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KLRUCZJI GY. More forage should be produced. p. 26. (Magyar 71-Tozogazdanag, Vol. 11, no. 6, Mar. 1956 Budapest) SO: Monthly List of Enst European Accession (EEAL) LG, Vol. 6, no. 7, Ju],v 1957. 'Uncl. mucz~ Railroad vehicles. . Jarmu mezo gep 8 no.8:313-316 Ag 161. KURUCZ, 1. SCIEIXE PERIODICALS: AGT7A FIZTKAI SZEMIS Vol. 8, No. 3, March 1958 Kurucz, I. Measuring tasks in the laboratory of grade-3 students in physics. 1. P. 9b. Monthly list of East Europea'i Acce-~:ssions (EKAI) LC, Vol. 8, No. 2 February 15159, Unclass. KALAN, Tibor; JANIK, Jozsef; ~URUCZ, Imre; SUINGRUBER, Istvan; GERENOSER., Jozaef; OROS, Gyula; KOLLAR, Madard Diemaking by hot impression. Koh lap 9 no. 9: 390-399 S 154. BARVA, Poter; GRORA, Gaza; KURUCZ, Iotvan Measurement tuskn in tho. laboratory o.* third year ph-ysics students. Pt.l. Fiz szonle 8 no.3:94-96 I-Ir 158. 1. Eotvoo Lorand TLdom-inyogyetem Pi-.ikai Intoze-to. 60 A new !Yfla tfifte~Phnsc fO"f %kif 0 ~`kf K t r i- u. Y, l'ithintas~EIg 'W, Tiv IiQw LIVpc till-* phwv- i,,,:1 " ~1' mdwcd ill ~,E!neq b 11~-12 -iperuLV-3 un tr, plt~rr-al FT. i: t COM"Ict ~Ifo dt:alc Mth flirt filmm-v Ow tion. nv~fiood call:wAltv tw~l havt! on ~wvftond cap.1ritv :f Ow triplo r ~t, I 1.1r, ,I I'lit- pros-~Ilti %-.,I, ;! :I$, t I . I iull"lig Othvf~ tilt. advalitagk-A ,f rupiir-111h, Ifil ;:I, i 01 111, tile of Caw .111111 iolir ire iv-t.-IIIA 11; Thc ar!ick, 'kitil oil ill-AIdLittol, L71111 Idjustuicilt KURUCZ, J.; OSGTAKI, J. Wo translation. Act& morph. hung. 4 no.2:227-232 1954. 1. Department of pathological Anatonq and Histolog7 of the National Institute for Tuberculosis Research In Budapest. (Director: 1,.Sebok) (LUNGS, innerv. pathomorphol.) KMUC Z' J. Irritation of the pulmonary neurcraceptors and their relation to tuberculosis. Aota mod. hung. 6 no.3-4:305-319 1954. 1, Is Patologoanatomichookogo I Fatologogletologicheskogo otdola Gosudarstvannogo tuberkuleznogo Instituta. (TUMCULOSIS, PULMONART, experimental, off. of pulm. embolism) (ARTERIES, PULIONART. diseases, exper. embolism, off. on develop. of tubere.) (IMLISM, experimental, puln. aftery, eff. on develop. of tubere.) ILUXUCZ J.; FMAR, Go Hypothalanus Injury and tuberculosis. Acts, med. hung# 6 no*3-4i 321-333 1954. 1% Department of pathology$ National Tuberculosis Institut an4 State Sangarium for Children, Ssabadsaghegy, Budapest. (TUBERCULOSIS, exper. off, of bilateral tuber cinersuma lesion in guinea pigs) (TUMCULIN RRACT ION off. of bilateral tuber cinersum lesion in guinea pigs) (HYPOTHALAMUS#, pathol. bilateral tuber cinerena lesion. off. on exper. tubere. & tuberoulin allergy in gainea,pigs) 1'~E FICERPTAT DIM, See 15 Vol. 11/1 Chest Dis. Jan 48 216. KURUCZ 1. Abt. Wr Pathol. Anat. und Histol., Landesfors(hungsinst. Mr Tbc., Budapest. 1`04ain's"idonsoptische Untasuchungen der Kollagcnfasern tuberkul6scr Struk. turen Examination in polarized light of collagenout fibrei of n4berculoul itructurej Acta morpt Acad. Scient. hung. (Budapest) 1955, 6/2 (221-251) Grzpos I Illus. 6 Tile, arrangement of collagenous fibres in tuberculous structures has been examined in polarized light. Whi'le the fibres were arranged in a circular pattern round some of the foci or MitiCS, around others the arrangement was circular outside and radial inside.Thc .necrosis of collagenows fibres in tuberculous tissues may be studied quantitatively in polarized light. The phenol-concentration double-refraction curve of necrotic collagenoul fibres is protracted. This is due to'die lesser capacity of the fibres to absorb phellol. Kellerman - Colchester (XV, 56) KRUM, Janos, dr. 8imPla toohnic for roentgen-pathological comparison of lung sections. Tubark. kardsaaL 8 no.4:124-126 Aug 55, 1. Az Orazagos Xoranyi Tbc. Intezat (igazgato: dr. Dasezauar Pal, tudomanyos vezato: dr. Sebok Lorand) Xorboactani as Korasovettani Osztalyanak kotlemanya. (TUMOULOSIS, PUMMART, pathol. x-ray demonstration of pathol. changes in lung sections, comparative, teahnic(lfun)) BCRSAY, Janos, dr.,; CBIIJAG, Anna, dr.,; KURUCZ, Janos, dr. Incidenco of coacidiaidomyconis in our country. Orv. hotil. 96 no.49:1364-1369 4 Doe 55, 1. Az Allami Fodor Jozoof Tbc, G7ogyintezet (Igazgato: Rieko Tibor dr.) az Orezagos Kozogeszoegugyi Intezet (foigazgato: Tako Jozeef cIr.) as az Orezagos Koranyi Tbc. Gyogyintezetenek (igazgato: Dessauer N1 dr.) koslamenve. (COCCIDIOIDOMYCOSIS. epidemiology in Hungary, diag. & pathol. (Han)) uW1,01 Injazi to ibe hy A filt& I/qa4 Uo wrlawrt-i a! tiork. i~. Kf, 4 h r,, ,!;rd Micky, 19,50. au, I;A, -10 ~,f Ithe .n mlw~ui g2 l~,ca po, TLC tst) and thi Ic"I to adr,n--Lj great'l th-~ n,ra-I 1-11, !'Ja[ r--tscd. (,) KUxGZ, J. KOKkS 1. I,,IIURUII!.6~ Effect of hypothalamus lesions on work performance and adronals. Acts, physiol. hune I . li(Suppl):45-46 1957. 1, StsAtlichees koranyi-tueorkulossinatitut. Budapest. (HTPOTHAIAMM. physiol. off. of *xper. lesions of anterior hypothalamus on work & adrenal funct. in guinea pigs (Ger)) (MUSGLES, physiol, eff. of exper. lesions of anterior hypothalamus on work performance in guinea pigs (Ger)) (ADRENAL WANDS, physiol. eff, of exper. lesions of anterior hypothalamus on funct. in guinea pigs (Ger)) EXCERKA MEDICA Sec 14 Vol 13/4 Radiology Apr 59 774. RADIOGRAPHIC STUDIES ON THE STRUCTURE OF THE LUN*G. LEAD- INI PREGNATION TECHNIC - K u r u c z J. Dept. of Pathol.. Nat. Inst. of Tubere. Res., Budapest - AN1E:Ft.-Jr.(~LIN;-.-PATii, 1957, 29/5 (498-508) 111UH. 16 The use of formalin fixation and a lead nitrate imprvgnation technique permitted the preparation of gross sections of lung. 2 cm. in thickness. Radiographs pre- pared from these sections were of value in the detection and localization of pul- monary lesions. The method does not interfere with routine histological studies. Umiker - Ann Arbor, Mich. (V. 1. 14, 15) EXCERPTA IMCA Sec.15 Vol.U/5 Chest Diseases IL7 1938 1002, THE U5E O~ ~IETIIYL-NIETACRILATE IN PATHOLOGIC STUDIES OF THE LUNG - K u r u c z J . and K a r a C . Dept. of Pathol., Nat. inst. for Tuberc. fi_es_.,_B_uTa-pest, Hungary - AMER. REV. TUBERC. 1957, 76/ 5 (789-798) Illus. 9 A method of embedding pulmonary specimens into m ethyl- metac rylate is suggest- ed for pathologic studies of a certain type. With adequate preparation the speci- mens embedded into plastics are transparent, the vascular structures are visible without the need for injecting them first with dyes, and the location and distribu- tion of anthracosis and fibrosis in the lungs can be easily studied. In specimens made half transparent the extent of atelectasis and of other pathologic changes present in the lungs is suitable for a 3-dimensional study. By means of lead- impregnation technique the plastic-embedded specimens become suitable for roentgenography and sectional roentgenography. thus permitting roentgenographic- pathologic examinations, on the one hand. and the study of the laws governing both roentgenography and tomography. on the other hand. (XV, 5) M-UGZ, Anos, Dr. Some problems in connection with the structure of tuberculomFL. Tubarkuloxis 11 no-3-5:59-66 Mar-MaY 58. 1. A% Orazagos Koranyi Thc. Intezet (Igazgato: Boazormenyl Mikloe dr., tudomnnyoo vezeto: Foldes Istvan Dr.) Korbonctani Oaztalyanak kazlemenye. (7UBIMULOKk. i3athol. pathoinorphism of peribronchial & bronchiectogenons tuberculomas (Min)) KURUCZ, Anos, Dr,; WOLT, Kara Use of iaethylmethaerylate in the pathological study of the lung. Tuberkulozis 11 no.61134-138 June 58. 1, Az Grozngos Korfirji 7bo. Intezat (1gotgato: Mozzormenyi Miklos dr., tudomnnyos vezeto: Foldes Istvan dr. ) korbonctani oaztalyanak kozlemenye. (ACRYIATES methylmethRcrylnte in prep. of pnthol. lung specimens (Mm)) (UINGS, pathol. nrep. of pathol. lung specimens in methylmethaerylate (Hun)) (PATHOWOT embedding, of pathol. specimens in methy1methacrylate (Iftn)) KOROSI,Andor,dr.; KULKA,Yrigyas.cir.;,IIJRUCZ,.Tanoi3#dr. -inrgical aspects of pulmonary cysts in adult patients. Taberkulozis. 13 no.1:23-28 A 160. 1. A B.M. Zgeszsegugyi Szolgalat es az Orszagos Koranyi The Intezet (Igazgato-foorvoo: Boazormenyt.Miklon,dr.kandidatus, tudomanyos vezeto- foldes,lstvan,dr. lmndidatns) sebeezeti (Foorvos: Ungar,Imre,dr.) es korazovettani os%talyanak (Oazt. vez.: Vinaze.2gon.dr.) kozlemerwe. (URIG NZOPIASMS surg. (CYSTS aurg.) ZE.4. Uren, o_-. 2'- .7,~ientific Chief: I.- t-,a n , Or) 0,a pa r'- ian t o f F.5 th 1% ic, a I Aj-.~~. and P is to logy --s Kori ovettawl ar.:i Frac-u1c.11 Apolicr-tion of Intfrforrenc') ~~-Icrc2copy in Bio- '-c,)Aenem.-~. Vol l," I~o Z, 02, M-L;C. Following aii dllsf-l~ssio,. c., ;~,!e SI.-.1-Al, ir, trIQ of .cd-nt.- a-r-a trt34v!,~` in cf* the and of thrl- ir.6cy L-",ex am; +ha li;ht Tyl th f r;- tc-l dry r,.iterial contcr.-~ the ccll :;?J The r-vAew if, f0r:-.ul!~P mostly witl.)out the~.r deri-i-atic7n. ^.~ r- r1c re- C n. C',- i).y National "Kozany,',.~' Tub,-!rculo~si.~7 In- No- Chieft 3 iarl, Dr), Ooparrmpnt of Pat~iolo,-,Iczl --n-d lllf;~clof,,y The Pn,~ Practical Applicatr,ion of Interf oronce, ~-~icc-roscvpy In '-Elo- 1..-,!ly IT. Re- Koziemenvek, 101 10, ~To Lvr,,Av- wlt"-l a dt7Fcrlp!-Iort of -U'u --,md t.- methods of n' U,3n. A bz-5,e IL reviev of exr, rimentall .,,ork nvu" -v- i-,,- ti-,c- Ln--,(,rfftrer,,.,p In in-,,astLratic-. fcilcws, and article conoludes with a di3casslon of errc,:,s lnhr-rr-,L.-- In te- of a ,amparison oi' by othsr mc-thods. An qpl;--zxdJL:, cl.-3il~,, -At,: t-,.,rAnlc,3l prp'-I,~ns arlsing from thin TmthohisWllogiual Applicatlen o,~ lnz-~rferenca Of 115 rtler,~,~ces,, 1, aro !-,A-,tem KURUCZ, Janos; OVARI, Istvan --,rW'-,,' , - -11- L- Watt-hour meters. Villamosoag 12 no. 4:100-104 Ap 164. 1. Ganz Electric Works (for Kurucz). 2. Factory of Electric Meters of the Ganz Factory of Electric Appliances and Measuring Insturments (for Ovari). KURUCZ Janos --.- I Insulating lacquers used in the electric industry. Flektrotechnika 57 no.702-3-324 J1 164. KURUCZ, Janos; OVARI, Istvan Three-phaso, four-wire HN 4 and throo-wire HN 3 type alternating current watt-hour meters. Villamossag 12 no.10:297-300 0 164. 1. Electric Automation Institute, Budapest (for Kurucz). -VAR, T- j c 11 n,, (t ii rid i i t n (in r, 7-, at -n t, I i -it F KURUCIIIII I'alizIn RamArka on Agoston Papp's article 6ntitled "Certain questions 01' plow friction.11 Jarmu mezc gap 12 no.4tI38 Ap t65. rt, 1-.~i 11 C z , 3 . "Innovation Results in the Peas Porcelain Factory." P. 11 (Ujitok Dapja. V01. 5, no. 5 Mar./Budapest.) 1953 SO: Ymtbly. Lkqt-of East-J&qrg Vol. 3, no. 6 /Library of Congres~3, June 1954, Uncl. MUCZ, V., dr.; ROTH, M.,dr. Interpositto hepato-diaphragmatica (Chilaiditi syndrome). 0r7. hatil. 101 no.46:1643-i646 13 N16o. 1. Budapeati Orvostudomanyi Pqgetem, IV. oz. Sebeezeti Klinilca. (DIAPHRAGM abnorm) (LIVER abnorm) FROKOVIEVA, A.M.; CIIIJENOVA, E.G.; MIMiAYWV"SKAlA, Ye.Iqj~~U~JTIA, M.S. New types of food concentrates. KonB.i oveprom. 17 nc.2sl4-16 F 162. (IIIIU 15:5) 1. TSentrallnyy nauchno.-iseledovatellskiy institut konservnoy i ovoahchesuehillnoy promyshlennosti. (Foodp Concentrated) Y,OSTL;'FSFIY, B. I., KURUYLIS, G. D. En;.,incor Candidate of Technical Science "The Deep 11,11itrocementation of A Cutting Tool" Stanki 1 Instrument, 17, No. 6) i946 B11-52059019 Ca ~ ~-~ 4 MJMUIS, G.L.: MMINNN, G. Ta. (Hardening tool steel in electrolyte I Zakalka v alsictrolite in- stramentallnykh stalei. Hooky&, Goo. nauchno-takhn. izd-vo ma- shinostroit. lit-ry (Uralo-Sibirskoe otd-niel 1952. 25 P. (Tool stool -- Zlectrometallurgy) (MLRA 8:5) E i i ~ ~ i ;'-' I . ;- ; T . ) I I - - ~% - -1 , ~ * . J L . pa" . Ho-,.- to increasr~, the durability of the mctnl cuttin,- tooln. ;,~Ocklri, Cos. nauclino- Vildlin. izd-vo lft-ry) 101)"19 Yj ;). bibiot!~J:a -otuanochnilm, %rjT). P) (5 -3-3793 6) TJ1230-Z315 1. BRAUIT, M. P. XMTT jMr�.- -G"L 2. USSr (6oo) 4; Steel Alloys 7. Modified low-alloy high speed steel. Vest. mash- 32 no 8: Ag 152 9. Monthl List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, reb. 1951. Unclassified. ZAMMV, B.P.; KURMMIS, G.L.; GORMLOV, V.M., inzhener redaktor; DIMINA, 11:r,' 4Aa'fiWikiy reduktor. c [How to Increase the durability of cutting tools) Kak povyoit' stnikost' rezhushcbego instrumenta.Pod red. V.14. Gorelova. 2-6 Izd. Moskva, Gon.nivichnn-tokhnicheskoe izd-vo mashinoetroit. itt-ry, 1954. 37 p.(Nauchno-populiarnain biblintoka rabochego stanochnika. no.7) KRA 8:9) (Cutting tools) J - ~T ~ w~ C04 b-41 44 V64 U- F- E,~~z r~t r~ -Or ' ~iliP A tjd Y..A C ~j 9~' I ':'y .3 alland wmt&t *26- -04 ID'7# *WY 4 h&rdwmi c:d 66-d7 Pmkwt!11 (YER4' o6o' A, at IW~-V,00* which dZMAV.0 w10 W16-t -tW (linilth nt trwin to t-l-,C3 bural j bt. In Ing at 12511 1 M ra qu&hL~f i$ IIFA)- U ~ll OW vhkh the 11 d" luc~T.IIW-l an Air-j"t and, V*rtJk%d*r, lcuhl, trmp-ring a, '-W--' In t"he 10-til W ranp, verlt h-atdcvurd 'Wri, nave a hard.'em *164A-MP,,v-ftkJ% dips jo6j fit il--Wbilt then rvir-amial I", AXUr4 all q~vchfng tip to 1214), Caa - 0 the U) 4 bur,~s . SS-0-*-z--5'!",' EAla bt "~. We " 11. 1 V' O'M' L 4.01 W 9 (), - 10 ". V 2.6, NA 'a liftl 0 13 with s", ob&-a Lot, roducaA Um tamt hilh of 66-4~1 R, *lW q~=Agj Km LOD) to ION) tend it miti~do to Oty. MM t1tatv--rit the Same .$ Z,-t-.xt,.d p~uaens. the exupt$ou thm IPA cl';~-mtflu quen:btat t"- k~ _MD- Whm 24-,o Mixf-wai tddcd to tht bask sued, mehirg It hvm IW)* dnvelppad 63 P_ which droppe-J to queachin-C from lWjO* Though Mn c~ureq ..:a axcrmlve amt. of res;lduaJ 9,usitril! dovbin tempeiril &t SW* bt(np hs har&tTs to dt-?,2 It., Lowtrinj W and in- cre"at C cant"t te~z4 ta h~rln s. vte~diiy t.-xrv~!i~rg with tal"', WhIlp 'Aabto -t.'Imi Oier at BRON. Mikhail PetrovIch;jw=jjS-- iy Leonidovich; I)IWO, Mariya Timofe.revna; BABUS 0 1 . ., rateenzent; NOSTSTUNIT, B.I., doktor takhnichaskikh nauk, professor. redaktor; IAV!FA, V.I., inzhener, radektor izdateltntva; RTJDXNSKIY, Ya.V.. takhnicheakiy reclaktor Cluoculated high-apse& steel] Modifitairovannaia 'bystroreshushchaia stall. Kiev, Goes nauchno-takhn. izd-vo mashinostoit. lit-ry, 1956. 130 P. (MLRA 9:11) (Tool steel) AL ZAKHA,ROV, Boris Petrovich- KURUKLIS. Oeorgiy teonidovich; GOULOV. V.M., red.; [How to increase the durability of cutting tools] Kak povysit' stoikost' rethushchego instruments. Pol red. Y.M.Gorelova. Izd. 3-e. Moskva, Goesnauchno-takhnslyd-vo mashtnoBtroit. lit-rr, 1957. 39 P. (Hauchno-popullarnsia biblioteks rabochego stanochalke, no-7) (MIRA 11:3) (Ketal cutting tools) KU.-RLTrddS, Cf. i,. , "Sulphidization of Machine Parts," Forging and Heat Treatment Moscow, I~ashgiz, 1958. P 130, ~rith Vereshchagina, M. G., book prepared by members of NTO mashprom in connection with 25th anniv. Ural Heavy Machine-building Plant im S. Ordzhonikidze. 69519 SC,V/123-59-21-87828 Translation from: Referativnyy zhurnal. Mashinostroyenlye, 1959, fir 21, p 98 (USSR) 19-1120 191100 AUTHOR: Kuruklls,_ G-L. TITLE: New Developments in the Heat-Treatment of Cast and Hard-Faced Tools\~ PERIODICALt V sb - Konstniktsil rezhushchikh Instrumentov I tekhnol. ikh Isgotovle- niya: Nr 4, Moscow, 1958, PP 131 - 138 ABSTRACT: A tool made of high-speed cast steel possesses, in comparison with a forged tool, a reduced durability (approximately 50%), owing to a breaking- off of the cutting edge which is caused by the coarse skeleton.-shaped carbide lattice. An increased durability of cast tools from R18 grade steel was reached by hardening at 1,250 - 1,2600C with 25 - 30 see. holding for each min of cross-section, Isothermic annealing and ordinary heat-treat- ment after the mechanical treatment. Such a technology reduced spoilage of cast tools by 2%. Hard-faced tools showed after heat-treatment a durability which Is bY 5 - 7% higher than that of cast or forged tools. Certain peculiarities of the heat-treatment of hard-faced.-tools are in- vestigated, which prevent a superheating of the holders. Nine figures. Card 1/1 R.A.P. KOROVINA, Glafira. Vosillyevne; KURUKLIB, G.L., inzh., retaonzent; ZAKHAROV, B.P., red.; bW1RA"#--If-A--, tokhn.-red. [cast graphitized steel) Litala grafitizirovannala atall, Mpakva, Gos.nauchno-tekhn.izd-vo mashinoatroit.lit-ry, 1959. 38 p. (MIRA 12:5) (Steel castings) KURUKLIS, G--,, Suggestion of an engineer. Sov.profsoiuzy 7 no.3:18 F 159. (MIRA 120) 1. Starshty Inzhener TSentrallnoy laboratorii Uralrutahzavoda. (Metal-cutting tools) KONIV,~T, Arlaidiy Sergeyevich; KUMJKLIS, G.L. , inzh., retsonzent; MARCHENKOV, I.A., tekG_.re_a*,____"_'_ - [Cleaning and finishing operations in forging] Ochistka i otdolka pokovok. Moskva. Gos.nauchno-tekhn.izd-vo mashinostroit. lit-ry, 196o. 68 p. (Hauchno-populiarnaia biblioteks rabochego kuznatea, no.16). (MIRA 13:11) (Forging) (Hetals--Finishing) KURUKLIS, G.L.; VERES11GHAGIVA, M.G.; POTASKUYFV, K.G., kand. -----tMftnT:-TImikj retsenzent; GORDEYEVA, L.P., tekhn. red. (Electrolytic pickling of steel and cast iron parts in fused alkali] Elektrolitichenkala ochintka stallrorkh i chugunnykh deta-lai v rasplavlennykh shcholochakh. Flo- skva, Mashgiz, 1963. 83 p. (IURA 17:3) . ........ . 6124/0128 A'CCESSION NR: AP40IT761 3/0148/64/000/002/ .AUIENOR: Popov, A. A. (Deceased); kopova# L. ye.; Kuruklis, 0. L.; Fa:iG, Shu-sen . ....... T-ITLE: Precipitation hardened alloys for cast and hard-faced tools SICURCE: 1VUZ. Chernaya metallurgiya, no.,'2, 1964, 124-128 TOPIC TAGS: precipitation hardening* tool'o cast tool, Pe, W* Co, Mo, Va, hard-faced toolo hard facing ABSTRACT: In an attempt to decrease the brittleness of Fe-W-Go, Fe- Mo-Co and Fe-Va-Co alloys, the authors investigated an alloy contain-, ino 18,,7j' W, '~O% Co and 50% Fe with 0-5 and 1.0% Ti additions. The specimens were prepared in a 30 kg induction furnace and cooled in sand or Special precision cast molds. EtchinG was done w1th phos- phoric ac1d and hydrogen peroxide (1z4). in cast specimens austenite i,,ras froquent-ly trL"isformed to a eutectoid mixture forming a saturated, alpha-jolid solution. Rapid cooling decreased the austenite decompo-I .-:,ition. Additional Ti alloying refined the grain but decreased ~ACCESSION NR: Ap4ol7761 onite stability during,cooling. d aust A ditional tempering at 400, 500j :6oo and 700C increased hardness, particularly in specimens without titanium. The decrease in hardness observed at 800C was attributed to the coagulation of particles. Ti accelerated the dissolution of the g~-phase. Oil quenching was recommended in preference to other hardening processes and after quenching, the hardness of specimens amounted to 38-42 Rockwell C hardness. A two-hour holding period atil an optim= tequerature of 600-650C re3ulted in maximum hardness (65 Rocki~,-ell C hardness). Ti additions drastically accelerated the de- composition of the saturated solution. The cutting properties were .determined with lOxlOx3O mm forged specimens hardened at 1300C by means of face turning tests with and without impact on 268 mm dia- mate.- cylinders made out of 40 N steel which had a Brinell hardnessJ number of 200. The cylinder turned at 125 rpm, the infeed was 0-3 =1 per turn, and the cutting depth was I mm. The cutting speed of all the specimens was 20%,higher than in high-speed "R18" steel. The re-' oulto of the impact tests only proved satisfactory after 1% titanium~; additions. Cast 15X15 mm specimens were forged to M mm and used as electrodes'with a coating of opecial BO compositionei All three 2/3 --Card - ACCESSION' NR: Ap4ol7761 alloy specirreno displayed improved cutting properties. The results of, t1he imp-ct and other resistance tests showed an analogous cutting ztrenoth In all spocimens. Me authors attribute the high brittle- nc~;s of the investigated alloys to thelunfavorable form of 6 -phase orecioitation along the grain boundar ies. The possibility of using I the3c alloys for hard-faced tools is eXcellent but further study is called for. Orig. art. has: 6 figures and,2 tables6i ASSCCIATION: Urallskiy politekhnicheskiy institut (Ural Polytechnic SU1,::47 17-7,7D: 07Dacb4 DATE ACQ: 12mai,64 ENCL: 00 SUB COD-7- NO REF SOV: 000 OTHER: 000 )/3 riRuzAsHyar, L.I. Development of the crystalline Ions In Gambusia. Soob. All Grus. SSR 21 no.4:473-478 0 158. (MIRA 12:4) 1. AN GruzSSR, Institut zoologii, Tbilisi. Predstavleno pochatnym akademikom V.V. Vorouinym. (Crystalline lens) (Gambusia) KOULANVILI, L.I. Study of the death of cells of the crystalline lans in a human embryo. Soob. AN Gruz. SSR 33 no. 2%U,,1--444 F 164. (HIRA 170) KURULECSs, V.,, *The nutritive property of Hungarian purple clover;the importance of purple clover production." P. UO (AGRARTUDOILAWY,$ Vol. 53 No. 51 May 1953 Budapest., Hungary) Sol Monthly I4at of East European Acceasionas L,C,,p Vol. 21 No. 7P July 1953s Uncl. SOBOL', S.I.; SPIRIDONOVA, V-I-', KRURCHIN, Kh'A' "04.0 - metals from concentrates. VBing high pressures in extracting noble TSvet.met. 29 no.4:44-49 AP '56. (KM 9:8) 1. Gintevetmet (for Soboll, Spiridonova); Kurumehin). (Silver--Metallurgy) 2. Nigrizoloto (for (Gold--Metallurgy) ~A/ AUTHDRS: Kurumchint Kh.A. and Nikitin, YU.I. 136-7-1/22 TITLE: Results of introducing hydrocyclones in the third section of the Sredneurallsk beneficiation works. (Rezulltaty vnedreniya gidrotsiklonov na tretley sektsii Sredneurall- skoy obogatitell my fabriki). PERIODICALt "Tsvetny3a Metally" :0571 V0.79 Pp..L - 5 (USSR). ABSTILICT: At the Sredneurallsk works the ores treated have a very fine dissemination of copper and zinc minerals in pyrites and non-ore mineralsp and also an almost emulsion-like dissemination of chalcopyrite in sphalerite with inter- rowing of minerals. Experiments by the Uralmekhanobr l nstitute and the works experimental plant showed that a high degree of grinding was essential for efficient bene- ficiation but classification facilities were insufficient and a compromise scheme (shown in tabular form in this article) was adopted. In 1956 a total of eight hydro- cyclones, 400 and 350 mm in diameter were installed in the third section of the works and three variants of grinding were tried. Flow sheets and tabulations of re- sults for these are given, as are comparative data for 1/2 work with and without the hydrocyclones. The full-scale tests showed that with hydrocyclones an ore sizing of 136-7-1/22 Results of introducing hydrocyclones in the third section of the Sredneurallsk beneficiation works. (Cont.) 90.1 - 98.1% - 74)A instead of 84 - 86% could be achieved with improved flotation indices. When the hydrocyclones are supplied with material of very uneven grain size (0.005-0.2 mm) and their concretions the discharge contains mainly free small grains and single concretions, the large grains and their concretions appearing in the sludge. The discharge from hydrocyclones is more even and fine than that from pan classifiers. The hydrocyclones were so sat- 2/2 isfactory that they are to be installed in the other sec- tions of the Sredneurallsk works. ASSOCIATION: Uralmekhanobr Institute. (Institut Uralmekhanobr). AVAILABLE: Library of CongresB 137-1958-3-4540 Translation from: Referativnyy zhurnal, Metallurgiya, 1958, Nr 3, p 10 (USSR) AUTHORS: Kurumchin, Kh. A., Bashchenko, N. T. TITLE: Investigation of the Sulfide Ores From the Lower Levels of the Tubinsk Mine of the Yuzhuralzoloto Trust (Issledovaniye sullfidnykh rud nizhnikh gorizontov Tubinskogo rudnika tresta Yuzhuralzoloto) PERIODICAL: Tr. n. -i. gornorazved. in-ta "Nigrizoloto", 1957, Nr 22, pp 117-123 ABSTRACT: Major mining minerals found in these deposits are: chalco- pyrite, sphalerite, and galenite, Two systems were tested: 1) Cu-Pb -concentrate production, followed by separation; 2) direct selection of Pb minerals. The second version is examined in detail. For an ore of given composition the follow- ing treatment regimen is recommended. Consumption of reagents: /a) in the crushing process: 1000- 1700 g/t of soda, 500-750 g t of Na2S; b) in the drain of the classifier: 500-1500 g/t of ferrous sulfate heptahydrate, 200-400 g/t NaCN; mixing time: 5-10 min; c) in alkaline lead flotation: 5-10 g/t of xanthate, Card 1/2 4-8 g/t cresol; flotation time: 6-10 min; d) in alkaline copper 137-1958-3-4540 Investigation of the Sulfide Ores From the Lower Levels (cont. ) flotation: 500-1000 g/t HZS04 - 1500 /t of zinc sulfate, B-10 g/t of xanthate, 6-8 g/t of cresol, 8-10 g~~ of aerofloat; length of contact with HZ S04 : 1- 2 min, f lotation time: 5 - 10 min. A.Sh. Card 2/2 T t I r\ F 137-58-4-6570 Translation from: Referativnyy zhurnal, Metallurgiya, 1958, Nr 4, p 36 (USSR) AUTHORS: Krestovnikov, A.N., Kurumchin, Kh.A. TITLE: Kinetics of the Dissolution of Copper in a Mixture of Sulturic Acid and Ammonium Nitrate (Kinetika rastvorertLyar-nedi v smesi sernoy kisloty s azotnokislym ammoniyem) PERIODICAL- Sb. nauchn. tr. Mosk. in-t tsvetn. met. i zolota i VNITO tsvetn. metallurgii, 1957, Nr 26, pp 212-221 ABSTRACT: The rate of dissolution of Cu in a mixture of H2S04 and (NH4)NO3 rises with the strength of the acid. A considerable speed is attained at a concentration of 400 g/1 H250 4 at room temperature and at 100 g/1 at 600C. The amount of Cu going into solution is virtually directly proportional to the duration of the contact. The rate of solution of Cu rises with increase in the strength of the (NH4)NO3. Calculation of the relation- ship between the rate and the temperature shows that the pro- cess of dissolution of Cu is diffusive at temperatures under 500 and becomes kinetic at higher temperatures. Card 1/1 1 ~ Copper--Solubi] ity--Finetics 2 H-30, %nd (r"Fl' ApplAcations - 4 I SUV/136-68-8-16/27 AUTHORS: Kurumchin, Kh.A., 141kitin, Yu-I. and Zykova, M.I. TITLB: -Vs-e-o-f the Hydrocyclone for Classifying Roasted Zinc Concentrate Before Leaching (Ispollzovaniye gidrotsiklona dlya klassifikatsii obozhzhennogo tsinkovogo kontsentrata pered vyshchelachivaniyem). P.zRIODICAL: TsvetnyyeMetally, 1958, hr.8. pp.68-70 (USa) ABSTRACT: The cone classifiers at the Chelyabinskiy tsinkovyy zavod (Chelyabinsk Zinc Works) have not worked satisfactorily. It was therefore decided to adopt hydrocyclones in the new classification plant planned In connection with the proposed conversion to fluidized-bed roasting. A special investi- gation, the result-- of which are dealt with in this report, was carried out at the works to study hyarocyclone operation. A 500-mm diameter hydrocyclone designed by the Ufimskiy zavod gornogo oborudovaniya kUfa Mining Equipment Plant) was used (Fig.), the pulp being injected at 0.0-U.7 atm with the aid of a centrifugal sand pump. The results (Table 2) show that the effluent contained 96h of minus Card 1/2 0.5 mm fraction, the main mass of tne coarse particles being Use of' tho Hydrocyclone for CILI133ifying houstud Zinc Concentrate Before LGaching. (~zncentrated in the sand, which fulfilLed desi6n require- m lint, 9 The product was suitabio for grinoing in a ball ipill and the hydrocyclone produetivity waq 1.6 ,.q~:/min. Lie sand contained (Table 4) 1.5-2 timos more acid-soluble sii-J., than the effluent; leachin,:,, tests inuicated that pi-e-grinding of bands was desirable. Gon,~idelabi-) erosion of parts of the hyQrocy3lone were observed. Tiag authors con--ider that the adoption of hyarocyclones at the works be advantaaeou6. There are 1 fi5-ure and 4 tables. Zinc ore!3--Processing 2. Industrial equipment--Pe_rformance Card 2/2 YATSF:NKOp--A.P.;.KTTRUMTIIN, Kh.A.; ZOLOTAVIN, V.L. Obtaining pure vanadiim pentoxide during the hydrolysis of indiiatrial solutions. TSvet. met. 37 no.10:51.-58 0 f64. (141RA 18t7) KURVVjCHIN, Xh,A#j GUSHCHINA, G.G.j FYA"LrGOqSKAYA, G.Z. Pilot plant teating of the hydrometallurgical procesaMir of a copfvr-zine pyrite ore dressing product. TSvet.met. 38 no,10:32-35 0 165- (MIFLA 18:12) KLYUCIIIIIKOV, A.I., kmnd. aoI'skokJiozyay3tvennyJ,.h nauk~_T.UqUII1I,', P.A. Mechanization of soybean growing and harvesting. Zemledclie 24 no*5:46-48 My 162. (MIRA 15:7) 1. Vseooyuznyy iiauchno-issledovatellskly izu3titut maslichnfth I ofiromaslichnykh k-W ktur, (Soybean) (Agricultural machincry) KUMIN, S.- . lhey want nothing to do withamateur foto 17 n0-3: 37 tfr ~57- . .. (KLBA 10:6) (Photography) KURUNIN, S. of Stalingrad phottgraphers. Bov. fote 19 no.4: 72 AP '59. .(MIRA 12:5) (Stalingrad--Photography, Jouruallatic-Exhibitions) DYDZINSKIYI V.V., inzh.; KURUNOV, G.I., inzh. A device for the cle"Ing of mino cara. Got-.zhur. no.8:74,-75 Ag 165, (MIRA 18:30) 1. Nauchno-Issledovatellskly gornorudnyy institut, KrIvoy Rog. GALLIAIN., I.M.; SAGAYDAK, I.I.; KAFSHIN, V.P.; SHPARBER, L.Ya.; KURUNOV.-I.P.; BORTS, YU.M. Investigating combustion processes in furnace hearths. Stall 23 no. 3:204-207 Mr 164. (MIRA 17:5) 1# Chelyabinskiy nauchno-issledovatellskiy Institut metallurgii i Magnitogorskly metallurgicheskiy kombinat. KOPYRIN, I.A. (Chelyabinsk); VYATKIN, G.P. (Cholyabinnk); RUSAMNA, A.G. (Chelyabinsk); KARSHIN, V.P. (Chelysibinsk); KURTIO, I.F. fChelyabin7sk Processes in the tuyere zone of a blast furnnice. Izv. AN SSSR. Met. no.1:18-20 Ja-F 165. 041RA 18:5) USMISKIY,.A.; XURUS', G. 1. Oar axperience of masking in color photography printing. Sov. f0to 17 no,4:58-60 Ap '57. (MUU 10:6) (Color photography) AID P - 1339 Subject USSR/Engineering Card 1/1 Pub. 78 - 2/30 Author Kurus, I. I. Title Problem of selection of a safe type of automatic (direct drive) cathead. Periodical Neft. khoz., v.32, #12, 7-9, D 1954 Abstract The performance of automatic oatheads of the three types KAP-4U, ART-2 and AK-1 is analysed on the basis of test reporto. Extensive tests of all three types of catheads are recommended before final selection of the safest type. Institution: Mone Submitted : No date WAI A -i I " 1, ., a. I NOVI(,'11, Yu.G.; Lli'jOll, E.'.; KR'FJUYE!', A.F.; I ll(')Vl?,(-)V, V.T.; FUNIS) Accident elimAriatlon in the Aralsor suiwi-d,2q) well. llazvod. i okh. nedr 30 no.'t:48-50 i1 164. (":IR:*-. 17:12) 1. 'iralsarakaya erkv:veditsiya nverkhglubokogo bureri,,m (-L'or Apanovich, Lipson). 2. Trest (for ~Iakl-,.aycv, Tarnav- ski.y) . 3. Gosudarstvennyy geologicheskiy ko--aitet SSSR (for llovikov). 4. 1,11oskovskiy ordena Trudo-o '0 Yxamoluo 7na:zeni institut n2fteklli- micheskoy i gazovoy promyshlennost! in. alka.6. Chibkina (for Kimis) . K, , , rT ;-- ~.1 Knus, I _, , -, , ~ ! I.. finchunico of hole defleation in diroctionally drilled wells. Naft. khoz. 35 no.9:14-18 S 157. (MIRA Iltl) (Oil well drilling) KURUS, I. I., Candidate Tech Scl (dies) -- "So= problems in the theory and practice of drilling inclined oil wells". Moscow, 1959. 16 pp (Min Higher Edue USSR, Moscow Order of labor Red Banner Inst of the Petroleum-Chem and Gas Industry im I. M. Gubkin), 160 copies (KL, No 24, 1959, 138) HUG) 1. K* "The Problem of Wety in the Selection of Power Reels$" Neft. Khoz.,, Ho.12, 1954, Translation D 197001 KURUSI,V., laurent Stalinskoy premii Innovators' contribrution. Hast.ugi.4 no.8:12-13 Ag'55. (HLRA 8:10) 1. Nachal~nik -qchastka shakhty Imeal OGFU kombianta Rostovugoll (Donets Basin--Coal mines and miAing) KURUSENKO, A, More attention to passenger transportation. Avt. transp. 41 no.9jll-12 S 163. (MIRA 16tlO) 1. Zamestitell upravlyayushchego Kalininskim oblastnym avtc- trELnsportnym trestom. A:UTHOR" I Xurushin, A.I. TITLE % On Paramagnetic Absorption in Parallel Fields at Ultra- High Frequencies (0 paramagnitnom pogloshchenii v paral- lellnykh polyakh pri averkhvysokikh chastotakh) PERIODICAL : Izvestiya Akademii Mauk, V. XX, # 11, 1232-1235, Nov 1956 (USSR) p Serlya fizichaskaya ABSTRACT i In order to study the problem of spin paramagnetic ab.. sorption and to check the correctness of the Shaposhnikov's theory (1), an installation was assembled for the measure- ment of paramagnetic obsorption in parallel fieldg in the region of cm wavelength. The installation conPintd a klyatron operating on a frequency of 9-15 x 10 megacycles. With the aid of this installation, meaeurements of para- magnetic absorption were carried out in a series of salts, mainly of the elements of the iron group, and it was estab- liched that the rise of the constant field intensity leads to the monotonous decrease of high-frequency energy absorption by a paramagnetic. The field intensity was raised to 9,000 oersteds. Experimental absorption curves were compared with the theoretical formula derived by Shaposhnikov (1). The Card 1/2 results have shown that the Shaposhnikov's phenomenolo- TITLEs On Paramagnetic Absorption in Parallel Fields at Ultra- High Frequencies (0 paramagnitnom pogloshchenii v paral- lellnykh polyakh pri sverkhvy9okikh chactotakh) g1cal theory of spin relaxation agrees well with experi- ment3 throughout the whole region of practically inter- esting frequencies and field intensities. The bibliography contains 5 references, of which 4 are Slavic (Russian). A graph in the article shows the comparison of theoretical and experimental data. INSTITUTIONt State University imeni A.M. Gorlkiy in Molotov PRESENTED BYi SUBMITTED :No date AVAILME : At the Library of Congress Card 2/2 KURUSHIN, A. 1. Cand Phys-Math Sci -- (diss) "Experimental Study Vol " of Paramagnetic Absorption in arallel Fields on-Sumhigh Frequencies at Room Temperature." Molotov, 1957. 9 pp including cover, 21 em. (Min of Higher Education USSR, Molotov State Univ im A. M. Gorlkly)) 100 copies (KL, 26-57, io4) - 7 - Us USSRIMaoietism - MeLpietic Resonance Abs Jour : Ref Zhur - Fizika, Ito 1, 1958, 1203 Author : Kurushin, A.I. Inst Title Paramagnetic Absorption of High frequencies in Gadolinium Salts in Parallel Fields. Orig Pub Zh. eksperim. i teor. fiziki, 1957, 32, No 4, 727-730 Abstract Measurements were made of the dependence of the paramagne- tic absorption on the magnitude of the constant field, pa- rallel to the high frequency field (with a frequency P." 9.377 x 101 cycles) at room temperature. Experimental curves of absorption are in good agreement with the Shaposhnikov theory for spin absorption. This tade it possible to determine, for several gadolinilxn salts, the constant of the internal field and the time of isothermal spin relaxation of the magnetization, and also to plot, in absolute units, the curve for the dependence of the Card 1/2 USSR/~agnetism - Magnetic Resonance I Abs Jour I Rcf zhur - rlzlxa, no 1, 1958, 1203 coefficient of absorption Gd_,(SO4) 3- NO on tho~ magnitude of the constant field. F-5 Card 2/2 56-444/52 NOR MOHIN, A.1 on EMZ,77a-ramagnetic Absorption in Some Salts of Manclanese in Paral.1pl. Fields at Superhigh Freqiiences (0 paramagnitnom pogloshcheiiii v nekotcrykh solyakh margantsa. v paral.3.811., nykh polyakh pri sverkhvysc-kIkh chastotakh, Hussian) -,P2-H1CD1r,AL Zhurnal Ek3perim. i Teoret. Fiziki, 1957, Vol 32, Nr 4, Pp 938 - 939 (U.S.S.R.) First attention is drawn to some prevIlOUS papers dealing with the The pres~ent. paper gives the resultz of measurements of the paramar7nc~-~.,-, absorption In parallel f1P2r19 in the prwdery salts Mn.(NO 3)2 - 6H20 an,! )2(30 02 - 6H20 at room temperature (T - 2910K) on the frequen(!,y Mn(![Hl , The method of' measurtnr, used here was describe~i by V a 9,177 . 109 the author already in a previous paper. The data of rrnasure;rxin+,1 shown in a diagram. The imaginary part of the magnetic susceptibl-lit-y in arbitrary units was rezorded on the axis of ordinates and the filei--~ strengths of the field parallel to the high-frequency field was :~e- corded on the axis of the abscissa. The absiorption cun-res of the bali- investigated here differ essentially kyom the absorption curves obtairled previously for other salts because har6 a maximum of absorption within the domain of constant field strengths of the order of magnitude 1500 0,~ A-0 exists. The results obtained by the authors at room temperature are ana- On the Paramagnetic Absorption in Some Salts of Kanganese in Paratll,~J- Fields at Superhigh Frequences logous to those,obtained by L.J. SLITS, et al., Physica, Vol. 22, P 77 0.956) (which were obtained at temperatures of 20.140 K). At. field strengths of about 3400 Oe the absorption curves are somewhat di3torted. The reason for these dist,:-rtions is apparently found in the paramagr-neti-, resonance absorption which is caused by a certain deviation from t-hA pan rallelity of the fieldt~, The locations of the distortions on the ~uriv and thn, fact that the distortions increase on th(. occasion of an In.- creasing angl.q between the field tend to confirm such an axolana+Aor. The resul-ts given in this paper cannot be explained by the ir~Lmework :)f the theory set up by SHAPOSHNIKOV, if it is assume,i that the t-Ime of' sl,lil relaxation does not depend upon the field strength of the con!~tanl. field. The theoretical explanation of these results requires further invest.1- gationa. (With I illitstration). ~,CG!ATION Not given -3LIMD BY U 31 ~ 17'MD 14.1-1957 AD-ABLE Library of Congress ard 2 S/058/61/000/010/041/100 AOO1/A1O1 AUTHOR: Kurushin, A.I. TITLE: On paramagnetic absorption and paramagnetic rotation in some salts in the microwave range PERIODICALt Referativnyy zhurnal.Fizika no 10 1961, 162, abstract 10V349 (V sb. "Paramagnitn. rezonans ": Ka;an', Kazansk. un-t, 1960, 157-158) TEM In propagation of a radio-frequency wave perpendicular to the con- stant magnetic field Ho applied to a paramagnetic, rotation of the polarization plane of this wave is observed. The rotation angle is proportional to the dif- ference of imaginary parts of the transverse;( it and longitudinal X,11 magnetic susceptibilities of the paramagnetic. The aAor obtained the curves of depend.,,"' ence of and on H for several salts of Mn and Od and used these curves 0 to plot the curves of Ho-dependence for the angle of polarization plane rotation. The shape of rotation curves turned out to be similar to the shape of electronic para=ao7etii resonance curves in perpendicular fields. [Abstracter's note: Complete translation] Card 1/1 42806 8/194/62/000/011/051/062': D413/D306 A1UThQR: Kurushin, A. I.- TITLE: Microwave abs or,)tion in certain ferrites PERIODICAL: Referativnyy zhurnal, Avtomatfka i radioelektronika, no. 11, 1962, 61, abstract 11-7-121yu (Uch. gap. Permsk. un-tj v. 19, no. 3, 1961, 33-35) T1.'XT: An investigation of absorption in ferritee in the 3 cm wave- band with a magnetizing field parallel to the microwave field in the s,)ecimen. The specimens were 2.5 mm diameter balls made up from a mixture of fine ferrite powder (grain size 2 - 4,u) and paraffin wax, with a ferrite concentration of 0%5 - 1A, NiZn, NiNg and NnZn ferrites of varioua comdositions were tested. The specimen wa6 placed in a resonator with H Oil mode in a region of uniform magne.- tic field. As the intensity of the steady magnetizing field was v ried, in the caee pf parallel magnetization a small resonance pX was observed at a magnetic field intensity corresponding to gyro-! i _magnetic resonance, with a general tendency for the absorption to~ Card 1/2 3/194/62/000/011/051/062 Microwave absorption in ... D413/D308 docreacc au the -wagautic field intenalty increases. The absorption maximum ic less -than the, same maximum for perpendicular magrietiza- tion by about 25 limes. The,preuence of absorption with parallel magnetization is explained by the presence ineide.the specimen of a perpendicular component of the alternatind field. 3 references., /-Abstracterla note: Complete translation.-/ Card 2/2 24 ~2), 24 (3) AUTHOR: Kurushin, A. I. 50V/56-37-1-46/64 TITLE- The Paramagnetic Absorption and the Rotation of the Polarization Plane in Some Salts in the Microwave Range (Paramagnitnoye pogloshcheniye i vraohcheniye ploskosti polyarizataii dlya nekotorykh soley v mikrovolnovom diapazone) PERIODICAL: Zhurnal eksperimental ,no i teoreticheakoy fizikig 1959, Vol 37, Nr 1, pp 297 - 298 (USSR~ ABSTRACT: The paramagnetic rotation of the polarization plane in the mi- crowave range bas already been investigated for some substances (Refs 1-4), and the dependence of the angle of rotation P on the constant field strength H 0 has been represented in form of curves; the relation (1): -(7EW T-E/c) (Z'11 - J",)sin 2a was deduced (a is the angle between and the high-frequency field,X and I" de- 0 0 note the imaginary part of the magnetic susceptibility of the paramagnetic for fields that are perpendicular and parallel to .each other respectively). For the determination of P it is nec- essary to know the field dependence of ~".and I", for which pur- pose the author of the present "Letter to the EKtor" carried Zal i7l~i out experiments which are described here. The experimental &r- The Paramagnetic Absorption and the Rotation of the SOY/56-37-1-46/64 Polarization Plane in Some Salts in the Microwave Range rangement was similar to that described by reference 5. The de- pendence Xt'(H 0) was determined for arbitrary a. The experiments were carried out at room temperature and at a frequency of 9150 megacycles, Pulverulent layers of MnSO4 H20,'MnCl2-4H.0, Gd.SO 4* .8H20, GdF 31 GdC1 3~ 6H20, GdBr 3# 6H20 and GdJ 3* 6H20 were investi- gated in polystyrene containers. Work was carried out at field strengths of between 0 and 6000 Oe. For MnCl,04H2 0 the reen1to obtained are shown by a diagram: "(H ) - curve 1, 1110 X1 0 0 0 curve 21 P(H.) according to formula (1) - curve 3. The results are briefly discussed. Curves I and 3 have a steep maximum at about 3o5-10 3 Oe. It was found that the curves do not change their signs within the range of from 0 - 8.103 Oe, which is in contradiction to the results obtained by Imamutdinovj Keprimerov and Shokun (Ref 1). The said authors found the sign of the P-curve to change in MnCl2'4H20 already at about 4.10 3 Oe. A*nr 3(2),3(4) AUTHOR: Kurushin, A. M. SOV16-59-10-12121 ----------------------- - TITLE: ------------------- On Topographical Surveys for the Calculation of the Reserves of 11.1ineral Resources (For Discussion) PERIODICAL: Geodeziya i kartografiya, 1959, Nr 10, PP 39-44 (USSR) ABSTRACT: Official specifications for the calculation of the reserves of mineral resources request that graphical data must indicate the minimum amounts and simultaneously give a representation of the resulte of geological prospecting and reserve outlines as completely as possible. The following topographical records are enumerated in the afore-mentioned specifications: a general map of the deposit (1 : 500,000 to 1 : 1,000,000)0 geological charts of the deposit (1 : 25,000 to 1 : 200,000 geological charts of the ore-field (I -. 10,000 to l- 25,000 and a geological chart of the deposit together with all pro- specting exposures and borehole openings (1: 1,000 to I : 5,000). No accurate data are available in these specific~a- tions on the scale, distance of contour lines, and accuracy of topographical surveys. The determinations of the reserves of mineral resources are accurate within a limit of 15-20'/L Card 1/2 By using formula (1) (Ref 1, Footnote on P 41) it can be On Topographical Surveys f 'or the Calculation of the SOV/6-59-10-12/21 Reserves of Mineral Resources (For Discussion) found that under consideration of the error of plane-table surveying the maximum error of the determination of outlines is below 1%. It is pointed out that there are no standard rules available for the aetermination of the outlines of the ore-deposit projection. Thin is exemplified by one ore-deposit. This example and a comparison of formula (1) with formula (3) illustrate that the determination of the outlines of ore- deposits and all the more reserve calculations are far Ions accurate than plane-table surveying. Further, it is pointed out that in calculating reserves the relief of the regions has never been taken into account by previous articles. Final digest: In detailed prospecting of mineral resourcea, topographical surveys can be used only as a demonstrative means. It is requested that the Geologicheskaya aluzhba (Geological Service) issued.' specifications of topographical surveys for detailed geological prospecting and reserve calculations. There are 1 figure, 1 table, and 3 Soviet references. Card 2/2 KURUSHIN AIM, 1. ~ I :. , -... . P. - I - Change in map aheet divisions. Geod. i kart. no.5:42-43 MY 163. (KULA 16:7) (Topographic maps) 9j6) SOV/112-59-3-5257 Translation from: Referativnyy zhurnal. Elektrotekhnika, 1959, Nr 3, p 136 (USSR) AUTHOR: Kurushin, A. S., and Freydel', R. R. -1.11 ___M4-suring Devices (Novyye elektronnyye pribory) TITLE: New Electron PERIODICAL: V sb.: Atom. energiya v mirnykh tselyakh. L., Gosenergoizdat, 1957, pp 209-210 ABSTRACT: A short announcement of general-purpose automatic electron devices for measuring, recording, and controlling temperature from -200 to +2,5000C, pH, air humidity, and gas humidity; the instruments are built at the "Lenteplopribor" plant. The plant also manufactures automatic instruments for remote control used in the atomic industry. An EPPV-51 electron device is intended for measuring currents 0 to 2.6x 10-8 amp, 8.5x 10-9 amp, 2.6x 10-9 amp, and 6x 10-10 amp. An EPPV-21 modification of this instrument permits transmitting the readings at a distance up to 200 m to an EMP-69 secondary instrument. Type AESM-50 instrument is intended for remote Card 1/2 SOV/112-59-3-5?57 New Electron Measuring Devices measuring of small currents in the scale spans 0-30 and 0-300 microamp. Type EPI-50 instruments permit measuring low voltages at more than 200 points. E.A. Ye. Card ?/Z KURVSHITI, P. USSF/Fadio Broadcasting Oct 48 Radio -- Power Supply "Supplementary Power Supply for Agricultural Radio Unlt3," F. KuruBbin, I p "Radio" No 10 Power supply for rural rebroadcasting unita is secured from batteries charged by gasoline generators. 5iggests cuprouB oxide or selenium rectifiers be supplied to new AC power stations now being equipped eo that batteri6a can be charged from mains. FA 22/49T89 W KURUSHIN, R.A, Pleistoseist area of the KVa earthquake. Geol i geofiz. no.5:122-126 163. (MIRA 16:8) 1. Institut zemnoy kor7 Sibirskogo otdeleniya AN SSSR, Irkutsk. (Huya Valley--Farthquakes) BALAKINA, L.M.; BULMASOV, A.P.; DUVZH1R, G.; YESKIN, A.S.;,_6QRUSHIN.,_ R.A - LOGACHEV, N.A.; LUKIYANOV, A.V.; NATSAG-YUM.. L.; _SOLONENKO~ V.P., prof.; TRESKOVt A.A.; FLORENSOV9 N.A.; KHILIKO, S.D.; SHMTOV, A.P.; ARSENIYEV, A.A.,, red.fzd-va; DOROKHINAp I.N., tekhn. red. [Gobi Altai earthquake) Gobi-Altaiskoe zemletriasenie. Mo- skva, Izd-%4 Akad. nauk SSSR, 1963. 390 P. (MIRA 16:5) 1. Akademiya nauk SSSR. Sibirskoye otdeleniye. Vostochno- Sibirskiy geologicheskiy institut. 2. Chlen-korrespondent Akademii nauk SSSR (for Florensov). (Gobi Altai--Earthquakes) L ).B96h-65 FNT, Po-h/ AEDC(b)/iiAEM(c)/-2',',D(W)/E5D(t) ACCESSIOM NR: A 5000811 S/0058/64/000/010/HO33/11033 SOURCEt Ref. zh. FLzika. Abs~ 10Zh225 AUTHORS: Koshkin, ~L. r...- _Kurushtn, Ye. P.; Shcheqlov,-O. S.-I Uedovesov,~ V N'. c- TITLE: Contribution to the calculation and inVeSL-'gation of ele tromagnetic fields inwaveguides 'th ferrodieleccric inserts CITED SOURCE: Uch. zap.,Kuybysbevsk. gos. ped. in-t., vyp. 42, 1964, 75-80 TOPIC TAGS.-. ferrodielectric, ferrite insert, waveguide measure- ment, electromagnetic field, electric loss TRAUSLATION: An.experimental method is proposed for finding the field configurat' wavegu Lon in I ides with ferrite inserts of arbitrary form. It consists ofintroducing into the waveguide a probe with Ca,-d 1/2 L 18F0i-6';') ACCESSION NR.- AR5000811 .~the appreciable.losses. 'Motion of the probe causes the transfer coef- ficient of the waveguideto vary in proportion to the square of the tangential component af the field at the loca:Lion oE the prol>e_ Results of tests of this method in waveguide with known field dis- tn,Wution are- presenzed-,--and --it -ia- hote-d- that the accura cy of*the method is high. A diagreact is proposed'of an inDtallation. for exact measurement of low losses. G. Postnov. SUR CODEt EC, EK ENCL: 00 Card 2/2 M-h/FWA(h) Peb RAEM(a)/F.5B(c) L~ 18965-65 EVr(l)/F ACCESSION N9t AR5000812 S/0056/64/000/010/HO34/HO34 SOURCE: Ref. zh. Fizika. Abs. 1OZh240 AUTHOR: Kurushin,. Ye. P. TITLE: General.equation for the synthesis of smooth matching junc- tion CITED SOURCE: Ref. -11. rizika s. 1OZh240 TOPIC TAGS: waveguide c r matching junction, circuit synthe- sis, variational calculus, reflection coefficient TRANSIATION: A theoretical analysis is presented of different forms of matching junctions between waveguide transmission 11ines with dif- ferent transverse cross sections. Using the general methods of vari- ational calculus, the author d 'erives an equation for a smooth junc- tion that ensures a minimum modulus of the reflection coefficient Card 1/2 L16965-65 ACCESSION NRZ AR5000812 pi, of the fundamental vioder from the irregular section of the waveguide. To this, end,..Re~pi___- .-,-and Im-p. are written- ih-the- form of certain functionals, a ter which the.conditions are derivad for the vanishing of theirfirst variations. The class of inves~i-,' gated junctions is limited to the.assumption that the slope of the genc--ratrix of the smooth junction relative to the waveguide axis is small. It is also assumed that there are no critical cross sections.--.- The entire analysis is made for a single frequency, so that the equation for the smooth junction contains a certain arbitrary func- tion. By choosing the.specific form of this function it is possible to obtain all the known forms of Imatching junctions. it is shown that the fundamental equation for the smooth junctions can also be derived by using the known Fermat principle of geometrical optics. B. Kishustin. SUB CODEt EC ENCL: 00 Card -2/2 R~PHIN, Yu.N.; MENIr 1116 Determining the temperature and concentration dependences of the short-range odder parambters for an n-component unordered solid solutions (MIM 16 Q) Ukr. fize zhur. 8 no*-2:1'0-179 F 163. 1, Institut metallurgii Urallskogo filiala AN SSSR, Sverdlovsk* (Solutions, Solid)