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AU211ORS: Kuroyedov,,,,4.1.1 Candidate of Philosc,;)hical ~`ciences, ana Delorala'matik, 3cientific iorlker TITLE: Facts Refute `0echnolo--ical jetermirii~;ia" 1 .110DICjLL: 11auka i zhizal, 1959, "r V, i)l-, 40-1114 OL;,_ L L I -ern pldlozophica' doctrine ABS"ru (;T: The article describes the best I "Technical Determinism" and r;_,futes it as lbeiri_ totally virong. In 1950, the nu,Mluer o'L inventors :-nd eff !ziericy experts who mude purtincut ou - -e.,,tions, includin- a ut07 mation, aLiounted to 555,000, whr,~rea3 in 1955, this nu..-ijer came Lo 1,131,000. By a ,_reat "jump" to-aard, auto- mation will be made in the U~3~Ail vlith aL lea~3t 1,30C lv2v; automatic lines to be in--tallcd in industry. 2here are 4 sketches and 5 Sovie-~, refereiices. 1A. ~,)e A13-.0TMOIT: l,,GU imeni Lomonosova (!.:,~~U Imeni Lomonusov)( lo Card 1/1 KUTtOYEL,Oy,_A~~Lsr.i-ndi--Iv-r.-novich; NTAGINA, Irina Vik-torovna; DANILIC101KO, rod.; 1,11ASLE91111KOVA, T.A., tokhn. red. (Social and goseological roots of Weissmnism-44organism) So tsiallrye i gnosoologicheskie korni veismanizma-morganizma; lektsiia (Ilia studentov-zaochnikov gosudarstvennykh universi- totov. Moukvnp Izd-vo Posk. univ., 1961- 36 p. (MIRA 15:1.) (GITETICS), t KUROYZWV,-.A.I,, kLnd.filosofskikh nauk; DRYAGIINA, I.V., rkan~ biologichoskikh nauk Social and gnoseological roots of formal genetics (to be conclLded). Biol. v shkole no. 1:67-71 Ja-F 161. 04IRA 14:4) 1. Moskovskiy gosudarstvermyy universitet imeni 14.V. Lomonosova. (Genetics) KUROYEDOV9 A,1.9 kand.filosof.nauk; DRYAGIVAp 1.V.v kand.biolog.natik Social and gnosiological-roots of formal gc-netics(conclusion). Biol. v shkole no.2:81-85 Mr-kp 161. (MIRA 14;3) 1 1 1 1. Mookovskiy gosudarstvenny7 universitet Imeni H.V� Lomonosova. (Genetics-Philosophy) L 3~586-6,~, J_';i ~"j ACC NR: A-,-6ol6240 SOUPCE CODE: AUTHOR: Kuroyedov, K. A. TITLE: Some static pro2ertles of Pf~rmQ1lo_Y__firM_ SOURCE: Ref. zh. Fizika, Abs. 11E882 REF SOURCE: Uch. zap. Penzensk. politekhn. in-t. vyp. 1, 1964, 98-103 TOPIC TAGS: permalloy, magnetic thin film, magnetic coercive force, magnetic byster- esis, hysteresis loop, thin film memory ABSM,.CT: On the basis of an analysis of the plots of the coercive force of permalloy thin filr=, a8ainst the angle between the magaetization-reversal field and the easy magnetization axis and of the form of the hysteresis loop, the author divides the films into four classes based on the type of hysteresis loop. The difference bet- ween the obtained modifications of the critical curves and the theoretical curves for ideal films is emphasized, and also the importance of this fact for the con- struction of memory devicea. (Translation of abstract) SUB CODE: 2 0 Card VaDtiya. T:11.~: c;;2.fcz-.15 Of IIIc ra-u- ,Z--o anz! atcouarloa o-I 77 7. _r1 C ar C', L-69 5A EAT (M)IEYIA (d)/EW P(t)/'r_4P (z)/Ea F (b) JD TZ!7~ ACC NR: AP5018863 SOURCE CODE: UR/0126/65/020/001/01:118/0130 AUTHOR: Kurovedov, K. A 'Z, ORG: Penza Polytechnical Institute (Penzenskiy politeknicheskiy institut) YY' _5-s- TITLE: Vagnetization curves and static hysteresis loops of thin perrralloy film,,, -f,j- if SOURCE: rizika metanov i metaiiovedaniye, v. 20, no. 1, 1965, 128-1h Si- TOPIC TAGS: magnetic hysteresis, hysteresis loop, magnetization curve, parmalloy ABSTRACT: Magnetization and reversal of magnetization alonp the axis of easy mag- netization in slowly changing fields on films 700-2000 R,is studied. The following types of hysteresis loops serve as limiting cases for,h'large quantity of thin films: A% rectangular, B) concave, C) constant slojie abd V) bulginp P~ ,. The fact that domai.n boundary counditions change in weak field:; has led to the use of magnet- ometer with extensive universality and high magnetic moment change sensitivity, Type A) Reversal of magnetization along the axis of easy magnetization shows a large discontinutty which usually does not lead to complete reversal. Only after in- creasing the field strength do decreases of about 5-7% of the saturation moment M s Card 1/3 UDC: 539.216.2 : 538 4 -~' J, . V L 6972-66 ACC 11R: AP5019363 -A,n tizzation is partiall~y follov. After the field is c%it off the condition of full m, F e destroyed. In other specimens a decrease of 25-30% in M. takes place in an interval from several hours to several days. In the carth's magnOtic field all films showed this decrease. The magnetization curve and the ascending branch of the hysteresis loop are indistinguishable along the axis of easy magnetization due to the almost complete absence of an internally demagnetizing field. Reversal changes of M in the beginning phase of magnetization were not observed. Type B) Magnetization curves along the axis of easy magnetization bbgin.with a large discontinuity and little re- versal of M. The distribution of discontinuities on the magnetizati3n curve is a- nalogous to those on the hysteresis loop. The maximum of the differential permea- bility ~'d occurs at the beginning of the first discontinuity. As the size of the discontinuity is decreased, there is an increase in the number of discontinuities which lowers H.1; and smooths the concavity of the hysteresis loop. Class C) Equali- zation of discontinuity magnitude lea& to films with loops of uniform slopes. Small linear reversal changes were noticed in H and were more significant at 2000 thickness. Class D) Reversal begins a significant change of M accompanied by small magnitude, constantly increasing discontinuities in half the film whil-2 the other half shows large scale almost idnntical discontinuities. In small fields, these specimens show significant reversals of the change in K and a heightening of Card 2/3 L 6972-66 ACC NR: AP5018863 dincontinuitics in the region of saturation. Owing to this the norm" ljd both at- tain maximum value of saturation. observations of inagnetization not along the axis of easy magnetization give another axis of anisotroL)-K normal t.9 t1jq_,fir&t. "In con- ClUdinpl. I express my appreciation to K. M. PoliviiAV, A. L. Fr,~~In~and V. V. Pro- pastIIM~6for their part in the discussion of tha results." Orig. art. has: 2 fig- ures. SUB CODE: MM/ SM DATE: 23Jun64/ ORIG REr: 003/ CTH REr: 004 Card 3/3 ~Iiiii.0YEDCA, .., . D",. Ka,M;DOV, S. D. -- VreparlLtiOll Of SkAl M-AI)S, Of t)142 Z,)fjll!; I-f ;lCtJVI*I.V Qf W't3' in tj-.e Lutvlaa " M i ri 1: 1 & e ru c a L i o a US S I -- , K), a r I le -, v 0 r, I e r o f L~'L ~ r I'l ei -Z ~ - nr e r --- -- 'I -. ; I tv ur a 1 Inst imeni V. V. Dokuchayev, hli,,Arlkov, 1955 (Dissertation Por t~,e Dei;r,,e of Doctor of Tecludcal Sciences) SO: Knizlina-va latoi)inl. No. 37, 3 Septembe~_10~j KURCYEDOV, V. A. KUROYEDOV, V. A. CA: 31-30118 Teoriya i Prakt. Met. 1936, No. 1, 150-W New data on the specific heats of technical gases and vaporij. KUROTIDC,17.. T.A., kandidat tekhnichookikh nauk. Heating of large ingots. (Trudv3 TSTIIITWH 66.3-115 154. (Metals--Heas treatment) OUM 7: 9) SO kandidat tekhnicbeskikh nauk; KUROTIDOV, V,A., kandidat takhnicheakikh nauk; SOROKIN, A.I., kandidat tekhnicheakikh nauk; LNUTEV, A.Y., inzhener; %OBNIN, B.Y.. inahener; VOTETODKIN, I.B., inzhener. Investigation of the heating of large ingots. (Trudy] TSNIITKASH 66:83-115 154. (MM 7:9) 1. TSNIITMASh (for Nuroyedov). 2. Uralmashxavod (for Voyevodkin). (Steel ingots) (Metals--Heat treatment) KOPYTOV. Viktor Filimonovich; KUROYZDOV,V.A., redaktor; VAWY,N.A., re- daktor; redaktor [Heat-treatment of steel in furnacaal Ila-ev stall. T 1)ecbakh. Moskva, Gos.nauchno-tekhn.izd-vo lit-ry po chernoi i tavetnoi metallurgii, 1955. Z64 p. (MLRA. 9:4) (Steel--Heat treatment) TZBENIKOV, Boris Pavlovich, kandidat tekhnicheskikh nauk; KMOYRDOVO V.A., rodaktor; ATTOPOVICH, M.K., tekhnichenkiy radaktor - FRecvpc"n.tnrs for industrial furnaces] Rek-uperatory dlia promysh- lennykh pochoi. , Moskva, Gos. nauchno-takhn. izd-vo lit-ry po chernot I tevetnoi motallurgit, 195.41. 288 p. OWA 8:7) (Metallurgical furnaces) I I AUTHOR: Kurryedov, V.A. (Cand.Tech.Sc.) 122-5-17/35 TITLE: Improving the Performance of Air Preheaters in Forging and Heat Treatment Furnaces (Intennifikatsiya rabot vozdulchopo- dogrevateley kuznechnykh I termicheskikh pechey~ PERIODICAL: Vestnilc Mashinostroyeniya, 1957, Nr 5, pp.42-48 (uso) ABSTRACT: The design of both recuperative and regenerative air pre- heaters is examined. A cast needle-type oval tube recupera-- tor element and a brickwork lattice regenerator illustrate the two cases. A similarity has been established by M.V. Kirpichev (Ref.4) between the regenerator and an equivalent recuperator., so that the analysis can be confined to the recuperator. A anmmonly used approximate form of the heat transfer equation, which averages separately the heat trar,s- fer coefficient and the temperature difference over the entire matrix is an unsuitable simplification, since the quantities will vary both over the surface and In time and the average will depend on the mean value of the specific heat flow. In practice, this implies the need for measuring the temperatures over the entire heat transfer surface. The methods of computing heat transfer coefficiet* . are discussed for regenerators and for continuously or periodically operat- ing recuperators. Particular attention is drawn to the Card 1/2 122-5-17/3S' Improving the Performance of Air Preheaters in Forging and Heat Treatment Furnaces. irregularity of heat transfer due to non-uniformity of flow. This feature is examined in detail for several configurat- ions of inlets and outlets distiMuished as the "", Pi, or T layouts. Of these, the Z layout is the commonest and worst showing up to 5.5 times mean speed at the maxiMU speed points. The Pi layout is the bests but the modification of existing Z layouts into T layouts is also considered useful. The heat transfer expressed by the Nusselt Number is given for needle type recuperator elements, as a function of the number of needles per metre of length. Measures for improv- ing the performance of such elements include the increase of turbulence and the application of pulsating gas streams. Attention is drawn briefly to the -existence of an optimum frequency of reversing in regenerative p:~eheaters. There are 5 illustrations, including 1 graph, and 5 Slavic references. AVAILABLE: Library of Congress. Card ~!/2 A- ~7_o I T__773' ~-, KUROYMOV, V.A. --- .." Unoxidluible houting, of steel in opon-flumn furnace. Kuz.-uhtam. proizv. 1 no.1:25-31 Ja '59. (MIRA 12:10) (Steel--.qAat treatment) NIKIFOROV, V.P.; KUROYEDOV, V.A. Effect of deoxidizing heating on the state of the surface layer of steel. Kuz.-shtam. proizv. 5 no.6:31-34 Je 163. (MIRA 16:8) MIKOFOROV, V.P.; AW~~LY~,DQV IleaA transfer in the working area of a regenerative furnace for nonexidizing heating. Kuz.-vhtam.p'-Oizv- 5 no.7:26-30 JI 163. (,MJRA 16:9) eheatiix r f?,i BELKINA, G.L.; KUROYEDOV, V.A,: UTOVOK, V.I.; LIM-EiMf 1.1M.; G.R.; bVWMKO- Ye.Ya.; POITOEAR', V.I.; T F 9 ; AB AY I.; CVP V.A.; FAYNBERG, L.I.; FEOKTISTOVA, N.D,, X-ray spectral &nalysis of brass in the process of mmee I t'l Zav.lab. 31 no.4t42't-428 165. (1,111 PA 18-12) 1. Konstruktorskoye byu.-o "Mvetnetavtomatika" I Artemovrkiy zavod tsvetnykh metallov im. E.I.Yviringa. Furr)-,,~_-dova, A. 1. 11 lllonalc-onui uper.aUive of Tridy issui 2, 1,A), SC,: U-520, 17 Dec. 53, (Letopis 'Zhurnal ;nyl,ji Stal.ey, 11,,). 25, IAO). K*IIR-,,Ar-'TiLIr, i. 'Tiologic,31 Drying , of ~,Jcotjli) ) "ActiviLY Of th(! TeCkIrIlcal Ae;sociatlfoy: In the Vasil Rolarov FFtnf~or P I - -- 11 . ,' y for High-Tensim Electric KAchi ry " r, 2 (TEFOHNICHLOSKO DEJ,O, Vol. 5, no. 11,11) Sept. 1953, Sofiya, , " C. SO: Monthly 1,1:3t of Last European Accezmlomq) LC, V0.1- 3, 'N"o. I., April 19514. IT I. I - j "Aaptd 3awIng I-Iothud and Licreasim, thu Produeftom of liawu." p. 41, (TI;,ZHKA P!LK16HWIUjT, Vol. 3, No. 1, 1954, Sofiya, SO: Monthly List of East European Accessions, LG, Vol. 4 No. 5, May 1955, Uncl. KURPACIIEVR 1. j POMVP 1. Fulfillment of the Plan by lumber enterprises in accordance with quality and variety. p. 8. (TEZHKA PROMISHLENOST. V01. 4, No. 2, 1955) SO: Monthly List of East European Accession, (EEAL), LC, V:)l. 4, No* 9, Sept. 1955p Uncl. KURFACHEIII I. Fight for soonomical use of pit'props. r. 15. TEZM PROMISHUNOST Vol. 4. Ho. 4. 1955 SO: Monthly List of Fast European Accession, (EEAL), LC, Vol. 4, No. 9, Sept. 1955, Uncl. Flaradni. productIon ;jnl jtzx,'JaI*diz4LI!~, them ti:ie of Vol. 4, no. 7, ()ct./:;ov. 1955 T L IK! I N I KA Sofiya, Eulgaria "o: 2.astern i~uropcan Accession Vol. .5, No- 1956 FlURPACHEV, lordan Basis of the prime cost in woodworking Industrieso Trud tseni 5 no. 9: 57-67 163. KURPACM, loidan,insh. Secavalty of prico dIfTerenUation of wood trunka according t- quality, Trud tseni 5 no.4.-23,Y7 163 KURPACHEV, Iordan, inzh. I IQuulity and prices of wood materials. Durvombel prom 6 no.4: 1 24-27 Jl-Ag 163. F UF P". ~1,1 ., -I'V) I . F . UT-DACIrVIVY I. F. -- "The Arterial System of the 'HiLnan Cerebellum." Kin Health USSR. Central Inst for the Advanced Iraining of Pi-.ysicianB. Moscow, 1956. (Dissertation for the Dej;ree of Doctcr of Medical Sciences.) SO: Knizhnaya Letopislj No 5, Moscow, Feb 1956 FL?PACHFV, N. AGRICULTURE Periodical: OMMNOST I XONTROL NA SELSK070 STOPM43TV0. Vci- 3, No- 6v 1958- KUPPAC111-71, N. Some shortcominvs in the Lx-l-nce sheets of the f,--,rst services. p. 241. Monthly List of Zist E~ropenn Accessi~--ns (UYI), LC. V-i. P, 14o. 2 Febru, ry 19".9, UncISSS. jr t!lo an-pi;,11 rerorts :;nd --:Ianc:~ C;! i'i i , 7 I I ii o f i Vo 7:,, T r Trm I or x i "C' 1, q Tic, e f t i f in I F'd I I ACC N'R- AU f U;z : l'um-ic I o,-v , 1. A.; Kurpnkov, Yu. A.; P-'J it I om!jhc I i I I-) v , L W~',: No I I o 1,1TIE: Sm.ilj thcrmoprobe for invotiti,jaLinq the lower 503-meter laycr mo. sphere 0 C Lkninqrad. Glavri-vila (jt-ofi7iChC~;k,1Y11 W)st!rvatoriya. Tru,!y, no. 19;16. po~,,rariichno,jo nloya attno.,;fery S pomo:311ch,yu vor'Lolfetov I Lives i:;"at, i I I ~; the bou n d a r y lily er of the at mo:;phor(i wi th the aid c-f he 1 1! r.,i a I-,;J gliders), 94-100 TOPIC TAGS: temperature instrument, meteorolcogy, measuring in!;trument, -Orolncic in,-;trument, atmospheric probe, lower atmosphere, atmoaphoric tl,-rrpf!rat~ire~ 1i-orldu, helicopter, meteorologic balloon ABSTRACT: The circuitry and principles of operation..of a small therr.-ioproIL),: designod fc- investigating the temperature regime in the lower 500-m(,-tf,-%- layer in atmos- p,iere are reviewed. The thernoprobe is a radio telemetering system consisin'; of a sen3or-thermistor, a radio transmitting device, and a complex a,' grounc~ r.-cf-iving i~and recording equipment. The radio transmittor uses the RKZ-1 ra~lio3ondo :-.'rcuitry, bull certain changes have been incorporated to compensate for the absence a k Card 1/3 ACC NR: AT7004508 Pr,!ssure switch in the thermoprobe. Th,~ Kkrr-I thermiitor has twice coefficient O-A resistivity of the MMT-1 thermistor used in the IZI..;P-l and a much lower coefficient of inertia, so that the coefficient of inertia;,~~,r .e c mperatur-e-sens"ve elenlent is less than 5 seconds. The te-mpilrature c,f resistivity of the thermistors in the KMT-, varies between 5 and 6',"' corresponding to an average thange in frc.luency fro'.-I tjl~! 0C, an, orrl,-r oi' r-.1cignitu(jr, of 50 Cycles/degreo. Thf. --Oc111lat'O,-', at 00C i:; 1500 Cycl-~ij r3aking probe -30'C, while there i.'; Ino Uppel- Th-.~ Uniz,:." cYc I e s supply is pj-ovic!(~ of of 1-1te battery, P two FMITs "Saturn" ;.1] Vol t f i I t 'D~ I t fa:-' motor, a--Ic', On(! K13S-1-0-50 batter-" fOr 's L A pp r'q 'i':!rliconducto- I-- The batterie!; are good for 20 1,Ouj%-1 c, 0im-ration, W""'.- '. . "itter sCC-ti0,1, togt--ther with t1,ktter-*,.;, ra I o,-. I ~'a ni - 1-c!; a colltlpiiihl(~ whip 11n~,;1Jjnjj on t1l'. r, recv;)tion .v(~r 1, 000 3,500 t readil-15'a con:)arod with tho- Obt. ined from "'~rmcPrObe to be WiLhirl 0.Z91 Of J. U:~ of Lhof;e obtainetl with thi! A-22-JU, I Card 2/-, F '4U SOLDATYMp M.T.9 kand. to~lw. naukj dotsent; VUKFIN, O.A.9 assistent; AN- DRnEVSKIY, A.K., 1~qtsent; KURPA-11,111.1.,4=d. tekhn. nauk, dotgent; ODELISKIY, E.Kh., dok-Ud_rt_ea:n_.__n_'auk, prof.; AND?XMSUY, A*K*j kand, tekhn- na-wk, dotsent, red.; KONTS.7AYA) T.V., red.; Y.UZIMENOK,P.T. tekhn. red, [Laboratory exorcises in tenting, ventilation, and gas supply] Labore- tornyi praktik= po otopldniiu. -ntlliatsii J. gazosnabzheniiu. Pod obshchei red. E.Kh.Cdr.1-skogo i A.KAndreevskogo. Minsk, Redaktsionno- izdatel'skii otdel BPI, 1960. 143 (MIU 14:7) 1. MinsY. Belorusskl~ Politekhnichenkiy institut. Kafedra "Teplogazo- onabzheniye I ventilyatsiya." (Ventilation), (Heating) (Gao--fleating and cooking) H_t-p-_ts of the -vr-tho('clopy caf ~x-rcise ther-apy in celint,my. Vop. vz-achf.,)_)nogo kontrolyEi i lech-,_,tnoy fiziche.,3koy kulltury TSont,ral'nc)~~,) 01'derm hminn 1w'.,t,iitri kullttiry, Kwikvn. KURPAN, Yu.-I. (Moskva) Exercise therapy in gyrocological laparotomies under hospital conditions. Felld. i aktsh. 25 no.11:24-32 N 160. (MIRA 13-11) (EXERCISE TEERAFY) (SURGERY, OPERATIVE) T, A i! 0 V -A. "Blood T in--tiw rtifici,,.Ily rr,iscd "dood 2"idlivi) i o i c kc d 11 f0 Liv C, JL copitin, 112) KbRTSIN, I.T.; ZVOMKIN, V.N.; KVITATOV, I.K.; LEDZD-~,'V, F.M. Studying gastric function by rneans of the Bykov-Kurtsin method in clinical practice. Terap. arich. 32 no. 3:6~67 fir tbO. (MIRA 14:1) (STOMACH) BA J'S.T." T17- 03 POP' i W 010 4 F-w-h .opomp&l- tjo OMAN u9 Ir -4 . r . .. - I -.. ~ I., I.. ~ 7 ?J Z f.I., maot-r rn6rcvmtq;VwjIj&. k-IodI'Vssv,; ot%rshiy mrshohik Recuperative soaking pits with bilateral top henting, YmAtUurg 6 no.2z28-29'Y 161. (HIPA - 34 s I 1. Zavod Asoyst4al. '(Furnaces,'Heating) KOR:`ILOV, V.V.., inzh.; KURPE, V.I., -inzh. Improving the design of soaking pits in blooming mills. Mlat. i gorno- rud. prom. no.3:69-71 My-Je 63. WIRA 17:1) 1. Zavod "Ah6stalirl, POGORZHELfSKII V.I., inzh.; KURPE, V.I., inzh.; KHRISTOFOROV, G.N., i:nzh. Heating pit for cold ingots. Stall 23 no.8:758-759 Ag 163- (MIRA 16: 9) 1. Metallurgicheskiy zavod "Azovstall". (Furnaces, Hadting) KURFELI, N.S. Sufficient conditions of convergiince in M.D.Sokolov's method the approximate solution of nonlinear Integral equations of the Hammerstein type. Pribl. metod. resh. diff. urav. noolz 47-53 '63 (K[RA 18s2) I., h II.S. M.S.] . Convergence and elst:Diation of the ei'vor of cortalln i,,eneral iterative P,-3thods for solN ing o,-orau).- ez;uuticmr. Doi). X-,' URSH lio.11:1423-1427 165. (,,:IFA 18:.12) 1. Inutitut matematiki A:! U'k r S '1'! 1 . KURFELI, H.S. (Kiyev) Some approximate methods of solution of nonlinear equations in a coordinate Banach space. Ukr. mat. zhur. 16 115-120 f64- (?~:id 17:5) KURPELI, U.S. (Kiyev) Approximate solution Of nonlinear operator equations by TU.D. Sokolov's method. Ukr. ma-b. zhur. 15 no.3:309-314 163. OURA 16 t12) LIUX-Ti'~ A 0A. *Jj. ; KIJRPL:L' , N -13- U,e ,p,,,-c,,J,W,f-t' Eolut,ion tion.3tationary It,3rI!t'vu 'Ir-thot' fc)r tor eqlifit Inn,%', IN-r,11,,at-zhur. 16 jo ~ 3 ~ 339-- of linear operat (two, 395 164. KURPELI, II.S. (Kurpell, M.S.] A generalization of averaging functional corrections. Dop. AN U,~,SR no.8:1005-1008 165. (MIRA 18:8) 1. Institut matematiki AN UkrSSR. KUA-P3LOVA, M. Varlability of the Imerianiags of phonological phases in the course of the year 11 DoIna Streda aear Sered. p. 247 GIOPGRAPICKY CASOPIS. (Sleveaska akademle VIed. Zemeplouy ustav) Bratislava, Czechoslovakia Vol. 10. AG, 4, 1958 MIGAthly list if Xast Zurepma Accessions (MI) L'~'. Col. 9, No. I Twuxuary Iqb'O uncl. !~ U-7=AL 1-1. SCIENCE Periodicals: ICTECROLOGICKE ZPRAVY. V01. 11, no. 6, Dec. 1958 KURPELOVA, M. Phenologicil oonditions.-during the spring period of 1958, p. 137. Ybntbly Ust of East European Accessions (EW) LCp Vol. B., No. 51 May 1959,Unclaso. KURPEWVA, M. Reorganization of the network of the pbenological serTicee pe 62 MEOROWGICKE ZPRAVY. (Statni, mateorologicky ustav) Praha, Czechoslovakia Vol. 12, no, 2/3, June 1959 Monthly list of But Eiropean Accessions (EFAI) W.' VOI. 9, no. I January 1960 Uncl. KURPELOVA, M.-- Importance of varieties of fruit trees for phenological obBerva- tion. Hateorolog Spravy 15 no-5t145-147 0 162. MFELOVAq M. Phonological prognooes in the Soviet Union, Meteor zpravy 16 no.246 Ap 163. KURVELOVA,, M. "Tranactions of the Phenological Conferencoj" Reviewed by Mo Nurpolova. Meteor zpravy 16 no.1:22-23 F 163. KURrELOVA, Margita. Phenological chara;.6eristic of higlily elevated valleys in Slovakia. Georg cas SAV 15 no-4:241-263 163. YUGOSLAVIA on,'.T-ir; and S-METISKO, Anto, Capari-ment, of Inter.-101 '-'40 ~ i C 1 ne of the Xed i ca I Ce6t6r ( I n Tern i Odja I 11,od i c i nskog Cantra) 5 i sak "Mass Poisoning with Xethzinol" Zagreb, Lijecnicki Vjesnik, Vol 88, No 6, June 1966; pp 607-617 Abstract: EEnglish summary rrodifled] Of 35 persons w~,o drank inadequatcly labeled methanol ("alcohol") obtained from a railroad tank, edied, I became blind, 2 partly blind and I had slignt eye damage. N11ass emergency alert probably prevented an even wider catastrophe. Table, 3 Yugoslav (one un- published) and 15 Western references. Manuscript received 23 ',.ay 66. 1/1 SAPRONOV, V.A.; KURPIC1,1P.I.T.1j.; T(VOII-MA, L.T.; T.A.; I. , MUT I . - I ODUMMIAP Kh.N.; BOGUSUNMY, D.B. Effect of some formula and technological factors Dn the quality of butyl. rubber d1aphrugms for the forming and vii2canizing equipment. Kauch. 1 rez. 23 no.5:14-19 My 164. (I M TRA 17: 9) 1. Pnepropetrovskiy shinnyy zavod, Kb~RPICHNIKUNI, A. A. "Great Catac-3ans in the Meditorran,3an" SO; Prirodas No Bp 1949 fm i-F (C P) 0 000 g00 C) 7 a -3 T, T" F d rp'chn kov P. SAM. GgIn'Irul.. Yd. A. K u azinp- of poly- 'LE: ermal oxidation TIT The effect of stabilization on pmlonged th Ai a~nide 68 il 61, T--Q TOPTC TAGSt antioxidant additive, polyamide, ther~-~=! stab"i-, high tearieraturle amine- nx I stabilizer additive, prinari aroniatic 'dat`on, -f this was -c, a r c r, v S t u de s F IN ~0 di -maphtliyl-ti-phenyle-!iedia~ilif4 -r,-,---Ihylrlienyl and a and 0-naphthyl ester of pyrocatecholphosphor-ous acid. kii--in- trnauction of additives did not have a significant effect on 1-he melting point and I amide 68 soittions. Tbe various polyamide 68 specimens wrene -Mne vlacpa y pin v Card -1/Z-- ~n the A,c-,(-CT AT! ON -ione 7 -T' 00 ENCL: 00 HE;; RT PAM SRORAT-NIEWIADOMSKA, Zof ia: KMIPM, Jan ......... Method of detection of VI antibodies. Med.dosw.mikrob. 7 no.2: 191-196 1955. 1. Z Panetwowego Zakladu HigienV, filie, we ldroclawiu. (ANTIGICNS AND ANTIBODIES, typboid Vi antibodies. detection) (TYPFDID FXVICR, imminology, Vi antibodies, detection) SEMBR&T-ITI DII ADD' MSKA, L., KURPIMS. J. Mathoda of detectinb Vi-antibody. Zhur.mikrobiol.epid. i irmun. nr,.10;7.16 0 '55. (MLRA 8,12) (ANTIGEWS AND ANTIBODIES) (COMPLII-MiT YIXATION) MALAVISKI, Stefan; KURP194SKA-RADZBISKA. Danuta Surgical treatment flexion contractures and ankylosis of the knee joint. Chir. narzad. ruc)ni ortop. Pol. 29 no.6:719-724 164 1. Z Oddzialu Gruzlicy Kostno-Stawowejv Swidrze (ordynator: dr. P. Kubica). KURPMWSKI, Jerzy, mgr Inz. Transistor equipment for TU-2 closed-circuit television. Frace List teletechn 3 no.3tl28-134 159. M I,- U RP 17--,; S;, I, -JETizy. - Kurpiewski, Jerzy. Zasilacz sieciowy. (W Krakowie) Liuro Wydawn. Polskiego Radia (1952) 75 P. (Biblioteka radioamatora) (Amilifier circuits. Diagrs.) S'O: Monthly list of East European Acerssims, LCI,, Vol. 31 No. 1~ Jim. 1954, Uncl. KURPIDISKI, J. "Problem of Standardization in Radio-phony," P. Vt4. (VTIAD(FOSCI, Vol. 22, No. 5, Yay 1954, Warszawa, Poland) SO: Monthl-Y List of Fast European Accessions, (EEAL), LC, Vol. 4, No. 1, Jar.. 10,55 Uncl, KURFIL"Yrord., J. Model equipment of a television set. p. 301. MLE-RADIO. Vol. 2, no* 6, June 1957, 1-1,qrszawa, Poli:nd) SO: MontUy List of East Europea:i Accessions (EFIL) LC. Vol.6, No. 12, Dec. 1957. Uncl. KURPIE-WSKI, Jerzy, mgr Inz., adiunkt K_-'_____'.___.__.___ . - Design analysis of the wide-band video-signal amplifier for transistor 77 receivers, Prace Inat teletechn 6 no.3-3-24 162. 1. Instytut Tele- i Radiotechniczny, Warszawa. KWIEWSKI derqy, mgr inz. Closed circuit television and its progress in using color pictures. Przegl telekom 35 (i.e.36] no.4:109-111+ Ap 163. 1. Instytut, Tole-Radiotechniczny, Warszawa. Jerzy., mgr inz. Fundawntals of designing intennediate frequonny amplifiers for a transistor'TV receiver. Prace Inst t5letechn 7 no.1:17-50 '63o 1 . 11-1.,:'l-'~:." If. 2. USSR (600) 4. Hadio in A,,ricult'ure 7. Radio amateurs, members of the All-tlnicn Voliznteer Society 'or Assista-ce to the I Amy, "~.viation and Navy, of the "Borots" collr~ctLve Vai--., Radio, No. 1, 1953. 9. Monthly List of Russian A,,cessions, Library of Congress,-----.':ay 1953, Unclassified. KURPINISWIP K., prof.; BUZESKU, M. Broncho-pulmonary suppurations in children from a surgical viewpoint. Klitrurgita, Sofia 14 no.2/3,152-155 '61. 1. Klinika po, grudna khirurgiia, BuCauresti. (LUNG DISESKASES in inf & child) t I 1\, 'I ~- Autoi-.Iatic b2ock oiL~nals for one-tract l1nes. p. L5 (Rr2eelad Kolojov,~, E:LeIctrutechniczn.,,. Vol. ~i, nc. 2, Feb. 1056. rs,- ~, 1;1, Poland) 1'.onthly Index of Enst European Acces:7ions (EEAI) U. Vol. 7, 11, February 1958 ITIRI'TU3, Ii. Y-U!"Pics, ;:. The developent of autovitic block slFritlinf-. p. F") Vol, 2, no. ~, 11pr. 1c'56 F.ClIFick-TY ELLh7'RCfI'FCKN'II,ZITY I -"T " -1 TECEI, UCC ~arsviwf-, Polvnd So; '-a--t Europevn Acces-Ion Vol. 6, nn. 2, 1057 KURPIOS, Marok; NMIADCHSKI, Henryk; RAJEWSKI, Jan On the possibilities of separating undocylenic acid from tho pyrolysio products of castor oil uoing urea adducts. I'mom ohem 41 no.2:85-87 F 162. 1. Katedra Chemii Ogolnej, Wyzsa Szkola Rolnicza, Szczecin i Katedra Technologii Tluszczaw, Politechnika, Gdansk. POLAND / Chemical Technology. Food Industry. H Abs Jour: Ref Zhur-nimiya, No 22, 1958, 75567. Author : YAw4;L~~ Inst : Not given. Title The XIV Congress in Rome on the Dairy Industry. Section II. Orig Pub: Przegl. mleczarski, 1958, 6, No 3, 11-13. Abstract: No abstract. Card 1/1 KUPTISZ, Boleslaw., mgr inz. Welding of high-pressure valve ljousingr;. no. 2: 44-48 F 164. rzegi spaw 16 1. Instytut Spawalnietwa, Gliwice. KURPITA, P.N. Effectivo,hoat Insulation as in index of the heat-retaining capacity of clot-ling. (Ug. i san. 26 no .2:58-60 F 161. (MIRA 3,4: 10) 1. 1z Voyeano-meditainnkoy ordena Lenina akademli imeni S.M.Kirova. (CLOTHING PJTD DRIM) KURPITAJ, P.N... kand.rwd. nauk Hygienic properties of fabrics impreenated with melanins formaldehyde resJn. Gig. i san. 28 no.lc27-30 Ja'63. (bark 16-7) 1. 1z kafedry obshchey i voyennoy gigiyany Voyanno-Madist.4w9koy ordena Leniz4a &kademii imeni Xtrova. (GLOTIMIG AND DBES&-ffYCIMJIC ASFWTS) (GUM AM RESINS) KURPIYANOV, M.F,; FESENKO, Ye.G. I Il Phase transitions in PbBO,g ?,5D compounds. Izv. Ali SSSR. Ser. fiz. 29 no.6:925-928 Je 5 (IjJqA 18:6) 1e Rostovskiy-na-Donu goirtidarstvennyy universitet. P.~.LY A YFV , 1 A~ , MI-I)VETwUll L. I.; FESFINYO, Yf!,t';. ; KUFFILYANOV. M y I Preparution brid X-ray structural itliey of' :,41, A.2PMc,06`YFF' cOml)lex c,)-,npc,3ition. Izv. AN Neoz-b". inat. 1 110.6:9424-.~27 Je '65. (MIRA 18.8) 1., Rostovskly gosudarstvennyy unIversitet. IMITAROV, P,A (Leningrad, Aortic coarctation. u1. Byleyeva, 15, kv.6) Grud.khIr. I no.1:69-73 Ja-F 159. Oun 13:6) (AORTA--DISPASES) b TUNITSKIY, N.D.; KURPTYXIOV, Mo.; PKROVp A.A. Mass spectra of molecules and radiation chemistry* Izv. AN &WR~ Otd.khim.nauk noolltl945--1953 N t62, (MIRA 15t12) 1. Fiziko-khimioheakiy inatitut im LoYa. Karpova (Mass spectrmstry) iRadiochemistryi PEREVERTAYEV., V.D.; KUFLPIYANOV, V.M,; METSIK, M.S. Photoelectronic apparatus for measuring the thickness of thin films. Prib. i tekh. eksp. 8 no.3:193-195 YV-Je 163. (MIRA 16:9) 1. Irkutskiy gosudarntvennyy universitet. (7lectronic apparatus and appUances) 1. 4-t~R' ACC _NRt AR6017221 SOURCE CODE: UR/0058/65/0001012/13011/13011 AUTHOR: Diament, I, R. Kurpnova N I ORG: none TITLE: Potential on the axis of a cylinder with the edge effect taken into considera- tion SOURCE: Ref. zh. Fizika, Abs. 12B121 REF SOURCE: Tr. po teorii polya, vyp. 1, 1964, 26-36 TOPIC TAGS: el tri tential, oen4nc�jng=trctrlar=cy1inder, edge effect ABSTRACT: The problem is presented of finding the potential on the axis of a conducting circular cylinder of finite length with infinite thin walls, taking the edge effect into consideration. [Translation of abstract) INT] SUB CODE: 20/ Card ANANIYSV, S.L., prof.. obahchiy red.; MWOVICH, V.P., kand.tekbn.nauk. obshchiy red.; GROMOV. I.G., hii~-ried.; ROKANOV, Ys.N., red.; SIMOVA, Ye.P., tekhnred. [Workability of structures] Takhnologichnost' konstruktaii.' Moskva, Dom tekhniki, 1959, 452 p. (MIRI 12:8) (Kachinery-Design and construction) NUMINOV) V.V.j SMOINt LL Report an the assmions of tbo Mosaaw.Scientifio Society of ArAtomists, Himtologists., )ad Imbryologists in X163-1964., Arkh, aut,j irimto I ubr* 49 nojtI15-226 a 1630 (MIRA 1802) giotologov L embriologov (for Kuprpmov). 2. Sokretarl Haskovskogo nauohnago obsbabestva automov, gistologov i subriologov (for Simasin). KURFYASIIIN Hpy ALM 0-1 g.,kandidat takhnichaskikh nauk; KOV 0, Y.G., kandidat "CeWic,heek1kh muk. Present state of the theory.and mothodefor designing vortex pumps. Test. mash. 37 no,4.,20-27 AP t57. (H32& If)-.6) (Pumping machinery) A054/A029 A'U~MORS: Morokov, P. K., Sokolov, I. A., Kochnev, S. P., K-urpyayev, 1, M. TITLE: Remote Control of Steel Pouring From Two-Stopper Ladles PERIODICAL: Stal', 1960, No. 8, pp. 704-708 TEXT: In 19-W, simplified hydraulic equipment was designed at the Kuznetskly metallurgicheskly kombinat (Kuznetsk Metallurgical Combine) (with the '.ooperation of L. S. Klimasenko, I. S. Lyulenkov, M. D. Zaslavskiy, I. I. Chuvikovskly, S. P, Kochnev, P. K. Morokov and 1. M, Kurpyavev; No. of Authors Certificate: 125011) for remote control of the stoppers of 200-t ladies, planned by Stal'p:?oyekt. Remote control in this operation eliminates the verycumb3rsome manual work in the proximity of the flirnace, reduces the number of workers required and atabilizes the conditions of pDuring. The hydraulic equipment is placed in an oi'.1 container wi-.h a rectangular bottom measuring 670 x 760 mm and a capacity of 120 1, The cover consists of two parts. The part which Is welded to the containor accomodates the electromotor, the oil pump and the oil filter, while in the detachable part of the cover the valve-system, magnetic devices and control boxes are motmted. The hydraulic equipment is placed on the right-hand side of the control cabin of the Card 1/3 ,9/13-2,/60/000/008/014/017/XX A054/AO29 Remote Control of Steel Pouring From Two-Stopper Ladles crane, while on the other side of the cabin, on a level with the chwrgIng platform two cylinders with flexible pipes and the control panel are mounted. By activatirg the appropriate magnet, oil is fed by the pump through the valve-system into the upper chamber of the cylinder The excess oil fed in by the pump passes through a release valve into the oil container under a pressure which is about 2 atm higher than the pressure prevailing in the working area of the cylinder. Tnis constant differential pressure in the pump and in the cylinder ensures tile stability of oil flow through the throttle and, consequently, at the same time also t.'Ie stability of the cylinder speed during lifting and lcwering the stoppers of -the ladle. As the piston is stationary, the cylinder rises when the pressure is increased, thus lifting the stopper. The stopper is lowered by activating the corresponding elements of the system having a reverse flanction of those opening the stopper. The electric control system consists of a linear contactor, two normally open main contactors and two normall.- open block-contactors, timing, zero and accelerating relays, contactors and push W6.-ins. In the remote control system it is possible 'to pour a metal stream reduced to one third of its volume in the first few seconds of pouring and the transition to fi,11-jet pouring proceeds very smoothly. This reduces the impact at the bottom ol. the ingot mold considerably, which Improves the Card 2/3 S/ 1 3316010-~XVC0810 I 4/017/XX A054/AO29 Remote Control of Steel Pouring From Two-Stopper Ladles quality of the steel. About 250 test pourings (with rail steel anc~ C-T.3Kn - st.3kP type steel) proved that the quantity of cinder in the lower part of the casting decreases and also the amount of incrustations In the macrostructure. of tl7-- rolled stock made from the lower part of the castings is smaller. F-urther ad- vantages of the new eystem are: -,he stoppers open and close at a unIform speed regardless of the quantity of metal in the ladle; during the Interval the ingot mold is filled with the liquid metal, the electromotor can be switched off; the system can be applied In any pouring method; the hydrauli., system can be adjusted for the case where the stopper is heavier than the metal stream and also for the reverse case (I. e., the stopper is lighter than the weigh'. of the metal stream). The construction and the t.,eration of the hydraulic equipment and of the electric control system and the test., with the steel poured according to this method are described. There are 4 figures and 1 table. ASSOCIATION: Kuznetskly metallurgicheskiy kombinat ( Metallurgical Combine) Card 3/3 ITESTERENrO, L.A.; KURS, V.S. (Pskov); OSOKINA, G.N. Editor's mail. Khim. v shkole 17 no.5:84-85 S-0 162. (IURA 15:9) 1. Pedagogicheakiy institut, Krasnodar (for Nesterigriko). (Chemistry-Experiments) /1-13.5) -3 622.282.4 .~ursa T., 61ksa J. New Opportunities for Concreting Shift Linings, -t- --ivy s~ ~()'A-. Ptle~14d G,'Imi- rnwl, i6 betoriowziia obud. :iy. No. 3, 'C,53. pp 67-100, 3 figs., I td). D~iggn of a &!vfce for concretuing mininj shafts based on the adop- !ion (if lioarding A sljef~-t (yl-,ijer, 1.1.5 M high, with an Pollsh Technical Abst out-ildo d1A11WtQ:' corre!.pondhig to the hitido diameter of the zhalt Un- 111f. i-i z~,cu,(:~A to a working platform whic'n !s provided with holes for No. 1 1954 )UCiet-i LUUd :n ihaft 51nk.Ing. Th~-~ pliworin and cylinder are, as the Mining concreting, belvxo(m the shaft _ xall and th~ cylinder progresses, lifted IY I- cm, at m meani of .1 jacks. 'Thin speeJ of Wting L'i roughly ' 5 .nti-rvali of 10-13 min. An v1t.-ctri-,, hezil-ng plant, put Into operation ;0 temps--ratme,; b~,Iow 13 Lnszal.lled irsirle the cylinder. It Is Pos- z:bIc u, place steo~l imset's L-Lsid~, the lining. KURSA, J,: MIKSA, J. The concrete lining in frozen shafts. P. h4- pRZF,GLAD GORNICzy. - (Stowarzyazenie Naukowo-Techniczne Inzynierow I Technikow Gornictwa) Katowice, Poland. Vol. 15, No. 1/2, Jan./Peb. 1959 Monthly list of East European Accessions (UAI) LD. Vol. B., No. 'A". July 1959. Uric i . 7777-77 1; tT--Cqtcd for (url-atimg vin". bur E. "im. the rtt!t at~d lith Y~ars, serving 1-1 -.St