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S/205/61/001/004/025/032 The theoretical principles... D298/D303 The appearance of oxidation chain reactions in the lipoproteins will lead to damage of the membranes in the construction of which lipoprotoins play a direct part. Thuag during swelling and at the start of the growth period of dried needs irradiated in massive doses of 500 - 2000 r, mul- tiple lesions of the internal dividing membranes occur, especially in the aleuronic layer and the cyme of the seed; considerably lesser lesions are noted in the bud. The author then summarizes data on the remote effects of seed irradiation. Numerous experiments have shown that one of the typical symptoms of remote irradiation sequel&* is acceleration of aging. The irradiated organism passes through its developmental cycle and ages more rapidly than the non-irradiated organism. Thin phenomenon obviously underlies the fact that agricultural plants developed from irradiated seeds flower and ripen earlier than normal plants. It has also been found that prenewing irradiation of needs impairs the regu- lator funutions of the nucl9iu metabolixmg bat does not effect the photo- aynthesis of carbohydrates. At late stages of the plant's development this often leada to a rise in the sugar content, a fact which may be of Card 3/4 Th& theoretical principlesooe S/205/61/001/004/025/032 B298/D303 groat significance in agricultural practice. In plants which convert carbohydrates into fats or into fibers, there are reasons for assuming that presoving irradiation of the seeds will lead to an increase in the oil or fiber yield. Irradiation of plants which tend to generate carotin regulted in intensification of this trandp obviously by using the carbo- hydrate surplus for carbohydrate synthesis. The author concludes that preaowing irradiation may have a beneficial effect in increasing both the quantity and the quality of the yield. There are I table and 23 reforonc*si 18 Soviet-bloc and 5 non-Soviet-bloc. The reference to the English-language publication reads as followas P. Alexander, Immediate and Low Level Effects of Ions Red., p. 47, London, 1960. ASSOCIATIONs Institut biologichexkoy fiziki AN SSSR (Institute of Biophysicst AS USSR), Moscow SUBMITZD: April 209 1961 Card 4/4 3/205/61/001/004/032/032 D298/D303 AUTHORS: Knzinq A. M.9 and Berezina, N. M. TITLE: Chronicle. Premoving ga-a-irradiation of the seeds of agriculture crops MIODICALs Radiobiologiya, Y. 1, no. 4p 19619 636-638 TEXT: The article presents the results of the Sovexhchanlye po predposevnom obluch*niyu somyan &el'xkokhozyayxtYsnnykh kulltur (Conference on the Pre4owing Irradiation of the Seeds of Agricultural Crops), convened by the Institut biologichoskoy fiziki AN SSSR (Institute of Biophysics, AS USSR) in conjunction with the Sovet po, ispoltzovaniyu atomnoy energii v stl'skom khozyaystve VASEbNIL (Council on the Use of Atomic Energy in Agricultur*9 VASIWIL) on February 20-23, 1961, in Moscow. The conference was convened by the Laboratoriya radiobiologii (Laboratory of Radiation Biology) of the Institute of Biophysics, AS USSR9 to summarize research on the effects of the presowing of seeds on the growth, development and biochemical composition of plants. The Card 1/5 S/205/61/001/004/032/032 Chronicle. Prenowing... D298/D303 conference wax attended by 96 specialists from 38 scientific research institutions and training institutes. The papers summarized research on the presoving irradiation of the seeds of varioux agricultural crops. In all cases a rise in yieldv acceleration of maturationg and an increase in need germination were noted. Generalization of the research data on maize obtained over a period of years in the Ukrainskiy institut fiziologii rasteniy (Ukrainian Institute of Plant Physiology), the Sibirskiy botanicheskiy sad Zapadnosibirskogo filiala AN SSSR (Siberian Botanical Gardens of the Went Siberian Branch, AS USSR), the Institut biologii AN Latviyskoy SSR (Institute of Biologyp AS Lat-,Tiyskaya SSR)V the Ltvovskiy universitst (L'vov University), the Institut genetiki i sel*ktaii AN Azerbaydzhanskoy SSR (Institute of Genetics and Selection, AS Azerbaydzhanskaya SSR) and the Institute of Biophysics, AS USSR, showed that gamma-irradiation of dry maize seeds in doses of 500 p to 4 kr stimulates its growth and development, given an increase in grain yield of 10 - 18% and of green mass from 5 - 28%. An account of various individual studies of this problem in given. The Institute of ,Biology of the AS Latviyxkaya SSRp the L'vov University, the Ural'sHy Card 2/5 S/205/61/001/004/032/039 Chronicle. Presowing*.. D298/D303 filial AN SSSR (Urals Branchq AS USSR)q the Institute of Biophysics, AS USSR9 in conjunction with the Vaesoyuznyy nauchno-isoledovateltakiy institut vitaminuoy promyshlennosti (%ll-Union Scientific Research Institute of the Vitamin Industry) r vidled the irradiation of various varieties of radish &*ads. In all cases an increase ef 11 - 26% in the root yield and a 5 - 6 day acceleration in root ripening were noted. The optimum radiation dome& were 500 and 19000 r. Presowing irradiation of tomatoes carried out by the Urals Branchp AS USSRp the Ltvov University and the Institute of Biophysics, AS USSR, accelerated ripening of the fruits and increased the yield by 27 - 45%. Irradiation of sprouting needs gave an increase in the fruit yield of up to 66%. This method should be subjected to all-round researru' since in almost all cases it gave higher indices than with irradiation of dry needs* The presoving irradiation of carrots by the Institute of Biophysics, AS USSR, in con- junction with the All-Union Scientific Research Institute of the Vitamin Industry and L'Tov University showed that this crop had a high resistance to radiation and that irradiation gave an increase in the root yield of V Card 3/5 S/205/61/001/004/032/032 Chronicle. Presoving... D298/D303 14 - 22%. Irradiation of sprouting needs gave an increase of up to 50%. The Institute of Biophysical AS USSR, the Institute of Goneticaq AS Az*rbaydzhanakaya SSR9 and L'vov University found that irradiation of cucumber seeds in doses of 300 - 500 r gave an increase of 15 - 30% in the cucumber yield (with irradiation of dry needs) or up to 39% (irradiation of sprouting seeds). The results of prexuwing irradiation of melon and watermelon seeds carried out by the Institute of Genetics, AS Azerbaydzhanskaya SSR9 are also reported. Irradiation of sprouting seeds of sugar beet at L'Yov University gave a rise of 26 - 56% in the fruit yield. This was accompaniodp however# by a drop in the sugar con- tent of the roots. The Nauchno-issledovatellskiy institut kartofellnogo khozyaystva. (Scientific Research Institute of Fotato Farming), the Institute of Biophysics, AS USSR9 and the Institute of Biology, AS Latviymkaya SSR., studied the presoving irradiation of different varieties of potato. Irradiation in doses of 100 - 500 r gave a rise of 8 - 44% in the tabor yield. Grecbushnikov found that presoving irradiation of potato tubers in a dose of 500 r gave a vitamin C content of 19,1 mg%, as opposed to 13,4% in the control* The authors of the article found Card 4/5 S/205/61/001/004/032/0312 Chronicle. Presoving... D298/D303 that irradiation of tubers In a dos* of 250 r gave an ascorbic ucid content of 33.7 MA, as opposed to 24.8% in the control. Pr*xoving irradiation of perennial grams seeds carried out by the Urals Branch, AS USSR, and the Vsesoyuznyy nanchno-ixxledovatellskiy inatitut udobroniy I agropochvovedeniya VASXhNIL (All-Union Scientific Research Institute of Fertilizers and Agropedologyp VASKhNIL) gave an increase in the green mass yield at the first and subsequent movings. The Institute of Biophysical AS USSR, in conjunction with the Vaesoyuznyy nauchno- iasl&dovatel'skiy institat l1na. (All-Union Scientific Research Institute of Flax) and the Inxtitut yadernoy fiziki (Institute of Nuclear Physics) studied the presowiug irradiation of textile crop seeds (flax and Indian hemp) and found that this method led to an increase in the yield and the quality of the fiber. There in I table. Card 5/5 8/205/61/001/005/003/005 D299/D3o4 AUTHORSt --A.M. Kuzin, N.B. Gorkina, V.A. Kopylov, and L.M. Kryukova TITLEj The nature of the metabolites which form in the irradia- ted leaves of plants PERIODICAL: Radiobiologiya, v. 1, no. 5, 1961, 659 - 662 TEXT: Experiments were conducted to determine whether extracts from Vicia faba leaves inhibit cell devision only in homoloeous tissue or whether this inhibiting action extends to the cells of other species. An attempt was made to determine whether extracts from irradiated and non-ir- radiated leaves affect the cell division of Escherichia coli B, The leav.- es were irradiated with an P9 [1 -1 (RUP-1) apparatus in a dose of 15 kr at an intensity of 212 r/min. Some 24 hr after irradiation, extracts were madefrom the leaves and were added to the meat-peptone broth in -0hich the E. coli were cultured. The results confirmed the authors, previous obser- vations (Ref. 6: Dokl. AN SSSR, 137, 4, 970, 1961) that substances form in the irradiated leaves of plants which strongly inhibit cell multiplica- tion. It wt~j found that the semiproducts of the fermentative oxidation Card 1/ 2 ~ S/205/61/001/005/003/005 The nature of the ... 0299/D304 of tyrosine had a similar effect on E. coli B as did the meristematic radicle cells of Vicia faba. Only the low-molecular products of tyrosi- ne oxidat3.on, and not the high-polymer melanines, inhibited cell divis- ion. The results conform to a hypothesis that the phenol compound meta- boliBm is disturbed in irradiated leaves, in which there form oxidation semiproducts of a polyphenol and semiquinoid nature, reBponsible for dis- turbance of cell division. There are 5 tables and 7 referencen, 6 So- viet-bloc and 1 non-Soviet-bloc. ASSOCIATION: Institut biologicheskoy fiziki AN SSSR (Institute of Biophysics, AS USSR), Moscow SUBMITTED% may 19, 1961 Card 2/2 KRYUKOVA, L.1-4; L01MAKIII, M.S.; KUZIN, A.141. Effect of extracts obtained from irradiated plants on the growth of different normal rat tissues and the tumor tissue of Guerin's carcinoma. Radiobiologiia 1 no.5:668-669 161. . (MIRA 34tll) 1. InstAtut biologicheskoy fiziki AN SSSR-i Institut eksperimentallnoy biologii AJ,1N SSSR, Moskva. (WCER) (PIANTS, EFFECT OF RADIATION 011) 3274b S/20 61/001/006/006/022 21 127-0 a_c'o 2201 1~268%305 AUTHORS: Kuain,*_ _A.M., Agustini, Ch., Kopylov, V.A., and Bud-ilova~ Ye.V. TITLE: On the effect of extracts from irradiated Vicia faba leaves on the P32 incorporation in isolated thymus cell nuclei PERIODICAL: Radiobiologiya, v. 1, no. 6, 1961, 856 - 857 TEXT: In further studies on the effect of biologically active com- pounds accumulating in irradiated plants on nucleic acid synthesis in the cell nucleus, the action of extracts from irradiated and non-irradiated V. faba leaves on the phosphorylization pro'~esses in the isolated cell nucleus was studiedp using the same irradiation and method for pre aring the extracts as previously described by A.M. Kuzin et al. Ref. 7: Tr. konf. po meklianizmam pervichnogo deystviya ioniziruyushchey radiatsiiq Xiyev (Transactions of the Conference on the Mechanisms of the Initial Action of Ionizing Ra- diation, Kiyev) 1961, in the press). Cell nuclei were isolated from the thymus of young rats by the Allfrey and Mirskiy method (Ref. 9: Card 1/3 327116 S/205/61/001'/006/006/022 On the effect of extracts from ... D268'/D305 Proc. Nat. Acad. Sci., 40, 8819 1954) and were then suspended in an 0.25 M saccharose solution with U.0018 M CaC12c After incubation at 200C for 3 hours, the suspension was centrifuged, and the nuclei finally extracted. The resulting alkali extract was used to deter- mine radioactivity and the quantity of DNA according to the method of Burton (Ref. 10: Biochem. J., 629 315. 1956). Preliminary expe- riments showed chat when the boiled nuclear suspension was incuba- ted with Naelll- 04 radioactive P was not included -n the fraction studied, indicating that the alkali hydrolyzate was completely free from inorganic radioactive P. Results showed that nuclei. incuba-.ed with extract from irradiated plants were less likely so incorpora- te p32 than was the case with non-irradiated, the average differen- ce being 40 %, Extracts from irradiated plants as compared with non-irradiated, therefore. gave greater inhibition of the phospho- rylization processes. There are 1 table and 10 references, 8 So- viet-bloc and 2 non-Soviet-bloc,, The references to the English-lan- guage publications read as follows: V.G. Allfrey, Proo, Na-'L-.~ Aoadc &31-, 40, 881, 19544 K. Burton, Biochem. J~, '02, 3'15, 1956,, Card 2/3 32746 S/205/61/001/006/006/022 On the effect of extracts from -.~ D268/D305 ASSOCIATION: Institut biologicheskoy fiziki AN SSSR, Moskva (Insti- tute of Biological Physicsj AS USSR., Moscow) SUBMITTED: July 18, 1961 Y Card 3/3 XUZIN, A.M. Work of the radiobiological section of the First Biophysical Congress. Radiobiologiia I no 6:968-969 161. (~IIRA 15:2) NLDIOBIOLOGY-COIlGiUSSES) KUZIN,, A.M. Triumph of our system. Kauka i zhizn, 28 no.4:6-7 1 161. f" 1495) 1. Chlen-ko=eopondent AN SSSR. (Aeronautics) KUZIN, A.M. Against the danger of the,opread of atomic weapone. Vest. AM SOR 31 no.8:78-80 AS 161. (MIRA 14;8) 1. Chlen-korrespondent All SSSR. - (Atomic weapons-International control) C) oo 23504 S/020/61/137/004/029/031 B103/B208 AUTHORSa. Kuzin,A.M.,~ Corresponding Member AS USSRp and Kryukoval L.M. TITLEs Mutagenic action of metabolites formed in an irradiated plant PERIODICALs Doklady Akademii nauk SSSR, v. 137, no. 4, 1961, 970 - 971 TEXTs The authors found in previous papers (Ref. 7P Biofizika, Ap no, 3P 1959; Ref. 9, ibid. 1, no- 4P 1901 Ref. 8j Fiziol. rast., :L, no. 29 1960) that Oantimitotic" metabolites are formed in the leaves of irradiated plants, which are supposed to inhibit mitoses and to prevent cell division. Now they wanted to clarify the problem as to whether these substances also exert a mutagenie effect. Like in Ref. Op 12 - 14 - aayold plants of horse-bean (Vicia faba) were irradiated in the PYM-3 (RUM-3) X-ray appa- ratus with 440 r/min. Extracts'were prepared from irradiated and non-ir- radiated (Controls) leaves, and 3 - 4 a-dayold roots of V.faba. were placed on these extracts for 24 hri After fixation in ethanol with acetic acid 0 a 1), the roots were colored with acetocarmine, and the anaphases, te- lophases, chromosome aberrations (bridges) and micronuclei were counted in Card 1/4 S/020J61/137/004/029/031 Mutagenio action of ... BiO3/B208 :temporary-preparations. Table 1 presents the results. The authors con- elude therefrom that roots dipped into an extract of non-irradiated leaves exhibit no statistically reliable deviations from the control sample. How- ever, the roots placed on extracts of irradiated leavesp showed a statisti- cally veliable increase of chromosome aberrations (mainly bridges). Also the number of micronuclei increased* These phenomena indicate that stable substances are'formed in irradiated leavest which exert a mutagenic affect. It is further concluded therefrom that chromosome aberrations may result from a disturbance of metabolic processes due to irradiation, without a photon directly entering into a chromosome, as was frequently assumed in Western publications. V.V. Khvostova is thanked for advice. There are 1 table and 10 references, 5 Soviet-bloc and 5 non-Soviet-bloc. The re- ference to the English language publication reads as follows% Ref. 4, F. Haas, E. Dudgeva et al., Genetics, 39, 453 (1954)- ASSOCIATIONs Institut biologicheskoy fiziki Akademii nauk SSSR (Institute of Biophysics of the Academy of Sciences USSR) Card 2/4 KOLOMIYTSFVA, I.K., KAYUSHIN, L.P.., KUZIN, A.M. Free radicals in rat tissues under hol!W conditions and following gamma irradiation by c060. Dokl. AN SSSA 140 no.1:230-231 S-0 '61. (MIRA 14:9) 1. Institut biologicheskoy fiziki AN SSSR. 2. Chlen-korrespondent AN SSSR (for Kuzin). (GAMKA RAM-PHYSIOLOGICAL EFFECT) (RADICALS (CHEMSTRY)) -7 'SSION D E 5 4 : Planti : Effecl, on Sced% S 71M Inflen" of r-IM-11alle" of the SCCd1 an OR Myclopme"I *Rd ~%fetawll-n )f the Pleat N. A.,SI.KusIAa*4. I.M"Itaq, Ph)licai and Chtmical hc1CmStncitV of diffetenj tiks," of SCCdj CAUSCI dolurnt Inittal prmswi In them after )-irradiation (lifetime of free radicals: reornati-n or re-iidei. etc.) Imcifig3tion or the oxidition pro"sici in a gcmin,airtg wed after irtradiation shou,ed comidembtc Otimcci in the activity ofpcroxidaic. orpolyphenolotidiie and ofcatalaic in diMerent p3rts ofthc teed. Chances ofo%ituiion rrocri-% are rell-ted in the mte vraccumuiat;on or some or the actiw iqg%piton or o,ditivn rrvv%%c%. nijywiv atcorbic a6d and livid pet"'ij,C Ch"'" of (h. M-m ~t .",I O.'r, ~( II.C t1%,\ strudutt ciso," further chanivs In the mtei *(the derrelopment and Ofthe ratt&bOlf" Of the PIAUH, The doit-dependcrtce hata two~phaso chAnacter for many species ofrIanti. Irradiation "us, acctlcraw~n orthe development of the plant below a definitz dost, end chanliei of the regular diittibutlon of gtoinj points Which lead to bf.aching, and also increaws Ow numbers of trIttricrAtInX oiltarts, littfrawt Omei Cautc InmAilng Jamsto to developowm And finally Its AM Inbibillom Chl"VOO 11, WO ." of "WtAIllk P""lol. Ibis rvoulto in An IntrAted Awatnutdifort In tisitart of one or smother roctAWile. A,.J-p 15,k- U.- report piesented at the 2al Intl. Congmas of Radiatim P"OnvIllp farromte/Yorkabi", Ot. Brit. Am (d) ctn co-l"Im" 6 p R-dks" in M A %I KIWI% jn~II' of h"~Ogcnatcl- L P.Y ffe, radicals in dried -P" t, a,,,phCiV-'FN '.I~dtwrk. -- 'jwhl" b." 0 -'d out In 11 v h. ,,joibeil h TC1111" "'t'm 1"di"tim w- C` ed to invest,131C d Tb L5R tntihod all 01 . ten,. After dry"ll" in the nlclcl an d,,c Of 1000 C d'ia of rats %r round in the h" d mitchon I jkjjj V612 Z homwn-- .,,1 .0 a t.'n drCtcaig of the an, a Ctt - ,Oon "Xlci an ban ftse 10 ' bodY itt"" the In, tudy Of thc ncent'alion, of I'll la ye but Ics' ' I lochendvks. ' billhe"' C' b~t the is ft- . hO 6. 0'. of f" 'Adic2l' welc I rated i,rned""I' a rclative 10 contm d cb--mP- ,cpa ~ any Change of the Obr%tM In the spite, dicall did not 5b0 the number Of free ra I of free - I Wall found. 'The F,dKA I iii div-wied' of be relative Conte, f r2diAtion lolury primarY mccharki'Os 0 USSR fti Intl.. coosvess of Raiatim Relleg"hip repOrt V"BlintQ& St ii-n Aug 19Q KUZINI A.M.,, glav, red.; GELIFAND, I.M., red.; LIVANOV, M.N., red.; G=M- it G.V., doktor mad. nauk, red.; KNURGIN, Ta.I.,, doktor fiz.-matem. nauk,, red.; KOCHEREZHKIN, V.(;.p kand. biol. nauk, red.; GURFINKELI, V.S., red. izd-va; POLENOVA, T.P., [Biological aapects of oybernatios]Biologicheskie aspekty kiber- netiki; abornik rabot. Hoakva, Izd-vo Akad. nauk SSSR, 1962. 237 P. OURA 16: 1) 1. Akademiya nauk SSSR. Nauohnyy sovet po, kompleksnoy problems "kibernetika." 2. Chlen-korrespondent Akademij nauk SSSR (for Kuzin, Gellfand, Uvanov). (CYBERMICS) K'JZIN. ALqksandr Mikhaylovich; MMIN, N.N., doktor biol. nauk, otv. red.; GORBACHEVA, L.B., red.izd-va; GUSIKOVA, O.M., tekhn. red. [Radiation blochemistry)Radiatsionnaia blokhimila. Moskva, Izd- vo Akad. nauk SSSH, 1962. 333 P. (MIRA 16:2) (BIOCHEMISTRY) (RADIATION) ENGELIGARDT, V.A., akademik, glav. red.; KUZIN, A.11.9 zam. glav. red.; EUZHDD12 U.I., red.; ALIKHAVYXI,--~.I.j doktor biol. naukp red.; SHAPIROP 1I.I., kand. biol. nauk, red.; KOCIZREZHMI, VoGe, kand. biol. nauk, red.; ARSENIYEVA, M.A., red. lzd-va; PRUSAKOVA~ T.A., tekhn. red. (Radiation genetics] Radiotsionnaia genetika; sbomik rabot, Mo- skva, Izd-vo Akad. nauk SSSR, 1962. 367 p. (NDU 15:2) 1. Akademiya nauk SSSR. Otdeleniye biologicheskM nark. 2. Chlen- korrespondent AN SSSR (for Kuzin, Nuzhdin). 3. Institat biologiche- skoy fiziki AN SSSRP Moskva (for Kuzin), (GENETICS) (RADIATION-PHYSIOLOGICAL EFFECT) LEPIN, T.K.; ALEKSANDROVA, L.F.; KUZIN,_._A.M.,_ otv. red.; MA.KOGONCVA, I.A., tekhn. red. (Bibliography on the use of radioactive and stabile isotopes in biology for 1950-1958]Ukazatell literatury po primeneniiu radioaktivr.ykh i stabillnykh izotopov v biologii za 1950- 1958 gg. Moskva, Izd-vo Akad. nauk SSSR, 1962. 406 p. (MIRA 16:2) 1. Akademiya nauk SS$R. Sektor seti spetsiallnykh bibliotek. 2. Chlen-korrespondent Akademii nauk SSSR (for Kuzin). (Bibliography-Radiobiology) (Bibliography--Isotopes) 3/74 62/000/OOP/017/ 02'5 D296YD307 AUTHUR: Kuzin, A. TITLE: The biological effect of the increased concentration of C14 in the atmosphere SO'jRC_:-': Radiatsionnaya genetika; sbornik rabot. Otd. biol. nauk AN SSSR. Koscow, Izd-vo AN SSOR, 1962, 274-278 TE'XT: The article reviews Western and Soviet literature for the Oeriod 1955 - 1960 with regard to the possible consequences of a I new factor in the external environment to-which man and animals have become adapted in the course of phylogeneSiB: The content of 14 C which in the last 15,000 years has not changed by more than 1.5 2~;, but has recently increased, from the first nuclear tests in 1.954, by 31~ in 1959. At this rate the increase would reach 700- 80%'Q in about 30 years or one generation. To this one must add the higher biological efficacy of C14 incorporated into living tissues Card 1/2 .The biological effect ... 3/747/62/000/000/017/025 D296/D-507 a8 compared to the effect of exposure to radiation from external Sources in equal doses. "i'licre are 15 references. ASjOCIATION: ln6titut biologielieskoy fiziki AN SSSR, Moskva (Ineti- tute of biological Physics, AS USSR, Moscow) -Card 2/2 8/747/62/000/000/016/025 D2t)6/D-307 A. M., Iuayev, B. D1.9 Khvostova, V. V., Tokarskaya, Tv - 1. anU--Tregadze, Yu. 1. TITLE: The biological effect of C14 incorporated into living tissues SOURCE: Radiatsionnaya genetilca; sborylik rabot. Otd. biol. nauk AN SSSR. ~ioscow, Izd-vo AN SSSR, 1962, 267-273 T_;-:XT: After the performance of nuclear tests the content of radio- active carbon in the atmosphere increased 'between 1955 and 1958 at a.-Inually. "flien assessing the possible biological effects of these 0 doses,they are usually estimated by thd radiosensitivity of living tissues expobed to the external source of radiation. These calcula- tions fail, however, to take into consideration the special geometry df incorporation of C 14 into radiosensitive structures such as chro- mosomes as well as the so-called transformation effect in DNA mole- -cules (C 14 __4 N14) . The8e effects may lead to more frequent aberra- Gard 1/3 S/747/62/000/000/016/025 The biological effect ... D296/D307 U -ions t.i)an expected from calculations on the basis of the dose to which the cells are exposed. The authors compared the biological ui-fect of C14 incorporated into j)lant seedlings~ with the effect of ex,;osure to external gamma radiation emitted by C.6o. Normally grow- ing 10-day old plarits wure placed into a photosynthesis chamber con- taining C140 2 (total UCtiVity 100 P C, volume of chamber 22.5 dm3 ); radioac-uivity of the inner layer of the plzuits was estimated on scin- tion counzers and the tissues urere investigated cytologically, counting proportion of micronuclei and the mitotic index. The percentage of ceils with chromosome aberrations increased from 0.16% in the control plan-is to 0.206~- in the experimental plants,ofiant cells exposed to more than double the dose of radiation ( 0) sho~~.,ed a sli6-.,i-. increase in the number of aberrations but calcula- 4_1 14 U-Lcn revealed that -the mutaGenic effect of incorporated 0 was ten 111imes hiL--her t1han that olf an equal dose of external irradiation. 3 _!this fact shows -t1hat th-- transformation effect C14 __~ N14 as well as Card 2/3 5/747/62/000/000/016/025~: The bio1o,,',1.ca1 effect ... D296/D307 tiie upecial geometry of the incorporation of C14 are factors to be considered further. There is 1 figure and 1 table, kSSOCIAT"ION: Institut biologicheskoy fiziki AN SSSR, Moskva (In- stitute of Biological Physics, AS USSR, Moscow) Card 3/3 21, 1210 39555 S/205/62/002/003/001/015 1021/1221 AUTHOR: Ku nAM---- TITLE: The role of metabolic changes in cellular injury induced by radiation PERIODICAL: Radiobiologiya, v. 2, no. 3, 1962, 340-355 TEXT: The first change induced in the cell by radiation is radiolysis of water with formation of such active radicals as OH,H and HO, They react with high molecular substances of the cellular membrane, potentiating the effect of direct radiation. There reactions may result in the following chemical changes: I - Suppression of oxidative phosphorylation in the nucleus and mitochondria. 2. Loss of cytochronic c by mitochondria 3. Suppression of DNA synthesis. 4. Changes in the synthesized DNA. 5. Enzymic depolymerization of DNA 6. Enzymic breakdown of protein structures and mucopolysaccha rides. The above changes result in the formation of abnormal metabolites with toxic properties able to block normal metabolic processes. They are associated also with the final effects of radiation: morphologic changes, mutations, formation of giant cells or cell death. It is emphasized that the final biological effects depend on the dose of radiation. Due to regulatory metabolic processes of the cell there is also a possibility of recovery and protection after ionizing radiation. There are 7 figures. ASSOCIATION: liistitutbiologictieskoifizikiANSSSR(itistituteorBiopliysiesAS USSR Moscow) SUBMITTED: January 12, 1962 Card 1/1 141618 S/205/62/002/005/005/017 D268/b3O8 AUTHORS: Kuzin, A.M., and Kopylovt V.A. TITLE: The formation and role of quinones in the initial pro- cesses following radiation damage to animal tissue PERIODICAL: Radiobiologiya, v. 2, no. 5, 19�2, 681 - 684 TEXT: Quinoid substances were studied in white rats after a 14.3 minute exposure to x ray5 at 1,000 r. A quick and regular progressi- ve increase in the quinone content Nvas det'erminedj although there was no direct connexion between increase And time lapse. Quinone in- crease noted in liver tissue in vivo after irradiation was also ob- served in liver tissue homogenates maintained in vitro, and with access to 0 26 A rapid increase in quinones was determined in liver hon.ogenates during the first 15 - 30 minutes of incubation. These quinones are thought to be formed by increrased oxidation of phenols in irradiated tissue. The addition of DPN (diphosphopyridine nucleo- tide) to liver homogenates of irradiated rats caused an almost two- fold increase in the absorption of 02 , apparently as the result of Card 1/2 S/205/-2/002/005/005/017 The formation and role of ... D268/D308 an excess of newly formed quinones and the development of an unusu- al electron transfer path. Quinone increase and the DXP effect no- ted in irradiated tissue account for the depression of oxidizing phosphorylation in the tissue of irradiated animals, There are 4 figures. ASSOCIATION: Institut biologicheskoy fiziki AN SSSR, Moskva (Insti- tute of Biological PhyBiCS, of the AS USSR, Moscow) SUBMITTEM: April 9, 1962 Card 2/2 HZ"N' "JI.; Enzymatl.c arelysis of the sz;rfacc ia.,::r of rrl--yte b , s. Bicfizika 7 no.52599-t~f)-&-. 162, (MT RA 17; 8) 1. Tristitut ti-`ri '~N KUZIN. AJI. First biophysics congress. -Vatti ---AN -SW. 32'-- n6.1:96-99 Ja 162. OURA 15:1) 1. Chlen-korrespondent T S55R. (BIOPHYSICS-CAGRESSES) 27. 1 ZZO ~9590, S/020162 45/002/016/018 B140180 AUTHUSs Kopylov, V. A., and Kuzin, A. M., Corresponding Member kS U33R TITLE: Effect of diphosphopyridine nucleotide on the respiration of. liver homogenates from P-irradiated rate PEKODICAL: Akademiya nauk SSSR. Doklady, v. 145, no. 2; 1962, 438 - 439 TEXT; The suggestion has been made that quinones forming in irradiated tissues may take part in the electron transfer in tissue respiration. Since they substitute partly natural naphtoquinones, an inhibition of oxidative phosphorylation must be expected and fact been observed b~ D. W. Bakkum (Chem. *aeckbl., 53, no. 19 (1957))- Excess formation of quinones may, however, incr4ase the 0 2 absorption. The test material was obtained from rats subjected to x-ray irradiation with 1000 r by homo- 6enizin 1 g of liver for 2-3 min. at 4 0C in 10 ml of phosphate-citrate buffer fpH 7.g). The 0 2 absorption was measured in a Warburg apparatus for' 30 min. at 37 C and was the same as in non-irradiated rats, which means that the newly formed quinones have no effect on tissue respiration. To Card 1/2 S/020/62/145/002/018/018' Effect of diphosphopyridine ... B1 401.80 find out the effect of DPN on oxidation ra te, 1.6-10-5 hi of DPN was added per 2 ml of homogenate. Whilst respiration in the control preparations re- mained almost the same, in-homogenates from irradiated rats it increased 60 - 100%. DPN accelerates the rate of electron transfer only when excess 4uinones are present as a resul.t of irradiation. It is sugiested that this electron transfer may by-pass th.6.normal mechanism. Studies of the DPN effect after irradiation are being continued in other tissues and individid organelle oells. There is I figure. ASSOCIATION: Institut biologicheskoy fiziki Akademii nauk SSSR (Institute of Biologiodl Physics of the Academy of Sciences USSR) SUB,'7ITTED: April 9, 1962 Card 2/2 BEKETOVA, A.A.; MIN A.M. Effect produced by gonadotropin on the state of DNA in the thumils of sexually i mma ture rats. Dokl.. AN SSSR 146 no - 5:1201-1202 0- -162-. (MIRA 15:10) 1, Moskovskiy tekhnologicheskiy institut myasnoy i molochnoy promyshlennosti. 2. Chlen-korrespondent AN SSSR (for Kuzin). (GONADOTOPIN) (NUCLEIC ACIDS) (THYMUS GLAND) S/020/62/147/004/026/027 B144/B186 AUTHORS: Kolomiytseva, I. K., Kayushin, L. P. Kuzinq__&_-M._t Corresponding Member AS USSR TITLE: Free radicals in the liver lipids of rats under normal conditions and at different intervals after gamma irradiation PERIODICAL: Akademiya nauk SSSR. Doklady, v. 147, no. 4, 1962*t 951-953 TEXT: The concentration of free radicals in li ver lipids was measured and compared with published data on disturbances of the lipid metabolism in the liver produced by gamma irradiation. The-e.p.r. spectra of the liver lipids of rats were recorded 5 min, 24, 48 ano 66 hrs after C8137 irradiation with a total dose of 1060 r. The lipids were extracted from liver homogenates with a 3:1 alcohol-ether mixture. The resulting mixture was filtered and evaporated in a flow of N the residue then 21 treated in a vaouu.m exsiccator on P20 5 and cool-ed at 10 mm Hg. Since the number of radicals proved highly dependent -on the purity of the Card 112 ,7. 'i , ' r t slqo 62/147/004/026/027 Free radi'c' E186 ~ls in the liver, 44Y13 reagents ii was expressed in percents of the control measurements obtained from lipi;d& treated with thezsame reagents. Conclusions on comparing the lipid quantity in total, thelincorporation ratd of tagged acetate in the lipidB irr total qs-publish6d1by M. F. Vinograd6va (Vestn. Len. univ., ser. biol., 3,.no. 1 (1962)), aijdthe quantity of f~ei.radicals: (1) the change in radical concentration is not consistent with the change of the lipid content in total. (2)~The highest conted-t1of free radicals (236~) observed after 46 tire coincides with the higheit rate of acetate incorporation. (3) After 66 hrs the content of free radicals as well as the incorporation rate drppped sharply. Heilce, a causal connection between number of free rad~iqpls and liver metabplism can be assumed. There are 2 figures and 1 table. ASSOCIATION: Institut biolbglchlskoy fiziki Akademii nauk SSSR (Institute of.BiophysiCBrOf.the*Academy of'Sciences USSR) SUBMITTE.D:i August 30t 19 Card ~/2 FAVLOVSKjy, Petr Yevgenlyevich, dots.; PAL'MIN0 Viktor Vasillydvichj dots.;.DEMIN, N.N., doktor biol. naukp prof., retsenzent; FELIDMAN, A.L., kand. tekhn. nauk, dots., retsenzent; red.; KOSSOVA, O.N., red.; SATAROVA, A.M., tekhn. red. (Biochemi3try of meat and meat productal Blokbimlia miasa i miasoproduktov. Moskva, Pishchapromizdat, 1963. 324 p. (MIRA 16:4) 1. Chlen-korre3pondent Akademii nauk SSSR (for Kuzin). (MEAT) (BIOCHEMISTRY) KUZIN. A.M, red.; SOLOPOV, G.P., red.izd-va; RYLINA, Yu.V., tekhn. red. (Irradiation of fam crop seeds before sowing] Predpos*oe obluchenie semian sellskokhoziaistvennykh kulltur; mataf#ry. Moskva, Izd-vo Akad. nauk SSSR, 1963. 213 P. (MIRA 16:4) 1. Nauchnaya konferentsiya po, predprosevnomu oblucheniyu se- myan'1961. 2. Chlon-korrespondGnt Akademii nauk SSSR (for Kuzin). (Plants, Effect of rAdfation on) (Seeds) ACCESSION NRt AT4008638 5/3039/63/000/000/01"/0176 AUT"ORI M- I TITLE: Biochemical mechanism of radiation disturbances In cell division SOIJRCE: Pervichnykye I'nachsI1ny*y~ protisssy* biologichoskogo doystviya radlatsIL i moscow, 1963, 166-176 TAGS: call division, deoxyrlbonuclelc acidi mitotic activity, Irradiation inouced mitotic change, mitotic Index, entimitotic activity, mitosis, mitotic do- lay, plant metabolism, plant Irradiation, tyrosine, tyrosIne oxidation, meligin, radloprotector, mitosis radiation effect ABSTRACT: After a brief review of the effect of irradiation on cells and on cellu- lar DM, the author reports some results obtained by the Irradiation of single leaves of the plant Vicia faba at doses of 10-25,000 r. irradiation of single leaves produced profound changes in the remainder of the plant, including a signi- ficant inhibition of mitoses observed at 24A8 hours, and a retardation In the rate of-plant growth. This effect was dependent on the pre'sence of the leaf on the plant, since removal of the Irradiated leaf Immediately after irradiation prevented the mitotic inhibition, and removill 4 hours after Irradiation reduced the changes ,dsljy~t Inhibition In the root tips only, but removal 48 hours after Irradiation ,Ao ACCESSION.NR: AT4oo8638 permitted marked Inhibition of ml.tosis both in roots and in root tips. Exposure of 4-day-old plants to extracts of Irradiated leaves for 20 hours produced a marked reduction in their mitotic Index. The change In mitotic Index was dose related be- tween 100 and 500 r. Attempts at characterization of the diffusible material pro- duced In Irradiated leaves Indicated that Irradiation stimulates the rate of oxi- dation of phenolic compounds In leaf extracts. The factor responsible for depres- -resistant and dialyzable, and Puri- 51on of mitotic activity In extracts Is heat fication by column chromatography showed a phenolic compound, with a maximum absorp- tion peak at 280 rv. Inhibition of mitosis has been produced by exposure of plants to products from the enzymatko.xidation of tyrosine. Orige art. has: 8 tables and 7 figures. ASSOCIATION: Institut bloflzlkl ANSSSR. Moscow (institute of Biophysics A14 SM) SUBMITTEDS 00) DATE ACQ3 20DOC63' EmcLs Oo SUB CODE: La NO REF SOVI Oll OTHERS 004 17ANIKAYA, Ye.A.; KUZIN, A.M. Effect of irradiation on the activity of tyrosinase in the skin of mice and rats. Radiobiologiia 3 no.1217-20 t63. (MIRA 1602) 1e Institut biologicheskoy fiziki AN SSSR, Moskva# (TYROSINASE) (GAMMA RAYS-PHYSIOLOGICAL ZFMT) KUZIN, A*M.; KOSTINp I.G.; SHERSHUNOVA2 L.N.; ZUBAREVA, L.A. Use of ionizing radiations in poultr7 farming. Radioblologiia 3 no.2011-316 163 (MIRA 17:1) J.. Tnstitu'%-, biologicheskoy fiziki AN SSSR9 Moskva i Radiobio- logicheskaya laborattoriya T-omilinskoy ptitsefabriki. L 12252-63- EwT(.l)/NT(m)/BDs--AFFTcAmD/AsD ACCESSMU NRt MOM= S/0205/63/003/003/0472/0476 AUMOR: Kuzinj A. Mo; Kasy1mov- tuber i. inhibit TITLE: Formation of substances in gammairradiated potato growth and development of plants SOURM Radiobiologiya.. ve 3. no* 3p 1963,o 472-476 TOPIC TAGS:. polyphenoloxidationt.gamma radiation,, growth inhibiting substances ABSTRACT: Earlier works indicated that polyphenoloxidizing activity in potato till- bers increases with large doses of ionizing radiation* The authors examine poly- phenoloxidizing activity in potato tubers in connection with the foimation of sub- stances inhibiting growth and development of plants. Studies were conducted on potato tubers that were gamma irradiated from a Cs sup 137 source at 700 r/min. Polyphenoloxidic activity was measured 21+ hra after irradiation. To determine the biological properties of the substances formed In the tuber due to increazed poly- phenoloxidic actuivityp -extracts -were prepared -from the leaves of the potato 24 hrs after irradiation. Then corn seeds were soaked in the extract for 24 hrs and placed on moist filter paper and allowed to germinate in a luminostat, under normal conditions* On the 7th day the number of seeds that germinated., length of stem and Card 1/2 L 11252-63 AC=ION XRs AP3001077 -rootq and weight, atsteu -and root were determ1med. The potato extract was also used-for experiments on pumpki=, peas,, and beanso Results indicate that in the irradiated potato tissue during the first 24 hre substances forn iddch sharply in- hibdt the growth and development of the seeds testedo The study also confirms that Oxidizing processes are disturbed by irradiated plant tissue and this leads to met&- bolic changes that affect nuclear cell processes by inhibiting cell division and ultimately seed germination. These conclusions make it necessary to follow up with further investigations of the action of irradiated nutritive products on organisms. Celge art. hass 3 figuress, 1 table* ASSOGTATIONs Institut biologichealmy fiziki AN WSR.. Moscow (Institute of Biologi- cal Physics,, AN SSSR) SUBICTM: 26Jun62 DATE ACWs OlJu163 MEL: 00 SUB GMEs 00 NO MW WVS Oll OMMS 005 lb/ krv"-l Card 2/~ KUZINp A,M,; SILATEV, M,P, New possibility for using ionizing radiation in the- mat industry. Radiobiologiia 3 no.4:545-548 163. (MIRA 17:2). 1. Moskovskiy tekhnologicheakiy institut myasnoy i molodbfLoy promyshlennosti. ': KUZINP A.M.; UZORIN, Ye,K,; CHIRKOV.,)KIY, V.-L Study of remote radiation aftereffects Ii some specles of the genus Nicotiana following gamma irradiation of seeds. Radioblologila 3 no. 6:903-908 163. (MIRA 17-7) 1. Institut biologicheskoy fiziki All ;').3;1, Moskva, i Vsesoyuznyy naiiehno-issledovatellskiy Institut tabaka i makhorki imeni A.I. Mikoyana, Krasnodar. IVANOVO V.P.; MININS K.F.; ~U-ZIII~ 'A.M. Wide-range roentgenometer. Prib. i tekh. eksp. 8 no-5:65-69 S-0 163* (miRA 16:12) KUZIN, A.M.; BAKH, N.A., doktor khtm.nauk Congress on radiation research. Vest. AN SSSR 33 no.3S113-LI6 Mr '63. (K[RA 1613) 1. Chlen-korrespondent AN SSSR (for Kuzin). (Radiation-Congresses) SISAKYAN, Norayr MartirosovichI akademik; SEVERIN, Sergey YevgenlyeviA; PARINI Vasiliv Vasillyevich; ELIPINER, Isaak Yefimovich, dolctor bio-1. nauk; 9ZTNs,,A~~sanc1'r Mikb _jtqhi_X$AYEV) I.B.; SOROKO, Ya.I., red. ___N2,o - , (Biology and its allies] Biologiia i ee s~-.iusniki,- sbornik. Moskva# Izd-vo "Znanie," 1964. 77 p. (Nov'o'e v zhizni, naukep tekhnike, VIII Seriia: Biologiia i meditsina, nos.17-18) (MIRA;17:10) 1. Deystvitellrqy chlen AMN SSSR (for Severin, Paqn). 2. Chlen- korrespondent AN SSSR (for Kuzin). XUZIN, Aleksandr Mikhaylovich; BEREZINA, N.M. (Atomic enArgy in agriculture] Atomnaia energiia v sell- skom khoziaistve. Moskva, Atomizdatj 1964. 79 p. (MIRA 191l) BEIIEZ'11:A, red. filadiat'lon of Cann crup si.-e-60 hc.,Cor GRAYEVSKIY, E.Ya.; KOROGOD111, V.I.,' KUZIElp A.M., ; V'U~;'KALEV, I I 'rr,;; 33HAPLtri, N.I., Yu.I.; R-1014OV, K.V.; STR IS doktor biol. nauk; SHIKHOMIOIJ, V.V.; MUS, L.Kh.; ALEKSAKHIN, red. (Principles of radiobiology! Osnovy radintsioruioi bio- logii. Moskva, Nauka, 1964. 402 p. (I"zillk 18-1) 1. Akademiya nauk SSSR. lnstitut biologicheskoy fiziki. 2. Chlen-korrespondent Mll SSSR (for Kuzin). FRANK, G.M.p otv. red:;,-...Rm. A.M., otv. red.; KUZNET.90V, I.V.) doktor filos nauk, N.N., doktor b1ol. nauk., red.; VED121OV, M.F., kavi. filos. nauk, red.; SHATALOV, A.T., mlad. nauchn,sotr., nauchn. red.; KREMYANSKIY, V.I.,, mlad. nauchn. sotr., nauchn. red. [The essence of life] 0 sushchnosti zhizni. Moskvay Nauka, 1964. 350 P. (MIRA 17:8) 1. Akademiya nauk SSSR. 17--ichnyy sovet po filosofskim vop- rosam yestestvomumiya. 2. Institut filosofii AN SSSR (for Krenyanskly, Shatalov). 3. Chlen-korrespondent AN SSSR (for Frank, Kuzin). ACCESSION NRI AP4ol5079 AUTHOHi Kuzinp A. Me, S10205161V0041,0011001810022 TITLE: Cert ain problems of the fast neutron biological action theory SOURCE: Radiobiologiyap v. 4. no. 1, 1964, 18-22 TOPIC TAGS: fast neutron radiations fast neutron biological actions small chronic radiation doses fast neutron RBE9 gamma-ray RBE2 structure-metabolism theory2 regeneration process ABSTRACT: This study of fast neutron biological action under a6ute and chronic radiation conditions is based on the literature. Fast neutron HBE is found to increase markedly under chronic action of small neutron doses. The earlier theory that fast neutron radiation only gives rise to a large number of nonrestorable injuries in the cell is not confirmed by more recent investigations. According to the structure-metabolism theory the biological effects observed in the living organism after radiation are based on the interaction of three factors: structures metabolsims and regeneration. Gamma-ray and fast neutron RBE are praetioally equal, with large radiation doses under acute conditions. But f aat neutron R13E sharply increases with small Card 1/2 ACCESSION NR: AP4015079 chronic radiation dosesl indicating a considerable difference between fast neutron and gamma-ray action on regeneration processes. These processes appear to be depressed by small chronic doses of fast neutron radiation, but not be gamma-radiation in the same doses, A quantitative comparison of dose-effect curves is insufficient for understanding the specific action mechanisms of fast neutrons in relation to regeneration processes, Specificity of neutron.action on. various aspects of metabolism affecting regeneration processes should be investigated first,, particularly oxidative phosphoryllation and macromoleoular synthesis depression, Oiig. art. has:' 1 table. ASSOCIATION: Institut biologicheskoy fiziki'AN SSSR9 MoVow (Institute of Biological Physics AN SSSR) SUBMITTED: 16Nov63 DATE ACQ: 12Mar64 ENCLt 00 SUB CODE: W NO REP SOV: 004 OTHER: 023 rd 2/2 E7*7 ACCESSION NR: AP4015082 S/0205/64/004/,001/0036/0040-- AUTHORi Trinoher, K. S.;.Kuz1n8 As Me TITT~E: Significance of.water in erythrocyte radiation damage 'SOURCE: Radiobiologiyat v, 4. no. 1,-1964, 36-40 :TOPIC TAGS: erythrocyte radiation damages gamm-irradiation, erythrocyte water mediums closely packed erybhrocy~ess optical density changes active water radical,, erythrocyte radioprotoction, erythrocyte water film, direct radiation injurys erythrocyte water distribution ABSTRACT: The possibility that the active water radicals surrounding erythrocytes play a dominant role in erythrocyte membrane radiation damage.has been suggested by the authorsl-earlier investigations. .To test this possibility.- radiosensitivity of erythrocytes ruspended in a physiological solution was compared with closely packed orythro- .cytes produced by centrifuging the same suspension for 5 m1a, The- erythrocyte samples were amma-irradiated (cs'37,, 700 r/min) with ...5000 r doses, Radiation gamage was determined photomtrically by optical density change, close packing of erythrocytes waL. found to be Card -ACCFSSIO~T NR: AP4015082 responsible for approximately 20% radioprotection. Additional experi- ments were conducted with closely packed erythrocytes to find whether this protective action can be attributed to depression of metabolic processes. 'lPindings showed that radioprotection of closely-packed erythrocytes is not caused by metabolic.processes,, but by the reduced volume of water surrounding the erythrocyte and the subsequent reduced 'number of water radicals reaching the erythrocyte. To find whether the remaining 80f erythrocyte radiation damage is caused by radiation acting directly on the ery,~hrocyte structure or only on the water film enveloping the erythrocyte,, erythrocyte samples were irradiated in an isotonic medium containing 0.5% glucosc. Radioproteetion increases *to 55,v in the presence of glucose which does not penetrate into the erythrocyte. This protective action can be attributed to Interception of the shortlived, water radicals formed in the water films enveloping the erythrocytes and is related to radiation acting indirectly.on erythrocyte structure* On the bases of water distribution within the erythrocyte and also on the basis of the literature, it is estimated 20% of radiation dama .that go is caused by dirsatsinjury of arythroo%-ba membrane macromolecules. - hortlived water radio 1e in the water fliW enveloping the' erythrocyte or direct radiation action on the lipopro- tein complexea\ of the call ourfue l.ayer may account for the.remaining Card 2/3. ACCESSION NR: AP4015082 25% radiation dwnqge, The mechanisms which increase erythrocyte membrane radiosenditivity in a physiological solution are applicable to ot4er cellular structures, Orig, art, has: 5 figtxres, ASSOCIATION: Institut biologicheskoy fiziki AN SSSR, Moscow rInstitute of Biologica3. Physics AN SSSR-) SUBMITTED: 253epW; DATE ACQ: 12Mar64 ENCL: 00 Sr CODE is NO.REF SOVi 005 OTHM: Oll J Cwd'.3/3- KUZIN, A.M.; KASYMOV, A.; KRYUKOVA, L.M. Mechanism of stimulating and inhibiting action of radiation on potato tubers. Radiobiologiia 4 no.1:144-149 164. (MIRA 17:4) 1. Institut biologicheskoy fiziki AN SSSR, Moskva. R I I.' Cl V' ll~ BONCL,)(A) i S. ; 5; "L', 1;."I. ;1, 1 floasiol 11 ties fril, uti. lfwl I or, of' lun'zJr,,, r~td !a 'l, Jn hydr-o- ponies. I-Icadiobiologiia 4 no-3:457-1,59 1 ~24 . IIR A 1? . ]l i I. Institut biologicheskoy fi,,,,k,i AN ,-; S S Noskva i K.-asnodal-sk1y institut, gidro- 1101111cheskoye. khO-,Yay,-,tvO. KOPYLOV, V.A.; KUZIN, A.M. Role of dioxyphenols in the mechanism of action of T rays on plants. Radiobiologiia 4 no-4:508-512 164. (MIRA 17:11) 1. Inatitut biologicheskoy fiziki AN SSSR, Moskva. -KUZIN,-A.M.-; GLEMBOTSKIY, Ya.L.; LAPKIN, Yu.A.; KALEKDO, G.S.; BREGADZE, Yu.I.; MAMTILI, Ya.V. (deceased]; MYASNYANKINA, U.N. Mutagenic effectiveness of incorporated C14. Radiobiologik 4 no.6: 804-809 164. OIRA 18:7) 1. Institut biologicheakoy fiziki AN SSSR, Moskva. BEKETOVA, A.A.; KUZIN, A.M. Effect of gonadotropin on the state and synthesis of DNA and on the intensity of cell division in the thymus of sexually immature rats. Dokl. AN SSSR 155 no. 4:978-980 Ap 164. (MMA 17:5) 1. Moskovskiy tekhnologicheskiy institut myasnoy i molochnoy promyshlennosti. 2. Chlen-korrespondent AN SSSR (for Kuzin). 'L,1398-m ---Eirl (in) AGGES~ION .NH: AP5017763 UR/0216/65/000/004/0507/0520 577-391 'AWMOR: KiizinL_tLA#; Plyshevskaya, Ye, G.; F.Ppylov, V. A.# Ivanitska-'fF~- Lobed YO S. Mellnikova, S. K. 1ITLE: Role of the Ilorthophanol-orthoquinono" system in the 'primary moohanisms of radiation effect on the-organism ISOURCE: AN SSSR. Izvestiya, Seriya biologicheskayap no, 4# 1965,9 It507-520 i'TOPIC TAGS: radiation biologic effeetp phenolp quinone, onz7mo.* ldesoxyribonualoic said, tyrosine, oxidation '!ABSTRACT: A hypothesis stating that the oxidation reaction of I orthophenols in response to high energy irradiation is closely t 'related to the formation of orthoquinones (somiquinones) has evolved ,from the experimental work of the laboratory with which the authors ;are a3sooiated, In the present study the Immediate effects of '!X-irradiation on enzyme process rates were Investigated in a tyrosine+tyrosinase model system under strictly controlled conditions ,_Card_. 1/3 IL 3398-66 ACCESSION ITR: AP5017763 (210 kvv 15 ma, no filtert 100 to 1000 r doses, 10 min incubation) Change in enzyme process rate was determined by the concentration ;f newly formed orthophenols and orthoquinones, With irradiation of the ,whole system# the concentration was 5 times higher than for contr Irradiation of only the tyrosine solution led to a lesser concentra- tion, and the concentration decreased still further with Irradiation ,of only the tyrosinase, When the irradiated mixture was-incubated with a suspension of mouse th7ms nuoleip the tyrosine oxidation products (arthoquinones) were completely absorbed by the nuclei, 'Fluorescence testa with acridine-orange on thymus nuclei of mice !,hmediately after irradiation and tests on thymus nuclei treated with Ttyrosine oxidation products demonstrated the similarity of irradiatioA ,effect and orthoquinone effect. The same effect was demonst:rated with quinone extracts from gamma-irradiated plant tissue (potato). :Treatment of carbon-labeled plant sproats with extracts from irradla- !ted plants depressed DNA synthesis by 50 to 60%# the same as after gamna-irradiation, Injection of purified orthoqu1nones,' extracted from irradiated plant tissuesq into young mice caused loss of weights gMfth inhibitionp and a sharp decrease in leukooyta level of the :peripheral blood*- These-study data demonstrate the Importance of the ;card 2/ 3- L 1398-66 ------- ACCESSION NR: AP5017763 orthophonol-orthoquinone systev~' in the primary mechanisms of radiation effect, Orig, art. has: 10 figures and 4 tables. !ASSOCIATION: Institut biologichaskiy Miki AN SSSR (Institute of Mophysics AN SSSR) ;SUB?U?M: 22Jan6.5 ENGL: 00 SUB CODE: LB iNR REP SOV: 021 OTHER; 010 PLYSHEVSKAYA., Ye.G.; KUZIN, A.M. Change in sorption propeities of thymus cell nuclei Immediately following gamma irradiation. Radiobiologiia 5 no.1:17-20 165. (MIRA 18:3) 1. Institut biologicheskoy fiziki AN SSSR, Moskva. P'lf~-ct of (~n In plarit.s. insti tixt b ,.I, UZORIN, Ye.K.; KIJZIN, A.M. ~ 1, ~ ~,4 ~-,, --. , 0''. Study of optical properties of the natural chlorophyll in Pisum sativum leaves grown from gamma-irradiated seeds. Radiobiologiia 5 no.1:119-225 165. (MIRA 18:3) 1. Institut biologicheskoy fiziki AN SSSR, Moskva. AUTHOR: TrinnhAr- 1,7. n Ai r? -0,1 T n Ll I L) rl, a L .54 ACUESSION NR: AP5010331 q nnro 7: mn te iv 11. 1 i S --Z S 71~ (Biolov,icq-1 PhTsica InStitlite, AN SSSR) -ST-TSMT =117, 0 2N r, vA nr KjTZjflj A M. ; Mh 1-1 FlUl.OV , A . 6, . I I - .1 ldpoxidase activity in YI-irradiated seeds. Radlobiolo?iia 5 no.4i571-575 165. (MI-RA 18:9) 1. lnstitut biologicheskoy finki. AN &;,",R, Moskva. and i8. -kw! e vy - .K.M.I-112-A.M.; NAK3AYEV, 11. re (liaracterictiC`3 Of ""cj ' f' '11~` a In a Quan t I ta L 1 1, L I -J, t" , ganna-irradiated plant UE;sue. DokI. Pli SS'-~"R 162, 0 165. (YJRA 18-10) 1. IistituL blologicheskoy All'. ". AN S)SISIR (for KuzLn). VAYNSON, S)mthpsla of DNA induaed hy '-rradllatlon of c7toplasm and nuclaus of ALa rells wlth s mIc-rotnaln Of L- -particlea, Doki. P11 SSSR 2.65 no.4033-936 D 165. OMTRA 18:12) 1, Ingtitut biologichaskoi, f-'zik-4 IN SSSR. 2. Chlon-korrespondent AN SSSR (for Kuzin). L 3625:-66 E'-.~T (1)/'--PIT (m)/'T ACC NR& AP6028675 SOURCE CODE; UR/0020/66/167/003/0678/0680~ AUTHOR: Kalendo, G. S.; Kuzin, A. M. (Corresponding member AN SSSR) ORG: Institute of Biolo&ical'Physics, AN SSSR (Institut biologicheskoy f ziki AN SSSR) TITLE; Efgect of gaiama-radiation the rnetabolism of fast labelled M in HeLa cells SOURCE: AN SSSR. Doklady, v. 167, no- 3, 1966, 678-68o TOPIC TAGS: RNA, gamma radiation, radiation biologic effect, cytoplasm, biochemistry~ ABSTRACT: The authors set up experiments to confirm their earlier hypothesis that periodic fluctuation in the level of labelled RNA in the nucleus and cytoplasm of irradiated ffeLa cells was associated basically with riodicity in the decomposition of fast labelled RNA. After impulse labelling with 0 uridine fuither RNA synthesis was halted by the addition of actinomycin D, which made it possible,;,to follow the RNA which had formed at the moment of blocking in the cel-I nucleus. The experiments confirmed the existence of at least two fast labelled RNA fractions, one of which was more sensitive to actinomycin D arA had a life of about 10 minutes, and the other of which was resistant. It was shown that with gamma radiation the content of the latter of these two fractions began to undergo regular fluctuations. Orig. art. has: 3 figures. IMS: 36,9321 SUB CODE: 06 SUBM DATE: O8Dec65 / ORIG REF: 002 / OTH REF: 006 UDC: 577-391+611-018+611.006 L~5-~66 EEC (k )-2/EWT (1 )/EWT (m)/FSS-2 TTIRD/GW ACC NRj AP6022566 SOURCE CODE: UVO-216/66766WO-0-2TO-177/a-82 AUTHCR: --Kuzln 6-3 ORG: Institute of Biophysics, AN SSSR. Moscow t7. 1B TITIE: Status and tasks of radlobiologyi&oday SOURCE; AN SSSR. Izvestiya. Seriya biolblgicheakaya,, no. 2,, 1966t 177-182 TOPIC TAGS: radiobiology,, radiation biologic effect, radiation protectiong manned space flight, biologic ecology ABSTRAM . ilia article examines the reasons for the swift development of .riihobi6log'y during the past 20 years, the main accomplishments, and the Aost urgent problems facing radiobiologists at the present time. it :emphasizes the importance of fundamontal research on the primary mechanisms governing the biological action of high.enorgy radiation at the molecular cellular levels, its effects on the transmission of information in Icells and on autoregulation. There is also a brief discussion of radio- ;sensitivity and repair. with emphasis placed on the use of protective agents I against acute and chronic radiation, a matter of considerable practical iinterest in named spa a fligh Although considerable progress has boon made in the field of radio. lecology, such remains to be learned about the migration of natural and !Artificial radionuclides under different ecological arA pqraphic amAtional 'an : d about the impact on the health of am and antmals, Advances in theoretical radiobiology will have great practical implications for &Viculturep madicine, the economyt and national defense. (JPRS1 SUB COM31 06, 05 3UM DAM none UDC1 577091 ciw 1A P- -r1 7-27 -L:25811-66 EWT(1)/EWT(m)/T JK ACC NRs AP6015925 SOURCE CODEt UR-10-21616510001OW10W q AUTHOR: Kuzin A It ; P1,Yshevsk&ya. Ye. Ge-Plyshavskaya, E. Go; Kopylov, Ve As; ivanitskm; te. t:~,-Ivanitzkaya, Eo A a -, Lebadeva. No To -Lobadeva, No Flo; Kolomiytseva I. K:--KolomJ*tzeva, I. Io; Mellnikova, So K -41elnikova, So Ko Takarskaya, VoI, ORG: InstiEuRe-of Biopbysics, AN SSSR, Moscow (I titut bdologichaskoy f'izikiANS5SR,' TITW: Function of the orthophonol-orthoquinone system in the early mechanism of action of ionizing radiation on the organism SOURCE: AN SSSR. Izvestiya/.YSeriya biologichoskaya, no* 4, 1965, 507-520 TOPIC TAGS: ionizing radiation, radiation biologic effect, radiation plant effecto tyrosinel sorption, oxidation, DNA, biosynthosis. radiation sickness ABSTRACT: The aikhori'coicNided from ai- variety of'e~iperf~ents an' plants .and -animals that the Initial processes in the Irradiated organism develop 'in the following sequences I 1 (1) During irrad'iation the formation of active radicals causes very ,slight radiochemical oxidation of the phenols present in the cello chiefly tyrosineo . (2) The resultant oxidation products activate tyrosinases which Immediately after Irradiation leads to the formation of large quantities of blologically activArthoquinones. I (3) The 7e-suRant orthoquinones are actively sorbed by the.- cell nuclei-* Card 1/2 UDC: 577o391 L 25811-66 ACC NR, AP6015925 -(4Y-The orthoquinones sorbed by the nuclei Inhibit bNA synthesis'# block the incorporation of thymidine into newly synthesized DN& and alter i th eir fluorescence in the presence of acridine orange. (5) The blocking of nuclear DNA by the orthoquinones sharply Inhibits ,:'cell divisions giving rise to leukopentat arrested growths weight loss$ chromosomal aberrationst ands, In sufficiently high concentrati. no death- IPf -the..organ.lam. Orrigs art, has: 10 figures and 4 tables. TJM-~ suB com o6, o7 sum DATE, 22Jan65 ORM RZFt 021 OTH REFt 010 Card 2/2 L 25753-66* -EWT(m) ACC NR: AP6016384 SOURCE CODE: Woo2o/65A64/006/1409/1412 AUTHOR: A. M. (Corresponding member AN SSSR); Narbaii3v..N. ORG: Institute of Biological Physics, AN SSSR (Institut biologicheskoy fiziki AN SSSR TITLE: Quantitative principles of quinone formation in gamma-irradieued plant tissue SOURCE: AN SSSR. Doklady, Ve 164, no. 6, 1965, 1409-1412 TOPIC TAGS: quinone, polarographic analysis, radiation plant effect, plant chemistry, chemical kinetics ABSTRACT: Potentiometric measurement of the oxidation potential in the three-millimeter surface layer of irradiated potato tubers indicated that there is a regular increase in the oxidation potential in these tubers as a function of the irradiation dose and time after irradiation. A polarographic inventigation of extracts from tho surface layer of irradiated potato tubers lestablished an increase in the quinone content (half-wave potential -0-35 Volt) according to an exponential curve as a function of the irradiation dose. It was demonstrated that the exponential shape of the survival curves in radiobiology may be taken as a basis for kinetic analysis of the forma- :tion of-toxic subetanceas without using the IWpothesis of a. single 4t in a unique structure. Orig. art. has: 4 figures and 1 table. [JPRS1 SUB CODE! 06j. 07 SUBM DATE: O4Feb65 ORIG REN 008 OTH REF.- 002 Sard 1/1 L 26687-66 EWT(1)/EWT(m)/T JK ACC NRs SOWCE CODEI URTM-20165- 6VO-9jjrO�36 AUTHORt VayAson, As A.1 jur sponding meadmr AN SSSR) ~4n._A# M, (Corre ORG: Institute of Biological Physics, AN SSSR (Inatitut biologichaskoy fisiki AN SSSI) TITIE:__R~synthesis following irradiation of the cytoplasm and nuclei of HeLa Caus! with an alpha-particle tdcrobeam SOURCEt AN SSSR. Doklady, v, 165, no. 4j 1965, 933-936 TOPIC TAGS: DNA, biosynthesis, radiation biologic effect ABSTRACT: The study deals with the efreot of radiation on the synthesis (replication) of DNA molecules in the oyz-oplasm and nuclei of HeLa cells in culture tissue. The cells were synchronized with respect to the S-period by adding thymidine for 21 hours &I + m + G77i 2 and the data -- necessary for the synchronization -- an the-duration of IndIvIdual stages of the mitotto cycle were obtained by the tracer method. Local irradiation of the cells was carried out ror a p--rlod of from 3 to 5 hours when the maximum number of cells was In-the 3-periodl,ond was performed at room temperature with alpha- partioles of Po * It was found that Irradiation of the part of cytoplasm looated at a distanoe of 2-3 microns from the call nuoleudi i.eo# when the direct Inoidenoe of alpha-partioles onto the unique Card 1/2 UDCt ACC NM AP6016901 6ttilotures or the nucleus Is completely Ok6bluded, leads to a definite suppression of the rate or DNA synthesis (by 18% at a 6,300- Irad dose) as established by Ag-granule counts. The rate of this suppression markodly Increases with time& Considering that th, ,toxic products, with their low molecular weight, take a few minutes ,to spread through the cell, It is logical to assume that the ob- iserved Intensification or the effect to due to the prolonged post- radlation formation of now radlotoxine rather than to their slow Airruslon toward the nucleus. It Is thus concluded that the forma- .tion of radlotoxins to a major factor In the su2pression of DNA synthesise, Origo art# has: 4 fig'urea m%d 2 tableS6 DPM-7 SUB CODS-i 06. SUM DATEt 16Ju165 / mm P-EFt oo4 / oTH REF, m Card 2/2 (~A. r- L 20693-66 94T(1)1EdT(m)1T JKIRN ACC NR: AP6007761 SOURCE CODE: UR/0205166/0061001/0003/0008 AUTHOR: Tokarskaya, V. I.; Kuzin, A. M. 0 ORG: Institute of Bioj2&~cal Pqsics AN SSSR, Moscow (Institut biologicheskoy fizi- ki AN S�S--Rl TITIX: The effect of fast neutrons on DNA-synthesis in seedlings !SOURCE: Radiobiologiya, v. 6, no. 1, 1966, 3-8 'TOPIC TAGS: neutron irradiation, irradiation damage, gamma irradiation, cytoplasm, !!plant injury .ABSTRACT: Dry pea seeds of the Pobeditell variety were irradiated with fast neu- trons at 1, 3, and 10 krad, and the absorption of C1 4 in 4- 7 d,ay old seedlings grown from the,irradiated seeds was studied. An IRT-100 reactor with a mixed beam com- ,prising 30+ % gamma rays was used for the irradiation. In seeds irradiated with C14 .fast neutrons atl--10 krad, was found in4-7 day old seedlings. Under neutron ~irradiation, the rate of DNA synthesis dropped 90% (compared with the control cam- 1ples). Gamma irradiation of tk seeds at the same dosage lowered DNA synthesis in UDC: 539.125.5 58.039.1 I'Card, l/.2 ------- L 2o693-66 I IACC NR: AP6007761 I the seedlings by 30%. Unlike garoqa irradiation, neutron irradiation lowered high z polymer DNAlyield by -50% - COX. T' ~ is concluded that under gamma irradiation, the de-: i ~Structi~n-of DNA is largely due to the damage to cytoplasm metabolism, uhile under wneutron irradiation, the cells am damaged owing to the disruption of the adenine ~structure in DNA. The DNA synthesis rate as a function of dosage and kind'~of irra- diatiork is graphed. Orig. art. has: 4 figures and - 21 tables. 1141 :SUB CODE: 06/ SUBM DATE: 230ct64/ ORIG REF: 007/-- ()TH REF: 007/ AT D PRESS--Z/:1-2-3 Card 2/2 AID Nr. WETTING OF WC AND TiC BY MOLTEN Cu AND Cu-Ni ALLOYS (USSR) Kislyakov, 1. P. , L. V. Beylina, and A, -N.. Kuzia. Izvestiya v,y s s h i k h uchebnykh zavedeniy. Tsvetnaya metallur-g-lya,no. 1. 1963, 117-120. S / 14 9 / 6 3 / 000 / 001/ 005 / 008 The ~Ioscow Institute of Fine Chemical T__e_ c-fino-logy-has studied the wetting of solid WC and TiC by molten Cu, Cu-Ni alloys (with up to 300/6 Ni), Ni, and Co at 1080 to 125 0* C in a pure Ar atmosphere. It was found that WC is readily i,jet by both Cu and Cu-Ni alloys. The contact angle 6 in these systems is less than 90", even at temperatures only 10-200C above the melting point of the lowest-meltincy component. The 6 decreases with increasing exposure time at a constant temperature or with increasing temperature. The tem- perature of complete vjetting (e = 0) was found to be 1220-12506C for Cu, and 1200 -12200 C for the Cu-Ni alloys. The Cu-Ni alloys wet WC at a lower temperature, and more rapidly at the same temperature, than Cu; the higher the Ni content, the more rapid the wetting, No wetting of TiC by Card 1/2 AID Nr. 978-1 23 Xiy VETTING OF WC AND TiC [Contd] 5/149/63/000/0().1/005/008 Cu or Cu-Ni alloys was observed at temperatures up to 1250-d-'and ex- posure time up to 2 hrs, It is believed, however, that a higher purity of TiC or increased exposure time w6uld facilitate wetting. ' Complete wetting of TiC with Nii or Co takes place at temperatures 20 and 30* C higher than the melting temperature of Ni and Co, respectively. Melting at lower than the melting temperatures of pure Ni and Co. observed at the Ni-TiC and Co-TiC fnterfaces, is associated with the eutectic nature of the pseudobinary TiC-Ni and TiC-Co systems. The qutalitative effect of the exposure time and tem- perature on the '~,vetting of TiC by Ni and Co is siz-nilar to that in the wetting of ___'wVC by-Cu and Cu-Ni alloys. [MSI Card 2/2 KUZIN, A.R. GorkiT Veterinary Research Station. Truly VIZ7 23:370-371 059. (MIRA 13:10) (Gorkir Province--Veterinary research) YERIN, V. V. and FiZE!, A. H. "The sttmggle agai-ut hypodentic gadfly." Veterinariya Vol. 37, No. 2, 196o, p. lo (YERIN, V. V.) - Nachallnik veterinarnogo otdela Gorlkovskogo oblastnogo upravleniya sellskogo khozyaystva. (KUZIN) A. H.) - ZELmestitell direktora Gorlkovskoy NIVS _ KUZIN_ A. N._,--Cand. Veter. 3o1. (dies) "Epizootology and Me- thods of Elimination of Fowl Tuberculosis," GorIkiy, 1961, 30 pp. (Kazan State Veter. Inst.) 200 copies (KL Supp 12-61, 281). ACC NRt AP7002845 SOURCE CODE: UR/0136/66/000/012/0084/0086 AUTHOR: Dergunova, V. S.; Timonin, P. L.; Kuzin, A. N.; Tseytlin, V. Z. ORG: none TITLE: Properties of tantalum diboride-zirconium diboride.alloys containing i chromium 1 1966, 84-86 SOURCE: Tavetnyye metally, no. 12, I TOPIC TAGS: alloy composition, hardness, porosity, metal melting, chromium containing alloy, tantalum base alloy, boride, zirconium base alloy ABSTRACT: TaB2-ZrB.-Cr alloys containing 20, 25 and 30% of ZrB and 3-w--10% Cr were obtained from ZrB (79.6% Zr, 19.67% B, 0.01% ;3 TaB2 (89-18% Ta, 19.9Z-pure Cr powders by compacting at 2100-2200C 9.97% B, 0.01% C) and under a pressure of 220 ig/cmZ and homogenization at 2000C in an argon atmosphere. Depending on the composition, the porosity of alloys varied from 0.5 to 3-4%. The alloys consisted mainly of a solid solution of zirconium boride in tantalum boride with a microhardness of 2900-3300 kg/mm2. and a solid solution of chromium boride in tantalumboride with a microhard- neas'of 1000-1200 kg/mm2. In addition, fine grains of a third phase, card 1/3 mc: 669.294/296 API66_28W5--- 2700 -T-t- NI 2 2400 2300 - - - 2200 L_ - _~_ /, J 9 7 8.0 10 k 2800--4 2600 i4oo 20L"L JO Card 2/3 Fig. 1. Composition dependence of the melting point of TaBZ-ZrB2-Cr alloys :ZrB ratio: I - 80:20; 2 - 75:25; TaB2 2 3- 70:30;.Cr additions: 4 3%; 5 - 5%, 6 7%; 7 10%. ACC NR: AP7002845 probably chromiui borfde, were observed 'along the second phase gr'ain boundaries. The composition dependence of the melting temperature of TaB2-ZrB2-Cr alloys is shown in Fig. 1. Increasing the chromium content from 3 to'10% lowered the strength (hardness) of the allo 9 both at room 'Y and. at elevate .d temperat,ures,.but.increased their oxidation resistance. Orig. art. has: 5 figures and 1 table. SUB CODE: l1/ SUBM DATE. none/ ORIG REF: OOT/ OTH REF: 005/ ATD pREss: 5113 Card 3/3 ;, A. ;'-IZ7N, tekhr~k ROMVEVICri., N .17. -, f ? 7LUT.YAK(;Vv P.M. a khn-"v ~ I Exr-E)rLment-a-I testing of the op,~ra!%ive capa,:~Ity of the end I roller arle bearings of the high-spevd TF-'P6C: lle3el loncmc-'I've tru:~k undar the conditions of Pulsed axle !cud. Trudy VKT-T - - ~ 164. (M-TRA 18:1, ,v). 19, 136-" 5' AUTHOR; Kuzin, A.P.,,.Engineer SOV/117-58-12-5/36 TITLE: The Automation of Cold Punching (Avtomatizatsiya kholodnoy shtampdvki) PERIODICAL: Mashinostroitell, 1958, Nr 12, pp 5 - 7 (USSR) ABSTRACT: Practice has shown that the majority of punching machines can be transformed into automatic devices by equipping them with automatic roll, gripper and revolving feed-attachments and 11mechanical hands" as have been introduced at the Gorskiy Automobile Plant for various work operations. A series of attachments for the automatic f)e"ing of strip metal for crank presses of 40; 45; 60; 8C a-d 150 ton force was intro- duced, raising labor efficiency by 2 - 3 times, The only deficiency of such attachments is the unstable functioning of electric counters for controlling automatic work cycles, Therefore a new counter device will be introduced. Revolving feed devices attached to 26; 35; and 88 ton punching presses are being used (for punching blank pieces), as well as nme- chanical hands" which, however, need a more simplifie'd de- sign to be used on small-size machines. The use of 26 - 150 ton force multiple-action machines for punching parts Card 1/2 of different contours has been considerably developed. The The Automation of Cold Punching SOV/117-58-12-5/36 main deficiencies of such machines arG: 1) the long setting time (4 - 6 hours) of the punch, which will be reduced to 1 - 1.5 hrs by preliminary setting of the punch on a spe- oial support plate off the press; 2) the considerable fatigue of the operator. This deficiency will be eliminated by the use of a servomechanisms There are 4 Photos, Card 2/2 K~U~ZIN, ~Aleksa~ndrSt~ ~ch- KRASBEXINNIKOV, Ye.M., retsenzent; PROKHOROV, V.B., dots., kand. tekhn. nauk-, otv. red.; BEZGODOVA, L.V., red.; URITSKAYA, A.D., tekhn. red. [Operation of machines; maintenance of engines. A laboratory manual] Ekspluatatsiia mashin; tekhnicheskoe obaluzhivanie dvigatelei. Posobie k laboratornym, zaniatiiam dlia studen- tov lesomekhanicheskogo i lesoinzhenernogo fakulttetov. Le- ningrad, Vses. zaochnyi lesotekhniche8kii in-t, 1962. 80 p. (MIRA 16:5) 1. Zaveduyushchiy kafedroy tyagovykh mashin Petrozavodskogo universiteta (for Krasheninnikov). (Engines--Maintenance and repair) USM ,/Cultivv", -. -- F-Adc!rs. 11. xos Jbur : Iltuf 7~liua- - Biol., IT,) lu, 19~8, ~41.68 JOLX.nor : , Kuzin, ;.,.T. Titl-.a : Cora in 11,11twgabsk awis. Orig lNib : v SIj-: Kukuniza V 1955 L; Vy~). 6., Scllklwz[;iz, 1956, .-,73-180- Abstract T'~,c r-sults of tl.~", carric!d out for t'-, first -U,L-ic in 1955 on t'lo ~-x-Duri:.lental fiel,2 il* is possible '-dj, yield. of O:ain (56 cont- -.nd of tlzc. ~~u;L~n i:,Li:Ll-. -,.f corn under th,~ c.-)nOU- Liol-~s --X 'furc;ab.-u-k :jasLs. I.rriGati(-.)ll iU'- is possibL.! U-) -mr-v~.:pt two crops L;vk~un bulk of corn in -1-; lh,.Y-waxy stage. Card 1/1