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RAYKHSHTAT, G.N.; SHAPIRO, A.A.; LEYKRIA, R.F.; KALPA-SEVA, M.F.; BERLOVICH, E.A.; RYUMINA, M.G.; BROYXR, T.N.J-~!~11-ZTSGVA, N.S. Epidemiological effectiveness of proventivo bactoriophage treatment against dysentery in pediatric institutions. Zhur. mikrobiol.# epid. i immn. 42 no.8:139-141 Ag 165. (MIRA 18:9) 1. Sanitarno-opiderio ogirhoska)u stantalyu Sverdlovskogo rayona Moskvy. Y,X~ILLRCN, KtJZNI-",TJOVA. N.V.,- ')K(.,FUlK' .511ver chlorlde and thln mothrd for dets~rtninin.r. Its atundard potent.1'al in thn clrcultq without. tran-Ifer. Trudy inst. Kam. star,!., mer A jzm. prilb. n.,.68742..511 163. NR t, 17 A - , -)'VIJtCJ'j~jY 4-njjtjt.U* mctralop'...' 1. Vsesoyuzny~ !m. D.1. Mendeleyevq. ALEKSANDROVY V.V.; VRUBIYVSKAYA, L.V.; KOLLEROV, D.K.; KUZUETSOVA, N.V.; SKORZKY I.L. Standard buffer solutions and the determination of their pH in the temperature range of 0 to 950C. Trudy inst. Kom. stand., mer i izm. prib. no.68t59-79 163. (MIRA 17:5) 1. Voesoyuznyy nauchno-iosledovatellskiy institut metrologii im. D.I. Mendeleyeva i Khartkovskiy gosudarstvennyy universitet. AnRUMVP K.A.; 0-MOROV, V.I.; KHANANASHVILI, L.M.; KIMNET,"WA, F.V. Reactions of cohydrolysis of metlylviry1dichloroBilane with various alkylchloronlanes. Zhur. ob. khim. 35 no.3,-124-527 Mr 165. (HIPA 18W 1. Moskovskiy institut tonkoy khimichnskoy tekhnolngii imeni M.V. Lomonosova. ANDRIANOV, K.A.; SIDOROVO V.T.; rXANANASHVILI, L.M.; KiZINETS07At N.V. Reaction of the cohydrol.yeis of methylallyIdIchlorosilans with mathyl- and othyldichlorosilanes. Zhur. ob. kbim. 35 no.4:698-700 Ap 165. (MIRA 18:5) 1. Moakovskiy institut tonkoy khlmicheakoy tekbnologli imni M.V. Lomonosova. NIKOLAYEV, L.K., inzh.; KUZNETSOVA, N.V., inzh.; NIKOLAYEVA, V.V., inZhe Use of different types of electrical machines. Elektrotekhnika 36 no.1215 Ja 165. (MIRA 18:3) F U?I-Ni~,.Fz,_CV,,i I N. V. Yuznet,-ova, 11. V. "The effectiveness of fertilizer and of organic-mineral mixtures of various composition on sod-r)odzolic soils of Moscow Oblast." Moscow Order of Lenin Agricultural Acaderny irneni K. A. Timiryazev. Moscow, 1956. (Dissertation for the degree of Candidate in Agricultural Sciences) Knizhnaya letopis No. 15, 1956. Moscow KmnTSOVA, mv. Ascorbic acid content of certain vegetables (root crops) of the Stalinabad region. Dokl. AN Tadsh. SSR no.21:61-65 157. WRA 11:7) 1.Kafedra obehahey gigiyeny Stalinabadekogo medinatituta im. Abuali Ibn-Sluo. Predstavlano chlonom-korrespondentow AD Tadzhikokoy SSR Ta,A, Rakhimov7m, (Stalinabad Province--Root crops) KUZMSCVA, N.Y. '. - - ~ - Seasonal variAtiono in the ascorbic ncid content of leafy vegetables in some regions of Tajikistan. Trudy 27:125-131 '57 1. Is kafedry obehohey eigiyerq (2av. kafedroy - dote-Se$~ Dinkells)p, (TAJUMAN-VEGETABUS) (ASCORBIC ACID) KUMVSOVA, NOV Importmwe of the determination of dehydronacarbic aeld In cow milk and sono raw vegetable produotse Trudy Stalo meId.inst. 2712133-136 157 (MIRA 11:9) 1, Irs kafedry obshchey gigiyol (2A.7. kafadroy dots. S.S. Dinkells), (MMMOASOMBIO ACM - D (MILK-ANALYSIS AND PJARINATION) (PLANTSO 3DIBU-ANALYSIS) KUZNETSOVAy N.V. KUZNETSOVAo N.V.j tand Wd Sci-(dios) "Seasonal dynamics of the ascorbic acid content in plaPt products and cowla milk of Southern Tadzhikistan." Sta A-U-3 p 1958o 17 pp (Kazakh State Mad Inst). 300 copies (KL, 20-58,101) V.V* scorbic acid content of stone fruit from certain localities in jikistan, Vopr,pit, 17 no.1:95 Ja-F 138. (KIRA 11W 1e Is Imfodry obobehey giglyany (save - doteent S.SoDinkelis) Stalinabadskogo maditsinskogo instituta, (ASCORBIC ACID) (TAJIXISTAN-STOZIN YRUIT) 7BY INCYVA, T.N.; BUNM, N.S.; XUMTSOVA. N.V. Iffect of teMerature on nuclaic aoida of B. lichealfmis. Blokhtalla 24 no.5012-921 S-0 159. (KIRA 1312) 1, Xafadra biokbinit rastanly Mookovskoga gosudaretvonnogo universi- teta im. N.V. lomonosova. (NUCLMIC ACIDS metab.) UMSHANOVICH, V.N.; NUZNTSOVA, N..V*_;,_BUNINAf 11.14. Inhibition of the suocinic oxidass reaction from Trypanooma cruzio Biokhimiia 26 no.2023-331 Mr-Ap 161. (MIRA 14:.5) 1. Department of Anti-Cancer Preparations; the State Control Institute of Medical and Biological Preparations, Moscow. (SUCCINIC OXIDASE) (TRYPANOSOKEASIS) KUZNE7SOVA, N.V.; MORDOMOVIC11, L.G.; MUKHSIN-ZADE, Mb. Characteristics of the camposition of milk and national swir milk products prepared in Tajikistan (dzhurgot, dukh, chakka kurut). Zdrav.Tndzh. 9 no-3t44-47 MT-Je 162. N~-PA 15:8) 1. 1z Instituta krayevoy meditsiny AN Tadzhikskoy SSR~ kafedry gigiyeny Tadzhikokogo meditsinskogo instituta imeni Abuali ibni Sino i pembehevoy laboratorii Dushanbinakoy gorodskoy sanitarno- epidemiologicheakoy stantsti. (TAJIKISTAN-DAIRY PRODUCTS-ANALYSIS AND FXAMINATION) GERSHANOVICH, V.SM; ZUYEV, V.A.; BUNINA, N.N.; KUZNETSOVA, N.V.; UTS, G,T. Cbemical nature and the mechanism of action of the succ1n1c oxidase inhibitor from Trypanosoma cruzi. Biokhimiia 27 no.2t252-259 Mr-Ap 162. (MIRA 15:8) 1. Institute of Vaccines and Sera, and the State Control Institute of Medic&l and Biological Preparations, Moscow. (SUCCINIC OXIDASE) (TRrPANOSOMA CRUZI) K,P,N:llZ'jUV;t) N,V&j dr)"imt Compoaition )f 'oo,J rutionn !n c:41.1ti-on's institutlor's in Duahnnbo, Trudy Tadzho modo 161. (MiNA 17s8) 1. Iz Itall"Odiv abalichey' g.lglYk,,rQr (ZkV. - d,)Lu,)11*. lAnkg"U.,q) Tatlzft-.*icakogc gosudestvvarv~g,) lltotituLa izent Abuall lbn--G3no. O"liVARTSMAN I Sch.; MIKHAYLOV, Yu.F.; PAPAUN, Kh.M.1 V711,I(INA, Zh.k..; KUMELiM. N.V.; VISLOGIJZOVA, E.A.; KUI,'CfllTSYJtYA, 1,B. Optimum apparent density of steel pouring stoppers made by the stiff mud process. Ogneupory 30 no.629-14 165. (mif(A 1981) 1. VostonhrWy Institut ogneuporov (for Shvartsman, Mikhaylov). 2. NIzhnv-TagIl'skiy metallurgichenkJy kombinat Imeni Lenina (for flapakin, Vydrina, Kuznetsova, Vieloguzova, Kullchitskaya). KUZNETBOVA N.V. History of the formation of structures in the marginal zone of the Pechora depression in connection with their oil potential. Neftegaz. geol. i geofiz. nooll:6-10 165. (MIRA 18:12) 1. Ukhtinskaya. tematicheskayn ekspeditsiya UTGU, ~ ~-Clrc! 112 ix I I -- -- - - -.,- -.-- - . - --- - ---. - - --- - - - 0 , VASIL'YEVp L.I.; KUIMIKO, E.M.; JCUZNETSOVAO N.Ya-.-- Determination of uropepain in patienta with diseases of digaistive organs. :Nat. mod. zhur. no.6s44,46 N-D 160. (MIRA 13:12) LKlinicbeekayn bolluitse, No 6 Moogorzdravotdola (vlavvrach - LH. Kurgannikov). - (UROPEPSIN) (DIGESTIVE ORGANS-DISEASES) SIMIAKINY A.M.; BARABANOV, V.Ye.; BORLSOV., L.N.I.; GPIBKOV, MI.; GRUDESOV, 'PL,~'HYOV, J,A.; KUZNETSOVA. N.Ya., red. IL, L- 164 and (Technology of the maintenance of ZIL-150, 71 ZlL-585 motor vehiiies in agriculture] Tekhnollowlia takb- nicheskogo obsluzhivaniia avtc.~obllel ZU-150, Z'11,164 1 ZIL-585 v sellskom kbozialstve. Mo~~ikvn. 1963. 78 F,. I (FjjLIj 17.(1) 1. Perovo. Gosudarstvennyy Vsesovuzn3,y naw~hw-issledo-i- vatellskiy tekkmologicheskly in.,iti-Lat remnrita 1. ekeplu- atats1i mashinno-traktornog3 parka, 2. Laboratorlya tekh- nologiJ. remonta i tekhnicheskog,) obsluzhi-vanlya avtor-obiley I reziny Gosudarswennogn soyuznov nawiino-i-ss1edcjvate*A'.'- skago tekhnologicheskogo insti~u-.a. ACCESSION NR: AP4001911 S/0205/63/003/006/0820/0828 AUTHOR: Kuznotsova. N. Yes TITLE: Neurohumoral substances in the blood of dogs in acute radiation sickness, 1, Changes in the acetyloholine-cholinasterass system In the blood SOURCE: Radiobiologiyap vo 3# no, 6p 1963v 820-828 TOPIC TAGS: neurohumoral substances, acetyleholino cholinesterase system, radioresistancep x-irradiation ABSTRACT: Ex rime tal dogs were X-irradiated by two RUM-3 units (180 kv,, 15 ma!, 7 r2imin).With single total doses of 600 r (7 dogs) and 300 r (6 dogs), Cholinesterase activity was determined by Scheinerts method arul acetylcholine level was determined by biologi- cal testing of whole blood on a leech dorsal muscle prepw&tion. 4-8 blood analyzes were made for each dog before irradiation to establish initial values for acetylcholine level and chollnesterase activity, Blood analyses were made at frequent intervals from time of irradiation to restoration, Acetyloholim-cholinesterass changes Card 1/3 ACCESSION NR: AP4001911 after 600 and 300 r doses are regular with individual differences depending on the radloresistance of the animal. Within the first two days after irradiations the acetyleholino level rises and cholinesterase activity decreases, with the moro radioresistant animals displaying earlier and more marked shifts. During a succeeding stage of relatively satisfactory clinical condition, acetylcholine level and cholinesterase activity are restored earliest in the more radioresistant dogs, In these dogs cholinesterase activity is not only restored to initial values, but to values 1.5 to 2 times higher. In the subsequent stage of marked clinical symp- toms acetylcholine level increases again and cholinesterase activity decreases, In the terminal atage the aootylaholine-cholinesterase system is not restored in dogs irradiated with 600 r, but is normal- ized by the 29th-41st days in dogs irradiated with 300 r. A compar- ison of acetylcholine-cholinesterase changes induced by single total doses and by daily fractional doses (as described in the literature) indicates a general similarity in shifts during acute and chronic radiation sickness, Aoetyleholine-cholinesterase system changes after irradiation in dogs with varying radioresistanee suggest possible participation of this system in the compensatory reactiorw Card 2/3 ACCESSION NR: AP4001911 of the organism during radiation oiekness, Orig, art, has: 2 tables, ASSOCIATION: Institut nevrologii A)Q~SSSR, Moskva (Neurology Institute AMN SSSR), SUBMITTW: 22JUn62 DATE ACQ: 13Dso63- ENCL:' 00 SUB CODE: AM NO 1W ZOV: 021 OTMM:: 009 Card RYVKINA, D.Tog; XUZff7TAQ",jj.TG, bignificance of histamine in rof lax reactions of the organism In multiple pain stimulation [with summary, in Anglish). Yiziol.zhur. re no-3:252-258 Mr '57- (MIRA 10:8) 1. Isboratorlya obahchey I oravaitelluoy fiziologit Inatituta morfol Ii shIvotrqkh in. A.N.Severteova AN SSSR. Moskva IRVAR , physiology, off. of pain stimulation after admini of histamine (RUND (PAIN. experimental, off. on heart of repeated pain stimuli after admin. of histamine (Rua)) (HISTAKINN, effects. on heart response to multiple pain stimuli (Run)) Lzqkw, Changes in the neurobumoral. oubetanees of the blood in the develop- ment of experimental chronie radiation sickness. Med. red. 5 no-9t 3-10 S 160 (MIW 13:1R) .jFADIATION SICUMS) (BLOOD) "' KUZNETSOVAj N.Ye. Histamine oqntent of the blood of patients with hepatolentioular degeneration (before and after therapy with thio compounds). Zhur. ney i psikh. 60 no.90236-1W 160, (HIRA 14:1) 1. Institut nevrologii. (dir. - prof. N.V. Konovalov) MN SSSRq Moskva. (HISTAMINE) (HUATOUWiCULAR DEGE=ATION) (PROPANOL) CHUMACHENKO, I.N.; RAKHMATE-ZHANOV, U.; SUSHENIMA, B.A.; &MJfEjq9VA., _ PONOMARM, V-G-; FOXEM, N.I.; ERGASHEV, R.; PROTIKOVSKAYA, S., red. [Recent developments in the use of mineral fertilizers) Novoe v primenenii mineralInykh udobrenii. Dushanbe Jzd- vo "Irfon," 1964. 61 p. WRA 19W F- KUZNETSOVAO 0. A. Cand 131olog Sci Disaertationt "Concerning the Regulating Capacity of the Tail Bud in the Embryous of Rana temporariae" 15/5/50 Second Moscow State Medical Inst inmi I. V. Stalin SO Vecheryaya Moskva SUM 71 VSESLOVSKIY, I.A.; KUZNETSOVA, O.A. A now frost-resistant potato hybrid, Bot. zhur, 48 n0-4064 Ap 163., (MIR& 16:5) 1. lAningradskly sellskokliozyaystvennyy institut, (Potato breeding) - SEMENOV, S.S.; KOBYLISKkYAp M.V.1 KUZNETSOVAI O.A.; SOLOVIYEV, Yu.A.1 ZAV"YALOV, V.G.; MASHIN,'V-.1 r.;'^'MITMYA- O.Ya.; P PETR[JNINP M.M.; RIF, L.L, Starting a pyrolysis unit for ohamber gasoline in the V.I. Lenin Oil Shale Prooessing Combine. Trudy VNIIT no.12s64-68 163. (MIRA 18,11) KOBYLISaYA M.V.; KORNILOV, M.F.1 SEMENOV, S.S.; FYSHKINA N.I.; RTOVALOVA, Ye.K.; KUZNETSOVA,.-O.A.; Prin1mali uchistiyet KSENOFONTOVA, tekhniR';-I&I*WG, Z*K*, tekhnik; L40BAWVA, E.M., takhnik Using -n4d asphalt for the preparation of superphosphate phoophorew fertilizer. Trudy MIT no.12M9-129 163. (M1RA 18t11) KYUIMGYAIH, SAO;_ 0!.-A.,- Iffect of the chemical composition of oil on lacquer formation and reaeptivity to additives. Ihin.i takh.topl.i nasal 4 no.2:49-51 7 '599 (MIRA 12:2) (Lubrication and lubricants) KUMETSOVA, O.A. Comparative effectiveness of various methods of avoholminthoseopy in some helminthiasin. Lab. delo, 8 no.3:25 Mr '62. (MIRA 15*5) : I 1, Kafedra obahchey biologii (zav. - dotsent M.Sh.Asfagan) Bashkirskogo meditai~'Gkogo inBtituta. (HEWINTHOLOGY) i, SEMENOV, S.S.; ZAVIYALOV, V.G.; KU71TETSOVA, O.A. Investigating the composition of the brown oil of a natural gasoline pyrolizate. Trudy VNUT no.13:22-30 16/,. (MIRA 18-2) KOBYLISKAYA, N.V.; PYSHKINA, N.1.1 SEMEWV, S.S.; XUZNETSOVA, O.A. Improving the production of MS-25 alkyd-styrol lacquer. Trudy VNIIT no.1208-82 163. (MIRA 18ill) ARIWI, I.P,j KUZNETSOVA, O.Ba Recovery of promutational statoo induced by radiation In YOLSt cells, Genetika no.lt89-99 165. (MIRA 18310) I* Institut atomnoy energil im. I#V.Kurchatova All SSSRI Moskva. KUMMSOVAp O.D. Ballistoaardiographic changeo in rheumatic fever. Terap M*bO- 32 no.1042-46 160. RMA 14ti) 1s Iz goopitallnoy terapatichsokoy kliniki (zav. - prof* R6G. Rezbebovskiy) Orenburgskogo meditainakogo instituta. . (REMTIC MW DISME) (BALLISTOCARDIOGRAPHY) OBUKHOV, P.F.; KUZNETSOVA, 0.1. Amount of vitamin 0 in some vegetables and other plant objects of Amur Province. Vop.pit. 21 no.3t86-87 Vq-Je 162 NIRA 15:10) 1. Iz kafedry obehchey gigiyeny (zav. - doteent P.F.Obukhov) Blagoveshchenskogo meditsinakogo, instituta. (AKJR PROVINCE-PLANTS-CHEMICAL ANALYSIS) (ASCORBIC ACID) P301117, A*11 ~_X= .JOPM ~WSOVA, O.K. Dove ent luenced by the cOmPOsition of fertilizers introduced In the soil* Trudy Kazanb fil. AN SSSR. Bar. biol. uauk. no*4sl29-132 156. (mmA lim) le Razanskly f Ilial. AN SSSR I Kazanskly gosudarstvcnn~7 pedagogi- oheski.y inatitut. (Corn (Maize)-Fertilizers andmnnures) A P 0. K. USSM~.'edicine - Bacteria Coli Redicine - Bacteria - Typhoid group Jun 1947 ItInterrelation Between Jensen's Bacteria Type A I and the Adams' Bacterium doli,n I. E. Mibkovich, 0. K. Kuznetsova, 4 pp "Gigiyena ISanitariya" No 6 sued by the Division of Sanitation and Bacteriology of the Leningrad Scientific and Resear t stitute for 6anitation and Hygiene. Experiments conducted to determine amount of Jensen's ULPEORUMICOLI (AI) in milk had the following results. Sorbitic absolute variant showed 32 percent containing trypaflavine positive and 68 percent trypaflavine negative. Sorbitic negative variant showed 10 percent containing endotoxin. PA 16T40 L) / A / V.S.; 611=TA. T.N.; KUZNBTSOVA, O.K.; TISMOUTS, A.K. Dysentery caused by mannite-negative strains of Floxner's IT bacillus. Zhur.mikrobiol.spid.i imnm. no.4:78 Ap 134. (W61A 70) 1. Is doroshnoy sanitarno-spidemiologichookoy stantsil Leningradskoy shelesnoy dorogL I 16oningradekogo instituta vaktsin i eyvorotok. (Dysentery) m KUZMSOV,A. O.K.,assistent duodenal ulcers 1n the hot Tashkent climate. Sbor.trud. Tashk.XW no.1:78-79 156 (MIRA 11-13) (PRPTIC UIM) (TASHKENT--KAN--IWUMNCR OF CLIMATE) KUZHETSOVA, O.K., assistent r__"W"~_ ~~ - Diseases of the liver and bilIsr7 trAct In peptic ulcer. Sbor.trud. Tashk.KBNP no.1:80-81 156 (MIRA 11:1) (LIVER--DISIKASES) (BIMARY TRACT--DISEASES) (PEPTIC UICIM) KU'M.V, Sl~itrj of the vegetative nervoua sy-atem lln true rhew.-atic fav6r and Jnfectlous polyarthritts, Sbor.n%ucb.trud.TaBbGl41 22360-65 162, (MIRA 18tlO) 1. Kafedra fa3culltetakoy terapil i pediatricheskogo i sanituno- Oglyentelieskogo fakulltmtov Nav. kafedroy - pror, As.meiik- Karamyan) Tashkentakogo gosudarot-vennogo maditsinskogo inatituta, KUZNETBOVA, O.K.; KRYUCHKOVA, N.I, Species composition of salmonella isolated during a 5-year period* Zhur.mikrobiol., spido i immun, 42 noo9ol39-140 S 165. (MIRA 3.8:12) 1. Sanitarno-4pideziologichaskaya, stantsiya IAningrad-Vitebakogo otdeleniva Oktyabrlskoy zholeanoy dorogis Submitted August 17; 19614 ~10 "N L 10966-66 EWT(I)ISWA(j W~(b)-2 A ACC NR: AP5028402 SOURCE CODE: ~R/0016/65/000/009/0139/0140 5_3 AUTHOR: Kuznetsova, 0. Wryuchkova, N.' ON 5~2 ad-Vitebsk Section of -Oktya ORG~ SanitatJon- &idemiol2dgal Sigtion of the tgningr br!ohM &ailroa ABanitarno-epidemiologicheakaya stantelya Leningrad-Vitebakogo odtelentya Oktaybrlgkoy zheleznoy dorogi) TITLE: species composition of Salmonella isolated during a five year period SOURCE: Zhurnal mikrobiologit, epidemiologii i kWmunobiologil, no. 9, 1965, 139-140 TOPIC TAGS: microbiology, intestinal diseasel disease control, food sanitation 'period between 1958 and 1962, 31,403 persons were ABSTRACT: During the five year examined, among whom 122 (0.38%) were found to be salmonella-carriers. The greatest number of carriers was found among workers of food establishments, especially restaurants (0. 01. Of the total number of elicited carriers 36.6% were food-industry i workers and persons comparable to them. 'no authors elicited 22 species of salmonella from groups A, B,-C, D, and-E. The most common was group B (53.3%),-followed by Card 1/2 UDC: 576.851.49 (048.1) j L 109661-616 'ACC NR: AP5028402 E(30%), D (9%), C(S. 8%), and group A (0. 9%). The authors establish the significai it role in the etiology of disease played by S. anatum of the E group and the rarel encountered y species bovismorbificans, essen, and newlands. The authors were able to ascertain 1 the outcome of the infection in 79 persons: 28 had a clinically expressed disease, 29 were bacteria- carriers, and 22 were transient carriers of salmonella. The timely detection of salmonella-carriers by conducting planned examinations of -food-industry 1 workers and the realization of preventive measures prevented food poisoning and focal i diseases. SUB CODE: 06 SUBM DATE: 17Aug63 Ao Card 2V2 T. ZaZIMSOVA. 0.L. .Z- Isprovement of the alcohol production. Gidrolls. J Issokbim.prom. 13 00,7123-24 160o WMA 13.- 10) 1e Mrasnoyarskly gidrolizVy zavod. Wasnoyarsk-Hydrolysts) (Alcohol) 137-58-6-13900 Translation from: Referativnyy zhurnal, Metallurgiya, 1958, Nr 6, p 384 (USSR) AUTHORS: Babenyshev, V.M., Shchelkanovtseva, A.Ya., 0~-M- TITLE: Amperometric Titration of Bismuth with Potassium Ferri- cyanide (Amperomet riche skoye titrovaniye vismuta ferritsiani- dorn kaliya) PERIODICAL: Sb. nauchn. tr. Kuybyshevsk. industr. in-ta, 1957, Nr 7, pp 37-43 ABSTRACT: Amperometric titration of bismuth by means of its precipi- tation as Bi [Fe(CN)61 with a solution of K3 [Fe(CN)61 in a weakly nitric-acid medium has been studied. Near the point of equivalence a rounding off of the titration curve is noticed, which indicates a certain solubility of the precipitate. The ti- tration. is carried out at 0.9 v wherein diffusion current is pro- duced by Bi3+ ions as well as [ Fe(Cn)6 13 - ions. To obtain more precise results, the current intensity (i) is calculated according to the formula i = iobserved(v +vl)lv, where v is the volume of the solution being titrated and vl is the amount of the Card I/Z solution Of K3 Fe(Cn)6 added. The Bi precipitate is easily 137-58-6-13900 Amperometric Titration of Bismuth with Potassium Ferricyanide soluble in the presence of Cl- ions and tartrates which should be absent dur- ing titration. The precision of the titration of 0.01-0.003 M of Bi solution is :h 110. N.G. 1. Bismuth-Precipatation 2. Ti-tration--Applications 3. Disinuth--Solubility Card Z/2 EMANSM, A.L.; GRACIMY, I.V.; Oxidation of dlmethylacetylony2earbinol by copper chlorides in an ammonia soultiont Zhur.prikl.khim- 31 no.12:1869-1875 D 158- (MIRA 12:2) (Propynol) (Oxidation) (Copper chlorides) 3/07V60/015/005/012/026/xx B002/BO56 AUTHORS: ]Babenyshe~, ~V.M, (Deceased) and Kuznetsova, 0. M. TITLE: Complexometric AluminumlDetermination With Ammetric Indication of the End of Titration PERIODICAL: Zhurnal analiticheskoy khimii, 1960~ Vol. 15, No- 5, PP. 568 - 572 TECT: A method was worked out for the complexometric aluminum determina- tion by the re-titration of the complexon excess with a FeCl3 solution and with ammetric indication. Titration is carried out at PH 5; with a N 198/1 (M 198/1) galvanometer the potential is measured between a rotat- ing platinum electrode as indicator electrode and a calomel electrode, which is connected with the solution by means of an agar-agar bridge, The end point is graphically determined. The accuracy of the determination was first tested on pure aluminum salt solutions; the mean error is Ile" when determining 400 mg Al. It was found that aluminum may be determined with accuracy also in the case of a large excess of magnesitm; small quan- tities of zinc also do not affect determination. The method may therefore Card 1/2 Complexometric Aluminum Determination S/075/60/015/005/012/026/XX With Ammetrio Indication of the End B002/BO56 of Titration be used for determining aluminum in magnesium alloys according to PO(T 320-56 (COST 3240-56).,The accuracy in this case amounts to + 0.2%. For rapid determinations, a.semiautomatic "tempometric" method was de- veloped. From a dropping capillary the iron -.hloride solution is uniform- ly added by means of a "tempometrio" burette; the time is measured which passes until the galvanometer begins to show a strong deflection, After setting up the calibration curve, an individual determination takes 3.5 minutes, the accuracy being + 0.2%. Yu. 1. Usatenko and M. A. Vitkina are mentioned. There are 2 figures~ 4 tables, and 19 references: 16 Soviet, 1 Austrian, I Hungarian, 2 Dutch, and 1 Czechoslovakian. ASSOCIATION: Kuybyshevskiy industriallnyy institut im. V.V. Kuybysheva (YAiybyshev Industry Institute imeni V. V. Kuybyshev) SUBMITTED: June 29 1959 Card 2/2 79-11-14/56 AUTHORSt Klabanskiyq A. Ls I Grachuv, I. V. (DccouaLd), Kunetsovas 0. M. _L__ TITLEs The InveatiGation of the Proccou of Fortiation of Diacetylena Coul- pounds From Acetylene Derivatives With One Substittent. I. On the L!echanisri of ?ormation of the Diacetylenc Co;:ipourda (Iasledovaniyo reaktaii obrnzovi;n1ya diatsetilenovykh soyedineniy iz odnoza:jesh- chenn-kh proizvodnykh atectilena) (1, 0 nekhanizac obrazovaniya diats~tilonovykb soyedineniy) PERIODICALt Zhurnal Obahchey Khimii, 1957, Vol. 27, Yr 11. pp.2977-2983 (USSR) ABSTRACTs The compoun6a of the diacetylone aeries werc initially produced with various oxidizing a-ento by oxidation of the copper - 3odium and ma~-,neoium bromoderivatives of Onc acetylenes provided with one Gubstituent. In the present work thcattciapt ia made to carry out, i.e. to improvotbe reaction for the formation of diacetylene com- rounda from acetylen. dcrivatives, rtith one radical, in thu pre- sence of copper salts, an it was alrcady carlier su,-gested by Zallkind. Au fundawental object of inveitilation the aluthors ae- lacted the proccoo of tho converuion o~ cliticl,,Iiylacctylonyleirbinol to 2t7-dimethyloctadiene-3,5-diol-2,7- bailde thu fotrlation of other diacetylene coanpounde vao aluo atudied, for the purpose of Card 112 determining the influence of the ctructw:e of acetylene compounds The Investigation of the Proccea of Pormation tylene Derivatives With One Lubutituent. I. On Diaoetylene Compounds 79-11-14/j6 of Diacetylene Compounds irom Ace- the licc'~-.:,_nisin of Yur..iation of the upon the process, as well as for the purpose of dcteraininE; the reaction taechaniou. Thu3 the already su,,,-,catad nuch.,uli3m of forma- tion of the diacetylene compounds from acetylene d~!rivativcG pro- vided with one subutituer;t in their reactions with copper salts is further developed. It is shown that the forM,-Ltion of the diacetyle- ne compounds in aqueous salutionu takco place accordinE, to the iono-radical nachanism$ where thn ions of the acetylenide form first, facilitatiA bj the copper ions. Further the acetylanide ionu are by the ions of the bivalent copper oxidized into radicals whichare recombined in-to the molicule of th,., diacctylona compounda There are 3 figures, 4 tables, and 13 references, 0 of which are Slavic. I ASSOCIATIONt State Institute of Applied Chemietry (Gosudarstvenny~, institut prikladnoy khimii SUBMITMEDs September 27, 1956 AVAILABLEs Library of Congress 1. Diacetylene compotinds-Production 2. Diacetylene compounds- Card 212 Chemical reactions 'Wstribution of Hirudin in the Body of Leeches,, Its Properties, 1-11ethods for Obtaining It, and Practical Utilization." These for degree of Cnd. ~iolo-i gical sci. Sub 11 Mar 49p Moscow Veterinary Academy. Summary 82, 18 Dee 52, Dissertations Presented for Degrees in Science and Eq,,~ne~i~r~g in Moscow in 19 rom V,-cT7er-nyaya Moskya 549. F Jan- c 19490 Kuzff=OTA, O.N. V -mp,- Distribution of hirudin in the body of the medicinal leech. Zool.zhur. 32 no.5: 83.1-839 8-0 '53. (MM 6:10) 1. Kafedra xoologii Moskovskay Vaterinarnoy akademii I. bdellologlobaskaya laboratoriya Moskovskogo moditsinskogo instituta Ministerstva Zdarvookbrane- niya RS75R. (leech*#) VF*SELDV, Yelpidifor Aloksayevich; TSOVA 011 Nikolayevna; PWROVSKAYAp L.P... red.; GOROKWVA, S.S., ta n-.--r-W-. (Laboratory manual on soology]Praktikus po zoologii. Moskva Goa. izd-vo NVyeshaia shkola," 1962. -248 p. (min 16:11 (Zoology-Laboratory manuals) ~. .-, . t, . . I I . 0 T~ T Fir c'. c) talned In 1,2-2,270 lold (cakd. an wt. of brAticbes y fleam dimtn. of Votiog rratc e% of SibotLaa fir. Is the fl. raw mattrial US44 for the synthesis of opticAlly "'etive incOlcinal "ruphor (11). 1 cuntains W-441,$ Wmyl jit 'latter axidlied or Itell 71r.16 levomulory if. Th. C7.tfl-ptl.*-Gl The fou(juring compdv. and tb t. derivs, cirl~yl an %Cie 15 l.iteti: I-a-vineue 18.6 9 7. I-C~ Phem. 3-carctie 4.)-9.6, 1-#-Ij)&iIIardrmc 3. Ierptnulcac OAAA, sesquiterpene and sesq"i 4.8, 1-borricul 1.2- 3.6. and bomyl acctatc Fli,ilieth Daralgas'm ARNETSOVA, O.P.; RUSAKOVA, G.P. Weet of the intravenous introduction of amniotic fluid on blood coagulation Indices in the dog. Biul.eksp.biol.i med. 56 no,7:41-1+3 JI 164, (MIRA 18:2) 1. Kafedra patologir-thr-kov fiziologii (zav. - prof. I.A.OyVin) KubanBkogo meditsinskogo inatituta, Krasnodar. Submitted May 27, 1963. KOROBKOVA, Ye.I.; LOBANOV, V.N.;-!RZNF-TSRI~ Stawalmkion of the inwounogenic properties of the Girard and Robik ETstrain. Apart No. ,3: Effect of passage through the animal body and the significan.ce of selection of individual colonies in immunogenicity of the EV straim Zhur. mikrobiol., epid. i i=. .41 no, 2:16-21 F 164, (MIRA 17:9) I.-.Vaesovuznyy nauchno-issledovatellskiy protivocbumnyy institut ONikrob". WM/9*45L.neering - RefiActorles,'Corun- Oct 52 dum "Concen ing the Anomalous ExpeLusion of Electrical Coruz&=," 11. Ye. Filonenko, Dr Tech Sci, 0. S. ova, All-Union Sci. Res Inst of Abrasives Ortnding "Ogawapvry" No 10, PP 470-474 Studies process of oxidation of titanium containing ndn*ra3A and alloys within composition of electri- cal ca-_=dum. Establishes that oxidation at 4W-6WD C of Ti-containing ferroalloys is main 244T73 &OW for anams.10as expansion of corundm. Ozida- 'tim 7rocess vas:etudied by microscopic examiumtion of polished specimns 'in reflected light. Mineral- oacal composition of corundum specimens is tabu- Mj Yu.Kh.; LUKIYANOVI I.A.; UZYDZH&Np I.N., sadovod; SULIMMAy Ye.m.p ' atarohiy tokbnik.,- ZHILITSOV, MI.It starshiy master; KUZIMOVA P G., inzh.-tekhnolog; ANISKOV# A.T.t pirometrist; BKLYAK0Vj-- Mp kaIII%--- shchik; NAUMOV, H.D.p'kalil'shchik Let us create winter gardens in industrial plants with high tempDratures. Zdorovve 6 no.1002 0 160. (KML 1319) 1. Moskavokiy savod shWovallnykh stankov. 2. Glavnyy metallurg Mookovskogo savoda shlifovallnykh stankov (for Kim). 3. Zaveduyushchiy %&avpuik6mMoskovekogo zavoda shlifovalInykh stankov (for Luklyanov). (GREENHOUSES) 2 rs KUZNE7SOVAp__P_d -ov,, Zio v A, _ i, and 0. S. ive M .)f' thn Urans LI,7 -Titan I 4r~d 60C Q rnary anc -%"no, v. Dacomposi,,;~ in Uraniv_m-~%.ob'um and Uranium-'-; rcc:- Yj ~:,.r i a n g oIn --Pha,,va Region in the ?h%se I I um - Z I -_ 0 On I vri - N I o b i u n, - IM o 1 yb a e rou rn S y;5 t em IVANOVO 0. S. Doctor of Chemical Ooienco ad. SUM Stroyeniye i Bvoysti s2lavov urana., toriya i tsirkoniya; abornik. statey (Structure and Properties of Dran, Thorilun., and ZJI~conium Kiloysp collection Articles) Moscow Gosatomizdat 1r)63 P. 378. TlMOFSWAp Z.V.; Diagenetic ankerites in the Aalen sediments of Daghestan. Dokl. AN SSSR 159 no.31572-575 N 164 (MIR& 18tl) 1. Geologlaheakiy InstItut AN SSSR. Predstavlano akademikox N.M. Str*khav7u. ~-,, , -vh-l-rl -.'. I -A. T. "Electrical Engineering ]Mdbook for Industrial Undertakings" moscov 1~54 edited by A. A. Fe-jorova and P. V. Kimnetsova. Role of the m=as in the cardiorheumatological department of the polyclinio. Med, sentra 19 no, 1003-35 0 f6O* (MIRA 13:10) 1, Glavmy7 spetsi&Ust po ssrdeohno-so~udistoy patologiii Ministfrstvo zdravookhromniya 6SSRP Moskyas (HEART-PISEASES) (RHEUMATIC nVEA~ (IMES AND NURSING) DROGICIHIIA, E.A.; HASHEVSKAYA, A.M. 1 YEVGENOVA) M.V, I ZORIIIA, L.A.; KOZ- LOVI L.A.j KU=jTS�OQ%-AA.; fffZHKGVA, M.N,j SENKMCH) N.A.; SO- LOVIYEVA, L.V. Fdeoeaoed); SHATALOVs R.N.; LLITAVET, A.A., prof., redol YEGOROV, Yu.L.p red.1 BULIDYATEVy N.A*# tekhn. red. [Manual on porl-odio medical examinationa for induatrial workeral Po- soble po periodicbeeklm meditsinskim osmotram raboohikh prcmwBbleD- rjykh predpriiatii. By E.A.Drogichina i dr. Moskva,, Medgiz, 1961. 287 p. (MIRA 2142) ~~IIIDUSMAL HYGIPME) PUCHINSKIY, M.Ya.., kand. filosofskikh naukp dotoent; KUZNETSOVAO 1.0., kand. yuridichookikh nauk Progressive ft"lopment of Soviet democracy as an objective characteristic of Soviet society. Trudy MIIGAIK no.43v2l-40 '6o. (KIn 16 -.7) (Communism) LARIUA, U. I., KUZITSTSOVA, R. I- The Wood mouse Apodemus sylvaticas basseleri Dahe and the field mouse A. tauricus W1. of the Crimean Mountains. Sauch. dokl. v7s. shkoly; biol. nauki no-3%46-5i 16o. (MIRL 13:8) 1. Rekomendovaua kafedroy soologii Saratovskogo goeudaretvan- nogo universitita im. N.G. Chernyehavskogo. (Crimean Mountains--Field mice) KUMTOYA U.I.- CHURILOVA, A.A. 4asult of the organization of preventive measures in foci of blundulant meningoencepholitim, ZhuramikrobioL, spid, i immun, 27 no. 801-54 Ag 156. (MLRA 0:10) 1. Is Inningradskoy oblastnoy sanitarno-spidemiologichookoy stantaii (KRSINGITIS, VIDIKIG, prevention and control, eradication of foci of diphasic tick-born meningo- encephalitis (Run)) 17(2,6) SOV/16-60-2-10/35 AUTHORS: KuznetBova, R.I., Sukhomlinova, 0.1., Churilova, A.A. ----------- TITLE: The Nature of Biphasio Meningo-encephalitis in the Leningrad Oblast' PERIODICALz Zhurnal m1krobiologii, ep1demIologII I immmobiologil, 1960, Nr 2, PP 56 - 61 (USSR) ABBTRACTt The article collates the results of an 8-year study of the epidemio- logical and parasitological features of tiak-borne encephalitis and biphasle meningo-encephalitis in the Leningrad Oblast'. The in- vestigations were carried out by associates of the Leningradskaya oblastnaya.sanitarno-epidemiologiaheakaya stantalya (Leningrad oblast' Sanitary and Epidemiological Station.) The clinical, epidemiological and parasitological features clearly distinguish tick-borne encephalitis from biphasio meningo-encephalitis. Tick-borne encephalitis Is of a distinct seasonal nature, caused by the period of aotivity of its vector, the tick Ixodes persuloatus. The disease is manifest in individual, un- connected sporadic oases and its sole agency of transmission is bits from or contact with Ixodea persulcatus. It Is partly an occupation disease, the largest group being forestry workers (20.7% of the total incidence), Card 1/2 The age of the patients varies from 21 - 29 years, For biphasio menbigo- SN/16-,60-2-10/35 7hn Nature of Biphasic Meningo-encephalltis in the Leningrad Oblast' encephalitis, however, the main vector is the tick Ixodes ricinus and the seasonal nature of the disease Is accounted for by the period of activity of this tick. The incidence is of the family or group type and the main path of transmission is the consumption of unboiled milk from sick goats or by the bite of Ixodes riainus. The main sufferers are farm workers and their families; forestry workers aocount for 7.9% of the total Incidence. Most susceptible exe children between the ages of 1 and 15 years. The data confirm the hypothesis that tick-borne, encephalitis and biphasio meningo- encephalitis are two separate nosological. entities. There are% 3 diagrams, I'table and 7 Soviet references. ASSOCIATIONi Leningradskaya oblaBtnaya sanitamo-epidemiologioheakaya stentsiya (Lenin- grad Oblast' Sanitary and Epidemiological Station) SUEMITTED: February 19, 1959 Card 2/2 't al T 11M wnfirl I thA gelid StAte l n 1 . i l ~ ~ 4~ u 4. U.C 2 ,V, ,,It . (Alrad. S~ . , , _7M'3 M AELEY3. 7A, - - ,ikjjca,mtructure% of Sit-At alloys uTn Investi- 5oj (T9 Pled ritt samples annealed 240 brs. at 210' and 170 Itts. at 190, 150, or 100% after slow cooling down from 210% itAd quenching in ICU WAtcr. Coolijig to touin teuip. was extended over 170 firs. Wee, cattid. wai Md, on samples Wirmiled 690 firs. at 210* and quenclicd lit ice water. ktzulu are given for alloys coutil. up to 5 wt. 7" Sn' in the form of mrvts of the elee. cand., the lattice p;krameter (froca IM" x-ray futterom, an sainplet cluenclicil from 210.), and thr, 11fluidws Hild wilidlis c1livel (114,01 the(TTIA imillyNit tif mtuph-l quelletwit train 21W). Tho et'v- Teslotivitr of At W" %tot change with tht 14 mildits, of Sft; It ink-tv.Rmg !5114 tly with fuilher Int-miming 'Sn c(m, t ttutllptosl"~,. Tbe k"r SWPO tit ~~e variatim v i ;~ all , :- 14 Rbs o l ifi t f 1 f cw ally l lauge o 4 gn cap 4 ~ main les I ks 0 uvn 1 p q ' "'t, % .%. disc " 1 htdroas w)th sepis. of a 2nd phaw. evidently inue Sn. Thij 6epn. along tl~e grain boundarki bteomes quit- distinct with 0.5 wt. 0%, Sit. In samples quenched f"im 11ile- Lm~r _ --tcuipsi i-&~sbvwly coole-d to roomftemj~. , dc~ouipn. uf the solid soln. is notic-Lable at us low as 0.1% Sri. Differential thertnograms showed myrests com~ponding to the m. p. Of the cuttctic (M-) tym with is- low as 0.3% Sri. The lattice paramettr reuWns Coast. ham 0.1 up to $17. $n, Which again confirms the twa-lihase nature ef these mlloys. Li CS Of Sri a p(--a at I% Sit. These reiults invalidate hi g bli ~ f F ch range s td igures okolid soly. o Sit in At, w i pu froto 2 to 201/c So, The actual solid soly. is of the oMer ofahandredthotapermitt. Thislowsoly.iidrtd.bytht Unfavorable electrocheill. 1"tor (differclit groupi of the perlDdic systern) and the unfavmthte Vol. factor (1170 diffe4eilce in the at. radii). ]~- Tlwn BADATITA, T.A..- KUZNITSOU,,~R.I. Structure of aluminum-magnestum-tin alloys, Trudy Inst.met. no.3: 203-215 1 58. (MIRA 12:3) (Aluminum-magnesium-tin alloys-Retallograpby) BADATIVAp T,A.;- ~ Investigating the liquidu6 surface in aluminum-base solid solutions of the aluminum - magnesium - germanium system. Trudy Inst,zet, nof?l 216-230 '58., - - (HIRA IZ;3) (AIUMIMM alloys--Retallograft) (Thermal analysis) 33883 3/64 61/000/000/004/035 /Y. 42 t1 D258YD302 .~~ I. r.? / 0 0 AUTHORS: Ivanov, 0. S., Badayeva, T. A., Semenchenkov, A. T. and Kuznetsova TITLE: The structure of the system uranium-molybdenum at 600 12000C and the properties of its alloys SOURCE: Akademiya nauk BS8R. In8titut metallurgii. Stroyeniye splavov nekotorykh sistem 9 uranom i toriyem. Moscow, Gosatomizdat, 1961, 48-67 TEXT: This work was aimed at providing experimental data for the construction of an equilibrium diagram for the above system, in the temperature region of 0 - 80000 and for the composition range of 0 - 32 at.-% molybdenum. Pirstly, the region of occurrence of the B-phase was explored by studying the transformations, occurring in alloys containing 0.5 - 5 at.-% Mo. The samples were cut from alloys cast in a high-frequency furnace, h Mo Ized for 48 hours, at BOOOC and then successively held at 600 C 12 brs), 5000C (240 hrs), and 4000C (240 hrs). Dilatometric investigation at up to 0 a rd (1'/4) 33883 S/640/61/000/000/004/035 The structure of the ... D258/D302 80000 showed that, at less than.4 at,-% Mo, there is a gap between the end of the k->8 transformation and the beginning of 13--> r; this gap disappeared at higher Mo contents. On the other hand, mi- crographs of samples (quenched from 675 - 7500C and heated before for long periods) show the existence of a 01-phase in samples con- taining only I at,-% Mo; this phase goes up to 80% of the total volume, at 5 at,-%. On the strength of this evidence, the 8/(B +6r) boundary is markedly displaced towards the Mo-poor side. The sec- ond series included samples containing 0.05 - 90 at.-% Mo. Micro- graphs recorded on cast samples in the range of 24-90 at,-% con- firmed the peritectic nature of the crystallization. Dendritic li- quation was observed in the range of 24 - 36 at..-.% and led to the assumption of a peritectic point at 32- 36 at,-% Mo. The microstruc- ture of homogenized (IOOOOC for 72 hre) and quenched samples con- sisted of 2 phaBes, beginning with a content of 35.2 at.-%. A 90 at.-% alloy contained only 8 - 8% (per volume) of the -solid so- lution, indicating the limited solubility of uranI ienmolybdenum. Small nuclei of the second phase were clear)y seen within the rmo- Card 2/4 33883 S/640/61/000/000//004/035 The structure of the ... D258/D302 solid solutions. The hardn a c mposition curve showed a maxim4m at 3.5 at.-%, indicating the transformation- a minimum at 11 at.- t Omation (V corresponding to the trans or _+d'~ and a broad maximum at 38 at.-%, indicating + rMo). The hardness ranged 2 from 120 to 425 kg/mm, , The curve of the lattice parameter vs. com- position for ther--solid solution is and almost straight line lead- ing from 3.467 kX to 3.140 kX; according to this curve, the a-1(Lf+ +2(Mo ) boundary at 10000C was set near 35.5 at.-% Mo. The X-ray analysis of Mo-poor samples showed that within the range of 0 to 8 at.-%, b fell from 5.852 to 5,784 kX, while a and c did not cha4- ge and the atomic volume decreased, from 20,64 to appr. 20.3 ('kX)-). A separate X-ray series of testa in the range of 0.63 - M6 at.-% was performed on samples quenched from 8000C. A mixture ofo~- and 2-phases was identified at up to 2.27 at.-%; at 2.93 - 5.06 at.-%, onlycC was present. Similarly, X-ray analyses were performed on samples quenched from 7500, 7000C and 600uC, following prolonged heating periods. At the latter temperature both hardness and micor- graphy analyses indicated the (91-+ r)lr boundary to be at 17.5 Card 3/4 33883 S/640/61/000/000/004/035 The structure of the D258/D302 at..-% Mo. There are 15 figures and 5 references: 1 Soviet-bloc and 4 non-Boviet-bloc. The 4 most recent ferences to the English-lan- guage publications read as follows: P. Pfeil, The Constitution of Uranium-Molybdenum Alloys. J. Inut. Metals, 77, 553-570 (Auf.1950); C. W. Tucker, Discussion on the Conutitution of Uranium-Molybdenum Alloys. J. In8t. Metals, 78, 760 (1951); P.C,Z. Pfeil and J. D. Browne, Superlattice Formation in Uranium-Molybdenum Alloys, AERE M/R 1333 (1954); E. K. Halteman, The Crystal Structure of U 2Mo. Ac- LII~l ta Cryst, 10, 166, (1957). Card 4/4 c2 / 0 0 AUTHORS: TITLE: SOURCE: 33900 S/640/61/000/000/021/035 D205/D302 Badayeva, T. A. and.~~uznet~so Phase diagram of the system uranium-molybdenum-chromi- UM Akademiya nauk SSSR. Institut metallurgii. Stroyeniye Bplavov nekotorykh sistem a uranom i toriyem. Moscow, Gosatomizdat, 1961, 325-338 TEXT: The ternary system U-Mo-Cr was investigated in the entire concentration range. The starting alloys were prepared from 99.77% pure U (containing 0.03% C), 99.99% Mo and 99.99% Cr by direct amelting in thoria-lined corundum crucibles, in argon. The micro- structural and thermal methods of investigation were applied. Al- loys quenched from 1080, 1000, 900, 800, 750, 725, 700, 675, 640 and 6000C were studied. The data of the thermal analysis are sum_ L/ marized in the projection of the liquidus surface of the uranium corner of the system on the composition triangle. The phase dia- grams are given for the isothermal aections at 300, 750, 725, 7002 Card 1/2 33900 S/64 61/000/000/021/035 Phase diagram of ... D205YD302 675, 6400C and room temperature. Finally, the results are presen- ted as a projection of the phase diagram on the concentration tri- angle together with a schematical sequence of phase transformations. The region uf the3--solid solutions in the ternary system is de- termined and it is shown that at 8000C this region narrows sharply from 33 at.-% ?o in the U-Mo system to 1.65% Cr in the U-Cr sys- tem. There are 12 figuren, 2 tablea and 3 reforencou: 1 Soviet- bloc and 2 non-Soviet-bloc. The references 'to the English-language V~ publications read as follows: H. A. Saller and F. A. Rough, Compi- lation of US and UK Uranium and Thorium Constitution Diagrams, Report BMJ-1000. Office of Technical Services. US Dept. Of Com- meroe, Wash., 1955; W. F. Sykes, Metals Handbook, 1948. Card 2/2 33902 3/64 61/000/000/023/035 X,A /.2 43 D205%302 ,,9 / ,2 la o AUTHORS: Badayevaq T. A. and Kuznetsova, R. I. TITLE: Structure of thorium-beryllium alloys SOURCE: Akademiya nauk SSSR. Institut metallurgii. Stroyeniye splavov nekotorykh sietem 8 uranom i toriyem. Moscow, Gosatomizdat, 1961, 358-368 TEXT: The The-Be diagram was investigated using alloys of U 99.7% and Be 99.3% pure, smelted in an are furnace in pure argon. Struc- ture of the alloys was studied by measurements of hardness, micro- hardness ans X-rays. The hardness was measured using a 5 kg load on a T4 (TP) apparatus; the microhardness using a 200 g load on a MT-3 (PMT-3) apparatus; the X-ray pictures were taken from powd- ers using Fe-Fa,,radiation. In addition, thermal analysis was ap- VK plied which was performed in a vacuum furnace in chemically pure A. The samples were stage-annealed: at 100000 - 24 hours; 9000C - 24 hours; 8000C - 48 hours; 7000C - 48 hours; 6000C - 72 hours. Thereafter, the samples were slowly cooled down to room tempera- Card(:2T) 33902 3/640/61/000/000/023/035 Structure of thorium-.., D205/D302 ture. The data of investigation are aummarized in a figure. A che- mical compound with a face-centered cubic lattice corresponding to a ThBe 13 is formed, with a melting point -19300C. This compound is in eutectic equilibrium with a solid solution having a Th basis (C(,-Th). The eutectic point lies at about 38.5% Be at a temperat- ure of -12400C.' Th Be 13 is in a peritectic equilibrium with a Be- base solid solution (c~-Be). The peritectic point is at 0.0314 Th and 13300C. The solubility of Be in Th in solid state at 11500C is less than 1 at.-%; at room temperature it is practically nil. The solubility of Th In Be in the temperature range from 12500C down to the room temperature is less than 0.01%. Hardness of the alloys in the annealed state increases slowly from 82 to 147 kg/=2 in the 0 - 60 at.-% Be range. With further inc 5ease in Be concentration the hardness rises sharply to 908 kg/mm for almost pure Th Be 13# There are 8 figures, 3 tables and 3 non-Soviet-bloc references. The refe.cences to the :;nglish-language publications read as fol- lows: H. A. Saller and P. A. Rough, Compilation of US and UK Ura- Card 2/,3 33902 3/640/61/000/000/023/035 Structure of thorium-... D205/D302 nium and Thorium Constitution Diagrams, Report BMJ-1000. Office of Technical Services, US Dept. of Commerce, Wash. D.C., 1955; W. C.,Kochler, J, Singer and A. S. Coffinberry, Acta Cryst., 5, 394, 1952); N. G. Baonziger and R. E. Rundle, Acta Cryst., 2, 256, 1949). VIK Card 3/3 33904 S/640/61/000/000/025/035 D205/D302 a;? .2 00 AUTHORS: Badayeva, T. A. and Kuznetsova, R. I. TITLE: Structure of the alloys of the thorium-cerium system SOURCE-~ Akademiya nauk SSSR. Institut metallurgii. Stroyeniye splavov nekotorykh sistem e uranom i toriyem. Moscow, Gosatomizdat, 1961, 381-386 TEXT: 0.9.7% Th and 97.4% pure Ce (containing as principal impuri- ties 1.4% Nd and 1.2% Pm) were directly smelted in an are furna,~e in chemically pure A. To obtain uniform samples the alloys with high Ce content were resmelted several times. The alloys rich in Ce owing to their high susceptibility to oxidation were stored in oil. The investigation of microstructure and hardness and the mea- surement of the lattice parameter were performed on specimens stage-an.nealed at 1000, 800, 600 and 4000C. Por the microstructural examination the specimens were polished and etched. The hardness was measured on a Tn (TP) apparatus using a 5 kg load. The X-ray photographs were taken using the Fe-KoL radiation. Metallographic Card 112 33904 Strusture of the alloys ... 3/640/61/000/000/025/035 D205/D302 examination of the alloys has shown that Th and Ce form solid eo- lutions in the whole range of concentnatiaps.The change of hardness with the % Ce shows a maximum of 88 kg/mm2 at 20 - 30 at--% Ce. The lattice parameter corresponds in the whole range to a face- centered cubic lattice. A negative deviation from Vegard's rule ./-Abstractor's note: Name tran8literated.-7 was observed. This is largest at 50% Ce and is explained by atomic interactions. There are 2 figures and 8 non.-Soviet-bloc references. The 4 most recent references to the English-language publications read as followe; R~ T. Weiner, W. E. Freeth and G. V. Raynor; J. Inst. Metals, 86, 4, 185, (1957-1958); P. H. Spedding, A. H. Daane and K. W. Herr- mann, J. Metals, 7, 2 (1957); 0. N. Carlson et al., Paper No. 556, presented to the II International Conference oil Peaceful Use of Atomic Energy (Genevy, 1955); H. A. Saller and F. A. Rough, Compi- lat-lion of US and UK Uranium and Thorium Constitution Diagrams. Report BMJ-.1000. Office of Technical Services, US Dept. of Commerce, Wash. D. C., 1955. Card 2/2 33905 3/640/61/000/000/026/035 D205/D302 aznetsova, R_ AUTHORS; Badayeva, T. A. and_,, TITLE: Determining lead and tin solubility in thorium in the solid state SOURCE: Akademiya nauk SSSR. Institut metallurgii. Stroyeniye splavov nekotorykh sistem a uranom i toriyem. Moscow, Gosatomizdat, 1961, 387-394 TEXT: The investigated samples were prepared from 99.7% Tht 99.9% Sn and 99.992% Pb by smelting in an arc furnace in an atmosphere of chemically pure argon. The specimens were investigated in both quenched and annealed states by microscopic analysis and by measur- ing hardnesso microhardness and lattice parameter. The hardness was measured on a Tn (TP) apparatus using 5 kg loads, the micro- hardness on a nMT-3 (PMT-3) apparatus using 50 g loads, the X-ray pictlAres were taken by Debye cameras. The U-Sn alloys were investi- gated in the 0.06 - 20 at.-% Sn range. The microstructure of these alloys has revealed their eutectic character. Temperature of the Card 1/ 3 33905 3/640/61/000/000/026/035 Determining lead and D205/D302 eutectic is tentatively determined at 13250C. It was found that the alloys quenched from 1300, 1200, 1100 and 10000C and also the an- nealed alloys all having a Sn content of 0.06 or 0.12 at.-% are solid solutions; alloys of 0.78% Sn and more are of a two-phase structure. The hardness changes considerably with the Sn content only up to 0.12 at.-% of Sn, remaining almoat constant with fur- ther increase of Sn content. This is true for the quenched and al- so for the annealed samples. The saturated solid solution alloys have a hardness of 111 kg/mm2 for the sample quenclied from 13090C. The corresponding figure for the annealed specimen is 87 kg/mm . The approximate interpolated limit of Sn solubility in Th in the 1300-200C temperature range is 0.2 at.-%. The Th-Pb alloys were V*t' investigated up to 14.01 at.-% Pb. An eutectic reaction was dis- covered between the solid solution on Th basis and a phase in equilibrium with it. The eutectic temperature was tentatively de- termined at 14000C. Alloys hardened from 1300, 1200, 1100, and 100000 and also annealed alloys showed a monophase solid solution up to 0.67 at.-% Pb. Up to this Pb content the changes of hard- ness were sharp in all specimens irrespective of thermal treatment. Card 2/3 33905 B/640/61/000/000/026/035 Determining lead and D205/D302 The interpolated solubility limit of Pb in Th is established to be around 0.7 at.-%. There are 6 figures, 2 tables and 1 non-Soviet- bloc reference. The reference to the Bnglish-language publication reads as follows: 0. N. Carlson et al., Paper no. 556, presented to the II International Congress on Peaceful Use of Atomic Energy (Geneva. 1955). Card 3/3 40587 S/137/62/000/008/029/065 Aoo6/Alol AUTHORS: Badayeva, T. A., Kuznetso TITLE: Structure of ThBe13-UBe13 alloys PERIODICAL: Referativnyy zhurnal, Metallurgiya, no.,8,. 1962, 23 - 24, abstract 81152 (In collections "Stroyeniye aplavo 'v nekotorykh sistem a urano-M i toriyem", Moscow, Gos4t-omizdat, 1961, 423 - 427) TEXT: The alloys were prepared by melting Th (99.7%), Be (99.3%) and U (99.78%) in an arc furnace in argon atmosphere. They were then annealed at 1,0000C for 72 hours with subsequent cooling with the furnace, and investigated with the aid of microscopic and X-ray analyses and hardness-measurements. In alloys ThBe13-UBe13 of the Th-Be-U system a contindous series of solid solutions is formed haVing a face-centered cubic lattice whose parameter decreases linearily from 10.362 kX for ThBel3 to-10.226 kX for UBel3- Z. Rogachevskaya [Abstracter's note: Complete translation] Card 1/1