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KUZNETSOVA, L.P. --_ Increasing the precision of results obtained in comparing the amounts of preci itation In afforeated and woodleas areas. Trudy GOO no.111: 77-80 '2. (MIRA 15s1) (Forest influences) (Precipitation (Yoteorology)--Measurement) K 11 111: tFr1i Ov AL. j;. . 'j, ~ ~ Use of tv=mrj probability (fratlusnoy) curves in F-convaing data on diurnal maximum precipitation. Trudy GGO no.162.7-21 164. (MIRA 17M ACC NR, AT6036740 SOURCE CODE: UR/2531/66/000/195/0070/0080 AUTHOR: Kuznetsova, L. P. ORG: GGO TITLE: Comparison of wind velocities and air temperatures during precipitation with their average monthly values SOURCE: teningrad. Gl .avnaya geofizicheskaya-observatoriya, Trudy, no. 195, 1966. voprosy metodiki izmereniya atmosfernykh osadkov (Problems in methods of measuring atmospheric precipitation), 70-80 TOPIC TAGS: atmospheric precipitation, data analysis, wind velocity, air temperature ABSTRACT: The wind velocities and air temperatures during actual precipitation are compared to their average monthly values. The data used in the analysis were colr lected at 90 meteorological stations in addition to data from 15 stations collected for the period from 1936 to 1955. The results of analysis show that the "1nd velocity in all regions of the Soviet Union during precipitation exceed the av?rage rionthly I values. The difference between these values varies from several tenths to 2-3 m/secl - which is equal to 5-70% of average monthly values. The air temperature during pre- cipitation in the winter is 4-5 C greater than the monthly average and it is 2-3 smaller for summer months. The temperature limits between which one or another form of precipitation fall are established (see table). Card -L/2 ACC N& AT6036740 AIR TEMPERATURE DURING PRECIPITATION LATITUDE Solid I Mixed North Less than from 0 of 55* 0 C to 2 C South Less than from -1 of 55* -1 c to 2 C Orig. art. has: 4 tables and 2 figures. SUB CODE: 08/ SUBM DATE: 'none/ ORIG REF: 006 Caid 2/2 jiquid greater than 2 C greater than 2 C L 29564-66 EWT(1)/FCC _GW ACC NR1 AT6006615 SOURCE CODE: UR/2531/65/000/181/0114/0120 AUTHOR: Kuznetsova, L.- P.t. Shver. To. A. L ORG: none TITLE: Effect of the Caspian Sea on coastal temperature conditions from dat ed by the Gasan-KulL weather station SOURCEi Leningrad. Glavn�ja ste2fizichapkaya obseryatQrJo. Trudy# no. 1610 1965. Voprosy obahchey i sinopticheskoy klimatologii (Problems in general and synoptic clima- tology), 114-120 ,TOPIC TAGS: climatology, weather station, atmospheric temperature ABSTRACT: The records of the Gasan-Kuli weather station are analyzed_~p determine the effect of a large body of water (the Caspian Sea) on air temperaturelk?'The changes in .thermal conditions on the eastern coast of the sea are quantitatively determined as a function of the drop in sea level. There has been a reduction in sea level from 291 cj in 1927 to 183 cm in 1958 which has exposed a considerable portion of the bottom. Thi Ichange has affected both the average air temperature and the amplitude of the yearly ,variation in air temperature. It is shown that the minimum average yearly temperature has decreased by nearly two degrees. The exposure of the sea bottom has also had a considerable effect on the average monthly air temperature, the maximum air tempera- Card 1/2 L 29564-66 ACC NR, AT6006615 ture and the annual variation in temperature, The changes are well pronounced for all months and reach considerable magnitudes. Before 1938, the records of the Gasan-Kuli station indicate a climate which is typical for the narrow coastal zone of the Caspian Sea. The records for the last 15 years show relatively stable conditions which indi- cate a transition from a coastal to a continental type of climate. Orig. art. has: 3 figures, 5 tables. SUB CODE: 08/ ORIG REF; 002 Card 2/2 -MIIETSOVA, L.P,,j SHT2, TS.A. Effect of the CasFian Sea on t~e temperature regime of the coaat baned on the example of the Gavali-Xuli statlon, Tructr GOO no.181tlU- 120 165, (MIRA 19110) !)Rr,2DOV) 0. A.; Wl, I IS"YS-OV A J of'. V' I JL I: If", y I . !". - - , c,,,- , 7~. - ~-,, ~,~ , i i - ri , ' ', *,:' . . r-, F! cri. Do ti Cri(i cirairs c t,6 rf ,4 t 1 ~r wA 1 T st Trudy GGO na.181:121-131b 1"'I ~ 0 (MIRI !8:10) KlEtWISOVAL 11. pe D-turrial preripLtsit-lar rr-ixl-,um 'n tne Altul.- '2'uiY "Cr~ io.181.,167-175 1,05. (MIRA 18110) HIVKIIID, A.I#;-__j Breakdown of the hydrate shells of vanadyl iond under the effect of the elecLroatatic field or diaxagnotic ions. Study by the electron paranagnetic resonance mothod, Dakl, AN 3,1;.9R 264 no,,4186C~-863 0 165, (MIRA 18110) 1. Kazan8kiy fi-.1ko-tekhnIchosUy Institut All SSSR. Submitted March 22, 1965. KUZNFT'jO'IAP L~P. Effect of dark" adaptation on the SensitiviLy of indi7ldual elements of the frog retina to different monochromatic radiations. Biofizika 8 no.2z234-237 163. (M.-~RA MIC) 1. Inatitut biologichookoy fizilki AN SSSR, Moskva. KUZNETSOVA L.S., red.IMATVEYEVA, A.Ye.p t~khn. red. (Petroleum products and producte!of the refininit of solid fuels; standardo]Nefteprodukty i'"produkty pererabotki tverdykh topliv; tekhnicheskie trabovanlia. 1zd. ofitsiall- noe. Moskva, Gos.izd-vo standartov, 1963. 526 p. (MIRA 16t8) (Petroleum products-Standards) (Fuel-Standards) FAIIIII, A.A., kandtekhnonauk: BONSM, S&K9, inzhe; FAIASMIDDY, A.V.0 Insh.; XMIUrOWA, L.S., inzh. ---------------------- large aerated silicate blocks, Stroi. mat. 6 no*12:22-23 D 160, . (MIRA 13: 11) (Send-lime products) redoj HATUMA, A.Ye.; tekhn. red. [Lacquers, paints and auxiliary materials] Lakip kraski i vapomogatelgriye materialy, Mookvap Standartgiz. Pt.2. 1963. 373 P. MRA 17:12) 17(2,12) SOV/16-59-9-7/47 AUTHORt Kuznetsova, L.S. TT=t The Comparative Indices of the Immune Response in Children Vaccinated With Pertussis Vaccine, Pertuselo-Diphtherla Vaccine and Diphtheria Toxoid PERIODICAL; Zhurnal mikrobiologii-, epidemiologii I Immunobiologii, 1959, Nr 9, PP 33-38 (USSR) ABSTRACT: M. Vagner-Sakharova, L.A. Malysheva and M.S. Zakharova have demonstrated that the*addition of pertussis vaccine to diphtheria toxoid not only fails to diminish its immunizing action but even helps to Intensify It, Subject author studied the allergio and immmological response in children vaccinated with pertussis monovaooine, diphtheria toxoid and pertussis-diphtheria vaccine. In all cases the effect of the pertussis component was studied from the allergic skin reaction with pertussis agglutinogen and from the serological reactions (agglutination and complement fixation), while the effect of the diphtheria component was judged from Schick test and the toxoid level in the-blood. In children vaooinated with pertuasia monovaccine the skin test was positive 2 1/2 Card 1/~ times more often than In children vaccinated with pertussia-diphther-ia sov/16-59-9-7/47 The Comparative Indices of the Immune Response in Children Vaccinated With Pertussix Vaccine, Pertussia-Dlphtheria Vaccine and Diphtheria ToxoId vaccine. Similarly, the agglutination reaction was Positive 5-10 times more often. The complement fixation reaction proved unreliable and subsequently was rejected. In children vaccinated with pertussis- diphtheria vaccine, the level of diphtheria toxoid In the blood and the percentage of negative Schick reactions was higherthan in children vaccinated with diphtheria toxoid alone. The pe~rtussie and diphtherial components of the pertussis-diphtheria vaccine evoke different immune responset whereas the pertussis component appears to give inferior allergic and Immune response than pertussis monovaoolne, the diphtherial component Is apparently superior to crude diphtheria toxoid. The author concludes that still more work is needed to determine the reasons for the inferior action of the pertussis component in pertussis-diph- theria vaccine and to work out ways of intensifying its action. There are 6 tables and 7 references, 3 of which are Soviet and 4 English. ASSOCIATIONi Kafedra epidemiologil I Moskovskogo ordena Lenin& meditsinskogo 1nsti- tuta Imeni Sechenova (Departm,3nt of Epidemiology at the I Moscow Order Card 2/3 SOV/16-59-9-7/47 The Comparative Indices of the,1mmune Response in Children Vaooinat6d With Pertussis Vaccine, Pertussia-Diphtheria Vacolne and Diphtheria Toxoid of Lenin Medical Institute imeni Seohenov) SUBMITMt April 20, 1959 Card 313 -:IUJZNNSOVA, L.S. Allergic cutaneous reaction and earological reactions irk children following immunization with whooping cough monovaccine. Zhur.mikro- biol.spid.1 immun, 30 no,705-89 JI 159. (MRA 12:11) 1. 1z I Moskovskogo ordena Lenina moditsinakogo inatituts, imeni Sechenova. (WHOOPING COUGH - Immunolog7) (VACCINZ) KUZNETSOVA; L. 8.0 Cand Med Sci (dies) - "The com*arative imunological ef- fectiveneos of pertussis monovaccine, pertusolo-diphtheria vaccine, and diphtheria amtoxin". Moscow., 1960. U pp (First Moscow Order of Lenin Med Inst im I. M. Sechenov), 200 copies (KLO No 15., 1960, 139) MAUERMAN, O.Ye.; KUMETSOVA, L.S. Wiooping cowh morbidity and mortality in Individual regions of the R.S.F.S.R. during a period of activti Immunization. 7hur. mikro- biol.; opid. i Immun. 41 no.6:42-47 .10 164. OUTUt 18. 1) I. Moskovskiy institut epidemlologii I mikrobiologii. DZINTSOVA, L.S.; CMV1NS11T, P.M. The pro a 1e origin of calcite film an water surfaces In karat formations. Min.abor. no.5:319-324 151. (MLU 9 112) 1. Gosunivervitat imeni A.M.Gorikogo. Molotov. (Karat) 'Nineral waters) s1 1 W6 Wooo/o 12/o25/149 A006/A1O1 AUTHORSt K Zaletkina, 14, Yu. TIMs Investigating the dressing ability of Utanium-ziroon awds of one of the Ukrainian deposits* PFMODICALs Referativriyy zhumal, Metallurglya, no, 12,1961, 8, abstraot 12D58 ("Tr. Tsentr. n.-i. gorno-raned. In-ta", 1960, no. 39, 40) TWt The sands are represented by ilmenite (5.14%), zircon (0-79%); the deadirook consists of quartz. The basic sand mass is concentrated in the -3+0.15mm class. The possibility wax established of 'obtaining satisfactory re- sults of concentration with the ald of the gravitation mathodej Beat results are obtained with dressing on a concentration. table. At- a contgnt of 38.-'4 Ti, 93.6% of it are extracted into the-inittal gravitational concentrate,- zircon is almost completely extracted, at 6.7% content in the.poncentrate. The finishing scheme includes electromagnetio separation and ooncetLtration on the table of the con- centrate, preliminary divided into classes o3+1 and -!-l mm. An a result ilmenite concentrate is obtained with extraction of 91.3% TiO2 wA its content as high as Card 1/2 B/137/61/000/012/025/149 Investigating the dressing ability.9f... A006/A101 99.2%, arA zircon concentrate with extraction of 94.9% Zr02 w)d 92.5% content. A. Shmeleva (Abstracter's notet Complete translatign] Card a~2 KUZUETSOVA, L.S.; ICRIATIYEV, H.A# Mottled dolomites of the Chusovoy region i.,, the western slope of the Urals. Dokl, AN SSSR 157 no-4V-885 Ag t64 (MIRA 170) 1. Permskiy gosudarstvenny-y univeroitet Im. A.M. Gorlkogo. Predstavleno akademikom Strakhovym NIS Arro*87 Meg CWx 1 t Gbabasbov, V. 1.1 Vlktorovg 1. Vo; Deltyevp K. No; ~Miwstxov#~~;10_0# I lows None s A catch for uncoupling the free ends of a parachute, Class 62, No. 19OT97 SOMCEs Izobreteniya, proWhlennne obraztey, toywTM znaki, no. 2g 196T, 159 7 TOPIC TAUS; parachute; auxiliary aircraft eq43ment, "chanical f"tener A ABSTRACT: This Author'$' Certificate u"s la~ *ate ~&d . h foit uncoupilng the free ends of a parachute. The device includes r' with spring-loaded flanges, a ame, a 5~- sWJ safety lock vbLich h.olds a sprins-104W 1uV-16nd-& i~].Uwp for fast the free ends of the parachute, To reduce.ope V watignal reliability of " ,6 0:0 lees and Impr&v* the cp I . the catch under a load of-up U komt Ahe.. clasp.-twittAhe' t Im" lug im,operated by the mw- Nt ~U-;, a rotating lever hinged t6 ;UDCI 629 Card 1/2 .13-01106 77 Acc ft APT00560T', ~,l oA is V f `V j TO s ;k;,ffi A kPI V ol Tt, A 41 l;,Ar his IIIA- liqj",4 1u SUB CoDst Olt, SUNC DATE 1-11C 2/2 1, Card %I- I.-A4- I,:-- tn ~A Dissertation: "Rudy of the Str.,.ctliral End 'echanical. Fror.-erties of Chocolete Froducts." Cand Tech Sci, I'c,.gcow Tecbnological Inst of the Food V Apr 54. (Vechernyaya Yoskva, 20 Air 54) SO: SM4 243, 19 Oct 1954 SOKOLOVSKIY, A.L., prof., doktor takhn. nauk; KUZNBTSOVA, L.S., kand. tekhn. nauk; PUKHOMUYA, Te.l., starshiy prepodavateir - Using sedimentation analysis in the control of chocolate production.. Trudy 14TIPP no.10:50-58 157. (KM 10:12) (Sedimentation analysis) (Chocolate) SOUL07SKIY, A.L.; STIPANOVICH, Z.Z.; XJZHETSOVA. L.S.- PTUSHKIN. A.T. Xffect of methods and conditions of reasting cacao beans on changes in their physical and chemical properties. takhe no.4178-82 158. (MIRA n: n) 1. Koskovskiy takhAologicheakiy institut pishchevoy prowyehlennosti* Veesoyuzny7 saochvy institut pishchavoy prozyohlennosti, Kafedra takhnologii konditerskogo I makaronnogo prolsvodstva. (Carao) KUZNZTSGU, L.S.; SOKOWVSKIT, A.L. Investigating the phenomenon of the sticking of confectionary masses to various surfaceso I%v6vyP*ucheb,z&v,; pishchatakhe no.5:126-129 159. (HIM 13:4) 1. Vessoyusnyy saochnyy institut pishchavoy promyshlennosti i Nekovskiy takhnologicheakiy institut pishchavoy promyshlonnosti, kafedrs, takhnologii konditerskogo t makaronnogo, proisvodetva. (confectionery) USSR/Aidicine Veterinary Card 2/1 Pub .137-16/22 FD-1316 Author Omirnov, A. M., Candidate of Veterinary Sciences; Elina, Z. N. and KUZ4 p Senior Veterinary Physicians; Makush, A. I.0 Acting Senior VeterTuary Physician of the Sovkhoz "I)darnik;" Kilovidova, E. G., Student Title Treatment of calves that are in with dyspepsia of A-hypovitaminosis etiology Periodical Veterinariya, 9) 49p BeP 1954 Abstract Natural gastric Juice of horses was successfully used in the treatment of calves that had dyspepsia of A-hypovitaminosis etiology; its use as a prophylaxis prevented the developuient of dyspepsia in calves born with symptons of A-hypovitaminosis. Combination therapy, consisting of natural gastric juice of horses and either sintaUcin or disulfan, is rec nd d. No mortality was recorded among calves that were treated with gastric juice of horses. Inst#ution Leningrad Veterinary Institute Submitted VOSKRESE-ISKIY, S.S.; POUTDIMIKO, G.A.; SIMONOV, Yu.G.; PAIIYK-KARA, N.G.; ANA111YEV, G.S.; PIMETOVA, ft.Ye.j YEVTBYLrVA, I.S.; KUZN4TP.QVAj._L!-T~v; SOROKINAv Ye.P.; ZORN, L.V.; SMKOPLI"rSEV, S.A.; ARISTARKHOVA, L.B.; MEDVEDEVA, N.K.; LOPATINA. L.L., red. (Goomcrphological. studies; work experience in southeastern Transbaikaliaq eastern Ferganaj central Kazakhstan, and 'the Caspian Lowland] Geomorfologichaskie Issledovaniia; opyt rabot v lUgo-Vostochnom Zabaikalle, Vostochnoi Fergane, TSentrallnom Kazakhstane i Prikaspiiskoi nizmennosti. Mo- :skva., Izd-vo Moak. univ.., 1965. 275 p. (MIRA 180) n'Z!;TETSGVA, L. V. "Accumulation and Distribution of Manganese Inhaled in the Form of Aerosol In the Organism of Animnla." Sub 24 Doe 51, First Moscow Order of Lenin Medical Inst Dissertations presented for science and enginef~rlng degrees in Moscow during Y53. SO: Sum. 11o. 480, 9 May 55 - I-.. .., ~~ - -- i FiCT - -, - 1 1; ; - .- . ~, f ~~ 11 -KF.- ZL-IrLazz--.-- - KUZIqETSOVA, L.V. wfiiios of a mMawne aerosol on the nervous system, Tru4y 2-go MMI 519144 159. (MIRA 13 18) lo Is kafedry obobehey giglyeny (rave - prof* A.I. Pakbcmyohev) 1-go Mookovokogo ordena Lenina maditainakogo inatituta " I.H. seohenova, (MUGANESEm-ToncoLon) (WVOUS SYSTEM) KIAMTSOVAp L.V.; STUMAROVA0 Ye,N,; DODYCH114, SOL, Rapi-i gas chrcmatographic method for detormining oxygen in arganin empounds, Zh-ur, anal, kh1m. 20 no,W36-839 165* (MIRA 18tio) I L. Qbsudarstvonnyy institut priklsdnc~v khlzii, Lauingmde MOSKVINAP A.A.; KUYIP:TSOVA .1 L.V.; 110BYCHINI., S.L.; P,,Oi'CVl' , j . 7 1 6 ~. Microelementary analysis using gas chromatography, Determination of carbon, hydrogen, and nitrogen in organic compounds. Zhur. anal. khim. 19 no.6:71,9-753 164. ('t1IRA 18:3) 1. Gosudarstvennyy institut prikladnoy kbirail, Leningrad. SOV/137-58-8-18ZO6 Translation f rom- Reierativnyy zhurnal, Metallurgiya, 1958, Nr 8, p 286 (USSR) AUTHOR; Kuznetsova, L. V. Hygiene in the Work With Betatrons TITLE- Some Problems of La in the Detection of Defects (Nekotoryye voprosy gigiyeny truda pri rabote na betatronakh pri defektoskopii) PERIODICAL: Tr. Nses. konferentsii po med. radiol. Vopp. gigiyeny i dozimetrii. Moscow, Medgiz, 1957, pp 19-21 ABSTRACT-, To decrease the effect of radiation in work with the betatron it is imperative to provide for correct planning Of the working space and the auxiliary compartments for the photographic laboratory and for storing specimens which are to be tested for defects; to furnish the control panel with special shields; to proh;bit the presence of personnel in the laboratory when the betatron is switched on; to protect the laboratory by special shielding which would decrease the radiation in ad- jacent compartments to 0. 1 of the permissible limit doA; to conduct the observation of the work with the aid of mi'rrors and periscopes; and to equip the door in the laboratory with a Card 1/1 special interlock. 1. Betatrone-Applications Ye. L. 2. Betatrons-Physiological factors SO-V 15311 I, 0j'rP'T101A 8001VOU. V t .h us 13 of &orltsl'lay TIVe . I ertain leS. Jdoy-h ot C P. k5er Uotorl ritioln 10 eteov I%e the Ope '1260. inted. orIT4 ged0l-- 1rabOtO ly ,,,da'Pri ditl0las goecow coptes Pr enS 1,9,bor CO'A 6) 1 C'110 nic. tauetion C'U S) 3 &Btrial ulye, tia "n' 9V-o go I ot it, r~xtlche rake, ey.e. V 'h V, d. perisO preveottoy" ~jb'110t anove; Tec, - t-ne Medical ccident ditions Ir ded for d With a r erlae tallmhars, "j'al Coll Mell, yes tjoyls IN 14't to tote,, a cone on cer tqtquq~ 0-no ,rhis boo d for Vers0' qLtiolt chrotr d eosr" elate an 0 Gyn.0tecti've -qu'al 'hM tajoa IntOr ccelcr t,,tronlh estgLbUG 14et cOtv types Ot 96 9,tores, be ,Ile boo 1 10,49 r I use 0 Var weer ccejer Man organl"O* r'O`VV1 ,At to the ratoref ellect 011 the stte'n oetatic gene ,d their electr 'Lotr orts eAd e-Je Hygienic Labor Conditions (Cont.) SOV/5371 prophylactic measures are discussed. No personalities are mentioned. There are 23 references: 20 Soviet and 3 English. TABLE OF CONTENTS: Forvword Ch. 1. Fields of Application and Principles of Design of Accelerating Installations 5 Electrostatic generator 7 Linear resonance accelerators 9 Betatron 11 Synchrotron and synchrophasotron 13 Cyclotron 15 CV4-2/9- - - -- 7SOVA, L.V. Gustatory and olfaotorv sensitivity in subjeots working betatrori. Med. rad. 5 no#4j82-8/+,A 160 (MIRA l3sl2) (RADXATIOUI~SIOLOGICAL EFFECT) (SMELL) I '(TASTk) -- KU2WETWYA,-LT.,j- KORSHUNOVA, N.V. Basic factors of the envirormient and occupational hazards occuring with accelerators of singly and multiply charged. Med.rad. no 7t63-0 161. (MM 15:1) (RADIAT16~~OXICGLOGY) (PARTICLE ACCELERAT0111S) AIMOVA, V.V.; KUZNETSC)TAp L*V, Condition of the peripheral vessels in persop-working on the cyclotron. Mad. rad. 7 no.12132-37 D162. (MMA 16UO)~ ;4 KUZ.NET.('30VA, L.V.; YFLOROVA, M.S. Evaluation of B-rays ar, a factor In tho efff~ct of radiation on persons working with the cyclotron. I'led, r%d. 8 no.304-39 Mr 163. (MPA 17:9) 11 7 ZIIUR INA, V KHZNE7~OV-it, i, . 'C', . , .. 11 ~ ~- I' UTTZ 19 ~' N :i y 1! S ta--xtura I ntren?f.h ~jf' ~ ju,,.rjjj ri I if* cl,.4y m-- nereill F ~i d f- p#j (I P 9-,,; 1) 0 f w ft t -3:-p:- oc i ng o V the a u rf I.- e -zhtr. 26 164. (MIRA 17:9) 0 -IWZIIETSOVAI L.Ye.; $ERB-SERBIIIA, N.N.; REBINrERp P.A.,, akademik ,.I. ..:-. I -ISome regularities in the consolidation of clay soils by.~he addition of synthetic aggregation agentO and cation active substances as vaterproofing agents. Dokl. AN SSSR 154 n0-4: 933-935 F 164. (MIRA 17:3) 1. Institutlizicheskoy khimii AN SSSR. TROPIMOV, S.S.0 kand. sellkhoz.nauk,, at. nauchn. sotr.; BRYLEV, V.K.j KOCHERGIN, A.Ye,j kandg Bellkhoz. nauk; XUZMSOVA, 1.-Z-j KORLYAKOV p ').I.$ kand. sellkhoze nauk, at, rAuc sotr.; KOSTROMITIN, V.B.1 MIKHAY1DVj M.I.; POPOV, P.D.9 red. [Soils of the Kuznetsk Basin, a map as the face of a field, laboratory of fertility# vitamins of the earths protectors of crops., enrichment of feed] Pochvy Kuzbassa, karta - litao polei, laboratoriia plodorodiias vitamirq zemli,, za- shchitniki posevovp obogaebehenie korma. Kemerovop Keme- rovskoe knizhnoe izd-vo.. 1964. 92 p. (MIRA 18:5) 1. Biologicheskiy institut Sibirskogo otdoleniya AN SSSR (for Trofimov). 2. Zaveduyushchiy laboratoriyey zaahchity rasteniy Kemerovskoy sellskokhozyaystvennoy opytnoy stanteii (for Kostromitin). 3. Zaveduyuahchiy otdelom zhivotnorvod- stva. Kemerovskoy sellakokhozyaystvennoy opytnoy stantsii (for Mikhaylov). 4. Zaveduyushchiy agrokhiimicheskoy labo- ratoriyey Sibirskogo naucbno-isoledovatellskogo instituta, 004okogo khozyaystva (for Kochergin). 5. Zaveduyusbchaya agrokhimicheskoy laboratoriyey Kemarovskoy sellskokhozyay- stvennoy opytnoy stantaii (for Kuznetsova). 6. Kemerov- akaya sellskokhozyaystvennaya opytnaya atantaiya (for Korlyakov). - I APMl A.A.1 BU8X3Mj R.1.1 =X11260TA, LA. afoot of Iron oxi on the expansion of bass smal of kitahen utensils# Shur. prIkl. khIm. 29 n0-11:1733-1755 N 156. (XIM 1016) (Immelon of solids) (Iron ozides) (Inameled wars) KUZNLTSOVA,, M.; G.OPMOVO N. (Kazan') Problems of work liygie4e and prevention of accupational diseases at the All-Union, Gooftrence of Industrial Hygiene and Sanitary Control Physicians. zhur. no.3W.5-116 My-je,63. (14MA 16:9) (ITUSTRIAL HYGIE1Z.-COMMAES) Igor' ,:., rod. [Deatiny of talent; OkUtchO., On virmen imthumaticirrifl -'UdIbu 01tinta; ocl~., ,! o Brifirwk, Briarif,,MJ raboch.1j, 1964. 40 p. J7:e,) RYBIIM, II.Ya.; KUMETS OVA., jfA, , mladohiy nauchnyy ootrudnik Root rot in winter crope. Zachch. rast. ot vred. i bol. 5 not9:25-27 S l6o. (MIRA 15:6)' 1. Kabardino-Balkarskaya gosudarstvonnaya sellskokhozyaystvennaya opytnaya stantaiya, 2, ZavoCkuyushchaya laboratoriyey zashchity ranteniy Kabardino-Balkarokoy gosudarstve=oy sellskokhozyaystvermoy opytnoy atailtaii. -Orain-Diseases &M pasta)l, (Kabaidino-Balkar-A.-S. S. R.-Root rot) RUINAj N,Ya,s otarshiy nauchw motrudnik; KUZNMOVA, N.A.,, starshiy nawhWY aotrudaik; GROZIUN, YA.IL I------------------- ftropean corn borer and its control, Zashch.rast. ot vred. i bolo 7 no.8t29-30 Ag 162o (MIRA .15s.12) 1. Kabardirio-BaUw sk a eallskokhozyaystvennaya opytnaya stantsiya (for Fqbinap Kusnetsoylas 2. Zaveduyushchiy gosudaretvenn7a oortoiopytatellnym uohaotkom, oelo Vyaokoye, AtakBkogo rayona (for-Groza-0. (Moldaviam-European corn borer) (Karabardino-Epkar A.S.S.R.-European corn borer) r0_1z.N&--T!~cwA, Kfi, 24(4) PHASE I BOOK EXPLOITATION SOV/2545 Feygellson Ye. M., M, S. Malkevich, S. Ya. Kogan, T. D. Koron- atova, K. S. Glazovi, andpA. A, Kuznet5ova. . . . ............................................. 7- 7.1 Rai&t Yarkosti aveta v a60 era.p anizotropnom, rasseyanii: oh. 1 (Computation of U& Inte' ity in the Atmosphere in a Case of Anisotropic SaAiterin&Q.Pt. 1) Moscow, Izd-vo AN SSSR: 1958. 101 P. (Series; 'Agademiya nauk SSSR. Insti- tut fizlki atmoofery. Trudy, nr 1) Errata alip inserted. 2,000 copies printed. Ed,: G. V. Rozenberg, Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences; Ed. Of Publishing Houses V. 1. Rydnik. PURPOSE: This book is Intended tor physicists and scientists engaged in the study of-atmospheric o0tics. COVERAGE: This wcfrk contains the results of computation on the intensity of light,seattered anisotropioally in the atidsphere under various physical parameters and functions of scattering. The solution or Integro-differential equations of the theory of radiative transfer anisotropically stAtterl~g medium Card 1/4 Computation (cont;) SOV/2545 was obtained by the method.9f successive approximations. The work w4s carried out 6j the ptiff members of the Labor- a atory of Atmospheric Optids within the Institute of Physics of the Atmosphere, Academy of Sciences, USSR. No personalities .are mentioned.' There are 23 references: 14 Soviet, 4 English, 4 German, and 1 French. TABLE OF CONTENTS: Introduction 3 Ch. I. Mathematical Solution of the Problem 5 1. Statement of the problem. Derivation of basic rela- tionships 5 2. The zero,approximation 8 -3. Selection of the first approximation 11 4. Computation of subsequent approximations 13 5. Accounting for the albedo of the underlying surface 15 Ch. II. Processing Observation Data 19 Card 2/4 49-58-5-12/15 AUTHORS:Kireyeva, N. M., Kogan, S. Ya ---Kuznetsova, M. A. TITLE: The Average Seasonal Distributionnf ~Waer~a.~~nsity with -Alt,#ude -over XSSR (Srednese;onnoy.e raspre-t ,fbleniye plotnosti vodyanogo para po vysote dlya territorii SSSR M IODICAL: Izvestiya Akademii Nauk SSSR, Seriya Geofizicheakaya, 1958, Nr 5, pp 669-672 (and,e sheets) (USSR) .ABSTRACT: The water vapour distribution is important in questions of atmospheric heat balance, average air temperature at different heights and places, and humidity (Ref.1). At present, full data are only available for Moscow (Refs.2,3), togetherwith charts of the absolute humidity distribution for two months of the year - January and July (Ref.4) and charts of the relative humidity for each month (Ref.5). In view of this lack of information on density distribution, the authors attempted to construct a chart giving variation with height for the whole of the Soviet Union and for all seasons of the year. In order to do this material from the Scienti- fic Research Institute for Aeroclimatology (Nauchno issle- dovatellskiy institut aeroklimatologia) on the mean seasonal values of the relative humidity and temperature, for 57 Card 1/5 stations in the USSR, was used. The water vapour density 49-58-5-12/15 The Average Seasonal Distribution of Water Vapour Density with Altititde 'ov_er-',U8SR,, was calculated from the formula (Ref.6): rE(T) PW = 0.29 x 10-5- gm/cM3 (1) T where r is the relative humidity aa a fraction of unity, T is the temperature in degrees C and E(T) is the com- pressibility of water vapour in units of mm of Hg. To obtain the mean seasonal values forujdw in Eq.(1) the mean seasonal values of r and T are together with the value for E(T) for a temperature 00>T>-160 taken over water or ice according to the season and the situation of the sVation. Thus in Spring, Suramer and Autumn almost all the stations (except those in the far North) haA E(T) taken over water. In the Winter, E(T) was taken over ice for all except the southernmost stations or -those situated by the sea. In order to estimate the error produced by Card 2/5 49-58-5-12/15 The Average Seasonal Distribution of Water Vapour Density with Altitude over' UgS111". substituting average values of relative humidity and tempera- ture in (1),Magnus' formula (Ref.6) for the compressibility of water vapour was used: aT U+ E(T) A BO.10 'f where a - 7.5t b - 237.30. The error, 6 is then: Pw - 'H't Pwi 6 CP where: Fwcp 0-5 rCP E(Tcd .5 riE(Tj) PW cp = 0.29 x 1 Tep ?wi= 0.29 x 10-' Ti. N is the number of observations at a given point and in a given season; ri and Ti are the values of the relative Card 3/5 49-58-5-12/15 The Average Seasonal Distribution of Water Vapour Density with Altittide'Dveit"'MIft .~- ~- ":' -- N humidity and temperature for each observation; r ri "T OP I N T T are the average (per season) values of the cp relative humidity and -temperature for a given point and height. The magnitude of 6 can be written in the form Eq.(2). Cal- culations indicate that members of the series (2) die away quickly and, to estimate 6 , only the first two members need to be taken into account - giving the magnitude to about 5-7%. The values for water vapour density, pw , at diff- erent heights for each season over the USSR are given in Figs.1-4. The maximum height, for which values of the water vapour density are given, varies with the season. Thus the maximum height in Autumn and Winter is 5 km, in Spring, it is 6 km and in Summer it goes up to 7 km. This variation is explained partly by the small number of observations atheights greater than 5 km and, partly, by the inaccuracy of humidity Card 4/5 49-58-5-12/15 The Average Seasonal Distribution of Wator Vapour Density with Altitu'de-over-48SR6 measurements at great heights. The charts give the isolines of density in winter, autumn and spring3 for heights from the Earth's surface UP to 3 km at 0.5 W cm at from 5 km and higher at 0.1 gm/cm-. For the summer, the lines are Riven at the Earth's surface and a height of 1 4 at 1.0 gm/cm,' inter- vals, for a heighV of 3 km at 0.5 gm/cm2, and for a height of 5 km at 0.1 gm/cm~'. As a check & comparison was made with the charts in Ref.4 and 5. The result vas completely satis- factory. There are 4 figures and 5 Soviet, 1 German referen- ces, ASSOCIATION: Akademiya nauk SSSR, Institut Fiziki atmosfery (Institute of Atmospheric Fhysics) SUBMITTED: May 13, 1957. 1. Humidity--USSR Card 5/5 KUZNETSOVA, M.A., red. (Collection of articles of the Tashkent Hydrometeorological Observatory) Sbornik rabot Tashkentskoi gidrometeorologiche- skoi observatorii. Tashkent, Upr. gidrometeorologicheskoi aluzhby Uzbekakoi SSR. Wo.19 1961. 148 p. (MIRA 17:4) g'.g-n BLINKOV9 V.'V,, inah.1 KUZNETSOVA, M.A., inzh, Coordinating conference on the problems of actual studies of hydraulic engineering structures, Giar, stroi. 33 no,lls5940 .N #62. (MIRA 161l) (HydrauUo structuree.-Congreeaes) GUNIN9 V.; KUZNETSOVA, M., starshiy nauchnyy motrudnik; KWZBNIKGV, 1.9 A-MaMy- M--U-cffiFWy_ sotrudn1k; AMAPKIN, A.,, tekhnolog Mechanized swine-fattening farm. Sell, stroi. no,71l2-13 162. (KRA 15:8) 1. Glavnyy zootekhnik sovkhoza "Moshkovskiyn Novosibirelcoy oblasti (for Gukin), 2, Zapadno-Sibirskiy filial Akademil stroitellatva i arkhitektury SSSR (for Kusnetsova). (Swine houses and equipment) KUZNCTSOVA, M. --tit's increase the meat production by 4.7 times in 1959. Nauka i porod.-op. v sellkhos. 9'no.2:13-14 7 159. (KIRA 12:3) I.Predeedatell kolkhosa 'Xrostlyanskiy trud "Spanskogo rayon& Ryazanskoy oblasti. (Stock and stockbreeding) LOPATUA, N.G* XUZKZTSOVA N.A. PAMVA, S.T. Physiological nature of the 'dance" of been (vith summary in ftglishl ZhUrAbs*biole 19 no*3:376-386 8-0 )38. (MM, 11810) 1. Laboratoriya fiviologli nisehikh zhivotnykh Institute. fisiolocii tweni IOPS Pavlova; AN 5881; (BUS) , (CONDITI RRSPORSM) 0 XUZNETS(WA, M.A. Agricultural practices in protecting winter crops. Zashch, rast. ot vred. L bol. 8 no.8;17-18 Ag 163. (Kau' 16slo) 1. is Z-aveduyushobaya 3Aboratoriyey* zaahchity rasteniy Kabardino-W, kRroko.v sellskokhosysystvannoy opytnoy stantsii, Terskiy rayon, 1 KUZNETSOVA? M.A.- (Gorikiy) Lesser blood circulation In cbronic empbysema and diffuse pneumoBclerosis in.the tomographic image. Klin. mod. 41 no.4:78-84 Ap 163. (MIRA 17:2) 1. Iz kafedry'rentganologii i radiologii (zav. - doteent V.F. Sigachev) Gortkovskoko meditsinskogo instituta imeni S.M. Kirova (rektor - dotsent I.F. Matyushin). N E- - KUZNET-SOYAO M.A. In the Moscow Branch of the All-Rassian Pharmaceutical Society. Had, promphl. SSSR 17 no.860-61 Ag'63 (KIRA 17t2) KUZNF.TSOVA, M.A. .;;:z7- Effect of dose fractionation on the unconditioned reflex activity of the spinal cord of rkbbits in total-body X irradiation. Radio- biologiia 1 no.1:58-64 161. (MIRA 1-4:7) 1. Institut biologicheskoy fisiki AN SSSR) Moskva. (X RAMS-PHYSIOLOGICAL EFFECT) (SPINU COJID) (IMFI-Ex ) I AP ANA3 ENKO, 7~ 1, j li~,. Romcll':~ ef reat Qf sIA-l" CI I gh~ cc- 4.v.,) I and flpcr ro.)flpxoi in &0mf:6. 1z-;. IN SM"il '~(~r, L-1 )!. n4*,..'-. 2-U,22! M~A-kp 163. (MIRA 17. 5) 1. Institut bbo'- gichoskoy fitiki AN SS3R. ,;/865/62/002/000/019/042 U405/1)301 YXTrI0113: Lulclyanova, L.D., Livshits, N.N., Apanasenko,, Z.1. I and I(uznetoova. 14.A. T IM '24 - Long-range effect of space flight on higher nertious system and some unconditional reflexes S 0 U a 10_`~, Problemy kowichesicoy biologii. v. 2. Ed. by N. Sinj- kyan and V. Yazdovskiy. 1,41oscow, Izd-vo X4 SSSR, 1962i, 192-205 TMCT: The higher nervous activity of rats prior to, and after flight on the Second Space Ship was investigated, as well as i the vestibular reflexes, the latent period of the unconditional motric defensive reflex and the spontaneous bioclectric muscular activity of guinea pigs. Simultaneously, the morphological state Of the peripheral blood, weight, arxi general condition were studied.' The experiments were conducted on white male-rats by Kotlyarevskiyla~ Conclusions: The flight on the Second Space Ship did not lead to appreciable changes in the conditional reflex activity of Card 1/2 S/86.5/62/002/000/019/042 Long-ran~fe effect ... D405/D301 J ti-m- two white rats during the period of t1e experiments (from the rth day after laadinty to the natural death of the animals). The L OLI ~ -6 of the byuinea pig or. the Fourth Space Shi did not lc to I f Iii,h p ad cha-~--'E;es in the latent period of the unconditioned reflex. An in- crcase iii the spontaneous bioclectric activity of the extremity muscles -was observed in the guinea Dig after the flight. In the latter, a decrease in the latent period o~N the vestibular reflex and an increase in its activity was also observed. It is suggested that the change in the characteristics of the vestibrular reflex, observed in the guinea pig after the flight, is related to function- aL changres in the afferent or central neurons, and poosibly in both thcse types of ner-rons. There are 7 figures. A:~ 9 74 a' 22~&y DELAYE D SPACEFLIGHT EFFECTS ON THE LABYRINTHINE AND FLEXION .REFLEXES IN GUINEA PIGS (USSR) Apanasenko, Z. I., and M. A - , Kuzalluna, IN: Akademiya nauk SSSR. Izvestiya. Seriya biologicheskaya, no. 2, Mar-Apr 1963, 214-221. S/216/63/000/002/002/004 In order to investigate the effect of spaceflight conditions on the functional status, of the vestibular apparatus, one test guinea pig which had undergone spaceflight andeight dorArols which had r6mainied on the ground were subjected to O'S'Cilladlon aboid their longitudinal horizontal axes. The flown guinea pig showed a very strong spontaneous bioelectric activity of the leg muscles which exceeded that observed in the controls. In addition, the latent period of electromyographic reaction to adequate stimulation decreased in the flown guinea pig, and the after-effect was prolonged. Amplitude of biocurrents during reaction to stimulus was very high, but its relation to background activity remained about the same as before the flight, It is assumed that flight -*Induced changes were localized in the afferent branch of the vestibular -reflex arc' or in central neurons which are functionally connected to the vestibular analyzer, (AB] Card 1/1 ACCESSION NR: AT4 s/2863/64/003/000/0269/OM 037697 AUTHOR: Apanasenko, Z. 1.j,Xurnetaova,, X. A* i'TITIZ; Combined effects of vibration and ioniziza radiation On the vestibular and the flexor reflexes SOMICE: AN SM. Otdeleniye biologicheakikh nauk. Problemy* koamicheskoy biologlit v. 3, 1964, 269-277 TOPIC TAM conditioned reflex, vibrationg ionizing radiationg mouaeg vestibular: reflex, flexor reflex ABSTRACT: Experiments were performed on guinea pigs and th* C-57 strain of blackg mice in ordor to determine the combined effects of vibration and radiation on the.': survival of the function of the vestibular analyzer and the latent period of the flexor reflego Acute whole-body irradiation was carried out by means of gawa rays from Cc .. The dose was 500 r for guinea pigs and 600 and 750 r for mice.' The dose rate wsA 263. r/min. M2e --imals were subjected to a vibration of ?0 cps with an amplitude of 9.4 = for 15 min. Animals were divided into four groupso The first group was auWacted to two periods of vibration but was not irradiattdm. ACCESSION NR: AT4037697 The second group was exposed to a ningle done of radiation but no vibration. The, third group was subjected to vibration both before and after irradiation. The fourth group served as controls. Vibration and irradiation taken separately or combined brought about significant changes in the normal values of the parameters, studied. In some respects, vibration produoad,greater changes than the lethal dose of radiation to wh16 the animals were subjected. In all cases of combined irradiation and vibration, it was found that vibration substantiaUy.changed the effects of radiation on the organism. When the animals were subjected to 11 and the combined effects of irradiation and vibration, the death rate increased the life span decreased to a greater degree than when they were exposed to radia-, tion alone. The effects of the combined action of irradiation and vibration on the central nervous system are complex. Individual functional indices of the central nervous eyeteq examined show the separate effects of each of these two stress factors. If both vibration and irradiation shift the parameters of a I given index in one direction, their combined action exceeds t'he effects of radiation alone* If thee* stimuli act in opposite directional the effect combined action can be lose thmt or even qualitatively different froal that of irradiation alonea -Card-'o ~ - !~-zL~,--- az~-~ ~ ~ - ~ 7 : - '. : - .. - ~, - - ~m-l ---- -.- 1- i--_ one another. The effect iDf iribrrmUcm ofi LL-'r-. liii~fi&!"- ~.' :'!Z~r.LUZ a I I L ... - ; Uffn Aunt an -the effect ~,&, a lathei dose of -raamtlcu- described- - . - - - __ - - - - - L -%* - - I F411 KUZNETSOVAO M.A.; GROMj I.I. (Leningrad) Reviews and bibliography* Apt, delo 14 no.6:83-84 N-D 165a (MIRA 18:12) :~ 'L 47293-t-6 ACC NR; AP6031663 SOURCE CODE: URIM616610001oo5lo6251ML3 AM -G. M.; Uvshits., N. N.; Arsenlyeva, M. A.; Apannsenko, Z. I.; 1*BclZayeval L. A.; GLolovkkina A. V.; Klimovitakly, V. Ya ; Kuznetsova, M. A.9, Va 'yanova L. D.; Meyzerov, Ye. 5* ORG: Institute of Biological P~Ysicn.,'JWPPR (Institut biologicheskoY fiziki M1 SSSRT- TITLE: The combined effect of ap.~~e~ejl on some functions of the organism _6ht factors SOURCE: AN SSSR. Izvestiya. Seriya b1ologicheskayn, no. 5, 1966, 625-643 TOPIC TAGS: central nervous system,biologic oxidation, biologic metabolism, reflex activity, brain,t~spue, radiation effects, lcniit~~, radiation biologic effect ABSTRACT: esults of experiments studying the combined eftect of spaceflight factortJ (acceleration, vibration, and~~ndlation) oi. some functiona of the organism (brain herrodynamcis, CNS functions, and cell division of hematopoictic organs).are dis- cussed. Toleranne of the CNS to accelerations depends significantly on changes of brain hemodyn'amics during accelerations. Brain blood flow in rabbits subjected to centrifugal accelerations in the head-foot direction (5 G in head region And 10-G in pelvis region) for 12 to 60 see decreased. This reaction was insignificant during the first exposure, sharply Increased during repeated exposure, and-weakened after chronic exposure, thus indicating that tolerance to accelena.tions can be ,,Card L 4W91_11__!Y_1 f-ACC.NR' .AP60 3160 increased by training. Participation of CUS reflex mechanismi in the3e processes is probable. Tae 15-min exposure of guinea pigs to radial accelerations (8 G), centrifuged twice with a one-day interval,.increated the spontaneous bioelectrical activity-of extensor muscles; however, the effect was not lasting. It was lowered !,the day after the second centrifugation.and was*esnentially the same as the control from the sixth day. The 15-min exposure of the nnimals to vibrations (70 cps, 0.4 rim amplitude), twice with tk one-day interval, produced less distinct but more stable chnnf-cs, wiLh normalizaLion more than 25 (lays after the first vibration exposure. Changes In myoolectric nctivity durln~, npacerlight (Sputnik-4) ncorpo- rated features of Loth acceleration and vibration effects, appreciably ex&(edIng then in intensity. Oxidation processes in brain tissues, Judged by P02 and "oxygen test" results, were initially increased *in Intensity by the effect of vibrations (using the above parameters), and subsequerAly derwent phase changes, including depression of oxidation metabolism during the artereffect period. Changes in unconditioned defense and vestibulotonic reflexes and upper nervous activity were observed later than 12 days after vibration. Inhibition of food-procuring con- ditiQned and derensive unconditioned reflexes in the majority of animals, with pro- nounced pardUotic phenomena, was also -bind. Expomrc to 8-, 10-, and 20-G -accelerations and vibration (700 cps, 0.005 mm, 60 min) resulted in decrea'sed mitotic activity of bone-marrow celln for 30 days. Disturbances of cell division involved chromosomal stickiness and Increase in the number of chromosomal aberrations. Ionizing radia- tion3 and the above dynamic factors produced a similar effect on oxidation meta- bolism in brr-io tiusuea and cellular division In hematopoletic organs. They differed 42'. 02~3_66 ACC NRt AP6031663 only in the level and dynamics of changes caused. The combined effect of Irradia- i tion and dynamic factors either did not exceed oi was leas than the effect of each of the indicated factors separately, a phenomenon seen an a radloprotective action of dynamic factors. The relations observed are similar to phenomena of dominance and parabiosis. Typical radiation reactions were intensified vhen irradiation was combined with factors having directly oppoood effects. The variation and com-' plexity of results of the combination of dynamic factors and irradiation are explained by the multiplicity of the mechanisms of the combined effect of radiation and nonradiation factors. The combined t--xposure to vibration and whole-body acute Irradiation at a lethal dose showc. that In a majority of cases the vibration effect on metabolism and CNS function wL,.. dominant at early stages, while that of irradiation prevailed at later stages. /A the latest *stages of exposure, the com- bined effect of vibration and irradiation was diverse and complicated. According to some indices, the trend of changes corresponded to the effect of one of the fac- tors while the dynamics of the processes reflected the effect of the other one. Under the uniform action of both factors, the phenomena of partial summation of weakening of the radiation effect, and in several cases of a sharp increase of radiation effect by the opposite action of the 'vibration effect, were observed. Probable mechanisms of the phenomena described are considered. Orig. art. has: 13 figures. suB co!.~ o6/ SUBM DATE: 14Dec65/ ORIG REF: 032/ OT11 REF: 008/ ATD PRWS: r,nn ~~ard ~NG AT60 07 AVM%s Xw%wakwo, 9, A, !11=s Combftwd affect of r%wated cxposures to vibratiqn and fractional irradiatio on rho state of the 'S Inoce-abral raflox ale LPapor pmented at'tho Conforance on Vtobl"o Of Spa" lw%ouw CIA in Moscov rom 24-27 May 196�7 1 SW2CZ% Umfemutslys po prdblemam koomicheskoy myditainy, ~966. Problomy k0AMICh0fikOY WditSinY, (Mbleas of apace medicine); materialy konforentsil, ;Wcw# 19",, 2".247 TOPIC TWSs - Spoce PhYslolojw, combined stress, biologic vibration of fact, Ur"MitionAd refl*xv central nervous system .AWTR=s The effect'of repeated vertical vibration, of fractionated irradiation', ;'nr.d their coznLdned effect on the latent'period of unconditioned defense motor renex--were investigated. Exposure to repeated vertical vibration'*(aniplitude 0. 4 mm, frequency 70 cps., 'exposure 15 min) caused the development of p'arabiotic inhibition of various degrees In the renex arc under investigation. During the first five exposures to;nulative effect of repq4b~4-jqxpp~~11!~es M! as noted. cari 1/2 ACC NRs AT 6036607 During the second Yive expoiures a tendency to a difficult'and incomplete adaptation appeared. FractAqKt~d irradiation (total dose 500 r, dose rate 52 r/min) caused a statisti U ignificant, but not very great, change in the functional con- C-~M. It q 1, ditioh of the!reflex are under investigation. This manifested itself in an in- crease of laient periods of reaction to a weak stimulus and a contraction of latent periods to strong stimuli. Thus, changes In unconditioned reflex activity 611owed'an anesthetized phase pattern with retention of the power relationship, Animals which had been exposed to the combined effects of vibration and irradiation can be divided into two groups. In one group changes in uncon- ditioned reflex. activity in general followed the pattern of animals which had been subjected to vibration, while the other group followed the pattern of those which had been irradiated. However, in both cases the effect of the additional stress factor left its imprint on.the the. reaction. b.eing A- 22; ATO Report: 66-116 SUB 000144 06 SMM DA=t _00MV66 Ccr~ 2 /2 ACC NR9 AT6036639 SOURCE COM U.3/0000/66/000/000/0257/0258 AUTHOR: Liv-shita, N. N.; Apannsonko, Z. 1.;1Cuznatsova, M. A.; Lukfy=ova, L. D.0, Noyzorovq Y, S' ORG: none TITLE: Combined affect of vibration and ionizing radiation on the metabolism and function of the contril nervous system L~a,,)or prosOnted at thq Conference on Vroble= of Space Madicino held In t1ascow from 24-27 May 1966/ SOURCE: Konforontsiya po problemam 1-osmichoskoy neditsiny, 1966. Problemy kosmichoskoy moditsiny. (Problems of space medicine); materialy konforontsiig lbscow, 1966, 257-258 TOPIC MGS: space physiology, combined stress') biologic vibration effect, ionizing.radiation biologic effects muscle pl~ysiology, electrophysiolovs central'-- nervous system, rat, rodent ABSTRACT: Eats -ahd guihea'pigs'wl~i-&-exposed to the complex.effects of vibration I (70 cps, 0. 4 mm, 15 min) before, or both before and after, exposure to a single lethal dose (500-600 r) Of ionizing radiation. The effect of this particular combination of stress factors was tested on oxidative processes cs of the vestibular reflex, and ;in the brain tissties, on the characteristi n-t --2f skeletal muscles in.a- state of relative rest. he bioelectrical activity o Card 1/3 ACC NRt A1*6036639 Results showed a complete dominance of the effects of vibration. Completely analogous results for vestibular reflexes were obtained when; Ivibration was combined with prolonged gamma irradiation (500 r over a 114-hr period). Vibrational effects were also dominant with respect to con- ditioned feeding reflexes when vibration was followed by irradiation with a. dose of 50 r. This masking of the radiation effect was observed in those cases in which the effects of the two factors tended to counteract each other. But the masking effect was also observed when influences of the two factors were analogous and could be distinguished from each other only by their magnitude or dynamics, In this last case no summation of similar effects was observed, which can be attributed to the protective effect of vibration. The protective effect was confirmed by the fact that vibration tended to ,weaken leukopenia produced by radiation. At the same time results were not completely uniform. The combined .effect of vibration and either acute or fractionated irradiation on the basic characteristics of the unconditioned defense reflex showed that vibra- tional effects were dominant In some cases and radiation effects were domi-' Card 2/3 ACC NR: AT6036639 ,nant in others. Radiation effects tended to dominate as the time after ;exposure increased. Investigation of the oxidative processes in the brain :!iissues showed no summation of analogous effects even at the later stages I lof the investigation. However, when observations were made of functional Ichanges of various parts of the central nervous system, a complex combined' I !effect of both factors was found, which does not fit the pattern of the protec- tive effects of vibration. The variety of changes in radiation effects due to thq influence of vi- lbration can be explained by the multiplicity of mechanisms of combined effects of radiation and vibration. The more significant factors which can !affect the influence of radiation are: the oxygen effect, changes in the ;:functional condition of the central nervous system due to effects of vibra~ 'tion, interaction between centers of the nervous system, the-Couree of I1'reparative and compensatory processes, and others. LW-. A. No. 22-, ATO Roport. 66-lig SUB CODSt 06 /,SUal DATZt OOMay66 Card 3/3 ACC Ngs AT6025373 A SOURCE COD&I UR/0000/66/000/000/0045/0067 AUTWR; Kuz ORGs non* TITIZ., Influence of multiple exposure to vibration 9n the functional statet of the cerebrosp1nal reflex arc.. SOURCEs 7 AN SSSR. I t bi2joatche-gkoy fIrAtki, Vliyanlya faktorov komichoskogo polota no funktaii ts*ntrallnoy nervnoy sistamy (Effect of space flight factors on functions of the central nervous system). Mscow, 'r. lzd-vo Hauka, 19660 45-67 TOPIC TAGSs biologic vibration effect, nervous systemg reflex activity, brainp experiment animal, audio frequency oscillator, unconditioned reflex ABSTRACT: Thie 'author' _d_iv-ide'd -14 guin'ea pigs weighing 250-500 g into -two groupo. The first group exposed to vibration twice in a .iseries-of 5 tests (10 expoaurea); thi second (cdntrol) group was,-. exposed to 75 db*of noino from the vibration stand, ~ho param- 'etera of which were: frequency-70 cpa;'amplitude-0*4 mm. Animali" "'.1 . yere expose'd to vibration-andunoiae for 15 min per*teote 1/4 UDCs 612,014.482 ACC NR, A76025373 Indices of refle x function vere the excitability threshold -and the latent period of the unconditioned defensive motor reac-.,.- ;tion. An audiofrequency oscillator (70 cps) served as a pain 'stimulus. To preclude thq.influence of sharp shifts in thresh-''! *old,s on the value-of reflex.reactions, stimuli of constant value were used as follows: 1) a weak stimulus van always equal to the. tripled value of the'threshold; 2) a moderate stimulus web alvays~ Ir ,equal to the tripled value multiplied by oixg 3) a strong :stimulus van alwayo.equal to the threshold value multiplied ;by 10, Th6 duration of stimulus van always 0,03 seco Tho experimental sequence proceeded an follova: 1) Thresh, !old deteraination; 2) datermination,of the latent period of the'..,. reflex to a veak stimulus; 3) confirmation of the threshold value- 4) determinatio"n of the latent period of a reflex to si-i... notierate stimulus; 5) confirmation of the threshold value; determination of the latent period of a reflex to a strong .atl^ulus. After *variations in these parameters had been eakalklished, tbke XCC__NRt'_AT602_53 Exposure to*vbrtical vibration'10 times in the course of lo' days affected the functional state of the defensive reflex area These radical, statistically reliable changes persisted .for 3'4 days. They were characierized by complex shifts in the -latent period of the unconditioned reaction and by an inyeroe relationship between changes in this reaction and the strength of the threshold stimulus. The dyn;imica ofchanges in the value -of the latent period-in reactions to" stimuli of various stren.gth indicated the development of parabiotic states of variouo.dopthe and magnitudes. Changed in which reflex excitabilty- increased, and physiological Aability decreased predominated. The first half of the period ofoxoosure to vibration re-t sulted in a cumulation of vibration effects. The second porlom: was characterized by a moderate recovery of reflex activity*. .In this period a sequential succession of'parabiotic phases occurred, indicating change from a more severe to a less oeverei ,state 6f inhibition, Thia-may indicate a process of adaptation;- however, adaptation was incomplete, .,It was concluded that the comple"nes a of. i6day~~&~~Rn depends on Ahe magnitude Af_Ahe 3/4 ACC NR, AT6635373 'initial 'reactions to vilbre'tion. Noise from the vibration stand produced some pronounced .shifts in reflex activity vhich..vere reliabl-0- "Orls. ar't. 'has'l-~-- 8 figures and.1 table. &.A. No. 22; ATD H.Port 66-9?7 4UB CODE9 06 SUBM DAM 011?sb66 ORIG RUs 001. cc,,,d 4/4 I NEVQVAj__M..A.; RUMYANTSEVA, A.S. (Moskva) MENYuK, V.G.;._AVZ Use of adhesive perahlorovinyl tape for sealing the edges of artificial fur parts, Shveln, prom, no,3s2O-23 1HY-J9 165. (MIRA 1819) YEGOROV., A.M.j ODINETS, Z.K.; Prinimaia uchastiye: KWNETSOVA, M.G., __ __ -1 -fir laborant lliijilli4 Behavior of the sulfides of copp.3r, zlnc;, lead, and iron during roasting in presence of sodium chloride. Sbor. nauch. trud. Gintsvetmeta. no.19s293-3W 162. (MIRA 16:7) Nonferrous metals-Metallurgy) 1fides-Metallurgy) t W-ZTLKIN't I.A.; KFJZNE"TA1-VAP M.l.". Nuclease and phosphaLase activity of Boll banteria. Izv. AN SSSR. wler. biol. nc..41587-594 JI.-Ag 164, (MIRA 1711O) 1. Institut biclogti B"hkirskogo filiala AN =R, Ufa. ACC NRt AP7007205 1/0692 SOURCE CODEI UR/o186/66/oo8/006/o69 AUTHOR: Sotnikovv V. S.; Kutnetsovat Me I* ORGs none TITLEt Adsorption of indiums, cobalt and zinc Ions from acetone on the surtace of graphite, germaniumt silicon and quartz SOURCE: Radiokhimiya, v. 8, no. 6, 19669 69i-692 TOPIC TAGSS adsorptiong indiump cobalts zinc, graphitov quartz, germanium, silicon ABSTRACTt The adsorption of In,, Qo and Zn from acetone on graphite,, germanium, sili- con and quartz surfaces was studied as a function of concentration of the imourities and time gf contacl with the solution at concentrations of 10-4-10-2% with the aid of InJI4,, Co 0 and Zn'~15 isotopes. It is shown that the adsorption of indium on graphite, germanium, silicon and quartz obeys the Freundlich equation up to a concentration of 10-3%, and the adsorption of zinc on Go and quartz, up to 10-2%. Adsorption satura- tion -for Zn and Co on Go,, Si and SiC~ takes place in 5-10 ming and for indium in less than I min. The lack of adsorption saturation in the case of graphite plates (which were porous) is attributed to difjusion urocesnos.Values of the adsorption obtained were 1014-5 x 1015 atoms per cm . Orig'. art. hast 2 figures. SUB CODE1 07/ SUEN DATE1 03Jun66/ ORIG REF1 001 Card UDC: 541.183;,~-3 ,L- 18852-66 EV/T(m)/EPF(n)-2/EV1P(t) IJP(c) JD/JG/WF, 'ACC NRs AT6006474 "SOURCE CODEt" UR/02680/65/000/024/0075/0085 D. Solo a If ~J, KrupnLkova- 'AUTHOR: Layner, VI.Yev, V. Ya. ~~eta~ Perlina, ,Ye. I.,; Slasareva, Ye. N. ORG: State Scientific-Research Planning.Institute of Allus and the Pr*cessiR4 of Nonferrous Metals (Gosuda tvennyy nauchno-isoledovatellskiy L ptvyektnyy ibstitut splavov i obrab i tevetnykh metallov) 1ITLEt Study of the oxidation f niobium 7V1 "5-4, !SOURCE: Moscow. Gosudarstvennyy nauchno-isoledovatellskiy i proyektnyy Institut isplavov i abrabotki tsvetnykh metallov. Trudy. no. 24, 1965. Metallovedeniye i obra-; :botka tsvetnykh metallov i splavov (Metal science and the treatment of nonferrous ,metals and alloys), 75-85 TOPIC TAGS: niobium, niobium oxide, oxidation, oxide.formation, polymorphism, crys Ital structure analysis, lattice parameter, temperature dependence OYU had'the following com ABSTRACT: The niobium (melted in an electron-bea jurnace) ,positioni 0.1-0.8% (by wt) C, 0-01-0-05% 02 and 0.01-0.05% N2. The ingots were 'forged, machined and vacuum annealed at 12500C. Kinetic,oxidation curves were ob- lCard