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The Connection between Softening During Removal of Cold Work and
Temperature Softening of Nickel Alloys
5 German and 6 Soviet.
SUBMITTED: October 24, 1958
Card 3/3
45 (,)0
37~,/W,500/DO =,/043/060
A006/A ! 06
Blanter, M. Ye.; Kuzne+.sov, L. !,, and Metashop, L. A.
Softening and recrystallization procasoes in iron and nickel alloys
FERIODIOAL~ Reforativnyy zhurnal. Metallurgiya, no. 5, 1961, 35, abstract 52h2d?
(OMetallovedoniye I. term. obrabotka metallov' [Tr. Sektaii metallo-
ved. I term. obrabotki metalloy. Tsentr. pravl. Nauch:no-tekhn. o-va
mashInostroit. prom-sti, no. 21 Moscow, 1960, 3-11)
TFX"- The aut-hors analyze some p7~blems scrLneated with the investigation
of the effeat of aiioying elements on recry2tallization processes in Fe and N1
base alloys. The affect of alloying on softienIng of preliminary cold,dtformed
alloys during heating was studled on binar-y Ni alloys (with ~-r, W, Mo, Al, Ti
and Co) ana manganous austenite (013 type) additicaally alloyed wilsh Ni, Cop C-"
W axd Mo. '7t is shown -vh&t the half softeiing temrperat,;re of Ni-alloy5 Is most
increased by W, "r and Mo and least by T!, Al and Co. An inOr8a3e of the dexree
of plastic, deformation 'from 10 to 38% redu3es the degree of stability of th.
alloys againSt remGval of case hardnees. in the ^ase of alloyed austenite the
addition of Ni and Cc rectuces tne tl,~mperiture range of softe-ning; W has a lesser
Card 1/2
24589 S/ 137/6 1 /Tio/005/043/060
Softening and recrystallization ... A0061A106
effe,2t. The addition of 5,% Cr raises the -temperature of the btgirLnihg and
completed softening of austenite by 200 - 300 and 2000C reap-gotively. The
mechanism of the effeat of 'various alloyIng elements an temperature oonditicna of
softening is Interpreted on the t&sls of results obtained by Investigating the
mAgnitude of aotivatlon energy of rezristAllizatior. prooessee. '11he forem6st part
of changes in the energy of interatoml~, bonds during alloyirg Is stressed. The
quantitative connectlon between the critical temperatures of physica] softening
(when remov:Lng caso hardness) and the half softening temperature &UrLng the re-
crystallization of' alloys is shown. Th8 inveBtlgal.lion of the effeot of prelimi-
nary 2asse hardening and recrys-.&1lizetion softening on the hea-~. resistant charac-
41.,eriatilcs of austani-,i:i 3M48i (EI-48.-) atesl c-onfinned ths.% well-defined conneo-
tion between the softening process durirg roorystallization and the nature of
changes In the hsat reBisTance and short lasting stability at higher temperatures.
L. 0.
[Abs*acterla note: Complete translation]
Card 2/2
Structure of the furnace bath in the production of 45-percent
ferrosilicon. Izv. vys. ucheb. zav.; chern. met. 5 no.3s77-87
162. (MIRA 15t5)
1. Dnepropetrovokly metallijrgichaskiy institut I Zaporozhskiy
zavod ferroaplavov.
(Farrosilicon-Electrometallurgy) (Electric furnaces)
~.:.p z
\Icarburized. while the presence of Si (0.17-0.M) and Hi (1.0-1.3%) decrewea the
~o I Tz -I Q-Tn- prf-u-wt-, vf th cat-hl&g. The a teel -
Rapid general overhaul of an electric furnace. Metallurg no.12:15-
16 D 1368 (MIRA 10t,1)
1. Pomoshchnik nachallniks, elaktrost&1eplavillsogo teekha no.1 po
oborudovaniya (for 1.7,lusnetsov). 2.1ushener-konstruktor proyaktne-
go otdola, Chelyabinakiy metallurgichaskiy savod(for L.I.lusnateov)o
(Chelyabinsk-Blectric furnaces)
ICUZNETSOV. 71.1". 1 .
r---~ Boller bearings on bridge crones. Metallurf; 2 no.9:40 S '57.
(YJ--RA 10:9)
1. la-zhenor-konstruktor proyet-tnollo otdoln Chalyabinekc~mo
metr; ilurgicheakogo zavoda
lRoller bearings)
Y"-) Z- t') -I- ' ~ ~-' c-)?), , ~-'.
KUZHZTSOV, L.K., inzh.
Ietter to the editor, Vest.mash. 37 no.12:65 D 157. (KIRL 10:12)
(Cranes, derricks, ate.)
~Ovlch ~
[Light at duskj Svet v ourwrkakh. Vladivostokp Pri-
morskoe knizhnoe izd-vo, 1962. 50 P. (MTRA 17:3)
-5(2)' BOV/75-14-4-14/30
AUTHORSt Kuznetsov, L. U., Makarov, Ye. S., Turovtseva, Z. M.
TITLE: Quantitative Determination of Oxygen in the Lowest Titanium
Oxides by Radiographic Analysis
PERIODICAL: Zhurnal analiticheskoy khimii, 19599 Vol 141 Nr 4s
PP 463 - 465 (USSR)
ABSTRACT# As the lowest titanium oxides the authors understand the
solid solutions of oxygen in a-titanium with the composition
TiO 01 0-42* Radiographic analyses of these compounds (Refs
1,2) show a stespaourse of the curves for the dependence of
the lattice constant a on the oxygen content in a-titanium
which crystallizes hexagonally. Based on this result, the
radiographic method can be used for the quantitative deter-
mination of oxygen dissolved in a-titanium. In the paper under
review, an experiment is made in this direotion. The authors
synthetized the lowest titanium oxides by saturating finely
pulverized titanium with the calculated amount of gaseous
oxygen at 500-5500. The powdery oxide preparations obtained
Card 1/3 were formed into small cylindrioal columns at a pressure of
Quantitative I)etermination of Oxygen in the Lowest SOV/75-14-4-14/30
Titanium Oxides by Radiographic Inalysis
approximately 8000 kg/cm 2, and kept for 15 hours in a
quartz tube at 1000+200 in order to obtain a uniform distri-
bution of oxygen in the preparations. The annealed samples
(TiO 0 05 and TiO 0.3 ) showed a reduction in weight of from
4.10-4 - 7.10-4 9, which was probably caused by sublimation.
The obtained preparations were light-grey at the points of
rupture, and became dark on being ground fine. The composi-
tion of the preparations was determined by the method of
the vacuum melt (Ref 3). The radiographic determination of
the lattice constant was carried out by the method of Debye-
Scherrer. In order to obtain most accurate values for the
lattice constants, the asymmetric method according to Btrau-
mania and Jevins (Ref 4) was used. One of the most important
conditions for the maximum accuracy of this method is the
use of powdered samples (thickness