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U- INJ E T o v V ARTYI.TKHOVP 0. Y., MOGILIFER, A. I., PRONCROV, V. A. V. Y., C!U%-Rr-X)V, L. A. ANI LFYP INI'XIY, . 1. "ExreriTnental studies of some of the physical features of Jeryll-5um-noderated intermddl-ate reactors." Report su,mitted for the IkEA Seminar on the Physicz5 of East ;Md Inbernediate Reactors, Vienna, 3-11 Au(":, 1961- Acad. Sci. USSR Moscow KUMETSOV, V. A.; CILD-UUV) L. A---- "Experimental studY Of Some methods of compensation of high excess reactivity." report submitted for 3rd Intl Conf) Peaceful Uses of Atomic Energy, Geneva, 31 A149-9 Sep 64. MNETSCYV, V.A. Symposium on exponential and critical "rimenta. Atom. energ. 16 no.2t171-172 7 164. (MIRA 170) V.A. 14-1-11 P"'023370 Investigation of the Surface Tension of the Alloy Lasul-Codmiunt on the Boundary Wills in Iten Eutectics LICI-KCI apol In Vacuum. (Russion.) It A Wuyti,fwv~ %I I kok ond Y, lit I ' 1W Ar &R a u . 2, no. un k b5btf. Uct. 21, IU3:J, p. 1197- 1199. Investigates clectrocapillary phenomena Of 5UTfaCC tcnsion in vacuum. All measurements were made at temperatures bovo 450C. Graphs. 11 ref. : .5 C-N V ) V - 01 UW1 Cbeemistry - ftysical chemistry --------------- 4-UL, Authors 4 Kumetsov, V. A.; Ashpur, V. V.; ard Poroshina, G. S. ="~- A aim, Title face tension of thallium amalgam in a vacuuia ierlodical 1 Dok. AN SSSR 101/2j 301-304, Nar 3.1, 1955 I The surface tension of thalliwa amalgam was investigated in accordance with the method of maximum pressure in the drop 6y means of a special: gravitation instrument. The minimum observed on the iao-%"hermal curves representing the surface tension of the investigated thalliun, amalgam is explaineds first by the relatively small difference in the surface ten'sion of the amalgam cam- ponent and secondly by the reaction between the amalgam components. An Increase in temperature reduces the rate of reaction# and the m1nimum on the surface tension isotherms is equalized. Nine U&9R references (1928- 1953). Graphs. Institution i The A. H. Gorkiy Ural State University) Sverdlovsk Presented byt Academician A. N.' Frumkin, October 1, 1954 KEMUTSOV, V.A.; GROAROVA, I.G. Causes of the foaming of pickling solutions. Zhur.prila.Wm. 29 no.5:688-692 Xy 156. (XLU 9:8) 1. Ural'skLy go~uMwstvonW universitst Imeni A.M. GorIkogo. (Xistals-Pickling) 5(2), 24M SOY/156-59-2-12/40 AUTHORS: Kuznetsov, V. A., Zagaynovaq L. 3. Klevtsova, It. P.p TITLE: The Investigation of Electrocapillary Phenomena on Thqllium - Gold Alloys ( Iseledovaniye elektrokapillyarnykh yavloniy na splavakh talliy-zoloto) PERIODICAL: Nauchnyye doklady vysehey shkoly. Khimiya i khimicheekaya tekhnologiya, 1959, Nr 2, pp 268-272 (USSR) ABSTRACT: The dependence of the potential maxima of the electrocapillary curves upon the composition of the metal alloys has not yet been clearly fixed. The papers by S. V. Karpachev, A. G. Stromberg and collaborators (Ref 1) with amalgams are mention- ed. The present paper deals with the investigation mentioned in the title at 4500 and a gold content of the alloy of between 0 and 46% by atom. Thallium was supplied by the Chimkentskiy ovintsovo-tainkovyy zavod (Chimkent Lead- and Zinc Works . A eutectic mixture of lithium- and potassium chloride served as electrolyte. Figure 1 shows the electro- capillary curves for thallium and thallium. - gold alloys. They show that the addition of gold leads to an increased Card 113 surface tension at the boundary alloy - electrolyte. With in- SOV/156-59-2-12/46 The Investigation of Electrocapillary Phenomena on Thallium -- Gold Alloys creasing gold content the maximum of the electrocapillary curve shifts in positive direction. A. N. Frumkin (Ref 4) ex- plainc this shift of the potential of the zero-charge by the fact that the added metal (gold) occupies a certain part of the surface layer. The surface density of thallium, and gold are calculated on this basis according to the formula of Gibbsj it is shown by table 1. The adsorption of Au becomes more and more negative with increasing gold content. For the composition of the surface the equation of E. A. Guggen- heim and N. K. Adam (Ref 7) was used. Table 2 gives the sur- face concentration of TI and Au and the degree of occupation of the surface layer.,With increasing gold content in the alloy the degree of occupation of the surface by Au rises and attains 0.28 at a gold content of 45.9% by atom. The approximation character of the calculation - which is carried out on the assumption that the dimensions of the TI.- and Au particles are equal in the surface layer and in the alloy - is regarded as justified by the fact that the deviations of the Tl-Au- alloy from the law of the ideal solution are inconsiderable. Card 2/3 This is shown byfigure 2. It is, therefore, possible to SOV/156-59-2-12/48 The Investigation of Eleatrooapillary Phenomena on Thallium - Gold Alloys neglect the effect of the mentioned differences. The average value of the potential of the zero charge referred to one electrode of melted lead in a euteotic mixture of LiCl and KC1 was found to be equal to -0.28 v . The authors thank Academician A. 11. Frumkin for the interest he displayed In their work. There are 2 figures, 2 tables, and 10 referencest 9 of which are Soviet. PRESENTED BY: Kafedra fizicheskoy khimii Urallskogo gosudarstvennogo, uni- verniteta imo A. M. Gor1koeo (Chair of Physical Chemistry, Ural State University imeni A. M. Gor'kiy) SUBMITTED: July 22t 1958 Card 3/3 21, (7) SO-1/78-4-4 -26/4-4 .AUTHORS*, Zvyagintsevp 0. Yet, Kuznetsovg V. A. TITLE: On Complex Compounds of Hexavalen'. Uranium With Hydroxylamino" (0 komplekanykh soyedineniyakh shestivalentnogo ura,.ra s gidro- ksilaminom) PERIODICAL. Zhurnal neorganicheskoy khimii, 1959, Vol 4, Nr 4, PP 8641-866 (USSR) kBSTRACT- The authors investigated the complex formation of hexavalunz, uranium with hydroxylamine in dependence of the pH "ialuc of t-1-e solution. When mixing A solution of uranyl nitrate with F. nout-ral solution of hydroxylammonium, chloride or hydroxylammonzium sulphate with a PH value of 8 and more, uranium is retained as a complex in the solution. At PH < 8 yellow, difficultly so!v_ble crystals are formed. These crystals are insoluble in some -c:z- ganic solvents. The formula rNH OH) UO H 0 resulted f_= tho . 3 2 4 2 analysis. The complex solution of hydroxylammonium. uranate (pH,,', 8) remains stable for several months. From these uranium cannot be reduced or precipitated even by the actioz, :~f Card 1/3 alkali liquor at high temperatures. In the case of a largo ex- SOV/78-4-4-26/44 On Complex Compounds of Hexavalent Uranium With Hydroxylamine ceso of hydroxylamine and a pH value of9.5 li,5ht absorption cor- responds to the Lambert-Beer law. With the action of metharoiic~ hydroxylamine on an alcoholic solution of uranyl nitrate an amorphous precipitation of the composition IF130~12UO4 ccc-lre' The authors synthesized alkali salts of the uranyl-,~qd_ro_,-.y1arin,_ compounds in a ratio of Me ; U - NH2 OH = 1 : 1 : 2 (Mt., ~ thc 1 on ut' the alkali metal). Further, the authors prepared the siailex uranyl compounds with hydrazine, mono-, di-, and trimethylamine, di-, mono-, and triethylamine as well as ethylenediamine. No detailed experiments were made with this compounds, The fa7low- ing formula is suggested for soluble complex compound3 of tha uranyl ion with hydroxylaminei Me ONH 3 U0 4] 1HONH 3 The dilute aqueous solutiori's of pure compounds of this com- position can be hydrolyzed with the formation of sodium uraraiCc, The authors investigated some properties of the compounds ,,u^-h aa Card 2/3 solubility, density, and electric conductivity. The alectri('.- f, SOV/78-4-4-26/44 On Complex Compounds of Hexavalent Uranium With Hydroxylamine conductivity of the compounds with Me = Nat K is given in a table. There are 1 figure, I table, and 7 references, 1 of which is Soviet. SUBMITTED: November 5, 1958 Card 3/3 SOV/80-32-2-48/56 AUTHORSs Kuznetsov, V.A., Antipina, A.A., Buryakovskaya, R.I. TITLE: Investigation of the Specific Electric Conductivity of Aqueous Solutions NaClea + NaOH in the Temperature Range 75 - 950C (Issledovan ye uAellnoy elektroprovodnosti vodnykh rastvorov NaCl.NAS + NaOH v oblasti temperatur 75 - 950) PERIODICAL: Zhurnal prikladnoy khimii, 1959, Vol XXXII, Nr 2, PP 456-458 (USSR) ABSTRACTt The specific electric conductivity of saturated NaCl + NaOH solutions is very important for the electrolysis of salt solutions. Experiments were carried out at temperatures of 75, 80, 85t 90 and 950C. The results are shown in a table. There is 1 Soviet reference. ASSOCIATIONt Ural'skiy GosudarBtvennyy universitet imeni A.M. Gortkogo (Ural State University imeni A.M. Gor'kiy) SUBMITTEDs September 23, 1957 Card 1/1 5 fk 4) 1,4r r-, SOV176-1-'3-?--16 IISA AUTHO, , K,.iznetsnY, V. A.p D'yaIkovaj T, D., Mal't3S7a PO , V. TITLB's luves'~Aigatlon of Electrocapillary Phen=,era ir, Bismuth - C64mii;z Allcys and of the Surface Tersion of Thess AlIoys 'in Va,l,x-m PORIODICALt Zhirnal rizicheakoy khimii, 1959P Vol 33, Nr 7, pp 1551-1559 (USSR) ABSPRAM In spite of sqveral papers devoted to ojectr,;capillary phenomena (EP) of alloys (A)t some problems have n,-,t ys,,t been solvel 9-j-1h as are the influenoe exoroisel by the alloy oompo- all-.,Un upon the potential maximlip. of tIv,;- electrocapillary line. I-- adIdition. to an investigation of (EP) a study of the surface tpns~on of (A) would be oonvonlent~ aspeAally a oomparison of f,h.,-: adscrption phenomenfA at the bourdar'ea be-~w4en mets! - 61ectrolyte and metal - vacuum. Pertinent ir7estigatlone wcre c,arT'.od out on the bismuth - cadmi,=i alloy, using a autr-:-;tt,., LICI .. KCI melt as an electrolyte. The ~Ientroaapillary lines were plotted by means of a capillaTy elect:romete-- (Fig "). The allcy-surfaie tensi3n was measur9d by the method of maximum piess-urA -in the drrpp (Ilefs 31 10)) on a ao-,~alled cravitation Card 113 , A speciall davioe d3signed by P. P. Puga:,,hev,'.rh (Refs 42 I,vjP '7_,l :f Elo-:~trccajillary Phenomena, in SOV/76-33-0 .6/40 Cadm--`.~jnn Alloys and of the Surface Tension of Tbese Alloys in Va-=Lm glass vesael (Fig 2) was used fr)r ani a method --ailler dsBn.T!.Ihe.I w9a appliel ta a determinati-:-r- of the density of the all-~y unde7 dllsccussi~)n. M. YagofaTova assist--td in 'he last-mentioned measurements. The (EP), sArTa,,,e tensl~)n "ST), and density (D) k (EF), Tab!-)a W-are Investigated(at 450 Ce Reaults (Tab,1116 ^ A An f~v , . , (ST) and D) lea tc ths f,.,I'A.nwirg lr.(~:T-Eiseing Bi zoncentration. in the (A) reduftes the (ST) at the bounda.- between the (A) and ~he elpatroypte as ciiII as in The (ST~ is most strangly Toduce4 at low BI -~Y--i4rtTaticnsq at wh1oh also the potuntial maX4MUM Lf th,~ A t_o~apjjjary lines (EL) is strongly abifted in tyh,~- opposits- diraction. Calculations of the adsorption r BI at the boundary bot-ween (A) and olert:rolyte at the Potential maxJmwr, (PM) )f the (EL) indicated that there exists a linear de;endenae between the shift of the (PM of the fEL) and the surface ocn.~,-.nt ration oi, . The authorq then explain measurement rosl-,Its cn. the (ST) in vacuum in ,onneo tion with modern theorias sf the (ST' of binari systems, and raloulate the (ST) isothermal lines by an equation Civen in Card 2/3 reference 5. The essential dlfforen~e betmeer. the exper.1mentally jrn-estigafio.n of Electrocapillary Phenomens, in SOY/76_7 3-7-16/40 .11 Bismuth - CadmIum Alloys and of the Surface Tension of These Alloys in Vaculit Cbtalned and calculated (ST) values (Table 3) is explained by interatomic reactions; the authors further give an explanation of the difference between the individual interatomi3 distances in the surface layer and inside the (A). The similar!t~- between the isothermal lines of the (A) surface tension in vacuum and at the boundary between the (A) and the electrolyte indicates eq~;al composition of the (A) surface layers in both casee. There are 6 figures, 3 tables, and 19 referenoes, 17 of which are Soviet. ASSOCIATIONs Urallskiy gosudarstvennyy universitet im. A.M. Gortkogo Sve-rdlovsk (Ural State University imeni A.M. GorIk!,y,S-TPrdlovsk) SUBMITTEDs vaniiE~ry 2, 1958 Card 3/~ IM 50) AUTHORS: Kuzneteov, V. A., Aksenov, V. I., SOV/20-128-4-35/65 TITLE: Zero Charge Potentials of Tellurium-Thallium Alloys PERIODICAL: Doklady Akaiemii nauk SSSR, 1959, Vol 128, Nr 4, PP 763-766 (USSR) ABSTRAM. The system Te-Tl was chQsen because the two components - according to data by S. Karpachev and A. Stromberg (Ref 1) have very different zero charge potentials facilitating the determination of the dependence of the zero charge potential of an alloy on its composition. The zero clLirge potentials were determined by investigating the electrocapillary properties of the liquid metals and alloys. The potential of the capillary electrode 8 Was referred to an electrode of fused lead, the experimental temperature was 4750. Figure 1 shows the electrocapillary curves of the two components and their alloys. An addition of T1 (up to 25 atom%) to Te lowers the maxima a max of the electrocapillary curves. At a high content.of Tl, amax increases again. Similar observa- Card 1/3 tions were made by A. N. Frumkin and A. V. Gorodetakaya (Ref 4) Zero Charge Potentials of Tellurium-Thallium Alloys SOV120-128-4-35165 on the electrocapillary curves of Hg and T1 amalgam. They explained thie phenomenon by the fact that the field of the electric double layer influences the adsorption of the alloying constituents in the surface film. Figure 2 shows the dependence of the zero charge potential on the composi- tion of the alloy. With an increasing content of Tl, the zero charge potential shifts in the negative direction. According to A. N. Frumkin, this is explained by a varying charge of the T1 adsorbed on the surface film. 0 2 is determined - the fraction of the surface film occupied by particles of the second component (Tl). From the equation da max r 1dp, - T12dP2 ( "l - Gibbs' surface density of Te, r2 the same for TI, 91' P2 - chemical poten 's tor Te and Tl), an equation is derived for P - 0: Q ).tL1CFjLax 1 2 dP2 The activity of T1 was determined by measuring the 414atro- motive force of the concentration chain Tl/eutectic mixture LiCl +XCI + 2% by weight of TlCl/alloy Tl-Te. The measure- Card 2/3 ment results are given in table 1. Figure 3 shows the Zero Charge Potentials of Tellurium-Thallium Alloys BOV/20-128-4-35/65 dependence of F(1) on the alloy composition. A: strong 2 deviation from Raoultts law is ascertained. This suggests that the surface film consists of dipoles and is not mono- molecular. Similar phenomena were observed for the Tl amalgam by A. N. Frumkin and N. S. Polyanovskaya (Ref 6). Therefore, the potential shift for mono- and bimolecular layers was computed (Table 2), the assumption of a bimolecular layer showing a better agreement with the experimental data. The computation of 0 2 confirms the assumption made by A. N. Frum- kin (Ref 4) stating that the shift of the zero charge potential is directly proportional to the fraction of the surface film occupied by the metal added. There are 3 figures, 2 tables, and 7 references, 6 of which are Soviet. ASSOCIATION: Urallskiy goaudarstvennyy universitet im. A. M. Gor1kogo (Ural State Univer-Ity imeni A. M. Gor'kiy) PRESENTED: April 13, 1959, by A. N. Frumkin, Academician SUBMITTED: March 5, 1959 Card 3/3 URABASIT, A.G.; HDSXfZV. L.I.-.- EUZIIMSOV, V.A. Coextraction of trace elements in the extraction of chlorides vith ether. Zhur.neorg.khim. 5 no.6:1358-1365 Je 160. (MIRA 13:7) OEttraction (Chemistry)) (Chlorides) 3/076j60/6'34/05/23/038 /P BO1O/BOO2 AUTHORS: Kuznetso Zag ovat Lo Sot Ivanovaq Go Poo 'tie r-t-sova. M. -P6 TITLE: Investigation of Rlectrocapillary PhenomenYin Tellurium Gold Alloys PERIODICAL: Zhurnal fizicheskoy khimiiq 19609 Vole 34g No- 59 PP. 1077-1082 TEXT%. Investigations of electrooapillary phenomena in pure liquid metils had already been carried out by S. V. Karpaohey. A, 0, Stromberg, -1Qob.9rRin# Yy. P. lordan,, E. N. Rodi&in , V, A. Smirnov, and L,. I. Antro-oov.-'It was found among other things that a sh-Rtof the potentials of the zero charge is directly proportional to the concentration of the added metal in the surface layer* To confirm this statement, the authors of the present paper investigated the electrocapillary phenomena of Te.-Au alloys at 485 0C in the concentration range of 0-44 atoo Au. The tellurium activity was determined by the Knudsen method. Results of investigations (Fig. 1, electrocapillary curves) show that the addition of Au to Te leade to a rise in the surface tension between the phases. The potentials of the Card 1/2 Investigation of Elootrocapillary Phenomena S/076j6O/O34/O5/23/O38 in Tellurium - Gold Alloys BO10/BOO2 peaks of the eledtrocapillary curve do not change with the alloy composi- tion and are in agreement with the potential of the peak of the olactro- capillary curve of pure tellurium (i.e., 0.6 v with respect to an electrode of molten lead). This fact is discussed on the basis of the theory worked out by A. N. Prumkin concerning electrocapillary phenomenal and is explair_s~ by the fact that gold occupies the surface layer to a low degree only (maximum 5%), The adsorption of To and Au, as wall as the degree of thoir surface layer occupation were calculated (Tables I and 2)o Tellurium is adsorbed positively and gold negatively in the surface layer, i.e., gold is considerably more surface-inaotive than tellurium. A paper by A. V. Gorodetakaya and Ra M. Vasenin is mentioned in the text. There are 2 figureag 2 tableaq and 11 raferences: 8 Soviet, 2 German., and I Engliah. ASSOCIATION: Ural'skiy gosudarstvennyy universitet im. A. M. Gortkogo, Sverdlovsk (Ural State University imeni A. M. Gorlkiy, Sverdlovsk) SUBMITTED: July 21, 1958 Card 2/2 81576 S/076/60/034/06/31/040 BO15/BO6i AUTHORSt Kuznetsov, V. A. Klevtso va, M. P., Zagaynova, L. S., vayntraubt L-73. Korobova, T. A. kSverdlovsk) TITLE: Investigation of Contact Potential Differences Between Sn and Sn-Te Alloys and the Eleotrocapillary Phenomena on Sn-Te Alloys PERIODICALs Zhurnal fizioheskoy khimii, 1960, Vol. 34, No. 6v pp. 1345-1350 TEXT: On account of his investigations of the electrocapillary phenomena on thallium amalgams (Ref. 1), A. N. Frumkin estiblished that the dif- ference in the potentials between the metals in the point of zero charges is similar to the differences in the contact potentials between the same metals in a vacuum. Experimental tests of this assumption were carried out several times as by S. V. Karpachev and A. G. Stromberg (Ref. 2), 0. Chaltykian and M. Proskurnin (Ref. 3), and V. A. Smirnov and L. I. Antropov (Ref, 4); few reliable results were, however, obtained. In this case the above examinations were carried out for this reason, as it was Card 1/3 81578 Investigation of Contact Potential DifferenOe8 3/076/60/034/06/31/040 Between Sn and Sn-Te Alloys and the Eloctrc- B015/BO61 capillary Phenomena on Sn-Te Alloys to be assumed that tellurium would be surface-active with respect to tin, and thus a large difference in contact potential between Sn and Sn-Te alloys can be detected at low tellurium concentrations. The measurements were carried out at 4500C and sz~jo-5 torr in an apparatus (Fig. 1) similar to the one in Ref. 3, and a special ampule (Fig. 2) was used. The vacuum contained a iRH-461M (VN-4619) preliminary vacuum pumpj an MM-40A (MM-40A) diffus on pump, and %JBT-2 (VT-2) thermocouple- and ,~U-3 (VI-3) ionization-vacuum gauge. Yin purified by zone melting from the Sverdlov 'skiy reaktivnyy zavod (Sverdlovsk Reagent Works) was used. The potential differences were determined by the method of the displace- ment of the diode characteristics. The diagrams obtained (Figs. 3, 4) of the differences in the contact potentials between Sn and Sn-Te alloys with 0.02 and 0.15 wt% To show that the difference is 0-07 v or 0-15 v, The electrocapillary curves (Fig. 5) for Sn and Sn-Te alloys of the above concentration show that according to expectations, To is surface- activ'e with reference to Sn. The potentials of the zero charge are thus shifted to positive values, and the size of the shift is similar to the difference in the contact potentials between Sn and the above Sn-Te alloys Card 2/3 '1578 Intestigation of Contact Potential vilferenc-.3j 8/076/60/034/06/31/040 Between Sn and Sn-Te Alloys and the Electro- B015/Bo6i capillary Phenomena on Sn-Te Alloys (Table). Finally, Academician A. N. Frumkin is thanked for his advice, and the collaborator of the Institut elektrokhimii A14 SSSR (Institute for Electrochemistry of the AS USSR) N. A. Shurmovska-va as well. A paper by M. V. Smirnov (Ref. 5) is referred to. There are 5 figures, 1 table, and 12 references: 11 Soviet and 1 American. ASSOCIATION: Urallskiy univereitet im. A. M. Gor1kogo (Ural University imeni A. M. Gorlkiy) SUBMITTEDi October 109 1958 Card 3/3 KUZNETSOV, ZAGABOVA, L.S. Zero charge potential if indium. Zhur. fiz. khim. 35 no,7:2640 ji '61. (MIRA 14:7) 1* Ural'skiy gowidarstvennyy universitet im. A.M.Gorikogoj, Sverdlovsk. (Indium-Electric properties) 23815 e1/020/61/138/001/020/023 B101/B231 AUTHORS: Kuznetsov, V. A.v Zagaynova, L,. S., Loginova, N. P., I;~,MtEieva, I. Ya~, Onopriyenko. N. S., and Tsimbal, L. Ye. TITLE: Contact potential differences between some liquid metals and their alloys PERIODICAL: Doklady Akademii nauk SSSR, v. 138. no. 1. 1961, 156-158 TEM This is to continue the authorn' researoh on contact potential differences between liquid metals and their alloys (ZhFKh, 34, 1349 (1960)), The contact potential differences were determined thermoele;,-tronically by recording the volt-ampere oharacteristios of a diode with once the pure metal and then the alloy being used aa anode., Based upon the assumption that the contact potential difference is approximately equal to the difference of the zero charge potential and on the grounds that there is a great difference between the zero charge pot,-rittals. it appears advantageous to determine the contact potential differeac~- (CPD) partioularly between Zn, Cd. T1, and Bi on the c)re hand, and their respective alloys with Te on the other,. Difficulties that arose were due Card 1/t 23817' 3/02 61/1~8/001/020/023 Contaot potential differencei betwe-!n_ B 101 YB2 31 to the fact that Zn and Cd hal~,e an "xcessively high vapor pressure and that a number of these metalA, innlu5!va of Bi. form zompounds with Te. The oontadt potential d ifference was, therefore, datermInted : 1) for Sn and Sn-Tl alloy (23.8 % TI) (Fig,, 1); 2) for T) and TI -Sn alloy (49.8%Sn) (Fig, 2A); 3) for TI and TI-Te alloy (50,9 % T-3) ~Fig. 2b); 4) for Bi and Bi-Te alloys (3.6 ~5 Te and 9 Yo TA)~ Bi. and Sn were to be filed mong the purity ~,lass 8-3 (V-3); TI contained about 0.02 % of Fe, Pb, and Cd impurities (speLtroscopicaily d-;termit:ed by R. Gutkl na). Te was twice V< distilled in a vacuum. All the measurements were made at a temperature of 4500C, The method appliod was d,~aTr-'Lbid it. the above-mentioned reference. Results; for Sn/Sri. iTl. CPD~0.17 vj for T1/T1 -Sn CPD.O..25 V1 for T1/T1 +Te CPD-0.65 v; fr.~.r Bt/Bi iT,~~ CPD=0.3 and 0.35 v, respectively. Fig. 3 shows the zero ~;harge potentia'Is for SA-Te alloys as a function of their composition. This implies that the CPD between the metals and their alloys under consideration is close to the difference of the sero charge potentials, which has proved to be valid also for Bi/Bi Te ifference of zero charge potential with 3.6 % To equal to 0.25 v, with 9 ~Te equal to 0.33 v), The fact that the volt-ampere characteristics of TI-Sn, Tl-Te, and Bi-Te alloys are shifted In pcsitive direction indicates that the work Card 2/0 23815 ootential'differences betreen... Conact 3101/3231 -is greater.than in, pure ftietal. In conformitly lunction in these alloys w4th the z ero charge potential difference (Fig. 3), Sn-Tl alloy shozo 'he opposite effect. The authors*thahk Acadea4cian A. ". Frumk-n fox a discussion. There are4'figures'and 5 references: 4 Soviet-bloc and non-Sov iet -bloc. im. L. Gortkogo -ASSOCIATION;- :Urall.skiy go.sudarstvennyy univer8ituet .(Ural.State University im. A. M. Gorlkiy) ?RESENTED: December 10~. 1960, by A. N. Frmkin, Academician SUBMITTED: November 25t, 1960 Card 3/0 KUZNETSCV, V.A.; SINYANSKAYA, R.I.; PORTNAYA, G.N.; VOLYNSKAYA, M.P. Blectrocapillary phenomena in Te-Ag anoys and surface tension of these alloys in a vacuum. Izvovys,ucheb,zavo;khim#i khimetelch, 5 no, ,3:428-432 162o (AURA 15:7) 1. Ural'okiy gosudarstvennyy universitet, imeni A.M. Gorikogo., kafedra, fizicheskoy- lehi m4 i . (Tellurium-silver alloys) (Surface tension) (Blootrocapi3-lary phenomena) KUZKMOV, V,.kj.;,.POPOVA, I.B.; DUPLINA, L.N. Electrocapillary phenomena on Tl - Bi al-loys and their surface tension in a vacuum. Zhur. fia. khim. 36 no.4:880-884 Ap 162. (KM 15:6) 1. Ural'skiy universitet. (Eleotrocapillary phenomena) (Thallium-bismuth alloys) (VaoUUM) 3/076 1 100110191023 ,/63/037 B101/Bia6 AUTHORSt Volynskaya (Kievtoova), M. P.,. Kuznetsovj_ V. A., Balanoval S.A. TITLEs Electrocapillary effects on Tl-Sb alloys PERIODICAL: Zhurnal fizicheskoy khimii, v. 37, no. 1, 1963, 18-6 189 TEXTt Tl and Sb, chosen because their zero-charge potentials differ con- siderablyl were used to investigate the deperidence of the zero-charge potential on the composition of binary alloys. The zero-charge potentials/ of TI and Tl-Sb alloys were determined from the maximum potential of electrocapillery curves at 4750C. A mixture of-molten LiCl-KC1 served as electrolyte and molten lead as reference electrode. Since a solid phase precipitated at 4750C it was not possible to investigate alloys containing more than 63 at% of Sb. The emf of the-galvanic elements, type Tl_ jLiCl-YCl + 3% by weight TlClj Tl-Sb alloy, was.measured in order to determine the activities of Tl and Sb. The curves representing the activi- ties differed only slightly from Raoultos law. The electrocapillary curves show that the surface tension acting on the interface alloy-electrolyte de- creases with increasing content'of Sb, and that the zero-charge potential Card 1/2 8/076/63/037/001/019/029 Electrocapillary effects on Tl-S~ alloys B101/Bj86 shifts toward the positive direction. The adsorption of TI and Sb at tho surfaceg the gurfaoe concentration of the t-no oomponento and the portion 0 , ,of the surfooo oooupiod by the two components are calculated. The following Valuee are given for the Sb continent given in atomic parts (G TV9Sb)*- 0.05, zero o.30, 0.67. The 40, 0.52, 0.47; o.63, 0.82, 0.15; 0.20, 0.65, 0.33; 0? . 1 0 + Yo .charge potential was calculatedlfrom the equation A9`- y l1 Tl a O o i For the 5b"'content in atomic parts, 0 90 - 9 )*Q ' 9 (? S b T 1 Sb r 1calcul and expe -0-31, -0-42; are given; 0-05, -0-45, -0-53;:*0.'20, -0.39, -0-46; 0.40, . . o.63, -0.20, -0-30. The discrepancy between the values of TO as calculated' and those obtained experimentally is attributed to,the fact that the applied ' equation takes no account of a certain type,of interaction of the alloy co.m- ponents. There are 4 figures and-2 tables. ASSOCIATION: Urallskiy gosudarstvennyy univerBilet im. A. M. Gor1kogo (Ural Stat.e University imeni A. M. Gorlkiy) SUBMITTED: October 28, 1961 17, Card 2/2 KUZNETSOV,, V.A.; ZAGAYNOVA, L.S.; DIYAKOV, A.A.1 XOTEGOVA, A.A. Eleatrocapillary phenomena on zinc-tin alloys and the surface tension of these alloys in vaouo. SlektrokhImiia 1 no.6t676-681 Je 165. (KRA 18:7) 1. Urallskiy gosudarstyemyy un iversitet imeni Gortkogo. KUZI.TTSOV,, V.A.; PA11TELEYEVO, V.V. Hydrotherral synthesis of rutile. Kriatallografiia 10 no.3: 445 MY-Je 165. (MMA 18 -.7) 1, Institut kristallografli AN SSSR. S/07o/62/007/002/022/022 4-/ WOO E132/El6o AUTHORS: Shternberg, A.A., Kuziminal I.P., and Kuznetso,-i.~ TITLE: Apparatus for growing single crystals from the melt tinder pressure PERIODICAL: Kristallografiya, v-7, no.2, 1962, 334-336 TEXT: It is difficult to grow crystals of ZnS from the melt because of the high vapour-pressure of the components. A closed furnace, with Mo wire heaters Zr02 and sand insulation, capable of working at abov; 18000 under a pressure of 200 atm N21 is described. Crystals of ZnS up to 3 cm long wtiro There are 3 figures. ASSOCIATION; Institut kristallografii AN SSSR (Institute of Crystallography, AS USSR) SUBMITTED: June 26, 1961 Card 1/1 SHTERNBERG, A.A.; KUZNETSOV, V.A. Crystallization of corundum from the gaseous phase using seed crystals. Kristallograftia 9 no.lsl2l-123 Ja-F 164. (MIRA 170) 1. Institut kristallografli AN SSSR. ACOESSTON .1401.) AP4012287 S/0070/64/OP9/001/0123/0124 AUTHOq: Kuznetsov~ V. A. TITLE: Rate of surface growth on cLoriindum wider hydrothermal conditions SOIMICE: Kristallografiya, v. 9, no. 1, 1964,~123-124 TOPIC TAGS: corundump crystal surface, surface growth ratbt hydrothermal conditionp seed rod, autoolavel thermocouple, euHace crack# inclusion, seed orientation ABSTRACT: The rates of growth of various crystalline surfaces on leucosapphire have been studied. Experiments were conducted in steel 130-150 cm3 autoclaves lined with silver and heated in a resistance furnace with a bottom heating element. Temperatures were measured on the interior wall with two thermocouples, one placed at the level of melting and the other,at the level of crystal growth. The tempera- ture drop between the two zones was 50-60C, and the temperature at-the melting zone was 590-600C. The level in the autoolave vrao held constant and the pressure did not exceed 1500 atm. Crushed boules bf leucosapphire and faintly 6olored ruby were used as source material. A 1911o aqueoits solution of soda with %; of 'NaCi served as solvent, and ruby rods 3-4 mm long and 100 mnL long were used as seed crystals. -In .Card 1/2 ACCESSION NOt AP4012287 the course of growth surfaces (oooi), (Mo), (10% and (2243) developed. The growth rate of the first three types was determined by measuring their thicknesses. The last type suffered distortion too rapidly to allow accurate measurements. While the absolute velocities of growth changed with various factorst their relation to one another remained constant at 100:20:1. Differently oriented rods favored the development of different eurface6, varying in the density of cracks and inolu- sions. This proves that proper orientation is extremely important in hydrothermal production of corundum crystals. "The author thanks A. A. Shternberg for help in this work." Oiig. art. has: 1 photograph. ASSOCIATION: Institut kristallografii AN SSSR (Institute of Crystallography AN SSSR) SUBMITTEM 12Mar63 DATE ACqs 1qFeb64 ENCL: 00 SUB CODE: PH, CH NO REF SOV: 001 OTHM: 001 Card 2/2 ACCESSION NR: AT4040560 S/2564/64/004/000/0144/0147 AUTHOR: Kuznetsov, V. A. TITLE: Zinc sulfide crystals grown from a melt SOURCE: AN SSSR. Institut kristallografti. Rost kristallov, YA, 1964, 144-147 T Cj~-,IC TAGS: zinc sulfide, crystalline zinc sulfide, zinc sulfide crystal, crystal growth, zinc sulfide monocrystal, crystal structure, crystal impurity, homogeneous monocrystal A13STRACT: Using the apparatus previously described by the author (kristallograftya, 7, vy*p. 2, 1962), which permits upwaTd-dirceted crystallization at a controlled rate under high pressure, monocrystals of ZnS were grown for a ZnS melt at up to 1800C and a pressure of 100-200 atm. of argon or nitrogen (unspecified in.-individual experiments). The cooling rate was 0. 5-1. 0 degrees/min. and the-crystallization rate was 0. 5- 1. 0 mm/min., 7he distribution of.Cu-, Fe-, Ca-, Si-, Mg~, and Al-impurities, contained In the original ZnS, In the obtained monocrystals was ex=ined by spectral analyipts. no impurities were generally found to retreat into the upper section of the crystals before the advancing front of crystallization. The monocrystals obtained were generally nonhomogenec ACCESSION XIkv AT4040560 and showed a characteristic band pattern in polarizod light produced by alternating cubic and hexagonal crystalline layers. Attempts to obtain pure cubic and hexagonal crystals by heating mixed crystals at 860-1100C for 5 - 150 hrs. produced(at 1100C for 5 or 10 hrs.) a homogeneous hexagonal phase. Orig. art. has: 2 tables. ASSOCIATION: Institut kristallogrifii AN SSSR (Institute of Crystallography, AN SSSR) SUBIOTTED: 00 DATE ACQ: 02Ju164 ENCL: 00 SUB CODE: SS NO REF SOV: 002 OTHER: 010 ~c.,d. 2/2 ACC NR, AH6018034 M o n o g- "r-a-p- h --- U-R/ KuznetsOV, Vladimir Aleksandrovich ........ .. .... .. 4ayout and design of marine nuclear reactors (Komponovka i raschet reaktorov atidovykh yadernykh ustanovok)yRoscow, Izd-vo "Transport," 1966. 218 p. illus., biblio., tables. 2000 copies printed. Text- book for higher marine engineering institutes and for the Odessa Institute of, Harine Engineers TOPIC TAGS: marine nuclear propulsion, marine engineering, marine propulsion, nuclear propulsion, nuclear power plant PURPOSE AND COVERAGE: This is a textbook intended for the course "Marine Nuclear Reactors," offered by higher marine engineering institutes and by the Odessa Institute of Harine Engineers. It can be also used by ship's mechanics engaged in the operation of marine nuclear reactors. It gives a systematic presentation of the basic types ofmarine nuclear -reactors. their desigu,.parameters, materials used, and auxiliary systems, TABLE OF CONTENTS (abridgadlt Ch. 1. Selection of basic parameters for marine nuclear reactors -- 3 _A6C_N A I---- - __ AM6018034 tCh. II. Principles of the arrangement of reac-tors and the basics oU thermophysical calculations -- 43 ~Ch, Ill. Neutron-physical calculations -- 85 ISupplements (reference tables) -- 184 jBibliography 215 ISUB CODEs 189 21j 13/ SUBM DATEt 24Jan66/ ORIG REFt 022/ 'OTH REFS 004 KUZNETSO11 .,,V.A.; MATYUSHENKO, L,A.; KAGANOVICH, R.I. Adsorption of fluoro- and chloro-substituted acetic acids at the solution/air and solution/mercury interfaces. Elektrokhimiia 1 no,3:369-373 Mr 165, (MIRA 18:22) 1. Moskovskiy gosudarstvennyy universitet imeni Lomonosova. KMVETSOVj,,V.A.; IPWKIN,, B.B. Adsorption of some derivatives of pentafluoro- and pentachlarobenzere at the solution,~- air and solution - mercury interfaces. Elektro- kbi-i's, 1 noOM53-3-156 8 065. (MMA 18:10) 1. Moekovskiy gosudarstvannyy universitet imeni M.Y. Lemonosova. - -W MIUMMAt V.1.1 XUSN OVO V.A. Interaction of sodium audds Wrate with Its metaborate. Shuroneorgekbin, 10 no,121258!62590 D 165. (HIPA 1911) -t,*~wl~-~-2 LUIUSHM, X,1. [Lulmohou, I.I.1; 1UZNWSOV A. C.Kuzneteou, V.A.] , - I- V.0- Some problems in the use of Isotopes in solving geolbgical MA gooohemioal problemso Yeatsi AN BSSRs Bardix.-takh.rav. =4194-106 16o. (KMA 130) (Raidolvalboyes) (Geological research) t~ Al 5 LUKASHOUj K.J.; KUZNYATSOUp U.A. Action of elementary pVticles in geochemical processes. Vestal. AN B&9R*Ser,fi;,-tekh.nav. no.104-83 162. (MIRA 160) (Particles (Nuclear physics)) (Geochemistry) ACCESSION NRt AP4014232 S/0201/63/000/w4/0085/0091 AUTHORS: Lukashev,, K. I.; Kuznetsov,, V TITLE: Interaction between geochemical and cosmic processes and certain geochomical, problems SOURCE: AN BSSR. Izvestiya. Ser. fiz.-takhn. nauk, no. 4j, 1963j, 85-91 TOPIC TAGSt geochemical processp geological proCOSS, Cosmic pr0Ce55p solar enerap cosmic dusty astronomic phenomenas chemical elementp isotope formation, oroganyp :volcanism., earth structures meteor composition ABSTRACT: This article presents complex interrelations between.goochemical and cosmic processes in the light of new data obtained from the cosmic flights. This interrelation is based on the exchange of matter between earth and cosmos and on the effect of cosmic rays with the earth's matter. The scope of this effect is greatly affected by solar activity which also causes the cyclicity in the goo- chemical processes on the earth, By now the identical nature of chemical and iso- tope composition of matter on the earth and in the cosmos has boon pr*ven. It is 'also known that the distribution of chemical elements in the cowas in doterminid 1/2 4. ACCESSION NR: AP4014232 by; 1) their nuclear structure; 2) their resistance to radioactive decompositionp spontaneous fission, and nuclear reactions; 3) cosmic phenomena such as nat=V of the processes involved, evolution,, the state of cosmic bodies# their interaction .with one another, etc* Cosmic matter occurs in a state of permanent migrationp the scale of which varies from the atcmic displacements in crystallin lattices to the :reaction between cosmic rays and earth matter* The most vital problem at this time ipertains to the genesis of chemical elements. It is being studied by using new discoveries in the field of the physics of elementary particles and by theories bearing on the subject of geochemistry. ASSOCIATION: none SUBMITMs 00 DATE ACQ: O3Feb64 ENCLs 00 SUB COM CH9 AS NO RU SOV: 004 OTMI 005 Card 2/2 K-T-; -'UZITETTSOV~ V.A.; LUIUSIDN, V.K. Geochefaical types of weathering surfaces in White Russian I-olLsye. Dold. All BSSR 8 no.7:455-458 164. (,,,IIRA M10) 1. Laboratoriya gookId.-aicheskikJi problem IJI US 3 11. WFASHEV, K.l.; B21MOV, V.A. Ralationdhip between Vno,,hemicnI and coamic tprone!i:jes and some geuchemical problori. "'cof-sI AN rIS)Sk. "er. fiz,-tekh, mvb no#41 85-91 163. (lif-TRA 17:12) 99 A a 00 of 4 -"F-W-f 0 _00 0 Ill. An In A PGOS get *eo 64900 Us K=wmk-Altd postruftm mat the Lantail am -00 )*"two. tim. Velfalk -00 On. No. 1. 19-20.. KUM, pff. @m. Zhor. 1010. No: 11. 24,-K. found a simituity W a no. of tkv Kwmuk Alstau and the wuilwastito Altai Its 4"WtG vW vonsicim a poWbk puttic maectiou c4 tlow pwApexhkb may be misted to definite ", struc- deposits we Misted to the wtstrin wt #A the Kustwo-k Tbr"wst ,ulhm of 114A.ifue. r tum into the ormthm"flu Altai g4rakm (Katall eltdain't Ibc tions an amdruwd by the Stol. citaracterfat" 71= deposits. W. R. titan -,4e 00 6990~~ Aso-Sta 011"LUDWAL MINAlb" C1,01WCOM lit SdPAWO -0 1 14114*9 -48 aftv am 14644110.1 i4l, M "0 4 1 T-V I _3 t a DIP 0 a FI". F, -3 A -1 V* OTOO 0 a 0 a* a 0000 000 00 0 06 0#0 000*000000000:: * 9006011114111,00000900 :0 11111011 6006000 0 W It IJ III,, is tit 11 a toollia-blob all 1:11 N P w V to p c it 6; A a IF 14 Q OD Q 1-4 t, C. I 1 4 1 0,20