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RUZNMOV, M.1.9 redaktor; KMYAMXVA, L.K., tekhnichookiy redaktor. (Mcparieuce of staklmnovitse in the cellulose and paper induatryl Opyt stakhanoytoey toolliulosno-bumashnol prozWohlennosti. No. 2. (Production of sulfite and sulfate pulps] Proisvodstvo sullfitnoi L sullfatnol tsellialosy. Mook-m. Goslasbumisdat. 1950. 89 p. (KM 7: 11 1. Soyus raboohikh bumshnoy prosWahlonnosti SSSR. (Wood palp Indastry) LUZNETSOI!f_M.I,., -inah. Scraper and opoile remover, Strois truboprov. 7 no.12t27-28 D 162.. (KRA 1611) 1. Gosudarstvennyy institut proyektirovaniya i izyskaniya na rechnom transporte, Moakva. (Underwater pipelines) (Pipe-laying machinery) SHTYAKOVAS Ye-All PAVELIYEV, S.I.;..KUZNETSOV, M.I. Proceoeing of grain raw materialis in the Arsomm'Starch Plant, Sakheprom, 38 noo2t52-54 P '64- (MIRA 1793) I* TSentr'alfnyy nauchno-issladoftatellskly Institut krakluaalo-patoch- noy promysh-lannosti (for Shtyrkov'*). 2. Arzalmsskiy Krakhma:Llnyy.. zavod (for Pavellyev, KuznetBov). n 1 11 LIN r.-I DL V , M . _1 * --- KUZNETSOV, M. 1. -- "The Epizoatiology of Moniesiasis of Sheep under the Steppe Conditions of the Lower Volga Regiom" Min Agriculture USSR. All-Union Institute of Helminthology imeni Academician K. I. Skryabin (VIGIS). Moscow, 1955, (Dissertation for the Degree of Candidate in Veterinary Sciences.) Sol Knizhaya Letopis' No 3s 1956 KUZNF,TSOV, M.I., kand.veterinarrqkh nauk' Detecting intermediate hoots of Moniezia in the steppes of the lower Volga Valley. Trudy VIGIS 6.20-23 159. - (MIRA 15:5) (Sarpinskiy District-Moniezia-Host oni-1s) Wites as carriers of disease) XUZZETSOV, X.I., kand.veterinarnykh nauk Dymmics of the iAfootion of oheop of various ages with Moniesia expanos 9W M. benedeni and some data on thair infection with Thysaniesia giardi in the lower Volga Valley. Trudy VIGIS 6:38-49 159. (MM 15:5) (Volga Valley"4eetoda) (Paraoiten-Sbeep) MATEVCSYAN, Yu.M., prof.1 QARIZHSKAIA, T-.F.O' veterin=yy vrachl KUMETSOVO H.I., kand.veterim-rnykh nauk Helminthe of Saiga tataril-.A. Trudy VIGIS 6:13c~-143 159. (MI%k 15:5) (PW"ites-.:KAJ,71-- A.S.S.R.-Saiga) (Wmw,, inUstinal and parasitic) . 5 ; - . . I -: . " -KUZUTSUT~-H-ol-i,-kand-.voteri-"tolcb I- I -- .. ..... - - Npizootology of moolextasts in sheep to the lower Volga region, Trudy TIGIS 7:63-67 159. (XIU 1311l) (Volga Valley-Sheep-Diseases and pacts) (Tapeworms) I __ __ - XUZIGT BOY g-M. I-., -kandivete-ri- narnykh nauk Some information on types of oribatid mites and their seasonal dynamics in the lower Volga Steppes. Trady VIGIS 7:111-124 059. (HIU 13-.11) (Volga Valley--XLtes) (Sheep--Diseases and pests) Rolr- 0' znli-n In Vin nipzootllolomi of monietiRsin of sheep in steinas of tho 101-10T Vol.-a Vvllo7r. Z001.zhur. 39 no.6:948-950 Jv 1. All-Unl-,Nn lntAtiito )f Halnintolofy, MOSCOW. (vo VMi,,,--T:,T)fjwoT7-.t3) (Sair-a as cAr-ler V ~'isenue) (Parasitne-Sheep) KUZHETSOV, Mikhail Ivanovicbp agronomj MIKHMICH, A.Ye., red.; TSYURKO, Mois, zex=* 51.--- (Sorgo as a valuable forage crop] Sorgo - tsennoe kormovoe rastenie, Orevburgo Orenburgskoe kni2bnoe izd-vo., )-;60. 23 p. (MIRA UtIO) (Sorgb=) (Forage plants) ((~andidat~6-6f-Veteri-n-ar3~--Scie-r~e-es-, All----Union Institute of Helminthology, l%nR&ae&micie~n K. 1. Skryabin) 0 -L "About intermidiate hosts of pathogens of thysanieziosis and Avitellinae infection of sheep", vol. 39) no. 7 July 1962 p. 46 SHUMUMVP3,111 Y-00. , prof.; KUMETOV, ". 1, p kand, vetor. nau~; III ~'ITIII, V.F. , . kand. veter. nauk' - :' Epizuotiology of coenumsin and echinococcosis of farm animals in the lower and middle Volga Valley. Trud) VIGJS 10:82. 91 163. ("lit! "?:,)) KUZNL'TSOV, M.T., kand. vaterinarnykh nauk -- ---- Intermediate hosts of ThyBaniezia and Avitellina: rreliminary report, Trudy VIGIS 100-8 163. (~, RA 17:9) BLINOV, V.Asl DKTTRMVp VeNtl XVZNtT30Vj Mole NO of a pmm-apeotraster for awintng winnidencGo in mlysing s, mixture of rudiotootopes. ktrah, owg, 19 no.4042-346 0 165s (MIRA 18tll) BELDOVSKAYA, I.I. , inzh.; GEFDING, A.K. *, Inzh.; KUZMETSDI,-II..L, inzh. Gluing steel pipelines of sanitary engineering systems. Mont. i spots. rab. v strol. 24 no.8:22-24 Ag 162. (MIRA 15:8) 1. Vsesoyuznyy nauchno-isoledovatel'skiy institut gidrotekhnicheskikh i sanitarno-tekhnichaskikh rabot Ministerstva stroitel'stva RSFSR i Treat Latsantekhmontazh. (Epoxy resins) (Heating pipes) ZAYXO.V N.S.; KVZNETSOV, M.I.; CHELNOKOVA, N.A. Fkamination of the gustatory sensitivity in man during prolor-4d oxygen inhalation and an appropriate dletary regimen. Hiul eksp. b1ol, i med. 56 no.8&11-13 Ag 163, (MIRA 1~17) 1. 1z labt~ratorii fiziologii I patc3ogii organav ~:~,uvstv, (zav. - prcf. P.G. Snyakin) Inatituta rormallnoy i pato-logi- checkoy fiziologii (direktor - deystvitellnyy chlen AMN SSSR prof. V.V. Farin) AM SSSR, Moskva. Predstavlano daystvitelOnym chlenom AMN SSSR VA, Parinym. "00*00000*66 sees 0000 1 6 7411 0 0 0 0 0 Al 0 0 or w41 0-0-0-0111-0- Ave-1wo-O 111111-9-10 0 0 0 0 0 0 - 41- -7 - i - 1--. F --# ~v ---, -~ * - & - 0- w- . --- -U- y AA tt 11 W t -, " - 00 A a L- r A-4, 1. U~ j AL L p A. ...... Go PCO'. and Batman; con(wntistan, on lhr "Goclah"C"tv"61,01BOOMO ibi i Nl f n j~kuswj, tf . , - F111.4. ZA.r A A 8 m -M N t 33 N 1 1ji j 1 90 . I . . o. , Ji . t) l . I j ;,. I i l l i 1 0 6 't l s l efi "Ciff-Al"I 1111M)d filt'llun. rAdtit, in,l ti,411 the fi'llimin eff t -00 cc g s oil The -00 00 a 4111%~t 1AMrMl 1.11 4 7.26 1-0. 1 771 tot It -h,l1 .4 the curve slightly dow"Ould 41141 io*.Ird It'stwo 41 l"It'd 0 pff-.411" iful"ll. I'hv Aril". %4 A"wBiMUM .4 lart'.. ' .00 BlUAn IvAhw A a in 1611 s I'vinula) i, lnwk-l~afmt 4 1-11 a tat li-e- iml i h y K t Inerw4wit U jurtiAl prestaire jrull-it. .90 man). V40aliown W tKirrottic nincu. Jilet4l. clinwwolik-411w; the tartar studied was Is 4S- 1. 10' ffrecutir -I-i"l letv" Ain) I" a fi h m 4 ftt t e (),imail I W liciaNkSLA", $",4 d-w* lk-umaliblim Oallic lit"S slant, significant h.144r. lomilw tkm of C(h 4rtiarl e ir 2 4 r ourr ( . p p and #11.4 Built.) stuffs illor --syllemulgit"n diwiviAtioll curve upward and t i j as 0 so 13 4 *;Ar I.mrr 0 presaurv range ulwin dvicit-c of C(h pressure; al 1 7 00 the kmest CO# Isrewsm used the hower limit, of the S 00 curve disiplicun and the curve 1%,vtltuft A rectAugulAt 'I b ardittl hy Cl a. us l ip has A greater effect ou heullog6loits 60 11 allitilty thdis do I I laus I ill the ranse of 10-AU min. 4 1 pressure the effect is Amble), Itenublysed Wild Out*- %imil,iely qxvifie effert cof COB. The "ItAmpig effrCt of lose -41 otwhe"mixii-Wit 11"ti*iiii-n 6 orl,rf,04c. huA. be* 71 AS# It s - 1-F ...... -- a -Ir 91 tv a 3 1 V Joe a. d is a 14 'n KID M it ri it M 04 a if 6 1111" rf It it 0 of G 6 0 0 0 0 KUMMTSOV. X.I. kandidat b1ologichaskikh nauk h.-' ------ -- F- ? .., ~.. On the problem of supplying sufficient vitamin C to the body in a hot clizat' Toon.-med,shur, no.9:55-57 8 156. (XLPA 10:3) (ASCIIC ACID) (HRAT.-VErSIOLOGICAL AMOT) F I PETROVM. Y.A..', polkovnik meditainakoy alushby; LOBZIN, P.P.. kandetekhaenauk, podpolkovulk intandantskay eluzhby; LWLOV, Yu.Y. imndeued.nauk, mayor seditainakoy sluzhby; KUZNETSOV, R.I., kand. biol.neuk Preflight nourishment for the aviator. Yoon.-med.zhur. n0-7:80 J1 157. (MIRA 11:1) (AIR PUMS-DISEASES AND HYGIBH$) 17(9,11) SOV/177-58-7-21/28 AUTHORS: Kuznikt~ov. M.I., Candidate of Biological Sciences 'P_e_t_ro-vy_!ffi_,_V_.Y. , Candidate of Medical Sciences, Colonel of the Medical Corps; Lobzin, P.P., Candi- date of Technical Sciences, Lieutenant-Colonel of the Commissary Corps; and Kudrova, R.V. TITLE: Feeding the Flight Crew While Wearing Oxygen Masks on Board the Plane PERIODICAL: Voyenno-meditsinskiy zhurnal, 1958, Nr ?, p 82 (USSR) ABSTRACT: The authors worked out a recipe for a food mixture and a method of feeding pilots with the oxygen mask on while on board the plane at high altitudes. Strained food, rich in calories, is sucked up by the pilot via a rubber tube which leads into the mouth thru a valve, thus guaranteeing the hermetic sealing of the mask. Card 1/1 --- - 1fX,-,E]1FTA-XM_T3A See-17-Vol 5/6 Publlc-Health - June -59------- 1778. EFFECT OF INCREASED AMBIENT TEMPERATURE ON METABOLISM OF CERTAIN VITAMINS IN THE ORGANISM (Russian text) - K u z t 9 o V M. 1. and U d a I o Y Y u. F. Moscow - VOPR. PIT. ,5,. ITM-5 5 After a stay under high temperature -conditions, the ascorbic acid content in the human blood plasma was reduced to 0.30-0.90 Mg. / 100 ml. With additional daily introduction Into the ration of 140 mg. vit.C, 2 mg. vit. 131 and 2 mg. vit. 132. the ascorbic acid content of the blood plasma was raised to the original normal levels (0.087-1.27 mg.! 100 ml.). Discontinuance of the supplementary intake of vit. C now brought about in I days a still.ireater reduction of the ascorbic acid level in the blood plasma (0.17 to 0.31 mg 100 mlj. It can be presumed that in the period of acclimatization to a high outside temperature. the human organism's requirement in vit. C to heightened. Also determined was the daily excretion of vit. B, and BZ in the urine. After 8 or 10 days' stay under high temperature conditions, the daily excretion of vit. 131 and 132 in the urine reached extremely low levels (8 to 18 jug. B, and 7.5 to 32 gg. 132), which indicates unsatisfactory provision of the organism with these vitamins. After supplementary intake of vitamins during 8 days. their daily excretion became considerably greater (23 to 45 jig. B, and 96 to 119 ug. Bj): for vit. B1, however, it did not reach levels indicating satisfactory provision of the organism (100 to 150 tig.). The reduction of excretions of vit. B, and B~ In a short period of discontinuance of supplementary Intake of vitamins shows that sup- plementary vitamin intake must be administered in a hot climate systematically and over a fairly lengthy period. In the period of human acclimatization, an adverse effect of hot climate on the metabolism of vit. C. B, and Bj Is manifested. Over- heating can bring about earlier appearance of the symptoms of deficiency of vP..Bj and B2, If the content of these vitamin. In the ration Is low, The enhanced require, ment of the organism in vit.B1. Ba and C under the conditions of a hot climate Is a point for consideration. References 11. KrymskU - Moscow (9) UDAI4)V, Yu. Y., kand. mad. nauko myor md* s1uzhby;KMWLTSOV, 14.1.9.kand. biol. nauk; IAZU7YATSKIT, N.P., kapitan mod. sluih*.- .Results of giving r~ass doses of vitamins to flying personnel under Arctic conditions. Voen.-mad. 2hur, no,1:69-71 ja 159. (KIRA 12:3) (AVIATOM, die. vitamin defic. in Arctic cond., prev. with massive vitamin ther. (fts)) (VITAMIN IWICIMES. Pref. & control in aviators in Arctic cond., prev. with massive vitamin ther, (Ras)) FITROV V.A., kan4. nauk, -nolkovnik meditsinskoy a1uzhb7;,j*~U;qgMj'R'- M.I., kand. bf~l. nauk; LOBZIN, P.P., I-and. tekhm. nauk, pod- :hvnik intendantskoy sluzhby: T3A-AWrfWTOV, G.A., kand-. mad; nauk, Dolkovnik maditsinakoy slazhby; UDkIOV, Yu.7., kand. mad. nauk, mayor meditainskoy slushby Nutrition of flying personnel in hot climate. Voen. med. shur. no.4:68-70 AP 159. (HIF1A 12;8) (AVIATCM 0 nutrition in tropic climate (Rua)) (CLIMATE# nutrition of aviators in tropic climate (Rua)) (gW AITION, of aviators in tropic climate (Bis)) KMTHTSOT, M.I.; UDALOV, Yu.F.; CHELNOT.OWL, N.A. (Moskva) - .0-00~~ -." Ifffect of vibrations OU the metabolism of certain vitamins in the humau organism. Vop. pit. 18 n0-3:14-17 Y$-Je 159. (KM 1~1-7) (VITAMIN, metab. eff. of vibrations (Rus)) (VIBRATIONS, effects, on vitamin metab. (Rae)) UDMV. Th.Y., mayor meditainskoy slushbyt; IMNITSOT, K.I,, kand.biol.nank Natrition of flying personnel In northern latitudes. Toon.-med. shur. no.2t72-74 7 160, (MM 130) (OUTION XIDICIU nutrition & diet) (OOTZ OLDWS) KUZNETSOV M.I.; KUDROVA, R.V.,- UDAIOVA? Yu.F. (Hookva) Biochemical diagnosis of the aBcorbic aold supply in the human body. Vop.pit. 20 no.208-94 Mr-Ap 161., (MIRA 14:6) (ASCORBIC ACID) ARUTr=Vt G.A.; ANTUFIM I.I.; VOROBIYEVIA.I.; UDALOVP YU,Foj SHIB I A.G. (Moskva) Effect of nervous strain on requirement of the body for some vitamins. Top.pit 21 no.4s3-10 Jl-Ag 162. (MIRA 15:3.2) (VITAMINS) (FATIGUE, MENTAL) (STRESS(PHYSIOLDGY)) ARUTYUNOV, G.A., polkovnik meditsinskoy sluzhby, kand. med. nauk; V01MBIR"i, N.A., mayor maditsinskoy aluzhby- KUZNI,,TSOV 14 1 - kand. biolog. nauk; UDALOV, Yu.F., podpolkovni~ mocil tat nsjCt8`ySKu, Z-hby., kand. wd. nauk The effect of flying in supersonic aircraft on metabolism in the body of an aviator. Voen. - med. zhur. no.1:60-64 1963. (14IRA .17: 8) ACC NR: AR-028513 SOURCE CODE; Ul,%10398160A