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S/182/62/000/012/001/005 Press forging in sectional dies D040/DI12 is made to non-Soviet special presses for sectional-die rorgingp such as the U.S, Baldwin press, the Gorman "Siompolkamp", or the British Wilkins Mitchell. There are 8 figures and I table. Card 2/2 NIKOLISKIY, L.N.1 GAVRILOVO M.Ye.;, KIZNETSOV, A.V.; PANICHEV, F.P. Experience in and ways 6f introdusing rotary swaging for further forging. Kuz,-ahtam,proizv, 5 no.8:15-18 Ag 163* WRA 16:9) hw PHASE I BOOK EXPLOITATION SOV/5715 Kazandzhan, Pogost Karapetovich, and Andrey Vasillyevich Kuznetsov Turbovintovyye dvigateli; rabochiy protsess I ekspluatatsionnyye kharakterietiki (Turboprop Engines; Working Process and Oper- ational Characteristics) Moscow, Voyenizdat M-va-obor.SSSR, 1961. 263 P. 10,000 copies printed. Ed,: 0. 1. Kalashnik,, Engineer, Lieutenant Colonel; Tech. Ed.: R. L. Solomonik. PURPOSE: This book is intended for the engineering and technical personnel of the Air Force and the Civil Air Fleet. It may also be useful to students in aviation and technical Institutes and to technical personnel operating gas-turbine power plants in trans- port and under stationary conditions. COVERAGE: The book deals with the design and operating principles of turboprop engines and their components. Physical phenomena occur- ring in the engine are described. Operational and regulation Card-1/6'- Turboprop Engines; (Cont.) SOV/5715 problems are treated in detail. Factual materialB are based on non-Soviet practices in aviation-engine design, and questions of future prospects reflect non-Soviet opinion. The authors thank Yu. N. Nechayev, Doctor of Technical Sciences, and N. G. Smirnov, Candidate of Technical Sciences. There are 11 references, all Soviet. TABLE OF CONTENTS- IntroductJ,on 3 1. Basic requirements for aviation engines 3 2. Application of turboprop engines (TPE) in aviation 5 Ch. I. Principle of TPE Operation , 7 3. Diagram and principle of operation of TPE 7 4. Propeller, reactive, and total power. Specific para- meters of TPE 13 5. Brief information on the design of existing TPE 19 Card 2/6 KUZNETSOVI A.V., starshiy tekbnik-leytenaat; LASHMICH, A.K.,, tekhaik- ---l-ei~ienant, They did itthemoelves. Vevt.Vozd.F1. no.6:82 je 161. (MIRL 14:8) (Transport planes) (Slide rule) KUZIZTSOV, k.; kand.tekhn.nauk Negative thrust. Grazhd.av. IS no.5s26-27 My 161. (MIRA 14:5) (Airplaneo-Turbine-propoller engines) ACCESSION NRt AP4040585- S/0040/64/(P-8/003/0567/05U AUTHORs Kuzneteov A, V, (Kazan) TITLEt flie P; 3119M Of jet oblem of jet flow ovor a slightly oscillating contour SOURCE: Prikladnaya matematika i mekhanikap ve, 28,, no* 3. 1964t 567-571 A TOPIC TAGSt oscillating contourp translational oeoillationp flow velocity) radius of curvaturep rotational osaillation, perturbation volooityp harmonic plate,, !.anharmanic ABSTRACTs The problem of an oscillating contour with given translational oscil- lation OC(t) at a given angle W(t) relative to its principal position axiq was discussed analytically. For small and i& the moving coordinate system can be' related to the fixed system by,. whoro.6 = cc Cr =OC + x The solid body contour is defined by F x x (xy,,t) = Op and for the flo%i 'velocity vector in the oscillating field n by ive + + Cc r-a- 113 vj -7~ ,.ACGESSION NRt AP4W585 :one has,, to first order VP;Vr Oro, +,V X (6,x VS)) VF i,If the radius of curvature of the contour is large, ~o(d% the above expression yields for translational oscillations 6V and for rotational oscillations ) ev R as of In the general case of a separated jet flow Taylor's theorem is used to expand ithe velocity vector, thus V(x,,y) Vo +AVOv and the perturbation velocity is :given by-the approximation -&V. - 1W which leads to a solution/for A This solution indicates that in harmonic. Iplate oscillations the change'in the perturbation velocity is anharmonic In time, Orige art* hass 23 equations and 1 figure, CIATIONt none 7-7 KUZIrAi"C!3:OV) A.V., nspi-mnl; at er, ~"-t for plotting axonometric projections. lz7.vvi3. P cbob. zav. ;mar, himno!,re noo5;5-12 164. (MIRA 163) 1. K~amrarslddy gornomtallurgicheskiy institut. KUZITE.T:SC'V-', Porameters of the elasr,!,ln O.ent;nts of car s.r 9pring eusvmelon. Sbor. t--ud. 't.!T?HT na.22.5.,,99-109 164. OICRA 1?.-,12) KUZNETZOV, A.V. _...... -~IINIZI, 1 11--.1-11 etermination of the "dead time" of an X-ray counter of the URS-501 apparatus. Zav. labs 30 no.5:629-61,0 164. (HIPA 17%5) 1. Petrozavodekly gosudarstvemW universitet. U3ing coordinate tran3parencies in plotting axonometric rr,prevmtations. Vest.mashinostr. 4.1 rio.3*87-89 Mr '64. KF A 1-1 :4'j r% 1 T SUBJECT USSR/)IATHEMATICS/Functional analysis CARD 1/2 PG 305 AUTHOR KUZNECOV A.V., TRLCHTENBROT B.A. TITLE Investigation of the partial recursive operators with the means of the theory of the Bairs space. PERIODICA1 Doklady Akad. Nauk 105, 897-900 (1955) reviewed 10/1956 Theqperators considered are partial recursive operators g - Tff] where f is a function of one variable and g is a function of one variable or a constant. 0T denotes the domain of full definition of the operator T, i.e. the met of all those fully defined functions f for which T[f] is also fully defined. The author given examples to show how diverse the sets 0 T can be. He then correlates each fully defined function f with the point of the Bair* space J. A, primitive recursive enumeration An of the Baire inter- vals is given and a set in called effectively open if it is representable in 00 the form U 6a(") where &(n) in general recursive. Effective GS , F G 11-1 a, I *to are defined similarly. Theorem 1. Every partial recursive operator g - T[f] considered over j only, has a representation in the form Doklady Akad. Nauk 897-900 (1955) CARD 2/2 PG 305 g(x) - b(,kt(f Z where a and b are primitive recursive. Theorem 2. A necessary and sufficient condition that there exists a partial recursive operator T such that 0T - N is that X be an effective GS . Effective con- tinuity, uniform continuity, compactness and boundedness are then introduced and their relations investigated, e.g. Theorem 3--Bvery p&rtial recursive operator gives an effectively continuous mapping of its full definition into J. Theorem 4. A mapping which is effectively continuous on an effectively compact not is effectively uniformly continuous on it. Theorem 5. If T in a partial recursive operator then on any effectively closed M SOT it is general recursive. Finally various results are proved which bear on the problem of whioh funotions are riduoible to effectively olosea points. AM, ~_M WE- 16(l) PHASE I BOOK EXPLOITATION SOV/1708 Akademiya nauk SSSR. Matematicheskiy institut 'Sbornik statey po matematicheskoy logike i yeye prilozheniyam k nekotorym voprosam kibernetiki (Collection of Articles on Mathe- matical Logic and Its Applications to Certain Problems of Cybernetics) Moscow, Izd-vo AN SSSRj 1958. 362 p. (Seriess Itat Trudy, t-. 51) 3,500 copies printed. Rasp. Ed.: S.V. Yablonskiy., Candidate of Physical and Mathematical Sciencesj Ed. of Publishing Housei A.Z. Ryvkin and L.K. Nikolayevaj Tech, Ed.: T.P. Polenova. PURPOSE: This collection of articles contains original contributions of Soviet mathematicians in mathematical logic and is intended for mathematicians working in this field. COVERAM The articles deal with studies of problems connected with mathematical logic and their applications to certain problems-of cybernetics. Primarily, Switching circuits are studied, but many Card 1A Collection of Articles on Mathematical Logic (Cont.) 1 SOV/1706 of the results obtained are of a more general character. The content of the collection of articles is closely conne7oted with many branches of cybernetics which study the methods of describing the processing of discrete information, problems of the analysis and synthesis of control systems, and methods of controlling the performance of control systems. The characteristic feature of these articles is their connection with various fields of mathe- matics such asjmathematical logic, combination analysis, set theory, algebra, topology and theory or numbers. All articles were written in the years 1954-3955)and the concepts presented are arranged in the book in a systematic order. The first.articles concern problems of mathematical logic, then problems of the theory of the synthesis of circuits are examined, and finally problems of the theory of controlling the performance of circuits are considered. The editor thanks Professor A.A. Lyapunov, Professor S.A. Yanovskiy$ B.Yu. Pillchak, A.P. Yershov, V.A. Uspenskiy and Yu.I. Yanov for their remarks in connection with the final editing of the collection. TAKE OF CONTENTS: Preface 3 Yablonakiy,, S.V,- Functional Construction in k-valued Logic 5 Card 2/7 Collection of Articles on Mathematical Logic (Cont.) SOV/1708 Introduction Ch. I. Foundations of Logic Algebra and the Theory of 5 Switching Circuits 7 1. Functions of the logic algebra and some of their properties 7 2. Criteria for the completeness of systems of functionaJ2 3. On the representation of a function from P2 by means of normal forms 22 4. Techni ue of construction of simplified and minimal d.n.f. Nisjunctive normal formal 29 Elements of the theory of awitching-eircuits 39 Functions of the logic algebra as a mean for a definition of an n-place operator over a field of two numbers (0, 11. Types of functions 52 Ch.1E. Functional Constructions in the Many-valued Logic 56 T. Systems of the Pk function. Superposition of functions. Closed classes 56 8. Homomorphism of systems of functions 58 9. Duality 6o Card 3/7 Collection of Articles on Mathematical Logic (Cont.)- SOV/1708 10. Complete systems. Theorem on functionally complete systems 61 11. Basic lemma 68 12. Criterion of completeness 70 13. Closed classes with a finite basis. "Precomplete" [predpolnyyel classes 17 14. Auxiliary lemma 1 15. Classes of monotone functions 82 16. Classes of functions of type T 85 ly. Classes of functions of type U 91 18. classes Lk.(x) of linear functions 93 19. Classes 8k, of self-binary functions 100 Ch. IIL Functional Completeness in Three-valued Logic log 20. "Precomplete" classes in P3 log 21. Formulation of a theorem on functional completeness in P and consideration of a planfbr proof h 113 22. Ce ain lemmas for functions from P3 115 23. Proof of a theorem on functional completeness 123 L-31lection of Articles on Mathematical Logic (Cont.) SOV/1708 Lhuravlev, Yu.I.. On the Separability of Subsets of Vertices of an n-dimenBional Unit Cube 143 introduction 143 1. Statement of Problem 143 2. Solution of Logical Separability Problem 145 3. On the Seleotion of Truth Variables 151 References 157 Lupanov, O.B. On the Possibilities of a Synthesis of Circuits of Arbitrary Elements 158 References 173 KUzneteov,, A.V. On the Property of Functions Realized by Nonplanar Circuits With Nonrepeating Contact 174 Card 5/T Collection of Articles on Mathematical Logic (Cont.) SOV/1708 Kuznetsov, AN. On Nonrepeating Switching Circuits and Non- repeating Superpositions of Functions in Logic Algebra 3.86 Trakhtenbrot, B.A. On the Theory of Nonrepeating Switching Circuits 226 Introduction 226 1. Graphs, networks, and Circuits 226 2. Nonseparable networks, streamlined and homogeneous subgraphs 232 3. Separation of separable networks 238 4. Separable circuits 245 5, Synthesis of nonrepeating circuits 255 References 269 Chegis, I.A.,~and S.V. Yablonskiy. Logical Means of Control of Electrical Circuit Performance 270 Introduction 270 Card 6/7 Collection of Articles on Mathematical Logic (Cont.) SOV/1708 Ch. I. General Theory of the Construction of Testa 270 1. Tables of fault functions and means for their construction 2~2 2. Tests and their construction 2 0 Certain rules for test construction 28 Construction of test for dual circuits 29~ 5. Unit tests 304 Ch.31. Methods of Construction of Tests for Individual Circuit Classes 307 6. Tests for circuits which realize the elementary symmetric functions 308 Test for circuit which realizes the linear function 322 Test for comparison circuit 326 9. Ordered and conditional tests 334 10. Test for a binary adder circuit 339 References 360 AVAILABLEt Library.of Congress LK/ad Card 7/7 6-16-59 KUMETSOV. A.-7 "The Impossibility of Constructing an Algebraic kDparatus with a Finite Number of Functions." report presented at A3-1-Union Conference on Problems in tbDTheory of Relay Devices, Inst. for Automation wA Remote Control AN IBM. 3-9 Oct ~951- Vestnik AN SSSR, 1958, No. 1, v. 28, pp. 131-132. (author Ostianu, V. M.) AUTHORz SOV/42-13-3-29/41 TITLEt Algorithms as Operations in Algetraip Systems (Algoritmy kak k operataii v algebraicheakikh sistemakh) PERIODICAL: Uspekhi matematicheskikh naukq 1958, Vol 13, Nr 3, pp 240-241 (USSR) ABSTRACT: The author prdposes a general scheme according to which the investigation of the existenos of algorithms can be-performed on a purely algebraic way. The scheme bases on the general theory of algebraic systems. Card 1/1 KUZNIITSOV. A.V. One property of functions realized by means of nonplane non- repetitive circuits. Trudy Xnt.inst. 513174-185 '58. (Boolean functions) (MIRA 11:11) a. ..i KUZNBTSOV. I.V. Nonrepatitive contact circuits and nonrepatitive superpositions of functions 'belonging to the algebra of loglo, Trudy Hateinste 51:186-225 158, (MIRA 11:11) (Electric circuits) (Algebra, Boolean) F11 11 i jj 114 lit" 3 3111.1 Lob m 44 Aj JAN I KUZKETSOV, A.V.; PADUCHEVA, Ye-V-; IMMOIA3ZVA, I.M. InforWtional language for geometry and the algorim for translation from the Russian to the informational language. Boob. Otd.makh.i avtom.inform.rab. no.;40-73 161. (MIRA 15:2) (programming languages (Elootronic Oomputers)-Goometry) KMXETSOV A. V.; YUDITSKIY, M. M., kand. tekbn. nauko doteent tric projections# Vent. mashinootre Devioea for plotting axOnme 42 0 162. (MMA 15: 10) (Ge=atrical drawing--Zquipment and supplies) ACC NR1 AR6017338 SOURCE CODE: UR/0044/66/000/001/BO78/BO79 AUTHOR: Kuznetsov. A. V. REr SOURCE: Tr. Seminars po obratn. krayev. zadacham. Kazansk. un-t, Vyp. 2, 194t TITLE., Jet flow of a slightly fluctuating contour SOURCE: Ref. zh. Hatematika, Abs. IB368 TOPIC TAGS: jet flow, boundary value problem, "61) U~Af 0 TRANSLATION: The plane problem %f small fluctuations of an arbitrary curvilinear arc flowing with separation of the Jets is studied. The liquid is considered to be ideal weightless and incompressible. The oncoming current may be unlimited and contained I a channel having parallel rectilinear walls. A solution is given for the boundary value problem and fbrmulas.are introduced for the forces acting on the fluctuating contour. Considered in detail is the case of a plane disc which makes small high-fre quency hamonic fluctuations in an unlimited flow. Hamonic fluctuations and pulse motion of a disc In a channel are also considered. As a limiting case of pulse mo- tion, the known solution of the contour shock-wave problem in the case of separated jet flowia obtained. M. Gurevich. SUB CODE:~Op/ UDC: 517.9:530.145.6 Card_ 1/1'MT KUZNETSOV, A.V.1 TEMINASOV9 Tu.S. Theor7 of X-ray scattering by mosaic er7stals. Iristallograrii'l 6 no*2il77-183 Nr-Ap 161. (MIM 14:9) 1. Petrozuvodaidy gosudaratvennyy universitet4 '(X rays--Scattering) (Crystals) S/057/61/03VOO3/0i8/019- B125/B209 AUTHORS: Kuznetsov, A. V., Terminasov, Yu. S. TITLE: Consideration of secondary extinction PERIODICAL: Zhurnal tekhnicheskoy fiziki, v. 31, no. 3, 1961, 383-366 TEXT: The authors derive formulas for the integral reflection of a massive specimen, taking into account secondary extinction and assuming the mosaic blocks to have equal axes and equal probability of orientation. On the same assumptiorethey derive the thickness of the elementary layer as a function of the block size. In this casep the secondary extinction of this layer is supposed negligible. A correction for secondary extinction has to be introduced if in every column of mosaic blocks in the direction of the primary beam at least two blocks are aligned in reflect- ing position. When the blocks are large and the probability that they are aligned in reflecting position,is the same in every column, one single block may appear in the center if the effect of secondary extinction vanishes. In the case of smaller blocks,.m blocks in reflecting position may appear in every column. In each case, the entire volume of the speci-' Card 1/5 Consideration of secondary extinction 3/057/61/031/003/018/019 B125/B209 men may be divided into m layers, and in each of these layers the effect of secondary extinction may be assumed to be of the same intensity. The authors examined the diffraction at a thick polyoryptalline plate. The angle between the primary beam and the plate surface is denoted by a; denotes the corresponding angle for the diffracted beam. The total energy scattered from the first layer into all rings of volume dV amountel. to ZP PQOOS dV*o In the present paper, the same notations as 1 2 0 ~10 in the paper of P. James, Opticheskiye printsipy difraktaii rentgenovskikh luchey, IL, M-t 499 1950, are used. Here and henceforward,the summatioll sign without any indices denotes summation over all Debye-Scherrer rings.; In the case of a massive specimen, the cumber of elementary layers may be assumed to be infinite. For that casey *XP _i' sing P Pq Cos 60 1 -na An a% (7~ 2p (I -I- (Y'PQ '.' 8.) k &XP 2 And E - (I Card 2/ 5 OR', Consideration of secondary extinction S/05 61/031/003/018/019 B125YB209 In the calculation of the energy falling upon the short region 1 (Which is short with respect to the radius r of the ring) of the entire ring', Eq. (7) has to be multiplied by 21%rsin 240 SIDG, d P Pot 4XP 14 -4- -0170) fill a A ilin d8 7 -f- OXP ming BW sin 00 . ---I -I) (I F(2PQcO'00);1 -in A. When small blocks are considered, the expression P PQ1 err sin so 1 -4- sin a) -#- I 2PQ 403 (14), 5. ( Z -nP2 instead of Eq. (8),holds. for the dependence of the integral intensity on the block size, when secondary extinction is taken into account (when P . .1 i p qc 0 a ri~ dVI Eq. (14) may be regarded as a limit which, 1 2 0 o Card 3/ 5 -J T. M Consideration of secondary extinction S/05 61/031/003/018/019 Y B125 B209 in the case of strong granulation of the blocks, is approached by the integral intensity. Secondary ixtinotion lowers the integral intensity to a considerable extentj if + a'n Z pqcoe This a is of the same order of magnitude as 1 -$ . 0 8, no 2 is probably the case only with hard radiation and weakly absorbing media. But even for an Mo radiation, I sina 1 Z:pqcosO,-,,0.6 cm- holds for an Al sample when (1 + 27 cm- a) a The effect of seqondary extinction for any size of the mosaic 0 blocks is only weak if the quantity I z7pqcos4 may be neglected as 2 0 + Oin compared to 1 For Mo radiation and an Al samplet the condi- sinol tion +. < 0. 1, (13) 4 holds up to a size of the mosaic blo&s of about 10 A. Thus, extinction Card 4/ 5 Consideration of secondary extinction 3/057/61/031/003/018/019 B125/B209 does not change the ray intensity when the size of the blocks is about 10-4 A or lose. The size of the elementary layer, in the case of an Al sample and Mo radiation is dz L2 (A). This formula holds the more, the more mosaic blocks 71 Fna 14 0 are present in an elementary column. Allformulas of the present paper were derived with regard to the secondary extinction in the primary cell. More accurate formulas for the case examined here will be given in a later paper. There are 1 figure and 1 Soviet-bloc reference. ASSOCIATION: Petrozavodskiy gosudarstvennyy universitet (Petrozavodsk State University) SUBMITTED: April 4P 1960 Card 5/5 23735 S/'057/61/031/006/019/019 B116/B201 AUTHORSt Kuznetoov, A. V. an& Terminasov, Yu. S. TITL.Es Consideration of secondary extinction. II. PERIODICALi Zhurnal tekhnicheskoy fiziki, v. 31, no. 6, 1961, 757-759 TEXTs The formulas derived in the present paper take account of the effect of secondary extinction in a polycrystal with mosaic blocks uniformly distributed with respect to the angles of iotation taking multiple re- flections into account. It is shown that existing formulas taking account of secondary extinction are not applicable in the case of small crystallite dimensions. The formulas derived in a previous paper by the authors (Ref. 1t ZhTF, 30p no. 10, 1960) take account of the effect of secondary extinction in the primary ray only (for a polycrystal with mosaic blocks uniformly distributed with respect to the angles of rotation). With small mosaic blocks, the integral reflection from a small, thick polycrystalline plate (Ref. 1) is given by Card 1/6 23735 S/057/61/031/006/019/019 Consideration of secondary... B116//B201 P PIQ Bnr sin 41~ +sin a ) + 0 sin 2 T- pq coo %q To take multiple reflections into account, it is sufficient to take account of the attenuation of intensity due to extinction in the rays reflected from the various elementary layers as they emerge from the specimen. Further reflections will not play any role. According to the author's estimates, their contribution is considerably below the accuracy of existinp methods of measuring the intensities. On the basis of similar considerations, the following formula is obtained for a polycrystal with mosaic blocks uniformly distributed with respect to the angles of rotation: P PlQ (2 I sin a) (4 1 8nr sin 0 sin pq coo Card 2/6 23735 S/057/61/031/006/019/019 Consideration. of secondary... B116/B201 With an aluminum specimen exposed to Mo radiation the presence of a secondary extinction reduceis the integral reflectlon of any interference by 4%. It is pointed out that many papers (not specified here) make use of formula P PQA(%%) (3) P + gQ for taking secondary extinction in polycrystals into account. A (0) is a factor depending on the geometrical conditions of the recording. In the authors' opinion, the application of formula (3) to a polycrystal, regard- less of whether the latter is compact or powdery, is in no way justified with any crystallite dimensions. In fact, this formula is valid only if in each column the mosaic blocks of a single crystallite reflect X-rays. In other words, every ray is reflected only in the mosaic blocks of a crystallite, with the mosaic blocks being so weakly disoriented that none of them is reflected into any other ring (hkl). Under real conditions, however, everything will be more complicated. The authors have examined this problem more closely, namely, as applied to an aluminum specimen exposed to Mo irradiation. They made the following assumptions for the Card 3/6 23735 3/057/61/031/006/019/019 Consideration of secondary,.. B116/B201 polycrystal: It consists of crystallites of random orientation; each crystallite consists of mosaic blocks which are not randomly oriented; all normals to the reflecting planes of the mosaic blocks are concentrated witin a small solid angle, and all mosaic blocks of the crystallite can be reflected into a Debye ring only. It was shown in a previous 2paper o the authors (Ref. 1) that in each column of a length dz/ain a -W 740 - i Wo an aluminum specimen exposed to Mo radiation has, on the average, only a single crystallite (as in the present case) in the reflection position. The orystallits size is assumed'to be L 103 L The length of the elementary column will then be 1.3*103 If the crystallites in the column are assumed to disperse, in which case the column size is equal to the half-aboorption thickness of the layer every ray will be reflected from 3.500 3 crystallites. Formula (3) cannot be used in this case; in faot, if the crystallite is placed at some depth of the specimen, and not on its surface, the X-rays reaching the oryotallite and those emerging from it will be weakened due to crystallites reflected into entirely different Card 4/6 23735 S/057/61/031/006/019/019 Consideration of secondary,to B116/B201 rings (hkl). In this case, formula (2) must be used in the crystallite consists of one mosaic block only. If, however, it consists of some weakly oriented Giosaic blocks, the second term in the denominator of (2) has to be written as g.L T PQ cgs where the coeffJcient 1 takes account 2 1 1 4 of secondary extinction in the crystallites itself, Even if L - 10 the ray will be reflected in 30 crystallites, and formula (3) will there- fore be inapplicable here, too. Only if L - 5.104 1, each ray will be reflected in the specimen only once on the average. Formula (3) is applicable only with such and larger crystallite dimensions. If, however, the mosaic blocks of a crystallite are disoriented to a sufficient extent so as to be reflected Into different rings, it is very doubtful even with large crystallites whether formula (3) may be applied. When using another radiation, the crystallite size beginning from which (3) may be used, varies. The lesser the penetration depth of,X-rays, the smaller is the crystallite size for which (3) may be used. A more accurate analysis must bo performod by using (4). The interpratntion of effects of secondary extinction is most difficult in cases Hiere each ray is reflee,~ted in soat Card 5/6 Consideration of secondaryeas 23735 S/05 61/031/006/019/019 B116YB201 crystallites. Future calculations will show how things really are. E Abstracter-s notes Essentially complete translation.] There is 1 Soviet- bloc reference. ASSOCIATION: Petrozavodskiy gosudaretvennyy universitet (Petrozavodsk .State University) SUBMITTEDt July 8, 1960 Card 616 S/070/62/007/001/013/022 E032/E3i4 AUTHOR: Kuzngtsov, A.V. TITLE: The effect of secondary extinction in monocrystals PERIODICAL: Kristallografiya, v. 7, no. 1, 1962, 121 - 123 TEXT: The author makes use of a discussion given in an earlier paper (Ref. 1 - Zh. tekhn. fiz,, 31, 3, 1961) to derive formulae which take into account the effect of secondary extinction in the reflection of X-rays from the face of a mosaic monocrystal. The monocrystal Is divided into elementary layers, in each of which the secondary extinction effect is zero. On the first approximation the thickness of such a layer can be assumed to beequal to the average size of a mosaic block. To begin with, an expression is derived for the energy scattered by the first such layer when all the mosaic blocks within it are parallel to the face of the crystal but are slightly dis- placed relative to each other. Each of them then scatters independently of its ntighbours and the energy scattered by the entire layer is n times the energy scattered by a single Card 1/2 S/070/62/007/001/013/022 The effect of .... 'E032/E314 mosaic block. Multiple reflections are neglected. The final expression gives the total reflected intensity. There are 2 Soviet-bloc references. ASSOCIATION- Petrozavodskiy gosudarstvennyy universitet (Petrozavod State University) SUBMITTED: July 8, 1960 Card 2/2 KUZNETSOV, A,V, Line displacement as dependent on the final dimensions of mosaic blocks. Trudy LIM no.29sl25-129 [i.e. 391 162. (MIRA l6z6) (X-ray crystallography) NUZNETSOVP A,,V. Theory of I-ra scattering by mosaic aryotals. Trudy LIEI no,293137-145 ri.e. 391 162. (KMA l6s6) (X-ray er7at-allography) K,uzw4T4Qv-#-AaY.-;. SH t IVRIN, O.N. Mutual interference on X rays reflected by different mosaic blocks ih a crystallite, K;istallografiia 7 no,1:134-136 Ja-F 162. (MIRA 15;2) 1. Petrozavodakiy gosudarstvennyy universitet. (X-ray crystallography) KUZNETSOV, A.V. Applicability of correction formul4 for the calculation of secondary extinction, Fis. met. i metalloved. 13 no.21 306-308 F 162. (NIRA 15:3) 1. Petrosavodskiy gosudaretvennyy universitet. (X-ray crystallography) 13" S/070/63/008/001/015/024 E132/E46o AUTHOR: Kuznotsov, A.V. TITLE: The broadening or X-ray lines due to secondary extinction PERIODICAL: Kristallografiya, v.8, no.1, 1963, 102-104 TUXT: Whon the di?tribution of blocks in a mosaic cryst~JL in given by ~2 A-I + jT 2 (y) (21Tp2) then the relationship between the line widths Pe and Pt with and without secondary extinction are given by 2 2 Pe Pt [1 + (2TTY where 1L is the coefficient of linear absorption, Q tho integrated intensity of the reflection from unit volume, (p is an angle and is the deviation from the Bragg angles Card 1/2 5/07o/63/008/001/013/024 The broadening of X-rmy F,132/E46o There are 2 figures. ASSOCIATION: Petrozavodski.y gomudaretvennyy universitet (Petrozavodak State University) SUBMITTED: June 27, 1962 Card 2/2 KMNETSOVP A.V. Measuring secondary ext4netkcm in po3ycryotala. Fix. met. I metalloved. 15 no.213g&,-305 F 163. (MIRA 1624) 1. Petrosavodskiy goeudaretvennyy universitet. (Metal arystals-Optical properties) KUZNEETSOV, A.V.; F1LATOV, M.S. Application of au=ary corrections of counting errors. Zav.lab. 30 no.3:300-301 164. (MIRA 17s4) 1. Patrozavodskiy gosudarstvennyy univernitat, E-UZIMTSOV, A. V. "Some Problems of Interru ted Flow." Cand Phys-Math Sci, Kazan' State U, Kazan' 1954. (RZWIekh, Nov 54~ Survey of Scientific and Technical Mssortations Defonded at USM Higher Educational Institutions (11) SO: --=. 110. 521, 2 Jun 55 SOV/1 24-57-7-7621 Translation from: Referativnyy zhurnal. Mekhanika, 1957, Nr 7, p 22 (USSR) AUTHOR: Kuznetsov, A. V. TITLE: Concerning the Pressure Exerted by a Flowing Gas on Several Obsta- cles With Flow Separation (0 davlenii gazovogo potoka na nekotoryye prepyatstviya pri obtekanii s otryvom struy) PERIODICAL: Uch. zap. Kazanskogo un-ta, 1956, Vol 116, Nr 1, pp 45-49 ABSTRACT: The author examines the plane problem of the steady separated flow of an ideal compressible fluid (as defined by Kirchhoff) past a plurality of obstacles consisting of straight-line segments. The paper is based on ChaPlY8in's approximate equations. The problem is solved by representing on the upper serniplane the regions 'of variation of the complex potential and of the function w = a- + i 0(Lr being the Chap- lygin variable and 0 the angle of inclination of the velocity vector with respect to the axis of symmetry of the contour). B. S. Kirnasov Card 1/1 KMN-PTSOV, A.V. Flow around a curvilinear are with separation of flow. Uch. zap. KRz. un. 117 no.9:95-99 '57. (MIRA 13:1) l.Kazanski7 gosudarstvennyy universitat im V.I. U117anova-Lenina. Kafedra gidromekhaniki. (Gas flow) 14 16(1),16(2),10(4) AUTHOR: Xuznetsov#A.V. SOV/140-59-3-15/22 TITLEi ow Around With Separation of Rays of an Impediment Enclosed in a Channel With Parallel Walls PERIODICAL: Izvestiya vysshikh uchebnykh zavedeniy. Matematika, 1959, Nr 3, PP 159-167 (USSR) ABSTRACT: The author considers the symmetrically plane flow around of a curvilinear arc by an incompressible fluid. The arc lies between two parallel walls and is symmetrical to the axis of the channel. The curvature of the arc is a oontinuoua function; the are is star-shaped with respect to a point of the axis. The existence and uni eness of the solution are already proved by Serrin fRef 4j. The author uses the method of Ya.Berman ZRef.12 t) mapping of the lower part of the flow into the first u dran and determines the form of the rays as well as the corresponding potential flow. The author mentions M.A.Lavrentlyev. There are 2 figures and 4 references, 3 of which are Soviet, and I English. ASSOCIATIONtKazanskiy gosudarstvennyy universitet imeni V.I.Ullyanova-Lenina (Kazan, State University imeni V.I.Ullyanov-Lenin) SUBMITTED: April 19, 1958 Card 1/1 B/140/61/000/004/004/013 CIII/C222 AVTAds i6ine'tibv', 'k, To TITLEs Cavitation flow aroundja platId'iri 'the- ~ne!Vdhborhoo d 'of the free surface of a :-MU!Ld e4 no w6i'~ht PERIODICALs Izveatiya vysahikh uchebnykh'zavedihIY4.. Matematika, no- 4, 1961o 39-50 TEXTj Under the assumption that the cavitation numbei zoe ii small the author considers the cavitation flow around an infiryk-te ~ibhe with the width 1 by a fluid of no weight in the neighborhood,4 ~Wb free surface according to the scheme due to D. A. Efros (Ref. Is Gidrodinamicheskaya teoriya plosko-parallellnogo kavitatsionnogo techeniya [Hydrodynamic theory of a plane parallel cavitation flow] DAN SSSRp v. 1, no- 4, 1946). The scheme is shown by figure 1 Card I" Cavitation flow around a plate in ... F;j VI KI 0 M D C 9 0 in a at Ic K' OM'D' V A B is the free surface, F--critical point, C--ramification point on the plate, Ox 11 V.. The jet flowing into the cavern is directed OD exactly contrary to V06 J is the angle of inclination of the plate with respect to V. . For a given 1, of # H00 , ?e an d V00 the author seeks the form of the Card 2/7 S/14o/61/000/004/004/013 CII1/C222 8/140/61/000/004/004/013 Cavitation flow around a plate in . . . 0111/0222 free surface and the cavern, the velocity field,-the buoyancy and -esietance. The plane out along k is mapped onto the right angle of figure 2 of the u-plane, and the Romplex potential w -,f + i4l and the function X - 1n -I- dw are investigated. The solution of the V dz 00 problem leads to the determination of Lw -f (u) and X(u)-f du 1 With the aid of the elliptic functions G'(u), J(u) and - 2S dw is represented by 13 TU dw - As - 13(OL _m) 6(u- 0c - to 2) G'(u_ 6' (u- ru - T (u-m- to 2) 62 (u-2 ca,) where A--real constant. For (u) the author obtains the representation Card 3/7 S/140J61/000/004/004/013 Cavitation flow around a plate in 0111/0222 x (a) f InL'-g(aVt)d1-1f It--w-1fy)Jg+(u,t)dt- 0, va a+m, 8+4% 20, *4% la _.i f A If (t)] V) d t11 ic jf(Ojg dj]+ FIn In c1W. (7) where f(u) is defined by 241 Au) In. in 01F (4) Card 4/1 S/140/61/000/004/004/013 Cavitation flow around a plate in . . . CI11/C222 and g(u, t) is defined by g(u, t) = e I., (u- t) 6'(t-u+cl 6 3(t-b)6~(u-a) (5) Lr7c) 6' (t-u) (r3(t-a) C (u-b) 3 71, ~2g(q), c=W1 + b 2a The author establishes additional equations for the determination of co the constants A, 9 oL , a, bIM, Pil A2 , 2 of which can be pre- scribed if the si u tion of K on the P ate is not fixed: 0) General condition 01+ 2P1 - M + 401 (2) 1) Direction of the velocity in the jet flowing into the cavern Im (M+ (02) Or Card 51~ Cavitation flow around a plate in . . . 2) Direction of the velocity in cD 3 Im ),(0) 0 . 3) Boundedness of X (u) in u b+ CO 2* 4) Width of the plate ~&414a 1 S/140J61/000/004/004/013 0111/C222 (10') e- 1 (u) dw + e- X (u) dw VI Im 00 c0, a+ 2 Width H00 1 I sin S (14) 1 V Im Cm (2 W I w (of, + W2) Hoo . a) (15) Card 6/7 S/140/61/000/004/004/013 Cavitation flow around a plate in . . . 0111/0222 Then the author determines the pressure R with which the flow acts on the plate. There are 3 figures and 4 Soviet-bloc references. ASSOCIATIONt Kazanskiy gosudarstvennyy universitet im. V. J. Ullyanova- Lenina (Kazan, State University im. V. J. Ullyanov-Lenin) SUBMITTEDs December 6, 1959 Card 7/7 S/179/62/000/001/026/027 E191/E1135 AUTHOR: Kuznetsov, A.V. (Kazan') TITLE: Flow of a 3et of finite width around a plate in the presence of cavitation PERIODICAL: Akademiya nauk SSSR. Izvestiya. Otdoleniye tekhnichoskilch nauk. Mokhanika i mashinostroyenlye. no.1, 1962, 174-177 TEXT: Cavitation flow of a jet of incompressible fluid of finite width is considered wherein the plate is placed symmetrically and at right angles in relation to the jot. The Cavitation Number (defined as the square of the ratio of the velocity at the boundary of the cavi4, to the velocity at InfinIty, less unity) is assumed small. A stationary pattern of cavitation is assumed. The complex potential in the plane of the flow is introduced and a special function defined which is the natural logarithm of the derivative of tho complex potential with respect to tho complex position divided by the velocity at infinity. When this function is found, the shape of the jet boundaries and of the cavity can be plotted and the pressure of the flow on the plate can be computed. Card 1/2 S/179/62/000/001/026/027 Flow of a jet of finite width ... E191/E435 The kinematic part of the problem is solved by conformal mapping. In the physical plane, a semi-infinite cut is taken along the streamline passing through the stagnation point (in the centre of the plate). This streamline is taken as the zero streamline. The singly connected region so obtained in the physical plane is conformally mapped on the inside of a rectangle in an auxiliary plane. In the analysis, reference is made to the pattern of cavitation flow examinod*by'D.A.Efros (Ref.l: DAN SSSR, V-51, no.4, 1946) and the mathematical derivations of L.Woods (Ref.2: Symposium of translations "Mekhanika", no.2, 1956) and thus the present author's derivations are purely mathematical. Instructions are given for determining the jet boundaries and the shape of the cavity. The pressure on the plate is derived and it is stated that the formula so obtained is valid also for curved profiles. ASSOCIATION: Kazanskiy gosudarstvennyy universitet (Kazan' State University) SUBM'ITTED: June 26, 1961 Card 2/2 KUZNETSOV, A.V. (Kazan') Flow of a weightless fluid with a free boundary. PMTF no. 604-99 N-D 163. (MIRA 17:7) I,IJZNETSOVP A.V. Oil reaerves in carbonate raservcir rocks. Trudy VNIH no.310-: 179-187 163. (mIRA 17;9) n Problem involving flow post a system performing minor vibra- tions. Prikl. mat. i makh. 28 no.3067-M try,4064 (MIRA 17t7) KUZMrZSOV, A.T. Phyalcogeographical conditions of the Pashiya layer formations In the southeastern Tatar A.S.S.E. Trudy 1311 no.11:15-25 157. (Tatar A.S.S.R.-Potroleux geology) (KM 10111) V1111 - All-Union Scientific Research Institute of Petroleun and Natural Casio Poscow T'' "..V. 0 --, lr'~~.,,,~~-.~"-_-- , . -volr proparll~n of et Itatnnes from tho -,~-)ducin,-- ~-r' ir I n Rrico7 4 t1m I!clo. Trucy YNJI n.i.ll;:hr--54 '57. (ri%-, 1".7) MonL-.'-Llf,~Ino ra.,~71nn--Potrolonm, poolof-j) A v KENES9k~ Certain forms of arenaceous formations in the horizon DI of the Romashkino field. Trudy VNII no.23:93-100 160. (MIRA 13:11) (Romashkino region--Sanastone) KMIMOVO A.V. Systematio errors in calculatizg the size of o:Ll and gas pools from isopaoh maps. Trudy VNII nn.As75-85 162. (WA 15 V ) (Petroleum geology--!'Apo) GERASIMOVAj Ye.T.; KUZNETSOV$ A.V,; IATYPOV, N,G. Lithological and mineralogical characterization of argiLlaceous rocks of a Lower Carboniferous terrigenous layer of the eastern Russian Platform., Dokle AN SSSR 151 no.2419-421 J1 163. (KIRA 16:7) 1. Geologichaskiy institut, Kazanskogo fWals. AN SSSR. Predstavleno akademikom N,M.Strakhovym, (Rusaian Platform-Clay) KUZNETSOV, A.V. Electric rock drill. Gor. zhur. no.8:61-62 Ag '58. (MIR& 11:9) (Rock drills--Patents) AUTHOR: Solomonov, M.S. SOII/180.59-1-28/29 TITLE: Conference on the Physics of the Disruption of Rock and Tool Wear (Soveshchaniye po fizike razrusheniya gornykh porod i iznosu instrumentov) PERIODICAL: Izvestiya Akademil nauk SSSRI Otdeleniye tekhnicheskikh nauk, Metallurgiya i topli-bo, 19,1~9?Nr 1,pp 123-124 (USSR) ABSTRACT: On 18-20 November 1958 a conference was held at the Institut gornogo dela AN SSSR (Mining Institute AS USSR). One group on the physics of rock breakdoung heard the following reports: A.N. Zelenin, (--rGD AN SSSA), on "Some Investigations in the Field of Mohr's Ring Construction"; A.I. Beron, VUGI, on "Physical Nature of-Effects in the Cutting of Brittle Rocks"; R.Ye. Zygeles, VNIIBT, on "Mechanism of Rock Breakdown in Statio and Dynamic Insertion of Punches"; V.P. Samoylovq NIIOSP7 and Shih Chung--han- (MIIT) on "Experimental Investigation with the Aid of Radioactive Isotopes of the Process of the Introduction of Symmetrical Wedges (Stamps) into Rocks"; V.M. Matrosov~ Tomskiy politakhnicheskiy institut (Tomsk Card 1/3 Polytechnieal Institute), on "The Breakdown of Rock in Vibration-Rotation Dzilling by the Core Method". SOV/180-59-1-28/29 Conference on the Physi6s of the Disruption of Rock and Tool Wear The second group, dealing with tool durability, heard the following reports: 416netsov (IUD AN USSR) on Ku "Abrasive Properties of Hoc s and Their Influence on Drill-Edge Bluntins (in Perforation Drilling)"; M.I. Smorodinovq NIIOSPq on "Investigation of Rock-Cutting Tool Wear with the Aid of Radioactive Isotopes"; V.V. Sevastlyanov, VUGI, on "Investigation of Tool Durability in the Course of Impact Chipping of Rocksllj I.A. Ter-Azarlyevq AISM, on "Main Stages in Cutting-Tool Wear in Stone Cutting"; K.S. Vartanyan, AISM, on "Local Tool-Wear in Stone Cutting arad Friction Work"; G.G.Karyuk, Novocherkasskiy politekhnicheskiy institut (Novocherkassk Polytechnical Instituta) on "Iwrestigation of ShBM-Combine Cutting-Tool Wear"; V.F. Kiriyerko, Opytno-issledovatell - skiy tsekh Norillskogo kombinata (Experimental-research department of the Norillskiy coLabine) on "Increasing the Durability of the Drilling Tool and the Drillability of the Gabbrodiabases of the Norillsk., D6posits"; B.N. Lyubimov on the "Work of Giprouglemash".. Afterwards comwaai-.ations wera presented by-representati- Card 2/3 ves of tha Dnepropetrovskiy go:cnyy institut (Dnepropetrovsk Mining Institute), Novooherkasskiy politakh-nicheskiy -59-1-28/29 Conference on the Physics of the Disruption of Rock and Tool Wear institut (Novochorkassk Polytechnical Institute), Khartkovskiy gornyy in-stit-u-b (Kharlkov Hinin Institute), Kazakhskiy gorno-metallurglchesk17 institut fKazakh Mining and Metallurgical Institute) and others. The conferen-.9 noted that littae work had been done on some of the subjeots discusseA. It recommended that work on the physics of rook disruption should be ~:arried out mainly at the ICD AN USSR~ the Institut geologii i dobyehi Polezwykh iskopayemykh AN SSSR (Institute of Geology and of MA.nerals,AS USSR) T1UGI arA VNIBT; and work on tool -dear and breakage preferentially at NPI, AISM, Gidrouglemash., 71UGI. VNII5T and the Institut tverdykh Card 3/3 splavov (Hard.-Alloyi lnstitat-~). KUL -T, AeV, ftperimental study of the effect of abrasive properties of rocks on the dulling of bits in hammer drilling. Izv.1rar. i XD11.fil. AN SSSR no.2:116-121 159. (KIRA 12:11) 1. Institut gornogo dela Alf SSSR. Rock drills) IOZESTSOV, A.T.; GIA-D", L.D. Measuring the wear of cutters of sinking machines. Ism. tekb. no.4:12 Ap '6o. (UL" 13:8) (Xining machinery) (Mechanical wear-Measurement) BARON, Iesarl Israllevich, prof.$ doktor tekhn. nauk; .Aleksandr Tasillysyl U-MMAY, L.M., red. isd-ve; ASTAY G.A., tekbu. red# (Abrasiveness of rooks in mining opeiotional Abrasivnost' gornykh porod pri Aobyvanil. Hoskya, lzd-vo Akad. nauk SSSR, 1961. 166 p. (MIRA 14:5) 1. Institut gorn*ogo dela Im. A.A.Skochiniskago Akodamii nauk SSSR. Lyubertsy, Moskovskoy oblosti (for Baron. lusnateov) (Mining engineering) (Rocks--Testing) SIDOROV, I.N., inzh; KUZNETSOV, A.V., inzb..-, Boring with a sinker dril.1 without axial force applied on the bit. Clor. thur. no* 6:72 Je 1619 (MIRA 14:6) 1. Gorno-geologichesk Institut Urallskogo M."ala AN SSSR. IlRock drUln) BARON, L*I.y doktor ; GLNTMA.N-, - L. B. - --- - - -- ; , gornyy inzh-,--_KUZNETSOV A#V*j gornyy in*, Determining the abrasive properties of rocks mined with cutters. Ugoll Ukr. 5 no-4122-23 Ap 161. (MIRA .14":4) 1. Institut gornogo dela AN SSSR. .(Abrasion) (Coal mining machinery-TeBting) p 4-r.Vasillyevich; DO-110CHKOP Ivan Ivanovich,- KUZZ,'ETLOVj Alo%-u D'YAKCVA, G.B., re-d-.Tz-Z--v~; 6~~RKVA, Z.A., tekhn. red.; LOMILINA, L.N.# takhn. red. [BS-4 scraper hoists for filling materials) Butovye skreper- nye lebedki BS-4. Moskva, Goagortekhizdat, 1962. 55 *Pi (KIRA 15#5 (Hoisting machinery) (Mine fining) RODIONOV, N.S., kand.takhn.nauk; KUZNETSOV, A.V., inzh. Now design of a ppoh for estipating the hardness of rocks and minerals. Nauchtisoob. IOD l7sl29-130 162. (MIRk 16s7) I (Roc 9--Testing) (4nerals-ke sting) SIDOROV, I.N.; KUZtIETSOV_,_A,.V Waing the efficioney of boring and blasting during mining in hard rock. Trudy 1nst.gor.dela UFAN SSSR no,,7:125-129 163, (MIRA 17:3) KUZNETSOV, A.V., Inzh. - ~.,- - Comparative evaluation of the abrasive properties of some petro- graphic rock groups. Nauch. soob. IGD 21:125-132 163. (KIRA 1712) I K-UMETSOV, A.V,.-,, (Kommunarek, Luganakaya oblust' ), Yf,tzti?r")Vk , D.3. (Kommunarsk, Lugunskaya oblast') Nomographing two problems In mining engineuring. Nom abor. no.2v54-59 164. iMIRA 180) KUZNUSOV,__LV. (Kommunarsk, Luganskaya oblast') Nomographing the construction of central axonometric -4aotimnq. Nom. abor. no.2:60-70 164, .,." . Nomographirg the construction of parallel standardized axonometric projections. Ibid.:71-77 (MIRA 18:3) ITINSKAYA, N.I'# kand.takhn.vauk, dotsenty DEGTEW, M.D.,, kand.tekhn.nauk, assistentl KUZNETSOV,p.-,LV-..-aopLrant; TRETIYAKOV., B.S., assistant Effect of the prolonged use of crankcase oil on the performance,of DT-54 tractors. Trudy MIHESKH 6:351-364 159. (MIRA 14:5) (Tractoro--Lubrication) ITINSKAYA, II.I., kand.tekhn.nauk, do'-sent; DZISTSM ~-V., otarshly prepodavatel, u Properties of aiesel oils in the operation of tractor ongines. Izv. TSKIIA no.2:.U5-130 162. (KM 15:9) (Tractora-Lubrication) L 08463-67 JUP(m)/EWT(l) WV1 ODE: un/61-2-VN576-6 AUTHOR TITLE: Flow of a weightless fluid with a free boundary.around a plate SOURCE: Ref. zh. Mekhanika,; Abs. 12B612 REF SOURCE: Tr. Seminars, po obratn. krayev. zadacham. Kazansk. Ti--t, VYP 2, 1964, 84-87 1 ITOPIC TAGS: fluid flow, flat plate, streamline flow ABSTRACT: A previously derived general solution (Kuznetsov,'A. V., Zh. Prikl. mekhan. i tekhn. fiz., 1963, No. 6, 94-99-Rzbmekh, 1964, 4B378) is used as a basis for numerical solutions on the "Ural-I" computer on determining the lift factor 0 of a Y plate of length Z moving under the free surface of a weightless fluid with velocity VC.. In expressions for in I dw- dz r,'H, -P; W. 7v-, , where r is circulation, H is depth of immersion,.Y is lift v-v~+Ivg (0evj-c2,K; 0-4vg