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V -Coll. 1 1951, jov -LA.T. Teo- 1355, ~~d Iwo 610 Nos Se 13e 0% ego trLe E!~~ tas A313, OIL jo~ ~.Col ov e7C ~,~OtT e 01 teas Z61, , .,~c t Sis 7~.Cj T,00, ~%e A-tv"ll 0 e 0 GOO Oll e tle VOTC Eor 0 0() at e 03-1%e sold ):e~L co,. -t 0.199 e Vae Se 0 eovc OD -go-S e vo Ves -teO6 Tee's te3j~s -,,Oe 1935' -resc Olt CN A:~' 0:~-gV e. tlol% Or ,.kA to DAL,,, CCOT A 04 T~ /~/ I Av 7 KVARATSKE[BLIYA, N.T. Degree of cultrfErf5ft-abserved in subtropical Podsolic soils and Red earth Lvith summary in IngliahJ. Pochvovedenie no.9:111-116 t 157. (MIRA 10:12) 1. Institut pochvovedeniya, agrokhtmit i meliorataii AF Gruzinakoy SSR. (Ge6rgia-Podsol) (Georgia-Soils, Red) KVARATSKaLIA, N. T. Physical characteristics of meadow-bog soils of the Kalkhida Lowland [with summary in Inglish]. Foz,.hvodedenia no."e:52-58 F 159. (MIRA 12:3) lolnetitut pochvevedeniya, agro"imii i meliorataii, g. Tbilisi. (Colchis--Soile) 11 C t ti 3. . 19 (24 KVARATSKRELIAt N.T-.; GLONTI, G.G. Migration of strontium-90 in soils in Georgia. Pochvovedenie no.M64-71 0 165. (MIRA 18t11) 1. Institut pochvovedeniya, agrokhimii i nelioratsii Gruzinskoy SSR. HOD!j!A'~HVIL I, Al~ C IV K of the pro-ju:,,ts .311 'Yl,~-.o;lir4e-. Tn"Ay C FI LIZ. 'U-5~- of ch-lcrinal-~3 'r:~,-.,--ires for tli~- rc-t.nlng KVARATSKHELIY.4,, R.K. .... Electrooptheois of hydioxylamine';bromide. Soob. AN Gruz. SSR 30 no-4:437-440 Ap 163. (MIRA 17:9) 1; Institut prikladnoy khimii i elaktrokhimii AN GruzqSR,- Tbilisi. Predstavleno akademikom R.I. Agladze. AGlADZE, R.I.; KVARATSKELM,, R.K. Faectrosynthevis of hydroxylamine mLlfate in 20~.,aulfmric acid. Xhimeprome nool:37-,40 A 162. (KMA 15:1) (Hydroxylamine) S/064/63/000/001/004/007 B10I/BI86 ..Effect of1the cathodematerial in 20 % .,by the metal. The polarization curves of the Pb and Sn cathodes height- depen(Led on the HNO H'SO showed.stages.whose concentration and 2 4 3 Which were- especially pronounced at 60 gll of'E'N0310 The cathode starts to Aissoltii'ln_ the- inf lexi-oh: f~%nge._ -whereas In -the. rante Tollowing that,- -the.metal:,is-protected cathodically and:the'potential corresponds to HNO reduction. In, the: HNO H SO ~H 0 system, dompositions involving the 2 ~'formation_ of NH OH were.. studied., ~Results Hydroxylamine f orms at maximum 2 ntrations of HNO 13-2)2*or 11*6 H so 0.08 or 31.9 %,,and a. conce 3 2 4; f 86-7 or 56-5 B d 77 ~45 H SO water content o etween 10 an 2 4' HN03 NH OH a so 11 -reduced-into I at.a very low ITNO concentration. The formation Z at 98 6 % H of hydroxylamine is possible-also-In the system HHO R 0 0 2 2 HIM ,and also at 56 0 and 13 5 % HNO On the ba6is of and .4 -5 % H 3 Y -the experimental data, a large laboratory electrolyzer allowing the use of 100 - 200 a (IPig- 7) vias *built. A vini-plast cylinder ~(1) has rinfr- shaped viniplast supports (2) containing Hg (3) welded to it. A tinnLd Card _2/3 3/064 63/00/6o1/004/007 Y _~' ;Effect of the cathodematerial BIa6 steel rod (4) is used -.for^ current sup9ly. Angle brackets (5) dipping in' the mercury are welded to. -4 and5 are. ' insulated with viniplast. The anode-(7) is fixed within the. diaphxagm (6). For cooling, the catholyto CUUM is drawn-into the vessel 8 by ava -(a) and is thence-conducUd back into the:.electtolyzei via coil (9) t~hrough which flowing.water circulatoe,. There~ figures and 1 tabl -are 7 Fig- 7-~ :Large'lab electrolyzer for the duotion of hydroxyle4fne, ulfate. pro = 4 -Fig. Z : MC 7 Card 313 . . . . . . . ..... J. 7t:. KVARATSKHELIYA. R.K. ., ~ ~ I- ., -f-_ The role of sulfuric acid in the electrochemical reduction of nitric acid and hydroxylamine. Soob. AN GruzSSR 37 no.2:351-358 F 165. (MIRA 28:3) 1. Institut prikladnoy khimii i elektrokhimii AN GruzSSR. Sub- mitted May 5, 1964. CZECHOSLOVAKIA / Chemical Technology. Chemical Pro- H-13 ducts and Their Application--Ceramics. Glass. 'A-inding Eatevials. Concrete Abs Jour: Ref Zhur-Xhimiyai No 3~ 1959, 9061 Author Kvarda F.) Mach, 0:6 Inst Not given Title A Review of Welding Glass Properties, Presented in Tables and Diagrams Orig Pub: Sklar a keramik, 1958, 8t No 6, 165-169 Abstract; The chemical composition is given, as well as dilatometric, dielectric, mechanical, and other properties of a large number of glass of Czecho- slovakian and foreign manufacture used for weld- in vacuum technique. The relationships of vis- Card 1/2 CZECHOSLOVAKIA / Chemical Technology. Chemical Pro- H-13 ducts and Their Application--Ceramics. Glass. Binding Materials. Concrete Abs Jour: Ref Zhur-Khimiya, No 3, 1959, 9061 cosity to the tangential angle of dielectrical losses to temperature is graphically represented. The principles and methods for measuring the given indices are presented in detail. --L. Sedov Card 2/2 145 CZEMIMMVAKU./Ch-cmicall Technology. C'-cmtua Products end Their Application. Caraftes. Glass. Binding "thiCcrials. Concrete. Abs Jour: Ref Zhur-nim., No 10, 1959, 35718- 1 'U b Au- or Kvarda, F. and Res, M. Inst Title Rapid and Prc.,ciso lic)`Chods for the Detormination of tho Physical Properties of Glass. Or-ig Pub: Sklar a Keramik, 8. No 8, 240-242 (1958) (in Czech) Abstract: The authors describe a number of modern methods for determining the physical properties of glasses (the accelerated and simple method for the doter- mination of the dilatometric characteristics of glass, the so-called 2-wire method, the determina- Card 1/2 KVARDA, F.; ONDRACSK, V1. Definition of the principal points of glass. p. 242. SYLAR A KS-,-WLTK. (14inisterstvo lehkeho prumyslu) Praha, Uzechoslovakia, Vol. 9, no. 8, Aug. 1959. Monthly List of East European Accessions (EEAI) LC, Vol. 9, no. 1, Jan. 1960. Uncl. XvOd 3 F " -i 4 etr miutw,vt jbj Amuitic (in it 6"-parfmi- Art - , , - - h Ijjjjljr tm&w,.js -~j - La M-"*4-r . an r4m ran t~el" ".Ul, VAA v GUBIN, F.F., dokt.or tekhn. n-lik; KUPEINAN~ V.L.p kand. tekh.n. naux: Bv-17AKOV 2 A.A. I - retsenzent;-, XVARDAKOV - -A F.., dots., retsenzent; ORLOV,V.A.,ka~-d.--te-~'.~i-;WAbtg-. nau, [Econouil.cs of water management and hydraulic construction] Ek,..,n,)mi.ka vodn-:)g,,.:) khoziaAs-tva i gidrotekhnicheskogo stroltellstva. Mosb-va,, Stroiizdat, 2)65. 302 p. (MIRA 18:8) Zame-s-titell Tekhnicheskogo Soveta Gosudarstvennogo pro: -zv,).-Istvenn(.,gk) komiteta po energetike i elektrifika.- tsi-51 SSSR (for Bel-yakov). 2. Zaveduyushchily kafedroy g1drav.- likt 4 gidroscoruzheniy NovosJbirskogo inzhenerno- stroitellm,gr~ Instituta im. V.V.Kiqbysheva (for Kvarda:Kov). SOV[112-59-2-Z993 Translation from: Referativnyy zhurnal. Elektrotekhnika, 1959, Nr 2, p 106 (USSR) AUTHOR- Kvartal'nov, B. V. TITLE: Analysis and Calculation of Transients in an Induction -Motor Drive With an Impact Load and Allowance for Elastic Deformation (Analiz i raschet perekhodnykh protsessov v elektroprivode 9 asinkhronnymi dvigatelyami pri udarnoy nagruzke s uchetom uprugikh deformatsiy) PERIODICAL', Nauchno-tekhn. inform. byul. Leningr. politekhn. in-ta, 1957, Nr 11, pp, 104-111 ABSTRACT: Electromechanical transients are analyzed that occur when a load is suddenly thrown on in a driving system that includes a mass and elastic members whose deformation obeys Hooke's law. This case is practically conceivable in such machines as dredges, some types of cranes, and hoisting mechanisms of hydraulic gates; the problem is adapted to the construction of the latter. A differential equation that describes the transients can hardly be Card 1/2 SOV/1 12-59-2-2993 Analysis and Calculation of Transients in an Induction-Motor Drive With an . solved analytically. Hence, a grapho -analytical method is suggested. The induction-motor mechanical -characteristic curve is replaced by three segments of a straight line; an equation is set up and solved for each segment. To verify the method suggested, two experimental outfits were assembled in a laboratory of the Leningrad Polytechnic Institute which simulated the above electro- mechanical system. The records of motor rpm variations presented in the article show good agreement with the values calculated by the above method. A.I.F. Card 2/2 AUTHOR: Kvartallnov, B.V., Assistant SOV/144-58-8-15/18 TITLE: Influence of the Mechanical Characteristics of an Asynchronous Motor on the Dynamic Forces During Wedging of mechanisms of Hydraulic Structures (Vliyaniye mekhanicheskoy kharakteristiki asinkhronnogo dvigatelya na dinamicheskoye usileniye pri zaklinivanii mekhanizmov gidrosooruzheniy) PERIODICAL: Izvestiya Vysshikh Uchebnykh Zavedeniy, Elektro- mekhanika, 1958, Nr 8, pp 119-127 (USSR) ABSTRACT: In the practical operation of hydraulic structures, the moving orgaxi, which is linked with the drive mechanism by means of an elastic element, may become suddenly wedged, as a result of falling into the slots of foreign bodies, icing, etc. If the driving motor is not immediately dis- connected for any reason, its further running will bring about a deformation of the elastic coupling element. After reaching a critical torque the speed of the (crane- type) asynchronous motor will drop to zero and this will Card 1/6 correspond to a maximum value of the linear deformation of the elastic coupling element. If at zero r.p.m. Influence of the Mechanical Character' SOV/144-58-8-15/18 istic of an Asynchronous Motor on the Dynamic Forces During Wedging of Mechanisms of Hydraulic Structures the moment of the forces of the elastic deformation is higher than the sum of the moments of the motor and the friction, the motor will start moving in the opposite direction. The system will be in a state of oscillation up to the establishment of full equilibrium of the torques. In spite of the fact that in such mechanisms special damping devices are used, high alternating loads will occur in the traction organ. The resulting dynamic forces will be transmitted to the su.,Dporting beams and other parts of the structure. Designers of the mechanical part of the system and of the electric drives are interested to know the influence of the mechanical characteristic of the motor and the parameters of the drive on the magnitude of the dynamic for6es and practical measures for limiting these effectively. From 1951 onwards, a number of engineers of MPK and IPK, "Gid-rostal'proyekt", A.Ya. Zykcv (LETI) and others have been working on this problem. The proposed methods of calculation of the Card2/6 kynamic forces were not confirmed by practical experience SOV144-58-8-15/18 Influence of the Mechanical Characteristic of an Asynchronous Motor on the Dynamic Forces During Wedging of Mechanisms of Hydraulic; Stru--tuxes and, with the exception of A. Ya.Zykov (Ref 175), they did not take into consideration the influence of the parameters of the drive and the magnitude of the dynamic forces. Solution of this problem is complicated due to the non-linear nature of the torque of the motor and the static moment which has a discontinuity at zero r.p.m. For this reason, the author of this paper proposes to sub-divide the range approximately into a number of sections, in each of which the static moment and the moment of the motor can be assumed as being linear (Figure "I., p 120). The transient electro-magnetic processes 6-in the -zircuits of the asynchronous motor are not taken into consideration and therefore the here proposed method is recommended only for cases in which the drive slows down a little during the process of wedging (a drive with a high moment of gyration and a .1- Ir.w rigidity of the elastic element). In deriving the Card3/6 differential equal.-lions it is assumed that the deformation SOV/144-58-8-15/18 Influence of the Mechanical Characteristic of an Asynchronous Motor on the Dynamic For--es Daring Wedging of Mechanisms of Hydraulic Structures of the elastic element is ~dnear and complies with the Hook law. The deformations of the shafts and the moment of inertia of the pulling organ are disregarded. Figure 2 shows a ske tah of the simplified kinematic scheme of the drive during the process of wedging. The analy- tically derived relations have been verified on a test rig and the obtained experimental results axe compared with oalculated values in a graph, Figure 4, p 125. The here p_-sposed method permits calculating the dynamic foz~ces duiing the process of wedging and also selecting the parameters of the drive on the basis of a pre- determined maximum force. Substitution of the character- istics of -'U-he motor by three sections of straight lines pxovides a relatIvely high accuracy of calculation of the dynamic forces; substitution of the characteristics by eight sections of straight lines instead of three results in a difference of only 3%. For limiting dynamic forces', the author ~,ecomiiiends changing the shape of the Card4/6 chara-_,'.-ez~istic of the motor whereby the critical torque SOV/144-58-8-15/18 Influence of the Ylechani_-al Characteristic of an Asynchronous Motor On the Dynamic Forces During Wedging of Mechanisms of Hydraulic Structures should be redu-.ed to (1.7 - 1.9)xMrated ana at zero r.p.n. the -4orqua should equal the torqueof the "na",-u.-al c-haract-eristicl cr it shouid exceed it by I 10 V-ors the In motors with short-circuited ro4 7 voltage fed to the stator should be reduced as much as possible. The author recoamends that the inertia moments of the rctating parts should be made as low as possible ar-d a motor should be used of a rating low enough so es mt 'In IFNe ar,7 p c we r ~? e s e r~;-e s. In the paper, the au-c7fioz aia not eonsli der synchronous operation nor did he cono-ider the -i-ar-Jant of feeding the motors through a pr-a-magnetised reaator for the purpose of Teducing the -r4tical '.1here are '/ figures, 1 table and Soviet rafererce%~. Card5/6 SOV/144-58-8-15/1.8 Influence of the Mechanical Characteristic of an Asynchronous Motor 'j on the Dynamic Forces During Wedging of Mechanisms of Hydraulic Structures ASSOCIATION: Kafedra elektrifikatsid promyshlermykh predpriyatiy Laningradskogo politekhnicheskogo instituta (Chair for Electrification of Industrial Undertakings of Leningrad Folytechnical Institute) SUBMITTED: February 22, 1958 Card 6/6 S/1,94/61/000/009/023/053 D209/D302 AUTHOR: --Kvartallnov,.B.V. TITLE-, Test of an Inductive-capacitive measuring element of a frequency element PERIODICAL: Referativnyy zhurnal. Avtomatika i radioelektronika, no. 9, 1961, 36, abstract 9 V296 (Nwichno-tekhn. inform. byul. Leningr. politekhn. in-t, 1960, no. Bt 73-78) TEXT: A sensitive frequency measuring element (ME) in the form of a quadripole with resonance properties for frequency deter- mination is analyzed. The test results of the inductive-capaci,:ive NE are supplied. The scheme consists of two resonance circuits. Voltages across inductive resistors in these circuits are rectified by bridge rectifers. On adding the rectified voltages ' an output voltage equal to zero for a given frequency can be obtained. With the deviation of input frequency from the nominal value, a signal Card 1/2 S/19 61/000/009/023/053 Test of an inductive-capacitive ... D209X302 is obtained at the output of the corresponding sign and proportion- al to the frequency change. The following constructional and com- ponent paraneters of HE details are provided: Transformer, chokes with controlled gap, capacities and resistances, valves, as well as graphs of the experimental test results. The developed ME has a linear characteristic within the limits of � 3 cycles with a slope of 22 V/cycle. On decreasing the regulated frequency band to � 0.5 0 1 cycle a slope of 60 1 80 V/cycle could be obtained. Dead band: 6.04 z 0.06 cycles. 7 fligures. 3 references. Z-Abstracter's note: Compl~te translation-7 Card 2/2 KVARTALINOV, Boris Vasillyevich; DRANNIKOV, V.G... red. (Automation of machinery mamufacturing processes; text- book for the course "Economics and organization of the machinery industry."] Avtomatizatsita mashinostroitell- nago proizvodstva; uchebnoe posobie po spetsialluosti "Ekonomika i organizatsila mashinostroitellnoi pro- r,yshlennosti.11 Leningrad,, Leningr., 1962. 213 p. (MIRA 17%3) FETISOVP V.V. (Leningrad); KVARTAWNQ '?nIngrad); IVANOV, Yu.Ya. p- - V B; L (Leningrad); PINCIM- -VA.- fi~-nl Ygr~ad, TIKHOlaROV, A.N. (Leningrad) Generator-motor inverse d.c. to a.c. converter. Izv. AN SSSR. Otd. tekh. nauk. Energ. i aytom. no.4:32-39 J1-Ag 162. OGRA 15t81, (Electric current converters) KVARTAL'140~2 B.V. Transient processes In the electric drive of a drilling rig when the drilling tool is being pinched and the drilling column is being stuck. Izv.vys.ucheb.zav.; neft' i gaz 6 no.9%19-24 163. (MIRA 17:2) 1. Leningradakiy politekhnicheskiy institut im. M.I.Kalinina. KVARTALINOV, B.V., inzh.; PINCHUK, VA, inzh.; TIKHOWROV, A.N., inzh. Automatic excitation.control system of a synchronous machine operating in motor and generator modes. Izv. vya. ucheb.zav.; energ. 7 no. 4tl-6 Ap, 164. (HIRA l'Ft5) 1. Leningradakiy politekhnicheskiy inatitut imeni M.I.Kalinina. Predstavlena kafedroy elektroprivoda i avtomatizatsii promyshlen- r-ykh ustanovok. KVAR7AL'NOVP B.V.; SENT.NOV, I.M.; SIDEPNIKOV, B.V. Calculation ol' trunalonto in tho .9aturable roantprb of a ropputed asynchronous electric Trudy LFI 24089-67 164. (MRA 17s11) rec'. _f'sovk, "-V . 4,.ekbn. nalk, VT drAves witb resilieDt [Lvami,--s off automated electr3c to,j,,atjzj-rovarmykh ,Sl DimmiYa av rae.,-haxdCal co-aplArz lllak,17,~Ly--lcheskind sviaziard- pn avtomll- -S7 -). ' .L (VIqA 18-8) M.SlMa'. Energi-lap 19615. 1 no. 139) - -b uchasti7e; PfjCp~"'O' Ap V-1 KVARTAl,'TiOV,-- Boris VsL-,,' 2-h - SAVUill;l Yu. A. in #y ILVARTALOV# D. .(Moskva). ,More about keeping records of tenant's paMnts. BVkhg.uehet 16 no,2:43-47 7 157. (Km 10:2) 1. Starahty konsulltant otdola notodologii ucheta TSentrallnoy bukhgalterii Ministerstva putey sloobahcheniya. (Rent) (Municipal services) KVARTAIDVO Do (Moskva). Cel-pim~'g-records of repayments of loans by builders of privatd dwellings. Bukbg. uchet 15 no.2:38-41 7 .158. (MIRA 1133) (DwelljW-1pinance) KV.AFr,F,L1,107,, B.V. Transient processes in d.c. Oxives taking into accownt. resilient deformtions in mechanical links. Trudy TLF1 240:18-25 164. (MIRA 17:11) KTAP2!1!=~D A a Automatizing pug mills. Ogneupory 18 no.3:128-131 '53. (KM lu 10) (Mixing machinery) (Autamtic control) KVARTEM, A.$.,, inzh. cutting tools for working reihfcwoement steel. Mskh. stroi. 19 no.8:28-29 Ag 062. (MIRA 16:7) (Gonorata reinfcwcement) (MaOlAne toola) IURTINKQ,~"., inzh.;KALISTOY, I.A., inth.,,SOKOLOV. A.M., inzh.;GIIUVAYBV, .l.---PS.--l Tu.P., inzh. The S-573 unit for the pneumtic-tube transportation of concrete mixes, Stroi. i dor. washinostr. 4 no.11:16-17 N 159 (MIRA 13:3) (fteumatic-tube transportation) (Concrete) S113,r16 1/1000/00 1/0 17AY18 AOO6/AOO1 AUTHORS: Kyartin. I.I., Kalashnikov, F.I., Engineers TITLE: On Welding in Water Vapor Atmosphere PERIODICAL: Svaroohnoye proizvocletvo, 1961, No. 1, p, 48 TEXTt Welding of 1 - 2 mm thick sheet steel (St-3) in water vapor was investigated at the Odessa Plant of Food-Stuffs Machinebuilding with the A-547r semi-automatic machine, using Sv_08 wire. To a 1.5 mm thick netted pipe, a 2 mm thick steel cone was welded with 120 - 150 amps current, 20 - 25 v are voltage. Some deficiencies of the process such as considerable heating of the burner and butting of the wire against the nozzle edge when leaving the tip were eliminated by modernizing the burner design. The method of supplying dry vapor to the weld- ing zone was also improved. In the vapor generator designed by the Plant imeni 15-letiye IXSMU the electric interrupter was replaced by a mioro-interrupter, a settling tank for the condensate was devised and a vapor sUperheater was installed. The mechanical 2properties of the weld joints were 42 kg/=d ultimate strength; 6.9 - 7 kgm/cm toughness and a bending angle of 160 - 1800. The problem is Bet Card 1/2 1 BRUSILOVSKIY, D.A.; BULGAKOV.. L.H.; GENIS,, -B.M - KVARTIN, L.M.; KR"DVSKIY,, U.S.; 141XMLOV,, D.I.; NAT;C V.n.; POFOVr M.P.; SIGODZIVSKIYy A.A.; SKOHOROSHKIN, A.F.; C-HASOVNIKOV, G.V.; DEWISHER, A.V., kand. ekon. nauk.. red.; DULKINp N.A., spets, red.; BONDAROVSKAYA, G.V., red.; TORSHINA, Ye.A.., tekhn. red. [Dver'all automation and rodernization of e u .ipmant and production processes at the First State Bearing Plantj Nompleksmia avtoma- tizatsiin i modernizataiia oborudovaniia ~ protsessov proizvodstva na Fervom gosWarstvemoz podshipnikovo*-"zavode. Hosk-vat TSentr. biuro tekbn. inforinatsU. 1959. 84 p. (14IRA 13: 1) 1 Russia-(1917- R.S.F.S.R.) Floskavrki7 gorodskoy ekonomicheskiy aaZlotrativ'rWy rayon. Sovet narodnogo khozVastva. (Moscow-Bearing industry) (Automation) KVART 174 V Ph 1, Combat traditions are still alivre. Po2h.delo 7 no.9219 S 061. (KM 34 s 11) 1. I-Imeballnik karaula 17-y pozhamoy obaetip laningrad. (Fireman) IVARTOVKINA, L.K. Organization of nutrition at an athletic training camp Cwith summary in English]. Vop.pit. 17 no.3-.13-16 W-Je 158. (MIRA 11:6) 1. Iz kafedry gigiyany zav. - prof , L-G.Zhitomirskiy) Rostovskogo meclitainakogo instituta. (ATHMICS, nutrition in train. camp (Rua)) (IMMITION, in athletic train cam (Rua)) POSLPMOVICH, M. , MIART3EV, M. Collective Farms Blossoming land. Mol. kolkh. no. 2p 1952. VIopjh1j List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congrt%rys, August 1952. Unclassified. 9 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 9 0 0 0 * 0 * 0 0 0 a 0 -,' 0) - 11" 0 0 0 0 6 000 0000*60060000*4000 1 , 1 -4 M1 M 1; 05 0 W 1i tj ti id u 11 11 9 Afv~sp W. 'a Jima" t?"4041to A -It - f- U-i-A `7!~p 0 jWfi RTS KH A \f /1 1 0 . 101"Itiptift at tb* dm )aj of ps-MW pwic'elecWC 0 cells. 1. Ky"hava and P. Titragrev. 7evi. mA. . 00 posligh); 1. leth. PAll. U. S., 0 04, (U. S. S, U.) 4. Im-lW01934)(in RuWau).--Tiniv tag -00 4 due to The time of psmst of dw pWti%-e 1,,u% Wiercu 00 a clectrutim A theory Is drwk4wd to cxNaln lbe k-twi 0 00 time Wo(Cs thanof Kcclh. Argon -Aned "11% 4%4,uW hsvr a lower time lag than Ife- or No-filted crU,. F. It. K. 016 *60 so 13 0 coo 0 .3 : A S 0S L A MCTALLUWGICAL UNNATURt CLASSWCAYMN 50 $Naomi .4. C.i m a 1,CV1, on Wit j, W lt n 11 s, 000006694900600469404 0 a 0 a & 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Olga* too Ito* tit 0 NIAI)l a" 's' so Mk L I I DA 0 11 - I a to 0 4, 0 - - - 0:100000000 0000*0000 0 0 0 0 4 0 0 0 0 q : 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 00.4 *0 00 sell Trrr" IF IF W W * 9 11 RAMW by MID- ZW*Cft 1j. jjW&rACb&vVs (P.4jffik2L Z- SO-jd' '-"uy eimtsort em6skm ii"ion, Iwo. 10, (6). 80"W-JIU Geriii-M) &;.F6 is nv)ucvd VaIr Of an oxygm-mmium warum. The masked secondary cwWsior of s am is attfibutaLle to Wmbcd casium stom at the c"um IDAWO IAYW bY PiSIOM -A --dwy eSW- JU nw-hanism of the entimakm is djmcummc~ Wam-malum surkoes PmmiDg ii IAW 000MCIent of secoadaq tmwon cLa be Produ the Q-A~Uqn of meww camalum deposited upon silver oxide & G. T. lit 6#116119 111060 HAD 04V Olt k, e lop 0 Devil mat ma its Itileg ffstQi 0000*00900*000 11", C1.0v a IIPJ'k- 0i's' ice -00 00 '00 .00 goo 0#0 r r*9 lee U00 4 1 1 v It U Is W Is 16 1 $6 F* FY -A 13 111 it R 111 11, A; 40 A 4-f-&-dE 1'... II-A A,-M -A--&~ ~ P, YA tM K ti P, VA, I Fj,l .!a. k 4 Fi&(ttll A.0 PIUVID1141 ~4 Al,0, upos 440010n bmb~kfll' garwitakhavs. )JUM djj. At. I ,, N-N.'s a. the c(marve Of the tludy a j i eblt= eltidtat" within tkw rulittinif 14 by Prill-Y out"in, K. utiiiml At oxitle Uyvm. "I rkh Wear 'Wh- .00 t4totbi Wkellyt djekit" to lmklukv mllottiMiAl 4141 - '00 Imill, jistiWistal withio the tallet" ra,vitkA l1v Ito whild trmm of tallow Ckvirot". Alp tounheril tal culit'l *00 tkcUMS can be formed within the oxide fain by a tk-aul .40 at! of ythtinLy tepid ekctmns; at fielal gradienvi of P" v,i4.M.. of lt~4~, a parocc~ occurs Whieh kadi it) ill err"ed "duk ' cowl. of the m6tv film alud Jmrv~A vffvct ul elvetmai atiacitmalfAm, C., St. Kt~J,11%4 =00 00 coo coo CIO 0*9 00 No* t:O I tf* 0 11il&-LLUNGXAt til'tftAltWl CLASSWICATION up* .11 cm 0.1 It 41~t Oak --#111 Aft A I 1 " Im 0 of 0 1 it 0 U SS AV 00 As! to it ft It m4mmix Run ItIll 0 a 10 0 0 0 0 0 0 9 0 0 0 0 & 0 0 * to 0 0 0 0 0 a 0 0 0 * 0 Ito 0 0, 000.8 0 We 0 9 9 0 0 0 **a**** 00 :10 0 000 0 0 0 9 * 0 0 Ill, 0 0 th 0 too, ** A -' . opples I --- poocli"I all #&Orlof4$ moff Trinvidoll seed W tomia rW in W. 1. A - L 00 A 1 L~~ vad 8, Zverablon I" lim. Atsd. gel. U.S.6 .). J. Phys. (UNOM": 00 9 No, 1, woo made at diflci- Th M e W. Ivi depths In laim CAMAW. %kvsom W --- Stwilptim In watec of (be Abomm Ir. =Cc,( 008 is dificmi lmm tbat A the wit cou4vwat. 'Itif 9* At Sommen 0 to 3 mon. tbkk bgter"m tbs Ipb urtm a,,, -- - chunber wall *bowad ftj ah wrp" "Whas a m&%. at to 11 Ow- W Ph, d#PmMIW 00 The thiCk"Oft of It, At L. 0"hai,j "Low" 1.011114101 CLUIVICAT" sonist If L Islas* mif amw *09 as I 0 to OW 0 : a, I Its 049 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 a 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 90 406 6.0 a a 0 0 a 0 9 * a 0 0 e 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 "00 190 '00 .66 .00 .00 woe ago 'lot gee 190* NO 0 woo a** 11o a USSR/Physics - Resistance WY14 Pnsff h4 k FD-1822 Card 1/1 Pub 146-7/25 Author : Bondarenko, V. V.; Kvartskhava, I. F.; Plyutto, A. A.; Chernov, A. A. Title : Resistance of metals,in the cas6 of large current densities Periodical : Zhur. eksp. i teor. lAiz. 28, 191-198, February 1955 Abstract : The authors present the results of an investigation into the dependence of the resistance of certain metals upon current density. The compare the ex- perimental curves representing the dependence of the resistance of copper, silver, platinum, etc. upon the magnitude of the energy introduced with the curves conputed from tabular data. They establish that for these metals Ohm's law holds up to current densities of about 107 anperes per square centimeter. Seven references; e.g. Ye. S. Borovik, DAN SSSR, 91, 771, 1953- Institution: Submitted : February 16, 1954 A I Ul ;53T aoNa, " YX Kv P k n- K H H ,, 1~/ _Z, -F. Category USSR/Photoeffect - Electron and Ion Ddission Abs Jour Ref Zhur - Fizika, No 1, 1957, Vo 1645 Author Kvartskhava, I.f. Title Concernlng-AFUETM by S,.B. Khaykin, S.V. Lebedev and L.N., Borodovskaya Published in ZhETF in 1954 -- 1955. Orig Pub Zh. eksperim., I teor. fiziki, 1956, 30, No 3, 6P-1-623 Abstract Checking against the results of her own experiments, the author states that the anomalies observed by Khaykin and others (Referat. Zh. Fizika, 1955, 5066; 1956, 4519, 7532, 10747) in the behavior of the resistance and of the electron emission of metals when heated with pulses of very high currents are caused not by the substance changing over to an anoma- lous state, but by many experimental errors, such as the failure to take into account the inductive didtortion of the oscillograms, ignoring the possibility of a shunting discharge being formed along the wire in the turipten vapor, asid fallure to take into aaqount known deviations from the "three-halves" law, caused by the magnetic field of the current. Bibliography, 9 titles H-2 Card 1/1 SVBJECT USSR / PHYSICS CARD I / 2 PA - 1768 AUTHOR KVARCCHAVAvI.F., BONDAMNKO,V.V., MELME,R.D., SULADZE,K.V. TITLE The Electric Explosion of Wires In the Vacuum. PERIODICAL Zurn.eksp.i teor.fis,31, fase-5,737-744 (1956) Issued: 1 / 1957 The present work contains a report on the r sults obtained by tests concerning the explosion of wires in a vacuum of - 10-1 mm column of water in a suffi- ciently large chamber. A further reduction of pressure exercised no influence on the observed phenomena. Test methods and results: For the electric scheme of the test order see V.V.BONDARENKO et al. Zurn.eksp.i teor.fis,28, 191 (1955).The section through a chamber is described by a drawing. Tests were carried out mainly with copper wires. The entire capacity of the condenser pile was 4 e F and the inductivity of the circuit of the explosion was 1,2 microhenry. For the investigation of the condensation of the condensed products the wire was surrounded by a co- axial aluminium screen. The entire explosion was photographed in the light of the discharge itself in a position vertical to the axis of the wire; the photo- graphs obtained are attached. The condensed product has a stripe-like structure and height along the entire length of the screen. The stripes are vertical to the wire and the height of the condensed substance is nearly equal to the length of the wire. This points in the direction of a radial distribution of the vapors of the wire. The height of the condensed substance has two unequal maxima and two minima. The products of the electric explosion extend, indepen- V zjjrn.eksp.i teor.fis,a,faso.5,737-744 (1956) CARD 2 / 2 PA - 1768 dent of the original shape of the wire, vertical to every point of the surface. With respect to the direction of the extension of the products of the ex- plosion this reminds ns of the ordinary explosion of very elongatea charges. Under the conditions investigated only the front of the vapor flow moves in the high vacuum, whereas the remaining parts of the flow move in a deteriorated vacuum. Nevertheless, the condensation products remain within strict limits and give a clear illustration of the strata-like structure of the vapor flows. This is possible only in the case of high radial velocities of the vapor flows. These velocities amounted to -v 2.105 cm/sec on the occasion of the tests under investigation. If the diameter of the wire is reduced, the radial dimensions of the luminescent channels are reduced as well. According to the authors' opinion, the luminescent channels are caused mainly by the radial motion of the vapors of the wire in the strong magnetic field of the current. The channels are pro- duced and exist only within the first half-period of amperage. Further details are discussed. The causes of the phenomena described are discussed, but at present they are still only a rough approximated description of reality. INSTITUTION: TIN 1.) I ~ zj rK ti SUBJECT USSR / PHYSICS GARD 1 2 PA - 1871 ,AUTHOR KYARCCHAVAvI.P., BORDARENKO,V.V., PLJIJTTO,A.A., CERNOV,A.A. TITLE The 0scillographio Determination of the Energy of the Electric 3 losion of Wires* ,PERIODICLL Cn.eksp.i teor.fisp)lpfaso-5p 745-751 (1956) Issued: I / 1957 Those osoillographic investigatiois took place within a relatively wide range of-voltagei on the condenser of the explosion circuit. By means of a "current resistance" (V.V.BONDARENKO et al., Zurn.eksp.i teor.fis,28, 191 (1955)) amperage oscillograms were obtained which are free from all inductive distor- tions. The energy introduced into the wire was computed solely on the basis of the amperage oscillogram, the known initial voltage on the condenser, the oapacity of the condenser, and the inductivity of the induction circle. The electric explosion was caused by means of a discharge by the wire passing through a high tension condenser. The wiring diagram and the method of the experiment is described by the above cited work. Above all, copper wires were investigated because here the basic features of the electric explosion were the most distinct. These wires were 60 mm long and had diameters of 0,05; 00 and 0,15 mm. The capacity of the condenser battery amounted to 2P5 F, the initial voltage was from 5 to 40 kV, and inductivity 0,4 and 412 mrcro- henry. If the initial voltage ~U 0 is increased or if L is diminished, the first our- rent pulse which causes the electric explosion of the wireo becomes shorter Zurn.eksy.i toor.fis,_31,faso-5,745-751 (1956) CARD 2 / 2 PA - 1871 ,and higher. In the case of relatively low values of U 0 a "discharge pause" occurs after the first current pulse in the explosion circuit, which is often ended by a second , mostly stronger, current pulse. In the case of high values of U0 this discharge pause does not occur, and amperage, after passing through a minimum that differs somewhat from zero, again begins to grow. From two amperage oscillograme it follows that the inductive and Ohm-voltage drop are of the same order. The energy E(t) introduced during the time t (calcula- ted from the beginning of the discharge) into the wire amounts to: E(t) - (C/2) 2 _ (U0 U) 2] _ U A Q Q2 /20. HereAU denotes the luo 0 reduction of the initial voltage'U 0 during the time t and GA U - the charge leaving the condenser during the same period. In the case of relativ- ely low voltages on the oondenser.the electric explosion shows no anomalies whatever in the connection between the introduced energy and reS13tance of the wire. However, in the case of high voltages on the condenser the resistance of the wire no longer depends univocally on the energy liberated in the wire. This may be explained by the discharge of energy from the wire in the course of the explosion. The contracting effect of the magnetic field of the current limits the attainable values of current density particularly in the oine of thin wires. INSTITUTION: A~THOR PLYUTTO A.A.,KERVALIDZE D.jq,,KVARTSYHAVA I.F., ',11- ;89.-8-12/26 TI LE A Spark Source of Multiple-6hi*rged Tons, (Iskrovoy istoohnik mnogozaryadn*kh ionov- Russian). PrIRIODICU Atomneya Energiya,1957,Vol 8, Nr'3,pp 153-156 (u.s.s.R.) ABSTRACT By means of a spark source, which is described in detail, it is possible to obtain multiply charged ion fluxed of high intensity. As acurrent so rce for the formation of the spark a condenser with 1o3 to io~ nF, 10-7o kV, average spark current; 102_104 A was used. For sucking off the ions condensers with lo4-106nP and 15- 7o kV were used. The ions were analyzed by means of a Thompson pa- rabola - mass spectrograph. The following ion currents (not focussed) were obtainedt C+3,c+4,N+3,N+4,o+3,o+ io to several loo m A N+5,o+5 100,yA to several m A 0+6 -1 0OC44A . cu+6,CU+7,Ni+6,Ni+7 ~~i 0 0 lia. By fitting a magnetic focussing device focussed ion currents (30 kV suction voltage) were obtained: H+1 10 m A H+1 1 m A c~4 6 m A c+3 15 m A. cav+-+/Q- (3 illustrations and 3 Slavic references). 24(3) AUTHORS: Evartakhaxa,-J--Z.,-Bondarenko, V* V.9 SOV/56-35-4-12/52 Meladze, R. D., Suladze, K. V. TITLE: Electric Explosion of Spiral Wires in Vacuum (Elektricheskiy vzryv spirallnykh provolok v vakuume) PERTODICALs Zhurnal eksperimentallnoy i teoreticheskoy fizikiq 1958, Vol 35, Nr 4, pp 911-916 (LiSSR) ABSTRACT: In two earlier papers the authcrs already investigated electric wire explosions in a vacuum (Refs, 1, 2). The investigation of the phenomena of luminescence accompanying the explosion was carried out photographically; the experimental scheme used has already been described (Ref 2). For the wire explosion a battery condenser with a capacity of 4-8~4F and a working voltage of 50 kV was used. In the present paper only the results of investigations are given, while as to the investigations themselves references 1 and 2 are mentioned. Results are discussed on the basis of the reproduced photographs. Figure 1 shows 2 photos of explosions of cylindrical copper wire spirals Card 1/3 and 2 of sinusoidally curved wires. Figure 2 shows the photo- Electric Explosion of Spiral Wires in Vacuum SOV/56-35-4-12/52 graph of an explosion on a copper wire ring, of an explosion on a straight Cu-Al wiret and one of mirror scanning. All data concerning these photographs are given. It was found that, in the case of wire explosions in a vacuum, also glow effects are observed besides the phenomenon of the current tubes. This phenomenon is a consequence of the motion Of EIXPlOsion through the magnetic field of the current (during the I an additional electric field E ~v xH4] is formed, denotes the velocity of field, and c the velocity effect is considered to be action among the currents velocity of the explosion explosion with a mirror aa found that during the veT3~ insulation of the plasma is magnetic field, In concluEion, products discharge where the explosion products in the of light in the vacuum); the former a consequence of reciprocal inter- of the explosion products. The front is determiged by scanning the amounting to 10 cm/sec. It is also short time of the explosion, thermal possible by means of a strong the authors endeavor to give a Card 2/3 . Electric Explosion of Spiral Wires in Vacuum SOV/56-35-4-12/52 qualitative explanation of the phenomena observed. There are 3 figures and 8 Soviet references. SUBMITTED: May 10, 1958 Card 3/3 KVWXSMIAVA, I. F. "Acceleration of Plasma" raport presented at the Conference on High Energy Accelerators and Inetr=entation, 14-19 Sep 1959. Geneva. (CERN -IUPAP) 84560 AUTHORS: S/057/60/030/011/003/009 B006/BO54 Kvartskhava, Kervalidze, K. ~, and QXaj!~d TITLE- Instability of an Inductive (Theta) Pinchiq PERIODICAL: Zhurnal tekhniaheskoy fiziki, 1960, vol. 30, No. 11, pp. 1321-1328 TEXT: The authors studied one of the forms of plasma instabil .11 Uievith which an eruption of local plasma formations from the surface of a strong- ly compressed pinch can be observed. They call this form "eruptive instability". The authors had already reported on this subject at the 4th International Conference on Ionization Phenomena in Gases (Upsala, V~ T9-5-97. The invgstigations were made by means of a s-e-r-i-e-a --- o-f-slow-motion jictures (200 per second) of theta and zeta pinches. The pictures vere taken with a rotating mirror through a narrow alit from the terminal sur- iace of a cylindrical chamber in axial direction. As these experiments had been described earlier, the authors only discuss the results of thi photographic method. A photographic camera of the type C~P-2M (SFR-M)~ was used. The experiments were made with hydrogen, helium, nitrogen, air CartGV&- 8456o Instability of an Inductive (Theta) Pinch S/057/60/030/011/003/009 B006/BO54 argon, and krypton at different pressures. It was shown, among other things, that the effects observed depended greatly on the shape of the chamber cross section. The-photographs taken are partly shown in Figs. 1 and 2, and the corresponding experimental conditions are given in Tables 1 and 2, respectively. In the following, the individual photographs and their conditions are described and discussed. The investigations showed that all plasma motions are very complicatedg and that the in- stabilities of the pinches are of different forms. A relationship was found to exist between the character of plasma motion and the form of instability. In the pressure range from a few mm Hg up to 10-2 mm Hg, it was found that the intensity of eruptive instabilities increased with decreasing pressure, and at2still higher pressures, such instabilities do no longer occurs rLkT > H /6n is a necessary condition for the occur- renoe of an eruption (nkT = thermal pressure of plasma). There are 2 figuresq 2 tabless, and 12 references: 3 Soviet, 1 German, 3, British, 2 US, and 3 Swiss. SUBMITTED- May 30, 1960 Card-_#6 8361o 5/056/60/038/005/043/050 B006/BO63 AUTHORS: KvartAkhavat I. F., Kervalidze, K. N., Gvaladze, Yu. S. -Z_~ TITLE: Instability of an Induction Finch PERIODICAL: Zhurnal eksperimentallnoy i teoreticheskoy fiziki, 1960, Vol. 36, No. 5, PP. 1641 - 1643 TEXT: The present "Letter to the Editor" gives a fundamental represen- tation of plasma motionVin inductive (theta) pinches, and describes the experimental conditions under which the accompanying photographs were taken. At the Fourth International Conference on Ionization Processes in Gas23, held at UpBala in 1959, the authors gave a report on the new kinds of instability of linear and inductive pinches, which had been ob- served during a compression shook in a plasma. These phenomena had been detected photographically. In the present paper, the authors report on further investigations carried out with a quick-acting camera of the t.ypttqk-2tj (SFR-2M). The effects of the instability of 1$-pinches were reacrraed on a time magnifier basis. These effects are related to an azimuthal inhomogeneity of the velocities of the radial motion of the Card 1/3 8361o Instability of an Induction Pinch S/05 60/038/005/043/050 Boo6YN63 plasma during the compression shook. The various experimental. conditions are given in a table. Glass or porcelain vessels served as discharee chamberep and air, nitrogen, and fielium (pressures of 0.1 torr; one ot- perimental series was performed with He at 0-07 torr) were used as dis- charge gases. The accompanying Figo reproduces some of the photographap the major part of which were taken in cylindrical discharge chambers. Those in the last,two rove were taken in chambers with square arose sec- tions. The exposure was 0-5 Aseo, and there was an interval of 2 gaeo between the various exposures. The photographs are described in detail along Ylith the forms of the individual columns and the effect of the compresqton shock on them. All these effects vanish at higher.gas pres- sure. Alb6 in the case of smaller chamber diameters, they are largely reduced or absent. These phenomena are primarily due to the m&gneto- hydrodynamic character of plasma motion in the magnetic field. For example, the azimuthal rotation of the expansion fir_~res of the pinch in comparison to the compression figures is indicative of the signifi- cant role played for these -processes by the reflection of shook waves at the magnetic fields captured by the plasma. The changes of the spatial figures are such as to remind one of the phenomena of an elastic Card 2/3 '7 9.3i5O,211.2120 7 11 -6/i AUTHORS: Kvartslchavu, I. F., Molad:71c, R. D., Suladze, 11. V. TITLE: Investl,~ations on Electrodynamic Acceleration of Plasma PERIODICAL: Zhurnal tekhrilcheskoy fizlki, 1960, Vol 3)0, IN,- 3, pp 289-296 (USSR) ABSTRACT: The authors worked with two typed, of acce.leratoro, the coaxial and the Inductlon laccelerator. In Mie first case, the plasma clot lo built in a discharCe butween two coaxial electrodes and i.- accelerated by the magnetic field of' the diacharge current. In the ccond case, the clot 1:3 formed I.n in electvode1eL,--, jr1laseoui; discharge and acceleraLed by meano o1' an inhomu~~'eneou,-, magnet'Lc field quickly vlarying in time. These devices are shown on Fig. 1. Card 1/9 Invei3tigations on Electrodynamic Acceleration 77840 of Plasma S OV/57 - 3 0 - -3 - 6/ 1 . . ....... ... ..... rmC fVMP Fig. 1. Card 2/9 See caption on Card 3/9. 7 5 I nvestipa I ci cc. of Plasma captiun to Flg~ 1~ 1g. ~a iagl~arl the b dia--ram of the Indtiction c,-1-oe~'c-;.1t1,,,i,. c -,,Irri ,~harfi.h. e. - -) ~ - u e r e 1 c c, rod' e Po-,"'ain insu'latcr, i I I I ta IU I rig -ct r,.-)de disciiarge devlce; batte,--- Of cap- acitor~3; p-asma c-lot.; vacu-arr, ~!~~amber; '10' ~tapa,itor batrer:), ha-C3 a cap- tanc.e cT ]O~Lf and a worlizin.- poteiitla--i U, 0 K-v Currc~nr in t'he dischar-L --re Anteropace orcc!u:~es a drov ~'hie p-, a agr r, e i c fleld pressure a-tid a c cc! r1a I-,s J. Sma 11c, , -,, 1, -jua '-.lot along the CLectrodes 11, 1 --~. y ~ j,, -J, -I ~ rtz chamber 9 of the Induct"on a,-1.oe1ei-,,,-,v, ilre current. due rzn -lie c-apa-21tor bartery 11-1~11-es a ?ra~=,etlic field that ir--~reases ~rl s,~ai,tjrig an Card 3/ 'ischarge In the uas, The resultant nv e j t 1~ r i) 1 4 r.elel.a "-'. , ' j; e, t - of' Ampere on the ,re dirc-cte" ,IloncS r-ne axe,~ .-ha-ml,)ev and, 'rhe p', !n the cl re c t on o r t, e d e c rea s vg 0 C) C, 2 by Lt"llci%v.-l."'.' t2ci wIt'll SF-T- INI "t tl't': pc:~--]A lon of the oppead-o-ut m-i I'l-ol, Tz~o t ~~% wei,-e per- fc-i-med at iuricus pr,~lssurcis of hydn:) -eri ~:,nd air. Ti'l e ~,enei,al Impulse ~.nJ tiie tota! ll~l n-e- 1 e t i. e.-,, y o r e a,;celerated during one O.Y.-le C, f n e .qere measured, respectively, by ,ne.~ins ol' a bal'-- S' " c o,iv hundred pendu llnni tmade from a g-,i -a -: s cy nder a - I- I o'nunis on blfi-lar suspenslon, !:~nd by ineans o~l a "'.1anted cnppei~ cylinder with an openlric, : --~!~i,~e-eral-ed ~-~Isma The ,.-C I C" r1 PI ~.'ic-ser- sc that the plSsrn~-l romai---c, ature dif7i'erence was measu-ci T! io r~ r !e t c 1-1 of' The ph;Dfc' ~e Cc' I'd was oerfonicfj J!~, t,jjC,, jqa-r.~,, tj e. 3 Investigations on Electrodynamic Acceleration 7784o of Plasma SOV/57-30-3-6/1-5 Card 5/9 of the apparatus parallel (longitudinal pictures) and perpendicular (transverse pictures) to the direction of' propagation of the clots. The authors found that variations in the size of the coaxial device did not alter appreciably the observed processes, Analysing the longitudinal pictures., the authors found that after a leading strong plasma clot, starting during the first half period of the current, follow many small clots of lower density and higher velocities. The beginning velocities of the leading clot are inversely porportional to the initial pressure of the gas, while the final velocities are not too sensitive to the initial pressure. At lower initial pressures the leading clot was missing, and the authors deduced from the pictures that in the coaxial accelerator three kinds of clots are obtained: the leading clots,which carry almost all the gas out of the coaxial region, and two kinds of small clots originating at the beginning or at the end of the coaxial, depending on the ex- Investigations on Electrodynamic Acceleration 7784o of Plasma S OV/57 -3 0 -3 -6/15 perimental conditions. The latter case can be observed also under the Bostick plasma accelerator. The authors present also transverse photographs of the induction accelerator and longitudinal pictures of ID opposing motion and "collisions" of accelerated clots., emerging from coaxials facing one another. One sees that induction accelerator generates only one kind of clot, and they are most compact at low ,gas pressures. After leaving the strong magnetic field region, a clot generated during the later parts of the half periods of the current divides into two parts, one of which slows down appreciably., while the other continues without change in velocity. In this type of accelerator, clots are not capable of effectively removing the gas from t1,e dischartge region. In the coaxf-al device, the leadinZ:..clot did not move faster than 107 M/syc. wni-le the sma-11clot Card 6/9 attained velocities of 4 -10 m/sec. Maximum current Investigations on E'Iectvodynamic Accelei,ation 77 8 11 0 of Plasma 1j OV/57 - 33 - 6/15 amplitude during those tests wao 830 Ica, while a later Increase to '~, 00 ka led only to the increu~-,e In numbei, of the small clots without increasin,'* velocity: A;~duction accelerator yielded velocll.;Ieo up to 6 0 M/se~. Total mass of the cjot~; at un = 215 kv was 10- gm for the coaxial clevice and of one order of mat!nitude lower for the "-Lnduct!(~n accelerator. The authors conclude that the coaxiall acc.clerator Is more ei'fectivein obtalnluf"' Ot' MUttOr than the maEnetic oiie. 'The autliovo additional information by analysing the transv'er-se pictures and those of the' Induction acce-leratol, and opposing coaxial accelerators. To compa--e 'L-1hV, e-xuerimental results for the clot velocity theoretical expectations., the authors dePI've avera:~~e averagre velo:-.ity eq'Liatlon Card 7/9 Inves t i i-at ions on El e c t i- o d,,- i i a r,-; I c A c c e 1 e I, a t i o., i7 7 Of Pllasm_a It"here is d'atance traveled by the clot d,--nL-,- tl-te 0 time I discharge current, U positive ac:~eIIL,_rat._LE potent-lal, H averzan-o value of t1he acco',ei,atin,- 'L*_!t;-~_',` and S cross-section surface of the coaxial. For- optimal values ol' the paramei;(,~,s I - 80 ka, U ~.O, 000 Ooi,Gted, and S -_-_ -1. .,i ci~,r V coi,,lor, out , ci,Vsec, which agrees satisfacto.-Ily with the measuve-d values. The authors describe also the mech,--inism of f'ormation of small-sized clots. Those obt.a.-I.ned --Ins-Lide ,-J)j~. coaxial are probably due to the face that the e-,~ect!,'Ic: strength lasts a I'Inite time of 10- ;cc build up the strong current discharge agai-list tLhe counter emf due to the motion of the clot. ThDSo or'ti'lli- ,ating at the outer end of the electrodel ar-E, dut, *11-o tho 4,70-,-, fact that for some reason the main discharged current tr- the end of the electrode producing a f'lovi of vapo!~ 77h* becomes pinched by the magnetic field of' its cwn current. Card 8/9 This pinching process is characterized bl, I a definite Investigations on Electrodynamic Acceleratic;n 77~'40 of Plasma SOV/57 -?0-3-6/, t~, A.E-SOCIATICN.- SUBMITTED; periodicity, and a series of srna.11, clots rire obtained- An analogous mechanism operates under "he Bostick accelerating conditions. There are 3 figures; and 9 references, 3 Soviet, 6 U.S. The five recent U.S, references are: W. 13ayle. IRE. Trans,, Vol, Mil, 3, N02 ', 42-45, 1959~ R. F. Post. Second United Nations International Conference on the ?ea,c~eful Uses of Atomic Energy., rGeneva, Paper .15/P/377', -c)58.,, L. Marschall. Second United NaticnS T n.ernational Conference on the Peaceful Uses of At-.cmi-, Energy, Geneva, Paper, 25/P/355, 1958. A, (-, Kolb, Phys. Rev., 107 NO 3L15--350, 1957. W~ 'p, Bo,--tjCj~. Phys. Rev., 404, 19-57~ None given October 24, 1959 Card 9/9 pv~.- 1 ian,K G vc: I TITLE: Some Miagneto-Hydrodym~mic Ef~'ects Olbservcd, D-ui,inF. tl,,.e Pulse Compression o-1 P'15wm:~ PERIODICAL: Zhurnal telchnicheskoy fizikil, 1~)t,,O, Vol 50, Nlr 5y pp 29Y-305 (USSR) ABSTRACT: In connection with the problem of cont-oll~~d thermo- nucleav i~eactlons tl~e-e is a intc,,Dst in the i_)CoDertiles of plasirias compvesse~.l b,,,* poilses 4-n :itronc, d . LD mairnetic fiel-Is. As Icnown,, atteuq_-)4u-s to use linear avid - uction pinclh for laeatin.;o4 deutte,,iuni plasmna up to i Id F t'hermonucleal temperatures i,,,c,-e not s u c c e q s - c"ni-ficant reduction in oh!-,;ic 1-ieat-lify because of s! nainl i " y of planina att hl.Ch 1~) of instabilities i,:!ad to a11.,o,,,:3en,M_,,- o~ ,nar~,nctic 'he-T7nal insulation of hlii,.h teynplc-,!,-!u~~r,c oo r) la s rs a .T'he aLit'110r'S sh-ovi the p-.-e.~;e?ice of' Card Y9 ,con,~Iistini- of ejectlon,3 (:.,f V)ILI 0~)Me mai'lleto-HY.- vodynamic v, oh~;erved d Dui,!nC.; U10 PLI13e C0II-1j)rCGS[f-lI of Inductlon and 111near pinches reprcscntlnc-~ C) 11 e C) --;, tl lc 'i o vIn 6 o f, t, - c n s t ~~ b 3- 11. S . They deduce from considevations, a!jd exut~rlrn;2ntal evidence that 13 st-irmild be to MICleaw teirme, 1, res 1,;,y~ t-lingle pt-,se c)", asmas A 1 s o t lie ve s t~ I (,a t ed s 0 1: 1, -oc)c r t S Of 'LnCIL....-. t loll Pinch us~lllg the in Fli-,. 'Phe. battet-y of capacVloi,;-, 1.,.; c C) le t 3 (11 b y meanz-, of spcclal ,edutcli,,g total ir i the System a ltlinitnu-~ i-,f 0.01. 1 L r-L WoL C', t t 1. a I . -i a 50 'kv; maxiinto, ;.-nt-e ot' c I'las 10 a/sec. Fli-itig, system, a I! u.-ie d a ::,vil --. 'I zatlon Of tirrC' i-0 EIPP"OxI 1, el-~ I I L n -it A., JJ~ car-nepa SFR-21.1 ,~ynchvonl ---ed, w, th d D-ne, osc !-I-- lograph svieep,, ancl ro, a. 1, 1 c. ~-. o f 1-1h;,e re a~! - c),.,, t i-n 1-rrc) fr!(-*~.I~!-I:V~l hV tL1,!e-*,e;1 u %~!aMIt"t: (Y -i j! During the Fui~:e Ccrqp-re'-s-Ion of pla."'-, in irlydrogen a- vario-us p-.-:ess~-,rez~, P-'OT.L.11--eS were Z:alcer- in tile radial. and axial '.o t~-e ax's .. -.ravlrg. tlhe cipp~~-a!--us z~lit perperd u ar or pai-allel !:o IAI-ie charmber, : e-,~ecl 1%,rely d-lirlna of condeneers t~trougl% the of w,indin;rs., a -I,nj-for!r ex1jal maeretlc atppears in t're cl-ia;,-ber. fieldl varles with; %--.1 at, ions and indi-ice-s electr-',cal. flelds wrlrlc~i-' electrode- Secorda,--y ci.,.cuiar-e ~In o1ana-z- Derc,en-dlctala- T-.o the axis of t'ne c-ha7ber, 14'-lenever these curT ents are oppozc~ed to ;-.;riTmarv r e u n -d-op in 7-aon~eti~- f leld, ~A a tv a y I' o m, t, e w a I I s oIF- 1- -e c!-!. ar~, be -I ~7 to * r 'r : 1 e e I c T-;, e ea;.; A I i b i am I ans e o f t ~~,n i di e t e.,-.rr- L -j e d b .-y r, i-..e ec, i., I I b r I i-Lm o' ure.3zure:- c),' OU15 J e !!--af-!-ie o 1 CI-- I C, 1, c, -:I I de re A!,, a f C) e c, a c) r o ~7' P r. Card So rile a ~rn -a o - 1 0-1-:-1 e 0 e- Du r I o!l,-, e o f n s i cl 0 o e f 0 1 f 1, o s c 1 1 a e ri~~d 1 a I I a -ou:i d A t e u t, b r I itm k.1 I 11. n;- ir-i-iddie of t' '~e Inall-period. i,i~e pln-','J cuarreter Jecrease~~ a -Jecrrea-~e um o v d! zappear and tlne pin-- cooliz, down o,ne; 1- a,~ Duri. f of I'Q c o n erv e 0 y r,".e end d ame e r -,'..e iod e r; a beL~IrE ~3-1c),,.'-, o c) c Is -a Or'S ol-mer'vfm any Tr. r rr~ z ur e E e a Q r, -C 0 1 S, a b A- s, 0 rev I,, d t em a e c) If r; e a T e.,, e n d "ra, y C U or~ C)" t h ~.',;eorv t, a-'Llows, w 0 1 tL j! ou'o t!cr~ T11 0 0:-- The -1!11 I~o,--- ~, cr-, 1, tide e 0 !:* ~ C, ': t, Card 4/~ that, 10 "lc" If, t i P 0 (1 "t I).,! I I I j (~ 1" 1 , !,(, : ~ 1. , ~ .( y , t 11 1 01); 11, 1' V ('(I Pig 0i of' enpacitor.n.; dl.r,ch.trj,,o; ,Sojite 01)";erved r f I Dur-il-Iff-, the pillne GoIllilverl"llon of* I,(-- /I accollut the re:0 1.1w Idlw-l~ ot' plo, 1,,I-:1 i-11:oll 111-idel. f o rm ti t; I- on Aii~ill, . I mlollf" otlior v"li'll C n: 1-~ 111, f "Illd 11c) 40 liv Ono (!;III nhock waven, 1.1-Cloct,ed I'l,clul t-110 ovIl,:; oi, JildlikAloll pinch wh1c)) jwodiwe r~!dl;il onci.1 1.!t1oo;; of pJ11'.11 rind eject-ioll of' Ulj~,~ rc- pre~lcrlt.~l one of, 111he m the authov:i czill c~rtiptlve ejectioll of' tht, "ti -luf"Ice In', 01-1 C)", a mo,"tictic fl.chi 1111(101, th"11; "layol, w,113,11 coll](I It V1,0111 the rc,:,.1; OV i'l-le mld- conil-w1w,'Ite tllt~ Oki". ,I I Cie f I el k I C,11-1 0k.,MII* It tlw 01, 1w klvlotic~ uncn,j:~y (it., motiori, :m(i existence 01, mit-h Any a.,;y,,uictvy III i-:i;A1.,,L Illation 1,11-I"t) coill~t 1,0 re:3porutible f.'OL' 1-1) 0.10~-tllo!l 01' t1IQ C .IV d Tfulng, ',Inch ~,:Ild calwol-VAloll of 0' C! v I I C) "7~ f, L i '. I cl:zt clf11 L) I d Li C); IJ, P C."', I L:, o I Ir Io IJ 1111 U c) i)o i c- i'J i iIw, 1, 1 c h C) ~u n "o? I - i ~ 0'. ~ u "'. at"thor-3 noto ti-la*c. ~-~-,totlve -L c ! ;3 s; c o u 1) e i op e s c c i J I C-- OOtIfIl;:LlV-~t4I.nns; a f I e 1 cl I c ~'-c c 1110.~"jaso oil' It'l ra'dius j'~. tile t h a I le 11 e L' t11 f; 0 f t h 11 a L I) e C.-,. i-) o n s e C, erIC 0 t-1 -j~C, I A C! it! - s C) I' a i.-n o fexpic, 1 0 ~J 1 VC il VelOCILIG"r o co rl L) s on a 1, 1n r o rn ene-fry I-ILO h (3 e e r) equal.-Ion A-o~ the avera-o velocj.'-v o!' Ion SkItI,, Card YA!, whc ve -T 10 prInial"y Current, U is, initial 10 a pl'opo"i'lonn'lity const-nmt, and 4-,- ol-~~il:zide N(-Jk~. Ex!,)erj-men'L-.L; showcd -11.,ail; the the oi.-clc- o~L' )Ut,10d %Mluc, for '61ie c(plut.f.cul LIU6(3 Of C01,111 , the ~,-u~tlhcq,-- note that the oDtlinum coimp~-esoion oV plasinta depends vei,y little on power of impulse RJ It. 'L3 therefore impossible to achle-,;e In the pl-nch compi,ession velocities hiF 10'( c, s t-! c than ,od'; o" Expcvlmcrito~ .3110W t lVe Oanic, Is t-ruc 1"ov othcr me-ti ; ccjmore,~s e r -he lon of plania. After itiv st1L-,.Ltt11 t-~'. MCChanism of the process whif-'h leads to the the acceleration i~~ achieved -in a lar)"."o oi, tlno~ %-11111c MIQ of 1-11,,:~ I thc~ so-,wce of' enc-Uy I., the c a t i! i oc In i e,,,, e tI i er r! i o, i uo 1 e a! m p 01e a n-, 0 pu"t ,--o (-)tmv) 'Lon ")~, th(, n 1 lwh . 011c. Gavd 95/,~ mult-i'ple czpano-lon I ~; u'! In 1:;2 Soime -,'~,agneto-Piycirodynamlc Efl*~~Ct-S- Durinc- the Pziloe Com-pression of' SUBMITTED: At the s-wme time one wc:.~,-ld need sI:-onir -Lields to suppress eruptive of -,-,e Diere --re 1; and "2-- fe - en e s 1-5 Soviet, U~K.,_5 -U.S~ The most r-e~-,-nt 11,K and 1:,.S. refer-on,3e5 are: j. L. C-rastor, .. et al ~ , F:ccord Ie-~eva Confe~--ercJ-Z~ On trie Pea.,efu-l Uses o~' Ato!%~c Ener-.rv, Paoer !` 1q58; S -7 A. Collate, H. F, Furth, Science, 12"S. N~- ,5320, 331 (1958); O~ A. Anderson, 141. R. B-alker, S. A. Col~.-,atc, 7. Ise, Jr R. V Pyle, Proc. `.-d 'Intern. Conf', on lonlza'Cllon Pl,ienomenu lll Ve! e 1957; L. C. Burktardt, et al., j. s 519 (1957"; B. H. BostLcjl.,,, P-17s, Rev- :0~'. C." October 24, 1959 Card Cjl~4 I MEL ERF(h)-L2 A/Ewt(m) (f)/EWG.(M)A Ukcj ATM L6 ACC NRs AP6013135 SOMCE CODE: UR/0D5V6r./o36/cjo4/o755/6759 AUMOR: Kvartskhaia, 1, 1?b Metvayevo YU6V*;'Meladze,R*D,; Xhautlyev,N.Yu. ORO: none TITLE., 'on possible reasons for the influence of electrode'polarity on acceleration of- plasma in a rail accelerator 801MCN: Zhurnal tekbuldheekoy-fialki v.- 36, no. 4, 1966, 755-759 TOPIC TAM plasma accelerator, plasma acceleration, rail accelerator, cathode spot$ arc discharge, plasma pinch ABSTRACT: It is known that the anode end of.the current sheet in a rail accelerator moves with grester.accelerati6n than does the cathode end. It is argued that this phenomenon is due'*to behavior of the plasma associated with the formation of electrode spots. Examination of.used alectrode4as shown;that both cathode and anode spots o-,cur in rail accelerators# and' but t1M traces of the cathode spots are deeper and .1089 continuous than those of the anode spots. It is argued that under conditionalin which the plasma electronp.are magnetized the concentratiOn of current in the vicinity of,& cathode spot leads'to explosive ejection of a jet of plasma from the region Of the electrode6 The Ion notions in such a jet issuing f rom the-cathode are in the direction opposit:* io that of the discharge'eurrent in the sheet, and the Lorentz force on theme moving-lons thus tends to.retard the notion of the cathode end of the UDC: 533.9 C0,d 1/2 KVARTSXHAVA, P., kand. biolog. nauk (Kobuleti, Gmsinskoy SSR) I . I Pomegranate ocab, Zaahch. rast. ot vred. i bol. 10 no.7t54 165. (MIRA 18t10) KVARTS41-,HAVA) P. A. YLvartskhava, P. A.: "Tung bacteriosis caused by Bacterium ci triputeale"i Byulletent Vsesoyuz. nauch.-issled. in-ta chaya i subtrop, kulttur, 1948t No. 4, p. 159-.6/+. SO: U-301+21 11 March 53, (Letopis Inykh Statey, No. 10, 1949). Cor"'u" Wim an CAT K. ORY Plant Diseases. D;aCaaos ov (haltivatad ?I, As 0 ABS. JOUR, RZhUo'LP Vo,,)3 19.569 110. 105046 AW~OR Rvartekhave, P. A. I ti-14itzk6ht Statioa of Stheroal Oil Plants T TIT L E On the Study of Infectious Wilt (Fusbrionis) of Eugenoi Basil (Ocimum gr6tissium). OFT0. Tr. Sukhumsk. zonalln. opytA. at. efirowaslich. 1wl'tur.q ,57, vyp. 2, 101-113 19 AE5T7fA'^T The diseate tauseB serioua dam-age on plantationsl STA nurseries in AL1J1a-,1a. The typical aymptoms of fuseri-I esis are: a lezigthwise streak on the stem, underdevelupeal and thlorotic leaves, their wilting and dropping-otf, them lrva:liag of the affected Wt of the stem. The pathogen (1ruserium ap.) penetrates chiefly throu_ch the r 1. 3'YU0=*' Injuries to the root tiasue and the stem base e0ausad fromi, tools, insects and other causes, coatribute to the in- fection, A source of Infection is the residue of the CAr4T). 1/2 22 C AT EAT',RY 0 APS. 'ID:R. R'_--'hqio1. No. 195' 8,ND. 105046 AUT90R D'ST. TT TIE 0 R'I G. PU A:zSTjV, OCT sick plants from which the fungus getting into soil de- velops there an the dead razidues of vurious plante, in- cluding weeds. The affected seedlings, and also to acme extent tho seeds from the diserise.dplants, are the prin- ciplo sources of the dissemination of the diBease on now Plots. Measures for the control are indicatea. Ihe pathogen is a specinlized par"ite of ocimum gratissiWUM, and does not iufaet other plants, amoug them garaniumb and! patchouli. in the broading place of the disease. __ G. A. L"Yakova, KVARTSOV XouatantixL-13raAQ:FAjqj~; LINITSKIY, Viktor Georgiyevich: LYUBIKOV, N.G.,; SABITOT, I., [KSP-1 mobile scraper conveyer] Skrebkovyi peredvizhnoi konveier KW-1. Moskva, Ugletakhizdat, 1959. 63 p. (MIRA 12:5) (Conveying machinery) (Coal-handling machinery) LINITSKIT, Viktor Goorgiyovich;,KVARTBOY, Lonstantin Ivanovich: KOLOMIYTSXVP A.D.,; ILIINIXAYA, G.M., i' [The KSTI-20 scraper conveyer) Skxebkovyi konveier KSTI-20, Moskva, Gos.nauchno-tokhn.izd-vo lit-ry po gornomu delu, 1960. 58 P. (MIRA 13:7) (scrapers) (Conveying machinery) hERVET, V!, inz.i KIVESEK, Mil., inz.,- KVAS, jul-, inz,; SVOBCDA, Fr~~ . irz,~ p VIZEK, K, inz~ Pile foundation of the s3keel structure of halls of* a machine metallurgy India, Inz sIavby 13 no.3:98-107 Mr It-,5. ACC NR:Ap7008531 souim. coDi-,.: up,/o-363/67/003/002/0'-~',---,":O/O-.',O~7 AUTHOR: Paderno, Yu. B.; Yuplco,, V. L.; Rucll, B. M.; Kvas, Q. F.; Maicarealco, G. N. WIG: Institute of Material Soiance' Problems,AN UlcrSSR (Institute problein inaterialovedeniye-.ANI UkrSSR) TITLE; Electrophysical properties of Gd. Th, Dy, Er, Tu dicarbidez SOURCE: AN SSSR, Izvestiya, Neor.-anicheskiye materialy, V. 3, no, 2, 1967, -7-95-397 TOPIC TAGS: gadolinf-um terbium dysprosium erbiw-4i -, " . q ~j , thulium dicarbide carbide, resistivity, Hall effect, carrier density ABSTRJqCT: The results are presented of an experimental deteruAnation of:` -*~he electrophysical properties cf Gd, Tb~ Dy, Er., and Tu dicarbides,- Ini'-ial rovider carbides were obtained by the reduction of metal oxides with carbon in vacutim at 18000C for 25,6C. nin. The carbide nowders were' cor.oacted and gintered in aiogpon at 1700-18000C for 15 min under a preFsure of 100 IrZ?/cm2; the porosity of sintered compacts was 5-135"; firiished specimens were annealed at 16500C for 8 hr. It Was found that carbide rosistivit-y chanSed from 30 v ohm'. C & f or GdC2 to 515 V -,hm. cm for Cardl/2 UDC: 546. 651261 -- 541-12-03 ACC NIZ: AP7008531 TuC2; the coeff-.'-cient of emf Irom J.95 vv/'C for ',,',,rC2 to -7-7510 7/0C for ThCa; Hall effect from -2,55 em /coul for TbC2 to +136 cr.-Vecul -Lor TuC2; effective carrl= ioncentration from 0.018 el/atoil III for TuC2 to L 1 09 el~atom !.,! "Or TIOC2; and mobility from 6.75 cm2/v, see for ErC2 to 1~ cm 1*1 V. see f3r TuC2- Melting points ranged from 21800C for TuC 0 "1 to 2280 C for BrC2, Orig. arto. has: 1 fiGure and 2 tableL. [TD SUB CODE: ll/ SUBM DATE: 13Jc--n66/ ORIG REF: 0091 OTH REF: 008