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KUTTAVIN, I.D.s, Prof., doktor tekhnnauk
Determining losess of power in triple-wound tr&asformers.
Izv.vyv.ucheb.savo; aaarg- 3 w.5:44-45 Yy 160.
(MIRA 13:6)
1. Tomskly ordaua Tradovogo Krasaogo Zaament. politekbnichaskiy
institut imeni S.MoKirovao Fredstav'laaa Imfedroy slaktri-
cheakikh stantely, setay i slatemo
(Alectric trarisformars)
ICUTTAVIN, I.D., doktor tekhn.nauk, prof.
Selecting apparatus and conductor3 according to heating short
circuit currentas Izvsvys.ucheb.utv.; energ. 3 no.6:28-29
Je 160. (HIBA 13;6)
1. Tomskly ordona Trudovo6,o Krasn3go Znamtin.L
institut imoni S.M.Kirova.
(Ilectric apparatus and appliances)
KUTTAVIV, I.D.,-prof.. doktor tekhn.nauk; CHI"NOV, P.P., inzh.
Conditions for taing the IBasic systematic rules of technical and
cost acc6unting in power onginvering.8 Izv. vys. ucheb. say.;
energ. T-no. 9tl24-127 6 160. (XERJL 13:9)
1. Tomskiy ordank Trudovogo Krusnogo Znameni politekhnichoskiy
institut imeni QUM. Kti@ova. Predstavlena nauchnya seminarom
kafedry elektricheskikh @tantsiy, setey i sistem.
(Nleatria uttlitLee--Accounting)
Determining the efficiency of expenditures In comparing hydro-
electric power plants with thermal power plants which are
roplacIng them. IsT.Sib.otd.AN SSSR no-7:3-10 160.
(MIRA 13:8)
I. Tonakiy politakhnichaskiy institut.
(Electric Povor plants)
KUTYAVIII, I.D., doktor tekhn.nauk, prof.
Economically effective choi,--,q of the power rating of electric
transformers. Izv. vys. uchab. zav.; energ. 5 no.1:1-6
ja 162. (141RA 15:2)
1. Tomskly ordens. Trudovogo Krannogo Znameni politekhnicheakly
institut imeni S.M.Kirova.
(Electric transformers)
(Electric power distribution)
KTJTYAVIN, I.D. 1, tiekt-,r *,s?khn.nn!ik, prof., KRA@','107, %'.P@ @ inzil.
Fngineering and econowde determin.Aiticn of' optirrm voltage and size
of wires in an electric netw,)rk. Izv. vyq. iicheb. zav.; energ. 6
no.7%108-112 J! 163. (MJRA 16:9)
1. Tomskly crdena Tmidovogo Irmsnojo Znetmenl politekhnicheskiy
Institut imeni S.M.Kirova. ?reeintstylena nauchnym meminarom
kafO(Ij- Oleirtricheskikh stAnt3ly I eInktrichaskikh setey i sirtem.
(Flectric -:)ower distribixtion)
V.K. Shcherbakov; on his 60th birthday and 35th anniversary of
his educational work. Flektrichestvo no.8:93-94 A 63.
&IR'A 16rlO)
BABISS R.S. (Zaporo7AVu); BIKI, M.A. (Zal,orozhlyf-,); GORBUN"I'SOV, A.F.
( Zaporozhlyu-), K, YAV1,11, I.D., !oktor tfkhn.rvuk., prof.; DFVJ
G.V., Inzh.; K;L&Nov, V.P., In-.,.Ii.
Canpl,)x ongineerini, an'A' @cnnonilc mothod for electric
trannforr.,!rc@. 0 f (,3. O.up.,., 16:11)
1. Tomqkiy jjI-d'Lf@....:;I--,:-:.,;-;,, (for Kutytvin, Kran-
DELI, (lentiridly Vi@tocovlcls, 1,
tekhn.nauk, pro;.
Determination of the principal dimenslonn of olectric trantiforpiorn.
Izv. vys. ucheb. zav.; elektrom"kh. 6 no.5:551-556 163.
(MMA l61@,)
1. Kafedra slektricheskikh stantsiy, setey i sistem Tomskogo
politekhnicheskogo institutri (for Dell). 2. Zaveduyusheldy kafedroy
aloktrichoakikh stantniy, fintoy I vistim Tom,,jk,,,f,,) poll tokhniclotnkogo
Instituta (for Kutyavin).
(Elantrii- ti-in'-forn-rg)
KMAVIN.-S.-H., inzh.
Processine unhulled cottonseed at the Uch-Kurgun Oil J",xtraction
Hill. Masl.-zhir. prom. 24 no-9:36-41 '58- (MIRA 11:10)
l.Uch-Kurganaki7 masloekstraktaionny7 zavod Terganskoge
KLITTAVIN, S.M., inzh.
Adoption of heavy-type roller mills. Hisl.-zhir.prcm. 26 no.8:
31 Ag 16o. (MIRk 13-1)
1. Uch-Kurganskiy masloakstraktatonnyy sayod.
Wch-Murgan--OU industries--Zquipment and supplies)
ISMAILOV. IX.. inzh.: GATRIIMIM, I.V., kand.tckhn.nnukj Prinimall uchanti3re:
KIRIA-11-0- 3-14-: ORZSILKIU, DA.; TAI)Z'rfIqA'rrl, G.T.; AMP10ZHANOT, A.I.:
Lowering the solvent conten*. in seed meal before treAtment in evapor-
ators. Mahl.-zhlr.prom. 26 no.10:7-13 0 160. (MIRA 13:10)
1. Vsesoyuzn7y nauchno-isalodovatelleUy inatitut zhirov (for Ismailov,
Gavrilanko). 2. Uch-Kurganakiy masloekstraksion7y zavod (for Kut7avin,
Orantikin, Tadzhibayev). 3. Srodneaziatskiy filial Voesoyuznogo nauchno-
inaledovatellakogo instituta zhirov (for Panchenko, 7elldsher, Voronina).
(Uch-Kurgan--Oil industriee--Equipment awl supplies)
Ri AT6014848 SOURCB CODE: UR/2531/66/000/188/0003/0010
AUTHORt Kolokoloy, V.P.1 Barkalova, X,N.1 Kuprovich, Y.V,j Ktityavinq Y,A,l Simamt
R* Is
ORGs None
TITLEt On a more precise method of mapping the number of lightning flashee
SOURCEt Leningrad. Glavnaya geofizicheskaya observatoriya. Trudy, no. 188, 1966.
Atmosphernoye elektdchestvo (Atmospheric electriety), 3-10
TOPIC TAGS: atmospheric electricity, thunderstorm activity, lightning, Ught=Lur-
ABSTRACT: lbe paper discusses Improved methods for mapping the geographical density
of lightning MBhea. -- Lightning discharge counters with a known effective regi-
stration radius (defined as the maximum one within uhich all discharges are registe-
red), were used. An expression for the effeative radius, derived for wide band (2-2()
kc) counters from a previously published (referenced) paper of L.G. Makhotkin, was Q
sensitive to its coefficient's errors; therefore, simultaneous registration with a
narrow band (56-62 kc) counter was employed Thunderstorm activity was expressed as
the monthly number of discharges per 100 km2 of the recording station vicinity area.
Thunderstorm activity over the North Atlantic has been also evaluated from British
MGG and RGS (unreferenced) eadiolocation data. Dependence of thuzideratorm activity, iz-
Card 1/2
ACC NRs AT6014848
form of number of discharges per 100 km2per month and also number of days it th thun-
derstorms per month, - vs. a temperature-humidity index "te" was determined and e3t&
blished. The temperature-humidity Index chosen was represented by the product.of the
-temperature in OC x absolute humidity in millibara. Conwate on further dweIgment, an
given. Orig. art* has: 2 figures, 3 formulas and 4 tables.
SUB COM 04/ SUBM DATBt None/ CRIG REP: 006/ ON REP t 007
KIITI?IIvillp V.A.
D,)vlation nf a:ttivity from tlc. r-ean c]!jMtOjOglc8j
nomj,# TrUdy GGO no.1'77.3?-38 165.
(MIRA 1818)
KUT'YAVINA. L. A. Cand Med Sci -- (dies) "Dynamics of bromide
content in the blood and qP the cori44@t of higher nervous
activity a-,--@-ts- Joni during their treatment
,4, AJ'l, - - @
with pet6s" bromide." Mloa,1957. 13 pp. (Acad k"'Ied Sci USSR).
200 copies. (KL, B-58, 108)
Dynamics of the bromine content of the blood and of the higher
nervous activity in hypertension patients following treatment with
sodium bromide. Gip.bol. no.5t43-52 158. (KMA 130)
Obnervationa on trade imeralona during the 26th cruise of the
OVitlazl." Trudy Inst.okean, 40:44-46 160. (KUU 14:8)
(Pacific Ooean-Trade winds)
red,; DROMIZ11 umj@@F- red.
(Transactions of-the Soviet Antarctic Expedition) Trudy Sovetekoi
antarkticheskoi ekspeditaii, 1955. Lenir4;rad, Izd-vo 'Morskoi tran-
j3port." Vol.23. [Second Continontal Expedition, 1115(@-1958; oboerva-
tional data] Vtoraia kmTtinental.Inain ok:ipeditsiia, 1956-1958 99-,-
materialy nabliudenii. Pod red. L.V.DolgTanova. 1961. 277 p.
(MIAA 14: 1-1)
1. Sovetskaya antarktichaskaya ekspeditalya, 1955. 2. Glavnaya geo-
fizicheakaya observatorlya im. A.I.Voyoykova (for all except Kaplin-
Bkaya, Drozhzhina).
(Antarctic regionn-Solar radiation)
Automatic block systems shouli hve dependable rail netvorks.
Avtom., telem..i evia2l 4 no-3:26-27 Mr 160. (KIRA 13 - 7 )
1. Ilachallnik aluzhby signalizataii I evyazi Privolzhsko7 dorogi
(for Mostovo7). 2. Rachallnik laboratoril signalizatoli i avynzi
lalininsko7 dorogi (for Kutyayev).
(Railroads-Sigualing-Block system)
A port-able device for testing electron-tube voltmeters. Avtom... telem.
i sylazi 7 no.1:24,26 Ja 163. (MMA 16:2)
1. Nachallnik filiala laboratorli avyazi Moskovskoy dorogi.
(ElectroD-tule vAtmenter-Testir4,)
TAGLOV, V.V., inzh.-. KUTTATEV, Tu.11.
lOtpid cronomitting at the "Bitizo minii. shakht.atrol. no.6:27
Jn l5q. (MIRA 12:9)
Ozechnalovakla-14ining enginnoring)
Arterial blood pressure in workers of 2 different plants in
Krakow. Pol. tyg.lek. 18 no-50:1874-1876 9 D163
1. Z I Kliniki Chorob 'Wewnetr-,,nycli AM w Krakewle; kierovnik: IDon Tochowicz.
,-. I:.-
AUTHOR: Kutlyonkov, A., Engineer, Colonel
TITLE: Excavation of Trenches and Pits In Frozen Soil
PERIODICAL: Voyennyy vestnik, 1961, J;o. 1, pp. 92 - 93
TEXT: - Excavation of trenches and pits in coil frozen to a depth of 30 -
35 cm is possible only if the frozen layer is broXen up by explosives. For quick.
drilling of boreholes for blasting charge3 a new method was developed using a
drilling set which consists of a small-sized mobile power plant Pund 3 drills. At
simultaneous use of 2 drills, boreholes 112 r-,n in divineter and I m deep can be
drilled per hour on a 35 - 40 m long strip. The depth of the boreholes is: h -
I a = 10.8 - 0.6 m, where a - depth of the frozen layer. The weight of one
4 4
blasting charge (C) Is; C - 0.7 - Ah3 - 0.7 - 1.2 - 0.63 - 0.182 kg. Using a
blasting charge of three 75 g trotyl catrJdgen w1th a total weight Ci a 0.225 9
the blasted area will be 2R and Is computed by
3 Cj 3 0.225
R - ) . A/ 1.2 0.57 m, I.e., 2.R @ 1.14 m,
which corresponds to the predeterrined wieth of th- trench. The distance between
Card 1/2
Excavation of Trenches and Pits in Frozo@n :3oll A110/A026
the boreholes will be IR - 0.6 m, i.e., 1,670 borcholes 6n 1 km. For the dril-
ling of boreholes a thermodrill developed from the P76-61 (M-VI) hand drill
was used. The temperature and the gas flow velocity through the jet nozzle of
the combustion chamber of the drilling set (Fig. 4) permits a quick drilling of
borchole3. There are 4 figures. 6 7
Figure 4: Schematic diagram of the thermic RAVIVY OM Momnpe=pa - 18
drilling set. 1 - fuel tank; 2 - fuel pumps; 5,T
3 - pressure regulating valve; 4 fuel hose;
5 - fuel cock; 6 - air hose; 7 - dual maao,n-
cter; 8 - air cock; 9 - rod; 10 - prote(tive
pipe. F5 - @T@
shield; 11 - combustion chamber; 12 - fuel r2
rZ. @_4j'
S1.4somorphisrr's of' partially 0' 'r'
oc Y rapottrIL @r@,U@,,
-phim of a par,iihily or&,-Led locally nit-
An SL-isarrmr
potent torsion free group G is ar, isomri*hLism mapp ng
tile lattice of all in C (indudinff the -Mpty
-nriinp lattice of a kroup G*.
re.-Tidourprqxrfies prm
culminating in thL- principal
niorphisms ftudied
vIt that under ar. SliwmorphL%m of G the image bf a
pure isolated invari int scraigroup with id--raity is a semi-
group in GI with (fit sanie properties. R. A. Go,,)J.
10 ruml-171, V. S.
2. U35R (,7,00)
4. Horse Raoing
7, Pifteen day cross-country race of horses from the S. M. Budennyy stud
farm. Konevodstvo 22 no. 10 1952
9. Monthly List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, February .1953. Unclassified-11
S, 17/0 131lu 16
A 0 G,-, /A 0 r, 1
I' T P,, f @, r -i vnyy z vurn al KlArriYa, 17, 1 . 372, # -1041@2
-/,1k, Ye.P.,
Lev.@kiya, G.3., :c
r _v@ rlmL@1, @
@!@-3v:n:hlk,-_,va Z.F., Fart@e:_-v, M.:.
.T ___E MAe cf Trielh lal@jmlnurr. Synttesls
',D 7 -A:, 1959 VC, 1. -3, FP 'D- 17
-EX a el,hylaluminum_
J 4
n -i y a-- -. li* n a, i" a r.-,@. *.n- A r Itel
':-wan. @77i,T,
It. wh i - -nsistr
.-f Coli C1 ir,,l A! *he 5-10% C2H,-Br (I::)
:n A1 ani lhair werr@- as InMa*.3rs -yield-
-.-y is aSslime(I na' th, ;r-:!s Is ini-la-d by inter-
ry I;-T.
",o;;, @A v r r. w. w @r Na 7(@' ;11 --rganic
-:I,. Na 1-7 I.,tkpn in
3/08 1/60/CGO/t 17/0 !3/016
aL _T ! rixr, Syn th- @ 1 1@ /Ar,
-f 7,rj@ AC06 1101
'he Yle'j -f v 70 7E% In n:Iati-n -o I, and
IC Z .- - .- --. : @. : :-, :-@ y ;r
70 f Al. Ai, *,he vxper!menl, ar- :,urrIeA ir. '1!-Y N2
A-!- ;n',s -@f 40 g A! -'Lli-I 24 g 1:' az-@? while stir-
1E ali"i cy p-r-.rr.1 -f 10 ml, the reacticn;,d In tn- f-:rrr cf a sr @Ilghtly o:)lored
.3 1'., r _2cC :n 100 g cf *he
y, % r. g -. c, m p c- r117- 1 -@ -/'50 1-1
21? a- IOOCC, int: -he h@,@ dispcrsi@n 91,h g : is added
T.- -n7- ',:-M 'a i)% henz!ne-r@;bh-r (L-@Iling lerrperat-.4re
110-- -he pre-ipita-e i@_
W@ IC5-
7 11 71-
w, - h ? @;,C i2 in 'he f:rr :.f a c-lzres=- llq-,,-d,
@:Iv-n' - I
'T@ I inc7 IC)o 107CC/
ci i r .11-eld is .32.5 9, -he L, !_Iing 'I.em:@:-ature
110 77. d 0,87-1, lh,@ a-,h:rs Lreien,@ w: taLles anl sc)-ir-ma*.Ic diagr-,vns cf metallic
S. Davyjcva
fu,, trinsla'!--n @f thi -@rlginai R-iss-lan atstracl%
3 r
3 jiA
Podvizhnoi sosthv tramvaia. /S-treetcar Roiling stoCL47. DOPU3hcheno v kachestve
uchebnika dlia tekhnikwwv garodskogo elektrotransporta. !@'oskva, Izd-7o
Mini3ter3tva kommunal nogo khozialstva
RSFSR, 1948. 423 P il us
Bibliography: p. 24L2yi
DLX: TF?10.K8
SO: Soviet Transix)rtatjon and Conmunications. A Biblio ra h Idbrary of Gon@@,ress
Reference Department, Washington, 1952, Unclassified
JWT-fwvsxiy. M.
Troll' ry !`u3es
"Trolley luses." 11!irt 1. Mectinnical e-,uivr-nt. lhmvj@w-c@ ','@@t..sura, Yu. 1,,.lc-n-n,
Y. Kutylcvskiy, V. Scsyants. Zhil. -kcn. .(t',CZ. 2 nc. 2
Nonthly List of' iu.-mirin Accessicris, 1,1@xary
of July IT,2. V@'CLP. I I.*I; D
(Illectric streetcar equipment; rolling stock] Slaktrichaskoe oborudo-
vanle tramvsia (podvishnogo sontaval Utvsrshdano v kAchestva uchabnika
dlia uchashchikhoia alektromeldianichaskikh takhnikmmov. Koskys, Isd-vo
Ministerstya koammllnogo khostaistva RSFSR, 195). 274 p. (KLRA 7:6)
(Street-railroads-&Mipmat and supplies)
MEM;HOV. I.S. Eauthorj; IVIU, K., inzhaner; KUTYLOVSKIY, M., dotfient [reviewers]
Cortain chortcomings of a illieful book. ("Trolloy @mnqtj." P,srt II. I.S.
Lfremov. Reviewed by X.Ivin, M.Kutylovakii). Zhil.-kom.khoz. ) no.8:)O
Ag '53. (KLRA 6:8)
(Trolley Inises) (Efremov, I.S.)
KUTUOVSKIT, X.P,; SURGUCHIV, V.D.; HOMIDUH, I.A., redAktor; 107n, X.L.,
" re 'tor; VMUTA, To., tekhnicheskiy redaktor.
(Zlectric traatton to city transportatJon) Slektrichaskala tiaga nA
gorodskom transport*. Moskva, lsd-.vo Hinleterstva kommunallacgo
khoalalstva RSFSR, 1954. 354 p. (XLRA 7:12)
(Zlectric milroads)
KO ry L_ () V S K\ @ Y) A - I - f@'-
GALOM , Th.M., kandidat tekhnicheakikh muk.
"Zlootrical equipment of a streetcar.' H.P.Kutylovskll. Reviewed
by IU.M.Galonen. Ilektricheetyo no.10:96 0 154. (MM 7:9)
(Blectric railroads--Cars) (lutylovskii, M.P.)
HTYLOSKIY, X. 1'. "Investigation of the !es1stnnce to Train Moverrent
offered by Surface ElectrIc -Enllroad 'Iransportation."
Min Higher Education USSR. MoBcow Automobile and
Road Inst imeni V. X. Kolotov. 1.'Oqcow, 1956.
(DissertRtlon for the Degree of Garididate IwZCIences)
So: Enizhaya Letopial, No. 17, 1956.
pm'frnU1r- ; KhAvili, XUhail hikolayevich; MULODYKh' I.A.,
redaktor; VARGANOVA, A.R.. rednittor iriatel'stva: PATROVAAYA, Ye.O.,
telchnirbeakly reduktor
Dtreqtcere built bv Rigs Car2ullding Plant) Trawainya vagony
RY7. Moskva, lzd-vn H-va KnR. 1957. 180 p.
(Rigm-Streatcarb) (HLRA 10:10)
( - 1 , @, i . - w@ i@ -, - - : !
I , 1@ I @ f - .
K-UTYLOVSKIY, M., kandidat tekhnicheskikh nAuk.
-Determining the &mount of r*81s',ance to traction In municipal
electric tranaport. ZhIl.-k-om.khoz. 7 no.7:20-22 '57. (MIRA 10:10)
(Slectric locomotlyes)
MkUIN, Vladimir IvanoviCh, insh.; KUTTLOTSKIY, 141khall Petroxichs do4e-int,
kand.takhn.nauk; MOROZOVA, O.T., red.. YNDUTOTA, A.F.,iskhr.r,)d.;
(Manual training In school shops; a textbook for taacbers in
grades five to seven of secondary schools] Praktic,14skle
Ianiatiia Y shkolinykh uchabaTkh masterskikh; uchebno-tekhni-
chaskoo posobis dlia prepodavatelei V-V1I klassov arednei
shkoly. Moskva. Go*. uchabno-podagog. lid-yo M-ys prosy. RSTSH,
1958. 391 P. (MIRA 12:2)
(MAnual training)
a 6
AUTHOR -..ikhai@l Petr'-viclig C't: S @"7'j I ( 1 - 52 - @A 00
-'." t"@ - '7@@ -I!. r"! 'trical
hn I c '. f. @ - "I r, (,
@11 ISC @n f" #@ b 91 .I, . I. P.
Trall."port Ai@,n, Power Triatit"Ite
TITLE Exri:-Anation of Tractive in Rollint, !'ateri.ll Of
Strent Cars "'.i7.heniyu podvizh-
no,c,o nogtava trwmvw.111)
PERIODTCAL: Nauchnyje tloklady vyonh*!.y i witom'Ltlka,
1950, Nr 2, PI) 274 - 2,11 (U"7,R)
Fir-A, th,-- varlous m!!thodn of deter.-.1-iin @ tructive reaist%nce
@@re dencribcl. 11',cfere::ce in male to t.,le -,ciontific research
carried out 1954 - 1955 bY the z-oAl.or. Hext, check-int; of
tr;tins on thi! line in orler to .@e@ific tractive
resint%nce is The folloiin,-, t@a.p!! variLAionc of
11 1) t"'Ie chronometric method,
.ieasurinj; coasting were appliol:
2)iise of a speedometor aivl 5) Oncillot.-Va"llic recor'ling of
e s
@yeed and ti-ne, The obt;,.inf-! d(,penden of the tractive
renista,rice from speed sl,orin in a Tl.e various
riew empirical formulae rlli-e inv@.-Aij'-AeA for@,ula for
C 2 romjjutirli@ tile tractivo rt3oi.'it@o.rp i@j r(!ronricnded. This
Examirntion of Tr,--ctive Rei@isti !.re in Rol I i!.,@ 2 , t t, v ii S -,V 'I t, I -f@ - 2 - 3
of C,11,3
for,mula is b,,:,(-d on oonductc(l on :itr'!fkt
c-ir.,i on tho. liroi, in thf, trvi%vty le,,ot, ex-Intri-LIvion of
t ract ion motorc on the t,!-:t aerorly!: MiC teoting
of c--Lr mndels by th,@ theo-tir-il anrilysis of maln-
tractive reni:@tanci conpone.,:t@;. Plwvt- %re f, figliren aliki
tal; 1 e .
A 3 S 0 C l.%Tl ON K..felra elektrich,@A,-)io tr:m-porta Von.,:ovol-o@,o ener,--oticlics-
Ao@ I
ko,-o in@ltituta (Ch-iir for Blcctric-il Tra.,isportation, ll,'oacov
18, 1""0
Card 2/2
lo(6) 7
AUT"C,@@: of Tpchi.ical
T IT Aerodynamic Tests on the of
kiye iopytaniya modoli vagona "MITV11)
PL111CDICAL: Nauchrtyye doklady vycchey -,hkoly. i avto:--:-tika,
1958, lir 3, pp 219 - 222
ABj'.?.HACT: The coefficient of streamlinirq, is canoitiered to be of i:!:jort;Lnc(!
for economical reasons, an narodyrcar.Ac testa v,!re carried out
with a 1:10 3cale mod,@Icrfile St-j�p-sr"MTV-82'1 at tl,o laboratury of'he
Filial TsAGI im. Zhukovak-)go of the TSAII imeni.@hukovrj-
kiy ). Two figures (Fig., 1,2) :;hov; t@je model aiA the arrangement
in the wind channel reopectively. Th,, coofficient of wind v!ilocity
is once dofined as a function of wind vol(.city, ai@,d L,.nother time
as a function of the angle foi-med ty the 1,,xijituliiial axis of t"O
car and the wind direction. Two diaji-ams (17igs 3,4) oh@,w the
results obtained by meani.irint,- tl.e above couffi ;icntz, ard a for-
mula for calculating aerodynamic dra@; as a diagram of
the latter (71c 5) ar,3 (;iv,-@i,. In conclu.,ion, th,.@ res--Ita obtairlod
by experiuiental and theoreti,.,al @ire
Card 1/2 and conclusions are drawn ,Ath rc.,jp!(A to the @;on-; true tion of
Aorodyn,,tmic Touts on the Model of tl,ij 11147;" J , V/1 6 1 '-@,;/27
the body of the car. nif, onf!rcy none.,in,-try f,,j-
dynamic draG within one year is to amountinf!, to
6400 kwh. Finally, the results obt.-ine,,l by contrul-" carrio,ll out
by the Mookovskogo (,%,,QLcOW
Trann-my-Trolleybus Adminioti-ation) in lq,@6 @trol 1G56, which ultoir
con.,3i(lorable progrotm, are metitioned. Thor-.- ttr;-, fiuroo.
Tlo@a artlc@e val Xecomendqd forpublicetlon the
1',,, edra a uktr c,ieskoc;o tran., rta
,r @o-v-l,o@;o encrC,.,ticl,.esk(,uo
inntlt.uta (Clmair for Electrical Tr,iii.,;poi-ts at tYp :@'c,.-Xov Inotituto
of Pov;er EnCinet-ring)
ASSOCIATION: Kafedra elektricheakogo trans-;orta !.!o,@kovsku,-o exior,,-ctic'--rA-oj:,o
inotituta (Chair f,)r Elect.,ical :0. C-o inotitlite
of flo-,,,,or Eng-inoeritil,-)
SUB"'I February 1B, 1958
@-trd 2/2
-- - _.FatrQVjq4, CHKRUOV, A.P., red.; OTOCHXVA, M.A.,
i;Zizd-va; LELTLIKHIU, A.A.,
E.Slectric equipment for the rolling stock of street railways]
Blektricheekoe oborudovanie podvizhnogo soatava tramveis.
Izd.2.. perar. i dop. Moskva. Izd-vo K-va kommm.khoz.RSM,
1960. 371 p. (MIRA 13:11)
(Street railways--Cars)
..F.UTYLOVISHY, Mikhail Potrovich; KObOZEV, Vadirr, Mikhaylovich;
SHREIM, Dorla Loonidovich; KHAVIN, Mikhail Ilikolayevich;
CITRTOK, M.S., red.
[Mechanical equipment of the rolling ntock of ntreet rail-
roads] Nekhanicheskoe oborudcvanic podvizhnogo sost4va tram@
vaia. Moskva, Izd-vo 1.1-va kcir=nAhoz.RSM@, 1963. 405 p.
(',,'IF.A 17:7)
UTYLOVSKPY, Mikhail FC-LrOViCh, dots.; ..... I . I @ I I il : i t I lj E-;,. . @
[decenned], CfjAsoV1jjKOv, VA.., red.
[Elactric traction In city transportation) Elektriche-
skaia tiaga na gorodskom trangporte. Izd.2., perer. I
dop. Poskvep Strolizdat) 1964. 343 p. (Xl@-.A le:3)
jqj* `
Formation of ploolitelike magnetite and pisolitic tuffite.
Izv.AN Arm.SSR. Geol.i geog.ruiuki 15 no.6:25-A 162.
(MMA 16:2)
1. Vaenoyuznyy nauchno-ioule(lovatellskiy geologicheskiy
inatitut, Leningrad,
(Magnetite) (Tuffiten) (Pioolite)
Tubular anygdules in the dike of microdiabase (Tunguska syneellee
of the Siberian Platforn). Zap. Vass. min. ob-va. 94 no.4t
4,54-459 165s (MIM 180)
.-I'LA HITAT-m 11 1 -Tl- -V
-Y) aU. V J',T TjP
"Conditions of tho@'! Formation of' A.Lj)ille-tylx-l Veins In tho@, CopTer-bearing Perls
of the Udokazi Delx)f;it - North-Eastem Transbalkalla."
report presented at the Symp on Post MaginatIc Ore Deposits, Prague, 16-21
Sep 63-
'1'77 , Yli ; F:7@"Hl !:, ; @ V, F . - . i ;,@ "., 7 '; 0, ., . ;
!I,," [VI, )11r01'.
Geolo@y, of Ilstril7iitir@n nn,,14 condItArn.3
govvrninr Qi,4 formation of jFindnt(,n,,.5 in the norlh-
en9t,?rn Fort, of thp Olckma-Vitt-r. ? nc.ll;
?-18 Ill 165. 1Q;:i)
GOGOLIN, V.K., Inzli.; Inzh.; ';I,AfQ"V', A.S., Inzh.;
IFTIUA, G.A.-,re-d--.-izd-va; C/:L'13Ei,G, tekhn. red.
(Handbook on the technical maintenarce of tower cranes] Pu-
kovodstvo po tokhrdcheakorm ukhodu za bashennyri krarard
(IIP-61). Moskva, Gos. izd-vo lit-r7 Fo stroit., rivkhit. i
otroit. materialair, 1961. 85 P. (I:L,.A 15:5)
1. Akaderdya. stroitellstva i arkliitepktury -101"SH. institut orga-
nizataii, mckhanizatnii i to'h-hrAchookoy j.,o,-,,.o:Aichi stroitc'llstvu.
(Cranen, fllelTiZ-@S, otc.-4'aintIcnanco and rop-dr)
KLFIYMVP I.A., inzh.
Breakdown of parts of the caterpillar tread of the &301V TE--3 and TF,-2H
excavatores Makh. otrol. 20 no.6sl7-18 Jo 163. (MIRA 16:5)
1. Nauchno-issledovatel'skiy Institut organizataii, mekhanizatsii
i tekhnicheskoy pomoshchi stroitellstvu Akademii stroitel'stva i
arkhitektury SSSR.
(Excavating machinery)
USSR/Govt Financial Controls 49W. Oct 1947
"Review of 'Financial Control in the USSR' by Prof 11. N. Hovinnkly,"
G. Kutozov, S. Kutyrov, S. Glezin, 7 Pp
"Sov Finansy" Vol VIII, No 10
Book contains ten chapters. First discusses concept and significluicc of
control in socialist state, particularly fivancial control. Criapter two
diSCUSt5e3 financial control organization in detail and Its transformation
during various phases of socialism. Chapter three deals with organs of
state and financial control, regulations dealing with control, and respon-
sibilities of various individuals and institutions. Chapter four takes
up financial control foreign statest England, USA, France, and @elgium.
Remainder of book Is devoted to organizations and methods of control as
applied to budgets, budgetary institutions and industrial enterprises.
Book is reviewed favorably but defects are pointed out by all three
LC 200,80
MTRZV, U.; RTURIN. G., rodaktor; SUEBOTINA, K., redAktor; LZBZM . A.,
tekhnichookly redaktor.
(Verifying the use of working capital in indastrial. enterprises]
Proverks. ispollzovaniia oborotn7kh aredety na pron7oblennom pred-
prilatil. Moskva, GosfinixdAt, 1954. 92 p. [Xicrofilml (XLRA 8:2)
KA-IOTIN, Yaailiy Afansolyevich, dote.; MITROYANOV. Vasiliy Mitrofenovich,
otyetetyeanyy red.; YSD11'DRAT1YF.YA, A., red.izd-va;
LXBX M , A.,
[Auditing and control of the economic activities of industrial
enterprises) Revizits i kontroll khotiairtvannoi deiatellnoett
promyshlennykh prodpritatti. Izd. 2-s, perer. i dop. Moskva,
Ooefinizdat, 1957. 279 p. (MIRA 11-4)
(Industrial organization)
XUTUZOV. Grigoriy Alskeandrovich: KMTRZY, S.. red., SHAVRIV, V., red.;
TIMIRI, T.,,-------
[Inspection in financial organs) Revizionnals robots v finansovykh
organakh. Nookys, Gosflnisdat, 1958. 194 p. (KIRA l2s2)
ARETITEV9 A.) arkhitoktor; ZAKOV, I., arkbitektor; KIIT'f'TV, -,Ye.,-
arkhi t(--k tor
New center for Sochi. Na stroi. Ros, 3 no-5:6-8 Illy 162.
(,';ochi--r,ity planning) (141RA 15:9)
,--- KUTTRXVA,.,,,1A..P-
P"riodicity In changes of optical characteristics of the
earth's atmosphnre. Trudy Selct. astrobot. AN Kaz&kh.SSR
3:219-258 055. (MLRA 9:12)
(Atmosphere) (Meteorological optics)
%OQI@A@A. P.
In ths@ existmnce of th" vegetation on Mars refute4 by
V.G. Fesenkov's article? Trudy Sekt. astrobot. AN Kazakh.
S-SR 3:269-271 '55. (MLRA 9:12)
(Mars (Planet)) (Botany,)
1-i T T- I II ;V T
KRISHTCYOVICH, A.N.Jdecease4l; L'YOT, V.Te.; WRIOT, A.Y., professor;
IOROLIT, A.r..- GOLOUITS11t, L.P.; OGORODNIXOT. Jr-Y., profes-i9r;
19TGXNSON, K.S., profestior, LOZIN-LOZINSKIT, L.K., professor;
A.K.; OBLOYRETIH, G.B.; VASILITNV, O.B.-, LICHKOV. B-L.. professor-,
Addresses by A.N.Krishtofovich and others. Trudy Sakt.astrobot.Ag
Nazakh.SM 4:68-157 155. (HLRA 9:12)
(Mare (Planat))
Akademiya nauk Kazakhokoy SSSR. Sektor astrobotaniki.
Trudy, t -6 (Transactions of the Astrobotanical Sector, Kazakh SSR, Academw of
Sciences, Vol 6) Alma-Ata, Izd-yo AN Kazakhokoy, SSR, 1958. 207 P. Errata
ulip inserted. 1.300 copies printed.
Ede.: L.N. Moskvicheva and T.I. Shevchuk; Tech. Ed.: P.P. Alferova; Editorial
Board: G.A. Tikhov (Resp. Zd.)p R.I. Suvorov (Deputy Reap. Ed.) and
V.S. Sokolova (Secretary)
PURPOSE: This book Is intended for scientists engaged in the fields of astrobotany
and astronoqr.
COVERAGE: The book summa izes the results gathered from observations of the planet
Mars made during its most favorable opposition in 1956. Nev evidence vas
obtained to prove the existence of vegetation on that planet. Visually, observa-
tions vere carried out with the Bredikhin astrograph and the Meniscus telescope'
AZT-7 (the Maksutov type). Photographically and electrophotometrically they
were made using light filters. The book contains a number of critical studies
Card 1/4
Transactlons of the Astrobotanical Sector SOV/1881
on the vork Zhiznfvo Vselennoy by A.I. Oparin and V.0. Fesenkoy,, in which the
existence of any vegetable life had been denied. Each article is accompanied
by references.
Tikhov, G.A. The Prellml ry Results of the Observations of Mare by the Section
for Astrobotany During the Most Favorable Opposition in 1956 3
Kozlova, K.I., and Yu.V. Glagolovskly. Visual Observations of Mars During
Its Most Favorable Opposition in 1956 7
Kutyreva,, A. P. Certain Information on the Visual Observations of Mars
in 1956 23
Vladimirskiy, B.M., and K.A. Lyubarskiy. The Nature of the Surface of Kara 34
Suslovy A.K. Cosmogony and Astrobiology 39
Card 2/4
%ro in 1956. Trudy Bakt.astrobot.All Kazakh SSR 7:8."
159. (14tre (Pianist)) (MR), 130)
Optical properties of alpine plants in the uastern Pamirs. Trudy
Sekt. astrobot. AN Kazakh @b SSR 8:65-103 160. (MIU 13112)
(Pamirs-Plante-.ptical proporties)
(Altitude, Influonce of)
IgdkiNKIT. v.I.1 IAPMOTA, M.Y.; BARLTANT, I.Ta.. redaktor;
TSIRULINITSICIYt N.P., takhnicheakiy redaktor
[Standard operations -involved in trimming; a collection) Tipovye
takhnologichookis protessay proizvodstyn otdolok; sbornik. Moskva,
Vues.koop,isd-voi 1957. 94 P. (KIAA 10:7)
1. Russia (1917- R.S.Y.S.R.) Sovat promyslovoy kooperetati.
TSentralinaya opytao-takhnichookeya shveynaya laboratorlya.
SO Vcchf- D 3) k v a
KOSHKIN, Valentin Konstantinovich, professor; IAVIH. Boris Ruyinovich,-
ICUTTRIN, Igor' Nikolayel"- BORISOV, Boris Petrovich; PORTNOY.
D.A -a-ma-ravrme'stikh nauk, rateenrent-, IJJSHPA. A.L.
kandidat takhnicheskikh nauk, redaktor; UVAROYA. A.Y.. telchni-
chaskiy redaktor
(Yree-piston engines In heat power plants] Dvigateli so evobodno
dvizhushchimisis porshniami v teplosilov-ykh tietanoykmkh. Pod red.
V.X.Koshkina. Moskva, G09. asuchno-takhn. izd-vo mashinostroit.
lit-ry. 1957. 227 P- (KLRA 10:6)
(Gas turbines) (Gas and oil engines) (Pistons)
Avduyevskiy, Vsevolod Sergeyevich, Yuriy Ivanovich Danilov, Valentin
Konstantinovich Xoshkinj Professor, Igor, Nikolayevich Kutyrin,
Militsa Mitrofanovna Mikhaylova, Yuriy Sergeyevich Mikh6yd-v, and
Oleg Sergeyevich Sergell
Osnovy teploperedachi v aviatsionnoy I raketnoy tekhnike (Principles
of Heat Transfer in Aeronautic and Rocket Engineering) Moscow,
Oborongiz, 1960. 388 P. Errata slip inserted. 8,800 copies
Sponsoring Agency: Ministerstvo vysshego I srednego spetsiallnogo
obrazovaniya RSFSR.
Gen. Ed. (Title page): V. K. Koshkin, Professor; Ed. (inside book):
A. S. Ginevskly, Candidate of Technical Sciences; Ed. of Publish-
ing House; E. A. Shekhtman; Tech. Ed.: V. P. Rozhin; Managing
Ed.: A. S. Zaymovskaya, Engineer.
PURPOSEs This textbook is intended for students In aeronautical
Card -1/2-0-
Principles of Heat (Cont.)
schools of higher technical education. It may also be useful to
engineering and technical personnel and aspirants specializing in
aircraft and rocket heat-exchange problems.
COVERAGE: The book presents the fundamental problems of heat ex-
change in modern aircraft and rocket engineerDig. Data were taken
from both Soviet and non-Soviet sources. Pro'b'..Lems of high-speed
and high-temperature gas flow in the presence of chemical re-
actions in the boundary layer are diecussed,and hydrodynamic meth-
ods of heat protection of surfaces and heating problems In
winged flying vehicles are included. Attention is given to
principles of heat exchange in rarefied gases an', in nuclear power
reactors. No personalities are mentioned. Chapters VIII to XV
are based on non-Soviet literature. Chs. I and II were written
by Professor V. K. Koshkinp Ch. III by Docent M. M. Mikhaylova,
Ch. IV by Docent 0. S. Sergel', Chs. V and VI by Docent Yu. S.
Mikheyev, Ch. VII by Docent I. N. Kutyrin, Chs. VIII to XVI by
Docent V. S. Avduyevskiy, arid Ch. XVII by Docent Yu. I. Danilov.
VASIUNKO, A,Ir-,k.,xi:/ Ni@.olnyovlch, kar.(,. tokhri. muk;
Y(.,vi-rjriiy Vasilly(,vich, rlr)to,.; ISAYEV,
kiind. tokhn. nauk; KOhNEYCIRIK, Nikoli,@v
kand. tekhn. nauk, dot8.; KOFANOV, Vy;@--Lvaluv
asfjiqt.(jnt; K1,UICV, Vitally Iv,,r,6viAI, t"kia'. friuk)
prof.; MIL(ONOV, Boria MJkliqlcivich, r.%lik;
1;1(2.';ATULIII, Iskander flljrmtulf@vich, 6@,ktor tf!khn. 'co"x, Frof.;
110-SOV, Mikhail Vfloillyevlch, prof.; ';k UYLOV,
Sorgeyevich, nool-oterit.; SFORYSH, Ii,oril,avic"ilcli, Oin,i. tiAl.n.
nauk, prof.; KINOSTOV, Viktor
SHISHOV, Yovi:,indy Viktor,,vich, karv!. nfolv;
i@c.rin 111kolayev.1,di, kand. t(j1din. ivm,@, Kh'i7f;'P., l.".1
clo t:7., kan!
@],,-oblumr An toOmic,til 'i'val L!.I'k1!.I'o,,-i
Sbornik Zadnc@, I:o tikhnicho.9koi
ducho. [by] A.1N.Vaoilenkc) i dr.
19 t*-,,, -369 p.
i. P;fipodavt-.teI',;kiy @ollcktiv k;:,I". Icy I.e.-; j
f or Lill except Kutyriri, Shvericiv, 'I'U,. i' '.'c,-
:A,@-Vskiy avlatsiorwyy InAitut ( for
/EL-F(n) FC_4/Pr_4/Fs--4/ 4
L 54053-65 EAT(IVEWT(m A
__j-r__4T1_u-_4 RFFL VTN/JW, GSIRM
ACCESSIOU NR: AT5010479 UR/0000165/0001000/0003/0028
AUTOR: Koshkint V..K. (Doctor of tecimical sciencea); KuznetaoT,_ Vt.@- (Engineer) i
Candidate ci!
Ku JL,., (Candidate of techaical acieuces)-t-'j'Ailp"
-@' 2=1460,8
t cal sci aces) (Deceased)
7!rLE: Use of the endothermic coalant decomposition effect for increating the
cooling efficiency
SOURCE- Iseledovaniytt teploo*enit v potokakh zhidkosti t gaza (Investigation (if
heat exchange in liquid and g,ss fi@ows). Moscow, Izd-vo Mash inos troyeniye, 196!F,
3 -4" 8
TOP'lC TAGS: coolant, endothemic decomposition, decomposition, he
Icoolant --at
exch-nge, cooling efficiency, enetgy storage capacity
ABSTRACT: Heat exchange processes can be ticcelerated not only by the une. of endo-
thermic phase transitions but also by means of additional endothermic reactions
within the coolant. In view of th@@ absence of appropriate data which could in-
fluence the choice of the beat coolants vith optimal cooling decomposition effects,
the aLthors carried, out theoretical analyses and approximate evaluations of the
energy storage capacity of various dissociating coolants, and determined such cap-
acities experimentally %@ithin it given temperature range. during heat exchanges
CIVY-u.-een the wall and a moving coolent. The resuI6 of thin thorough atuly show
L S4(@!@3-05
ACCE.S.91ON 14R- AT5010479
that met-hyl and ethyl alcohols,. ethylene glycoll
Itthitri, hydride, lithium ammoni-
iKi- and
ate, arzionium fluor fomic acid eyltibit the largest
:T4@Ct,'ic, energy-@--toring capacity whil'a az-zonla, pentanc, isapentane, and air
piroved to be uniijitable. in spite o',' the large enthalpyljof hydroren, it ciri hard-
ly he used as a coolant to mobile devtces becausc-FF; [ow d@inL;tty Enakes the use
of largc rc@;ervoirg -mandatory. Ilie bcst are acetate, a 70% aqueous solu-
tion cf trethyl alcohol, and 6ura a=cniunz bicarbonate; all other coolants are close
to water vapor. All coolants with the crception of nure a=nnitm bicarbonate
and in 20% aqueous s6lution leave solid deposits. 6rig. art. has: 26 formulas,
17 figures, and 3 tables.
SUP2,11YZED: llDec64 ENCL: 00 SUB CODE: TD
NO RET SOV: 005 OTHER: 003
C.rd 2/2
I I a I'
1 Lj,.
KUTYRIN, N.A., dotsent, kandidat tekhnicheakikh nauk [deceased).
87hermontatics." M.Y.Olcatov. Reviewed by N.A.lutyrin. [Trudy] MnV
no.27:47-50 '54. (MI-RA 7:11)
(Thermodynamics) (Olcatov, H.T.)
V-belt instead of cast iron rings. Kuz.-shtam.proizv. 5 no.5:
49 My 163e (KIRA 16:9)
k.!: 7-.,. -- ! @ - 1 - -
. ; @ . I I , : I
ilnr ar!ryl r@,.sii in r-p-ornp ",rirl-Ille tc)o:@,. -, t fl r@ .
I In.-;I,r. --5 r,-.IL39-@C) N 164. lq-,@)
L 1662-66 FWT(d )/EWP(e) IEWT(m) /EWP (V)/'_E14P W/EY.P (k)/ZqP (h)/iwP(z)/F4-r (b)/
(TT/'NA (a)
ACCESSION NR: AT5022888 UR/2776/65/000/043/0053/0059
4 3.r- 9,' jr
AUTHOR: DqK2k., B. 6,; Malin, A. P.; Markelov Andr Kutyrins,
V, M.; Lq&jn9v4_A-,A-; G iTw.-V. (;.; Akeenov, G. is
Y YJ S- r f r
TITLE: Experience in rolling powders in an industrial-type rollLn mill
SOURCE: Moscow.,Tsentral nyX nauchno-isoled y&tqL@1ki atitut chernor metal-
lurgii. Sbarnik trudov, no. 43, 1965. Poroshkovaya metallurgiya (Powder metal-
lurgy), 53-59
TOPIC TAGS: rolting mill, powder metalluvgy@metal povder,_pawder metal rolling,
q Yt Y@11 I""V
ABSTRACT; The authors describe an industrial two-high powder-rolling mill with
roll diameters 600 and 900 mm, based on a standard rolling mill originally built
in 1940, and equipped with special powder-feeding bunkers. The mill consists of
an open-top steel housing with variable positioning of rolls -- they can be
aligned either horizontally or at angles of 22.5% 45*. and 60% (Figs. 1, 2).
Its main drive is powered by a DC 257.4 kv (350 HP) 40-800 RPM motor. it has been
used for the experimental rolling of strips from the povdars of iron, 00184.9
stainless steel, molybdenum, and titanium. These experiments demonstrated the
C,rd 103
L 1662-66
mill's suitability for organizing the industrial production of poreless strips
from ths powdere of different metals and alloys, Such strips, 0.8-1.0 cm thick,
display physical. properties that are not inferior to those of strips produced by
rolling ingot metal. This strip thickness is in complete agreement with the basic
[equation of rolling, which implies that strip thickness is a function of roll
a 2
1where y and ya are the densities of powder (bulk weight) and strip, respectively,
@g/CM3, B is the roll diameter, 6 in the.thickness of rolled strip, mim; a is the
,angle of reach, deg; and T is the coefficient of reduction of the powder during
!rolling. Hence this basic equation applies*not only for laboratory rolling mills
;but also for industrial rolling mills and can be used in designing the latter. Be-
'Jore the rolling of metal powders can be industriallyintroduced, however, these
!'three problems must be solved: lateral restriction of the zone of deformation of
;powder in the rolls; continuous, uniform supply of powder to the feeder; and con-
L 1662-66
tinuous sintaring of the strip. Orig. art. has: 2 figures, 3 table#, 5 formula**
NO REF SOV: 010 OTHER: 005
'J/ U-1 )/60/101 @.)/004,'O' 3/103()/Ixx
AUTHORS: Mikhaylenko, Yu Y Lc-bod-@%,N N K r. I K
and Kutyrina, Y(, G
TITLE: Analysin of 1,1111 tj C01pponent lellxturo:, Fr-cm Infrrit-r-1
Absorption Spectrall Information 2 Dc@t-rmination of
the Isomers of Moro Cum,?n,@-s,1T-,,rtiry B,.i;y' P*-nZOnC'S.1
and Chloro Diphenyl Ms@than,2-3
PERIODICAL: Zhurnal anal-ticheskoy khimii, '9@0 "cl
No 4
pp 495 - 499
TEXT: The analysis is described in dotail. n th.@- p,.Iblli-
r,ation of this series (Ref, 1). The spectrophctome ter -1I (IKS-11)
-.Va4s used with bulbfj of nylvine 0 09 cm thick aril wtth
purifii?d carbon dinulfido no it nolvcnt (Rt'r ) Cal,ibration. v@n:4 mtJt@
by dotermininG the extinction coefficimto of @.rery ar:)@:!,-tic compo-,;ni
for every wavelength used, Th- o-. rn-, nnd of h'-r-,
cumene, tertiary butyl chicro bc-nz;,,n,-, rind
Card 1/4
Analysis of Multicomponent Mixtures From S/GT,/'C.0/C!
Infrared Absorption Spectra Informatior, hozo/fi06",
2. Determination of the Isomers of Chlorc,
Cumene3, Tertiary Buty! Benzene3, and
Chloro Diphenyl blethan-s
were used for calibration, Chloro ciimene and butyl chlc@r:
were obtained by the Grignard reaction from th,.
chloro benzene isomor and alky! bromide usinr n-h#_,pttn,: of
absolute ether as a solvent (Ref Th,@, chloro f3i F.@;eriyl methane
iaome,rs resulted from the conden-,aticn of th-.-
berzy! chloride with benzene in the of AIC', h, '7 r: . I t a n , 5
of the compounds are given in Tabi,_- I F i rn t , @t 1 n -k -
q, i a I i ta t i v , I y a ns I yz, e (I t o .1 e t o r m . n .2 t h o -11-: - -, r p ! i c r, 7r, f t, h
i .3 o m e r a T(@ find thp absorption ban1s of the indivilual thc
&ita published on dislibatituted benLenk.
- 740 cm -1 , -
the band tit 770 @har;i,@or: -, t
derivativeo, thQ bands at 800 - 770 rtn@! 6) C) -m' f t, n
mpta-disubsti t-.ited derivatives. and tho '@,in f
th,- derivativ,i, (R-f@, ?i K n
Card 2/4
Analysis of Muiticomponent
From Infrared Absorption Spectra,'-
Information 2., Determination of thf
Isomers of Chloro Cumenes T,@- rt i a ry
Diphenyl Methanes
-, U,-)/160/01. )100'/, 023
show the absorption spectra of the chlorc-alky! bonzun-,
studied. The absorption band lying in the rqn6o fcr p-, m-, t-,id o-
disubstituted benzenes are obtained on th(--- curv,@.3 T h e
most convenient for determining thk: is-mor5 ar,@ giv-n
abtiorption curvvs show absorption max4ma at 1037 and 00 cm
which may be due to the vibrations of the benzene cyclr@ (Re,f
The optical density of each compound in CS solutl*orl Wq!" =('Asurej
and the extinction coefficients were calcuiated for each wavelength
Tables 2, 3, and 4 give the results Sinco;@ the Lamberf - Beer law
does not hold for the solutions examined, --'t was n-cessary to employ
the method of successive approximations in determinine thp composition
of mixtures just as in Ref 1, The results of an analysis of
. , , ; 4"
artificial mixtures showed that the moqn !rror
Thf@re are 3 flgurt3s, 4 tables anil 10 refor,@-nc---3: 2 G i-, rman
3 US, and 1 French.
Card 3/4
Analy.gio of Multicomponent Mixtur,@s Prom .5/'075/()O/Ol~/004/02'~i!030/XX
Infrared Absorption Spectra. Information B020/PO6@.
2 Determination of the Isomers of
Chloro Cumenes, Tcrtiary Butyll Benzene,,; and Moro Dqhenyll
ASSOCIAT ION: Mo skovsk iy kh-i m,.ko - tekhno 1 ogi- heok i y i n @@t @ t, t
D I Mendeleyeva
(Moscow Institute of Chemical Te.,hnology imoni
D I, Mendeleyev)
SUBMITTED: September '.3, :958
Card 4/'1
iSb- @'Pc-4/Pr-4 RM/Wil
ACCESSION NR: AT3002349 S/2513/63/013/000/0383/0368
AUTHOR: Mikhaylenkox Yu. 'Ya. j Senotakaya, P.; Kuty*rina, Ye. G,
TITLEE: Quantitative determination of double bonds in unsaturated organos
compounds by infrared spectral absorption
SUMCE: All SSSR, Komissiya Po onaliticheak2y khiraij, T=dY*, v- 13, 1963-
Orcanichaskly analiz, 383-3W
TOPIC TAGS- double bond, unsaturated hydrocarbon, orpnosilica compound, IR
spectra, vinyltriethoxysilaneg divinyltetraethoxydisiloxane
ABSTRACT: An attempt is m0a to develop a direct and quick method for the deter-
mina"lon of double bonds In unsaturated organosilica compounds which would give
reliable results. A quantitative method has been proposed for the above determina-
tion by employing the infrared absorption spectra. It was found that the band
940-960 cm sup -1 can be used In the determination of double bords in organomilica
compo,ands the one y as the determination of double bonds in other hydrocarboni.
V Jn ilane. divInyltetraethoxydisiloxane were s@mtheslzed and us- as
standard-s. ThF@innifvr-d analysis &Uee well with chemical analysis. The rele-
tive error by infrared analysis Is plus or minus 0.7%. Orig. art. has: 3
-Association: Moscow Inst. of Chemical Technology
Card 1 /A I
0 83636
11,3 Yo d A006/AO0l
Translation from: Referativnyy zhurnal, )(himiya, 1960, NO. 15, P. 15, 1 602)3
AUTHORS: Kutyrkin, V.N., Peyzulayev, Sh.I., T-unitskly, L.N.
- 11 it
TITLE: Investigation of the BeF Spectrum
PERIODICAL: Fiz. ob. L'vovsk. un-t, 1957, No. 3 (8)p pp. 486-489
TEXT: A A(V -.3 (DFS-3) spectrograph (2A/mm dispersion) wp ii@ed to in-
vestigate the BeF emission spectrum In the 2800-3400 A range ( fl- X trans-1-
tion) in a discharge tube heated to 750-8000C. A reduction of the rctational
structure to K,@@15-18 as compared to the arc spectrum (K '@- 55), made it
to obtain a considerably greater number of band edges than In cTeratlng with x-1
arc. Wave numbers of 1-1 band lines are given. The presence of 11.n,,s wlltl@ K
0 and 1 in the branch show 'that the BeF molecule terms are Inverted cne@-. See
also RZhKhim, 1959, No. 8, j 26114.
A. Malltsev
Translator's note: This is the full translation of the original Russian
Card 1/1
Changes in the protein composition of blood serum in lAad
poisoning in an experiment; preliminary report. Izv. AN
Kazakh. SSR. ssr..usds=k ric,,248-" .163 (IMU 16:10)
L 41059-65 EV;P(J)/E'-,T(M)/T Pc-4 RX'
ACCESSION NR: APS007140 S/03G3/65/000/001/031T/0019
AUTHOR: Abduvaliyev, A.A.; Kutyrova, S.'A.;Akhmedova. S.
TITLE: Lacauers based on metaminoformaldehyde resin modified with furfuryl alcohol
SOURCE: Lakakrasochnyye materialy i ikh primeneniye, no. 1, 1065, 17-19
TOPIC TAGS: melaminoformaldehyde resin, melaminoformaWchyde lacquer,
furfuryl alcohol, pentamethylolmelamino resin, polymer film, film adhesion, resia
ABSTUACT: The authors prepared modified pentamethylolmelamine resins, intcnded for
use as -- base for lacquers. by the condensation of pentamethylolmelarnine with furfuryl.
alcohol and excess formaldehyde in the presence of butyl alcohol. A 10'@ aqUeous
-olut-' oa of NaOlL wos added to 0. 24.2 mol of a37% solutioa or formald yd d .1-mo
ch 0 an 0
of mclamine, in it 4-way flask with a mber, a ref"am condenser, a d.-opptng funnel and a
t.hermometer, raising Uie pH to 7.5-8.0 and dto temperature to, 80C. Then, 1-6 mot of
furf uryl alcohol combined with butyl alcohol was added in Go- 60 min, as methylolaraine
begran to precipitate, followed by the aeAffltion of 10% 11CI to p1l 4-6. After a 10-hr conden-
sation at 80-90C the mixture was neutralized with 10% NaOli, and tM resin layer was
isolated by removing the aquEous layer. An Oswald viscosiraeter and a Kargim dyaamomet-'
Card 1/2
L 41059-65
ric balance wore used to Investigate the characteristic viscosity and the thermornechanical.
properties of the rasin purified by precipitating with water from butanol solution and
dried in a vacuum at 50C * An elementary analysis %-d X-ray studies established the
presence of hydrokyl and methylene radicals, furan rings, and melamine in the resin's
structure, indicating that only 3 mol of furfuryl alcohol, at the most. participatcd in the
condensation; the resin, did not contain bute)WI radicals i Adhesioa to metzd and wood of
lacquers based on. this resin waa found to be adequate and the films dried quielkly, both
at room and elevated temperatures preserving their hardnesG and elasticity at 60-80C.
Or!,-.. art. has: 2 tables and 3 formulas.
L 35533-65 EdT(M)/@NP(J) PC-4 RM
I;Rc AP500823a 5,/000/605/0130/013-0
AUTHORSt SultsnaTt"A's jVe li I Abd%VMliYeVj PA. t
-TITLIZ: - A.- method -for obta inin- -moditied-u-rea-formld!~zde-resin.-lb-Claeo @5t- Not-
15 1, MIT 1@
SOUR'CE: Byulleten, izobreteniyj tovarnykh miakov, no- 5, ".965P 130
TOPIC UGS: resing urea formaldebyde resint mettw1furan, phyeicochemical property
ABSZ1,ACT.- This Author Certificate introduces a method for obtaining modified urea-
formaldelVde resin. To obtain a resin which is stable in storage, pro4uces an
elaatic film, and dries at a normal temperature, urea-formaldehyde resin is modified
NO REF s0vt 000 011M 1 000
'Card 1/1
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
1 4 6 1 . !, I
C A L 1 6 X 4 A L A 0 .F
Tl;VV tuAl t a ari; dep"ll adat the city al hwerdlovsk
0 1. momcf-kil And 11 1. kliflukluff N,J,
of 1939, No 1@1, 11 14 C.-I A,k . ..... :"Al,.,k .1 1, @,p .00
4 s)w &I-it am
00 j
00 '
00 0
aia PAID
A s A t tiallOx AV,, A,
lt.,, it I I I
u Iv ou is v
-;@;Offfo 0 0 0 0 6 0 0 0 0
0 0 o
0. fe
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 a 0 0 0 0 9 0 0 9 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 9 0 0 0 9 0 * :
Composition of ores and changen near veins at the Beresovskly ore fielA.
Sav.geol. nool4-15:110-116 147. (KUU 8:8)
(Berazo-wakiy region-Ore deposits)
ARASHKE-VICH. Y.M.. dotsent; VESSMV, A. I., profassor: VOLOTKOVSKIT,
S.A., professor; ZIRMOV. L.I., doteent; IPPOLITOV, M.D.. dotsent;
KUTTMIII, P.I.,dotsent; KOMPANITETS, V.P., dotsent-, WAYJfOV,
NMACHIN, G.I., dotsant; IffABUIO(IN, G.Te..
profmonor; SAKOVTSFV, G.P., dotannt; SIOTLOV, B.A.. dotsent;TROP,
A.Tm.,dotunnt; FEDORDY,S.A., profoismor; TAROSH, A.Te., dotgent.
rednktnr: TAWTOV, A.G., redaktor; GAMUIMSEVA, TeJe., roduktor;
GUFMA, O.A., tmkhnichaskiy radaktor.
[Collection of articles on geop)orsiral moithods of prospecting)
Shornik Ptatol, po genfizichaskim natodan razyndki. Roakvu,Gos.
nauchrv)-tf-Vhn.jzd-vo lit-ry po geol. i 6khrann nedr. 1955. 109 P.
(IILRA 8:11)
1. Svordlovok.GorrV7 institut.
(Prospacting-Geophysical methods)
ARASIIUVICII, V.H., dotsent, rodaktar; YNSNLOV, A.M., profersor, redaktor;
YO=OYSKIT, 3.A., professor, redaktor; ZHUKOV, L.I., doteent,
redaktor; IPPOLITOV, N.D., dotsent, redaktor; KAKPA113UTS, V.P..
dotoent. redaktor; KUrTUICHIN. F.I., dotsent. redaktor; MALAKHOV,
A.Ye., professor, III, G.I.. dotsent. redaktor;
RYABUHIN,G.Ye., professor, relaktor; SAKOWASEV. G.P., dotsent,
redLiVtor: STOYLOV, B.A., doteent, radaktor: THOP, A.Te., dotsent,
redaktor; FEDOROV, B.A., professor. redaktor; YAROSJI. A.Ya.,
dotsent, redaktor; SIAVOIROSOV. A.Kh, rodaktor izdatellstva;
AIADOVA. Te.I.. takhnicheakiy radaktor
[Problems in the efficient organization of surveying in mining
enterprises] VoprosjY rats lonalIzatali. marknheidarskol sluzhby na
gornykh pradpriiatiiakh. Moskva. Ugletakhizdat, 1955. 128 P.
(MLRk 9:10)
1. Sverdlovsk. Gornyy institut.
(Mine surveying)
Role of alteration rocks in prospecting and orplorstion of gold
dnponits in t1in Urnle. IZV&VYII. ucheb. zav.-, tavet. mot- no-3: 10-7-2
t 5% (14IRA 11:11)
1. Sverdlovskiy gornyy institut. Kafedra, matodiki polskov I, razyeW
meatorozhdenly polesnykb iskopaysoVkh.
(Gold ores) (Ural Mountain region--Prospecting)
Distribution of gold in the Belaya vein of the Dzhet7gara deposit.
Trudy Gor.-geol. inst. UYAII SSSR no.40:14)-154 159. (MIRA 13:11)
(Dohog7tara region--Gold ores)
FA!@MA,N , 4
p " - N. ;h 1171 u E ("; 7G. @;. ;, 'r '. ,1@ I .;@. - y , 1'. .".
itn,j tho rrici,:@.,in:@.:fl r@r K,;I0T!rj. ; ;I 1-y -:1.-i"Tj :@('rj@)Xjjj ]"rl
aqu-r:ua -io iij t, loriq. Dok I .0 !*, S Mi 15 8 1;, , . 'i ; '1, *4 /@ -.-@ I , @, 10
(":RA 27: a('-')
1. Kazttkiiskly ,,0. !,-,
@. AN razs,),R (fr,,, Sc@rlls',,Ily)-
[A V , V A.; K'
7hur. rloorg.