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RMSIFEVA, A. N. it Ibe Reaction of Urine Precipitation in Brucellosis," Tn,,dy Nauchno- issiedovatellskogo Instituta bLikrobiologii i Epidemiclogii Yugo-Vostoka SSSR, Saratov, Vol 1, 1951, pp 2(~9, 2','c.). 't,'d ril rj,,, anfl e j?'55. Min Pealth t')1 a 1-2~rla - 3,- ra an'l Fr~"i'lellAo"OLV Of thp sojt"jr-31- St~l te Tnst ,wp!,t of the U.31? ",Mt rob". (Dissortatior.,3 for t~'e of "tinlida"(1 of Blolo,;?,ical ii_21_11T.l~ ':o. 44, Effect of the type of the nervous system on conditioned reflex activity in experimental tumor growth Cwith vu ry in Inglish). Biulokep.blol, i med. 45 no.l.-83-85 A 158. (WRA 11:4) 1. Iz kefedry patologicheskoy fizologil (zav. - dotsent P.Ta.Novo- rasova) Saratovskogo meditainskogo inatituta. Predstavlena akademikom A.D.Speranskim. (U"LASKS. experimental, eff. on conditioned reflex activitv, role of type of nervous system (Rua)) REFLIM, CONDITIONUO in exper. neoplasms, eff. of type of nervous system (RUG)I R~, Fy-~'PPT't 7DIC1. 6ec 1~1 Vol 7!n ' ,tnrpr '11r', t 59 3037- Peculiarities In the development of M-i turnours in rats with a changed functional condition of the central nervous systern (Russian text) KI-R311FA-A A. N. Dept. of Iatliol, Physiol., Saratov 'tied. Inst., Saratov 11)01. -Ek-iTe-r-.-HPoTTjTTr7. '95",0/1 1 (91-93) GraPhs 2 It wasshown in cxperimentson rats fliat small doses of cilkine initibit diedevel(q)- ment or oic transplanted tumour (sarcoma Nl-t) by increasing the 11111clioll.11 mobilityOrtbe C'NS. Large doses ofcaircine accelerate fliegrowliol'ille turnoill if) connection witli the development of the stifiralin-finil inbibition in ilic CINS. VEUIIIIIuVA, JJ.K.; KWISIOVA, A.U.; OLLI, V.D.; XONTORINA, A.A. Compound therapy of experimental cholera infection. Report 11o.l: Studios on the effectiveness of certain antibiotics in the treatment of cholera septicemia in white mice. Antibiotiki 4 no.3:81-85 MY-Je 159. (MIRA 12:9) 1. Gosudarstreanyy nauchno-iseledovatel'ekiy institut mikTo- biologii i apidemiologii Tugo-Vostoka SSSR ("Hikrob"). (AMIBIOTICS, eff. on exper. cholera, comparison of various drugs (Rus)) (CHOIJOh. exper. eff. of various antibiotics, comparison (Rua)) KURSHEVAO A.N. Change in the blood circulation apparatue in reflexogenic hypertension in dogs. Report no. 1. Trudy Sar. gos. mad. inst. 26:39-41 159. (MIRA 14:2) 1. Saratovskiy meditainakiy inatituts kafedra patologicheakoy fiziologii (zav. - dotsent P.7a, Novorasova). (BLOOD-CIRCULATION) (HYPERTENSION) KURS.11EVA, A.N* Reactivity of the blood circulation apparatus hypertension in dogs with a changed functioral central nervous system. Report No. 2, T-ivdy Sare Wt. 26142-45 1~9, 1. Saratovskiy meditainakiy institutt kafedra fiziologii (zav.-dotsent P.Ya. Novorasova)o (BLOOD-CIRCULATION) (MERTENSION) in reilexogenic condition of the gose made WRA 1412) patologichaskoy (ITERVOUS SYSTEM) KURSIIEVA9 A.N.; LUNTSp A.M. ------ Wluence of drinking water contaminated with oaratov petroleum on the animal organiem. Trudy Sar. gos. med. inst. 26:89-93 159o (MIRA 14:2) I* Saratovskiy meditsinBkiy institutp kafedra patologicbeskoy fiziologii. (zav. - dotsent P.7a. N&iorasova)a (BLOOD-DISEASES) (PETROIMM-PHYSIOIXICAL EFFECT) 11FDOROVP A.F.; KGROBOV, Ye.B.; KURS)TILVA, N.G. About the so-called "a Ilystoamylase". Ferm. i spirt. prom. 30 no.1! 13-14 164. (MMA 17: 11) 1. Voronezhskiy tekhnologicheakiy institut. KURSIMMA, V.I. Lipogranuloma, a rare disease of the breast. 3drav. Turk. 7 now3t22-23 Mr'63. (MTRAll") I* Iz kafedry goopitaltnou khirurgii (zav, - chlen-korTespon- dent AMN SWR prof. I.F.Berezin) Turkmenskogo gosudaretvennoEp meditsinskogo instituts, i Ashkhabadskoy gorodskoy klinicheskoy bollnitsy No.1 imeni N.I.Semashko (glavnyy vrach G.T.Bondarl). (EREAST-TUMORS) FEDOROVP A. F.; KMHEVA, H. G.; ZHMXOTAj, T. G. Fundamentals of the enricbment of the distil-lerts grain b7 means of ammonium lactate, hv~ viao uchebs zave; piahche tekh. no.5:92-95 162. (KIRA 15:10) 1. Voraneshakiy takhnologicheskiy institut, kafedra. tekhnologii brodillnykh proizvodstv. (Fermentation) (Feeds) ROSTOVSKIY, - G.V. ,; KUPSIEVA.3-1- Echinococcus of the left femur. Zdrav. TiLrk. 5 no.2:30 Vx-Ap 161. (MIRA 14;5) 1. 1z kafadry gospitallnoY k1drurgil (zav. - chlen-korrespondent AMII SSSR prof. I.F.Berazin) Turkmonskogo go8udarstvennogo medit- sinakogo inatituta imeni I.V.Stalina. I (FEMUR) ~~ r T -e 31 1 f 'e' () - ' '~) - I - . ~ . . . . I . , I . 11',:Lnimi-m coofficierit of deep draidng." p. 20 (Leka Promi~;hlcnost, Vol. b, no. 1, l)57, Sofiia, i3,uli-,aria) Norithly Index of Fant European Accesz.ions 1,(,l Vol. 7, :~o.b, JIU-10- 1958. LIPOIISKIYo V.M. t kand.tol:hn.n:~.uh; V.,~.; --ii-060j immalu-9 1).i;. Tho E-15-14 oxcaw-tor, Nokh. at---oi, IC ro. 2:25 F 161. (I'MA 14:21, Is GlavlonincrUdahoy, (4xci-wtting riacilino---y) YEVDOK3MVI V.i.P I I.K., ninzh*j KEBOVp lueNsp inzhe Semitrailer with controllable wheels for transporting long structural elements* Strote i doro matsh# 7 no#7t2l-22 31 162. (MM& 15:7) - (Truck trailers) (Pr"ast concrete-Transportation) nigmA zhener; RAUTKLN, Tu., inzhener. -WOO-Wll- Suspended roofs for mechanized operations in open pits. Stroi. mat. 2 no.12:26 D 156. (KLR& 10:2) (Clay) (Roofs) SOURCE: PrikJadimye mekhanika, vo. 1, no. 1, 1965, 22-31 TOPIC TAGS. periodic function, haratonic function, elaaticity theory, potential function, complex variable, elliptic function ABS-T-ULCT: Pundartental relationships are obtained in the solution of the biharmonio problem in theory of elasticity where the region tuider. consideration forms U con- T, ~p-uont asystera of identical circular holes (Gee Fie. 1. on the Enclostae). nomple~ potentials j> (z) and (z) are introduced which are expreased by Weierstrass .e~IiDtic functions (D 11, Wl - 00 (2h, T 51 (Z) - - -- ---- ----- (2k + F)r Im 0 (k 0, 1,.). Tho solution is ahovm to be 1.,Cc.rd 1/3 L 3315 35-65 LCCESSIOIN MR- applicable to both the homogeneousi and nonhomogeneour. biliarmonic doubly-periocUo nr ob 1 eras .INto c-ases are mmlyzeds the cane vrith a doub4-periodic distribution of -Q' ,-,,id the case with doubly-periodic distribution in stress as well as displace- Mr-mt. To the firct case corresponds the lattice bending under a aelf-balancing, periph~3ral stress applied to the hole boundaries. To the Beccrad, the problem of ber-dinG of latt:Lco holea fixed or hinSed at.their boundexies under a bi-periodio transverae stress. For alreLmlar triangular lattice Ithis last case gives the closed 24- form ealution w(x, Aoit(z) -Act. (4), Stress concentration curves are givon togethex with curves of elasticity modulus for regulax lattice structuares. Orig. art. hass 35 equations and 9 figuroo. ASSOCICHON t SibiraUy naualmo-issled. Inatitut (Siberien institute of Scientific Re!3ea_r2I1L_ SMBPEITTIZI-i-t 21Feb64 ENCLi 01 SUB CODE.- 12 NO ?";:,r SOY: 012 MIM t 003 Carc! 2/3 SOVI'124-58-8-9067 D )'rai-islation from: Referativnyy zhurnal, MeRhanika, 1958, Nr 8, p 109 (USSR) AUTHOR~, Kurshin, L.M. TITLE: Some Aspects of the Flexure and Stability of Cylindrical Three- layered Sandwich Shells (Nekotoryye voprosy izgiba i ustoychi- vosti trekhsloynykh tsilindricheskikh obolochek) ABSTRACT: Bibliographic entry on the author's dissertation for the de- gree of Candidate of Technical Sciences, presented to the In-t mckhan. AN SSSR (Institute of Mechanics, Acaderny of Sciences, USSR), Moscow, 1958 ASSOCIATION: In-t mckhan. AN SSSR (Institute of Mechanics, Academy of Sk' 64W r1iA, USS It), K I ~ 10 C% I\V Card 1/1 AUT9OR: Kurshin, L.M. SOY/55-58-1-8/33 TITLE: On the Paper of V.I.Korolev "Symmetric Forms of the Loss of Stability of Plates and Shells of Three Layers" (0 rabote V.I. Koroleva "Simmetricheskaya forma poteri ustoychivosti trekhsloy- nykh plastin i obolochek") PERIODIGALs VeBtnik Moskovskogo universiteta, Seriya fiziko-matematicheakikh i yestestvennykh nauk, 1958, Hr 1, pp 73-77 (USSR) .LBSTRACT: This is an adverse criticism of the above paper of Koroley [Ref 1]. the author proves that in the paper of Korolev there are incorrect assumptions and results and he accunes him implicitly of a plagiarism. There are 15 references, 2 of which are Soviet, 6 English, and 7 Imerican. SUBMITTED: July 17, 1957 Card 1/1 22,-58-3-24/38 AUTHOR: Kurshin.,. L. M. (Moscow) TITLE- Equations for Viree-Layer Q11indrical (Uravneniya -t-.rekhsloynylch tsilindricheskik-h obclochck) PERIODICAL. Izvestiya Akademii Naul~ 33-H Otdelenilye Teklm.cheskikh Nauk P)53, Nr 3. pp (USSR) ABSTUICT: In calculationq on thrco fa-fer -zhells one urJually neglects the transverse deformation of the middle IaZ~e-,.. or filler, and also the bending, StiffTW-:,!:k of the outside layers; this work presents equatiom~ obtainod ,-,-ithout these -Issumptions. It is assumed that Pach layor has rurvilinear isotropy. The o I Ir 171 'y 0. 1, am! El I " E22 Gj'- 0 (1) E and G are i:ioduli of elaoti---ity cLnd Ehear. indic-e-S 1 and 2 are for axes alon.- .-encrators and alonrr ar,~s while 3 is, for aIl axis perpendicular tc 1 a n, 1 2 . Eq -(l) is L tl(juivaleriL to assiming that a '22 and ~ 12 ar(- absent. For the outer lajers E33 Gl~ G2~ (2) Card 1/5 Thes,,, allow one f-c- wriV,. down the intt-,--Irals for ,Z4- 558 -.3-24/38 Equations, for Three-Layer Cyiindrical the nonlinear elasticity of each layer- These 3ontain 18 product functions of x and y the curvilinear cc.- ordinates of t-he mean surface., (RefS.2,4)z Uzi-n-S certain simplifications a system of ncnlinear eauations is obtained (Equations (3) (4) and (4'),, pp 1,41,2-1110, In tiieoe: UB I VB WB vH . w 11 (1 e a o t-, i'- Uiiplacoment of moan oturface of top and bot-tom layersi T 1B - T2B .4 S B T1H .- T2H -, SH stresses in these layers, R mean radius of three layer shell; 6 thi-lkness of cut,er layers-, 2h thicImess of filler. E_ modulus of e1astirAty and Poissop!,:; ratio for outer layers, G13 G 2-, modulli of rigid!ty fc- fillerl~ E 33 modulus of elastiGity of fil."Ler in radial direction; distributed radial load, For an ISOtrODiC filler E, E33 = E G2 GI 3 =_ G~..~ = 'V(*IrO_=4 1-5- C I C - B and 11 ccr;respond ~c- 14pper and 1cwer layers- Lap', ~,PeT Eq,:,. ant ar- i,, --'ra -.~qu.atione Card P/5 Equations for Three-Layer Cylindrical Sli~lls for the outer layers, These equaticvo may br! compared with those of Wang (Rr-f.,5) and the differen,--~-.: bc~ween them may be explained by the ns~-.jrlcct by Wang of the bt~ndjn- rigidity of the outer plate, Ne:~-'eztin- defoo-L)ation of filler E cA-,) and thcref,-.-, s~r,~E~s flir-C~ion2 ~ and 33 are introduced, W T L) + V yy loc Xx 1 R ex Py to give the equationz for the thLree layer --hr-lls, aith a light isotropic filler. 2 2 AA(P (1 - -4 )B(\.W VI V; + IV R Bh + G W (h Djjw + (p VI (P q) B(h + 'P'T = qa R Y-X YY Ti "'X X'% X~ Th,:-f?e agree with work of G:,q-~-Iyuk (R;-I-f.~-.) and f,-'-- R = Card 3/5 EqJ6) Gives f:,.ric -.~quaticns f~-jr threr- -J-ayer Zht,"Is sheets 24.- --)('j'--3-24/3Pj Equations for Three-Layer Cyii-ndri(_,ai Shello, comparable with 41-ho_':!:e obf-ained by ReissLer (Ref,l), If the nonlinear members of En.0) are rie-lectc.-I'l vie have a linear system of equations fci- the ),.Lnding of a three layer z-h.211, and tht, '_t-abilil-y equations may be obtained (Eqs,7, Ii in Zqs,(-) 11 = 00 T0 T0 ~. SC. ~~ 0 th(,n thr! (,cju~il.-J__)n!~ ar;~ 1-omparablc with IP ~ 20 P those of Prlasakov (Ref,,,'~), Th-j':~z work -hows that the equations develc.ped intc~ the. (.wo 3yst.:-ms of bucIrling of three layer sheets, i.,c. the F;ymmotric and obliquely symmetric Eqs,(7) above arle r'Iot developed. t(; the, end, The stability equations also require boundary conditions, but this point is not pursued, Theoe equatLon~ fcr or~ability may be comparod with those of R(:issner.) E_' Teit:hia-m t_1 a1ii and St(~in. and Mayers (Refs,7 B., 9); diff,~.rerico.', are duF, to the taking account of the bending rig r ~,idity -,f th-~, cuter .1aye s (D / 0 and of the transverse deformal'itjn of 1-1ir fillor (E Card 4/5 24- 53.- 3-24/38 Equations for Three-Layer Cylindrical Shells, There are 9 references, 4 of which are. Soviet and 1~ English, .1 SUBMITTED: November 30, 195?, Ca.r-d 5/5 1. Cylindrical shalls-Kathematical Analys.15 I AUITHOR: Kurshin L M. (Mosc StjV/24-58-8-17/37 R~ee-layered TITlLL,;: On the Stability of/Curved Cylindrical Shells in Compression (Ob ustoychivosti trelchslo7noy pologoy tsilindricheskoy obolochki pri szhatii) PERIODICAL: Jzvostiya Akademil Nauk SSSR, Otdoloniye Tekl-Micheolcil-.1i Nauk, 1958, Nr 8, PP 97-100 (USSR) ABSTRACT: The stability proble;.i for sandwich plates and shells is usually solved in linearized form. By this means sufficiently simple equations for plates (Ref 1) and shells (Ref 2) can be written. But it is known that for simple shells the solution according to normal linear theory can lead to siEnificant reductions in the load after loss of stability. Equations for large displacements have been obtained for sandVich plates (Ref 3) and shells (Ref 4). In these equations the bending stranSth of the exterior layers and the normal stresses in the filler are neGlucted. In the present paper the equations foi- larL~e displacew,~nt for sandwich shells are obtained -ahich are free from th-ase omissions. In deducing the equations it is asF;u:.-,ed that the Kirchhoff-Love hypothesis is valid for the exterior Card 1/3 layers of the slriell. It is usual to ne6leeb the normal Three-layered --30V/24-58-8-17/37 On the Stal)ility of/durved Cylin,~Irical 3110112 in Col:.prossion stres,.-.-es in the- interior layer (Refs 1, 3, 4) but stifficiantly simple ;2quation-, can be obtained .,.,ithout doinj~ Sol D.,-~Lijjiiiit~ only LhaG the (J.isplacements in the filler ohan~3(,- linearly depth. This assumption for s&-ndwich shells wa,.-, first intro~!ucel, by Legl,et and Llopkins (Ref 6) and Yan der NeuL (Ref 7). The linearized equation2 for bvn"!in, z_uid stability of sandvii(,.h Shells basLA on this asl~;umption v.;-ere obtoined by Bi-inGzen (Rof 5). It is asswned L-li(at, in th(~ transverre direction t-he fillp)- i.-; unjefor-jied. Poisson's co(,fficientE; for :tll thi-ee layers of the ,--,bell are assmied equal. It is further asoumed that t'le shell. is curved and knol.-.,n oi~.,iplified foi.;iiulae a.-r-,e used for the deformations i,-,rL,,e deflocGions. Tide Uhickness, of the shell. is ne,,jecLed in compl-trison wish the radius of curvature. It is Shown that the non-linear behaviour of the sandwich shell cm be more or less ci-mificant than for a simple shell. of the thicimes:3, dept;ndirltll on the tensile strenLth and the dis-place"ient of the T11 iddle layei,. For swidwich. shells ith a filler of Card 2/3 avera,e rigidity, Lhe reauction c,,-Lp the sUien th after L3 Three-layered ';OV/24-58-3-17/37 on the Stability of/Ourved Cylindrical Shells in ComT)ression loss of stability ii; lesn than, that for simple ohells of the same thiclaiess. DiscussinG the same problem on the basis of a model of a compressed sandwich column with a number of supports having non-linear properties, Wang Chi-Thq.- and Rao (Ref 10) arrive at the incorrect conclusion thut Lho tendency to lozro in streri6th of sandwich shells in comparison with simple shells is explained by the reduced resistance to displacement of the middle layer. In fact this comes about due to the weakened responce of the raiddle layer to normal stresses. There are 10 references, 3 of which are Soviet? 6 English and 1 German, SUBMITTED; kpril 25, 1957 1, Cylindrical shells--Stability 2. Cylindrical sheels--Stresses 3. Mathematics Card 3/3 j 1A t,~ ~)_ -s (4 , N)L.,/M - 10); 14(10) PHASE I BOOK EXPLOITATION SOV/2606 VoproBy rascheta elementov aviatsionnykh konstruktsiy; raschet trekhaloynykh paneley i obolochek. Sbornik statey, No. 1 (Problems in Calculating kircraft Structural Elements; Cal- culating of Sandwich Panels and Shells. Collection of Articles, Mb, 1) Moscow, Oborongiz, 1959. 169 p. Errata slip inserted. 2,600 copies printed. Ed.: A.Ya. Aleksandrov, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor; Ed. of Publishing House; T.A. Valedinskaya; Tech. Ed.: V.P. Rozhin. PURPOSE: This collection of articles i6.intended for engineers and scientific workers concerned with stress analysis of aircraft structural elements. COVERAGE: The articles in this collection discuss problems in the structural analysis of sandwich panels with light cores, such as problems of the stability of curved panels, design of corei> with consideration of transversal tension (tear-off) and the results of panel-strength tests. In addition, pro- blems in the calculation of torsion and bending of a Problems in CalculatIng Aircraft (Cont.) SOV/2606 cylindrical shell reinforced by bulkheads are covered and the calculation.of unsteady temperatures In an I-beam element is considered. TABLE OF CONTENTS: 1. Aleksandrov, A.Ya.j and L.E. Bryukker. Strength Testing of Sandwich Panels With Foamed Plastic Cores 3 In order to check the methods of analysis worked out, the strength of sandwich panels with light cores of foamed plastics In long~tudlnal compression was Investigated experimentally. Results of the experiments are compared with the calculated data. Flat and cylindrical panels with nonreinforced and reinforced foamed plastics of the FK-type were tested. 2. Aleksandrov, A.Ya. Calculation of the Core of Sandwich Panels With Consideration of Transversal Tension (Tear- off) 14 This paper is concerned with systematic methods of stress analysis of the light core of sandwich panelg Card 2/7 Problems in Calculating Aircraft (Cont.) sov/26o6 with consideration of shear and transversal stresses (tear-off) which arise along the surface of the junction between the outer layers and the core. Calculation formulas were obtained for plates operating under longitudinal compression and longitudinal and transverse bending. 3. Kuxzhin,-L,,M. Large Deflections of a Cylindrical Sandwich Shell 39 A system of nonlinear equations for ultimate buckling of cylindrical sandwich shells is obtained by the variational method. The problem of longitudinal compression of a cylindrical sandwich panel simply supported along its four edges is solved according to the nonlinear theory. The results permit the conclusion that load reduction following loss of stability is smaller for sandwich shells with a light core than for single-layer shells of the same thickness. 4. Kurshin, L.M. Stability Under Compression of a Simply Supported Cylindrical Sandwich Panel and of a Cylinder With a Corrugated Core 51 Card 3/7 Problems in Calculating Aircraft (Cont.) sov/26o6 Stability equations are obtained for a cylindrical sandwich shell consisting of two thin outer layers and a corrugated middle layer. The problems of stability of a curved sandwich panel simply supported along its four edges and of a cylinder under compression are solved. 5: Kurshin, L.M. Stability Under Compression of a Curved Cylindrical Sandwich Panel the Transverse Edges of Which Are Fastened Vqiile the Longitudinal Edges Are Simply Supported This paper analyzes the stability of a cylindrical sandwich panel with a light isotxIopic core under uniform longitudinal compression for a case where the transverse edges are fastened and the longitudinal edges are simply supported. 6. Kurshin, L.M. On the Calculation of Bending Stiffness of the Outer Layer of a Curved Sandwich Panel Under Longi- tudinal Compression Card 4/7 69 8o Problems in Calculating Aircraft (Cont.) sov/26oo' A formula is obtained for calculating curved sand- wich panels under longitudinal compression with consideration of the natural bending stiffness of the outer layers. The domain Is established in which the assemption of this btiffness being equal to zero is applicable. 7. Galkin, S.I. Torsion of an Open Cylindrical Shell Rein- forbed by Buikheads 85 Torsion of an open cylindrical shell reinforced by bulkheads is considered in this paper. The solution is obtained without introduction of additional hypotheses aside from the general assumptions associated with representing the operation of an open shell as moment- less. On the basis of the solution the limits of applicability are shown of the hypothesis of warping which has been widely used in problems of calculating open shells under torsion. 8. Galkin, S.I. Torsion and Bending of a Circular Cylindrical Shell. Reinforced by Elastic Bulkheads 102 Card 5/7 Problems in Calculating Aircraft (Cont.) SOV/2606 This paper investigated the state of stress of a circular cylindrical shell which is reinforced by elastic bu2k- heads and loaded along the edges by an arbitrary system of axial and tangential forces. Calculation formulas are obtained which permit calculating all elastic-defor- mation components for various boundary conditions at the edges of the shell. The effect of self-balancing forces on the state of stress of the shell as a function of the stiffness of the bulkheads was investigated. It Is shown that the self-balancing stresses do not decay very rapidly; the zone of their propagation into the depth of the shell is practically equal to the length of the contour of the transverse cross section of the shell. A calculation example is given for a shell under torsion allowing for elasticity of the bulkheads. 9. Nazarov, N.I., M.S. Povarnitsyn, and Ye. V. Yurlova. Calculation of Unsteady Temperatures in an I-beam Element 142 This paper presents two methods of calculating the temperature fields in an I-beam element (representing, In this particular case, a typical part of a multilongeron Card 6/7 Problems in Calculating Al:.~craf t (Cont. ) sov/26o6 wing); 1) the method of direct Integration of the heat-conduction equations, and 2) the method of elementary equilibrium. Cases of symmetrical and. unsymmetrical heating of such elements through the outer flange surfaces are consIdered as well as the case of different thicknesses of flanges. Solution of the problem Is given under the assumption that physical characteristics of the material and the heat-transfer coefficients do not depend on temperature variation. AVAILABLE: Library of Congress I SIM- 9-- Card 7/7 11-24-59 ALSKSANDROV, A.Ta., prof., doktor tekhn.nauk, red.;. Kjg=TV T..JL_,-- kand.takhn.nauk. red.; MOROZOVA, F.B., izdat.rod.; ORE.'MINA, V.I., [Dosigning elements of aircraft structures; analyeia of sandwich panels and shells) Voprosy rascheta elementov aviatsionnykh konstruktaii; raschat trekholoinykh panelei i obolochek. Sbornik statei. Pod red. A.U. Aleksandrova i L.M.1urshina. Moskva# Gos.izd-vo obor.promyshl. No.2. 1959. 134 p. WRA 14:2) (Blastic plates and shells) (Airplanes--Doeign and construction) S/124/62/000/009/022/026 A0571,A101 AUTHOR: Kurshin, L. M. TITLE: Greater deflections of a triple-layer cylindrical shell PSUODI.CAL: Referativnyy zhurnal, Mekhanika, no. 9. 1962, 8, abstract 9V46 (In coilection: "Vopr. rascheta elementov.aviats. konstruktsiy. no. I", Moscow, Oborongiz, 1959, 39 50) TEXT: A system of non-linear differential equations was obtained for the final deflections of triple-layer cylindrical shells with rigid filler and car- rier layers of the same thickness by means of the variation method. The validity of the hypothesis by Kirchhoff-Loew was assumed in the deduction of equations for carrier layers, and the linear law of change of displacement 'In vertical direction assumed for the filler. The transversal compression of the filler was not cdn- sidered. The shell was considered to ~6e slanting, and for the deformation at the final deflections are used the known simplified equations. The material of the outer layers is uniform and isotropic, the filler transversally isotropic. Poisson's'ratios of all the three layers were taken as equal. The variation Card 1/2 S/124/62/000/009/022/026 Greater deflections of a triple-layer cylindrical shell A057/A101 equation of the triple layer shell is written in the form: (3(vl+v2+V 3) + SA + + ~QSwdxdy = 0 where V1, V2 = the potential energy of deformation of the upper and ottom layer respectively, V = potential energy of deformation of the filler, A = work of outer forces, appli2 to the contour of the triple layer panel, q = outer pressure, w = deflection. From the variation equation is obtained a system of five differential equations of equilibrium in displacements and boundary conditions. Introducing the function rP of stresses and function Y of displace- ments the author reduces the mentioned system to three differential equations in variables i,Y, and w. The problem of longitudinal compression of a triple- layer square cylindric panel, free resting along the found edges was solved ac- cording to the non-linear theory, and the function of deflection was selected in the form w = f sin IIX sin An equation was obtained which connects the a b value of the compression load and the magnitude of deflection in the middle of the panel. The conclusion is drawn that the decrease of the load after the loss of stability is smaller in triple-layer shells with light fillers, than in single- layer shells of the same thickness. Abstracter's note: Complete translation] T. 11. Vafsitsyna Card 2/2 KURSHIN, L. ~L Compressive strength of a freely supported cylindrical sand- wich panel and a cylinder with a corrugated filler. Top,rasch. alemoaviatsokonstr. no.1:51-68 159- (MIRA 13:6) 4 (Elastic plates and shells) KURSHIN, L.M. Compressive atrength of a curvilinear cylind-rical sandwich panel having fastened lateral edggs and freely supported longitudinal edges* Voperasch.elemeaviatsokonstr. no.1-:69-79 '59- (MIRA 13:6) (Blastic plates and shells) MMSHIN, L. M. Stability of cylindrical sandwich shells beyond the elastic limit. Voperascheelemeaviats.konstr. no.2:43-51 159- (KIU 13:6) (Elastic plates and shells) AT.RXSANMOV, A.Ye.,; XURSHIN. L.M. Compression of a roinforced plate# Vop.rasch.elemeaviato.konstr. no.2:114-124 159- (MIRA 13:6) (Elastic plates and shells) SOVII 79-59-3-29/4 5 AUTHORS: Bryukker, L. E. and Kurshin, L. M. (Novosibirsk) TITLE: The Static Derivation of the Equations of Bending of a Three-Layered Plate with Rigid Filling (0 vyvode staticheskim putem uravneniy izgiba trekhsloynykh plastin s zhestkim zapolnitelem) PERIODICAL: Izvestiya Akademii nauk SSSR, Otdeleniye telchnicheskikh nauk, Mekhanika i mashinostroyeniye, 1959, Nr 3, pp 167-168 (USSR) ABSTRACT: The outer layers of the plate are assuitted to be isotropic, and the middle layer orthotropic. Consideration of the bending moments, shearing forces and shear stresses in the three layers leads t6 the system of equations governing the bending of the plate previously derived by Grigolyuk (Ref 1). There are 1 figure and 1 Soviet reference SUBMITTED: February 13, 1959 Card 1/1 PHASE I BOCK EXPLOWTION SOV/4733 Alekeandrov, Avraam Yakovlevich, Leonid Eduardovich Bryukker, Lev Moiseyevich ~unhin, and Aleksandr Favlovich Prusakov Raschet trekholoynykh paneley (Calculations for Sandwich Panels). Moscow, Oborongiz, 1960. 270 p. Errata slip inserted. 1,600 copies printed. General Edo.: A. Ya. Aleksandrov, Doctor of Technical Sciences., Professor, and L,M. Kurshin, Candidate of Technical Sciences; Ed.: A.A. Goryainov, Candidate of Technical Sciences; Managing Ed.: A.S. Zaymovskaya, Engineer; Ed. of Publishing House i P.B. Mrozova; Tech. Ed. i N.A. I)ikhlikova. PUBPOSE: This book is intended for designers, scientific personnel, and students in related fields. COVERACIE: The book contains fo=ulas and diagrams for strength calculation of flat and curved sandwich panels with various cores (homogeneous foam-plastic type, ribbed, etc.) under various support conditions, and subjected to various combin- ations of loads. Data on selecting optimum parameters of panels and on strength testing of panels are included. The introduction and Chapters 3.1, 12, 13, 15, 27, and 28 were written by A. Ya. Aleksandrov; Chs. 6, 16, 17, 18, 19, 21, 23, 24.0 25, and 26 by L.E. Bryukker; Chs. 2, 3, 5, 8, 9, 10, 14, 20, part of Ch. 4 carj~V6 Calculations for Sandwich Panels SOV/4733 and part of Ch. 1 (Sections 1.5, 1.7, 1.8.2, 1.10, 1.11,and 1.12) by L.M. Kurshin; and Chs- 7, 22 of Ch. 4, and part of Ch. 1 (Sects. 1.1, 1.2., 1-3, 1.4o 1.6.* 1.8.1, 1.9, 1.13~ baby A.P. Prusakov. Materials supplied by N.I. Hazarov are used in Beet. 16.2 of Ch. 16, The authors thank S.F. Trof1move for her assistance. There are 136 references: 32 Soviet, 101 English, and 3 Ge TABLE OF CONTEMS: Conventional Symbols 3 Introduction 7 PAIRT I. STABIL3!rY OF SANDWICH PANELS Ch. 1. Stability of Sandwich Plates With a Light [Low-Rigidy) TAotropic Core 13 Ch. 2. Stability of Sandwich Plates With a Light Orthotropic Core 30 Ch. 3. Stability of Sandwich Plates With Rigid Isotropic Core 36 Ch. 4. Stability of Sandwich Plates With Rigid Orthotropic Core and Orthotropic External Layers 44 Card~:l KUZNETSOV, A,,P,, Olovasiblrsk),- KURSHIII) L.M. (Novosibirsk) Solutiono bei;4d an the theory of strengthening to certain problma-c&,~,the ~stdbility of plates and shells in conditions of creep. ', "-,-n'O'.4/A449 N-D '60. (MIRA 14-7) (t,..Iastio plates and shells) (Creep of materials) t t~_,Jhj 4,i (4- BOROVSKIY, P. V. PHASE I BOOK EXPLOITATION SO V16 206 Konferentsiya po teorli plastin I obolochek. Kazan', ig6o. Trudy Konforontaii po teorii plastin i'oboloch6k.' 24-2b okty'abrva 1960. (Transa6tions of,the Conference.on the Theory of;Plates and Sholls Hold In Kazan', 24 to 29 October 1960 Kazan'. P'l [Izd-vo Kazanskogo gosizdarstvennogo univorsitetai-1961. 4 1000 copies printed. Sponsoring Agency: Akademiya nauk SSSR Kazanskiy filial. Kazanakiy gosudarstvonnyy univeraitatlim. V. 1: Ullyanova-Lenina. Editorial Board: Kh. .M. Mushtarl, Editor; F. S. Isianbayeva, Secretary; N. A. Alumyao, V. V. Bolotin, A. S. Vollmir, N.iS. Clanlyev, A. L. Golidonveyzen N. A. Kilichavskiy, M.~ S. Kornlchin~ . A I Luxilyq, 0. N. Savin, A. V. Sachonkov,' 7 V. SvirBkiy, R: G: Surkin, and A. P. Filippov. Ed.: V. 1: Aleksagi3a;* Tech. Ed.-:- Yu. P. Semenov. PURPOSE: The collection of artl6lee Is Intended'for edientlata'and engineers ~ho are Interested in the analysis of strength and stability of-aholla. Card 1/14 Transactions of the Conference Nont.) SOv/6206 COVERAGE: The book is a collection of articles delivered at the Conference on Plates and Shella hold in Kazanl from 24 to 29 October 1960. The articles deal with the mathcmatfoal theory of platos and shells and its application to the solution, in both linear and nonlinear formulations, of. problpma ct bending, static and dynamic stability, aad vil;ration of rogulf-r!.and sandwich plates and shellb 6f Virious shapoa under varioui loadings in-the elastic and plastic regions. Andlya5z,io made of the behavior of plates and shells in fluids,# and the effect of croep of the material'is considereO. A:humbo~ of papers discuss problems associated.with the devolopmont of effective mathematical.-mothods-for..solving problems In the theory of-shelli. Some of the reports propose algorithms for-the solution of problems with'the aid of'olectronia computers. A total of,one hundredi reports and notes were presented and discussed during the con- ference. The reports are arranged alphabetically (Russian) by the author's name. Card 2/14 2, Traneac,vions of (Cont.) SOVA20� Kordauhznko, A, B. SYLation o,, Dy Problem for Soctor-Shapod avid Tapttval Plat*3 186 Kox-iishin, M. S,, V,-Id 13. A. KarIImbv4. M6thbd for" Solution Of SYgtons of Finite -Difference Equations of Banding of Flnta3 191 Korniahin, M. S., and E. N. Saflullina. Applioailon of tho Method of Succassiva Approximations to tho Invostigation of Large Deflections of a Circular Plate and an Extremely ShIllow Spherical Segment, 199 Kosukhin, A. K. On the Problem of Analysis of Thin- Walled Thrae-DImensiora.1 Structures as Systems of Joined Plates 2o.4 Kurshin, L. ~. Stability of Wing Panels Under Unsteady Aerodynamic Heating 209 Lepiks Yu. R. Large Deflections of Circular Rigid- Plastic Plates Clamped by Their Circumference 215 Card 8/14 S/124/62/ooo/oo9/o26/o26 A057/A101 AUTHOR: Kurshin, L. M. TITLE: Stability of the panel of a wing at non-stationary aerodynamic heating PERIODICAL: Referativnyy zhurnal, Mekhanika, no. 9, 1962, 49, abstract 9V371 ("Tr. Konferentsii po teorii plastin I obolochek, 1960", Kazan', 1961, 209 - 214) TEYT: It is assumed that the initial temperature is equal in all points. The heating occurs because of the heat exchange with the external me2cx/k, it will 1-..e accelerated. A rod will be in a critical atate whell tile disturbance applied gives rise to a non-retarded, disturbed motion, whereas any disturbance applied somewhat earlier will cause a retarded, disturbed motion. This critical creep deformation is giver, by 1 61 Pk = 2o( En . This definition differs from that by Yu. N. Rabotnov et al. (Prikl. matem. i mekh. no. ~ (1957); The Theory of Creep and its Applications, Plasticity, 1960) in the character of forced motion and in the formulation of the criterion of stability. The value of pk calculated here is twice as high as that calculated by Rabotnov. The appl i3ation of the foregoing to the stability problem of a plate is discussed in detail. Card 2/3 1 28726 9/020/61/140/003/005/020 Stability of rods and plates ... B104/B125 There are 2 referenoesi I Soviet and i non-Soviet. PRESENTEDi May 15, 1961, by Yu. N. Rabotnov, Academician SUBMITTED% May 10, 1961 Card 3/3 ALPMANDROV, Avraam Yakovlevich., prof.; BORODINI Mikhail Yakavlevich; PAVLOV, Viktor Vasillyevich; KURSM14j L & -kand. tekhn.nauk, _, t red.; GORTSUYEVAp N.A... red.*Izd a; NOVIK, A.Ya., tekhn. red. (Elements with foamed plastic filters] Konstruktsii s zapolnite- liami iz penoplastov. Pod obshchei red. A.IA.Aleksandrova. Moskva, Oborongiz, 1962. 186 p. NRA 15:7) (Plastic foams) (Sandwich construction) 7 3 3/207/62/000/001/014/018 B104/B108 AUTHOR: Kurshin,_E. 1. _L__C~qvosibirsk) TITLE: The stability of plates in creep conditions PERIODICAL: Zhurnal prikladnoy mekhaniki i tekhnicheskoy fiziki, no. 1, 1962, 93 - 101 TEXT: The deflections caused by perturbations occurring at different moments are examined on a plate subjected to uniform stress. The equation of state for the plate in creep conditions is i g(pi,cri)ai (1.1). The relations 3 PiJ=Yg(P,'d,)a1J*' pu = P-1i - ~G- 01) (1.2) are presumed between the components bij of the tensor of creep deformation rate and the stress deviator a* . Presuming that in small deflections ij stress and deformation across the plate change only little, Eqs. (1.1) and Card 1/3 The Btability of plates ... (1.2) are linearized: S/207/62/000/001/014/018 B104/BIOB 6pi a6pi + g(b + 1) &;j . tj E 2g6cj* + -152 (abpj -1 gb6cj) 2 ai a = a (ci, pi) c, A b = b (c., p,) OP, g d3i The equation of the perturbed motion is derived in the form E).-jt-v-L [L' (AA--!AA)(w-w-)-Lj(-Aw]- ) Zi 1, 4h' (3.8), where 3 E it + -%, 2-) AA (w 0 T ( J1. d2 2 a2 8 0 2bL --2:- 1 , D Eh w - deflection, w - 11 ax2 12 ax ay 22 a 2 � perturbation (initial deflections- The initial conditionjor this equation is Card 2/3 2ho, Aw* 0 (3-0). S/207/62/000/001/014/018 The stability of plates ... B104/B108 Wis.= w when t - t*, Othe instant of time at which the perturbation is applied. From these equations three more can be derived for ww, 0*, and V*~of the perturbed motion at time t - t*. In order to determine the limit of stability of the plate, the condition Vt. 0 which satisfies the perturbed motion must be included in these equations. There are 2 figures and 2 Soviet references. SUBMITTED: August, 1961 Card 3/3 S/207/62/000/003/01 1/0 16 1028/1228 AUTHOR: Kuznetzov, A. P. and Kurshin, L. M. (Novosibirsk) TITLE: Stability of circular cylindrical shells undcr.conditions of creep PERIODICAL: Zhurnal prikladnoy mcklianiki i tekhnicheskoy fiziki, no. 3, 1962, 66-72 TEXT: The problem or stability under conditions of creep is treated on the basis of an analysis of the acccle- rations of disturbed motions. Ths state of the cylindrical shell is considered as unstable if the velocity of (he disturbcd motion produced at a given moment under the influctlec ofa disturbance increaic~; %kith, tittle. The equations determining the velocity and acceleration at the initial moment of thedisturbed motion arctsta- blished. and the equations of stability obtained from them. These equations are solved for the case of longi- tudinal compression. There are 2 figures. SUBMITTED: November 28, 1961 Card 1/1 I 7~ 9 S 20Y62~000/005/009/012 B125 B10 A - Kurshin.,_.L. M. (Novosibirsk) AIMOR: TITLE: Solution to stability problems of plates in the presence of creep according to the quasistationary theory PERIODICAL: Zhurnal prikladnoy mekhaniki i tokhnicheskoy fizikil no- 51 1962, 154-158 TEXT: The initial oonditione for the disturbed motion of a rod if r - 0 (x is the deflection of the rod) are generalized for plates. From the linearized equation of state formula Hn p* Y (p) dp ..P-. V. (1.6) Card 1/4 Solution to stability problems ... s/2o7/62/000/005/009/012 B125/B102 follows for a small hinged rod. This corresponds to a disturbed motion under quasistationary conditions. The stability limits (kp - a) correspond to the minimum of the function ek(P-1") k- (P) P-EI ) - a is the stress, p is the creep deformation, E is the total deformationt 6p and 6a are small increments of p and 6 added to the thickness of the rod; I is the moment of inertia of the cross section. At the initial instant of time t w t*1 p = p and (6p) P-p 6p he creep deformation is 6p bE %'*IF. with 6:-: ZW W is the initial deflection. For a xx* plates the equation of state with allowance for creep is Si - 9(piv Ci)ai- The relations (3/2)g(p,, a,)doo and p,j - Eij - 600/2G ~'old between ij the components (1 00 of the stress deviator and the components of the tensor ij of the rates of creep deformation. When such a plate is subject to a certain disturbance the creep deformation bp ace 6p* arises. After i ij ii Card 2/4 5/207j62/000/005/009/012 Solution to stability problems B125/BI02 h integration over the thickness (S 6p 4( zdz) the equation p, - -(2/3)OAL~*M"/E -h 3 (2.12) follows with M* --(3/4)DPAcd.' D (8/9)Eh a11a2/ax2 + 2a 12a2/dxay + a22a2/a/ h is ~he thickness of the plate. is its deflection for p P** These conditions together with Cis 3D (w.0 + 2 (2. G,* OD (w,,V* + -1 w= 0) 13) D and Gjxxs + + 211,1= - 5DAAtv* (2.15~ determine the motion at which the time derivative of the deflection vanishes for a certain value of pi. The relaxation caused by the initial creep is taken into account by the factor P. Where cylindrical stability Card 3/4 3/207/62/000/005/009/012 Solution to stability problems ... B125/B102 is lost by the compression of a hinged plate, p* - (I - 6o)aOi/o.En. For a hinged square plate (compressed in two directions by equal forces) P" 0 - 00)3aa,/do(i + 17,n):-:. For a long hinged plate homogeneously i loaded in a longitudinal direction, S~ 3OL::i Pt (i-31 -3.)1;. 0 - ai/(,e where ae is the intensity of stress associated with loss of elastic stabil ity. SUBMITTED: May 26, 1962 Card 4/4 KURSHIN, L.M., kand.takhn.nauk (Novosibirsk) Survey of works on the design of sandwich plates and shells. RaBoh.prostr.konstr. no.7:163-192 162. (MIRA 15W (Sandwich construction) 1111-a AID Nr. 967-17 15 May DERIVATION OF VARIATIONAL EQUATIONS FOR SHALLOW CYLINDRICAL SHELL WITH REGARD TO THERMAL STRESSES (USSR; Kurshin, I, M. Izvestiya vysshikh uchebnykh zavedeniy. Aviatsionnaya le'khnika,no. 1, 1063, 151-156. S/147/63/000/001/018/020 The derivation of variational equations fo~ the relation between the force and deflection of a heated thin shallow cylindrical shell in the range of finite de- flections is presented. The initial equations are comprised of 1) expressions in the finite- deflection theory of shallow shells describing the basic relation- ships between the normal forces (acting In the middle surface of the shell) and moments on one hand and displacement components on the other hand, and 2) the equilibrium equation. The thermal stresses are taken into account in accordance with Neumann's ~ypothesie and with the assumption of preserva- tion of the straightness of normals to the middle surface. Stability equations are obtained,vestigating the instant of occurrence of a nonunique solution of the problem, J. e. , when the difference between two successive stateB of Card 1/2 AID Nr 967-1T 15 may DERIVATION OF VARIATIONAL EQUATIONS [Cont,d) B/147/63/000/001/018/020 e~u'__1libr1'u_m is infinitely small, -The variational equations are.derived by ap- plying the principle of virtual displacements and by introducing two potential- energy functions, one in terms of forces and the other in terms of displace- ments. These equations are reduced to a sipgle equation in which the varia- tions in deflections and forces satisfy the geometric and static boundary con- ditions, respectively. Formulation of the conoitions for buckling is discussed from the energy point of view, "d a c.orresponding equation of stability is given. JVK) Card 2/2 VOLIMIR, Arnolld Stiteyevich. Prinimall uchastiye: TRAPEZIN, I.I.; - AUKHIN -M,; SNITKO, I.K., red.; BRUDNO, K.F., tekhn. red. ,__4, (Stability of 61astic systems] Ustoichivost' prugikh sistem. Moskva, Fizmatdis, 1963. 879 p. (MIRA 16:7) (Elastic bolids) V(4) JD/E9 ACCESSION NR-. AR4045241 S/0124/64/000/007/VO35/VO36 SOURCE: Ref. zh. Mckhanika, Alw. 7V268 AUTHOR. KurshinLM TITLE. OAC possible approach to the problem of the stability of rods under creep conditions CITED SOURCE: Sb. Polzuchest'IdUtetn.' prochaost'. Novosibirsk, Sib. old. AN SSSRI TOPIC TAGS:- rod, stability, rod creep, bending strength, compressed rod, hinge supported rod TRANSLATIOW As the source of perturbation causing the bending of a centrally compressed rod, the author considers a spread In the values of the creep constant of. the material throughout the rod. It is assumed that at each point In the rod the following equation describing the state Is valid: TIE wherefts, the stress, 6 is the complete deformation; p is the creep deforniatton; and A,Oke., 1/2 L 17654-65 ACCESSION NR-.--AR4045241 nare variable parameters. "Assurning,that the values p,d, A, n differ only to a. small degree along the rod section the author linearizes Eq. I by variation and, after sub- stituting the varible p for the variable t (time), he accepts the initial condition Wp)p 0 - 0 and obtains the Integral of the linear equation in the form at-da/5-P-'f 1(44q) 6a + 6AIA Here p, ~', A, n, andKare the mean values of the corresponding magnitudes;S pl-,,are small increments; andCA, Sn, S -, are random co-ordf nate functions. At this point the author applies the hypothesis of plane sections, and the buckling of a hinge-supported rod is sought In the form 4j.;21 V(p) sin (r(xll-) , where /Js the length of the rod. After Ultegratiol-L fol. 'x by the Gaterkin mcthod,'l,(p) is found by quadratura formulae. The random functions A, n, i:A , found in the expression for 1r (p), must be obtained through the statistical processing of a large number of tensile strength tests under creep conditions. Attention is callcd to the importance of studying the creep parameter spread as a function of the c.lmensions of the samples tested. As a stability criterion, it is suggested that a buckting %alue be given, at, which the serviceability of a rod may be considered to be practically o.N1--austed, and that the critical time be determined by using, the expression found forlclp). B. M. Broude. '*UB CODE; ME; AS i ENCL: 00 Cord2/2 ACCESSION NR: AT4010249 S/3052/63/000/003/0211/0219 AUTHOR; Kurshin, L. M. (Novosibir6k) TITLE: i,h"e-,rm'~a"l,-s,t"a"b,illty of cylindrical shells equipped with cooled didphragms SOURCE: AN Mu'SSR Institut mekhaniki. Teployy*ye napryazhentya v elementakh konstruktsiy; nauchnoye soveshchanlye. Doklady*, no. 3, 1963, 211-219 TOPIC TAGS; shell, cylindrical shell, thermal stability, shell thermal stability, cylindrical shell thermal stability, diaphragm. cooled diaphragm, shell thermal stability diaphragm dependence, shell elastic limit ABSTRACT: Several Investigations dealing with the question of the thermal stabi- lity of cylindrical shells equipped with cooling diaphragms have appeared In the literature during recent years. it Is known that heating of a cylindrical shell. with a frame restraining its thermal expansion produces circumferential compres- sion stresses which may result In the loss of Its stability. The thermal stabil- ity of clamped cylindrical shells was investigated by W. Zuk. but the results ob- tained by W. Zuk cannot be accepted for long shells, because of the rough approxi- mation of circumferential and bending stresses; his value for the coefficient K differs substantially from the value of 6.41 obtained in the present paper. The attempt by Jones to improve the results of Zuk's analysis was not successful, Card 1/3 ACCESSION NR: AT4oiO249 since his value for K was 12-7. The present paper presents a solution for the problem of the thermal stability of circular cylindrical shells with tubular diaphragms (for circulation of the cooling liquid.) The author analyzes a semi- Infinite Sihell, since the tensions resulting In the loss of shell stability at- tenuate with distance from the diaphragm, including cases In which the shell either is clamped or rests freely on the diaphragm. In the solution of the prob- lem, use is made of stability equations which take into consideration the state of the shell preceding the loss of stability. The critical temperature during heating of a shell with a diaphragm Is given by: k h (i _V) where R is the radius of curvature, -(- the coefficient of linear expansion, T - temperature, and K - 6.41 for a clamped shell and 12.2 for a shell resting on the hinge. The critical value of the temperature as found by formula (1) is sufficiently large so that the solution of problems Involving performance of the material beyond the elastic limit has no particular meaning. The reason for this is that in the performance of a shell material in the area of maximum stress, as encountered beyond the elastic limit, the rigidity of the frame itself Is de- creasing and the shell becomes more pliable. To prove the above statemento a Card 2/3 ACCESSION NR: ATW0249 special experiment was conducted to determine the actual behavior of material under conditions beyond the elastic limit. For a clamped shell, the calculated value of the critical temperature (according to formula 1) was 440C. Actually, no loss of stability was observed at 620C. "The author would like to thank Engineers N. G. Chet-ny*shev and V. N. Nikonova for helping with the calculations. and Engineer A. G. Zagorskly for doing the experimental work." Orig. art. has: 26 formulas. ASSOCIATION: Institut mekhaniki AN UkrSSR (Institute of Mechanics, AN UkrSSR) SUBMITTED: 00 DATE ACQ: 17Jun63 ENCL: 00 SUB CODE: AP NO REF SOV: 000 OTHER: 003 Cord 313 11MIMMOV, A.P.; MIIIN, L.M.; LIPOVTSLV, YU.V. (Novosibirsk) "On the solution of the problem of creep buckling of shell on the basis of geometrically non-linear theory". report presented at the 2nd All-Union Congress on Theoretical and AD lied Mechanics, Moscow) 29 Jan - 5 Feb 64. GRIGOLYTK, E.I.1 XURSKIIII, L. M. ;FILISKINSKY, L.A.(I'Ovosibirsk) ON a method of solving biperiodical prcIblems of e-lastic-4ty". report prescnted at the 2nd All-Union- Congroso on Theoretical and Applied 1~ lechanics, Moscow, 29 Jan - 5 Feb 6h. ACCESSION NRs AP4026955 S/0256/64/004/001/0060/0068 AUTHORSt Oalkinat A. P. (Novosibirek); Kurshin, Le H, (Nmaibirsk)j Styftsyuks V. 1. (Novosibirsk) TITLE: Stability of a heated fasbened plate under displacement SOUXE: Inzhonerny*y zhurnal, ve h. no* 1, 1964, 60-68 TOPIC TAGS: stability,, heated platej, fastened plate, square plate, plane fora of equilibrium, curved form of equilibrium, temperature stress, bifurcation deflection! ABSTWiCT.- The authors consider the case of instability of a curved form'of equilibrium (caused by preliminary heating) in contrast to the usual f oz-Vadation of plate stability problems involving instability of the plane form of equilibrium for a heated square plate with fastened contours under displacement# Graphical comparisons are made between experimental data and tho numerical results derived in the paper. Orig. art-* hass 6 figures and 33. forailan, ASMIATION t now Card 1/2 ACC=:roN M 2 AP40.2695.5 SuBxr~- 'tat 19Aug62 . . DATE AcQ, uApr64 SUB CODBI AP - . . NOR& WVS 0044 d .-.- . EXCL 1 0() OTMRI boo li Card 2/2 GRIGOLYIP., MOM, L.M. ; PRISPKIN, V.I,. Peffincirant or the hypothesIs of plane reflection. Dokl. All SSSR L 155 no.l-.65-66 Mr 164. (MIRA 17:4) 1. Irctitut gidromeRhaniki Sibirskogo otdelliniya AN MO. I ~. Chlon-korrespoildent All SSSR (for GrIgolywk). GRIGOLYUK, E.I. (Novosibirsk); 'YTIRSHIN) L.1'.1. (Novosibirsk); FILISHTINSKIY, L.A. (Novosibirsk) Method for solving doubly periodic problfms in the theory of elasticity. Prikl. mekh. 1 no.1:22-31 10. (KIRA 18: 5) 1. Sibirskiy nauclino-issledo-, tel'skiy Institut. L 6481q_6,~ ACOEMON NR. AT5017588 EWA(h)/ET9(m) IJP(c) UR/(Qik~ /%280/0267 HtIW O~IJDAIWIEMIGS Imovosibirilk) AUMORSt Kuznatacv A. ffovoeibirak)l Kurshint L, M, TITLEI On calculating the stability of ahelle in conditions of creak ~LOOOTding to :the theory-of aging Vseaoyurz"a konferentsiya, pa problomam untoychivasti Y atroitellnOY mekhamikep Koacowj 1963. Problemy ustayohivosti Y stroitellnoy mekhani!ce (Problem J. of stability in atruotural mechanics)i trudy konferentsii. Roacoir, Str~Vizdat, 1965,1 260-267 'Topic TAM creep c1taraoteristic, cylindrical shall, shall structure stabilityt 'ehell theoryo shall structure buckling,/ D16T pllo:r 1-6 'ABSTRAM The-authore conducted experimental atudiae- an the stability of thin cylindrical shells under longitudinal, compression and under creejP-~(mditiona. The 'pxperiments were performed -on specimens cut from tubea of Juminum alloy D16T. Brief commnts:on the test ~hs observations includet on I Fur j4 durin6 loadinK11 no appreciable dents appeared~for a long period of time. ortly bdrorethe failure of the ohall a dent appeared on its eurfacel the dent developed until % "snap" 9cm-redl signifying the virtual destruction of the shall.. The time lapse-between Initial loading and the failure snapping is from 10 to 19% greater than the time I Card 1/3-. L 6481o-6,5 ACCEaSIO11 Mt: AT5017588 C7 'lapse to the moment of dent appearance. The loss of stability by- this type of Tailure occurafor both subcri~icai and,suparoritica'I. loadingl, hence the ensuing OMP t for geometric nonlinearity. Some ,treatment of ahell stability att to to accoun :recent approaches to the problem are revieved. The authors' own treaimenl~ involves ithe hypothecis of aging. Solutioa.ia,achieved on the basis of equations.deacribing ,the behavior of the shell under, creep. conditions. L dual-layered shell model, used Tor simylicity, has an oute.- layer of thickness and an interlayer of length 2h. War displacements are givan*by the'equationa U U (h 2 T_ _Ii6 the -addle 6urface of the shell, and ir where ul v, and w are referred Ldices "B" iand 1111 refer to the upper and lower.bwing layers, Deformation of ahell. layers ici given by 1.. I- - - -- . ..4 . ~6 Ili's ell + (tr +.: I -) I 1,2. ere 12 Wl 2 + -U*; 2 + W2 - 2 Card R___ L 6481o-65, ;ACCESSION NRg LT50IT588 CM U + v ____2 ~uy r .Other equations describe creep deformations and streaa componentaf rorces, and. and a solution i's demonstrated for a particular parameter setting. Con- oluaions obtained from the. calculations are in agreement with experimental data and with earlier work*' Orig. art, hast 21 equations and I figure. AS-SOCIATIONt Taesoyummy& hnfarentgiya po problemam ustoychivooti v stroiteltnoy mekhanike scow (All-Union Conferenoe on Problems of Stability in StruGtural :Vechan ics .7TBMM7n: 42FOO M MCM 00 BUB Co 10 NO M SOVI 001 OTHMt 001 . ......... t 60-02-3~65 rf XM b ~R/6026/65/163/00* 1/0046'/004-q"-------- iACCESSIO-N, INR: AP5018070 AUTHOR- Kurshin, L.M. J3 i TITLE: Formulatioa of the problem of~~slf'bulging during creep ;:SOURCE.- AN SSSIR. Doklady, v. 163, no, 1, 1965, 46-49 TOPIC TAGS; shQ11 bulging, shen creep,.creep theory, elasticity theo ABSTRACT: One of ft previous formulations for determining stabill uring c _Kqep~deals writh the bulging of a rod, plate, or shell under, a load in the presence n N-atialir regularities (see, e. g, , r. K. Odq'u1st, J. Appl. Mechr, 23, no. 3, 1956; V. L Rozenblrum illnzh, sbm". , 18, 1954 - for the case of rods; N. J. 11off, %V. E. Jahsman, W. Nachbarj J. Aero Space Sat. , 26,* no. 10,, 1959; A. S. VoUrnir'. Ustoychivostl upruglidi sintem, M. 1963 - for the case of sheLia). The present paper investigates hvo new formulations of shell bulging daring creap by developing the initial Irregularities by means of equations which talw into account geometrical nonlinear relationships. The equations are derived under the assumpUon that Ube stresses and deformations within. the sholl during creep differ only littlo from the stresses and deformationsof the basic momentleas atate. ThIspermitathe 'linearization of the pbysica.1- -ralaticinshipi relative to the basic state; in both alternatives i the determination of the sag and. stresses In the flat shell Is carried out via a system of two Card L 37128-66 alT (d.11ANT (w) /ETqP ?) LJ !, I G') ACC NR: AT6011753 SOURCE CODE: UR/0000/65/000/000/0106/0157 AUTHOR: Kursliln, L. Al. (Doctor of technical sciences) ORG! None TITLE- Equations for sloping and non-sloping sandwIch-tvpc sl!elk SOURCE: Raschety elernentov aviatsionnykit konstr.iktiiy, vyl). 3: Treldisloynyye pancli I obolocliki (Calculation of aircraft construction cleniuntri, no. 3-. 'Sandvich panels and shells). Moscow, Izd-vo Mashinostroyeniye, .1965, 106-157 TOPIC TAGS: shell structure, shell theory, sandwich structure ABSTRACT: This paper reviews (love lopinents in saidw(ch -,diell 0wory. Riii;hvich shelk with light filler are considered. A chiracteristi6*1eaturk, of Is, the pwisibilft~y of disregarding the rigidity of Uic filler In a direction parallel to the external layer,,3. The longitudinal forces and moments in a structure with Pght fillcr are cornpensated by the outer layers which act as carrying or support layers. This lei it possible to bar-oduce ,;; iurallel to the ceritor surt- r-i an assumption concerning Uic absence In the filler of 8treysq,9?1'~ of the sholl. The Introduction of this aRsuniption makc-13 ff-p-ossiblf- to ol)L-iln integrals of a three-dimensional problem of elasticity for the center layer. By skibordinating these Card 1/ 2 UDC 629.13.011. 1:62-41. 539.4 L 37128-66 ACC NR: AT6011753 integrals to the conditions of coupling to t titer lavers (which are regarded iu; thin elastic shells), two-dimensional equationsVor the sandwich shell are obtained. Li these equations allowance is made foiT-tfic ;~-ro-Trk-of the filler on deflection and transverse deform- ations. The obtitined equations are Integrated as a function of houndiry and load conditiona A generalization is then made of certain equations, derived earlier by the sanic author, to include the more general situations of sloping sandwich shells with rigid filler of Sym- metrical and unsymmetrical structure. Within the filler a linear law for the change of the tangential displacements is assigned. Through the Introduction of functions of the same type as in the equations for light-filled shells, the number of equations Is reduced. An analysis of special boundary conditions Is provided. Shells of unsymmetrical structure are considered. The equations are transformed without the Introduction of the assumption of the equaRty of the Poisson factors of the layers. Some estimations of this assumption: are presented. Orig. art. has; 201 formulas, SUB CODE: 13 SU13M DATE- 25Oct65 / ORIG REF: 032 / OTH REF: 012 Card 2/2 af L 37 0-66 EWT(d)/EWT(m)/WF(v)/8U(V)/Ee(k) IJP(c) V&/NqJT/C[D/Rjj ACC NR: AT6011754 SOURCE CODE: UR/0000/65/000/000/0168/0169 AUTHOR: Kurshin, L. Al. (Doctor of technical sciences) ORG: None /_31 I/ ~ t4 .I TITLE: Stability of cylindrical sandwich shells under compression, pressure and thV combined effect of pressure and-657m-pression SOURCE: Raschety elementov aviatsionnykh konstruktsiy, vyp. 3: Trekhslo e panell I ynyy obolochki (Calculating of aircraft construction elements, no. 3: Sandwich panels and shells). Moscow, lzd-vo Mashinostroyeniye, 1965, 158-169 TOPIC TAGS: shell structure, sandwich structure, shell structure stability, shell deformation, cylindric shell ABSTRACT: In this paper the solutions of the stability problems are based on the equations of the theory of both curved and uncurved shells. The solutions are obtained with consider- ation of the moment work of the outer layers. Also used Is a case of lost shell stability under compression with the formation of long waves. A solution Is derived which resem:- bles Southwell's solutiop '.)r single-layer shells. The author also obtaint3 solutions for shells under external pressure and under the joint effect of pressure and compression. Card 1/2 UDC 629. 13. 011. 1:62-43:539. 4 L 3MO-M ACC NR: AT6011754 3 Taking part in the computational part of this work were Engineer L. P. Dentsova and pro- grammers . L. F. Ivannikova and V. P. Karyakin. Orig. art. has: 16 figures iR IS form- ulas. SUB CODE: 13 / SUBM DATE: 250ct66 /,,ORIG REF: 002 OTH REF: 003 Card 2/2 37126-66 ACC NR: AT6011755 SOURCE CODE: IJR/0000/(35/000/000/0170/0168 AUTHOR. Kurshin, L. M. (Doctor of technical Heiences); Lamper,--R.. Yo.; lJpovtsev, Yu. V. ORG: None V + TITLE: Calculating the stability of sandwich panels beyond the limit of proportionaWy SOURCE: Raschety elementov aviatsiorutykh konstruh-'65iy, vyp. 3- Trekhsloynyye panell I obolocliki (Calculation of aircraft construction elements, no. 3-. Stn(i'A0h pftreli and shells). Moscow, Izd-vo Mashinostroyeniye, 1965, 170-188 TOPIC TAGS: shell structure stability, shell structure, sandwich structiire, shell deformation ABSTRACT, The authors study the possibility of an approxhivite ml-ulation ol*,~iqndivieh layers for stability beyond the limit of proportionality by Ineans of silllp~e forlnul~'s in a manny al as to reduce the problem of the calculation it) the determination of a oroical stress,1 stuning elastic working of the material and to a certain of thi8 vafli;p to Troke st-11 ilify CL Into a rated stress. With this kind of approach It becomes possible '')1 11. culations for sandwich structures beyond the limit of proportionality even In those ra(,es for which solutions are available only within the liniltn of proportionality. Jri order Card 1/ 2 - UDC629.13.011.1:62-41:539.4 L 37126-66 ACC NR: AT6011755 the problem of the selectimi rf qn approximate formula, a soltition Is ,ften to two prohler.,,s of sandwich panels beyond the limit of proportionality- for a hinge-fastened panel 1~,!Ider ~T2TpEesslqn and for a long panel with deflection, The eqwttlons employed werp obtatio,d elsewhere Gy- the authors, on the assumption that plastic deformation takes pl"I ce only .in the support layers, whereas the fillerworks within the limits of elasticity. Atthesarne ti-me, ~on the basis of the conception of a continuing load It is postulated that the stalAlity loss L-I- not accompanied by unloading and that the plastic deformation Is everywhere active. Thl, external layers of the panel are considered to be non-moment, w16 the filler working only on the deflection and not taking on normal stresses. Certain variations of the approxtmata formulas for the determinatJon of the critical stresses are also considered. A comparison. Is made between experimental data and the results of a calculation of critical stresses ac- cording to an approximate method outlined In the paper. Fquations are presented for cal- culating the stability of sandwich panels in the event that the stresses in the filler are out- side the limit of proportionality. Orig. art. luis; 20 figures and 26 formulas. SUB CODE: 13 SU13M DATE: 2SOct65 ORIG REP: 006 OT11 REP: 001 Card 2/2 af , L 04110-67 E74P(k)/174T(d)/FWT(M)/EgP(W)/"-;WPkv) IJP(c) ACC N" AR6032361 SOURCE CODE., . VR/0264/66/000/007/AO08/AO09 AUTHOR: Kurshin,,_L. _ML;',Denisova, L. P. TITLE: Stability of triple-layer cylindrical shells -tinder torsion 4-k SOURCE: Ref. zh. Vozdushnyy transport, Abs. 7A59 RE F SOURCE: Sb. Raschety elementov aviats, konstruktsii, Vyp. 4. M. Mashinostroyeniye, 1965, 152-156 TOPIC TAGS: shell structure, cylindric shell structure, asymmetric shell structtire, shell structure stability, cylindrical shell, torsion stress, cylindrical shell stability ABSTRACT: A study was made of the stability of a closed cylindrical sandwich shell under torsion. A solution which is based on equations for steep shells and which takes into account the work moment of the outside layers is obtained. The stability of hinged shells of finite length under torsion is examined. It is demon- strated that a transition to a rigid filler and a shell of asymmetrical structure is achieved in the same way as in the case of a long shell. [Translation of abstract'j SUB CODV,_,- 13/ Card 1 / 1 K11 T 1p p i:es M, SONS11T, L.V. "w~,_- Extrapolation reflexes in birds. Uch. zap. Mosk. un. no.197:IL5-159 158, (MIRA 11:9) (Birds--Habits and behavior) (Reflexes)