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KUZVETSOVA, Z.I. Effect of oulfate-reducing and methane-forming bacteria on the gas and chemical c"=positions of subterranean waters in the Chelaken Peninsula. Vop,o gidrogeol-- i inzh, geola noo 18:59-65 159o (MIRA 140) (Cheleken Peninsula-Vatery Underground-Bacteriology) rumetlovap Z. 1. Origin of oil and oil edposits, By M. Ye. Al'tovskiy, Z. 1. luznetsova and V. M. Shvets. New York,,.Consultants Bureau, 1961. vii, 107 p. diagrs., eraphs, tables. Translated from the original Russian: Obrazovaniye nefti i forinirovaniyo neftyanykh zalezhey, Moscow, 1958. Bibliography: p. 99-107. XMNETSOVA Zj. ---~ - -L--- - DistrIbUtIon and ecology of micro-organlams tn deep underground watera in some territories of t~a U.S.S.R. frudy Inst.mlkrobioll. no.9:12iPsM 161. (MIM 1535) 10 VaGeopwU niifo-~Isoledvwatelldkly lwtitut gidrogeologii i 'in narnoy geologii (rJZGIRMO), Moskva. (Water# Underpvund-Mlcrobibloa) -!2~ ALITOVSKIYI Mikhail Yevgonlyevich; BYX0VA, Yelena Leonidovna Zinov anovna SWMS, Vladimir Mikhaylovich; KUZ IHIIIA) U.N. Oyla_Ilv ,ovn,,0 vW-. re VA, V.V.q tekhns-red. [Organic matter and microflora, of underground watere and their significance in the processes of oil and gas famation]Organiche- skio voshohostva i Tnikroflora podze=Wkh vod. i ikh znachenic v protaossakh neftogazoobrazovaniia. [By) M.E.Alltovskii i dr. Moskva, Gostoptekhizdat, 1962, 293 p. (MM 15:10) 1. Moscow. VsesoyuzW nauchno-issladovateliskiy institut gidro- geologii i inzhonernoy geologii. (oil fiold brines-Analysis) VOLINOVp IsI,; TSENTSIPERO A*B*; CHAM(VA, V.N.; LATYSHEVA, Ye.1.1 XUZNETBOVAp Zola Synthesis of oxygen-labeled hydrogen peroxide from dissooiated heavy oxygen vater in a glow disahargeo Zhu".# fize Mime 38 nos5s3.182-1197 Pq 164a (MIRA 18t12) Is Institut obshchey i neorgsnichesko7 MIMI imenI Kurnakovs. AN SSSR. Submitted May 30p 1963. TSENMPERp A.B,LA9ffxAWA#-7"* Reaction of lithim perasids with ethans. Izv. AN 333R. "or, khim, uo,,llt2083-2085 165. (Huruk 18:11) 1* tnatitut obabohey i neorganicheskoy klilmLi im. N.3. Kurnakova AN SSSR. L 6150-66 EWP(t)/EWP(b)/M(m)/EPF1C1 IJP(c _46M 'AP5027693 SO.URCE CODE: UR/006 ~5/000/010/1902/1904 AUTHOR: Tsentsiperp A. Bo; Kuznetsova, Z. ORG: Institute of General and Inorganic Chemistry im, N, S, Kurnakovas _LQa_de of Scion 'd_�=,(;nstitut obshchey i neorganichookoy 1(himii Akademii nauk SS TITLE: Thermal deao sitionqWlithium peroxide SOURCE: AN SSSR. Izvestiya. Seriya khQ- e-heskayaAll. 100 19650 TOPIC TAGS: lithium compounds lithium oxide,$ solid oolutiont-heat-of decompositiong chemical reaction kinetics ABSTRACT: The thermal decomposition of lithium pero.-cide under static conditions was investigated in the 270-320 C range to provide data for the kinetics of the reaction, The decomposition to lithium oxide and oxygen was followed by differential manometric measurements and was found to proceed without autoaccqlerations A L1202-L120 solid solution was formed when more than about 50% of the lithium peroxide was decomposed. The apparent energy of activation of the lithium peroxide decomposition was calculated to be 50 kcal/mole. X-ray analysis -was conducted by V. M, Bakulin and A, N, Zimin to support the conclusion ACC NRt AP5027693 that a solid solution was forTwd, OrIgo art* has: I figure, 2 tables and 3 equations, SUB-CODE: IC/ SUBM DATE:, 27Feb65/ ORIG REP: 004/ OTH Mw: 001 KUZNRMMP Z -. I.,.kand. teklm. ...... - -- Studying the .- performance apartment houses, Sbors nauk of sanitar7 angineering equipment In trude NTIST mo,'ljtJO6-n2 v62 (min 18 t1) KUZNETSOVA. Z-4. kand. tekhn. nauk; KAHNAUKHOVA, S. Yu. ------I Water mixers and water tape* their technical and hydraulic characteristics, Sbor. trud: NIIST no.1183-13-132 162 (MIR& 18ti) OPALOVSKIY, A.A.j KUZMSOVA, Z.M.; LUKITANOVAp L.A. Physicochemical study of the interaction of iodine pentoxide with sodium and potassium fluorides. Izv. Sib. otd. AN SSSR no&6t54-58 162 (MIRA 17t7) 1. Institut noorganicheskoy khimli Sibirskogo otdeleniya AN SSSR, Novosibirsk, OPALOVSKIYO A.A.,) KUPIETSOVA Z.Y,.; 13,17'300V, S.6. Study Of thO By"tem ?lH4F- "J3 - P20 - Tzv. Sib. c,td. A14 Scj,'".R no.9146-53 1621. (MIRA 1718) 1. Tnstitut neorpnicheskoy lrh~rdJ 84blrikogo cUJe-!,Wyq AN NO.'rosibIT-31K. OPALOVSKIY, A.A.; KU21NETSOVA, Z.114, Isothermal solubility in the Syste !"H4F U03 H20- Radio- khimiia 6 no.6:743-749 64. (KRA 18:2) R.I.; KUZURTSOU. Z.K. -1 Affectivenes of the method of conducting compound tuberculosis checkups for working adolescents and youths. 21 Supplement: 10-11 157- (MIRA 11:2) Is Kherikovskogo institute tuberkalaza. (TUBACULOSIS-DIAGNMIS) 5.5210 77748 SOV/75-15-1-10/29 AUTHORS: Buoev, A. 1,, Zholondlcovalcaya) T. N., Kiaznetsova, Z..-M. TITLE: Senaration of Oallium and Indium by the Diethyldithio;- carbamate Method PERIODICAM Zhurnal analiticheskoy khimil, 1960, Vol 15., Nr lj PP 50-56 (USSR) ABSTRACT: Conditions of Ga and In separation by precipitating In with sodium dlethyldithiocarbamate or extracting it with ethyl acetate were studied. A review of the literature dealing with the determination and separa- tion of Ga and In is also given. The following solu- tions were usedi standard gallium nitrate solution (l g Ga/rql)j standard indlum nitrate solution (2-5 ing n/p I ml) j 2% aqueous sodium diethyldithiocarbamate solu- tion; and the following buffer solutionst 0.2M CII~Cool I + 0.2,41 WsCOONa, p11 3,72-5,57, 0,2.41 KCI + 0,2AI 1XI, pH 1,00-2.20. O,2M I 1,B0, + 0,05M Na,B,,O,. ptl 703-9,11. Card 1/5 Separation of Gallium and Indium by the Diethyl- 77748 dithiocarbamate Method SOV/75-15-1-10/29 The data obtained show that quantitative precipitation of gallium with sodium dicthyldithiocarbamate takes place at pH 2.7-5.0, but has no practical value since. precipitation of many other elements also takes place under the same conditions. Precipitation of indium with sodium dietliyldithiocarbamate is more selectivej tartrates, oxalates, and sulfonalicylic acid do.not interfere. It was found that indium diethyldithio- carbamate can be quantitatively extracted with ethyl acetate at pH 3-5 in an excess of sodium oxalate. It Is proposed to separate Ga and In by precipitating indium with sodium diethyldithlocarbamate or extracting it with ethyl acetate at P11 3-5 in an excess of sodium oxalate. Experimental error for In and Ga is 1-3% at a Tn/da ratio from 2tl to 1:10. The results of Oa and In separation by precipitation are shown in Table 10. Separation of In and Ga by extraction is illustrated by data shown in Table 11. There are 11 tablesj and 35 references, 8 U.S., 3 U.S., 3 U.K., 14 German, 1 Japanese, Card 2/5 Separation of Gallium and Indium by the Diethyl- 77748 dithlocarbamate Method SOV//75-15-1-10/29 Table 10. Precipitation of In with sod:Lwn die thy1d ithiocarbamate in the presence of gallium (at pH 3-4) in excess of sodium oxalatet (a) taken (n-g)j (b) ratio In- Ga) (c) In found (mg)l ~di error of In determinationj (e) absolute (mg)j (f) relative % i (g) Ga found (mg); (h) error of Ga determinationj i absolute (mg)j (J) relative e4L, In as 2.39 19,68 1 8 2.4A +0,05 4. 2, 1 19.89 -1-0.21 + 1.00 2,31.) 19,68 1 8 2.40 +0,07 +2.9 19,82 -1-0,14 -0.7 2.99 4, 9'21 1 2 2.97 -0,02 -0 7 4 DO +0.(Y. -f 0,8 5.98 4,92 1 1 5 79 --0,19 -3:1 4: f1i 1). 02 -1-0,4 5.98 4.1)2 1 t 5:911 -1),IT2 -0,3 4,!H) 0,4j f -(), 8 5 08 4 0' 1 1 6, 03 +0,01) 40,8 4 711 0 V) ' -2,6 5.08 4 1 1 It. (M -1-0 (Hl + t,O 4:9Jj +010 i -1. A, i 5 08 2 2 fl. 4) 1 +0 )3 :( 0. 16 -1.3 1 Card 3/5 Separation of Gallium and Indium by the dithiocarbamate Method Table 11. SepAratiOn of In and Oa by extracting Indium diethyldithlocarbamate with ethyl acetate in an excess of sodium oxalate (pH ~-~) (a) taken (rg), (b) ratio in: Ga, (c) found In (mg), kd) error of In determination, (e) ab so- lute (mg), (f) relative (%), (g) found Ga (mg), (h) error of' Oa determination, W absolute (mg), relative /7 In C)jk 4 '74 5.78 1:1 4,74 8) + 0 021 + 11, 3 8 2. 1 5.78 1 1 :2 2.85 +1) Ot -H) ,4 1 5.8) -1-0.02 +0.3 2, 4 15,02 t 5 3.00 4-000 +2.0 4.9r) -0,1)fl --0.4 2. 30,W, t t 2,00 +0.02 tO.7 29.0 -U,07 -0.2 card 4/5 7T0 jorl of' Gallium and Indium by the Dlethyl dit:,iocarbamate Method SOV/75-15-1-10/29 I Prench, 1 Czechoslovak, 7 Soviet. The 5 most recent U.S. and U.K. references are: Irving) H. M-) Rossoti, F. G. C., Analyst 77, 801 (1952); Kraus, K. A., Nelson F., Smith, G. W., J. Phys. Chem. 58, N 1, 11 (1954~; Arden, T. W., Burstall, F. If., Davie2, Lewis, J. A., Linstead, P. G., Nature 162, 691 (ig,11AI; Carvalho R G de, Lederer, M., Analyt. c:iiri. acta 15, Nr 6, 543 49;6)' ASSOCIATION: M. V. Lomonosov Moscow State University (Moskovskiy gosudarstvennyy universitet imeni M. V. Lomonooova) sLmITTED: November 11, 1958 j Card 5/5 . . i: '! " j.: -41=~ F. - - r, OPAVIVAlY, A,k., BATSANOV, S.S-,j XVZN[,,Tj'CjlfA, ZIA Phyalcochemical InvastIpAtion of solid phases of Lhe vyatem HH4P - U63 - H20, Hadlokbitntla I no.5.,,589-596 165. (YJRA 18110) OPALOVSKIYP A.A.1 BATSANOV9 S.S.; KUZNETSOVAj Z.M. Pbysiaochemical otudy of;;*W41-- W03 - H20- Izv- AN SSSR. Ser. khim, no,12t2llO-2n6 D 163o (MIRA 17:1) 1. Institut neorganicheakoy khimii Sibirskogo otdaleniya, AN SSSR, JIIL~I-n, ~~l IK-7 OPALOVSKIYP AvA.; KUZNETSOVAp Z.M. Physicochemical otudy of the interaction of' iodine pentoxide with ammoniuls fluoride, Izv. Sib. otd. AN SSSR no.3:64-69 162* (MIRA 1717) 1, Institut neorganicheekoy khimli Sibirskogo atdoleniya AN SSSR, Novooibiroke OPATOVSKIY A.A.; M-NETSOWt, Z.M. 1, .9 PhotocolorJmetric determination of UMIUM (VI) with ar-anazn '11 in the presence of fluorine. Izv. SO AN no.? gar. khim. nauk no.IzI30-133 165. (MIRA 1M) K7UZNY,TSOVA, Z.H.. agronom Planning the management of the collective farm. Zemledelie 6 no*12: 66-68 D 158. (Collective farms) (KIRA 11:12) SHIPIIDV, Mikhail Mikhaylovich; IIMTSOVA. Zoya Hikolayevn agr.jRyM, Antonina Nikouyevna; red.j MKMBKInA. M, j takhn. red. (Aeronomiet]Agronom. (By) M.Shipilov i dr. Wakva Moak. ra- boohii, 1962. 57 p. (MRA 16t2) lo Glavnyy agronom sovkhoza "Konstantinovoll Podollskogo rayona. (for Shipilov). 2. Kolkhoz "Bollshevik" Podollskogo rayona (for Kuznetsova). ). Glavnyy agronom kolkholi imeni, Lenina Serebryaw- Frudakogo rayona (for Pqkina). 4, Glainyy agronom, oporno- pokazatellnoga sovkhoza imeni Tallmana, Ramenskogo rayons. (for Kotora), (Agriculturists) KUZNETSOVA, Zoya Nikitichna (1925-); HUSATOV2 V., red. [Leaders among row crop growers] Lidery propashnykh. Mo- akva, Mosk. rabochii,, 1964, 42 p. (MIRA 17:4) 1, Inopoktor-orgaitivator Laninakoga prolzmadstvannogo upraLv- lenlya Moskovskoy oblasti (for Kuznetsova). KUZNSTSOVA, Z.H. :2-111, 0 plating without cyanide baths. Had.prom. 12 no.2!46-48 Y 158; (MIRA 11:3) 1. Kediko-instrumentallnyy ordena Imnina zavod *Krasnogvardeyetep (GOID PIATING) ansein emulsion for protecting the hands from kerosene and gasoline. .Mad.prom, 12 no,4:52-53 Ap 158. (MMA 11:5) 1. liediko-instrumentallnvy ordena I%ninFi zavod "Xrnanogvnrdeyets." (SKIN--GARB AND HYGIENE) (GASSIN) KUZMSOVA, Z.N. . A .~ .% ~, Anode protection in nickel-plating bathes Medprom 12 no.lot42-43 1--," 0 158 (MMA llsll) 1. gediko-instramentallnyy ordena. Lenina, zavod mKrasnogrardeyets," (NICKEL PLATING) KUZMffSOVA, Z.N. Analysis of various black coatings on steel articles. Ned.prow. 13 no.11:41-43 N 159. (MIRA 13-.3) 1. Nediko-instrumentall"y savod "Mrannogvardeyets.0 (PUMECTIVE COATINGS) KUZMSGVAP-Z.N. .Zinc costing of ateel pexts in an amoniate electrolyte.. Mod. prom. 14 n0.8:37-39 Ag '60s (KERL 1388) 1. Hadiko-imtrumentallnyy zavod "Krasnogvardeyeta*. (ZINC PLATING) VAYNSHTEYN, M.Z.; IUZNETS.OVA, Z.N. Electrolyte for gloavy nickel plAting with tho oimatanoous leveling of the =face. Had. prom. 16 no,3843-47 Mr 162s (MIRA 15;5) 1. Mediko-instrumental'W zavod "Kraonopardoyets". (NICKEL PLATING) (ELECTROLYTES) KuLAKaV, S.S.; KUZNETSOVA, Z.N.; DUDARM, N.F. Packet method of setting and unloading ceramic atoneso Stroi. mat. 3.1 no. l2sl9-20 D 165* (MIU 18:12 W 1. Glavnyy inzhener Vitebakogo kombinata stroymaterialov (for Kulakov). 2. Nachallnik otdola tekhnicheskogo kontrolya i laboratorii Vitebokogo kombinata stroymaterialov (for Kuzne- t8QvR)- 3, Starshiy inzhener Vitebakogo kombinata stroymatd-- rialov Ito-Mudare" SUMOTMAO A&I&I XMMOVA# Z*P& Recovery of metals and their compotvWs &cc diluted 903utima* Part 3a lam-=chaW reamery of pLI2&Uw* Trudy p0 M1161 ft"tI366 nOaIU9-w %&. (MIPA A22) I* Subtdtted October 16# 1963. Cowitry : USSR C)py : Generai Probleu.,s of P.,Caolo6y. 01urgy 1958, No. 56 6 11,:3 t j Lit r c T I roblo.'l of Cie ILA tZel,cx Activity of Atlimill; 00~,J) ORIG. PIT"ll, .Tr. ~)MznkoGo Pied. Ln-QA, 1957, No-'21, 151-10'2 7, P~~k 7 abstract. SOV/124-58-8-9420 Translation from: Referativnyy zhurnal, Mekhanika, 1958, Nr 8, p 145 (USSR) AUTHORS: Kusov, A.B., Kuznetsova, Z.P., Chernykh, Z.V. TITLE:, On the Change Produced by Heating in the Modulus of Extensi- bility of Rubber (Ob izmenenii modulya rastyazheniya reziny pri nagrevanii) PERIODICAL: Tr. Leningr.. takhnol. in-ta im. Lensoveta, 1957, Nr 42, pp 55-62 ABSTRACT: In experiments conducted with mixtures based on various types of India rubber the authors confirm that the heating of rubber subjected to stretching causes it initially to decrease in length (i.e., causes its modulus of extensibility to increase), but thereafter to increase in length --- often very markedly (its modulus of extensibility then decreasing), until the rubber fails. From the r4sumi Card 1/1 1OZ It. S.N.; KALININ, Yu*D,,, professor; AYARASITAVA, V.I., kandidat fisiko- matematichaskikh nauk; PJIMMVICR. N.S., kandidat fisiko-matematichs- skikh nauk; OWSHKOVA. Te.P.; XUZIMTSOVA. Z.S.; BELOUSOVA. N.A. SOLOVAYCHII, A.A., tekhnicheskij'_Re'&'I~~ [manual on variation In the magnetic field of the U.S.S.R.] Sprevochnik po paremennoun magnitnomu poliu SSSR. Pod red. V.I. Afenes'evol. Uningrad, Gidrometeoroizd-vo, 1954. 265 p. (KIRA 10s.7) 1. Ieningradi Nouchno-iseledovatellekty Institut samnogo magnetism&@ 2. Nauohno-iseledovetal4skiv institut semnogo magnetism (for Wining Afausslyevs, Belowova) 3. Tashkentskays nauchno-issledove- tal'skaya goofisichoebmya observatoriya (for Koilk). 4. Glavnays Geofisicheskays observatoriya (for Pankavich, O&UShkove, Cusneteova) (magnetism, Terrestrial) U -Z tv.E ISO V A, -Z,S, 37 -l2'A/)LP-, AUMOR: Penkevich,, N. S... Glusbkova, Te. P.., K=etoom,, Z. S. TIM; Some Common Beguixr1ties in the Daily Variations of the Earth's YApetic Field Istabllsbad by Soviet,'Polar Observ*ories .. (Nekotoryye obsbablys zakonomernosti sutochnykh varlatsq ampituop polya zem3I po daniqu Bovetnlrlkb polyarnykh obserntoriy) PERIODICAL: Trudy Nwacbnp-issledovatellskogo instituta, Zeamogo nametismiL, ionoefery I r" rostranonlys ri%diavoln, 1957,, Ir 12 (22)., pp. 73-85 (Mai AMTRACT: To-analyte a very complicated pattern of magnetic Torl"loosla, polar regions,, long-range observations vere studied in regard to declination (b),, horizontal component (a), vertical component (Z)" and the variations of total force (SP), The study covered both quiet and d1fth%" days grouped into clusters of mnimier', winter and equinoctial obsermutions. For quiet days the pattern of.varla- tions was oteady, vith only the amplitudes Tarying. This steady Card 1/3 Scone Comnon Regularities in the D&U7 Variations , (C pattern was, as a rule 4M,t) 3T-12 14/19. Phencomena differed fr , Butained even om those on disturbed days, but observed an sew that on the days of "d]:dUM magnetic quiet days, e.g,,.. aPPeared which was not -it was found article exandnes seen on days activity (quiet day.), . t,,,. 1mve of maximum Mpetic activity. and mapetic actlyti'telerealatioUSUP between moot, a a. 1 The I P, tude ar Obftr"d in *derate latitudes. - and Sol relationship 18 reduced to the MIS vb1ch A is the following f0r10Ula: A - Ab + of W, In activi anplItude of mSgnetIc vibrations and V tba Index of solu VY (eTal to W-, characterizing the relative number of sun Spots)- the ahrt ... (ultraviolet. It was found that radiation), has bearing on corpmeear radistlon, MW best tool for evaluating 0 magnetic no calcUlateamplitudes 04 disturbed days is the bjectIvely d from 3 hour intervals _ so-called K index J, VMch is that the smPlitudev of (universaa time). It delrease at a certain V" O$Ubllshed Taws grow with -latitude, but start to th distance from the p0l.'. MI high latitudes shape of the distr-ibut"We curve Vag found to be of the Parabolle'tthe. w i the apex lying close to 700 latitude. TUB dependence on latitude Is aualYzed for quiet and 4fttUM"d days, and for the indleas We Card 2/3 concerned Scme Ccemon. Regularities in the Daily Variations (con it) 37-12fAA9.,-.-. (No Zo and F)# All the working equations were set up by the zathod of 3.eaat aquaxiso Authors motimed Include K* K. Fedchenko,, 1. A. YAIYWY,, and A. P. likol I skly. Mere an 3 figures, 6 tables and 13 references., of ~' which 11 am Passian. Me Arkticheekly ummebno-iosledafttelleldy institut (Arctic Scientific Research Institute) is mentioned. AVAnANZ: Llbraxy of Congress Card 3/3 Ar c' 7-,e AUTHOR: MmuetsoTs' Z. a. 3T-12-'5/-12 TM Practical Application of Vertic*2 CooWcuent Variations Mastead of Vulation of the Total Force of the Earth Is Mapetle Field (0 vomoz*osU prektiethaskogo primuenlya variataly Yert4ra3 Inoy sostsTlyayushchay wad0go magaitnogo polyn mosto variataiy polnoy oily) FXEMICAL: Truo Nduchno-Issladowtallskogo InAltata, zemogo "-natizMa" ionoofery I r"prostraneni7a, radlovolni, 1957., Nr 12T200 W. 86-90 WSEai) ABSTRACT: Airborne -guetometers mawn-ing the total force (F) of the earth I a moetIc field use now YeMiLuoy 1pau, which facilitate Drecialon masurenents with + 5 gamma Unit of erroks. Due to ouch gmat prwaftlany the coitrol of TaristAcus ( 5 F) Is necessax7. With variations of AD, AH, and A Z masured in napetie abservatoriea,, the cal#ulation of the variation of total force is done by mans of the following f0 a: SY M 4Z sinI + AR COSI i(irVk~A Is the 4 -fitl4viatlon). Since such calculations take Card 1/2 Practical ftlication of Vertical Component Variations 37-12-5/12 much t1m,, the question arose as to the permissibi.11ty of substituting SZ by 0 and the magnitude of the error* An seen from the enclo"d graphs and tables,, the errox of substitution In polar regions on qmlat days is,. on the average, not greater than + 5 e=m"; however, an disturbed days., In areas of very high longitude, the error night exceed + 5 Sams. Ae J6 Lagachev Is mentlonede Mmre are 3 fIgures., 3 tables and 1 Fagalan reference. AVAIUM: Library of Congress Card 2/2 I lt.KUZNF,TSOVA,Z. V., CAnd of Med Sci -- (dies) During Hemorrhagic Diathesis in Children," (2nd Moscow Medical Institute im Pirogov) "ChanEes in the Capillar~es ".08cow, 1959, 16 pp (KL, 6-60, 126) ---, .01 0 Capillarosoopy in bomorrhagic diatbeses in cbIldren. Vop.okh.mat. i dot* 4 no,4:50-55 A-Ig 159, (XIU 12:12) 1. Ix kafedr7,goapitalluoy pedlatril (gav, - prof. 1.1, Npov) II Xoakovskogo moditsifiskogo Inatitnta, imeni R.I. Pirogova (dlr. - dot- sent Me Sirotkina, nauchrqy rakovoditall - prof. X.X, Babnova). (CAPI LLARIES-MAXINAT ION) (HICXOPNILIL) ~,U Z~j E'T'0 I 'I J j I Mathod of obtaiz,.'ng pure Juice from, PleB. Biul. ekip. Mols i mod. 56 (,M',lRA 17: 111) 1. Kafedra flzlologli chc-Jovel-a 1 7h1vatnykh (zav. - prof. Ma. Robinson) Rynzar.3.kogo peuxt!og' ,!.e,9kogn inutlt~,OA. W.NZ VAA__ Z Te,V., kand.geograf.aauk, c-',- KOROTKOVA. Te.A., red.; HDRDKINL, Z. P., [Pavlodar Province; economic and ceographical characteristics] Favladarskala. oblast'; ekonomiko-geograficheeksis, kharaktoristiks.. Alma-Ata. lzd-va Akad. neuk Kasakbskoi SSR, 1958. 179 P. (HIRL 1211) (Pavlodar Province--Economic conditions) KUZNETSOVAp_.Zoya_Vladimirovna; KURITSM, Igor' Ivanovich; OSORGIN, retsenzent; NAZAFMIKO, I.M., retsenzent; GLADYSHEYA, YeeN.1 otv. red.; POPOVA) G*Zop otva red,; KOROTKOVA, YesAep red.; ALF2ROVAp P.Pip tekhn. red. (Semipalatinsk Province; economic and geographical features] Semipalatinskaia oblaott; ekonomiko-geograficheskaia kbarakte- ristika. Alma-Ata, Izd-vo M' KazSSR., 1961. 213 p. (MIRA 15:7) (Semipalatinsk Province.-Economic geograpby) CNIGARKINt A.V.; TRIFONOVAp TiM.; SMIRNOVAj R.Ya.; KAZANSKATA, Ye.A.; VILESOVA) L.A.P MUKHM-IETZW!OVp S., kand, geologo- minor. naukl GLADYSHEVA, YoX, kands geogre nauk; BAZARMEV, K.; KUZN~~ 7X.; A13DRAKHKANOV.. S.; HAZAPMXOp LAP kwW. geogr., nauk; YESAULENKO, ?.I.,, kand. sellkhoz. naukj IAVROVAI I*Vst kand, elconom, nwk; PALIGOVj N*N.j. akademik, red.; CHEZGANOV; I... red.; telft. red. [The Virgin Territory; brief studieo on nature, popplation and econonV]TSelinrqi krai; kritkie ochorki o prirode, na, selenii i khoziaistve. Alma-Ata., Kazakbskas goo. izd-vop 1962. 188 p. (KIRA 15s9) I* Otdol geografti Akadomii nauk Kazakhokoy SSR (for all except Che2ganov Nagibin). 2. Akadomiya nauk Kazakhokoy SSR (for Paltgov~. (Virgin Territory-Economic geograpby) KUZNETSOVA, Z.V. Cheracteriatico of external panoreatic necretIon in puppies of different ages, Fi2lol. zhur. 49 mo.W42448 F164 (MIRA 17:3) 1. Kafedra fiziologii zhivotnykh i choloveka Pedagogicheskogo institutap Ryazan 1. POMMINA, Valentina Mikhavlovna; VOROSHILOVA, Anautasiya Grigorlyevna; RYBINA, IlIga Ivanovna; KMWSOVA -a_.Ya&W.,yqvna; ALIZADS, I.A., oy prof., doktor geol.-minir-al"--k .nuu , re'i'.; NCHAROV I.A., red.isd-va. (Handbook on the microfauua of the Middle and Upper Miocene L deposits in Azerbaijan] Spravochnik po mikrovaune aredne- i verkhnemioteenovykh otloshenii Azarbaidshana. Baka, Azerbaidzhan- skoe goe.isd-vo neft.i nauchno-takhn.lit-ry, 1956. 188 p. (MIRA 11:1) (Azerbaijan--Paleontology) 239 Azerbaydzhanskly nauchno-jealedovatellskiY institut po dobyche nefti. voprosy geologiis geofiziki J geokhimii, (Problems in Geology Geo- phyaics and Geochemistry) Baku$ Aznefteizda't, 1956. 349p. 665 copies. (Its: Trudy, vyp. 4) Ed. council: Abdullayev, M. A., Candidate of Tech. Sciences (Chaiman), -Akhmbdo Dr. of Geological and Mineralogical Sciences; Daidbekovap E. A., Candidate of Geological and Mineralogical Sciences; Kulikov, V. I., Dr. of Geological I Candidate and Mineralogical Sciences; MWsheks V. T., of Geological and Mineralogical Sciences* Fobedina, V. M... Candidate.ofAeologiaal and Minqralogicaf-Sciences;. Subbo:~in.* M.A.,_Miniq~ eniinqer; Tereshko, D.L.p 'Candidate of...:.Te_oh..Scien'oess Shapirovskiy, N.I., Candidate of Tech. Sciences. PURPOSE: This book contains the results of research on strati- graphic, lithological and geophysical (including geo- chemical) problems, conducted by the Azerbaydzhan Research Institute in 1954-55. The book is recommended for use by engineering-technical personnel of oil trusts Card 1/8 Problems in Geologyp Geophysics and Oeochemistry (Cont.) 239 engaged in geological and geophysical exploration, as we )11 as university students and personnel Of Scientific research institutes doing research in the field of Petroleum, COVERAGE: The 4th volume of the Trudy (Transactions) of the Azerbaydzhan Scientific Researoh Institute of Oil pro duction- i4cludes articles on new findings in the miero- fauna of Miocene and Cretaceous beds of Eastern Azerbaydzhans and, published for the first times the Original findings on Spore-Pollen analysis of Barremian beds. In Part Ii, the new litho-facies, study of separate stratigraPhic units of the Tertiary Complex is Presented. New ways In research are revealed, which are based on thermals roentgenological and staining methods in the classification and correlation of geological cross-sections, The results of reservoir studies for some oil pools of the Pliocene period in the Azerbaydzhan SSR are Submitted. The geophysical part., dedicated to Interpretation and findings, contains Card 2/8 articles on new electrOkinetic seismographso Published - - -----KUZNMMV New,genera# speoieso and varieties of ostraccods from lower Cretaceous in northeastern Azerbaijan. Trudy AzN-II DR no.4: 49-70 156. (Azerbaijan-Ostracodal Fossil) .1 (KIRA 1414) 15-57-2-1310 Translation from: Referativnyy zhurnal, Geologiyu, 1957, Nr 20 P 18 (USSR) AUTHORS: Kasimova, G. X., Kuznetsoval Z. V., Mikheyeva, Z. F. TITLE: Microfauna of the Jurassic be it in the Ulluchay (Central Dagestan) Section ?MMipkosrofsauna yurskikh otlozheniy razraza Ulluchay (tsentralfnyy Dagestan)-- in Azerbaydzha2n PERIODICAL: Dokl. AN AzSSR, 1956, Vol 12, Nr 1) pp 9-14 ABSTRACT: In the section at the Ulluchay River the upper Aalenian is composed of a successtgn of argiliaceous shales containing ijandstLnes and aleurites with streaks of limestones. The.macrofauna consists of pelecypods and ammonites. The foraminifera are characterized by a great variety of species: Cristellaria, Nodosariap Marginulina, Dentalina, Bpi )Phtalmidra-M and ot the ostracoda are rare and are represented by new species. The Bajocian is made up of a succession of Card 1/2 lime-free clays with sandstones. The foraminifera Microfauna of tho jurassic Deposits (Cont,~ 15-57-2-131o belong mainly to to OPhthalmidiae the lagenidae The Bajocian gro; POlYMorph1da.fam1l 1301uted species belong up , lituy0llidle and epis the Upper Aale Of foraminifera differ, consider. tOminidae. foraminifera in deposits bly from nian. The author compares these groups with the regions Of the Cauca... Of the Europe the same age Occurring in other A bibliography 0' 7 Ruasian Platform and Western Card 2/2 f I titles is given. V. 1C. KM)MTSOVA, Z.V.; )U"DOVA. U.T&. ........ Some data for oorrelation of the Cenomnlau vt&ge of northeastern Aserbalj&n on the basis of microfamm . Aserb.naft.khoz, 16 no.1:12-11 Ja '57. (MLRA 10:5) (Azerbaijan-Paloontoloff, Stratigraphic) f I BTKOVA. N.K.; BALAKHMMU, Y.T.; VASILMM, V.P.; VOWSHIZIOU. N.A.; GRIGRUS, A.; DAIR. L.a.; ITAWYA, L#V.: KMIKA, V.I.; KUZNIITSOTA, - MZYRIWA, V.P.; ICROZOVA. V.G.; WATLTUK. Te.V.;1ummr,--*wN. New genera and species of Foraminifera. Trudy VNIGRI no 115o1-106 158, (HIRA il:10) (Foraminifera. Fossil) h='ETSOVAj, Z.V.; STITEUGEL't A.S.. red.; BAGIROVA, S., tekbn, red. (Ostracods in Cretaceous sediments of northeastern Azerbaijan and their atratigraphic sipificance]Ostrakody melovykh ot- lozhenii Severo-Vostoobnogo Azerbaidzhana i Ikh stratigrefi- cheakoo =achenie. Baku,, Azerbaidzhanakoe goo.izd-vo, 1961, 147 p, (Azerbaijan-Ostracoda, Fossil) (MIU 15:10) BOLTNLVAt L. L; VASIIZNKOo V. N.; DMITRIYEV, A. V.; IONOV, V. A.; KOGAN, R. M.; K.UZNLTSOVA. Z. V.; NAZAROV, I. M.; YAGODOVSKIY, 1. V. --- 1. Use of the method of air-borne gamma-spectrometry in studying the radioactivity of granitoid intrusives. Izv. AN SSSR. Ser. geofiz. no.6t858-871 Je 164. (MIRA 17:7) KUZNETSCVA-BODROVSKM, T.K. Life sp&n of Xxodes trianguliceps Bir. in Karelia. Zool,shur, 44 no.8:1257-2260 165, (MM 18: 3-1) lo Inistitut biologii Ntrozavodskogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta, USSR/Goncral Problems of pathuloLZr. Comparative Oncol0a- HIV-3an U-5 Tkraors. . Rof Zhur - Biol., No 14, 1958, No 66172 :,,a Tour . Author :juznetsova a M.P. of the Irkutsk Inst : Department of Obstetrics and Gyncco Medical Institute Title : Recurrent Cancers of the Female SOX Organs Ori(; Nb : 8b. nauch. tr. kafedry akusherstva i -,inekol. Irkut. r;ed. in-ta, Irkutsk., 1956,, 67-77 Abstract During 11 years 220 cases of recurrent carcinoma of the uterine cervix wara observed (118 after our(;ory vild 102 after radiation therapy), The greatest nwaber of recurrences (68.5 percent) vas found during the 1st year after extensive abdominal surrery, Radiation therapy is the sole method of treatimut of recurrences. The concurrent use of supportina measures is necessary. I.D Nechayeva. Card AUTHOR: KWretsova-Sadovnikova, A.D., Engineer 135-58-1-14/23 TITLE- The quantitativo D0terrL1=ttnby !,:e tall ographic :ethods of thq ~ Alpha-Phaso in Austenit~ja Seam I'. tal ,e ~Koliche k stvennoye O re- p deleniye allra -fazy v austenitnom metall, shva metallogra- ficheskim metodom) PERIODTCAL: Svarochnoye Proizvodstvo, 1958, Nr It PP 34 - 36 (USSR) ABSTRACT: The quantity of the alpha-phase in austenitic metal seams determines the resistance of seams to the formation of heat cracks and has a decisive influence on mechanical and cor- rosion properties. Investi-8yations conducted by Tsj~*JITMASh Ustablished optimum limits of the alpha-phase Dercentage of austenitic eaL is in the welding of fi Ire-proof steel$. Me- thods of etching the slides were dev eloned to detect the - phase - The author names one of the be3 t reagents for de- tecting the phase in slides etching, which has the follow- 'ng cOmPosition: 10 gr of PGtassium ferricyanide, 10 gr of caustic soda and 100 gr of water. ThO quantitative deter- mination of the phana in metallographic investigations musz - be carried Out with a magnification factor on the order of Card 112 1,0C0. The alpha phase quantity is computed as a mean value 135-56-1-14/23 The 14,uantitative Det;erminad- by Metallographic Methods of the Alpha-Phane in Austenitic Seam 14etal. from five estimates made in difYerent spots of the inve- stigated surface, in view of the irregular distribution of the phase in austanitic metal of the seam. It is often necessary to also determine the endrit4C structure of the seam notal and the limits of its welding with the basic metal. For this purpose it is reeommended to apply elec- trolytic etching in a 15 /"0 aqueous solution of chromic anhydride. There are 3 Photos. ASSOCIATION; TsNIIT',',:ASh AVAILABLE; Library of Congress Card 212 1. HetaUurgy 2. Austenite-Alpha. phase deterxination VAR TA-DZYAO [Vow Tla-chiaob, DZHAX VA-,=;, CHAY VAN-SIN LCh'ai 'Wang-haing] (Pekin) Status of the balance of sodi= and chlorides in patients vith bra-in tunors. Top.neirokhir. 25 Ja 161. (KMA 3.4v2) 1. Goo italt Kitaf~kv4kvetskoy Drushbye i ft~m-Tumogs) (SOMUM-42TABOLISM) (Cqwmm-~BMIAM) I U -6 T T,-,, ..V __T, ,. UZIETSOVA-TFMINA, T. A. -- "Paranoidal Reactions.t' Sub 4 Mar 52" Central Inst for the Advanced Training of Ptrjaicians. (Dissertation for the Degree of Candidate in Medical Sclencos.) SO: VechernayaMoskya January-December 1952 KnIJETSOVt I.V., red.; Prinimali uchastiye: BLYAKHERt L.Ya.,prof., red. ; STRASBUN, I.D., prorf., red.; 811VARTMAII, A.L.p red.; BAIASITV, L.L.j prof., red.; SKATKIN, P.N., kand. biol. naukp red.; MIKULINSKIY, S.R., kand. biol. nauk,, red.; KUDETSOVA.-YENIOLOVA, Ye.B., red.; KRIUCUKOVA, V.N.) (People of iussian science- sketches of outstanding figures in the natural sciences and technologyt Biology, medicina) agricultural sciences) Liudi ruaskoi nauki; ocherki o vy- daiushchikhsia deiateliakb entestvomaniia i tokluiiki: Biologiia, meditsinal sellskokhoziaistvennyo nauki. Mo- skvaj Fimatgiz, 1963. 995 p. (MIRA 1?: 1) 1. Deystvitellryy chlen AFT SSSR (for Strashan). MZNICTSOTA.,-ZARUDKLYA,T.N. Origin of pore fungi (Do origins Phollinus ap.notula). Bot. mat.Otd.spor.rast. 10:196-209 Ja 155. (KM 8.7) (Basidiomyeates) .;". f . , - N !M' 0 V%' ly-f --A-.-Ya P;i 6 V POMSHCHI PLABOCITEMU-STR01TELYI) V MYONAKE P.AJ--YATKA7i%?,KHl'INI- NVIRI. ASHKHABAD, IZD-VO TUMMSKOGO FIIJAIA ADADMII NAUK SSSR, 1950. 51 p. DIAGR3. AT F.,,AD OF TITLEt RUSSIA, TUM~Ell.;KIY FILLZ AKA1,011 VAUK. KUZIMMOVSKn$ N.P. (Mierpoh) Mcperimental subacute Ooptic andocaiditioe Pato hziOl- i ekop. terap, 7 noo2t3840 M-Ap'63. (KMA 16:10) lo Naucbny" rakovoditeli - chlen-korrespondent AMN SM prof. V.D.TSinzerllng i deystritoltnyy chlon AHN SM prof. N.S.Molohanov" (MMMARMTIS) (aTAPMXOCM DISEM) rklc g i,,j %he K Ler Studli astron seismol Y-no,2s i71-174 64. K'UZNIARp Jerzy The influence of mineral composition on the moistening and swelling of Tertiary clays. Kwartalnik geol 3 noo23457-492 159. (EW 9s8) 1. PolAtechnika Wroclavska. Laboratorium Badania Oruntow przy Katedrze Fundamentoiamia (Poland--clay) XUZNIARj Jerty Influence of the mineral composition on the capUl&z7 ascent of minute fractiona. Archiw hydrotech 7 no~2#24?-260 960. (EW 91ll) L Politeohnika Wrochwakat Katedra Fur4amentowanial Wroclaw# Plao Grunwaldski. (Minerals) (Capillarity) - KDZNIARO Jerzy Wroolam) - --- ---l' Dynamics of underground watera. Arohiv hydroteoh 9 no,,2:163-213 162a ' ;. KUZNIAR, Jerzy, dr inz. My attitude toward the discuosion papero by Z. Kowalewski and J. KowalsUp, St. Masij. Archiw hydroteeh 3~ no.2t293-300 163. I, Katedra Fwulamentovaniaj, PolitacbMImp Wroclaw. KUZNIARq K. HEnergy of cellulose decomposition in soils of the National Park In the Pionirq , Mountains"t P. 529 (ACTA MICROSIOLOOICA POLONICAp Volo 1p No, 1, 1?521 Warszawap Poland) Sot Monthly List of East Europioan Accessions, L.C., Volo 3, No. 4, April, 1954 -XUZKI"AR "Energy of Cenulbse Dooomposition in the Bolls of Bialovissa National Farkw pe 257 (AgI& Hicroblologica Poloni2a, Vol. 1, No. 3, 1952, Warazava) last European Vol. 3v No. 3 1954 SOI Monthly List Lf Accessions/ Library of Congress,, - March - "p Uncle KUZ,'ITAR$ K. ,'The Influence of Forest Contiguity oh'the Micro'flora of Cultivated Soils." p. 190., (Roczniki NAUK ROTITICZYCH. SMIA A-ROSLIMX Vol. 66, no. 2. 1953,, Warsav, Poland). SO: Monthly List of East European Accessionp Lib of Congresus Vol 21 no3A Oct. 1953, Uncl. "Inergy of the DAcompesition of Cellulose In Forest Soils." p. 148. (ROCZNINI NAUK POLNICZYCH. SERIA A-ROSLIHA, Vole 66, not 3p 1933, Warsaw, Poland,) SO: Monthly List w* East Suropean Accessions, Library of Cquasse, Vol. 2, go. 10, October, 1933, Unclassified KUZI=3 K. NTN-rblence of Terrain Configuration on the Biological Activenes3 of Cultivated Uess 'Soild.4 P. 149; (ROCZHM ILAUX ROLNICZYCH. SZ'IA A-ROSLIIIIIAI Vol. 66, no, 3j 1953, Warsawo Poland). SO: Monthly List of East European Accessionj, Idb of Congress, Vol 2) no 19 Oct. 1953., Uncl. -xt 71-IT'- - - - - -- --- --- - - - - - -- - -- -11,61L01 K, -7--- . Unfluence of Soil Freezing on the Yield of Meadows and Pastures." P. I-P-9, (Roemn RAM ROLINCZYCH. SMIA A-ROSLINKA,, Vol. 66, no. 4, 1953, Warsaw, Poland). SO: Monthly List of East European Accession, Library of Congrese, Vol 2 ndO , Oct l9*lTJnCl KWIARp Kazimierz The Influence ot-tome meteorologic factors on the dynamics of water reserves in moil: Root nauk roln roal 83 no.1:1-23 160. (EW 10--7) 1. Inetytut Uprawr, Nawozenia, i Glaboxnawatua, PuUwy. KUZNIAR, Kasimierx Preliminary results of investigations concerning the influence of some meteorological elements upon the growth of osier willow. Rocz nauk roln rool 82 no.211+45-471 161. 1. Ukled Mcologii Rolniczej, Pulawy. COUNTRY Poland CATEGORY ABS. JOUR.:AZIthim., Lio. Z0 -1950., VVJ~~jC -1 :Kumlarcwa, ~".. L. T XMi~ :On b0idc:111tic Clays of Tortlonlan In t,~e Pre- Carpathtan Saline Formation Uvtrographic Analysls) ORIG. PUB,-:Kwart. geol., 1058, 21 No 21 287-310$ 463-4651 03TWXT ** Microscoplcq, x-ray diffruction, thermic melt-,hrAs) as wel-, as -LLIning wity, I dyestuffsl,were used to study Samples of clayey crapping of the salt deposit. The princIpal mirieraLs are heidellitc and hydrous micas, which indicate precipitation in we~ikly alkalire and reducLng mc-dium. hesul~s of chr=mical analysis, renor-puted for the mineralogIcal composMon, are given. -- G. Vrjroblyc-v. DTZZWSKI, Benedvkt; J-WZ-NJAR"A4-XrWya -jF8 k jZESMT0XA, Sabina; BA=0S=WjCZj Karol: VLODARSKI, Bronislaw; a , Bolselaw: GORALSXA, Krystyna; LOGWINIENKO, Hanna; WISLOCKA, Helena Conditions of the upper respiratory tract and ears in patients with pulmonary tnberculosig. Otolar.polskit 14 no.3:311-319 16o. 1. Z Kliniki, OtolarMologicznej A.M. w Lublinie, Kierownik: prof. d~ B.Dylewski. - (TUBERCULOSIS pulmonary pathol) (BAR pathol) (RESPIRATORY SYSTEM pathal) KUZNIARZ, Jerzy Constant speech test in speech audlometry. Otolaryng. Fol. 18 no.1:129-133 164. 1. Z Klinlki Otolaryngologiemej 31asklej Andemll Modycznpj w Zabrzu (Kierowniks prof. dr T. Coypek). JASIENSKA, Anna; !q!~N;ARZ., Jerzy Avellial syndrome related to herpeo zooter. Otolaryng. Pol. 18 no,2s287-289 164. 1, Z Kliniki Otolaryngologiozne S1. Akadumii Modycznej w Zabrzu (Kierwonikt Prof. dr. T. Ceyp XIJZN2A-R-I, A oaan or congernital hemorrhagir., anglomausla disease) associated 4ith epilepsy. rol. tyg. lek. 19 no-4Q' 1538--1539 5 0164 3. 2 KlIxilki Oto-TAryngologlamej Slam?le` Andemill w 7,abrru (Haromill prof. dr. I'ade-te-z' Chyp0k) I z Khnik! Ghamb l4awnet-mych 1. 7awodow7ch Slatskle, Alksidem!j YfdyCzrlftl, w Zabrzj Werown1k: prof. dr,W!Lold ~.&horakt). BOV/110-59-4-4/23 AUTHORSs Fedorenko, V.G.t Kuznichenko A.N.t Prikhod Iko, A,I*2 )ro ~r ~ ~, ~-; -~ Brisenko, V.X.j '(Engineers) TITLE: Production Flow Lines for Bushings and Bre.-.ket Itmamters (Potochnyye linii proizvodstva proknoLuaytui i opornykh izolyatorov) PERIODICAL% Vestnik Blektropromyshlennosti,1959,Nr 1+7pp 12-16 (USSR) ABSTRACT: Flow lines for bushing and bre-e-ket insulator lroduatioz hwe been Installed at a number of insulator worAs uui; tney uo nu6 cover the whole process of manufacture and usually terminate at the turning process. The production lines desoribed in this article use belt conveyors along which the various machines and ovens are located; the lines are illustrated in Fig 1. The raw material is delivered on a conveyor, it is then extruded and the parts are cut to length and immediately turned on lathes. They are then conveyed to the drying ovens. The dried insulators are inspected for cracks and moisture content. The glazing procedures are somewhat different for insulators and bushings but both operations are served by the cor,7eyor belt. A photograph of the production lines is givsn in Card 1/2 Fig 2 and the bushing glazing section is shown in Fig 3. M SOV/110-59-4-Lr/23 Production Flow Lines for Bushings and Bracket invalal.-ore Available conveyor type ovens are orLLy suitable for drying times of the order of 4 hours and are7 therefore, not suitable for high voltage insulators that require 24 hours drying time. It was, therefore, decided to constract three suoh conveyors in series to form. a single unit. The modifications that were required to the ovens are describedi Steam injeation was used to retard the initial rate of the drying. Hitherto, some types of insulators have been turned in two operations which have now been combined into one, The procedure is illustrated Card 2/2 diagramatically in Fig 4 and is explained. There are 4- figures, no references. SUBMITTED: December 22, 1958 ITQ FEDORENKOs V.G., inzh.; KUZNICHENKO, A.N., inzh.; MINAIN, Conveyers for armoring, paintine and electric testing of high- voltage Wnflators, Vest.elektroprom. 33 no.1;72-75 Ja 162, (MIRA 14:12) (Conveying machinery) (Electric insulators and Inaulation) SOV/110-59-9-8/22 AUTHORS: Fedorenico , V. G. I Kuzuichan :Q+--AN. ~ Prikhod' ko ~ A. I. Brisenko, V.K., and Morozenko, V.Ya. (all Engineers) TITLE: Mqchanised Flow Lines f or the Manufa.,ture of Telephone and Telegraph Insulato."s PERIODICALS Vestnik alaktroprom,,r3iii-eimoslu-i,.*L9-9,N7 921)p 28-30 (USSR) ABSTRACT: The usual methods of manufanturing small talephone and other insulators involvo the uso cf gypsum moulds and is very laborious. The first stop in machanisation is to use metal moulds, which were firzt introdu,3ed in the M J.okarovskiy Works in 1957. A semi-automati-. moulding machine is now in use with telesiopli metallic moulds. The machine and moulds are operated by compressed air at a pressure of 4 atm. The inna.r part of the mculding tool rotates first in one direction, then in the other, and cute a thread in the insulator. The outer part of the tool rotates in one direction only. The tool moves backwards and forwards as well as rotating. This semi--automatic moulding machine can produce up to 4000 ~nsulator3 a shift. In addition to this machine thero is a pneumatically- operated trimming lathe of the same cutput. Waste clay Card 1/2 from the moulding and trimming machina3 is immediately roturned to the vacuum press on the return half of the SOV/110-59-9-8/22 Mechanised Flow Lines for the Manuffacture of Telephone and Telegraph Insul a tors, conveyor belt. Thus the scrap pieces are always quickly used and do not have time to become dry or dirty. Thuringia- typo conveyor driers 19 motres long are used tc..- dry the insulators. The insulators are glazed on semi- automatic roundabout machinea illu3trated in Fig 2i the principles of operation are briefly described. As will be seen from the general illustration of the flow line given in Fig 31 all the work is handled on corivoyoTs. Tho introduction of mechan1sation has cut production time by two days and only a third of the former numbGr of workers is required. Immediate and continuous use of Gard scrap clay without re-milling has cut consutaption by a 2/2 factor of 1.2. There are 3 figures and 2 Soviet references. , V.G.. KUZITICHEITKO, A,H., inzh.; PRIKHOD'KO, A.I., inzh. 13RISMao, inzh. Continuous line for the production of porcelaine used in electric equipment. Vest.olektroprom. 31 no.1:58-59 Ja 160. (MIRA 13:5) (Assembly-line methods) (Porcelain) KU,KOLEV# G.V.; KU"MIGHEMO, A.K, RaAz--'ng the turnavgr of' rel'rac;tcry mipply in the mam,fanturs of insulators. 1Z7. vya. -uihob,, zFv,; khim. I khl~,r. t!)kh. 8 no..3 .022-521~, 165. (14 r..IA I.S: to) I. Khartkovskly pclltek~rittheskly Institut, !xeni tr6nina, kaf,)dm keramikl 3. cgnwapt,,rry. . XUZNICHMO, A.P,,- ARTASIVION, L.A. -, Device for continuous controlling of moisture in the porcelain batch. StskA ker, 17 n0,306-37 Mr 160. ' (MIRA 13:6) (Porcelain) KUZNICIMUKOO A.P.0 inzh. . Pecul-WAties of the procedure for manufacturing rod insulators. Stek. I ker..20 no.IW29-30 0 163. (MIRA 16tlO) 1. Slavyanakiy kerwdko-izolyatornyy kombinat. . (Electric insulators and Insulation) KUYTICYA, Barbara Meeting of Warsaw scientific workers of the Institute of Science and Technology of the Polish Academy of Sciences, Kwart hist nauki i tech 9 no. 2: 338 t64. KUZNIGE!., B4trbara Problem of periods of the hiatory of pharmacy. Far,*oja Fol. 20 no. 11/12-.439-4" 25 je 164. POIAND / General Division, Problems of Teaching A-7 Abs Jour : Ref Zhur - Biol., No 1, 1958, No 145 Author :,Kuzaicka J. Inst : Not Given Title :Remarks of the Changes in Teaching Orig Pub :Biol. szkole., 1956, 9, No 3, 24-27 Abstract :The remarks concern the Instructions for the biology program for pedagogical personnel for the 1955/1956 school year. It points out the difficulties which arise in the implementation of new programs while they are provisional, which hinder systematic trainine. Card 1/1 KUZAj 10, Kq - S E RUVWR , /), POLAND/Chemical Technology. Chemical Products and Their E-33 Application. Cellulose and Its Production. Papl3r. Abs Jour: Ref. Zhur-Xhimiya) No Ili 1958, 38315. Author , Siewierska S Inst :Not eiven. Title :The TnveutiWtion of the Absorption Spectra of Hydro- and Oxy-Celllulose In Infrared-Rays. Orig Pub: Przem wlckienniezy, 1956) 10, No 12, Bull Inst wlokienn- ictwa, 23-214. Abstract: Decaribes the advantages of a spectral chemical analysis of cellulooe by the determination of the degree of "compo- attion of T,&-te celluloce F-ad the formation of oxy- and hydracellulose. Card 1/1 E0