ceakoslovenska fyatologie,, v. 14, no- 4, 1965, 301 1 TOPIC TAGS; rat, heterocyclic-base compound, organic nitrogen compound, pharmacology,, biologic.metabolism, radiation sickness, toxicology, drug effect, nervous system drug, hematoencephalitic barrier ABSTRACT: Both central nervous system effect (facilitation of coordination) and tox-ficity of amidopyrine in rats increases after 600 r irradiation, expecially after 6 postirradiation days; this is probably attributable to increased permeability of the blood-brain barriers J& Callerova and 0, Peca p,)rticipated in the technical work. Orig. art. has: 1 fig~W'.~-PyrWI* :SU~ -CODE: ~W SUBM DATE: none- ORIG JW: .004 OTH REF: 001 AA: 7 JA CEELIIEROVA, J.; Pharmacological Institute, '.-edical v'aculty, Charles U11liversity (Farmakologicky Ustav Lek. Fak. KU), 1"radec Kralove, Influe-.ce of tho Postirradiation 5yndroyne on the of Pethidine by Gall." Ora7ue, Ces'.-oslovensut Pysiolo2ie, Vol 15, 'o Sep ~6, pp I - _1 bJ 2 - 10 3 --ear in 'I,- intestine .abstract: Incre:-sod a-,.-,ounts of pethidino ap of ir---,C--t.,-,'U.ed rats. This appears oil Vae 3rd day after the irradia- _O-,I _;,-)th in ~I;arving rats :,,,-.d in those w1io rccoive food ad At Lulac; smrie time 'c'i,! (~ry matter in t1ic [-,all _*ncreasas, intostine is probably duc-i to the decline L-i)e -;-ncreascd aTIO'Ljnt in tII0 U in 'ULic ability of the intestine to absorb pethidine. I Figure, 2 `.Iestern, 2 Czech rcfaronces. Submitted at 1L~ Days of Pharmaco:L- ogy at Siiiolenice, 16 Feb 66. 1/1 OMM--- Operation of prilling toweree Xhimepromenool:45-47 Ta-IP 156. (NIHA 9: 7) l.Kamerovskiy azotnotukovyy zavod. (A=onium nitrate) (Chemical apparatus) KTLTKOV, -Y~ Simple apparatua for the fixation of phoregrams following their staining in glass jars. Lab. delo 8 no.2:57-58 F 162. (MIRA 15:2) 1. Kafedra patologicheskoy fiziolog:Li (zav. - prof. I.B.Mazhbich) Omskogo meditsinakogo instituta, imeni M.I.42inina. (ELECTROPHORESIS FQUMU-QiT AND SUFFLIFAS) KVETKIOV Takata ok Takata-Ara? On the history and nomenclature of two clinical lab~oratory reactions. Lab. delo no.3:182 165. (MIRA 18:3) 1. Kafedra patofiziologit (zaveduyuAhchiy - prof. I.B. Mazhbich) Omskogo meditsinskogo Instituta. CZECILOSLOVAKII. VIGASt M NOTETH S., KVS'211A;*I Endoorinological Institute, _h 0~~ogioky Ust' v SAV), S'Lovalc Academ o bftes, (Ih o cr a Cr Bratislava. "Difference ih the Effect of Dihydroorgotamine on the Netabolir. Reaction of fed and Starved Rats after Trauma in Noble-Colliplq Drum." Prague, Ceskoslovenska 'Fysiologie., Vo.L L,), VO e, Peb 66, pp 96-P7 Abstract; Animals fed up to the time of the eiperiment strong perglycernia, while those starved for]13 to 17 hours. before the experiment showed an immediate drop ~n glycemia. Dihydroergotamine administered to fed rats prevents hyper- glycemia, probably by blocking epinephrine' gl~c6genolysis in liver; in starved animals it causes a retur4 to the hyper- glycemia response. No references. Submitte at the 1116 Dayz of Physiology!' at Kosice, 28 Sep 65. I .. CZECHOSLOVAKIA MITRO, A., KVETNA MIKULAS, L; E-3ndocrinological Institute, Slovak Aca emy of Sciences (Endolcrinologicl,-y Ustav SAV), Bratislava. 110hanges in the Catecholamine C-ontent in the Pulp of Adrenal Glands Daring Adaptation and Their Morphological Basis-" Prague, Ceskoslovenska Fysiologie,Vol 15, No 2, Feb 66, PP 97-98 Abstract: The influence of a repeated immobilization stress on the catecholamino content and histological aspect of adrenal gland pulp was investigated for 45 days. At the berinning, the catecholamine content decreased and at the end increased strongly. The weight of the pulp of adrenal glands increased during the experiment. The nuclei of the pulp cells increased after 7 days of experimentation. 3 Western references. StLbmitted at "16 Days of Physiology" at Kosice, 29 Sep 65. ;',ZECiiOSLOVAKIA MIXULAJ, L., QSIBA.- J. MVIANSKY docrinoloRical Institute Slovak Acaderny of Scione-es-,-r-Mrokrinologicky U3tav SAM, Bratislava. "Indirect Investigation of Adrenocorticotropic Activity Durinry, Adaptation to Ropeatod Stress." Pra.-uc, Coskoslovekslca Pysiologie, '101 15, :~o 2, Fob 66, ,j) Abstract: Tho ntudy war based on the investigation of contra- lateral hiypertrophy of adrenal glands followini-*unilat"tral adrernO.- ectomy in 2 groups of rats.- The firSt 17,rOUD Wa3 subjucted to leflo' side adrenalectomy and then subjected to stress; the second group was first subjected to stress, then operated upon, and subjeczed to stress again. Some animals in both groups were not subjected .to stress after the operation. No difference in-the weight of the surviving adrenal gland was found in the dii'forent groups. Corticosterone levels differed only in aninals sul~jected and not subjected to st:-ess. 1 Western, 1 Czech reference. Submitted at thel,"16 Days of Physiology" at Kosice, 27 Sep 65. 1/1 CZECHOSLOMIUA KVETNANSKY,, VIGAS, M., NEOMIETH, S., MIKULAJ, L; 1~ridocrinoloj,-- f-c-al-1-stizute, Slovak Academy of Sciences (E-ndolcrinologicky Ustav SAV), Bratislava. "Somo Metabolic Changes in the Course of an Imnobilization Strf--ss in Rats and Their Possible Hormonal Bases." Prague, Ceskoslovenska Fysiologie, Vol 15, No 2, Feb 66, p 97 Abstract: Immobilization was studied for a LI.-hour period. Glycemia occurs in two phases; pryuvic acid in blood increases inmediately, and then decreases slowly. inorganic: P borrins to drop after 2 hours. Administration of dihydroerp',otamine (DI,"E') did not influence pyruvic acid levels, but inorganic P did nor, drop. DHE did not influence corticostorone levels during the fixation. Rats with induced alloxan diabetes did not have a 2-phase reaction. No references. Submitted at "16 Days of Physiolog,y" at Kosice, 28 Sep 65. 1/1 - 139 - CZMSWVAY.IA jMWWj Ll BARTOVAj A; KOUMho j; XvE7ghNSU R Institute of EadopriLologyp Slova% AcadqmDr of Sciences (EndokrinologickY ustsy Slovenskej akademie), Bratislava (for all) Bratislava, BratialavskO lek gko listyl No 19 JanuM7 19661 PP 29-34 quic activity of the aftenals laxilM at *The corticoidog V&rjoue phasep of adaptation to repeated stress&" CZECHOSLOVAKIA KI&MZANSKY, R; MITRO, A; MIKULAJ, L; HMMI, G Institute of Endocrinology, Slovak Academy of Sciences (Endokrinalogicky ustav Slovenrskej akademie), Bratislava - (for all) Bratislava, Bratislavskelekarske list-Y, No 1, January 1966, pp 35-41 "Catecholamines of the adrenal medulla and the morphological changes of the adrenal medulla during adaptation to repeated immobilization stress." KyrT/V A N,S k1 WIN $4*a" (ow au) A& AdOMMAlb ft It JmmW 19"s $0 mWomp od Sao of KVETNOY, Moisey Solom 2 kand. filosof. nauk; MAFTOVA, red.; -KUDAIZVA-j, M.D*, teldm, ri-d. (The power of co=unist labor) Sila kommmisticheakogo truda, Kh4barovsk,, Khabarovskoe knizbnoe izd-vo, 1960. 61 p. (MIRA 34:10) (Efficiency, Industrial) KVETM.,,A.N. ---Tsig~n~ing shop's at the Kirov Plant. Biul. Btroi. takh. 20 n(;912: 41 D '63. (MIRA 17:8) 1.,G3.avnyy inzh. proyekta Proyektnoga instituta No.1 Glavnogo upravloniya po stroitelinomu prcyL~ktirovaniyu predpriyatiy, zdaniy i sooruzheniy Gosstrop &SSR. AUERMAN, L.Ta.; OSTROVSKIY, Y&.G.; GINZBURG, A.S.; ZHURAVLEV, N.N.; KHMHUASHVILI, A.Z.: XV3TNffs_F.M. Zwieback from rye broad baked by electric contact heating. Trudy MTIPP 4:82-85 '56. (MLRA 9:10) (Broad) 0, Y-: - - - ~,.-, - r.rATNYY, M. inIzh. Contribution of innovators to technical progress. Mak.-slev. prom. 23 no.11:24_26 N 157. (MM 11:1) 1. Tokhnicheskiy otdel Ministerstva. khleboproduktov SSSR. (Grain-handling machinery) (Grain-milling machinery) KMNYY, M., insh. New rise in inventions and efficiency improvement. Make-elev. prom. 24 no-3:22-25 Mr 158- (14IRA 12:9) 1. Teldinicheskiy otdel 14inisterstva, khleboproduktov SSSR. ..- (Grain-handling machinery) KVETOY, M. . inzh. Higher standards should be required in designing and building new machinery. Mak.-olev.pron. 25 no-3:16-18 Mr '59. (141rd, 12:6) 1. Otdol novoy teltniki Proizvodetvcnno-telthnichi3skogo upravlenlya Goelm.mitete. Sovota Ministrov SSSR po khleboproduktam. (Grain-bandling machinery) KVXT1ffT, M., izizh. Efficiency experts in the drive for technical progress. Huk.-eley. prom. 25 no.5:6-7 My '59. (MIRA 12:8) - l.Otdel novay takniki proizvodetvenno-takhnicheakogo upravlenlya Gosudarstvennogo komiteta Soveta Ministrov SSSR po kh1aboproduktam. (Grain-handling machinery) (Grain-milling machinery) '* xUrruix, M., iiw4!ner For a more extensive movement of inventors and efficiency Pro tars. Muk.-elev. prom. 26 no,6-16-18 Je 160. (MM 131121 1. I~roizvodstvezuo-tekhnicheskoye upravleniye Goskhlebkomiteta. (Grain-handling machinery) (Grain-milling machinery) Con ibution of efficiency promoters and innovators to technical pro esse Mhk-elev. prom. 27 noel:3--4, A 161, (KM 14:1) 1. ~rdizvo~stvenn6oAekhnicheskoye upravleniye Go:pkhlebkcmiteta. (Griin-bandling machinery W&in-milling machineZ KVETNYY.4 M., inzh. Expanding the role of efficiency promoters on a large scale. Muke-elev. prom. 27 no.3-1:9-13 N 161, (NIRA 14:12) 1, Proizvodstvermo-telchnicheskoye upravleniye Goskomiteta zagotovolc Soveta, Ministrov SSSR. (Grain-handling machine7) (Grain-mi3-ling machinery. KVETNYY M., inzh. C-- Efficiency experts and inventors are struggling for technological progress* Muk.-elev. prom. 28 no.5:5-9 My 162. (KRA l5s5) 1. Proizvodstvenno-tekhnicheskoye upravleniye Gosudarstvennogo komiteta zagotovok Soveta Ministrov SSSR. (Grain elevators) KVETNYY, M., inzh. I- Disinfecting machine of continuous action for corn seeds. 14-ak.-elev. prom. 28 no..r,7:11 j1 162. (MIRA 15:9) 1. Proizvodstvenno-tekhnicheskoye upravleniye O&uudarstvennogo komiteta zagotovok Soveta Ministrov SSSR. (Corn (Maize)) (Seeds-Disinfection) Kvb-TNYYP MO inzh* , 2 Iarge-ecale inventiorand innovation at a now stage of development. HAe-eleve proms 28 nooll:7-9 N 162* (MM 16:2) I# Goeudaroky I komitet Sagot0io Soveta MinUitrov SSSR* (Flour mi.111 0)- (Grain eleviors) , . (Inventions) MEMY.3-MI.- Worthy contribution to tha technological progress. Muk.-elev. prom. 29 no.5.-5-8 My 163. (MIRA 16:7) 1, Otdel novoy telffinilri Proizvodstvenno-tekhnicheskogo upravleniya Gogudarstvemogo komiteta zagotovoke TQmin-Mndling machinery) 1. METNI.Y. M. Z., Eng. 2. USSR (60o) 4. Material Handlinp 7. Loading and tranaporting freight in bagn. Mekh trud rab. No. 12 1952. 9. Monthly List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, &prjI -1953, Uncl. ILIFNTRYT, M.Z., inzhener. , r--- -., , - , ~ Truck tilting device for daWing loads of grain. Nekh.trud.rab. 8 no.8-41-42 D 154. (mLRA, 8: 1) (Loading and unloading) MTNYY,M.Z., inzhener , Sectional-dismountable conveyor. Nekh.trud.rab. 9 no.5:41-42 MY 155. (MLRA 8:7) (Conveying machinery) VISOTSKIY, V.[Vysotslkyi, V 1; KVETNYY, N. (Kvietnyir L.]; KOLESNICHENKO, V! 3; PkiASENKO, M.; TELIYJ'I, 1.1 1,YUTVORT, G.[Liutvort, H.], glav. red.; KH(X-'.FliKO., B.V., red. (Vinnitsa; a guidebook] Vinnytsla; putiviiyk. Llviv, Vinnytslke obl. knyzbkovo-gazetne ,,yd-vo,. 1961. 121 7p. (MIRA 18:5) , KVE=, Ya.A. Value of public inspection, Avtom., telem. i sviazI 9 no.5s25-27 My 165. (MIRA 18:5) 1. Pomoshchnik revizoral po bezopasnosti dvizheniya poyezdov na Sverdlovskoy doroges KV3TqjT,L%uWek Gontribution to the restorative plastic repair of the fingerst Roahl.chir. 39 no-8:532-537 Ag 160. 1. Chir.odd. OUNZ v Pelhrimove, prednouta prim. MUDr. J.Pujman (FINGERS surg) DIVIS. J.;KVRTON. J. APpliCation Of fOlsin in labor. Cook. gyn. 17 no.9-10:493-499 19.52. (GLXL 23:4) 1. Of the Second Obstetric-Gynecological Clinic (Head-Prof. J. Inkas, M. D.) of Charles University in Prague. KVr,TQU,I- Stabilization elements with proportional and derivational effects for servomechanisms with mDdulated-carrier input signals. (Supplement) P. P63. SUBOITWUDY OB-70R. Praha. Vol. 14, no. ID,, Oct. 1953. SDURGE: East European Accessions Idst (E3AL)., IL., Vol. 5., no. 3, March 1956. DETON, J. "The Czechoslovak Acadeqr of Sciences concerning stream .11 p. 4 (T6clinfcke Noviny, Vol. 1, No. 16, Dec. 1954, Praha) SO: Monthly List of East EuroRean Accessions, Library of Congress, Vol, 3, No. 6, June. 1954, Uncl. Ti,,t Not V-Wkr- --dvfiN%K~ USTON, J. "Conference on the Theme nResearch In the 7iold of Combastion." p. 197, Praha, Vol. 4, no- 3, Mar. 1954. SO: last Raropean Accessions List, Vol- 3, No- 9, September 1954, Lib. of Congress hITTON., J.;KORITTA, J. ItLeipzig Fair This Year It p. 863 (smoinmisma. vol. 4, No. 11, Nov. 1954; Praha, Czech:) So: Monthly List of 1-;as4v- European Accessi~ms, ( =.), Lc, VOL. h, No. 4, April 1955; Uncl.- KMO-4, J. Kveton, J. Research in the field of mechanization in the first decade after the liberation of our country6 pe 172. Vol. 5. no* 9p May 1955 MECHANISACE DILSTVI SO: Monthly List of East Fqwopean Accession, (EFAL), LC, V--)L. 4. No. 9j Sept. 1955, Uncl. KVETON, J. KVET014, J. Electric and electronic instruments for control and autcmation. p. 546 Vol. 45, No. Ils N v. 1956 ELEKTROTEGHNICKY OPZOR. TEMOLOGY Praha, Czechoslovakia So: East European Accessions . 'Vole.6. Vo. 3, March 1957 KVETONj J. "Exhibit of Hungarian measuring instruments." Automatisace. Praha, Czechoslovakia. Vol. 2, no. 4, Apr. 1959. Monthly list of East European Accessions (EEAT)v LC, Vol. 8, No. 6, Jun 59,, Uncles KVE.TONP J. "Trends in the development of measuring instruments for industrial control and management." Automatisace. Praha, Czechoslovakia. Vol. 2# no. 4, Apr. 1959. Monthly list of East European Accessions (EEAI)s LG, Vol. 8, No. 6, jun 59, Uncles KVETON, J. International Trade Fair in Brno, 1959. p. 290. AUTOYRTIZACE. Praha, Czechoslovakia. Vol. 2, no. 10, Oct. 1959. Monthly list of East European Accessions (EEAI) LO, Vol. 9, no. 1, January 1960; Imel. S/19 62/000/006/059/232 D295YD308 AUTHORS: Kv6ton, Josef, and Jeni~ek, Josef TITLE:- The ERS electronic regulttting system PERIODICILL: Referativn,ry zhurnal. Avtomatika i radioelektronikap no. 6, 1962, abstract 6-2-141 n (1!16r~ni a.regul., no. 4-5, 1961, 1-42) TEXT: A eeneral-pu~pose regulatingp%stem for industrial a plica- tion is manufactured at the Za'vody mislov6 automatisace Mecho- slovakia). The system comprises a number of stages, a suitable com- bination of which can serve to build up required-regulating air- cuits-The equipment consists of the following functional units: transducers which measure physical quantities and convert the-mea- surement results into electric signals, comparing elements which compare the results of measurement .-:ith a set value and convert the deviation into the correspondin, signal of the automatic controller motor elements and amplifiers, and auxiliary constructional ele- ments. Concrete examples of regulating circuits are shown. The se- parate stages of the system are described and indications for their Card 1/2 S/19 62/000/006/059/232 The ERS electronic regulating system D295YD308 use are given. Block diagrams and characteristics of the stages are given. 95 figures. See also RZhAiRE, 1961v 6V316. [Abstracter's note: Complete translation.] Card 2/2 39769 z/o4'1/62/000/004/001/001 E160/E435 AUTHORS: Kvgto_:_~_ -Josef, Engineer, Pfchal, Miroslav, Candidate ';'~ t Of Sc e TITLE: Variable turbulence wind tunnel of the (Czechoslovak) Institute for Engine Research PERIODICAL: Strojn:rcky ~asopis, no.4, 1962, 339-354 TEXT: The Institute for Engine Research CSAV has for some time concerned itself with investigations into turbulence and boundary layer, The wind tunnel described in this article caters for one facet of this work, namely research into the influence of turbulence onto the boundary layer. At the sat~e time this tunnel also had to be suitable'for subsequent investigations into problems of two-dimensional flow. 1~he tunnel had to satisfy.the following requirements: the lowest possible turbulence level, adjustable over a wide rangei the conditions to be suitable for fairly large plane, or even curved, models; for the given flow velocities, the tunnel had to fit into a limited space, be eventually transportable to a permanent building, whilst the Card- 1/.3 Z/041/62/000/004/001/ooi Variable turbulence wind E160/E435 overall energy input was fixed at approximately 75 W. The final design was of the recirculating type, having two long horizontal passages placed above each other, connected by short vertical passages and corner pieces with vanes. The test section is rectangular, 865 min wide, 485 min high and 1600 mm long, with 85 min corner bevels at 450. Maximum flow velocity is 97 m/sec. The first diffuser, after the test section, has an expansion ratio of 1:2.75 and the second, after the fan, of 1:3.23. The contracting cone has a ratio of 1:9. The fan is equipped with adjustable blades. The construction material is mainly wood, for frames, as well as plywood for walls which are painted. Dimensional tolerances are of the order of +1% or better. After completion, the entire installation was first subjected to qualitative smoke tests,and then to thorough quantitative testing to verify that uniform and constant flow velocities were achieved across sections at important stations of the tunnel. The turbulence intensity can be varied with the help of screens, plus- streamers if required, placed at the entry to the test section. It proved possible to achieve the turbulence intensities of the Card 2/3 Z/041/62/000/004/001/001 Variable turbulence wind E160/E435 test flow in the range 0.19 to approximately 10%. Tl~ere are 21 figures and 2 tables. ASSOCIATION: Ustav pro vyzkum strojd CSAV, Praha (Institute for Engine Research-, 6SAV, Prague) SUBMITTED: February 5, 1962 Card 3/3 MTON-,-L. L-;L=. The lot International Congreva of Chemical Engineeringp Mechanical Engineering and Automation. Automatizace 5 noelO:290-291 0 162, - MTONS Josef . inz a . Ten years of the Coschoolovak Academyof Scienceso Stroj cas 13 no.6:489-491 162. ~--Lumor, J~O- ~ ~Iylz- Universal control oystem URS. Tech praca 14 no.3:199-202 Mr Ir',2. 1. Zavody prumyslove automatizace; vedecky tajemik kanise pro automatizaci Ustredni rada Caskoslovenske vodecl-otechnicke spole- costi, Praha. KVrri'CNP Josef, inz. Development of gauges in Czechoslovakia and abroad. Teph prace 14 no.7;515-518 J1 162. 1. Zavody prumyslove automatizace, Praha. KVETON, Josef, inze Control and autmation devices at the 4th International Brno Fair. Tech praca 34 no.9:683-685 S 162. 1e Zavody prmyolove autmatizaces Fraha* KUTON, J., inz. The Ist meeting of the advisory board for automation means. Automa4zace 5 no.11:296 N 162. KVETO ~-~ The J+th International Brno Fair 1962. Automatizace 5, no.11:310-312 N 162. 1. Zavody prumyslove a:utomeLtizaoe Prahq~. KVETON, Josef, inz. Foreign exhibitors at the Brno International Fair. Automatizace 6 no.8;206 Ag 16). KVLTON, Josef, inz. Seminar on temperature mea3urement and control. Automatizace 6 no.8:211 Ag 163. KVBTO.N, Josef j, inz. "Automation" by L.Dembovsky. Reviewed by Josef Kveton. Autmati- zace 6 no.13.L:Suppl.tTechnicka literaturalinsert N 163o "Design and construction of relay control installations" by J,ten Brink., H.Kauffold. Reviewed by Josef Kveton. Automati- zace 6 no.ll:Suppl.:Technicka literatura:insert N 163. KVETON, J., inz. National Conference on Control System.'. Tech praca 16 noJ: 223-224 Yjr 164. 1. Scientific secretary of the Commission for Automation of the Central Council of Czechoslovak Scientific and Technological Society. KVE-TON, J,,--inz. "Switchboards for automation" by J. Zeman. Reviewad by J. Kveton. Automatizace 7 no. 4: Supplemeht; Technicka literatura. insert Ap 164. MTTON ) Josef . inz. Automation equipment at the 1964 Bino International Fair. Automatizace 7 no.8:221 Ag 164. KVETONI Josef., inz. Automation of product'Lon and Its control. Tech praca 16 no.8: 561-564 tg 164. 1. Scientific Secretary of the Automation Commission of the Central Council of Czechoslovak S,!ientific and Technological Society, Prague; Zavody prumyslove automatizace National Enterprise, Prague. KVETON, J.' iiI7, The 1964 Yugoslav Seminar on Regulation, Measurements, and Automation. Automatizace 7 no.9:249-250 0. 164. T XVETON, osef Some problems of the research in mechanical engineering. Vestnik CSO 73 no.2t272-276 164. .-KVETON ;Oief inz. ---p. - . ) Conference on complex automation in power engtneering. Automatizace 8 no.1:25 Ja 165. KVVETOM9 Josef, inz. New trends in the research on dyr-mics and thermomechanics of gases. Stroj cas 16 no.2:114 '65. Thermomechnnics or flitids ancl the activity of the In-titute of Thermomechanics of the Czechoslovak Academy of Sciences in this field. lbid..114-118 Supersonic aerodynamic tunnel of the Institute of Thermomechanics for the research on two-dimensional cascades. Ibid.iI67-179 1. Institut-3 of Thermomechanics of the Czechoslovak Academy of Sciences, Prague. Submitted October 5, 196,1. KVETOhI, Josef, Inz. Indw;Xlal electronics and automation. Tech praca 17 no.3-.161 Mr 165. The ERS electronic control system and its application in indo,strial enterprises. lbid.:168-170 -66 EVIT(I)/EW.P(m)/E4P(f)/r-2/FCS(k)/EIC(M)/F-WA(I)_ WW ACCESSION MR.- APS013184 CZ/0041/65/000/002/0167/0179 AUTHOR: Xveton,- JossfIfterbou'V16) Wgiwer) TITLE; S!Mereoniv wind tunnel of the-institute of Thermomechanics for studying two-dimensional vane cascades SOURCM Strojnicky casoptep n0.12, 1965, 167-179 TOPIC TAGS: turbine cascade, wind tunnel, wind tunnel instrumentation ABSTRACT: In May 1959 Ustav termomechaniky (Institute of Thermomeebanies) announced results of a study which showed that it is possible to construct a super- sonic wind tunnel for the investigation of vane cascades. Subsequently, an intermittent wind tunnel with a silica gel air drier was designed. The vacuum receivers utilized by t5_- tunnel consist of space located underground. The experience gained by cbeckingtbe operation of the system and during actual runs confirms the Ability of the eyitem-to yield the required parameters and fulfill thw objectives for which it was designed. The wind tunnel, which boo a Mach number of-I 2, a test section of 160 x 450 mm, and a vacuum receiver of 6250 0, is equipped for measuring pressures and velocities, and also boo an automatic device for intro-1. ducing and adjusting a traversing probe. it to also provided with on interfero- Card 1/2 L 00198-66 ACCESSION IM: AP5013184 meter for optical measurements. The cost,of the entire laboratory vitb all the equipment is approximately equal to the cost of a steel vacuum receiver, vhich in this case has been replaced,by underground galleries. Orig. art. has.,, 10 figures. MSOCIATION.- Ustav ternomechaniky CSAV, Progue (Institute of Ther r, lebsnic CSAV) SUBMITTED: 05 October 64 ENCLi 00 SUB MDEi ME w MW Sov: 000 OTVERs 000 Card. 21.2 ...... 2,~VFTCY!, M- 21- 14.~ nlustrY ani - ~, ~'ut)ire '-asks- :. 228, Develop ent of re-IC-Irch In 'he fond ~ -L - I %, PRU,%(,YSL Praha. Vol. 6, no. 51, 1955. SOIJR~~E: East EurODean Accessions (1~,'EAL)) Vol. 5, no. 3, Mlarch 1956. WTON P. Stratigraphy of the crystalline series in the neighborhood of the gtaDhitic deposits of northern Moravia. p. 277 (Frague, Vol. 18) 1951) Czechoslovakia SO: MQnthlX List of Eagt Euro,)ean Acgegsioj3s, Vol. 2, #8, Library of Congress, Ailmst 1953, Inel. NVETONO P, R Sow Shortcomings in the Direotives on the Calculation of Stodked Materials and in the more Rarely Used Methods of this Calculation."p. 27. (=p NO-2/3v APr- 1953j, Praha.) SO: Wnthly Lilt of East lZopean Accessiolm. Vol*3j, No63,, Library of Congress, March 1954j, Umle KYSTONO P. "Som Problem Conneated with Methods of Research on Or* Deposits." p. 97~ (MI. Vob.l,, No. 7. Sept. 1953, Praha.) ,90: honthly Li5t of 71af,' Euro---,,j-i Accc5sions,)"d- 14-"oot ~6ngrnzs, "E-ch u J,06ra j _= _-L954, Uncl. LV"TCP 14 ,, . 7' . a Organization of prospecting groups. p. 308. RUMY. Vol. 4, no. 10, Oct. 1956 Praha, Czechoslovakia SOURCE: East European Ust (=- L) Library of Congress, Vol. 6, No. 1, January 19-97 KMON.. P.; KLM, S.; KYNTERA. f F, Report on a find of dacitic andesite in the quartz vein filling at ladmovee near Zemplim in eastern Slovakia. P. 363 Prague, Ustreeni ustav geoloticky. VESTNIK. Prahap Czechoslavakiaj, Vol. 33, no. 5, 1958 Montb3,y List of East European Accessions (EEAI)s LC., Vol. 8j, no. 11, Nov. 1959 Mel. KVRTON, P. "Utilization of mineral resources." CZECHOSLOVAK HEAVY INDUSTRY, Prague., Czechoslovakia, No. h, 1959 Monthly Itist, of East European Accessions Index (EM), 14, Vol. 8, No. 8, August 1959 Unclassified WwAli= Hwu karatiit. H. Tho coarsitt 0 alkaline hy*oiysis RudoIL-19,r~."'Xiient. Listy 44. 61-NIWO).-Horo it till hydfolystd with 10.5 IN' \,,Oil tit 0-1(xl*, T =ysi% sbovml a Ist-ordrr mechanism with to. Naolf conens. and at teinpi. sip to 30* (temp. quotient I 3.06). At 70-100' tbecourvol the hydrulys6civir"pontint to a 2nd-order mechanism. the temp. quodrilt beins IM At 30-70* the reaction apparently had a tititted mechanism. 1U. 29tict of awfoutro oa mottling properdes. Ibid. I I I - 14-My hatru ketntin L unsuitable wor molding, and the 1,P611111111 water content i% 10-19%. The livi"I 4.1 ~"Vlfilljt by %at" pirior to molding wa% 4 hrn. I*hr jWTMQj" U11111ini .0 400-I&V aim. for 40-1.*W -,ec. The phY, 19111,effi- of ~Zlril keratin ate mirtiewhAt difrerent a, compared it) unnitildpil merrW- M, llutilickt vc-, r.-iactions of dicyanodiaraide with fonnal,12hyd-~-. of --,-,)I10- I Vol. 46 NO- 1", Dtic - 1952) .:j SO' i hl M ~-tt of I:: st i-`iwopm'n Acci2- L u II. 1',1110tics Of p.73' (Chemicke List.y, Praha. LA; k KVIEI-701'-~.* R. "Horn keratin. IV. Kinetics of decomposition by s(Aium sulfide solutions.,' Ceskoslovenska Vorfologie, Praha., Vol 47, no 1, Jan 1953, p. 84 SO; Eastern European Accessions List, Vol 3, no 11, Nov. 1954, L.G. ILI 'A d bb 6b f - umv- an marm t f and i1benit Sn"T . = U55j'sri ESP ' ' - 47 12Mh const3. form cl C-A I the m;r;;;tQ6tbm1nc atJPH 7.7 at W, 60,:~od"W (00) OM. DAM). bli~hydroxyttethYl indamlat ot 46,50. the 0 the UH' W, MOMMOD12, and-d bis,~, at OR 7.1 ut 4DO (OM"13),imm dad., -AcOat6l! energies lor the forinatlou of tlit conims. tm-., activatkin energy ta*tb are e decQM ' popt)" ol tbc tMID (WIV, 6 N kW. HOut td tMdloil of, Z the IUV=6611~01:*C Indbo drliv. is Ckbliftted at 10 l[COL V1. Insduble products of. the tendensallou ti uru with In addic scluilimi -1bid, wnden!Atiou *prodku of CHO nod CO(Nift). air lonned ' scid. at 16 at t"Ole/l. of urn, and a U conw. of Y'. -depends to W, The compn. of,the ppis. an - temps. tip I -ol i3on the cDren. dliu~cd hydrozymetbAtreas. on the 'dan,,- the time of the adda. and of the couderisation. an It does r Dt depend onthe pH ana temp. The iio. 61 sueth i th f th A & ab b is defi A l r c et n On o v = n e ppt y lm *rvils dircWy on The oral. of-bis-bydroxyradbAure on the excess 61 CUP in the stanin J501n, anti- , t I f d b t# o rDxym the trW ftI)meUtm1ne. JVd. 49. 61~6 y of the -Velmity Of I _Khydroxjv%ctb)i)mclumIne mcakd that the rate tion of b of of Melamint is upprns, -qual in nil '3 swps.' Ruit consts. (k X I(P) and uctivallon c"kn P (kcal.) of formixtion and disbitegrafiDn of mona(hydroo- NR MITT MR, OQ and MP, I (pH 7.7). 3 0 f) j16. . , u (pH 7.7 1.0, 2,4, Z7A- 1;,,; 4 * M (pH 7 7)f ji . 7, , 3 6 M, 4; 7',D): 14 (01t, 771 -023, -- ,j) Subilisfilijamisioplasts, lilt"( RIA1410, ultil" M.. 672. kict. 10. IWU. An6t-4u-twU;tt. "pmLdtv m- .%.( 111,11.1110,11. frNim. air '141111ifed by ailditil It h-SuA IMil- IWOVIAMY IfIlliVe M IlAtITUCAI IWO1111-1-11, to the ingit. .1 Or raw 1144ttrwq of the respevi6c 4111611w IL4,1. 'nte pit of the reAva kin mist. b Ikrpl Ul -2.0 m6wr Ow i-kv. point of the amplauteric submance. I 1,uting the Alrying W the mininopla,tis -.o "wnuld., the lilt is lqwrml it) 1 11 i"sw The Witrier. point of the jarutrin. tic.. uwd A- %lialkilis". P. 111$4~61 CZECHOSI~VAL~ I'anetics. Combustion. Explosions. Topochemistry. B-9 Catalysis. Abs Jour : Ref Zhur - Xhimiya, No 8, 1957, 26216 Author : Rudolf K-veton Frantisek Hanousek ' W Title : i ~ou ieoAucts of Condensation of Ures, with Formaldehyde Forming in Acid Medium. Orig Pab : Chem. listy, 1954, 48, No 10, 1537-1542 Abstract : See part V in RZAlKhJm. 1955, 48513 Card ; I/I k v 1~ oL cZEC!Y.CG:,0VAKDX/Physical Chemistry. Kinetics. Combustion. B-9 Explosions. Topochemistry. Catalysis. Abs Jour Ref Zhur - Khimiya, No 8, 1958, 24224 Author ~Rudol~f Inst Title intera,~tion of Amides with Formaldehyde. X. Effect of Cathions of Metals on Rate of Formation of Monomethyl Uvea. Orig Pub : Chem. listY, 1957~ 51, No 4,, 739-746; Sb. chekhosl. khim. rabot, l9q7, 22, No 4, 1257-1265 ol Abstract : Cathions of 2-valent metals accelerate the formation of mDnomethyl urea (1) from formaldehyde and urea (II). Velocity of the reaction of formation of I increases in 2 4 2 + the folloving sequence: B_,I , Zn , Cd2-4" Pb2+ Cu2 *I Hg2~ (appreciable acceleration starts with Plb2+~. It is assumed that II and the cathion form a complex. Reaction is of 2-nd order; energy of activation 14 Card 1/2 /7 CZEGHOSLOV,l i Cal Ch=istry - Kinetics. COnbustion. P-9 -i-'-,P c,'-L01's - Topoch "-stry. C_,~-,O.Iys, s. U - Abq JcIUr Ref Zhur - MjWya, NO 8o 1958) 24224 kcal/mlo, the same as for the non-catalyzed reaction. Velocity of the reaction Of formation of I irOM II and formaldehyde is a linear fUnction of the ratio of ca- thion concentration to concentration of !I, Communication TX see RZhXhim, 1957., 34oli.. Card 2/2 V 'AUTH6R: Kveton", R. CZECH/8-52-11-22/30 TITILE: with Formaldehyde (Reakee amida s form- aldeh,ydem) XI. A Note on the Determination of Formaldehyde Bound in Ureaformaidehyde Condensation Products (XI. Poz- nkaky ke stanovenif formaldehydu vgzangho v mo6ovino- formaldehydovy'ch kondens4tech) PERIODICAL: Cnemickd Listy, 1958, Vol 52, Nr 11, pp 2178 - 2181 (Czechoslovakia) ABSTRACT: In recent years iodometric. and cyanide type determination of methylated formaldehyde in urea-formaldehyde condensates have been used. The phenol method for the determination of methylol groups in phenolic condensates has recently been used to determine the total number of methylol and dimethylene-ether groups of formaldehyde. The more careful study of the effect of aqueous alkaline conditions on various compounds of substituted ureas with formaldehyde showed that the behaviour of urea-formaldehyde compounds and condensates in alkaline and acid conditions is markedly Cardl/8 dependent on the type of substituent on the urea nitrogen. CZECH/8-52-11-22/30 Reactions of Amides with Iformaldehyde XI. A Note on the Deter- mination of Formaldehyde Bound in Ureaformaldehyde Condensation Products Effect of Aqueous flaOH Solution on the Compounds of Formaldehyde with Substituted Ureas . The material to be tested ~10 m.mol) was added to 1V-NaOH (10 Mi.). The mixture was occasionally shaken. After 1 hour the mixture was neutralised with 1-N-HCI, crystals were filtered off, washed ten times with distilled water and twice with ethanol. The products were recrystallised from pyridine and water. The identity of the substances was established by nitrogen determination, melting point and mixed melting point with the pure or original material. The reBUltS were: i) pheylureff + formaldehyde-4'bisphekvlcarbamidomethylether (M.Pt. 182.3 ); ii) hydroxymethylphenylurea - bisphenyl- carbamidomethylether (M.Ft. 182,); iii) bisphenyl- carbamidomethylether bisphenvlearbamidomethylether unchanged (M.Pt. 3.830); iv) methylene bisphenylurea unchanged (M.Pt 2230). Card2/8 CZECH/8-52-11-22/30 Heactions of Amides with Formaldehyde XI. A Note on the Determination of Formaldehyde Bound in Ureaformaldebyde Condensation Products Biseth,vlcarbamidomethylether. Ethylurea (45 g) was added to a BOlUtiOn Of Ra0H in 4096 formaldehyde (~ S in 80 ml.) and brought into solution by heating to 70 0. The Solution Was allowed to stand at laboratory temperature without disturbing and then the main crystalline portion was filtered off and the mother liguor gave more of the ether ~10 g) on evaporating at 40 C. Yield of ether; 33 g (589b) m.Pt 167-168 0 (ethanol). Reaction of.Alkaline Solutions of Iodine and Cyanide With Compounds of Substituted Ureas and Formaldehyde Results are given for the determination of formaldehyde in bishydroxymethylcarbamidometlVlether by cyanide (and iodide in certain cases) under different conditions as well as bisethylearbamidomethylether. The same method only gave hydrox,ymethylformaldehyde in met hyl eneb i shydro--~yme thy lure a (30 min for cyanide, 60 min for iodine). Neither method gave reactive formaldehyde iR bisphenylearbamidophenylether. Even after four hours at 50 C no formaldehyde dimethvlene Card3/8ether biidges had reacted with cyanide. If iodine and caustic CZECH/8-52-11-22/30 ,Reactions of Amides with Formaldehyde XI. A Note on the Determination of itormaldehyde Bound in Ureaformaldehyde Oondensation Products soda were added simultaneously to hydroxymethylphenylurea only a mere fraction of the theoretical formaldehyde was determined even with a lengthened reaction period. no formaldehyde was determined at all if iodine was added firstl followed by the naOH. DecomDosition of Bis~henylcarbamidometklether in Acid Media 0.1 ii-H2SO4 (100 ml.) was measured into a ground glass stoppered flask and about 0.05 g of the ether a8curately weighed was added. The flask was heated to 50 C for 72 hours in a thermostat. The formaldehyde released was determined iodimetrically, the iodine being added x soon as possible after making the mixture alkaline.' (Calculated: 19.10016 - CH20, found 19.21% - CH20). Similarly hydroxymethylphenylurea and methylenebisphenylurea hydrolyse completely in acid conditions. The same results were obtained at pH4. Discussion: In alkaline solutions of the hydroxide strength used for the cyanide type and iodometric determinations of Card4/8 formaldehyde biscarbamidomethylethers are produced by the CZECH/8-52-11-22/30 -Reactions of Amides with Formaldehyde xI,. A Note on the Determination of rormaldehyde bound in Ureaformaldehyde Condensation Products reaction of substituted ureas I and II with formaldehyde; OH_ 2RNE.CO.h'H- + 2CH z=" RNH.CO.NH.CH O.CH (1) 20 H2P- 2' 2.NH.CO.NHR I, R = C6H5 111) R = C6H 5 II, R = C2H5 IVI R = C2H 5 V, R = CH20H This observation led to the smooth preparation of pure bisethylearbamide methylether IV which had been found difficult to prepare in the presence of carbonate. Biscarbamidomethylethers are markedly stable in alkaline media4' The dimethylene ether group, of ether III is not split off by iodine nor cyanide in aqueous alkaline media, whilst the bonds of bihydroxymethylcarbamidomethylether V split:with differing -6elocities depending on the reaction conditions. Up to 4 C only the hydroxymethyl group reacts with iodine, then at higher temperatures the dimethylene ether formaldehyde reacts with iodine and cyanide. The reaction at laboratory temperature requires 24 hrs and in Card5/8 some caseB.40 hours before the results of the determination