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. KUZNZTSOV, S.I., insh.; YAMMLISKIY, A.L.. insh. The utilization of coal and peat for power purposes. Torf. prom. 35 no-71 25-28 158, (KLRL 111n) 1, Gosudaretvenvy institut po proyaktirovanlyu savedov torfyanoy pro- mWehlennosti. (Peat) (Coal) 9. Monthly List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, April 1952, 1#", Uncl. -W Kumasov,- S.I, inthener. SNP- boring machine for drainage of coal overburden send. Shakht.stroi. no.6:22 Je 157. (MLRA 10:7) (Boring machinez7) (Mine drainage) TSIBRD9 X.Ta., insh.- K?JZIMTSOT S.I, inzh. Improving the system of repumping feedwater as a method of combatting corrosion in locomotive boilers. Vast. TSNII M 17 no.8:51-53 D 158. (MIRA 1211) (locomotive boilers) KUZNETSGV,, S.I.; DIANOVA, Yo.V.; DOLGOV, G.I. Aleksandr Semenovich Razrov (189/t,-1960); im obituary. 1 '419 Trudy GidiFoldol. ob-va 1 :417- 162, (MIRA 15:12) (Razimov., Aleksandr Semenovich,, 1894-1960) KUZNETSOV, S.I.; ROMANENKO, V.I. Oxidation-reduction potential of the surface layers of silt deposits in variouo types of lakes. Dokl. AN SSSR 151 no.3:679-682 Jl 163. (mm i6ig) 1. Institut biologii vodokhranilishch AN SSSR. 2. Chlen-korrespondent AN SUR (for Kuznetsov). (Oxidation-reduction reaction) (Silt) KUZNETSOV, S.I.; ROMANENKO, V.I.; GLAZUNOV, V.I. Production of organic matter at the expense of the photosynthesis of phytoplankton in Lake Baikal, Dokl. AN SSSR 156 no.6tl444,- 1"7 Je 164. (MIRA 17t8) 1. Institut biologii vnutrennikh vod AN =R i T-imnologicheskiy institut Sibirskogo otdeleniya AN SSSR, 2. Ghlen-korrespondent AN SSSR (for Kuznetsov). STARIKOV~ Vasili-y Ivanovlch,, KUZNETSOV, S.I.v nauchn. red. (Fire safety for cultural and educational institutions] Pozbarnaia bezopasnost' kullturno-proavatitellnykh uch- rezhdenii. Moskvag Stroiizdats 1965, 97 p. (MIRA 180) DEREWYANKIN, V,A.; NOVOZMNOVJ# VOM.j ILIYASHEVICII, Ye.M.; KUUTETSOV, Sol. EffF--c-t of washing on the nettling rate of red mud in alumina prcduction. TSvet. mt. 38 no.9155 S 165. (MIRA 18s12) , p G o I-i---Pral, -and G-.B.- !_A~~Ov I "Automobile ZIS-151~" a Soviet Army training manual prepared by autokobile administra- tion of the Ministry of War, USSR, Moscow, 1951. ARMAn, G,B., Inzhener; NUZNETSOV. S.I. Inzhener; POCHTARILV, W.Ye, inzhe- nor-polkovnik, redlEto;; tekhnicbeeklyredaktor. [ZIS-151 truck] Avtomobill ZIS-231. 14oekva, Voen. ivd Ministerst-m oborony SSSR, 1955. 246 p. (HIU 8:4) (Motor trucks) F-M-IGH 11115 743.26 X9 Regulirovka Konicheskikh Podshipnikov I, Zubehatykh Zats leniv Avtonobiley (Adjustment of Conical Bearings and Gears of Automobile Moskva., Voyenizdat, 1956. 117 p. illus.. diagrs. -KIJZIMTSOV,- S. - 9.090 Ww# Ifficient method of engine heating. A-rt.transp. 34 no.9:29 3 '56. (MM 9: 11) 1. Glavn" inshener avto'basy isdatellstva 'Pravda". (Automobile~-Ingines) 84-11-20/36 AMHOR: Kuznetsov., S,,, Engineer TITLE: New Means of Mechanization (Novyye aredstva mekhani- zat sii) PERIODICAL: Grazhdanskaya aviatBiya, 1957., Nr 1l,, p.21 (USSR) ABSTRACT: The State Scientific Research Institute of Civil Aviation has designed and built models of two types of epee W trucks for loading and unloading aircraft. The APK-1 lifting truck designed by B.M Ivanov Engineer,, has the capacity of 3 tons and*2-5 m Hit- It has been designed to service the I1-12~ Il-14s Il-18 and An-10 aircraft. The AK-2 if; a conveyor-equipped truck desig)aed by B.N. AstaBhov,, Engineer., The conveyor 1B mounted on the GAZ-51 truck. It is driven by the truck engine through a special gearbox. The'conveyor speed is regulated by engine revolutions and can be changed within the range from .8 to 1.2 m/sec. The AK-2 is designed for handling mail., baggage., and light cargo up to 50 kg. Card 1/2 New Neano of Mechanization (Cont.) 84-11-2o/36 Both machines have a special lighting system to facilitate their night use. A photograph shows the APK-l in operation,, Capr other photographs show the use of the AK-2 at the 11-12 and the Tu-104 aircraft. A diagram explains the working of the hydraulic system of the APK-l. AVAITABI, Library of Cdngress Card 2/2 AAMAND, G.B.; VYAZIMIN, V.A.; GRIKSHTZYN, L.K.; GOLIDBERG, G.I.; GOLUBZV, B.S.; KASHLAKOT, M.V.; KRASHOPHY SZV, H.P.,,KUZKETSOV S I - ,,,MOLOTIiz~ V.I.; KURAYNV, A.V.: KAYUKOV, G.I.; MASHATIN, V,I.; EWSH, A.R.; PRALO, G.I.; RAGUSKAYA, L.F.; MMINSHTM, S.M.; SMaNKOV, P.L.; TARA OV, L.A.; FIMOVA, A.A.; TSHFKIN, X.T.; SHAYZVICH, A.G.; ZARUBIN, A.G.,; VASILOYEVA, I.A., red. izd-va; SOKOLOVA, T.F., [ZIL-157 motortru~k; operation and service] Avtomobill ZIL-157; instrmktaiia po okepluatateii. Goo.nauchno-tekhn.izd-vo mashino- stroit.lit-ry, 1958. 235 p. (MIRA 11:12) 1. Xoskovskiy avtomobillnyy savod. (Motortrucks) KUZIETSOV, S., inzh.; ZUPJtRIV, A., in2h. Small winch of the ZIL-157 autor-obile- Avt,transpw 37 no.4t 38-IW Ap 159. (Winches) (YIRA 12:6) mm= - Ser ovich; ZUBAREV~ kle%sey Afanaslyevich; KIJRAYEV, =yevich; FANFILOV, Vladimir Trofimovich; KOSOROTOV, D.V.p inzh.-polkovnik zapasa, red.; SOKOLOVA, G.F., tekhn. red. [ZIL motortruck] Gruzovye avtomobili ZIL. Moskva, Voenizdatp 1962. 495 p. (Wtortrucks) (MIRA 15-.6) KUZNETSOV. S- inzh. Power-take-off box for the ZIL-157K -motortruck engine. Av+,.transp. 40 no.4:43-" Ap 16Z fMRA 15W 1. Avtozavod im. Likhachava. (Motortrucks-Transmission devices) h V Z_ N 3- 1 - Subject USSR/Aeronautics - bibliography AID P - 5479 Card 1/1 Pub. 135 - 25/29 Authors : Burago, 0. F., Eng.-Col. Dr. of tech. sci., and S. I. Kuznetsov, Eng.-Major, Cand. of tech. sci. Title : Aerodynamics of the aircraft wing Periodical : Vest. vozd. flota, 2, 88-890 F 1957 Abstract Critical review of the book "Aerodynamics of the Air- craft Wing" (Aerodinamika Kryla Samoleta) by E. Karafoil, published by the Academy of Sciences of the USSR, Moskva, 1956, 479 pages. Institt;tion : None Submitted : No date BURGESS. Brie; KUZNHTSDV1 5.1. [translator); ZAM N.A. [translator]; TIMROT,`- =.., red. []Frontier to "as] K granitsam prostranstys. (Translated from the English] Psrovod a angliis'kogo S.I.lusnotsova i N.A.Zakes. Pod red. D.L.Timrote. Moskva, Isd-vo inostrannot lit-ry, 1957o 221 PO (MIRA 12:3) (Itmosphers. Upper-Rocket observation) ZRASITOT, Mcolay 7eaorovich; ARZHA NeSo, prof., retseuxeint; SHUXWUIT, B*Y&', lau4 teldin, nauke reteenzent~ X kan4 tekhn. I t 0 reteenzent; IWILIMIiOV. S.D.: inzh., redo'; TOTANSYAU9 Y~Gog ixd--ye red*'; PUKWAMOVA, N.A., tekhu. red* [Aerodynamics of-rotating bodies] A~rodimaWka tel vrashoheniia. XoWma9 Obs, izd-vo obore proWshl,p 1958. 560 p. (mm n1lo) (Asrodyneades) PHASE I BOOK EXPLOITATION SOV/5855 Kibardin, Yu. A., S. 1. Kuznetsov, A. N. Lyubimov, and B. Ya Shumyatskiy Atlas gazodinamicheskikh funktsiy pri bol'shikh skorostyakh i vysokikh temperaturakh vozdushnogo potoka ( Atlas of Oas Dynamic Functions for High Air-Flow Speed and High Tam- perature) Moscow, Gosenergoizdat, 1961. 327 P. Errata slip inserted. 6000 copies printed. Ed. (Title page): A. S. Predvoditelev, Corresponding Memberj Academy of Sciences USSRI Ed.: A. S. Meleyev; Tech. Ed.: N. I. Borunov. PURPOSE t This atlas is intended for design bureaus and scientific research organizations concerned with the design of gas turbines and rocket engines and also with problems associated with combustion processes and the utilization of atomic energy. It may also be useful to students in beginning and advanced courses in schoolsof higher technical Cart:2;4~ Atlas of Gas Dynamic (Cont.) SOV/5855 education. COVERAGE: The manual presents necessary material for the solution of basic gaodynamic problems for airflow while taking into consideration variable specific heat, dissodation, and partial ionization. This material encompasses a pressure range from 10-6 to 1011 kg,/cn? for temperatures up to 20,,OOOOK. In addition, the book presents in detail the gasdynamic func- tions of an ideal gas ( X- 1.4) which facilitate the determi- nation of low parameters for isoentropic flow, shook waves, and flow around circular cones. Part I contains diagrams of the state and kinetic coefficients of the dissociating air. Part II presents graphs and diagrams which contain the-calcu- lation results of isoenttopic flows and shook waves while taking Into account the variable specific heat of the air. Part III gives the gaodynamic functions of ah-ideal gas ( x..1.4) in the presence of oblique shock waves and for axial flow around circular cones which permit the'determination of flow parameters at the cone surface as well as the velocity-j pressure-, and Card 2/8 Atlas of Gas Dynamic (Cont.) SOV/5855 I mass-flow fields for axial flow around circular cones with vertex half angles of 5 - 500. Determinations of parameter values with an accuracy sufficient for the solution of most practical problems may be made with the aid of included diagrams. The appendixes present detailed tables of gasdynamic functions for an ideal gas at x- 1.4 and M numbers from 0 to 100, and also tables of approximating polynomials of conical flows which aid in determining velocity fields and Individual mass flows with an,accuracy up to the fifth decimal. The latter tables may be used for investigating more general problems of gaodyna- mics with the aid of electronic digital computers. The authors thank Professor 0. F. Buragol Doctor.of Technical Sciences, M. Ye. Kozhenkova., S. S. Nalbandyan,, K. M. Samoshkina, and L. N. Ttirkina. There are 11 references: 8 Soviet(Including 1 trans- lation) and 3 English. TABLE OF CONTENTS: Preface' 3 Card 3/t I- -- - -- - - - ---- - --- -- -- -- -- - - - ---- KUM, "bSOVI S. I. Rabbits Influence of feeding on selectivity in impregnation. Kar. i zver., 5, No. 1, 1952. 'Z 9. Monthly List Sf Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, June - 1952, Uncl. Kuznetsov, S. I. "The effect of thn various acid-bnv~e relationshios in fodder regions on fll,-t :rowth ~-nrl dlevelo--=ent ol' wAne.11 "in lli~-- -z!tion USSR. her Zd~ ,-:Oscow Veterinpry Academj. Moscow, 1.956 (Dissertation for the de,--,ree of Candidate in Biological Sciences) I-4nizhnaya letopis I No. 25, 1956. Noscow USSR/Farm Animals. Rabbits, Q-3 Abs Jour: Ref Z r Biol., "o. 22, 1958, 101223 hu Author Kuznetsov, S.I.~ Inst All-Vniofi Scie tific Rese8rch Institute of Feedin of Farm Animals. Title Effects.of Alkaline an,1 Acid.Fo3i Rations Upon Physiological Sperme Indicators in K.le Producers. Orig Pub:. Tr- Vses. n.-i. in-ta kormleniya s.-kh. zhivotnykh, 1956,-3, 1+29-1+31 Abstract: During 15months, rabtits of the C1~ampngne~~ and Chinchilla breeds were kept on different rations. One group received physiolo-,,ically acidic (pre- dominantly containin" kernel parts of plants) rations and the-other group was !iven physto- Card 1/2 60 KUZNETSOW, ZZ. S. I. Cand Bioli Scii. -- (diss) "use Effect, of Various Aai',d-Alka-li Ratios in Feed Rations 41111168 Gtrowth and Development of 11ogp. 11 Most 1957. 191 pp 21 cm, (Min, of, Agriculture USSR, Moo Veterinary Academy), 140 copies (KLt 25-5791M) - 4- DEUVYANKIN, V.A., kand. tekhn. nauk;I-IMMi'-~9Y, prof., doktor tekhn. nauk;-SHAULINA, O.K., inzh 0 i ~ cl Effect of titanium and silicon oxide admiz*~', es on the leaching rate of aluminum hydroxides. Sbor. nauch. \t-tud. Ural. politekh. inst. no.122:102-110 161. (MIRA 17:12) TIKHONOVj VA KUZNETSOVp S, I. Effect of alternating current on the stability of aluminate solutions@ Zhurepriklokhizat 38 nooll12448-2451 N 165, (MA 18t12) le Urallskiy politekhnicheakiy institut imeni S&M,Kirova. Submitted July 27j, 1964, Utranonla vlbrat~crs on the dem:~n;o3l ' of rat-,.- z 01a t. ICTIS . T Sve mat- n-:~. 4 s 52- 5~, 1835) K, I Z.,i l,',ff,--rt of Irradlatioll or the rat,.,, of lear:11in'l Of itYlUxif'o a'!C hy-d-roargillte. '."hur. prild. khim. 38 no.4:7~6-750 4, '65. ln3tituL imirml FArova. I- OZ;ItT~~)V, Z'i. L., LUKIYA'NOV, P. S. Volga-Dan Cj,n:il New life of Illyevka. Nauk i zhiznl 19 no. 5, 1952. 9. Monthly list of Riissian Accessions, Library of Congress, Aji,-ust 1952, LMCL. KUZIMTSOV, S.. inzh. -.- ~ 1-1-----~H7draulic rama. Pozh.delo 4 no.9:19-20 158. (MIRA 11:9) (Hydraulic rams) AUTHOR: Kuznetsov, S.K., Engineer 98-58-6-10/21 TITLE: On the Conjunction of Upper and Lower Heads in a Suddenly- Widened Waterway (0 sopryazhenii blyefov pri vnezapnom rasshirenii rusla) PERIODICAL: Gidrotekhnicheskoye Stroitellstio, 1958, Nr 6, PP 34-37 (USSR) ABSTRACT: Two basic forms of current conjunction are possible in the lower head when the channel is suddenly wideneds the free spilling of water on a plans and a deflecting flow. The free spilling on a plane is possible only when the flow of spilling-current is in the central part of the lower head. The author presents graphic and analytic calculations to de- termine the depth-limit at which free-spilling is still possible, and to derive an equation for water-jumps in the deflecting flow. There are 2 graphs and 7 Soviet references, AVAILABLEt Library of Congress Card 1/1 1. River currents-Hathematical analyais KUZI-ETSOV, S.K., Cand Tech Sci -- (diss) llConjunction of the 4~~i ~ in a sudden - Yv"ll-I of the river charmel." Kievs 1959, 15 PP; 4 sheete. of diagrams el" (An of Higher 'ducatiork UkSSR. Kiev Inst cf Engineers of Water Res ources) 150 copies (KL, 33-5~, l1b) 10 - 28 - KUZ M SOV, SaK.# inzh. YreO spreading out of the stream in projection in the tailwater'd hydraulio instaUations, Izv, v7s, ucheb. zave; energ. 2 no.10t103-107 0 159. (MIRA 13:3) 1.No*ocherkassiy inzhonerno-maliorativu" inatitut. Predetavlens. kafedroy gidravliki. (Hydraulics) KUZNMrsOvv S.L.- "Petroleum nicrobiology-, an introduction to microbiological petro- leum engineering." A.Beerstecher. Reviowed by B.I.Kuznetsov. Kikro- biologiia 24 no-3:382-384 Ky-Je 155. (MLRA 8:7) (MRSTIMM, I.) (PBTROIMM--BACMIOLOGT) KUZNETSOV, S.M.. rASKIRT INOV, R.Y. Development of production techniques of motim-picture equipment at the NLenkinap" Inctory. Tekh.kino i televe 4 no.5;56-61 Hy 16o. I (HIM 13:8) (Leningrad-Notion pictures-3quipment and supplies) VONSYATSKIY, A.T), inzki.; ROMUN, I.B., inzh.1 KUZNETSCVp S.M.0 inzh. Transportation and assemblage of 34*2m reinforced concrete span members. Transp.stroi. 3.1 no,3i2l-22 W 161. (MRA 14 13) (Bridge construction) TRAXIITMAN, I tf.- IOFFE, A.B.; CHERNYY, N.I.; FUZ14FTSOVp S.M..; SOLOV'YEV, N. 0 P.; WROGUSH, G.I.; KAPUSTIN, L.D.; VIN , B.G.; RUBCHINEHY, Z. M.; PETRO, G.A.; ZAGORDAN, N.M.; BRAVIN, VJ. Multiple-unit rail car with regenerative braking. Prom. enerf, 15 no.11:18-19 N '60. (MIRA i4:9) (Railroad motorcars) (Electric railway motors) M~m ).=11"90V, S.M.; SERGEM, O.A. Thermal phenomena caused by polishing plane parallel plates. Opt,-makh.prom, 25 no.l-.48-51 A 158* (MIRA 11:7) (Grinding and polishing) KT)Zmsg-v --PAY.; SHIVILIKOVA, L. I. j I Effect of deformations In grinding and polishing tools on the precision of surface configurations of machined optical parts. Opt.-makh.prom. 25 no.6:33-37 Je 158. (MIRA 11:10) (Grinding and polishing) V.Ii.; B.A.; K(,ZIrFT',(jV, Rolo of thc, higher sections of tho c~-,ntrntl n~irvoiia !;yt".a: in inhibiting the local allergic roaction tho Arthno-1-akharov phenomenon. Vast. Mosk. un. fvir. 6-Hiol., pnoinv. 17 ria. 2- 24-28 162. (1-1110. 17i""~ 1. Kafedra fiziologii vysshey nervnoy dey~,I-ellnnitl 1-103kovskogo universiteta. SOKOLOV, S.D., kand. tekhn, nauk; KUNETSOV, S.M., inzh.; KACHEVSKIY, A.I., inzh. Experience in the operation of quick-action electric network protection@ Trudy TSNII MPS no.276:16-32 164. (MIRA 17;8) AUTHORi Kuznetsov, S. M. (Uoscow) SOVII03-19-11-6110 TITLE: Probability of Damaging of the Elements of a System of Automatic Control (Veroyatnost' povrezhdeniya elementoy sistem avtomaticheskogo regulirovaniya) PERIODICAL: Avtomatika i telemekhanika, 1958, Vol 19, Nr 11, PP 1048-1061 (USSR) ABSTRACT: The following is shown as a result of an in7estigation carried out: The probability of the element being damaged is determined by the law of the distribution of disturbances of the element fo(T). If the effect produced by the element is characterized by several independent parameters, the disturbance distribution law will, according to formula (22), be a "composition" of the individual disturbance distribution laws of the individual parameters Ti(T) of the element. The form of the general distribution law is in this case determined by the relative position and form of the individual laws, i. e. by the function Ji(T), which is approximately represented by the formulae (14) and (16). - A f ormula is given f or the dependence of the general disturbance distribution on the standardized individual Card 1/3 distributions in a general form for the experimental evaluation Probability of Damaging of the Elements of a SO'11103-19-11-6110 System of Automatic Control of the reliability of elements. At a given tolerance for the variation of element parameters the form of individual distribution laws depends on the probability components of the resulting deviation of each of the parameters (formulae (10) and (11) ). The probability characteristics of the components of the resulting deviation of each of the element parameters in turn depend on the probability characteristics of the disturbance factors and are determined according to formulae (8) and (9). If the individual laws of the disturbance distribution of the element (for each of its parameters) were obtained in consideration of the probability characteristics of the disturbance factors, formula (22) shows a unique dependence of the general disturbance distribution law of the element on its parameters and on the probability characteristics of the disturbance factors. Formula (22) makes it possible analytically to calculate the general disturbance distribution law for various production- and operation conditions in the element. The limits of permissible deviation of the disturbance factors Card 2/3 are in this case determined by the condition of conservation Probability of Damaging of.,the Elements of a SOV/1 03,19-11-6/10 System of Automatic Control linear relation between the variation of the components of the resulting parameter deviation of the element and variation of disturbance factors. There are 10 figures and 14 Soviet references. SUBMITTEDs May 30t 1957 Card 3/3 kA 7~ N C-_ T S &V -5-,1 9(2) PHASE I BOOK UPLOITATION SCV/1722 Nadezhnost' radicalektronnoy apparatury; abornik statey (Reliability of Electronic Equipment; Collection of Articles) Moscow, Tzd-vo "Sovetskoye radio," 1958. 144 p. Number of copies printed not gi*en. Compiler: I.,Vo Grushin; Ed.: V.G. Maaharova; Tech. Ed.: A.A. Sveshnikov. PURPOSEt The book may be useful to engineering personnel working with electronic equipment* COVERAGE: The authors discuss the necessity of determining the reliability of component elements of various electronic systems and describe methods of calculating the probability of faults in trigger circuits, amp W iers, rectifiersoand other vacuum-tube devices. No personalities are mentioned. References appear at the end of all but one article* TABLE OF CONTENTSs Zimin, VeA. Reliability of Operation of Standard Elements of the High-speed Electronic Computer (BESM) The author explains methoas of checking computer operation and discusses 3 Card 1/4 Reliability of Electronic (Conts) SOV/1722 the reliability of operation of such standard elements as trigger circuits, pulse-forming circuits, pulse rectifiers, phase inverters, cathode followers, diodes, and amplifiers with pulse delay. There are 3 references, a1l Soviet. Ziminp V.A. Life of Vacuum Tubes ir, Elements of the High-speed Elec- tronic Computer (BESM), 27 The author discusses the results of studying the reliability of computer vacuum tubes at the USSR Acadewj of Sciences in 1952-1954. He also ex- plains the stability of tube parameters, operating conditionsand tube life. There are 2 references, both Soviet. Sinitsa, M.A. Problems of Using Stand-by Radio Electronic Equipment 40 The author describes methods of reserving and connecting stand-by equip- ment..and presents a mathematical analysis of probabilities of faults and discusses the effectiveness of using stand-by equipment. There are 5 references, 3 of which are Soviet [including 2 tranalationsTj and 2 English. Card 2/4 Reliability of Electronic (Cont.) SOVA722 Levitin, S.Me Underheating and Noise Parameters as Indices of Gradual Im- pairment of Tube Characteristics 75 The author studies static tube characteristics under conditions of under- heating and explains the effect of noise on operation and life of vacuum tubes. A discussion of a system for testing vacuum tubes is also presented, There are 4 references, all Soviet, Kuznetoov S#M, Criterion and Method of Evaluating Reliability of Components ronic System 92 The author presents a mathematical analysis of the reliability criterion and describesmethode of evaluating the reliability of electronic system components, He also discusses the disadvantages of suc~a method* There are 17 referencess &U Soviet [including 2 translations Druzhinino GeV, Methods of Calculating System Reliability 116 The author explains analytical and graphical methods of calculating reliability of sleptroniq system components. There are 5 references, 3 of-which are Soviet,and 2 English* Card 3A Reliability of Electronic (Cont.) S07/1722 Babenko, A.A. Reliability Parameters of Electronic Equipment 131 The author discusses the probability of the occurrence of faults in electronic equijuent and explains the necessity of determining the reliability of various components. There are no references. AVAILABLE: Library of Congress (TK780.N3) JJ/lsb 7-6-59 Card 4/4 KUZNJITBOV, S.K, (Koekva) .Mlw~ ~--_ Damage probabilities foiz elements of automatic control systems [with summary in English]. Avtom. i telem. 19 noolltlG48.-1061 N 158. (MIRA 11:11) (katomstio control) (Probabilities) I - - KUZNETSavf SIM" The 5312H gear-ml2ling machines Biulotekh,-ekon,inform. no.8:35-36 -161. OUU 14:8) (Gear-cutting machines) KWNETSOV 2 S.M. Hydraulic motor for the worm conveyer of a gear milling machine. Hashinootroitell no.12:19 D 161o- (MIRA 3J,:12) (Oil-hydraulic machinery) 24843 ,/61/022/008/012/015 S1103 D274/D302 AUTHOR: KuznetsoV,_S_.kL_(Moscow) TITIR: Reliability estimate of automatic system based on testing only a part of the system's components PERIODICAL: -vtomatika i telemekhanika, v. 22. no. 8, 1961, 1108-1116 T"`T: In systems with many complex units, these are tested separ- ately; some of the more complex units are not tested at all. ii a large number of units of the same type is involved (which operate under the same conditions), a statistical reliability-estimate is suggested. The e3timate is based on the following method. For a system consisting of k distinct groups of elements of same type which are characterized by approximately same fault-probability, the total fault-probability PC of the system is PC W k ,Z P2i (2) where P2i is the fault-probability of a group of elements of same Card 1/6 24843 S/103/61/022/008/012/015 Reliability estimate... D274/D302 type; this formula is obtained by assuming P2i