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AUTHOR: Kuznetsov, N.T. 26-12-7/49 TITLE: In the Turgay Valley (V Turgayekoy lozhbine) PERIODICAL: Priroda, 1957t No 12, PP 38-39 (USSR) ABSTRAM The Turgay valley in western Kazakhstan is several hundred km long and known for its numerous lakes which are populated by myriads of water fowl during the summer. Birds like flamingos, herons, whooper-swaneq many varieties of geese, ducks and sea gulls build their nests in the reeds. For many years these birds have been living there undisturbed. The author points out that poaching has lately increased to such an extent that the rare bird species will be soon exterminated, unless the population - mainly settlers - is duly informed on the ir- reparable damage caused by these poachers. Another problem to overcome is the gradual sinking of the lakes' water level be- cause of the cultivation of vast areas of virgin soil and the construotion of numerous water reservoirs for the workers and for agricultural purposes. Extensive meliorative measures are recommended to prevent silting or complete drying up of the lakes. This would not only lead to a further decrease of water fowl but also destroy the fJshing trade which, instead, Card 1/2 could be considerably improved by appropriate measures. In the Turgay Valley There are 2 photos. 26-12-7/49 ASSOCIATION: Institute of Geography of the AN, USSR (Moskva) (Institut geo- grafii Akademii nauk SSSR (Moskva) AVAILABLE: Library of Congress Card 2/2 - - -- *,- -3-1" *~----- - - -- - ---- ---- - - - L.- .61 -7-1-C.- N. T. KUZIMBOY, N.T. WW0WrW%ffA;,t""~-- - lakes of North temakhatan. Pzirod& 46 no.5:85-86 Yq 1570 (MLIA lot6) 1. Institut geografil Akadsmil nauk SSSR (Moskva). (Kazs,khstan--I&k~s) KUZNETSOVO N.T.-, KMAYEV, N.M., doktor geograf.nauk,; r-----`VDLTNWTAO V.S., red.izd-va; KASHINA; P.S., [Hydrography of rivers of the Nongolian People's Republic] Gidrografiia rek Kongollskoi Narodnoi Respubliki. Koskva, Izd-vo Akad.nauk SSSR, 1939. 152 p. (MIRA 12:9) (Kongolia-Rivers) AUTHOR: KuznetsoyL SOV/10-59-1-25/32 TITLE: The Distribution of Surface Run-Off in China (Ras- predeleniye poverkhnostnogo stoka po territorii Kitaya) PERIODICAL: Izvestiya Akademii Nauk SSSR, Seriya geografiche- skaya, 1959, Nr 1, pp 150-152 (USSR) ABSTRACT: This is a short review of an article by Kuo Ching- hui. "Physico-Geographical Factors of Formation of Surface Run-Off in China" published in the geo- graphic Journal "Ti-li Hsach-pa:o",., *, volume 24, Nr 2, May 1958. Card 1/1 -ple Hu TRung T L' E: .2110 T .jjyetrci.Q~ j cai ~lo_uriiticns oc art of DzunLaria. iZ I C' J 1 10., L .!kz).d!o0-:di nau'A c 3 1 4.1 '-.'r 2, Pil, -i,-- TIva territoi-y of t1le --r- o' DLu- - aria, coliprises the of t I_e U, E c So-r-A stay , '1 7. L'.y 1. J_ - T ~ L " I ".~ Ild r" r Ii oc an -t - a 2-L a '- au a n' Be, 1 --1 t au, i %, - 11 u Dzuii~ arian -Iopc, of tlv~ I , c o t 1: Tj'i,-.) author cets forLI,. cona' i n n n o f - 'Uh () to r r 1 tu a: y r~ u i a s r iv c r :-, y 3 lj- e-, ri_0.12.Lall, evapol~a",ioa, -Lbso-r- ption b,-;- 'U*l- . Lroumd, v,,ate-r aad .- -. - - - _'_ - u J . Ii s no-_ . ~',.s to tul-ia L;cnc- of t'~i_- ti-ar Ili. --0. ol' 113) tlao ii- rivc)rs stabilit- of C C , "__' ;Dver I , y -2-8/29 V.-ic) !-Iydrolo.ical "Jondi -~,ions of thi3 Par. of" D~iin-aria. o~' foromos-L invortanoo. usnall,! beEins by tho end of !.iarch or in V'ho Alirslv- days of April. Amanc- the factors dlotcrminin '-- the quantity of melted. snow descandin~,- into the rivers, is the distribution screed of thc aver- age daily air toupcraLure above 00 ', in the Q Mountai=. Xcorain-, Io a rouZ!i estimate, this Li speed may be 500-550 m durin- a ten-da-y period. 0 Durin- April and May, snow neltin- comprises J L> - nearly all t1he snoa in tho bor,lerin,-, mountain U 0 ran~,,es, where (with the exception f Tyan'Sh-an only a few fraCI-i-iontary traces- of sno,,-i can be observed at the be-in.-ain '-- of 3~inner. The inves- U U I 'Lj_jp, -- tiC.;ationo have sho',I.M tha 4- the SoU4-1 U 'stern part of Dzun-aria offcro hydrolo'ical reserves, whic'111 0 CV11 be utilizod for irricational flull,.I ind".3trial 0--rj 2/3 purposeo. There is 1 tablc an~'L 1 .-~ovict reforonce. The llydrolo~~ical Conditions of Part- of 'in'tszyansica,,,,a lcomylul--srl-aya okspe'itsiya Alcrido-iii naulic 17TR ' (Sinklang Jo-.n 7,imodit-ion of the .1,.9 Obini-s- I-1condn'r; r., fii ATT SSGR (T:jo!;jtulc of GcograplV of the AS USSR) ,arl. 3/3 KUZNMOV, N.T. . ~ I ~ .... --- Ou-r-rivers in July* Priroda 49 no-7:125-126 ii 160. (XI" 1317) 1. Institut goo afli AN SSSR, Moskva. rMllers) -VZtLE~SOV -2imofeywdxh;-IORDANSKIY,, A.D., red. izd-va; ,3ikolagr POIENOVAp T.P.# tekhn, red, (Treasures of our rivers) Sokrovishcba zashikh rek. Moskvap Izd-vo Akad.nauk SSSR., 1961. 156 p. (MM 1511 (Water resources development) : -i~' KUZNL,VSOV N,T; Our rivors in J=e. Priroda 50 no.6sl24 is 161, (KM 140) lo Institut geogr&fii AN SSSR, Moskva. .(Rivers) KUZNETSOV, N.T. Floods at the end of summer. Priroda 50 no.8:125-126 Ag 161. (MIRA 14:7) 1. Institut googrihi All SSSR (Moskvu). (81,borial Eastern-Floods) KUZNETSOV, N.T. Ancient lakes in Central Asia. Priroda 51 no.1:108-110 Ja '62. 041RA 15:1) 1. Institut geografii Ali SSSR, Moskva. (Asia, Central--Lakes) HVIETSOV H.T. New life of the Khangal Mountains and the Gobi; development of the natural resources of people's Mongolia. Priroda 51 no.7:74-79 JI 162., WMI 15-9) 1. Institut eografii AN SSSR, Moskva, fliongolia-Natural resources) KUZNETSOVp N.T. River diecharge on the territory of the Mongolian Peoplels RepubUc.. IzV* AN SSSRo Sere geogs no*5:M-132 S-0 162o (MIRk 15:10) is Inatitut keqfafii AN SM. Mongolia-Runoff) KEJZNETSOV, N.T. Chazdam of Central Asian river vaters. Izv. AN SSSR. Ser. geog, no.40-13 n-Ag 163.- (MIRA 164) 1. Institut goo afii AN SSSR. ~ Fla, Central-Rivero) (Water-Composition) KUZN3TSOV,j&T,j_ SHMAKINA, O.A. Chemical and physical properties of suspended sediments in rivers of the southern Khangay. Poobvovedenie no.7.*94-98 JI 163. (MM 16:8) 1. Inatitut, geografti AN SSSR i Pochvenrq7 inBtitut imeni V.V. Dokuchayeva. (Dangay HountainB-Water-Composition) (Khangay Mountains-Sedimentation and deposition) KU ',T�g . *.";,~,MZAYEVj S.M. 4 Stages in the Quaternary devalqpment of the lakeB of Central Aeia. Trudy Lab.ozeroved. 151157-173 163. (MIRA 160) (Wa, Central-Lakee) I KUZNETSOV. - R. T. I Pi6blems in the hydrology of -:OlAtral Asia. Izv. AN SSSR Sere geo . nb.W~-13 Ja-F 164. . II . INIRA 1705 1. Institut geografii AN SSSR. KUZNETSOV, N.T. Learming about the geochemistry of geographical zones by the physical and chemical properties of suspended silt. Itv. AN SSSR. Ser. geog. no-5:65-70 S-0 164. 1. Institut geografii IN t=. (MIRA 17:11) SHUSTOVA, I.b., red.; YASIOPOLISKIY, N.F.) red. (Along the trails of wandering rivers; a hydrologist's notes) Po alednm bluzhdaiushchikh rek; zametki gidrologa. Moskvap Izd-vo "Znania)" 1965. 78 (NarodrWi universitett Eatestvenno-nauchrWi fakulltet, no.8 (MIRA 18:8) -M --LL, 7, N SHE-1t,"KINA C.A,, KLYUKANOVAY T,A, Firryalcochamical. characteristica of sus;endel zedimments in the Am, Darya Delta. Po,,:bvcveden!e rx.5t50-57 M~- '(--5. (MIRA 1815) 1. Inutitut geografil AN ."ISSR t Pochvtjnnyy Institut Iman-1 Dolcuchayeva, Moskva. KUZIIET,',,CV, N.T. Some problems for discussion in the paleohydrography of Central Asia during the Quaternary period. Izv. AN SSSR. Ser. geog., no. 11-75-82 Ja-F 966 (MERA 19 W 1. Institut geografii AN SSSR. SOL(,.,-.'IN, A.0. (a.Voevolodo-Blagodatskoye, Svardlovs~aya obl.); GRIGORIYEV, G.V.; FREYDZON, A.I.; 1WZ-NETSOV, N.T.; POLOV, A. (Barnaul); RZIEVSKIY, B.M. (Moskva); DAVYDW,-V.D. Calendar of nature. Priroda 51 no.3sl25-128 Mr '62. (MIRA 150) 1. Karagandinskiy botanioheskiy sad AN Kazakhakoy = (for Grigorlyev). 2. Severo-7.apadnoye upravleniye gidrometsluzhby, Leningrad (for Freydzon). 3. Institut geografii AN SSSRp Moskva (for Xuznetaov). 4. Gosudarstvenr~rf astronomicheakiy institut im. P.K.Shternberga, Moskva (for Davydov). (Mature study) KWITWSOV, Seminar for d9signers of the State Institute for the Designing and Planning of Motor Tobicle R"ir and Motor Transrortation Istablishments. Ayt.dor. 23 no.2132 1 160, (KCn 13:5) (Bridges-*Design) KUZNKSOV. N.K., sanitariVy vrach: KUZNRTSOY, N.Y., assistent Discussion of the draft for a Sanitation Code of the U.S.S.R. Gig. i son. 22 no-5:61-62 Ky 157. (MIRA 10:10) 1. Iz sanitarno-opidemiologicheskoy stantaii i lrafedry gigiyeny Stalinbadskogo meditsinskogo instituta. (IRGISLATION, MEDICAL, Sanit. Codex of USSR (Bus)) KUZWF.TSOV. N.V., inzh. Synthesis of double-path hydraulic transmissions. Trudy KIT no.118:16-12 '58. (MMA 12:2) (Oil hydraulic machinery) N 25(l) PHASE I BOOK EXPLOITATION SOV/1752 Plotnikov, Ivan Mikhaylovich, Valer,yan Nikitich Razumov, Valentina Ivanovna Oborina, Murshida Salimovna Razumova,-Nikol y Vladimirovich Kuzne ov, and Aleksey Nikiforovich Koryakov Potochnoye izgotovleniye obolochkovykh form (Assembly Line Manu- facture of Shell molds) Moscow, Maahgiz, 1957. 42 P. (Series: Obmen tekhnicheskim opytom) 4,000 copies printed. Reviewer: L.M. Volpyanskiy, Engineer; Tech. Ed.: G.A. Sarafannikova; Executive.Ed. (Ural-Siberian Division, Mashgiz): M.A. Bezukladnikov, Engineer. PURPOSE; This book is intended for engineering workers in foundry shops and design establishments concerned with the development of industrial molding methods. COVERAGE: This book reports on exTerience gained by the mixed crews of the.Uralkhimmashzavod Ural Chemical Machinery Plant) and'the Sverdlovsk branch of the NIIKhIMMA* (Scientific Card 1/3 Assembly Line Manufacture of Shell Molds SOV/1752 Research Institute of Chemical Machinery),in organizing mechanized mass production of large shell molds from blends containing water glass. It deals specifically with production of molds for casting large filter press frames and plates (62 to.215 kg.and 1350 x 900 mm. and 1720 x 1080 mm.). The author also describes construction of equipment used in the above process. No personalities are mentioned. There are 14 Soviet references. TABLE OF CONTENTS: Preface Mold Mixtures With Water Glass 3 5 Determining Basic Factors of the Method of Making Shell- Molds For Casting Filter Press Frar.3s and Plates 10 Industrial Experimentation and Application of Mass Production of Filter Press Casting 20 Card 2/3 Assembly Line Manufacture of Shell Molds SOV/1752 Conclusion Appendix S Bibliography AVAILABLE: Library of Congress I Card 3/3 36 38 42 GO/Jmr 6-22-59 - III. ~ - . . .1. 7. P PLOTHIKOV, I.M.. inzh.; RAZUKOV, V.N., kand.tekhn.UAuk; OBCRINA, V.I., inzh.; RAZTJMOVA, H.S., insh.; XCRTAKOV, A.N., inzh.; KUZNETSOV, N.V., lnzh. L.~ - . Making shell molds for frames and plates of filter presses. Mashinostroitell no.10:17-19 0 157. (MIRA 10:11) (Shell molding (Founding)) (Filter presses) I - - - - - - - -- - - - - -- LITSAp Islel KMNETSOV# N,T, M 0 Iffioient method for making dies for oasting plastic parts. Mishinostroltall uo*605 Je 463, (KM 16:7) (Plastics-Molding) r,: I r, PEREPELITSA, I. I.; KUMETSOV, N. V. ... a... - ~ Ilighly-officient method 'of preparing dies for plastic molding# Ratsionalizataiia 13 no. 10:20 163. KIJZNETSOVV N.V. Generallsation of a theorem of V.A. Ambartmudano Dokl. AN SSM 3.46 no.6:1259-1262 0 162, (MIRA 15:iO) 1. Moskovskiy fiziko-tekhnicheskiy institut. Predstavleno akademikom I.G. Petrovskim. (Differential equations) 7" KABANOVI P.I.J9 doktor ist. nauk; YEWAN, P.K., kand. ist. nauk; KUZNETSOVj N.V., kand. iot. nauk; USHAKOV, A.V., kand. fo-f.-nW~fj-XMN0V, V., red. j ZAKHAROVA, G., mled. rod. NOGINA, N., tekhnvrod4 (Outline of the history of the Russian proletariat 1861-19171 Ocherki istorii Rossiiskogo proletariats; 1861-1917. [By] P.I.Kabanov i dr. Moskva, Sotsekgis, 1963. 388 p. (MIRA 16:11) (Labor and laboring classes) Nov 19W ~: ~ " - Wlana, wktM_ MvIrAM4 'Ill= onadmIan P_ "Ximat Trwaamloolon. and Thermal ComputatIon ~f Steam Ofterating Unitop" R. V. Mimetsov, V. N, TImofeyerp CMAIdates In Technical Scienceso Boller rAboratary, "ZirGat VTI" No 11 (13T) Mocusses eciwaotive thermal tranmissicn during ft,pate.1 and side washing with gas of the heating tube coo, acoveotive thermal transm.1solm during Vro- Idaged vashing of the heating surface, thermal trams- wj#eicn du e to the Muminaticn. of gases, and the of-' 3ft26 (Cautd) Nov 1946 created'by soiling the heating surfaces. Man- the lous institutions and administrations k bare contributed to the solution of this prob- Ir FA c? USS/Bollers MaY *47 Surfaces - Heating "Investigation of Now Typee of Heating Surface for Air Preheaters," N, V. Knenetzov, S. 1. Turilin, 9 pp "Irv VTI" No 5 Considers the choice of a small-bodied air beater for high pressure boilers. Shove the advantage of using narrov bundles of small diwAster tubes and of corrugated absete. Experimental data are given on the beat emission and resistance of bundles of corrugated sheets. Fully illustrated vith tables, diagrams, graphs an& photographa. 14T49 0:0000 Ole 0 igo 0*0000 040 ) ; a I It p t 0 to to 01 L ,A J--C. a I I - If twit 00 A of a 09 00 00 00 1.0 00 log. MUIIUTI(X W NUT TSAWFn MISTARS IN A UMSIP 0 OVAL Tn2 All nWATIL LD~"tisvi, It T, and Turilint 0 S. I* (ISTestia V"Sayman6rio Top otom. Inst. (Dunt, 000 All Voice Seat IWC lasto V*S#S.L), Aug. 1967, No.8 *0 13 19-21)o Dods with the results of beat transfer 994, hy4rmullo resistance tests In oval tubes, which show th# adventagas of using this mom-sectiou In air- prehosterse I L 41141.1LA PATALLUNFICAL LITERATU011 CLAISSICA1106 .'S (P.1 d4t U L, "o a 0 11 a v 1wr 0: Ogg K a a of a a a I e'e * 0 4p 0 0 0 4p 0 0 0 C9 0 o 0 0 0 0 st 0*0 .00 Igoe no* see X641 00* ;gee not $I M.C? 419411 4d aftv Lit M1 I ad a 11 9 1 w 0 a a 3 1 LAD *n 1 " I t4p, 0 0 f 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 6 0 0 ~6* SO Is 0 0 0 0 & 41 0 0 AU41MTOUV, V. V. USSR/Engineering - Heat, Boller furnaces, Design Jun 52 "Decrease of Heat Looses Caused b:rOutgoing Gnses," P. 1). 'gnatlyev, 1. 1. 0gurtsov, T. I. Ivanova. Engineers,of GRFS of Mosenergo, 11. V. Kuznetsov, Ciind Tech Sci, Ye. Ta. Titova, Engr, "oiler Lab, VTI I'Iz v-s Teplotekh Inst" No 6, Vp 4-7 Discusses measures developed by joint efforts of VTI collaborators and ORES workers on the basis of so called creative cooperation. Describes constructional changes in furnaces of vrtical water-tube boilers of 3- tons/hr productive capacity. Mensures deal mainly with reconstruction of air-preheaters and installation of boller-utilizerR, steam from which is used inbaerators for beating feed water. New design decreases temp of outgoing gazes from 2150 to 154-170 0c. 231T43 1. K!TZI;.,TS0V, j!. Y.; TURILIN, S. 1., Eng. 2. ussp, (6oo) 4. Stean Boilers 7. Effect of temperaturo on heat er&ssion and resistance of tule surf aces ' to a crosswise current. izv. VTI., 21 No. 11, 1952 9. Monthly List of,Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, February -1953. Unclassified. 1. KUMTSOV, N. V. 2. USSR (600) 4. fteam Boilers 7. Changes in the steam surfaces of the boiler unit TeKTI-50-397, and use of the air-preheater VTI. Izv. VTI 21 No. 12, 1952 9, 14 thly Lists of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, March 1953, Unclassified. Mn - V AID P 1375 Subject USSR/Electricity Card 1/2 Pub. 26 - 2/30 Authors Varavitskiy, 1. B., Kroll, L. B., and Kuznetsov, N. V., Kands of Tech. Sci. Title Reduction of temperature of outgoing flue- gas with the help of an improved deoign of the boiler Periodical Elek. Sta., 2, 4-8, F 1955 Abstract The authors consider that at present the temperature of flue-gases is, an a rule, too high, and thus does not correspond to existing technical possibilities. The increase and improvement of the convection surfaces, and the use of low-pressure steam-economisers and of heat-salvaging boilers dan, in certain cases, contribute to the efficiency of power plant cycles. This applies in particular to plants burning fuels-=taining moisture and sulfurous. AID P - 1375 -Elek.*Sta., 2, 4-8, F 1955 Card 2/2 Pub. 26 - 2/30 The authors-describe and illustrate new heating- surface arrangements which, in combination with heat-salvaging units, contribute to reduce the temperature of exit -gases and to protect exit heating surfaces from corrosion. 3 drawings Inst:LtutiLon: None Submitted : No date AID P - 1376- Subject USSR/Electricity' Card 1/2 Pub. 26 - 3/30 Authors Kuznetsov, N. V., Kand of Tech. Pei. and SHCHERBAKOV, A.Z., Kand of Tech Sci. Title Reduction of the temperature of outgoing flue- gas by adding small-size convection surfaces. Periodical : Elek. Sta.-9.2, 8-12, F 1955 Abstract : The author Is-discuss the problem of reduction of heat losPe**5",:caueed by the high temperature of exit.-rga6ew. They describe some methods which consistiin the development of the existing flue- gas convection surfaces (economisers and air- preheaters) or in creating additional heat-salvag- ing surface; (boilers, low temperature heaters, etc.). In more detail they describe the method applied by the All-Union Heat Engineering Institute, which consists in the introduction of small-size tubular AID P 1376 Elek. Sta., 2, 8-12, F 1955 Card 2/2 Pub. 26 - 3/30 air-preheaters. 3 diagrams and drawings. Institution: None Submitted No date E. XI14Z., V Subject USSR/Engineering AID P - 2031 Card 1/1 Pub. 110-a - 4/14 Author : Kuznetsov, N. V., Rand, of Tech. Sci. Title : Abrasion of tubes by ashes and permissible velocities of flue gases In boilers Periodical : Teploenergetika, 4. 18-242 Ap 1955 Abstract : The author establishes a new formula computing the extent of the abrasion of water tubes caused by ash particles striking the tube surface. He determines on the basis of this formula the permissible maximum.- velocity for gases in boiler ducts. Tables and 6 diagrams. Two Russian references, 1951. Institution: All-Union Heat Engineering Institute Submitted No date Subject USSR/Electricity AID F - 2077 Card 1/1 Pub. 26 - 19/29 Authors Kuznetsov, IL,-.Y-.r and Karasins, E. S., Kands. of Tech. Sci.- --- Title Cast iron air-preheater with ribbed fins .Periodical: Elek. sta., 4, 49-50, AP 1955 Abstract : The author discusses the wide use of cast Iron air-heaters made of pipes ribbed inside and out and gives data and a detailed description of their design. Institution: None Submitted : No date 547, AM WDWHIC OM'MIW.4 af HFATji1qfltKAtcj I WOFJEIA UNaA maum. I)Aue. JV55, 3-10). A- U*crotlcal exWnatj on of gas YoUal U cs aw Uic agipe of horttng surfams In s*rrhanUrs GrA cocami=s In w1cla CC rccant fincilnes an heat trcmf,.r und the fouling of tubcs by aO. -- -------- ----- KTJZP-TSOV, N.V. AID P - 2562 Subject USSR/Engineering Card 1/1 Pub. 110-a - 1116 Authors Kuzn*122vi6J1_'X.$ Shcherbakov, A. Z., Kenda. Tech. Sol., ~ nO Titova, Ye. Ya.0 Chernyakj V. N., Engs. Title Most efficient goo velocities and comparison of data of beating surfaces operating under pressure Periodical Teploenergetika, 8, 3-10,, Ag 1955 Abstract The authors determine the most efficient velocity for gas flow in economizers and superheaters on the basis of re- search on heat transfer, aerodynamic resistance and scale deposits in tubes. A comparison between different shapes of heating surfaces is made in order to demonstrate pos- sibilities for the improvement of convected sections in the boiler design. Nine diagrams, 8 Russian references, 1935-1955. Institution: All-Union Heat Engineering Institute Submitted : No date 16 AID P 2761 Subject I USSR/Engineering Card 1/1 Pub. 110-a - 3/14 Authors Kuznetsov, 4. V. and Shcherbakov, A. E., Kands. "Teen. gal., Tlzova, E. Ya. and Chernyak, V. Ya., Engs. Title Optimal velocities of air and smoke gases in air-heaters and a technical and economical compar- ison of heated surfaces Ferlod~caj Teploenerg., 9, 18-21, S 1955 Abstract ,such as plate, Preheaters of different types, , tubular, cast-iron ribbed and-corrugated iron;'and their operation are discussed. The most erf-Velent velocity of air and gas In ducts Is mathematically analyzed with equqtions and tables. Five diagrams. Three Russian references, 1946-1955. Institution All-Unlon Heat Engineering Institute Submitted No date ~7 T- S 2- V PERIODICAL ABSTRACTS Sub.: USSR/Engineering AID 4161 - F GURVICH, A. M. and N. V. KUZNETSOV IZMENENIYA I DOPOLflMTTTA"TnM0YEKTU NORM TEPLOVOGO RASCHETA KOTELINYKH AGREGATOV (Changes and additions to the standard specifications for heat computation of boiler units). Teploenergetika, no. 1, Ja 1956: 6o. Some additional paragraphs included in the latest edition of the standard specification directives are listed. llama: IMIETSOV, Nikolay Vasil'yovich Dissertations Improvement of Conveativo Surfaces of Boiler Units and Methods of their Calculation on the Basis of Study of Physical Processes% Degroos Doc Tech Sci Affiliations All-Union Order of labor Red Banner Heat Enginoer- ing Soi Res Inst imeni Dzerzhinskiy Defense Data, Place' 4 Lby 56, Council of Moscow Order of IA.,nin Power Enginocring Inst imani Holotov Certification Dates 17 Nov 56 Source: BIIVO 6/57 41 I /V I/ Subject USSR/Heat Engineering Card 1/1 Pub. 110-a - 12/13 Author Kuznetsov, N. V., Kand. Tech. Sci. ------------------ Title Letter to the editors Periodical Teploenergetika, 6, 62-63, Je 1956 AID P - 4432 Abstract The author-refers to an article on ash in conduits and gas velocity limits in boilers published in the No. 4, 1955 issue of this journal and severely criticizes the statements made. One diagram. Institution : None. Submitted : No date KUZ"TSOV, N.T.,,_.daktor takhn. nauk; LIJZHNOV, 0. 1.. Inzh.; BALOBORODOV. F.M., ~,~~nz t ffast-iron shot oloaalng of the conveative surfaces of bollar units. Toploonargetika 4 no.12:3-9 D 157, (=A 10til) 1. Vbasoyuzayy toplatakhniobeekly institut i Omek"a TITs - 3. (Dollars) majo anillyevich; NIKOLATIV, Y.Y., red.; BORMIDT, R.I., awyagg= rorgj",&7VU,- ----WWWM~ (Working processes wA problems in improving boiler-unit convection surfaces] Rabochin protseasy I voprosy usover- shenstvovantla konvektivnvkh poverkhnnstet kotellywkh agregatov. Moekva. Goo. energ. Ird-vo, 1958- 171 Po (MBA 1211) (Heat --Conv set Ion) (Boilers) AUTHOR: Ostinskiy, A.P. 96-4-21/24 TITLE: A conference on the construction of the tail surfaces of boilers operatinG on sulphurous fuels. (Soveshchani,,,,e A po lconstrW~:tsciym 1..-hvo--rtovylch poverlchnostey kotlov, ,-% rabotayushchikh na vysokosernistykh toplivakh). PERIODICAL: Teploenergetika, 1958, No.4, pp.91-92 (USSR). ABSTRACT: A scientific-technical conference on the Oevelopment of new types of -tail surfacer, for boiler,,; on sulphurous fuels was convened by tho Per;:i Pa.,,,-or Directorate and the ReGional Division of NTOEP and held in Perm in October, 1957. The conference was attended by representatives of poter s, 'stehis working, on sulphurous fuels and also by xepraseiitatives of the All-Union Themo- technical Institute, the .0astern Branch of the All-Union Thermo-Technical Institute, the Central Boiler Turbine Institute, ORGRES and the Tao=ror~- Boiler Works. Ten 0 15 reports viere made about investiGations of sulphur corrosion, corrosion protection, and the development of Nev. types of tail surfaces for boilers. Dr. Tech. Sc. N. V. Kuznetsov reported on the .%roric of the All-Union Tlietro--T-e-cTMIL-,rl--In-titu've on the causes of sulphur corro.-Aon of boiler heatiz,-surf,-.ce::. The Chief Card 115 EnGineer of Perfaenergo, P. F. Kochunov,, described 06-4-2 24 A conference on the construction of the tail surfaccc~ of bof~ers operating on sulphurous fuel--;",. r. successful experience with cast-iron alements and also with enamel protection on steel tubes. The representative of Mosenergo Enr-incer Belyanin, also endorsed cast-iron elomcnts. EnGineer blazell of Bashhirener~~o recounted the successful use Of CheLlical additives to reduce corrosion and wear of tubes vilien burning Bashkirian fuel oil. Engineer V. V. Kazanskiy of Periiienergo discussed i,,iethods of enamelling water-heater -tubes and the resistance to corrosion of different sorts of enwael. R. A. Petrosyan of the All-Union Themo-Technical Institute described the reconstruction of the tail part of a boiler in the Zakmisk Heat a_nd Electric Power Station. Cand.Tech.Sc. 1. B, Varavitskiy of the All-Union Thermo- Technical Institute reported a new arran~~ementk of tail heatino- surfaces with gas evapor",tors wid stecl~tl heatinG- of via-ter adopted at the Kizalovsk reCional electric power station. . ~u~net~sov of the All-Union Thermo- Dr. Tech.Sc ANL, ~V. Tachnical Ksti-tute, En.-,~inear Lindhvist of Sverdlovener6o and En-ineer Lakh;man f-,poke on the thaory, desi;:n and W :j Card 2/3 operation of small. coiled heatin,~ surfa~cer7, vlli'lclft have 96-4-21/24 A conference on the construction of the tail surfaces of boilers operating on sulphurous fuels. been widely used in pover stations in the Urals. En6ineer Pitertsev of the Eastern Branch of the All-Union Thermo-Techniccl Institute reported on investi-ations of the best temnerature conditions for flue gases and feed iiiater. Participants in discussions included *,:~'nGineers Dnjaidov of Uralorcr6o and Fel'shtins!:aya of Sveiaovenerbo. Tl,i,..! Confcrence reconwended that boilers burnin-, solid sulphurou- fuels should have caCt-iron ai., heaters. Mention was ralade of .,ucceosful experience of the use of enazael and of additives to fuel oil. Future plans for the introduction and testing of new t~Tes of air-heaters were noted. The Conference directed the attention of the technical directorate of the Mlinistry of Power Stations and the All-Union Thermo-Technical Institute 'to -the need for making combined investiCations to prevent corrosion of boiler heating-surfaces and ash-removal equipment. 0 AVAILABILS: Library of Congress. Card 3/3 96-1-2/31 AUTHORS: Kuznetsov, N.V., Doctor of Technical Sciences and -T,ilzhnov, G..L. , Engineer. TITLE: Problems In the Design of Equipment for Cleaning Con- vection Surfaces of Boilers by Shot (Voprosy proyektirovaniya ustroystv dlya dobevoy ochistki konvektivnykh pover- khnostey kotellnykh agregatov) PERIODICAL: Teploenergetika, 1958, Vol-5, No.1, pp. 8 - 12 (USSR) ABSTRACT: In an article in Taioenergetika, 1957, No.12, the authors described an equipment installed at a power station for removing slag from boiler surfaces by means of iron shot. The main disadvantage was the high wastage of shot, much of which was found in the horizontal gas way beyond the convection shaft, in the furnace, and elsewhere. A diagram (Fig.1) shows how shot falling from above rebounded from the walls and could fall into the horizontal gas way. To prevent this, the boilers of Omsk Heat and Electric Power Station No-3 were modified by fitting special screen grids on the sloping walls of the lower bunkers, as seen in Fig.2. Re-designed shot cleaning equipment will use these deeper bunkers of different wall shape. Shot is also carried away by the flow of air when the plane shutters in the gas way are open. The difficulty may be overcome (;ardl/3 by N. I. Zverev' s method of cleaning the shot of ash. This 96-1-2/31 Problems in the Design of Equipment for Cleaning Convection Surfaces of Boilers by Shot. system is applied in the new design of shot cleaning equipment for the boiler type Tti-230, as illustrated in Fig.3- A special chamber used to regulate the air flow is illustrated in Fig.4 and a new type of shot-distributing device, shown in Fig.51 is recommended. In the first installations, the shot was lifted by compressed air but it is uneconomical to use a stationary compressor for this purpose. Lifting by steam is inconvenient because ~on- densation occurs when theEquipment is cold. It is best to follow non-Russian practice and to Use a high head extraction fan. Alternatively, steam ejectcm can be used as a temporary measure, but occasioned some difficulty in adjusting the air flow to suit the required flow of shot. A newly-designed feeder (illustrated in Fis.6) gives regular and stable delivery of shot at any flow required. The pneumatic delivery often became blocked in service; remedies are described. Wear in parts exposed to flow of shot was also overcome. In the design of boilers to burn fuel that forms hard ash deposits, all convective surfaces should be Uard2/3 located in vertical gas ways with horizontal tubes. In this 96-1-2/31 Problems in the Design of Equipment for Cleaning Convection Surfaces of Boilers by Shot. case, shot cleaning can completely overcome interruptions caused by deposits, Tests at the Zakamek Heat and Electric Power Station (Zakamskaya TETs) show that when the temperature is below the dew point, heavy ash deposits are formed and more frequent cleaning is required# Therefore Iequipment operating below the dew point should also be exranged in vertical shafts suitable for shot cleaning Further r commendations are made about the arrange- ment of ;he equipment. There are 6 figures. ASSOCIATIONs All-Union Thermo-technical Institute (Vaesoyuznyy Teylotekhnicheskiy Instit) AVAILABLE: Library of Congress. Uard )/3 SOV/96.-59-10-9/22 AUTHORS: Kuznetsovt N.V. (Dr.Tech.Sci.)i Luzhnov7 G.I. (Engineer); aricnev, Engineer); Pavlenko) L.I. (Engineer); and Kurgano~,-B.G . (Engineer) TITLE: Experience of the Adjustment of Shot-blast Installations for Removing Ash Deposits from Boiler Heating Surfaces PERIODICAL: Toploenergetika, 1959, Nr 10, pp 49-5~4 (USSR) ABSTRACT: Previous articles in Teploenergetika Nr 12) 195r/7, and Nr 1, 1958, described the use of shot-blasting to clean boilers type TP-230-2 at the Omsk Heat and Electric Power Station when burning fuel oil of high ash, and high sulphur content. Subsequently the design of the equipment was improved and it was tried out at a number of power stations burning anthracite dust, including the NesvetayGRES (power station)on the Rostov Power system. When anthracite dust is burned, heating surfapes quickly become contaminated and cleaning is particularly important. In the Nesvetay station shot-blasting equipment was installed on boilers of 110 tons per hour operating at steam conditions of 122 ats . and 485 OC. The boilers are Card briefly described: the proportion of unburned material in their carry-over is of the order of 8-12%. Until the shot-blasting.installation was put in, the boilers could SOV/96-59-10-9/22 Experience of the Adjustment of Shot-blast Installations fo'., Removing Ash Deposits from Boiler Heating Surfaces oporate for 1 to 1* months, during which the resistance of the convection duct increased by more than 100 mm water and the outgoing flue gas temperature rose by 25-30 OC. Typl-cal curves showing the increase in resistance and flue gas tomperature during a month's operation are given in Fig 1. The shot-blasting installation was generally similar to that previously described, but various changes were made and are described in some detail. Outline drawings of the modified shot-blasting installation are given in Fig 2. To reduce losses of shot to atmosphere, the shot traps were reconstructed, to the form Illustrated In Fig 3. It was found necessary to fit pieces of wire .1. mm diameter on the conical shutters at the bottom (if the shot traps so that a certain amount of air could leak round the shutter and equalise the pressure above it. The results of pressure measurements using the modified shutter are plotted in Fig 5. Minor modifications were Card 2/4 made 4-o the ash bunkers to prevent loss of shot to them. The shot bunkers were made of conical section instead of square, and the shot feeders ware modified,. a new type of SOV/96-59-10-9/22 Zxperienae of the Ad'ustment of Shot-blast Installations for Removing Ash Deposits from Boiler Heating Surfa~3es sYratter being used. A few other. modifications were also made. To clean convective heating surfares efficiently it is necessary to pass 200-300 kg of shot per square metro of duct section. The area of the convo-_tivo ducts or the boilers in question was 20.7 M2, and shot was deliversd at a total rate of 1+700 kL9/hr,, which norresponds to 230 kg/m2/hr. If the equipment is used reg"Jarly an operating time of one hou:- tvice a sh,ift is satisfactory. M A.asts were wade to see whethe,.- shot-blast�ng ,.onid be u-sed to ~:lean up badly-contaminated surfac~au. Th6 results are plotted in Fig 7 and it will be seen that although about 9 tons of shot were passed through the noiriection shaft there was no reduction eitaer in the resistania to flow or in the flue gas temperature. Subsequent axamination showed that some of the shot was rest-1--ig o,-i top of tha existing deposit's, which were not -:7eMo7ed. Therefore, for shot-blast--'ng to be effectUive the heating surfacas must be zleaned in the first place and the eaillipment must be used Ca:od regularly. Data on the resistanca to flow and flue gas 3/)+ tamperatures during six weeks' opuration witb.. regular use )f the shot blastJ.r--.g equipment are plotted in F-g 8, L SOV/96-59-10-9/22 Experience of the Adjustment of Shot-blast Installations for Removing Ash Deposits from Boiler Heating Surfaces The resistance to flow was maintained constant throughout this period and variations in flue gas temperature resulted only from variations in feed-water temperatures. After 45 days' operation with shot-blastingg the economiser and water heater remained clean and ash deposits were found only in places not reached by the shot. The loss of shot was about 0.6% of the total quantity passed and this could be further reduced by minor design changes. The equipment is reliable and the main parts may be used for the design of similar Card installations for boilers of other types burning other fuels. There are 8 figures and 2 Soviet references. ASSOCIATIONs Vsesoyuznyy teplotekhnicheskiy institut, Rostovenergo and Nesvetay GRES (All-Union Thermo-Technical Institute, Rostovenergo (Power System) and N14yetay Regional Electric Power Station) PZIMTSOVO N.V.) doktor tekhn.nauk; LUZIMOV, G.I.,, inzb.; GAVRILOV, A. F. ; SEM NOVA , T. F. Preventing peening'in shot blasting cleaning of heating surfacea.. 'Teploonergetika 7 no.10:27-31 0 160. (MIM 14:9) 1. Vaeooyuznyy teplotakhnichookiy institut. (Boilers-Cleaning) zRoDNIKOV9 S.Ye.p insh. ', KUZNETSOVs N.V.9 doktor tekhn.naukj Sein4na on now methods of removing ash deposits from heating 6w- ,faces. Teploonergetika 7 no. 12:90-91 D l6o. (KEU 14:1) (Boilero-419aning) m MAKAROV, M.M.; KUZUETSOV, N.V. . lll"~; Kinetics of the drying of asbestos paper. Khim. i khim. tekh. 1:355-362 162. (KM 17:2) doktor te KROPP, L.I., irzh; J=N khn. nauk; YEREMINp I.Ya., inzh.; RODIONOV, V.A., inzh. Study of a vibrational method for cleaning a screen-type steam superheater in the TP-17 boiler operating on pul- verized shale. Teploenergetika 10 no.3-1:32-38 N 163. (MIRA 17:1) 1. Vessoyuznyy nauchno-isoledovateliskiy teplotekhnichaskiy institut i Turbinno-kotellny~r zavod. FROPP, L.I., inzh.;,KUZNETSOV, N.V., doktor tekhn. nauk Study of a vibrational method for cleaninv a convective steam superheater. Teploenergetika 11 no.2 42-46 F 164. (MIRA 17%4) 1. Vsesoyuznyy teplotekhnicheskiy institut. NUZNETSOVt NIV.0 doktor tokhn. nauk, prof.- GAVRILOV, A.F., inzh. 0 ---------- Air hbater with intermediated heat carrier. Teploenergetika 11 no.1000-34 0 164. (MIRA 180) 1. Voesoyuznyy teplotekhnichaskly Institut, e e e ~ a 0 ~ 0 M 0 q OF IFFNIF -ioe *a**&*** a******* 04 A lot A" ?hp 00 PROC91111 a ** .1 00 00 00 *0 mw 6*nwmm 041 it ~ .,a a Spw. be" &-Y emw Od 0013 *so 21W Am the 6, w mt, , a sem"* A(SW, eon bm wsw I shot" a -hQk t 00 o 0.0-1a Content. -09. g V v 0 V a 0 or v it. Orpott -00 -00 . of -00 .00 #00 -00 =d .104 It 640%zim a It tAke, 2 .00 see to 1-ves. Abr lbo 10" Vida between the see IMP. On fromcried Pon fron, 11 w4=kb whis 0.2 ".. .1 a US goit CCVW with 1i "1111, AM a dmp & go* 00 . ppt. or dog turbwly 11111M. A twtddigy cw,. X goo* PPI. m " Ords to a '00 W . . if. eon s* 600 see glow mulAw too Igloo* "it owl 449 41,1411 ago 4we ilk 'A s a so 0 11 w I wa I ma 3 0 V 44 1 IV 'a p 0 0 0 is ~ 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 a 0 v 4 0 0 0 0 0 * 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 T4 :00000000000'. T, I, Ii -I-L- '. Lw-"WE--~,Uy , SA . Catalytic transformations of cyclohexanone and 2,4-dimethyl- cyclopentanone over aluminum oxide. Zhur. Obahchey Khim. 22, 1147-9 152. (MLRA 5:8) (CA 47 no.14:6876 153) Chemical Abst. Vol. 48 No. 5 n3r. 10, 195,'. Orgrinic Chovi ArY The catalytir, transformations of cycilohis"none and 2,4- d1meth OpenftnonA- over Aluminwn -9paw. rvvs, iT. and Mr V. Rutnetaov,-777~ r.I.I. . 1 0 on See 8,17Z. iAZAI R0111, EzNi:M()V,- N. vo Ketones Catalytic convnrsions of cyclohexanona and 1, 3-dimethylcyclopentana-5-one with aluminum oxide. Zhur. ob. khim. 22 no. 7, 1952. Monthly List of Russian Accessions, Library of Conr~,,03s, November 1952. UNCLASSIFI.M. UM,VChemistry - Synthesis Card 1/1 Pub. 22 - 31/63 Authors I Nazarov, I. N., Aeaderdcian,; Kuznetsov,, N. V.; and Semenavakiy,, A, Ve Ti,,;Ie o Derivation of aromatic acids thmWh the oxidation of the side chains in aromatic compounds with HNO3 Nriodical t Dok, AN SSSR 99/6,, 1003-1006., Dee 21, 1954 Abstract I Experimental data, regarding the oxidaticn of side chains of aromatic cam- pounds 1with diluted nitric acid, are presented. It is evident from the above given data that diluted 010,2 at a high temperature (about 20.00) smooth ly oxidize s al 1 the dif f erel~t sid e cha ins of aromatic canpounds of a normal and branched nature and including various compounds containing different functional groups. The oxidation cf aromatic derivatives with HNO is aomstiTms accompanied by the nitration process which leads to the ;? fo nation of additimuil products - nitrobenzoic acid. The effect of HNO3 concentration, an the yield of oxidation yToducts, is explained. Five re- ferences: 2-USA; l-English ard 2-Scandinavian (1949-1954). Table. institution: Academy of Sciences USSR,, The N. D, Zelinskiy Institute of Organ, Chemistry Submit tad: Novanber 9j, 1954 I. .... "I ~ ;:~ ~! , j- :*t t * .. -1 .I-, :, I -- .: . - 62-58-4-27/32 AUTHORS: Nazarov, 1. 11., Kuznetsov, N. V. TITLE: Synthesis of Cyclic y-Diamines (Sintez taiklicheskikh 1-diaminov) PERIODICAL: Izvestiya Akademii Nauk SSSR,Otdeleniye Khimicheckikh 11auk, 1950, Nr- 4, pp. 516 - 518 (USSR) ABSTRACT: For elaborating a method for the synthesis of diene com- pounds with a fixed transoidal system of compounds of the type of methylenecyclohexane it was necessary to produce cyclic V-diamines. These belong to the difficulty approachable substances. The production of cyclic y-diamines can either be realized by the reduction of the oxime of 0-aminoketone or by reducing amination of P-aminoketones (see formulae). In references there are descriptions of a catalytic hydration of oximes of 0-aminoketones. Here an hydrogenolysia of the molecule with simultaneous splitting-off the amine takes place and it was possible to obtain diamines this way. It was found Card 1/2 that the hydrogenation of the oximea can in any way be rea- 62-58-4-27/32 Synthesis of Cyclic V-Diamines lized in smallest methanol quantities (ammonia-saturated) in the presence of a great quantity of 0nickel (Reneya) at a reaction temperature of not above 40 C. The hydrogenation of oxim-2-dimethylaminomethylcyclohexane supplies a yield of about 70% of 2-dimethylaminomethylcyclohexylamine. 2-dimethylaminomethyloyclopentanone-oxime supplies the corresponding diamine in a 50% Yield- It was shown that the dioxide can eaaely be converted into methylene-cyclohexene. there &" 9 r*fe~~ez., 1 of which is Soviet. ASSOCIATIOIT: Inotitut organicheskoy khimii im. N. D. Zelinskogo Akademii nauk SSSR (Institute for Organic Chemistry imeni N. D. Zelinskiy,AS USSR) SUBMITTED: December 6, 1957 AVAILABLE: Library of Congress Card 2/2 1, Cyalto awqxmnds-Synthesis 50) SOY/62-59-2-29/40 AUTHORSt Nazarov, I. B., Kuznetsov, N. V. iTITLE: Synthesis of 112-Diacetyl Cyclanes (Sintez 1,2-diateetil- taiklanov) PERIODICAL: Izvestiya Akademii nauk SSSR, Otdeleniye khimicheskikh nauk, 1959, Nr 2, pp 354-355 (USSR) ABSTRACTs In the present news in brief the authors report on a general method of synthesis of diacetyl cyclanes. As initial products corresponding keto nitriles (III) were used which had been ob- tained by addition of hydrocyanic acid to acetyl cyclenes (II) (Ref 2). The nitrile of the acetyl cyclopentane carboxylic acid (III) (n-3) was obtained from acetyl cyclopentene in an 80~ yield. On saponification with a methanol solution of hydro- gen chloride the methyl eater o acetyl cyclopentane-carboxylic acid (IV) (n-3) was formed at 0 For the synthesis of 1,2-di- acetyl cyclopentane (VI) (nw3) the nitrile of acetyl-cyclo- pentane carboxylic acid (III) was easily converted into a cor- responding ketal (V) (n-3). This yielded after reaction with methyl magnesium iodide and acid saponification the diacetyl Card 1/2 cyclopentane in a considerable yield. In a similar way also the Synthesis of 1,2-Diacetyl Cyclanes sov/62-59-2-29/40 diacetyl cyolohexane was obtained. On oxidation with alkaline sodium hypochlorite solution these ketones were transformed accordingly into known trans-cyclopentane and cyclohexane di- carboxylio acids. There are 3 references, 1 of which is Soviet. ASSOCIATION: Institut organicheskoy khimii im. N. D. Zelinskogo Akademii nauk SSSR (Institute of Organic Chemistry imeni N. D. Zelinskiy of the Academy of Sciences, USSR) SUBMITTED: July 4, 1958 Card 2/2 50) SOV/62-59-4-15/42 AUTHORS: Nazarov, I. N., Kuznetoova, A. I., Kuznetsov, N. V., Titov, Yu. A. TITLE: Diene Condensations of 1,3-Dimethylbutadiene With Asymmetric Dienophilic Compounds (Diyenovyye kondensatsii 193-dimetil- butadiyena a nesimmetrichnymi diyenofilami) PERIODICAM Izvestiya, Akademii nauk SSSR. Otdeleniye khimicheskikh nauk, 1959, Nr 4, pp 663-667 (USSR) ABSTRACT: In the present work the condensation of 1,3-dimethylbutadiene with methyl acrylate and methylmethacrylate and with acrylo- nitryls was investigat8d. By heating 1,3-dimet lbutadiene with I methyl acrylate at 220 a mixture of adducts (V and (VI) in a yield of 60% was obtained. The asymmetric isomer (V) was pre- dominant. The adducts were dehydrogenated on carbon-supported 0 palladium at 350 . The saponification of the dehydrogenation products gave a 26 : 1 mixture of known 2,4- and 3,5-dimethyl- benzoic acids. The condensation of 1,3-dimethylbutadiene with methyl methacrylate at 220 gave the adducto (VII) and (VIII) in a yield of 76%, the asymmetric isomer (VII) being again Card 1/? highly predominant. The saponification of the adducts gave a SOV/62-59-4-15/42 Diene Condensations of 1,3-Dimethylbutadiene With Asymmetric Dianophilic Com- pounds mixture of liquid acids. The dehydrogenation of the mixture on carbon-supported palladium gives a mixture of trimethylbenzenes. The oxidation under pressure of this mixture diluted with nitrogenous acid gave an 18 ; 1 mixture of trimellitic and tri- mesio Scide. By heating 1,3-dimethylbutadiene with acrylonitryl at 220 a 13 1 1 mixture of cyclic nitryls (IX) and (X) was ob- tained in a yield of 74%. Their structure was proved by the de- hydrogenation to corresponding aromatic nitryls, which formed 2,4- and 3,5-dimethylbenzoic acids upon saponification. Thus it has been shown for the first time that mixtures of structure- isomeric adducts are formed by the condensation of 1,3-disub- atituted butadienes with asymmetric dienophilic compounds. There are 5 references, 1 of which is Soviet. ASSOCIATIONi Institut organicheskoy khimii im. N. D. Zelinakogo Akademii nauk SSSR (Institute of Organic Chemistry imeni N. D. Zelinskiy of the Academy of Sciences, USSR) SUBMITTED: July 9, 1957 Card 2/2 5 (3) BOV179-29-3-5161 AUTHORS: Nazarov, 1. N. (Deceased), Gurvich# I. A., Alakaandroval 0. V. Kuznetsov X. V Vaoillyev, A. F. TITLE: Stereochemiatry of the Synthesis of Acetylene With Bicyclic Ketones (Stereokhitiya atsetilenovogo sinteza e bitaiklicheakimi ketonami). Synthesis of Cis-l-ethynyl-l-oiy-6-decalone. Ab- sorption Spectra of the Series of Tert.a-decalols (Sintez tais-i-etinil-l-okei-6-dekalona. Spektry pogloshchaniya ryada tratichnykh-a-dakalolov) PERIODICAL: Zhurnal obshchey khimii, 1959, Vol 29, Nr 3, PP 753-761 (USSR) ABSTRACT: Proceeding from the experience acquired in their earlier ex- periments (Refs 1-3) the authors interpreted the configuration of the substituents at ihe C in the alcohol M and in the product of its hydration (III on the basis of the reactivity of these subBtituents. In the work under review the condensa- tion of cis-methoxyoctalone (III) with sodium acetylenide was carried out in liquid ammonia and after saponification of the reaction product acetylene alcohol (IV) was obtained as chief product, besides small quantities of isomeric acetylene alcohols (IVa and IVb). Compound (IV) in methanol in the Card 1/3 presence of sulphuric mercury smoothly hydrates into decaloneMp SOV/79-29-3-5/61 Stereocbemistry of the Synthesis of Acetylene With Bicyclic Ketones. Synthesis of Cis-l-ethynyl-l-oxy-6-debalone. Absorption Spectra of the Series of Tert.a-decalols which easily forms bia-294-dinitrophenyl hydrazone. On the basis of the. latter two easy reactions it must be assumed that both compounds have the same spatial arrangement of the side chain and of hydroxyl at the C,, like cis-ethynyl decalol (I) and the corresponding acetyl derivative (II). In hydro- genation, compound (IV) yields ethyl decalone VI) in crystals, which by reduction yields dial (VII) (Scheme 2~. In the re- action with (III) and subsequent saponification, ethyl magnesium bromide yields an oil, which by reduction forms ethyl diol Ows In the reaction of ethyl magnesium iodide with (VIII) an oil is formed, which in reduction forms the isomeric diol M. M ields in its oxidation the isomeric ketol (IX) of compound M). Thus keto alcohol (VI) is a cis-decalin deriva- tive, so teat also acetylene alcohol (IV) and its derivatives belong to this series. Keto alcohol (IX) and diol M arp thus derivatives of transdecalin. Several substituted cis- and trans-a-decalols were obtained. The absorption spectra Card 2/3 of several tertiary a-decalole are shown. It may be seen from SOY/79-29-3-5/61 Stereochemistry of the Synthesis of Acetylene lith Bicyclic Ketones. SynthesiB*of Cis-l-ethynyl-l-oxy-6-decalone* Absorption Spectra of the Series of Tert.a-decalols them that cie-ethynyl-a-decalole synthesized in the same way possess the same chemical properties and the same absorption spectra. There are 3 figures and 12 references, 6 of which are Soviet. ASSOCIATION: Institut organicheskoy khimii Akademii nauk SSSR (Institute- of Organic Chemistry of the Academy of Sciences, USSR) SUBMITTED: January 4P 1958 Card 3/3 SHOSTAKOVSKIY., M.F.; KUZNErSOV N.V.; DUBOVIK,, N.A.; ZIKMMW., K.Kh. .J- Synthesis of ethoxyaostalaldshyde arA its chemical transformationso Izv,. AN SSSRo Otd,khimenauk no.8:3J+4Ati5OO Ag,61. (MIM 14:8) 1. Irkutskiy institut organicheskoy khimii Sibirskogo otdeleniya AN SSSR. (Acetaldebyde) 9.14()o 27495 s/o62/61/ooo/oo3/oii/O14 B117/BIOI AUTHORS: Shoetakovskiyj M. F. I _Lu~~~ and Yang Cho-Min TITLE: Synthesis and transformation of new vinyl other derivatives Izvest:ya. PERIODICAL: Akademiya nauk SSSR. Otdeleniye khimicheskikh nauk, no. 9, 1961, 1685-1688 TEXT: The present work was undertaken as a part of the studies of synthetic methods for the preparation of now vinyl ether derivatives. In the course of it, several new 3-hydroxy-acrolein ethers and eaters were prepared by the following reacticns. Card 1/5 27495 S/062/61/000/009/011/014 Synthesis and transformations B117/B101 BFS. (qHJ3O C CH (OCt1i&)3+CHj=CHOqH& 3CH (OCHj), I CH30CH=CBrCHO c"'N'HOCH = CBrCHO CHICOCI CH3CO0CH=CBrCHO NaOCH-CBrCHO- C.H.CocVI C,HCOOCU=CBrCHO M., The authors investigated whether these 3-hydroxy acrolein ethers and eaters give the diene condensation. The ether (II) and esters (IV) and (V) obtained readily hydrolyze under the influence of water and atmospheric moisture. They consolidate on storage. Diene condensations of (II), (IV), and (V) with vinyl-butyl ether could not be realized, since the reaction products resinified completely, probably as a result of hydrogen bromide formation. . Ethyl orthoformiate, however, reacts readily with dioxene in Card 2/5 27495 S/062/61/000/009/011/014 Synthesis and transformations B117/B101 the presence of boron trifluoride etheratep yielding-2-ethoxY-3-diethoxy- methyl -p-dioxane (VI) (C H 0 b.p. 1350-1370C (20 mm 11g), n20 11 22 5' D 1-4337). This may be hydrolyzed to 2-formyl p-dioxene (VII) (C 5H60 39 m-P- 400-420C)l which is also a derivative of acrolein. This unsaturated aldehyde is highly hygroscopic and crystallizes in the form of its hydrate. Its cyclic structure is confirmed by the absence of a reaction with ferric chloride, as well as by analytical and spectroscopic data. The authors also studied synthetic methods for the preparation of 1 2-dimethoxy ethylene (X) which was obtained by the reactions; CH.o"+NA BrCH&CH(OCH3)$- CHsOCHICH (OCH3), H+ (CHCOh 0 CH,OCH-CHOCH, tBjOCHlCIH/ \OCR! M OX) Card 3/ 5 27495 s/o62/61/6oo/oo9/o11/014 Synthesis and transformations ... B117/B101 itartifig fromthe acetal of b oiho acetaldehyde the authors prepared 1250-1260C (741 mm HS), n25 1.3930) i,-,1 2-t!rimeih6!xy ethane (VIII5 ~fiich on boiling with acetic anhydride in the priesence of a trace of p-toluen6sulfbnic, i6id is transformed to the acylal (IX) (b.p. 640-650C (14 mm Hg), n20 1-4'0~5). On treating'.(VIII) with acetic anhydride and a D drop of concentrated sulfuric acid, letting the mixture stand for 14 hr, and then treating it with ice water, with subsequent extra6tion and distillation, 1 12-dimethoxy,-l-acetoxy ethane (IX) was obtained also. The reaction mixture obtained b~,boiling (IX) for 2 hr at 1620-1650C was slowly distilled from a Favorskiy flask. A mixture boiling at 710-1450C was obtained. The reaction'.piodu6t was washed*with concentrated sodium carbonate solution,- dried o4er po asaium carbonate and fractionally distilled, yielding a mixture of 4omers in the ratio 3.5 : 1 (112-dimethoxy ethylene (X)9 b.p. 9~o_990d ii20 i*-4184.and an isomer b.p. 1030C, 20.5 -D _iell f -dimethoxy ethylene did not exceed 20%. nD 1-4204)i The ~ 1 1 81 1,2 The study of these is&ale're is' being continued. There are 14 references: 3 Soviet and 11 non-Sbvi6t.. The four most recent references to English- Card 4/5 27495 S/062/61/ooo/oog/oil/014 Synthesis and transformations ... B117/B101 language publications read as follows: M. F. Ansell, B. Gad b J. Chem. Boo- 1956, 33661 K- C. Brannock, J. Organ. Chem. ii, 258 (1990~; S. M. McElvain, S. H. Stammer, J. Amer. Chem. goo., U, 915 (1951)1 W- F- Sresham, US. Patent 2526743- ASSOCIATION: Institut organicheskoy khimii im. N. D. Zelinskogo Akademii nauk SSSR (Institute of Organic Chemistry imeni N. D. Zolinakiy of tho Aoademy of Saienm USSR) SUBMITTED: March 10, 1961 Card 5/5 SHOSTAKOVSKIY, M.F.; KUZNE-TSOV, N.V.; YAN CHME-NINI [Yang ChA-min] S,ynthesis of ethers and esters of 1,2-dloxyetbylene and their transformations. Izv.AN SSSR-Otd.khim.nauk no.4010-716 Ap l62. (MIRA 1534) 1. Institut organicheskoy khimii Im. N.D.Zelinskogo AN SSSR. (Ethers) (Esters) (Ethylene) S/020J62/146/oo6/oO2/016 B172/Bi86 AUTHORi Kuznetsov. TITLEt A generalization of a theorem by A. Ambarteumy&A PERIODICALs Akademiya nauk SSSR. Doklady, v. 1-46j no. 6, 1962p 1259-1262. TEXTs The following theorem is considereds If the spectrum of he boundary value problem (?"(x) + (X-q(x)l(x) - Ot 0