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KOGAN, P.O.; SANIHA.. N.L.; KAZARNOVSKIY, S.N.; Prinimali uchastiye: SEDGY, M.P.- KVASOV A.A Removal of acetylenic compounds from the butylene-bivinyl fraction of gases of petroleum product pyrolysis by the methode of selective hjdrogenation. Khim.prom. no.10:717-719 o 162. (MIRA 15:12) (Olefins) ~Azetyiene compounds) (Petroleum-Refining) ACCESSION NR: AP4009729 S/0075/64/019/001/0117/0120 AUTHOR: Barnj*shnikov, Yu. N;; Kvasov, All A. TITLE: Iodometric determination of ary1magnesium compounds SOURCE: Zhurnal analiticheskoy khimii, v. 19., no. 1, 1964, 117-120 TOPIC TAGS: quantitative arylmagnesium determination., iodometric analysisi, arylmagnesium, determination, ary1magnesium solution stability, phenylmagnesium, diphenylmagnesium, iodine solvents, arylmagnesium halides ABSTRACT: This is the first study of such quantitative determina- tion of aryl compounds of magnesium. The reaction is assumed to pro- ceed according to the equation RMgX + I = RI + MgXI and was conduct- ed with an excess of iodine dissolved A benzene or another solvent into which 2-5 ml of the arylmagnesium tompound were introduced. The iodine excess was subsequently removed with thiosulfate. Analysis found the reaction to be completep since varying the amounts propor- tionally did not change results* Tests with fresh and aged solutions Card 1/2 ACCESSION NR: Ap4oo9729 ,of organomagnesium compounds gave satisfactory results. This method is thus considered sufficiently universal cmd reliable for arylmag- nesium halides and diarylmagnesium compounds. Optimal conditions are 3-4 times the theoretical amount of iodine, reaction time of 5-10 minutes and a relatively low-volatile and easily dehydrating iodine solvent (toluene). Orig. art. has: 2 formulas and 2 tables** ASSOCIATION: Nauchno-issledovatel-skiy institut,khimii pri Gor-kovskom gosudarstvennom universitete im. N.1. Lobaohevskogo (scientific -Research Institute of Chemistry of Gorlkiy State Univer- sity) SUBMITTED: 06MaY63 DATE ACQ: 14peb64 ENCL: 00 SUB CODE: CH NO REF SOV: 001 OTHER: 007 Card EVASOV I D.R.! _ Variability of factors and components of ammial stream flow. VestoLen.une 11 no.12S99-102 156. (MA 9:9) (Hydrology) KVASOV. D.D. FormRtion of spring flood water in fields and forests in minor water collecting basins of the Valday Hills. Vest. WU 12 no.2: 154-163 '57. (Valday Hills-Floods) (MIRk 11:2) ~,, 4 - -~ , ":~ - 13~, KYASOV, D.D.; ZUBNEL-YANIKUN, B.B. ,owns- " ~~ one problems in the application of distribution curves to runoff calculations. Trudy GOI no.61:287-298 157. (HIM 10:12) (Runoff) (Dintribution (N6bability theory)) I r, ~,: ri. ! II i ~, I ~ k . " VOLIFTSUN, I.B.; KVASOV, D.D. Accuracy In calculating the flow of water by hydrometric installations of flow observation stations. Trudy GGI no.62: 94-106 157. (MIRA 10:12) (Stream measurements) KVASOV, D. D., Cand Geogr Sci -- (diss) IlFlowoff in the forest zone of the IEuropean part oftUSSR. Qualitative analysis of I*m procesW2~ of li~-rlation k-fi-OW-0--fif according to data from observations of the slop0 flowoff of small currents of water." Len, 1958. 17 PP (Len 100 Order of Lenin State Univ im A. A. 2hdanov), 100 copies (KL, 16-58, 117) -24- IYABOV Iffeat of the relation 'between surface and under drainage on the annual runoff [with sumory in Dudish] e Veot*LGU 13 no*12:162--164 138o (KM 11:12) (Runoff ) I KVASOV,, D.D. Estimating-the forecasts of neasonal ph,noenae Sbor. rab. po gidrol. no.1:148-152 159. (MIRA 15:2) 1. Leningradskiy gosudarstvenn universitet. (Hydro:Lo;7 KVASOV, D.D.; SELIVERSTOV, Yu, AD, --------- Some problems in the paleogeogravhy of the Issyk-Kull Depression. Trudy Lab. ozeroved. 10:45-54 160. (MIPLA 14:6) (Issyk-Kull Depression-Paleogeography) EVASOV..D.D.; IMIN, I.Tao Use of the components of distribution curves in hydrological cal- culations. ftudy OGI no-73-.141-143 160. (XIBA 13:6) (Hydrology-Tables, calculations, etc.) KTASOV, D. D Runoff in the forest zone of the Daropean part of the U.S.S.R.; qualitative analysis of runoff formation based on the data of overland flow and spring runoff in exiall drainage basins. no.292:3-W 160. (HIR& 1317) (Runoff) (Forest influences) KVASOVj D.D. Effect of glaciation on the development of the drainage network in the East European Plain. Trudy Lab.ozeroved. l5s247-286 163. (MIRA 160) (East European Plain-Glaciation) KVASOV, D.D. Hydrology of the Middle Fiioca,,,e in VIH C83pian 3ia regi,:;n. Dskl, Z yj.~-O' SSSR -1-58 nc.2-.352-354 6 164. 1. Predstavleno akademikom D.V.Nalivkinym. KVASOV, D.D~ Nikolal kkolaevich Sokolov ca.)-895i an his 70th birthday. lzv~ Vses. geng. ob.-va 97 rio.2il-:?8 Mr-Ap '65. (MIRA 18- 5) KVASOV, D.D., . The supposed oil potential of upper 14iocene deposits of the Northern CasDian. Izv. Vses. geot-.. ob-va 97 no.6:534-536 11-D 165. 19: 1) XAM, 1). -G. OA new confirmation of electrical mechanism of nerve conduction" (P. 376).by Evassov, D.. G. SD: Advances -An LkAern Biolo - (Uspekhi Sovremennoi Biologie) Vol. XII, No. 2, 1940 KVASSOV, D. G. NKh. S. Koslitoyarts, JCnaayFj of the hiatory of phyniology In Ruscia., (P. 311) Rev. bv D. G. Kvat;sov-- SO: Advances in Modern Biology (Uspekhi Soveremennoi JJiologii) Vol. XXIII, No. 2, 1947 194).-A it w mech. chern.. and pby&k-ocbetn. in- Uences affectws nerves: over 100 references. J. F. S. KVASOV) D.G. 60/49T75 ~oj)/Oqt 48, Nervous System 1-2ovIew of Academician 1. S. Verltov's 'General ftysio~ogy of the Muscular an& Nervous Systems,' Reviseil jd1tion$" D~ G. EVasov, 7 py "Uspekh Soma b1ol" Vol !Mp No 2 (5) ,3ook covers most Important theoretical concepte-of Soviet scienitsts during past 10 years from a neit -viewpoint. It has,, howeverj, a number, of m1nor der-.. feats which are given in epos detail. Inaccuracies tu.the Index we Oleo noted. VM*q&IcIn6 Nervous system, Jul/Aug Physiology Medicine Temperature, Effects *Pmetional Resistance of the Ner'Tous Tissues and Zi Relationship to lability, 11, 11 D. G. Wasar'. Giol L2st Imeni Aced A, A. Ukhtcmskly, Leningmd BUte 'U and Cbair of Physiolo First Uningra& C24. NO& Inst Ineni 1. P. Pavlov, pp "71tiol Zhur, SM" - Vol =:LV, No 4 Treats subject under: (1) how to measure funotional resistance- -seasonal. effects, effect of temperature, 16/497M IRST,A%dicine Nervous SWstem. jul/Aug 48 Physiolo'gy'(.Cont&i aboages in the oondition of the nervous tissues, s~m& topographic, factor;* (2) fmotional resistanoe. Gi3& "Gensitivimess" to injurious stimuli; (3) re-, alitance and the central nervoue system* Submitte& I'Ita 1946. 1-6/49M PA 16/49T78 KVASOV, D. G. ftsiology Medicine Chronaxia *Functional Resistance of the Nervous Tissues and Its Relationship to Lability,=., " D. G. fNasov, ftsiol Inst Imeni Acad. A. A. Ukhtoms)d y, laningrad State U and Chair. of Physiol, First Leningrad Med. Inst Imani Aced I. P. Pavlov, 51 pp *Yiziol Zhur WSR" Vol =IV, N'oA Reports experiments on frogo. Discusses re- fractivity, chronaxia, resistance, and metabollo nerve potential. Sul~nittetl'7 Jul L946. 16/49T78 I - - -.1 C. Ems 0v y D. C. - "~Icrvcs anal norve centers (1-ill"Ciolci.7,ical pa-ralic-lism),",--,,- 4'-*z--, laboratoriy in.. Pavlova, '101. TI, 19'40/) P. 394-405 71 "0: U-4355, 14 AuFgust 53, (Letopis 1zhurmal Iny!,Ji Statey, I..o. 15, 1949) Yateriale on tbft ph7siol6gy of irritation of plant calls. Uch. zap. Loa. un. no-99:258-275 149. (MLRA 10:2) 1. Iz Fizi6logicheskogo instituts, imani A.A. Ukhtomkogo Loningradskogo gosudaretvannogo ordens, Lenina universiteta. (PLARTS-IRRITABILITY AND YOVSKWS) CA pwAbw sum aad w"Co". Un. D. -0 -- "too* mr"m I Mod. Ina.). "mj PlAr4l - WA F&W. .. PI., marfarkii,I al common JnW by the lanal a*&. biwk 1 vt bxVmlt that It* stabiky of lht tomew" falwim va*s *M waqw: tbt stamuty (- obtkrky) Is b*h in wwtw OW low in sumnw. It is ""t xiq~ ohmed by carwisatim. Twalsoral -ith KCI, adckd toll* UNW KSCI=b rMtrweathemowular- -mb taw an al CaCI6 ;" *woss a riot of 1wit lawato 1,7% CAC16), &hw w"s sire" febrN,w Iabn pbm. An wkemmuceik mady wns mmir nt = the dabilkyalrdn it". oftbe c*rd; in tbb caw the *tmbUky b qske &wd wkWo =dhist am esubidwd by ibe mvimmatt " &p of tbt subsel; the ow. YaWn at thnsbalil of staMy rukpd briwm 6.1 and 6.0 mis. Rx- Imm- net syse" 0. 2't. K~Lpnff I...... K;ZV~ASOV, ~D.G* ~, Development of automatic movements of the hands, eleetrophysiologic studies. 7isiol. %h. SWR 38 no.4.*423-43-3 JuIr-Au& M2. (OLML 23:2) 1, Iaboratory of Blectropbysiology.of the Departmant.of-Pbysiology imeni 1. P. Pavlov of the Institute of Ihmerimental Medicine of the Aja~ademy of Medical Sciences USSR and Department of Normal Physiology-cf lirst Radical Institute imeni 1.4 Pavlovj Leningrad, I KVASOV, D.O. Data on the history of pbysiology of untritiou In liassia. Fiziol. zh. SSSR 39 no* 1:122-130 Jan-Feb 193), WL~KL 94:2) 1, Ioningrad; Physiology Card 1/1 Pub 33-16/18 FD-2285 Author Kvasov, D. G. Title I. P. Pavlov's letters to M. N. Shaternikov, S. I. Chechulin and G. Kovan'ko Periodical Fiziol. zhur. 40, 618-631, Sep-Oct 1954 Abstract Gives transcripts and commentary on tventy-nine letters written by I. P. Pavlov to M. N. Shaternikov, S. I. Chechulin, and G. Kovan'ko during the period 1905-1936. Photograph. Institution: Institute of Physiology imeni I. P. Pavlov of the Academy of Sci- ences of the USSR Submitted USSR Aledic ine-Physiology Card 1/2 Pub 17-5/21 FD-A22 Author : *Kva.sov, Prof D. G. and T. A. Trofimova Title : On one o he conditioned transitions from pressor reflex reaction of the vascular system to depressor reflex reaction. Periodical : Byul. eksp. biol. i med. 39, 19-21, Jan 1955 Abstract : It is known that irritation cif the sciatic nerve causes an increase in blood pressure. Some Soviet scientists however, called the scia- tic nerve a pressor 'in contradistinction to the depressor nerve of the heart or the sino-carotid nerve whose irritation reduces blood pressure. This was disputed by N. Ye. Vvedenskiy and A. A. Ykhotom- skiy. The possibility of "remodeling" the pressor into a depressor had already been shown by I. P. Pavlov in 1878. Authors therefore studied the role of stimulation of the receptors of internal organs by observing the reaction of the vascular system to the stimulation of the sciatic nerve. There were two series of experiments; first sustained, but weak stimulation of stomach and intestinal receptors resulting in a sharp, prolonged rise of blood pressure. Second: repeated short stimuli of considerable force of stomach receptors producing a decrease of the blood pressure. Further report on con- tinWe 0 ed_ exppi~jtqents will. f llow-, jp~, later papers. No references. Institution: Chair of Normal Physiology (*Head, Prof.D. G. Kvasov) of the Lenin- ------------ grad Pediatrics Medical-Institute, Leningrad KYASOV, D.G. The Gagra conference. Fixtol.shur. 41 n0-3:452-483 my-Je 155. (Inhibition) (WaA 8:8) usm/Human and Aninal Physiology - Nervous System. T-10 tibs Jour : Ref 2hur - Biolij. No 7., 1958, 32118 Author : KIvasov, D.G. Inst : Title : Reflex Reactions of External Muscles of the Eye in Lower Animals in Response to Inadequate Stimulation. Orig Pub : V. sb.: Probl. sovrem. fiziol, nervn, i myshechn. sisteme Tbilisi., AN GruzSSR, 1956, 115-120- Abstract : In frogs, in contrast to rabbits and cats, the external --ascles of the eye (EME) do not exhibit tonic tension in a dorment condition. In contrast to miscles of the locom- tive apparatus, they also display no electric activity during distension. However,, during stimulation of the cornea of the eye, of the mucous lining, of the skin of EW in frogs,, a one-sided protective reflex of retraction of the ocular globe inward is usually caused* In addition the rate of electrical discharges of EME reaces 80-100 Card 1/2 XTASOV, D.G. (Ioningrad) The science of PhYsiologr in the Chinese National Republic. f12i0l. shur. 42 no.5t434-444 My 156. (HLRA 9:11) (PUSIOLOGT, hist. in China) 07 EVASa. D G. - laningrad) Proper musci4ar apparatus of analysors; with reference to simple orientation r6flexeo. Fiziol. zhur. 42 no.8:621-611 Ag 156. (RVLU, (XLRA 9: 11) orientation, propiamuscular appar. (Buis) (KUSGIBS, pbysiology, pzopLaWscular appar. in orientation ref loxes (Rus)) (ORINNTATION. same) XVASOV, D.G.; SHIPOVA, N.V. Complex rhythmicity of respiration in children. Nauk zap. Kyiv. un. 16 nor.17:97-102 157. (NIPA 13-.2) (MPIRATION) (MANTS (NZMRN)) USSR/Hurx,an and :.niii-inal Physiology. The Nervous System T-12 ,%ba Jour Raf Mar - Biol., No Ili; 1958, N,.,) 65641 :,uthor Kvasov D.G. Inst Title Conduction, Inhibition a4d Stability OriS Pub Fiziol. z','- SSSR, 1957, 43) No 8, 744-752 ;.bstract one nust distinguish betieen the hi~,hly specialized functional structures (SPS) of cells.and protoplas:.i in gencral. The SPS which provide for the poisoninG of do- fininte functions of the cell can be found not only in the stito of excitcation or inhibition but also nt rest. Tho qtinulatcid call com rcmc t with a general "prinary proto- plmAc renction" or only throu3h reaction of its SFS. The transition of the SFS fro-.~i rest to P. state of excitation re- presencts the unarGencoof a qwlitatively now state. Upon subtlireshold stimulation of nervous tissue, there im,,- arise: n) a local gradual reaction and b) a local non_,,radod iy.ipulse. The latter is the r,~sponsc of the SPS. Between Card 1/j USSR/Hunan and :_?Ai-iL,1 Physiology. Me Nervous SYstel~' T-12 ,,.ba Tour Ref YJiur - Bial., No 14., 1958; xo 65641 the two there is a characteristic differened to the difference between the rastin,; current and the action current. ".ccordin,-, to the latest data, the action current ccnnot undergo a Gradual transition to a restin- current. The i-i-i-Pulse is a local phonmiama. its dissardnation ro- sults fron a chain of local excitations which arise as reactions and are rinnifested as sti",uli- one ::iuSt djs- tinguish between the concc?ts of o:mitability and conduc- tivity, and return to Verigo's idea) which is supported bY the LIL-st recent data, of the "slatation" of an ir.Tpulse throul.", a nonconduction portion, and recognize the exis- tence. of SFS which provide for conduction. Disturbanee in the SFS of conduction lies at the basis of inhibitionj which in essence =aunts to (reduced can- ductivity). Me refractory period of a nerve my result, not frou roduced excitability or conflict between two stimuli, but through a weakening or loss of conductivitu. Both Card 93 Ki D . ri!r 4, -47j,'V* .0w, V-0009- Physiology In Chinese Peoplels Republic. Gas. lek. ce9k. 96 no. 23:20-24 7 June 57. 1. Fisiologiceskij zurnal SSSR, C. 5, 1956 str. 434-444. (PHTSIOIoDGY, in China (Cz)) 6 KVASOV, D.G.; FLWROVA-GROT, A.K. (Ieningrad) Pavel lurlevich Rostovtsev and the evaluRtion of his work bv I.P. Pavlov. Fiziol.zhur. 44 no.1:82-86 Jq 158 (MIRA 11:3) (BIOGRAPHIES, Rostovtsev, Pavel Iu. (Rua) (PHYSIOLOGY, contribution of P. Iu. Rostovtsev (Rua) (PAVLOV, I.P.) KVASOV, D.G. - HJMVSK&YA, A. P. Stationary electrical potential of nasal and oral mucosas and its ontogenetic development. Fixiolezhurt 45 no*8; 959-968 Ag '59. (MIR& 12:11) 1. From the Department of Pkvsiolo&7, Paediatric Medical T Anatitute, Leningrad. (NOSE, Physiolog:7) (HOWTH, pkvsiology) XTASOV, D.G,; YMROVA-GROT, A.K. Assistants of I.P. Pavlov in his investigations of the digestive apparatus during the latter part of the nineteenth and the early part of the twentieth century. Fidol.'sht1r. 46 to.1:126-132 A 160. (MIRA 13 15) 1. Prom the pediatric medical institute and the department of history of physiology of the I,P. Pavlov Institute of Physiology, Leningrad. (GAM-ROIMSTINAL SYSTEM physiol.) (BIOGRAPHIES code for Pavlov) -.-. KVASQV D G Propribce~tive reflexes and their inhibition, Fiziol. zhur. 46 no. JWM-397 Ap 160. (MIRA 13t10) 1. From the Physiology Chair of the Pediatric Medical Institutep Leningrad. (REEMM) KVASOV, D.G. (Leningrad) J,M.'u "Jiviln roflox(vill and-11,movian pf~tmlologicaj scieijce, ill the 18th century and Uie first half of the 19th century. FLziol. zhar. 49 no.11.~1277-1285 N 163. (ma-R-A :L -I . 8) 1. Zantestitel? glavnogo rediaktora Fiziologichaskogo zhurnala SfZ~R imeni I.E. Sechenriva. 17 , , -, ; -, ~ -- . . - - - KVASC~' D,!.; nar-t c- a z ,63. r a ~.i Some aspecte of Aleksei Alekseevich Vkhtomakii's contribution to science. Fiziol. zhur. 51 no.6:637-645 Je 165. (IURA 18: 6) MvS,C2111, I 'i " Fiziol. !A--ur- 50 no.12:1507-1511 1) 1(4. KVASOV, I.G. Somo Improvements of the LGD-1 hydraulic cutter-loader. Ugoll Ukr. 3 no.10:19 0 159- (MIRA 13:2) (Coal mining machinery) KVASOVP Ivan--2JkbDnC-rdAh-x udarnik kommvn4 sticheskogo truda, selcretar 1. partiynoy organizateli; NEZINOV,M.M..,red.; LAVRENOVA,, N.B., tekhne red, [Fo3lowing the right course; deadff and people of the crew of comminist labor manning the motorship "Baltiisk."] Verrym kur- som; dela i liudi ekipazha. kommuninticheskogo truda teplokhoda "Baltiidk." Moskvap Izd-vo NMorskoi transport," 1960. 89 p. (MIRA 14:9) (Socialist competAion) (Baltiisk (Ship)) I BUBNOVSKIY, G.A., inzIl.; Prospect's for decreasing construction time. Enarg. stroi. no.38t25-29 164. (YI-W 17.-1-D) 1. Trest "Kuzbasaenergostroyti (for Bubnovskiy). 2. Glavnoye upravleniye po stroitellst-vu i montazhu teplovykh elektrostantsiy Urals i Sibiri Ministerstva atroitellstva elektrostanlwaiy SSSR. KVASOV, N.F., inzh. - ;4.,- '0.--, ......., 1. Experience In finishing the exterior of apartment houses under winter conditions. Stroi.prom. 35 no.9:41 S '57. (MIRA 10:10) (Stucco--Cold weather conditions). KVASOV) V*F# Compacting concrete mixes in molds by vibration. Mekh. stroi. IS no. 5:3.4-16 My 161. (MIRA 14:7) 1. Minskiy zavod zhelezobetcmnykh izdeliy No.g. (Vibrated concrete) KVASOV, N F inzh. ------- Reinforced-concrete stands for press pedestals. Mashinovtroenie no.5:39-41 S-0 163. (NIRA 16:12) 1. Eksperimentallnyy nauchno-issledovatellskiy institut kuznechno-pressovogo mashinostroyeniya. MURAVIYEV, Aleksandr Andreyevich; CHERTETSOV, Vasiliy Nikolayevich; KVASOV N V., red.; TFJMHOV, R.Kh., redizd-va; ' U", B E DGURO I.A., tekhn. red. (New form for promoting and introducing the work of in- novators) Novaia forma propagandy i vnedreniia opyta novatorov. Leningra4 1962. 21 p. (MIRA 16:3) (Technological innovations) SINELEN, Aleksandr IvarovJch; KVASUV, N.V., red. [Voluntary forms of aid to technological progress; work practices of the voluntary offices of technological infon,nation in White Russia] Obghchestvennye forny so- deistv-Lia tekhrIcheskonu progres-su; opyt raboty obshche- stvennykh biuro tekhnicheskoi informatsii v Belorussii. Lenin-rad, 1963. 36 p. (I MIRA 17-7) 0 MURAVIYEVV Aleksandr Andreyevich; CHERTETSOV, Vasiliy Nikolayevich; KYASQY,_-N.V., red.; TELYASHOV, R.Kh., red. izd-va; GVIRTS, V.L., tekhn. red. [Initiative of Leningrad workers is spreading throghout the country; fair of innovations in White Russia] Pochin leningrad.tsev rasprostraniaetsia po strane; o iarmarke novatorskikh predlozhenii v Belorusakii. Leningrad, 1963. 9 P. (MRk 16:10) (White Russia-Technological innovations) GONCHAROV, Aleksandr Ivanovich; KVASOV, N.V., red.; TELYASHOV, 81, -, R.Kh.,, red.izd-va; OVIRT -V.L., te . red. [Practice of the volunteer design office at the Kirov Plant of Hoisting and Conveying Macbiner7) Opyt raboty obshchestvenno-konstraktorskikh biuro na zavode PTO Lm. S.M.Kirova. Leningrad, 1963. 18 P. (MIRA 17:3) LANDO, Moisey Emmanuilovich; SKOHODUMOVA, Nina Dmitriyevna; - KVASOV~_N. -V.p,red.j ALABYSHEVA, H.A.p red.izd-va; GIflift, VGL.j, tekhn. red. [New developments in the promotion of technology in an industrial enterprise] Novoe v tekhnicheskoi propagande na promyshlennom predpriiati.i. Leningrad, 19611. 27 p. (MIRA 17:4) VAS1L'YEV, Vsevolod Dmitriyevich; KVASOV, N.V., red. [Securing patentability and illltent clearance in design In chemical machimry manufacture] Obespec-henle patent%lcsposob- nostl i patentnoi chistory pri proektirovanli v khimichesk= mashinootroenil. Leningrad, 19614. 29 p. (141RA 18:3) 82734 S/089/60/009/002/005/015 B006/BO56 AUTHORS: Rregadge, Yu. I., Isayev, B. M. Kvasov, V. A. TITLE: An Ionization Method for Determining Absorbed Energy in Mixed Fluxes of Fast Neutrons and y-Rays PERIODICAL: Atomnaya energiyat 1960, Vol. 9, No. 2, pp. 126-131 TEXTi A large number of papers have already dealt with gamma-dosimetry,IC, and several methods have been developed for neutron-dosi-me-Tr-y (also ME--- a gamma background of 10 to 15%).; If the absorbed doses DYand Dn are nearly equal, the methods of photographic emulsion and the chemical methods are too inaccurate. Homogeneous, thimble ionization chambers (Refs- 7v 8) appear to be the most useful. In the preeent paper, the authors give re- sults obtained when determining the absorbed doses in biological objects, obtained by the last-mentioned method, In this method) the neutron ani gamma components are separated by using two chambers having different hydrogen contents in their walls. From the difference between the effectsit is possible to determine the ratio of the components. It is of importance Card 1/4 8273h An Ionization Method for Determining Absorbed S/089/60/009/002/005/015 Energy in Mixed Fluxes of Fast Neutrons and B006/BO56 I-Rays that the chambers be homogeneous, i.e., that the walls have the same chemi- cal composition as the filling gas, so that absorption coefficient and maes stopping power of wall and gas are equal. The authors operated with two and three chambers; the first chamber consisted of polyethylone,land was filled with ethylene, the second consisted of graphite with a CC filling, 2 -.1 the third was made from a special plastic material of the type "Aerion't (Ref. 12), filled with an ethylene-CO 2 mixture (10.25). The hydrogen content in the filling gas mixture was the same as in Aerion, the oxygen and carbon contents varied, which, howeverg did not essentially disturb the homogeneous behavior of the chamber. The conducting layer of the polyethylene chamber consisted of a semi-permeable aluminum foil (0.01 mg1om 2) which had been sputtered in vacua. The volumes of the three chambers were 2.12, 2.26, and 2.59 am 3. The experiments were carried out on one of the horizontal holes of the WPT(IRT) reactor. A system of boron carbide and bismuth filters (150 mm thick) was used to reduce the gamma Card 2/4 8273h An Ionization Method for Determining Absorbed S/089/60/009/002/005/015 Energy in Mixed Fluxes of Fast Neutrons and B006/BO56 y-Rays and thermal neutron fluxes. The energyp W, necessary for the formation of ion pairs in the filling gases amounted to 27 ev, 33-5 ev, and 30.2 ev for the three chambers used. The data concerning the chemical composition of the biological tissues (Table 1) and the corresponding mass absorption coefficients are used to calculate the coefficiente ai and bi (a, denote the ratios between the true mass absorption coefficients of the wall material of the i-th chamber and the true mass absorption coefficients of the tissuel bi denote the ratios between the energy absorbed in 1 g of the wall material of the i-th chamber and the energy absorbed in I g of tissue). The true mass absorption coefficients g/Q and the values of a i for muscle and bone tissue as well as polyethylene, Aerion, and graphite are given in Table 29 and the values of b, (for different neutron spectra) in Table 3. The bi-values do not depend on the shape of the spectrum within the limits of measuring accuracy, which is of great importance, because it is not necessary to take the change in the spectral composition of the Card 3/4 82734 An Ionization Methodlbr Determining Absorbed S/089/60/009/002/005/015 Energy in Mixed Fluxes of Fast Neutrons and B006/B056 y-Rays neutron flux into account when determining the tissue doses at various depths. The doses Di - D 3 absorbed in the walls of the three chambers oor- respond to the following doses absorbed in muscles and bones: Polyethylene: 1-04 D m + 1-41 Dm - D11 1.07 Db + 2.15 Db - Di. 7 n 7 n Aerion: 0.96 Dm + 0-55 Dm . D 0.98 Db + 0,85 Db . D I n 2 7 n 2c Graphitai 0-915 Dm + 0s105 Dm D31 0.94 Db + 0.18 D b , D V n Y n 30 From these relations it is possible to calculate the tissue doses. The neutron-senaitivities of the chambers were between 0.2 and 8 Mev. A final investigation of the measurement of absorbed energy (for neutrons) resulted in an error of - 15%- It depends only little on D./D 7. The authors thank Yu. F. Chernilizi for his help, and G. B. Radzivevskiy for discussions. There are 3 figurest 3 tables, and 17 references: 6 8oviet, 2 British, 3 US9 and 1 German4 SUBMITTED: April 11, 1960 Card 4/4 KVASOVj V. A.$ ISAYEV, B. M.~ HREGADZE, Yu. I. gIonization Technique for the Evaluation of the Absorbed Energy in the Mixed Fluxes of Fast Neutrons and Gama Rays." Report presented at the meeting on Radiation Dosimetry, Intl. Atomic Energy Agency, Vienna, 7 - 11 June '61 BREGADZE , Yu. I. j MAYEV I B. M. j WLS~v ~ IEVIN, B.A.; CEPWILIN, Yu.F. CI- Production of Ipmen fluxes of fast neutrons for radiobiological works using an DT-10% reactor. Atom. energ, 12 no.6;537-538 je 162. (114JR4 .15:6) (Nuolear reactors) (Neutrons) (Radiobiolo&7) EVASOVP V.A.; ASTRAKHAN, B,V. Simple method for the interpolation of dosimetric data in setting up isodoses for multiple-field irradiation. Med. rad. 9 no.2:89-93 F 164. (MIRA 17:9) 1. Radiologicheskoye otdoleniya (zav.- kand. med. nauk H.A. Volkova) Nauchno-issledovatellskogo onkologicheskogo instituta imeni. P.A. Gertsena (dir.-Prof. A.N. Novikov). KHCHEVp V.N.; BAR&NOVAp N.A,; GCRUCHp I*A.; U-A-a Ej .; KRAWMNKO, I.S.; MIRONOVP L.V,; FRIVALOV, S.S.j LIASKO.. M.V.; PMROV,, V.F.; MIRONOV, L.V.; KCKSIJAROVA, I.K.; MIKHAIEV, M.S.; IAZAREV, E.M.; KMNETSOVA, !*Ro; tAPKIN** V.I.; KRASILINIKOV, N.A.; GOLODSHTEYNp M.I.; GUTERW, S.G.; ODIKOKOV, Yu.1.; SKRYABIN, N.P.; KORSHCHIKOV, V.D. Research by the Ural F9,rrous Metal Reseqch Institute. Stall iz~~iilvi'MX,623l,638-639j,670 JI.162, (MIRA .15:7) (metallurgical research) AcCES'4TON NR i-AH4014141 610137163100DIO121VO391VO39 SOURCEs RZh# Metallurgiya, Abso 12V291 J AUTHORt Gorlach, 1. A.j Kvasov, Ye. I.1 Lapkin, Ns Is TITLEi Vacuum melting of solf-magnatic alloys CITED SOURCEt Tr. Ural'skogo no-io in-ta chern, met, ve 2j 19639 219-230 TOPIC TAGSt soft magnetic alloy, alloy vacuum maltings arc-vacuum malting., in- duction vacuum malting,, nickel manganese alloy malting TUNSLATMONs A study was made of the effect of the methods of vacuum melting on Ahe chemical composition and magnetic properties of the moat typical magnetic- soft alloys (5ONp 79NMp 8ONKW). The alloys were melted in a 300 kg open Induc- tion furnace,with a magnesite erucible. Consumable electrodes in the form of billets 95-100 mm in diameter were used for are vacuum remelting (AVR). The AVR vas carried out at a pressure of 10-2 mm Hge Inductioti vacuum melting (IVM) in- volving veights up to 5 kg was carried out in 'a crucible from A1203 or ZrO2 at Card 1/2 AcassioN hat AR40IL4141 pressures of 4_8 x 10-2 Om Hge In all# 9 melting3 were carried out in the open induction furnace, 5 in an H2 atmosphere, and 13 IVM and 19 AVR were performed* The properties of the soft-magnetic alloys melted under vacuum were found to have higher values than those of alloys melted in air,, and the properties of the alloys obtained by AVR hud hi&er values than those of the alloys made by IVM. IN AVR.. the volatilization of Ni amounted to an average 1*4%, and that of Hn, to 30-LO#10. D. Kashoyevae DATE AM Man% SUB CODE: ML - ENM a 00 C~jrd 2/2 GORLACH, I.A.; FRIVAIDVp S.S.; MATYUGIN, A.S.; nAPPY.., Ye.l. Effect of heat treatment on the plasticity and magnetic properties of an iron alloy with 16% aluminum. Metalloved. i term. obr. met. no.11:8-1,0 N 163. (MIRA, 16:11) 1. Urallskly nauchno-issledovatellskiy Institut chernDy metallurgii. KAPIAN, M.A.; KVASUWA, A.B.; IKURIYEM p N.P.; RABINOVICHp M.I. Use of hearth burners in heating furnaces. Gaz.prom 6 no.5:18-20 My 161. Ojas burners) ~MIRA 14:5) KVAS(NA, A.N. (From ma!~rial- received b~ -the editor on'Diseases of Swine) 5* Extract: "New Method for Treating Metk6tronalosie in Swine" by assistant Fah.-Tu-sUra--=7 Resident PWalclan A.N. KVAWVX-Wft-a- Ata Institute of V +A.-rinary Medicine and Animal Husbandry), Instead of the usual method o? treating metastrongylosis in swine with an it4ection of Wgol's solution in the trachoa through a syringe the authors ivcxomend the preparation be ii2trodubed through a atoAach tube (from.a No 20 to a No 16,, depending on the size of the animml)* The authors base their suggestion on the difficulties which arise in trying to determine the location of the trachea*in swine with a thick layer of fat around the neck. Pages 56-57 6. Lixtract-. from the editor: The editors believe that the method recommended by comrades Musina and KVASOVA should be tested in practice by veterinarijms, (Veterinar1Xa,,No.9.,1952) SO:9011W Report U-5638;10 March :1954jp,46-47- CIO g 0 0 0 0 0 0 fo 0 0 9 0 0 0 0 q 0 0 q q 0 0 q 0 * 0 0 OA TEMINA, A.A.; RUBPIHINA, N.N.; NOVIKOVA, N.N.; ~~~ 1-MORO"LOVA, V.V. Rapid method for determining low molecular compounds in polycaprol- actam. Kbim.volok. no.6:54-55 '61. (MIRA 14:12) 1. Barnaullskiy zavod. (Azepinone) 31ATA 0, Yu.G.; GUSEV, B.G.; DJKBROVSKry, N.A.; KTASOVA, S.I. ,a - Method to determine the amount of radium In the human body. Gig. i san. 21 no.1:20-26 Ja-.156 (KW 9:5) (WrUM) (RAM) k V i~, 0 v 1-~ IM (d) /LMT (1) INI(m) /EFF(n) 21EWP (y) /LWp (k) IDIp (b)lWp (.1) 4/Pg-4/Pao-2/Pu-4jPk-4/Pl-4 Ijp(o) jDl~,,dIBC ACCILSIDIT IrAs A?5X~573 S/0286/64/000/019/002h/OL)2L AUTIDR: YyLov, B, NYalninin Yu. M.; Vinogradoy, G. 11. j Kondratenko, A. N,,; Yakovlc!v. A.I. - GoIlden D. Y.1- Kv-aDovaj so is f, 5A~ TrrIZx Method of controlling slAve systems. Class 21, NO. 3.65491 &DURCFs Byulleten' irobroto i. toyarnyLdi znakov, no. 19, 1964p 2h IOPIC TAGS~~utcrintjc control, lectric equipment r T Iranolations ~0'M-of-CZK-troilinj slave Gyatama-. bioting~iahini; fcaturot In order to control the elave'ayetams without t,=,J~v the trawducar. the signal windings of the transducer are =gnetized with DCo ASSDUATIONs Gosudarstvannyy komitot, po aviatsionnoftakhnike (State Com.-dttee for Aircraft Technology) SUBMITTEDs ObJun63 Ennt 00 SUB ODDEt IE, ES NOW MVj ODO 0TIMRj 000 C.,d 1/1 LULOVA, N.I.; TARASOV, A.I.; FEUOSOVA, A.K.; LBONTIYEVA, S.A.; _n~ UOL, V.A-. Analysis of the wide fractions of straight-run gasoline by gas- liquid chromatography. Khim. i tekh. topl. i masel 8 no.12: 21-28 D 163, (MIRA 17:1) 1. Vsesoyuznyy nauchno-issledovatel'skiy institut po pererabotke nefti i gazov i polucheniyu iskusstvennogo zhidkogo topliva. MASIUK, T*M* Possibility of using phase zhur. no.11:78-79 IN 161. (PHASE contrast microscopy. MICROSCOPE) Voen.-med. (MIRA 15:6) CZECHOSLOVAKIA CATAR, Go, Doc. MUDrj CSc%; SWOTA, X.; KVASZ# L.; MWZIK, Doc. MUDrt C3c I 'wo-oo-owwwwow 1. Parasitological Research Laboratory, Dept. of Biology, Faculty Of Medicine, Comenius Univ. (Vyskume laboratorium parazitologle A Katedre biologio Lek. fak. University Komenakeho), Bratislava Tfor Cater and ?); 2. Dept. of Infectious Diseases (K&tedra infokenych chorob), Fee. of Mod. Comenius Univ., Bratislava (for Hrusik, Head, and for ?) Bratialavap Bratislawske lekarake listyo No 4, 28 Feb 67, pp 241-44 "First non-imported case of diphyllobothriosis in Czechoslovakia." OATIR., Go; KVASZ) 1,; 2ACHARR, Positive cOmPlemeft flx-t'Lon rcaction for toxoplasmosis in patients in an obst~trjcaj-gy-je~-ojogical department. -7,r-,t-Asi. lek. listy 44 n0.8:11478-484 t6-,. 1. Vysk-umne hborato--ium paru-_jt0logie pri KaLedre lekarskcj biologie Lek. fak. 13niverz-Aty Komenskeho v Bratislave (ireduci Prof - I-ILTDr. V. Vrsansky), KVASZNYIK, Jozsef Some questions of labor affairs with regard to productivity. Munka szemle 7 no.8:1-2 Ag'63- - xvATkbzE., G.I. Wave properties of chates. Soob. AN Gruz. SSR 31 no. 33 551-558 S 163. (NIRA 170) 1. Gruzinskiy nauchno-issledovateltakiy institut gidrotekhniki i toelioratsii, Tbilisi. Predstavlano chlenom-korrespondentom AN iGruaSSR P.G.Shangeliya. . - I.. Mlv;;~_IS7EIUMM__V~~~ 1 - - - I .. . ~ 19 0. 6 a 0 -64 04:9 G_.9 0 00000 see see 0 0 ON a If Atu14 1� INa of A, $1 Qif 44 0 f 0 jii7o_j Iddt* l lslo ~j ftl ATilm ' U' 3; Z AwL &L IM! wirEf = oo _ 16 f w z MMU bbvo bom umb'UdW& 10-aw easoft af~jt of= lim amAmbb 11111116111 W coo sew . R. A. coo Are o i ces : 660 ;zoo t:eo "so OVA 1.1,V1OK41 toll0OURI CLAVIL-KA1109 be it 143QMJ .4. NJU IS AT r I A , M An I I rid 0 m a I wImt 93 a In o al. r, 3 11 9 0Golb 010 so so 0*so 0000 1110se lololessee 000000 0 0 0 f eesio! 0 0000 We so 00 0see 0 e *.* 0 0 0 CLo owoqo 0 0 000000 0 0 0 * ****1 0000 sea to '"t; ;7'ra GGf?TT P?t?tt 7 A A-L a L-L r H I A L -A- : : .4 - 00 5; 00 000 900 *01 00 PROCII911 Aftb 0 I agoumrenmt at xpecuum Una intensities hy dw- 3neth" the *0090SIOUS G. S. 1%, (Bull. Acad. S& 3(4).-The anownslous dispersion of TI vapour was 00 investigated and the intensities Lf) and transition 5150 A. WVTV 1wobobifitim for the livm 3776 and obtained. fgl7s arml 00414 am 0-435, rt- of %'a ""*bt;'x data for the v i l p . . re y, using qw4 Over the v with temp tion connectin A Cos . .p. I n equa g o 6 t f h d Th ; coo %- e* o e v&po . w-ion wasobtaine W ofTlatO*x.itweele.tobe43,3(X)g,.cal. The .U. . Zoo f vals. obtained are compared with thooe of other workers, and discrepancies are explained. Investig. ation of the distribution of TI atoms in the (r,% and state& shows that them is & Boltzmann di~tribu- 0 tion. Optical meAsurements give the ratio of the universal consto. hA 4-802 x A. J. M. ZOO I iVV ---------- I; t A S4VALLMICAL LFT91tATURt CL,%jWKAyMm a L :*.---' --7 i4loy.) Nit awl oat Z'A b u is &v eo is t It A Is N 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 4 0 A .0000 0 so** * 09 6 sew a WjLAL&AL:4 Wee J: IE-Z - *A I I 0 0 0 "-s-0 0 0 0 00 go 0 9 0 Mfg -------- 0It R %)l go Wo Jim slool 41 aa astq A A- I-A- -L-L.A -11 UA L A -.3 ,. M 1 v it " o0 ir Rrrm In the IntederainaW MeU" of MO" - " zoo 00 I a. the latessitles of ppodW Unto. -G~8*-Kv%lvr, , j6hyx. 4, 1, 73-4 (1114 sri. 11. R. S. S., Sir 4 .3 A. 33, 017I.-The mlitrtaiNawasstudird. ~k "book" method Is abk- t uty wid lintity, re o in ext7 = t o as M A be I ine give and mcmmitents as ate t G atnow ans vety c-Ad results, RoVa AAL;I See 14 tie 0 1 U 'A j;-W-j% i, i 'j~ a -I -11a- T -V ~r& An I 10 11 11 T I f 1, it i it SUI UA H I J, -1, -A _M_ r Q a -1. t -00 00 Transition probabilities In the subordinate series of so tbxW-. Expil. 7hrorrl. Phyi, W. ' S. 8. R.) 11, 421-39(1941).-Vir all,,. valtu-, of ilic 00 -ilk-0 f0t The fin" 37,70 and &U-0 A. .,t, d,-J. I. , 0 mentally to be 0.0417 and (MM24. ft~p. The all"11 L : div-4- was detd. at 30' iniefval. Ifoin (;I ~., to 0 for ibe line =11 A. and front J115 to ItkW for lb, title WO A. The value obtainediatitv the etIoation hip.,N - "In 1 (150 X 10 17' + 11 " 15,1, - W71.0 and 1413K.11 and I - 39.44M lout 39,7622. for 0 ), - 3776 and &U) A.. resp. In the vmj,or-pr,-urv equa. C (km for In P, A - 047t.6 anti I - 121,34 1.,. 1 fir hint fit 00 rva n. of TI at the abs. tert, 1% 1. 1~ 43-111, kx_ T j Cal ille It. p. at I aim. ubout 6N)'. Wivis the pt,,Iwr " Itio found by Will I C. ' A. 19. 3210) them agree with the new valurs. The Boltz- 48 mann law for the distribution of atoms in the 1PPy, and ~ 61P,/. levvis applici to within I','. The ratio (,f A `k wli~ 00 deld. to be 4.&-) X 10 - C 11 - L"i" (Ivgyrr -c. 'I tic late of 46 0 the %tat" Sq., and I)-/, ii, rr~p.. and 2.7.0 X IW' !~ev. The law of ums i, not applicable to th b di f e su or nate series o 11. F. If. Rathmaim of lie 0 SEI ALLUPGKAL 1,17tRAILME CWtIFICA71001 WOO j* c., U Is AT 'D V IL An A 0 G( It 4 R 0 0 0 0 9 0 0 00 0 00 0 T A3 0 0 0 a 0 a a 0 0 a 0 00 go 0 0 0 'a 0000 * *LQ 0 jUA 0 0 00 - - 000 go go 00 o_ jLk,�~ 1 . 0 0 0 0 o 0 10 s T T) -b,711 t 1 1 40 AJ U m a v Ux is , m m Cal 0 I U 40 GO so 00 -00 GO methods for determining the absolute Intensinva 01 * -00 ,VI. 1V-0. Phyj, r1ral Uses. G, S, Kvitirr. J. ),. if- -4411 35 f -00 ei~ v , . The ab-%. inlenAtWS1 of TI NVAI A. 0 am. drt& Y wh methods 44 Kuhn (C. J, 19, 3210), 36011) ant) Kvalcr (C. J. 33, 15171). (C .00 0 z ~ f . For 1hr line 3519 the 3 nittiumb Sive the hame re~1111%; i ffer by a Ise o of 2, Bett imults for &UI ) the vvlut4 dl 1, oo GO are oblaInt4i by the 116prt'im methoil, the abt.fliflon 00 melbotl is Iml reliable. Varifrui vuluc.- obtainol Itif the ' .3. l arc di%cumed. vapur-pmmurr curve of I h It R F ZO ruann . At . ZO 0 ZOO xO0 roo so 0 iboo t:0 0 L* 0 A$s-SLA otIALLt-ICAL LIIEWLSE CLASSIM&MId 9 Z-- CSOO woo b_54-0 -I w 0 1 o 0' at I) a a UP (V It 064 of a It St pt q ft it Kw 11 w 00 0 0 0 64 4818 G_*_o o *4 0 000 0 000016 0 a 0 a 0 0 0 wo 0 0 0 0*so** 0OGG* o 0 * OGG O_*_0_O 0 * 9-294LO-o-oko 00-0-0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 *1** * 00 0 * 0 0 0. 00 00000060010&00 too@ 00000 0 0000000*0 - 0 *00 off$ 00000 411o It a It 1 .0 i 'll Nxids &SPAIINAIN QUA A' L., A., JL- PA.. -M plactisis AND ro"Cofffs *off SAW 00 Taftma Pob"NN 6 do $*Was% ad" of f A $-A *m*m AwAnk G. & A Pk*16 VJJJt, 00 )VL WIA INI-The 1%L v" of On immkics 90 prowakin (W *s kin" of do ""Iftaw (Aam vW MWO) mts of T1 how boo amwaW by t1w Md E h . e unvmlm dr- hwh ft* q- 'm t I OF of do *Uwd AW ft 0 host oravapmmko of 71 im " wro b dambad. 000 Site Abaw. lost 3353)8,1 335.".033 00 00 so 00 ;;I got 0 u AT 1*0 it I ; , ; a " 0 im"; iii;ft 0 0 1 0 ; 0 $ 4 I : 0 Ole 0 0 0 0 00 e 0 0 a 0 0 0 * 0 4 a I a a 9 v 1 0 * 0 0 0 0 & 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 * 0 0 9 6 0 0 0 0 0 6 0 to 4 .00 .00 .00 As zo 0 XOO CIO 0 IMP 0 see Joe *0 tie: we tool sit vulds lox Spode's 1 6 1 a a 11 u w u Is v a to r" -A.-A AJR-l'-A 11,44- k-.,L,- Ij -t-s. ;.tt. 00 c 0 00 00 60 M 1312 am KWAUN.M L, VSSJL 6. 211D,217, IW~A c0i b m6& of the fWAS Of the s of the alm. kKtmhks of it* 6w c(TI byJ dUhrm odbocKthm a(umal- ow 44w" the book mohm! ax! dw auwwic muticauftbepummorpoinsisation. Itemkislatica or it* rcp*s or mammsou c(71 v-P. bt mim invat*atm dww a &Knpuxy bam the eq-- tim for I "um dipaukrw or 71 v.P. Obftkad by MW mW tbu go by 04 %"a k% oMkal .00 -me .00 .00 pe 0 zoo 1*0 coo boo Be's to, '0' e"1 0; i ff***** 0 0 e0ee: 1][66#90 99909 000 so 0 e 76 got 009 000 oew 0' 0 0 9 o 0 0 o L a $,IF a a- A A-, v --V, totilot-_ PNOCJ a 0, 0 6-0 0 0 Is It w 11 bi Is M V a do 41 v it 41129 f-j~ I -I AA a Cc iv a I I A I , A v I -. . -rt.t It AND f*0101,fl Abulds latsinNii it w YAOW wdhm doublot un". U.N.S.S.I.Vr. PAY1. 9. Computed front itte .-?1w intensities e, dmWtk3 of the lines D, and Da measured at 3 dif- =t temps. The sum A the inten.-Itks f, + A - 1.24. S. Pakswet roe b0 41, Ate-ILA MeTALCURGKAL UTIOATORe CLAIJIFICATION ire 4 b u v As it in I C., a rw 0 w 7jj Kx Ono: 0 see 4vo 0-0 0 0 0 0 9 a 0 a 0 0 go*' KVATER, ga: Axomalous dispersion in sodium and thallium vapors; a doctoral thesis. Vast. Loa. une 2 no,2;135-141 r 147. MRA 9:6) (Dispersion) (Vapors) (Sodium) (Thallium) M KvAIF-~7~, C. S. Thal.11up, Absorption spectrur, of thallium vapors. Vest. Len. un. 7, No. 9, Ic'52. An invesitigation. of subjecy spectrum in an eytensive region from wave length 3,776 to 2,000 RI which had not been studied before, the purpose being to photograph and measure the wave lepgths of as large as possible ntnber of I and II lines of secondary series with level P.1 close to the boundary and to establish the 2t exact value of the normal terms Earlies cited work of the author iz; in DoblAN SSSR Vol-1, 110 (1934). which was co-authored with LI.V.KremenevslLiy and A. N. FilippoV 21~2T107 I'lonthly List of Russian Accessions, Library of Con,-.ress Jure 1953. Url."CL. KVATER, G. S. ; MEYSTER, T. G. Cesium Absolute values of probabilities for transitions of members in the princiFle cesium series. Vest. Len. -.i. 7, No. 9, 1952. Describe an invistigation of resonance doublet; eq of temp dependence of optival density; detn of abs va,- tea of f for resonance doublet; eq of vapor tension of Cs; investigation of 2-12th doublets; comparison with results' of'otliei~'author~ wWi- respect to eqs of -Cs irapor ten6io-n' 'aiid abs a-fid i;61at-iiie valtieg -of transition probablilties. Earliest cited work of G. S. Yvater is in Tz. &k. Ilauk SIFSR, 49, 301 (1,038) 252T106 9. Monthly List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, june -1953. Unclassified. 0000 1,t4 1 6 r 0 f It 11 Is LA 0 it a go- as ffilsc*ll LID 34A ft]: ape 0 C43 a llin* M DC IF U 6--t -I it ~A A- A -7. I It aim 7 00.4 1F- recccoll AW 000#11611 i~s ts -100 400 of 00 00 00 of t' . N. T rot1kY 00 a.: Naftme ow hat ix ft%eAw U). No. 2. 00 S. jLvater. (MetAIJUT10t, Ruftlds- 1937, vol - Its -00 rob,, (in iWasian). The authors d6cu- the Wu -0 0 GG lotiftrow the timo of avu-11119 bY ill""A GO AhanumcrofaUCkifOrtbC"t4siliationoignithite. Themare: 4106 to boundaries and their formation is 1400 formed at the (Iementite-auateni heat. favoured by hent treatment (nomatising, quenel 4110 dimition gi,"Ttor =10 0 Ing by eje;Wmi methods). N- tie e ect, Lnit OO.U ;j; UMS the annealing tinle to 15 hr. juenjiling ii, oil from OW C. red 00 :Lod thix 6uAlbod can be tD castings of small Metion and 1:410 ILV ir4j redum the alumling time to 9- 0 "ilopit, ohsp. Wotevqutm ing pst~r Meking, cannot be ql* dwW of the a lo hr., but, owing to the in Size And increase in number of 0 used In practioe. The decrew it in no changes h*te flaes produmd by these treatmenta T"u FM mechaww pwpotica of the matmix). t In Ia-ILA MITALIUaCKAJ, LITI*kutt cLAISViCATION vile -jj-..jj W-- - L - " - 0 1. - -- -L ------- ~--- 1191120-.) Nat 0#v dat aj&A U IV z Iti.r 1 4 r L~Lw e W I I I v he 0 4 a A M Al -j a a 3 1 KX': "10 I' Of It It 99 0 It U it of YUA 0 0 St 0 0 0 0 0 0 * 0 0 3 0 0 9 0 9 i 0 0 0 * 0 0 0 Wo Zo 10 * 0 0 0 0 a 0 0 4 0 W: 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 a 0 a a a a REVIS, I.A., RTATER, i.s!., Engineer; A.TMEMPYEV, II.F., E4,,,iiicer; FI]RSIIIIN, F.S. Engiricor I-Ibr., Uralimsh Plant (-110,45-) "The TccluioloU of Making Cast Tools at the Uralmash Plant," Stanki I Ins[rmicnt, 161, No. 3, 1945- BR-52059019 V 000 i M F M O'W I N 11 4 ii U " k lp 111 O * N a 11 1) so U k Is Me It I. bj " W U 4) its io A-10 I- ~2, M-W It A, A. j " j - 0 * a -_i-" I: 0. PROCISW 4*8 NOC41411111 .-Vill sch carbide grain undergo solts. preferentially, k%ViRS AIR r=*f the carbidst in b nilits enriched in W and with a reater a This inter re A U k Ki -00 . g r g n y ( 1. S. xyatcr. and 5. T. _ p r - - tallon which auu o tai o f r l t M it nws u ne e ype o ns, , S S.R.. Siladlovsk), DaY, tardst. U.S Branch. AC1114. skid F front the m chanitint of Q"ll (C A 33 i all) Us. I".R.N.S., Misir U i. Wk 194Y. 70-MOn RuV . . e , 't.jlo, I.W; V11 -,.4rrb (C' IV. Lt. V): (1) 0."4111 17-9. . V -1 le msawlet-tive u4n. tsf each intlivi,hial pa. i,- tit,, ' -h - It ill d W l l l f W 4 ) 97 9.44. 3.75, 2.28; (111) 0.77, IMA 3.71. 1.84; j VI sis . ti l,, e 1 ik an -I tit" t& sm gvw Qua &A found txll%' In 41111rai k *till hi AINtIC Cl d t h C ) 1.04. 19.0. 4.12. 2.18; M 1.37. 19-0. 4.12. 1-90; ( r m C . e g I.M. 19.0. 4.12, LtW; (VII) 1.42,11.26,4,A 4.50; (VIU) C of low IV (C~g' in 11 Ill contrast to 1. of Ill VU J>Ul not 11) bl C Ii d VIII b i l li ess sta sV.AVCS ear er an [close e ra" ( ng e. ); .78, 4.50, (11) 1,36. 17.96. 3.70, 4.60, 1.4o, 1O.W, 3 - %'C -A hi Th h ti i t hi t Y oil eis or it oquenc ng pil ng. e very s c rjlcg undergoing thrillial treatment (alstleldino at quetich- ca ' anti C anti triativetv Jim W. Z11F ins). wvrr ilix"ved soctilicAlly in FrSOj 3. N&CI 1, Na ok-cutst it, sterli with high Is i It 1 h h VC i too ti R~ mg4itt-I e an- eirver , pre'rill fit t ; w lz;3: Citrate 0,31,-., with "Arl-0.03 amp./sq. cm.. 24 his., still v-j:- the carbide residues atudy" and deb ispbed. The is'.4"I 't-l' it 14 a1-, in '4111111C. Q)nrjlChR4I from tile 7 1, C In whk-h the virry hisli-i its . j,,. w j,allse. 0 :1 Main coustituttit ii the earbide (Fr. W 4 ratio W: Fe Viviets arcastmi 1'ekWIC. in"e&W tit Fe at the are Olaf at blot-r 14-11111. (411flealling), IV 1.~ ni'me 'fronsly sit Mttx~ I pani"I by a deemisse ill I he mrsit expense of W being tilsil"d to C thAn V. hviim. in the ptcWtuv tit Ill" C. the &till vice verm. Thus, Its Ill-VI, all- a ijet-reaeo #gain I I All is) 10,113 A. I CA&,ti I fittill"I 1"efrientially .,,.I I' I- iu-mpingrat"I . C tit the tmi; it." in(lical" that C is Wurid ]%tell" lvlnp~ ' * 001111 to W than to Fe: consequently at low C. the carixide wi k divoinlid. Istort than % L , 11tr laill * d I C01111tailk preleventially W. and its Fe content Can ittirma-e ominant. 3R Sim) VII. 1- pre e,%%,C di~pprar~ Altogether an infittried by c y ill hilltirr C. thit Is ct it the decteaw, of 4 with dece., 1, Ii also b AHS heating abovs: the new Debre lines appearing 111"felix"' a' till' 1129" 1118Y F"libly k -1 to 1% C stit Is a some. 400 a on, y i e.g.. larmIll. - 1. audit. . .1const. C ~ what hiller than mwinal. thk phase t-all be ijkt"-pfrt,I go . ; d I I As a rule. hardened steels have a slightly his ( t V) f d i a, the final pfluill'.1 VJ I'r-'1gtM-ivr rictimcnt ul FrW,C with W, thv lo%rik-d a indicating en (4 a re,ithial e n a same btleth when anneale ; ew 1 4. Ann. .4 Fe Alonl'. incrivisw wait found the greater the hi I of N. TlhRl j M) hardrillax. It indicat" that in the roe a tin 1 10 4urnehins. the More! weakly bound Pe ammis 4 ii~' r 6 It ihn i is rw is is a i sit s, o a q ja it (v it at a it it a tt a is i t x w n I i14 - 00 MIS, I.A., kareflidat tekhnichoskikh nauk; 19AM, I kandidat tekhnichsak-'L~ ego 11ca "ali ; A KIYXR, V.Y., inzhener; FIRSHIN, inzhener. Cracks in highn-speed stool castings and methods of preventing this defect. Yest.mash.27 nooll:39-45 N 147. (MLRA 9:4) (Stool castings--Defects) VAT JR, Ix . U.. [Cast high-speed steel] Litys bystroresbrehahie stali. Sverdlovsk, Goo.nauchno-takhn. lid-vo mashinostroit,lit-ry rUralo-Sibirskoe otd-nis] 1952. 60 p. MPA 8:5) (Tool steel) p Ot kandidat tak'anicheskikh nauk; SKLYUYZV. P-V., kandidat EAMT21 Win. IS, te micheskikh nauk. Shortcomings of orsnkehaft standards. Standartizateiia no.4.- 55-56 ji-Ag 156. (MM 9:11) 1. 'Uralmashsavod. (Cranks and cran shafts-3tandarda) r\VffTF_R, 1-~. PHASE I BOOK EXPLOITATION 1042 Ural'skiy zavod tyazhelogo mashinostroyeniya, Sverdlovsk Kovka I t6rmicheekaya obrabotka (Forging and Heat Treatment) Moscow,' Mashgiz, 1958. 132 p. (Series: Its Sbornik statey, vYP.5) 6,000 copies printed. Ed.: Kvater, I.S., Engineer; Tech. Rd.: DXxgina, N.A.; Ed~ (U.t,~- ~EW Division., Mashgiz): Sustavov' M.I., Engineer-. PURPOSE: This book is intended for engineers and technicians working in the field of forging and heat-treating of metals. COVERAGE: The book presents material which reflects the achievements of Uralmashzavod (Ural Heavy Machine-buildirig.Plant' -imeni S . Ordzhonikidze) in the field of forging and 'heat-treating of metals. Various improvements in production methods, mechanization and automation of forging and heat-treating processes., application of various methods of inspection of forgings and elimination of rejects are described. Specific information on improvements in Card 1/4 Forging and Heat Treatment 1042 forging and heat-treating of large parts such as turbine discs and rotors, cold-rolling-mill rolls, and crankshafts are presented. Descriptions are given of the results of new studies undertaken with a view to elimination of rejects and improvement of the quality of parts, determination of residual stresses at various cooling speeds, data on the efficiency of ultrasonic inspection and the effect of degassing of molten steel on the quality of forgings. The book was prepared by the members of the plant organization of NTOmashprom in connection with the 25th anniversary of the Ural Heavy Machine-building Plant. TABLE OF CONTENTS: Kvater I.S. Summary of Development of Forging and Heat-treating ~~on at the Ural Heavy Machine-building Plant 3 Lebedev, A.V., and Ustyugov, P.A. Welding Up of Internal Flaws,in Large Forgings 21 .~latkin, M.G. Improvement of Open-die Forging 34 Card 2/4 Forging and Heat Treatment 1042 Katkov, I.S. Improvement of Methods of Forging Turbine-discs 46 Kazarinov,.B.N. Comprehensive Mechanization of Press-forging Processes 50 Zamotayev, S.F., Kvater, L.Is. and Sklyuyev, P-V. Effect of Degassing Molten Steel on the Quality of Large-tized High- alloy Steel Forgings 59 KamenskikhY V.N., and Sklyuyev, P.V. Heat treatment and Quality of Large Parts 73 Petrov, B.D., and Sklyvyev, P.V. Production of Rolls laor Cold- rolling Mills go Mikullchik, AN., and Kats, Sh. I. Schistose Type of Fracture in Chrome-nickel-molybdenum Steel 103 Card 3/4 Forging and Heat Treatment 1042 Zabludovskiy, V.M. Effect of the Speed of Cooling of Cylindrical Parts on the Magnitude of Residual Stresses ill Zabludovskiy, V.M. Determination of Residual Stresses in Large Parts 115 Kozhevnikov, M.A.' Investigation of Parts Rejected on Ultrasonic Inspection 123 Kuruklis, G.L., and Vereshchagina, W.G. 'Sulphidization-of Machine Parts 130 AVAILABLE: Library of Congress GO/ksv 1-7-59 Card 4/4 ____M KY "I-TER T,S, ),AUITHOR: Kvater, I. S., Candidate of Technical Sciences.129-11-6/7 TITLE: Work of the Forging and Heat Treatment Shops of the Uralmash Works. (Kuznechno-termicheskoye proizvodstvo Uralmashzavoda). PERIODICAL: Metalloveden-'ye i Gbrabotka Metallov, 1957, No.11, pp. 72-76 (USSR) ABSTRACT: The author discusses generally the problems relating to teehnology encountered by his Works in the production of various components of turbines and turbo-generators. The Uralmash Works have mastered the production of turbine discs of all dimensions made of carbon, Cr-Mo and Cr-Ni-Mo steels. The discs are so hgat treated that yield point values of 28 to 75-93 kg/mmc are obtained. Due to consistency of the test results, the Works changed over in 1956 to testing of samples cut solely from the stepped part and not from the rim of turbine discs; additionally the discs are tested by means of ultrasonic apparatus. A new ingot mould was developed for ingots of 64 tons to be used mainly for the manufacture of rotors, which ensure most favourable directional crystallization. The Works produced successfully rotors for turbines of 25 000, Card 1/3 50 000, 100 000 and 1,50 000 kV1 ratings at 3000 r.p.m.