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twit/Enginearing - Tools --~---Card - - ------ --- Authors Kuzovkin,, N. G. Title -S .-New cut-off tool Periodical s Vast. Hash. 34/% %'MAY 1954 Abotract t A new type of tool wi'th the cutting edge divided into two parts at an angle of 120 degrees is described, The exact dimennions and configuration of this tool are given. Table; drawings. Institution : Submitted : A C C N RN; AT60201011 SOURCE CODE: UR/0000/65/000/000/0074/0079 AUTHOR: Kuzovkin, S. K. (Llvov) 01G: none TITM : On -Oho :6oasibilizy of phase in inductive aerial electrical pro- ISOURCE; V; VkrSSR. Teoriya i elementy sisum, otbora geofizichoskoy informatail (Theo ;and ale-menta oi systems for selecting geophysical information). Kiev, Haukova d=ka, ;,1965S 74-79 1-1 iMPIC TAGS: prospecting, phase measurement !ABSTRACT: ?*-le paper discusses the dependence of the phase of the secondarf field on I-,%a :Frequazcy of the excitation current and the dimensions and the conductivity of a y fie!' does not de- ;buried ore Lody. The author shows that the phase of the secondar, ~pead on fligh-, altitude. The least errors occur in the phase measurement Vaen the plane ;o-~ the aozidola is at a 00 or 900 angle to the vertical plara. The horizontal component !Of the field is mca5urad when this angle is 450. Orig. art. has; 8 formulas, 2 figures. 'SU3 CODE: 03/ SUBM DATE: l0Nov65/ ORIG REF: 0,-'3 ACC NR-. AT6020476 -SOURCE" CODE-:,__UR/0.000/65/0001/000/0004/00891, C/O ATHOR: Kuzovkin, G. K. (Llvov) 'ORG: none :TITLE: Evaluation of two procedures for the electrical compensation of the primary. isignal in aerial induction prospecting 'SOURCE: AN UkrSSR, TeoriyA i olementy sistem otbora geofizichaskoy informatsil, (Theory band elements of systoms'for selbeting geophysical information)...Kiev, Haukova-dumka, !1965, 84-89 TOPIC TAGS: phase'shift analysis, prospecting* ABSTRACk: In the first procedure, the intensity and phase of compensation remain the z&n,e throughout the survey; in the second, the phase remains the same but the intensi ..jis automatically equ4lized ,to'the intensity of the signal received. the in- jtensit~r, which are due to a disruption 6f the geometry of the system of the transmit- ting*and receiving coils, are calcu~zted in percentages. The second method of compen- 01 Isation for such losses has some definite advantages over the first since the compensat.. ed signal iG very nearly the true one,, event1kough the geometry of the coil system may !have been disrupted* by as much as 11-20%. Had the first u4thod of compensation been lusod, the intensity of the signal would . have been'changed by 4.5 times. In general, r Card 1 I ACC- NkI-A-T--6-020476 ithe errors are proportional to the parameters of the signal. Orig. art-has: 3 tables 12 figures. TSUB CODE; 08,09/ SUBM DATI:.- IONOVOS/ ORIG REF: 004 I s/651/62/000/006/010/olo 3140/31~s jkUTHORS: Blitzhkevichp H.I##.and.KUx9YJcAn#_.9*Ka TITLE: Comparimon or electr-icall methods of compensating tho .primary signal in 4nduction airlol surveys SOURCE I Akadamiya nauk Ukrayinalkayi RSR, Instytat washynozna,vst,va i WOiva AVto"tichasks kontroll ~ izateritalinaya takhaMme nesbe 1962, JQJP-101. 'I * EXT Because of safety ;onsideratione'tud, beestaso of tko additional indeterminacy introduced by mAtual , attitude, it is difficult to obtain largo distances betw*en UW gl!nprator and receiver in aerial geophyxicsil isur"Yo umlft.tbo wethod of' induced earth currents, where the 'roc4j.1:,f*r Is suspasAlod !it a trailing gondola. Hence .a contparat IV*; 'study was made &V Uto Institut niaBlijyjovedeniya i avtojuatiki AN U33R (Institute or SOSO%** of Fachines and Automation, AS Ukr.SSR) of wetho4s of direct electrical compensation of the errect at t'ho prims4ry x1S=1.s compensation of the primary signal alonel coapensation dit.thO resultant signal. It was found that the firsi..'VOMHS W*" accurate detection of the useful signals -while -the second kag.the Card 1/2 comparison or electrical methods required acc'uracy only for Aniall phase'shifto jaetweeft the Prim" and rk)multant signals. A combitiatiOn Of the twoetbods VO&US the real and imaginary components of the xagioi"rly Sig"I to be measured without the need for phaso.detectors* A" to the variations of attitude already noteds . ;0 maUkod appears to eliminate the error to a antiaractory,degre&e' There are 2 figures. Card 2/2 j. BIAZHKEVICH, B.Lp kand. tokhn. nauk, otv.zed.; MIKHAYLOVSKIY, V.N.p red.; SVEIMN, A.N.., kand. tekhn. nauk, red.; K. MIZYUK, L.Ya., kand. tekhn. nauk, red.; UW 4NU glav. inzh., red.; BELICIMKO, A.I., ved.inzh., red.; SABANEYEV, R.D.p red.izd-va; RAKHLD4A, N.P.9 (Apparatus for electric prospecting by air; its design and operation] Apparatura aoroolektrorazvodki; proekti- rovanie i okopluatataiia. Kiev, Izd-vo AN Ukr 5911 1963. 155 P. (MIRA i7;25 1. Akademiya nauk URSR. Kiev. Inetytut mashynoznavstva ta avtomatykyp Lvov. 2. Chlen-korrespondent AN Ukr. SSR (for Mikhaylovskiy). KUZCYVKIN, S.K. 7-, - -1 Effective method of eleatric compensation of the primary signal in the aerial inductive method. Izv. AN SSSR. Ser. geofia, no.10t 1540-1543 0 16jo (KRA 16: 12) 1. Institut mashinovedeniya i aytomatiki AN UkrSSR. KUZOVKlfl* S.K. Ovant1tative determination of Interferences from changes In the geometry of a sy3tem of some variants of the Inductive method of acro-electric prospectIng. Izv. AN SSSR Ser. geofiz. no.10:1513- ].'.21 n 164. (MIRA 1701) 1. Institut inaslilnovedeniya i avtomatiki AN UkrSSR. W i V.; 'I'LILIN, L. 111'r,"OUP f .... .. I - Compreagor of the GAZ-66 motortnicko Avt. transp. 43 no*9:42 G 165. (ICRA 18i9) ADESTOV, G.W.; BORISOVp V.I.; DVORYANINOV, V.V.; DUBKOV, V.B.; KUZOVKINj ,y4ll.j NIKHAYLOVy S.D.; TUZHILKINp V.G.; -DWWW'HiIH~b, A.I.; SHIKHOV) B.N.; YAKUIJOVICH, I.Ye.; ULYANLITSKIYj A.M., nauchn. red.; FROSVIRIN) A.D.j .ipty. red.; NONAKHOVA, N.F... red.; KOGAN, F.L., tekhn. red. [*otor vehicles of the U.S.S.R." atalog; tho GAZ-51, GAZ-51A, GAZ-63 and GAZ-63A motoicks; structural changes and the interchangeability of parts and units) Katalog- spravochnik "Av%omobili SSSR: avtorobili GAZ-51, GAZ-51A, GAZ-63p GAZ-63A; konstruktivrqo izmoneniia i vzaitLozamenia- emost' detalei, uzlov i agregatov. Moskvap 1963. 74 p. (MIRA 16:12) 1. Moscow. TSentrallrwy inetitut nauchno-takhnicheskoy in- formatsii po avtomatizats:~i i machinostroyeniyu. 2. Glavrqy kon3truktor Gorikovskogo avtomob.111nogo zavoda (for Prosvirin). (Motorti-e.eks-Catalogs) KUZOVKIN~ TRA xins from swine. Trudy Inst. Isolation of Toxoplasma str, Zool, AN Kazakh. SSR 19s47-48 163. (MM 160) (Toxoplasma) GALUZOP I.G.; LEVIT, A.V.; NOVINSKAYA, V.F.,- GOIDSOV, V.I.; GORBUNOVA, 7.1.; 1 - - KNOVEN, 'YO.M. Epizootiological foundations of the riptural foci of toxoplasmosis. Trudy Inat. zool. All Kazakh. SSR 22127-33 '64- (MIRA 17,12) RATNER, Ye.l.; SMIRNOV, A.M.; KHUAN KHUN-SHU [Huang Hung-shu]; UKHIXA, S.F.; KUZOVKINA I Assimilation of amino acids as a source of nitrogen by Jiolated alfalfa roots and by entire pea plants in sterile cultures. Fiziol. rast. 10 no. 6s673-681 N-D 163. (MIRA 17:1) I* K.A. Timiriazev Institute of Plant Physiology, U.S.S.R. Academy of Sviences, Moscow. to 04,) Ot, '70 t pz oko Oo "Co r1k -tt. Oil 4 Pr 4.7 Ileo 04, 0041). e , 'PO 0% 0-t- e4 t*. -1511~1 qttZte, c0 C~. pbe C'% Cea op ~ Q'o (to '14t. ceo, 0~- 61C 01, ~', - 4,7 t ON %0)'. 0,?/, Q Q, 11% obo 6> ke't 00.7 qzNe 00 a . j c X00 1, -to 0& (f , 19~-- 470. 0 00 'te ll~o 6 Obe4l~; 4-te ve Q'I z0 --96 q,t Oi, J4.e, et( 00 4r Ile el "t - 't4 -,,e 0 140 Abj-' ;r. A- azo Ilk? Ott, ,7. 44 C", 't a re 0 0 4z e .01 to oly, C7 0. ol~ Z!, Cb 0r os ce "0 oe, 04 W. 0e V74 '&"46. Cr, 0 I lz 0.7 A4 04 op ACC NRo AP7004247 Input 41'11 5 ! 7 8 1 A:4 70 7 , 7 L 1 L Decimal C, ~r carry Fig. 1. Addition matrix of 'is Output 6 7 8 6 Zq .4 -d 7 ' - 10 4? 14 Card 2/3 ACC NRt AP7004247 measures are easily built into these matrices, which may be des-igned to have more than 10 rows and 10 columns. If any row or colum fails it may be rapidly interchanged with a spare row or column. Orig. art. has4. 9 figures [WA-811 JB SUB CODE: 09/ SUBM DATE: 23Feb66/ ORIG REP: 002/ OTH REP: 002/ ATD PRESS: 5115 LC KUZ()VKOVMAOA#-' Group production lines without machine readjustment. Avt.trakt. S155. (MLRA 8;12) lo Yaroslavskly avtosavod (Automobile industry) S/122/61/000/002/011/011 A162/A126 AWHOR: Kuzovkov, A. A., Engineer TITLE: Technological principles of multi-part (group)machine tool lines for machining different parts without resetting PERIODICAL: Vestnik mashinostroyeniya, no. 2, 1961, 77 - 82 TEXT. The article presents a theoretical consideration of general opera- tion principles of a flow-line of machine tools for simultaneous machining of a number (group) of different machine parts without resettings. It Is stated that the idea attracts the attention of machine-builders since long. Generally, the parts in a group must have common geometrical features, be of similar metal, and r".. quim sindl aufte finish. The idea of geometrical similarity is shown in a group of six Sears, and the idea of the line work in a chart naming the machine tools and showing the sequence of 16 operations, Formulae are included for calculating the number of parts that can be produced simultaneously to obtain the wanted out- put quantity. The calculations are accompanied by a flaw-line plan and a graph witha curve series plotted to facilitate calculations. It is proved that a line Card 1/2 S/122/6i/boo/ooe/611/011 Technological principles of multi-part .... A161/AI26 needing no resettinge would reduce the mach1ning time by 30 - 40 %,speed up great- ly the production cycle, and reduce expenditures for equipment and production costs. There are 4 figures and 1 Soviet-bloo reference. Card 2/2 two 4f befteft. It-thsion Sri. Newarch q6rwm..rna sra4l. J. GON. %,Un. (VAS.R.) 114, No. 9. alr, -0 C.A. 44, It 1.11. Al"ldsWliotioitopiumlsalocAspum. O.P.Men'shi. kfITmIKAD4KUlU%km . I.Ir ILIIIIII.) I I j 1,*411111141~- OwollowiIIIII -YooI#i;tvWI'qFf- ddll 1141111- Oth-Avi'll 00,1% oil dm *a ka-kor, Colf'.0s. 1.- 14, offulkill still I(Ifollmlluol: frorc. -thougeme. III, 111c,111 IqlIll); o,lome, no. lf'~% 1 141t.-I S11141111,4140,11 #% 1.44110); pwroir. lit. Ill%' 111tork 114-1"v. Its% the 1 Wofit-hok "kill It trIvir Hanvir Nor motill-al IIIIIII. and pro-mlirv govr M. 76-74 ' d"left x1rX01. 1.1k -34': krafe. m. 1A7-14'. fs~l for tilit-itkin fit Ilk, ,, or Ikew. CAAAIS. which %fill Is-'. mk* MCI in CIICI, %okided a w6no-fle derm, tn. IM I Imm Ap.411111" 111"In lwpdlv in. 114-5, from Moll, 144low"I toy Ilrylut at "I I. Tlfor munct-Ils iv. (2-A C1 t"mi.1 its the ",lot with 5 g. purr "A)('1,. N WUMMI I Its. M A StrOM luth. Comou'l.. ligal if*,- l ily loptil. toy Ic'jSn*A %I* licts,oll'. PVT utxm terdlinclit 141th PkfjCJ1Cij (After X11.011 IfC2t- mcnt) a tkrale. tn. 1416-7" (fircorn EtOll)o of tl--r base C14,1187CIIIN. which sale the I/C7 sell, m. 147-8' :fmm Mevcol' Stul US."t in E(Oll "or" I't catalyst love ditcr hyd"j),ol. of Ilor Its rrsWur. 11w alocivor facts 6% ihr loovatkon owl the 2 fill Umps of belicioulhie. Trestinvul of 0 S. 1whotrine with - lit 1. 'N vvjl~k.. .0n, 1.1 31'~ ' 1. .0, %.-. 4.%l IV I-- S. OVI- fillooc. K III /-I. lit'l -I I.III 141'jtl.v~ p'..11"m I#J. 3 411.4 lit. .14 Mo(1111. the fr-&IUAI UAU- CAW a: J, ll'cooc. lboc tviv, - .4 It I thm .4 4, lit, llll- III FC11A)II 111) CIINIC, [its Lm I.11 k: clip 4:41 C klit cit, N; dl CIIOMC \ / \ / I'll, Cit. still vim 1~4utmy-Uyv. ik dl~ A..j heIrt. S. J:AX and G. P. Men An- Phato. Inst.. Mascots). Zbor-ObArbsi Kkim. f). Gorn. CChem.) 20, 1104-T(ION).-Vor a puts of the PkInt yielded on stum dism. with addedmalON R lotal o4 h. I,: 1-2.6-dissirth Wool, I HO #aft. m. 2W-4 to Wons 1:10111 free kJor, bt='. it:* 0."10. P160 1.4142. al, - 13.8- 1. And 1-1,2,84rimoorlk idiot. b. 133 4" it., 41.414.14 07 tat product with AgOAc and aq. ArOll to DO s-ive llindhyfp7ridmop. Is. 142-3'. porrat,. sit. I-WAIW: Joh-p- tn. 12"'; phsh4kie. m. 117-111'. Morthyl.6on -9 Ihe lot product by liCCNH &0 :01% aq. C11.0 sim- an II(I joill. Ill. 1024-01". A-filk-.11 vith the null-fill W lained ftm The 2nd alkaloill Allive, i.e. the 1.2.6-Iri-NIC deriv. fl.. M. Kowlspoll um/bmmistry -,.Iatijn%kl Imle, Dee 51 "Syntheses ia the Pseudobeliotr-jdane Series," A. D. Jh=wkov, G. P. Men'shikov, Phytochem Leb, All- Unlon Sci Res Chemicophar Inst imeni. S. Ordzhoul- ki,dze uzbw abskeh. Khim" vol xxi, No 32, 2P-45-2248 pp Following I earlier vork on synthesis of plasmoquine Ansugue Comtg pseudoheliotridane tw synthe- ~slzed by reactions of cbloropseudobenotridane vith priate -4mes, or KPhenalate: metbyl-benzyl-, =banol-~l Octyl-, methyl-octyl-, dietbyl-, an& Axitl~~- (CO Vheuyl-pseiAoheliotridyl---' nee" N-pseudobeliotrl- dyl-piperidimy-and pwAxddhe2lotridyl-pheuyl . 4wter. Characteria" above~=mpds. Discusses rewtion co=Utions. 1- 1D4 11~ 0 \J) the =Sdzolopbus balsqmlta. A. D. P. S. A4 goov, and R. 1. Dft6mazova (.9. Ordzhonikidze All-UnM Chem.-Pharm. Inst.. Moscow). Zkur. Obshchel Mint. 23, 187-NIM); cf. ibid. 18. 1730 (1948).-Extn. of 4.6 kg. of upper plant pans i i described In preceding abstr. gave 12 g. slitolophine. CaffuNOs. m. 122- 30 (from CI1CIj,- Aq. soing. have pH 8.8. Solas. In dil. mineral aelds are unstable and acquin red color most of Its Salts are amorphous, but the salitvWt. m. 197-8' (from Nfe,M), and the viridigorinate, m.*16"* (f.-orn Me,CO)p tte cryst. The base has one NMe group; !-vjD 24.6' a N Mill. The material has it weak Pharmacelogic qction. C'"fary'd Maerocephala yktds wame 0.3% mixed uixMWI Itable bases; C. jqffarroso cvntaim 0.12% mixed untnown baws. G. M. KasolapofE- KUZOVKOV, A. D. v OK T&O zkw. Osskhd Kkim. U, bdr. S. bunt to". In 1110 to .d Owedleg Wy W( S. ban 9d. readfl~ In C16. Elts. of the lonnef 9m2348 b wftb 10 25 a. Smaimim- ColluMN, H)s 2140 (ftm. Wl%4=bawdllbheehdGotbtHsVod an -9 =(vco"d Bledle, CA - 30- 6OM- Ww prodUct of by& feim A. M.O*; MCI mjr Is fdfm nwtber raw af ter ftmOvA Of dali vuifte W., &oat"* 6 6$ 197-60 4d (d Onkhm With an 0 0 bmarobbed hustifled 3DI* (d Dwom J ~4-.,Jlloa r L I - .. , ~-., Ln-mMul 11, 1 ~ 1 -7! ~-,- Me " . .1-,-,,Jv~-.-, kR-UM,n ~-r, : -- -, T r1c t# o"mana, L AL AM P- waliiiiiiAWFM in- 7ACT the ext. with I 1b dl ~ftstj*o M sulfitte, p-4114-4 by ayst 7n; (root ylva ant wt riso.18 ofthe L - The actilic Uwe, mdidg P alt. with NI .C0.11 witf, coolhig and extd. with CjjCt.. ykldcd 0.rA,519 (on Wont -t ) mixrd b:twi as a dArk oil. .ThL- (&30 g) in M~,C(' -Wie-l to 0-4-go ml with RIZ. )ICA C;k,o 270 a in. 213" (hunii rtOll).: ffio-LE.- - r1i[JU4 aft& e"PTI. '01U, dbtd~fff eft ~11. I - 212-13" 1pefe 14rat m 47 81 e ( , . . a n. . . im;,1-ted wt th- pirr"Ife, rn. Ir-91: s kwfidiir'g-l Chemical Abst. 310-11" 1 ullfal,, ith 10% NH.0EF AT-d ClIcIl, p c, (r,l ido- f %f,,cn t. the ,rw. "t, ffic frec &iv,' - 370" 48 C 11 00; Vol f 1 I . i , in , ,, , ,titically truietive; mlhiafiefe -edle. f frout 110) flydroty-iii M Apr- 10, 1954 * !. ;l'lI' 0.,-, G~ti. t Organic chemia ry Ir '-1T11 4TIlUp. linlV Gn tC-AWI~ i .1th h: H.:~' 1 1 1-!- n. - il~ 6; U- 1 ~ k i ( r,jr ".11 '4n aver t N , 4 2 nt--ik. - ttj t, YkIffitle III ;P, t-.: --i It ."d . bn-~d an ckl= 111, ~Jlkh J3 it h-,ITTlLI111g (A wpartcinr dL*TcrvqC from it b a CIE, 9up. Itiis itidlAtti. fulith,,T Lh3t tva~lmifae Is Forms a s0fat. in- =4L-,**: di-Hr =11. decomp. WS* in, 121p 2r,).55'. Unimn(im: pli=Tt Ircutt4l with lb" 11C), 11-0mil with ". JiC1 Rad the Mk t ' q d i F< rz, "rate W t KaGH after rrmovul of pkiric acid gar free UoIrenlixe, C.tIIj40N*j (M, tiv 175-00"', m. 1071-8 ((mm Ht,01. 61,,, 20 M01W bereklim-fit. dwmp platotiova T. Fe 'Wide km irlit deceit:;). 2q7*, #4ent1t, V1. k W-0vtr--p-t (~' IV took 1.0 r U neks Hj anA lgmvv in opticully scifft product dc"U t worittary N atoms, Clslitwl. m r-&S' (tracm SO 1*1n -30,11 (PtO)4%1 picrdlL M. 236' (with dec=pn. an, di-HCI Sall Manehydrak, tn .3 ,,,. ~(wftb.sublimatla iodide. dtcomp. 202' (from tou) OF _JUW Bey 53' ~,~~try Alkaloids "Investigation of Alkaloids of the Semecio Species. IX. Structure of Alkaloids from Senecio -sarrace- ;A. Danilova and A. Ruzovkov, All-Union Bel.- Researck(Ilhemo-Pharmaceutical Inst in'S. Ordzhoni- kifte _~~Y. ~- tow MAW:! 9~shch Xhim, Vol 23, 10 9, PP 1597-1600 It vat established that the new alkaloids sar- rac"e"'-wid R-oxide of isarracize, isolated from, Sen~~io sarracenius, are die-sters of the amino- 917c6l platinecine with cis- J* -dimetbylacrylic .268T35 (anjelic) acid and an unsaturated acid with the con&sition C 1380 designated sarracinic acid. The,latter ac?d s the carbon frame of methyl- etb*l-acetic: acid, differing from it by the pres- enci,;of a hydroxy-group and a double bond. PROSKUMUNA, N.F.; KMVKOV. A.D.; ROBIOHOT, V.M., akademik. Investigation of alkaloids from Sophorit pachycarpa. Structure of sophocarpine and sopheramine. D~kl.AN SSSR 91 no.5:1145-1146 Ag 153. (KLU 6:8) 1. Akademiya nank BBBR (for Robionov). 2. Vsesoyu%nyy nauchno-insledovatell- skly khtmike-farmatseytichookly institut im. B.Ordshonikidso (for Prookurnina and lusovkov). (Alkaloids) (8ophora pachyeexpa) 2- C~ KULOVIMV (S, Otd,-fv:,Ikid%c A!!.tlnlm SL'4*; Itlip salf. M. 219*). Ultraviolet spectra of the new a!ka- laids were examd.; f Ll pparently contairis u -h-l -in aw dri., fl- I . I f- - S- IN. ATC49'mruy- 01- FOOLS OF---- A lvdiiel"-- t]iRit. -T ~N- Toth Weir-Oh"y *10 W'7 I f0t9j, u&d Wh rts Itullum J DUU W. unkaG' w-u"mWIJOid,-M-.- -fv-I 'WI 167-9'), aud toe-nefidirg!. in;- 2.~"*. . ~hIriIopmti9upmInCmqjms pvc O~7% total alkaloids rrom ~Ilien were isolated (through thc sulfatc:3); I~anguinarint' M, chelcrythrinc, M. 210-13% cAwlida-im~, Fri. -10", " 1. 1. -316.0 (IM 254-6'; trethiodide, in. 27V), Smne pru-: ent fit. 1XV, [call) 110" lit f 7-7-7-77 FIATONOVA, Ur.; XUZOVIOV, A.D. ,~~ 11 --mwmmmww Alkaloids from Loontice evormnannii Ego. Part 3. Uontino- Structure of the haterocycllo ring. ZIrar.ob.khIm. 26 no.l: 283-285 A 156. (mm 90) 1. Toosoyuznyy pauohno-issledovateliskly khimiko-ftneatseytia-ho- Akiy institut iment S. Ordzhonikidze. (Alkslolds) (Loontica) .Btudjv of aconit6 Alkaloids. Pkrt 8* rdentity of delphelatIns with eldelineaftuiedbAhim, ~6 no.'?%'2063~2066 il 156. (mmA giro) I..,Tassoyuxuyy uauchno-looledovetallakly khimiko-farmatseyticheakly WtItut Imenl Se Ordshonikidie, (Alkaloids) (Larkspur) watt if~ o 'ilficr With HIS, grave acryrit~ V.!!utz ~f KUWVKOV,, A. D. Preparation for treatment of nervous disorders. USSR Patent 105,502. May 25 1957. Pr,'ZORr=VA-KURBANOVA, P. M., MASMKOVSXIY, M. D., MILSSAGETOV, KUZOVKOV, A. D., RAHENOVTCHj M. Sej and MMHOVA, W. A. A curarelike prapn. (Elatin) which is an alkaloid of the compn, G38H500108 : : obtained from Delphinium slatum, is used for treatment of nervous disorders. v 79-1-56/63 AUTHORS: Platonova, T. P. , Kuzovkov, A. D. , Massagetov, P. 3, TITLEs Investigation of Aoonite Alkaloids (Issledovaniye akonitovykh, alkaloidov) IX. On the Alkaloids of Aconitum excelaum (IX. 0b alkaloidakh Aconitum excelaum) PERIODICALs Zhurnal Obahchey Khimii, 1958,Vol.28t Nr 1~ pp.258-26i(USSR) ADSTRACTs The alkaloids of the plant Aconitum oxcelaum Rehb. were in- voutigated by S. Y. Yunusov in whose report a short indication to the isolation of mesaconitine and two bases. These bases wer8 characteri2ed by the malting point3 (265 - 267 and about 100 C). The authors investigated the roots of the plant* The material was collected In Tyan'Shane in fall after the dying of their upper parts. The present sample contained about 3 alkaloid mixture whose chromato-raphic investigation on per only indicated three products (R bo,66 , 0,49 and 0,3 By splitting up the mixture it was pos3ible to liberate lap- paconitine (Rf Oo66) and two now alkaloids ( 0,74 and 0,76) which it waa not possible to dctermine chrom5ographically and Card 1/2 for whom the names skein and akainatin viere su,-geated, The 79-1-56/63 Investigation of Aconite Alkaloide. IX# On the Alkaloids of Aconitum ox- celsum, dry roots contain 0,016 ~ aksin and OtOO2 ~ akainatin. In this manner the investigated material contained at least five ba- sea. The products R 0,49 and 0930 could not be separated as such. Aksin, C H 8 11, contains two alcohol groupe and one acetoxy group Ud29a~parantly alao a ain,;le ether bond. Ak- ainatin, C21 H 0 4N, has an alcohol and a keto group and, like aksinq alzo an acetoxy group. By saponification of the latter amino alcohols were obtained from both, accordingly - aksinidine C H 0 N, and aksinatidine, C H 0 N. The 212 1 2201 superterrestrl oaks of the plant which weK lected in the pre-flowering-time contained 0,5 % of the noncrystal- line alkaloid suml by paper chromatography of the sum three products were determinad (R 0164, 0,49, 0,38), from which ,b only lappaconitine (0,06 %) could be liberateds There are 2 referencest all of which are Slavic. ASSOCIATIOM All-Union Scientifin Chemical-Pharmaceutical Institute imenis. Ordzhonikidze (Veeaoyuznyy nauchno-isoledovateltaki khimiko- -farmatoevticheskiy inatitut imeni S. Ordzhonikidze~ SUBMITTEDt January 8, 1957 AVAILABLEt Library of Congress Card 2/2 1. Chemistry 21, Flora-Chemioal analysis ;~ C ( '?, 0V i~ 0 V.10 fi. 1) . AUTHORS: Kazovkov, A. D., Bochm-rnikova, A. V. 79-2-62/64 - -------------- TITLEt The Investigation of hoonite-Alkaloids (Isaledovaniye akoni- tovykh . alkaloidov) . X. "Elatine". The Structure of Stherifyinf; Acid (X. Elatin. Stroyeniye eterifitairuyushchey kisloty). PERIODICALs Zhurnal Obshchey Khimiip 1958, Vol. 28, Nr 21 PP. 556-558 (issa) ABSTRLCT: It was published already in a preceoing work that the carbo- xyle of the methyl euccinic acid and the nitrogen of the anth- ranilic acid form a groaping of the N-aubstituted methyl suc- cinimide in the elatine molecule. Proceeding from this assump- tion the famula for "elatine" was fixed, This is confirmed by the present work. On the oacasion of the reduction of elatine, elatidine and 2-/K-(3-methyl pyrrolidin,:)/-benzs1.-alcohol were obtained. The latter is formed by the reduction cleavage of an ether compound and to reduction of two carbonyls of the methyl succinyl group to the methyl group from which two amide carbo- nyls of the acid quoted in the title can be concluded which have the following struezural formulai HOO Simultaneously with the present 0-~11---CH3 work Cookson et al. (ref- 5) found this structural formula on the C basis of spectroscopic investi- Go- CH2 gations. The alkaloids methyl r Card 1/2 licaconitine and elatine apparently differ from each other only The Investigation of Aconite-Alkaloids. X."Elatine". 79-2-62/64 The Structure of Etherifying Acid. by the fact that the latter has a methyldioxy group instead of the glycol group of the methyl lionconitine. Both show similar pharmacological properties which, however, are not due to the presence of the sucoinimide j;roup, for also "delsemine", "avarh- aridine", and ajaoine have similar effects (according to the data of the co-operators of the Federal Institute for Scientific Chemical and Pharmaceutical Investigations P. M. Dozortseva)- The presence of the group mentioned lastsliowever,explains the sensitivity to ammonia; thus, methyl licaconitine changes into delsemine. Also the extraction of the first two alkaloids im- proves if soda isused instead of ammonia (,,ith elatine from do- lphinium elatum from 0,03 to 0,15% and the hydriodide of methyl licaconitine from delphinium dictyocarpum D. C. to o,7%). The method of preparation and specific data are given.There are lo references, 7 of which are Slavic. ASSOCIATION: A3.j_UAjoj2 Scientific Research Institute for Chemistry and Phar - macy imeni U. Ordzhonikidze (Vsesoyuznyy nauchno-isoledovatell akiy khimiko-farmatse-AichaskV institut im. S. Ordzhonikidze). SUBMITTLD: February 7, 1957 AVAILABLE: Library of Congress Card 2/2 AW AUTHORs Kuzovkov, A. D., 79-2-63/64 TITLE: The Investigation of Aconite-Alkaloide (Isaledovaniye akoni t,ovykh alkaloidov). XI. The Oxidation of Hidrucarbon. C1,Hj, Forming in the Dehydrogenation of "Zongorine" (;jI. Qkialeniye uglevodoroda C18H,G obrazuyushchegoeya pri degidrirovanii zon,_ gorina). PERIODICAL, Zhurnal Obahohey Khimii, 19~8, Vol. 20, Nr 2, PP. 558-56o (USS R) A35TRACT i In -order to determine the position of alkyl groups C18H was oxidized with potassium ferricyanide under the same conlions under which Ruzhiohka (ref- 3) oxidized retene. On this occas- ion also two acids were obtained the methyl esters of which were isolated. The results of the inveatigations showed that th..;ee were the methyl esters of diphenyl tetracarbo-xylic -2,3, 21P41p- acid and the eater of phenantrene tricarboxylic &aid. Thie was also confirmed by ultra-violet spectra and infrared spectra respectively. The results of oxidation confirmed the aanumption publlihed already earlier in technical literature that the hydroot;rbon C18H18 is trialkyl phenanthrene. Moreover, it could be observed that the alkyl groups are in position 1,7 and 9 or lo of the phenanthrene nucleus, for this is the only Card 1/2 possibility to obtain the above acids in the case of oxidation. The Investigation of Aconite-Alkaloids. X1. The Oxidation of Hydro- 79-2-63/64 carbon Gj8HjG Forming in the Dehydrogenation of "Zongorine". Up to now no phenanthrene hydrocarbons with substituents in the 9 or lo position were found among the hydrogenation der- ivatives of the aconite alkaloids. The alkyl groups in the 9 or lo position indicate the presence of a substituent in the corresponding nucleus of Azongorine" or that the nucleus is 7- or 8-membered ' and thus may change into 6-membered aromatice with new alkyl groups on the occasion of hydrogenation. There are 1 figure, 5 references, 2 of which are Slavic. ASSOCIATION: A3.1-Mion Scientific Research Institute for Chemistry and Pharmacy imeni S. Ordzhonikidze (Vseooyuznyy nauchno-iseledo- vatellskiy khimiko-farmateevticheakiy institut im. S. Ordzhoni- kidze). SUBUITTED; March 16p 1957 AVAILABLE: Librqry of Congress Card 2/2 AUTHOR: Kuzovkov# A4 D. SOY,/79-28-6-61/66 TITLE: aloide (Issledovaniye Investigations on the Aconital Alk akonitovykqalkaloidov) XII. The Structure of the Hydrocarbon 8 and a Possible Formula for Songorin (XII.Stroyaniye H 0 12 4 ug 6 odorods, CIs918 1 vozmozhnaya formula zongorina) PERIODICAL: Zhurnal obahchey ~himii, 1958, Vol. 28, Nr 6, pp.2283 - 2288 (USSR) ABSTRACT: The author had earlier (Ref 1) obtained the hydrocarbon C18H by dehydrogenating songorin with selenium. He ' 51ished this synthesis by the reactions in diagram 1. acoom By dehydrating tertiary alcohols formed by the Grignard reaction it is possible to obtain a mixture of isomers which differ in respect to ihe position of the double bond. In this case it is possible after the cyolization and tne sub- sequent dehydration to form not only the 1,10-dimethyl-7- othylphonanthrenel as,the diagram indicates# but alio 1,10-dimethyl-5-othylphenanthrone. The pvoduct separated ou4 by the author after the dehydration was found to be Card 1/4 id6ntical with the hydrocarbon C is Hie whiah formed from Investigations on the Aconital Alkaloids. XII. The SOV/79-~-28-8-61/66 Structure of the Hydrocarbon C H and a Possible Formula for Songorin 18 18 the dehydration of songorin. The position of the ethyl group at the 7th oarben atom had been ascertained previously (Ref,2) by oxidizing the hydrocarbon C 18H to diphenyl tetracarbonio acid 2,3,21,41. The 1-bromo-12-o-tolylpropane was'made from a-tylol (Diagram 4). Cyclohexanone-1,3, whose synthesis ist described in the literature (Diagram 3), was used as the'starting product In synthesizing 1-sthylcyclo- hexanone-3. The cyclohexadione reacts in the Grignard reaction as the en07form (Diagram 4). l-Ethyleyoloheianons-3, which in characteri'kud as a semicarbazone, was obtained by the hydrogenation of cyclohexone using a nickel skeleton catalyst. The determination of the structure of C I?RIs* allowed generalizations about certain properties o songorin to be made and led to a few considerations on the structure of this alkaloid, which, on the basis of the analytical data, showed that either of the formulae 0 21H2903N or C22H 31 03N was possible. It had been reported that the alkaloid napollin had been split into napellin and napellonin, and since the Card 2/4 projerties of this last compound are very similar to those Investigations an the Aoonital Alkaloids . XII. The SOV179-28-8-61166 Structure of the Hydrocarbon 0 18H18 and a Possible Pormula for Songorin of songorin it was possible to decide upon the formula on this basis. The hypothetical formula M was proposed for napallonin (Ref 8)j and this indicated that formula (I) is the proper one for songorin. Nevertheless, formula (II) was more in accord with the results of the dehydrogenation of the songorin, and the author accepted this formula in preference to formula (I). There are 9 references, 4 of which are Soviet. ASSOCIATION: Vaesoyuznyy.nauchno-iseledovatellskiy khimiko-farmatsaytiches- kiy institut imeni S. Ordzhonikidte (All-Union Scientific Chemical-Pharmaceutical Research Institute imeni S. Ordzhoni- kidze) SUBMITTED: July 19 1957 Card 3/4 4 Investigations on the Aconital,Alkaloide. XII. The SOV179-28-8-61166 Structure of the Hydrocarbon C isHis and a Possible Formula for Songorin Card 4/4 SOV/79-2a-il-505 AUTHORS: Platonova, T. Fo~ Rzovkovp A* Do, Masnagetov, P. S. TITLE: Investigation of the Aconite Alkaloids (Issledovaniye akoni- tovykh alkaloidov) XIII. Alkaloid Aconitum Rotund1folium Kar. at Kir. and Aconitum Hemorum M. Pop. (XIII. Alkaloidy Aconitum rotundifolium, Kar. at Kir. i Aoonitum nemorum M. Pop.) PERIODICALi Zhurnal obahchey khimiip 1958, Vol 28, Mr 11, pp 3126-3128 (USSR) ABSTRACT: The orbioular-leaf aconite (Aconitum. rotundifolium Kar. at Kir.) is a small perennial plant with two tubers and pale- lilac flowers. The underground parts of it were collected during blossom in August and September in the centralpart of Tyan'-Shan for the purpose of separating the alkaloids. The dried plant consisted of about 0.15 /246 alkaloids. In the mix- ture four bases were found by paper chromatography. In the aluminum oxide chromatography alkaloids of the empir' *j formu- lae C27H 3106N and 026H3402N2 were separated from the mixture. The forest aconite (Aconitum nemorum, Ho Pop.) is a perennial Card 1/2 grass-type plant with blue flowers and a little chain !'of BOV/79-28-11-50/55 Investigation of the Aconite Alkaloids. XIII. Alkaloid Aconitum Rotundi- folium Kar. et Kir. and Aconitum Nemorum 11. Pop. tubers grown together. For the investigation the whole plants were collected in August during the blosnom in the Tyan'-Shan, in the area of Lake Son-Kull. The dried plant contained 0.2 alkaloids. Two bases found in the mixture by paper chromato- graphy they turned out to be talat ioamine (Ref 2) and mono- acetyl talat isamine. The latter was also obtained by the acetylation of the former (Ref 3); it had never before been found in plants. There are 3 Soviet references. ASSOCIATION: Vaesoyuznyy nauchno-issledovatel'skiy khimiko-farmatsevti- cheakiy ingtitut imeni S. Ordzhonikidze (All-Union Scienti- fic Chemo-Pharmacautical Research Institute imeni S. Ordzhonikidze) SUBMITTED: October 15, 1957 Card 2/2 30V/79-26-11-51/55 AUTHORS: Platonova, T, F., Kuzovkov, A. D., Massai-etov, P. S. TITLE: Alkaloids of Plante of the Family Che-iopodiacese (00080foot) (Alkaloidy rasteniy someyntva Chenopodinceae (inarevyye)) Anabasis Jaxurtica and Arthrophytum Leptocladum (Anabaois jaxartica i Arthrophytum leptocladum) PERIODICAL: Zhurnal obahchey khimii, 1958, Vol 28, 11r 11, pp 3128-3131 (USSR) ABSTRACT: Anabaoie jaxartica (Bgo.) Benth. is a 20-30 cm high, perennial plant, which grows in the salt plains of the Syr-Darlya river. The dry plant contains 0.16 % alkaloids. In alkaloid mixtures four bases)Viere produced by paper hromato6-raphy (R f 0.60, 0-41, 0-17 . In the separation, depending on the basicity, it was possible to separate 2 bases, 1'-[r 1 (R f 0-33) and Nr 2 (R f 0.41). The substances with the denoninations R f 0.80 and 0.17 on the chromatogram yield weak stains and obviously are contained in the plant in only arnall quantities. Base Hr 1 corresponds to the formula C 9H13 ON; it is water soluble and Card 1/3 is dyed with iron chloride. In the infrared spectrum the fol- BOV/73-28-11-51/55 Alkaloids of Plants of the Faruily Chenopodiaceae (Goosefoot). Anabasis Jaxartica and Arthrophytum Leptocladum, lowingabsorption bands can be seen: 3.0 A ( a weak band, (HIM, 3.8 ii ( a doubL, band, hybrid ion), 6.2 g (a double band, conjugated bonds). Their nitrogen is of secondary type. The composition and the properties of base Nr I as well an the constants of its salts correspond rather exactly to those of It-methyl-4-OXY-p-phonyl-othyl amino (Table 1) which never before had been found on plants, although its mothyl derivative (hordenine - Ref 2) has been long known. The base Nr 2 C10H15 ON differs from base Nr 1 by the group CIT 2* Its spectrum differs very little from that of base 11r 1. The authors called this now base Jaxartinin. From Arthrophytum leptocladum M. Pop. N. V. Yurashevskiy (Rof 3) obtained dipterine, leptocladine, an~ N-methyl-P-phenyl-ethyl amine. It contained 3.7 '/~ bases. The authors succeeded in additionally separating the base C12H14 N2 which has an ITCH 3 group- Onecf the nitrogen atoms is of basic character. This base with an excess hydrochloric acid forms a chlorine monohydrate. Its infrared spectrum Card 2/3 points to an a9vociated TT11-[7,oup. The ultraviolet spectrum is BOV/79-28-1-1-51/55 Alkaloids of Plants of the Family Chanopodiaceae (Coosefoot). Anabasis Juxartica and Arthrophytum Leptocladum identical with that of indole. Based on the above said as well as on the similarity of the constants of the obtained base and its salts with those of 3-mothyl-1,2,3,4-tetrahydro- P-carbinol (Ref 4, Table 2) they can be regardad as identical. This carbinal had never before been found in plants. There are 2 tables and 5 referenceap 2 of which are Soviet. ASSOCIATION: Voeooyuznyy nauchno-ionledovatellakiy khimiko-farmatsovti- cheskiy inatitut imeni S. Ordzhonikidze (All-Union Scientific Chomo-Pharmacoutical Research Institute imeni S. Ordzhonikidze) SUBMITTED: October 15, 1957 Card 3/3 SOV/79-26-11-52/55 AUTHORS: Platonova, T. F., Kuzovkovo A. D., Massagetov, P. S. TITLE: On the Alkaloids of the Plants of the Family Anclepiadaceae Milkweed) (Ob alkaloidakh rasteniy sem. Aeclepiadaceae lastovnevykii)) I. Antitoxicum Funebre (Doiss. et Ky.) Pobed. ~ I. Antitoxicum. funebre (Boise. et. F4.) Fobed.) PERIODICAL: Zhurnal obahchey khimii, 1950, Vol 28, fir 11, PP 3131-3133 (USSR) ABSTRACT: The content of alkaloids of the plant family Asclepiadaceae is low. The authors report on the separation of two alkaloids (Ref 1), the tylophorine C 24H2704N and the tylophorinine C23H2704N from the plant Tilophora asthmatica Wigt a. Arn., as well as of the nicotine from the Asclepias syriaca (Ref 2). Of the 40 types of this plant family growing in the USSR only 2, the Cyna-hum acutum and the L. Vincetoxicum sibiri- cum have been inve6tigated until now; no alkaloids were found in them (Ref 4).. The great interest for alkaloids of the plant family Apocynaceae and the botanical similarity with Card 1/3 that of the Aselepiadaceae caused the authors to investigate 3OV/79-28-11-52/55 On the Alkaloids of the Plants of the Family Asclepiadaceae (Milkweed). I. Antitoxicum Funebre (Boiss,. et Ky.) Pobed. the alkaloids of the latter. 'kntitoxicum funebre (Boisq. at Ky.) is a plant of a height of 40-70 cm- It rrows on rocky slopes and unfertile places. The plants collected in the Caucasus in dried state contained 0.26 Ot alkaloids. In the paper chromatography the bases It f 0-45 and 0.33 were found among others, in the aluminum oxide chromatography the base C23112503if (R f 0.45), which has three OCII3groups. In the in- frared spectrum the bands of the lactam carboniles and of the groups OH and H11 are not prenent. The alkaloid hitherto not described was given the name antofine. Besides, two bases were separated In very small yields with only their melting points being determined. There are 5 references, 4 of which are Soviet. ASSOCIATION: Vaesoyuznyy naucbno-ioBledovatellskiy khimiko-farmatsevti- cheskiy institut imeni S. Ordzhonikidze (All-Union Scientific Chemo-Pharmaceutica? Research Institute imeni S. Ordzhonikidze,) Card 2/3 JLUZOMT# A*D*; PTATONOTAs T*F* . Possible structure of the alkaloid kondelfin. Ked,prow. 13 no.9: 12-13 6 '59- (KIn 13:1) 1. Vvesoynsmyy umbuo-issledovatel'skiy khimiko-farmateevtichookly institut imeni S. Ordzhonikidze, (AIKMIDS) 5 (3) AUTHORs Kuzovkov, A. D. BOT/79-29-5-68/75 TITLE: Investigation of Aconite Alkaloids (Issledoviniye akonitovykh- alkeloidov).14- On the Structure of the"Zongorine" Alkaloid (14- 0 stroyenii alkaloida songorina) PERIODICALt Zhurnal obehohey khimii, 1959, Vol 29, Nr 5, PP 1728 - 1737 (USSR) ABSTRACT: "Zongorine" and "Napellonine", which was produced b7 Pro-feavor X. Wiesner, are identical. The author thanks K. Wiesner for having put a sample of "Napellonine" at his disposal. Th,,% formula for "Zongorino".given earlier is confirmed by now data.The f6llowing was found in the "Zongorine" moleculetan allyl alcohol group, a saturated substituted piperidi-ne ring, a CH 2-group In *Position 16 and a CH-group in position 17. There is probably also a keto group of "Zongorine" in position8 Derivatives of "Zongorine" were not-oleaved according to the Hofman"n reaction. There are 11 references, 3 of which are Soviet. Card 1/2 Invectigation of Aconite Alkaloids.. SOir/79-29-5-68/75 14. On the Structure of the "Zongorine" Alkaloid ASSOCIATIONt Ysesoyusnyy nauchno-iseleaovatellskiy khimiko-farma-tsevticheskiy institut imeni S. Ordzhonikidze (All-Union Scientific Chemico-oharmaceutical Research Institute imeni S. Ordzhonikidze) SUBMITTEDs March 21, 1958 Card 2/2 .50) SOV/79-29-8-75/81 AUTHORSt Kuzovkov, Platonova, T. F. TITLE# Investigation of the Aconite Alkaloids. XV. On the Structures of Elatine, Methyl Licaoonitine, Ajacine, Delsemine, 1wadchari- dine, Licaconitine, and EldelirAe --- PERIODICkLi Zhurnal obahchey khimii, 1959, Vol 29, Nr 8, pp 2782 - 2786 (USSR) . ABSTRACT8 Of the otherwise well investigated polyhydroxylated alkaloids of the plant genera Aoonitum and Delphinium the structures of methyl licaconitine, ajaoine, delsemine, awadcharidine, and lioaaonitine which are eaters of licoctonine (I) had until recently remained unknown, since it had not been known which of the three hydroxyl groups in them is subjected to an esteri- fioation when the eater is formed. In the authors' opinion the question can be,solved on the basis of the previously ob- tained data and the material collected by them experimentally, although on a small soale. For the alkaloid elatine (Ref 4), as an eater of the acid (II), the authors suggest the formula (IV)$ for its amino alcohol, elatidine, the formula (III). Card 113 By transformation of the elatidine into anthranoyllicoctonine Investiga4ion of the Aconite Alkaloids. XV. On the BOV/79-29-8-75/81 Structures of Blatine, Methyl Lioaconitinet Ajacine, Belsemine, Awadchari- dine, Licaconitine# and Eldeline the position of the esterified hydroxyl was determined in anthxanoyllioootonine as well as its derivatives(methyllica- oonitine, delsemine, ajaoine, awadoharidinet and licaoonitine). Thus in all the above alkaloids the primary hydroxyl group of licoatonine is eaterified by anthranilic acid. These al- kaloids differ amongst each other by the nature of the radical which arylates the amino group of anthranilic acid. The al- kaloid ajaoine corresponds, as is known, to the compound (VI) (Ref 11). The structural investigation of methyllicaconitine corresponds to the one made by R. C. Cookson and co-workers. It is thus represented by formula (VII). The alkaloid delse- mine (Refs 8,12) corresponds to formula (IX). The alkaloid awadcharidine corresponds to structure (X), since (according to studies by S. Yu. Yunusov and W. K. Abubakirov (Ref 8)) it differs from delsemine by the fact only that it is a derivative of sucoinio acid while delsemine is a derivative of methyl- suocinio acid. For licaconitine formula (XII) was found. The Card 2/3 alkaloid eldeline is an acetic eater of the amino alcohol investigation of the Aconite Alkaloids. XV. On the SOV/79-29-8-75/81 Structures of Blatine, Methyl Licaoonitine, Ajacine, Delsemine, Awadchari- dinev Licaconitinet and Eldeline eldelidinel it is identical with deltaline. In eldeline the grouping -6(OCOCH 3 _iOH was found. OR 2 - There are 16 references, 8 of which are Soviet. ASSOCIATIONs Voesoyuznyy nauchno-iseledovatellskiy khimiko-farmatsevtiches- kiy inatitut imeni S. Ordzhonikidze (All-Union Scientific Chemopharmaceutic Reseaxch Institute imeni S, Ordzhonikidze) SUBMITTEDt JulY 5, 1958 Card 3/3 KUZOVKOV, A.D. Aconitia alkaloide. Part 171 Structure of the allmloid zoi%go- r1ne. Zhur.ob.khim. 30 no-5:1727-1732 My 16o, (14M 13:5) 1. Vansoyusnyy nauchno-ingledovatel'skiy khimiko-faruatsevticbeskly institut imont SjOrdsbonikidne, - (Alkaloids) XUZOVKOV, A.D.1 PTATONOVA$ T.F. Aconitic alks3oids. Part, I$t Strdoturs of ioothalatiodins, talatisidinet condelfinet and monoacetylaongorinso Zbur, ob., Mims 31 no,432389-1399 Ap 161. (KERA 34: 4) 1, Ve0o8yulmyy nauolmo-isoledovatellgskiy khiWko-farm&tBsvti- chookLy inatitut imeni S. Ordzhonikidze. (AlkaloidB) KUZOVKOV,-A. D.1 PUTOODYAO T. P. The struturs of the 811mloids 91491ine (deltaline) and delphelins. report submitted for the JUPAC-2nd International SMosiujs on the Chemistry of Natural Productas Praguej, Czech.,, 27 Aug - 2 Sep 62 A'D.; PLATONOVAP T,F- f eldellne and delphelinGo Klj zoVKOV 9 ,c aikaidd , part 1()s Structure (HIM 1534) zh~ a no.4tl290-1293 PIP 162. Zhur.ob.Icbim. 32 stvennykh Iaromaticheskikh rastsuiy- nstitut iskar (Delpholine) 1. VIesoyuznyy I (gledeline) FIATONOVAI T.F.j MASSACETOV, PIS.j MZOVKOV,, A.D. Lallemantin a now alkaloid from the plant Lellemantia peltata (L.) Fisoh. ot May. Mod, prom. 16 no.2sI4 F 1612, (MM 1533) 1, Voeooyuzz*7 nauchno-iseledovatelloldy khimiko-farmetsev- ticheakiy institut imeni S, Ordzhonikidze, (Lummik) (ALKALOIDS) FROIA)VAt V. I.; KUZOVKOVp 1. D. Anmioider fl-= Chofirm tOrn&tA H. B. and K. Structure of wObOl-vYim", Zbw. Ob. khim. 33 no.1:221-225 163 (min 1;: 1) 11 VOODOTUSM7 nauabno-iosladantalfoldy in'stitut lakaretyennykb i aromatio~ssklkh rasteay, .(A2k&loide) XUZOVKOV, A - D. Dissertation deftided for the degree of Doctor of Chemical Sciences at the Institute of Chemistry of Natural Products in 1962: 'Investigation of the Structure of Several Aconite Alkaloids.N Test. Akad. Naut s5za. No. 4. Moscow, 1963, p1ges 119-145 YAKHONTOVA, L. D.; IMOVKOVS A. De Alkaloids of the fami2y labiatas, Part 2s Partial atructural fonmIa of rosmarinecine. Zhur. ob. khim. 33 no.1008-309 163.- (MIRA 16a) 1. VessoyuzW iustitut Iskarstrennykh i arematio'hesIdAh (Romwinecins) MURAVIYLVAO V.I.j KUZOVKOV# A,D. Study of alkaloido from Saiurin-oga suffruticosa (Fall.) Rehd. Zhur.ob.khim. 33 no.2t693-694 F 163. (KERA 16s2) 1. VoeaoyU2nyy nauchno-iseledovatel'skiy inatitut lekirstven- nykh.'i aromatichookikh rastmiy (VILAR)o (securinins) TIM SYUY ZHENI-SHE14 (Hs~ JAn-Bh8ngj;_EU;RVXQy,__4,,p. Alkaloids from Leontice everamanil BGH. Part 51 Structure of "leontidin.~" Zhur.ob.kh1m. 33 no.60067-2071 Je 163. I I (MA 16s7) 1. Vaenoyusnyy institut lokaretyennykh i aromaticheakikh rasteniy (VILAR). (Alkaloida) (Leontics) PLATONOVA, T#F.; KUZOVKOVI A.D. Alkaloide from the seeds of the plant Delphinium oriental J Ga Med.Prcm.17,no#4v19-20 Ap 163~ (= ~;VT 1. Vessoyusnyy usuchno-iooledovatel'skiy botitut lakarotyennykh i aromatichookikh rasteniy (AUUMIDS) jLMPUR) VIZNER, K,j KUZOVKOV, A.D.; FLATOMOVA, T.F. Aconitine alkaloids. Part 201 Inoeldeline, its structuro and triniformations. Zhmr. ob.khim. 34 no. 5s1666-1668 MI 164. 1 (MIRA 17:7) 1. Vsesoyuznyy institut lekerstxennykh i aromatichoskikh rastenly (VILAR). SYUY ZHENI-SHEN' (Hail Jan-shen]; YU~ ~VKOV ~.D.; Leontice ewersmannii Bge. alkaloids. Part 6: Structure of leontidine. Zhur.ob.khim. 34 no. 5t1669-1672 W 164. (MIRA 17:7) 1. Vsesoyuznvy institut lekarstvennirh I aromaticheskikh rastweniy (VILAR). FROLOVA, V.I. ~_p7OVKOV,,-,,A.D.; KIBALICHICH, P.H. Alkaloida form Ptelea trifiolata L. Structure of ptelein. Zhur. ob. khim. 34 no.10:3499-3505 0 '64. (MIRA 17;11) 1. Vaesoyuznvy nauchno-issledovatel'skiy institut lekarstvennykh i aromatichoskikh rasteniy. MAWTOV, C.M.; FLATONOVA, T.F.; NUZOVKOV, A.D. Production of methyllypaconitine from the Ararat larkspur, growing in the Nakhiche-van A.S.S.R. Dokl. AN Azerb, SSR 21 no.1:48-50 165, (MMA 18: 5) 1. Veasoyuznyy Institut lekarstvennykh I aromaticheskikh rasteniy i Institut botaniki AN AzerSSR. L 5304-66 EAiT(l)1LmdA('J)1W(m)19Wb)-2 JK/M ACC NR: AP5025007 e SOURCE F's UR/0286/65/boq/gi6/oo67/0O67 441- AVrHORS% Platonoval-T. F.j Kuzovkov, A, Do j Kljg~shchava. K. M.; LgkzMag L, Do ORG: none 62-5 TITLE: A method for purifying tatracycli e,j Class 30) No. 173888 Zannounced by .the All-Union Scientific Research Institute of Antibiotics (Vsoaoyuznyy nauchno- 4-1 -1-4- -1 1 -1,4 ., 4 -.4- 4 4-4, --1- 41-4 -4.4 U-N 7 SOURCE3 Byulleten' izobret niy i tovarnvkh znaxov, no. 16, 1965s 67 TOPIC TAGSs antibiot rlj tetracycline, apitetracycline, calcium chloride ABSTRACTi This Author Certificate presents a method for purifying tetracycline. -To remove epitetracycline and other organic admixtures., the solution of the antibiotic is treated with a calcium salt such as calcium chloride at PH of 3,1-3*4, and the reuulting compound is washed with water at pH of about 3.0. ~SUB CODE- Lq SUBM DATEs 260ot6h/ ORIG RkYs 000/ OTH RWv 000 C., SH M.LCHKOVAp I.I.; ILIINSKAYAO T.N.; KUZOVK(3Vp A.D. I., , Alkaloids of Stephania, glabra. Khim.prirod.sood. no.4s 271-275 165- (MIRA 1911) 1. Vseooyuznyy naucbno-issledovatellskly Institut lekaretvennykb i aromaticheakikh rAntenly. Submitted March 26j 1965. YELIZAPOI/A R.N.; KUZOVXOV A.D.;_PBALICHICII, P,11,; SHRETER, A.J. Chemical study or Plectranthup glaucocalyx MAxim. KhIm. prirod. noed. no.6:427-428 f65. WRA 19:1) 1. Vseooyu-.%nyy natichno-igaledovatel'okiy inatitut lekarstvennykh i aromaticheskikh rasteniy. Submitted March 18,, 1965. RABINOVICH, I,M,; KIBALICHICH, P.N.; FADErEVA, I.I.; ILIINSKAYA, T.N.; MMHINSWAy V.V.; TRUTNEVA, Te.A.; NIKITINA, S.S. Plants of the Stephtwie, gAnus as a 0ource or now madicizal preparations, Apt, dalo 34 no.6tl9-22 W-D 165. (MIRA 18:12) ,1. vessoyuznyy nauchno-issledovatol'skiy institut lekarstverLnykh i aromaticbeekikh raeteniyj Moskva. Submitted June 15r 1965. I - 0 1 -1