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KIJRrr,qVTfJ, A.N., Can-I Tecn Soi. -- 1kriis:--) 11 Pasic r)rt-ble,-,s -,jo- -I-q tvm - t 1, of 4ep,)~~v*n of city triargulations." Vos )1958, 23 pp Trith ill-istrations ()"in of Higher ~-dacatinn ':,IS,,;R. Vos Irist 0!, .Engineers of Geodeso, Aerial Photgrathyjand Gartorra-hy) 100 covies. Mimeogranned. (K1,9 h2-56, IIS) - 35 - "UTEOR: Kurvnhkin, %rpirrtnt 24 T,,.-!..,n TY-18.11gU1111 L 10n i v. 'he I.: Izvestiya vysshikh uchebrykii zaved(.,riy. aerofut.os",v,2mka, 1958, Nr 3. PP 57-74 (USSR) ABSTIt-WT: In this nnuer firstly a historic stirvev of th,.- develooment oi town stirveying is presented. The f[r:A in..;truction-~ In this !'ield were published by I. A. Iverrniuv in 1900, ott the o~;Cr.~7i:n of surveying the town of Serpukhov in 1897- This was follmvO by mAnxiala from 1923, 1932, 1940, and by FL supplement to tl,o, latter from 1946. This paper includv!i in expov,ition of *ne typical systems of town triangulation. (n lq4!.). tcwns clasuified into first order towns, *itn t., tots., gres km2 . 1 0 k rr second order towns, with a t(Aat -irex, of 50 - 70 2. and third order towns, with an area of 25 - 'JO km The prin --ipa) oystems used in the difp"PrEnt typrz; or' town -are, uJ3- stnti ttie- Rdvantages and Vie ahortcomings of town -.ri- (111811.1(~tioll 2.11 the 1j,"! arp- exposed. is mad-~ tc-, tnu Caz-d 1., 2 Point of classifying town triangulation a-- "ev.0"d- Mc!.i! Triarivulal.1vii in the V~,R -,,I, - 7 24 grade syt3temc ~Ylth traveroen with a len8ui cf e5l. n traveroo lu,gth -.f 4 I'Li c'l,- g'lidc sy~;04inz; wif,ki ? km traverues. On Jin;:,ary 1, "111 24b.", r:'ertiemeflts with a town Uri 4n ~Pie nuuping a -catal of 87 000 Peopi Ti~(' di !-.~quirementa on the establishment and ti-, trv,tngulatirin ayjt,~irs are compiled in a tf-bi.l. f4gures, 5 table.,, and 10 references, 10 r,:, W!Ilch 4t_:1C_ 11 P-11: M; L-ovskiy Jnstitut inzhenerov geodezii, k~, r I og rn f'i i (Mo s c ow I nu t i t it t e c f S urv ey Ing .-tigincersi T 3(4) ,M"OR; Kurochkin, A. A., Junior Research Assistant SOV/154-58-5-11/18 TITLE: On Typical Schrurien of Town Trii~nj~ulation (0 tipichnykh skhemakh postroycniy,-A gorod!7!-i'r:h triaij~ulyatsiy) PERIODTCAL: Izv(,,2tiya vyoohikh uchobnyl,.1i zavedcniy. Geor!eziya i aero- fotos"yem.krtr 195f~,. 'Tr 5, pp 11'( - 129 (USSH) A-,~~;TR.'ICT: This in a presentation of typic,-,l sche-ies of establishing town triangulation nets, b~-.ned upon (1--ta from the paper cite,1 by referenca 4. From the cons i~! e v!-t ions contl~ined in this paper the folloviint; can be concluded: 1) Town ~r4~Lnwul,~tion nets munt be eotablin ~e(l from a few at least hcxa~-,Onal centrol ny.-terv witli additional diagonals, which i,CVe,4[3Q t Of net cleziento Tron 18.5 to 57~/, 'Le accurzCy In a central Bystom corivinLind of tit least heptagonal fir,ures the diagonals are even more indispensable. It is considered to be most expedient to establish town tri- ,onal central systems consisting angulation nets from hexaF of triangl(.~a of re-ular or arbitrary shape with all diaf,on~t13 required and to measure the side bases of every Card 1/3 On T.,,pical of Town Trianinila-Lifin SC'1/lz1',',-56-5- I l,'16 4th or 5th triangles which tire not to be clooing triangles. 2) Continuous nets concisting of triangles of arbitrary shape without diagonals can be eotabli~hed if a number of central hexaf;onal systems not below 15-20 is available. Side base lines must be established not more frequently than at each 8th or loth triangle. It in expedient to establish such nets in larj-e towns with a compact rounded- off lay-out, when earlier nefs are rerun. The scherie de- veloped in this work eatahlisi,es a certain order in the construction of 2nd and 3rd i;radc town trian_-ulation nets. The economy of this system becomes particularly obvious when used in aerial surveys. The calculation of the geo- metrical weight of a town triinFulation conrt.~uct d according r a to the scheme presented in this paper is rather complicated. For this reason an approx inative calculation of the geo- metric weight is presented. There are 14 figures, 3 tables and 4 Soviet references. Card 2/3 On Typiczil Sch(.-..-,.Js of Town Trian'-Ulation 10 (~. 7 /I A-56-5-11/13 ASS--%O,l 2MON: Movkovskiy institut irmhenerov aerofotonl'yemki i kartoi~r---,fii (Voncov Inntitute of Gej,lesy, Aerial 3urveying, and Cartot-raphy Enf,inccro) .3 U I 'I'T ED : 'March 19., 19513 Card 313 3M SOV/154 -59-3-17/19 AUTHORj Kurochkint A. A. TITLEi Letter to the Editor (Pialmo v redaktaiyu) PERIODICALt Izvestiya vysshikh uchabnykh zavedenly. Geodeziya I aerofotoslo. yemks, 1959, Nr 3, p 147 (USSR) ABSTRLCT: The author corrects an error occurred in his paper "On Typical Schemen of the Setup of Town Triangulations'"published In the issue Nr 5 Of "IzvestiYa", 1958. In the comparison of the values of the mean root square error In the weight unit Pj$ a wrong formula was printed on page 122, which is hereby rectified. Card 1/1 KOSIKOV. B.I.; XUROCHKIN, A.A. k- - - --- - ~ Urgent problems in developing and improving the organization of city surveying. Geod. i kart. no*7:3-6 Jl,'60- (MIRA 13:9) (Surveying) GEEHULA, Boris Ivanovich, prof., (Joktor tekhn. nauk; K11HUCHYIN A,A-,_red.; SHURYGINA, A.I., red.lzd-vai Wd tekhn. red. (Survaying in the construction of industrial, residential and public buildings] Geodeziia v promyshlennom i -zhilishchm- grazhdanskom stroitellstve. Moskva, Gosgooltekhizdat, 063- 239 P. (MIRA 16:6) (Surveying) (Building sites) 6:2) GERZHULA rin prof., doktor teW. nauki XUJI)CHYlin. A A red.; SHURYGINA, A.L, rsd.lz4-vs~ BOJ hOVA, -iwff. (Surveying In the construction of Indust'rial, residential and public buildings) Goodesiia Y promyshlennom I shillehchao- grashdannkom stroltel'stve. Moskva, Goagoolt ekhtydat, 196). 239 P. (MIRA l6t6) (Surveying) (WIlding sites) KOS I KOV, Boris Ivanovich; PAVLOV, Kuzlmn Petrovich; GANISHIN, V.?I., prof., retsenzent; VIDUYEV, N.G., prof., retsenzent; KURDCHKIN, A.A., kand. tekhn. nao, red.; SHURYGINA, A.I., Jred.lzd-va; ROMMOVA, V.V., tekhn. red, (Manual for the realization of plans and building of towns and settlements] Rukovodstvo po perenosu proektov plani- rovki i zastroiki gorodov i poselkov v natury. 2 izd., ispr. i dop. Moskva, Gosgeoltekhizdat, 1963. 261 p. (MIRA 16:1-1) (City planning) Fj I' R0,71rK I I, I. A . A . ; MA K SRIOV , 0 . 14 . Power oupply for thri tw3st, eq-a-,p,-,,f?nt of Quctrical laboratories. P'rom. energ. 20 no.6:19-20 Je 165. (MIRA 18:6) SHUROVSKIY, V.G.; VIADIMOV, V.P.; GNATYSHENKO, G.I.; KMOCHKRI, A.F.; SHCHUROVSKIY, Yu.Ae; ADSON, N.I.; GOLOVKO, V.V.--- --- SomF phyeicochemical properties of charges for and the products of the electric smelting of Dahezkazgan copper concentrates* Izv9AN KazakhGSSR.Ser.mat., obog.i ogneup. no.1&8-13 161. (MIM 14t6) (Dzhezkazgan--Copper-Electrometallurgy) 1 A . 1- ; I . ~ . ; - : -;. , " " 1 1 -. . "'. . :"-' ~~ : , ~; . 1, , .1, . ;, . ; . .'j, ~. . .. . 1, ~, I'T",) ; - - 4 DS (1, 1, 111; (- ," , ;,V - i ,"r . 1i . . . L . I1 0 . 6 1 . ~ ~ I . I Liquative electr,17, sireiting of coppe! -1-~nc-3n- trates with the pr(-,dictl()n of high ralciiun slag. :-ady 1"not. met. i ribog. All Ka7,3.~h. S:;R 08t,.0-49 163 (MIRUN 17:9) FINKELF, V.M.; SAVELIYEV, A.M.1 KUTKIN, I.A.; KUROCHKIN, A.F. Investigating the characteristics of failure in transformer steel. Fiz, met, J metalloved. 15 no.5s781-784 My 163. (MIR& 160) 1. Sibirskiy metallurgicheskiy institut im. Ordzhonikidze, Novokuznetsk. (Steel-Metallogrnphy) (Dislocations in metals) ONAYEV, I.A.; XUROCHKIN, A.F.t TONKONOGlY, 4.7.-i !),U.(NAT0V, N.K. Overall processing ot Balkhash copper concentrates b,7 the c7clone method. Vest, AN Kazakh, SSR 20 no.2:42-49 F 164. (MIRA 18s1) KUROCHKIUI A.F.; ONAYEV, I.A. DistributIon of copper, lead and zinc beween the complex metal matte and aindar In copper smelting. Vest. AN Kaza.1di. SSR 20 no.10s 3-24 0 164. (MIRA 1.1,111) I.. ~ ~ I .f . I "it A.!'.; ONAYH f A. ; 1`01,11, 1- V ,' - 1) - -V I zil~ Int; akwl(.,mL?) konquill".-Int pper distrilution in the copper matte - 3'RC- Ve:3t. All Co - - v Kazakh. SSR 'IrIO J1 164. 17-11) I. Akademlya nauk Kazakhokcy (for Ponomarev, TSef~,~. I A. 11111A,G!i~ II;', of tj,.e palkitaoll concu-trate.,; with an cxyeen- enriched blow In cyclon(~ furnllc(:~-). Veol- I"!; Vwiakh. S""I'll, "! no.1:27-34 ja 165. 11F:7) GANDIN, L.S. (Leningrad); KUROCHKIN, A.F. (Moakva) Use of the method of full flows in the atmosphere. Meteor. i gidrol. no.90-12 S 162. (PURA 1518) (Weather forecasting) 240) AUTHORS: TITLE: PERIODICAL: ABSTRACT: ASSOCIATION: PRESENTED: SUBMITTED: Card 1/1 Zolotov, V. A., Kurochkin, A-.-I. SOV/20-127-5-20/58 The Dehydration of Gypsum in an Ultrasonic Field Doklady Akademii nauk SSSR, 1959, Vol 127, Nr 5, PP 1009-1010 (USSR) By the action of ultrasonics (fraquency 4 megacycle) sundial- shaped dehydration figures (Fig 1) are observed on the (010)- surface of gypsum crystals. These figures occurred already at a temperature of 800C, whereas without ultrasonics this re- crystallization in P-semitlydrate CaSO 40-5H,0 occurs only at 120-125'. The starting point for dehydration are small vestiges n' (cracks, scratche et ), i.e. apparently of plastic deformatio a c I defects of tile crystal lattice. A formation of a-semih ydrate, on the other hand, did not occur even after the weak ultrasonic field had been allowed to act for several hours. There are 1 figure and 1 Soviet referen.7.o. Arzamas8kiy goaudaretvennyy pedagog1che:jkiy in~,titlut (Ar;~tzai. State Pedagogical Institute) April 21, 1959 by P. A. Rebinler, Acadp--dcian March 27, 1959 KUROCHKIN, A.1-L Comjxxing the efficiency of some defoliants for lupine. Zemledelle 23 no.8-.84--85 Ag '-61. 11,:10) 1. Gomelskaya oblastnaya sollskokhozyaystvennaya stantsiya. (Lupine) (Defoliation) Em NA i I KUROGHKIN, A., Inzhener. I I .. I . I . A Standard reinforced concrete silo blocks of grain elevators. Ruk.- elev.prom. 20 no.9:5-7 S '54. (MLRA 7:12) 1. Goeudaretvannyy institut Promzernoproyekt. (Grain elevators) SIRLKOVNIKOV. Stepan Grigorlyevich, inzhoiner - XUROCI KIN A.I. inzhener. nauchnyy radaktor; POPOV, V.I., redwrtor 15V~011-61 -vla; TOKXR. A.M., tekhnicheskiy redaktor [Sliding forms) Podvizhnaia opalubka. Izd. 3-s. p,,iror. i dop. Moskva. Goa. izd-vo lit-ry po stroit. i arkhitekture, 1956. 242 p. (Concrete construction,Formwork) (MIRA 9:10) I f tv A- 1 , V- iZ Ii 11 . RLq 1 otvetstvonhyy red.: KOGAII, A.O., red.; KUZILETSOV, S.M., kand. tel:hn.nauk, red.; KUUKOVSKIY. A.B., inzh., red..._4RLq-ca red.; PISAX, B.Ya., red.; TROITSKIY, N.A., red.; SHI&,'YDM, Ya.A., red.; WCHRTKOV. L.1., red.: GOLUBKOVA, L.A., [Designing grain warohousen rArd grain-procepaing plants] Procktirovanie zernokhranilishch i predpriiatii po pererabotka zerna; abornik statei kollektiva sotrudnikov instituta. Moskva, Izd-vo tekhn.i ekon. lit-ry po vocrossm mukomollao-krupianoi. kombikormovoi promyshl. i elflvatorno-skladskogo khosiatetva, VoL-1. 1957. 59 P. (MIRA 11:5) 1. Gosudarstvennyy Institut promzernoproyakt. (Granaries) (Ylour mills) KURWHKIII, A.,Insh. Determining the speed of whsat flow fron ailos. Muk.-elev. prom. 25 no.2:23 1 159, (MIRA 12:4) 1. GI Promxernoprovekt. (wheat-storam) GOWIMA, Ivan Tikhonovich, inzh KUROCIUMI Aale~kksey Mikha I ich u ~' yev c ) '-"~ -'Ov"c" ~V, inzh.; RALITSEVICHp Vikt;k-xij-,~MZa~r n~~ Georgiy Aleksandrovich; SAVICYLOVA, G.V., red.; GOUJBKOVA, L.A., tekhn. red. (Fundamentals of construction] Osnovy stroitallnogo dela. By I.T.Golovnia i dr. Moskva, Izd-vo tekhn.i ekon lit-ry po vo- prosam khleboproduktov, 1960. 243 p. WRA 15:1) (Building) Wr4ln handling) KUMETSOV, S.M., kand.-tekhn.nauk; EPSHTEYN, D.V., kand.tekhn.nauk; KULAKOVSKIY, A.B., inzh.; KUROCHKIN, A.M., inzh. Precast reinforced concrete granaries. Bet.i zhel.-bet. no.8-337-345 161. ' (MM 14:8) (Granariels (Precast concrete construction) DUZEN'KEVICH, S.Yu., inzh., red.; KU1HOCHKD,', A.M., inzh., red. (Instructions for designing silos for loose materials] Ukazaniia po proektirovaniiu silosov dlia sypuchikh me- terialov (SN 302-65). Moskva, Stroiizdat, 1965. 50 p. (MIRA 18:11) 1. Russia (1923- U.S.S.R.) Gosudarstvennyy komitet po delam stroitellstva. KMCHM; *vg-.~-Anzh.; POTAPOV. A.I., takhnik, DUBIOU', P.I., teknik Watering headings in open]pitb. Bezop.truda v prom. 4 no.4:23 Ap 160. (MIU 13:9) (Krivoy Rog Busin-Mining engineering--Safet7 measures) VDIOGII"V, V.S., inzh.; ALIT"'HUIEA, M.A., kand. tokhri. nauk; -FOLYAKOV, V. G. ., i.nzh.; inzh.; V.I., doktor tekhn. nauk; ZAIKIN, S.A.) inzh.; OSTI",OVSKIY, G.P., inzh.(deceased); NALMIKO, P.I., inzh.; BOBRUSHKIN, L.G., inzh.; RUSTAMOV, I.I.j, inzh.; SHIFRIN, I.I., inzh.j GOLOV91OV, G.A., inzli,; lOtASOVSKIY, L.A.p inzh.j TSIMBALRIKO, L.N., inzh.; RAVIKOVICH, I.M., inzh.; BAZILEVICH, S.V., kand. tekhn.nauk; ZORRI, I.P., inzh..; ZUWTV, S.N,p inzh.; TIYJIDVIDOV, A.F., inzh.; STUTOV, I.S., inzh.; CJ14AYUROV, A.I., inzh.; 0.04BAYEV, Kh.11., lnzh.; DEUTYK1XV, S.I., inzh.; VORONOV, I.S., inzh.; DURMIll, G.1.11., inzh.; BARYSHEV, V.M., inzh.; GOLOVD4, Yu.P.., inzh.; MARCHRIKO, K.F., inzh.; iffCHKOV, L.F., inzh.; NESTEI-04KO, A.M., inzli.; KABANOV, V.F., inzh.; PATRIKEYEV, N.N., inzb.[docoavod]; ROSSMIT, A.F.., inzh.; SOSEDOV, 0.0.) inih.; P0Fjt0VSKIY, M.A., inzh.p retsenzent: POLOTSK, S.M., red.; GOLIDIN, Ya.A., glav. red.; GOLUBYAn;IKCVA;G.S.; red. izd-va; DOLDYREVA, Z.A., tekhn. red. [Iron mining and ore dressing industry]Zlielezorudnaia pro- v7shlennost'. Moskvap Gosgortekhizdat, 1962. 439 1). (MI-U 15:12) 1. Moscow. TSentrallryy institut informatsii chernoy meta.Uurgii. (Iron mines and mining) (Ore dressing) ARSENTIYEV. A.I., dotsent; EUROCHKIN, A.N., inzh. Determination of the line of convergence of mining operations of two independently developed sections of a pit. Izv. vys. ucheb. zav.; goro zhur. 6 no,6:21-25 163, (MIRA 16:8) 1. Krivorozhskiy gornorudnyy institut. Rekomendovana kafedroy razrabotki mostorozhdenly poleznykh lokopayemykh. (Strip mining) KTJROCHKIN, A.N., gornyy inzh.; ARSENTIYEV, A.I., dotsent, kand. - '-nauk Speeding up the development of the "-.5mg level of the strip mine at the %uthern Mining and Ore Dressing Combine by excavating a temporary approach. Sbor. nauch. trud. KGRI no.15:9-13 163. (MIRA 17:8) FUROCHKIN, A.N., g:~mrj in-.1h.; tF61,11"IYU, karid, t";'hn. ~ Inauk; GUGITYA, V-1, studont; C.,F.. Prospects for the third Btag*s cf t,he upon pl-- tit, tho Scuthern Mining and Ore Dressing Combine. Sbor. nuucn. trud. KGP.1 no.15; 13-17 '63. ( m I F~A 17 " 8 ) m t (1) 1 J1, (C A,??62 ACC NRi APOUZ8845 JD/hM' wo.o',':- --u,,~101251661000106~100'1610077-' AUT1,011: Abramovich, I. A.; Kurochkin, A. N. 01G: none TITL,1: ~IVbular defects in electrosla,-, weldinG Somm: Avtoratichoslmya svarka, no- 3, 1966, 76-77 TOPIC TAGS: elactroalag woldinG, wold do'Joct, flxvr dotoction, molton mtal, shoot rntal, stool/0932S steel 103TRACT- Small iubular defects were observed at~,~he Barnaul Boiler PlaA in &-ssols made by electroslag welding from 09G23 steel with walls 110 an 155 = thick. - Ultrasonic flaw detect W~ov-e-,-tYe-l tubes 10-500 rsm long and 1-10 mm. in diarmtor with oval cross se ions lying in the weld joint at a .depth of approAmately -1/3-2/3 the thickness of the metal. Careful obser- vation showed that in all cases, without exception, where ultrasonic detec- t1on showed a tubular flaw in the molten metal, there was defects in tho baso rotal which impeded ultrasonic flaw detection in the weld joint due to :L-iterference. This indicated that the formation of tubular defects In a joint welded by the eloctroslag method JB associated with the quality of the initial motal. It was decided to atudy the ohoots used in making the vessels in parallel with the study of the tubular defects. Photographs con- Card 1/2 UDC: 621-791-756:620-19 ACC NR% fi=ed the conclusion that iti-iubi~lar defects are formed at the edges of the* stratified base metal. It was therefore decided to use the ultrasonic method for sorting out the sheets. Shoots with defects exceeding GOST standards were. rejected, End the remaining shoots were put into production. No tubular do- f acts were detected in vessels welded from these - sheets*. ~ Orig. art. has: 6 figuros. LYPRS: 36,171 J SUB COD&: 13, U / SUMI DATE: none L-15 Card 06176 25 (1, 5,), 28 (1) SOV/115-59-11-4/36 ATJTHORS-~ Xurochkin, A.P., Tsidulko, F.V. TITLE-. The Response Time of Pnoumatic blensii ring Systems PERTODIC&L: Izmeritel'naya tekhnika, l)59, Nr 11, pp 15-18 ABSTqACT-. The authors report on an experimental investigation of the response time of a "Solex" pneumatic measuring de- vice which they performed at the Byuro Vzaimozamenyaye- mosti (Bureau of InterchangealprIllity). This measuring device was investigated under all possible operating con- ditions and with different nozzles. The dependence of the response time on the diameter of the input nozzle is shown by curve 1 in 'Pig 1. The experimental data were compared to theoretical calculations and showed a -ood coincidence. The authors discuss various possi- bilities of decreasing the response time which will de- pend in each case on the design of the pneumatic mea- suring system. Fig 2 shows a test installation for de- termtninf.,, the reoponne time of high-premiure measuring Inutrumento with bellows-type pr(,.,-,.,,ui,e The re- 06176 SOV/115-59-1.1-4/36 f j T he Time of Pneumatic Measuring Systems sDonse times of the bellows-type devices are compiled in a table. There are 1 diagram, 3 graphs, 1 table and I Polish reference. C-ir,i 2/2 PHASE I BOOK EXPLOITATION SOV/5074 Berklayd, I. M.$ A. P. Kurochkin, A. V. Lyakhovskly, A. M. Snetkov, and V. A. Chudo-v.--- Datchiki i izmeritel nyye golovki (Pickups and Dial-Indicators) Moscow, Mashgiz, i960. 158 p. Errata slip insefted. 10,000 copies printed. (Series: Progressivnyye sredstva kontrolya razmerov v ma8hinostroyenii) Eds. of Series: B. S. Bayburov, M. I. Kochenov, and D. D. Malyy; Scientific Ed.: T. P. Bespakhotnaya; Ed. of Publishing House: M. S. Yeliseyev; Tech. Ed.: A. Ya. Tikhanov; Managing Ed. for Literature on Instrument Construction and Means of Automation N. V. Pokrovskiy, Engineer. PURPOSE: This book is intended for technical and design personnel It may also be used by students specializing in instrument de- signing at schools of higher technical education and tekhnikums. COVERAGE: The authors discuss the designs, schematic diagrams, and characteristics of pickups and dial-indicators used as inspection Card 1/4 Pickups and Dial-Indicators SOV/5074 devices. Electrocontact, pneumatic, inductive, and capacitive measuring systems and their pickups are described. Particular attention is given to special features of the designs, circuit diagrams, testing methods, and fields of application of these pickups. Specifications are also given. The book is a part of a larger work in the field of modern means of inspection which was recommended by the Commission on the Introduction of Advanced Methods and Means of Dimensional Inspection in Machine Building under the auspices of Gosudarstvennyy nauchno-tekhnicheskiy komitet Soveta Ministrov SSSR (State Scientific Technical Committee of the Council of Ministers of the USSR). No personalities are mentioned. There are 15 references, all Soviet. TABLE OF CONTENTS: Introduction 5 Ch. I. Electrid-Resistanoe-Type Measuring Systems (Berklayd, I. M., A. V. Lyakhovskiy, A. M. Snetkov, V. A. Chudov) 10 1. Basic designations and typical subassemblies of pickups 10 Card 2/4 Pickups and Dial-Indicators SOV/5074 2. Design of eleotrie-resistance pickups 14 3. Circuit diagrams of electric-resistance pickups 57 4. Testing electric-resistance pickups for accuracy 63 Bibliography 70 Ch. II. Pneumatic Measuring Systems (Kurochkin, A. P.p A. M. Snetkov) 71 1. Pneumatic pickups and instruments 83 2. Methods of checking electric pneumatic pickups 112 Bibliography 114 Ch. III. Inductive Measuring Systems (Lyakhovskiy, A. V., A. M. Snetkov) 115 1. Inductive pickups designed by the Byuro vzaimozamenyayemosU (Interchangeability Bureau) 116 2. Inductive pickups of new design 119 3. Vibratory-contact-type induction pickups for dimensional feedback control 123 Card 3/4 Pickups and Dial-Indicators SOV/5074 Ch. IV. Capacitive Measuring Systems (Lyakhovskiy, A. V., A. M. - Snetkov) 126 Ch. V. Dial-Indicators and Transfer Mechanisms (Chudov) V. A.) 130 1. Types of dial-indicators and their characteristics 130 2. Designs of dial-indicators 133 3. Schematics of transfer mechanisms 150 Bibliography 159 1 AVAILABLE: Library of Congress VK/wrc/ec Card 4/4 6-15-61 S/115/60/000/06/05/031 B007/BO14 AUTHORS: Vysotskiy, A. V., Antonov, P. P. Kurochkin, A. P. A TITLE: An Instrument~ for Automatic Compensation of the Temperature Error in Measurements of Length PERIODICAL: Izmeritelinaya tekhnika, 1960, No. 6, pp. 9-10 TEXT: This is a description of an instrument developed by the Byuro vzaimozamenyaimosti (Bureau of interchangeable Manufacturing) for automa- tic compensation of the temperature error Tt'ypes- 69-1029 (BV.-1029 4and ,,~BB -1087 (BV-1087)). It is used for a simple and re i -iab- I-e -in -eu-m-a-i i a measurement of-T-e-ngth. Small-Bize thermistors of the type EMT-1 (YeMT-1) , attached to the workpiece to be tested or to the gauge of the instrument, serve as sensitive elements. The two thermistors dre connecto,i to the branches of a self-balancing bridge (Fig. 1). The dimensions of th._~ workpieoe are measured by means of a pneumatic differential instrument (Fig. 2). Within a certain temperature range, the indications of the in- strument depend only on the size of the workpiece which is kept at a con- stant temperature. The applicability of this instrument was experimental- Card 1/2 An Instrument for Automatic Compensation 5/11 60/000/06/05/031 of the Temperature Error in Measurements B007YB014 of Length ly checked. These experiments have shown that the temperature error is V11 almost completely eliminated as soon as the temperature of the and-measure gauge has been balanced. There are 2 figures. Card 2/2 S/i2l/60/000/007/006/011 AUTHORS: Kuroc~~in,.A.P., Lind, A.B., Tsirullnikov, I.M. TITLE.- Assemblies of Pneumatic Measuring Systems, 11 PERIODICAL: Staniti I Instrument, 1960, No. 7, PP. 05-27 TEXT: The Byuro vzaimozamenyayemcsti (Office of Interchangeability) carried out investigations of filtering materials used in Soviet and foreign filters of various design in order to develop a new two-stage air filter. The investigations showed that most of the filters do not meet the requirements, since the greater part of the contaminated air, taking the course of least resistance, bypasses the filtering material and passes between filTering material and filter walls. As a result of the investigations, the Office of Interchangeability together with the "Kalibr" Plant has developed the T~ (TF)~17-11 two-stage air filter, operating in the first stage with glass wool and In the second stage with the np (FPP)-15-1.5 grade filtering material. The authors give a detailed description of the filter operation and cite technical data. Simultaneously, investigations were carried out by the Office of Interchangeability in order to develop a new design of air pressure stabilizer, being also one of the most important units in pneumatic measuring systems.' The authors describe the design of the new T_~ (TF)-17-12 Card 1/2 Assemblies of Pneumatic Measuring Systems S/121/60/000/007/006/011 stabilizer with booster and gives technical and operational data. Filter and pressure stabilizer are also manufactured by the "Kalibr~' Plant as one combined j unit of the T~ (TF)-17-13 type, the overall dimensions of which are (diameter x height) 98 x 298 mm, weighing 2.17 kg. There are 2 diagrams and I photo. Card 2/2 ?,(9/00 AUTHORS: TITLE: PERIODICAL: 8795o S/115/60/000/012/003/018 B021/BO58 Xurochkin, A. P. and Taidulko, F. V. Use of Pneumoelqctric Pickups Under Transient Conditions Izmeriteltnaya tekhnika, 1960, No. 12, pp. 11-13 TEXT: The results of metrological invustigations of the so-called "dynamic" utilization of pickups, i.e. their utilization under transient conditions, are mentioned in this paper. This investigation method was worked out at the Bureau of Interchangeability with bellows-sealed and membrane pick- ups in a wide range of the pneumatic-system parameters. Fig. 1 shows some experimental curves, charactorizing the movement of the mobile system of the bellows-sealed pickup as a time function. For the purpose of determining the error amounts, a special installation was fitted which made it possible to standardize the time by means of an electronic time relay. The feed voltage was stabilized by means of a ferroresonance voltage stabilizer of the type CM3-120-0.1 (SME-120-0.1), in order to increase the operating accuracy of the time relay. The actual length of time was determined by an electric stop watch of the type T19 -53JI(PV-53L) with a Card 1/2 87950 Use of Pneumoelectric Pickups S/115/60/000/012/003/018 Under Traniiient Conditions B021/BO58 scale division of 0.01 see. Fig. .2 shows the summary errors in), which were*found experimentally. The curves of dynamic errors, obtained from the curves in Fig. 2 through mathematical calculation, are shown in Fig. 3. The data were compiled and tabulated on the basis of the curvos in Fig. 5 as well as a number of other curves of this type. The dynamic measuring error, caused by a known reduction of the measuring time, can be found by means of the data tabulated. These data may be utilized for a membrane pickup, by cutting the error amounts by 10~.. Investigations showed that the errors of time standardization do not exceed 0.05 sec, if this standardiza- tion is provided by the kinematics of the automatic control itself. It follows therefrom that in ouch automatic controls the measuring time may be cut by 1.5 to 2 times without the installation of time relays. This was put inAb practice in one of the automatic devices for the control of motor car pistcns. There are 3 figures, 1 table, and 1 Soviet reference. Card 2/2 KUROCRKIN. A.P.; LIND, A.B.; TSIRULINIKOV, I.M. Units of pneumatic measuring systems. Stan.i inotr, 31 n0-7:25-27 A 160* (MM 13:7) (Heasuring instramente) (Pneumatic gauges) AKSENOVq Ya.V.j KOGAIII V.B..; KUROGEMIp A.P.; L11-D, A.B. I Dovice for nolectivo ~,ortlng of plunger-puir j,arts. Izm. tekh. no. 3:7-8 Mr 161. (KIRA 14:2) (Photoolectric measurements) s/il5/6I/00O/0o8/0oI/oo9 F,1()4/F, 119 AUTHORS: Kurochkin, A.P., and Tsldulko, F,V. T IT LE -lyr-0-13sure stabilisers for compressed air instruments. for linear measurements PERIODICAL: lzmar.itel,naya tekhnika, no.8, 1961, 4-7 TEXT~ A theoretical and experimental study has been made by the Byuro vzaimozamenyayemosti Gosudarstvennogo Komiteta avtomatizatsii i mashinostroyeniya (Interchangeability Bureau of the State Committee for Automation and Mechanical Engineering) of pressure stabilisers which operate with air supply pressures of 3 to b atm and output (or working) pressures of 0, 3 to 2,8 atm at flow rates up to 150 n.t.p. litres/min or occasionally up te 250 n,,t,,p, litres/min. They are required to maintain the working pressure accurately. The four main classes of pressure regulator are shown in Fig.lz (a) inverse acting, (6) direct acting, (6) inverse acting with amplifier, (,5) variant of direct az.ting. For stabilisers of the inverse a,.ting type the following expression is derived for the working pressure as fun:tion of the supply pressure and flow rate: Card 1/ 8 Pressure stabilisers for -ompressed s/!Iq/6I/ooo/oo8/ooi/ooq P1 P2 f I'A E3.94/Eilg H 1k Kj7 KI 4- K2 Q IVA wher?z H working preaRm e., altm- P. supply pre3sure, atm, 0 - .1 -:- f low ra t e n' t litre.3/min, Pi and P2 foz-~as in ma-ir and rpturn springs of stab,.I-ser w,.th valve Shut kx~ P1 ~>P2: eff'e-,.t-, d'aph-ragm area, --m2 d,),,-. --.raive diamate:r. cm: F fV valve aperture ar~,a, -m2. 1 ? t r e 3 62.3 x X3 Y. kg.m-.n wben a:.: ondi*.2.ons tj + 1.0 thz-o-ugh the val-,re are 3uper-.:rf.tical, --e. wh 5 2 a ri:i Card 2/ 8 P.-E33ure stabilisers for compressed-, s/lI5/6l/ooo/oo8/oo!./oo9 'R E1~94/EI.19 4'x H ~ 241 -103a V(H +Iol * '- (H + 1.03 P1+1.0 P- + A',03)-"- kg Min 3) 4) 2-73-t for subcritical flow through the valve, .4.e. when It 1.03 > 0.528, where! a is the valve flow fa:tor, the air temperature at the stabiliser inlet. In an inverse acting regulator, at zero flow, as the supply pressure is raised from zero the working pressure rises until the rated value is slightly exceeded, and at higher supply pressurez the working pressure drops slightly to the rated value, As the flow rate is increased the working pressure rises more slowly to the rated value at which it remains. The effec,~ is shown -in the PxDsrimental curve of F-ig.3 in which the working press-are is plotted against the supply pressure for flow rates frum 10 n.t.p. litres/min to 153 n.t,,p, lit.res/min. The Card 3/8 Pressure stabilisers for compressed ..., S/l15/6I/ooo/oo8/ooi/ooq E-194/E119 dependence of the working pressure on the supply pressure might be redij~ed either by redu,:ing the second and third terms on the right Iirknd s!de of Eq- ( I) or by making these terms compensate orip O'nu t 1, L, r "The terms can only be redticed by increas'i'ng the a:--tla of the diaphragm, whi,--h should not be made more than 60-- WO nim (I iatneter to avo id having regu I at ors of exce-gs -,vc 9 ~ze liowL-.rer, the valve diameter a:ts d-'fferently ,.xi the second and thifd terms and .-5o d ;( ), should be selected to 'the maxIinum -ion. The experimental cur7es 3how that 'or any gi-~--n zitabt 1;~sar there exists a flow rate for wh:-:~h the hara--terist4-- .~.s mos*1 ly near in the working range, -. S;. in Fig. 11 at 80 n, t. p, 4 he chard-- e ---; /m.; nBy :edu.---.ngf As regula,~o-rs work over a wide range c-' --Icw -atea~ sbozid be -,tele--ted n su:h a way tbai. the max-.M~,m and. f !'!(,.w r4tes gnve curves cf app:-oxima4eiv ~:(Iual ba~- 0p;3zS--z lAng.'e,4., to the hor2.zonta', 11, sho-,ild be noted that the se~-ond -.(~Mpc'nen-. of Eq (1) can be removed by rel~ev.~-ng the val,tp. of but as this term -an then nz-t lle 3s-2d *c- ~11:111pens&'e the third 'erm this only in--reases the v-c- 4 Pressure stabilisers for compressed ... S/I15/61/ooo/oo8/ooi/oo9 E194/EI19 results from variations in system pressure. The third component can be reduced by making the spring less stiff but longer, but this too gives an increaBe in overall dimensions. For direct acting stabili%prs the equilibrium equation is as follows: PI - P2 ) + (Vf6KJl PC _ KI + K2 (2) H + f Bd (F % Kit + fK-V K)l 3pjV*fKJ1 In this case the second arid third terms do not compensate one another and so the error cart be reduced only by reducing the size of the second arid third terms. Examination of the relationship between It and Q for inverse arid direct acting regulators shows that whilst both are of about the same size and complexity the inverse acting type is more accurate than the direct acting type and so is to be preferred. A stabiliser of the inverse acting with amplifier type has an error less than that of the inverse acting stabiliser alone by a factor of 2.5, which results from its more complicated design and construction. There is a need for accurate construction which at the same time is simple, and that of FiS.12 is recommended. The equation for this regulator is as Card 5/8 Pressure stabiligers for compressed S/115/61/ooo/oo8/ool/ooq E194/E119 follows: 7P fkit - F300P K E (3) -kil fkit Bd KAfVA PC + 1.03 In this case the second term may be reduced practically to zero by making F 3)d~ft ft(.A whilst the third term is sOveral times less than in stabilisers of the inverse acting and direct acting types because dVj, is greater. In this stabiliser there is no need to increase Fa 4b ~$ excessively to improve accuracy and so the overall dimensions can be sinaller. There are 3 figures, Card 6/8 Pressure stabillsers for compressed S/115/61/ooo/oo8/oo1/ooq ... E194/Elig a 6 1 . . .8 I i I fill Ififli -- z Card 7/8 Fig.1 Pressure stabilisers fof- compressed ... S/115/61/000/008/ool/oo9 - E194/E;lig I - i V/ st off Fig-3 i Card 8/8 VYSOTSKIY, A.V.; KURDCHKIII, Aj~j LIND, A.B.; TSIDULKO, F.V.; ROSTOVYKH, A.Ya.", kand. tekhn. nauk, dots., retsenzent; KURATSEV, L.Ye., red.-ia4-yo; SOKOIDVA, T.F., tekha% red. (Pneumatic measurements of linear dimensions) Pnevmatichs- skis izmareniia lineinykh razmerov. Moskva, Mashgiz, 1963. 267 p. (MIRA 16:5) (Pneumatic gauges) (Pneumatic control) (Length measurement) S/115/03/000/oul/00/017 K194/1; 155 A UTi 10 1 C~ Ktirochkin, A. 1-,., and okun', J.Yxi. Y.IT1. L pncurcatic (measiiring) systems I 1-it-10DICAL: lzmeritellnaya teklinikag no.11 1963, 10-11 FE XT The object of' the device is to make pneumatic lviigth gall ges itiselisitive to air-stipply pressm-e. It consists of* it chaniber himectud hy it f lexible djaphragin into two halvcs, each w-ith its owit ittilet nozzle; tile lower hill[' 1.5 comiected to tile 111ca lilt flu vZle ; tli(.- upper discharg,cs to atmosphere t1hrough Ott itI.-VI'll-11-C %VlliC[l iN C011140-iCtVd by A wedge carried oil the dialliragnt. Thi.-I fol-111S a sel L'-ba lancilig bridge arrangement which maintains equal prussure ill the upper atid lower halves. A l'orwilln is derived W111-C11 SiloWS t1litt tile 5C-lSitjVity (IC13elld-,; oil UIP linear diameter of tit(, i--easm-ijig nozzle and thr square of' the diameter of" the illIct Dozzle, wilereas ill tile uslia L mysterns the setisitivity depends oil tile .5flil'irc oc t1le diaii,etur of tit(! mea S111. i lls~ nozzle ar)d the fourth power of that ot, thc inlet t1o7zle. broililor tolerances can therefore lie pf~rl,ittvd in 11ozzle dullneters of thv m~w device. The diaphragm Ol'i"i sholIN be as large as possible. The inlet nozzles may be Card 1/2 Self-balancing pleullatic .... b/11j/63/()Q0/uul/003/L)17 E19VE155 i de 11 t I Ca IThe dischorge t1ozz1v way lie ot ditterent shaj~c and i low characteri.stics and this cari he a smirce of measurewent error. Tile vi'lect is marked wheii the pressiire drop across till- nozzle is low, Imt above a curtikiti critical prt!,s.-mr4.,-drop tile tqystem becomes illsell.-ii.tive and this roilditioll IS tjq(jjI jil prilCtIC(i. 'I'llIS pjl(?UjjjjjtjC bridge sy~,tem iN more acciirnte than cipritig devices. 4ith Suitable Con'bi till 1, iolv~ 01, Inlet and disch,trye nozzle vnrJatiotis in supply pressitre are vinimportant; thiss varintiomi of It - 6 kg/cm2 change tile reading by 2 - 30~ of tile Utill-scale limit of 80 microns. All additional prvstmre ~ztahjliser should, however, be used f'or instrmnent~i mem3uring fractiojis of a microti. With thi.-j device, larger than usual measurement clearmices can be used, which makes L'o r ~- -1 J as ,,reater speed and accliracy. Th, df-vice is simple , n( e y to make, and has 1)rov(.,d satisfactory (ill test. is I filt'll'u-C. Card 2/2 ~UROCHKINI A.P.; NOSKINO E.L.; TSIDULKO, F.V. Errors of pneumatic systems for measuring linear dimensions. Izm.tekh. no.2t14-16 F 163. (MIRA 16:2) (Pneumatic gauges) KUROCHKIN, A~P.; TSIDULKO, F.V. Amplitude-frequency characteriBtics of pneumatic measuring instruments. Stan.i inBtr. 34 no.3:31-33 Mr 163. (MA 16;5) (Pneumatic gauges) f ACC NR, AP7002933 SOURCE CODE: UR/0020/66/171/006/1309/1312 AUTHORt Bakhrakh, L.D. (Corresponding membLer AN SSSR), Kurochkin. A.P. I ORG: none TITLE: The use of optical systems and holographic methods to regenerate radiation patterns of shf antennas from field measurements in the Tresnel zone SOURCE: AN SSSR* Dokladys v, 171, no* 6, 1066, 1309-131'2 TOPIC TAGS: shf antenna, antenna radiation, pattern . OP77r. 0 13 ABSTRACT: The feasibility is considered of using holographic methods and optical models based on the known properties of'coherent optical systems to determine radiation patterns of shf antennas. Schematically, such a method of regenerating the radiation pattern consists of the following: the distribution of the shf field is fixed at some distance from the antenna aperture. its optical model is then built to a certain scale and a distribution similar to the measured one is subsequently formed in a field of coherent light. The field thus obtained is converted by a system of lenses arranged to produce a distribution corresponding to the radiation.pattern in some plane at the o;utput. 1/2 UDC: 621.396.6-71 ACC NRj APT002933 'A'theo*retical analy.~is is made of the* abqve technique ut;fng the Huyge-is- 'Kirhoff principle. It is noted that, alihough the proposed technique makeo it possible, in principle, to obtain a solution to the problem of shf field distribution, its direct application is diffimult because the phase-amplitude distribution in the ante1na field must be measured and an optical model, which modulates the light with respect to phase and ,amplitude, must be used. Practical measurements of the shf field 'and formation of a corresponding light field were therefore made using holographic methods. Experiments were c6nducted with an antenna operating ~in a 3-cm waveband. The antenna consisted of two linear radiators about 15 cm long, lying 29 cm apart on the same straight line. The region which the radiation pattern was formed was at a di3Lance of 16 m. Refer- ence signals were generated by an open-end waveguide acting as a spherical' wave source. Intensity distribution -in the interference pattern was 'measured by a probe moving along a circle (r - 1.8 m). Recordings were .made on film to the scale m = 150. The O'bta2ned hologram was placed in a converging spherical wave (X - 0.63 u). After conversion by means of -a photoelectric circuit'.1n the optical-aystem the radiation pattern was measured. (JR] SUB CODE: 09,,2o 7/SUBM DAM 14sep66/ ORIG ~EF: 003/ OTH REFj 005/ ATD PRESS: 5114 2/2 .3 CHKIN, A. S., Cai~d Irech ci (diss) "Combined Survey Of 1.-2,OOJOll 'tn 3 efi~alc Pi in -t4i FbpUlated Points for Ix' I I Flos, 1957. 24 PP (Mos Inst of Land jmOPov.,6Pw-nA), 120 copies (KL, 51-57, 93) - 19 f I a w t lie 4 X 9 fit lit - 2 E z t 1 v, r I 9 85418 5/190/60/002/01!/01.-/027 B004/B06O AUTHORS: Fedotova, 0,. Ya., Kurochkin, A S TITLE: The Problem of Producing Polyamides From Neutral Lstl:~rs of Dicarboxylic Acids and Aromatic Diamines PERIODICAL: Vysokomolekulyarnyye soyedineniya. 1960, Vol 2, No 11, pp. 1688 - 1691 TEXT- A thorough study was made of the reaction between dicarboxylic acid esters and diamines. The investigation made by the authors covered the reaction of m-toluylene diamine with dimothyl-. diethyl-, find dibutyl ester of adipic and sebacic acid,. The reaction rate decreased from methyl- to butyl esver- Adipic acid reacted more vigorously than sebacic acid The reaction of methyl esters with m-toluylene diamine yielded macromolecules with an ester group on one and, and an amino group on the oth,?r Polymers of low molecular weight (500) were obtained at 1800C An increaq-, rf temperature to 260 0C increased the molecular weight, the optimum bs~ing observed at 2600C and a reaction time of 7 hours, while decomp.-sition seta in above 2600C Molecular weighte ranged between 2550 find 42001 Bright- Card 112 85LIB The Problem of Producing Polyamides From S/190/60/002/011/'O-.5/1027 Neutral Esters of Dicarboxylic Acids and B004/BO6O Aroma+ic Diamines yellow brittle substances, melting at 2000C, solublp in oro~sol ani glazial acetic acid, were obtained. Addition of 2,5% orthophosphoric acil gives rise to a high molecular weight, Polymers become stronger ard can be drawn to threads, Only sirupy substances, soluble in organ,.c agen~3, w;~re obtained with diethyl and dibutyl esters. This different reactivity could be utilized for regulating the properties and the molecular meight of polymers, so that the latter could be used as lacquer binding medn'a I. P Losev is mentioned. There are 2 figures. 1 table, and 1 Soviet refprence ASSOCIATION: Moskovskiy khimiko-tekhnologicheskiy institut im D, I~ Mendeleyeva (Moscow Institute of Chem-tcal Te---hn--1ogy impni T) &ndellixi~v) SUBMITTEI)i May 10, 1960 'lard 212 1 S/123/61/000/023/007/018 A052/A1O1 ATM-HOR., Kur_qq_hkjn_-A--3, T17LE. The effect of certain factors on the dimensional wear of the knife when turning 311 -617 (E1-617) alloy PER-L 01',~ A L -Referativnyy zhurnal, Mashinostroyenlye, no. 23, 1961, 27-28, abstract 23B211 ("Tr. UfImsk. aviats. in-ta", no. 5, 1960, 40-68) TEXT- Experimental dependences of the intensity of the radial wear of knife on various factors when turning 3H-61'( (EI-617) alloy are discussed. Experiment%l data on the temperature and cutting forces as well as chara--,ter- istics of rhe servi-~e life of various grades of tool materials are given. At the finish turnIng of EI-617 alloy when the feed doe-s not exceed 0.2 mm/rev the temperature In the cutting zone depends to a great extent on the cutting speed and less on the feed and cutting depth. From the viewpoint of' temperature conditions it is more favoratle to work with an increased cutting depth, and, when this possibility Is exhausted, to increase the 0feed,.adjusting the cutting speed correspondingly. When heated up to 700 - 750 C El- I alloy does not change practically the Initial mechanical qualities. At the temperature of 0 Card 1/3 3/123/61/000/023/007/018 The effect of certain factors ... A052/AIOI ovor 7~O 0 C the HB hardnes,,q of the allov decreanev, sharnlv_ An lnc,.rease of the c;-jtting speed and of the thl,~,kness of the layer c,,At 'Leads t~: a certain incon- ~ildertitle (jecreiiae of the shinkage of cuttings, When the rake angle changes from 450 to -10 U a considerable 3pro~ad of pointi dpp0,irs oil. the -shrinkage diagram, In this interval. of angles at different cutting speeds both increase and decrease of the shrinkage of cittings Is observed. Obviously no4, trie dsfarmation of the layer cut but the wear of the tool must be the crtt.~rlon for solecting the optimum rake angle. For a higher precl.91on of mq--hlnlng it is more favorable to work at increased cutting speeds decreasing the ~utt~lr~g depth ard the feed correspondingly. At that the radial component decreases and along with it t2he elasl-ie centrinigals of the sy-,item. The dimensional wear determined by a direct meaEurvament should be considered as '61116 MaIll Chard.t6r1,qt1(, of tht, wear of the tool, The Maximum stability when turning EI-617 alloy have nhown itie knives furni.-~hed withBE 8 (4K8) alloy plates; however their maximum zervice life at the cutting speed. of 20 m1m1n, feed of 0,11:-- MM/rev and cutting depth 0.5 mm does riot exceed 18 - 16 min. Irrierefore the developm9rit, of rew tool materials for machining heat-re3lbtant alloys is a -very timely taFk, Idnen turning EI-617 alloy the mechanical qualities, snrinkage of cutting_~, fror~,e, wear of "he tool and other characterist._',~s change, depending oz-~ temperatur-e in 4-he r-ard 2/3 8/123/61/000/023/007/018 The effect of certain factors A052/AlOl cutting zone. For the sem1finish turning conditiona at t > 0.75 mm and S 4 0.2 mm/rev the optimum cutting speed securing the maximum tool life when turning EI-617 alloy with VK-8 knives is the cutting speed of 18 - 22 m/mIn. As the optimum knife angles should be taken I - 0 - (+50); OC- 1.40 - 160 450 There are 7 references and 51 figures. I. Militsina [Abstracter's note: Complete translation] Card 3/3 22456-66 r#Ttd)/T-. MWIMPU !ACC M IP6002542 S(TRCE CODEW - -d/0286/65/000/023/0043/0045 AUTHORSi Xolot, I. Lj OWk!Zl Ve lei Sorokint Too K.1 Zhardinovskiyp 0. .1 Sluchevskiy# V4 A.1 0 1 Kurochkinj_A, Be ORGs none TITLEt Crane'vith variable extension boom. Class 35, No. 116667 ISOURCEs Byulleten' inobrotenly i tovarrqkh znakov, no. 23, 1965t ~3 ITOPIC TAGSs cranep loading machinery, trwwport equipment ABSTRAM This Author Certificate presents a crane with variable extension boom which h" a pinned supporting strut. The and of the strut in connected througt a compound, pulley syst(m to the crane boom# To increase the lifting capacity with extended boom by eliminating compressive loads and to decrease crane height during transportj the pinnel supporting strut is nountod at the base of +.b* boom and is equipped with a dWorting pulley mounted on the bal.tols part of this pulley so that the pulley forces art dirtotod upoard# ov .r:ing the for3*s resulting in the strut due to tsasion in the boom pullar system to * ]Pig* I)$ . M)Oi 621.873.3 qLCX IOUs APM542 ol 7~9* I I - lb~j 2 - atmto 3 - )~om psnoy lwateal 4 - diverting puUcWj 3 lo#A oible. Orig. art* b"a I figurso on cmzl 13/ am DMs 2Wot6'4 A ALEKSEYENKO, NikoliV Grigorlyevich; YAKIMOVg Semen Ivanovich; KUROCHM4 A.Ye.,, red.; MARCHUKOVA, M.G.v red. izd-va; LAVRMIOVAp 1;~:~ --Mrn. red, 1.1j,p [Package transportation and the mechanization of cargo-handling operations; practices of Nakhodka harbor dock workers) Paketnye erevozIci i makhanizatsiia gruzovykh rabot; iz opyta portovikov r iakhodki. Moskva, 12d-vo "Morskod transport," 1961. 49 p. (MIRA 14:9) (Hakhodka-Cargo handling-Equipment and supplies) YEROFEYEV, Nikolay Ivanovich; POLIKARPOJ ' A.D., lnzh., retsenamat; KUROCMUM, A.Ye., inzh., retsenzent; REKXMN, I.G., inzh., V ed e tFe-nzeiii-,-SKOPE-LING, L.V., red.; USANOVA, N.B., tekhn. r . r [Gwit'ry cranes]Portallnye krany. Moskva, Morskoi transport, 1961. 561 p. (MIRA 16:2) (Cranes, derricks, etc.) AVERBUKH, M.N.; KUROCHKIN -, A.Ye.; FOBEREMNYl, I.V. -__,,Z.,I,_ Over-all mechamution of t1io loading and ui-doading of uriJtized bargo in sea harbors. Mor. sbor. 46 no.5:65-71 My 163. (14M 17: 1) ;JL'11,11111, Illyli boriuovich; FOBEAE~IINYYI I.V.) rod.,- A.Ye., red.; Di.anual for the training of harbor workors of the fourth clana] Uchabnou poijobio dlia podgotovki portovollo rabochogo IV kInnari. Vockva, Izd-vo "Ti-ansport," 1964. 182 p. (1VIRA 17:0) KUROOMN, B.; BRUCH3M, I.; PTATIBRATOV. Ta.; SOKOLINKO, V. BlActric locomotive builders need thermovotting Insulation lacquers. Ilek. i tepl.tiaga 2 no-12:8 D '58. (MIRA 12:1) 1. Dirqktor Novocharkaoskogo elaktrovosostrottellnogo zavoda (for Jkroohkin). 2. Prodeadatell.zavodiskogo komiteta profsoyala Novooherkavskogo elaktrovosostrottellnogo savoda (for Zharchanko). 3. Sekratars partkom.lovocharkenakogo slaktrovotostrottellnogo savoda (for P~atibratov). 4. Sekratarl komiteta Teesoyuxnogo Lenindkoigo koyimieticheekogo soyusa molodeshi Novochorkmaskogo elektrovozostroitel'nogo zavoda (for Sokolenko). Ollectric locomotives) (Insulating materials) (Lacquers and lacquering) If 0 o 0 0 o a o q 0 0 0 0.0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0'o If 0 0 0 011 4) 0 , 1 wt foil 00. of: is 00 t so 10 : i of . 0 0 000 " It 00 : : 1,11.1 1.11P kill! q1ts,"I ~ HII I"Ill"JIll-Iii list$ V.IA 11 ~' : J, 00 m-i tis piar pisp #1 41 I"i'l -'4,1 Asir Uirlu". I.." Isip Iss.111 I., tiollit.1 00 oo- Ir.411 Ir -III pull"I'IrA %mkjj"j~-j .1i (it atilt U!%'.t V -'Wtfj- *45 . 1111411- 9.ptmlql ~w (tj t -4 I'lls" so 00- si 00 00- Ir 00 00- r go 00 1"... L g 00 o - - - go 0 j o .1 .1 .1 q it 1 0 T, r v a ff it 11 Q v It tr of is 11 It 1. it 1 0. 4 0 0 4 1 ,l 0 11go 0 0 0 0 Is 0 0 9 9 9 0 Is it 0 0 0 0 age 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 00 ~ - i ; . ;._, i 09 0 0 9 0 0 0 0 9 0 0 1 0 000 9 0 0 0 09060#090*0000 - 0 00 0 0 _ - 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 4 0 0 00k: 4 41 0 '. Is of u 11 W Is so 1y is ill 2 Is n a if a is 2i X 2f 16 V 12 11 )A is ho V W J4 a; -1 4: o 4 A N I A A 1 0.4 04 90 If C. .16% 4 S L J fir fe _ - 06 A Isaic"fidASOM1101111111Y Ott" OutbrTlIks OtRA bQWiSW- 11. I.Aawhkin and K. G. 100"'Y . h ).- A oviin ,blarri 6. No. 3 10-PSOMM(in Ctrovilso lo I viel,fed ti toxin which coliski imt Im ritutralired by anti- b 11 l C A ill atu 1"titaq offfalm4d ffcml 8, biolutimmy typ ' , 14 'll h r- lot I slihicli was destroyed by brisling In 1 roiln mfnl4 10 liffelat"I tOthr "M-91" %fr2ill rv(b"111111111~ It %hOWS UO rn(AcillyfiC ChjklArfejj%jiC%, told fiflififfillf CKJ; see 00 - f- tl It + f A e isi. i " n ormos told Ifrovirow with *F I at gAq i I z t" . ferment Slootch, ~twrnae' tookilmr, rnmtlr~. 11,4vin . "m 0 1 A i dd "'. a 1"% n 1,1 r friorn mmkcd still. in. which tri 1 14 . , 11% friortion, afe.11,1 l1ruindi2elf toy vulJlAjjn~% I 'W ~Imifpr to lhnqr o( the lit train rNrept that it frromit- 4tirm" with " and Kaj hwftlitflors It i. qm"4orming, but cmild lint chAnitrly he id,n1fj#r,l A hovich 1br sssxluvinpt~m rric .ums% mirgrM a l.- Iv. l % list an,11 A26 -f tvi~ C talliffl.-hip with the Meyer 'trum Is. tp A A Of I A LLUNCICAL 'Z. Mel so it', 61 on a e. :0 le o 0 , 0 1, 0 e U 0 00 s 0 : 0 6 0 0 0 0 9 j 0 0 0 * 0 i 4) D. I. Civair of Ilicroblal., AsLralchan ned. Inst. Astraldian Lab. of Floyclinic 11 Uttter7l flualth Dept. (-19)J4-) "Ori tho I)ry Complement.1 Zlvar 11-11?robiol.j Eptieviiol., i Driwiobiol., No. 4-5, ,: i, ~ - "', 7 .,. -~) I I .., . -!!~ , -) v I ch ~,3f rouct'~iiw, lll;~.~, It I I . . ; ~ * . u rtLt i ) i: i f t, u, n,' i e ) i' u ::~ -: ~ ` :;, 1 " civn (,(., ' ,-,4 P-' ~ . - - - . j - - .-trakhar, Ac-al imAitut(" .- KTJROCHKIN, B. 1. A new aDecies of aDorogenous bacteria isolAted from the pent of some lnkes [with summary in English]. Mikrobiologiia 27 no.2:221-225 Mr-Ap '58 (MIRA 11:5) 1. Astrnkhanakiy meditsionkiy Institut. (BACTKRIA, tinakienals, orogenous species, isolAted from pent of lakes (Rusl) KUROCHKIN. B.J. Caune of the reddening of water in some salt lakes. Mikrobiologiia 29 no-3t422-427 ~*-Jo 160. (MIRA 13:7) 1. Astrakhanskiy meditsinskiy institut. (BURLINSKOYE, LAM-SMWTIA) (TINAKI, LAKD--6'IWATIA) DZRBEDENOVA9 M.P..j KUFXMaXt_B KAYA .,,I.; GLUMGVA, Z.I.; ZHIGUL'S' I.F.; VEVOR, P.A.; BORISCWA, A.-I.; LYUBART, A.M. Diagnostic value of the detemination of blood serum a1dolase activity in Botkin's disease. Sovmed. 25 no.1:92-95 Ja 161. (MIRA 1103) 1. Is Virusologicheskoy laboratorli Aatrakhanskoy oblastnoy samitarno- epidemiologicheakoy ptantsii (glavnyy vrach I.I.Troitskiy), kafedry mi obiologii Astrakhanskogo meditainskogo instituta, Bollnitay iieni, Bekhtoreva, (glav;%yy vrach V.I.Gembitakiy) J Gorodakoy Sani$arno- epidemiolo i0heskoy stantsii ( lavnyy vrach G A~Gull I MOUSE) VWATITIS, IWE-C OUrz Yants). 01,10CEIKIII.? D.1., prof. (Astralchan') Two dayj in tho microbiology dopartment. Zdorovl,! 8 ro.4:? Ap 162. (MIRA 15;4) (sAtunity MICADIOLOI,-Y) KUROCIIKIN, B.I. IRelation of some halophi~es to various concentrations of sodium chloride. Mikrobiologiia 31 no.1:72-76 Ja-F 162- (MRA 15:3) 1. Astraldu=kiy moditsinskiy inotltut* (VIMIO) (SLYRMA) (MICROCOCCUS) rt rf,,d lakoA. .Pr~'rrAa 5114 t65. (~(T.R_k 18:10) 1 . rak han v! jr t,,F-- d i *,,,i ! n -i k 1y i nD t. 1 . ... ", ~ . . ; ;- , !, , * , " - . .~', . -1-11, , ; .,. , I I dri'l -I! Tit, ~;j 01 wal,-v -,;- ,,, i! 1 ~ r-~,! !,'r. in I , I - A Rolna.,IhUno oll fl,~Ill. hurolilc I I : ~-(; 16!, . WIRA IP,'-5) I. Koll"Ora har'-fliya No.2. h;jjoCNKIN 0 Ii.i"%; flew methr-a for ! -' ! ', . -, , i, -!. ::,, . Nel't. k1r)",. 42 nu,.60F.-,'~' Jo II . , - ! ~ -j ": i;I j .aC UMOGHKIN, B.N. Now a.c. electric locomotIve. Ilak. i tepl. tiaga no.11:26-28 N 157. (KLRA lOrll) 1. Direktor Royocberkaoskogo slaktrovozostroitallnogo zavoda. (Electric locomotive) KUROCHKIN Inshener. Development of electric locomotive construction in the U.S.3,R. Zhel. dor, transp, 39 no.5:35-58 My 157, (KM 10:6) 1. Glavnyy inzhener NovocheflMeftogg olektrovosostroitallnogo zavoda. (Alactric locomotives) -KUROCHKIN, B.H. (p,.Novochnrkannk) Brush holder design will be Improved. Flek. i topl. tiaga 2 no.9:5-7 S 158. (WRk 11:10) 1. Dlrnktnr Novochnrkaoskogn olaktrovozostroitellnogo zavoda. (Brushes, Electric) (Electric railway motors) KMOCHKIN, B.N. ~Novocherkaask) Now heavy-duty electric locomotives using alternating current. Zhel. dor. transp. 40 no-5:28-31 Mv 158. (MIRA 11:6) l.Direktor Novocherkaeskogo elektrovozostroitellnogo zavoda, (Electric locomotives) KUROCHKIIII, B. 11. Urgent problems of electric locomotive manufacture. Blek. i tePl-tiaga 3 n0-1:9-11 JS 159. (MIRA 12:2) 1, Direktor Novocharkmaskogo elaktrovozostroitel'nogo 2avoda. Ollectric locomotives) - KUROCHKIN, &N., inzh. Tfie flovocherkaask Electric Locomotive Plant. Vest. elektroprom. 32 no.5:1-3 My '61. (MIRA 15;5) 1. Direktor Rovooherkneskogo elektrovozostroitellnogo zavoda. (Novocherkassk-Eloctric locomotives) _t- -" -: , " z ,i1_~7 .I j KATA)AROV, A.V.; MOCHKIN. B.N.; SHIROKOV, G.I.$ KOKABXV, N.I., doteent. retsenzent; PWTr6f, ..I. X-4'T'v-';-'Inzhener, reteenzent. [Therizal processes of open-hearth furnaces in rapid steel malring] Teplo,rye rezhi" martanoyakilch pechei pri skoroutnom stalevarenil. Sverdloyak, Oos. nauchno-takhn. izd-vo lit-ry po chernoi i tsvetnoi metallurgil, 195). 240 p. (MIRA 7:6) 1. VNIIT. (Open-hearth process) ~'. U, `io; L z F I " : , " " . - - " In J,,. 'I t i F.:,f t I ~ r) (, !, F-3-1 ~ ..; ., r:' . ~ I r;; - (,. P r~,:)4 (1 1.) *1' " ; r. " - : -,! ~ i.. - :- e , -- I ' th,- lie-il. Procn~js of' --I llliartin -, A n i: ~`,f - I . - u c ~ ~ - ~, r, U,-)SR, Ur.-tl Polytecl-ml-cal Insti.tiit,n 1~neni S. 11. Kirov, Sverdlovsk, (Diss,ert--iti-nn for h!.3 Do,,t:n2e of CandJ(hi.a o-*' Tf!cr.nicil Scl,~nces) SO: Knj7hnaya Letonir,' No 43, Octnber 195(~, ~,, ,-,N;~- - J'I- -, --- - - - - - ---, -- - - - --- - -t A% 1A - -, ~, I : -~. 1 --.- .. - - - . - -- I - -- --