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XMIR, A.A. M.V. Lcmoncsovta vork in behalf of the Board of Mines. Vop. ist. eate, i tekhb no*13:114-117 162o Vopa isto est. i tekho noX - 114-117 1690 (KEU 16%5) (Lomonosovs, Mikhail Vasillavlah# 1711-1865) TROSHIN, Anatoliy Konstantinovich; !KqZUA-A-., otv. red.; SKACHKOV, S.A.P red. izd-va; RYLINA, Tu.V., tekhn. red. (Ivan Evstaflevich Vlasov, R Russian voivode and mineralogist of the 17th century] Ivan Evataflevich Vlasov - voevoda - rudoznatets XVII v. Moskva, Izd-vo AN SSSRY 1963. 45 p~ (MIRA 16:11) (Kineralogists) (Vlasov, Ivaii Ev5tAflevich, 1628-1710) KUZIN Alsksandr Avraamoyick; ,-KM'MEMW, Y.I..redaktor; RODIONOVA, Z.A., ..,tekhnicheakiy redaktor [Brief histoz7 of the development of drawing In Russia; manual for teachers] Kratkii ocherk istorii, razvitUs cher*tezha v Roseli; posoble d1la ud'hit4lei. )(oskva,,Goo. uchabno-podagog. Lzd-vo N-va prosy. RUSR. 1956. 101 p. (KLM -1-0:4) (J)rawing--History) =3, A,A. The history of mechanical drawing In Russia during the second half of the nineteenth and the beginning of the twentieth century. Trudy I tekh. 8:166-184 156. (WLRA 9:9) (Mechanical drawing) IWIN, A.A. V- Mechanical drawing in Russia during the 18th and the first half of the 19th century. Trudy tRkh. 9:235-282 '57. (K6RA 10:5) (HeaMnical drowine) KUZIN, A.A. "Hiatory of mechanical drawing in the Ural Mountain region and Siberiall by A.I. Aleksandrov. Reviewed by A.A. Kuzin. est. i tekh. no.11:168-.16q 161. (MIRA 14:11) (Mechanical drawing) (Aleksandrov,'A.I.) KUHN, A. I,, En,gr USSR/il,letals - Welding Oct 50 "One-Sided Automatic Welding of Low-Cafoon Steel Up to 16 Millimeters Thickj" Engineers N. A. Fedorov, A. I. Kuzinj T. Ya. Shandra "Avtogen Delo" No 10, pp 17-20 Suggests one-sided welding under flux as most economical method, not requiring preliminary preparation of edges. Describes development of method for welding 900-1,,Q32 mm diameter boilers made of steel 13-16 mm thick and construction of flux- supplying devices for straight and ciraular joints. Mechanical characteristics are no lowervthan those of joints welded from batIL-sides. Vft PA 167T85 "10 . ~ - - ~ I . . t 0 IN 0 IP ? 6 flofllf 911 W mot 146 111 Tio V ~M A A -k- - A f a I L 1, ELL W .-0 7.0 C 08% 00.1 00 goal 001 o: As I I - - - - - - - - "u-mmill ~ffv rrrr*1-r' A-S In. t- IND AND 1. 1 23192' Ovic-Sided Automatic Welding of LowA:mrbon Ste*l of Up to 16-Mm.'Mltkzwm. (In Russian.) N. A. Fedorov. A. Zand T. Ys. Shandra. Attogerintle Deto (Wrlding') V. 1950. p. 1" -20. 00 welding of forigitudinid (it ring scauls (as in boilcrs) mi one side of the part being welded. uxing a flim -pad" on thr back of tile scaill. was fn%*mtiPtcd. h(cams of sullix1rfing the pad" against the joint were studied. Strength charartryi%tii~. iti such welds, compared with those welded an txvth sides. w,-r,- Villifactory. Data are tabulairIl. OTALLURWAL LITERATURE CLASSIFICATION via., 4 110M 110.1mv -Z -Iawl-c A -T I V An 1 4 rld 0 14 4 1 is III I a a 0 9 Ili it ty a iv op of it a 111.0 K Ell ff it Or KAMO 1,14 is 0'o 6 q 0 0 * 0 0 * 0 0 a 0 0 0 * 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1; 61 *' a 0 so 0 0 *ALM-* '-s- 0 411 * 411 0 * 0 0 * 0 0 0 0 0 .00 800 Zee 4040 nod goo goo god was Nee zoo Nee Its 0 USSR/Ingineering - Welding, Materials Nar 52 "Electrode Costing BKZ,II A. 1. Kusin, Engr IfAvtogen Delo" No 3, p 24 Describes coating which improves slag separability and decreases.porosity of weld metal, giving compn: 30% hematite, 29% feldspar, 27.2% low-carbon ferromanganese, 9.2% manganese ore, 4.6% starch and water glass in 30/35 ratio, dry wt. Discusses possibility of using blast-furnace ferromanganese instead of that made in elec furnace. 21m6 USSR/Engineering Welding, Boilers Apr 52 "Welding in the Fabrication of Low-Power Steam Boilers at Biysk Boiler Plant," A.I. Kuzin, Engr IlAvtogen Delo" No 4, pp 21-25 Describes methods of rapid manual welding, auto- matic welding under flux and semiautomatic hose welding, and also special stands for holding and turning various parts of boiler during welding operations. Briefly discusses X-ray control of welded seams. Vol of automatic welding executed at plant in 1951 amounts to 802% if production of 1948 is taken as 10* 212T36---- G11=0Y. T.11,; h-U,'D, AT.- Al"I",'IS A,Ye~; ZZIN, !.V. Uve o~,." electric s.ja[, velding for the rep.1ndr of loconotive afe 'r= es. 14 noJ1;A:---46 1: 161. (1,11)J1 Y'.1c) 1. F("ItcV.-Idy n:ivod (for Cra-yovoy, Euoin), 2. Ordena Triidovogo 'Zilim-eni institut eleIrtrosvLrId imen! Ye.('. "atona 21' USSR. (Loccr,lotives---'!,iintail.ttiico -nd relmir) (F KUZIN, A.I., atarshiy prepodavatell [Testing structures and strtIctural elemental Ispytanie stroitelinykh sooruxhenii i kons'truktaii; uchobno- metodicheskoe posobie dlia studentov zaochnogo fakullteta. GorIkil, 1962. 120 p. (MI16 16:4) 1. Gorki. Inzhenerno-stroitelln institut. (Building research7- KUZIN,.-A.I..,,.,.- --.. Spot welding of ties for the fastening of lumber, Ixtom. avar. 16 no.9t83-85 S 163. (AMA 16 - 10) 1. Poltavskiy parovozoremontnyy zavod, GAYEVOY, T.Vo;,KVZIN, A.I.; ASNIS, A.Ye.; GUTMAN, L.M. Welding up cracks in locomotive wheels by the electric slag method. Avtom. svar. 16 no.12:73-78 D 163. (MIRA 17:1) 1. Pbltavokiy parovozoremontnyy zavid (for Gayevoy, Kuzin). 2. Institut elektrosvark-4 imeni Patona AN UkrSSR (for Asais, Gutnan). t It of IS u Id 11 146 11 Is x it n a 10 a v a," a -A a f a a 0 11 - -- t It I V.- 1 1)A -L-AA- 0 M 00 d 00 A SITt - 0 0 .20CIMS .110 pool@ 4 I'll STvANov AxD A. Uum. 'Jiw- .00 OL 00 a obtained frum bottom cmtg, M48% gbvxyik add. Pee S to 6 at I -.9ducu axdlr~ llydrwiftetopAcciak and vashe Acids. 0. Pit a C%. AcH. st No tram Od f vy&d#. Or D M:= I ikeW weft hand. Oxalk and glycok \..I& formed in, equimol -~~tit ftoched abwt 1.121 add. SpmW study waswAdsottbetlyeal. 00 & *WhyYt. obtaining its p-all ytkydmshw and -hydawtone devivs. and The neasone. .411141 0: MAPY S. L*Aa 0*4 a** see so* 2 0490 =90 600 so* CIALLOOKAL LITIRAIUAt CLAsIWKA JV flow ( -a go.. I 1... 1, . Wave -4 "1 04 a.. 111 00 Is I OT 0 (A 00 AtrW tj 1, W 'I K 4 11 it 01 ii'la n 1 !,4 "A 1 a Ow 0 1 'N 1 4 4 4 w IS 0 00 0 IL 00 00 to i :: : : : * : 0 00 60 00 O's 4,060 WW'WOWWWWWO--o *#go 40feet SOU 900 000000 o 0 0 0 to 0 0 0 0 0 4 0 0 0 glee 00000 : a 0 0 00 * 4 o, I I II M it 1,; o1. it 4 -1 is to a j 21 12 a to is .1 D a '9 *L I- v U Mu kL" 1 4: 1; .1 .10 AIr M A I L- R 9 $,j Y IA._L. -1 - I AA OQ CC M tt, t4 A[ A pro tin at soluble starch b~ enzyme action. A %'-StNrA,%"%'AmnA-Kt-xu% -00 )"I;. rarM.PrIon.1032,321-6- bret%%tarchpitstek, wartut(i to flAt' with the dl rillyine (0.470 of the amt. of starch). After 15 ntin. the temp. is rapidly raistrd to Imid. -06 krpttherr(or3ndn. The mixt. is filtered on sand with suction and the filtrate -4941 ing and 0 a trtated with Ak.. filtered. the *Aid wa%hed with &I". ate. and dvird in ~w The 00 Inoduct is very vol. and cuntwins ut) dc%trins or reducing sugar% 1. -0* fZ 00 81~- as J!:" 90 oil 00 U ft 19 0 0 o o 0 ~e 0 40 0 41 IA 0 00 A 0 o, Not too 4 fu0 1 W 1W to If Of 11 If a of RM If a 0 0 00 0000 *oo o 00-0 0 00,0 0 0 0 0 0a 0 0 a0 0 w V It jj 1, l7 10 If x ~ 11 n a J, 5 3, v x m 1, J, 11 IS A, x 1, t, At J. A. D L f,- -1 'r (i R I -L_ x m A Q w K A, a :0 00 - Su4- f- ndcrobiol"Icai ums. "X19MM-The f4d and ntw mrtbod, for. Kkim. Farm. 00 A, for mill'obwalcia%ij kv am jkwrjj%,,j. I-Ift) NASAMOVICIO o 0 J- u Alto u '-ff Koo zoo =06 A* 0 A, 00 !Zee also Ifoo All-It 1a1TALkUv',WAt LITINA140f CLOWICATIOM, I R9 SIMAP. alai Ilo'c' -1 twircomf Ila l(cl K it It It K Wo 1 :14 & A, ad 0- -.j 1 21; 0 0 e "0 'e, "03 0"; 0 S:'G 0 * 0 S 0 0 S 0 40 00 ~06 0 ~oo !R ~ o 4 o- *4 066 1 0 tj 11 11 13 14 11 14 11 to 11 10 ~ itatj N A J7 It )I a Is a jo 11 a p a 41 &1 6i 0 A 4.4 111 j j o g 6 0 : A _LIL(I!.f' -P 00 00 -go 0 0 x 00 or 00 ki: I A hill 00 With 11141 I(Offlitle ILI 11114 IMAPII 0&4"It! 6%, wtatvh m4n. *kill .1 MV; of vIlAy"If. IFINII Illatt eat, is kept at .17* fqw 24 lin At the vul Of hydntlytli 41hisrulaq are oallutAt"I by wamling and clear maltow mAruls is filtmd od. and the purity i~ checked by Amm. and bkxhem. methmis. L. NARAMAVIVII 400 so 00 '00 00 S 00 #A I I a tw o -3 1 0U frivit 9v* Kit Kit A I so A&. JL- a is V in 20 a 11 w A, a M 9 M A - A 49 0 U40", .."Fief4l 0 ~7 - A. Supm for ValcroWAIG" assc IV. IF". SICINIOW)v WKS Xkh" Forw Prom 1933. twown a MOP UAZ~d i~ the manut. of .. mg. 6 L,&t.1 ttb lechukal Ume. ou The bask of "#0',v C&O on the limtow. The *V: Is Wowly added to On si :xd and CoAd Inur MAD. C lrwrl-tt Is filleted wW wapkcd jvdCC&nt4tk)" , dermposed by poutine its sw1witsk," it,,O 2A.; MIA) fil lf-I WW the ffmcow 04". COCK.,I. Ift "I wvsPLM lk uu Y ton And cfyNtd., *at Iftmis C11.011. r tbe rrs"Ids to c coduci . - tc uilc e t f i - P- ul n s or Inkrub Q c, ical uics. V . OdUcliser. A. &cp--y mw N. Newftvs. r&d. W5-9---Laet-ft a`AD- (257.) is hydrolyzed with 1,-~ 00 . HP90, at 110, in an autorlave j. an Atmosphere of co, The sulfates am removed with lime. the On edJusted to 5 0 . 4 with CtI&C00H mul glucoft rtmovvd tjy felment,tio". The galactose Is crystd. in= 85% ak. aud twkv IrOm 901rio ak. The pcoduct (about 847c at the t") is suitable Fw microbigAn" uses. L. Nam"vich if I jolt NJI MJ1441 quadero --- T k I ., L-, 00 reat"41 -00 .00 6*0 200 00* 60 000 XO* XO* boo NO* woo L ad 0 0 As 43 3 a U it AT to AS al Is 8 Ot 19 M 19 ff it N KID n 1 .14 0000 0 0 0 0 0 90 0 0 0 0 010 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 a 0 0 0 * 0 0 111,* 0 0 0 so 0 0 0 *to_* 0 00 *we 0 0 0"o * 0 4D 0 0 919 0 q 0 30 SO a 41 42 43 as IV cm AV _tCO1FGIGfflLm x CPU*$ TO "A T A t' 1 4 - PC AND *I" caudal Olooss .&!IN-ALS **aI oil k o;; get oes 00 too 992 900 00- 00 So, ?so Oo* as Onam pwr see 90,41"W0 00~ JO MONO-wal-Lal ,I so OD qlww,ft~m ID 06 III)w IIIAMS4084 got 11$M0410 see j0dw -61 lal e &sees a Ab Jws 7---w Ole 0*0 * a 00 q 0 *09*0 *0 0:~e 4 *6 4 its #I u a It a is Lp 0 It V, V Lt 4 14 a hi V m 0 a 1, u o 0 a re A a x ~V. r U-P 1-1 -4 1, jr a a (X --0 4 The soUndam of supre u&44V the 'CtIOO i0l valifts -00 bons. 8. R.) 1, NO. 1. 112)(Mfi).-A emPatative oudy .06 00 was made of tht&ct1onoIC*(0lj)tmndNa01f (in glumme 0 A 1 and fructow at 25' over 1- 24 hrs. With the tm n( Co. -410 ing prol"I" in acid win. -0 0 '1z (OH)c the surs" showed miuc (teduction of dichlevoindophenal and 1) and save charac. 0: reactions with FeC4. Under the same con. teristic color I es !roe 04 di lons N&011 does not protItice such chang . Ca(C)II)t f.V01 the fortnation of mannow from g1tsetow, whil, 041 NaOH tends to fom fruettse. It is suggested that the 0 diffmSces are due to the tentlency of the varioto has" 00 to give either cyclic or straight chain enolic fonns of th, zoo 00 $use". S. A. K. ze 0 ;A 0 00 zoo 1 '300 Pi D, oe~ A%8.%L& 61TALLUR11CAL LITIMATURE CLASSWKATIm o= C.Z- 7 Ir 1-10.3 -L' IP- '344 u S At is V- An-- 0 M a I It ff IV to or it a a g K CE CC it K Ko n i v4 0 0 0 0 0 0 a XMIN ~ A. On the active form of simple sugars. II A comparative study of he oxi- dizability of 6- glucosephosphate and glucose, A. KUZIN and A. KOCHIN (CARBOHYDRATE LABORATORY, VIM, MOSCOW ) vol. 1, no.6, p.676, 1936. *93 sto- 00. to 'a I uv it u 33 3w is 's ?IT ct,,(* 2-CLIM. W.ra .Vt. WIN1.11 ..Vt% I _Z-3 Alr~`Imm:i "3118"1n3. V-1, It ela 00 so, o N 2: go . I , t IIA91A fV14411114N p A-A"-) -old -lm LK.11.1011 :14j, 'amnf A MWI PaR" P up M Rw a" -ppas" al (W14.11111 06 f. I . II v - 4 IM4 -, I 1 go 1 4 '1111tit 441 11A 'Ilt'1111 31 w 9 m 11111 11,12 ji l 1 Q lm ng P 1 0 00 it 00 1-40. 13 owwwrato steam if -tilmandew 0 0 beffso go' 4.4" iuit is, 15 m n vv T r A--a __u VT v j It, 0 r-r- t- --I I v a " tl It it IN so, it, 0 oeseses sees 0 off 0 0 c 0 0 0 00 1S W 11 , I six a a A 5 L a L1 6 j k- A. a a It , A f f'"t.0 A of XIOBMMS an the Cmdemserme Ot 00 VAMW C " a CAlwyet for tho sp- Z *0 CINIGS-A.-Ammis. BWASNOW4 2. 1 ' C. A. M. 2172'..-A"bk ar;j is&. I V EW i go* aw"Oltibo'N 4 S COWMAN, with tapipaww" cmig. an .3 00 1" thecandcusatimotHcHoro,us". W dpd l"CCHO 4r 6 =06 a a. a I OL-bic acid trently diminMtv a tM reducing powu of the latter; apparently so addn_ Moduct is Canned. It is UML-Ad that ~itami- C. be. aid" rawating axidmt~mredurtion P".'.~$' 1, &L'a i 00 zmrum*QW to calWyzing the building of C chains W the living mvudm. ewteially the cmvmiw 0( ficito im. If, Cohen 00 Cos fee 1 MOO vo* -A V i e- m M b5CDL-) 42) O-C( of AS 5 a. L A OCTALLURGICAL Ulf-'0019 CL UPICATWO &.I Ott mais), av~ 4-'o lit 0 0 AT 00 LS to a 19 aAlign Plact Itit mon I 11A 0 0 0 * 0 0 0 0 0 0 a 0 0 4 0 0 0 a 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 to 7 s ] 000000twOO0060000009000 00 ;0*0009*000000*0009 . 00 0 00 0o0 0 0 0 Oes l" C I f a I IC It -, t; 'I !-, A 'T T! 10 J" j Ll a 0 v ::I. An U ~:A", fil PO f. L I -T.- -L A P ~'U-Y A- L-k -M 0 (t CL 049 As 0: R"AWty of IMUMMMY44 in -0,0 v*Aom b"w. A. Kuv~~ (J. Gen. 1937, 7, 2954-2963).-PAUtion of Cult bv CH Oft i h X t & . M pf"ance of CA(OH), is > w vok"tv of the ftwum 2010 - sleou + HCO H ' ' 0j than of. sX840 in gmaier In presence of s, 0 %, CHO. The fe"tion for 4-20%, but riot 40 Mo + Moll -* HCOSM + in prewum of CUSO, r when M Nla than When M t i e s gm IN&; " is due to the mom M ki formation of Cu. ~ the former cam. which Catalyses the veac4im, In go syttem CHj0-Hj0-&"l-CU the reaction peace@& a4 the ame rate with Ca(011), -%a with 'HO f t OH dth ft N i X feae in a a . At - &OEL It nsuppow t# yieM OH-M*-ON&, dinociating into OH-CH -0' s 7 is &M Na'. viiiist with Cls(OH), the reactio; 4 OH4'H,-O-CaOH OH-CH: Ca(OH)s. R. T. so Too 7 1") -u vs -11 1%, 77' it -T "Loq Is q a a Al 0 0 I a I It 11 U to Is ISIG it" 19mrit a D"bin 10 V--- im 11 Uu m 0 ft v is ft Aj 0 Q is 0 O'Ce a _L~ A_A_j_ A Q OP 44,1_11-. 1 4 V I CAU17641 fftd Of MOR64411 aft OW COAdisfisittiam of form aldithydetoaugan, V. Coumalcoadits"Hoorvacticin in t1ke pn sonce of coutmoteistod Wit stAutims. A.Kutuk. BiAhimmiya 3. 16-27 (IW8); cf. C. .4. 31, =261-HUM emit 1w condmuted to sugars at bixty temp. (37"). and in 00 .01m,111 Drutrai sain. (pit A.M. by uning a sapriguld. QJn. i of MS subsiviatv, in the pirwittv o(a Pinall itim. III ~06 411 Vnr'tlk4 I'MU101 (fMilliMe. K1yVU14JdChYdt If It. Cohen ,41 e le- a Y1 C e- (!,,r Yi j I's ST M o A j .10 46t ~V,1' it C~0 It I ir~ Ow5 As a U 11 &1 so it I w tv tviv 041:1t:04 Ica" ItO491does 4,14 4 C : 0 : 0 : : 0:: 4 0 0 * 0000 00 0 . . . . I - ~ 11 1 , . ~ ~ t - ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ JA A ri .9 Q k I d 0 0 r - I , , , . ~ - - - - - - - 000 00600-0000004000 0*0 0000 of , lp 0 v Wl+- 41 0 480 at it 0 r o0 Oo o:. 0 00 00 g 0 0 00 0 0 .2 06 00 a It 4 It it 12 is 14 it 11 4 tr IR 02 A.. a A__ j_J_ a_ k__ A -k--.P -1 _At-. ~,4.~11_ - so YICA! :! 1 .00 Reaction capacity of YsiolotticallY Inapomat sub- stanceslummixtuns. 1. Mdix&biUtyofald*hyd*sin the pte"ace of ammino acids. A. M. Kulij,-Biakissmiyu j. .00 481-90Mi-In the PrrscfR-ebrj1VZ7r,_AcH I!, oxidiztil -00 to glYxvlk aldrhyde by I in acid -An. This alipwent gill cnahzing effect of amino acids may be cumvrncd In thv .00 SYnthcAis of sugaril froul C140 In the pfrwtwr of miliol .* 0 n~talyzrrs, aud also explains the trausitiou fruen Acli to 00 %imple migars in the rtsynthris of cubub drates in 11H Illum-le, it. Cohen 0410 a I L A SITALLUNGICat 1,1114611W41 CLASUPICAIM" twass..'_* - - __,Y_ __ - IiFlavo .6, 'A I 9 0 0 07 0u 0, : 4, 1 i SO 9 0 Ole 0*0000000000000*00000 00 0006000000000* '00 000 J* 0 00 -00 00 '00 00 so a a a I a 9 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 00 *_ 6046 4*4111004060:01 0 o 0 ~ 4 0 0 4 4 6 0 0 0 a 0 0 g 00 00 it it 1) m 1) J; 7 , t 0 0 A N a J7 is A 0 0 0 0 N V v 1) 11 0 a 1: 4 1 0A6 L A IL _JLJL I I _L I N, f ..Q 0A A[ [ AA (A I I I I I I 'I '0 0 is 00 00 of .00 o -00 0 th, uIttritr -L~ attliulati,if With AcOff and with IIrF -490 N*w Synthtisis of glycoUMehyde and glyceraldehyde. t.%.agxf, at ?k,futl,l Itirimirl 15 rn"O. l'be "ithic -1- -00 :0 A.Kuliu.. J. Gtin. t ite"t. it', 4. S. R.) 0, -"N t1th""t- %td. Willi alk- at(,. ;&nil IIIr t1hrut" frVIII twIlt-, 41~1 -00 ct. C. A. ZQ.3V87'. 72247'- Pi-evious rifill. in tile CAW% tic livviWS ftecif front the Alv. be vacutim di,tis. I he 00 irf cimademation of 11CHO Ito sultars with CA sacchatate leave irtily tv,ilhic w* in W nil. ,I alm 41c. ct'atc. .0 0 00 bem extended to the Lotuimt of the inw-mriliate riv. 21'v 11C1 and, after standing for 7 dav,% at ftx)m temp., w3m; rokidek-ide M anti the Intrima. W ~re'didehYliff itti. ' III'llittifiltA %%)III VJVV. Na,Cth Itilij tile filtlAti! of 44011111..4 40.,:~ Cll,(). *WL 4(01111 unit 10 M. soj A mixt * 111 1141 nil. Altri ~Iok rvinoval tit imaltert-d Kittet- with no o 00 0. Kh"l-tv in 4 1. "Afef III I'Ad at 37' 1411111 tile rethwilig lite ak. %4a, dtimi ,If at 25 mill. mid the m. Will, Imilict 'it the t%-altitat lallod Ila cold Frilling talln. hall WA4 110CIIIIIIAtid Al i" MIJI. Ilt-4titr I hir at, ut It 00 3 1 reviched a max. 'I tic "44 imclitin tilixt. was (1.3 4.). 14 1 M% wul lifftnut"I. with 0.1 S If,!k). And, =So 00 after neutrali/ation with ,HaCO, the hydrciviate was ~ 0 00 ~X (t.,.I .. CifO): F"littil., givinlL~ 4 Cowl. and ' 3) 70' 751 M b 11 fi i d i i bovine. tit. 11 . wakci ta ne e y n , 6 y ' 1 =00 4 K. I anti an equiv. .4 C11.0 -2 1.) with tligrning at 35 o0 2A Ini. of 5`~ CA10114 lintit tile Aw d CHp had dis- g 0If 0 ja appiaml (3-5 iniml atilt then quickly neutrahring -nth ::o 0 3an equill. of COUlt in iflO. The tiltrale. contg. A light r%clms I't Al:4 M. wn % t vArxi. unit redi,td. in tutaw. H -00 with on Imailing for 1.3 firs. gave tile ~(11w. zoo 0:1 in. 1XV Ch.-. PlAnc Noo 9 0 A I a - I L aa(TALI.tJOIGICAL LITtIATIAt CLASSIVICATICII 0 0 410 It j goo - " ; , 1 IN 01 If .1 t 1 *A I a Od 0 ax v In P (1 f q if to to 0 o 0:0 * 0 * 0 a o 0 0 0 Is 0 4 0 IS 0 * 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ft 0 0 A is 0 0 0 0 vio 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 a 0 * 0 0.0 0 1111 0 9 0 0 a 0 * 0 40 0 a 0 0 * 41111~ I I , , -, ~ , ? . " ~ . e " r a U ta a 5 42 7 0 t 0 b 0 6 , v * 'a 0 L. a I 0. !go 000 0 o1w --L-J-a " 0 41 41 u al SPO -A L-C so A -7L-0 0 Parc ties A.0 0 I-of 1-00 00 .00 ON gnaw" 6~ VL :0 so d '00 too (A. IN goo bw 40 oeo 7 MWkWin ogo 011-C Ou + + ,j Of[ amd famedosima a catalyst. Undw cow 1-00 mubig wd Mv 4h6-QO Molt), of Waynthads (1) wAy be ftuctaw or awarW ; ISO MT. 1000 t Joe age woo it woo CO.4 UU A, MO x a It K N a I S a rid 0 IN 9 Im Ia I wx 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 * 0 0 0 6 * 0 0 0 0 0 0 all 0 0 0 6 0 a 9 a a f 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 6 0 0 0 0 0 ~O' 0* 40 t a 0 PQ a I, T IN I u v a 00 w 41 q Al 61 oil 01 AV IS n n o T14 IL & j . , * " IF I If 0 Oft :f viv 101, os. son 00 for o*v 00 0 OR 00 IIp. MII '.I IIIIS 011111 .211.111 I'll" pial, .,Ilma III ~mill Aq t1oll-Illp'l ".N -mq% ml tim I.I.q. so Cr O= i mI III'll r*0 III 13J J41 31PS3133,)t Do I-%.1rlIvIV -7. 1,1111 111711.4 1-i -Y aupiIvjOa3ub"j*aq)uj so- siolne old" jo nolpyall III -irmlaoij JAII '11'411"N jr so 'I AIIII.111JI ift"ll 4mml pr.)l 1jMA.kIv p ~W~Jla so so- Irill J.-ri ,III Aq .1,!,u on ... fit 'Juppy 00 al 1 00 .4 -IV ot"3119 poo3aasaid atp ni 00-i I)rdw i no goo kB1111931 J rso so .- !1.7 00 .0 J., I . J; 00 0.7 a It 11P a n it al m 10 -w- IV W, 0!0 0 0 0 0 oo & 000 0 OF It K 4 '!to 00 o a 0 0 fe 0 0 00000 0 A 4 t 00 *0 00 0* J 004 004 00 il~ _CLAIWKATION --7: %Sam liflosi.. "Ma., u 9 an on .11004 Ina WK ocaj IAKW 0 0 0 0 - ~6261 0* 00 0 0 0 0 10 0 tee 1 . a ~ a a a a 7 MT it' 00"Al. it. An A, ft I 9000 0 0 0 00 -* *0 **. 000000 0 0 0 ft0 V 0 Go -*4 do* 800 Joe* woo too 10 0 a 0 0 0 0 0 a 0 0 1 0 is it U 11 w is is It n, a"N 'A M 17 A )9 In 11 U 13 M 6 Ill V X P 49 0 43 43 0 OCO A A-L-A A A.N r 4 a 11 4 v A-L-M N OL M U4,t, 1 4 F7- St A 96 .4 c,)jnporative study of th~ PCOV11ra of for% 01JAM 0 Anil All"Wer carbon Chains cat I so r ill and V. V. MW 4 wo), '41. M. St 1' 11,1 00 lift ident ical. Out"ipw is illactivate'l 00 not, 00 a =Sto 00 oe use 00 Aso FOR Ni -;a isles 41, A I a% L RETALtURGICAt LITISIATU111 CLAMPKA110011 CEO I 4 W, see Im As a K a it 11 11 x and: 0 o so 1 q 0 o 0 0 o;o a 0 a 0 0 * 9 4 0 0 0 0 0 0: ~~o o w o * q;0 0 Soo o 0 0 o see Ot 0 0 4 0 04 4 0 411 0 0 0 a of w 0; 0 0 0 0 0-0 0 A It X It V IS M 0 16 V 111 0 9 4 Ilulim Isto fill it a ' 21 D n ld b X 17. & ILLL1 -1 U U. 11-j , isr !q OiIur.j -P ":!.I Mechanir of sugar synthesis from ptotlucts of ght tolvaid, 1. Oxidation of pyruvic acid In the pre-sence of so i at c Acid whvdr,t%v- heoxi ifin of pyrifv i Ilyflivic acid. which has often tx-rn p"Wifed in rnzyn l"' i i 0 . -tca"titui%. has been accomplislird expcitmentalIv. T l of I k-tat'd Owell dw Inw. .4 1-simu, A'Id. KIvk%Iw alt'l 1. 11. I'l I- If, v 00 1 0 rA 0 00 zoo 0 , U 1 AM A S 9 tw 0 4 - I Ir 13 $A a 1 1 d 3 12 4 i n ft it Ill Of it 99 91 of It It it 0 as 0 0 0 as 0 0 as 0 a 00 Illia 0 0 6~6 0 0 0-0 0 a 4 0 0 * 9 00 0 . 0 6Z. :0 00000 0 * 0 0 0 0 * 0 0 0.:o 9 * 0 040000 00 0 Is 'S 0 0 0 0 0 A; O'D a 0: 0 0: goo ow 0 00 L A ACTALLURGICAL LITERATUNI Ct&&$IFK4TION :44! FLA ~A, - s Rio-, Igloo., .10 0.0 Olff 0 U AT go S Of-W-I III- I P 1 jw V 49 K a It It K a ft It K 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 4 ,81 :100,00 0,000,00 0,80 go 0 0 0 0 0 A A Ah Ab Q M AA n A a A a 0 a a a 14 fill UUMS is &0 pro 660941 tr -"R' 0 1011,L The role of afteilik Acid In the syntheals of C*tbdn Ili-so I-tchd"IYkIs clutins. A. M. K i Ifist. a S. R. 1940. No. 4. jrkiw. Riffraj. Zhur. 4, No. 9. 67(191O.-The :-0o syntbc- r n the pt.scnv of Catollis wil entil Stoup t;f oct. tak" p I the help of the active vitimlysts. A schsenfe of this eynthesis is given. %itich I, supported experimentally. The views an the part puy"I the ascorbic acid in the synthesis of sugar in the leav" with date given In the literature reitardilix plants agm the pandlellwi between t1w content of vitandis C in thr green partsof Ibliplants.- theactivilysil 11WA-61111,16111 and are supported by easitts. Isi t4trt, tinder i-Widitiott. similar to nab trid conditions. hfudelempti.indivatrihAt amino a" an act as encilizing agents in the pluit. The role of Ascorbic AM in thesyntheisisfoptivally a,-ti%e carbohydrates explains the blot. specificity of its 1-i-jiner. W. R. lirtin ---0o z 00 zoo zoo 900 goo coo 80 0 00 ~Moq t:99 9 Z tie* 41 L I PW 0 of V I too W. 0 a 610 a 0 Is, 0 0 9.11 0 0000 Goo 0 00 0 2-00690600000000 I I #Los ItUA)FU 16 N ",I A A, J-4.4-U. 1- ..Y~ v -111 11 a I "'" A OR **a PI-00111-4 i- 'Nor. 0 lip 04D j 000 0 a 001 4, a 0 0 a gap a V a 0 U 11 1 11 V M a 0 if a U 41 11 N . , .1 *1 ~ . , A 1 0 0 _6 a ~ ---- ---- I The ri4wvuy* of ph, "llat ofgudt sub - IV It"t1mito of othyl mat of tilde" In Stubs#$. ty _--iderahk mobilityatif bound toN. IfIrrferep", ASS.SLA MIALkilftKAIL U111114110*1 W. R. 11,11" "a.. 11".1141. 4nove -a I $41IGGO wit 0MV off T 49LAN, am "I all glyd" its me Pf 01 W110011171 COMPIPMACIA, A. W k,&ad 0. 1. Polyakova. 10 Nn. 1. Kits (in "ish. 02) (IM) ; cf. C. $46011 Of SlyCibe ester Into dikttopipemine wa4 stutlicil all Wetone. ftuttuw, gluco,r &"d 9ALIALICIft. AcH, 11010 and acetone & out plonjul, the formation of d"opiperazine, but simple sugar, in- CTCASC the yield by almost IOU%. Tbesugwisuotchangel during I he reactical' , " indicates t hat its effect i, c2talyuc . C gds. anillocoul to simple sups-4, Imt coing. no car. lx:u K14AIP (nut.-Inilol) we without Cifect. It I, suptx)~t'j t"t rartlorlyl comptis. activate the It of tlac antino group. owing 10 the [urination of an unstable inicrtneffiarylln.f. uct. land thus actelerate the coradcussition of &Iycitw tt, r. The %atneactivatmig influcticcof the iLilnpk Sugar~ (or'Alu, carbonyl compt6 ) on the cotidensation of the aluino acid, utay play a role in the formation of priliki" and tfik~t- piperazines undet natural couditioins. On the baNii W ow be CMtalYtk-tffVCt Of SinlPle SUIW~ Go the COMIVU~A- I i 5ter can be expres-cd fly: 2RR'C0 i 2xHlC1f;UXF1 - 2PJt'C (011) N IICIICOOFt RRI(Ito)c~%4.Cit..C(OH)(OFt).,(C(011)RR').Cil: C- L____ __ _ (OII)0Ht2Hj0 - NILCH9.1COSILCIft.C0 + 2HR' a C(0I1)j,-RR'C0+2Ht0- The character of It in qixsr~ (probably the abunitance of Oil group,) contlillou, -,a t,,u- U 8 AV 10 ASIj 4 . P;l-Plairiiiiiiaitaglist 0 0 40 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 or2 io 0 0 a I OF IN 5 a a 3 0 1 *1* 0 0 0 0 * 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 .00 .00 goo =41019 zoo 0*0 9*0 see 9*0 ZOO Ago* see Nei zoo wool 00 4 00 so 13 w % 4N 71 A 8. mr- m is A ONULLUNGKit LITIQATURI CLASSOICATMINI a-% L 1k -rwa 4-0 -- T if 4-V dai u a &V 16-1,11 roe ---00 lay is Coo roe mosepw too so 0.. (9: -L-j-1 i~ jj---j--l -j-j;" it -, t It I v if 11 if 14 is I& it" n 11 Al a 14 IS A A it 10 If w u IN a Is A? lop-111" U.1 a or* 9 A L- I I I.. L 4 N p 4 A I I v I I I AA 0 CC I [tic If 1 0 00 00 A $if jl~m I., fis'll-t -00 00 0 : 0 MOl'PbOIOOCAI Attlilictuttill &0d eazymic rVilCtiolliS. 1 0 0 land I). B.k",- ~11144-lum )---The hY'IfDIYI, u-Itr of mwf~ by L vel - : 0 0 u lit- in aq. -In. egg illitillaut 1, '11-CICA-Cli W11"I TiW .00 Ilawforilled into butil liv 111m.h. liffills. I'lu. ' :o 8 111 v99-alburnin surfaLv i3 jInj,,j &cColIlp4nitd hy -00 0 ic the ratc of hydrolvik. CklAtill it kircom;X1. wl."I at a flivich %biw X00 er rate whrn III,. r,,acjit)Ij Illixt j. ("it in a thin layrr .,it gla" I I P =00 0 13 . - t i-1 0 0 00 u roo 06 a 180 0 ooz 1: 06 9 :;00 goo too zo 0 moo 00 izoo 60 40 A A - I L AsI TALLOGICAL LIMAYLIC CLAWFICATION t2o 0 ipo g -.ZT i, -3~ I- -. - - ---- ".. - - - - - - -r-ii--r -F V M 0 ii I it Ow 0 0 0o 0 0 OO111,06160 ~; 1, If, lp Ov tit If r[ it it a tt it 00006 0 60 ; 0000 66000660000000 Kw n 00 .000000:000400000 000,000000 000600900 0 *it Oft *or 0 OR 00* *OR Ott 002 00. 00. *0. 00* sea 0,0 0 * A'o V 6 4 A L a 0 0 PQ 0 1 1., AOL S. m ittive sistrit" AMD it" 000406 MOWN I MIUM WiDjau JIG& MLIZM gol'yam :DU 40 IHOIVHOM IVDIWIOHU ZHI MY ')GMA nOJVHOHTI UVH(UHOMD m .. mo pon Asu -""awl'- 14t I* ,=Ram *40*m DD am Opel ~ pwo t e61'%'" m7pr d " a p - 10 .. - 91 pwqq WOWAAW" " Ott- AMR -d"20A X'o- 2"An-d p- Sm" I* pD"- v-IM MI .2 jWM"ffj ACR*OX *4 P" vow* Ito* n*q p 00 090 00 7$0 r00 t00 100 500 00 0 re: 600 00 00-4 'a ift- I law 409 1 1 ZX- .00 aw 0. vallakan. t i N m- cmten am Sre4wWr *WS AM 00 Ow euuw am preactit in a ro ww owpd. k foroW. throush cowd. strim tab, r. This *X- the uRW d dm m6it ad oubonyl r h h *04 t e MW w pkim wby the aid" dMuft vat" t whkk UCIL% a free d A WW W - 04 I mi S coo=&, AA W , OWIYCUW. The CA "boyl p is whkwt ~ Z 00 *0 .g V" of glyvirw) 6. 00494. of tho ( i l d d Ucow is pr.W. duat To 10 acid 48 s. al=r Aft la C (oil f h 0, led er ., lal cc. of wa(w t m b I it. X J. has =Z w aw of th U CM(OH) *04 N ala " o . l Altercd MA wd A" as 10= lCOF; Aervit-PPLOPPeft" see **4 ficd, The soLld Is cobdW by filtatloo 3 times Ag"l Wi' ith des g S.. w , with a. wd then with &k. The y oo 12.7-134% tof Ca =d 4.".0% -1 N. Tlw law " and , 0 a** Saw"ta N coatnt is dus to tba absorptiou of I =*A in the h d Gl Mass as sa to 7.3%. yt , - Mft 4w MW wp tl(h t* flk b OR) AAA . d l a Q #, v ( out from oak., wo must - - Ollb"Wr am goo Mcia we also Cap" d unim witb ShKave. although amine ulds of bigh md. wt. twitt lea teiRWy. It. P. goo No* No* AIM-kA NPALLIMMALL 1 age* U 6, sit. NIYI 'Wee *a 0 0 0 0 *4 0 0 0660406 17 a- -A t. A 0 4 P Etc A sit 1 ..0 PVCot A I It I IN I utumor of the blocAginical th gig of Isoprene type d cubas chabs. d N. A. Nevr4eva. FMFp T ; 6. Z A. 34, 161W.-The , I k l l -00 e eton it ItTlienti, hypothesis of Haler That the to ptne s rubber 0l, etc.. Is formed In riw through the cuticle". 1"'a viousl lacked tx ti s r d Atli h CO i . an a e on 6 l Rat e, . p y p a catallyst. however. M"CO s7% and Acif readily modruse to form P-bydrozyi3ovaler- 0 - Addehyde (1). which cwt W w - t;: of chain. : .. To a mixt. of 2DO g. MftC . Ar S cc. of water. o there 6 added 60 li. abowhent cottou whi 100 h l f 10 l i l d i ch W been f w d l 00 cv.o tran n.o na a wette w t asu n yr g.g * ' '4Q and at Timm then dried. After standing for 8 hrs. at 0 . itinti. too, 43 hrt.# the cotton 6-pe iedly extd. with ethcr. Henitival of I lit ether lesvits 58 j. of an oily proi1tict, which 0 ale ; troti. by fractionation yields 8.6 C. of 1, t"a 67-70 tarbasids, at. 125'. On beating the sernicarbadde to IMP- 40'. it solidifies and melts with decompti. at :3)l-lUOO the change apparently being due to the formation of a pyrax- Aotic. Since this condornmuloo takes place at a low teell under the catalytic luductice of a Subitatice Which r &ly diottibuted In WIN orpribms, there i, tea%on to il w believe 161 lit nalti-e bofIrew typet of rinvi Air loraird in an analogoti% nunner. 116-flev too qpe i too ILA NSTALLUROKAL LITERATURE CLAWFOCAT)ON ilL boo _ lee I , A ' -w~ 3 v 0 ll i lov I U 0 AT 00 Is M a I n K At t" I t t An A I a fW 0 PI 0 1 V 14 5 a . ~ I 404 j 0 oil *2 11 *1 1 1 9 IP, 1) 11 it W 13 4 It is to ~.'TTx U it is III jv a 0 a 63 a a Ad a A a-f- Ji - -L., k 19 11-1-IAA~ A OL-00 K k. 9 F V &.. 1, r, -i.0 ". (fivisi 9 a- 0 J-1-rA 1 00 A f,e -'1' ! . -- . - Blood niy=tho 11611 of Investiptims of spKific j 00 il blood a. A. 261 t; rd Z. litaka~via. 11 U-d MiekAjoti ti V 1 . . y front groups 1(0). II(A) and 111011 differ houl I it In nit W"S attarkett I'v vkvvlvbt~ u s II(A) 6 not relloved b O th l n e gro y l y va ws~ whereas the polyuccharkics of gronits 1 (0) and 1 11(f1) give ccilofations with I Similair 10 The cololatocials, 1 produredbyglyto4vnitIelf. defg. glyeogen with 1, or by colioration with carmine aiv 99 mirellable. being not specific for gl5cogirn. The main mass of submances sclid. fly tile CIA%xi~ftl "tiger method .3 (C. A. S. I M) consi,ts not of glycogen but of rethr- oe -accharidcs. Actually, no glycogen can be defectrat in *0 corpse blood, and only traces of glyrNen W mg. per l(MI 00 .3 v.) are found in fresh blood. The increaw of blood i iglv~~gvn, in infectiou,; di."s". cited In the go - fii~rature, is in all prolubility an increase in the atut. of Wood polyuccharidei. The 4tability of the specific poly- oto u-t-charides toward amylaw mak" it highly improbable that they participate in the carbohydrate metabolism Of the cy 9 .00 2 me* too coo see see .200 ITALLUOGKAL LITEPIATURIL CLAIAIMATION A%*-SLA a v- rw a -61 i-M 3 is a 3 0 v ;K1 Ica 011111 Itell 0 ~66 0 * 0 0 0:0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 4 V ON AS 11 U 0 1k 6 It P A 30 49 .1 .7 11 61 of At % YV I . I If cm 0 0" "011734MV 104 M1111 1VN114111*41 IN IF 0 IT Ca u 4.0 Mm 0 0:1 0 0t 002 go 002, 00 902; aw""ns" L, 00 all 00 of* r00 I AWN 60, 100 00, 00 00- 00. 0. go 00. 61 17T~1;111 A. I USS2. Tarasevich Central State Eci.Control Institute (-1944-) "On Employment of Nicotinic Acid in Producing of Dyr;enteric Vaccines," 5 ,,): ZliurF6-d liikrobiolat!i.sEpideiii-el.,i Immmobiol., No.12,19)dj a C a V 4 a X L a 0 6 pu a I IF w 13 IT ICA" *y 0 v"s lab "a 6t" C-11111111t Isows AU?*O 14ol. a 00 ft4k 1730511141111111 wit'sly 0 ft AQ a r ROPPAS 9 p-p&W tNQAI *PMJO) "a ar,"pamArod -Im-salum v 10 -sw 0-9 'Imcm- ap Wit Palls "m uaswls 10 ISM 9 W4L% *1 t"Ps toofivaor mqq 0 2V1412 p9m -)- of 'I- Ala.- apuvq--L4rm v F 'SO L PM30 IsAt"11112 - W--V JO 'A- 9 10 ---d Ni 01 WM PtO P 'Im 09 'W11111"N"d aMod M- -ndu r All u1 *iunaid Antrq sliArtim applegmuAlod jo pan up oo Impu3d* IpWqxmU)od jiuplilp Alaspia o"rim Awm Pittitrui ma mp Ism= -PIKMDI S" mnits" 046 211111121211" aqv ; I VAp)w awrwqi-iApd 0 in SqL *p;Aoo- aMA-qd-qd ck 00 am "A pm jua -- p "M up " SpApsa, gap p 1111111 jo &MM 41,111, 11110111 pmran 1340" pvq 1) am 00. R-WApd lo I -q)uAg IV sm"qw-u! mit a, 00"w No up :Ompq r 04L at *oil wnql ill m u" It'd 00. If pmep" at 21 WWI 4 If 43ms 0e, !Xljvpurw -stmwx ="111011 7144 SRI =(111 atilt jo,M" Al Aq 6n p)p-& yj olwqaw*l --o -u; t'll"All iv ap"w" aqj * es 111141111- ao'30 W W K dz 11, I a 12 1 a 61 111 di of 61 m to It If it 4 1 0 I ; Is lost roe o 0 of 0 of 00 a m Ali) a a a go a Alk . . . . . . - - - we i-# -40 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 00 40 4 1 10 11 11 14 n It w " lo:All 'in we my lin eal vu ".21:* 0 It --Aj-j I. j I A L-AL-11- V. m -1161 U41-1--l--A-1 '- ;5f ..0 Dou lo .. m 6 q - A a .1. it 04 0 to r a s - g" 1`400,1 1. , % .o 4 1 f A p lid In two Synthesis of the PC Id bal an 2t N - t1wh*,miri Mytokilva. (1 Inm 8 *0 // ilk 0 , a 4; vviivii'ke Io, 1 : : 111 ynthmi* is( iwptide finklag" with twisoylialrd wid Ow" 7 IW 32 3 00 0 ) avelfiling to IWOM41111 (CA. 1, . , IVA~I-o ~tlldivtl ill the pl~irllvcof 'ittillic m1141% 161111--l -00 f, The Vivid. l4 Modide tfl-Ult hiptntfic Acul AIM 4,111111e) 411-1 A .-,I ... vi. Otylglycilt.- amfille 1~1.1,.Vlslwow *'.I jalv,mv AMIAC) miri, i-~--l 1-144.1 ht,n to littir -ItA, i~Add.NL C..d mill. palmill vlw.? -00 ill ee, J vitititi, Niffer A Ill[ After fillif itit 1..m1, ill, liquid j~ filfr(artf. &anti I., [it vc Ith, filitate thvt, i. o mldud 1.1 iv. ill villitfir NOTt'l, 11 A i'vorim- 11C1 z o 000 of Impailil. 11.11 It. hipplific '16.1. Alill I coo milinc. 'I he ~ilfi. i, dild. Ill At vc. with %%kilcr will dt. zoo ewh r I, ottimil. AforrIWAY411t 14)". 14" Im ~Tvr" 0. 0 !!I x00 l . l"l-irlatlyrioe mi.ilide .0. ji,irflou mand only :14 me. twits thr-tittO -09 09 r*9 !400 use %d-%LA jL � NITAtLURGKAL UTRINA116411 CLASUPPICATION . _ so em Till 0 i z' IdAilso-4 L 44100.) .1 ONT %lot offi,110MU 41.11, dw ill 0 I 0 0 4 a '9-q r A 0 AT so as L I IN N 0 Of 0 1 it 0 it a K a a ill 4 19 a it It at KID A 1 14 0 0 0 0 a 0 0 * 0 0 41 0 0 0 0 0 a a 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 00 i 0 D e 4 * 0 0 00 000000 0-0-0-00-0 0 0 0 0-9 0 0 0 * - a 0 0 00000 ~Jvvvvv A PNOCIt"I AM POCONO?,($ 1hVAX Specidc jokstochaffdes f Cx"q. 0XI-oid lid. A. a. F. Ah'wvs. 0-1. A,, %1" ortfoj), Bink4imiya 10, 3W-78 i, (I"N.-The strain of Progm, beali known as X1, k Ousted in the SCMMS 0( tYPht13 P66CUtS (%'Cif- lv!e ftactim). Jht strain X% is not agglutinated, 'So whertasX. 6 agthidnatcd o0v in the urruitis of owtoln O*e IV typhils i,v". Since antigen sptvificity depends "'Th"Itfuctuff 4 tbW Poly-OkVISAV141C It IA64 Of tokffflt to det. just what differtnets exkt ill t6 vjWW";h'tw-. of tbt rtspeLtive orgattium Xiv, Xt. Xs. The analysis of the polyseccharides esid. by 3 differtat =th- ee ods checked pcrfecdy. Saum agglutinations were ob- to 0 tained when the polysamhatidrs weft used in diIns. up to 1:5.000,000. Chem. analysis shows that the Poly; swchaMe from Pr4ros Xit diflas f I t of 1, , polysambaride c=vIi-obout'! ftgfuws: The Xi, Stacosamilor. "beffas the xf Poly hariot cautti.4 none. On add hydrolysis. the Xja polysocchavidt yields ffwm teduchis substances than the Xs p(Aysacchwide. Fm* amino groups am abomt in the Xis potylosocelaride, IN but are present in the X, polymccharide. The X, poly- Me& O&ccharkle occupies an Intermediats positim; it cloutsivis about bell the glucamnabse and a fifth of The fut &mirli, *00 an Xle. Only those Prokos polysaccharides which 1 Sluomanang can act as antiVvis bi typhus In. kee = fect1colf Moll I A - S L A, INITALLURGICAL LITIMAIFLA9 C1,41SWICAT" vitfille we 0 NOW 11 14F041) ., 411111401 U 5 AV' 00 a 0 11 1 or No 5 da 4 3 a I I a K t, x 't K a it It iza; ;1;;,, low 6 0 0 0 0 010 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 * 0 a 0 0 0 6 ale 0 40 0 0 0 0 * 0 0 a 0 41 0 0 0 0 0 0 02 Sol 0 6 0 0 0 4 as KUZI;-.. -'. 4 ;" - 4" "Y,hi.Tr.iye- i biolthimiyg F!AoCennykh miki-obov (Chemistry and liocheristr o. F,-.thooenic 'Yicroor:7anisms), Medgiz, 1046 - I - I A I L ;-A-j AL. 4 'A_i. a f, ?, t _4A It ~-k M 4. 00 00 A -so 00 Ilffect of Methyllchol"throno on the CrowttL at gber. ' -00 00 thells tYPhOS4. A, Kwin and It . ShAin. /Am,. jjjj,,,. 6vyl., 190. *40. 6, 00 confact of bacteria with methylehiganthrrneincrrawil the o 0 0 dry wt. of the Cultures and the KTO%Vtll of intlivilluill tj ll~. With methyleholauthrtne actin th h 00 40 rong qlwlj Ita- g (%%ut~*v%wtk' thvtr wat a %light inerva- iii 09 Isilwth during the fitil hiluri of t%poutr. followeil by a 00 detwes%ion of growth with mom prolouge,1 rXIKKutv. Ni, tuorpluilogical chaeigri in th, crIli were vb.-tvv,j, Pee 00 K. StAfr 01111VT 00 j A 00 00 00, 1 zoo f ~040 4 1 see OWN, 7 boo CL'1Vfv*Ttc' Wo 0 U $6 010 43 v 14 i3 p"It Ott( Kit 7(91 Katt 111C 0 0 0 0 0 000 0 0 000 0 0 0 0 0 0 6_4 0 0 0 OR -A 09A **A 0014 f *ON A go goo ,3 Hl 00 OOW 00. -0-4-0-9 f*710*9 lot a is A at .4 0 0 006 o OR a, sluummift"Immimi4f .-K-CL-M-19 fit Role aim is W SynMi4til paiiiietharldes. tul V. 1. lvemov (MLWOW Jkf"l Jim, ~vl(llwslaj~ J))'4 imsps (IM); cl. C. A - Jo. 3420, - 1 6 1.4yam.-charlle synthe"'Aud from (Owl 44(rrl with potato phosphtfaryka and it little viiii-It 44 !tlv%qi=t is "W"oftly mol, in water. There i. lit the vi ty l(ttic cone". 0(the Poly""Iteride I, Tin palyumbaritle Waited whets glyiistfen is U Noin- crt-z.-in viwaiity isobsertrtal with an increaft in the omtfn. if the Ititlysacchuiocle. The palysacchwiJe k 1"~ raitly plit by jx)tato antylase than the product obtaitiol with March it. the stelivititir avviiii If. Prir,tlr~ 1, efft'jILLUJIMICAL 1,171NATIAME CLASSIO'KATin" too" slylli- IV $viola .11 -3-V Go, -v-v-.- 0 11 T ITA I -tlFW U It AO 10 Alli . - ii i ig at kto go p ,y it 0 et K 49 9 9 PC K U o 0 # o 0 o 0 0 a * 0 0 0 * 0 0 0 . .00 00 00 0 0- 0- * 0 0 0 111 4 0 0 110-1 PcWlMV -aK a., 7W V 0 M 011141 Opt A 00 -00 -00 .00 ~Oo lot 000 goo goo too see Goo as* see goo !9*0 no* kkiol-i 10 1. Cholern Alitli-n lrei5lre,i I~y Di,el'tJoll with '1*1VIirl," Zr,4*" ~~13-89, 1947 E pIdLm. i 1,%v%,i ob~ol-, Kaill, A. M., Prof. USM/Waldins -Antigms ~ and Antibod Medialne Mawnity "The Chemistry of Antigens," Prof A. M. Kuzin, 41 VP "Zhur MArobiol, EpIdemlol I Imainobiol" No 11 Cme of the basic questions of the chemlstry of anti- genn to that of the development of effective methods .-~f extracting pure antigens from microbe cells. This presents Itself as a purely chemical problem of Iso- lating a substance, studying its chemloal structure) and establishing the connection between their proper-! ties and tho structnral properties of these aub- j stances. Artip,10 is largely a hlat&ioal account of. the work done mi antigens by Russian scientists. 1C 36T'ti Pa 36T41 I'The Formation of Antibodies in Vitro" rot BI kht i Va.XII,rqO.)-~j"ItA 1911't 21~1- MUZA t 1.1-3267, 7~ mar-T6 USSR/ lledi(Ane - Atitibodies Jan 1947 Medicine - Microbiology &xperiments on antibodly fon-~ation in vitro with rethylene blue, Oolysaccharides derived frori: Shigella dysenteriae and paradys Flexner, full antigens derived from Shigelia dysenteriae and paradYs Fle-ner, et.-., as antigens. iesults larkely negative. C, - - ' f ' ~ - ' W'9 goo* 0 0* - - -1 ~ ~ Iv -1-1 11 0 0 1 * . 9 1 0 41 a It 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 * 0 0 0 1 00000 0 0 0 0 0 0 a 0 @;,V m 4 7 1 ( Q f Q A A - T ~ "- 1 V it U Ij 4 n, t6 u, T A ZY IT 29 1 )a J, U 13 I IL L M a a V 0 0 4 41 a U a 0 f: - 00 4 -- C-4 - 0 -r,4 0 1e, -00 .00 00 z JjJ uvic acid enoUsIttlon In the pfeseme h l? of goo 06 a y py ds. A. M. KuLin and 1. E. El'pincr (Bach O=X, Of zoo 00 01 Bimbern. I=t 12, 5M-I,% 7 9551 10 33 W 34 D 00 '31 - , fI947); c(. . 29, IW; . W . ; it f th b l l b h h h i h d i : =0 0 400 e tur ous een s own t at t e act v ony a y o pr!v y group is enhanced by the presence of amino acids. The 9 7.06 00 assumption was that the amitio acids caused tnol foma- =00 tion. This bra now been proved potarotraphically. The 00 addn. of glycine to pyruvic "I , at *00 Ulmedt Instant enolizatkul. Itual ' .1 -90 41) III.- %-Uuws rimlita- that Nall (but not NaCl. Nal1r. N tion of Pyruvic acid. It. Mestley 100 .04 to 0 J slow, S1.1ol". l4nalo V- V kv Us( V, -1 .v ttl too H U n AT 10 An A I a rw 0 m w Im 5 43 it it IV It It IN n " of it cf R of a n I Is l 4n4 , 0000 goes 00000 of 10 0000 9606 00000 0 & * 0 * 0 0 0 * 0 0 a 411 0i 000 0 00 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 * 0 0 a 0 Ifa W 0 0, 'a 0 0 0 0 0 0i KULUN, A. 14* UM, Widine Saodhitrides fitug:3L94t Med io ine Proteins Polysa-coheride Complexes of Maero- 4*ganisms," 'A. M.Kuzin,-- 1.-S.Buyanovpkaya, A.M.Eykaleva), 1F.-l'. Mlzina.-Imboratorylof Thmunology,.-Thstitute of XolQ~ical Prophylexy of Infections Moscow,' 10 pp "ziokh1miyO, Vol JOW--No 4. Alsk~" cobigride'.6ompl~ies.are-ieolated by special a. from tiesues,of guinea 3igs., white,mice and iiiaav:tlssues. Investl gation shows: .- Po3,ysaccharida.!:.. complexes'ainount to -0.2 lio% of weight of, '47:,Ussue;~ they ha** antigenio *operties.; dilutims'. vd-b nologic rewtionao - fai Wr ke -09404~- 21M A ITIodern AntiLen Chemistry and the Genesis of the Antibodie3,11 in the book: 5-ya Sessiya AEN' YOSCOW, 1948 Jan/Jreb 19W %3kgmj&try Pyravla Acid Chamlstry Condensation, Chemical ftindensatim of Pyroracemic Acid in the Presence -at Glycocal,O A. IL ftzln, Mwt of Blochem. Imani A. 11. Bakh, Acad Sci WW; A. R * Guseva, Hoecov lab of Chas of Plant Matter, 41 pp 'Blokhle Vol nII, No 1 Uportant positim occupied by pyroracemic acid In sea of the metabolism of carbons, makes It -'aliew Viat In the living crganiam, It can serve as that basic material vh1oh vhen sy*beslzed will pro- duce the awe camplez materials baying longer mxbcm2 &eye arief 110 or 070110 structures. 28 Apr468cr1Pt1cn Of tests conducted. Submitted 1947. www w lit 4 09 0 0 Os 04111 09 00 0 AbAlk- Lw i ffilli ~i~- lit, 4.0 (.0 vivot$$ 1161KIltol Aw, vocr#sf,#, A is it IL i- a 0 -A- 00 -00 Idly" midirky eif the Titus front Ill# jamodkc-1 40- "m Dmbys am I L. A. 10 14. %. kroliev, %"r 4 M-ai'l i 3 i D"h - , vifii~ ovoltill. imp l ova. p 1 lj&te4 Its lilt lyll4jolk twiliwlw-l Allkwmill" lit It." I-Otill -I covi, mlly ;I Jight 6.11-%mil 4-11svil"i o.'iv t-It"I '300 for 'And "Siki to 1. Awlit: lkt%iW. 1, ~ it 11111AW. h~ v- t all-luisphatast. nudm%r. Amy6w. vm6t,tylise, plttimimi- o o "tAlw. affil I'miraw. Ill, % tiff, llf.41114:111 Atilt Mlly 11A O"Ji llt.hbli. l".t 41- 1111 Vit'll I.- SAW- 1900 woo Ott logo" f. 0.. oat AV 00 a 1w 0 x I it 0 Ago u As 019 Is a, A, u tt It KID it I 14A .T.d 0 0 0 0 0 00 4F__ 000000*0ININININglo 14 61 11 JA a J6 V U V 4, V 'I 04 Q[ VO H, t-4 4 0 A h 4 to _06 ..0o [Abils aubtrtsuc~s of acyl phosphate type in fir", punt _40 0 leave$ Kutill and lif. VA Shkol'ilik. 114104v :o Subtaneri%. olacvI phophate type am detertabli: in grem leaves by oung the 4110 liptLivinn-Tvittle hyAftuxAmic cicid- tnt with M11,011 I L.A, ". 321CF). The fruh kav" were ground in &,V- late buffer (pit 5.4) in the privence of 0.5 mi. Nif.011 soln. (inedii by salicieg 26% 411,011-111C1 Pula with 14% NAOID and at little found gla"; afirr. 10 Inio at 14A)m jej%.. litictrins acid ~i lituentsweterroutiv%xi with trichl,~Ww 0; Atet c acid, and I in . of the filtrate was treattit with 0 5 tall. 5'1'. FeCl. in 0.1 X 110 and the soln. examd, photo- turtrieally. The highest amt. of the active material wAs (mind in leaves 44 1,014nWrit's Pofftiliat"I (34111 micTomules per 1111.1 9.). lrxdrw~autia r4VV W-Iihl. sugar 1wet '12. ua~turtium #30. tomato 54, and wheat sprout% 42. It the As speamens were heated 5 min. to W after litinding aluunt all of the active matter was absent (0-3 units). Similar but slower effect was ot)bcr,6vd in allowing the ground prepin. to stand up to.' hrs. The intACt leav". hoirrvet, appear to jurverve the labile matter intact. The be- haviur of tile material sul"tantiatrs the acyl phosphisir hyptithesis. Kusulapoll L 6A. "atLLu .0 0 1 L A It 1 11 10 IT" 9 nd w too 19 It 0 0 it J1 R K is N W K It It it Ct MIQ n I All 1, 1. A 4 3 0 1 4110 o 0 IN a IN, o 0 IN 0 49 0 0000 Got 0 0 0 logo INgligiNito 0064cle,400i 0*0 0000 fIffffrffloof see e 01 it 1; " M 0 it V a IF 41 Q r o Q M U b , Oxidation of dillydrox./Maletc acid in th *u I t 00 AM, lk'and. A ')Oman. at. A. M. Kuldn AV N, G. 1 110 00 M-q(H"8) .-Vitcull In InfiltrAtioll Nauk. I.S.S. R.-'O2,7 n of dihydroxymalcic add Into tradeicalutiA leaf leads to its disappearance, which was followed by TiC4 reac- ra pt tion, in tile v of gurn Arabic as tile stabilizing cot. e" nZ P; -0 0 the color to be stable enough fxw b loid, which . - detri. with standard soins. for refemner. Dillydroxy 00 ni"Ielc acid soln. (0.2% pit 6.5 by NAIM) was In: 'a filtrated slid 3 min. later the leaves were ground with 4% 4 trichloroacetic acid. filtered, and the tictns. run im. ives ver d 1e v s as su h di l Th f 0 3 i a e ate e ext. o groun c me y. g y slow disappearance d added dillydroxymaleic acid (still present after 3 firs.); the tesult was similar when the en- lire leaf macerate wa4 ued. Hence, the reaction is % 0 00 -3 caused by -oine tiustablesubstanct-4 prescut only ina living : It-Af, %hich was confinnni by grinding fre4h leaves Willi 400 o 0 dillydroxymalcic acid soln. and using rapid detn. in.- 0 00 A inediattly; 100%tlisappearunce was observed. IsoUlion .11tenipts of the reAulting prcxlucl(%) by grinding the leaf 40 ,ith dihydroxymalcic acid soln. followed by CLCCOOlf, I* o filtration and addn. 0i 2.4-(O~%-),C,II,NfI%'1I, gave an - orange "zone; treatment with wwm AcsO gave a red zoo Solid, m. 2251-2% cjotg, 39.970 C, 1-95% H, 21.3% X, coneslionding to a pyrosolone deriv. of diketosuccinic avid. ideritified with an Authcnt,c slieciincii. The leaf JI ,tanLe4 which cause the conversion of dillydroxymalcle ut it aciIto cliketusuccinic are very unstable. for brating a : IN)' d l h l f hl l f 3 ea em comp ete r" min. at estroys t y cut y; Ille Sallie occurson mere grinding of an intact leaf, too "0" SO-SLA OK K&WIdpalf IALLURGKAL LITIMATURE CL 0SWICATIC01 sic., 11-1011- woo, r-, 1 7 Orr V- 11 Igoe U V1 AT It ty ty It 4( 9 it R 9 K a it It K 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 * 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 USSR/Me&icine Relainthe and Je=/Fob 49 11~64LIolne AiLtigens ank'Antilodies, Analysis "Chemical Nature of the Ccmplets Antiganq of Certain Helrd.,,ths," A. M. Kuzbj, S. X. Bqda4- thanov, 0. 1. Polyakov, Cbair of Org ChemMed Inet, MZ IRSFSR, Moscow, Uzbek INK, Ta"nt, 2 yp "Bibkhimiya" Vol XIV, No 1 Discribee experiments on heImInthq Tasnia saelawta anit Ascaris lumbricoldes. Concludes that antigen evolved.froribelminthe is a specific polyeacabs- ride containing glucose and also gluqosamine And 45/4" trSSR/Medicine Relzinths and Jan/Feb 49 Belmint,oasis (Contd) cqmblz~ed with aminq acids. Asq4rid and ox 11,ver satisens have isimilai~ chemical mompo4itions., Soxitted 3 J~i 48. 45/49T58 S Cific P! gyftccbarw* completes in mallpfint tissues A. rt. Kulut and N. 1. Kugilla. Bijkkimijra 14. 432 S 'oolov.. & C.A. 32. 6="*, 42. 13M.-Tht jxityic- cturides L--o6ted front cancerous human tissues with CCL. CO~11 am alm(nt identical chemically to those from healthy lwople. The cancaws tissue polysaccha6fes, hoAevvr, do not po-sess the specific scrolottical reactittris of IN JU1176LUIAT W0011 group. The polysarchatUic lraufiun~ trout healthy and cancerous tissues oblainet! by dectinilin of the complexes with phenol, according to Morgan in Tj/ King (C.A. 30. 2M ba differ wrologic-Ally. I - -1 --- - - - - - - - - - - - .21ror"n cancerous I ikAue I. inc-alWA,- of checking the betnot"llutination reaction, whvtvw, the normal Outic polysaccharide cast do so in it diln, of 1:2KOW. The scrokligicaldifimnce tan also be pruvrd by Immunizing rabbits and testing the serum for comple. ment fixation; the reaction is pos. for the polysaccharide from norm;tl tissue, and neg. it% the case of maligu4ni ti.- "Ur. If. Privitiry phosphAo fit the rcen lesvvs of planis. A. M, Kusm 4130 lo.mi'm flad) M(whrill. Inm.. 14. tilil f 10191 -Suttle thew" III $11totinvilthesit jHH1111atr III,. f"'Ill'Alloll of I ... T-111A calf"nyl rml 110.. .#~ alit, fIllu'll. -t- m tile "f (;lovis 1r,fivs-h fill "." 11111,111k , ~. ""O'll-ti ... I lilt,, Itt P1, ,u If, 0( eAct I) Ip d vinv%varetont, or 7 147) U /Metticine - Plant Physiology Apr 49 Medicine - Hydroxylamines "The Chemical Nature of Certain Uns~abie ftb~- atances-An the Green Leares of Plants," A. M. Kuzin, R. Th. Shkollaik, Lab Cham of Plant Sub- stances, Inst Biochem imeni A. N. Bakh, Acad Sci USSR, 4 pp "DogAk. Wauk SSSR;' Vol L%V, No 4 3 a Imperiientally established that 1-stable peroxides are present in green leaves of plants. These un- Stable peroxides set up the reaction of b7drokamic acid formation during action of bydroxyl-Ine on ki-AgT51 USSR/Uedicine - Plant Physiology Apr 49 (Contd) the leaf. Submitted by Acad A. 1. Op&r-ln, 2 Feb 49. 41AMI K,UZINT, A 11. A9T34 WS/Redialne plailt Physiology Medic Ine Photosynthesis Apr 49 "The Importance of Unstable Peroxides From the Green 1Aaves of Plants for Photosynthesis," A. Me Vuzin, Be Yao Shkollnik, JAv Plant Chem, Inst Biechem. imeni A. N. Bakh, Acad Sci USM, 4 pp "Dok Ak jauk, SSSR" Vol- LW, No 5' Used reaction of hydroxamic acid formation to experivemtAlly verify A. N. Bakh's supposition that unstable peroxides participate In photo- synthesis. Submitted by Acad A. I. Oparin, :Z Feb 49. 39A9T64 'UM/ModLicine - Immunology A~r 50 "Contemporary Chemistry of Antigens and the Genesis of Antibodies," Prof A. M KUzin "Thud 5-oy Sessii Ak Med Nauk SSSR" pp 112-119. Criference held 23 - 27 Dec 48, in Moscow, on prob- lem of Immilmity and influenza. Work at author's laboratory showed that pathogenic bacteria contain a phosphorylase which synthesizes j~olysacharides not only from dextrose-l-phosphate, but also from 1-phosphates of other monoses occur- ring in sp polysaacharides of these bacteria. Hel- minths also contain antigens of the polyeaccharide 2o6T87 USSR/Medicine - I-minology (Contd) Apr 50 type. The high stability of sp, polysaccharides to enzymatic hyclrolysis indicates that one of their functions must be protection of the microorganism. L. Pauling's views on the formation of antibodies are too mechanistic: Antibodies are synthesized; in the organism. From the standpoint of USSR health protection, isolation of immilnologically full-valued antigens from brucella, and causative agents of tularemia, anthrax, whooping cough, etc., Is of importance. m6N7 Disibibutiner of inigay hydrolyzable compounds containing Ispsousiging in difloreal Usteuve of animals a" Mail. A. X. bl",11,13d It. N. U-NdvAlev (P-luKuw hled. last.). Big- The defal ted. dry. powd. t Maur ~wais bested on ile walcr ballt with S HCI fix 4 11:11. The hy"yzate was neutrahmil witb (try N&IM)lp, itad tber!- or removed by cent rifusatimi. 11closaftlilic wait dctd. cti ori- mirtfically in the slightly calOrrd but clear h)dfalynte by the methori of lilson and Morgan (C.A. 2S, U191). Thili yielded the hesusamitie of %uch voinlids. " specific poly. Mccharkles. bvalurtvuh~ as-ki. and slyMirotrins. I". rattly hydrulyeabir .111mialuvi like hirl4uni, nuk-Atinval- furic SIP! g-lj,,. hall "islillutle aelds require volk-d. HO or 20% IICI at 1,11V t order to lilterate brixturunitle. The tissues investii-sted were Irani 4 rahbit3, 2 pip. and 6 civpsen. The ramly hydrolyzable conijxW cantit. bexos.,, amine were found in practically eirt,ty it-ur nf the atillaak- uffitanism. TIVI hyliithesh FVKanlsng the protective func- tion of thritir sit Utdin-va Wait txvnf.,Ut by if),- high content a# lictinsaluine It The hunwii %lutimi-li bunix I Pill- 1135 mg. muctins membrane of the uterus (7lWl7hd) nig. the inner layer of the aorta (2,174-161A) nq. ~j ). lymphatic nodes (430-art) ing. -7,*). and lung lkmie t4(x)-Mk) mg. %). A high content of brittitumine was fuund in the Cray alistier of the brain (700-11.10 itil. and in the cortex of the Cleve. - bellum (430-970 mg. ';; ). anti knut in the white brain matter (.330-601) mg. 5r). A high tvincut of hexotituine wAs also found In the thyroid SLind (s"35-17M mg. ci ), supravenal:% (W-OW syl and utfivary gUnds mg. '~). The stut. trzoikiniiin- in the thytoW anti in the ovirwS dri;Trased with the age of tlx- organhill. 11. Ill Study al photospthesis by ionophoresis. A. M. Kazin and N. G. Dounn. DokAft~r Ailolli NmA r5.,rr7r 77-S)ODW).-Ionophorroic c%pts. lircre WrIorowd in it Stx- pLitc vriscl. %-tirtically jurtitioned. irtadiAtld With A akpt)-w. Lmp and equipped wit Is slow wAter inpUt 4nd Mi- [low. The cxptl. middle VILlinher, fillcil with the IcAvvs ual-l,r study wAs wild. front the Oecinkle rhans1wr4 by cellophane and the clectrodr piatti were kept at 0 v. ,drop with 0.5 mi. current flowing through the %lm tent over a 24-hr. ciptl. perim]. Front Pishimogrinit perfeliatiti leaves ionophorrsii exts. phottisyntlirtic-arlive sulmlancr4 whirli differ trout thmw ritd. in dark %Iate4. The4c still- .mAnvv, ire Acidic (found ill all'Ale culliparlim-110 And give reactions of kcto uOds, mince ainnioniatal A&O And IICCI. but react wrakly with VvIlling milli. until hy. "' ""' . Tlw results indicate that acid derivs. of ".""N lc in photosynthesis. I'ar- ~-Ctrd is ramly hydrolyt.1 P 111 is present equAlly it; light A.".. W. and d.krk rLaction ptolucts. Pyruvicacidwasatent.but glyoralic acid was p.-esent as were peroxides. Possibly CO, is dxrd on the trials. of carbohydr4tq forming Ada. runic Acids. G. M. K~Lipuff 1-4 Prjali?n at aldurattic acids In phottr4yothesis. A. uztn and R. Vs. Slik"I'nik. Pokkdp AW. "k, . 73. of lravr~ of var- . dutr-? I ioti4 plint., with hot 11.0 atut extit. of the Litt, r with 1-o- AmOll, foltowird by pptn. of the layvr fly meant A Ftoll yield"I. in all r-Aws, ppt,. giving lm-. usts tot torottic arkla. firs. t"ts for pyruvic ari4l or glyoutbe a"L 'Mw Oluranic ackk are imarLibiv jtte~.nt whrik thr 1-- arr -(ort-d ill I htfiltit-4. bill Vil 0% h t0f.&HYOr IMIlliAllif 11 1-4 111,4.1611,111 Ill the 'Ift-ellm Ili 04 ill fill, arill. (Oll- live "if (If 11 Whrill qomll~ prillwil ill lillill thirk - ijr-~ fallrol M show unilik- arlib ill IN- al-%,~ ir,blifilm-, ;i1thotigh slitouts growit with r%lxmirr Ili light tradily vive po,,. imts. 'rhr results are sittiMir with i~olited chlortil4aKm It k suggimiled Out jurt of lite pholosyn. tht-ti% reactim chain itivillm fortuatims of 1wroxill" of caritohydrut" luiving the %tructurr RC((h)olf, with Olt w1ding k-Ietwi-n the C mom and Ow 011; thit fornt% suit- static" c-jF%6blc of uroltic acill t"ts and capable of heing reduced to ketorikichydes. G. M. Kaol.%poff Content of specific polysacchwides in humm- salive, in h and vints Vippe subjects. A. N1. Kutin, G. P. ITMIvskiT,and 11. Usin (Moicow Nfed Inst., Mintsiry of Ift-Ath. DakWy Aks& Sauk S..S.S.R. 73. 767-71)(101); cf. C.A. 42. 1341tr. --in grippe the specific, I harides (dctd. by the technique of retardition 00 = igglutinatiGn) citlwr vanish completely tie are greatly rttlutvd in concti. in hurnan saliva. On convules- CTHCV notinal values are attabied. 11("1d the I miccliarkirs are combined writh flit virus proleL 'ZiZZ diovuse, thereby losing their specific ppin. properties. This contention is suvoorted by tie ritro r%Dts. G. it. K. tlhotosyntlh-:~sis Careless work '"Nourishmont-, of plaziL3 by Ilght (phoLosyntk,hes~s)." D. 1. Sapozhnikov. [L-vi,,wed by A. [4. Fuzin, V. L. Levshin)., Vest. A711 SSSR, 21, no. 12, 1951. Monthly List of Russian Accessions Librarr of Con,-,-rass, lQ52. of Cuttwo of pwanotdro in 0.06 wd 0.1% to" In hommic" ts-hr. jw thes" In affected much morr and 2 his. In Q-Ckl% Kim. stoPs itcompletely, Iiutntililctppttf.byftchfinxnm%ctolt ext. drop sharply after mich inuaffulons. The MOU nt, smmcolotittgiitatttrfrotntbcp"tL ThbmategidAmn Mfuc p -ttk-i and 6 bKfeawd by h 11 With O-A USMIC WW 1e-4 is WCOMY P06=1vtAethyl- prnl,~ Ir,( k jx~,- nith indku6~ of Ike jxv~coc of flullitlow. G.. M. Kookpoff OWR/Biollca - Radioactive Tracers; I Aug 51 Carbonate Fertilizers "fte Possibility of Assimilation by Plants of Soil," Carbonates From the A. L..~ursanov, Corr Mem, Acad Sci USSR, A. M. Kuzin, Ya. V. Mamull, Tzat of Biochem imeni A. N. Bakh and Lab of Diophys, Isotopes, and PaAiations, Acad Sci USSR -Dok Ak Nauk SSSR" Vol LIY=, No 4, pp 685-6W Ma view of the fact that supplementary feeding of plants with C02 through the roots may improve yields, the question of the assimilation of carbonate solns from the soil vas invest1gated on Pbaseolus vulffis by using a Khop soln contg NAW03 v-ith C . The evaluation of the contact photographs ("radioautograRhs") shows (1) that the carbonate is assimilated; (2) that assi-11sted CO 'j? I=s from the soil are utilized by the plant in t M some manner as CO~ resorbed from the air, because assimilation occurs only in the light. -~, 0", -t3lArl' D-m-r~t `~ b -7 T z I I ZL~!, A. .11. "rof. 3iological I'lli-Si , 1CS Tasks and nros,-;tcts for th,3 development of Soviat bio;I-bysics. Vest. AN SSSR 22, 110. 3, 1952. i, %,L Z-' -LD. I-Iont'hly Lint .;f Russian hcc-~ssions. L"brar:; -)" ',t,!,,:?r!~z.9, lly'~~'21. 17;' A7 IFf KUZIN, A.Y. UM/Chemisiry, Biological - Isotopes 1 Jul 52 "Biosynthesis of Glutamine, Hydrocarbons, andProteins Containing Radioactive Carbon," A. M. Kuzin, V. r Merenova, Lab of Biophys, Isotopes, and Radiation, Dept of Biol Sci, Acad Sci LOSSR "Dok Ak Nauk SSSR, Vol LX)O(V, No 1, pp 181-183 Describes procedure for prepg glutamine,Nucose fructose, proteins, and pentosans contg by the method of biol photo syatheals., Presented by Acad A. I. OWfji 24 Apr 52. Shmityadlesk of xWoU" Isbell" with cmbm" =d the of Vommmalik k6m is Mom Wavn. V-1-Urr"MY.I. D.Aledy'MIMS-1-sl --Tubmtv kayrs (on the plant) were kept in thr &rk 2 dars, cut. j4mrd In a vewl with C00abelell witir -10. will mwjmcmd to Mhoulloatioa for 24 hro. with ckv. bUE-; Wadivall" 116tb W "mot, miltbW with ardlamy I Aimcce ItAveb. amb. talmdox of Ow usixt., awl smin date. I"xn 2% N*011 gave the a"laidal d6tillAte. Wbk-b waL! Wd. with sibromavic acW; the ppi. %hu," radiu- activay (60 cuunts/min./ma.). Slum di4o. &Psa dlet 4"Upa. with NAM and Wim. of UkVWW -44 Piumc g,4%r IIIA1191,61 with 31 Isnpulsts/roln./mg.. indiftting introduction of C" into the alk&W. It the lm~vs after itrAdLadon arv kcpt In The dark 8 bro. the activity cd "led nkutbw rims to over 1W, (himlalkm of the Product with SWU~ Amwcd that the C" is loratc.1 in the V-.Nlc group ul thr pyriclitic of nimAinc. LvA%" of Nitotioma thud cArry on. INIMICtIlylAtiom with p4rticipAtiot. of nicotim. G.M. Ko,06poff UMfialology, Agriculture - Assimilation ZL Jul .52 of Carbon Dioxide "Assimilation of Carbon Dioxide by Plant Roots," A. X. Kuzin, V. I - Merenova, Ya. V. Ma=1 I, 1Ab of 3iophys, Isotopes, and Radiation, Dept of Biol Sci, Acad Sci USSR "Dok Ak Nauk SSSR" Vol 85, No 3, PP 645-647 By using C02 or carbonate solns tagged with radio- active. carbon, established that C02 is resorbed through the roots of Phaseolus vulgaris and reaches the leaves. When there is no transpiration of the leaves, or the roots have been detached, CO2 is assimilated by the roots rather than the green 235T6 parts oP the plant. Assimilation Of C02 by de- tached roots of Prinnila obconica (thus eliminating the effect of any nodule bacteria which may have been present on PhaBeolus vulgaris) was also es- tablished. Presented by Acad A. I. Oparin 29 APr 52. 235T6 -LUZ-IN-,--A. M., MAMULI Ya. V.: KRUDYAKOVA, R. I., DOMAN,, N. G, Photosynthesis Problem of diversity of promary products of photosynthesis in different species of plants. Dokl. AN SSSR 86 no. 2, 1952. Monthly List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, December, 1952. Unclassified. KUZIN, A,K.:GMUNOVA, G.A. I- - -'. - - --- larly hydrolysing compounds containing hexosamine in the huUSA brain. Doklady Akad. nank SSSR 87 no. 53833-835 11 Doc 1952. (OLML 2313) 1, P-esented by Academicialk A. I. Oparin 18 October'1952. 2. *- Zan, Medical Institute imeni 1. P, Ravlov, Ku'"'IN, h. It. USSR/Medicine - ko371)holo&v NovAge 5~ "Plenary Session of All-Union Scian'Elfic Society of AnAtom.49te, Histologists, and 2mbryologists, in Uningrad,11 D. A. Zhadanov and N. Sh. Gerlovir. Usp Sov Biol, Vol 36, Yo 3(6), PP 38(~-'1189 This session was hold 23-2(1 Jtui 53 in Leningrad to discuss the role of morphology in the USSR, now methods and tochniquet of morphological resorrch, and plans for ma%ing anatomical end histological work in higher institutes of learting 11 ervo a more practical purpose. The key speech was made by A. N. Studitskiy end 111"he Tasks of Soviet Mor-pholo&y." He only mentioned the exintoace of tasks and then launched Into a theoretical discussion of the Soviet conc*Dt of morDholog~. This speech waE discag,~:ed, then other reT)ortt! were read, emcne them "Filectron Microscopy In Cytohistological Reeemrchll by Prof. G.M. FrAnk (Mopcow'), and a re-port on R.diomutogrnphy by A.M. Kuzin (Moscow). T'-qe article d6fts not disclose any new orge!nizational -olans. PY tie fe~lutkd qf cabod, w6vab 11:4 roots of Smic C Ore. A. M. Kurm all 1. etcuova. MI- tq~j)-, Co. a Piano cultivated In C"M-lailtled atm. t as hollher lAveled with C", which vrits 23. h4,- w Cat, S S R r4 . M 'Lcd-z te 7iZ1 d4k, is at tll~ C of the Iiiii fert litf , trer e MY, cot tlr~5611* I the lim dxyi aftcr used by, the plant r 1. latroductic.d. Over 2 m, , ths tile Ecil !Gti rn introd%cccd as org. ft,til;ztr. In the first day4 when he soil is rich ill co~ tile latter rapuliv enfmi tlc,. kavcl 1 VA Stem 0! t'4-- glowing plants; after 30-~ro days the prvcci~ :4, muth GICRU. Kvsolapoff KUZ111, A. M. 53 USSR/ Biology - Radiatian Effects Isotopes, "The Problem of the Mechanism of the Action of Penetrating Radiation on the Synthesis of Nucleoprcteids in the Spleen, 11 A.M.Kuzin, Ye.V.Dudilova, Inrt .f Biol Physics, Acad Sci USSR DAN SSSR, Vol 91, 7T) 5. pp 1183-1186. May- inclusion of P32 Into the protein fraction of the rat spleen and max suppression of this inclusion by Irradiation i=ediately precedind injectioa of p32 phosphate occurred 19-20 bre after the injection. Irr,~diation of the head of rats with X-rays (1000 r) had little effect on the inclusion of p32 into spleen moleoproteids. Suppression of p3Z inclusion by 60-65% occurred when the spleen was irradiated directly with X-rays (1000 r), but the rest of the body shielded with lead. Suppression by 20% occurred when the epl~en was sh-ielded with lead, but the rest of the body irradiatt:d. Presented by Aced A:.I. parin IS Jul 53. 01 266T1 Chemical Abet- Vol. 48 No.. 9 May 10t 1954 biological ChemistrY Garaunov*. andTa. V. ;Uamul. '-White rat injected intravenousry with CNabefed glacm ph shows a rapid incitaie of C" IV t in it tidt ood after I hr., after'q1tich the. C 171ty decillies I addy over 0.5 hrs. to abitost 0. The activity of tissues (per 100 S.) was In the following decliving order: intestine, kidney, spleen, brain, liver, blood, heart, imuscle. Most carbohydrate in the Clt-coutg. fraction is In -mol.-wt. fotm In these orgaits mid may contain the giucose 11ow fornitd from dicgradation of givewn during the isolation of !the times. The femoral bone shows considerable uptake of iC14 from thm ghicose. The gray matter of the brain is much more active in accumulation of 04 than the white tuatter. G. U. KosdAAP4- t to: ii 1, tt:at t.-4 04 1 o.,k (k: t k-T! 6rA),Kb tv"tt-c-OiA .?!W$~ Ofqe'l *11t-litte". Kursanov, A~L. Fuzin, A.M. Kr 1. yukova, N.N Merenova, V,. "Plant Utilization of Soil Carbon Dioxid3 Znt.erinr 1 Ihrourh the itoots" I n s Li t. ut, eof ".140r ~M~ L jjt~ -I s Jui2ni A-1. Bakh, Acaderr., of KUHNI, A. Y. Radioactive tracers in agricultural research Moskva, Izd-vo Akad. r-auk SSSR, 195h. 100 p. (Akademiia nauk SSSR. Nauchno-populiarriaia seriia) (55-h(r,,21) S507.K87 Excerpta Medica see 16 3/3 Mar 55 Cancer 863. KUZIN A. N1. and DAVIDOVA S. Ya. Inst. of exp. Path. and Therap. of Turnours, Acad. ot--mra-Im'"T, oscow The metabolian of nucleic acid and its nitrogen bases in rabbits vibiect to neoplastic growth (Russian text) Biokhimija 1954, 19/2 (184-188) Tables 3 The investigations were made on male rabbits with Brown-Pearce tumours, divided into: (1) controls, (2) testis-inoculated positive animals and (3) animals immune after 3-fold inoculation. Assays of the nucleic acids (RNA and DNA) and the nitrogen bases (adenine, guanine and thymine) in the liver, lung, kidney, spleen and testis are presented in 3 tables. The nucleic acids in the organs werc low in both the positive inoculated and in the immune animals, as compared with the controls. This shows that the same changes occur in the organs when the tumour does not'take' as when a growing tumour is present. No notable changes in the adenine and guanine content of the organs were observed with growing turnours, but the thymine level of DNA, particularly. in the liver, was higher in tumour rabbits. Brandt - Berlin V 1, fl Irt ~ . - I . I - - I r t v 7- 1 .4 ~.. , I I c,~vAlv hydcalyud h~%.,-t--,:i,iiin~-co,,if;,;Iilt- -,,un-.pounds in lit matufal. A, M. KwLi-m(I 11, N, ChA,,Iwv% (A. N. It llv5t. - i. BicA-Wmi~w --It "-:t "h-n of ~Non and Mot T. ;it ( C.A, 18, jirr~dwv: Atch mrnt&6te hz-xramin~i ill pl:mt llmtc6d' lwd i-. ti,,ve not tuii~d for Or pit po,o% Otell ill mt (v lit-ViA I, Atudw.l. A it, w awtflu'l i - if~.J %, It:,.h o,ol'ic, I 11~ dtAll. of tim r0at ive c1lim:(It of IligIl 117"1. fjcm~ ca,~ily bydroly?.ul cumpd,. ill ji~.qu~ material- ft. L. LrUZIN, A.M..(Mo-skva) Biologically active polysaccharides. Usp.biol.khtm. 2:256-276 154. (MIRA 12:12) (POLYSACCHARIDES biol.activZ KMIN, A.K ., doktor b1ologicheskikh nauk. - ~ i~~ I -- -, ~ "11, ~'* Agriculture and problems of biological physics. Vest,AX SSSR 24 no.4: 45-31 Ap 134. (KLRA 7:5) (Biophysics) IWZIYI, A. M. Direct assimilation of carbon fro&organic fertillze~n My- plant. V.I.-'&fcrenovaandA.M.Kuzin. Doklad-.,~Ahael. Na" S.S.S.R. 94, 573-6(1954)-- cf. ZU. 90, 1377(1953).- Radioactively labeled org. comi~unds of water-3ol. and -in- tol. types were administered from culture soil to wbeat and tobacco plants and tht- plaut sprouts weresubjected to radio- autophatopraphy In the conventional manner. Thus to- bacco plants readily assimilate C from water-sol. sugars, amino acids, and org. acids (AcOH, glycine). The plants 30' show relatively slo%v assimilation of C from water+=I. materials. Generally the assimilation proceeds at the ex- s pense of Cot liberated by bacterial action of the soil frora its erg. content as well as by direct utiliz.ttion of the org. matter ,j by the plant, G. bf. Kosolapoff USSR/Medicine, Physioloey ,Card Pub. 22 - 20/44 Authors :,, A. M.; and Dtidilova, E. V. Title : Effect of ionizing radiation on the structural viscosity of nuaXdA acid of the brain md a spleen Periodical : Dokt V SSSIZ 98/6, 961-964, October 21, 1954 Abstract : Zmperimwnts, .,ihich T.-fere intended to deteridne how ionizing radiation effect-s the changa~ in the 3tructi-wo-1 viscosity of nucleic acid taken P from the brain and spleen of live anininds, are described. Four refer- Im t-Ituti-on In7.titute of Biolotic,--l Physics of the Acad. of Scs. of the USSR. Prr-',cntc;d I.-Pj: L. S. Shtern, June 7, 1954- APAAJ46% USER/ Chemistry - Bikhemistry Card _ 1/1 Pub. .22 22/40 Authors : Kuzin) A.M.$ and Eydu s., L, KH Title : Deuteration of acetone in the presence of amino acids ,Periodical - Dok. AN.SSSR- 99/3, 421-4,22, Nov 21, 1954 Abstract ' The rate of penetration of deuterium into the acetone molecule and thst effect of amino acid - glycocoll - on the process of acetone deuteration.0 were investi.-ated. The rate of acetone deuteration in the absence of glycocoll was found to be lwa, and less than 1% of the total number of hydrogen atoms in the acetone underwent a change. The accelemting affect of glycocoll. was proven. The forn-ation of an enol form in the acetone under the effect of glycocoll was established. Seven references: 5-USSR and 2-German (1934-1951). Table; graph. Institution- *. icademy of Sciences USSR, Institute of Biophysics Presented by : Academician A.I. Oparin, September 11, 1954 KUZIN, A. IM. "The Utilization of Ionizing Radiation in Agriculture 11 a pacer presented at the P Atoms for Peace Conference,, Geneva., Switzerland., 1955 KUZIN M. and SILAPIR 0, N. I. "The Role of the Physiological Condition of an Organism on Use of Agents Which Protect Against the Harmful. Action of Penetrating Radiations." in the book : "Collection of Works on RDdiobiology" edited by N.I.N. Publ. House of AS USSR, Moscow 1955. 4; KUZIN, A. ---- --.I SHPTIROP - j --LI--L N. I. "The Effect of Estrogens on the Radiation Reaction of Mice." in the book ' "Collection of Works on Radiobiology" edited by House of AS USSR, Moscow 1955. N.I.N. Publ. 1 j->- ussu/coa-i-Icrol raysi, -..I and clici-ical Biolcj~,,Y. D-i Jou~:: Raf Z:iur-Biji., 20; r)53, 90270. :.Xlthor 1, ~, s, ~ Tit,lo YUZ121, A.M. of Bi.:)I)Ixjsics in :.,~riculturc (1)rcface) O~:ir, FV,): V sb.: Tr. naucl-a,,,, sc3sii, porv~m.GICIIO:,.:lc,.y -* zadaclian sov. bicfi::_ild v s. 1:1-1. M., lzd-vo SSSR, 1.955, 3-7. :,',)str,-tct: !lo -.I)ztr,-.ct. Vi 3 P.I~u WHY dj~q-