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w1gsavz- V. I. Peripheral reoiotance and minute vol=e of the blood in acute radiation siokneso. Mod. rad. 6 no.214O-46 161. (MIRA 34:3) (WIATION sionrEss) (BLOOD VOLUME) (BLOOD OELLS) xumwsovj~ dotoontl IUSHAKOVSKII, K.S.;; MMASSV# K.Is (Uningrad) Antibypertensive activity of eystamine. 39 nd.1171- 76 Za 161, (mrm 3L4sl) lo Iz kafedry propedertiki vnutre=.ikb bolemo7 (naoh. - saslu- zbe=7y deyatelt na-aki, deyetvitelhqy chlen AMN SSSR prof. N*Ne Savitakiy) Voymo-meditoinskoy ordena Lenina akademii, imeni S.M. lirovs. BLOOD PFWSSUF3) THILAHIM) KUZNZTSOVj V.I.; KUSHAKOVSKII,, M.S. [Kushakovskiy# M.S.] Haemodynamics and tissue oMen supply in patients with chronic methaemoglobinaemia. Cor vana 4 no.4:281-288 162. 1, Department of Internal Medioine,, Kirov Academy of Military Medicines Leningradq USSR. (M&THWOGLOBINEMIA) (BLOOD CIRCULATION) (BLOOD GAS ANALYSIS) GLITKIN., Kh.G.; NUZNETSOV, V.I. Total substitution of the ureter with a segment of the small intootine. Urologiia no.6:58-59162. (14IRA 1637) 1. Iz khirurgicheskogo otdoleniya (zav. VaI.Pelfteverger) 24 47 dorozhnoy bolinitay Typhno-Ural'okoy zholesnoy dorogi. (URETERS-4URGERY) (SURGERY, PLASTIC) KIJZI'ETSOVJI V.I. Isolated tuberculous lecion of the stmach. Khirurgiia no.32:133-134 163o (M IRA 3.6 a 5) 1. lz kllin=gichoskogo otdolaniya (zav. zasluzhennyy vrach RSFSR I.M.Kumetsov)respublikanskoy bollnitsy (clavW7 vrach P.L.Yeremin) Mlnisterstvc~ xdravookhrananiya Chuvashskoy AM& (STOMACII-TIJMRCUIMIS) 1 9988--63- EFF(c)A"wr(l)/EPF(n)-2/EW(m)/BDS/ES(b)__AFFTC/ASD/SSD--Pr-h/ Pu-h--RM/MAY/K ACCEssloy NR: AP3002858 S/0241/63/oo8/oo6/oo27/0032 AUMCR: Kuznetsov,, V.-I.; Kushakovskiy, M. S. TITLE: Mechanism Of the effect Of antiradlation agents SOURCE: Meditainskaya radlologiya, V. Bj no, 6, .1963, 27-32 TOPIC TAGS: radioprotective agents., radioprotective mechanisms, cystamineo S,Beta-aminoeth.ylisothiuronium, AET,, oxygen balance, hypoxia, oxygen effect ABSTRACT: Cystamine\Vnd ART (5,Beta-amlnoethyllsothluronl=), whose reAloprotective mechardams have been thought to be similar and based on hypoxia, were studied to determine their effect on the various steps in the supplying of oxygen to the tissues of the human body. An attempt was made to discover whether these preparations do, in fact, induce acme form or other of hypoxia. Information was also sought on the significance of the "oxygen effect" and hypoxia In the radioprotective mechaniams of sulfhydryl compounds. Cystamine given per ors. in 200, 400, and 600 mg doses caused an increase in basal metabolism, increased oxygen consumption in the lungs, and a drop in wthemoglobin. Added to a suspension of erythrocytes, with glucose present, cystamine increased the absorption of oxygen and the elimination of Co sub 2 from Live- to alghteeafold. Card 1/2 L 9988-63 ACCESSION NR: AP3002658 Data obtained indleated that cystamine does not cause hypoxia of the hem1c, anoxic, sttagnation, or histotoxic types. Similar doses of AET, on the other hand, had an inhibitory effect on oxygen balezce, producing a lowering of basal metabolism and a reduced coefficient of oxygen consu=ption in the lungs. Unlike cystamine, AET penetrates the erythrocyte memb ane weakly. The possibility of AET-induced hypoxia was by no means ruled out. It is concluded that the radlio~xotectlve effect of cystemine in humans cannot be satisfactorily explained on the basis of the hypoxia theory, and that the radloprotective mechaal,=S of cysta.mine and 5,Beta-aminoetbvlisothiuroaium are not identical. Orig. art. has: I table. ASSOCIATION: Voyenno-mdltsinskaya Ordena Len1na akademiya imeni S. M. Kirova Military Medical AcS4nT) SUMITTED: 04jun62 DATE ACQ: 23JU163 ENCL: 00 SUB CODE: 00 NO RU MV: 000 OTM: 000 Ccird2/2 Mai KUZNETSOV, V.I., kand. mad, nauk; ZHUCHKOV, F.V. Diagnostic errors and complications in closed injuries of the duodenum. Khirurgiia 39 no.M104-106 0 163. (MIRA 170) 1. Iz kafedry operativnoy khirurgii i topograficheskoy anatomil Chelyabinskogo meditsinskogo instituta i 2-y Doroahnoy bollnitoy (nachallnik T.M. Ovehinnikova) Yushnourallskoy zheleznoy dorogi. iACCESSION HR: AP4027982 8/0205/64/004/002/0284/0288 '~AUTHOR: Kuznetsov,, V. 1,; Tank, L. 1. TITLE: Oxygen consumption change In erythrocytes under the effect of' ~oystamino %OURCE: Hadiobiologiyag V. 40 no. 2. 19640 284-288 TOPIC TAGS: oystaminep oxygen respiration, coll oxygen respirationg ~erythroeytep cystamine radioprotective concontrationt respiration 'intensity# cysteamine (moreamino)l disulfide 5-moroaptopontylaminal icyanido compound effect ABSTRACT: The offoot of radioprotootive eystamine concentrations on oxygen consumption of cells was invontigatod in erythrocytes iaolatod from blood of dogs and pigeons. Erythrocyte samples (2 ml) were incubated in Warburg unit reapirovioters at 370C. Cystamine in concen-'. trations corresponding to*radioprotoctive doses administered to ani- mals and humans was added to samples bofore incubation, Rospiration. intensity was measured manometrically. Erythrocyte oxygen absorption was determined every 15 min for 3 hro, The effects of oysteamine ~C6rd l/2 ACCESSION NR.-.AP4027982 (mereamine)# dioulfide 5-moreaptopentylamine, and cyanide compounds were also investigated. Findings show that cystamino# in conce ra- itions corresponding to radioprotootive doses administered to animals !and humans increa erythrocyte oxygon rospiration. Cysteamine 1(mercaminel affect:o:rythrocyto respiration the sam as cyatamine. Cyanide compounds decrease significantly the effect of oystamine on ,erythrocyte respiration. Disulfide 5-moroaptopontylamino.p close In ichemical structure to cyatamino but without radioprotective action* decreases erythrocyte respiration, Orig, art* has: 3 tables, J ASSOCIATION: Voenno-meditsinskaya ordena Lenina Akademi-ya im. S. M. Kirova, Leningrad (Military-Medical Lenin Order Aoademyj ENCLt 00 SUBMITTED: o9jan63 A. SUB CODE: NR'REF BOV: 015 OTHEm O~ KUZNETSOV, V.I.; TANK, L.I. Effe~.t of ?.-adloprotective agents of the amino thiol, series on the respiritory function; a review of literature. Med.rad. 9 no.9392- 95 S lb-"* (MIRA 184) 1. Voyenno-moditainskaya ordona Lenins, akademiya imeni Kirova, Leningrad. TANK, L.I.; KUZNETSOV, V.I. W",ascular changas under the influence of aminothiols; a review of literature. Med. rad. 9 no.706-66 Jl 164. 04IRA 180) 1. Voyenno-meditsinakaya ordena Lenina akademiya imni Kirova, Leningrad. ACC NRi AP7004650 (A j A/) SOURCE CODE1 UR/0432/66/000/001/0013/0015 AUTHOR: Kuznetoov, V. K.; Morozovp A. A. iORG: none TITLE: Program interrupt during access to magnetic tape SOURCE: Mekhanizataiya i avtomatizatsiya upravleniya, -no. 1, 1966, 13-15 ITOPIC TAGS: computer storage, computer control system, magnetic tape, (.-omPvrF4. I 11AW-A!PIM jABSTRACT: The Institute of Cybernetics of the Academy of Sciences UkrSSR has 'designed a program-interrupt unit for use with the Minsk-2 and Minsk-22 computer :magnetic tape memory. The program-interrupt unit coordinates the exchange of ;information between the arithmetic unit and various memory types whose maximum :waiting times differ into maximum time during which information may be stored in a Imemory unit without lose. Since the waiting time fof magnetic tape memory is practi- 1cally infinite and of other units is as the order-of tons or hundreds of milli- iseconds, it is most expedient to Interrupt during magnetic tape memory access with I joubsequent. unconditional transfer back to the tepc memory. The program and hardware (using standard Minsk-2 computer circuits) required for this function are described. Orig. art. hasi 1 figure. JBDJ ! SUB CODE: 09/ SUBM DATE: UDCt 681.142.63 ACC NRA "7000147 SOURGH COM UR/0046/66/012/004/0457/0462 rLMHO11(i Xtitnatsovp V. X. ORG: Acoustics .Dopartmentt Ifoacow State University (Xafedra akust.-Lki Moskovskogo gooudarstvennogo univeroiteta). TIMO: &perimental apparatus for ifivestigating wave fields in ncliomogeneous mouis ~y the analog modeling method. SOURCE' Akixoticheakiy zhurnal, v. 12, no. 4,.1966t 457-462 TOPXC TAGSt hydrodynamics, hydrodynamic wavet acoustic wave tank, acoustic wave, bacillograph, laboratory equipment/ )R0-2 oscillograph ABSTRAM: The operating principle and -the structural details of an apparatus for investigating hydroacouatio waves are discussed. The main features of the .apparatus are, a wavegulde. and a water tank- capable of acoustic waves and e.liminating'reflection from the waveguide edges. These features mzke it possible to use the-apparatus for ahalog modeling of -the propagation of cylin rical waves in -free space as well as the propaiption of waves in nonhomogeneoua M dia. For the latter purpose a-yariable crous-section horn is used. A block dir, ram of the complet apparatus is presented. The wavegaide proper is made of sheet dux lumin and has the shape of an elliptical are. The measuring instruments consist of --ave generators, amplifiers, phase meters, hnd X?0-2 loop oacillographa. Typical o Allograph outputs FA(eC~- ~,-iOONRT are given to.illustrate the damping characteristics of the apparat i and the characteristics of several normal wave fields. A scanned record i included to show the sectional view of a primary normal wave in the vertical plane. In concluniont tho author expresses hie gratitude to'So No Rzhevkin for his conot. it attention to this work and to Ye. P. Itinin for his -part An constructhq the -appar, tue. Orig. art. has: 6 figures. (041 SUB COM 20/ SM DAM 121rov64/ ORIG RM 0061 - OTH REFg OCY A~D PRESS: 5110 L 4 6 Z'~!*T' d ACC 'I al: AR6014367 W"00CE CODE: IM/0137/65/000/011/GO30/GO30 Uj'i~'IIGR5 'K="Otsov. V. K.; H011nalova, L. P.; Kal:c"A'jy1a V. G.; Pano7a TITLE: Electrolytic dopoeition of zinc-nickol alloy SOUCE: Ref. zh. Metallurgiya, Abs. 11G217 TOPIC TAGS: zinc containing alloy, nickel containing alloy, electrolytic deposi- REY SOURCE: Sb. Zashchita mot. ot korrozii. Kuybyshovt 1965p 47-52 tion A dopositions~ of Zn-Ni alloy with an Ni content ABSTRACT: To obtain clear, bright ft7. of up to 21'" the following electrolyte com a Zti n is recommended (in g/liter): Zn 32-42, Ni 0.75--0.19 V NaC11 84-94, flaroll ; 82; temperature of electrolyte 18-25C; D = 2-3 amp/J. Data on corrosion xperimonts have ahown that the cor-;' rosion stability of Zn-Ni alloy ii Ot-lo-wo-Fand, in a number of caseso io higher than the corrosion stability of Zn. G. Svodtoova ZFranslation of ab3traov Card IA SUB CODE: 11 UDC: 669.5114.018.9 W , ZC NR.---KP6001514 SOURCE COM UR/0302/65/000/0047/0029/0030 AUMOR: Graboxhovo Be Yaol Kuznotsov, V. K, ORG: None TITLE: Operation of general-purpose digital computers with extrinsic devices in automatic control systems SOMCE: Avtomatika i riborostro 29-30 eni e n 1965 4 o. p y y , , , TOPIC TAUS.: ter system computer componentj automatic control systems digital compu, A29TRACT: The authors discuss the various types of connections between computers and extrinsic devices, dividing them into two classes: number code buses for data exchange, and control code buses -which carry comandB fr the control unit of the digital computer to the extrinsic devices. A method for organizing the opera- tion of an automatic control system with a large number and variety of extrinsic devices In explained with the aid of a block diagram. A description is g1ven.ofj, a device developed by the Imtitute of gXbornatics AN UkrSSR (Institut kiberne- tiki) for connecting extrinsic units to digital computers. This device consists of an input-output amplLf Ler unit --an extrinsic device address decoder and a read- out pulse generatoi, The unft,.which was developed for use with the 'Winak-211 -WCL-681, 142,353 - -------- - I. L *50.46 ACC NRt AP6001514 ','I'computeri 0 can be used to connect up to 90 extrinsic devices to the computer, When the ready signal Is fed from the extrinsic device to the program Interrupter# the incoming signal to analyzed and the address of the extrinsic device to determined, A voltage for tranamisgio6 or reception of data is generated In the operation code unit of the computer controller, and this.potential is applied to the input-output amplifiers. In addition, the data reception potential is also fed to the readout pulse generator. At the same timep the code for the first address of the cr nd .is sent to the command register; the address decoder deciphers this signal to the resolving potential P116968% with the number of the device sending the ready signal. This potentiAl in sent to the buffer accumulator of the proper device, .opening the valve for information readout from the buffer accumulator to the numbet code buses. Information readout Is ensured by the randout pulse for khe given extrinsic device. This pulse in formed In the readout pulse generator at the corresponding valve by the pulse from.the computer and the resolving potential from the address decoder. The number code buses carry the information to the input- output amplifiers, Through.the open amplifiers the information is then sent to the number code buses of the computer and theme to the toemory unit. 'Information from the sent through valves (provided there to a data transmission potential) to the number code buses of the extrinsic davices and received by the device the potential of which'is given by the address decoder. Tests of this coupler have shown that ii1s,raliable and aimpla to use. DrIg. art* bass .2 .Card ___2/3____L -L 3965o-.6L- - ACC NR., AP,6001514 figures# SUB CODE 1 -09 SIMM DtaRl notid MIG RM 001 3 3 SOV/46-5-2-7/34 AUTHOR:'. Kuznetsov,, V*X* TITLE: On a New Method of Solution of the Problem of Acoustic Field in a Liquid Wedge (0 novommetode rosheniya zadachi o zvukovom pole v zhidkom kline) Pr,RIODICAL: Akusticheakiy zhurnal, 1959, Vol.5, Nr 2, pp 170-175 (USSR) ABSTRACT; Solutions of the liquid-wedge problem, obtained in general form by Sommerfeld and others (Rof.1), frequently fail to show clearly the physical nature of the acoustic field. The author describes a new approach which avoids this difficulty. He considers a wedge of aperture a with perfectly reflecting boundaries at y = ~od' and ~ = - To/2. The wave equation is written in cylindrical coordinates (Eq.1) and is then separated into Equations(3) and (4) by means of the substitution given in Eq.(2). Solution of Eq*(4), together with its boundary conditions, yields "normal wavosto of Krasnushkin (Ref,2). These "normal waves" are used as the basis of further discussion. Plane waves atid Gard 1/3 waves proceeding from a point source are considered. The SOV/41j-5-2-7/34 On.a New Method of Solution of the kroblem of Acoustic Field in a Liquid Wedge theory predicts refraction of "normal waves" In the wedge. The existence of such refraction was confirmed experimentally in water at go 11 and 12 kels. This refraction explains anomalies reported by Woroel and Iving (Ref.5), who studied propagation of sound in seas near their shores (sea and lake shores often form liquid wedges with almost perfectly reflecting upper boundaries). Interference of "normal waves in the wedge is also discussed. The work reported was carried out by the author in the Chair of Acoustics of the Physics &-partmat of Moscow State University in 1955-6, and has already been reported at the Third All-Union Conference on Acoustics in May 1957. The work was suggested by V.S. Nesterov, Docent of the Chair of Acoustics, Moscow State University. There are 7 figures and 6 references, of which Gard 2/3 5 are Soviet and 1 translation into Russian. BOV/46-5-2-7/34 On.a, Now Method of Solution of the Problem of Acoustic Field in a Liquid Wedge ASSOCIATION: Kafedra akustiki Moskovskogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta (Chair of Acoustics, Moscow State University) SUBMITTED: September 23, 1957 Card 3/3 icdiN~rr yv' V. -E_ "Focusing of 11ormal Waves in a layer of lion-Uniform Depth." paper pr,~sented at the 4th All-Union Conf . on Acoustics, "loscow, 26 ,,!aqf Jun 58. KUZHETSOV, V.K. Membrane Jolting machine. Idt.proisv. no.2:40-41 7 160. (KM 13:5) (Youndrion-3quipment and supplies) VAumfecture of throttle slide-valves for monitoring system based on the method of hydraulic tests. Stan.1 instr. 24 20,7.*23-25 JI 153. (KM 6:8) 1 (Slide-valves) L 4~~111-66 EAT kd)/l/LA I, (I) ' JF(c) bBiCii AP5023268 UR/0302/65/000/003/0023/oo?,5 681.142.63 AUTHOR: Kuza etsov, V11; Morozov, A.Aj~ - TITLE: The realization of program interruptions on universal digital computers SOURCE: Avtornatika I priborostroyeniye, no. 3, 1965, 23-25 TOPIC TAGS: computer program,' automatic programm Ing, automatic computer pro- gramming, digital computer, computer component, computer circuit ABSTRACT: During the use ot'algital computers in automatic control Mstems, e need for Interruption programs ofte3f WYM97 81fice tMe- --compul-e--k--can -'-- rate with Unly one of the external devices at a time, the Interruption program from a device with a higher priority can internipt and stop the carrying out of the program of a device having a lower priority. For such uses of the "Minsk-211 universal computer the Institut kibernetiki AN Ukr. SSR (institute of Cybernetics AN Ukr SSRVAeveloped a circuit for the interruption of low priority programs. The paper ouuffes tFe block diagram of the interrupting device and of the basic interrupter component, and describes the operation of the device. The circuits are simple nnd reliable In operation, Orig. art. has: 3 figures. ASSOCIATION: none card 1/2 L 4501-66 ACC NRs AP5023268 SUBIMTED: 00 ENCU. 00 NO REF SOV: 000 OTHER: 000 SM CODE- DP, IE Card 8/138/61/PW/005/002/b% 2 C 26989 A 05 CA129 AUTHOMi Radchenko, 1. 1,, Fisher, 3, L., Korchmarek, V. V., Huznetsov, Y. Lop . ................ I., .............. Bryll, Do 0., Lyaahch, R. S.,,Valanina, V. F.. TITLEt Polymerization of butadiene with styrene In emulsion uaing colophony- soap at a temperature of 50C PERIODICAL: Kauchuk I rezina, no. 5, 1961, 5 - 11 TMCT: Several polymerization formulations have been developed, of which only a few are suitable for industrial use. Hydrogene peroxide hydrocarbons are usually used as the initiators and various compounds with reducing properties as activa- tors, such as ferrous sulfate, sodium sulfite, etc. Coagulation of the latex is caused by large quantities of electrolytes. Daksad serves as disperser. Dakead Is a neutralized condensation product of naphthalenesulfoacid with formaldehyde. The higher mercaptanes, e.g., dodecylmercaptane and a mixture Of C12-C6, are used as regulator in the production of butadiene-styrene rubbers. The best-known po merization formulation is iron-pyrophosphatep where a compl m the in~t~ ex formed fro action of potassium pyrophosphate with ferrous sulfate is used as activator. Spe- cial attention is drawn to the iron-trilon formulation. An increase in the iron Card 1/ 5 26989 S/138/61/000/005/OOP,/006 Polymerization of butadiene with styrene In... A05.1,/AI29 ~--ntent in rubber is contra-indicated, since it caunes premature oxidation and A complex formed from the Interaction of trilon B and ferrous sulfate is used as activator in the iron-trilon formulation. The purpose of the present work was to study the process of polymerization of butadiene with styrene carried out according to the iron-trilon and iron-pyrophosphate formulations, and to perfect these formulations for industrial use. Colophony soap and its mixture with.r:fatty acid soap were used as emulsifiers. Tke;wheme of the mechanism of the action of the system iron-trilon complex-hydroperoxide-rongalite is givem. hydroperohW, - 4 amAue frqe A.radic a N~CH2COONa 012CO 0 W' IC ':*,-CH C H2 2 rH .:::eH,CO H,C .::~61 '-CH2COONs N CHZCO R9#9917UR? r6ngalite Card R/ 5 26989 5/13816 WOW/005/002~~ Polymerization of butadiene with styrene ineee A051'A129 An Iron-trilon formulation in two variants-. for polymerization with colophony emulsifier and for polymerization with its mixtures with fatty-acid emulsifier at the ratio I : 1 was developed on the base of the conducted experiments. The for- mulations were checked under pilot plant conditions by S. L. Fisher, 1. 1. Rad- chenko, A. M. Permincv, E. 0. Lazaryants, V. L. Tsaylingolld et al. (report of VNIISK-14-nMSK, no. 013034, 1960). Four t'ypeo.of.experimental batches of butadiene- styrene rvbbor were preparedl CYC-30APKOKS-30ARK) with colophony emulsifier (with a hardness'of 600 - 800 g'not containing minpral oil) and using a mixture of colophony and fatty-acid emuisifier at the'ritio of 1 : 1,,and also 6KC-30AMPK (SM-30AMRK) witha mixture of oolophony and fatty-acid soap at a ratio of I 1 1, containing,20 w.p. of rm-6 (PN-6) oil with a Defoe hardness of 600 - 800 g (before introducing the oil 1,200 - 1,400 g) and containing 37.5 w-P. of PN-6 oil with a Defoe hardness of 600 - Boo g (before Introducing the oil 2,000 - 2,200 g). The prepared rubbers SKS-30ARK and,SKS-30AMMC had the following indices: SES-30ARK SKS-30AMRK-20 content of free colophony acids,' 6.3 5.5' content of bound colophony acids,..% 0.35 0.15 iron content, % 0.017 0.012 Defoe hardness, g 54o 650 Card 3/5 26989 S/138/61/000/005/002/006 Polymerization of butadiene with styrene in... A051'A129 SKS-30ARK SKS-30AMRK-20 tear resistance, kg/cmi 281 256 relative elongation, ................. 686 550 residual elongation, ................. 24 22 elasticity, % .......................... 34 29 The iron-pyrophoaphateformu.1ation (report of Giprokauchuk no. 010017. 010851, 010889, 1955-56) was further investigated. For the polymerization of butadiene with styrene the following formulation was ueedl butadiene ... 70, styrene ... A dresinate, 731 ... 4.5, hydroperoxide n-methane ... 0.08, FeS04'TA20 ... 0.16, K4PL~07 ... 0.18, sodium ethylenediaminetetraacetate (versen, trilon B) ... 0.01, daksad, ... 0.15, Na3FO4-12H20 -.- 0.5, tertiary dodecylmercaptane (sulfol B-8) ... 0.18, water ... 200 (in w.p.). It is pointed out that with an increase In. the re- gulating action of the diproxide.the rate of polymerization dropped almost by 1.5 times. When using the monohydroperoxide of diisopropylbenzene the duration of the polymerization was 12 - 14 hre, when replacing It by hydroperoxide of 1,1-diphenyl- ethane 9 - 10 hro, On the basis of the conducted work the formulation of iron- pyrophosphate using potassium soap of colophony was developed. This formulation was tested under pilot plant conditions (report of the VNIISK-NIIMK, no. 013094# Card 4/5 26989 S/138/61/000/005/OM~ Polymerization of butadiene with styrene in... A051-/A129 1960). The prepared experimental butadiene-atyrene rubber had the following in- dicest content of free colophony acids, ... 5.8, content of bound colophony aoids, % 000 OT, content of iron, % *so 0,02, defoe hardness, 9 aeo 550, tear re- sistance, kg/cm ... 269, relative eloraption, % ... 650, residual elongation, % ... 23, elasticity, % .,, 29. In the conclusion the authors recommend sodium dime- thyldithiocarbamate to be used as the interrupter of polymerization. There are 9 graphs and 5 references: 2 Soviet-bloo, 3 non-Soviet -bloc. The references to the English-lAnguagopublicatimis read as follows: R. Frank, J. Polym. Sci., 3, no. 1, 39 (1948); L. Howland, Rubb. World, 130, no. 5, 647 (1954); R. Brown et al., Ind. Ens. Chem., 46, n0-5, 1073 (1954). ASSOCIATIO~i Vaesoyuznyy nauchno-issiedovatellakly institut sinteticheskogo kauchuka im. 8.'V. Lebedeva. (All-Union Scientific Research Institute of Synthetic Rubber,im. S. V.,Lebedev) Card 5/5 KUZNETSOV, V.L.; LEBEDEVp A.V. Effect of the amount'of emulsifying agents on the viscosity of .%utadiepa-styrene latexes, Kauch,i reze 21 nool:3.6-19-.Ta 162. (MIFA .15'.1) 1. Vapo;yuznyy 1~u'chno-issledovatellokiy institut sinteticheskogo kauohUka im S.V.Lobedeva. ~MAasifyiqg agents) (Rubber, Synthetic) (Butadiene) KUZN-ETSOvv V.L.; MEDEV, A.V. Effect of the nature of the cation of fatty acid soaps on the viscosity of butadiene-styrene latexas and the paraineters of the adBorption layers. Kauch, i rez. 22 no,7s7-9 JI 163, .(M3RA 160) 1. Vsoooyuznyy nauchno-issledovatellskiy institut sinteticheskop kauchuka im. S.V. Leb&deva. (Rubber, Synthetic) (Emulsifying agents) ACCESSION NR: AP4026368 S/0138/64/000/003/0030/()033 AUTHORS: Yuznotaovj,.V. L.; Lebodevs A. V. TITLE: Effect of hydrocarbon chain length in fatty:aoid soaps on the parameters .of interphase layers in butadione-styrene latexes SOURCE: Kauchuk i re.zinas no- 3s 1964s 30-33 TOPIC TAGS: rubbers butadiene-styrene rubber) latex$ emulsifiers soaps potassium laurato) potassium myristates potassium yaladtate~ potassium, stearate, hydrocarbon chain length, viscosityp interphase layer, aosp-water layer., hydration ABSTRACT: The'ifivestigation iths bonduci~ed on &S-0 butadiane-styrens latexes synthesized by a standard procedure in the presence of potassium soaps qf lauriop myristio, palmities and stearie aoids as emulsifiers, The latexes wereffurther treated with the-oorresponding-soap to the sattiration point, which brought the PH to a 9.1-9.3 value. It was found that the viscosities of the latexes iner"sed 'with an increaseFin the length of the hydrocarbon chain of the fatty a(ad. Calcu- lations by a method described in an earlier publication by the authors (Nauchuk i rezina. No.i-lj 16.9 1962) retealed. that the thicknass-of the c04jLt1Ag Of the Cdrdl/2 ACCMION iN'Rs AP4026368 late% particles Oaried from 3.2 t~ 67 millimi ~ no,, increasing with the longth Of the carbon ch4Lin of the owAsiher, while tda digres of hydration of the ~ adsorbed soap showed a reverse'tAnd, Tests cot4uAad with soaps from domestic- mixed ayntheti4 fatty acids af a P W-016 O&rb0i Ohiin length showed that ths thickness of theladsorbod aqueous soap layer dqvkrApd solely on the averace.oarbon' chain length o the mixture, Weppective of its cqigin&l constituents. The stability of 34texes emulsifiG4 b;r moania.of mixed soaps of a certain median carbon' chain length tow" freezing at -12 arml -300 was superior to that of sacples emulsified bY a single soap of-an identical C&rbon,.Ghain length, It was,also found that the resistance of latexes to freezing d~=eased with increased length of the carbon chain of the corresionding: fatty acid. Orig. art. hast 5 tables and 1 chart. ASSOCIATIONi Vaeso chno-isaledovateliskiy institut aintetichask kauchuka im. S. V, KNZYWrZ-Union Scientific ribse"Oh Institute of - 0 S Rubber) S UL 00 EXCLt 00 MITTED: DATE ACQt J?Apr64 SUB COM CH NO REF SOV& 004 OTHEM-003 Car KUZHET5QV-,.,V.L.,;, LEBEDEV, A.V. Effect of the length of the hydrocarbon chain of fatty acid soaps on the paramete- of the interphase layers In butadiene styrene latexes. Kaucl, .1 rez. 23 no. 3:30-33 Mr 164. (MIM 17:5) 1. Vaesoyuznyy nauchno-issledovateltakiy institut sinteticheekogo kauchuka im. S.V.Lebedeva, DUBROVIII, A.,;. (c lie Iya bins k' ),o.,, li,L, (Cholyabinsk) Mlis or pmoota,a and heat tnirmfer In mallmlIntimmic prccezzzas, Izv. Aft 5-vZ'R. Zfe*w. na...'i8M8 ~'il-kg 165, (WRA 18:6) K UZ,%: T S M V; KONDRASHOV, V.A.; RUVINSKIY, L.L. - , . Increasing labor productivity in seismic prospecting based on the introduction of surface booms. Razved. geofiz. no.503-38 165. (MIRA AM KU ZN ETSOV, V. L. Using pattern shooting in low-velocity zones. Trudy SNIIGGIMS no. 30t69-74 1 64 (MIRA 19S1) - . .. - - .1 1--,. - I 0 A10CP1kVAP6036428 SOURCE COM UR1021O1iC1_0OO[C0iWOA71O 4 AMM -ftaneteov, V. L.; Ochefttlim&p V# Be Siberian Scientific Research Institute of Geology. Geophyp_kcs, and Hineral Resoure S. NovosibiMk (Sibirskiy nauchno-isoledovatel'skiy institut geologiie geofizild L sineraPnogo syrlya) 00~ TITLE* Possible utilization of discp~ts observations of reflected vayes for prospec Ing t~lrd-ordar structures SOURCE: Geologiya i geofitika, no. 8, 1966, 74-84 TOPIC TAGS: geologic prospecting, seismic wave pampaga*mm, seismic prospecting, industrial shooting I ABSTRACT: Experiments have bean conducted in the southeastern part of the vest Siberian lowland (Ubinskiy prominence) to determine the feasibility-of prospecting local third-order struftures by means of discrete observations of reflected waves, including those reflected beyond the critical angle. To examine the changes that occur in the form of the record of a reflected wave with distance from the source of oscillations, the waves were tracked continuously from the surface of the base- metit. in the 0-4000-m range. Recordings were made by a seismic stati !* using the 'SSH~-57 6-cliannel magnetic recorderNhich simulated the "Ta gal' _stat?01n, and by ind:Lvidua3jjf"5PED-5Z seismic recorders with 20-a mcing. The length of th;iarray was 460 me _YFe-tests were carried out in two d ferent sectors. In the rate. Card 1/2 ACC; MR, AP6036428 *there the low-velocity zone was 10 m thick, the elastic waves were generated by darge detonations in boreholes at depths of 10-20 m. In the second sector, where the low-velocity zone was I m -thick, group detonations were set off in wells at a depth of 1 m. Each charge was 0.4 kg. The experiments showed that the method of iftecrete observations of reflected waves, including those beyond the critical anglep caU be successfully used to map thild-order structures. The method may be used effectively in swampy as well as heavily forested areas. Heavy equipment can be dispensed withg and prospecting teams can be reduced to 8-10 men. Grig. art. bast 6 f1gurea. SUR GODSt, OB/ SUBM DATEs. 07Jan66/ ORIC REFs 018/ ATD PREM5106 Imm"Sov, V.K. In buildings pAd osefflalest of rssorre In dotorminive surface heat of boilers (critical set** to the U and P),~ Vqd.1 man. t*kh. no 9:29 6 1566' (KM 99-10) iHs'ating) 00ilors) ~J-~; rz;~Lv ku"Olf van* 41104 Appeal of the Workers of the Morth-voll Aorefoodette vintarprloo %a the Workers at %h# 70fographis -doods% to WW cartagraphte 3orvioet (0brseb4h*slj4 rattossikov Severe. 24144" a 0 prsdprlyxtlya Is rabot6lb4a flushlpy) M1091CAM deadevils I kartagr*rlys. 1959* Or 5, pp 1-4 (0531) USTRACTs 04 the 606"Ien of the 2181 Party WAcr4sa of %be cousntnist pair of the QW1. tho ealleatift of the 06rth.wasi Aeragodatta InUrortoo has fulftlt*4 the 1954 produstian pit& at ti"..Iti the **.Inc. to stages at the plan, of funds. a" with the attalmovat at a high I"r*a4f to antral. to the com"tition the falla.1se boat -.he" ...r.4 signiffesat #"seems Chief ftchatolaza D. 1. ft- LMN0 4" A b P L f . s o tervattvan at triangulatt. . . . I L!fLdw fehatial. 1. 1;. xurfta T and 1. 1. 9jzw In the grestlog - f 1 0 4111186 Chi& Topographer$ A. A. liona.. 1. V. GrIM r O Z - must T. 8. forgiftskly In topomphicat surveytag. The ~Sam - - 16 lefeling. SOLtW topographer L. N- 3 IA-ALIKIM164 tuWav Card 1/2 lark. swelse -XUZNEM0V-j7-V-; S/X~6 L/000/006/004/004 Y 0 303 V AUrIIDRt Chernenko, A.K. TITLgs At the Joint scientific council for the phymico-math- amtical and technical sciences PERIODICALt Akadmiya nauk SSSR. Sibirskoys otdoleniye. Izvestiya. no. 6. 19 1, 134-135 TEXT s The regular meeting of the Ob"yodinannyy uch4nyy movet po f L miko-matem at iche skim i takhnicheskim naukam (Joint Scientific Coun- cil for Phymico-Mathematical and Technical Sciences) of the Siberian . Division AS USSR took place on March 2L.23, 1961. The All-linion Acadanic Coamission recently broadened the scope of the Council and authorized its sections to undertake the exasination of the***, On March 21, at the wasting of the Technical Science* Sect on (Chair. &r man - KID-K ndmev, Corresponding Member, AS USSRI Scientific . 0 to, . m secretary - o samor P.O. Pmankov), V.M. &UUajW presented his Candidate's thesis - "SoSF-ft"M of-THW'ffrect of a Ground Explo. sion" (Official seminar Professor 0.3. ~Ailrsnko), Z.A. Antonov - MENU___ qz&f- Ici Lit) Vl///# 1, 0 A 111,xi :3~ob. ova". .42V I uo .0 d 2ke V"I -4 a Val IS, 4N, OLI ma In A I S/041,/ 62/LiCC/0021 041/092 011 VC444 ,~U T~ Olt; V. T ITLE: (~ii wu influcnco o" the -ravit~ u;~. thc thruvdnC-out wic:(-v ionn in the Cround PERICD no. 2, 1(';(j2, 74, L.b3trL~Ct 2B325 ("Tr. 1,1ouk. fiz.-tc.:hn. in-tL,11, 1959, It i,; shuwn, that for cxplu:Ave buin~; uLc..O in praxij thin, influence Li oL!411. 1,ztri-cterIz note: Complete tranulution.3 - --- -:177- - - - - 1 - - - ----I - U- --- ---- ---- - - , PZYBTSOV, T.H., takhnik I--------------- Device for locating punctures In insulation. Zlek. I tepl. tiaga 4 no.10r21-22 0 160. (MIRA 13:10) 1. Lokomotivnoye depo Orenburg KiVbyshevskoy dorogi. (Railroads-Reotric equipment) (Rectric insulators and insulation-Testing) MZnTSOVp V.M. Sh" of.the oxplosl= crater in a aurface detonation. I PM-mo.3z152-3.56 S-WW. (MIRA 14--7) (Uplosions) KUZNET.03OV, V.M,,--(Novooibirsk)j IAVREXTIYEV, M.A. Ye. N. (Novosibirsk) ovouibirsk)o p Directed earthmoving by means of explocivea. PMTF no-049- 50 N-D 160, (MIRA 24:7) Earthwork) plosiono) M KUZ- TSOV, F. M. Cand Tech Sol -- "Certain problems of the effect of explosion LI- . ~TIIOVI in ~ ground." Novosibirsk, 1961 (Aaad Sol USSR. Siberian Department. Inat of Hydrodynamics). (KL, 4-61, 197) 24, -9- KUZNETSOV' V. M. Cand Tea Scit Diss -- "Deoxidizing capacity of aluminum in liquid iron". Moscow, 1961. 12 pps 21 om (Inst of Metallurgy imeni A. A. Ba kov), 120 copies, Not for sale (KL, No 9. 19610 p 163, No 24349). X-53019 S/207/62/000/003/0071016 1028/1228 AUTHOR: Kuznetzov, V. M. LNovosibirsk) TITLE: On an explosion at the surface of a plate PERIODICAL, Zhurnal prikladnoy mekbaniki i tekhnicheskoy fiziki, no. 3, 1962, 40-43 TEXT: The explosion at the surface of a thin plate is analysed mathematically under the assumption that the medium contiguous to the plate is an ideal incompressible liquid (statement of the problem belonging to Lavrcnt'cv). The following formula is obtained: x, - x0 + 0.4 In P/pcoh (34) where x the half-width of the hole made by the explosion, x0 - the half-width of the charge, h = the thickness of the plate, co=the constant velocity along the solid boundary,,U=the density of theliquid, P=fo' pdt-the pressure impulse of the charge. This formula is compared with the one obtained by Kuznctzov for the case of an explosion at the surface of a half-space. It is found that the latter gives a faster increase of the hole width with the increase of the charge impulse. There are 3 figures. SUBMITTED: January 15, 1962 Card 1/1 12'. Gooe) 39226 S/207/62/000/003/009/016 1028/1228 AUTHOR: ~uznctzov, V. M. and Sher, Ye. N. (Novosibirsk) TITLE: Experimental investigation of a directed explosion in the ground PERIODICAL: Zhurnal prikladnoy mckhaniki i tekhaicheskoy fiziki, no. 3, 1962, 53-58 TEXT: The article describes the results ofcxperimental investigations designed to check !he method proposed formerly by the authors and Lavrcnt'cv for disposing the explosive in the ground in a manner ensuring that the ejected ground is completely directed. Two main dispositions of the explosives were investigated: "triangle" and "layer". In each case, four charges were used, the ratios between them being determined by a general formula; somewhat different empirical ratios were tried in a number of experiments. Thirty-onc experiments were performed and almost all explosions were filmed. Results (parameters of the crater and parameters of the ejection) arc presented in a general table. It was found that the proposed disposition of the explosives ensures that the ejected ground is completely directed; some variations in the law of disposition are proposed, however, in order to diminish the spread. The layer scheme is recommended as being the most economical in practice. E. P. Gorbacheva and A. V. Petrov are mentioned as having taken part in the investigation. The authors thank M. A. Lavrent'cv for guiding them in the work. There arc 16 figures and I table. PRESENTED: January 3, 1962 Card 1/1 XUZU%OVj V. M. (Moskva) Faebaniom of selr-qzoitation of a field by a conducting fluid flow, Inob, shur, 2 no.41217-226 162. (MM 16: 1) (Magnetic fields) ACCESSION NR: AR4022443 s/0058/64/000/oOlAO39/AO39 SOURCE: RZh. Fizikas Abs. 1A352 AUTHOR: Kochegurov, V. A.t Kuznetsov, V. M.; Chuchalin, I. P. TITLE: Ionic switch,for the excitation of the electromagnet of an accelerator with unipolar pulses CITED SOURCEs Izv. Tomakogo politekhn. in-ta, v. 122, 1962, 116-118 TOPIC TAGS: accelerator, accelerator magnet, accelerator magnet pulse supply, ionic rectifier, ionic controlled rectifier, unipolar excitation pulse, pulsed capacitor charging, pulsed capacitor dis- charge TRANSLATIONs To increase the efficiency of an accelerator with pulsed magnet supply, it is proposed to use current pulses both to charge and to discharge the capacitor bank. The corresponding change." rd 1/2 ACCESSION NR: AR4022443 in the polarity of the windings is effected by means of two pairs. of controlled ionic rectifiers, so connected that pulses of the same polarity are excited in the electromagnet winding. Each pulse can be used to accelerate the particles. The energy losses in the cir- cuit are coi~pensated by a,rectifier whose polarity also in reversed in synchronism with the reversal of the polarity of the capacitor- ibank voltage. V. Kanunhikov. 20=S= MRs AR4036328 S/=75/64/,000/003/A034/A034 1~ SOURCE: Referativny*y zhurnal. Blektronika i yeye primeneniye, Abs. 3A179 AUTHORS: Ruznetsovo V. M.1 Chuchalinj 1. P. i' TITLEs On the operation of the TR1-85/15 thyratron in the pulsed mode CITED SOURCEs Izv. Tomskogo politekhn. in-ta, v. 122, 1962, 119-121, ,.~TOPIC TAGS: thyratron, pulsed thyratron, mercury vapor thyratron, :,:thyratron current overloads thyratron overload limit TRANSLATIONt The vacuum tubes produced by the industry cannot swit~hl currents of several thousand amperes lasting several tenths of a second and more. The inost suitable devices for this purpose are mercury-vapor thyratrons, and the present paper is devoted to the Card ACCESSION NR: AR4036328 !;operation of these tubes in the pulsed mode. The TR 1 -85/15 thyra- tron has the following published specifications: amplitude of direct and inverse voltage 15 kV, maximum value of anode current 300 A, average value 4 85 A. The investigations have shown that such a thy-" ratron can withstand considerable overload, the limit of which is determined by the followings (a),,the cathode emission current, (b) the dynamic stresses occurring during the passage of the current pulse, and (c) longevity of the cathode in the pulsed mode. .Since the area of the oxide cathode of the thyratron TRI-85/15 amounts to 2 -1400 cm , and the maximum of emission current density in pulse is 10--50 A/cm2, the maximum current from the cathode can reach several dozen kiloamperes. The experiments were carried out at an anode voltage of 3 and 15 A using a special circuit, in which a capacitor bank previously chargea by a rectifier was discharged into an in- ductance through the investigated thyratron. The duration of the current pulses through the,thyratron at U a 3 kV was 0.084 sec at a Card AR4036328 ACCESSION NR: repetition frequency of 2 per second. It was tested in this mode 1 up to a maximum of 3000 A. At a 3 kV voltage and a maximum current,. of 1700 A, no changes were observed in the operation of the thyra- trons, which operated stably for 50 hours. The tests of the thyra'r trons at IS kV and at an anode current pulse duration of 3.5 milli-~ seconds has shown that they can operate *stably for a long time (90 hours) at 1200 A and to operate without noticeable changes at 1550 A. With further increase in the current, up to 5100 A, the entire gas space becomes ionized and an intense glow of the thyratron en- 1! velope occurs during the time of passage of the current pulse. The mechanical strength of the thyratrons turns out to be sufficient during the overload tests, but it is found that the temperature in ~;he grid region must be monitored, for overheating the gridcauses I spontaneous ignition of the thyratron. The possibility of operatVftq:--- the TR 1-85/15 thyratrons at current overloads was confirmed by ex- ,,.periment. Bibliography, 7 titles. A. B. Card 3143-- iACCESS101; NO: AP 3002609 S/0207/63/000/003/0084/0090~ AUMORSt Kuznetsov, V. M. (Ilovosibirok); Sher, Ye. N. (Novosibirsk) iTITLE: Scaling effect and effect, of ground strength in directional blasting SOURCE: Zhurnal prikladnoy mekhaniki i tekhnicheskoy fiziki, no- 3P 1963t 84-90 ~i 'TOPIC TAGS: directional blasting, explosivep blast center formation, chain blasting, blasting energy :'ABSTRACT: The scaling effect and the effect of ground strength on the directional iblasting theory proposed by M. A. Lavrentlyev, V. It. Kuznetsov, and Ye. N. Sher (0 napravlennom vy*bross grunts. pri pomoshchi VV, MITF, 1960v No- 4) were inveotigate& The nondimensionalized parameters normally considered are -"J - I00ast const (where J -- impulse of oxploeive,p - density of ground, 1 charac- terietic le'ngth' E - energy of explosive). It has been found that in practice this parameter alhould be modified to, EIA (whereA - depends on ground IACCESSION NO: AP3002809- lpropertieu and amount of explosive, n varien between 3-5-7)- Experimentally it iwaa found that increasing the scale of an explosion decreased the relative amount lof earth throvm out. During experiments performed in granite it was found that in ! Ithe case of multiple charges placed around a perimeter the direction of the ground !scatter depends upon the order in which the charges are released (ground is thrown 'towards the charges which were set off first). It was found that this behavior i ,could be used to decrease the amount of explosive needed td move a certain amount lof earth. A theoretical estimate was performed, and it was found that for the same~ Ieffect the ratio of energy required with simultaneous oxplosion and chain explosion! iis EI/Ell - 1.69, i.e., chain explosion requires almost 79/a lose explosive- Orig. iart. has: 9 figures and 14 formulas, IASSOCIATION. Institut gidrodinamiki SO PIT SSSR (Hydrodynamics institutte SO AN ;SSSR I in collaboration with trust "Soyuzvzry*-,rprom,II) 'SUBMITTEDi 16Jan63 DATE-ACQt 16ju163 ENCLt 00 '!SUB CODEs AR NO REP SOVt 006 OTHERj 0001 Card 2/2 IWZNNTSOV, VAp kwW, tekhn, nauk; SHERp 19.ff, controlled.blamiing in soil. VzryT. delo no.51/8t22-39 163. (BIABIting) (MMA 1616) 1 rt;: , -~, t ACCESSION NRx AP4034273 B/0207/64/000/062/0066/0073 AUTHORSs Xuznetsov, V, Mo (Novosibirsk)l Sher, Ye. N. (Novosibirsk) TITLEs Flow stability of an ideal incompressible fluid in a strip wA in a ring SOURCEt Zhurnal prikleAnoy zekhaniki L tekhaicheskol fitikip not 2g 19649 66-73 TOPIC TAGSt incompressible fluid flowp flow stabilityp ideal inoompm.sible fluido metal deformation, impulse load# Initial state, constant pressure 4BSTHACTs The authors seek a solution for the Lsplsoe equation 4 + '0 M (the lower indices denote differentiation) in the region bounded by tba curve y, j(X9t) under the Initial oondition. T (X1 V, 0) (X, M) (2 and boundsxV conditions for y (Xtt) T, + + ffv + 711 0'- (4) 1/2__ ACCESSION NRt AP4034273 where D is the fluid density. Perturbations ff arbitrary form can be expanded into a Fourier series so that there are# generally speaking, infinitely many harmonics of various types. The flow of a strip of ideal incompressible fluid with initial linear velocity field is stable relative to sy=etrio (unstable relative to anti- sy=etric) harmonic perturbations of the boundaries. Thust in the general caset the flow of a strip with given initial velocity field is unstable. Howevert this insta- bility is quite weak,, since the introduction of surface tension stabilizes the flows An analogous assertion is true for the case of a thin ring spread by inertia. Uniformly accelerated motion of a strip of ideal incompressible fluid is = -let, and t1n shorter the waye lengthg the stronger the instability, Among the =stable harmonics can be found tho'ha=ozdo with maximal instabilityp and the introduction of surface tension and the ac6sideration of slastio forces here make it possible to separate the stable and unstable harmonics. Orig. art. hass 80 formul&s and I graph. ASSOCILTIONs none SUMEMT01 150at63' D= Acqs iWAy64 ENCL# 00 mm CODEs -LI NO REP SM 001 OMMS M Card 2/2 ACCESSION IM: AP4041187 S/0207/64/000/003/0003/0006 AUTHOR: Kuznotsov, V. M. (Novosibirsk) TITLE: Stationary prbpagation of a system of cracks in elastic brittle material SDURCEi Zhurnal prikladnoy makhanild i tekhnicheskoy fiziki,. nos 3j 1964j, 3-8 TOPIC TAGS: crack propagation., elastic brittle material, stationary propagationp normal stress, tangent atrossp stress tonsor., displacement vectorp Lame constant of ABSTRACT: The aathor generalizes results of 1. W. Craggs (On the propagation a crack in an elastic-brittle material, J. Mech. Phys. Solids, 1960.. 8, 66-75) which were concerned with stationary propagation of one semi-infinite crack on whose surface normal and tangent stresses wore sywotrically applied, The present author studies the case of an infinitely large number of cracks under the assump- tion that there are no tangent stresses on the surface of the crack, The physical meaning of the two types of crack development is as follows. The rate of station- ar7 propagation of one crack increases as the pressure decreasese Thus if a crack originates and propagates in the material under the influence of certain loads, it, may continue to advance even after the load is rem~yed. In the we of a Urge Card 1/2 ;ACCESSION NRs APhO43,187 -munber of crackBq this situation is not always possible, With large distances between cracks, each crack develops like a single one. If the cracks are close -together, then each crack is affected',in an essential way by the other crackse ~dThe_developmont of the crack is restrained in a way by the compressing forces acting from the neighboring c.:.Aakse With a suffioiently small distance,between cracks there exists a limiting propagation rate as P 4 oD (P is eAerioir force) which is azmaller in magnitude than or equal, to the RaVloi&* Orige art. hass 41 .,formulau and 3 figures. ASSOCIAT.MNt none SUBMITTEDs 150ot63 ENCLs. 00 HD MW SOVs- OD2 OTHEEts' 003. CODRs 'ME Card 2 -th blan olf--Gb coeffid-Lan"--tor- taiang Un IMA V-T-:--Th"wtho)r-_ pro T~- b bt~ -d.e- a ad wit"ntcrnal-exc~6&tdom atrena-iW-- ce5o-,, in the . .. 4' 1 l ~~ , , % -- '' - . ~ 5 41.- ~ ~i, , -I-.: ., ~ I, , . I .;- - , z . .; ~ .-- ". . : , : --.-, ~ i:: -,::~.: T- &- - - I - - - 14-- ~, -K- - -, -,~ ;- q:4 F1 ILM~Uluil U. -tl~ I ! --y7f' .. -11.,3 -j. -1-4 "--u / EPR/EPP(b)/3~,T(10:,0S kD1 kr IJS61 UR- AP3000713 S/0258/63/003/002/0236/0245 AUTHORS: -Culyayev, A._ 1. - Kuznctsov. V. H. (~Ioscow) TITLE: Oscillations of gas in closed tube SOURCE: In2henerny*y zhurnal, v. 3, no, 2, 1963, 236-245 TOPIC TAGS: resonance, shock met oscUlation, encrgy dissipation ABSTRACT: An experimental study has b,~en trade Lo determ, lite the shock Wavelforma- tion Ln the large amplitude, nonliticar oscillations of a column of gas at resonant frequencies. It is noticed Lhat the oscillations at resonant frequencies; generace a series of unpredieted effects, such as 6tationary vortices and turbu- lence, indicating a change in the magnitude of t-he pressure jump due, possibly, t~ the unequal shock energy dissipation in dirL-CLions normal and parallel to the tube axis. An energy balance is made in which, -he governing dissipative mechan- isms have been shown to be the energy loss in Lite shock wave and in the boundary layer. "The author expresses his gratitude to P-,-.L, IKS2ap~its *_ynder whose Suidancel 'I CarJ 1/2 kA~il*O NR: AP3000713 this work was done and to L.- P. Go--Ikov for his viyAuable advice, Thanks are also given to P, V, Cheby*shey for his help in the hot-wire anemometry techniques." Orig, art, has: 19 equations and 5 figurcq. ASSOCIATION: none SUOMMED: 09ju162 DATE ACQ-. 21jun63 ENCL: 00 SUB CODE: Al NOJREF SOV: 004 OTHER: 006 C.,d 2/2 RZ M-0502A E CODE: UR'1025 /UU5/ * rt i ~0 UU5/WjOf0M3 AUTHOR* Kuznetsov, V, M. (Hoocov) OJIG- none TITLE: Dissipative c xture Vith binary, oefficients in highly nonequilibrium gas ml a collisions SOURCEt Inzhenernyy thurnal, vi 51 no, 51 1965, 830-843 TOPIC TAGS: high temperature gas, dissociated gas, vibratioh4elAxation, relaxing flov, degree of freedom~.byperoonia flov,,Boltzmann equation ABSTRACT: The nonequilibrium process of two-temperature relaxation to Investi6sted. A gas model which deals only with vibrations in addition to the translational deptiv.4 of freedom in considered, This choice Is linked to the possibility of using the claasi- cal Boltzmann equation and to the fact that the laws of molecular collisions at var.- - ious vibrational levels are better known than collisions In the presence of other degrees of freedom. The second- approximation to the solution of Boltzmann equations is analyzed in detail it order to obtain expressions for the kinetic coefficients- (diffusion, thermal d1frusiong viscosity, and thermal bonductivity) in.the ense of two-temperature relaxation. The results of the analysis are applied to the case of bInary gas mixturesi It to stated that the main difficulty in calculating dissipa- tive coefficients Is tbat.the quantum mechanical collision cross sections not L 2628-66 yet known for all degrees of freedom ari4 the expressions for collision cross oectidn4 are quite complex; thheV the value of integrals in the entire range of temperaturee should be calculated on a computer, It is shown that for two-temperature relaxationj the diffusion, thermodiffusiont viscosity, and heat conductivity are the came an in undisturbed gas,though Xk depends on Tk to the extent that it differs from the quasi- equilibrium case in which the reHonance effect Is taken into account (where subscript k is related to vibrational degrees of freedom). Origi art. hasi I figure and 63 fomulad. [AD) SUB CODE t W SUBM VAT91- 020ct64/ Old REPI 0061 M PX F 1013/ ATD PRMG I Card SOKOLOVA, X.D.; KUZNETSOV, V.M.; TIKJRWROVA,~ V.I. Introducing Pyan-lde cadmium plating w!Ing asymmetric crrant. Biti.l.tekh.-akon.inform.Gos.nuu(-Ii.-Isal.imt,.nauch.1 tekh. Inform.18 no.90.2-13 S 165- (MIRA 18:10) T. hi2o-66 a4TW/WP(m)/FC5(k) -90-URC VE: 1JR7ffi0_7_657i6 AUMOR, Yegorov, B. V.; Zhigulev, V. N.; K t ov V. M. ORG: Central Institute of Aerohydrodynamics im. N. Ye. Zhukovskiy (Tsentral'nyY'- TITLE: On equations of aerodyhamicsI in the prenence of b1nory molecular proccanes SOURCE: AN SSSR. Doklady, v. 164, no. 6, 1965, 1249-1252 TOPIC TAGS! aerodynamics, gas kinetic equation, degree of freedom, goo relaxation, vibration relaxation# beat transfer, heat diffusion, thei-mal diffusion, gas viscosity ABSTRACT. Processes taking place in gas flows with excited internal degreea of free- dom are considered. The various methods and ret;u1tt; obtained by different authors for solving hydrodynamic equations on the basis of the kinetic theory of gases are analyzed and discussed. A specific case called "two-temperature" relaxation is con- sidered when It ~. li