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UASNIKOV V S goxmyy inzh. Paramateret of mine lifts, Gor. zhur. no.12:38 D 161. (MIU 15:2) I* Gosudarstvennyy institut po proyaktirovaniyu gornykh predpriyatiy zhelezorudnoy i margantsevoy promyshlennosti i promyshlennosti nemetallicheakikh iskopayemykh.. leningrad. (Mine hoisting) KVASNIKOV, V.S., inzli. Speed up the creation and introduction of highly productive so-"- propelled,equipmut. Gar. zhur. no.1-.12-17 Ja 162. (MBU 25:7) 1. Gosudarstvennyy institut po proyektirovaniyu gorny3ch prodpriyatiy zhelazorudhoy i margantsevoy pronwshAenno,,iti i promyshlennosti nometallicheskikh iskopayemykh, Lenin,-,rad. (Kining machinery) KVASNIKOV, V.S., gornyv inzh.; BOGACHEV, A.F., gornyy inzh. Accelarate the mechanization of blasting operations in strip mines. Gor. zhur. no.6:41-"' je 164. (MA 17111) 1. Gosudarstvennyy noyuznyy institut po proyektirovaniyu predpriyatiy gornorudnoy promyshlonnosti, Leningrad. "~m a 11 M 13 tA 0 M L, X P a it #2 U V a 7 AL A_V G_ a I---- -fooctifill Ate roc*t 4141 OW# I IWb ilk" tim 'k-W VW. 1IF". ZIA W.-Tht cl-Wes In cammam Of the Wmln=macgr'Vc' 10 0 s: PC ;ji a" Wbft& Ism be" Ildhow0d calbdikloms of varlems ametbocla of fallow, the mul -ri-ed as taboo"; bs- valm of the ps ul juice kcM winter q 00 e .1' ti S- a uctuates dw* im enti 08'Mi mimazz It vc4tia" ;2d -06 00 within 09. M For winter wbmt umft simmil" twAtim the P, 00 vatic* within tk lindta &91- '6.& ..(3) The smax. change in ps value was Doled in winter Vi bW kaft the t1aw of me'liMS W tht 11M 01 10nWA9 the tuber which ammoW to m-. 0 too.& (4) Very little duu* In takes place froam the time of tube fmmticz to maturity,in either r" or WbML - Ifta) The ft at the julats a rn &W wheat is 1b., A b up to Uld tWx of hcaftt~ smil tben ft U lowered as tbi 6vo rem* maturity. (go) The d the Plants-sve and whesit-grown *a a deam fallow are about &UM (g) W.41C.-Irshm at *00 *tk W"mm of Um Juke In rye grown on various Isom rou"Im tr s 4w from 4.12 to 9.07 atump"(WO) LMamm2A*WtW"FvnkwUm' --tucli"wtoor mtjut;kme btNtrittlaND"ar czmutdi) r '00 tWm Gbetuatm trom 2M to 10,18 &to& , (10) The smjL cb- in asenotle po"m in zo 0 00 wistcr'Wbast is WAd In flit POW W Woommift md the =0 star. (11) The S ish4lberesculd. WOW16 and dmiaS the find hall 13mamfeaftesift, (Mmoto-am"emm fts"im the W" is m juice durw the PW " ptrw up to ft mm ftV an to hums. WhOe with VbW It inamouft an the eats mW ntch tkbaw, (13) The omentle pm. vat bm"Ums - d sma sulto md MM amot rp, to the d- OWL - (14) A krze ant. of rain ' bt :As unc admatic pitsom of wbeat Is Zcr gan ~ than talryeduriMolsallar - of IWX was true even whom the soil _e 0 mnlaturv, armler the wlimat was =4=bt ryT. '00 a TALLVS~~AL. LSICNATLINE CLASuPKATION nv b11153 Skjama Hip 041 do[ so .4 T_-T--rtTr-W 1-1 a OW a a Ar IN 0 a 4 a U, It 114 it a of I 0 0 0 a 0 0 *000 00 000 00 so 0 -is s 0 go 0 16 11 v R M a If 1? 31 is am; o- a a ki k It A D-L jp IL to -1 A L A a I I -M 4, * a tow, of, :0 &M A. 1'. S~~?q (ja gDalish I I MW tz~tfff Wilk tMd 1. us too dm org. caNoWs. wbm mbjKft4 to drybS, w9 way IS i. The of the org. COW& is Ow cauve of the slabi it S. wee 00 A 0 00 00 .00 %low 41.~Alwv tj %slam') .4. 3.c 434,11MI! 311111 (W G.v Z- i T-t-vin - -.. . ew 0 01 9 1 wx *011 ItAlto limit 11"KAn 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 : 0 0 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 a 0 0 4 * 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 USSR/SOi1 Science - Cultivation, Mali-oration, Erosion. J-5 Abs Jour : Ref Zhur - Biol-, N-) 9, 39039 Author : Kvasnikov, V.V. Inst : Voronezh Agricatural Institute. Title : The -Problems of Cultural Soil Cultivation in the Lijit of Michurin's Aarobioloa and Contemparary Agrophysics. Orig Pub : Zap. Vorone7lisk. s.-Idi. in-ta, 1956, 26, No 2, 151-158- Abstract : The influence of plowinL;s with an without mldboarC, of Voronezh district's black soils on the yield of aifferant agricultural crops is discussed in this paper. PlowinG without moldboard produced an increase of 3-5-3 c/ha in the yield of barley, oats and sunflower in compari- son with that obtained by convontional plowina. ,'& method of regulatinG the entry of moisture in the culti- vated soil at the expense of condensation of vapor by Card 1/2 USSR/Soil Science - Cultivation, Melioration. Erosion. J-5 AbB Jour Ref Zhur - Biol., No 9, 1958, 39039 crcatinC a coppressec! scam in the arable stratum is pro- posed, This can be done by application of a smotli roller witli a subsequent harrowina or by the utilization of a rip.~;-shaped roller. Card 2/2 - 24 - V if 6 /A r USSR Cultivat-c:d Plan~s. Genural Problems Abs Jour : Rof Z;-.ur - Diol., No 8, 1958, No 34567 Author : Kvasnikov, V. V. In3t rTI-0 761'I'V-3n Title : Pi-inciples of the Systom o,' A_.-a-imilture in the Con'L"Xal Black Darth Balt. Orig Pub : V,~u."nik s. kh. nauki, 1957, 11o 5, 31-4o. Abstract No abstract given, Card 1/1 5 Y 3-5-35/38 AUTHORt Rubin,S.S. Professor, Doctor of Agricultural Sciences TITLEs About the Manual "Agriculture" (0b uchebnike "Zemledeliye") PERIODICALt Vestnik VYSBhey shkoly, 1957., Nr 5,pp 90-93 (USSR) ABSTRACTt The author states his opinion of an agricultural manual called "Zemledeliyell (Agriculture) by A.A. Verbin, A. N. Klechetov, V. V. Kvasnikov, M. G. Chizhevskiy, issued in 1956, by Se1_TFO__Z9_IZ_- __~ He says that it will certainly improve the theoretical and practical training of agricultural specialists, as it meets the requirements of the program of general agriculture. The theoretical level of this work is a very high one and reflects the latest experiences of Soviet and world scientists in the field. There are very good original illustrations. The author Btates.that in this book much material has been gather- ed and analyzed, in particular, on the structure and water regime of soil, weeds, and the possibility of creating a deep ploughing layer. There are, however, some sections, which the author d,)es not approve. He also criticises the title Card 1/2 which should have been "General Agriculture" instead of About the M%nual "Agriculture" 3-5-35/38 "Agriculture". Some recommendations stated in the book are not founded but in general. The critio says, the manual can be considered valuable and modern, and certainly will be a great help in the agricultural VUZes. ASSOCIATION: The 73man' Institute of Agriculture (Umanskiy sallskokhozy- aystvennyy institut) AVAIUBLEt Library of Congress Card 2/2 KVASNIKOV, V.V. (Voronezh); KOKAROV, K.I. (Voronezh) "IM"sn'sty of carbonic acid liberation in soil with and without a moldboard [with summary in vedenie no.7:47-51 JI 157. (Gases in soils) (Carbon dioxide) when using plows English]. Pochvo- (MIRA 10:11) (Plowing) TMIN, Akim Akimovich. prof.; XVASifillny, V~1~6 prof.; 11ECHETOT. A.K.. prof., CMZHZVSKIT, M.G., prof,. Prinimaliuchastiye: GOLIKOV, A.?., dotsent. GRACIMVA, V.S., red.; SOKOIDVA, N.N.,; FXDO- TOVA, A.P., [Agrioulturel Zemledelie. Izd.2. perer.1 dop. Moskva, Goo.izd-vo sallkhos.lit-ry, 1958. 429 p. (MIRA 12:3) 1. lafedra zemledeliya Moskovskoy sallskokhozyaystvannoy skademii imeni K.A.Timiryateva (for Golikov). (Agriaulture) KVASNIMV, V.V. Effect of tillage on the dynamics of compression and expansion of various layers of the vertical profile and changes of soil porosity- Pochvoyedenia no.10:116-121 0 159. (MIRA 13:2) 1. Voronezhekiy selskokhozyaystvannyy institut. (Soil physics) %Tillage) KVASNIKOV, V.V,; MUKHORTOV, Ya.H.. kmd.sellskokhom.nauk Replacing colter-equipped plows with harrow plows in prepar- ing'soil for certain crops following initial doep plowing. Dokl.Akad.sellkhose 24 no,9:10-13 159. (MIRA 13:1) 1, Voronexh5kiy sel'skokhozyaystvannyy inst1tuts 2, Ghlen- korrespondent Veeso"noy akedemii sellskokhoz.nauk (for 11vasnikov). (Flowing) KOTOY, P.P., kBnd.sellskokhos.nauk, glavnyy red.; ALEKSAIEROY, H.P.0 kand.eallskokhoz.nouk, red.; XAMNKO, T.-P., red.;.MMaXOL ,-Yj~,.prof.. doktor sellskokh-oz.nauk, red.; KOROLIKOT, V.I., prof,, red,; IWGORNTY, P,I,, prof., red.; SUCHKOV, I.A.. kand.sellskokhos.nouk, red.'; ZAPITAKHIN, A.I., red.; KAUSHNIKOTA, V.S., red.;,GURITICH, N.M., (Farm management system in the Central Black Earth Region] Sistema vedeniia sellskogo khoziaistva v TSentrallno-cherno- zemnoi. poloss. Moskva, Goe.izd-vo sellkhoz.1tt-ry, 1961. 470 p. A (MIRA 14:4) 1. VBesoyusna7a akademiya sellskokhozyaystvennvkh nauk imeni T.I.Lanins. 2. Zamestitell direktora Instituta sellskogo kho- zyaystva imeni T.Y.Dokuchaveva (for Kotov). 3. Pirektor filisla po TUentrallp-o-chernosemnoy polose Yessommogo nauchno- i a ale dovs- tel'skogo instituta ekonomiki sollskogo khozyaystva (for Aleksandrov). 4. Chlen-korrespondent Tsesoyusnoy okademii sellskokhozVeystvannylth nauk im. Y.I.Lenina (for Evasnikov). 5. Toronezhakiy zoovetinatitut (for Koroilkov). 6. Toroneshokiyt4ellskokhozynystvennyy institut (for Poagornyy). 7. Di~ektor Hauchno-issledovatellskogo instituta sellakogo khozyaystva TSantralino-chernozemnoy polosy imeni T.T. Dokuchayeve (for Skeahkov). (Central Black Barth Region-Agriculture) KVASNIKOV V.V.. CHMMAYEV, V.P., kand.sel'skoVhoz.nauk Effect of simazine and atrazine on the microflora of leached Chernozem soils. Dokl. Akad. sellkhoz. nauk no.2sl--14. P 165. (MIRA 18:5) 1. Voronezhskiy neI'skohhozyayst-,rennyy Jutitut. 2. Chlen- I-orrespondent V6esoyuznoy akademii se]'ekckhozyaystv9nrjykh muk ime-rd Lenina (for Kvasnikov), KVASNIKOV, V.V. (deceased]; FEROV, N.N., kand. sal'skokhoz. nauk Biochemical processes in leached Chernozems as related to tillage. Dokl. Akad. sellkhoz. nauk no.10:1-4 0 165. (MIRA 18:12) 1. Voronezhakiy eel Iskokhozyaystvennyy fiistl,tut. 2. Chlen- korreapondent Vaesapanoy aMdemti re'L',,3~L'kl-.,ozyaystveniiykh nauk imeni V.1.1,enina (for Kvar-nikov). 0 0 a 0 0 ~-We 41-8 0 0 0 0*0 0000 Wi t it. tADC~SUS A.0 P000121111 Wal I ?Ike uOtatim of fttnwvft4 nlfwk add trm SCM . [k (W. ". . 1j, 1, Kv%sn 084P in tm uttka of &K -S, R 8 S S N J o. . MitraWe . . .) , Referal. Z sr. 1"9, No. 12, 113-14.-The acid mgmer- Sted ram abodge w" OaWtuted for Itch. 110), In 14b, Ow puml C040. In the Netneductskil molaws-ak. plant - 11 wag &ld. that cw1picte mplartnicut ul Irch, lil!-X). l'y ewmted M% acid Is pumiAble tot the production tifi f A or c nj of a1c. for CGtdw-vodju P"UCts and by 04T0 U01-41ifim W R on . #rA for tbr modumba d ttch. ate. 00 see 0& 00 -60 04t cat 00 ;OEM T(A -914)-- %tLx~ 1~-l C*41- 'c'u. - (a, J~j a! too AITALLUASKAL.UT114111011 CLOWICAlmm 09 6 Iona@ 419831 OK 04. all tm ime'liel''JA is I a u S AT go is I It 0 00 0 0:0 0 9600 0 0 0 & 0 0 0 0 0001000000 04696 0 * oootpol,booooooooo*oo0000001009000000000 0 TO I - - - : : 0 : : KVASNTKM n. Iq. "Antagonizm rikrobov i puti yego prakticheskogo iSpOll2ovaniva (YAcrobial Antagonist and the Ways of Practieally Utilizing It,,), Tashkent, 1948 ad. tAAu 46Zat" v 37 .k 4" ZZ..'J. 4e'; p OEphn Mkr.bW 'Oox~ fir .7 40-ibed .1,' "Oft is " M of it tth~ *'be deteriomtioi iw;A;t~ cantg. pepton" imme or esibbw'e t, vol. 7 19 - 0 EcOH was added a wine (in th I axnt~ ( of dit nuttient medlim) IndkmAting mi=blol, Tana eaw tulms *eft them kept ia -if-] baettrial colonies vert developed. Tbtw-- -Wv- aTd It PH aUt teRsed ktd -V Az ate- Cw=1. C4 :Ine I 20~2'1%v d* nort lablblt the M; at this Concti. 6't pmth -2$. -dmys It --b 10% started aftei '15 ~ -,. i 1 -7 the COO,' the -low"-- thi- iMe"'m trowU-24 __i>tlmj inbibluny. until InmWfig tbe tubm of ziu;;~ In 9e rutrint medlr.;m lt& lieaftStd '-bt rate of V"th. at 2% Slucost the turbidity KVASNTXOV, Ye. 1. V=/Ace4eW of Medicine PA 160TI ,iences May/Jun 50 Ladblology "Work iri.the Field of Microbiology' Done in the De- partment of Biological and Agricultural Sciences, Academy of Sciences Uzbek SSR," Ye. I. Kvasnikov, 3 pp "Mikrobiol~giya" Vol XIX, No 3 Briefs development of Academy's Lab of Microbiol and present siate of work in three fields into which it bap been divided: microbiology of soil, fermentative microorganismq, and antagonism of microorganisms. l6on 1. KVASNIKOV) Ye. I. and FETHJSHENKO, O.P. 2. ww (6oo) 7. "Azotobacter in Irrigated Soils of Uzbekistan with a Gratisland System of Crop Rotation", Doklady Akad. Nauk Uz. SSR (Papers of the Acad Sci Uzbek SSR), No. 5, 1951, pp 35-40. 9. Mikrobiologiya, Vol XXI, Issue 1., Moscow, Jan-Feb 1952, pp 121-132, Unclassified. Kv.~,S!,;IKOV, h. 1. ."IVASNIKCV, L. 1. "All "Union Conference on ilicr-obioloa," Vinodlelie i Vino~,radarstvo ~R vol. 12, no. I 1952p pp, 56-58. 95.8 V77 SG.- SlRA SI 90-53 15 i)ecember 1953 KIIASNIX01r) YF,. I. Champagne (Alle) Tasks in champagne production that cannot be postponed. Vin. SSSSR 12 No. 9, 1952. 9. '.monthly List of Russian Accessions, Library. of Congress, December 1952, IMCLe rTj%SNIKOV To I .. --- , , --p Certain principles in selection of microorganisms for industry. Kikrobiologita, Moskva 21 n0-1:71-76 Jan-Peb 195,2. (GLML 22:1) 1. Middle Asiatic Branch of Kagarach Institute of Viniculture awl Viticulture and the Institute of Agriculture, AcademW of.Scienceii Uzbek SSR. KVASNIKOV, Te.l. Alcohol resistance of Lactobacillus. Mikrobiologiia, Hosim 21 no. 2:160-165 Mar-Apr 1952. (CLML 22:3) 1. All-Union Scientific-Reaearch Institute of Agricultural Microbiology, Leningrad. I KVASNIKOV, Ye. I., Misorina, N. Ye. "Some Rules of Propagation of Microorganism Antagonists of the Intestinal- Typhoid Group of Bacteria in the Soil of Uzbekisktan" Vopr. Krayevoy Patologii AN UzSSR No 3, 1953, 44-48 Bacterial antagoaists of the intestinal typhoid group were examined in more than 1600 samples of soi.1 and it was found that their propagation was related to the latter's being infected by intestinal-typhoid bacterial groups. Strongly antibiotic activity was discovered in soil obtained from underneath human dwellings. and in water flowing through the area. The therapeutic soil f rom botbm lands of the Syr-Dar,13,a is especially antibiotic in its effect. A seasonal change in propagation was observed. (RZhBiol, No 9, MaY 1955) SO: Sum-No 787, 12 Jan 56 KVASNIKOV,. To, I..; SUMMION. M.Q. "W'Somw ~.-, "Ilk-b-WW lactobacillus in eptpbytic microflora in pUnts of central A%ia. Mlkroblolc~lia, Moskva 22 uo,3:267-274 May-June 1953. (GIML 25.%5) le.A&iculturpl Institute of the Academr of Soiences Uzbek SSR, Ta~4keite XMINOVA, K.L.; KTASNIKOV, YS.I.; SIMNOVA, L.V. Iffectiveness of bacterial vaccine in the treatment of children affected bV chronic dysentery. Yop.kraev,pat. no.4:13-17 154. (DYSENTUT) (UCCInS) (MLVA 9:12) USSR Aicrobiology. Soil Microbiology. F-3 Abs Jour: Referat. Zh.-Biol., No. 9, 1957, 35613 Author : Kvasnikov, E.I.; Petrushenko, O.P. Title : Some Peculiarities of the Influence of "Rishtansk- Bituminous" Oil Products, and Angren Coal Dust on Soil Microorganisms. Orig Pub: Izv. Akad. nauk UzSSR, 1954, No. 4, 69-77 Abstract: Under the influence of bituminous introduced in a quantity of 5 9. into a Petri dish with an Eshba medium the reproduction of Azotobacter chroococcum (strain AN92) in a pure culture took place more intensively, and a characteristic zone of stimulation was formed. The energy of nitro- gen fixation stimulates best of all in a dose of bitm)inous calculated at 5 T/ga (172% of the con- trol). Pure oil (the same method) has a depressing C ard 1/~ USSR /Microbiology. Soil Microbiology. F-3 Abs Jour: Referat. Zh.-Biol., No. 9, 1957, 35613 influence on the development of Azotobacters -- the sterile zone around the Introduced oil pro- ducts extends 3mm. Mazut has a still more de- pressing action. Coal dust does not retard the development of AzotobacterB. A low dose of oil (170 mg. to 100 ml.) insignificantly stimulates nitrogen fixation. A higher dose retards this process. The volatile fraction of the oil can be a source of organic feeding for some soil micro- organisms, the nominal-riold fungi and the actino- mycetes. The positive influence of bituminous oil products and coal dust on the development of cotton (in the early stages) in sand is connected, evidently, chiefly with the action of these substances on the microflora of the soil. Field experiments C ard 2/3 USSR //Microbiology. Soil Microbiology. F -3 Abs Jour: Referat. Zh.-Biol., No. 9, 1957, 35613 showed that the action of bituminous oil products and coal dust on the microflora is complex. As a whole the authorB regard it as positive. Card 3/3 IVASNUOV, Ye.l.- ZHVACHKINA, A.A.; MIKHATLOVA, Ye.K. .11.:n,~~Ir--F--! Lactobacillus In the alfalfa j .~Jzonph,are. Izv.AN UX.SSR 3:27-37 '56. - (14IRA 1?-.6) -1 (~actnbacillus) (k1ft1fa) (Rhisoophare microbiology) KVASNIKOV, Te.I.; KONW. G.F. Nature of the occurenee of antagonism to yeasts in Iactobacillus. D*k1. AN Uz. SSR no*7.-51-55 156. (MIRA 12:6) 1.Institut sel'skogo khozvaystva AN UzSSR i Sredneaziatskiy filial institute "Magarachn. Predsi~avleno akad. AN UzSSR Ye. I. Korovinym. (Bacterial antagonism) (Iactobacillus) (Yeasts) 11 USSR b1icrobiology. Arktibioties and Symbiosis. Antibiotics P-2 Abs Jour : Ref Zhur - Biol., No 1, 1958, No 612 Author : Kvasr-ikovp E.I.t Kondo~ G.F. Inst : Not Given TLtle : Penetration of Lactic Acid Bacteria into Yeast Cells Orig Pub : Vinodelie i vinogradarstvo SSSRp 1956, No 8, 5-7 Abstract : Saccharomyces ellipsoideus Mmtsiteii-6 and Lactobacterium buchneri (strain 1142) were simultaneously planted on grape must Ukatsiteli graph) with and without the addition of a yeast autolysate (20 mg/1 amino nitrogen). only yeast devel- oped in the medium at pH3. Both organisms developed well in both media variants at pH 4-5 - 6.0, but in the absence of autolysate at pil 6, a predominance of bacteria over yeast is noted. At such time the bacteria adhered to the surface of ye yeast cells; this manifestation was especially marked when bacteria which were previously cultivated with yeast for 3 years were used for the experiment; the bacteria often em- bedded themselves into the disintegrated yeast cells. When Card 1/2 ~WR / Microbiology. Antibiosis and Symbiosis. Antibiotics F-2 Abs Jour Bef Zhur - Biol., No 1,. 1958: to 612 other media are utilized) namely: starvation- water, a 2% or 20% aqaseous glucose; an aqueous solution of a yeast autolysate to PH 3.5-3.8 without acidificatioa, it was es- tablished that bacteria in all acidified media do not adhere to yeast cells. Adhesion is observed best in water at pH 6.9 and in media providing only a carbohydrate or nitrogen nutrient at a pH above 4.0 and especially at pH 5.0 - 6.0. Under thcae conditions even after 20-30 minutes the beginning of adhesion of bacteria to yeast is noted. later dead yeast cells appear which are filled by bacteria inside. The authors did not observe axxy active penetration of bacteria into yeast cells. Card 2/2 C'~. TZ) R Soil 3011 Blolog7. 4 T T T'- r! Laterinly Yt"~6'~Jrpsj). soves"Inhonipi ,)o rrbot Po 1957, 7qjhkort, -IQ57, 152-156 i CLrri-. IVASNIEDV, Ye.I.; PETRUSHEM, O.P. o_f~adioactlve phosphorus on the various microbiological processes in the soil. Dokl. AN Uz* SSR no.1:55-58 157. (MIRA 11:5) l.Institut botaniid AN UzSSR. Prodetavleno chlonom-korrespondentom AN UzSSR S.S.'Sadykovym. (Phosphorus--Isotopes) (Soil biology) KVASHIKOV, Ye.l.; MKHATWVA, Te..K. ~-- ~--, Some features of th'e behavior of lacticscid bactertplitt t~e Boil and plant rbizosphers, Uzb.biol.zbur. no.1:75-85 1 58. (MIRA 11:12) (Lactic acid bacteria) (Soils--Bacteriolog7) IVASHIKOV, Ye.I.; AMWEJU0, M-Ta. Resistance of lactic acid bacteria to ethyl alcohol and its aqueous solutions. Thb.biol.2hur. ho.3,49-55 158. (MIRA 11:12) 1. Institut botaniki AN Uz WR o (Ioctic acid bacteria) (Ethyl alcohol) IVASNIKOV, Te.I.; ANDRUSIM, M.Ta. -e-- - C~;r`acteristice of the effect of the homologous series of monoatomic alcohols on lactic acid bacteria. Dokl. AN Uz. SSR no-8:49-53 158. (MMA 11:9) l.Institut botaniki AN UzSSR. PredBtavleno akademikom AN UzSSR S.S. Kanashom. (Lactic acid bacteria) (Alcohols) KVASNIKOV, Ye. I., Doe Biol Sci -- (diss) "Biology of lactobacillic bacteria." Moscow, ZP-ublisher: Academy of Sciences USSR7, 11)60. 39 pp; (Academy of Sciences USSR, Inst of Microbiology); ~M copies; free; list of authors' work at end of text; (KL, 25-60, 128) KVASNIKOV, Ye-L; GRINEVICH., A.G.1 PANTYUKHIN.A,, Ye.A. Some characteristics of changes in the properties of lactic acid baq~eria due to the action of gamma rays emitted by radioactive Cow. Trudy InBt. mikrobiol. no.10%82-88 161. (MIR& 14:7) 1w Institut botaniki AN UzSSR. (1ACTIC ACID BACTMUA) (GAMA RAYS-XHYSIOLOGICAL EFFECT) KVASNIKOV. Ye. I.(Kvasnikov, IE. I.] Basic principles of the regulation of microbiological processes in the ensilage of foddero. Mikrobiol. zhur. 24 no.1:57-60 162. (MMA 15:7) (ENSILAGE) KVASNIKOVP Ye.l.; SLYUSARENKO, T.P. Lactic acid bacteria. Report Lactic acid bacteria on sugar beets, intermediate products and molasses from sugar manufacture. Izv.vys.ucheb.z&v.; pishch.takh. 'no.1:43-46 164. Lactic acid bacteria. Report No.2t Lactic acid bacteria In alcohol manufacture froju molasses. Ibid.i46-51 (MIRA 17W 1. Inatitut mikrobiologii AN UkrSSR i Kiyevskiy tekhnalogicheskiy institut pishchavoy promyshlennosti. ATASNIKOV, Yjevgeniy, Ivanovich; KONDO, Galina Frolovna; FIDOY-LIGIIKA, II.M., doktor biol. nauk, retoenzent; UNGITRYAN, P.N., zasl. deyatell nauki i tekhniki Moldavskay SEM, retsenzent; VESELOV, I.Ya., doktor biol. nauk, retsenzent; PRITYKINA, L.A., red. (Lactic acid bacteria of wine and the fundamentals of the regulation of their activity] Moloclmokislye baktorii vina i osnovy regulirovaniia ikh zhiznedeiatel'nosti. Moskva, Pishchevaia pronyshlonnost', 1964. 41+ p. (MIRA 17:9) 1, Chlon-korrespondent A14 Ukr.LSM (for I'IdoplicId'ai), 2. Chlen-korrespondent AN Moldavskoy SSq (for Unguryan). KVASNIKOV Ye.I. [Kvasnykor, IE.I.j; BMISHT-EY-N, A.F.- VASILI-IRVA, Z.-~, Nasyltieva, Z.A.], SUKHOV, V.V. I Use of laotic acid banteria for the biological preservat ion of pulp. Mikrobiol. zlpar. 25no-6:514?-56'6.'3 (mm 1--, ..7 ) KAUENKO, M.K.; e~IO (Fvasnj~ov, TE.I.]; _~.VASNIKOV Y v .1% Reopiration and oxidAlve phoophorylation in ho-o- tond hoternff.,r- mentative lactic acid bacteria. MikroHol. zhur. 26 rico3:~-11 14.1." -OaKN-M5) 1. Institut mik-robiologii IVi UkrSSR. KVASNIEOV, Ye.I. [Kvasnykov, IE.I.]; LIFSHITS, V.V. [Lipshyts', V.V.1 A conference of the Republic on the problem "Physiology and blochemictry of micro-organisms." Mikrobiol. zhur. 26 no.5:94-96 16L, WIRA 18:7) KVIISINIFOV Y,-,,I. [Yvassnykov, IE.I.); ISAKOVA, P'.M.; U.(~. - . - --- - J--- --:! All-Unlon Conference on the Bioi3ynthesic c:f ~l I (/,.. C"i a and Bacterial Biomass, M5krobj(?3.Zh,,L-, ."" nc.. "Z (U.-LMA 18:8) Developmentu of lact-Il.r acid bapter' p 4r Cif t 1. irwftitut mikrobiologii All tlkr,-')SR. KARPRNKO. M.K.; K!~~,NI~ ~~I [Kvasn:Lkov, IE.I.]; BURAKOVA, A.A. .- 0 Dehydrogenase and a1dolase activity of homo- and heterofermentative lactic acid bacteria, Mikrobiol.zhur. 26 no.407-41 164, (MIRA :L8110) 1. Institut mikrobiologii i virusologii AN UkrSSR. KVASNIXOV, Ye.I. [Kvasnykov, IE.I.1; TEVILEVICH, M.B. [Tevilevych, M.B.]; .-SLYUSArmo, T.P. New stimulant of the reproduction of baker's yeast cultivated on sular beet molasses. Mikrobiol. zhur. 26 no.5:3-8 164. (MIRA 18:7 1. Institut mikrobiologii i virusologii AN UkrSSR. MME"ll f n o 165., R la PY sk~ :r,~~ m krt- ug -y 1. r -i t _ACC NR'- AR6019465 31. SOURCE CODE: UR/0081/0'6/000/002/SO73/SO7 Kvasnikov,, Ye. N.; Zverev, A. N. TITLE: Effect of temperature on strength and deformation properties of certain construction 'plastics SOURCE: Ref zb. k-bim, Fart III Abs. 2S504 R-77 SOURCE: Sb. Inzb. konstrulctsiyi9Dokl. k XXIII Nauc -hn. konforentsii.1 Leningr. inzh.-stroit. in-ta.., L., 65, 170-175 TOPIC TAGSt glass fiber, glass textolite, laminated materialI plastic strength, tensile strength, deformation, compressive stress, mechanical stress, thermal stress ABKRACT: Three types of construction plastics were subjected to tests undbr unia-xial stress and compression under conditions of short term je_xposure to reduced and elevated/tent-peratures from -50 to +900: glas. Ifiber anisot-&pic material SVAMAxith- 1-1 and 1:5 anisotropy based on lbin~ar ED-6kodified v~j'th bakelite,elacquar; glass textolitelbbased on i - F polyester binder PN-land TU-16 13~trand clotub; and, wood laminate plastic DSP-B i-Ch~henol binder.K it was shown that there is a nearly li.nbar relationship between temperattire and the strengtb of the glass -Card 1/2 L 46295-66 ACC NR, AR6019465 reinforced plastics -under stress and compression (glass textolite based on P~N-l binder is an exceptio i A). The stability of the mechanical ind ce ,of glass reinforced Pla-sticsPat different temperatures depends more on the kind of binder than on the type of filler. V. Privalko. ZI;ranslation of abstraeg. SUB CODE: 11,1W afs; ACC NRs AR6016967- SOURCE'CODE: UR/0081/65/000/024/SO71/SO72 M/EM/RM "UTHOR: Kvasnikov, Ye, N,; Dolganov, G. M. ITLE: Concerning a metbod of testing~~iberglass for r_atiguelyupon epeated Impact OURCE: Ref. zb. Xhimi-ya, Abs. 24Sk86 EP SOURCEt Sb. Inzb. kon 8truktsiy. Dokl. k XXIII Nauchn. konferentaii. ,oningr. inzh.-stroit. In-ta. L. 1965, 186-188 IPIC TAGS: fiberglass, polyester plastic, impact stres.s,tonsile stress, .terial deformation ABSTRACT: To study fiberglasses for repeated impact bending, samples of glass textolite laminates (cloth T on Wyester resin) measuring 9 x 15 x 120 mm were tested on an impact taste for the dynamic impact bending --T 0-7-Of Impa test and tensile test DSVO. requen ot 450 - 600 impacts/min* Curves showing the functional relationship between sample deformation (bending) and the number of cycles were obtained* V9 Privalkov.. Translation of abstract7* ~3~ CODE.* l1v -20 Card lllt(, ACC NRt AR 60 12 432 (A) SOURCE CODE: UR/0081/65/000/020/SO56/SO5 AUTHORS; Kvasnikoys Ye, ff. Snnnikov, Yu. D. TITLE: Properties of SVAM glass fiber reinforced plastic (1:1) during mechanical vibration SOURCE: Ref. zh. Khimiya, Abs. 20S417 REF SOURCE: Sb. Inzh. konotruktoii. Dokl. k XXIII Nauchn. konferentai Leningr. insh.-stroit. in-ta. L., 1965, 161-164 TOPIC TAGS: reinforced plastic, epoxy phenol, 011 absorption coefficient, glass fiber/ SVA14 glass fiber ABbTRACT:E T t%of oriented glass-,fiber reinforced plastic P.VAM (1:1) -2;Z0 "gL with the_ poxyphenol binders 23% by weight) and a_l3vL ass fiberldiameter have shown that the absorption coefficient--fo-r SVAM, as well1s for other-materials, is a function of strese. The tendency to !an increased absorption coefficient with increased free-oscillation ;frequency Is present. The elasticity)increeaes an the the frequency of the conslusive modulus inereases.%O[Translation of abstract) [WTI SUB CODEt l1/ LS L 33536-65 _EWT(m)/EWP(w)/T/EWP(J) TJP(c) Acc HR, AR6ol6479 - SOURCE CODE: AUTHOR: Kyasnikovt Ye. H.; Dblganov, G M 13 TITLE: M;4tiple impact fatigue testing or glass -reinforced plastics %9 SOURCE: Ref. zh. Mekhanika, Abs. 12VB51 REF SOURCE: Sb. Inzh.-konstruktaii. Dokl. k MII Nauchn. konferentsii. Leningr. inzb.-stroit. in-ta, L., 1965. 186-188 TOPIC TAGS: glass, reinforced plastic, fatigue test, impact test, bend test, ABSTRACT: Specimens of sheets of glass -reinforced plastics (cloth wtth a pc&ester resin based measuring 9 x 15 x 120 mm, were subjected to multiple impact fatigue bend tests on a ram-impact machine. The impact frequency was 450-600 per min. Curves have bee obtained for the dependence of (bending) deformation on the number of cycles. [Trans lation of author's abstract.] (AM) SUB CODE. II/ SUBM DATE: none -0 S/081/62/poo/00.1/046/067 B15a/B101 AUTHORS: Khodzhayev, G., Zemlinakiy, E. Yo., Chernov, M. F., Kvasnikova, K. A., Xullmetov, A., Tsapenko, M. N., Usmanova, TITLE: Petroleums from fields in Southern Alamyshik PERIODICAL: Referativnyy zhurnal. Xhimiya, No. 1, 1962, 439-440, abstract" 1M79 (Uzb. khim. zh., no. 1, 1961, 55-64) TEXT: Uzbekian petroleums from the field mentioned have low sulfur con- tent, are resinous, have a paraffin baLe and have a composition approach- ing that of petroleums from paleogenic and neoeenio beds in the same field. The average clear fraction content is 35%, this boils at up to 300 OC; the gas oil fraction (360-40000 is 11-120s light oils (400-4600C) 13% and asphalt (74600C) 33.5%. The oils obtained are of low viscosity and require deparaffination. The solid paraffin yield (on petroleum) from fractions up to 4600C is 5.1%, and in the individual narrow fraotions Card 1/2 S/061/62/000/001/046/067 Petroleums from fields in ... B150101 up to 20-21~6. The paraffin is medium fusible. The total solid paraffin content is 10%. 'LA~stracterls note: Complete translation.] j .I/ Card 2/2 GRIGOWTINg li.G.; VASNIKOVA., L.N. RE-c-ept4-m or lordn"Rg rad~atj--.m by ths t,,-dy. Med. red,, 8 no.6..: 95-91 Je. '63. 1 PA 4) ACCESSION NR: AT042699 6/0000/63/0c)0/000/0333/0339 AUTHOR: Lebedinskiy, A. V.-, Arlashchenko, N. 1.0, Bokhov, B. B.; Grigorlyev, Yu.G.*,, Kvasaikova, L. N.; Farber, Yu. V. TITLE: The importance of the ventibular amlayzer in the selection and training of cosmonauto SOURCE: Konferentaiya po aviatsionnoy i koamicheakoy meditaine, 1963. Aviatsionnaya i kocmichesWa. meditsina (Aviation and space medicine); materialyo ikonfarenteii. Moccow, 1963, 333-339 i. TOPIG TAGS: rotating chamber, tilt table, rotation effect, man, Coriolin accelera-' Ition ABSTRACT: One of the main criteria upon which the system of cossmoneat 3election ;I should be based ia the evaluation of the vestibular analyzere The .,valuation of ,other systems U. e., the visual amalyzer, the retina and cuacles oC the eye, and 'i.interoceptors) which enable a cosmonaut to orient himself in space should be of almost equal importance in the selection program. Experience has shown that a %-arci fACCESSION NR: AT4042699 Aisruption of information concerning the position or the movement of the body can !lead to vegetative disorders. Thin consideration led to studies of the analyzer systems of each of the cosmonauts, the interaction between analyzer systems, and ~the condition of vegetative functions during unusual interaction between analyzers ;1(such as the conditions which ariae during apace flight). The special conditions :ariaing during space flight are limitation of afferentation in a weightless state and the presence of unusual stimulation (vibration, noise, etc.). The ditferen- 11- ~tiated study of the vestibular analyzer should include determination of the thresh-' !hold sensitivity of the semicircular canals to an adequate stimulus, determination .of a reactivity curve during application of angular accelerations of various magni-'.; tudes, determination of adaptive abilities to the action of angular acceleration, -and tests with Coriolis acceleration. The research on threshold sensitivity of the semicircular canals to adequate stimuli was performed for both positive and negative acceleration. Research performed on fifty healthy persona indicated that i ,the scope of variation of threshold sensitivity is not great. It varies from 0.1 to 0-50 per see (20 second action of acceleration) for positive accelerations, 1,and 1.5 to 5P per second (for a stop stimulus of 0-15 seconds) for negative ac- -Icelerations. However, various outside-stimuli and physical conditions of the on- Yironment can greatly affoot the thresholds of vestibular sensitivitye The data ACCESSION NR: AT4042699 obtained indicate that the study of vestibular thresholds will be very helpful in the early detection of hidden disturbances in the activity of the ioinlyzer Which cannot be detected eanily by other means, The most common forms of investigating the functions of the semicircular canals are various rotational tests. Current trends indicate that testing in the near future will be based on methods of mini- mal stimulation and successive rotations of increasing intensity. Evaluation will have to be baGod on methods which lend themselves to quantitative an,,ilynis. Numerous experiments ha7e shown that training consisting of the vyflt--;~,~Uc atimu- lation of the vestibular mechanism with the aid of various ;;,, ~-otatk-a- al testa increases the vestibular stability of the subjects. 74c aitoc, WLth which adaptation takes place varies with each individual. This renulto in tne Problem of developing a teot for the objective evaluation of the degree of ad:)pt,tion. Testa based on registration of nystagmuG are inadequate because they .-a-'L to take into account the vegetative complex. Apparently, the rcul picture o v aptive qualities of the vestibular amalyzer can only be obt&ined from a evalun- tion involving vestibular-vegetative, vestibular-somatic, md sensor, rractions arising in response to repeated stimulations. Laboratory studies are currently being conducted in this area, The use of Coriolis accelerations as a test hae aa its purpose the study of the su=ary reaction whicIL aricea in. labyrinth recept-,i `6~r ACCESSION NR: AT4(>4a699 ore in.response to stimulation obtained during the combined action of angular "d linear accelerations. Laboratory tests with the periodic application of Coriolis accelerations accompanied by slow rotation have indicated that even a short rota- tion leads to a disruption of walking, to a change in skin temperature, and to a change in the pulse frequency. At the same time, a lowering of the threshold of sensitivity to Coriolis accelerations was noted without the threshold toil tigular acceleration being affected. A very interesting interrelationship exists between the vestibular and optical analyzers. Laboratory experimento have confirmed that stimulation of the retina has an inhibiting effect on the vestibular analyzer. Tests have indicated that the result of interaction between the optical and the vestibular atimuli ia determined by the functional coadition of the vestibular analyzer. It became apparent that if the excitability of the vestibular analyzer was increased by radioactivity, inhibition of spontaneously arising nystagmue by optical stimulation of the retina became more distinct# The level of excitability of the vestibular analyzer was achieved by meana of radioactive tars. ASSOCIATION: none L 08266-67 VT0)/Lvr(m) SCT8 DD/GD -ACC-NRT-AT6036483 SOURCE CbDi. R/6 AUTHOR: Arlashchenko, N.I.; 41q;Lqv--4s--L-N?; KvaQrdkuA^-L--X~ ORG: none TITLE: Materials on pharmacological protection of the vestibular analyzer during on Paper presented at the Conferenci--on Problems of Space Medicine held in Moscow from 24 to 27 May 19661 SOURCE: Konferentsiya po problemam kosmicheskoy meditsiny, 1966. Problemy kosmicheskoy-meditsiny. .(Problem of space medicine); materialy konferentaii, Moscow, 1966s 39 TOPIC TAGS: radiation protection, space pharmacology, vestibular analyzert cosmio radiation, biologic effect, nystagaus, radiation tolerance ABSTRACT: The importanceof protecting the vestibular w.alyzer from adverse ispaceflight effects can scarcely be overemphasized, since impaired vestib- :ular function can prevent the successful completion of a spaceflight pro- gram. Development of.methods for quantitative estimation of vestibular :function made it possible to find discrepancies in vestibular reactions after various types of radiatio6 influence on the animal organism. Deviations Irom the norm in vestibulograms weTe expressed in lowered labyrinth ~sensitlvity to an adequate stimulus.- and in decreased vestibular reactivity. j4xperiments..:~yere conducted. to's tudy the nystagmic reaction and the vestib- card 1/2 L 08266-67 Cc 10-1ATZ-0-3 _4 -6 83 ular-autonomic respiratory reaction of healthy and irradiated rabbits after the introduction of a prophylactic mixture of vitamins and amino-acids, and .Aminazine (which prevents the,obcurrence of initial radiation reactions). The preparations used not only increased vestibular tolerance in response to a n adequate stimulus,. but also promoted more rapid nor~malization of Yes- ~ tibular reactions in re8ponse'to ionizing radiation. [W.A,. No. 22; ATD Report 60-'-li6) SUB CODE: 06,,.18 SMAM.l .00MVal I-CO 2/~ GRIGOR'YXV, Yu.G., ANDREUVA, M.P.; KVASIIIKDVA, L.N.; PIKMIOVA, T.M.; CHUFIRIxh, Z.K. Nffective uae of roentgenography. Med.rad. 4 no.6:3-15 Je '59. (ROENTGENOGRAPHY, . (MIRA 12:8) review (RuB)) ZARETSKAYAj, YU.M... kand.biologiclu-eskikh nauk; ANDRMEVA, M,p.;j ~ASNIpCKA _~IN- - -SJI-UMU, S.A. __Y Transplantation of the bone marrow in radiation injuAes; survey of the literature. Ve'st.AM,SSSR 15 no.2:63-72 160. (MIRA 14:6) (RADIATION SICKNESS) (MARHOW-TRANSPLANTATION) AUTHOR KVASUITSKAYA,A.N., MBRTENS,E.B., IIISELYUK,E.C., PA - 2530 ZXOPENKO,A.10 TITLE: Germanium Point Triodes with Low Lifetime of Minority Carriers. (Toohechnyye triody iz germaniya a malym vremenem zhizni naos- novnykh nositeley toka, Russian) PERIODICALs Zhurnal Tekhn. Fiz., 1957s Vol 27, Nr 3, PP 437 - 440 (U.S.S.R.) Reoeived: 4 / 1957 Reviewed, 5 / 1957 ABSTRACT: Investigations for the development of Germanium point triodes which axe suited for fast acting impulse-schemes are described. The duration t of the process (reduction of the collector- current after the end of the impulse of the emitter current from the value which corresponds to the saturation state, to the value corresponding to the final state of the tv riod) can by a mazyfold exceed the duration t of the process of the increase a of the collector current up to the value corresponding up to the state of saturation. The factors whcih influence t were determin- ed in order to find ways for the reduction of t 0 , ihe relations between t and t were investigated, as well as other relations 0 a between factors which influence the frequency characteristics and the actual life of the unreal (minority) current carriers T eff, Life was measured by means of the photoelectric method. Card 1/2 The samples were of n-germanium. with the specific resistance PA - 2530 Germanium Point Triodes with Low Lifetime of Minority Carriers. of 2 - 4 and -L eff of from >00 ;- 15 to~,0,3 :-095 see. The measurements were carried out in an impulse- scheme of the amplifier with exrthed triode-basis in the case of small and in the case of great injection-levels. The process of decrease of the collector-current is in thfte two cases determined by various physical factors. Whereas t in the case of small. 0 injection-levels is chiefly determined by the scattering of the times of flight and in the case of small 1 (distance between emitter and collector) practically does not depend on the qu--nti- tyT, in the germanium, t in the case of great injection-levels f i e is eg entially determined b s r and i (emitter current) and y eff e depends only to a very small extent on 1. Analogous results were obtained in the case of measurements in the impulse amplifier with an earthed emitter of the triode. The characteristic data for this case are shown in a table.(2 Illustrations and I table) ASSOCIATIONt Institute for Physics of the Academy of Science of the USSR,Kiev PRESENTED BY: SUBMITTEDt 17.7-1956 AVAILABLE: Library of Congress Vard 2/2 SURUDI, O.N.; LT Secure the officacY of standards. Standartizatelia 24 no.10:45-46 o l6o. (MIRA 13: 10) 1. Novosibirskiy metallurgicheakiy savoil im.A.N.Kuzlmina. (Standards, Ingine6ring) KVASNTTSKTY, A. v. . Kvajn~_t~k L IXI_A. V. "Experience in the transplantation of egg ce'ls fron one an, al to another", Sov. zootekhniya, 1949, No. 1, p. 77-86. S 0: U-4630, 16 Sept. 53, (Letopis 'Zhurnal Inykh Statey, No. 23, 1949). KVASNITSKIY, A.V. I MANIKOVSKAYA, M.N. 25137 KVASITITSKIY, A-V. 1 MANIKOVSKAYA, M.N. EksperimentalInye Dannye ?o Peresadke Oplodotvorennykh Yayteekletok Na KrolikakIVestestvoznanie V Shkole, lglig, No.4, S. 50-52 So: Letopial No. ' -1 1949 KVASNITISKIY,, AN. KVASNITSKIY, A. V. I VUKIKOVS"-YA, M. N. 36368 0 "Voge-tativnoy" Cxibridizatoii v Zhi-votouvodstve. Priroda, 19.49,, No. 11, S. 39-45 SOz Letopis' Zhurmll rqkh Stateyl, No. 49.. 1949 KVASNITS,XIY, A. V. New methods In the physiology of animal reproduction; transplantation of avocytes. Moskva., Gos. izd-vo sellkhoz. lit-r7, 1950. 102 p. (51-16170) QP251-K94 Y.-IASNITSKII, A.T. Problems in the physiology of digestion in swineMookya, Goo. izd-vo oilkhoz lit-r7 1951- 2VP- p . '. , .4 rMpmf.; We cd a UWM figlula in UN pig. D. H. smi'", KVASNIT-7hll, A. V. N/5 727 Pri,meneniye ucheniya I. P. Pavlova v zhivotnovocistve (Application Of K92 I. P. Pavlov's Teack-ing In Stockbreeding, By) A. V. Kvasnitskly (1) V. A. Korkyukhova. Kiyev, Akademkniga Ukrainsicay SSR, 1954. 181 D. illus., ports. BibliograDhical footnotes. At head of title: Institut Fiziologii. KVASNITSIKIY, O.V. - New method for making a fistula of the parotid gland in farm animals. Fiziol.zhur. (Ukr.) 1 no-1-120-123 Ja-F 155. (MMA 9:9) 1. Institut fiziologii iment akademika J-03090molltsya Akademii nauk URSR. (PAROTID GLANDS-SURGERY) (FISTULA) KVASNMK IY, A. V. Dr. OThe Generative Function of the Ovaries and the Fertility of Farm Animals.." a paper given at the 3rd International Conference on Animal Reproduction., Cambridge,, 25-30 June 1956 0 L' 'N'P'~ IJSSR CAITI':",~OaY Pam Animals. Swine ABS. JOUR. RzBiol., No- 13, 1958, No. 59.577 AUTHOR Kvasnitslciy,.A. V. TITL.L,3 Equipment and Technique in the Obtaining of Semen of Boars ORIG. PUB. : Vestn. s.-kh. nauki, 1957, 110 9, 98-104 A'.BD'T.qAf%'#T: A new artificial vagina for swine,equipped with a thermometer and themoregulator, con- nected with a mano-,neter, was devised by the author. CA,ID: 1/1 - 61 KVASNITSIKIY, O.V. -1-11-1- .,.- -.- ....... Study of the higher nervous activity in farm animals in the Ukraine [with summary in Inglish]. Fiziol.zhur.(Ukr.] 3 no.5: 108-114 S-0 157- (MIRA llil) 1. Inatitut fiziologii im. O.O.Bogomoiltsa Akademii nauk URSR, laboratoriya fiziologii sillskogospodatalkikh tvarin. (VETERINARY PHYSIOLOGY) ( WVOUS SYSTEM) KVASNITSKIY, U.V- LKvasnitalkyi, U.V.], altademik In the laborator7 of Animal rhysiology. -NaIIVa i zhFttia 7 no.6:25-27 Ja '57. (MRA 12: 10) 1.AW USSR i Ukrainskaya almdemiya sallskokhozyayetvannykh nauk, zaveduyushchi3r laboratoriye7 fixiologii sallakokhozy-aystvannykh 2hivotnykh, Poltava. (Poltava-FtWsiological laboratorias) (Stock and stockbreeding) 11'ASNITSKIY, O.V. [KVASNIrS1KYI, O.V.1, KOIrfMOVA, V.O. Instrument for quantitative estinntion nnd kymopTa-)hic recording of onlivary dischnrge in animls. [with summnry in English]. Fiziolezhur. (Ukrj 4 n0-3:428-431 Mv-Je '58 (MIRA 11:7) 1. Poltnvs'kA sillakogospodAralka doolidnn stnntsiya, 1nbnrRtorLvn fi%iologii aillskogoanodarslUkh tvarin. (SALIVA) (PHYSIOLOGICAL APPARATUS) IVASNITSKIY, A.V., KONYUKHOVA, V.A. ',O~~PPVMI~;-~or a quantitative count and kynogrnphic registrPtion of snlivRry secretion in animals. Fiziol,zhur. ~4 no.6:590-592 Je 158 (MMA 11:7) 1e Laborntoriya fiziologii sel'skokhozyPystvenny1di zhivotnykh Gosudar- stvennoy sellskolhozyny8tvennoy opytnoy stantaii, Fltava. (SALIVARY GLAIMS, physiology. secretion, appar. for quantitative & kymogrRphic regist- ration in animals (Rus)) KVASNITSKIY. A.V.. KONYUKROVA. V.A. ~-_ Apparatus for a quantitstive count and kymographic registrntion of salivary secretion in animals* Fisiol.sbur. 44 no.6:59o-592 Je 158 (KIRA 11:7) le Laboratoriya fiziologil sel0eko1-hozyPystvennykh zhivotnykh Gosudaa- stvennoy sell skokhozyrqatvennoy opytnoy stAntaii, Pltava. (SALIVARY GLAHM, physiology, secretion. appar. for qunntitRtive & kymogrpDhic regist- ration in animals (Rua)) KVASNITSKIY, A.. skademik Use artificial insemination also in swine brooding. Mmka pernd.op.v sellkhox. 9 no.11;46-48 N 159. (MM 13:3) 1. AN USSR. (Swine brooding) (Artificial insemination) KVASNITSKIY, A. V. "on some causes of effbryonic death _Jn farm aninials. " report submitted to 5th Intl Cong, Animal Reproduction & Artificial Insemi- nation, Trent, Italy, 6-13 Sep 64. KVASNITSKIY, A.V. [Kvasnyts1kyi, O.V.) Physiological analysis of embryonic mortality in farm aninalBe Fiziol.zhur. (Ukr.1 11 no.4t427-431 JI-Ag 165. (MIRA 18::L0) 1. Poltavskiy nauohno-issledovataltakiy institut evinovodstva. L o853M7 EW(m' D ACC NR- AP6034-765j 41~ _j III iW URCI-0)4-67166/II06/Olol~ixi66~ijoO66 AUTHOR: Kazakov, N. F. (Nikolayev); Kvasnitskiyj V. F.; Safonov, A. I.; Yermolayev" G. V. ORG; none TITLE: Vacuum-diffusion bonding of the surfaces of E1602 nickel-base heat-resistant alloy SOURCE: Elektronnaya obrabotka materialov, no. 1, 1966, 62-66 TOPIC TAGS: nickel base alloy, high temperature alloy, diffusion weldings alloy dif fusion welding, alloy vacuum welding, vacuum welding technology/E1602 alloy ABSTRACT: Experiments have been made to determine the optimum conditions for vacuum diffusion bonding of the surfaces of E1602 nickel-base heat-resistant alloy. The bonding was done at 1373, 1423, 1448 and 1473K under a specific pressure of 1.0, 1.5 2 0 2 5 3.0 and 3.5 kg/mm2. The machined specimens were annealed in a vacuum of io_~ t1or:. 4. 3- 10 2 n/m2) at the bonding temperature for 3 min, pressed and held together for 6 min under a given pressure and then air cooled. The best results were obtained at bonding temperatures of 1423-1448K under a specific pressure of 2.5-3.0 kg/mmz. a holding time of 6 min, and a vacuum of not legs than 10" tor. The better the faying surface finish and the shorter the time between their machining and bonding, the higher was the bond strength. The bonds made under optimum conditioi Card L o853"7 AP6034765 had a tensile strength of 72.0-76.2 kg/mm2 and an elongation2of 37.3-45.6% at room' temperature; the corresponding figures at 1073K were 35 kg/mm and 27Z. All these indices corresponded or were close to those for the base metal. Diffusion bonding with intermediate nonmelting nickel. inserts 9(.1 mm thick was done at 1423K with a holding time of 6 min. The tensile strengt 16f these bonds was 80% of the strength of the base metal at room temperature and 100% at 1073K. Annealing for 8 hr at the normal operating temperature of E1602 alloy (800C) did not affect the tensile strength and ductility of the joints. But the stress-rupture strength was appreciably lower than 5hat of the joints without inserts. The mechanical properties of the joints with nick Thin melting ,%%inserts can be increased by decreasing the insert thickness. foi d elect rolytirally or vacuum-evaporated intermediate films can be used to ensure satisff~tory,&ntact in low-pressure (about 1.0 kg/mm2) diffusion bonding of thin-sheet structures* OriS6 art. has: 6 figures. SUB CODE: 13 SUBM DATE: none/ ORIG IREF: 003/ OTH REF* 001/ ATD PRESS: 5103 Card 2111 KYASKTSKIY, Ye.A.,- inzh. Jointing the bigh-tensile wire. Bet.i zhel.-bet. no.6:276-277 Je l6o. I (XIBA 13:7) (Wire) GAYDAROV, Yuriy Vladimirovich, kand. tekhn. nauk;-KVASNITSKIYL_Yevgeniv Alekseyevichp nauchn. sotr.) inzh.; GODYVA, A.K.) inzh.---T- re [Bridge with restressed. steel girders joined with a reinforced- concrete slej Most so stallrgmi predvaritellno napriazhennVA bal- kamiy ob"edinenrormi s zhelezobetormoi plitoi; opyt Kemerovskogo sovnarkhoza. Moskva, Gos. izd-vo lit-ry po stroit., arkhit. i stroit. materialam, 1961. 34 P. (MIRA 14:11) 1. Akaderiya stroitel'stva i arkhitektury SSSR. Institut organizataii) mekhanizatsii i tekhnicheBkoy pomoshchi stroitel'stvu. Byuro tekhni- cheskoy infomatsii. 2. Rukovoditell laboratorii --*nzhenerrykh konstruk- tsiy Zapadno-Sibirskogo filiala Akademii stroitellstva i arkhitektury SSSR. 3. Laboratoriya inzhenernykh konstruktsiy Zapadno-Sibirskogo filiala Akademii stroitel'st i arkhitektury SSSR.(for Kvasr4tskiy). TNaovlokuznets-Bridge construction) GAYDAROV, Yu,V,, kandetekhn.nauk,- KVASNITSKIY, Ye.A.., inzb~fi KUZIVTETSOV ) A, V, ~ inzh. Contr'ol-Umg stresses during the creation of prestressing in steel elements. Prcm. stroi. 39 no.,7,.,40-45 161. (~MU 14:7) StaUnskoye otdeleniye Zapadno-Sibirskogo filia.1a Akademii stroitelletva i arkhitektury (for Gaydarov, Kvasnitskiy)o 2. Trest Mostostroy-:2 (for Kuznetsov). (Stalinsk-~Prestressed concrete,) GAYDAROV, Yu.V., doktor tekhn.nauk; IOIASJflIT4KIY Ye.A inzh. Using prestressed steel crane girders. Prom. stroi. 40 uo;,12:19-23 162, (MIRA 15:12) (Steel--Structural) (Metallurgical plants-Equipment and supplies) F M^, RUv, N . ~l . , I 7VA 5 ON', _.A. - 'A . Physicists I'Mysics. Textbook for Tredical students." Revievied by N. T. Fedorov, A. A. Kvasov. Usp. fiz. nauk 46 n6. 2, 1952. .0, I~Ionthl List of Russian Accessions, Library of Conf*,ress, t-,ugu-st1952, TNCL. ~116 -Y- - -- -