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KUZMSOV A.A., starshiy prepodavatell Investigationg the dependence between volumetric weight and the heating value of coal. Izv*vyseuchebszav*; goroshur* noo4:28-33 158. (KIRA U: U) 1. Permakly gorrqy instituto (Coal-Analysis) (Calorimetry) 7 I*.. KUZWTSOVY A.A. j TAVRINp I.F. Sbma data on the tectonic structure of a greenstona synclincrium on the eastern slope of the Southern Urals based on the results of gravity and magnetic surveys. Trudy Gor.-geol. inst. UFAN SSSR, no.34M-81 158* (MM 14:10) (Ural. Mountains-a.--Zreenotone) Qioepecting-Geophysical methods) (Geology, Structural) RUZNETBOV, A.A. Study of the geology of the Magnitogorsk region bwed on geopbysical data. Trudy Gorogeoloinst.UFAN SSSR no.6t207-2-12" 160* (HM 14:10) (Magnitogorsk region-Geology, Economio) TARMSOT, Mo; EE~~ Oil in Sahara. Vuesh, torg,, 30 no-2:50-51 160- (KIRA 13-12) I.Ohlon-korrespondent AN BSSR (for Varentsov). (Sahara--Oil fields) TSATUROV, G.; KUZIa-;T,(30V, A. Session of Oil and Gas Section of the Council of Geological Testimony of the Main Geological Prospecting Administration of the R.S.F.S.R. Geol. nefti i gaza 5 no.6:62-64, 3 of cover Je 161. Petroleum geology) (MIRA 14:6) ts., Natural-Geology) KUMETSOV, A.; KORNEVJ Be Further development of regional geological and geophy&ical work In Central Asia, Kazakhstan, Western Siberia, and the Ukrainian S.S.R. Geol. nefti I gaza 5 no.11:60-63 N '61. (M:LRA 14:11) (Boring) KORMj B.; KUMETSM. A. Western Siberia is a large qov oil- and gas-bearing region, Geol. nefti i gaza 5 no.12:57-58 D 1619 (MIRA 14:21) Siberia, Western-Petroleum geology) beria, Western-Gae, Natural-Geology) t 5 I KUMETSOV, A Pruductior vork of atudents In the first and n~,cond courm- ar.1 imthods for developing and perfecting th.,s work. Izv.v)s.uchkqb. Zav.; naft' I gaz 5 no.12i.117-118 162. IWIRA 17.1.) KaWV~ B.;_KUYMTSOV., A. Find of the first oil field in Fastern Siberia. Geol. rafti i gaza 6 no. 6:$9-60 Je 162. (KM 25% 6) (Irkutsk Province-Petroleum geology) .FADEYEV~ V.A.; I-MIETSOV, A.A. Differonce between ttie intrunive and effasive facies of trap magma. lJohe zaps NITU Regogeol, no,3:87-94 164, (MIRA 18slO) 7. KUZNETSOV , A. A, Magmatic differentiation of trap rocks in the Siberian Platform. Vest LGU 19 no. 6:145-148 164. (%.IIRA 17: 5) A VAZARETOVAJ, N.B.; GOIDMSIITOK, I.S.; BASHIIDV, A.A.; KUNULTSOV, A.A.; STEPURO, S.I. Certain problems involved in the recovery of solvents. Nefteper. i haftekhim. no. 11:18-21 163. (MIRA 17;5) 1. Groznenakiy neftemaslozavod i Groznenakiy neftyanoy institut. A.A.; SIJDAK(,,V, Yf-,.N, Place for the Intermediate Coolinp Of ay, absortent. !zv.,w-js.iicheb. zav.; neft' i gaz 7 no.4:63-66 4. (MRA 17t5) 1. Groznenakiy neftyanoy Iqqt.4tut,. gq k 1935-61 _EWT(;) _W__ 1ACCESSION NR: AT5022651 UR/28T4/65/000/003/0003/00i~] AUTHOR: Bulashevich Yu. P#1 N.; Kuznetsov, A A ~2 -l'Ii Khalevin, N. I.; TimofMev, TITLE: Selection of a site In,the Urals for sinking a siQaxftoq_bQrshQje ''4~j' SOURCE: AN SSSR. Ur&Llskiy filW. Institut geofiziki. Trudy, no. 3, 1965. Geofizicheskly sbornik, no. 4: Hatodicheakiye voprosy rudnoy geofitiki Urals, (Geo-1 physical papers, no. 4: Methodological problems of mining geophysics of the Urals), 3-15 TOPIC TAGS: superdeep drilling, Moho discontinuity, Conrad discontinuity, gravity survey, seismic survey, seismic profile. aeromagnetic survey, magnetic survey, earth crust ABSTRACT., Since 1961, several Soviet scientific organizations have carried out inyda- tigations in the'Ural Mountains to determine the optimum location for drilling'a superdeep borehole. The "a covered extended along the range from 51*201 to 5804o~, 3. Lat. The announced purposes of these studiesi both of scientific and industrial'! import, were as follows: 1) thickness,, composition, and stratigraphic sequence of geological formationst 2) nature ofthe geosynclinal sediment-"granltic" transit4-, 3) thickness and vomposition of the"',"granitic" layer; 4) nature of -the ."gran-1 1 2 :ACCESSION NH: AT5022651 itic" layer-"basaltic" layer transition zonel 5) physicochemical changes in the rockes with deDtht -6)----typeo-of-igneous-intrusions--and-ore-bodiew~7)-phys'-dA'--~eo~i~ t es 0 e rocks-and the nature of discontinuities (ConreA and 14oho)l and 8) changes in temperatures* with depth and the thermodynamic conditions at great depths. Results ! of preliminary studies Indicate that the most favorable site for the borehole will fl~!.:, probably be In the Tagil-Magnitogorsk synclinorium in the Verkhoturlye-Krasnoural$si region where a number of industrial boreholes have already been drilled to a depth of 1.2 km. Final selection or thesite, however, will require additional gravity and magnetic (terrestrial and aerial) surveys as well as deep seismic sounding and reflected-wave profiles* Orig. art. has: 6 figures, (ERI ASSOCIATION: Akademiya' nauk 88SRe Urallskiy filial. Institut geofixiki (Ural Branch Academy of Sciences,SSSR' Institute of Ge by _4i -- ---------- .7T 00 SUB"CODE: ES ENCL, arm.. 000 8: NO IMF, SOV: 012 An PM _Qrd i _iKl KUZ14ETSOV, A.A. Possible structure of' the Magnitogorsk synclinorium and some characteristics of its tectonic development based on geophysical data. Trudy Inst.geofiz.UFAN SSSR no-3:17-23 165. (MIRA 1818) 3 VW KUZNETSCV, A.A. Quantity of water contained in the magma of differentiated intrusions in the northwestern part of the Siberian Platform. Dokl. A11 SSSR 162 no.6sl394-1396 Je #65. (MRA ISO) 1. Hauchno-issladovatellskiy institut geologii Arktiki. Submitted February 1, 1965. KIJIINIFII~Mv A.A., IVATI'fj-~A, V..-'.,, 0 B.,"_ : 11 v I -M Usa of tbarmogra, hy for the study of trap ronks in tbr~- northwestern part of the Siberian Platform. rokl. AN SSSR 163 no.2%46~1-467 il 165. (MITU 180) 1 1. Nauchno-lssledovatellakiy inatitut goolngli L-ktiki i V:*:escyuznyy nauchno-Issledovatal.13kLy geolcglcheskiy InsUtut. Sutritted Fobruary 27, 1965. STEPAW10, B.Ne; X=TSOV, A-A, Chromatographic study of some sugar phosphates [vith summary in Inglish]. Biokhimiia. 24 n0-1:25-32 Ja-7 159- (KMA 12t4) L.Laboratory of Physiological Chemistry. Acadez7 of Sciences of the Ue$.S*R., Moscow. (YRUCTOSE PROSPRA72S) (agROKATOGRAPHIC ANALYSIS) KUZNETSOV, A.A.; STEPAKENKO, B.N. Fate of fruqitose-1#6-diphospbate and frqctooe-6-phoophate introduced into the animal orjiudem. Biokhimlia 25 no.4:705.-715 JI-Ag 160, I (MIRA 13:11) 1. Institute of Biochemistry, Academy of Sciences of the U.S.S.R., Mosoqw. (YRUCTOSE PHOSPHATES) (PHOSPHORUS IETABOLISH) KUZNETSOVP A.A.; STEPANEKKO, B.N. Acid phosphatase from the roots of some Eremurus species. Dokl. AN SSSR 155 no. 3t694-697 Mr 164. (MIRA 17:5) 1. Institut biokhimii im. A.N.Baldha AN SSSR. Predstavleno akademikom A.I.Oparinym. AUTHOR: Kuznetsov, A.A. and Stepanyan, L.S. 26-58-4-40/45 TITLE s The Finding of the Pyrrhospiza Funicea in th(.Tyan1-Shan1MoUatdn5 (Nakhodki krasnogo-Vyarka v Tyan, - Shane) PERIODICALt Priroda, 1958, Nr 4, P 117 (USSR) ABSThACT; The authors describe the Pyrrhospiza punicea, a bird which is very rarely found in the USSR. Its habitat is the country in the high mountains of Central Asia. The authors had been work- ing in the Tian! Shane mountains and report their experiences with the Pyrrhospiza punicea of which they discovered three specimens. There are 2 Soviet references. ASSOCIATION: Moskovskiy gosudarstvennyy universitet imeni M.V. Lomonosova (Moscow State University imeni 14.V. Lomonosov) Card 1/1 1. Pyrrhospiza Punicea-USSR 2. Birds-USSR KUZNETSOV, A.A. IkLterial on the geography of birds in the Alay Range. Trudy Ali Tadzh.SSR 890.241-257 158- (MIRA 13:5) 1. Kafedru toologii Moskovskogo gosudarstvennogo podagogichookogo inatituta imeni Lenina. (~Iay Range--Birds) The red Kashmir finch (Pyrrhospiza punicea humii Sharpe). '6itologiia no.3:351-361 160. (MRA 14.- 6) C (Soviet gentral Asia-Finches) -ZZkMTSUV~-A.A-.- Winter bird fauna in the alpine central part of the Kirghiz Range. Izv. All Kir. SSR. Ser. biol. nauk 3 no.1:55-65 161. (MIRA 14:12) (ALAARCHA VALLEY--BIRDS) KUZNETSOV, A.A. Composition, abundance and distribution of the avifauna in the hiphland of the Kirghiz Range. Ornitologiia no-41237-255 162. (MIRA 16J,4 (Tien Sharo-kocentors (Birds)) KMNE"OVR A.A. Biolo& of birds in the AiPine part of the Kirl-b-ii Range. Ornitologiia noi.5415-= 162, (MIRA l6j2) (Kirghiz Range--Birds) AUTHORS. Kotov, 7. 1., 1".uznetsov, A. D., 53-2-1/5 TITLE: The Physical Poundationo of Uodern Resonance Accelerators (Fizichookiye oonovy covrenennykh rozonarisnykh uskoritaley) PERIODICAL: Uspekhi Finichoskikh !I--,ul:, 1953, Vol. 64, 1~1- 2, PP- 197-272 (USSR) ABSTRACT: At present accelerators are projected or under constructionp which perrit the acceleration of 1:articleu up to energies nf 50 DeV. The present survey Lives a detailed treatment of autophasin.- and the various aspects of its realization. Morcoverv the 3tabilit~r of the motion of particlos within the aia ',-,.otic fieldu of the circular acculerators --nd the effecto of variou3 di--turbinz factors on this wotion are discussed in det-~il. The first section of the surv%7 discusses a number of rules --overninG the :4otion of char-ed particles in a maGnotic field. At 'bcZ;innin,;, the aimplost case of thio motion, that is to say, in --. hoxoZrenous and with respect "o time constant ficla is co-.,iputed. The follorino circumstance is of prime im,)ort.~nce: In circular accelerators it is Card 1/3 insufficient for the na-lictic field only to Zuar--ntee a The Physical Foundations of 111oaorn RcsonLnce ..cceleratorz 53-2-1/5 circular motion of tv~ particles; thic -action must also be stable. The Liecond section deals with automatic phase synchronization. T.Iae qu:,,.litati,,c analysis of the processes takinC; place -.,ita a co;iuti:.nt a~,.i;netic fiold and with constant frequency of the accolcratin.- field strength furnishes the followini; results: 1. .5%. stable equilibriita motion exists, which corresponds to "exnct" resonance. 2. A menx resonance iu realized on carta-ii, conditions for particles, which do not satisfy the reco:;_,ace conditiont that is to say, that the radii of their -instantaneous tracks, the enerCy and the angular frequency perform oscillations around the resonance values of those qucntities. The methods of resonance acceleration of particlec corresponding to these con- siderations proved to be very tteeful. At first the authors give a qualit*_-tive analysio of these methode: The method of the variation with time of the frequency of the accolerating field strength, the si=ult--neouo variation of the magnetic field and of the frequency of the accelerating field strength. This is followed by a Ceneral investigation of the motion of particles in cyclic resonance accelerators. This motion Card 2/3 consists of Vae following; three conponente: The Physical Foundations of Modern Resonance Accelerators 53-2-1/5 AIIAILABLE: Card 3/3 1. Rotation of the particles on an equilibrium orbit. 2. Slow radial phase oscillations with the frequency of the accelerating electric field. 3. Past free oscillations around the instantaneous path, the period of which usually is of tho same order of maCnituds as the period of the rotating particles. These three types of motion are eliminated from the Ceneral equations and then a number of problems connected with it are discussed. The fourth section deals with a few peculiarities of the operation of the different types of circular resonance accelerators (synchrotron, phasotron, synchrophasotron, micro- tron). The last two sections give a detailed report on linear accelerators and intensely focusing accelerators. There are 17 figures, 2 tables, and 64 references, 54 of which are Slavic. Library of Congress 1. Particle accelerators-Development Characteristics 2. Particle accelerators- 0 0. A 1; 06. 0: KUZNETSOVP 14YZNIKOV, X.P. A. B. (CharacteriotioB of a beam of protons accelerated in a proton- synchrotron up to an energy of ICBev.] looledovanie kharakteristik puchka, protonovp uskorenrqkb v sinkhrofazotrone na. 10 Bev. Dubna., Obledinenmyi in--t iaderrqkh iseledovanii.. 1961. 13 p. (M3RA 14, 10) (Synchrotron) (Protons) 1677n S/08- 62/012/005/001/014 B1 02YB1 04 ,~2 t1. (c "22 o AUTHORS: Xuznetsov, A. B., Myznikov, K. P. TITLE: Investigation of the beam characteristics in a 10-Bev pro- ton synchrotron PERIODICAL: Atomnaya energiya, v. 12, no- 5, 1962, 373-377 TEXT: Methods of investigating synchrotron beam characteristics are described and the results are discussed in brief. 1) Filling of the stability phase region at the end of the acceleration, and the energy spreads The method is based on the relation between relative spread of the; i phase nscillations and the amplitude of the radial phase oscillations. The spread of the phases is determined from the duration of the signal from induction electrodes (F. A. Vodoplyanov et al. Proceedings CERN, 1959P P. 470). The phase spread of a proton cluster at the end-of 2 accelerations was 8 - 0.41; S u 27t and q)2 are the extreme phanse The maximum amplitude of radial phase oscillations wan 2ol ome The radial Card 1/0 S/089/62/012/005/001/014 Investigation of the beam ... B102/B104 width of the stability region was 2.8 cm and the degree of filling of the separatrix at the end.of acceleration was 0-75. The maximum energy spread was determined from the maximum amplitude of the radial-phaae oscillations and was +2.8 Mov. 2) Particle distribution with respect to the amplitudes of the free radial oscillations j (a)s This characteristic waa determined from an analysis of the pulse from the inner target hit by /I the accelerated beam deviated by an increasing magnetic field after s--itching off the accelerating voltage, I (a) determined trom the current pulae oscillogram, is shown in Fig. 61 it is littab affected by the particle distribution with respect to the instantaneous orbits- 3) Particle distribution with respect to the amplitudes of the free vertical osoilla- tions ~~ (z)t This characteristic was measured with a rotating target L described by I. B. IBsinskiy and K. P. Myznikov (Preprint OIYaI, R-484, Dubna 1960). 4~ (z), shown in Fig. 89 was determined when taking account for the dependence of the number of accelerated particles of a given energy on the position of the target. There are 8 figures. Card 2/3 ~~_V 6 730 AUTHORSt TITLEs 3~089/63/014/002/003 01)' B102/B186 Kazanskiyj G. S. DzutsQy~ k. B., Mikhaylov, A. I., Rubin, N. B., Tiarenkov'q A. P. Investigation of the beam fo'rmation of accelerated particles in the proton-synchrotron by means.,6f induction electrodes, PERIODIdALs Atomnays, energiya-, v. 14, no.. 2, 1963, 153 - 158 TEXTs The beam formation process in the first stage of acceleration at the proton-synohrotron of the Ob"yedinennyy institut yadernykh iseledovaniy (Joint Institute of Nuolear'Research) in DuVa was studie 'd with thehdlp, oVelectrostatio signal electrodes' (Yodbplyi .no'vt, Kuzmin, -at SL*' - Proo. Intern. Conf. High-Energy Accelerators and Instrumentation, CERN,.Genevap' 1959, P. 470# 4771 Kazanskiy et al., Preprint OIYaI, B-50-819, Dubna, 1961). These electrodes are broad copper plates arranged tQ form two systems on either side of the beam. The plates of one system are arranged symmetri- cally to the mid-plane of the m net (vertical eleotrodes)l and those of the other perpendicular ~heretoafradial.eleotrodes). The signal V(T) in. duoed in the vertical-e.leatrodes ia-proportional to the change in the Card 1/4 S/089/63/014/002/003/01,9 Investigation of the beam... B102/B186 azimuthal charge density in the flying bunchs -V(9)!:~ 2n, where 1 1a C x the electric length of the electrodes, C-the capacitance of the plates relative to the earth$ and R the perimeter of the equilibrium orbit* V(O) is led to an integrator which yields V IVACt Q being the charge pt, mean the accelerated bunch* For the proton-synchrotron of the OIYaI the adnei- 12 tivity of the vertical electrodes, a - C/el, was 'I-10 protons/vI, n - 208 m, 1 - 0.5 m, 0 - 400jLpf- If the output volt9ge V out (of Fig. is measured and the amplification factor K is known, the number of protons in the bunch, N - V out CA# is determined* -The signal U(T) of the ',radial- electrodes records the horizontal deviation of the beam from the equi- librium radius; the radial sensitivity is 2~/cm. The electrode installa- tion has a pass band of 0.1 - 3 Ito which allows a distortion-free recording of V(?) and U(y) and their a 'mplitude modulation. A copsideration of-the motion of the particles along the phase trajectories taking account of the free oscillations shows that the 'amplitude structure of the beam must be ob- served during 100 - 150 yseo after the switching-on of the accelerating voltage; the beam formation takes place during the first 1 1.5 mseo. The Card 2/4 8/06'9/63/014/002/003/019 Investigation. of the beam.... 0 BI 2/Ble6 radial phase oscillations of the beam are accompanied by the oscillations of the azimuthal density with t he frequencies S1 and 211, where S)_ is the angular frequency of the phase oscillations. The amplitudes of these oscillations depend on All/b,,&M being the initial energy spiead and b the radial separatrix half-dimension. If AMA 6 1,'the oscillation with,the frequency ZI vanishes;! if A'M/b* i , the",dampkng of these oscillations. takis place in 30 - 50 periods of the phase oscillations. The'greater,&M/b, tfie' more rapid is the damping. The same is true for the oscillations of the charge center. To the signal modulation with 40 - 50% depth observed at-' i.he synchrotron there corresponds a-total initial-energy spread 0f-1.5%.. There are 10 figures. SUBMITTEDt April 4, 1962 Card 3/4 S/089/63/014/002/003/019 Investigation. of the beam... B102/BI86 Fig. 1. System of induction electrodes. Legends A - vertical electrodes, 5 - radial electrodes, B amplifier fo.r the measuring system of the beam intensity, transmitter of the radial beam positionj (1) beamdirection, (2) V 'M U out' out* Pard 4/4 KOLOMENSKIY, A.A., glav. red.; KUZNETSOV,,_A.j3.,,.red.; LEBEDEV, A.N., red.; ALYABOYEV, A.F.., red.; MURADOVA, A.A., red.; SMIRNOV, I.P., red. Transactions ~ the International Conference on High Energy acceierators. Trudy Mezhdunarodnoi konferentsii po uskoriteliam. Pod red. A.A.Kolomenskogo, A.B.Kuznetsova, A.N.Lebedeva. Moskva., Atomizdat, 1964. 1091 p. (In Rus- sian and English) _ List of participants of the International Conference on High Energy Accelerators. Spisok uchastnikov Mezh- dunarodnoi konferentaii po uskoriteliam (Dubna, 21-Z7 avgust 1963 g.). Moskva., Atomizdat, 1964. 13 P. (MM 17:9) 1. Intern8tional Conference on High Energy Accelerators. Dubna, 1Q63. Z. Fizicheskiy institut im. P.N.Lebedeva )N SSSR, Moskva (for Kolomenskiy, Lebedev). L 3774-66 EWT(m) DIAAP GS ACCESSION RRt AT5001949 06006/64/000/006j078.4/0790 ~L? A xuznetsov A. B.t I UTHORt vagina 1. Ali .veksletA. V'. to2 opovo Ve As j n2in-77-0-i tFowyik ollf# dekW1_o#, K. VI Gemeplushking 14 N, TITLE: Clectrodybamle separator of antlOotonpulth 5 Gev/c momentum SOURCEi International Conference on Hlah tnergy Acqoleratoj!._j)ubna$ 1963, Trudy, Moscow', Wt_omi_zTat# 19640 708-790 'TOPIC TAGS: high energy particle* antiproton# pion, particle Interaction ABSTRACTt The study of processes Initiated by such particles as high-energy K- mesons and antiprotons In often determined by the possibility of separating these particles from an accompanying pi-meson background. The tremendous technical dif- ulties-or obtain- -f ic laing-In -thw-ude-of-theLelectrostatic --Beth ofse"ration for- q4__ Ang pure beams of relativistic particles twgently dictate the ftecesafti-aft-se-ek ev means of separating particlesa In 19S6, V. 1. Veksler and V. A. Petukhov pr04 n posed an elactrodynamic method of separating particles according to wases. At thi present time the high-enerity laboratory of the Joint Institute of Nuclear Research to petfacting the application of M eli~_tt;di~iWfc -separator, creat- Card 1/4 L 3774-66 ACCESSION MR: ATS007949 ed on the, basis of this-m-thod, of antiprotons with momentum up to 5 Gev/c. The present report discusses the principle governing the operation of the electrodynamI6 separator. At the end of the acceleration cycle in the synchrophasotron the pro- I tons are.recaptured Into the acceleration regime at a frequency of high multiplici-i ty and are subsequently.,directed against a -target. The beam of secondary particles, which then occurs possesses d corresponding h1gh-frequency structure. The negati"m 1y charged particles that interest us are extracted by the mpinetic field of the accelerator to the outside. Further, an a restilt of magnetic nnalysis the part I- cles era resolved In a narrov Interval of momenta. or pulses. A longitudinal dis- tribution of the resolved particles begins to take place over a certain distance of their flight.* The antiprotons being heavier particles retire from the pi-mesons.". If the,total length b of fllght~ counted from the target (for the case of relati- vistic particles) Isequal to L* where g Is the operating wavelength of a multiple-acceleration,systen and pit 02 a respectively the velocities of the pi-medons and antiprotons In units of the speed of light, then the lag of the antiprotons is exactly equal to the half wavelength A/2. On the oath of the 0articles at this place there Is created a high-ftvquenq transtersd 61actrit field Vith the same Va"longth I which 16 rigidly "nd In 2/4 KI L 3774-66 ~ACCESSIOH M AT5007049 phase with the voltage that Is accelerating the beam at multiple frequency. In cas~d:_- of--6-suitable-choico--of-the-phase~-of the electric field the antlprotons and the pi- deflection fferent in sIgn -an-& _caii_b-e-9pAtI.4UY-mv- mesons will obtain angula busses the composition of the electrodynamic ae0ard-1--- solved further. The report dis tor of antiprotons at the high-energy laboratory, which consists of a multipl Z iacceleration system# deflecting device# and an Ion-optical system. Also discussed are the separatovts characteristics. The device can also be employed to resolve pl-mesons and antiprotans with smaller values of momenta and to separate X-menonso lf~certaln necessary conditions are fulfilled for the separation of antiprotons and K-mesons respectively, 10 L (Pch"him (POw-Mix, I I jrn+~Ig where the M6vantd of the aiitiprotono andi k-medohs are respectively c P (Pe)k"'~" and the rtat-tintt-gy of art antip"tah Ii i~tcl anA ii lib,4 OrW art, 3 figuresi Card 3/4 V.ji i, 4, /EWA (m) IJP(p) GS 1, h232-66L.. EWT(m)/EPA(w)-?._. ACCESSION NR: ATS007970 S/0000/64/000/000/0970/0975 !AUTHOR: Kazanskiy, G. S.,, ~uznetsov, A. D.; Mikhaylov, A. I.; Tsa RUM Chekalov, K. V., H7 TITLE: Certain special features governing the adjustment of the acceleration re- gime on the Mal 10-Gev synchrophasotron SOURCE: International Conferen nergy Accelerators. Du ce on Hiih E bna-1963*, _JTrudy. Moscow, Atomizdat, 970-975 TOPIC TAGS: high energy accelerator, proton accelerator, linear accelerator ABSTRACT: The oscillogram form of the signals recorded by inductive electrodes in, the quasi-betatron regime is due to the subsequent entrapment of the particles Int*1 acceleration. The signals are pro ortional to the variation in the density (e. g# of the order of 2.5-1010 to 5.2-Mo protons.per pulse) of the particles in the -A quasi-betatron state in the case of multi-rotation injection at the azimuth of the '1vertical" induction electrodes (Kazanskiy, G. S., et al. Atomanya energiya 14 1153 (1963)). The oscillograms also indicate the state corresponding to particle !storage In-the accelerator chamber. Measurements show that a small group of par-7-' -1ticles, comprising about 0.5% (5-109 protons per pulse) of the total number of par-, Card 1/3 L 4232-66 ACCESSION HR: ATS007970 ticles injected, takes part in the formation of the signal. The frequencies in 7 the central part of the signal correspond to the frequency of revolution or are.mU,1-; itiples 'of it. The appearance of such frequencies can explain the presence of the !charge fronX during input of the particles into the accelerator chamber (or the I 'formation of the drop in density at the moment of intensive losses at the beginning !of injection)$ and also the amplitudinal nonequilibrium of the injection current extent is less than the perimeter of the equilibrium orbit. The connection between :the form of the high-frequency signal under consideration and the subsequent en- trapment of the particles into the synchrotron state is characteristic. If the oscillations close-to the "rear" signal front formed by the parti-les with ampli- tudes of betatron radial oscillations damped, then the effectiveness of,entrap-: are !ment decreases, and in the absence of such damping the effectiveness is greater, ias shown by the'oscillograms. In the case of the "differential" method of signal ~recording with induction electrodes, signals are observed whose form can be modL- :fied from ainusoidal to a series of discrete pulse-formed signals. In most cases '~(excluding those where the values n are resonant) the general picture represents ithe result of superposition of this and another group of signals, as seen on os-.' ,Card 2/3 4A L 4232-66 ACCESSION-1HRs AT5007970~ cillogram's. The present report discutsses. the following pertinent topics: quasi- betatron state-, synchrotron state; system of high-frequency-accelerator supply,* programming and adjustment of regimes suitable for physical experiments,, Te authors show that, by combining the various methods of beam output against a target and applying one or another method of selection. one can utilize intel gently the intensity in the accelerator cycle, thus ensuring a combination of dif- Orige art. has: 6 figures, 6 formulas. ferent physical experiments. ASSOCIATION: Ob"yedinennyy Institut yadernykh issledovaniy, Dubna (JoLat Institut o Nuclear Research) f SUBMITTED: 26May64 ENCI': 00 SUB CODE. NPi NO REF SOV: 004 OTHER: 000 77- 4J Card 3/3 ~'4 6"~ Ya ACCESSION NR: AP4013410 8/0057/64/034/002/0311/0312 AUWOR: TITIX-i On the energy spectrum of protons in a Itnear accelerator SOURCE: Zhurnal tolchn.fiz., V.34, no.2, 1964, 311-312 TOPIC TAGS: accelerator, linear accelerator, proton accelerator, energy spectrum, energy distribution, proton energy distribution ABSTRACT: An equation is derived for the energy of a proton leaving a linear ac- celerator as a-function of its energy, distance from the axis, and direction of motion on entering the accelerator. This result is valid for accelerators built and operated in accordance with a certain design equation. A correction torm is given which may be employed in case this design criterion is only approxima'My met.; These results are obtained with the aid of'an equation for the proton phase motion which is given elsewhere (A.B.Kuznetsov,Energetich*skiy spektr uskorenny*kh proton- ov v lineynom uskoritele". Priprint, OIYal,1243,Dubna,1963), and in the derivation of which the effect of radial motion was treated as an external perturbation. Orig. art.has: 7 formulas. Card (P KUZNETSOV A D.- TRIFSIX, G.B.,, red.; NEKRASOVA, G.N.,, mlad. red.; Ye.Sop tekhn. red. [Development of productive and nonproductive spheres in the U.S.S.R.; regularities of labor distribution in the society] Razvitie proizvodstvennoi i neproizvodstvannoi sfer v SSSR; zakonomernosti raspredeleniia truda vnutri obahchestva. Moskva, Ekonomika, 1964. 227 p. (MIRA 17:3) STFtF,T.I~ OV 1~ 9 V.A.; GIJTL7vyEyp F.N.; SUYJiOVA., A.M.; .~.VZNFV,'OV, A.P. JEw eruaher. Gor. shur. no.9t76 S 164. (MMA l7s.12) KMIMS(71, A. D. "The question of the Use of Hydrolyzed Gelatin in thehiblication of IUn Higher Mucation USSR, Voscow Inst of Engineers of Geodesy, Aorophoto.-raphic SurvoyB, and Cartography, Eoscow, 1955 (Dissertation for the Degree of Candidate of Technical Sciences) 30: Knizhnaya Letopial, No. 32, 6 Aug 55 I I I i I , , -! 1~ I ~w- - - __:, _F- -Y~ ------ - Ir -F 1-1- --- -- -- -- - -- ---- - - - - DITAKONOT, Vasilly Yomich; KUZMRSOT, A#D., red.; MMMHM, L.P., takhn. red, [Determining a ship's position by the mm with a chook for aaouracyl Opredelenle mesta sudna po solntsu e'isuledovanlem toohnosti. Leningrad, Izd-vo I'Morskoi transport,N*1958. 218 p (KIU 110 (Navigation) (lautical as;rouomW) KUZIMTSOV, A.D. Performance of log-receiving systems located in the stern, Trudy TSNIIHF no.23:3-8 159. (MIRA 12:8) (Radio In iiavigation) QE; NIGHAINT, P.A., insh.; TAUISMMOT. A.A. , kand.tekhn.asuk; UTDRITICH. K.B. , inzh. Prininali uchastiye: 1 r I insh.; KHODUM. T.Ta., Insh. IKOMMOT . D.10-0 dotsonf;- spatered.; MISOV, X.N., red.isd-va; MOZHZHDM, L.P.. (Electric navigation instruments] Ilektronavigatsionnye pribory. leningrad, 12d-vo OMorskoi transport,* ig6o. 496p. (Nautical Instrum'ent,a), (Electricity on ships) WRA 14o) 02NETSOV, A*D* Using the projection enlargement method for the automatic recording of a shipta course on navigation charts, Inform. abor, TSMW no.79 SudavothA avias'. no.2049-56 162. (KM 160) (Dead reckoning (Navigation)) (Optical instruments) KUZNETSOI/P A.D.7 inzh. Improving t1le technical and economic indices of ships with the help of propulsion bulbs on rudders. Sudostroenie 29 no.lls7 N 163. ,% W-A 16:12) -KUZNE-TSPVI A.D. Each enterprise should have a concrete plan of Industrial chenioalization. Sudoetroenie 30 n6.5t68-69 My 164, (MIRA 17:6) A ACC NR% P7002235 SOURCE CODE: Ult/0280/661000/006/0012/0016 AUTHOR: KarvovsLy, G. S.~- Kuznetsov A D.(47.~~) ORG. none TITLE: . The maxinium principle in the theory of differential N-person games SOURCE! AN SSSR.' Izvestiya. Tekhaicheskaya kibernetika, no. 6, 1966, 13-16 'W-PIC TAGS: max6urn principle, game theory, algorithm, linear differential equation, economic organizatibn ABSTRACT: The necessary conditions of the optimality of strategies in a differential N-perso fixed-time game are formulated on the basis of the maximum principle of Pontryagin et al. (Pontryagin, L. S.,, et al. Matematicheskaya teoriya optimalInykh protsessov. Fizmatgiz, 1961). The existence'of a unique solution satisfying the maximum principle is proved for a N-person linear differential game. It Is shown that the pertineint algorithm for finding optimal strategies solves simultaneously also the problem of synthesis, i.e. makes it possible to determine the optimal strategies as a function of the Initial conditionbof the differential N-person game. A game of this kind may be interpreted as the production process of N econo- 1/2 ACC NR~ AP7002235 mic associations functioning wIfl& the framework of a certain system. The ultimate goal of each association Is the maximization of some indicator of performance (e.g. profits) as de- termined with respect to a finite set of states of the overall system, in the presence of disjoint I regions of pormissible economic stratgies of the associations. If all the associations but one 'adhere to their optimal economic strategies, only the indicator of performance of the asaocia- tion deviating from the optimum may decrease. Orig. art. has: 21 formulas. SUB CODE: 14, d-rl SUBM DATE: l5Jul66/ ORIG REP: 001 rd 2/2 IUZNITSOV, A.D. -Automatic lubrication of-"basket* mill (disintegrators). Ogneupory 19 noe'428-29 154. (MIRA 11:8) (Crushing mehinery-Lubrication) KUZNBTS Ilium, &"t iyevich; BUMINA, T., red.; MOMMO Re t tel=,rea, [Labor supply of the U.S.S.R. and its utilization; on the problem of tho economic capacity of the country] Trudovya resursy SM i M ispolizovanie; k voprosu ob okonomichaskol moshchi strany. Moskva, lzd-vo sotsiallno-ekon.lit-ry, 1960,P 175 P. (manpower) (MM 13:3) SOV/137-58-9-18587 'Translation from: Referativnyy zhurnal, Metallurgiya, 1958, Nr 9, p 59 (USSR) AUTHORS: Kazantsev, I.G., Kuznetsov, A.F. TITLE: Open-hearth Furnaces of the "Azovstal' 11 Plant Operate on a Coke Oven-gas Mixture With Refined Gases or Gases Contam- inated With Sulfur (Rabota martenovskikh pechey zavoda "Azovstall " na koksodomennoy smesi s neochishchennyrn i ochishchennyrn ot sery koksovyrn gazom) PERIODICAL: Sb. nauchn. tr. Zhdanovsk. metallurg. in-t, 1957, Nr 4, pp 11-29 ABSTRACT: The authors examine the effect of S contained in cast iron and in the fuel material on the S content in the metal during smelting, as well as on the duration of the melting period. Graphs are shown which illustrate this relationship. It is pointed out that the S is introduced into the fuel by the coke gas (CG) which contains up to 20 g of S per cubic meter. Calcula- tions are presented which take into account the fact that 507o of the S from the fuel are deposited in the checker work, a cer- tain amount of the S from the fuel being oxidized to SOZ, and Card 1/2 demonstrate that the gaseous phase of the open-hearth furnace SOV/ 137-58-9-18587 'Open-hearth Furnaces of the "Azovstall 11 Plant (cont.) contains 0.2556 of SO by volume if the furnace operates on sulfur-bearing coke-oven gas, and ~.121'6 if the furnace operates on a refined and pyeheated gas mixture. The refining of the CG is accomplished by the arsenic-soda method in special sulfur -collecting devices capable of reducing the S content of the CG from 20 to 3.5 g/m3. A sulfur balance for smelting of steel in open-hearth furnaces of the "Azovstal' 11 plant is shown. It reveals that the S passes from slag into the gas at a rate of 0.1Z kg/m2 hr in the case of unre- fined CG and 0.24 kg/m2hr in the case of refined gas. The employment of the method of desulfurization of CG makes it possible to utilize slags with lower alkalinity for processing of cast iron containing up to 0. 1% of S in open-hearth furnaces without impairing the quality of the process. M.Kh. 1. Open hearth furriaces--,Operation 2. Fuels--Performance 3. Sulfur--Effectiveness 4. Coal gas--Propertiev Card Z/2 A SOV/137-58-8-16555 Translation from: Referativnyy zhurnal, Metallurgiya, 1958, Nr 8, p 46 (USSR) AUTHOR: Kuznetsov, A.F_ TITLE: On the Influence of Vibration*. s in a Steel Ingot, Undergoing Crystallization (K voprosu o'vibrirovanii kris,'allizuyushche- gosya stallnogo slitka) PERIODICAL: Sb, nauchn. tr. Zhdanovsk. metallurg. in-t, 1957, Nr 4, pp 51-60 ABSTRACT: A study of the quality of metal in ingots wci,"hing 65 kg and 9.2 t crystallized under the influence of vibrations (1500 cycles/ minute at an amplitude of 1.0-1.5 mm). The following facts were revealed during investigation of the metal from "vibrat- ing" ingots (VI) and standard ingots (SI). Compared with metal from the bottom of 51, the metal from the bottom of VI contains 3.5 times as much 0, 1.9 times as much N, and 0.588 times as much H. The top of a VI contains 3.2 times as much 0, 0.578 times as much N, and slightly more 14. It is assumed that the contarnination of the lower levels of the VI by refractory oxides and nitrides is attributable to the precipitation of iso- Card 1/2 lated crystals which utilize these inclusions as crystallization SOV/137-58-8-16555 On the Influence of Vibrations in a Steel Ingot Undergoing Crystallization nuclei. Metallographic studies ofmetal from VI revealed that it contained oxide-type inclusions which were larger than those produced under normal crystallization conditions (3.2 units at the base and 1.25 units at the top of a VI, as against 2.0 and 1.0 units, respectively, in an SI). The distribution of sulfides was more uniform in the VI. It is noted that the oxide inclusions in the metal of VI are arranged in chain-like patterns, whereas those in S1 are isolated. During quantitative evaluation of the oxide inclusions it was estab- lished that 0. 1956/6 of them are concentrated at the base and 0.05770 at the top of a VI. In an S1 the distribution of oxide inclusions between the base and the top was 0.06876 and 0. 1217o, respectively. Smaller hardness and greater susceptibility to corrosion of metal from VI (266 HB as compared with 285 HB of metal from SI) is explained by larger amounts of inclusions and by the porosity of lower levels of the VI. Under optinnal conditions the acceleration of the vibration must not exceed 981 cm/sec2. Calculations indicate that under experimental conditions the amplitude of vibrations must not exceed 0.4 mm. A. R. 1. Steel--Crystallization effecis 2. Steel--Vibration 3. Vibration--Metallurgical Card Z/Z KU"4NETSOV, A. F., Cand. Tech. Sci. (dif3s) "Method of Determining Technical-Econoatic In"dioatore of Manufacture of Construction Ele- memts from Low-carbon and Low-alloy Steels," Moscow, 1961, 19 pp. (Moscow Civil Engr. Inst.) 200 copies (KL Supp 12-61, 269). KUZNETSOV, A.F.; KHARIMNOV, A.S.; MOLONOV, G.D. Effect of the meth^jd of deoxidation and conditions of casting on the quality of pipe steel. Izv. vys. uchat. zav.: chern. met. 4 no.8:43-47 161. (MIRA 14.-9) 1. Zhdanovskly metallurgicheskiy in3titut. (Steel--Metallurgy) MONN S/137/62/000/003/148/191 A052/AlOl AUTHORS: Kazantsev, I. G., Kuznetsov, A. F., Privezentsev, I. Ya. TITIY.: Investigation of the corrosion resistance of high-alloy steels under conditions of the coke chemical industry PERIODICAL: Referativnyy zhurnal, Metallurgiya, no. 3, 1962, 81, abstract 31520 ("Sb. nauchn. tr. Zhdanovsk. metallurg. in-t, no. 7, 1961, 92-95Y TEXT: The corrosion resistance of four most Important grades of stainless steel [Cr-steel X18 (Kh18), Cr-Ni-steel of X18H8 (Khl8N8) type, Cr-Mn-steel X18'13 (Khl8Gl3) and chrome-mangano-nitrous steel of X18PI3 WUW13) type but containing 0,5% N] was Investigated in application to the service conditions of the coke chemical equipment. The steels were tested under laboratory conditions in a chamber with moist air containing 112S and under Industrial conditions In vapors of the coke slaking tower utilizing impure water of the coke chemical industry. The composition of the environment In the corrosion chamber in %): air - 89.8, steam - 10, H2S - 0.2; the temperature of the chamber - 80 C, the duration of the tests w 450 hours. The conventional carbon steel MCT3 (MSt3) has the rate of corrosion in the moist air containing -4 vol.% H2S amounting to Card 1/2 S/137/62/ooo/0o3/148/i9i Investigation of too corrosion resistance ... A052/AIOI 4.3 mm/year and in the vapor flow of the coke slaking tower - to 1.7 mrR/year. The high-alloyed steels X18 (Khi8), X18K8 (Khi8NB), XWC13 (Khi8GI3 and Kh18G13 with 0.5% N under service conditions of the coke chemical equipment exposed to the moist and sulfurous coke oven gas for all practical purposes do not corrode. V. Tarlsova [Abstracter's note: Complete translation] Card 2/2 KUZNF,TSOV, A.F. Modernizing the roughing stand of a 2150 sheet mill. Metallurg 7 no,6%27-28 Je 162, (MIRA 15:7) 1. Ifteballnik listoprokatnogo tsekha, Kuznotskogo metal-lurgichoskogo kcmbinata. (Rolling mills) KUZXETSO,Vs A.F... inzh. Word required to manufacture structural elements from low- all6y stool. Mat. po met* konstr, no.6:177-187 162. (MIRA 15:12) (Ste6l,, Structural) KAZANTSEV, I.G.; KII=T&QIj ,-Lj.,;.PRESNYAKOV,, V.M.; MOLONOV, G.D.; KUZEMA, I.D.; GHERNYSHEVp I.S.; 014SHKEVIGH, T.I.; KISMIJO N.N.; -AROKMN, N.T.; RJOYANOVI, V.V. . - Manufacture of very thick plate from capped steel. Izv. vys. ucheb. za.v,; chern. met. 6 no.6:49-50 163. (MIRA 16:8) 1. Zhdanovskiy metanurgichaskiy institut i-zavod im. Illicha. (Steel ingots) (Rolling (Metalwork)--Quality acntrol) ACCEZSION NRt AP4013549 S/0133/64/000/001/0050/0052 AUTHORS: Koby*zev, V. X.; Yershov, V. N.; Kuz.netsov, A. F.1 Mazuriks Pe Nej Ryazanov, D, 09; Fiskoss Be Yas TITLEt Rolling two-layer shoots with the basic layer made of low-alloy steel 8OURCE: Stall, no. 1, 1964p 50-52 TOPIC TAGS: rolling, plating, low alloy steel, steel, 16GS low alloy steel, carbon steel, OKhl3 stainless steel, Xh18NlOT stainless steelp St-3 steel, stain- less steel, corrosion,, steel corrosion$ steel mechanical properties,, X steel) 15X steel, 20K steel., regenerative furanco.. continuous furnace ABSTRACT: This work was carried out in order to study the surface quality and the mechanical properties of two-layer steel sheets. The-samples were a basic sheet made of low-alloy steel (16GS) plated with stainless'steels OKh23 or XhI81110T. The procedure followed was developed by the KMK (Kuznetsk Metailurgical Combine). One part of the samples was hold at 1260C for 1.25 hours, at 1320C for 0.75 hours., and at 1310C for 1.5 hours. Temperature at the end of rolling was U70-3.180C, and rolling was completed either with or without edging. In the former case the plate Card 1" 2- ACC&WION NRi AP4013549 metal was ruptured in some cases; in the letter case the quality of the metal surface was much higher, and no peeling of the plate layer was observed. The remaining samples wore*hoated in a continuous furnace to 1310-1330C for 4.5 hours, Temperature at the and of rolling was 1000-1010C. All the samples plated with '. steel KhISN10'r underwent thermal treatment at 900-930C after rolling, while samples plated with steel OKhl3 were held at 660C for 314-18 hours. The results obtained were satisfactory. They are presented graphically in Figs. 1 and 2 on the Enclo- suross III, L, Vaywhtoynj M, H, Bazhenovj A, V, Yakubson) and 0. S, Bublik participated in this work." Orig. art. has: 4 figures and 1 formula. ASSOCIATIONt Kuznetskiy metallurgichoskiy kombinat (Kuznetsk Metallurgical Comi. bine) SUBMITTED: 00 SUB CODE: ML DATE ACQt O3Feb63 =Lt 02 NO REF SOVt 003 OTHER: 000 Card 2 1W . ."or '~- KUZ "M j:La-BOGOMDLOV, A.M.; NERONOVA, G.P. Experimental study of the functional nodes of a processing device of the automatic hydrologic telemetering station. Trudy GGI no-115:14-62 164. (MIRA 18sq) MOLONOVp G.De; KMNETBOV, A.F.; PRESNYAKOVO VIM. Nonmetallic inclusions in capped steel. Izv, vys. ucheb. 2aV.; chern. met. 7 no.2156-57 164. (MIRA 170) lo Zbflanovskiy metanurgichookiy institut. ZAYKOV, M.A.; TSELUYKCV, V.S.; KAMINSKIY,, D.M.;_XUUM=14-4Q~p; BELINSM., Ye,D,; SHAMETSP Ya,V#; FEDOROV, N.Ae; BA KlYp S.I.; ZAKWOVp A.Io; ZHURAVLEV,, M.A.; KOBYZEVp V.K. Investigating energy and power parameters In plate rolling on reversing mil.1s. Izv. vys. ucheb. zav.; chern. met. 7 no.2tlOO-107 164. (MIRA 17:3) L 25677-66 ENT (1 )/EW T (m)/SM (h) JD/JG ACCINR' AM6o13861 Monograph UR/ Ooryunov., Nikolay Nikolayevichj Kuznetnov, Anatoliy Filippovich; Eksler, Aleksey Andreyevich Tunnel diode cjrcgitQ96&Skhemy na tunnellnykh diodakh) Moscow, 'Lzd-vo "Energiyall, 1965. 7 p, illus, 60,000 copies printed. Series notes Massovaya radiobiblloteka, vyp, 586 TOPIC TAGSs- tunnel diode, gallium arsenide tunnel diode, germanium tunnel diode, circuit design PUPPOSE AND COVERAGE: This booklet, intended for advanced radio ama,- teurs, may also be used by technicians and engineers engaged in the design of circuits using semiconductor devices. Principles,of tunnel-diode circuit designing are described. Basic paramE~oers and, characterististics of tunnel diodes are listed and practical'airouit diagrams using these devices are given. TABLE OF CONTENTSt Ch;1. Tunnel Diodes Structure and principle of operation Electrical parameters of a tunnel diode Car I Zz 621,382.23~,014,,2 L 25677-66 ACC NR, AM6013861 Equivalent circuit of a tunnel diode and its parameters 9 Limiting.values -- 14 Ch.II. Use of Tunnel Diodes in Electronic Circuits 16 Power supply of tunnel-diode circuits -- 19 Sinueoidal-oscillation generators and amplifiers 21 Relaxation generators -- 28 Voltage converters 31 :: Switching circuits 36 Combined switching circuits using tunnel diodes and transistors -'51 Ch.11I. Some Practical Circuits Usin g Tunnel Diodes 60 Multivibrator,---- 63 Counting circuit using germanium.tunnel diodes 66 Counter using gallium-aEsenide odes 69 Single-diode t_r g_gera--r- 74 -->- Analog-to-Cigital convbrter 74 APPENDICES 77 SUB CODE-. 09/ SUBM DATEt 15jul65/ Card 2/2JC61 MIX rilp -3m, ~- - - 1!~1~7 ~ --li ~ : V`_.- XUZNETSOV, A.F., kand.takhn.nauk Oxygen cutting of heat-treated structural steel. Svar.proizv. no.l2t24-26 D 165o (MIRA 18:12) 1. Chelyabinskiy politakhnicheskiy institut. TSCV, A.F., IIAZUIIIK, P.N. Redesigning the screwdown treahani3m of tw~,-Ihigh revorsing stand3 an medium-thickness shoot mills. Metallurg 10 no.9.,,32-33 S 165. (KRA 18;9) 1, Nachallnik listoprokatnogo tsokha Kuznetskogo metallurgicheskogo kombinatA (for Xuznc.,,,jov). 2. Zamestitall mehallnika listoprokatnogo taekha Nusnetakogo metallurgichoskogo kombinata (for hastirik). ON SALOV, Yo.M.;,'-LAYXDV, M.A.; TSELUKOV, V.S.;_~VNET~OV, A.F.', KAMINSKIY,D.M.; MAZURIX, P.N. Improving the production technology in the shoot-rolling plant of the Kuznetsk Metallurgical Works. Biul. tekh.-ekon. inform. Goo. nauch.-isal. tust. nauch. t takh. inform. 18 no.10:5-6 0 165, 18,12) unfv&ology Jul 47 letDology "New Data on the Devonian Deposits of the Southeastern Part of the Russian Platformp 0 K. R. Chapikov, V. N. Krestovnikovp to do Kuznetoov, 3~j pp "Dok Akad Nauk SSSR, Nova Ser" fol LVII, No 2 Results of studies conducted on core samplings at PugurualanNeft Trust, taken by Volga- Bashkir Mcpddition of Academy of Sciences, USSR. -epobts that devonian deposits in Buguruslan region vary greatly from devonian derosits in other regions. Submitted by Academician D. S. Belyanking 29 Jan 1947* PA 60T25 BELMEMOV=O Yu.I.1 Mn'MOVO A.G, Interpretation of gamma-gamma logging anomalies over Donetsk Basin coal seams, Geofiz, razv0do no.22ilOO-nO 163. (MIRA 16:11) A. G. OVgen Pressure Breathing at High Altitudes a paper presented before the 1st Congress of Aviation Surgeons, Warsaw. Nov 1956. Is olkovnik mod. olusnby, kand. mod. nauk Oxygen respiration under pressure at high altitude. Voen. med. zhur. no.2:70-75 1? 137 (MLRA 12:7) (RESPIATOH51 for high altitude (Ras)) (AIMITUIM, respirators for hi& altitude (Rue)) LMNITSOY* A,G Phenomena of boiling and vaporization in the organism at high altitudess. Ixv.AN SSSR. XY-J* 157. (KLRA 10:6) 1. Nouchno-isol*dovatellskiy institut aviatsionnoy meditainy Toyenno-yosdushnykh ail tALTLTUDI$ IRMHO OF) ISAKOV, P.K., polkovnik raed. sluzhby; ZTTMOV, A.G., polkovnik mod. Conference of avintorn physicians in Wareaw. Voen. mad. zhur. 56-59 Ap 157 (HIU 12:7) (WARSAW-AVIATION 143DICIO-CONGITUSS33) sluzhby no.4.- , Ilmdre.,pr G,-- (Dr. y "Some Results of Biological Experimnts on Rockets and Sputnik U." paper presented at 3rd European Congress of Aviation Medicine, Louvain, Belgium 26 Sep 1958. 3pp. Chief Physiology Dept, Sai. Exptl. Res. Inst. of Aviation Medicine (NIIIAM) 7P 0 Pj " "'d '-] -3 , Z? f F Ooj y r 7 . 3 3 7 , e q 17 , I P. lk~ I-- . 'Turther Biological Investigations on Rockets." report presented at the 4th European Congress of Aviation and Space Medicine, Rome, Italy, 22 October - 5 November, 1959. "Mmanity must be sure before putting MOn into Specs report presented at the Fed6ratiOn AOrMautiquO International (FA:[) Moscow, 25-31 MAY 1959- Dir., Inst. of Aviation Medicine, Moscow. I IVANOV, P.N.; KUZNF-TSOVy A.G.; MLKINv V.Be; FOPOVAJ YOOOO Decompression phenmena in the human body at extremely lav atmospheric preomwes. Biofizika 5 no. 6;704-709 160. (KERA 1~-.10) (DECOMPRESSION SICKNESP) YEMELIYANOV, M. D. kand. mod. nauk;, MMNETSOV, A. G., doktor Med. nauk (Moskva5 Role of the interactions of the-vestibulars visual and proprio- captive analvsors in the formation of some illusory pares tions in fliers. Vast. otorin. no.3:63-69 162. (MIRA 15:63 (VESTIBULAR APPARATUS) (VISION) (OPTICAL ILLUSIONS) (AERONAUTICS-PSYCHOLO(IY) ACCESSION NR: AT4042675 8/0000/63/000/000/0162/0165 AUTHOR: DianoX, A. G.; Kuzpetsov, A. 0. TITLE: The poeoiblility of substituting helium for nitrogen in spaceship cabins SOURCE: Konforentaiya po aviatsionnoy i koamicheskoy meditsine, 1963. Aviataionnaya i koomicheakaya meditaina (Aviation and space medicine); materialyo konferentaii. Moscow, 1963, 162-165 TOPIC TAGS: helium oxygen atmosphere, man, closed environment, helium oxygen effec-t, central nervous system, respiratory system, cardiovascular system, gas exchange, thermal exchange, speech, hearing ABSTRACT: Experiments have been performed to test the effects on human subjects of a prolonged stay in a helium-oxygen atmospbere. Two subjects were kept in a sealed cabin for 10 and 25 days, reopectively, after which time atudien were made on the functions of the central nervous system, the respiratory system, and the cardiovascular system and on gas exchange, thermal exchange, speech, 82d hear- ing. The experiments indicated that a helium atmosphere effects the thermal regime of man._ Temperatures of 18 to 240Cq which are comfortable in normal atmos- Card 113 ACCESSION NR: 'AT4042675 pheres, produced in a helium atmosphere a sensation of chilliness and a lowering of the skin temperature, The comfortable temperature ranges in a helium-oxygen I atmosphere were 24.5--27.W during the day and 26--2?C at night, when the subjects wire sleeping. Investigation of the functions of the central nervous system, conducted in the comfortable temperature range for helium atmospheres, indicated a gradually growing inhibitory process in the cortex of the brain, which manifested itself by the appearance of low-frequency oscillations on the encepha- logram and by an increase in the duration of the latent period of conditioned motor reflexes. Analysis of the experimental data indicated that these changes were due to prolonged hypodynamia and not to substitution of helium for nitro- gen in the atmosphere. General well-being and work capacity of the subjects were not affected by the helium-oxygen atmosphere. The helium atmosphere also had no effect on external respiration, the cardiovascular systeml gas exchanget Or energy consumption. Minute changes observed at the end of the experiment were due to hypodynamia rather than to the changed atmosphere. On the otheehand, it was found that a helium-oxygen affects human speech, raising the frequency of speech sounds by 0-7 of an octave. Clarity of speech ia leaaened somewhat but i not to the point of unintelligibility, The auditory functibA of the subjects in a helium-oxygen atmosphere apparently was not affected* These experiments Card 2/3 ACCESSION NR'. ATW42675 establish clearly that it is possible for man to live in an oxygen-helium atmosphere for 25 days, ASSOCIATION: none SUBMITTED: 276e03 ENCLz 00 SU'B CODE: LS NO REF GOV:, 000 OTHE 1 000 Card 3/3 ACCESSION NR: AT4o42697 8/0000/63/000/000/0314/03181 AUTHOR: ~uznetRR!~~ Tsivilashvili, A. S.; Mansurov, A. R., TITLE- Changes of some physiological functions of the organism during explosive >decompression SOURCE: Konferentiaya po aviatsionnoy i koemicheekoy meditaine, 1963- Aviatsionnaya i koomichookaya meditaina (Aviation and space madicine)t materialy* konferentaii. Moscow, 1963, 314-318 TOPIC TAGS: explosive decompression effect, physiological function, dog, rabbit, bradycardia ABSTRACT: Experiments were performed under laboratory conditions in a special pressure chamber for the purpose of determining the nature of changes in basic physiological functions during great and fast pressure drops. Dogs and rabbits were subjected to sudden pressure drops which ranged from 0.3 to 0.004 see in duration. In all experiments, during the first seconds after the drop in pressure all animals evidenced apnosis. Initial apnosis lasted from 2 to 15 see, and after a single intake of breath apnosia resumed for an additional 3 to 4 sec. After Card 1/3 ACCESSION NR: AT4042697 this respiration resumed, but its rhythm and depth were disrupted. Fluoroscopic examination, which took place 0.02 see cfter the pressure drop, showed changes in the lungs, diaphragm, and heart. A significant increase in the volume of Sea the gastrointestinal tract and development of a process of steam form-,, tion in organs and tissues were alao observed. Special bioelectric investigations indicated that during apnosis a cr;istant stream of impulses proceeded from the diaphragm. Similar constant strtams of impulses were observed coming from inter- costal muscles. The amplitude and duration of these impulses changed depending on ihe magnitude and the rate of explosive decompression. In cases of severe and'very rapid decompressions, the amplitude reached 300 to 400 mv and lasted for as long q6 3 to 4 sec. It was found that the increase in biopotontiala during explosive decompression can be observed not only from the respiratory muscles, but also from muscles not having any direct relationship to the act of respiration.~ This makes it possible to assuma that a generalized process of excitation takes place in the motor "an of the brain which induces a large flux of impulses from the periphery. Bradycardia was noted in the majority of the experiments during the first seconds after explosive decompression. Bradycardia was most marked in animals during the second and third seconds after the pressure drop. Bradyeardia, Card 2/3 Wkwl--~ ~---N 7 7! ACCESSION NR.. AT4042697 like apnosis, is the result of reflex activity stimulated by the effect of negative", pressure on the lungs and the gastrointestinal tracts At the same time changes were noted in blood pressure@ In all experiments, immediately after decompression, blood pressure in the carotid artery rose bY 50 to 70 mm, Hg. This increase lasted only 1 or 2 see, after which blood pressure dropped by as much as 70 to 90 mm of Xg below the initial level. The initial rise in blood pressure is apparently due to mechanical action, but the subsequent drop appears to be based on reflex activity. An analysis of the data obtained indicates that explosive decompression causes, in the microintervals of time which follow it, serious changes in basic pqysiological functions of the organism. Host of these changes are.reflex in nature and depend on the characteristics of the decompression. ASSOCIATION: none SUBMITTED: 27Sep63 ENCL: 00 SUB CODE: IS NO REF SOV: 000 0TW: 000 Card 3/3