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KISIN) S.V. [Kysin, S.V.]. prof.j KUZXM.O.VA,.-V.1- CKL)uietsova., V.L.),, doteent; TRETYAKj G.S. (Tretiak, H.S.) Fibrinogen.. prothrombin and prothrombin time dynamics in puer- perae. Ped., akugh. i gin. 24 no.1154,-55162. (MMA 16:8) 1. Kafedra, akusherstva, i ginekologii (sav. -prof. S.V.Kisin (Kysin, S.V.]) Ternopollskogo meditsinakogo instituta (rektor- dotsent P.O.Ogiy (Ohii P.O.]). (FIBRINOGEN) tPROTHROMBIN) (PUERPERIUM) KUZNETSOVA, V.I. Use of galascorbin for the prevention of late toxiconis in gin.' 24 pregnancy and complications of labor. Ped. Akus4i. no,6:48-50 162, 00,4117,4) 1. Kafedra akusherstva I ginekologii (zaveduyushc'hiy - prof S.V. Kisin) Ternopollskogo meditsinskogo instituta (rektor dotsent P.O. Ogiy (Ohii, P.O.) i kafedra I)iokhimli (zaveduyushchiy - prof, Ye.F, Shamray (Shamrai, IE.F.D Kiyevskogo meditsinskogo instituta. (rektor - dotsent V.D. Bratus'). KUZNETSOVA. V, TRIKADZE, VOVD Experimental study of Immunological and morphological changes under the offoot of reserplne, Trudy Goa. nauah.-isal, inst. paikh. 42t150-161 165. (KRA 1829) 1. Laboratorlya, Immunobiologli (gav.- kand. mod. nauk VdV. Kvirikadze) i obdaleniye patomorfologii nerynoy slstamW (zav,- kand. mad. nauk A.P. Sokolova) Gosudarstvonnogo nauchno-iosladova- tellakago instituta paikhIstr1i Ministerstva, sdravookhranonlyn RSFSH, Nauohrqy rukovoditall - chlon-korrespondent AMN SSSR prof. A.P. Ayteyn. Country : USSR E C~Ltcgory: Virology. Bacterial Viruses (Phagos) Abs Jour: Rof Zhur-Biol., No 23, 1958, 103487. Author : Rappol F. I.; Zcbnina) K. S.; 1hvydova, K.P.; Dumyova) ff. 11, Title :Davelopmont of Nothods for Obtaininr, Highly Activo Dysentery BactGrlophaga with Consideration of the Microbial Environment in a Focus. Orig Pub: Sb. BaIztcriofagLya. Thilisi, Gruzmad,%iz, 1957, 159-161. Abotract: Polyvalont dysentery polyphago was prepared by means of adimptation to freshly-isolated culturcs (six months old) bolonring to roprGuentativos of various serolo- gical types. The polyphago obtained lysod 94 o/o of 200 culturos tested. Of 80 patients troatod with the Card 1/2 Country : USSR E Category: Virolomr. Bacterial Viruses (Phagos) Abs Jour: Ref Zhur-Biol., No 23, 1958, 103487 POIYPhQ(;O complete recovery occurred in 94.2 o/o. Ya. 1. lhutonnhtcyn. Card 2/2 22 The,,roduct' an of mnsdium or a drovpm~. --~y trad4, 9 - , ataxalTm M-Mul I- 17m, -I., V"n a a I ~c n I,,, w i~' r t I h, i'Al 1 0 e " "In ar Ot,- vall-lyl 111 ll.'r, r- dy I it ~ Tb- .,f.. 4 dil fl. Ov 11ter"I ~.n '#--l R-1.' I 'aefi A'i , A; 11 .. .- . . ': L-- - --- - --- --- -- - - - - - I . - I- - -- 16(7),18(4) AXTHORS: Kuznetsova# V. K., Tananayev, No As SOV/163-58-4-46/47 ~ITLEt Colorimetrio Detection and Determination of Gallium in Aluminum (Kolorimetrichaskoye otkrytiye i opredeloniye galliya v alyuminii) PERIODICALt Vauchnyye doklady vysshey shkoly. Metallurgiya, 1958, Nr 4, PP 256-260 (USSR) ABSTRACT. The gallium passes from the aluminum minerals into the metallic aluminum because of its chemical relation to aluminum. The methods described in publications for separating gallium in metallic aluminum are tedious, Here a new method is shown for determining gallium in aluminum. The method can be used for the analysis of aluminate solutions and aluminum hydrate obtained at the working of bauxites aocording to the method of Bayer (B4yyer). Due to the high sensitivity of the reaction, the method described here offers a possibility of determining gallium from small weighed-out quantities, and due to the high selootivity of the reagent - also without a previous separation from the aluminum. There are I table and 6 references, 3 of Card 1/2 which are Soviet. 0 Colorimetr'Ao Detection and Determination of SOV/163-58-4-46/47 Gallium in Aluminum ASSOCIATION: Ural'skiy politekhnicheakiy institut (Ural -Polytechnic Institute) SUBMITTED: Deoember 11, 1957 Card 2/2 5(2) BOV/156-59-2-17/48 AUTHORS: Xuz-iet9ovaq Vo K.p Tananayevy No A* TITLE; A Color Reaction for0allium (Tovetnaya reaktsiya na galliy) PERIODICAL: Mauohnyye doklady vyeshey ahkoly. Khimiya i khimicheaka.Ya tekhnologiyal 1959, Ur 2, pp 289-292 (USSR) ABSTRACT: Brilliant green which is easily obtained is recommended as reagent with respect to gallium. In 6-n hydrochloric acid a complex extractable by benzene in formed. The solution fol- lows Beer's law (Fig 1) and permits the detection of 1.10-5 g Ga in 1 ml benzene. The reaction is very selectivel the high acid concentration prevents the formation of other complex anions of gallium and brilliant green. It is possible to carry out the reaction in the presence of ions of alkali- and alkaline earth as well as of aluminum, indiumt titanium$- zirconium, vanadium, chromium, molybdenumt uraniump manganesep cobalt, nickel, oopperp zinc, cadmiump mercury,, lead, arsenict bismutht selenium, telluriumq rhenium, palladium, rutheniump platinumt niobium and tantalum. The Pe3+-, T15t. and Au3+-ions exercising a disturbing effect are eliminated by reduction Card 1/2 with titanium trichloride. Aluminum increases the sensitivity A Color Reaction for Gallium BOV/156-59-2-17/48 of the reaction by a more complete extraction of the gallium complex (Fig 4)- Figure 2 shows the dependence of the optical density of the benzene solution upon the acid concentration. The data of analyses are given by a table. There are 4 figures, I tablep and 15 referenceep 0 of which are Soviet. PRESEN7ED BYt Kafedra analiticheskoy khimii Ural'skogo politekhnichookogo inatituta Ime Be Me Kirova (Chair of Analytical Chemistry, Ural Polytechnic Institute imeni S. Me Kirov) SUBMITTED: December 13, 1958 Card 2/2 rMNNSOVA, V.1o; TANANATV, N.A. CdGcsavsdJ RgLpld method for determining gallium in aspheliness Isv*TY99 uchob.sav.1 khim.1 khtmetakh. 2 to.6:840-842 '59. (MIRA 13:4) Kaf .1, Toaskir politakhalahaskly institut Imeni SqX. Kirova. edra analitichaskor khisH, (Galliuo-Analrals) (Sephelins) I ~5(4) ~OV/76-4-1-10/46 AUTHOR: Kuznetsova, V. K. TITLE: The Polarographic B.ehavior of Gallium in Oxalate and Ammonium Oxalate Solutions (Polyarograficheskoye povedeniye galliya v oksalatnykh i ammiachnooksalatnykh rastvorakh) PERIODICAL: Zhurnal noorganichoskoy khimij, 1959, Vol 4, Nr 1, PP 46-49 (USSR) ABSTRACT: In the article under review the reaction of gallium at the mercury drop ilectrode in oxalic acid and ammonium oxalate solutions is described. The oxalate complexes of gallium are successfully used in separating gallium from its accompanying elements. In a 0.1 mol solution of oxalic acid (pH 2) gallium Is reduced at E -0-75 v- In oxalate solutions of pH 6-8.6 .1/2 ' an inconstant wave occurs at E 112 = -1-36 v at a lower con- centration of gallium. For the formation of the oxalate complex of pH 6-8.6 an excess of oxalation has to be used. Without an excess of oxalic,acid slightly soluble gallium hydroxide is formed .. At. pH.8.6-10 a wave occurs at E 1/2 ~_ -1-58-1.60 v in Card 1/2 oxalia,acid and ammonium-oAalate solutions. The wave can be- SOV/78-4-1-10/48 The Polarographic Reaction of Gallium in Oxalate and Ammonium Oxalate Solutions ASSOCIATION, SUBMITTED: easily reproduced in wider concentration ranges of gallium. Under these conditi ns the stable oxalate complex ion of gallium [Ga( C204)31 - is formed. At pH > 10 the wave disappearsi at the same time gallate is formed. There are 4 figures and 8 references, 3 of which are Soviet. Urallskiy politekhnichookiy institut im. S. M. Kirova (Ural Polytechnic Institute imeni S. M. Kirov) August 3f 1957 Card 2/2 IMNJTSOVA, V,K, I TANMT3ff# N#A* [deceased) ------- Detection of gallium In the products of the aluminum industrY, Zhur.analsidxim, 15 no.2t240-241 Mr-Ap 160. (MIRA 13:7) 1,Sverdlovskly filial Akademii nauk SSSR. (Ullium-Analysin) (Aluminum) -OZ-XUZNETSOVA, VA.; TANANAYEV, N.A. [deceased] Detection of gallium in its preliminary concentration. Trudy Ural* politekh. inst. no.90145-148 160. (KRA 1,5s6) . (Gallium) KUMETSOVAt V.K.; YUIMICVp V.S. Color reaction of gallium with methylene blue# Trudy Uralepolitekho inst. no,96:109-112 160. (IaRA 14:3) (Gallium-Analysis) (Methylene blue) 66~~~ 8/078/61/006/002/014/017 B004/B059 AUTHORS: ~~ananayevj No A@ (Deceased) TITLE: The Extraotion of Smallest Amounts of Gallium in the Form of Methyl Violet Compounds PERIODICAL: Zhurnal neorganicheekoy khimii, 1961l Vol, 6l No, 29 pp. 476 - 480 TEXT! The present paper pursues the aim of finding the conditions under which the complex of gallium with methyi violet can be extracted by means of solvents not mixing with water for the purpose of quantitative oolorimetric analysis. Gallium solutions in 6 N HCI with O.Olf O.1r 0.129 mg/ml Ga# and 0. Ve methyl violet solution in the same acid concentration served as initial substances. Colorimetric investigation was made by means of an 53K-M(FEK-M) photocolorimeter and anfvj(FM)-type universal colorimeter. fhe following was found; 1) When ammonium thio- cyanate is added, a benzene-aoluble complex with absorption maximum at 56o - 630 mA in formed. Acidity must not drop below 6 N since in the Card 1/2 The Extraction of Smallest Amounts of S/07 61/006/002/014/017 Gallium in the Form of Methyl Violet B004YB059 Compounds opposite case extraction of a complex of ammonium thiocyanate with methA violet taken place. Acetone addition facilitates the separation of the phases and stabilizes the color. The optimum conditions are the followiw 3 ml of aqueous Ga solution in 6 N HClt 5 mg methyl violet, 120 mg ammonium thiocyanate, 1 ml acetone, Extraction with 3 ml benzene. How- ever, the presence of aluminum affects the quantity of extracted galli=6 2) Extraction with chloroform (3 ml Ga in 6 N H01, 0.5 ml acetone, 3 ml CHCl3) yields a solution of stable color with an absorption maximum at 530 - 580 mg. Between 0.003 and 0-03 mg Ga in 3 ml, optical density depends linearly on Ga concentration. Extraction of small quantities of Fe III can be suppressed by addition of ascorbic acid. Aluminum, even when present in large excess (Ga : Al - I : 1700), has no influence upon the results of the measurements. There are 3 figures, 2 tables, and 11 references: 6 Soviet, 4 US, and I German. SUBMITTED: October 23, 1959 Card 2/2 Extraction and photometric determination of gallium. Zhur. anal. khIm. 18 no.ntl326-1331 N 063. (MIRA 1731) 1. Urallskiy politekhnichookiy institut imeni Kirova, Sverdlovak. PLOTNIKOVA, K.N.; Prinimali unhastlyes GORNAYA, K.A.; SHILINA, L.3.; Xjgff~.-T~,S,jL,L.j, WGDANOVAp E.I.; W&SHILOV, S.F.; TRANE, I.G.; KAREVA, M.V.- KUZIMINA, A.I. Expeiience In the production of lavsan-cotton blend yarn in the "TrAlchgornaya Manufacturall and Kalinin Cotton Mills. Nauch.-iss. trudy TSNIKIIBI za 1962 g.:166-175 164. (MIRA 18:8) 1. TSentrallnoy nauchno-losledovatellskly institut khlopchatobu- mazhnoy pronVehlennosti, Moskva (for Gormiya. Shllina). 2. Kalininskiy nauchno-issledovatellskiy institut tekstillnoy promshlennosti (for Kuznetsova, Bogdanova). 3. Kallnln3kly khlopchatobumzhnyy kombinat (for Bashilov), Traber), 4. Kombinat "Trakhgornaya manufakturall (for Kareva, 1: 1-1 - -, I ". - 11 .. I ~ I . . . . f- ~. : -:! '.~- I ~~ "I'll, ,~- -1 _;i;L-~,(-,` 1-11 - - .; -, L-1-1--l I . ~ I- - - . ---- I --- I t, VOi,TNIN) N , I . ; . K 1; z~ ~ CTA 110110-, BREESKER, R.I. ~,,vvtne of boatonj mado of .011f;cn carbido une," in trurinu.9 medla. ClgneLirory 30 no,7z22-26 165. (MIRA 18:8) 1. Vic-qori;,nyy 1ruititut ogrieuporov. VESEIDVA, T,?,j KUZNZT30VAj V,L. Substantiation of the methods for the analytical determination of the phase composition of magneeite refraotories, Trudy LTI no.59t65-69 161. (MM 17t9) Quantitntivo dotemdration of .,lye-cgon jp tt--c rned. Xhin. 9 no. 3003-30 Ry-7n 163. (141RA 17j-9) 1. fn3titut blolo8lcheskoy Moskva. 2 5 05- 4 3/075/61/016/004/004/004 0 B107/B207 AUTHORS: Bondarevskaya, Ye. A., Kuznetsova, V. M., and Syavtsillo, S.V. TITLE: Simultan eous determination of fluorine, silicon and chlorine in organosilicon compounds containing fluorine and chlorine PERIODICAL: Zhurnal analitiohookoy khimiij v. 16, no. 4, 1961, 472-476 TEXT: A method of simultaneous determination of fluorine, silicon, and chlorine in organosilicon compounds has hitherto not been described. The method described in this paper consists more or less of melting with metallic potassium at 900-10000C, titration of fluorine with thorium nitrate, chlorine determination by means of thiocyanogen and acidimetric silicon determination. The latter is based on the following reaction: Si(OH)4+ 6NH 4F+4HCl - (KH 4)25'F+4NH4C1+4H20. The HC1 excess is back- titrated with alkali. The method was developed on several monomeric organofluoro-silicon compounds prepared by K. P. Grinevich and A. L. Klebanskiy. Furthermore, polymers and organosilicon compounds con- taining chlorine and fluorine were studied. Procedure: A weighed portion of 20 to 40 mg is filled into a polyethylene ampoule or into a gelatin Card 1/4 25054 S/075/61/016/004/004/004 Simultaneous determination of ... B107/B207 capsule and melted in a steel bomb with a four or five time3 greater amount of metal21o potassium, If the compound to be analyzed contains a fluorinat- ed phenyl radical or fluorinated alkyl radicals on silicon, melting is carried out at 900-95000 for 40-45 min- If two or more fluorinated alkyl radicals are bound to the silicon the compound is melted at 10000C for 60 min; and, previously oxygen blown through the bomb for 2-3 min. After having cooled down, the bomb is openedthe metallic potassium excess carefully separated with water and the content quantitatively distilled into a measuring flask of 200 ml. Fluorine, chlorine and silicon are separately analyzed by titration of the respective portions: Fluorine by the method described in Ref. 1 (Ref. 1: Korshun M. 0., Klimova V. A., Chumachenko M. N., Zh. analit. khimii 10, 358 (1955)), chlorine by means of thiocyanogen according to Ref. 29 (Ref._2~. Korehun M. 0., Gellman N. E., Novyye metody elementarnogo mikroanaliza (New Methods of Elementary Micro- analysis), Goakhimizdat, M., 1955, P. 12). Silicon is analyzed as follows: 5-6 drops indicator are added to 25 ml which are subsequentlyneutralized with HG1 1:1 and 1;10# as well as with 0.1 N alkaline solution. The total volume must not exceed 50 ml. The solution is then saturated with solid KCI (30-50 mg) and again accurately neutralized with 0.1 N alkaline solu- Card 2/4 25054 S/075/61/016/004/004/004 Simultaneous determination of ... B107/B207 tion and 0.1 N acid, 2 ml of neutral ammonium fluoride solution and 10 ml 0.1 N hydrochloric acid are addedo the acid excess is rapidly back- titratedwith alkali. The final color change is red - green. The silicon content is calculated by the following formula: Si (%) -I (V-V )'K'0-7015-8-100 , where V is the volume of 0.1 N alkaline a 0 solution in ml, required for titrating 20 ml of 0.1 N HC11 V0is the volume of 0.1 N alkaline solution in ml consumed for the back-titration of the acid excess; K is the normality factor of the 0.1 N alkaline solution; 0-7015, the silicon amount in mg corresponding to one mlaf 0.1 N HCl; a, is the weighed portion in mgj 8, the coefficient corresponding to the fraction of titrated solution of the total'quantity. The error of determination is below 0-5~ absolute. The indicator is prepared by mixing two solutions: a) 0.1% alcoholic solution of methyl red, b) 100 ml 0.1% aqueous solution of bromcresol green with 0.5 ml of 0.1 N NaOH. 6 parts of solution a) are mixed with 5 parts of solution b). The neutral ammonium fluoride solution is prepared as follows: 40 ml of 25~ ammonia are mixed with 25 ml of 40% HF. The mixture is diluted with water to one liter and , first approximatively neutralized and then against an indicator. Every day, Card 3/4 25054 S/07 61/oi6/004/004/004 Simultaneous determination of ... B107YB207 ' before is started, 20 ml of 0.1 HC1 and 10 ml of NH 4P solution are Vitrated-with 0.1 N KOH. If -the consumption is elevatedp the ammonium fluoride solution has to be re-neutralized. The titer of hydro- chloric acid is established with potassium iodate against a mixed indicator. The same indicator is subsequently used for titration of 0.1 N KOH against 0.1 N HC1. There are 5 tables and 29 references: 18 Soviet-bloc and 11 non-Soviet-bloc. The two references to English-language publications read as follows: Stobba F.p Analyt-. Chem, , 298 (1924)1 Haszeldine R. N., Markeow R. J., J. Chem. Soc. 962 (19 61. SUBMITTED: June 14, 1960 Card 4/4 $11911621000100910031012 B101IB144 :AUTI(ORSt Yukhnovakiy, 0. L., Popenker, Re Re, Kuzneteova, V. Me TITU: Cold-setting epoxy-acrylate compounds P"-~KODICALi P1013ticheskiye massy, no. 9, 1962, 14 16 TFAT: lk','ith a view to improving the thermostability of epoxy compounds and avoiding the need to use toxic hardening agents, the redox copolymerization of epoxy resin with polymethyl methacrylate in t~a presence of methacrylic acid as hardening agent was investigated. Three compounds were produced, Compound 11 A solution of dimethyl aniline in methyl mothaorylato is poured into the )A-6 (ED-6),ejoxy resin. Poly- mothyl methucrylate powder is then stirred ing a solution of benzoyl, peroxide in methaorylic acid is added (ratio mothaerylatelmothaerylic -acid 2t1), and a to the finished compound if0necessary* The s;tiine time amounts to 20 - 30 min, thermoetability to 88 C according ,to Martens. For compound 21 dimethyl aniline is dissolved in a mixture of at rene and methyl methaorylate. Since this compound too had a short aNting timey the additi6n of polymethyl methaorylate was omitted for Card 1/2 S/191J62/000/009/003/012 Cold-setting epoxy-acrylate ... B101/B144 compound 3. The setting-time was 2 3 hr. Compounds 2 and 3 with marshalite as filler are suited for casting, or.with a mixture of marshalito and asbestoo they can be used as put.ty. The absorption of water after 170 hr'-was M7% for t'he casting compound and O-Mkfor the putty. Compound 3 without filler has low viscosity and is suitable for casting into coils. Card 2/2 REOBRAZHENSUYA, MsIre.j OWETSOVAp V*M.; ROZENFELID,, Ye.L. Studies on the actiVity of yeast glucanB In relation to the properdin syVtevr. Vop. mold. khim. 7 no.2:158-163 Mr-Ap 061. OM 14~6) -1. Centrai Institute of,-Hemstology and Blood Transfusion of the U.S.S.R. Ministry of Public Health-and Institute of Biological and Medio'al Ohemiotrys Academy of Medical Soiandee of the U.S.S.R.0 Mcscow* -IMST DRIED) (GLUCAN) (PROPERDIN) ROZEITEL% YeoL.j PREODRAUENSKAYA, M.Ye.; KUZNL'TSOVA, V.1-1. Structural characteristics of yeast glucans active in relition to the properdin system. Dokl. AN SSSR-W no.1;219-221 A 162. (MIRA 14:12) 1. Institut biologioheekoy i meditainskoy khimii Akademii meditainakikh mauk SSSR i TSentrallnyy institut gematologii i perelivaniya krovi Predstavlono akademikom A.I.'Oparinym. (GiLan) (PropardiA) BONDAREVSKAYA, Ye*A.; KRLSHKOVI A.P.; SYAV'TSILLO, S.V.; KUZUETSOVA. V.M. Elemantary analysis of ftilorine-containing organosilicon compounds* Trudy Kom,anal.khim. 13%21#"27 163. (MIRA 16&5) (Silicon organic compounds) (Fluroine organic compounds) KONDRATIYEVA, Ye.N.; NOVIKOVAP G.A.;-UZNLTWVA, V.M. Antimicrobial properties of carbamide resin and its use of some micro-organisms. Nauch. dokl. vys. shkoly; biol. nauki no. 2: 166-170 164. . WJA 1715) 1. Rekomendovana kafedroy mikrobiologii Moskovskogo gosudarstven- nogo universiteta im. M.V.Lomonosova. KUNE~OVA,, V. H. USSR/Biology - Microbiology, Rubber -Mar/Apr 52 "Growth of Baoteria on.Natural Rubber,," Vo He Shaposhnikov, 1. L. Rabotnovap Go As Yarmola., V* M. Kutnetsoval No No Hosokhina-Porshrwadova, Biol Soil Sci Rea Inatp Moscow State U imerA H. V. Lcmonovo-v "Hikrobiol" Vol XUp No 29 pp 3.46-154 Found that rubber hydrocarbon may be consumed by the following microorgani i Bac. subtilis, Achre agile, Hycococcus ruber, Yqcobact. globiformej Yqcobacts laoticola$ Act# albus, and the yeast Torula romat 210TIO liol tlli~ 1.-va.-ow vfr 3 t ho MCA~~! fw~o,;i at t ~,I, 0 0 0 )INZIJETS-41 wimMaGg-g! S,T,AP0SIRjIKOV3 Y.M.j I-MOTNOVA, IL. YkNOLA0G.A. --and 140 HIff AKOVA, N. N. On the development of bacteria aL tie expense of natural canutchouc. Mikrobiologiya. Vol. 21, PP 146, 1953, RLWMTA, I.L.; XURMSKATA, XB,; JIMICITSOVA, V,K, V~oroblologlcal maeration if sucauds, lea'ves. Report 36.11 Optiums conditions for rAceration b~, an &ctive complar of micro-argaulaus, mkrobioicgiia z8 no,6t87 0 X-D 159. (WM 13 W *1 91 OTOk It rAfedra, m1krobiologil Has oTakogo goaudarstvannago universitsta I Nauchno-Issladovatellskly ustitut resinovykh Isdally shirokogo potreblenlya, (BUOOXKIA) TIOM) (GUWA-P3RMA) KUPLETSKAYA., M.B.- KUZIaTSUVA) VA-, ZHUKOVA, S.V. Microbiologic~almac=ratio-nof Eucommia leaves. Part 3t Disintegration of gutta,And resins in the process of fementation of the leaves. Mikrobiologiia 29 no.2:259-265 Mr-Ap 160. (MIRA 14t7) 1. Biologo-pochvennyy fakuiltat Moskovskogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta imeni, H.V.Lmonosova. (EUCCHMIA) RMOTHOTA. LL,; KUP%WSUYA. M.2 LLEL"~~ Nicrobiological maceration of sucommia leaves. Report 16.2t Omative agent of the'"ferneutation" 9f s=omla leaves. Mikroblologila 29 no.1t,129-132 Ja-7 160. (NBA 13 S5) 1. Diologo-pochysu"y fakulltat Koskovskogo gosudaretyannogo uni- versitets. Iment X.V. Lomonos m . OFUNGO (PUNS mdordbiol.) f f ,BO,'kMARL'VSK=, Ye.A..;. KR--'SHKDV, A.P.- SYAV,VSILLO, S.V.; YQU~ZIIIEMO~VAV~J-, Elementary analysis of fulorize-cvntalr4ng organosilicon compounds. Trudy Xoz.arjal.khtn. 13:21,~27 163. OURA 16: 5) (Silicon organic compounds) (Fluroine organic compounds) PRE.08RAZWNSKAYA,.M.Ye.j XUNF',-rSOVA V.M, BJ.ologt,,.al activity of sow polyglycoaldes. Dolkl. AN SSSR 163 no.3% 771-773 JI 165. (MIRA 180) 1. Inatitut biologicheskoy i meditsinskoy khimll AMN 39SR. Submitted October 12,1965. HIMETSOVA V.M. Devalnpmant of the pancroan and its Innarvation apparatus in the hurcan embryogeneals. Trudy'..2lil6-..779 164, (t-~IFI igal) 1, Kafedra gletolngil i embriologit (IspoLVay-whohir o~yassnnostl saveduyushchogo - doteent M.F.Urazova) lzhevaRaga meditainskogo Instituts, SHAROVO I.Fs, inzh.1 KUZNETSOVA, V.N., inzh. Make better use of welding equipment. Put' i r,ut.khoz. 5 no.6t26-27 Je '61. (MIRA 14:8) (Railroads-Rail5-Welding) SI"V, I.F., kand. tekhn. nauk;JM=SaVA-,--V-N.., inzh.; Y,UCHUX-YATSWKOI $.I.) kand. tekhn. noukj YOROD'YEV, A.A., Inzhol BULIDAI T.G.9 Inzhoj DOTWKO, Mo., kand. tekhn. nauko retsenzentj DOTSENKO, V.Ye,, retsenzent; SHIYANCV, I.A., inzh.k rets,enzent; BERESTOVOY, Ye.I.j, inzh., red.; KI]ITROVAp N.A.., Equipment fbr rail welding) Oborudovanie dlia ovarki rellsov. By] I.F.Sharov i dr. Moskvap Transzbeldorizdat,, 1963. 266 p. I (MIRA 17:1) TuKACHIJISKIY, S.Ye.; 1401SMMVA, V.P.;,P2iRTSOVA,, V.H. Diagnostic value of the reaction for C-reactive protein in some surgical diseases (Reviev of Soviet and foreign literature). Vestekhir. no.8118-23 1619 (MIRA 15:3) 1, Is khirurgioheskay kliniki biofizicheskoy laboratorii (sav. - 8.7s. Tukaohinskiy) toningradskogo nauohno-iseledovatellskogo :ordena Trudovogo Krunogo Znmeni instituta, parelivaniya krovi (naucbn. rukovodi -.Prof* AONO Filatov). I (PRM%I 8) (MAGNOSISp MFFMMIAL) (MMD-DISMSES) DMITRIXMp Y.A.j RUZNETSOVA, T.N. Reaction of the W;r t9 b1ged transfusion rrom a so-caUed "dangeraus* universal donors Toot. khire 70 noo6t22-26 Ze'63 (MIRA 16t12) I* Zz laningradokege mobno-iodledovatel'skogo inBtIt-,Ata pe- relivaniya, krovi (dire - dotaent A*D. Belyakov, nauolmyy ru- koveditell - Prof. A*N*Mataw)o Adrom artorovs UnIngrads 26ya Sovetskaya, ul., d.16p Institut perelivaniya krovit khir- urgiohookaya klinika. KMITETSOVA, Y.N. Structural characteristics and.-genesis of the Glavnaya deposit in the Kiyembay chryaotile-aabostoo.area. Sov- ceol. 3 no.8:39-49 Ag 160. (MIRA 13:9) 1. Vaesoyusn" nauchno-isoledovatellski7 eologicheekiy institut. (Ziyambay region--Aebentoe5 KOREL1.y VOG. OULTSUVA 0 Velim- Petrological study of the Ollginskiy-lmpalykskiy intrusive (northern Kuznetsk Ala-Tau). Geol. i goefiz. no.2:47-,60 161. (MIRA WO Is Sibirskly nauchno-loolodavatellskiy institut geologii, goofizki i minerallnogo Oyrlya" Novosibirsk. (Kuznetsk Ala-Tau-Patrology) ARTEMOV) V.R.1 NUZNETSOVAO VIM, lq~~ Basic obaracteriation oT the distribution of chryaotile- asbestos deposits in the Kiyambayevskoys asbastoa-boaring zone. Zakonom, msm, poleen, iskop. 6:22&236 162o (MIRA 16:6) 1. Vgyeooyuzqr geologioheekly inatitut. Orenburg Province-Asbestos) Menburg Protince-Cbrynotile) 1 0 %%;1,; FOVAI,FV~j G.A.; KIMIETSOVIL, V.111. -~: ;r. Li~ridotltes duniteu and serpentinites. Zap. ; I t t .9 Vaes. PL n. ob-va 93 no.3:339-3/4,2 164- (14IRA 18:3) VOLOSHINOVA, N*Aj KUZNV!SOVA---V-*N*------ New data on the morphology and evolutio.nal development of some representatives of the family Elphidiidas. Vop, mikropaleonto no.6:3,38-153 t640 (MIRA 18&5) 1. Vseeqyu2nyy nauchnc-isaledovatellskiy goologorazvedoch W' neftyanoy institut, B/950/60/033/012/011/024 D20,9/D305 AUTHORS: Vagramyanq A*T., Kudryavtsev, V.N., and Kuznetsovaf VON" TITLE: On conditions for producing electrolytic powders of metals PERIODICAL: Zhurnal prikladnoy khimii, v. 33, no. 12, 1960p 2719 - 2724 TEXT; There are many references in literature to the mechanism and conditions for obtaining electrolytic powders. It is generally thought that low current densities give rise to compact, homoge- neous deposits, while higher c.d. give softq spongy deposits. But the critical current determined from the loop in the polarization c.d. curves has an Indefinite value and depends on the slope of the polarization curve. The oscillograph MPO-2 was used to measure the polarization of the electrode, a closed glass cell and a film, moving at the rate of 4 and 10 mm/see for registering the change Card 1/3 25656 S10801601033101210111024 On conditions for D209/D305 in polarization with time serving as essential parts of the appara- tus. The standard electrode was saturated calomel electrodet all experiments being conducted In a thermostat at 250. A series of current efficiency tests was made. The cathode was a platinized disc of area 3 em 9 examined graphically in the case of iron, the break in the curve occurs sharply and earlier as the current densi- ty is increased. With nickel here is much the same pattern but the break is considerably less sharp, indicating the smaller difference in reduction potentials for N1 and H2. Comparing the shape of the polarization curves with the structure of the deposit obtained shows that in the first seation a compact homogeneous deposit re- sults. Going over to the second section, the depoaft becomes soft and powdery. When Fe and Ni are deposited by pulsed current whose time period does not exceed the value of the first section brightt homogeneous deposits are obtained. If the time exceeds the value of the first sectionp i.e,, when the electrode potential passes overto a more negative valuep a black powdery deposit is formed. The cur- rent efficiency in the first section approaches 100 % and that cor- Card 2/3 5 '7 RO/60/033/012/011/024 8 On conditions for ... D209,AD305 responding to the second section Por'the same c.d. about 70 %* It is concluded that study of the conditions for metallic powders " appearing at the surface of the cathode shows that with one and the same c.d. bright and compact as well as powdery deposits can be ob- tained. Hence the size of the current density cannot by itself af- fect the quality of the deposit. The factor most characteristic in the change of structure of 'the electrolytic deposit is not the critical current, but tl%e concentra-tion of ions being discharged in the layer adjacent to the electrode, determined by the change of polarization with time. The boundary of transition from compact to powdery deposits has been established for different c.d. in re- lation to the electrolysis period and It is shown that the etruc- ture changes without any intermediate type of depoett, being formed* There are 6 figures and 9 references: 6 Soviet-bloc and 3 non-Sov- iet-bloo. SUBMITTED: February 89 1960 Card 3/3 3/076/61/035/007/001/019 B127/B208 AUTHORS: Kuzneteova V. N., Popkov A. P., Uvarov L. A., Vagramyan A. T. TITLEs Polarization during electrodeposition of iron group metals. I. Steady-state potential and overvoltage of iron deposition PERIODICALi Zhurnal fizicheakoy khimii, v. 35, no. 7, 1961, 14o6 - 1410 TEM The authors studied deposition and dissolution of iron in 1 N FeSO 4 solution at 250C. The electrodeposited iron was found to dissolve in these solutions in the absence of polarizing current, particularly in a more acid solution. In this case (pH 1.5-2-5) the rate 1 0 of the spontaneous dissolu- tion rapidly decreases with increasing pH(i. - O-4ma/cm at PH 1-5)- On further change of the PH from 2-5 to 3-5 the rate of spontaneous dissolution is reduced more slowly (i. - 0.065ma/cm 2 at PH - 3). The following reac- tions take place at the electrode surfacet 11+ + e-!o.-! H 1- H ->H+ + e, 2+ 2+ 2 29 2 2 Fe + 2e 4Fe, Fe 4pe + 2e. The reaction rates are denoted by Fil. F 29 F39 Card 1/3 B/076/61/035/007/001/019 Polarization during ... B127/B208 F4' The equation for the steady state is thent F 1 + F3 ~ F 2 + F4' ThG potential of the Fe electrode being more negative than that of hydrogen, the ionization rate F2 of H2 may be neglected. Assuming that the discharge rate F3of the Fe ions be much less than that of the H+, F1,one may write F1 F4'+"e" the charge of the electrode is compensated by the discharge of the H ions. The change of dissolution in-.the presence of 1N Al 2(S04 )3 was also studied. At pH 1.5-3-5 the rate of dissolution increases in this case. (pH - 1-5, ic 0-52 ma/cm2 , pH - 3* ic a 0.31 ma/cm 2). This is due to SO-- absorption on the electrode which accelerates the ionization of 4 the metal atoms. In the presence of aluminum sulfate the polarization of the anode is decreased by 35mv- With rising temperature of the electrolyte the rate of spontaneous dissolution increases, particularly in the presence of aluminum sulfate. At a temperature rise from 25 to 601C at pH 1 5 the rate increases to the 7.5-fold, in the presence of aluminum sulfate ~o 22-fold. At low pH the steady-state p9tential changes quickly 'with a Card 2/3 3/076/61/035/007/001/019 Polarization during ... B127/B208 change in pHj at a higher pH this change is less significant. At low pH the dependence may be expressed by the following formula: Ifs t - A + RT 1n [H+] TZ+-t3T-F At higher pH the potential is shifted more to -the negative side. In an oxygen-free inert atmosphere the deviation of the steady-state potential from the rule, expressed by the formula, decreases. At higher pH the steady-state potential is shifted toward the positive side under the influ- ence of aluminum sulfate. The potential of the Fe electrode is irreversi- ble in sulfuric acid solution and is determined by a number of processes. It is therefore impossible to determine the overvoltage by the steady-state potential. The deposition potential was determined relative to a saturated calomel electrode. With increasing pH the deposition potential of Fe is shifted toward the negative side. At a given current density and inameasing pH the overvoltage of the deposition has more positive values, except in very acid solutions. The determination of overvoltage by the steady-state potential thus seems to be incorrect and gives contradictory results. There are 5 figures and 6 Soviet references. Card 3/3 S/076/61/035/007/002/019 W27/B208 AUTHORSt Vagramyanq A. T.9 Kuzneteova, V. N., Popkov, A. P.9 Savostin, V. A., Uvarov, L. A.- TITLE% Polarization during electrodeposition of iron group metals 11. Electrodeposition of iron PERIODICALt Zhurnal fizicheakoy khimii, V. 35, no. 7, 1961, 1411 - 1415 TEXTs The authors investigated the electrolytic deposition of iron from solutions of I N FeSO 4' and I N FeS04 + 1 N AYSO 4)3 at a current density 2 of 20 ma/cm , The yield of metal relative to the current changes only lit- tle with a change in current density, and increases rapidly with increasin g pH in the range I - 5-2 - 5. . By changing the pH by one unit the yield increases from 20 to 9011o. At a further pH increase the yield increases but slightly. On aluminum sulfate addition the yield is only 45% at the optimum ~H. All curves showing the dependence of the potential of the iron electrode on the pH pass a maximum at pH 2.0-2.2. The maximum of the polarization curves is 60 - 65% of the maximum metal yield. At low pH the current is consumed for hydrogen reduction and liberation. In the descending branch of the curve Card 1/3 5/076/61/035/007/002/019 Polarization during .... B127/B208 the current is oonsumed for the metal deposition. The discharge of hydro- gen ions is promoted in that part of the curve which corresponds to hydro- gen liberation, the reduction of the metal ions in that part of the curve which corresponds to metal deposition. The curves are exactly explained in the papers by A. N. Frumkin, Zh. fiz. khimii, 31, 1675, 1957, Z. Phys.Chim., M, 321, 1957, and I. A. Bagotskayaj Dokl. AN SSSR, 107, 843, 1956. 110, 397, 1956. Apparently hydrogen deposition is facilitated on an electrode coated by hydrogen. This is bonfirmed by the paper by M. Smyalovskiy saying that there is a relationship between the hydrogen overvoltage and the tendency of the cathode metal toward supersaturation with hydrogen. The'following reactions are assumed to take place at the hydrogen-coated electrodet H 0+ + H +e ----~H +R0 and HO++e ---,* H + H 0. 3 ads 2 2 3 ads ,2 The rate of the first is higher than that of the latter. The increased metal ieduotion with decreased rate of hydrogen deposition is probably due to the fact that the metal deposition at a ourface saturated with hy- arogen in far more difficult than at a hydrogen-free electrode surface. PH 3-0-3.5 is most suitable for the metal deposition. The retardation of the metal ion reduction is probably related to an adsorption of foreign particles, hydroxides and others, which are deposited on the surface of the Card 2/3 S/076/61/035/007/002/019 Polarization during B127/B208 iron electrode after breaking the contact, and passivate the electrode. A potential jump is observed at the moment of connection. By adding aluminum, polari.zation of the cathode inoreasee only at pH 2-2.5. Aluminum sulfate inhibi'ta the deposition of the metalf but does not affect H2deposition. There are 6 figures and 5 references, 4 Soviet-bloc and 1 non-Soviet-bloo. The most important references to English-language publications read as followat Foerster F., J. Electrochem., 22, 85, 1916.- Gjla3stone S. J. Chem. Soo., 2, 2687, 1926. (given as 1 reforen-ce-). ASSOCIATIONs Akademiya nauk SSSR Institut fizicheakoy khimii (AS USSR Physico-chemical institute) SUBMITTED: August 18,1958 Card 3/3 L--05872--67- -jD/WB- I-ACC -AP60:JOB'63- SOURCE COLE: UR/O: AUTHOR: Pavlova, F. S.; Kuznetsova, V. N. ORG: none 2/005e0545/0549 ;2 TITLE: Use of multilayer pl ~ingfor the protection of springs in water at high temperatures and pressures 1 16 117 SOURCE: Zashchita metallov, v. 2, no. 5, 1966, 545-549 GiVA"L-Ov. AL 11%~A 11;4.Q~ TOPIC TAGS: Xfe-e-.D~ri ~ corrosion, corrosion resistance, steel hydrogen embrittle-.. ment, copper4nicke'A chromium plating 160S2 spring steel fo'~n - W* 1z si ance lated 6052 stpel springs, operating ABSTRACT: The corr resist of variously p in distilled water at 330C under a pressure of 100 kg/cm=, has been investigated. The best results were obtained with a three-layer copper-nickel-chromium platin For instance, qring specimens plated with ccyper'(35 1j), nickel. (25 ii) ard chromitim~ (1-5t 500 hr tests without showing any sign of corrosion or any other external changes. To reduce the hydrogen absorption during plating, the following recommendations are suggested. Copper plating should be done in ethylenediamine electrolytes and follow by annealing at 300-350C. Nickel plating should 1~e done without luster-forming additives. Orig. art. has; 6 f iprea and 2 tables. JTD] SUB CODE: 1J1, 13/ SUBM DATE: o8jul65/ ORIG REF: 004/ OTH REF: 005 y Lnii,- ria nnd rf-~Urxlz A I v 14. "Ille Licjiogi'~al 'wv w-Uras of 3onrv! Val f or t- 'cal ;~-,d L;c (Din:;f,--"nti,cn'- for -ooco-N, 19556 i 02 of ~-Lnlllcal ~Clances.) Knizlinava lotopic" No lib. 20 llovemibnr 'Orf"Crl. KU2MWVA, VL-N.-L OSTROVSKAAZ# S,; and GOLIDPA01 D. M. "The Detection of Dysentery and Typhoid Fever Bacteria in Various Materials With the Aid of the Phage Titre Accumulation Reaction" Proceedings of Inst. Epidem Ind Microbiol. im. Gameleya 1954-56 Interinstitute Scientific Conferences on Problems of Dysentery (The following are Identifications of pirsonnel associated vith the Institute of Epidemiology and Microbiology imeni N. F. Gamaleye vho attended the conference hold in Molotov, 4-7 April 19561 Inst. Epidom and Microbiol im.Domaleya AM USSR SO: Sum 1186, 11 Jon 57. Country 6. USSR E Category: Viroloa. Bcctorial Viruses Abs Jour- Raf Zhur-Bioi., No 23, 1958) 105476 Author Golldfarb, D. M.; Kuznotsova, V. N., lGi.,zenov, MpIp Inst '0-11 ........I.............. Title Experiment in the Use of the Pha'-c Titer Increase Reaction for the Diagnosis of Dysentery. Orig Pub: Bb. Balftoriofagiya. Tbilisi. Gruzmadgiz, 1957, 81-85. Abstract: One hundred and aighty-nina stool examinations ware performed by means of the phage titer increase ro- action. It vas shown that the method is vary speci- fic, accelerates diagnosis and permits the difforen- tiation of dysentery from other intestinal infections. Ya. I. Rautonshtayn. Card 1/1 TJSSR/Microbiology. Microbes Phthogenic for Man and F Animals Abs jour Ref Zhur-Biole, No 13, 1958, 5??22 Author Golidfarb D. M., Kuznetsova.V. N. Inst Not given I Title Experiment of the Application of the Reaction of Phage Titer Accretion for the Diagnosis of Dysentery Orig Pub Zh. mikrobiol epidemiole, i immunologii, 1957, No 8, 96-94 Abstract Two hundred twenty one examinations of the ex- creta obtained from 190 patients of a dysentery division of a hospital were conducted in order to determine the suitability of the application of the reaction of the phage titer accretion in the diagnosis of dysentery, To the excreta Card 1/2 --Microbes pathogenic-- f0_r___j,-'an Anim l a s lud F Abs Jour Rof Zhur-Biol. 9 NO 13t 19589. 57722 Abstract diluted in MpB (1:10) fir t s shaken on a rocking device, one mi Ililiter of indicat or POlyvalent dysentery phage diluted 1:10 was added. The ma- terial was then kept at a temperatur 0 e Of 37 for 4)4 to 5 hours, The accretion Of the phage 'ter Wa s established by titration With the in- d icator Plexnerl s culture No 170, The data which were obtained indicated-t h t a the accretion titer reaction is a more sensit ive meth d o Of diagnos- ties than is the bacterio logical I . n patients With chronic d. vsenter7 this TIO th d o mado Possible the diagnosis Of the diseases in 234 ti mes more cases than by the bacteriological i nvestigation. The proposed method is easily car ri d e Out and hastens diagnosis FlinlasmUch the dia nosi t i a s is ob- 6 nod on the same day the investi ati b on g egins. Card 2/2 63 USSR / Virology. Bacterial Viruses (Rmges) E-1 Abs Jour : Ref Zhur - Bioll, No 20, No 90548 Authors :Golldfarb; D. M.;_jWnatoova; V. N.; Ostrovskaya, Z. S. Inst :Not given ----------- Title :The Role of Quantitative Relations BatwLcn Bacteriophage and Bacteria in the Phage Titer Increase Rc-action. Orig Pub :Zh. mikrobiol., apidemiol. i immun-biol., 1958, No. 1; 110-1111. Abstract :Various concentrations of the cells of Flaxnar's No. 170 dysen- tery culture and typhoid bacteria Ty 2 were mixed with diffe- rent cultures of corresponding specific phages. It turnod out that multiplication of the dysentery phago took place when the infection did not numerically exceed 4.6 particles per cell. In low bacterial concentrations the interaction of the phage and the call did not depend upon the multiplicity, since in these cases the probability of phage-coll encounters was diminished. Card 1/2 kAST GERMANY / Virology. Bacterial Viruses (Phagc3) E-1 Abs Jour : Ref Zhur - Biol., No. 20, 1958; No 90547 Author :Kellenberger) E,. Inst :Not given Title :The Structure, Action and Reproduction of Bacteriophages. Orig Pab :Nova acta locopold., 1957, 19, No. 134, 55-75 Abstract :A survey. This study describes the morphology and th;z fine structure of the phage particle, its reproduction cycle, in- traccllular dQvulopwnt and tho biological significan" of the study of the phage. Clear photographs of ultra-thin cell sections infected with phago are presented, 14 photographs and drawings, Bibllography contains 66 titles, Card 1/1 2 17(2,6) SOV/10--60-3-8/37 A I I THORS Oolldfarb, D.M.. Kuznetaova V,,N,, Ostrovskaya, Z.S. TITLE; Instructions an the Use of the Phage Titer Rise Reaction for Detecting 8hipella Dysenteriae and Salmonella Typhosa 4 V PERIODICAL. Zhurnal mikrobiologii, epidemiologii i immunobiologii, 1960, Nr 3, PP 36 - 40 (USSR) ABSTRACT: This is a detailed description of the use of the phage titer rise reaction for the diagnosis and detection of Shig. dysenteriae and Salm. typhosa in stools, blood, urine,water, washings from objects of the external environment, food, etc. There is 1 table. ASSOCIATION- Institut epidemiologii i mikrobiologii imeni Gamalei AMN SSSR USSR) (Institute of Epidemiology and Microbiology Imeni Gamaleya of the W SUMMED: April 27, 1959 Card 1/1 S101616010001061101051 AUTHORS: Kuznetsova, V,N,, Khazanov, M.T.and Remova,_T.N. TITLE- Using the Phage Titer-Rise Test for Detecting Shigella Dysen""eriae in the External Environment PERIODICAL- Zhurnal mikrobiologii, epidemiologii I immunobiologii, 1960, No. 6, pp. 39 - 45 TEXTg The aim of the present work was to determine whether the phage t1ter rise test could be effectively used to detect ShIgella dysenteriae in the external environment, studies being performed under experimental and natural cenditions. V The investigations-showed that the test could be used for det,-cting Shigella dysenteriae on objects of the external environment. Comparicon 3f the test and the bacteriological method of Investigation indicated that the former was more effective in diagnosis. in cases where the results of the phage titer rise test and the bacteriological method of Investigation differed, an epidemiological Study of the fool of dysentery proved that the former was more specific. The findings therefore indicate that the phage titer rise test can safely be used, together Card 112 S/016/6Q/000/06/10/051 Using the Phage Titer Rise Test for Detecting Shigella Dysenteriae in the External Environment with other methods, in epidemiological studies. There are 2 tables and 9 Soviet references. ASSOCIATION. Institut epidemiologii i mikrobiologli imeni Gamalei'AMN SSSR (Institute of Epidemiology and Microbiology imeni Gamaleya of the AMN USSR) SUBM I August 29, 1959 Card 2/2 S/016/6o/Ooo/06/i6/051 AUTHOM Ool'dfarb, D.M. and Kuznetcova_ V.N. TITLEt The Role of Antibloticy In F-,-ming Phage-Resistant Var-lante of Enterobacteriaoeae PEPIODICAL~ Zhurnal mikrobiclogii, epidemiologil ! in=-moblologii, 1960, No. 6, pp. 62 - 66 The authors made a study to determine wnether aritlb-10tics a-.'-, as a faotor In the formation of phage-resistance In Enteroba,~terla-,eae, most of the work being conducted with Shigella flexneri. It wa5 fourd -1n the absence of phage Enterobacteriaceae developed phage-resistance lander tne ac*,ion of anti- tinctIcs (streptomycin, synthomycin and biL,.mycln). This comes about by a Combination of two prooesses - induction and selection - helped by passages of the strain in the presence of antibiotics. When phage-resistance was induced by the actionof dysentery or typhoid phage, the resulting variants sometimes evinced L-acreased resistance to antibiotics. Phage-resistance and resistance tc antibiatiis are transmissible charaoteristics but are nc-t directly linked in the bacteria! cell's genetic apparatus, since it Is possilcle to dissociate them. 7he appearance cf Card 1/2 SIO IC /6G/000/06/16/0 51 The Role of Antibiotics in Forming Phage-Resistant Variants of Enterobacterlaceae phage-resis-tant variants Is not due to sele,.tion of preceding ur.~tants, but is caused by the inductive aotion of the antibiotic or phags. 7he fcrmat~rn of Phage- resistance unde.- the acticn of antibiotics or phage was aicompan.led by similar changsa In the strains' biological propertiev. Thero are 3 tablesi and I figure,, ASSOCIATIONi Institut epidemlologli I mikr,~biologit imeni Oaaa.'&C~! AMN 83M (Institute of Epidemiology and Mier~blology Imeni O&maleya of the AMN, USSR) SUBMITTED.~ May 25, 1959 Card 272 lz_: KUZNBTSOVA, T.N. Simplified modification of the reaction of Increase in the bacterio- Pbage titer. Zhur.mIkrdbIoI,epId.1 Immun, 31 no,lt27-30 Ja 160' (KML Zo) 1. ra Institute, epldemlologil 1 ulkwobiologll Imeni Gamlel ANN 8m (BACTIMIOPMO) KUMETSOVA, VA Simplified modification of the phage titre accretion reactiom Lab. delo 7 no.1207-39 D 161s ouRA ion). 1. Otdol epidemiologii (zav. yrofo T.Ye.Boldyrov) Instituta opidemiologii I mikrobiologii imeni N.F.Gamalel ANN MR. (BACTEMOPIMB, ) KUZUBTSOVA, Y.N.; OSTROVSKAYA, Z,S. Detection of pathogenic bacteria of the Inteotinal group bY a mixture of indicator phages. Zhur. mikrobiol.,, apid. i immai, 40 no,1257-61163o (KM 16tlO) 1, Iz Instituta apidemiologii i mikrobiologil, imeni G-malei AMN MM, GQLIDFARB,, D.M.; RYT.TZH, V~ej KUZNETSOVA,_T,N,; BESTEROVA, G.F. Induction of h-=tations of the pbage T2 by nitrous aoid and hydroxylamine. Gefttika no.2:3-12 Ag 165. (MIRA M10) 1. Institut spidemiologii i mikrobiologii imoni N.F, Gamalei,, AMN SSSR,, HoskTa. KMITTSOU, V.N.; LOKITN, A.F. Mechanism of the formation of C-reactive protein. Probl. gemat. i perel. krovi 9 no.7:14~-18 ii t64. (,,JPA 18-3) 1. Leningradskly institut perelivanlya krovi (dir. dotsent A.Ye. Belyakav). 66241 5-26/53 -q.'P Stools 10 Car etso -:1 ~Irv Ott Vol L ~~-O- - . C'es 4-1 19591 an phas -aids Ila ear vedell Ultol the GAI t erme diste metallo is res that 1.0 1.10V I, Anals 0 OV iniou Varies to the meta t1301t) "haso a the els 4,10 I'S 2 ju 1% 06~1t?o 2%616ne tic V 05881 Ste is Ot be less xL yr vy ey.,Pr . arb On at ioll 0 sno 14 bMS 0 f 1.) has red c var hicU PO-LOD 1.8 efTV%e W GOINtainini; (Vtof teop C the r on Of tent Fe% steels hir. On &-je, jo. con rbOn d 13.Ndlycom-po". rvon 8 phase nosrSY d ca tecte C M. tylod I'% tro ore 3 do lijase to 0-40 tic 0 In Iec,,,, temY Mr 4 kvtej 20 'P elation ate. C'Mr mal; Sw 'Vert sits ido 'Phalses 1312 have 14 tervaedi t1a 0110 e depo rb tool %,8L,%es a, 8,t io ted b-f M1rbOn* rbide to 006 tue bide P ampere The of Ga rmedis In c ar t 0 r d6tee r. t . to 0 j.000 -ZOO , .rbo%% thall tjopo int 0 ontall dick spa d at ca tiss .&TAS 0orine as the ICarbon 2 int the I-nl eist of lier I ,In teopere Of tjoll dent 00al Oil t%ldy tig'a Ste -P en ear U03cas eim a a ,,ves Imens a 06 SV e in tyle the eveo ve iml In eted for eel a t 0dete ~.tedl b I sits ion, of St eeT1 de .a r'ho beelL de-PO .0110t b and have f carbide .,tic - kVte 3.50 'hasigs The ~ectro,metyvod same 19 30 0 e1 steej- ned bl Popova 'Were obtal. to 14.14. Ing, accord d /3 66241 B-1-28/33 SOV/lz6- is t quenched Carbon Stee -eirs red ter were - tempo, hour. bide Ph diame licaii and then*C for ediate Car and 13 mme In a and 350 intermediate on Interm .0 mm length of 880 C 250, '51D0 f the of5tomorature 2001 tained 0 heyagonal *C from a eratures Of 1501 Letures ob 30 were& ered tLt 250 diffraction p: d Cd3 at temP f.t., carbon Stee en temp 2) from 6 The bestphases 0 which ha ibir- (Pig ., a carbide lution and a rhOu 0 afte- planar 1) from a specimen d at 300 C :Lntot (Fig 6 'hO'urs) 80 gel, tomper, ,d 2, the gona , Phase after a hieh hisd bi ab 3, e 0 1 a t1le he)ca the epee imen wolutiono Ila T ities for (Table 2) for S 6 hours' 8 intens . comparison Show Id linothe rh,mbic- Phase j lanar distances d3.9tances al,d for ?e give nter khWLagonal ) ar e 'able 1) a' t arameters T and 'U 3-?' (11ef between AS 0 f ( steels 30 ement lattice 3.81 factor'Y A-Sre on the C- a tonSities tly, satis betws d rhOm t e in also t that firs 21.44 all ae OU .30 and hence cr_ 12.501) and betw4ointe steel -6.271, c t be P carbon in the a4 72&, r -it Tnus ses in the 8than b- btainedo -rature obtain 0 6rbide pha: t,mpe ible to a the lines diate Ca tempering not POSS -30 with the intermO at higher t was on Stee are detftc~tod I oerG,TLdl'Yt 3. f t-h, carb steel a~2 an~ I . tures 0 clear diffraction Ple Card 2/3 KARTSIT, M.A.; ALSKSAIMRIDI, T.M*; KUrAZNY. V.D.; TAUNTOY, G.I.; LZGEZO, L.6,; IAVRNNM, Yu.A.; SHORUROV, A.Z.; BRUSENTSOV. M.P.; KUZIXTSOVA V.P.; BRUK' if , Issak Samenovich, red,_- BEZBORODOV, Yu.M., re S.S.j teVIneredo [The H-2 high-apeed calculating machine] Bystrodeistvuiushchaia vychislitelinala wahina K-2. Moskva, Goa. izd-vo tekhniko-teoret. lit-ry, 1957. 228 P. (MM. 1113) 1. Chlea-korreopondent AN 333R (for Bruk) (Electronic digital computers) 754-V/9 09 ~j a Pit 9 Alt All -.-..Ali alil .44 !A - ; . . S4 0 1051 t 9 a v I * t S, . I'a .5 j 0 .1 " It XA ill-'jig rt hi 1 A. it Z141 - it it I r- - ~y - j! 1~jj t- ge 16,11,31! J* till. A. Jill ~14 - Ili, 11 0, 1 S-9 -is %M k "lull N 1,1�1 1"APS11 A CLI i16H USSR / Human and Animal Morphology, Normal and Pathological. 5-3 Blood and the Hematopoietic System. Abs Jour ; Hof Zhur - Biol., No 18,, 1958: No 83692 Author : loffe, V. B.; Xunetsovat V. P., Lagutina, 0. A. Inst Samarkand Me caT"%TffVftr2--' TLtle Morphological Composition of Blood in Patients Suffering from 71oxic Encephalitis. Orig Pub 9b. nauchn. tr. Samarkandsk. med. in-ta, 1955, 10, 31-39 Abstract No abstract. Card 1/1 .Kuznetso3La V. P.- Katrushonko, 1. N.; Klyachkin, L.M.; Pilyuchin, P. V.; Pinclv~, V. P.; Molohanov, N. S.-Leningrad "nwotional Diaturbances and Y=Thologlcal Clumpe of Internal Organs in Burn Mama." report submitted for the 27 Congress of Surgeorm of the USSR., Meow, 23-28 may ig6o. /791~ it~Z IGO 0 /003 /00W008 AUTHORS: Akinfiyev.A.B., KuznatroYa,Y,F,, Rodionova-KULnetsava, S.C. T:7 LE;: Semiconductor control circuits of the external ioqu~prnents of a spQCiall.,zed machine. V SOURCE: Akadendya nauk SSSR. Institut elektronnykh apravlyayushchikh m4Fhin. Taifrovaya tekhnika i vychis lite I'nyye ustroystva. no-3. 1962, 24,029. TEXT: The paper examines an equipment for the co6trol of a photo-lead-i~ and a synchro-print-type printing equipment, both of which Y, ere developed at the thati- tute of Precision Mechanics and Computer Engine e ring,~,AS USSR. The lead-* is n performed with the aid of a standard telegraphic fivc-p