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nr Qf nt EM GERASIMOV, Yu.V.; GALYATIN, V.M.; Frinimal uchastiye KURMAYEV, S.G. Investigating conditions of the slowing-down of the workpiece by the outlet table fdUowing ejection. [Sbor. trud.] TSNIICHH no,29:121-127 163, (MIRA 17s4) OGANDZHANYANTS, V.G.; ASLANOV, R.T.; KUMYEV, Sh.Kh -., Method for the experimental study of the effect of well spacing on the water flooding of petroleum from a nonuniform bed. Trudy VIIII no.42:30-42 165. (MIRA 18-5) USSR/Physiology of Illants - Photosyntlicuirs. JK Abs Jour : Ref Zhur - Biol., tic, 15, 1953, 67788 Author : Darchiya, Sh.P.,,,Kurmaycva, A,Kh!j Klinger) V.G. I----------------- Inst : Acndomy of Sciences KazSSR. Title : A Comparison of the Spectral Luminosity of Live and Torn- Off Plant Leaves. Orig Pub : Tr. Sektora astrobotan. All KazSSR, 1957, 5, 174-186. Abstract : Photographs were taken of the rcflcct1~.,n spectra of leaves of the second stratum of lilac, Jasmine, and wild mallow; then the leaves were removed from the plants and photogra- plied immediately. Additional pliotographs were taken after 5, 10, 20, and 40 minutes, onc hour, and two hours. Seve- ral series of spectrograms of gypsum and barite screens served as a photometric scale. Standard and ultra-violet spectrographs were used with n glass optic. Card 1/2 US" /1l1Ysi'_?lt)L o R ~y 9f 11"Mts - 110tosynti,.,sis. fibs jour "of Zhur 113 15, 1958, 67788 1. From a comparison of tile cuurao of spectral curves and torn-off leaves it was found that In the course day there were no important variations in the Optic for live racteristics Of the Of the leaf I rocprdless of when it was al chn- off tile Plant, The spectral curves were also torn sunlight and artificial data acquired illumination. compared for On the basis leaves torn the authors consider that by studyina 0'0 the Off the Plant under artificial the it is POGnible Lo a0tCrdna tile COMP,L Illumina U10 Plants, to e)mmInL te tiol") gardics, , the jjlnjjts in a light balance of Of their Place of growth.. to ny weather and re- tr,,ce the 24-hour course of Photosynthesis by using the curves of spectral lumillos"y of the Plants) and to conduct Parallel. experim, mentG by the sPectro-ana I.B. Sharovatova. 1YO111 and physiological Methcx1v Card 2/2 3 ACC NRs next poorest in February 1960, In the winter months the image grew somewhat poorer toward moraing as the wind came up. During the sumrar the image quality remained almost constanto It is conoluded that the Chechekty district is a very favorable locality for making various kinds of astronomical obsurvatioas, Orig,, art. hass 9 figures sad 5 tables* suB cm, 4, W suBH uTs, i5may65/ ORIG 1W a 0031 OTH REF% 001 Card 2/2 Ktu-.ay.~va-, Ye. - "GcII reaction In luau t-'.j.3uc-, c.-' c~cpi'3r!- m.arital tithorcl, loci i.- f;GIl(;ct!.rjI, 1).4,:. Y':'. of 1n.rap:iI,,,-ionarj jntwru,,Nc~.Io,-t of ye. 1. w. Ocll,ction 23 wova. "Cham-es in the lun, ti,3r~-ac cf rats durLn- ntrapiu~.oaary lntro,-'-uc'.'ion of f.L olljc'4-',on 3, 14 Ye. "Shan:,es in lu-i- tiz;sue -,f -,-,tiite rat3 (IlLr-*,n,- lntrapul,-ionary intmhCtio-; of a,.-( TrIOY cn~~',:o:-,o rflld. III-ta in. Lalirulna, ','a. I-', Vil-43 SO: U-36,00, 10 JUTY 53, (Letopis "Zhurnal InjIldi Statoy, fau-,layc va P "Thc off,Uct 01' W-- duri '- j-7-*IP-' on the- " L Lnj~ --mantal tub, 0 arculosic; in jif;- 'C:rlt'ani,,-.alo the 'un~:s in. `alinillat ".10. 1"), 124 3, p. ISO; U-36W, io jul., 53, (ltol)in of 2- a -I C 0 JulY oy, YM,IAYFVA, M. Ye. KURMAYEVA, M. Ye.: "The clinical-morphological aspects of reactivity in human lung tuberculosis under wartime conditions." Omst-State Medical Inst imeni M. 1. Kalinin. Omsk, 1956. (Dissertations for the Degree of Doctor in Medical Sciences). SO: Knizhnava Letopis' No. 22, 1956 KUBMAYEVA, H.Ve., doktur med. nauk Cnrdina rhAngen in tuberculonin. Probl. tub. 36 no.9:57-62 158. (MIRA 12:7) 1. Iz knfedry fnirulltetBkoy terapii (zav. - prof. R. M. Akhrem-Akhremovich) Omnl-ogo meditainRlogo inatituta. (TUBIRCUICSIS) (IMAW-DISRASMS) KURMAMTA, M.Ye., doktor meditsinskikh nauk; SOKOLISKIY, I.E. , vrach History of the control of tuborculozin in Omak and in Omsk Province. Trudy 0141 no.25:55-63 '59. (Iffil 11,: 10) 1. Iz kafedry fakulitotskoy tera.pii Cmakogo maditainakogo Instituta imani Kalinina, zav. kafedroy prof. R.M.Akhremovich i Omkogo oblastnogo protivotuberkuleznogo diapansera, glavnyy vrach A.D. Sysina. (OMSK PilOVII-ICE-TUBERCULOSIS) KUIU-IAYEVA,t.1 Ye., prof. (Yaroalavll) Clinical morphological characteristici of fatnl crisfig 'Of brucollosis. Klin.rafid. no.3:46-.',O 162. (HIRA '111:13) 1. 1z kafodry f nlciil totskoy terapil (zrl.,. - np:-, luzlenm7- -Joyrt t-1 naid-A prof. R.M. Aldtrom-AkIL-ornovich) QLskoCcj tutu iment M.I. Kalinina i kafedi7 to-,rapil (zw. -- prof. IA.Ye. Kurriaygva) Yaroslavokoro -m--~,ditolpFkwTo (BRUCELLOSIS) KURMAYEVA , 11. Yo. , prof . Some cliftical, biochemical and hematological tes+~s in rheumatic fever charaoterizing its activity. Vop. rown. 3 no.4:39-45 O-D 163. (14DU 17t2) 1. Iz kafedry fakulltatakoy terapli (zav. - prof. IM.Ye. Kurmayeva) Yaroslavskogo maditsinakogo instituta, 1, y t,ib J adults. Sov. rlo,2:3-8 t"-, l/. Eaf f ~tku P tu LAOy Ltt 1.11" 1i I. ro 1-1 z,-. a y(s v a) YarGslavskogc. modits-inskogo TARCHEVSKIY, I.A.,_IJURKAYEVA, S.A.1 VDOVINA, A.I. Change in the trend of photosynthesis in plants transplanted under the canopy of the forest. Bot. zhur. 47 no.9tl366-1369 3 162. (KRA 16: 5) 1. Kazanskiy gosudarstvennyj universitet. (FhotoBynthesis) (Forest ecology) BALKOV, Mikhail Nikolayevich[deceased], YURMAYEVA, V.M., red.; RADNAYEV, A.H., tekhn. red. (Buryat cattle, its origin and ways for its improvement]Bu- riatskii krupnyi rogatyi skot, ego proiskhozhdonie i puti ulu- shcheniia. Ulan-Ude, Buriatskoe knizhnoe izd-vo, 1962. 249 p. WRA 16:3) (Buryat A.S.S.R.-Cattle) DU17,Gl",;(.Vjl Aridi-r-y 1-1 'l , -toll. [Arshan Health Rocurtj Kurort. Axsl-j-n. TJ I 1.7,,l e , En'; - riatskoo kidz~rioe izd-vop 19t,4. 139 ii. (MIRA 18: 1) KURMAYEWA, Maria Some olinicals biochemical and hematological teats determining the d0 ree of activity of rheumatic disease. Reumatologia (Waroz!) 1 no.ltl7-24 163. 1. Z Katedry Chorob Wownetrznych Instytutu Medycznego w Jaroslawiu (ZSRR) (Kierownikt prof. dr med. M.E. KurwiaJewa). KURMAZ, B.V. Study of the glycosides of Centaurea acabiosa L, F&rmataeve zhur, 16 no. 2139-.42 161. (MMA 14: 10 1e Kafedta tekhnologii likiv ta galenovikh preparativ Dnipropetrov- sikogo medichnogo institutup zavs kafedroyu dotee V.K. Yaabohenko, (GLYCOSIDESS) (PLAVOWS) M inzh, KURMAZ _1.1, -podpolkovnik; SAVDUh, I., lnzh, Analysis of the performance uf the hydraulic iyatem oi~` a '- 'elicopter. r ,O,ti kosm. 45 no.5:61-64 l1q 163. 16:51 (fielicopters-Hydraulic equipment) XHORAVAp G.V.; KISIMIKO, N.S.; KURMAZIYA, N.M.; AKUSBA, Z.V. Treatment of ascariasis with naphthamon (alcopar), Mad, paraz. i paraz, bol. 32 no.4:397-399 JI-Ag 163. (MIRA 170) 1. 1z Gudautskoy infektsionnoy bollnitay Ministerstva zdravo- okhraneniya Abldiazskoy ASSR. KHORAIVA, G.V.; KUYVA7,1YAO N.M.; AVSBAt Z.V. Testing the preparation.. chloroquine, in hurmn ascariasio. Mod, paraz.i paraz.bol no.31340-341 61. (MIRA 1419) 1. Iz Gudautakoy infektsiomoy bollnitsy Minister0tva %dravockhra- neneiya Abakhaskoy ASSR. (ASCARIDS AND ASCARIASIS) (QUINOLIVE) SUROGIN, P., polkovniki .KURYY.M, F., podpolkovnik Experience in building bridges over shallow water. Voen.-inzh. zhur, 102 no,6:17-20 Je 158. (MIRA 11:6) (Military bridges) KUTWELEVA, N.F.; OSTAPENKO. E.Z. Fungus diseases of ornamental trees and shrubs in Donets Basin cities. no.27:96-98 '57. (MLRA 10:5) l.Kiyevokiy goaudaretvanny7 universitet im. T.G. Shevchanko. (Donets Basin--Fungl, PtWtopathogenic) (Trees--Diseases and pests) (Shrubs-Diseasen and pests) KOVAL11 Ye*Z.; KURMELEVA& N.F. (Kurmellova, N.F.]; LAVITSKAYA, Z.G. [Laylia,Ka, 4,H,j - Jkterjals on the fungous flora of trees ans shrubs in the city I - pairks of the southern Ukraine. Vionyk Kyiv.un. no.l. Ser.biol. no.215-11 158. (KIRA 16:4) (UMAINF--FUNGI, PHYTOPATHOGENIC) (UKRAINE-~OODY PLANTS&-DISEASES AND PESTS) - XURMT, Tevgeniy Uts anovich- XONTSOYj Alekoaadr Grigorleyvich; SHIRSOVg ~*, ~Rvs`nnyy r~or; USHAXOV, X.Z., otvatotyennyy radaktor; GRISHATAUXO# M.I., redaktor lzdatelletva; SABITOV, A., tokhnichesiciy redaktor [Ventilation of mines in the Xuzaetak Basin] Provatrivanis shakht Xuzbassa. Moskva, UgletekhizdAt. 1957. 173 P. (HLRA 10:9) (Kuznetsk Basin--Mine ventilation) J~.a.f) . . ~ot,,.; .:0Z ".Dql icand.-n.&n.-mi~c 4V,Iduci:q~ air Li ;:' li.lljs. U~oll ~-L I 2 161. (7:1 -A -.!,:2) 1. :"6o.vrov..,':iy J. .. . kp- ViA V. v . I ventilation) S/690/62/00-/000/003/009 D201/D308 .117T HOR: Kur M. t , A. A. T ITLL Comparison of different methods of estimating the accuracy of the Runge-Kutta-method .:,C Ucademiya nauk Latviysl,-oy Silt. Institut elektroniki i vychislitelluoy takhniki. Trudy, v. 3, 1962. z~vto- matika i vychislitelInaya tekhnika, no. 3, 23-33 TZXT-. !expressions are derived for the remainder term of the 111tunge-1,utta method applied to the differential equation X1 = f(tyx) t . d with initial conditions X(to) . X0. U.2) and using the assumptions of L. Biarberbach and,O. Vcjvoda (Aplikace Card 1/2 S/690/62/003/000/003/009 Com*parisol-,, GE different methods ... D201/J308 mat., v. 2, no. 1, 1957, 1-23). The expressions obtained result in a much better approximation than that o'Otained by other methods. The author transforms this remainder tern for the case of the most convion, values o-r' its coefficients and eventually derives a numerical foritula for estim~ating it by taking the avertige v.-Aues of the integrals of V/6 scalar functions constituting the terTis of this remainder. T Card 2/2 KUR1,111', A. [Xurmiti:i, A.) Reduction to the Rlinge-Kutta method of a procedure for evaluating the error involle', in difference methods for numerical integratior. Izv.AN Latv.SSR no.6:49-58 163. (ERA 17:4) 1. Inatitut elektroniki i vycbislitellnoy tekhniki AN LatvSSR. --,~PKIT,_A. [Kurmitls, A,] Applying a proepdure for evaluating errors in differcntial methods of numerical integration to the Runge-Kutta method. Izv.AN Latv.SSR no.7:75-84 163. (AURA 17:4) 1. Institut alektroniki i vychislitellnoy tckhnIkI AN LatvSM-. KUR~UT) A.A. Theory of errors in the Runge-Kutta method. Vest. DGU. 18 no.1905-48 163. (MIRA 16:11) PMM L 8_-_)22-t6 ACC M: AT5027521 SOURCE CODE: UR/2696/-6woo-8/6-007d,6;ii-/6-07-7----I AUTHOR: Zdankevich V ;..,KuqpIt, A. A. ORG: Institute of Electronics and Computer Technology AN L.ItSSR, Riga (Institut elekironiki I vychislitellnoy tekliniki AN LatSSR) TITLE: Arithmetic automaton device for electronic circuit testing SOURCE: AN LatSSR. Institut clektroniki I vychislitellnoy tekhniki. Trudy, v. 81 1965. Avtoinatlka I vychislitelInaya tekhnika, 71-77 TOPIC TAGS: automatic machine,"', electronic circuit, electronic test equipment ABSTRACT: The arithmetic device under study is a part of a special-purpose setup, for the testing of electronic circuit parameters. Since it is not subjected to high speed requirements, an accumulator -type adder may be used. This simplified the scheme of the arithmetic device, reduced the number of parts needed, and thus au6pented its reliability. The adder Is made of two triggering registers. The article presents the block diagram of the entire arithmetic device, and of the local control unit and time diagrams at various points of the circuitry. Orig. art. has: 7 formulas and 3 figures. SUB CODE: EC, IE, DP / SUBM DATE: 00 / ORIG REF: 001 UDC: 681.142.642.2 Card 1/1 ACC NR# AR6027187 S.OURCE CODE-.-UR/O~-7.f/6~~/000/005/BO32/BO32 !AUTHOR: Kurmit, A. A. TITLE: A formalized method for describing the operation of a diode matrix !SOURCE: Ref. zh. Avtomat telemekh i vychial tekhn, AbB. 5B246 iREF SOURCE: Sb. Avtomatika i vychial. tekhn. 8. Riga, Zinatne, 1965, 45-48 TOPIC TAGS: mathematic matrix, computer circuit, coincidence Lrcuit ABSTRACT: A formalized mettiod is proposed for describing the operation of an AND-type diode matrix. The method is suitable for computer analysis of loads placed on indivi- dual elements. All vertical lines and all horizontal matrix line pairs are indexed. The principle of mathematical model formulation consists of the following: the'verti- cal lines become the columns of the mathematical matrix and the hofizont~l line pairs become the rows of the same matrix. If the vertical line is connected to the 'T' line of the horizontal pairs through a diode, a 1 is entered on the intersection of corres- ponding row and column of the mathematical matrix; if the "0" line is the second diode connecting point, then a 0 is entered in the mathematical matrix. Thus, a conductance matrix is formed which may be used to determine the loads placed on output lines of the matrix and the input switching elements. An example of a diode matrix for binary- decimal to decimal code conversion examined. (Translation of abstract) 1 illustra tion and bibliography of 2 titles.Ig. R, SUB-CODE: 09 1 ACC NR- A117007040 SOURCE CODEi UR/0197/66/000/008/0039/0045.! AUTHOR: Kurmit, As As; Svilans, M, P. ORG: IrGlefitikii_6f Electronics and Computer Technology AN LatSSR (Institut elektroniki I vychislitallnoy tekhnIkI AN lAtSSR) TITLEi Distortion of the onvelopo of an amplitude modulated signal in the selective high frequency stage SOURCE: AN LatSSR. izvesityag no. 89 1966, 39-45 TOPIC TAGSt F11, radio signal SUB CODE: 17 ABSTRACT: The primary amplification of radio signals In a received Is performed In the IF section. The distortions which may occur in this sectiont primarily non-linear distortion, should be studied separately for amplitude and frequency modulated signals. Non-linear distortions of a low frequency signal In the IF section may occur due to suppression of the carrier frequency relative to the side bands or due to asymmetry of the pass band relative to the central frequency of the amplified spectrum* A quantitative evaluation of these distortions was performed on the basis of certain mnthematical considerations. A digital computer was used to calculate values of the coefficients of non-linear distortion caused both by suppression of the carrier relative to the side bands and by a shift of the central frequency of the signal relative to the axis of symmetry of the pass band. The results are presented an a-set of curves. The functional dependence of distortions on the degree of over modulation can cl~'r'd L ACC NR. AP7007040 be approximated by the following formula: IV. - 30 + 34.3a - 3(Y(19-a/19) 16% the formula can be used to calculate the dependence of the coefficient of nonlinear distortion on a shift of the modulated signal spectrum relative to the axis of symmetry of the frequency characteristic of iF stage. It shows that the maximal possible distortion In the abseace of over-modulation Is 22.73%. The coefficient of non-linear distortion Is found to be dependent on two factors, namelys the ratio of ampli- fications of side bands (least to greatest) b, and the ratio of carrier to upper side band (Also I;aat to greatest) d.-. Orige art. bass 8 figures and 17 formulass jims 8133Y KUR IUKOV., A.G.) "UIXAVOV, M.B. Effect of tho alkaloid armm~n on blooA r-oji,U71i,~cn. -.;-ur. Uzb. no.4:54-56 4 '63. (*,.'-! k;, 17: 4) 1. Iz laboratorli farmakologli i kh,'!nIotc-upill (zav. - dotnumt I.K. Kamilov) Instituta kh-Irrdi ra,;tlltr-tl 'riykh wchciestv AN UzSSR, C, A~ USSR/PharmacoloCy. Toxicology. Cirdio-Vascular Drugs Abs Jour Ref Zhur-Biol., 110 7, 19589 32907 Author U-4 Inst, Tashkent State Medical Institute Title Pharmaceutical Investigation of Some of the Plants of the Mustard Family in Uzbakistan for their Content of Cardiac Glucosides. Orig Pub Nauchn. raboti stud. Tashkentsk. gos. med. in-ta, Tashkent, AH Uzb 33R, 1956, 59-64 Abstract No abstract. Card 1/1 UTEUKOV, A.G.; SUI3ANUV, M.B. Pharmacology of the sum of alkaloids from the aboveground portion of Vinca erecta Fgl* et Schmalh. Farmoalk. noel: 42-49162. (MIJU 16:9) (ALKALOIDS) (PMTWINKLE (BOTAIFY)) KURIMOVS A.G.; SULTANOV., M.B. Pharmacological properties of the new alkaloid ervamin. Farm. alk. no.1:74-80162. (MIRA 16:9) (ALULOIRS) Oil"Ruylov.9 A.G. Effoct of ervamin hydrolodide on the notor activity of the uterua. Pam. alk. no.lz8l-8616-9. (RIi-,A 16:9) (ALKALOIDS--PHYSIOLOGICA.L _FFECT) (U'I'kli(US) KUI LAUKOV.-A,.G.; SULTAVOV, M.D.; MOROVA, TA. Effect of ervamin hydroiodide on the effects caused by are- ty1choline and on the activity of cholinesterase in the blood. Farm. alk. no,1:87-93162. (141RA 16:9) (kLKALOIDS-PIIYSIOLOGICA.L EFFECT) (GHOLDIE) (CHOLI,WTEWES) KURMUKOVP A.G.,- SUI;fAIIUV,, M.B. Iction of the alkaloids vinc nine ard ervamin on the bioelec- tric activity of the cerebr;l cortx and heart of dogs of different ages. Farm. alk. no.1:9/v-104162. UM?A 160) (ALKALOIDS-PHYSIOLWICAL FTFMT) (=TRORiYSIOLCGY) - ----------- Collective Bargaining New collective agreement. V pom. profaktivu 13, No. ho 1952. Monthly List of.Russian Accessions, Librar7 of Congress, March 1952. Unclassified. KUWKOV 0 - Phnrpincology of Scutellnrin galariculnta and ScutellariR scordifolls, author's abstrqct. Farm. 3. toks, 20 no,6;79~-80 N-D 157 (min 11:6) 1. Kafedrn farmakolc,l (zav, - T)rof. Te.H. Dumenova) Tomakogo moditsinakogo instituta. (PLANTS 0 acutellarin gnlericubitA & scordlfolin, phnmacolo (nus)) IL I . .1 1 1 &1 - .I II I NJUL r\ IV 1-111 c- TD, KMAYOV, r Comparative evAluation of the nhytoncidal oction of PaeoniA anomala L. grown under different conditions. Bot.zbur.42 no.8:1285-1286 Ag '57. (MLRA 10,q) 1. Tomekly meditainakly institut. (Peonies) (Phytoncides) STEKHUII, F.I., kandemodenauk; KURNAKOVs B.A., assistent Dermatitis vaused by Dictamnus dasycarpus. Vestedermei ven. no.1:67-70 162. (MIRA 15:1) 1. Iz kliniki kozhnykh i venericheakikh bolezney (zav. - kand. med.nauk F.I. Stekhun) i kafedry fammakologii (zav. - prof. K.A. Meahcherskayn) Magoveshchanskogo meditainskogo Instituta (dir. - M.K. Nadgeriyev). (SKnl--DISEASES) (FRAXINELLA-TOXICOLOGY) S/120/62/000/002/036/047 E194/E435 AUTHORS: Gusev, A.A., Kurnakov, K.V.- TITLE: A portable thickness meter based on gamma-ray scatter PERIODICAL: Pribory i tekhnika oksperimenta, no.2, 1962, 150-154 TEXT: Measurement of gamma-ray scatter is considered a most promising way of measuring from one side only, the thickness of solids several mm thick. A device of this kind is very useful in measuring the wall thickness of boilers, pipework and the like. Formulae are derived for the amount of gamma-ray scatter from a substance of given thickness irradiated at a given angle and for the error of measurement. The formula for error as function of thickness has wminimum point which, for cast iron, occurs at a-thickness of 3 mm, though the measurementff can, in principle, be made at thicknesses up to 20 mm. The instrument and its circuit are described. The gamma-ray source is the phosphorus-molybdonic acid salt of Cs137 contained in a lead sheath 13 run thick. A disadvantage of existing thickiiess meters of this kind has been the low sensitivity of the gas- discharge counters used, the present instrument uses two gas Card 1/2 S/120/62/000/002/036/o47 A portable thickness meter ... E194/E435 discharge counters type BC-13 (VS-13) which are of high sensitivity particularly at the low end of the scale. Provision is made to compensate for direct gamma-rays so as to measure only the scatter. The instrument is fully transistorized and is contained in a carrying case of 32 x 29 x 19 cm, the total Weight being 3.5 k9- The source unit weighs only 750 9. The instrument can measure the thickness of cast iron and steel up to 20 mm, in the thickness range 3 to 9 mm the error is about 3%, for other thicknesses the error may increase to 10%. The instrument may be used with other materials besides cast iror. and steel, provided that it is first calibrated with them. The instrument has been tested in the laboratories of the Institute and at Leningrad Paper Factory No.1, and was found completely satisfactory. ASSOCIATION: Leningradskiy inzhenerno-stroitellnyy institut (The Leningrad Construction Engineering Institute) SUBMITTED: july 18, 1961 Card 2/2 GUSEIV) A.A.; KINNAKOV, K.V.; KOZLOV, Yo.A.; MITROFANOV, I.A.; HAU0111 G.P. Determining condensate accumulationa in gas pip--,~linea by a radiometric indicator. Gaz. prom. 10 no.8:42-45 165. (MIRA 18:9) :0 C: oo, L 2103-55 ?~i-L JDIJGI'ri'B ==SICU Nult AP402AI s/O-',19MVOoo/oo2/ol6Vol66 AUMOR: -Rurnakov. 17. IT. (Moacaw) (deceased); Savollyeva, it* It' (Moocqr) TITIEt Proportion of solid solutims Of the lrb-Alo-Cr tornary, syste= at bJgh tcmp0rat=GS SOURCE: AN SSSR* lzv,, Metallurgiya i gc=(rje dolo, no& 2, 1961,, 164-166 TOPIC TWS: nidbin-a tazo allof., 2mtaLning alloy., chrcmim ccntaining alloy., alloy_Lcrt hardneas ~ alloy o-AC~~.,uc:j =LCL;,-~ icn rata.. md, - ica resistance ABSTM=: Hot hardness and o;du-c.:-;ica bohavior of t-wo series of jTb-Mo-Cr alloys Vero investigated, 'Ono coric3 ccatainca 2.5 r--U,, c-lu,=Jm ana 0-20 at,,4j molyLacn=1 tho other -- 5.0 at~ chrc-,J= cu,, ;--2o a,..- 7h0 sr4cim-= uVre a Jcctcd to 11cmc-Scnizevica cnnca3Jj3Z 1n a TW-2:1 Zzm=u -Acr 100 hauz; in ua Vxgm atmOOPhOrO at 1500C, Br,:.:' MOWDdentm and c:irc:du-a inorcaued the hardness or the 0110ya at ta*eraturca up to L100C. chrcmium in cmmmta tQ to 5*0 at% had no i3ub- staatial offoall; ca ta-o character of c11W oaddaticn; mlloYs ocataining 5.0 at~ =olyb- dc!n= and 2-5 ar 5-0 a% chx-cmit= have the lcuout rato of oxidation. oria, art. hw: 3 figuroa and 2 tableae Card 1/2. I 'n 7.r " V~ ,141 - Ir - K FbWIAKOV, N. N. C ~:L~ ~ c 1 1962 I,T,TTALURGY - special alloys 1963/3 see IN KUIUIAKOV) N.V. Taxonomy of Carabun eocheri (Coleopteran CarabidAo) from. t.,he Carpathian Mountains baved on the interha.1 structure of male gonitalia. Nank. zap. UzhGU 40:193-1cyl 159. (1 411 A 14: 4) (Carpathian Mountairs-Ground beetles) KMAKOV, rx~rgvy. I, --. - . ,Vl- [Mighty pigrqj Moguchil laarlik. Illiu lork, lzd. nako--russkogo o'b-va vzaimoponoshchi pri IVO, 1946. 47 P. (MM 11:9) (Atomic energy) f* r SAIF-LIYEV. KOVALIOKAYA,. A.V.: HERUKOV, F.'J.; GALKIII ', yu. P. KPOKHOTIII, A.L.; 'I"' S. z im -JIUMI, V. LA U~IHTNA, ty, ,Ai,~.V, A.A.; KON 7.','.; U-" i,NKO, 1. L. ~.11111111.rovl S.N.; POLUSHKIN, M.K.; LIJBE, N.A.; DILMENIKOY ~j.T.; FILIPPOV, I.F.; KHUTORi.T~SKTIY, RUSCV) yo.K~,; 'AY A, L.Z.; YOL0,11:1 L.M. f -I,], A'17.'air, 0, F. T invo, lit I o"Irl. Drrjrg. (HURA 18:3) GRIGORIYEV, P.M., elektrik;_KURXAXOVj S.N. Heating of rotor bands of turbogenerators by current of c eriial frequency. Energetik 10 no.12319-20 D 162.: . (MM 1631)" (Turbogenerators) 7777~'- L 18053-63, EPR/EWP(r)/EWP(J)/EPF(C)/54T(I)/EPF(n)-2/9-,T(,n)/-ROS/ES(v)/ ES (W) -2 AFFTC/ASD/SSD NR: AP3002807 S/0207/0/00*03/00670370 AU'T'1023: Vasi.11yev, G. I.; Domlyanov, Yu. A.; Yurrialwv, V. I.; ~.--Iakhov, A. I.; Ea4l',-Iatulin, 4h. A.; hwmy*nskiy`~ A. N. (MOSCOW)- Eyperlrrontal determination o~ the coofficient of heat conductivity o1' insulated wiit V- hc;Lt-i , ~-erials by the mathod of autorwdol beha ior SOLIRIC:~- ZL'lurna prikladnoy mekhaniki i teklinicheskoy fiziki, no. 3, 1963, 6?-70 TOPTC TIGS: heat conduction, coeffic-;ent of heat, automodel ABSTR.,'.CT: The aLthors propose an experimental me-hod for determining the coeff icient of heat conductivity of a ma tarial which miakes use of the fact, that, witli t~.e transformation ~ - x/v-C, x being position and t bein tire, if the ;:~iaterial is essentially one-dimensional as in an infinite rod &.e., the trans- verso d4mensions and heiGht of the initially heated specimen must be much reater I e thickness at the time of the experiment) then T as a funct han th ion of t sati3fies I dT~ Card 1/2 L 18053-63 ACCESSION NR; AE3002807 Jvity to be dezer;,dned and c .11,ere is the coefficient of heat conduct and I ar.~~ the thermal capacity and specific wei.,Iht which are considered kno-,.,n functions o*7 T. Thus it is sufficient to determine tho character of Dha temperature chanZe Zt one point Pf ',rxe upecimen, in order to know tho ontire tomperature field TT(P). Integrating (1.1) from to co and IGttinj DT/c) 0 as ~-t W 00 dT W(d ~ t1d 6) CPr T, jdt (1.2) Orig. art. has: 4 formulas and 6 figureo. AS5,0(."LATIGN: nono SUL-11TTM: 12Jun62 DATE ACC.: 16Jul63 &KCL: 00 SUB CODE: PH NO F-EF WV-- 007 'OTHER; 001 Co-i 2/2 Yt I - JCL . Gudautskogo r-)yora, Abkh,')z,.koy ASSR' Studying the fauna of ground bo-etle(Colorp~f;ra, Cnrnbi,lbe) of the Caucasus. Ft. 1:?teroatichuR ordingtus Ftsch.-W. z3nd certsin allied species [with summary in French). -Ent. oboz. 37 no. 2:414-431158. (HIRI 11:7) (Caucamun-Grouni '~n"Qas) BOGACHAV, A.V.; KURNAKOV, V.N. A TIOW species of the genus Pterontichus Bon (Coleoptera, Carabidas) from Oseetia [with summitry in French]. Int. oboz. 37 no.1:174-175 0,58, (KIRL 110) (Onaetia-Ground beetles) KURNAKOV, V.11. Now apecias of ground bGetles of the tribe Deltomerini(Coleoptera, Carabidae) frcm China. Ent. oboz. 42 no.2:410-414 163. (YJRA 160) (Szechwan Province-Grotind beetles) Do A it go -4 sod ,3 13 AFAFAF- UP"iiii4t-d- Wide WWI&itfqg of IM ptocm Of DA(ftg 1011*10M of Itsiffibilifte gad WIC I thasudite film M#eZwkki~vw PlexAi ad SWjwIA. AAwd. Nas*. ifteproc ad of mists. o(N&Cl atul mk&Wk4 J4 Vat &wh 111911W# of follabilks alsed with "ties of sise Inds to dirpositioss of a film 0(= on if" cubes. Sin" th. =tlotv is a sestow obstacle In technical recovery ni ("it-halte- nPethods of Cankmating the Mm are rLie 0 .. (A Own. the method that UtIllets a tay" of milstful (,L1 2% & beat-trisnater medWm Is prefem-d becaum of simplicity of :IulpXnl -%d WW elimination of I he danw 01 evapa. f. tntit. m. KOKA&PO(i F=t 1 10146,; MAP Owv did AV 00 it To in o NA111i "a.. all IA A 1 0 4w 9 0 0 1 Of No 9 a a -V 1 9 1 $,,Ol ITT,, A a Ah da, .00 .00 .00 dole goo fee gee Noe use goo so A 111 -Of, At ~ - Dag 6=Wbk-i"Y,,-ot tber rissietiam, FItC4 + JIUOH - -00 ifflia + IP*(08)8, A, V. Nikolacy and A. 0. guma, .06 A Pk"ki 0 V11 k1, Akad. Nauk.- .RZmWm -44 - fix j 1; IMI, stud 44 flit f V 1%4 .00 . .. , ret , y - kho d l of th t th 4 Ii 0111 ith p cl f N P e ws im e s V, . on o w , 1 a 8 an , -h t NA'l 411 t ( th f dil l d O I si, a, (I it o n% , w V 1 s 1111110 angs a 0 ( I it. due lit newstmeat camocit t3a MeAgned tv the Ouintiv v 00 dita. of NaCl, vA that the actual vt4. hiricturnt In this 00 8 reaction is greater than the oberived Increment by an a a =he dremite in vol. due to ddn. cd N&CI s(' acti f KaOff ith F t l th n m d 0 i o o w s e re e la u yo 4 voll. as lue he 04 arm incrtment t4 totat ffl G P t K I oo of a 1 1 i , OSO , APC) 4 0 0 sea goo 001, goo ogle goo too 400 dr* 0 see goo l Voo 31 a 1100 loam 61"91A" 80-01, WOO %.Move -4 A. oi. 1�1111 OK CP- III U If U 1A Is I a 0 5 0 V a 0 a 0 9 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 a 0 0 9 0 0 0 a 0 0 0 0 6 0 0 0 9 0 9 4,:* : * *&&assesses& * ease 020000000000 4 f 6 11 it At 4 Is w 4, hi aska x"111111 I~ u u 'ma a I. c a III C 4 A, IL X-. 4. L, 1. A VIA 111 -1 ~ -AA 14 QL W U A a so -it -49: Synthetic u( IndtiWiijo. A, 1''k IT 1114fil-w'' liad , '00 i'so v,hs- -4 11,114 A. -ith CAWIP,.-I 8; 1,.1 hw j it,, 00 a so so 00 !zoo so zoo *41 00 go 00 Ave ate %k & 6 so CA :A1, 4) to It PC C9 a At 4 1 KAI 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 40 0 0 Oslo so 0 0 0 0 a 0 0 0 4 0 so 11bloikoclimmicAl stutly ol alcium satl magatokum bW1tI1% A I-I 11t:- 1114' CA %ykICIn thr TINJO(APIlAft. CAOII'O~ 11;1J. jow.ot.. :.'CjO..1IIA.I3llA Anal tlw triloor .1, ,C~o_mp. 411AP wtir pit-wit, Tb, UUMMAONAIC And ifly'-11 f~*I-l Ill- fkfinrd Thc IFOA04tv tiry.IA' vt'f~ I- Ilwll 101-110w.l. Ad...,flyderinol .4y, 111111. only "I Ow itipatt, ur%e. III t1w Mic tru (.41".1 ind'sitc, sh". [m IJ -m' .1 if,m. 1114. 1.6" slwf~ it %- latt f'~'ul. OWIA"Y& Nf 19.17. So 2). lilt-dal, An't Mgfj - 31Y ),-7 '41,0 Th, dAt (--( [it, f ityltAIS WI-14' -1011 111.11,91tt: 11A A 'IttlintC 111111 M Ill. 11t4fiIII UfVt% 111-111C (Of IIIV 6 40111IM11. In .111 (AUN ma FU141 t fit cl 4 I"kiwt. 1, 4 11114IKFII~l Iff"t (111111"t,11 VkIth A It.1114-411I.01- 61. .,11.1 .1.41. ."I lit 'I' III. %%,I, '1. 1-1, (-.1 111, " -InIA, I (,.I,t ba %lg tril.;fAir, Ill, 'Itllyds"I~4 -It, I."'I Ki"ttr ~J' Kf. M. I- It 5(2), 21(0) SOV/78-4-7-39/44 AUTHORS: Nikolayev, ji. V., Kurnakova, A. G., Ruinjyant~;(-.ra, Z. G. TITLE: Some Data on the Chemiitry of ProtLctinium (Nf?kotoryyt, lannyyv po kh1mil protaktinlya) PERIODICAL: Zhurnal neorganichenko.;- khimii, 7ol lir 7., pp 1682-1686 (USSR) ABSTRACT: The work carried out by "he authors developed simultaneously with similar investigations carried out in foreign countries, so that parta of it haw already been published E?13ewhere (Refs 1-3). In the present article results hitherto not pub- lished are given. The protactinium Pa233 was cbtained by ir- radiation (20 h) of solid thoriura nitrate. Its half-life -was dbout 27 days. An investigation was carried out of the co- precipitation of Pa by thorium precipitates, by 11nO(OH) 21 Fe(OH)3 , and other carriers, as well as of the behavior of Pa during extraction. Table 1 gives the data of the cc -precipitation of Pa 233 with thorium- and calcium precipJtF14*P3 (thorium oxy- ~ carbonate, - hydroxide, -peroxide, - oxF.;_111te, - i cdate, Card 1/3 -chromate, -salicylate, -fluoride, potassium-thorium sulfat.~-, Some Data on the Chemistry of Protactinium SOV/76-4-7-39/44 calcium oxalate and calcium carbonate). Thorium fluoride takes no Pa into the precipitate as shown by table 2. All pre- cipitaten mentioned are soluble in ammonium carbonate, where the entire activity of the Pa is dissolved. The method of flaimilar carriers" was usod for the purpose of separating Pa from The It in based upon the precipitation of calcium oxalate of -carbonate from solutions of thorium bloxalate or -bi- carbonate, i.e., in the reaction Yrith the same anion. This method in applicable a,-,o to other active nuclei (e.g. splinter nucleic The co-preoipitation of Pa by manganese dioxide was already published In reference 1. Table 3 shown the results obtained by the authors. It shows that in the case of a sirgle pre- cipitation it in worth while to increase the quantity of the carrier substance to 5 mg/ml. In the case of a double pre- cipitation I mglml will be sufficient. 2-3A of the Pa are not co-precipitated. Precipitation, however, becomes much more complete if initial intensity in incroased. Table 4 shows the Jilling results obtained in the case of a primary activity of 1.06.108 imp/min as against 10 6 imp/min shown in table 3. By Card 2/3 using the complex formation with nalicylic acid an extraction Some Data an the Chemistry of Protactinium. S07/7 8 - 4-7 -39 /4 4 method was worked out. Extraction is carried out with acetone, and the acetone- and water phases are separated into com- ponent parts by means of a saturated CaCl 2- solution. A quanti- tative extraction with Th is carried out. B this method it is possible to extract also U(VI) and Pu(IV~ and all 4-, 5-, and 6-valont elements. There are 4 tables and 3 references, 2 of which are Soviet. SUBMITTED: February 11, 1958 Card 3/3 PA 9/49TII UBb/ChemIntry - SYsteme Jul/AlAS 48 Chemistry - Solubility I "Isotherm of th a Solubility of the System Ka2O Cao - B 0 - 'E20 at 250 C," A. G. Marnakova, A. V. idihavev, Inst Gen and Inorg Chem imeni IN. S. Mirnakov, Acad Soi USSR, 6J pp "Iz Ak Nauk SSW, Otdel Xhim Nauk" No 4 Continues study of boric aold systems: object is to explain formationand transition of natural boratee, In particular Inder deposits. Submitted 10 Nov 1947. 8/49Tn KURIA --.".wrnwrl Chemical interaction between calcium and sodium borates at 2500, Isy. Sekt, fig, Wm. anal. 18t221.-230 149. (MIR& llt4) 1, Institut obehohey i neorganicheakoy k1himi im. N.S. Kurnakoya AN SSM (Calcium borates) (Sodium borates) 2 sap 1514 In 0.8 oj Is 012 it A-0 id 20'a M.3 78-3-4-32/38 AUTHORS: Nikolayev, A. V. Kurnakova A G 12ITLE a Isoconcentrat.. :f U02(110 3)2-'TH4 ITO 3- H"03(C2H 02-.0-1120 (1zokontsentrata sistemy U02(N03)2_"H4 170 3- HNO 3- (C211 5)20_H2O) PERIODICALt Zhurnal Neorganicheskoy Khimii,1958iVol-3,11'r 4,PP-1037-1043 (MR) ABSTRACT: The system U02("O3)2_NH NO -11110 3" (C2H ) 0-11 0 is regarded ;vi ejt2 t2 pentacomponent systeg aL in the rac ion of uranium from this system the phase rules of pentacomponent sYstems are valid. The salting-out effect in this system under addition of ammonium nitrate is explained in two wayst 1~ by dehydration 2j by decreasing the dissociation of the compound to be ex~ tracted. The di3tribution coefficient K of uranyInitrate of aqueous solution under addition'of sal~inR-out compounds amounts to 097- The distribution coefficient does not change with the Card 1/2 increase of the concentration of uranylnitrate,, The distri Isoconcentrat .-I ~nr~--M TJO IIIH Ito HITO (C H ) O-H 0 2(!'03 2- 4 3- 3- 2 5 2- 2 78- 3-4- 32/36 bution coefficient increases with the increase of the acid concentration and the ammoniwa nitrate concentration, The optimum extraction of uranylnitrate lieu in the range of double salts between ammonium nitrate and uranylni'trate. (2 IIH4NO 3' UO2(NO 3)2 .2 H20), The complete uranium extraction occurs ir~iiuted uranium solutions and concentrated nitric acid solution as well as with qn increase of the content of ammonium nitrata. There are 5 fi,-ures and 0 references,, 3 of which are Soviet, SUBMITI"Dt 'lay 9~, 1957 Card 212 78--3-4-31/38 AUTHORSs Kurnakova, A. G., Nikolayev, A. V. TIT LE: ~The Siolubility. Diagram of the TTitrate3 of Uranyl and Thorium With Salting-Out Components (Diagrammy ra5tvorimosti nitratov uranila i toriya a vysalivatelyami) PERIODICALs Zhurnal Veorganichaskoy Khimii,,195G,Vol-3j1r 4.pp.1028-1036 (USSR) ABSTRAM The solubility of nitrates of thorium and uranium was investi, gated by means of salting-out components like ITH 3110 3' Ca(NO 3)2~ WHO 3)21 Zn(NO 3)2 Cu(NO 3)2.) Fe(N03)3 , Al (N03)3 in 1,,5 n E1103 at 25 and 20 0C. In the eyetom 5 n 11NO -H 0 the solubility 'a' 110 -U0 (No ) 2 2NH diagram was inveitijateg. i9e double sa14 2 4N0 3' UO 2(N03)2' 2 H 20 forming in this system was isolated in purest form. kith an increase of the concentration of ammonium nitrate the solubility of uranylnitrate increases. The solubility of uranylnitrate was also investigated with Card 1/2 calcium-, magnedula-, copper, and zinc nitrate as saltinR,.out 78-3 .4-3V38 The. Solubility Diagram of the Nitrates of Urmnyl and Thorium With 41ting- -Out Components compounds at 25 OC. The solubility in the system thorlum-nit.- rate with nitrates of copper, iron and aluminum was deter. minedu In the oyatem Th(110 3)4' C.A(NO3)2 1.,5 n IINO 3' U2 0 the solubility curve has three se6tionsi 1) CU(NO 3)2.3 H201 2) Th(HO 3)4'4 U201 3) Th(KO 3)4' 6 H2011 By the determination of the density of the solutions the distriblition coefficients of uranium and thorium were de- termined in the above-mentioned systems, There are 'i7 figures, 8 table$, and 2 referenoea, SUILIJITISDa May 9., 1957 Card 2/2 HIKOLATIV, A.V.; KURNAKOVA. A.G.; TAKOVLIV, I.I. Study of extraction procasseg by means of physicochemical ana3y- sio. Zhur. neorg. khiu* 5 no-8tl832-1839 Ar 1600 (MIRA 13:9) (Ixtraction (Chemistry)Y KURNAKOVAJO A.G.; SHUBOCHKIN, L.K. Solubility of Th(C204) .6H 0 in aqUeous solutions of HN03 and H2C204 at 25"C. Zhur.neorgkhim.' 8 no.5:1249-1254 My 163. WRA 16:5) (Thorium oxalates) (Solubility) ACT7-~ ;wr--p /~ - L. ~ ;~ w 'r (;~ t vit" ZINCHENKO, Vasiliv Ivanovich; -IWPATOY, V.D., nauchnyy red., SHAURAI, TeX, red.; LVOCHXINA, L.I., [Noise of marine engines] Shum sudovykh dvigntelei. [Leningradl Goo.soiuznoe izd-vo sudoetroit.promyshl., 1957. 270 p. (MIRA 11:1) (Marine engines) MOM ZINCHEINYO) V.I.) kand.tekhn.naukl KURNATOV, V.D. , inzh, Results of the study of the noise of D100 engines. Energomashinostroenle 7 no.4:23-25 Ap 161, WIRA 14:7) (Gas and oil engines-Noise) , KURNATOV, V.D. Reducing th,-~ v' 1-i ition of diese--- motors prrduc,~d by ri:3tcn strAes. Trakt. 1 sellkhozmail. no.11:1-2 11 164. (MIRA 28:1) mw~,N :4 A-.-;WIoODZIMIFMKI, W. Simplified apparatus for micro.Dhotography. Polski tygod. lek. 8 no.4: 147-149 26 Jan 1953. (CLML 24:3) 1. Of the Institute of Pathological Anatomy (Head-Prof. Prusxczynski, M. D.) of Lodz Redical Academy. ..NURNATOWSKA, Alicja (Lodz) Detection of TricbnmonAA vm,-Inalis. Wiadamosci paratvt., Warez. 2 no.5 SUPPI:33 1956.. 1. Zaklad Biologil. Akademil, Medyczncj i I Klinika Poloznictwa. i Cborob Kobincych AM. (TRICHOMONAS, vaginalis, detection (pol)) XMITATOWSUA, Alicja Opnntitative changes of Trichomonns mrinalin Donne during, menntrual rycle. Windomosci parazyt., Warez. Is no.5-6;549-550; 3ngl. tranal. 550-4 1958. 1. Z Znkladu Biologii Ak. Med. w Jodzi. (VAGINITIS TRIOMMOUS, i)hysiolog7, quantitative microbiol. changea dwing various stRges of menstrual cycle (Pol)) (MOSTRUATIOND quantitative TrichomonaR vaginalis chaz4,,ea during various stages (Pol)) KUB-HATOWSICA, Alicia Anigi appearing in the vagina in the nresence of Trichomonas vaginalis. Wiadomosci parazyt., Ware%. 4 tio-5-6:553-554; RN,l. transl. 554-555 1956- 1. Z Zakladu Biologii i I KlinVKi Folozn.-Ginekol. Ak. Med. w Imodzi. (VAGINITIS TRICHOM01MG, microbiology, fungi in vagina co-exinting with Trichomonas (Pol)) (FUNGI. in vagina co-existing with Trichomonas Winalis (Pol)) KIIHATOWSKA, Alicja ,71ssay with 2-acetylamine-5--nitrothiazole in the treatuent of vaginal trichomoniasis. Wiadomoaci T)arazvt., Warsz. 4 no.5-6:557-559; Engl. trnnnl. 559-560 1958. 1. Z Zakladu Biologii i I Kliniki Falozn-Ginek. Akad. Med. w LocIzi. (VAGINITIS, TRICHOMOW., ther. 2--acetylamino-5-nitrothiazole (Pol)) (THIAZOLM. ther. 2-Ficet.,rlamino-5-nitrothiazole in vaginal trichomoniasia (pal)) '1. 3 (Lodz, u1. Viierzbowa b1. 4, 11 kI. heinarke on the detection of Trichomorvia vaginalia Donne in vagirdtl necretiona. PoInki tygod. lak. 13 lio-5112074-2076 22 Dec 58. 1. (Zaklad Biologii A. H. w Lodzi: Kierownik: z. prof. dr rined. Kand. n. mad. H. KadlubowBki; I Vliniku Polozaictwa i Chorob Kobiac7ch A. M. w Lodzi; kierownik: prof. dr mad. J. 6leroszewBki) (VAGINITIS, THICHOHOILkS, di"g. detection of Trichomorvit! vagirvili!! in ~,!.-.Zinal tiacretions (F01)) KEMUTOWSKA, Alicja (Lodz, Wierzbowa, blok 4. m. 3. ) Value of various methods for the identification of Trichomonaevaginalis in vaginal searstiona. Gin. polska'29 no.2:139-150 Mar-Apr 58. 1. Z Zakladu Biologil A. M. w Ioodzi Kierownik: prof. dr kand. n. med. R. KadlubowRki I x Iliniki Polasnictwa I Chorob Kobiecych A. H. w Lodsi Kierownik: prof. dr mod. J. Sieroszowski. (TRICHOMONAS vaginnlis identification in vagin-RI em4Rrs, technics JPol)) KURNATOWSKA, AlIcJa On the survival of Trichomonas vaginalis Donne in various concentra- tions of sodium chloride In the presence of safranine 4. Wiadomosci pararyte 7 no.2:459-463 161. 1. Katedra Biologii I Parasytologii Lekarskiej A.M., Lodz. (TRICHOMONAS pharmacol) (SODI"M CHLORIDE Pharmacol) (DM. pharmacol) KURNATOWSKA, Alicja The sensitivity, of Trichomonas vaginalls Donne to N-chloramide salts of p-nitrobenzenooulfonic acid, Wiadomosci parazyt. 7 no.2t 465-468 161. 1. Katedra Biologii i Parazytologii Lekarskiej A.M., Lodz. (TRICHOMONAS pharmacol) (SULFONIC ACIDS pharmacol) (NITROBENZENES pharmacol) KURNATOWSKA. Alicia Detection and determination of 'fungi appearing in human vaginaB. Gin.polska 32 no.1:41-50 161. :1. Katedra Biologii i Parazytologii Lekarskiej AM w Lodzi Kierownik: doo. dr mad. R. Kadlubovski. (VAGINA microbiol) (FUNGI) XOMOROMA, Alinai XURNATOWSKA, Allcja; LINIWXA, Janina Colpitis in young girls caused by Trichomonas vaginalis. Gin. Polska 32 no.2%229-234 t61. 1. Z I Kliniki 'Polosnietwa i Chorob Kobiecych A.M. w Lodzi 11wrowniki prof. dr J. Sleroszewski (TRICHOMONAS INFECTIONS in inf & child) (VAGINA dis) SIEROSZMKIp,, Jozef; KOMOROWSYA, Alins,; KMj0WSKAp,Alicja; LINIECKA, JaninA Fugue infections of the vulva and vagin in young girls. Gin. polska 32 no.4:491-502 161. 1. Z I Kliniki Poloanietwo. i Chorob Kobiecych AM w Lodai Kieromiki prof. dr J. Siaroazewski Z Zakladu Biologii i Paraxytologii laker- skiej AM w Lodzi Kisrowniks doe. dr R. ladlubowski (VULVA dis) (VAGIMA dis) (MYCOSIS in inf & child) KOrdiATUviS ic a Correlation between the appearance of vaginal fungi and clinical manifestations. Gin. polsk-a 32 no.5:585-590 161. 1. Z Katedry Biologii i Parazytologii Lekarskiej AM w Ladzi Kierownik: doo. dr R.Kadlubowski i Kliniki Poloznietwa i Chorob Kobiecych ,AM w Ledzi Kierownik: vrof. dr J;8ioroozewski. (VAGINA microbiol) kFUNGI) MOATOWSKAP AlicJa Detection and biological prnpertice of Trichomonas vagir-alis. Wiad. paruzyt. 8 no.2:165-177 162. 1. 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