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5-3400 ,,u C) - o16 o AUTHOR: Markova, Yu, V., KLIZ,111111a, K. K. TITLE: Synthesis of Eaters of c,~-Hendecenoic Acid and Some of Its Derivative5 PERIODICAL: Zhurnal obshchey klilml 1 , .1900, Vol 30, 'pir 3, PP 1037-1039 (USSR) ABSTRACT: A serle6 of esters was prepared by condensation of 9-hendece.noic acid with correspondinc, sitbstituted phenols. C I I-C I If(, 1 12)"C0011; c'It, It It ~Dll- (I V) It t C1 1110C I 12C 110 11 (C I I 2),ICOOC 113 (v) (I) is formed at room temperat-~.ire, i'ji) and (IV) at Card 1/2 Synthesis of Esters of 9-Hendecenoic 78306 Acid and Some of Ito DerIvativeo SO II/Y 9 --3 0 - 3 - 6 (--)/(3 9 at 1.600, and (III) at 2000. The Vollowin �0 data are given: W) 60% bP 1750 (0.3 mm), nD 1.4902, 20 cl')~) 0-9713; Q bp 4-'08-210' (3 mrl), 1 488v) - 0 . (IV) 55',~) , bp 187-1:89o , n rrLn) .1 2 R-5 * t ~as foLind that on condensation of ~)-hendecenolc acl(l with phenol and FICI,-, ester as well as lactone Is formed. The methyl (-,:Ae~ of 11-phenoxy- 10-hydroxyhendecanoic acid was also obtained. There are 5 references, 2 Swiss, 1 German,, 2 Soviet. ASSOCIATION: S. Ordzhoni1cldze All Union Scientif~-c-Research Institute of Pharmaceutical Chemistry (Vsesoyuznyy nauchno-issledovate."Pskiy khimiko-farmatsevtichezkiy institut imeni S. Ord.Zhmielcidze) SUBMITTED: December 26, 1958 Card '211121 0 s0 A I Yr I I OFIS ku v,~ , yu . V K K s! TIT I-E ol' Mecca,r)tonmino Compound,,, IV. SyntheAS C) PERTODD'Al, Zhi-wnal olimlichey 11chimiL, 11)60, Val 30, Nr po (USSR) ABSTHACT: ThIs paper describes synthesis of mereaptoethylamine and 1-~ariiitio-2-riiet~cap",obutane accordiln.~- to the z;chome used previotu.,ly for oynthenin of -methylbutane (Y-i. V. MaHkova, L. N. 'Zcnkov~a, M. N. shchulcina, zholui, u .1811 (1958)): 11C,11011CIIINII-1. IICI IICIICIC.IkN III - IW;I .C 9',~- licil --(;112 S N C-sII [ICIISI[CI12N 112 - "C' Car,r] 1/,--' T 7 8 _--j OY ol' Moocap 1, O~im It jo CompoundsV sov /~(q - --,,o i 16c) ASSOCIATION: SUBMITTED: Mere aDtoethyl amine hydz-ochlovtdu, (I) vja.~; obtained based on the initutal e t till., lamine) a,; Collows,: a mtxt,u-e olo ~~` -me ccaptothl.azol Ine and K11 (2,0%, toiution) W~~2 11011ed for 50 hOLIPS on Lin oil bi-,th; the mixture was avEq)ouated under vacuum and dissolved In absolute to t.-jhLch ch r oal hld alcohal; the alcoholic solution, a C 1j(J'(--n :Idd(~J , 14,10 'WEArtried anrl Viltere,('i; abSOILItO '~thel' added to the Cilti~ate and lo-.'L't to UtLnd for 24 hr. The precipitate was i,emolfed by filtr.ation. I has mp 67-690 hydL,ochloridp I (II) was obtainect by the ,,-dime method as I; it. has mp Theve are 10 references -. 1 U.S., 5 German, 2 Swiss, 2 Soviet. The U.S. reference is: R. 11. Haal, F. Wright) J. Am. Chem. Soc., (1951). S. Ovdzhonekicize All-UnJon Chemical-Pharmaceutical Scientific Research In.,.;~Ltute (Vsesoyuznyy nauchno-issiedo- vatel 'slciy 1111ent I Ii. 0-d--horiLkidze) December 2--(., 1958 Card 2/2 -__jgZIXM, K.K.; OSTROUMOVA, N.G.; MARKOVA, YU.V.; SHCHUKIKA, M.N. Thiazoline and thiazolidine series. Part 1: Alkylation of 2-aminothiazoline. Zhur.ob.khim. 32 no.10:3215-3219 o 62. (MIRA 15:.U) 1. Vsesoyuznyy nauchno-iseledovatellskiy khimiko- farmatsevticheskiy institut imeni S. Ordzhonikidze. (Thiazoline) (Alkylation) KUZIM &; OSTROUMOVA~ N.G.; MARKOVA, Yu.V.; SHCHUKINA, M.N. - MWA-) -K-K Thiazoline and thiazolidine series. Fart 2: Acylation of 2-aminothiazoline and the reduction of acyl derivatives. Zhur.ob.khim. 32 no.10:3390-3393 0 162. (MIRA 15:U) L Vaesoyuznyy nauchno-issledovateltskiy kbivniko- farmatsevticheakiy institut imeni S. Ordzhonikidzee (Thiazoline) (Acylation) OZIMINA, K.K.; OSTPOUMOVA, N.G.; MARRKOVA, Yu.V.; SHCHUKINA, M.N. Thiazoline and thiazolidine series. Part 3: Synthesis of .3-alkyl-2-thiazolidones. Zhur. ob. khim. 34 no. 3:1987-988 Mr 164. (MIRA 17:6) 1. Vsesoyuznyy natichno-issledovatellskiy khimiko-farinatsevticheskiy institut imeni S.Ordzhonikidze. rOCIIKOV) N.G.p prof.j OFERIKOVSKAYA, T.Ya.j kand. med. 111.1lik! SIDORKOV, A.M., kand. farmatse-irt. nauk; KUGfEiD~'KC, V.D., provizor; WUZIMINA K.K , provizor; VASILIYEVA, S.F.~ 24- provizor; N., provizor; ZAKOSHANSKIY, N.Ya.) red. [Prepared drugs; a manual for physicians] Gotovye lek&rst- vennye preparaty; spravochnik dlia vrachei. Mook-vap Meditsina~ 1965. 228 p. (MIRA 18-6) MARKOVA., Yu.V.~_W ',MINA, K~K.; PERESLENI, Ye.M,; SHCHUKINA.. M,N. Thiazoline and thlazolidine series. Part 5,, Synthe3jis off 2-imino-3-phenacylthiazolidines and their, conversion to Imidazo (2,1-b)thiazolidlnes. Zhur. org. khim. I no.8il475-1479 Agl!165. (MIRA 18%11) 1. Vsesoyuznyy na=hno-issledovatellskiy khllniko--farmatseyt!-;- cheskiy institut Imeni Ordzhonikidze,, KOGAN, A.P.; KUZIB-INA, K.K.; LEONOVICH, M.V,; S11,1111A, 7.E.: -1 11 - l-, !I-,. ~ ~." ~ Improvement of methods for the inventory of commcd1ties in drugstores. Sbor. nauch. trud. TSANII 6:20-33 164. (M~IRA 19: 1) 1. Otdel organizatsii i ekonomiki aptechnogo dela (rukovoditell - kand. farm. nauk A.M. Sidorkov) TSentrallnogo aptechnogo nauchno- issledovateltskogo institute. IJAY IL 9 11 ISEV A.I.; SIGAYEV, Ye.S.-; KUZIMINA, K.N, Field soil moisture meter based on the method of rap"A dry~,Pjz, I" Poahvovedenie no.10glll-115 0 165. (mm" 18'. -j 1. Nauchno-isaledovateltakly institut ovoahc~pcgo khczy.3y3tva. KUZIMINA, K.V.; LZBEDEVA, O.V. Role of the cerebral cortex In the pathogenesis of post transfusion shock. Arkh.pat.16 no.4:61-65 O-D '54. (MLRA 8:10) 1. Is kafedry patofiziologii ( S.M.Pavlanko) I Mookovskogo ordena Lenina meditainakogo ins tituta. (CMRMRA1 CORTEX, physiolog7, in shock, pathogenic role) (SHOCK, exTerimental, post-transfusion, pathogenic role of cerebral cortex) (BTDOD TRANSFUSION, expertpental, causing shock. pathogenic role of cerebral cortex) KUZIMINA, K,-V. (Moskva) Role of the nervous system in poottransfasion reactions of the organism, Pat. fiziol. i eksp. terap. 3 noe3:60-63 W--Te 159. (XM 12:7) 1. 1% kafedry patologicheskoy fiziologit (zav. - rrof. S.K. Pdxlenko) I Moskovskogo orderia lenina. meditsinskogo institute, imeni I.M. Sechenova. (13IDOD TRAINSIMION, exper. conditioned reflex method of determ. of neural reactions to heterologoua blood in animals (Run)) (RV LMX, CONDITIOMO determ. of neural reactions to heterologous blood trams- fusion in animals (Ihm)) K~'!. - . Eff'l-A 0" ur, th,~ c!,ur.,- of reii-Arins follm;lng bloA tnansfusion. Eksp. lkhir, i aneat~ 7 no.6:77,90 N-D 162. (MIRA. 17: 10*1 1. Tz kafcdry ft.-riullcgli (vicf. - prof. S.M. ~Itwlerlko) 'I -r,iortt-t [,,m4yoi moditsinskogo Instituta imeni Secheno7a. GUAVICH, A.K.1 KUZIMINAv L. SolentIM Conference on the Use of Ultrasonic Defectoscopy and Radiographic rnspeation in the Quality Control of Welded Joints. Zav. labs 29 no.6:766-767. 163 (KMA* 16t:61 (Ultrasonic testing-CongresseB) (Welding-TestinO -- t T, f ,;- A ,vi, ~, , - PAVLOVSKUY, 'Lpf~, N. and K1JZ I.',! INA, L. A. "Expc-rhicital rccurreml. tick typhur.1 in moril',-ysll, In Lim collection: Voprosy krayevoy, ub:jl~chtv i cv3pirin". parazil'ologii, vo.I. 14, Mloscow, 1949, P. 18-35. ,r' - 4 ). SO: U-43~)3, 19 Aw;ust, 53, (D-topis 14mma-1 lnyl&i Sbate- , No. 22, 19 9' L Chemical 'Abet. Vols 48 NO#9 ~4 100 1954 -Biological Chemistry Onto Use of eanmit smosynWab IM zMea ekes. Ulub*0va KwWav. DAWy Ahzi. A M. Wk 13.1t. ", 0-1 -(19M:Z-1KaN1d1ft of M Unted by C14 in Semadmw abUpus a,-,-i %74kreU* vW 6:t wu rtuMed tioder condition artificial OmIttathon C"slevile-w1wd medium. - The. amt. of absorbed C94 during p;~otoreducttoct is much greater than durin chemor~nthesis- As th be duratiou of light and dark tPer[Us Increases the arzii~. of V4 absorbed by the cells im--rea-ses and shows different distribution. - At first CU Is found mainly in the sol. fractitins. and later It appears in the Inwi, fractions. DecarboKA41flon of Be, salts of the W frurtloit ihowd that In photoreduction the percentage 04 irt carboxyl Croups Ls but 40-W%of that found I= che=*- synthcsi3; hence re-duction of ~' Os during photoreductlois Is much mom complete In the itame unit of time. j1G, MK*W&VW7 7 6--e Fr A USSR/U--0109Y Geochemistry card 1/1 Authors Baranov, V. I. and Kuzlmina, L. A. Title lonium method of determining the increase of sea sediments. Direct determination of iloniunn. Periodical Dokl. AN SSSR, 97, Ed. 3, 483 - 485, July 21, 1954 Abstract The three basic stages of the method, for detennining the ionium content of sea sedi7-,-nts, are described. A s-ecial analysis system was adopted for the solution of the many problems involved in direct ionium determi- nation. This analysis system was found suitable in all three stages be- cause the ionium is in the sedimant and this warrants complete separation and eliminates losses due to adsorntion. The results obtained with the iz)nium method, are given lin table 1. Ten refoirences- 5-USSR and 5-USA. Graph, drawing. Institution Acad. of Sc. USSR, The V. I. Vernadskiy Institute of Geochemistry and Anal. Chem. Presented by Academician, A. P. Vinogradov, March 25, 1954 hUZIMINAl L. A. KuzImina, L. A. New Data Relating to the Grows of Corte of Deep Sea Sedimentation. The Sixth Session of the Committee for Determining the Absolute Age of Geologic Formations at the Department of Geologic-Geographical Sciences (OGGN) of the USSR Academy of Sciences at Sverdlovsk in May 1957 T. B, AUTHOR: Kuzlmina, L. A. 75-1-16/26 TITLE: The Determination of Uranium, Thorium and Ionium in Sea Silt (Opredeleniye urana, toriya i ioniya v morskikh ilakh) PERIODICAL: Zhurnal Analiticheskoy Khimii, 1958, Vol 13, Nr 1, -3p ioo-io6 (USSR) ABSTRACT: The determination of radioactive elements in sea silt is of interest for the solution of a number of geochemical problems, e.g. for the determination of the velocity of sedimentation. In geochemistry methods are desired which permit the determination of uranium, thorium and ionium from one weighed portion. The present paper describes such a method which takes 2 days. In an earlier paper the author published a direct determination method for ionium in sea silt (Reference 3). As fortunately all 3 elements - ionium, thorium and UX I - are thorium isotopes, this method was treated in a manner that uranium, thorium and ionium are determined from the isotopes separated Card 1/4 on the carrier substance. In this method the sample is The Determination of Uranium, Thorium and Ionium in 75-1-16/26 Sea Silt opened up by melting with sodium peroxide, then the admixtures are separated in several stages. The thorium isotopes always occur in the precipitate during the separation of the admixtures, whereby losses by adsorption are excluded. By means of radioactive indicators (UX,) it was found that the elaborated method works without losses. Thorium was photometrically determined by thoron, the reagent according to Kuznetsov (Reference 4)- On that occasion accompanying anions and cations are very disturbing. For this reason the complete separation of all accomplanying elements is important. In this connection the thorium. isotopes are separated before the photometric recordf:ng without a carrier substance. The quantity of pollutions which may remain in thorium after sepatation exercises no essential influence upon the final result. The error does not exceed � 15 ~5- Uranium was determined on the basis of the content of UX 1 which always occurs in equilibrium with its parent element and which is a P-emitter. After the determination Card 2/4 of thorium, the P-radiation of the thorium isotopes separated The Determination of Uranium, Thorium and Ionium in 75-1-16/26 Sea Silt on the carrier is measured. The uranium content is from this determined with the aid of a calibration curve. In order to eliminate disturbance other P-emitters lead (containing RaD) and bismuth (containing RaE) must above all be completely removed. Tests showed that the elaborated separation method guarantees a sufficient separation of the elements concerned. The concent of ionium was measured on the basis of its P-radiation in an a-counter. At a high thorium content a correction must be made which is due to the a-radiation of Th+Ra Th . In tilis determination polonium is especially disturbine. In investigations with polonium as radioactive indicator it became evident~ however, that the separation of polonium in the separation method is-sufficient. The relativeerror of the uranium determination by the presence of RaD and RaE on the average amounts to +1,1 %, the relative error of the ionium determination by the presence of polonium on the average amounts to +2,4 %. The elaborated method was employed in samples of sea silt, Card 3/4 but also of rocks, ores and minerals. It can be used for The Determination of Uranium, Thorium and Ionium in 75-1-16/26 Sea Silt the determination of a thorium content of from 5.10-5 ~.f to x.10-4 %, when the uranium content is % und up to a uranium content of 70 %, when the ionium content is x.10-4 ~a (in uranium equivalents). The absolute error of the determination does not exceed 10-15 %. The course of the analysis is described in great detail. There are 2 figures, 7 tables, and 5 references, 3 of which are Slavic ASSOCIATION: Institute for Geochemistry and Analytical Chemistry imUi V.I. Vernadskiy, AS USSR, 'Toscow (Institut geokhimii i analiticheskoy khimii im. V. I. VernadskoGo All SSSR, lloskva-) SUBMITTED: July 24, 1956 AVAILABLE: Library of Congress 1. Uranium Determination 2. 'Moriun - Deter-nination Card 4/4 3. loniun Determination 11. Geoche.nisLry - AppliCatiO Z-1 14, 131-1-10/14 AUTHORS: Do a Kuzlmina, L. A. TITLEt On the Presence of Bicalcium-Silicate in the Disintegrated Sanples of Fettling in an Open-hearth Furnace. I., _. (0 prisutstvii dvukVhl'tsiyevoao oilikata v rassypavshikh- sya probakh navarki podiny niartenovskoy pechi.) PERIODICAL: Ogneupory, 1956, Nr 1, PP. 41 - 42 (USSR) ABSTRACT: The quality of the powders for repairing the lAasic furnace bottoms of Siemens-Martin furnaces to a considerable de-reee depends on their content of silicon dioxide. An excess of it promotes the de- velopment of softerad places which my lead to a progre'.9sing die-' turbance of furnace-bottom work. In case that silicon dioxide with calcium oxide forms the bicalcium-silicate (Ca Siol) tho lat- OC2 ir when the furnace bottom is cooled below 675 , :lay leand to ter , the destruction of the built-up welding due to the Liodificatory conversion of the P-form to the -form. This destruction may . take place at a 2;6 content of bicXcium-silicate. Further the in- veatigation of samples is described which were taken froqtlihe fur- nace bottom of a Siemens-Martin fur=e for the purpose of studying; their magnesite built-up Yielding. Several of these sample -which Card 1/3 were taken from a depth of 40 - 80 mm disinteErated in the course 131-1-10/14 On the Pre3ence of Bicalcium-Silicate in the Dijintc---7-rit--:d -`~,-jmples of Pett3ing In an Open-hearth Furnace;__ of half an hour and were converted to powder; the samples consider- ably differed from each other in their chemical couposition, as is to be seen from the table. The petrographic investigation showed thst the samples macroscopically represented a gray powdery maea in which individual solid pieces up to a dimension of 20 mm occur. The microscopic inspectiolof the samples showed that they consist of the following components: calcium ferrites, f -bicalcium-sili- cate, periclase lalnid- P-bicalcium-oilicate. Then h e individual components are described in detail. In some grains of bicalcium- -silicate a partial transition of the F-form to the r -form is to be observed (fisures 1 and 2). Both modifications of bicalcium- -silicate, as well as the grains, in which a transition from the to the Y -form is to be observed, exist in the samples for a t ong time. This may be explained by the stabilizing influence of iron oxides present in the built-up welding. It is considered in- dispensible that pro.-reosive methods of repairind furnace bottoms are everywhere introduced by using iron waste instead of quartz sand, as well as in the capacity of sintering aduiixture (instead of blartin slag which contains much silicon dioxide). '2!iere are 2 Card 2/3 figures, I table, and 5 referencesq all of which are S2avic- 131 -1 -10/1,; I On Presence of Bicalcium-Silicate in t-he Disintc~;ratud SaLiples of Fettling in an Open-hearth Furnace _'ottom in a Siemena-Martin Furnace ASSOCIATI01, -. i.1 Inutitute for Refractory laterials Kilarlkov (Kliarlkovskiy institut cgneuporov) AVAILABLEs Library of Congress 1. Furnaces-Maintenance Card 3/3 15(2) 93 . 0V/1 31-59-1 2-r-/1 AUTHORS: Kuz'minaj_Lv _e Pitak, N. V., Strelets V. 1i 9 TITLE: Application a.-.-d Va.2:-i.-~tion of Phase Co-.-:-osi_tior1 of the Stop;-,er Bushing of L .,!Iess in Cont~-_-uous Steel Casting PERIODICAL: Orrenpory, 19f:`.j IT- 12p pP 56o-566 (uss-R) ABSTRACT: In the S.-)rmovoll Works stopper bushinr_s were te-sted consisting of 'juartz-kaaolin of the Prosyanaya Komb-inat, of fire B,~)Tovichi Kombinat. of Refractories, of fire clay-kaolin ol' the U11II0 test T)lant and those with -- hiah alumina ot~ntent of tle Podclts'.- 'dorks of Refractories. The stop- per busl-,in, --s c-~-nsictin- of quartz-kaolin were produced by meanri of the plastic _iid all remaining on(~L; b,.- means of the semi-dry method, The phys-1cal and chemical properties of stopper bushings are listed-in table 1, their wear may be seen from table 2. In fiGureS I and 7 the fire clay-kaolin- and the quartz-kaulin bnshin-s f1re r .''oWn according to their use. The chemical com- L VoGition ot ev bu,;hines prior ~%nd after their application is indicated ir table 3. The microstnicture of qnartz-kaolin buohing .1v al e, those with a high alwiiiiu- content is given in fir,ures 3 RDd 4 accordin- to their a:)plication. In conclusion _ Card 1/2 the authrrs th,'.t the wear of 01orper bushines is brought SOV/131-59-12-6/15 Application and Variation-of Phase Composition of the Stopper Bushing of Casting Ladles in Continuous Steel Casting about mainly by the action of the slag and of the molten metal. The greatest stability is found with bushings of high aluminal!~ content* It is considered interesting to investigate the pos- sibility of prolonging life of fire clay lining of tae casting ladle and stoppers by the addition of grog. The possibility of using covers for casting ladles should be investigated in order to be able to cast with a minimum slag cover. There are 4 figures, 3 tables$ and 9 references, 8 of which are Soviet. ASSOCIATIONt Ukrainskiy nauchno.-issledovatel'E;kiy institut ogneuporov (Ukrainian Scientific Research Institute of Refractories) Card 2/2 DOIZART, F.Z.; KMIMRU, LoA* Investigating the used-up foreaterite :runner bricks. OgnsuporY 25 no.10:474-477 160. (MIRA 13:10) 1. Ukrainskiy nauchno-iosladovateltakiy institut ogneuporov. (Firebrick) ,1/131/'60/000/04/04/015 BO15/BOO8 AUTHORS: Vasillyeva, K.F., Kuz'mina, L.A. TITLE: Magnesite From the Safonikhinskaya Deposit PERIODICAL: Ogneupory, 1960, No. 4, PP. 166-170 TEXT: In the paper under review the authors describe the inve!3tigations of this magnesite which was taken by M.D. Burmykina and N *P S chev, geologists of the Dallnevostochnoye Geologicheskoye upravleniye ((Soviets Far East Geological Administration). The Safonikhinskaya deposit is in the Obluchlye district of the Khabarovsk kray. According to their appearance, the magnesites may be divided into 3 groups. The first group consists of pure magnesites with a con- tent of 96-98~ h1gCO3, the structure of which is shown in Fig. 1. The second group consists of magnesites with quartz and dolomite veins (Fig, 2). The third group consists of silicified magnesites. The chemical composition of the investigated magnesite samples is mentioned in table 1 and the essential physico- mechanical properties of the raw magnesite in table 2. Berezhnoy (Ref. 3) called attention to the high quality of magnesite refractories with forsterite bond. Bricks were manufactured from this magnesite and fired at a temperature of 16500 Card 1/2 I%- Magneaite From the Safonikhinskaya Deposit S/131"60/000/04/04/015 B015xB008 at the UWIIO (Ukrainskiy nauchno-issledovatellskiy institut ogneuporov - Ukrainian Scientific Research Institute of Refractories). Their porosity and weight by volume are mentioned in table 3. The properties of the samples'and bricks may be seen from tables 4 and 5. The authors state in conclusion that it is possible to produce from Safonikhinskiy magnesite high-quality bricks with forsterite bond with an apparent porosity of 12-16~, a weight by volume of 2,94-3-04 g/cm3, a compressive breaking strength of 1500 kg/CM2 2and an initial deformation temperature of 1670-17200 at a load of 2 kg/cm . There are 2 figures, 5 tables, and 5 Soviet references. ASSOCIATION: Ukrainskiy nauchno-issledovatellskiy institut ogneuporov (Ukrainian Scientific Research Institute of Refractories) Card 2/2 BOLDYRBV, I.K., [deceased]; GRMMVA, A4 L.B.; ALYAVDIN. V.F. Crystallographic tables for finding the ratio of two whole numbers in dacimals. Kristallografiia, no.4:196-229 '55. (WRA 145) (Crystallography) KUZ POIXTAYEV, V.Ya.; TOMASHEVICH, Yu.U.; SHAROVA, P.N., otyetatyannyy reclaktor; DANILOV, V.P., redaktor Watel'stva; SHEVCHEI]KO, G.N., takhnicheBkiy radaktor 11 Collectivization of agriculture; the most important decrees of !he Communist Party and the Soviet government, 1927-1935. Kollekti- vizataiia sellskogo khozisistva; vazhneishie postanoyleniia Kommuni- sticheakoi partil i Sovetskogo pravitelletva, 1927-1935. Hoskya, 1957. 573 P. (MLIIA 10:10 1. Akademiya nauk SSSR. Inatitut istorii. (Agricultural policy) s/196/61/000/009/1-339/052 E194/E155 AUTHORS: Bronfman, A.I., Gutman,-Yu.M., and Kuzlmina,, L _,k._F - TITLE: A valve-type magnetic lightning arrestir for a voltage of 500 kV PERIODICAL: Referativnyy zhurnal, Elektrotekhnika i energetika, no.9, 1961, 39, abstract 91 247. (Vestn. elektroprom- sti, no.12, 196o, 32-35) TEXT: Unlike lightning arresters for lower voltage classes, the arrvater type Pgm r-500 (RVMG-500) uses magnetic spark gaps with rctating arc. This has permitted improvement of the protective characteristic and maintains for 500 kV circuits the insulation level previously adopted for 400 kV circuits. The use of magnetic spark gaps permits an increase in the are-suppressing capacity of the arrester and ensures its reliable operation with currents up to 300 A peak; the remanent voltage with an impulse current of 10 kA has been reduced by 25%. The construction of the arrester is described and the principal electrical characteristics guaranteed by the manufacturer are given, Card 1/2 A valve-type magnetic lightning ... S/196/61/000/009/039/052 EIL94/E.155 including the volt-ampere and volt-second characteristics. The minimum breakdown-voltage occurs with a pre-discharge time of 5 - 10 microseconds. Then the minimum impulse coefficient is 0.7. Over the pre-impulse time range of 2 - 20 microseconds the impulse breakdown-voltage does not exceed 1200 kV peak. The rolative reduction in remanent voltage combined with the reduction in the breakdown-voltage ratio madf~ it possible to raise the insulation level of equipment prc-octed by the arrester to 2.5 times the phase voltage. 't,ia main constructional and operating features of the arrester are given. 5 figures, 3 literature reference4. [AbBtractor's note; Complete translation. Card 2/2 KUZIMINA, L.G. Producing experimental staphylococcal infection. Eksp. i klin. issl. po antibiot. 1i139-345 158. - (MIRA 15:5).. (STAPHYMCOCCAL DISEME) . -1~ KUZPMIIIAO L.G. I Changes in Bacillus freslad under the influence of passing through the body of an animal treated with antibiotics. Ekap. i klin. issl. po antibiot. 13149-153 150, MRA 15:5) (SAU4011ELLA) (AIITIBIDTICS) PZIMIKA, L.G. Change in the sensitivity of Bacil2us breslau in its passage thrcugb the body of an anijul treated with antibiotics. Eksp. i klin. isal, po antibiot. 2:202-205 160. WIRA 15:5) (SALMOII-n") (ANTIBIOTIGS) KUZ I MUIA L. G. Formation of streptomycin-resistant variants of Gaxtnerlo bacillus in the organism of an animal, Antibiotiki 7 no.10t 902-906 0162 (MIRA 16:11) 1. Lening-radskiy nauchno-issledovatellskiy inst~tut antibio- tikov. YNIOVICH, S.Yu.; XUZIMINA, L.G. Tracer atom stady of the inversion of adsorption sisries in the ultra micro-concentration range (with Inglish summary in insert] Koll.zhur.18 no*3:268-27.4 HT-Jo '55- (HIBA 9:9) 1.Institut fizicheskoy khImU AN SSSR, N*skva. (Radioisotopes) (Chromatographic a*nalysis) . I - r4l + - ~ - , . , . v ', AUTHORS: TITLE- PERIODICAL-. BSTRACT: Card 1/2 YiIaTIO'ch~ S.Yu. , Kuz`minap L.G. jc1/78-3-7-9/44 The Utill-tak-ion of lin Exdi&~_ ~nirestigations of Ccmplex Compounds (Ispo1'zovan';',ye ionnogo cbmena dlys. izuehAniya kcwplekan:ykh soyedineriy). 1. The EthyleneaiazjMe Complex of Nickel (I. EtilerOiamin vyy kompleks nikelya) Zhurnal neorganiche,41coy khImii, 1958, Vol 3, Nr 7, PP 1521-1524 (USSR) The JiLon exchange adsorption of nickel ions and the nickeletbylene- diaWn,3 complex w&i iryrejtigatea on the adsorbent KU-2. The ad- sorption isothermal Ilvqa wavi "corded at Wo 40 and 700 C. It res found that the nickel ion in not absorbed to the same ex- vont as the etbylenadiamine ccmplax. The exchange constant for nickel ion is 0.76; for the complex oampouna it in 2.65, i.e. 3.5 times Vae amowt. The oompos'llion of the complex ion remins unchanged during eLd- Sorption. Hydmtion of tho nickel Ion in the acmplex is lower, to which fact also ths~~ bqttir adsorbing capacity is due. The ion-exchange capaoit-1 of ioni therafore serve as an indicator for the the Utilization of Ion Exchang-. for Irr-restigations of 3()"1/78-3--7-9/44 Complex Coarpounha .. L The EthylevediamL-xe Complex of Nickel degra-, of lWdratlou of the eompound. With an inaceasa of t-tmm-qmture the adsorbing capaoity of nick,?I, ion is *11ghtilly 1"noreazed. The temperature effect for the &J,-ioxption of the Aystw.-[Iii ( 12+/ + amomt.s -~o -600 cal/mol and for Ni 2*/Na+ to + 600 wVmol. There ar~'~t 3 flPx~os and 9 x,3farenceso 3 of ;;i~~ a719 SOMiet. SUMITTED: Juvv~ 40 195-1 1, rComplex oompou-nds--Adscrpt1cn 2. Comp"ex ions-Adsorption 3. Nickel icns--Adsorpti--n 4. Ion exch&nge-Applications Card 2/2 AUTHORS: Telovich, S.Yu. , Kuzlmina, L.G. j0`1/ 78-3-7A0/44 TITM Utilization of Ion~ahan~ge~e Investigation of Complex Compounds (Ispollzovaniye ic~-nnogo obuiena d1ya izucheniya, komplekanykh soy;sdineniy).11. Nickel Rexammonste (II.Geksaamiakat nikelya) PlUtIODICAL: Zhurnal neorganicheskoy khimii, 1958, Vol. 3, Nr 7, pp 1525-1528 (USSR) ABSTRACT: For nickel ht;aawwnate and nickel ion the isothermial lines for ion adsorption on caVoni"Ge KU-2 vms investigated. it was fourl+ that tha oomplix ion ia adsorbed better than the nickel ion N, The cationiti was corn-iyed into an ammonium ion. The isothermal lines wera produrvi by means of static methods. It was found that on variow points of the isothermal lines on the adsorbent there existed several coxplaxes. In the dissociation of niokelamine compleyi. IN' (NH3)6]C'2 the coordination wwber remaina constant (6); only the molecu2es of NH.3 ax,i~ riplafed by water molecules. By th~ method of ion exchange adsorption 'At is possible to deter- Card 1/2 mine the oharge of the acmplt-,x ion in the solution. There are Utilization of Ion Exohange for the Im ~vstiption of -u~"/ 78-3-7-10/44 Complex Compolmda Il. Nickel Hemwamonate 2 figures, 2 ta"bles, and 4 references 2 of which are Soviet. SIMMITTED: J1=,q 4~- 1957 1, Coniplex compounds-Adsorption 2, Complex ions--Ad.-,E~rption 3~ N.'--kel. ions--Advorpt'Lon 4. !on card 2,/2 UMV, N.Ta.; ASSONOV, i.D.; CHIME, A.I.; ZAMOTATEV, S.P.; BMW, D.G.,* SWRYBV, L.N*i rAovodital' isoledovatellskor grupl3r; KASURDTA, A.I.; SHUBIN, G.N.; NOVII, A.A.; PODSHIVAU)T, R.N,; ALUBO, A.I.;.Xql L.I.; KORF, D.M.; MUCHINO. N.S. Articles and suggestions of supervisors of central industrial laboratories* Zav. lab. 25 no.1:5-22 159. (MINA 12: 1) l.-Hachallnik TSettrallnoy zavodskoy labotarorii Kirovskoge maohinostroitellnogo zavoda (for Belov). 2.Glavny7 metallurg Avtozavoda Imeni Idkhachava (for Assondy). 3.NachaVnik Wen- trallno7 zavodsko7 laboratorii Ieningradskogo metallichookoge zavoda imeni Stalina (for Chizhik). 4.Nachallnik TSentrallnor zavodskoy laboratorii Uralmashzavoda, g. Sverdlovsk (for Zamotayev). 5.Yachallnik TSeu-Vrallnoy laboratorii zavoda, "Krasnyy Tyborzhets, (for Butome). 6.1aboratoriya zavoda "Krasny7 Vyborzhetaw (for Sergeyev). 7.Nachallnik khimicheekoy labmratorii metallurgicheokogo zavoda imeni Petrovskogo (for Masurova). 8.Nachallnik TSentrallnoy- laboratorii Verkh- Ioetakogo metallurgic'heakogo zavoda (for Shubiu). 9.Zamestitell nachall- niks, TSentrallnoy- zavodsko7 laboratorii zavoda imeni Malysheys, g. Khartkov (for NoTik). 10jamestitell atuhallaika TSentrallnoy- savodekor laboratorii Sverdlovskago turbomotornogo zavoda (for Podshivalov). U.Nachallnik eksperimentallnogo otdela Spetsiallnoge konatruk- torskogo, byuro Sverdlovskogo, turbomotornoge zaveda (forAlekso). 12.Nachallnik TSentrallnoy laboratorii Okhtingkogo khimicheakage kombinata (for Kuxlmina). 13.Nachal'nik TSentrallnor laboratorii zavods, "K Ilk" (for KoW, 140aftf:nik TSentif:g0ayll A or "Wof f or ,,ta, 0 evskego mas nos. ro _0. no o zavo k zacw. ~ . . - - .. - ~/- - - - - - % 1111low"lo a I a P ? oils "bill v Sass Xj?Xnjjv;? i7v ion joirs"s 41 or 7 U T V JL T L AOt 1 J 4 k , " . - -- * - A - A A I ISO let, in the u6tratiou mist"ll and their oxides ill nitt" e S 4 &jimilit, L-l &nd -00 , A, 29. 315,11% the reu,t~ori Milt. 1-W Pf" I NO t, , 4WTcsst in tbr amt. of of i i 10 on trat Im Of n ant' It" d zoo at Thi" ffferl Io strOnter mt hither temp. an l m Cd IlNiN. The No(), ha% na &ct on I I M it Al .- - . tsm d,h4litv toolApt light 4,41tivirfin coo Poo 00 foci x "00 I: rA I Al S L & ONTALLIJACKAL 1,1710414*1 CLASUPICATIC140 coo I`** -filf. W0410 -A -s.fdbj .10 a.- coo 41-11clot 41L.11 Cot 9.1 JAI I ASP, U I AV - an L s a ew a vi w i ar 1PIPOvirew Nang ta j . o Ill 0 a It 0 : la 'S : 0 40000 o q 0 0 0 " 6 goo :0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 o a 00 S 0l j - - - - 0 ~06 & 00; 1 A I L 'a J I I 4 " 2 "11 111 1 1 f 1 4 1 0 IN 4; -0 so III _ all ' 4 _ All 0 1 0111$ 0" o a f 1 6 a Ve 1 , t til i f l A 0 pyrMlie 19C this pnWadoo of trilaspiLf"t COUSIOW- 9 S. S. mindlin "Xm&*na, and AL A. KaPlan. J. IT #W CAm: (U. S. S. it.) 16. 141 66 (in (Ict man 15.-1 Aj -00 1107). -The usavistirmy, qd mll"" depirvidt mainlv -00 upm do tut"ty of (M pprjaylln vrAn. owl the IRV-MN Tutbislitylsdis.-V to unatbiliwinry pwiflcatko of W raw -Irriall hom ad- mists, otber thsa ceflukat. PurifimUm CW be inlPfoved 4 l b [ staftcr ow . su by increasing the alky, of the bath. atume from denitration of the IL Un during scpn. from nitrating ". Its a .m a -4 llX4,h - dft7e&wd by lowering the temp. of The denitratica can be tin nibit. (by adding mom cold ")I by declesAing the 6e 0 time of W". am 57 tin$ with 8 min. of Awtki of xm T eervam t th h s ee *0 . y- rm r wen air dirougf: t e pyro% A. A. Poilsomy g 000 40 0 IT** 39 0 too 0 0 18 '00 IZ- 6*~� A I I L A RITAIAUJIGICAL LITERATURE CLASSUFACATIOM C.Z- f .IL,j C_ L131 aft a., 11, , 00 AV 00 it If .1 11 K It AM k 1 4 Od 0 4 a I v so 5 I ; :14 3, 0 0 0 Oio 0 0 0 0 0 0 41 0 4 0 0 0 0 0 * 0 O'o 0 0 6 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 9 0 0 0 lie 114 i i 000000 - ~ I - 4 1 1 . I 1 4 ) 6 1 0 14 u is m 11 " R I Tr r-r-1 T -I.. -t-j- '--V.-tLLi=MJV EE f - I ee 1 11111 W by alkyd fQ91 P"dw raoitcouWat of SysthAtic 0 flock of molifing mt* in the Kodac is Kapsilit- slid Tilimul uts.- 1"Ohit - 0 1150"0 7 041 - . mer". Zkow. 4, No. I "Oil Will) 26.5 Pdkfts 4 00 resin was PTO. from I I (d, 1 .19) as MAW- of HL withO-35 al wt Ob I 0 . ICI r , irnum amt. was a1m] Juird at fA)--7t)* with alkyd telid (OPt as :0 2870). to mwh. rroptrtAM the prvducts-.M$&.-Ir= thcoe tt"ditif pom tirs wav sknikr to tkw 1316de Sam ff, w I was twk-c tio h j b r wiliteir a soirti n t nionolitit No. 2, but t roducts with %ttCO shaost of the Run t 40 . as pes . p roinjoletely rcmved the &IILyd fesin. W. R. Won 00 so 00 00 . IS m a III WILLUMICAL IIII-1101 C-LASIFICATION ]p it: 4C' -- ----------- a ft ch ft Wit Its PC a ?I it a j ia a 0 0 0 0 0 * 0 0 0 0 * 0 ~*000-0000NOOOOOOOOOOOO 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 of 000400 00 00 0 * 0 o *00 I-00 1100 000 goo no* goo We 0 400 Po * pmv-ioi-~ evah=Inn ct -h~ r-!*-,aacu~~- ~-mr~xn-ddswrtwu 25(0) 1 434- SOV132-2r-1-11151 AUTHOR: Kuzmina,__Lt_jj, Hpad of the Central Laboratory of the OkhtinskiY lGhemical Kombinat TITLE; Articles and Suggestions of the Heads of the Central Works Labora- tories in Connection WJth the Theses Laid Down by Party Member N. S..Khrushchev at the W Congress of Ue U.17, "Control Figures of the Development of National Economy of the U~SR in the fears 1959-1965" (Stat'i i pxedlozheniya rukovoditeley Tseritrallnykh zavodskikh laboratoriy v svyazi s tezisami doklada tovarishcha N. S. Khrushcheva na X~l s"yezda KPSS "Kontrollnyye tsifry raz- vitiya narodnogo khozyaystva SSSR na 1959-!965 cg.") PERIODICAL. Zavodskaya Laboratoriya, 1959, Vol 2q, Nr 1, pp 20-20 (USSR) ABSTRACT., The above mentioned Kombinat is one of the oldest synthetic plants. Taking its 1958 production as 100 %. by 1965 the production of polyethylene -4s to amount to `174 '~, that of triacetyl cellulose to 431-18 %, that of-vinyl synthetics to 156.6 %, that of molding powders and resins to 352.7 %, that of softenert; to 196.8 %, and that of epoxy-resins to 1172.5 %. The 8even-year working plan of the works central laboratory-calls for the elaboration of a new and better production teolmology of polyethylene possessing various Card 1/2 properties and produced from raw materials,Theelaboratkn SOVI'32-25-1-11151 Articles and Suggestions of the Heads of the Central Works Laboratories in Con- nection With the Theses Laid Down by Party Mlember N. S. Khruvhchev at the XXI Congress of the CPSY "Control Figures of the Development of National Economy of the USSR in the Years 1959-1965" of new higher quality epoxy-resins meats with difficulties, for want of a raw material of the required quality (diphenylol propane). Also an improvement of the technology Of styrol copolymers and nitri-lo-acrylic acid, as well as the production of high-resistant materials therefrom are to be realized in co-operation with the factory departments. The central laboratory undertakes furthermore to raise the level of research work, to adopt new investigation methods, and to intensify investigations on polymers. ASSOCIATION: TeentralInaya laboratoriya Okhtinskogo khimichi?ukogo kombinata (Central Laboratory of the 01rhtinskfty Card 212 S/125A) /G00/003/012/022 AGOVA30i AU'ri-OR6 Gurvich, A. K., 14.uatmina, L. 1. TITLE: rfine Conference on ultl,asonic flaw-detection PEIUODICAL: Avtomaticheskaya svarl:a, no. 3, 10,63, 94 - 95 T=: The Conference on ultrasonic flam-detection was held in Leningrad in October - 1962.1- -The- Conference -was -opened by Pro-rector- of LIIZaT, --M. 14,_ Fi_ ii pov, who noted the wide use of ultrasonic flaw-detec~ion for tae qua.11ty con- p trol of weld Zoints, The followir4; reports were heard: A. K. Gurvich, NII of Bridges, on standdrdization of ultl,asonio flavi-letection methods and development. of GOST standards; N. V. Xhimche=ko, JJT7 ld-Limnash, on the use of complex flaw- delection under industrial conditions; A. L. ljv~, 11,1TI of Brid, U.. ges, op. 'Ile use Df the flaw-detection system developed .-', t" Q NII ),' -_Irl'djes, for Individual 5 C C~ I J,:)r.S T . NL aoid Ray4uiiur, on .5~=dard!.~irG the sensitivil"y of flaw detect-1-oro; I. N. Yermolov (TZIT Z.V0h), V. A. Tsechal' (IES imeni Ye. 0. Paton) and 0. 11. Mu%ov (Leningrad Sovrarldioz) on the control of ultrathick welds; S. A. PikiAlin (Kommunarsk NketallurG_`Cal Plant) on the combined use of Card 1/2 Ultrazarnic riaw-aetection and roentgenograpliy in weld control of steelteeming ladle3; V. P. Pushkin, Orgenergostroy, Yu. 3. Zaldia.rov, ORGRIESS, and Yru. V. La- vitskiy, Donbassenargo, on ultrasonic flaa-datection of steam pipes; Ya. F. Anikeyev on ultrasonic weld control of thin-wralled pipes, L. D. Kevesh, 0. Zeytqan, Krasny-y kotel'shchik Plant, V. B. 'Io,-ozh.'Un and A. A. Possedikin, Norillsk o" ilinli-Z and Metallurgy, :)n exper,,~nce in ultrasonic flaw-detection of we- d--; F, Ya. Zazlavskiy, B. N. Patrov, Pl-nt Imeal Nosenko, A. P, Leonove., Baltic Plant, on ultrasonic flaw-datecti-on '-n shipbuildingm; A. G. Dzhabiyev, AzTlTmElsh, on ultrasonic flaw-detect.Lon- .)-" ,, - ;---m bu~'t, 'rie."J in heat- exchangers; V. A. Boslko, Ilikolayev Shipbui-lding institute, on improved relim- of ultrasonlic fixa-delection by mni~azm~ of 5 megacYcle oscillations and probes aith. s ecial trans; A. A. -Xharor-,cin, Odessa 3,'-Up Re-,air Plant, on the P . - U welaS by sir le ax~i d,~u;3-o sys7,ems. 7r-,e :7, 014-S necessit-i Of e r- met4 -and of automating -,na mecrianizing zhe control process. card 2,/P- ONTS, ~ LAT.; KUZTINA L.'- , BELYAYEVA, V,Y(?.; - -:-' SYII-HEVA, NA.j BP"Yt7, '"(11,.A., rect. [M--5, XD.-6, ED--P and E.D--L diane opoxy re~.qins general information] Dianovye e,po-ksidnye spioly marok ED-5, ED-611 ED-P. ED-L, obslichle svi3deniia. Leningrad, Pt.l. 3.965. 14 P. (1,11II(A 18~7, j L 37670-M EWP(c)/E'dP(k)/M(d)/T/gWP(I)/FgP(V) IJF(c) NR- AP6028857 SOURCE CODE: UR/0381/66/000/001/0021/0024~ AUTHOR: Kuzlmina, L. I.J Gurvich, A. K. '57 ORG: Leningrad Institute of Railroad Transport MAineers im. A V. N. Obraztsov (!.eningradskiy institut inzhenerov zh.-d. transpox-.a) TITIE: Use of punched cards for accumulating and analyzing the results of various inspection methods k~ SOURCE: Defektoskopiya, no. 1, 1966, 21-24 TOPIC TAGS: punched card, quality control, data analysis, flaw detection, ultrasonic inspection, railway track, resistance welding ABSTRACT: A brief description is given of edge-punched cards used for data analysis in quality control. The notches on the edge of the card are used. for a coded record of the individual characteristics of the insy pected object,, .methods of flaw detection.. results of inspection,, etc. The machino used for sorting the cards is described. The method is illustrated by a detai2ed e=mination of a card for accu=x1ation and analysis of data on ultrasonic inspection of resistance-welded rails. Orig. art. Me: 2 figuree. (MS: 35,804) SUB CODE: 09, 13, 14 / SUBM DATE: O9Nov65 ORIG REF: 001 UDC: 620.179 - KUZIMINA, L.K. Now styles In knitwear. Tekst,prom, 20 no.6:1)-15 Ja 160. (XIBA 1317) 1. G1&vzWy inzhener Moskovskogo, do= modeley trikotashmwM Izdaliy. (Knit goods industry) (Yashion) deputat Solicitude of deputies for the system of enterprises serving -aublic needs. Gor. khos. Rook. 14 no.9:11-32 S '60. (MIRA 11:9) 1. Sakretarl Postoyannoy komlosil bytovogo obalusbivaniya Moskovskogo Soveta. kmoscow-4uniciDal services) JUNIMINA ZAKSKAYA, I.A. L. H. ; Work practice of the grading room staff striving for the title of a section of communist labor. Khim. volok. no.6:60- 61 16o. (XKFA 13:12) 1. Hogilevskiy sayod. (Mogilev--Textile fibers, Synthetic) ALKHAZASHVILI, G.M,; NES~ZYANOVA, G.M.; KUZ'WNA, L.N. Effect of iron minerals contained in ores on uranium oxidation in acid media. Atom. energ. 15 no.4:313-317 0 163. (MIRA 16:10) TMIN, S.A.; KUZIKINA, L.P.; SO(IBRATOT, T.N.,; TIMM, Te.L.. (Standards and estimates for building and assembly work] Bdinys normy i. rastsenki na stroitelinyo, montashnye i remontao-stroi- telinjw raboty, 1960 g. Moskva, Gon.isd-vo lit-ry po stroit.9 arkhit. i stroit.matarialam. HO.7- LRoofing) Krovelinys raboty. 196o. 25 p. (KM 14:1) 1. Russia (1923- U.S.S.R.) Gosudarstvannyy komitet po delam stroitel'stva. 2. TSentrallnoye normativno-iseledoirstallskoys byaro Glavmosstroya (for Kuzlmina). (Roofing) ANDRONIKASHVILI, T.G.; KUZIMINA L r Use of natural sorbents for chromatographic analysis of saturated hydrocarbons C3-07- ZAv. lab. 22 no.12:1403- 1406 156. (WRA 103) 1. Inatitut nefti Akademii nauk SSSR. (Chromatographic analysis) (Hydrocarbons) (Sorbents) "I _5p_ , rA_ 91" L~ KUZIMINA, L.P. Cand Chevi Soi --(dies) 'Adoorbtive ;Zvi" of bydrocarbons Cl - 04 and q? certain non-hydrooarbon gases." Moe, 1967. 12 pp 20 cm. Acad Sci USSR. Inst of Petroleum), 190 copies , 7-57, 104) M 1A.,, L t 65-10-11/13 AUTHORS: Sokolov, V.A. , Andronikashvili, T.G., and Shishkova, V.P. TITLE: The Use of Some Minerals of Various Adsorption Capacity for Chromatographic Analysis of Gases (Primeneniye nekotor- ykh mineralov razlichnoy adsorbtsionnoy emkosti dlya khromatograficheskogo analiza gazov) FERIODICAL: Khimiya i Tekhnologiya Topliva i Masel,_195?, No.10, pp. 61 65 (USSR). ABSTRACT: A comparison of structural characteristics and other properties of adsorbents and their separating ability of hydro- carbons and other gases was carried out. The types of adsorb- ents and their physical properties are given in Table 1, adsorption isotherms (for benzole) in Fig.l. The possibility of application of the above adsorbents (serpentine, natrolite, kaolinite, diatomite, etc.) for chromatographic separation of hydrocarbons (C -C ) carbon rh,.)noxide and hydrogen was investi- gated. The diajr2 of one of the apparatus used is shown in Fig.2. The detection was based either on heat conductivity (Ref.10) or using a special absorber with a 40% solution of KOH, when carbon dioxide was used as a developing gas. Examples of curves representing the separation of mixtures are given in Fig-3. Chemical composition of natural adsorbents tested is Cardl/2 given in Table 2. On the basis of the results obtained,' it is 65-10-11/13 The Use of Some Minerals of Various Adsorption Capacity for Chromato- ,graphic Analysis Gf Gases recommended to use for the separation of H 21 CO and CH4 activated carbon, for saturated and un aturated hydrocarbons C2-C 3 silicagel, and for hydrocarbons C4-C 7 - coarse-pored natural adsorbents, kaolinite, natrolite, diatomite. The method can be used for separating mixtures containing up to a0 components. There are 2 tables, 3 figures and 13 references% 9 of which are Russian, 2 Swedish and 2 English. ASSOCIATION: Petroleum Institute of the Ac.Sc. USSR (Institut nefti AN SSSR) AVAILABLE: Library of Congress Card 2/2 SOKOLOV, V.A.; RM 'MINA, L.P. Adsorption technique for separation of 01 04 hydroo-arbow and some gaseous nonhydrocarbon gasea. Trudy inst. nefti. 10:96-100 157. (MIRL 11:4) (Hydrocarbons) (Carbon, Activated) (Gases-Absorption and adsorption) AUTHORS: Sokolov, V. A., Kuzlmina, L. P. 32-9-3/43 ~TITLEs Chromatographical An!tlysis of theC, C4 Hydrocarboynand Some Non-Hydrocarbon Gase.4 (Khromatografi;heskiy analiz uglevodoro- dov CI-C4 1 nekotorych neuglevodorodnykh gazov) PERIODICAL: Zavodskaya Laboratorlya, 1957, Vol. 23, Nr 9, pp. 1034-1037 (USSR) ABSTRACT: Here some natural sorbents, e.g. natrolite, serpentine and kaolin were applied together with activated carbon or silica gel by which measure it was poscible to carry out the separation and the analysis of gas-mixtures with E21 CO, 02, N2, CH41 C2H61 C2 H I C H2 C H8;tC 3H6 C H , C H101 and C4H6 in an apparatus 1 "8 WitA a few ad~or ion colimns. Kr the separation of the hydrogeng carbon monoxide, of the C 1-C, hydrocarbons, that is of the limit- as well as of thenonlimit-hy rocaronbs, two methods were applied; 1) Volume chromatorgraphical method with measuring of the volume of the single components of the gas mixture to be analyzed and 2) the oonduction-of-heat method. Before carrying out the chroma- tographical analysis of the gas mixture the calibration of the adsorption columns for the respective gases was carried out. The discharge time (T) of each component and thIcharacteristical elution volumes (V ) of the gas-generator were determined here. The analysts of th*ixtures of hydrogen, carbon monoxide C2-C4- Card 1/2 hydrocarbons were carried out at the adsorbents mentioned above Chromatographical Analysis of the Cl-C 4 Hydrocarborsand Some 32-9-3/43 Non-Hydrocarbon Gases. with different peroental content of them in the mixture. The method andapparatus worked out here can be applied for the ana- lysis of gas of a series of industrial process- the cracking process, the pyrolysis, the conversion and others- and it makes it possible to reduce the duration of th T_ nalysis in the case of small volumes of analysis-samples (2-8 ml) down to 5-6o min depending on how complicated the mixture to be investigated is. There are 1 table and 2 figures. ASSOCIATION: Petroleun Institute) AN USSR (Institut nefti AN SSSR) AVAILABLE: Library of Congress Card 2/2 USSR/General 7-rolblem of Pathjlo~;y - Tmmr of Man. U. Abo Jour : 1. a f - Biole, Ifo 21, 1958, 9828o Author : I,uzlrdna., L.P. Inst Title On Giant-Cell Tumors of Soros (Ostooblastocia--toua). OriG Pub V sb.: Vopr. travriatol. i Vyp. 1. 19~,6, 123- 127- Abstract In 20 cases of osteoblnst-Dclasto-..g-i wit, a c 11.2uo, 2 cases of Ealigiant cha:,.L;o. a-l"Cer 12-21 years ol.' t-'! 'Q Vxa- tion of the process, Wore observed. The bc~,Ii,:Anrl- Oiscaso occurs at 20-':)0 of aGo. OriL;L-~ally, -iant tuliors are founC. in 111-2(~ ',' of cases. A case notastatic spreacl of Ooto')'jlastoclastom is r1cscri'JcC' uitli proscrvation of a ttimor structurc L-1 A.I. Ashkmiazi Card 1/1 KUZIKIRA, L.P.. mladshiy nauchuyy notrAnik Tftte6i~tiou of ostooblastocla-atoma (a giant cell tumor) into a sarcoma. Ortop., trava. i protdi.17 no.4:14-15 Jl-A9 056. (HLP& 9:12) 1e Is TSentralinogo instituta travmatologii i ortopedii (dir. - chlankorrespondent AX5 SSSR prof. N.N.Priorov; zav. patologoanato- micbeekim otdaleniyam - prof. T.P.Tinogradova) (BON1Sj 4is. giant cell tumor. transformation into wracma) (SARCOMA, case reports bone sarcoma transformation from giant cell tumor) (GIAN2 CXLL TUMORS, case reports bone transformation into sarcoma) I KUVMINA, L. P,, Cand Mod Sci -- (diss) "Ot3teoblastolrlastomaol P_ Lq&r,_t*e- cell tumors) of &a long-tubular bones. (Olinicle M 1~ I* -6~~~,diagnosls, treatment)." _~in Health U'3SR, Central Inst k"or of Phyoiclans),200 copies. (KL, 9-58, 123) - 139 - SHLikPOBERSKIYv V.Yk;_,-MZ1MINA0 L.P. Surgical technic in operations for giant cell tumors of the bone (osteoblastoclastoma). Khirargiia 36 no.6:131-136 A 160. (BONES--TUMORS) (MIRA 13:12) MIOROV., N.N. [deceased]; SHIAPOBFMKIYp V.Ya.; ZATSEPIN, S.T.j KUZIMIM, L.P.---- Replacement of bone defects by bone grafts following excision of banign.tumors. Eksp. khir.-i anest. 6 no.5:3-10 S-0 161. (MIRA 15:3) 1, Iz otdela kostnoy patologii (zav. - prof. V.Ya. Shlapoberskiy) TSentrallnogo inatituta travmatologii i ortopedii (dir. - de7stvi- telInyy chlen AMN SSSR prof. N.N Priorov [deceased]) Ministerstva zdravookhraneniya SSSR. (BMIES--SMIMRY) (BCNE,GRAPTING) KUZIMINA, L.P.; YAGODOVSKIY, V.S. (Moskva) ............ ". - - Recurrences of osteobla3toclastomas of the bones in the soft tissues. Ark-h. pat. no.12:39-1,4 163. (MIRA 17:11) 1. Iz otdoleniya kostnoy patologii (zav. - prof. V.Ya. Shlapober- skiy) TSentrallnogo instituta travmatologii i ortopedii (dir. - prof. M.V. VolkoN). - SHIAPOBERSKIY, V.Ya., prof.; VZOMA, L.P. Current state of the clinical study of giant-cell bone tumors (osteoblastoclastomas). Khirurgiia 41 no-4:121-126 Ap 165. (KIRA 18:5) 1. TSentrallnyy institut travmatologii i ortopedii (dir. - prof. M.V. Volkov) Ministerstva. zdravookhraneniya, SSSR, Moskva. KUZ L..S,, JJ~ Mr,)-- -"C T --jr-rl it c- sof the U".; Pro"crc.,xic- 4 167 F : 61 1. Vaesoyuznyf natielinc~-i~-,-,'edov--telsl,-iy -; LA.-t Syr I ra. (Ural NountaIrc- -'"ine3 and nineral resourcco) BLINOV, V.A.; DYUBYUK, K.A.; ODOKIY, B.N. Concentration of titanium in volcanic sedimentary formations of the Yastrebovo horizon in the southern part of Voronezh Province. Geol.rud,mostorozh. 5 no.L109-113 Ja-F 163. (KIRA 16:3) 1. Vsosoyuznyy nauchno-issledovat;llskiy institut mirarallnogo syrIyaR Moskva, i Voronezhskaya ekspeditsiya Geologicheskogo upravleniya TSentral'Aykh rayonov, (Voronezh Province--Titanium) YITjzI-iI;TMi) L. T. I Yuzt.-dna, L. T. and Blyumenfelld, N. 1. "Local hemotiicrapy durinf, infoctjons of the vascular tract," Trudy Yi-,-T.---k. med. in-Ita im. Stalina, Vol. X-TT, 19146, p. 255-57 SO: U-385o, 16 June 53, (Letopsis 'Zhurnal In:.!kli Statey, No. 5, 191C) KNOMINA, L.V. Ventilation setup In press shops of the rubber Industry.. Gig.1 $an. n0.11:47- 48 N 153. (mm 6:10) 1. Nauchno-issledovat*11skly sanitarVy Institut is. Brismana. (Rubber industry and trade) (Ventilation) 1,. V., Of n the cil refirin'.,.- Eub-nitted f, the lith All-Urn on Cnn--r -s or o ~~nd TnfectioniSts, 195Q. KUZIMINA, L.V. Making use of anatomic features in the classification of the species of the genus Prangoo Lindl. Bot.zhur, 47 no*2:250-254 F 162o (ML 150) 1. Botanicheskiy institut imeni Komarova AN SSSR, Leningrad. (Prangos) KUZNETSOVA, G.A.; KUZIMINAp L*V4k Content of coumarin compounds in the different parts and organs of Prangos pabularia Lindl. Bot.zhur. 47 no-3:409-412 Mr 162. (MIRA 15:3) 1. Botanichesk institut imeni V.L.Komarova AN SSSR, Leningrad. iTCoumarin) (Prangos pabularia) KUZ I MINA I L.V. Central Asiatic species of the genus Prangos Lind!. as a source of furoccumarin. Trudy Bot. inst. Ser. 5 no. 13t 5-27 165- Some biological characteristics of Prangos pabularia Lindl. Ibid.:28-41 (MIRA 18:12) KALITIKU4, L. V. KUZMINA, G. T. ZATSEPIN culation of muon penetration through substances caking into account -,.icLuation losses -e-~,ort stfomitted for the 8tn Intl. Conf. an Cosmic Rays (IMP), Jaipur, India, Dec 963 KIMOMOVA, G.A.~ KUZIMINA, L.V, ~ 11 -_-_ 1. ~ Use of thin layer chromatography for IndontIfying natural coumarins and furo-.oumarIns. Rast. rca. 1 no.13149-.151 165. (10TRA 1&6) 1. Botanicheskiy institut Im. V.L, Komarova AN SSSF, Leningrad. KUZIMIKA, L.Ye. Protein fractionB of the blood serum in prieumonias in infants. Pediatriia 41 no.9:46-50 S 162. (KM 15:12) 1. Iz kafedry detskikb bolezney (zav. - dotsent A.I.Felldgun) Irk-utskogo meditsinskogo instituta. (BLOOD PROTEINS) (PNEUMJNIA) GRINBERG, A.A., akademl 4 KUZ'?1INAv M,A* I------ Isotopic exchange of chlorine in Zeise's salt. DokLAN SSSR 144 no.4t798-801 Je 162. (KM 15:5) (Chlorine-Isotopes) (Platinum compourAls) GRITIBERG., A.A., alkademik; r),UPMINAY M.A. '-;- Isotopic exchange reactions in Kons's-type oalto. bokl. ALI SSS'R 160 no.6:1315-1318 F 165. (j-!jrjA 18:2) GRACHEY. N.I. [deceased]; XUZ'MINA, K.A. Data on feeding habits of the Syr Darya phemant. Iz-r.AN Kazakh*SSR,Sor.sool. ao*6:107-119 147. (KEm 9:6) (Syr Darva-Pheavants) = I MINA, N.A. - , Datalon birds of the western Altai foothills. lzv.AN Irazakh.SSR.Ser. zool. no-7:84-106 148. (HLBA 9:5) (Altai.Mountains-Birds) u Z T T '71"T"' nu, -l r c r Z, i .-?r: t lion KUZIKINA, N.A. - -1-11" r~~ -~cl Katerials on the birds of XELzakh.SSa 2:80-104 153. (Loninogorsk Dietrict-Birds) the western Altai. Trudy Inst.tool.AN (ERA 10: 2) XMIMINA, M.I.; SAVINOV, Ye.F. Materials on the ecolog7 of the snow partridge (Tetraogallus himala7en- sis Sewertzowi Zar.) in the Trans-Ili Ala-Tau. Zool.zhur. 32 no.6:1234-iz N-D '53. NLRA 6a2) 1. Institixt zoologii Akademii nauk Kazakhokoy SSR. (Trans-Ili Ala-Tau-Partridges) (Partridges--Trans-lli Ala-Tau) KUZIMINA. N.A. I I I Awwl **- ~*Marian partridge (Alectorle graeca dxunj; ricit Suchk.), Ito AR ecolog7 and economic significance, Trudy Innt.xool.AN razakh.SSR 4:97-165 155. (MIRA 10:1) '(Tian Shan-Partridges) WLIZa'MIAIA A.A. j /4 KUZIMINA, M.A. Materials on the ecology and morphology of the snow partridge and the Greek partridge. Zool.zhur-34 no.1:175-190 Ja-F 155. (MLRA Bi3) 1. Inatitut zoolo ii Akademii nauk KuSSR. (Partridgqs~ XUZ IMINA, N.A. Distribution of gallinaenous birds and nome problems concerning the histor7 of this order. Trud7 Inst.zool.AN Kazakh SSR 10:3-33 159. (MIRA 12:7) (Gallinae) KUZIMIRL, M.A. Katefials-on the reproduction, feeding, and molting of the snow cock (Tetraogsillus himalayensis). Trudy Inst. zool. AN Kazakh. SSR 13:133-141 160. (KIRA 13:7) (Tien Shan-Partridges) KUZ1141NA,, M.Ai ------- Adaptation of tetranoid and phasianod birds to 'the specific features of climatic conditions. Trudy Inst. zoolo AN Kazakh. SSR 15:104-13.4 161. (MM 14:7) (Gallinae) (Adaptation( Biology)) XUZIMM. M.A. Ecological and morphological characteristics of the hazel hen. Ornitologiia no.0411-43.5 162. (MIR& 16t4) (Grouse)