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KMNITSOV, X.N., inzh. (Omsk): KRACHEVSKIY. B.I., inzh.(Omsk); XHIODMI, (Omsk) What experience has shown in the adoption of electric traction on the Omsk railroad. Zhel. dor* transp. 40 io-5:66-72 My 258. (min li:6) l.GlavVy inshener eluzhby dvisheniya Omekoy dorogi (for Kusnateov). 2.Nachallnik eluzhb7 dvizhentya Omkoy dorogi (for Khachevskiy). 3.Zamestitall nachalinike, planovo-ekDnomicheakogo otdola Omskoy dorogi (for Khlomenol). ('Blectrio railroads--Management) KUZNETBOV, I.N. Train traffic In the section during track work. Put ,I put. khoz. 4 no. 12:14-16 D 160. (MIRA 13:12) 1. Glava" inzhener sluzhby dvishemiya, g.Omsk. (Itailroads--Maintenance and repair) (Railroads--Traffic) KUZNLTSOV, K.N. (g.Omsk) leugtbaning of haul distances contributes to an increase in traffic speed&. Zhel.dor.transp. 42 no.9:86-89 8 160. (MIRA 13-9) 1. Glavnyy inihener slushby 4VL%heniya i passashirskoy raboty Omakoy dorogi. (Railroa&-Traffic) 6 KUZNE7'SOV K.P. kand.t,--khn.naukp dotrsu~nt 1~~~ Gapacity of the bobbin holder of beam warping machine-s. Tekst.p-m. 25 no.1:43-46 Ja 165. (MIRA lEt,) 1. Moskovokly tokstilinyy institut. KUZF-TSOV K.P. dotsent Instrument for measuring warp tension on looms. Tekst r m, 25 no.303-35 Mr 165. (M1W10815) 1. Kafedra tkachestva Moskovskogo tekstillnogo Inatituta. A UTHOR: Kuznetaov, K.P., Engineer SOV/117-58-11-30/36 TITLEi An Individual Exhaust Pan (Individuallnaya vytyazhnaya van- tilyatsiya) PERIODICALi Mashinostroitell, 1958, Nr 11, p 42 (USSR) ABSTRACT: On a machine for the sharpening of files, an exhaust fan has been installed)which is switched on and off with the motor of the machine. A diagram of the machine is given. There is 1 diagram. 1. Blowers--Applications 2. Blowers-.-Contro-I Card 1/1 KUZNETSOV, K.P. Manufacture of small barrels on continuous production lines. Der.P m 10 no.3s28 Mr 161. (MIM 3415) Coppers and copperage) Moombly-line methods) 4r KULIGIVI, Aleksandr Vasillyevich; KANU1311KOV, I.V,, retsenzent; KUM1ETSgV4-Z-E-f-=tsenzent; SOKOLOVA, V.Ye., red.; c---Tlgffa-NA, L.A., tekbn. red. [Automatic AT-100-5M and AT-120-5 looms]Avto-,aticlieskie tkats- kic AT-100-514 i AT-120-5. I!oskva, Rostekldzdat, 1962. 231 p. (MIRA 15:10) (Looms) (Automatic control) VISSR/Biology Insects May 50, Insecticides "Effectiveness of Using Some Chemical Preparations In the Control of Insects of the Pentatomidae ram- ily," K. P. Kuznetsov, Cand Agr Sci, Slavyansk.Base, All-Union Sci Res lost for Plant Protection, 6 pp "Dok v-s Ak Selkhoz Nauk" No 5 Tests toxic effects of various preparations on pentatomidae in laboratory conditions and DDr and bexachlorocyclohexane dusts in field conditions. Laboratory tests show high toxicity of aU prepara-, t'lons tested, and field tests show the two prepam- tions to bave a slov-acting effect and to be more doom 59r1 TQWH/Biology - Insects (Contd) may 50 effective when dusted on insecis' plant food than On.~inzects themselves, except in n early larva stages. Includes eight tables of data. SOKH(NIN, X.Te.;KUZUTBOT, I.P. Gunshot wounds of the heart and of the wall and large intestines. Xhirurgiia no-8t76 Ag. 153. (MIRA 912) 1. Is Fbitriyevskor rayonnoy bolinitsy 1(urskcV oblasti. (HIA -WOMM AND INJURINS) (WJWIUS-WWM AND DUMINS) PAYKIN, D.M.j STARCSTIN, B.G.; MENM, P.P.; MNETSOV, K.Pq POPOVA, M.I.; FESHKOV-0 V.G. Mist spraying of eblorophos against the obiold bug lurygaster integriceps. Zashch. rast. ot vred. i bol. 7 no.2;20-21 F 162. (chlorophoo) i(Eurygasters) (MIRA 15:12) (Spraying and dusting) BARANOVj B.M., inzh,,& I=NETSOV K.S., inzh.; MIRER, O.V.p inzb,j FMPELITSKrr, S.G. ==Xzl~ Concerning the loads on the electric network caused by horusing construction work in Moscow. Elek. sta,32 no, 5:57-62 MY 1610 (MIU 14:5) (Moscow-Electric power distribution) BELIKOV, V.A.; BFSSMRTN-YY, I.S.; GLAZUIIGV, A.A.; IQUIVIDOV, E.S.; KCIZLOV, V.A.,- KUZI.IETSOV K.S.: MIRER, G.V.; SOMMINA, L.A.; ZEDCSEI-,'XO, R.Ya. 11" ,rundamontal problems concerning the design of municipal electric power distribution nelworks" by D.L. Aizenberg and S.I.I. IdIkogosov. Reviewed by V.A. Belikov and others. Slektrichestvo no.7:93-94 n 162. (KIP-J, 15:7) .1. Moskovakiy Inzhenerno-ekonomicheskiy institut ineni S. Ordzhonikidze (for Belikov). 2. Giproko==icnergo (for Besamertnyy). 3. Moskovskiy erjergeticheskiy institut (for Glasunovp Soldatkina). .4. Moskovskoye rayoyLqoyB upravleniye energetichookogo khozyaystva (for lokh7idov). 5. Izningradskaya kabelInaya sW Leningradskogo upravleniya energokhozyaystvom Glavenergo M i ni,a,tei-stvat'nlektrostantsiy SSSR (for Kozlov). 6. Mcsinzhproyekt (for Kumetsov). 7. Upravleniye po proyektirovan-.yu zhilishcbno-.- grazhdanskogo A komamllnogo stroitelstva g. Moskry (for Mrer). 8. Akademiya kommunallnogo khozyaystva im. K.D. Pamfilova (for Fedosenko). (Electric power distribution) (Alzerfoerg, B.L.) (Nikogosov, S.N.) za vypusk; PECHERMATAt Tolop VZ10TRV,~X (Traffic ragulatinns for vehicles and pedestrians on city and community streets and roads of Irkutsk Province] Pravila dvizheniia transporta i peebakhodov po ulitsem gorodov, nase- lawaykh punktov i dorogam Irkatakoi oblasti. Irkutsk, Irkutakoe knizhnoe lzd-vo, 1939, 73 p. (MIRA 13:2) 1, Irkutsk. Oble atnoy ispolinitallnyy komitat. (Irkutsk Province-Traffic regulations) , Lo ------- Regularize forest preservation and exploition. Fin. SSSR 21-9. no*4:45-46 Ap 161. (MMA 14:4) lo Zaveduzushchiy Tayobetskim 'rayfinotdolom Irkutakoy oblasti, (Tayehet District-Forest and forestry) KUZNBTSOV, L., inshaner. ~--- Improve the quality of equipment put out by plants of the Main Administration of Machine Manufacture for the Food Industry. M*.-elev. prom. 23 no,4:27 Ap 157. (KIRA 10:5) 1. Bobruyskaya melluitoa No. 17. (Grain milling machinery) OMMOWIP G.,, kand.tekhn.nauk,' INGEMUL M-., inzh.j_,XUZHET&W-t-I-; SHOZIYAp M.; M40DRUK p I. The EM-1 corn threddng machine with two Otagess HAs-elay. prom. 28 no*6:6-9 Je 162. (MIM 15 Z7) 1. Mirgorodukaya mashinoispytatellnaya otantaiya (for Shonya Nemodruk). 2. Veeooyaznyy zaochnyy institut pishch6voy promyshlennosti (for Krey- merman). 3. Vsesoyumw nauchno-iioledovittellskiy institut zerns, i produktov yego pererabotki (for Ingerman). (Threohing machineo) (Corn (Maize)) Kuz6TSOV, L. Responsible for the life of a person. Zhil.-kom. khoz. 13 no.400-31, Ap 163. 1 (KM 160) 1. Zameetitell nachallnika Gosudaretvannogo avtomobil,'.noy inspektaii Glavnogo upravleniya militaii Ministerstva okhrany obfhchastvennogo poryadka RSFSR, (Traffic engineering) RZHEKHIN, Yu.; KUZNEETSOV, L.; SOKOLOV, A. Traffic engineering and safety. Av't.tranap. 42 no.3 48-52 Mr 164. (YIRA 17:4) 1. Zamestitell nachallnika Gosudarstvennoy avtomobillnoy inspektaii Glavnogo upravleniya militaii Ministerstva okhrany obahchestvannogo I poryadka rSFSR (for Kuznetsov). Traffic organizatlon and safoty. Avt. transp. 42 ro.10:48-49 0 164. (141RA 17: 11) 1. Zamestitelt nachallniku Gosudarstvennoy a,,,tomob4llnoy inspektoli Glavnogo upravlenlya militsii Ministerstva okhrany obshchestvennogo poryadka RSFSR. i IK fV-` 11 '11? ~;f N pGMild im . I T-raffIc organization arv., il-,ui'ct.,,,,. D 164- (MIRA 18.'4) 1. Zamestitell rutchalln!k-a Goinciii.,nt-vennuy avUmohIlIncy inspektsli Glavnogo upravlenlya j%.1,!ltAJ iflilizitu'rJora OU1,1111Y vb,,,,h:-,hf)sLvennogo poi-faOi FOPS11, (for NummTSOVO LoA. (Moskva) Method of forecasting fields of humidit7s, cloudimseep and precipitations Heteorei. g1drol. nool.289-15 D 1629 (MW 15212) Oreather forecasting) PROSKURIN, V.V., dotsent; KUMITSOV, L.A., inzh.; ANDRIANOV, A.P.. Insh.; GUSHY, - - v Industrial testing of shield ceilings made of logo. Izv.vys. uchob.sar.; gor.zhur. no.6:3-8 '59- (MM 13:4) 1. Tomskiy ordena Trudovogo Krasnogo Znameni politekhnichaskiy institut imeni S.M.Kirova. Rekomendovana kafedroy rasrabotki plastovykh mestorozhdeniy. (Mine timbering) A.P., otarably prepodavatell; GUSEVp I.P.,, doteent;,KUZRETBOV, ANDRIANOVI - ---0 L*A.-p- otarohiy propodavatelf; PfMKURIN, V,V., dotsent; FED Wq-- starshiy prepodavatell Clay breakthroughs in mini 9 Izvevyseuchebtzavej gorothur, no*3:15-18 161* (MMA 15:4) 1, Tomskiy ordena Trudovogo Krasnogo Znameni politekhaichaskiy institut imeni SAKirovale rekomendoyana kafedroy mzmbotki plastovykh mestorozMeniy Tomokogo politekhnicheskogo instituta. (Prokoplyevok region-Coal mines and miming) (Clay) EJZNETSOV ZLJ- an.- Mowmwaw , I Bialoa of awallaws. Pr1roda 46 no.6:127 Je '57. (MMA 10:7) I. Laningradskly gosudarstysmiyy universitst Im. A.A.7hdanovs. (Swallovs) I NUZZUSOV. L.A.---- Differential methods of exercise therapy in diseases of the lumbosacral part of the peripheral nervous system, Top.kur. fisioter. i loch. fis. kul't no,3%29-33 Jl-S 135. MRA M) 1. Is bellueologichaskogo neuchno-imeledovatellskogo instituts imeni I.V. Stalina n& karorte Sochi--Hatsevta (dir.--doteent N.P. Vladimirov) (NERM, MRIPHUAL, diseases lumbosacral phys. exercise ther. differ, method) (I M 0181 THERAPY, In various diseases differ. method in die. of lumbosacral peripheral nerves) Tr'I~N momm, TU.M. L.A. Bilateral spontaneous pneumothorax In foreign bodies of the trachea and bronchi. Vast-nto-rin 17 no.4:42-44 JI-Ag 155. (HLRL8:10) 1. Is Barnaul'skoy gorodakoy bollnitsy, (TRAGM, foreign bodies, causing pneumothorax, bilateral) (BRACH1, foreign bodies, causing pneumothorax, bilateral) (MMCIGN BODUS, bronchi & trachea, causing bilateral pneumotborax) (PNZMOTMRAI, etiology and pathogenesis. for. bodies of bronchi & trachea bilateral pneumothorax) XMIMPSOV, L. h. icology and biolo&7 of Anabasis salea (G,A.M.)Benth.e.l. Biul. SHO LGU U0.101-58 158. (MIRA 13:6) (Anabasis (Botarq)) KUZNETSCV, L.A. Geobotanic2l char2ateristics of Anabaseta salsae communities. Uch zap. Ped. in3t. Gerts. 178:119-144 159. (MIRA 14:7) 4nabasis (Botany)) (Pastures and meadows) -i-e-f 121" ACC NR, W'd SOURCE CODE: AUTHOR: Kuznet=,I"-A,.Uoctor of technical sciences). Bogoradovskiy, G. 1. lj~ (Enginee_r_j_,-Krinskiy, A. A. En ee h Kuznetsov, A. L, Candidate of technical (Egin sciences); __~surovj_j_~_,_!, ngineer) ORG: none TITLE: Basic results of tests on an experimental-industrial sample of the amw-6. gas turbine unit of NZL SOURCE: Energomashinostroyaniye, no@ 5, 1965P 1-4 TOPIC TAGS: gas turbinep industrial blower) gas flow/Gr-750-6 gas turbine, 370-12-1 industrial blower ABSTRACT: This paper' describes' to eta an the GT-750-6 gas turfiLn'8'____1 'unit designed and built in 1963-1964 at-NL Nevskly Mgchlng-_____ ~SLIII di 0 1 7 X and intended to drive a 3 - 2-1 centrifugal !blower et the pumping stations of gas mainist Some of the constants of the gas turbine arai Temperature of jhe gas ahead of the high pressure turbine 7500 C1 power at the blower coupling 6000,kwi fuel consumption 1.93 tons/hr; rpm of main, `shart 5,6001 degree of regeneration 0,70; efficiency of the unit ~ ;!27.0%; gas flow through the turbine 190 tons/hour. The paper gives ' curvep or tomparsturest pressureso.africiencLoq and..outauba for variou .3.operating conditions, Orig. . ar.t, bae 6 ligurea and 7 formulaso- tjpp.8,j SUB CODE., 13, 20 SUBM.DATE1 none ORIG REF: 002 Card 1/3. mat 621.438.001-45 PAVLIKCIVSKAYA, U.B,; KUMETSOV, L.A.; NIEKBAYEVY V.1i. Changes in the external respiration under tile effect of physical loads of varicrurintenoitT In pationts with heart defects of rheumatic etiology* Vop.kur., fiziotnr. I loch. fiz. kul't 30 no.5t444-447 S-0 165. (MIRA 18:12) 1. Otdelenlye lechobnoy Vzlchnakoy kulltv-y (zav. - kand,med, nauk L.A.Kuznetaov) i otdaleniyo filnktaicnallnoy diagnostiki, (zav. N.B.Pavlikovskaya) Sochinskogo instituUi kurortologil i fizioterapii (dlr. Nje#Romanov)., KUZNETSOVj_..L.A,.p,kand. med. nauk Review of V.N. Moshkov8s book "General fundamentals of exeroise therapy," Vop. kur., fizioter. i lech. fit. kul't. 29 no.1:83-84 164. (MIRA 17:9) 1. Zaveduyushchiy otdeleniyem lechebnoy fizicheakoy kulltury Sochinskogo institute. kurortologii i fizioterapii. IMIETS 07, L.A. Automatic operation of a compresaor plant. Der. prom. 12 no*5t25-26 My 163s (mm 16:7) (Compresoors) (Automatic control) KUZNETSOV, L.A., inzh. ~t~" W-1 Silicate products for rural construction. Stroi.mat. 9 no.9t 18-19 S 163. (MIRA 16:10) KUZNETSOV, L.A. Device for reversing the circulation of air in dryIng chambers. Der. prom. 12 no.806-27 Ag 163. (MIRA 16:11) 1. Fabrika klavishrqkh instrumentov *Zar7a.w XUZN-LTSOVs L. A. PA 37/49T21 0 go A 00 a ore oIl-i's- Degree of 11W Reg-"- Cantnuom 1 so r " Gan at C,,-Turbhw 1101SWIS"W" OpMOV106 (In ]Russian,) L A, Kumelpov and S- A. and Turbim, i W M et e n Ilychemkov. Kofluesirbeel-r Manufacture 1, 1 an,Fth. 1949. p. 1.3. ~ of the ab-ve. 70- presents a theoretical analysis 769 fWneralJon is recommendvi for stationary Installations. The rtlationship of befle rhararter- oo Op"ifle 11111 ron%umption, and Istiro-ft-Y. useful output-to C06111clitnt at regeneration Is *0 Interpreted graphically. 00 00 Wei A -4-1 ...... .. .. . U A AV to 1% 1 9, of a 0 0 0 K a a it st a I Sr 91 9 A 4 0 0, 0" 0" *w 00 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 -a 0 0 0 0 0-- --* -- : : III. L KUNzio"ov) L. A. The cons truet ion snd desir! cf hnos ill 'h3rro- electric power plants. lbskvn, Gos. nquch.-tekhn. izd-,,fo L,-ashino- stroit. lit-ry, 1949. 249 p. (50-19'M) TydC41.KS inxh*ner; ZAWF, O.A.. Inzh*ner.;ZVYAGrNTSKV, V.T., inshener; aM-NBTSOV, L.A., kandi"ttekhnichookikh nmuk. rnvestleation of blading of turklass developed by the Nevskiy (Lenin) Mchinery Manufacturing Plan:*. Nnorgonashinostroanie no.10:1-8 0156, (KLRA 10:1) M=bines-Bladaw) 8 6 14 (6) 1 Z -. 54 - - 5 5 9 1 T.-a.azlz.tica frc,-.n: Referativn-Y zh uznaJ.. I ~- 59 4, Z9 'USSR) AUTHOR: Bycla-MIKov, S. A. , X.,azzaetucy, 11,. A. , ane Se::m:che-T, 7 G' TITLE: Stationary NZLGBi3 Turbinea PERIODICAL* V ob. : 1zpo1'zovzni7r.- gzz?. v 1957, pp 114-121 ABSTRACT: Nera Pl=t imeni Len,- bL.Illds 1. 5-6-A'dw 9F-0- turbine -Lniits. All unita built lay thiz plant bave th--- zimt-.Iest zc_!Iem~s with F. develope:l regeneratica an:! a curbine-antrance TV,, fi---st GT-61)0-2, .5 industrial unt., (600'3r., !.5 Mw) ffra,2f_S cl Leavy liq7_,id fuel. The: F,(--;,-50300 gae-4urbir.~r--::or~171-rec--,,~~z ,,ap3.c-'.y 2.5 Mvr) i-a jmtende:! for craratiol-I cp_ 0. gP_3 1-_-:)rT1 t_'wA1-'er- groun-3 gaa:fficat"-am. Its axial extrazzic-a-tv coxrAprezL,.cr cnza:-es mienve:riag :L-ito the drill-hole &I Z.2-ntzm. Th~_ unit cperatcaz on blact-lumace gas with QH w 630 heall'Ag anL1 drves a Ga r -1, 1012, SOV/ 112-59-4-6591 Stationary NZL Gas Turbines generator. Use of a 4oLble housing znd runner air cooling pezmittled considerable savings on au3tenite steel without any appreciable reduction ol efficiency or reliability of the machine. A GT-700-4 u-nit ('600040-0, 4 M-q) has been developed for gas-pumping stations; its acheme is Oimilar to that of C;T-600-1.5, but it has, in addition, a superimposed turbine. New bladZng in ito Sas-flow path ensures a high efficiency. V. S. P. CaTd 2/2 KUZNZTSgy,,T- .,LtNDA Ta.A., inshener, redektor.- GOYM. Te.le redaktor lzdatel stva; STAROZHUK, Ta.P., kandidat takhnichesidkh nauk, retsenzent; ffGHEVA, O,V., takhnicheskiy redaktore (Combustion chambers of stationary gas turbinesj Imery egoraulls, statsionarnykh gazoWwbinnvkh ustanovok. Hoskvs, Gos.nauchno- tekhnsizd-vo mashinostroltelit-ry, 1957. 1" P, (KLRA 10:6) (Gas turbines) KUZMSOV, L.A., kand.takhn. nauk. Selecting a starting motor for single shaft gas turbines. Energomashinostroonle 3 no.i2:37-39 D 157. (MIRA 11:1) (Gas turbines) 5/212/59/000/013/021/067 A002/AOOl Translation fromi Referativrxyy zhurnal, Elektrotakhnika, 1959, No. 13, P, 32, # 26377 AUTHOIRS-a Bychenkov, S. A., Kuznetsov, L. A., Dorfman, L. A., Shkutov, K. 0. TBLIZ: Tne Experimental Gas Turbine Plant of NZL PERIODICALs Tr. Novak. mashinostrolt. z-da, 1957 (1958), No. 1, pp. 211-226 - was built at RM in 1945- TEXT: An experimental gas turbine power plant 1948. At this plant a single-shaft FT-~50 (GT-550) unit was Installed working on an open cycle witl. regeneration (550 C gas tempprature, 3.5 atm pressure). In 1255, the unit was oonve;rted to a rT-700 (GT-700) two-shaft- ins,tallation (700 C gas temperature) . The plant was in operation for 2,500 hours with 130 starts. The OT-550 with a capacity of 8W-1,000 kw has 5 reaction stages - CKJI - const, A - const, U/00 - 0.56-0.63. The axial compressor has 16 stages with a 50% reaction. The adjustment of the compressor was performed during the tests. The stage charaoteristio on which the calculation of the compressor of t* Industrial FT-600-1.5 (OT-600-1.5) was based, was plotted on the basis of these Card 1/2 S/I'Z/59/000/013/02!/067 The Experimental Gas Turbine Plant of NZL A002,/AO01 investigations. The nonuniform distribution of temperatures over the turbine casing and great temperature stresses In the rotor bore necessitate a preheating of the installation for 60 - 80 minutes. Characteristics of the turbine unit at different operating conditions are given. Changes of the outsids air temperature from +200C to -200C do not affect the specific fuel consumption, but the power dft rises'by 1.5 times. The two-shaft GT-700 unit was des1gred on the basis of thq GT-5-50 by adding a superimposed, single stage turbine with a 7000C Inlet tempera- ture and a high-pressure compressor. V. S. P. Translator's notes This is the full translation of the original-Russian abstraot. Card 2/2 SOV/123-59-16-66692 Translation from: Referativnyy zhurnal. Mashinostroyenlye, 1959, Nr 16, p 395 (USSR) AUTHORS: Kuznetsov, L.A.,.Lamm, Yu.A., Narezhnyy, E.G. TITLE: Combustion.Chambers of Gas Tarbine-Installations PERIODICAL: Tr. Nevsk. Mashinostroit. z-da, 1957 (1958), vyp.1, 227 - 244 MSTRACT: At the Nevskiy Mashine Plant imeni Lenin (NZL) works were carried out for the investigation and designing of combustion chambers (KS) whigh could be used for gas turbine installations operating on heavy, liquid and gaseous fuel. The extensive work which was carried out to investigate the KS with a two-stage whirling device of primary air, with an aero- dynamic distribution of the air stream, permitted to draw conclusions on the prospects of such a design of the KS and its application for the combustion of both liquid and low-calorie gaseous fuels. Such KS are made by the NZL for PG-50,000 and OT-600-6 installations. The Plant is also engaged in the designing of KS for the combustion of high-calorie gases. The work is carried out along two basic directions: 1. Using the standard design of a combustion chamber for liquid fuel,~by.way of Card 112 installing in it special gas burners. 2. Designing:and test" of-direct- Combustion Chambers of Oas Turbine Installatl=a SOV/123-59-16-66692 flow combustion chambers with a telesoopi:3 fire tube and nozzle mixer. A whirling device with hollow blades-is installed as a frontal installation (burner). The fuel (gas) is.foreed into the hollow of the blades and is admitted to the combustion space through fine.orifices in.the walls of the blade and in the exit rim. Card 2/2 A_ Ku d 4 -a. I; Intl.' :I- H :~i;lk I , -4', lei - 3. 2-04 3.40 9 ~9 104 0 a 4.0 ad a. --.J2 .0 0. W, a all.U o"". 1-3 4- A-..- ops.A4 04 vilp.: 1*4 0. to I aID 0 ft 0. A ON a a oil .1 R, 4* 1 Om I Ji 01 j- o 30-02, 4, c a~ 0 3 ~n~ _. 0 fto Me I I u H 1A X; Og- P BYCMUMV, S.A., inzh.; KVZ ~ IQ&- T=~ 71" kond.tekhn.nauk Considerations in the selection of statIonary gas-turbine units. Energomashinostroanis 4 no-3:22-23 Mr 158. (MIRA 11:5) (Gas turbines) I - - -, - ~ I - I - - ~ - !-~ --F4~ ~ --l-1- ~- -11-1- -- mw~ XUZXN5(Wg L.A. ekandotekhn.nauk; RAM. G.A..insh. Start voltages in seamless forged rotors of gas turbineso Inergonashinostroenis 4 no,12:1-3 D 158. (MIRA 1l.-12) (Gas turbines) KOUMTSOV & L.A. , kand. tekhn. nauk; KRINSKIY I A. A. , inzh. i BOGORADOVSKIY., G.O.,, inzh. BURDIN., A.A.,, inzh. t OT-700-5 gas turbine system. Energomash:inostroenle 7 no,5SI-6 My 161o - ' - (RIRA 3,4:8) (Gas turbines) 26530 S/114/61/000/009/001/002 E194/E455 AUTHORS: Kuznetsov, L.A,, Candidate of Technical Sciences' -K-u -z-n-e-4-7-s ~av. ~--, Engineer TITLE- The influence of cooling on gas turbine :.haracteristics PERIODICALi Energomashinostroyeniye, 1961, No,9, PP.5-8 TEXT, Gas turbine performance is improved by raising the inlet gas temperature which, in modern gas turbines, is 650 to 8250C. To achiere these temperatureethe blading is made of expensive scar,:e material or cooling is used. Cooling complicates construction and gives rise to additional losses but reduces the- demand for expensive scarce material or permits of higher gas temperature. Significant temperature increase can only be secured by cooling all the parts of the flow path including the blading. Cooling gives rise to additional losses be--ause: the gas temperature is reduced and so it :an do less work; the cooling agent (air) must be compressedi regenerative air heating is reduced because the gas is cooled more in the turbine. Other minor -~.-auses are enumerated. The balance of advantage is assessed by comparing cooled and unc;ooled turbines. For Card 1/4 26530 S/114/61/000/009/001/002 The influence of --ooling on gas E194/E455 purposes of analysts, it is assumed that the metal is cooled to a more or less uniform temperature throughout the flow path and that this temperature ~L3 lower than the gas temperature. Theoretical expressions are then derived from which the exhaust gas temperatures in -r;ooled and uncooled turbines be calculated and thc-s6 and other expressiona are used to calculate the various pow&r .A.oases due to -.ocling enumerated- above. For -c;on-:~reteness, a, hximeri~~al analys-'s is made of :cooling losses in gas turbines in the 3 to 12 MW range with the following methods of :~oolingi 1) liquid screen t;ooling of rotor diso~a, as des--ribed by G.Fusner (Ref.6x Me,~hani,:;al Engineering, 1950, N 4); 2) air cooling of roior as by blowing air'through blad*t rootol 3) cooling of rotor and bladea by ;Jrrulating a ~-ooling liquid. The blade speed at --h=- root diams-.~er is taken to be 180 m/sec and the stage heat drop Lj 17.5 kcal/kg. Othez- design detatl.3 are given. The cooled mw'.al temperAture is takan as 300*C to p6rmit the use of pearlitic The maximum -:.ooling air temperature is 400"C. The -.altulation3 admittedly undo-restimate the cooling losses. Fig.2 shows graph& of turbine -characteristics as functions of San tsmperature, namely the efficienty na , the relati-za useful power delivered (P and the fipetific gas sonsumption G-VA. C!~.:-d 2/4 26530 S/114/61/000/009/001/002 The influence of cooling on gas ... E194/E455 The dotted lines correspond to no cooling; the numbers against the other curves correspond to the cooling methods enumerated above. Further data are given for power loss and for losses specific to air cooling. The following conclusions are then drawn; all Rinds of cooling appreciably reduce the efficiency but losses with screen cooling are much less than with air. If the savings in turbine manufacturing costs are set off against extra fuel and air consumption, it is found that air cooling is unprofitable, although it may still be needed in some cases to improve starting and operating conditions. Liquid cooling, even of runner blades alone, gives still greater losses which are not covered by the savings in construction costs. Screen cooling combined with partial air cooling is thus the most promising for gas turbines of medium output. Air should mainly be used to prevent leakage of gas through the labyrinth glands and only incidentally for cooling. There are 4 figures and 6 references: 5 Soviet and I non-Sovlet. The reference to an En;rlish language publication reads as follows: G.Fusner, Mechanical Engineering, 1950, N 4. Card 3/4 S/114/62/000/007/002/003 E194/E455 ~ AUTHORS: Kuzn Candidate of Technical Sciencesi ironov, D.P., Candidate of'Technical Sciences TITLE: Internal thermal insulation of the casing of gas turbine type rT -700-5 (GT-700-5) PERIODICAL: Energomashinostroyeniye, no-7, 1962, 23-26 TEXT: Gas turbines operate with an inlet gas temperature of 7QO*C or more and ad special precautions are required in the de'sign of casing. , The earlier solution was to use auste;-.itic steels but these have various disadvantages. kir cooling in quite effective but is difficult to distribute uniformly and there is some loss of efficiency.- Internal thermal insulation give good results and casing temperatures can thereby be much reduced. It has the disadvantage of requiring a larger casing and, moreover, local coollnir may Atill be required'at places where there is direct thermal-contact between the frame and hot parts. The properties required of internal thermal insulation are Card 1/3 S/114/62/000/007/002/003 Internal thermal insulation* ... E194/E455 discussed; of available materials the most suitable are kaolin wadding and fibrous alumina. Since 1955, the Nevskiy mashinostroitellnyy-zavod (Novak Engineering Works) has used vermiculite concrete as thermal insulation of full-scale and model gas turbines. The composition of this material is described. Tests showed that it.needed air gaps to allow for thermal expansion. Three prototypes of turbine type GT-700-5 were internally insulated with vermiculite. concrete, micro-slag wadding grade M-100, and an experimental batch of kaolin fibre. The construction of the internal insulation, particularly that of vermiculite concrete, Is described,-In some detail. Graphs of steady temperature against gas inlet temperature for different parts of the turbine show in particular that the centre part of the casing could be kept to about 400*C with inle-t gas temperature of 7600c, Graphs also show change a of temperature with time for Vioug p4j4A of, 01P t140001 top vg44ng heated up steadily for. a period of 5 to 6 hours. After'230 hours operation and 60 starts the kaolin and, islaj; wa ddifig- iniu1A:t1on%6f -Ahe first machine showed no obvious shrinkage. The appearance of the kaolin wadding was' Card 2/3 S/114/62/000/007/002/003 Internal thermal insulation ... E194/E455 unaltered whilst the slag wadding had become more brittle and broke up more easily. The results so far available do not permit of a firm choice between kaolin wadding or vermiculite conc7ete. Preaent indications are that high-temperature wadding is pref~erable to the concrete and insulation o'f this kind protected with heat-resisting fabric does not require a 'ir gaps, does not shrink and is of very uniform properties over its entire area.. There ar.e 6 figures. Card 3/3 DUBROVSKIY, O.V.,, kand. tekhn. nauk; MMS.O.V., L.A., kand. tekhn. nauk; NARZZMM, E.G.9 kand. tekhn. nauk Experimental study of a MO&I of a three-register combustion chamber of a pB turbine system operating on liquid fuel. Teploonergetika 10 no.7t3l-36 Jl 163. (MMA 16:7) 1. Nevskiy mashinostroitellnyy 2avod i laningradakiy korablestroi- telinyy institut. (Gan turbines) ,&UOTSOV,-L,A-,-, doktor tekhn. nauk,- ANDREYEV, V.I.,- BOGORADOVSKIY, G.I.1- BURDIN, A.A.; KRINSKIY, A.A.; FAYNSHTEYN, A.A.; SHABASHOV, S.Z. [The GT-700-5 gas turbine system] Gazoturbinnaia ustanovka GT-700-5. Moskvap Mashinostroenie, 1964. 190 p. (MIRA 17:5) ANDREYEV, V.I., inzh.; KUZNETSOV,,L.A., doktor tekhn. nauk Manufacture of gas turbdnes at the Nevskii Machirery Plant. Energomaahinostroenie 10 no.7:1-4 JI 164. (MIRA 17:9) =NETSOV L.A., dtktor tekhn. nauk, BOGORADOVSKIY, G.I., lnzh-.,- ~Niy' A,A., inzh.) KUZNETSOV, A.L., kand, tekhn. nauk; MALITSUROV, I.I., Jnzh. Principal results of the tests of an experimental industrial GT-750-6 gas turbine system. Energomashinostroenie 11 no.5; 1-4 MT 165. (miRA 18:6) KUMETSOV,_~..A., doktor tekhn.nauk; SUDAREV, A.V., inzh. Study of b2ade-type mixers of combustion chambers with three whirlers. Energamashinostroenio 11 no.10:17-19 0 165, (MRA 18:1-1) ACC NR, Ay6oJ9314 SOURCE CODE: UR/0286/65/000/012/0022/0022' 34- INVENTOR: Levin., A. He; Glazov, A. N!; Vershinin, V. I.; Danil P. He 5 Plekhanov#*fr-. S.; PaBhehenko, V. Teel Lachinov. S. S : Kuzneteov, 0: bina. F.'D,; Levitakaya, T. T71 -fatarov, F. S.1 Lipinakaya, V. P.; Che-r-heyeva, Z.--K.-,- A12t!!VvaL ~ S. OHO: none TITIZ: Steal for manufacturing i~o-nasyntbeals cat ere .Class 18,, No. 171877 Or SOURCEs Dyull*tent isobroteniy i tovarnykh anakov, no. 12, 1965, 22 TOPIC TAGS& steelp ammonia, inorganic synthesis# catalysis ABSTRACTt A steel for manufacturing amonia synthesis catalyzera is distinguished by an increased oatalyzar activity and has the following chemical composition: 0.10% 0, 1.0-2.0% All 0.05% Mn, 0.008% Pq 0.008% so 0-05% Cr, 0.10% -,u, 0.05% Ni, 0;40% Si, balanoo-iron. EJPRSJ SUB OODZi 3.10 07 SUBK DATZI now UDGI ,- -'-- --2E r - . I z , - --, f-- -/-., ILTZINIITSO.Vt..~t'D.; LACHINOT. S.S. Wfect of promoters on the specific activity of iron catalysts ammonia synthesis. KhIm. nauka i prom. 2 no.2:269-270 157. (MIMA lot6) 1, Goeudaretvannyy institut azotnoy promyshlonnosti. (Catalysts) (Ammonia) .9/081/60/0OO/Q2i/Ooq/oi8 A0O5/AOOl T~ahslation from: Referativnyy zhurnal, Khimiya, 1960, No. 21, p. 5o, # 83987 AUTHORS: Lachinov, S. %., Kuznpl= T. T)., Kurkovskiy, V. A., Shishkova, V.N., Dmitriyenko, L. 90.",Tyu`dkovskaya, B. G. TITLE: The Activity and Structure of Iron,Catalysts of the Ammonia Synthesis With Three and Four Activators PERIODICAL: Probl. kinetiki I kataliza, 1960, Vol. 10, pp. 199-203 TEXT: The activity of an iron catalyst activated by K 0 - CaO - A1203 'a higher with respect*to the NH synthesis than the activity oi an iron catalyst activated by K Al 0 and '~ 0 - CaO - Al 0 - SiO (mainly on account of the 29 jt3 2 3 higher specific activ Y) I?a nitrogen hydrogen mixture is applied with poisons containing oxygen, the activity is higher for an Iron catalyst with four activa- tors. An iron catalyst activated by K20 CaO - Al 20 - Si02 is distinguished in comparison! with an iron catalyst activated by K20 - RO - A1203 by a greater sur- face, higher dispersion degree, and finer porosity. In iron catalysts with an intricate activator compositon, the alkali and alkali earth activators Increase Card 1/2 s/o8i/6o/c,00/021/009/018 A005/AOOI The Activity and Structure of Iron Catalysts of the Ammonia Synthesis With Three and Four Activators the specific activity of the iron catalyst but lead to a decrease in surface while the amphoteric and weak acid refractory oxides decrease the specific activity but increase the surface. From the summary of the authors Translator's note: This is the full translation of the original Russian abstract. 10 I)V5170 G-cs u.OA kS -/ Ve NMI I/ ' W~, .4 0 M /-S~/ I C ivvyz -Y,- Card 2/2 DMITRENKO, L.M.; KUZNETSOV, L.D.; KANYSHINA, Ye.A.; KONTOROVICH, G.I. Selection of raw materials for the production of catalysts for ammonia synthesis. KhIm. prom. no.10:750-752 0 163. (MIRA 17:6) 1. Gosudarstvennyy nauchno-issledovateltakiy i proyektnyy institut azotnoy.promyshlennosti i produktov organicheskogo sinteza i TSentrallnyy nauchno-isoledovatellskiy inatitut chernoy metallurgii imeni I.P. Bardina. IACHINOV, S.S.; RUBINSHTEYN, A.M.; AKIMOV, V.M.; KLYACIIKO-GURVICH,- A.L.; KONYUKHOVA, I.N.;-197VETSOV, L.D.; LEVITSKAYA, T.T.; PRIBYTKOVA, N.A.; SLINKIN, A.A.; CHESNOKOVA, R.V. Complex investigation of iron catalysts for ammonia arnthesis. Kin. i kat. 5 no.3;478-489 Vq-Je 164. (MIRA 17: 11) 1. Institut organicheskoy khimii, AN SSSR i Gosudarstvennyy institut azotnoy promyshlennosti. KRYLOVA, A.V.; ~gNETSOV L.D.; KONYUKHOVA, I.N. Effect of Alkaline accelerators on the electron work function and the activity of ammonia catalysts. Kin. i kat. 5 no-5t 948-950 S-0 164. (MIRA 17r12) 1. Institu44 khimicheskoy fiz.Iki AN SSSR i Gosudarstvennyy institut azotnoy promyshlennosti. -ing --- Uri- G-2 Abs Jour 1 Ref Zhur Fizikv, No 3, 1957, No 6960 Author tVoroshchagin, L.F., Ymnotnny. 1"z., Alayovn, T.I. Title tDielectric Froportios of Castor Oil at High Frossuro Orig lub iZh. cl.-sporin. i toor. fiziki, 1956, 30, No 4, 661-666 Abstract :A study was nado of the doponlonco of 'the dioloctric constent and the tangent of the dielectric lose angle (tan of castor oil on the Frossuro (p). The cuthor hrs described in detail on oxporimontal setup, which nakos Possible monsurc- ment of 6: rnd tan 6 of liquid dioloctrics all the wey to p - 9,000 atnos. It is shown that E of cast6tzoil, at nor- nal pressuro, ir 4.35, on(] increases with increasing p until it ronchos P- maxi-mun ( C - =1.25) at 3600 atnos. Further in- crease in ~rossuro reduces 6 (E:= 4 at 9,ooo att-os). The incronuo in rrousuro at 1~ p.* 3600 nt-L-.os Is rttributed to the increase in the density of the cpstor oil with increasing pressure. The reduction ofle upon further increase in p is due to tho increrso in the relaxation time. The curve of tan6 of er.stor oil vs. p also exhibits a maximum. Cer 1 1/1 KUZRLPTSOV, L.F., inzh.; TIMOOV, V.D., inzh. Features of using radioactive isotopes in service systems. Elsk. I teple tiaga 6 nooll:40-41 N 162. (KIRA 16t1) (Radioaotive isotopes-Industrial applications) (Railroads) ;11~j KAZANSKIY, 111kolay Vasillyevich; KtIZNETSOV, Leonid Filippovich; UZIMIll's F.V., red. . .- - .1 - (Ma3onry and furnace work] Kamennyo i pechnye raboty. Voskva, Izd-vo F-va kommun.khoz.RSFSR, 1963. 38 p. (MIRA 17:6) SARYLOU. K.P.; KUZNBTSOV, L.I.- YAROYNYXYA. L.I. Treatuent of Botkin's disease In children. Pediatriia 39 no.6:43-46 N-D (MUM 10t2) 1. Is fakulltatskoy detskoy kliniki (sav. - prof. P.A.Ponomareva) u base Il Hook ovskogo gosudaretve=ogo maditainskago instituta imani I.V.St&Uvm I 4-y gorodskoy bollnitay Zhdanovskogo rayona (91~vnyy vrac'h Yu.A.Maksimova) (EDWATITIS, INYATMUS, in infant and child. ther. (Rui)) KuUeukriv. L. 1. r' 'A 153-Til UM/dhemistry'- RedUction" ziec'tr*o- Nov 49 Polarograpby ..."polarographic Determination of Picric Acid)" M*~ B. Neyman, L. I. XUzneteov, I. B. Rabinovich., A4 V. Rysbov, Inst of Cbem, GorIkiy State U, 4 pp "Eavod rAb" No 11 17. 96 .Describes experiments on electroreduction of picric acid on,morcury-drop catbode. Determines ,abet favorable conditions for its quantitative determination by polarographic methods. In- audes tour graphs. L MIM R --- - ['-pf! -, ^ci -- I- K ~ 07 9 L. T.# C uld - or-Tooh- .1 0 1,14) il, U1.1j, it'll - 'il) of on I j the Activity of Ammon i,%-;-,yn the si s Cat-tlysts and Dev,.)Iopin,~ a 1, r To 0 Aotiio Industrial Cat-ilyst," Uoscow, 1959, 12 pp (Moscow Chemical and Tochnolo.-,ic-tl Inctitute im D. I. Mendelayov) (KL, 8-60, 116) 16(l) AUTHOR8 Kuznetsovt LeIo S07143--58,-19t-12116 TITLEs Movewnt of the Gyrosc:ope in a ResiE-ting Mediam Taking into Account the Friction of the Suspension Clip (0 dvizhenii giroskopa),V soppotivlyayushcheysys sreds a uchetom treniya v podvese PERIODICALs Vesinik Leningradekogo universitet&~Seriya matematiki, mekhaniki i astronomii,19589Nr 19(4),PP 151-155 (USSR) ABSTRACTs The author considers a gyroscope with Cardanic suspension, with the weight P and moments of inertia A and C. The free movement of the gyroscope is described by A G, + Cro 2 + PIO, 0 r - r .L erg, + PIO 2 0 0 Now the gyroscope is exposed to the resistance of the medium and of the friation cf W, auspezzisjion ;,,lip. Disturbing to-,w occurp and a non-linear system of three equations is ob- tained, since r - r(t). The system is solved I means of Card 1/2 averaging according to the method of Bulgakov Ref 1 1 - Movement of the (~,roscops in a Resisting Madium Taking SOT/43-58-19--12/16 into Account the Friction or the Suspenzion CUp It is stated that for I 0 the pre- cession as well as the nutatiom decays. There are I figure, and 3 Soviet taferences. SUBMITTEDs Marh 29, 19.~77 Card 2/2 16(1) AUTHORt Kuznetoov, L.I. SOV/43-59-1-17/17 ------------------- TITLE: On the Calculation of Amplitudes of Forced Oscillations of a System (0 vychislenii amplitud vynuzhdennykh kolebaniy odnoy sistemy) PERIODICAL: Vestnik Leningradskogo universiteta, Seriya matematiki, mekhaniki i astronomiif 19599 Nr 1(1)t PP 150-156 (USSR) ABSTRACTs The author considers small oscillations of an instrument for the investigation of vibrations which corsists of a symmetric- ally suspended disk and of an optical observation element. The oscillations arise by small discrepancies in the balancing of the instrument and by small deviations of the suspensions, and they distort the image.of the observed vibrations. For the consideration of this distortion one has to calculate the amplitudes of the small oscillations. The author proposes a calculation method which is not completely precise, however, essentially simpler than the usual methods for which linear systems with seven unknown-shave to be solved according to the Cramer rule. SUBNITTED: January 2, 1957 Card 1/1 USCOMM-Dc-6o,929 16(1),24(6) AUTHOR: Kuzretsov,L.I. SOV43-59-10/17 TITLE: The Estimation of the Solutions of the Motion Equations of Gyroscope Systems (Otaenka resheniy uravneniy dvizheniya giroskopicheakikh sistem) PERIODICAL: Vestnik Leningradskogo universiteta, Seriya matematiki, mekhaniki i astronomii, 1959, Nr 7(2), PP 105-111 (USSR) ABSTRACT: The author considers a system with holonomic stationary bindings and m gyroscopes. The motion equations have the form N 9-1 NJ& + Ug jk4k) ' fj (t) + T-lojk( t)qk + bjk(t)4k] k-1 where the coefficients are certain funotions of the parameters. Beside of (1) the simplified system n (2) H�gjk6k - fj(t) + K jk(t)uk + bjk(t)aj k-1 km 1 with (3) u 1(0) qjo is oonsidered. Under the assumption that (2) has a unique .L tion satisfying (3), the difference q -u is estimated. Card 112 so'u' i j The Estimat-lon vf the Sol-itions of the Motion SOV/43-59-10/17 Equations of Gyroscope Systems The astimation has the form M A+Bt I + H nt qj - UJI< 6 1 -1 R where the positive oonstant M does not depend on H. The given values of the constants can be improved essentially for concrete problems. A special case was already investigated by D.R.Merkin. There are 3 Soviet references. SUBMTTTED; DeQember 2, 1957 Card 2/2 Leningrad, Universitat PRm i Boox EnwiTATioN sm/463o Mekhaaika (Keebanics) [Leningrad] 1960. 254 p. (Series: Ito: Uchenyye zapiski, no. 280. Beriya matematicheskikh nauk, vYP- 35) Errata slip inserted. 11,T25 copies printed. Sponsoring Agency: LeningreAskiy ordena Lenin& gosudarstvannyy universitet imeni A. A. Zbd-ova. Reep. Rd.: N. N. Polyakhov, Professor; Ed.: T. 1. Kulagina; Tech. Ed.: Ye. G. Zhukova. PURPOSE: This collection of articles is intended for scientists, engineers at NII's (scientific re~eaxrch institutes) and design offices and also for,students of advanced coureei in related fields. COVERAGE: The collection consists of original investigations in the field,,of mDdern mechanics including general mechanics, theory of elasticity, and b1dromerodynox-d-cs. No personalities are mentioned. Beferences accompany all articles except one. 14c c hanics TABIZ OF CONTMS: GENERAL MECHANICS scyv/463o 1. Babushkin, S.A. On the Dyawde Accuracy of Linear Combined Automatic Control Systems 3 2. Yershov ', B.A. 9and A.Tu. LIvovich. Experimental InvestIgation of the Vibratig- is of the S=dLag Boards of Pimos 15 3. &nR~ ~ov ~L.I. On the Equations of the Precession Theory of Gyroscopes 25 4. Mel Injkc*,r, G.I. On Differential Equations of TrianEpOAr Form 31 1 5, Nevcselov, V-9- Supplements to the Reports on Nonholonomic Mechanics 36 6. Novoselov, V.S. Zqrations of Motion of Nonlin ar Nonholonomic Systems With Connections Not Belonging to the Type of N.G. Chetayev 53 S/64g.31'6'2'/00'l9/004/002/004 bo D237 308 AUTHOR: Kuznetsov, L.I. TITLE: Use of the Bubnov-Galorkin method in-thetheoiry of non-linear oscillations -PERIODICAL: Universitet'. Leningrad. Vestnik. Seriya matematiki,- mekhanil:i i asti~onomii, v. IV, no. 4, 1962t 79-85 Nechanicah-syfftems are described by -T(xt ~, t) x where is continuous in all arguments and periodic in t vith the period of 2j-r, are considered. Only 27t-periodic solutions of (1) are investigated. An operator equation x P11TX a 0 .equi a it is shown that if~ beginning from valent to (1 1 formed an~, " some n (1.8) has a solution x in D (D - finite and bounded), j 0 then x - Tx . 0 (1.7). bard 1/2 S/043/62/019/004/002/004 Use of the Bubnov-Galerkin riethod ... D237fL)308 Macre T E D has a solution xO. 4\1so, the ae quence of colutions, IX01 (n) I contains a aubsequPnce convergent to xo. Further the author deriven and proves Theorem 2: Let the function -T(x :k 0 posseGs bounded 2nd derivatives w.r. to x and ~c. Then, if '(15 has a 2a -periodic solution x0 for which the variational equation (xo I:ko I t) ~ +3'V(X",*n,t) ~ X Bk .has no 2-Ir periodic solution then, starting from some n, the solu- tion of (3) exists and the sequence of approximate solutions con- verges to the exact solution. There are 3 figures* SUBMII'TED: March 23, 1962 Card.2/2 I- K= a - T..T - Application of the Bftov-Galerkin method in the nonlinear oscil.lation theorye Vent, LGU 17 no.19:79-85 162. (KM 15:10) k0scillations) MM WRIER ENCL.. Ou MA tic) F&F so'; 000 L ---32937-66 --EWP(k)/EfiT(m)/EWP e)/EWP(t)/i-U ACC NR, AP6o19932 SOURCE CODE: UR/0122/66/000/006/0063/0065 AUTHOR, DerKunova, V. S. (Candidate of technical sciences); Komissarov, G. K. (Engineer) ; Yermakova, M. K (Engineer); Kuznetsov, L. I. (Engineer); Gol'denbe A. A. (Candidate of technical sciences) ORG: none TITLE: Metal ceramic allay for work at elevated temperatures SOURCE: Vestnik mashinontroyeniya, no. 6, 1966, 63-65 TOPIC TAGS: metal ceramic material, sintered alloy, high temperature cermet material titanium carbide containing alloy, boron carbide containing alloy, silicon carbide containing alloy, alloy oxidation, alloy thermal fatigue ABSTRACT: Se al ternary alloys containing ho.8-6o% TiC, 20-39.2% B4C, and 20% Si( were compacte~dt 2100-2150C under a pressure of 230 kg/cm2, diffusio annealed at '10 1900C for 12 hr in an argon atmosphere, cooled at the rate of 100C/h and tested for oxidation resistance and thermal fatigue. Oxidation-resistanceKests made on alloys oxidized in air at 900C for 20 min, 1.5 hr, 3.5 hr, 10 hr, and 15 hr showed that the most intersive oxidation, accompanied with oxide film formation, occurs in the initial period if the exposure and practically ceases after 5-hr exposure. All tested alloys can be regarded as oxidation resistant since their veight gain in 15-hr ij-i7kg'AT Card 1/2 --- --- I L 32937-66 ACC NRj Ap6ol9932 tests was only 4-6 mg/cm2, which In 3.5 times lower than the weight gain of TIC under identical conditions of oxidation. 11be thermal fatigue resistance van evaluated from the number of quenches from 1200 and 2000C sustained by alloy specimens before failure. In quenching from 1200C, the investigated alloys sustained 40 thermal cycleg without failure, which was double the number of thermal cycles sustained by TIC and ~ 20 tim~j as many a~jn allWIcontaining 85% SIC + 15%BiC sustained. Hence, titanium-, boron- and silicon carbide-SAsed alloys can be recommended as material suitable for making parts operating &nigh temperature under conditions of frequent temperature changes. Orig. artd has: 4 figures and 2 tables. [NDI SUB COEE: U/ SUBM DATE: none/ OIRIG REF: 002/ OTH UF: oo6/ MD PRESS:,~'d '17 V Card 2/2al'Oy',O 122-1-196 Translated from: Referativnyy Zhurnal, Elektrotekhnika, 1957, Nr" 1, p.29 (USSR) AUTHORS: Kuznetsov., L.I., Mikhaylovich, A.M TITLE: Investigation of the Spreader Type of Burning Anthra- cite with Liquid Slag Removal on the Aand (Issle- dovaniye sloyevogo, Bzhiganiya antratsita a zhidkim shlakoudaleniyem na. stende) PERIODICAL: Sbornik'. Issledovaniye kotellno-topochhykh pro tsessov, Moscow, Mashgiz, 1955, pp.62-70. ABSTRACT: Bibliographic entx-y. Card 1/1 KUZNETSOV, L. 1.2 BLANTER) M. Ye., LOZINSKIY, M. G., and SINODOVA, Ye. F. "The Effect of Alloying Element,, Alloys at High Temperatures" by M. Gov, M. G. Lozinskiy, and Ye. P. Sinodova, Science$, Academy of Sciences USSR, tute, Izvestiya Akademii Nauk SSSR, Nauk, No 12, Dec 56, PP W-95 on the Hardness of Nickel Te Blanter, L. L Khtnet- Institut-e"Of Machine and Moscow Aviation Insti- Otdeleniye Tekhnicheskikh Since nickel-based alloys are widely used in contemporary specialized machine building, especially in the production of gas turbines, the authors detail the results of their investigation of the effect of chromium, tung- sten, molybdenum, titEnium, cobalt, and aluminum on the temperature-hard- ness relationship of nickel alloys in temperatures ranging from room temperature to 1,1000. The experimental methodology and specimens are described. The greatest hardness at high temperatures results when binary nickel alloys are alloyed: 19% Cr (20.9 atomic %), 12% Mo (7.7 atomic %), 11% W (3.8 atomic .%)) 4% Ti (4.85 atomic %), and 1% Al (2.15 atomic %). Molybdenum, chro- mium, titanium, and tungsten, in that order, have the greatest effect on increasing hardness in the range of temperatures investigated. . 14-1" 1 0- ;a Z 129-12-4/11- AUTHORS: Blanter, M. Ye. Doctor of Technical Sciences, Prof. and Kuznetsov, L. I., Engineer. TITLE: Recrystallization processes in alloyed nickel alloys. (Rekristallizatsionnyp protsessy v legirovannykh splavakh nikelya). PERIODICAL: Metallovedeni a i Obrabotka Metallov, 1957, No.12, 81~ pp. 31-36 (US R ABSTRACT: Systematic data on the influence of the alloying elements on the recrystallization processes in binary nickel alloys are not available, except those published by Davis, M., Densem, C.E., Rendball, J.H. (Ref.1) for Ni-W alloys. Therefore I the authors of this paper studied the influence Of Mo,.Cr, Ti and Co on the .recovery",and recrystallization in process of softening,ft binary nickel base alloys. The composition of the alloys was selected in accordance with the diagrams of state of nickel and the respective element in the range of homogeneous solid solutions, see Table 1, P-32. The Ni-Mo Ni-Cr and Fi-Co alloys were produced in a chromium-magnesits crucible,inside a high frequency furnaceland the Ni-Ti alloys were produced in a Card 1/5 magnesite crucible. After casting into 3.5 kg ingot, Recrystallization processes in alloyed nickel alloys. 129-12-4/11 the material was forged into rods 8f 9 x 9 mm cross section and annealed at 880 to 890 C for 30 minutes. Following that,the rods were cut into specimens 6 to 7 mm high and deformed at room temperature by means of a 50 ton press with reductions of 5, 10, 25 and 38%. The recrystallization processes were studied on the basis of metalloeraphie analyses and by the hardness method. The grain size of the alloys was characterized by the specific area of division of the grains (S mm /mm3) determined by means of the method of random secants proposed by Saltykov, S.A. (Ref.2). The results of investigations of the influence of preliminary plastic deformation for the alloy M8 are reproduced in the graph, Fig.1, which shows the influence of the heating temperature on the size of the specific surface of the grain boundaries for an Mo content of 8.17%. The graph, Fig.2. shows the influence of the heating temperature on the hardness of a preliminarily work hardened alloy M8 whilst the graph, Fig.3, gives the results of investigations of the softening and the changes in the specific surface of the grain boundaries. Card 2/5 The influence of the heating temperature on the magnitude Recrystallization processes in alloyed nickel alloys. 129-12-4/11 of the specific surface of the grain boundaries was investigated on a series of Ni-Mo alloys, all subjected to an equal preliminary plastic deformation of 38% and the results are plotted in Fig.41 P.33; the graph Fig.5, shows the influence of Mo on the recrystallization processes and on the softening. The results of investigations of the influence of about 5 at.% of Tit Cr, Co and Mo on the recrystallization processes for a prelimina y plastic deformation of 38% are graphed in Fig.61 P-34. Comparison of the results of investigations of the recrystallization with results relating to softening enabled clarification of the role of individual rearystallization processes and the influence of alloying elements on these processes. In M8 nickel-molybdenum alloys containing 8.17 wt4 MO (5.19 at.%) the initial stage of softening is determined by the recovery process, the temperature range of which decreases continuously and regularly with increasing degrees of preliminary plastic deformation; softening, accompanied by recryBtall- izatiog treatment, takes place within a temperature margin Card 3/5 of 100 C and the softening is accompanied by selective Recrystallization processes in alloyed nickel alloys. 129-12-4/11 recrystallization within a temperature margin of 25 to 50 0C. With increasing Mo content the structure of the alloy becomes continuously finer for an equal degree of plastic deformation; increase in the Mo content leads to a continuous increase of the temperature of the beginning of the recrystallization processes and also of the temperature of the beginning and end of the softening and these temperatures increase particularly sharply for Mo contents above 8 wt.%. Softening of'preliminarily deformed nickel alloys is a consequence of the recovery processes, recrystallization treatment and selective recrystallization; depending on the character of the alloying, tne importance of each of these processes will differ as regmds removing the work hardening. In non-alloyed nickel the softening coincides with recrystallization treatment; introduction of equal contents of Co. Cr. Ti and Mo (about 5 at.%) changes the character of this softening. Introduction of Co leads to a larger zone of recovery temperatures; the recovery phenomenon is also observed in the case of introduction of Mo. On introducing Co Ti or Mo, the final softening takes Card 4/5 place during seiective recrystallization. In the case of Recrystallization processes in alloyed nickel alloys. 129-12-4/11 equal atomic concentrations (about 5%) of the alloying elements of the 4th period of the periodic system, the initial softening temperature increases on changing over from Co to Cr and Ti. There are 6 figures, 1 table and 2 references, one of which is Slavic. ASSOCIATION: All-Union Correspondence Institute of Mechanical Engineering (Vsesoyuznyy Zaochnyy Mashinostroitellnyy Institut) AVAILABLE: Library of Congress. Card 5/5 KUZNETSOV, L. I.: Master Tech Sci (diss) -- "The kinetics and mechanism of vow-""Wmo ..... 06 weakening of binary nickel alloys". Moscow, 1958. 9 pp (Min Higher educ USSR, Moscow Order of Labor Red Banner Inst of Steel im I. V. Stalin), 120 copies (KL, No 7, 1959, 124) 83498 S/123/59/000/008/028/043 AOO4/AOO2 ~ I ~ Translation from: Referativnyy zhurnal, Mashinostroyeniye, 1959, No. 8, p. 112, # 29413 AUTHORS: Blanter, M. Ye., Kuznetaov, L. I. TITLE: Softening, Rec~~and TReor~ystall`ization'of Nickel Alloys-1 PERIODICAL. Tr. Omskogo mashinoatrolt. in-ta 1958, No. 2, pp. 91-109 TECT: The authors investigated the effect of Cr, Mo, TI, Co, and Al on the processes of softening, recovery and recrystallization of n1ckel-base alloys. Moreover, they deteiined the effects of temperatures in the range of from room temperature to 1,100 C and the degree of alloying on the chariges in hardness of non-deformed alloys, on the softening of differently alloyed and differently deformed alloys and on the structural changes during the softening of alloys. Comparing the mechanical properties of nickel alloys possessing an optimum content of alloying elements it follows that the hardness of these alloys is in the most effective way increased by Mo, while Cr, Ti, W and Al have a lower effect. It is shown that an increase in alloying elements (for the same degree of cold hardening) causes an increase In the temperature range of softening. In Card 1/2 83498 S/123/59/000/008/028/043 A004/AO02 Softening, Recovery and Recrystallization of Nickel Alloys Ni-Mo-alloys with 12% Mo and a cold hardening of 38%, the softening temperature range amounts to 600-16000'OC, whileofor 8% Mo, 1% Mo and pure nickel the values' are 500-675 C, 450-600 and 400-500 respectively. Investigating the structure of NI-Mo-alloys for the whole softening temperature range it was found that the Initial period of softening is not accompanied by structural modifications and that the softening observed In this temperature range Is stipulated by the phenomenon of the recovery. Mo-alloying In proportion to the Mo-content promotes the refining of the plastically deformed nickel-alloys and also Increases the initial temperature of softening, machining rearystallization and collective recrystallization. The alloys with an 8% Mo-content or more show a particularly abrupt increase in these characteristics. The recovery phenomenon is not obsezved in Cr- or Ti-alloyed alloys. The initial softening temperatures of a number of nickel-alloye with Co, Mo, Cr and Ti are in the range of 4000C for pure nickel to 6000 for Ni-alloys with 4,27% Ti. There are 11 figures and 5 references. L. Kh. Sh. Translator's note: This Is the full translation of the original Russian abstract. Card 2/2 AUTHORS: Blan*ter, M.Ye. and Kuznetsov, TITLE: The Connection betif-e-e-n--S-oT'V-en-rng-During Work and Temperature Softening PERIODICALI Izvestiya Akademii nauk SSSR, nauk, Metallurgiya i toplivo, sov/180-59-3-13/43 L.I. (Moscow, Omsk) Removal of Cold of Nickel Alloys Otdeleniye tekhnicheskikh 1959, Nr 3, PP 75-82 (USSR) ABSTRACT: The two processes of softening appear, at first glance, to be unconnected processes. Alloys tested were binary alloys of nickel with molybdenum, chromium, tungsten, titanium, cobalt and aluminium. Chemical compositions are given in the table. The degree of softening was followed by measuring hardness at various stages. Samples were given 5, 10, 25 and 38% deformation and heated to various temperatures. The temperature of half-softening was measured,i.e. the temperature at which the hardness was the arithmetic,mean of the cold worked and the unworked material. Fig 1 shows the effect of alloying content on the half-softened temperature. With 5% deformation, We Mo and Cr have the greatest effect. At higher degrees of deformation Cr and V have the greatest effect. There already existed data on the hardness of undeformed alloys at varlous temperatures (Ref 3); from these �t could be Card 1/3 seen that the hardness test itself introduced cold work. sov/180-59-3-13/43 The Connection between Softening During Removal of Cold Work and Temperature Softening of Nickel Alloys At higher temperatures, recrystallisation also took place so a characteristic bend in the hardness- temperature curve was obtained (the critical temperature). Fig 2 shows the effect of Mo additions on the hardness - temperature curve. Fig 3 shows the influence of alloying elements on the critical temperature. 0.5% W or Mo and 2% Cr have a pronounced influence. Thus an increase in critical temperature and an Increase in the half-Boftened temperature are both brought about by the same alloying additions. This is because the hardness test itself introduces cold work. Elements which have the strongest effect are those which form strong interatomic bonds and have the greatest values for heat of self-diffusion. The relation between the critical temperature and the temperature of half-softening is shown in Fig 4 for Ni Mo alloys and in Fig 5 for Ni - Cr, Ni - Ti and Ni Co alloys. There are 5 figures, Card 2/3 1 table and 24 references, 13 of which are English,