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; " p p --I -, F 77 f F7_ f 7 Ti LZTA VET, A A p rof e o a r) r.' roda Ic t or KUilLYAIID.3XA YA , _ E. 13. ' p rof e B a or, d Dkt o r bioloi,,iO)eakikh nauk, rodakto~-_- ZAMT1N_S_kiT, D.I., redalctor, SaCHI- LO, ii.h., toVhnichoskiy rodaktor CPupora on the toxicolog_v of rndloactive olomental RAterialy po toks1kologil radioaktivnykh voahchoBtv. Pod rod. A.A. Lotaveta i E.B. Kurliandskoi. Moakva, Goa. izd-vo mod. lit-ry. Pt. 1. [Stron- tium, cesium, ruthenium, radium] Strontail, tnezii, rutenli, radon. 1957. 201 p. (MLRA 10:4) 1. Aicademiya moditainakikh nauk SSSR, Moscow. Institut gigiyeny truda i profzabolovaniy. 2. Deyetvitellnvy chlen Akademii medi- tainskikh nauk SSSR (for Letavet) (IZADIATIOII--TOXICOLOGY) USSR/Humn and Physiolof , Effect uf Fhysic~~l T-14 ThL j~b s Jo ur : Rof 21ur - Biol., 116 14, 1958, irr, 6583,3 Luthor : Kurlyandshaya E. B. 1 1 - Inst Title Certain Problaus Related to the DiGtribution, %nd :,bsor,)tion of R7~(-Iioactiva Ruthenitu, Casiu.i, 11tr=tiLLi and Cobalt in !7~ Chronic Exper.'nent. Ori., Pub : Tr. Vsc3. hondarentaii po nod. r,~diol. Mzsperiu- 1-,Od. mclial. Moskv,l) llad~;iz, 1957, 18'(-190 Abstract : Tho radioactive isotopeo RulO6 In a dose of 3.9 ;~,icrucjirias/k3, CGI-,"4 III a dose of 10.6, Sr89 In ,. dose of 2.7 rLad CP) in v. dQne of 1.6 and 16.5 Y.Acrocuries/l~,; wero adxdaistor,~d to mt- bits by 11 the ornl route. :,bout 55~. of the a&dnistarac! dose of juloo Wa3 absorbed in the ~astrointestinnl tr:-~ct, an wan 6o-...8o% of the sr89. Vion !~ sin,~!c injection of inrlic-Aor ti;-.,.ounts of Cs134 was ;jvL.11, tli:,- j,,reatest specific ~%ctulvit.-l was founrl in the intestiio, then in tile kidnesy and- With rhronic arl-Anistration of Cs!34, the rpacific activity of Card 1/2 USSR/ ML.!ail 'uILL Physlujo~~Y. -~'ffect C,,f !",lyrical F:-~Ct.Drj T-14 /,bs Jo ur n2f ',Ilur - Biol., iio 14, 1953, no 653-,--? nll of the or-rUis OxceDt tile muscles w%s equr,.l; t,i,,.t of tile ;.iu,-jcle,r, was 2-3 ti.1.105 ._-.roater. 13,P6 was retained iii the bones for 1 lon. tine. III tile initinl period of its activity (tk) to 11-12 ;-.ioaths)) fluctm-~ti= were noted in Itho total nixiber of leukocytes and in their f=.i; III the socond 1),ariod (the 11th to the 20th i~oijtii) moot of tile blood valun-, bCCf%,.O rA--.'~i1Jzc.A; ir tho third pcriod a reduction in 110-1-Au"oictic function was noted.-R.s. Krivchonkova Ct~rd 2/2 i I k13 KURLYARDSKAYA. profeasor Timely problems in the toxicology of radioactive substances. Vest. ARN SJSR 12 no.3:49-55 157. (MIRA 10:8) 1. Institut giglyany truda i profzabolevonly AMN SSSR. Moskva (RADIATION--TOXICOLOGY) _7 k,RAIIEVSKTY D. I., KULWW"YA E. B. MOSKALEV Y. 1. ~ ) 14. A.) ZAIXTIMMY) ) STBELTSOVA, V. N.) BURYRINA, L. N.) ijTffT_1OV) N. 11. and SOLOVIYEV, Y. N. "Long-Term Effecte Produced by Small Doees of Radioactive Subatances in Chronical Expertment." paper to be preaented at 2i-A UN Intl. Conf. on the peaceful uaes of Atomic Energy, Geneva, 1 - 13 Sep 58. NARETIN, Vyacheslav Takovlevich; KURGTANDMATA, E.B., doktor biolog.nauk, prof., obshchiy red.; URAZAM, N.H., red.; RORANOVA, Z.N., teldm. red. (Materials on the toxicoloa of sow lithium compounds] Materisly k tokeikologii nekotorykh soodinenii litiia. Pod obahchei red. S.B.Kurliandokoi. Moskva. Gos.izd-vo mod.lit-ry, 1959. 154 p. (MIRA 13:2) (LITHItJK--TOXICOLOGT) F.P.Me of ".t Ut-ti.t.; pati.tio, 4.1,1-) 1.4." al... spr. po low I Y% TrI Swet. pi ntttr" 3SA, I-eq. U-) P. 8,J01) cotl*. vl.w. 0A 't VtOr." 14'4~s k*efom"17. PC stro"Nes t9rl,1&,oOly% Wormy feertit. TrO41, too 0*"Ml 24.1 A.V; Ub-4lowy, C-r7SsVOMIA4.M-%.r 111.0 A..&." of Hdi..l p.l.moo. I ad. t.s. 3hinkc,s) T"b, To.,.Xtol.. rUPPMR, This book to t.t.,A*4 for 901"tigis, WA ongla4gre " vou 44 for " twet. t "".4 S.m "I01.1.4y W6 -cattoe, _Al.lose" u.0%. COWTUal, Th' :tI. Wlve, 5 of . 6-vol- set of r.Wne d.11-4 by So".1 got..t,. to the B."M Internatt--I" on the Fe-.fal Vass of Miele ffigrgyt hold on septftt*r 1.13, In% Is Go"". Toless 5 costatme 32 Marts *Uttd b7 CBAMdat.o of x*41t&l a 0"101- The re,"fts coor ;Mbl~ of- the b 410--- B.T. L.11..kly o.4 V.V. r"Istion, Nt- ft, 101-g1w effects of I..1.4og f rediation, t-.t. of tmlotln to deau &.... g"'tt, . "get -1 Of r-Uttics al,kao.4, uses of r"l*utt- -to" In "dift], AM bloloCeLl re..erl, Os.. ot. I "4 tberepostle VArposts, sail bo$rVt stcW* toorly for tlLpostl. their lbt-ke by pleet. I&S of alsolow*m prd~.t. am their otorso In p1mato "d foout~m. ftf-mm.s &G.O.M047 o-ch report. TABES ap CqM= 1-b-4lookly A T To or =*Orr, "'i a.a. 111.2ol.ea artm 1; . (AwM'S go. 20M) A.?. !!OT To"" ID, Lit. Altor,"wet. of waiiwr-il B;i_ or .e-_ 1. , C"""' 2'V- (IMP- Ile. 2M) IT 0-1 Of P*thG-fts Of Ae*U X-41-ti" 810mass in %be _5~ (-r*n no. 2316) 43 41 BURYKINA, L.N.; ZAKUTIIISKIY. D.I.', KRAYEVSKIY, N.A.; XURLUNMAYA, 3.B.; LIT7INDV. 11.N.; MOSKALEV, Yu. I.; NUVIKOVA, A.P.; SOIDV'YBV, ~~. '1%; ~TRNLITSOVA, V.N. I Inte nequelae of lesions induced by ra(iioactive substances in small dpoes applied in a chronic experiment. Med. rad. 11 no-3:3-6 Mr 159. (Kft 12:7) (ISOTOPES, effeotso remote seq. of inj. by small doseb of radioactive wabstances in animals (Rus )) PHASE I BOOK EXPIDIMLWON W,7,1"1 Akademiya meditsinskikh nauk SSW. Institut gigdyeay tarOA i proftabolmaiya Materialy po toksikologii radioaktivrxykh veshchestv. v./p. 2: Ptadioaktivnyye kobal't, natriy, foefor, zoloto (Material on the Toxicology of RaZioactive Substances. No. 2: Radioactive Cobalt, Sodium, PhosphorLz, aud Gold). Moscow, Hedgiz, 1960. 169 p. Errata slip inserted- 3,CX)O copies printed. Eds. (Title page): A. A. Letavet, Member, Akadwd.ya me~Utsinskikh nwA SSSRp Professor, and R. B. Xurlyandskays, Doctor of Biology, Professor; Ed. (Inside book): D. I. Zakutinskiy; Tech. Ed.: M. I. Gaberland. PLWOSE: Mia collection of articles is intended for persons in radio-biology and radiation hygiene, doctors in public health di--,*a-twato and epidemic control stations, and pbysiciBta and otharis concaz-u,~!d- W-f-th Vid (~mtarn!.na- tion of pezulssible lim-4tis of radluaati-o- iroi;ope ooucentration. COVEPME: This coUection, of articles containi3 wwx-lal :rr= ex2erlzmtal stc- dies in conaection. with renearch on the iafli:aucot of mUo&ative cobft1t on an orgsnism and on the aftereffects of intratracheal administration of sol- uble salts of radioactive sodium and insoluble compounda of radlowitive Card I# 7- Material on the ftdaoloa (Con't) 0~7/4!-46 phosphorus and gold. Data on the exaw--;~p 4'.O'aalt aa lations of the tissue dosage in an orgwiism for F;:U~,g7.d ard zvl"--atoad !--Je~,- tions are given. Individual articles treef. t;.e e-t!-lat of raioenti-re coil-~P-2.t on the hemtoganoua syst=, albumin md aza:uinge, ch&--,Tep in the cardiovascular systam, o-,jTxg, ar?. stimulation of the procaas of aUludnation of rz,-51~N--otive isotgzM-i frM. or- ganiams. Pexmissible Iiidta of raAUtoactive ~-=-,s-at-mtion ki watsz, based on exhaustive experiments, are pre44entol. Uha differeazas between tba effeats of soluble smd insoluble aaqot=.Pa cv.)--tainlng mltLwtilre iso- topes (sodium, phosphorus ana gold), aud the tc* of ntop2axas in t71-. lungs after intratracheal injections of inj3olrzabla c= pounds oZ pWaphoraF, and gold are established. The amoxmt of titseram do3aga cauning blautmario grovth is determined. Rmfexwiazas aoa.:~Aa~A k0.1 I.-.;t th~ TABLE OF CONTKM: Khrlyandskaya, H. B. [Professor, Doetor of Biological Science-s]. Scae Nev --bita inth6 Toxieo"gy of Radioactive S-abob&nces 3 Card 2b 117- KOZLOVA, A.V., prof.,; TROITSKIY. V.L., red.; KURLTANDMATA. B.B., red.; BIMOUBOY. A.P., red.; IVAHITSXIT, A.F., red.; GROD2311.13KIYt D.B., red.izd-ya; ASTAFIYEVA, G.A., (Medical radiology] Meditsinskala radiologiia. Koskva. Izd-vo Akad.nauk SSSR, 1960. 400 p. (MIRA 13:4) 1. Tsesoyuznaya nauchno-tekhnicheskaya konferentsiya po primene- niyu radioaktiynykh i stabillnykh izotopov i izlucheniy Y narodnom khosynystve i nauke. Moscow, 1957. 2. Hinistarstvo zdravookhrnnoniya SSBR i Institut rentgenologii i radiologii RSFSR, Moskva (for Xozlova). 3. Institut gigiyeny truda i profzabolevnnty Akndemii maditainakikh nauk SSSR (for Kurlyandnkays). (BIOWGT, MEDICAL) LFTAVET, A.A.~ prof.; KWWANDSKAYA, Z.B., prof., doktor bial. nauk,- Y&MONENKO, S.P., red. (Materials on the biological effect of high-onergy protons) Vaterialy po biologichaskomu doistvilu protonov %,yookikh energii. Mojkva, Akad. med. nauk SSSR, 1962. 116 p. (MIRA 17:4) 1. Chlen-korrospondent AMN SSSIi (for Letavet). LETAVET, A.A., prof., red.; KURLYAN5KAYA,_,E.B., prof., red.; ROIZANOV, M.S., red.; BA.0,194AKOV, G.A, tokhn. red. (Materials on the toxicology of radioactive substances] 4terialy po toksiAolo ii mdioaktivnykh veshchestv. Moskva, Medgiz. No'.3.fIron-591 Zhelezo-59. 1962. 174 P. (MI RA 16:6) 1. Deystvitellnyy chlen AMN SSSR (for Letavet). (IRON ISOTOPES--TOXICOLOGY) KURLYANDSKAYA, E.B. Some data on the biological effectiveneao of 660 Mev.protons. Probl.koem.biol. 2054-358 162. (MIRA 16s4) (PROTONS-FMSIOLOGICAL EFF~CT) (RADIATION SICKMSS) 34758 S10201621142100310261'027 B144/B101 AUTHORS: Kurlyarldskal-q,-EB.,_Avriiiiina, G, A., Ponnmareva, V. L., edorova, V. I., Yanovakaya, P. 1., and Yarmonenko, S. r, T IT LE Relative biological efficiency (RBF) of 660 YQv Protons PERIODICAL: Akademiya nauk SSSR. Doklady, v. 142, no. 3, 196P, 702-705 TEXT: The biolopical efficiency of 660 rev protons produced in the 6 m oynchrocyclotron of the Ob"yedinenny inBtitut yadernykh issledovanay (Joint Institute of Nuclear Research~ in Dubna vias investirLated and ccmpared with the effect of x-rays. White mice in,] rats were whole-body irradiated with doses of 260 - 44,800 rad and 500 .- 1600 rad, respective1j. The interdependence of perishing time and radiation dose Eind the influence.-K on the hematopoietic system were similar to those of x-rays, but the relevant RBE was much 1o)Ner. Irradiations with proton doses of 5055 rad and x-ray dones of 400 rad which are about eqUiti Rzi to their lpthal effect. produced, however, significantly different aftereffucto. The gonads proved to be the most sensitive organs (HBE_ 1)~ ThQ canceropenic, effect of 660 Mev protons was equal or somewhat stroziller thnn that of x-ray.'I. Card !/~ S10201621142100510261027 Relative biological efficiency,... B144/BIO1 the radioresistanne -in animais ty radiatiGr The possibility of' increasing blockero was studied. 0-mereapto ethyl amine hydrcchlorid-i, hydro- bro!-_i3e )!* J',P-amirto ethyl isothiouronium bromille, ard serotDf~).-i creat-nine sulfPte yielded pot3itive results. This is probably due 1,0 lilt, reduced ionization denaity of 660 mev proton2. Their low P13E :may result from the pulve character of the proton beam, the hirlh dooe Jrztensitv, and also from the reduction of the linear-energy expenditure w itn incroaS:ng particle energy. This problem has still to be solved. The RBE of different radiations should be detailed as to individual body systems and different Deriods after irradiation. 7, P, Dzhelepov and 11,1. M Komochkov are thanked for assistance and advice.. There are 4 figures, table, and ') roferences 5 Soviet 111,1 A, riori-SA,v ii? t ,Tl~e fcur to English--lang _,uage publications read as follows: j.,B Storer, P S. larris et al., Radiation, Res., 6, No. 2, 188 R~ Ghys, Intern. J~ Rad , Biol ., 2, No. 4, 599 (19TO) M. Patt , J, W cla-ci,. H. !1- Vogel, Proo. So~. Exp. Biol, und lrileJ., 04, 1, log Patt, R, L. Straube, Radiation Res., 1, 2, 227(19'),1) Card 215 3/020/62/142/003/026/027 Relative biological efficiency... B144/B101 ASSOC I ATION Institut gigiyeny truda i profzabolevaniy Aka,-Iemii meditsinukikh nauk 33SR (Institute of' Twhistrial Hygiene and Occupational Dinoases of the Academy of "'Iedical Sciences I T 1; 5 IR ) P H E JE: M-1: D. Ju 1 y 24 196 1 by T . I . 3h 1 a ii ze nAcad e r. 1 c i an SUB"';ITTED Ju I y 2 1 19(1 Card 5/3 ACCESSIGS %R: A-14042722 S/0000/63/000/000/0510/0514 AUTHOR: Yarmonen]ko, S. P.; Xurlyandskaya, Z. B.; Avrunina, G. A.; Gaydova, Ye.5.; Govorun, R. D.; Orlyanskaya, R. L.; Palylga, G. F."; Ponomareva, V. L.; Fedorova, V. I.; Shmakova, N. L. TITLE: Roactions to radiation an' chemical protection of aninale subjected to the effects of high-energy protorw SOURCIZ: Konforentsiya po aviatsionnoy i kosmicheakoy meditsine, 19063- Aviatuionnaya i kocmicheukaya moditsina (Aviation and space medicine); materialy* konferentsii. Moscow, 1963, .510-514 TOPIC TAGS:. corpuscular radiation, high energy proton, synchrocyclotron, gamma ray, radiation affect, radioprotective agent, RBE ABSTRACT: Experiments were performed to determine the ir-madiate and the delayed effects of high-energy protons and their RBZ on animal organisms. High-energy protons of 6050 Mev were generated on a syncrocyclotron. Comparative 'lasts using gamma rays from a Co6O s6urce were used in establishing the RKE. Nonpure strain mice and rats wore used, in addition to mice of the BALB and C-57B1 strains. Cord 1/5 V7N ACCESSION NR: AT4o42722 All materials were subjected to statistical analysis. In comparative experiments performed on rats subjected to a dose of 500 rad, the degree of injury to hemo- poietic organs by protons was considerably less than injury caused by gamma radiation. The depression of hemopoicsis in the bone marrow and the spleens of animals irradiated by protons was leas profound and 1CGS prolonged, and regenera- tive processes began earlier than in injuries produced by produced by gamma rays. This difference of effect was particularly clear in the dynamic& of the periphe'ral blood. After exposure to gamma irradiation, a profound and prolonged anemia developed, accompanied by a loss of 44% of the erythrocytes and 51% of the hemo- globin. An equivalent dose of protons caused oray insignificant lowering of these indices. Similar effects were observed in the white blood corpuscles, particularly in respect to noutrophileG. The results obtained confirm that the condition of peripheral blood does not reflect the true depth of radiation damage to hemopoiesin. In experiments with white mice, a study was made of early destructive changes in the brain marrow, the dynamics of mitotic activity, and the kinetics of cells with chromosomal injuries. Exposure to protons induced typical radiation de- generation of cells of the bone marrow, a slowing down of mitotic activity, and in,4urics to the chromosomes. A strong linear relatiorLship of injury-to-dose was Card 215 ACCESSION NR: AT40'iR?22 observed 'n all three indices within the 250--1000.rad range. Exposure to equivalent dozes of Eamma rays produced more pronounced changes, indicating that the RBE' of protons iG equivalent to 0.5--0.7. Preliminary administration of radio- protective agents -- )dr (S,,~ -aminoethylicothioronium), MEA (morcaptoethylamine), and _5-X(TL (5-me thoxy try ptaminc liminished the number of degenerating and aber- ra.-t cells in the bone narrow :n j.-oportion to the effect of the indicated drugs on survival. The most effectiv-_ appeared to be a combination of MEA and 5-MOT, whose use assured the burvival of 5(Y~ of the mice when irradiated by doses of 1900 rad. If irradiation is fractionated, the protective effect of the drugs is re- duced sharply, or it disappears altogother. In experiments on male mice of the BALB strain subjected to doses of 500 and 700 rad, reversible changes were observ- ed in the weight of to3ticles. The change of weight and its subsequent recovery was due to the death and the subsequent regeneration of germ cells. Protons have a typical sterilizing effect on the genitalia, but their RSE, in comparison %vith gamma rays, lies between 0.6 and 0.7. The use of antiradiation. drugs did not Prevent the sterilizing action of protons, but it caused a somewhat Gmallor loss of weight of the testiclen and produced a shorter period of sterility. '11hite male mice which had been protected by AM", MEA, 5-MOT, and cy6tamine from the effects of proton doses of 1300--1600 rad recovored their generative functions Cord 3/3 ACCESSION NR: AT4o42722 almost completely four to seven months after irradiation. The development of the first generation of 290 mice obtained by crossing the protected and irradiatod males with intact females took place without visible somatic injuries. The relative effectiveness of protons and gamma rays in causing somatic mutations -vja3 studied on livers of white rats who were subjected to doses of 150 rad. Re- gencratiun of the liver was induced by removing the large left and the front right lobes of the liver. The operation was performed 24 hours after irradiation. The animals were killed 30 hours after the operation, i. e., during the first wave of the increase of mitotic activity. Control animals hid 6.91% of aberrant cells, -while after irradiation by protons and gamma rays, the number of aberrant calls was 20% and 29%, respectively. This indicates that 'the RBE. of protons in respect to somatic mutations is around 0.7. New data were obtained on the blastomogenic effect of protons. Out of 85 irradiated rats, tumors were found in 39. Twenty- A'ive of them had multiple tumors in various locations. In experiments on non- r;,,re strain white nice, it was possible to show that antiradiation drugs, while increasing the :-atio resistance of the animals, do not prevent subsequent develop- ment of new growth. Out of 65 irradiated nice who died at various periods after exposure to protons in doses from 1300 to 1500 rad (after having previously received antiradiatioz-. ;protection), fourteen had leucosis and four had sarcoma. Card It/5 1,'~T AV ET ,A.A., prof., red.; KUL7 IdIDSKAYA, prof., tio?t.or uiol. nauk, red.; LYA,*,.-, red. (Naterin1s on the toxicololDr oil rwlioactivo ;u1jotancoul MlaLerialy po tuksikologii radicaWvnykh v(,,::hch4~;,,tv. Pod red. A.A.Letaveta i 1:.~.Kurliands,koi. I-Iokva, Eeditsina, Tjo.4. [Thorium-232, Uraniu,.T:-23'C:"j Torii-232, Uran-238. 1964. 116 p. (PIRA 17:F) 1. Deystvitelltirl chlen IC-11, ~,SW (for Letavet). i~ ~;, ~ -i , ". ~ -v , , - .; . , Li , f I.- I.~ !-)L~ . D. IMM c problemo of' *."le r n - :, , ",%-, ~ Vo- X-1), - - . .11 Vest.. A',"Il SS'Sl' E' no.7: 58-66 1 j,i'. (11!:iA 18:3) 1. Inotitut giglyeny trnfla i proCcoolonalIny'r:11i zabolevanly AM. 33,SR, Mon kv EL . ACC NR: AP7007306 /V)- S_O_U_R_-CE_C_0'_DE-;_'____U__ R/oce-0/6- /040/001/01?8 [0180 AUTHM: Martynov2 Yu. M.; Xurlyandt;k-aya, I. I.;. Kroyngol'd, Yo. A. ORG; none TITLEt SOURCE: Separation factors Iii the indiura trichloride - silicon totrachlorido system Zhurnal prikladnoy khimil, v. 40, no. 1, 190'?, 1?8-180 TOPIC TAGS: indium co=ound, silicon compound, chloride, chemicLl se-paration, ad- sorption, silica Gol ABSTRACT: The object of the work was to detormAne the behavior of indiun trichlorido i during its adsorption on silica gel from a solution in silicon tetrachloride. A at -23, 0, 20 and Q 0 made it possible to study of the solubility of InC13 in SiC14 dotormino tho heat of solution, which was found to be 7840i,',~O cal/mole. Yn-asuroment of the adsorption of Inc), on silica gel at 0, 20 and 400 showed the heat of adsorp- tion to be 7620�50 cal/nole. Ca *lculation of the separation factnrs in the Incl 3- SiCl system showed that the highest values for those factors are obtained during L crystallization of InC13' but it is noted that thismothod should not be used to loiter the concon~ration of this substance bolow the solubility limit at the freezing point of the mixture. The separation factors during adsorption are sufficiently high to permit the use of adsorption for analytical or technological piuTosen. Orig, art, has: 2 figurosl I table and 2 formulas. Card UDC: 541.123 l/ - d6-- ACC NRi Ap-?0078 ;SUB CODS; 07/ S=i DATE; 251..rh63/ ORIG, PM: 004 i i t 11 i f i I i ! I I I I .i I t 6792-6*7 ~A? 001 0 (M). 5 On SOURCS C6Dt---LR1O0761661OW160 [1:3.~511JO V I..T XART"r,;O V Yu- )ID-y-namics of Adsorptionl~ om Solutions in the Linear RQgion" M33col.-T, 77.111-n-A Fi7-4'.h$4fA * .1-1, Vol 40, No. 6, Jun 66. PP 13.~,,-1358 r 13STA=T: 7he dynamics of adsorrition of Aic, GUOI?j FOG130 BC1 wid 3# Y TiCl from solutions in SiG14 were studied at various thic1mosses of the layer of adsorbent (SiO.), rates of flow o-4 ti-ac 3olutiop t1hrouCh tho a G' o rmant, and tcmperatures. It was o3tablimiod An narlior work by t1lo authors that tho adsorption isothems of AIG1,1 C-aG12, and Foci 3 are linear' in the i.;holo ran&o of equilibrium concentrations i4iilo those of LCI 3 and I X 10-3 Tici., are linear up to concentrations of mass The results obtained indicated that the limiting stage in the adsorption of the chlorides from SiC14 was apparently iniier difbasion. 7ho effective cooff-Icients of mass transfer and innordi.fIN:;ion in adsorption from tno solutions studies were determined. The coefficients of irmer difftsion wora ir 1 1), 2-3 orders of maGmitude lover than tho~oo I r molecular diffusimi in 'o liquids. 7he activation onereies of inner diMsion were determined for AIG130 -CUC12, and .TiC141 The authors thank Professor A. A. Zhulchovitz;iy f r 1-Card 1 UDC: L 10782-67 Atc-r43- AP7003503 interest in this' work. Orig. art. has; 4 fiCuros, 4 for; and 2 ~ablos. Z~PRS-, 38,96YY ORG: none TOPIC TAGS: adaorption, activation onorgy, VWj-lcal diffusion SUB CODE: 07 / SUBM DATZI ZOAPr65 / ORIG REFt 013 :,A!.TYI (),.IV Yu.!I.j VTJ;'IW'DBFAYAtJ!l- Olmkva) Coma chaructortatio fcaturec of the adwor-ptlar. or vpvaring4 solublo cUorl&o rrm colutiora In a ncralectrolyU. 2m fiz. khim. 29 no. lv2&Q9 Ja 169 (1-111RA 19d) 1. -laulsdtted Auguat 29, 1963. KITH T,YA NDSKAYP.9 .1 ..; 1A.AlFrYNOV, N.M. ,--tisortvibllity of sparingly Zhur. f J z. khim. 1118 no.4!10)8-,'2041 A'p 154. (MIPA 17s6) MARTYNOV Yu.M.i !251022; p AILWJ6~s Solubility of the chlorides of aluminum and iron in silicon tetrachloride. Zhur. neorg. khim. 8 no.681539-1542 -Te 163. (MMA 16:6) (AL=A== chIcyride) (Iron chlorides) (Silicon chlorides) *j MARTYNOV, N.M.; KIMILYANDSKAYA, !.I.; iT.'-ET;GfJL'D, Ye.A. Solubility of copper chlorides in silicon tetrachloride. Zhur. neorg. khim. 9 no.10:2297-2298 0 164. (MIRA 17;12) KURLYA0SKA/ rl L r% I". I. ) Engr Dissertation: "Investigation of Some Methods of Impreving the Behavior of 'Signal Interference' in a Coaxial Cable Television Channel." Cand Tech Sci, Moscow Electrical Engineering Inst of Communications, 29 Apr 54. (Vecher.'Iyaya Moskva--Moscow, 20 Apr 54) SO: SUM ?43, 19 Oct 1954 KURLYANDSKAYA, N.F. Machine for stripping electric wires. Mashinostroitell no-3:41 Mr 262. (14MA 15:3) (Cutting machines) KOHISSAROVA. AlekBandra Pedotorna, svinarka; KMTANDSKAYA, S.T., red.; ATMETA, V.A., - -- - - - - - (Weting obligations Is a great honor] Typolnenie obiazatelletv - velikaia chesti. Koskva, Izd-vo "Sovetakals Rossila," 1960. 43 P. (MIRA 14:4) 1. Sovkhoz 'Panlkovskiy*iNovo-Dereven'kovskogo rayona Orlovskoy oblasti (for Komissarova). (Swine) MWE I BOOK EXPLOIWICK SOV/6104 Kurlyandskaya, S. V., and N. To. Stepanyan, eds. Hashi koemichaskiye puti (Our Cosmic Paths). Moscow, Izd-vo "Sovetskaya Rossiya!', 1962. 306 p. 12,,000 copies printed. Tech. Ed.: V. A. Avdeyeva. PURPOSE: This book is intended to familiarize the general reader with Soviet space achievements. OWERAM: The book propagandizes Soviet achievements in space research. It contains a number of photograpbz. TABIE CP CONTMITS: [Suismarized] This book, with a foreword by Academician L. 1. Sedov, is composed of TABS andUSSR Academy of Sciences camuniques, speeches of outstanding Soviet scientists and other personalities, and foreign press it6m an various Soviet space successes from the Sputnik I (Octch-pr 1957) to Major Titov's flight (August 1961). Cani 1/2 (Yux Cosmic Paths KhAZTABLE: Ilbrary of Congress S712,j-KT: Aerospace sav/61o4 AD/dk/mas Card 2/2 u-9-62 VETLI'-.A., Vera ;!roonlyo-nia; re-i. [Onco figiiiii fil-o';pecting] A ~,:nuvfl '7- /.,?,~,t (,%'~ P _,P- I; ik)ssila, 19 C- -I .157 p. "il i I KURLYAITSKAYA, Yo. V. Characteristics of the chronic effect of certain radioactive iso- topes on the body In experimental conditions. Med.rad. 6 no.4: 58-63 161. (MIRA 14:12) (RADIOISOTOPES-PHYSIOLOGICAL EMCT) (BODY, HUHAV--RADIOGRAPIIY) A,';TOIIOVA, L.T.; KUIJZAIEj1'JY) B.A.; 1-ELIE11COVA) (,',Iotjkva) State of the health of workers engaged in the production of caprolactam from benzene. Gig. truda i prof. zab. 6 no-5:14-17 gy 162. OUFA 16:8) 1. TSentrallnyy institut usovershen5tvovardya vrachey. (LIDUSTRIAL MIME) ((;Y(;LGIffXAI&;-TCrXICOLCGY) TF M) PHASE I BOOK EXPIDITATION SOV/2209 Kurlyandski Ser -Xv i~o c~, Yt y ge - . --~_ _~ BELdiolokatsiya i yeye voyennoye primeneniye (Radar and Its MilitarY Application) Moscow, Izd-vo DOSAAF, 1959. 44 p. Errata slip inserted. 15,000 copies printed. Eds: A.A. Vasillyev, and V. Yu. Ivanitskiy; Mech. Ed.; V. N. Kobzar'. PURPOSE: This booklet is intended for the general reader. COVERAGE: The author briefly describes the principles of radar. He discusses the basic units of a radar set and the use of radar for military purposes as well as its application in meteorology and navigation. A brief discussion of countermeasures against enemy radar is also presented. There is a list of recommended reading on p. 46. No personalities are mentioned. There are no references. Card 1/2 Radar and Its Military Application 3OV/2209 TABLE OF CONTRITS: Radar-Modern Means for Observation Principles of radar Basic Unite of a Fadar Set Cathode-ray Indicator Military Application of Radar Radar in Meteorology and NavigELtion Countermeasures Against Radar AVAILABLE: Library of Congress Card 2/2 4 9 13 17 32 39 Jplfai 9-21-59 KURLYANDSM.. S.D., inzhenex-pt~dkovrilk Commmication with oubmarineq. Mor. sbor. 46 no.7:80-65 J'-l 163. (MIRA 16:11) LOB07. M.K., pollrovnik mad. aluzhby; KUHLYANDMY, Sh. Yu., podpolkovnik mad. t3 luzhby Reault of orfftnization of madical control in the phynical training of military 7)ersonnel. Voen.-med. zhur. no.6:71-72 Ja 158 (HU& 12:7) (MICINE, IMILITARY AND NVAL mad. prop. for sarv. to military Dernonnel (Phs)) (PHYSICAL Z=ATIOII ARD THAINI110, -ied. control in military personnel (Faia)) (AHM YOTIGM ?MSOInTIL, pkvn. aduc & train., mad. control (Rae)) 111011-1--r-, v. 1. Kllnlka I Eknpertiza Tiulosponobnosti pri ZabolevantlaM I Povrecliderillakil Litua I Cheliustel (Clinlcity and Evaltiation of Working Capacity In Face e-nd Jaw DIseases and Injuries), 185 P., Moscomr, 1948. KURLYANDSKIY. Veniamin Yurlyevich, professor; BUSYGIN,A.T., redaktor; - - - - - -M'CgIXMA.Yu.S. , tiklinichesskiy redaktor; SACHWA,A. I., tekhniche- skiy redaktor; (Supplying dental prosthesis; manual for dentists~prosthesists and students of medical and stomatological institutes] Protezirovante bezzubykh cheliustei; posobie dlia vrachei-protezistov i studentov meditainakikh stomatologichaskikh institutov. Moskva, Gos.izd-vo mad. lit-ry, 1955. 207 P. (KLRA 9:2) (DZHTISTRY) (TESTH, AWIFICIAL) KURLYANDSKIY, Y.Yu.,professor. A few remarks about the articleOUnsolved problems in dental therapy and nonremovable prosthesis." Btomatologiia, no.6:21-22 N-D '55, (KLRA 9:5) (THETH-DISMASIS) (DIMTAL FROSTHMSIS) (ZHAZOV, H.P.) KURLYANDSKIY, V.Yu., professor (Moskva) Preventive and therapeutic importance of dental prosthesis. Med. sestra no.11:9-12 N '55. (MLRA 90) (DWAL FROSTHNSIS) (Orthopedic therap7 in pyorrhea alveolarial Ortopedicheskoe lechenie allveol7arnoi piorrey (amfodontoza) i travmatichaskoi artikulystaii. Izd. 2-oe . Iloskva, Medgiz, 1956. 289 p. (MLRA 9:11) (TIMTH--DISIASICS) kIMLIANDSKU, V.Yu. --~-Lllentomnpillary anomalies in children and methods of trenting them; orthodontia] Zubocheliuatnye anomalii u detei i metody lechenita, ortodontiia. Mosk7a, Medgis, 1957. 221 p. (MIRA 11:1) (ORTHODONTIA) (PEDIATRICS) KUIMTANDSKIY# Teniamin Yurlyevich (Textbook on orthopedle stometology] Uchebnik ortopedichaBkoi stomatologil. Koskyso Nedgis, 1958, 482 p, ~HIRA 130) (OHTHMONTXA) KURLYANDSKIYJ, V,YU,, prof. Diagnosis and the drawing up of a plan of treatment for pyorrhea alveolaris and similar forms of malillodental affections*F.E.Dzerzh. no.W97-297 161. (GUMS-DISEASES) (MIRA l6t4) BOYA1110,V1 R. , prof. , doktor; KHRISTOZOV, T. , dots.; MATVEYEVA, T. V. (translator]; ~TJRLYANDSYUY, V.Yu.,, prof., red.; D1141T.W)V, Ivan, tekhn. red-.-- (Microproothesis]Mikroprotezi.covanie. Pod red. V,111,Kurliandskogo. Sofin Meditsina, i fizkiilltura, 1962. 269 p. (MIRA 16:2) (DENTAL PIrSTHESIS) KURMAIMSIM, Vaniamin Yurlyevich, prof.; STAROBINSKIY, I.M.., red.; MATVEYEVA, tekhn. red. (Textbook of orthopedic stomatology] Uch(3bnik ortopedicheskoi stomatologii. Izd.2. Moskva, Yedgiz, 1962. 591 p. (MILIA .15:3) (ORTHODONTIA) -KURLYANDSKIY. V.Yu.j GREMYAKINA, A.A.; SHORIN, V.D. Parallelometer. Med.prom. 16 no.6t47-48 Jl 162. (MJRA 15:12) 1. Nauchno-issledovatellskiy institut ekeperimentallnoy khirurgicheskoy apparatury i instrumentov i kafedra ortopediche- skoy stomatologii Moskovskogo meditsinskogo star.4tologicheakogo Instituta. (DENTAL INSTRUMENI'S AND APPARATUS) .KURLTANDSK1Y,_V.Yu.j Prof.; GORODETSKIY, S.I., kand, med.nauk, red4 ARONOVA, R.M., tekhn. red. (Orthopedio atomatologyj dental prosthesis] Ortopedicheakaia stomatologila; zubnoe protezirovanie. Moskva, Izdatellskoe biuro tresta Meduchposobie. Vol.l. Atlas. 1963. 286 p. (MIRA 16:7) (DENTAL PROSTHESIS) (STOMATOLOGY-ATLASES) KOPEYKIN, Vadim Nikolayevich; OUBOUTS, Yakov Samuilovich; KULYANDSKIY Veniamin Yurlyevich; OK.%'All, Isaak I-likhaylovich; KALORTAROV, D.Ye.,kand. mod. nauk, red.; KOi(OLEV, A.V., tekhn. red. [Technique of prosthodontics] Zubopro-toznaia tekhnika. [By] V.N.Kopoikin i dr. Moskva, lzd-vo "Modi-tsina," 1964. 343 p. (%,IIRA 17;4) 00000000000000000 "' 4, 0 0 0 0 0 0 * 0 a o 0 * 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 .0 4 0 0*0004 * : 0 C I ;) 1. 1.$ ?001011ul)w " 10 it . I x a m, v x ID it 1; 13 Albasymmosla 00 1 a c L A 1-4 A -I- V. ~ r ,A 00 -00 0 "llwad6doms an die "Wcuy of crystamsitim Ol -00 F A X =1onkin Oixfoopery 3 M3 40 g: 7). A,6~4", it tbr clywin. U 1146118 -00 AW addn. kiweis the cipta. Wltp~ 411 M', ~mW sacdryM -2M*. A"axmIPv^h4vcnncffc-.l 90 the OVW temp. The lowedug of The crystu. temp. -00 Is cotus"l by the kratfing of its temp. cl 9atculng. Even 00 otraUchang"of the raticso(Cal), MgOud NW (dbout -00 (VOS-0.1 ) Cauff a couwcmb&k Chang* In the rats of #00 111"tIOM %WSCMfS. COMM ",M"Os" not sullshk for the p"Oucticmial usfugla". 200 Of coo 09 '00 L40 0 0*0 00 vo too 000 :j if ape, �o-16. 84TALtvascht UTIERATuall CL&SIMPKATION woo CIO 414.1 woo A, A I. rp. 409 0 u 40 Al 0 04 0 0 0 1 0 3P a 0 00 o 0 0 * a 0 go 00 *10 * * 0 0 10 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 o 0 o 0 0 0 0 6 -gooses# JL A 1 ", x'14 4 a I 0 4 a 4 - ' ' l p 41 psocol"I &MIS pswiffife Mate o P. A. KoLvaMin. J. Ckm. l4d. a 0 00 a .37-O(IM).--Quarts glass is - ) It. No,.' 0, S. &R R. S t more rtdd"t to KWs Than most mat"Is used In chem. sing edtan until IMO'. Its widtf ust is I.Cict"ef see as* of. *0 a 609 f "-0-z Ago-ILA ACTALLONSKAL Ull ATURN CLASIVICATM all it F, of 0 so IT 9.8 10 woo U~-Mllv ado a a-lar of-idle 3's I e Ole -0 00 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 o A ft 1- R p Q At I I 1`1 --L- M 0- 10 tt S 2 A 041 - - 00 j A .00 00 - , Ogg Oo .00 *0 The use of q=rtz tubes. nkin and 4c" (U.-i.9-i"T1 17. N. * lxj v l 5 V A K zoo . . . a a. mova . . fTW Prt"3ft' 41V-6(jW).-Cje&r quarts tubel rrsitt intt 7 j : : . b~t ter tmn vittmis or nontrinspmvitt ofle4. w 1 11. M. 04 m A 10 1 L A _WALLUVOCAL. LITIVAILMI CLASUPKIING11 so 40 see see be be* INC;.3 it "I ON, AL L -; v -i ~ -. -i I rw 0 4 9 1 9 of I a U It At A :i iviopplywAs net wit x"4 It 0 K&I nI -a 0 0 0 * o 'o 0 0 0 0 0 0 o 0 0 0 e 0 0 0 0 0 0-0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 F. A. USSR/Chomictry sillea-tes Fob 4 9 Chendfitry Blography FA 37/,,,~,T3 "The CcjOnLlfj,,, LIjul Pcidugogl(.~al Activitlou ol' M it. Bezborodmr, Corronponding Member of tha Acut-i:q of Science, Belorunbian SSR (on Ele Fiftieth Birthda7)," F. A. Kurlyemlcln, 21,- pp "PrIlroda" No 2 Describee ca:-eer of Bqzborodo-w. Mentimis hip achievementn tn nillcato ph7sicochemlstr7. Inclulob photograph. 37/49T3 USSR/Chemical Technology Chemical Products and Their Application. Silicates. Glass. Ceramics. Binders, 1-9 Abst Journal: Referat Zhur - Khimiyu, No 19, 1956, 62265 Author: 1~~ ~nF~.A., Konovalova, N. A. Institution: None Title: Mechanical Strength of Quartz Glass at Different Temperatures Original Periodical; Tr. 1--ningr. tekhnol. in-ta im. Lenooveta, 1955, No 34. 58-67 Abstract: Investigation of mechanical properties of transparent and opaque quartz glasses at 20-1,2000. Transparent quartz glass of composi- tion (in %): 8'02 99-9; R203 0.01; CaO 0.011 M90 0.005; R20 0-021 extraneous admixtures 0.20. Opaque quartz glass of composition (in %)s siO 99 5; R203 0.301 CaO 0.21; M60 0.03; extraneoun admix- tures O.N ~20 not determined. Investigated was the bending strength of specimens of the transparent glass in the shape of rods of circular cross sections 10-14 mm in diameter, 110 mm long, with Card 1/3 fused surfaces, and of opaque glass in the shape of burn with square USSR/Chemical Technology - Chemical Products and Their Appli-,ation. Silicates. Glass. Ceramics. Binders, 1-9 Abst Journal: Referst Zhur - Khimiya, No 19, 1956; 62265 Abstracti cross section, measuring 15 X 15 X 110 mm with ground !jides. Mean value of bending strength of transparent quartz glass (at 230) was 1,131.2 kg/cm2, that of the opaque glass 455 kg/cm2. The tests re- vealed that bending strength of both transparent and opaTae quartz glass increases with rising tempeinture already at 2000 and at 1)2000 it is increased, in comparison with its value at 2000, by 30 in the case of opaque glass and by 52~ in the case of the transparent. A study was made of the resistance of quartz glasses to impact flexure; tested were specimens in the form of square cross section bars,, with ground surfaces, measuring 15 x 15 x 115 (transparent) and 22.5 x 22-5 x 115 mm (opaque). Breaking energy on impact flexure (at ordinary temperature) was of 0.85 16m/cm2 for opaque glass and 1.08 kGm/cm2 for transparent glass. With increase in temperature it increased and at 1,,2000 attained, respectively, 1.48 and 1.74 kGm/cm2. Polished specimens had a strength exceeding by 12% that of ground specimens. Tensile strength determined at or- dinary temperature was of 226 kg/cm2 for opaque and of 734 kg/=2 for transparent glass. With increase in tempeiixture tensile Card 2/3 USSR/Chemical Technology - Chemical Products and Their Application. Silicates. Glass. Ceramics. Binders, 1-9 Abst Journal: Referat Zhur - Ehimiya, No 19, l9c56, 62265 Abstract: strength increased and rose at 1,2000 by 74% in the case of the opaque glass and by 60% in the case of the transparent glass. Compression strength of quartz glass samples in the shape of cubes with 25 mm edges and ground surfaces was at ordinary temperature 3,122 kg/cm? for the opaque glass and 6,556 kg/cm2 for the transparent. Strength of polished specimens was 8-10 higher. Lower strengTh of opaque glass as compared with the transparent is due to chemical heterogeneity (unfused quartz granules) and greater amount of small bubbles (300,000 to 900,000 bubbles per one cm3, the volume of the voido amounting to 4-50. Chemical heterogeneity and bubbles are the cause of the formation of in- ternal fissures which contribute to the breakdown of the glass. Increase in mechanical strength of quartz glass with increasing temperature is due to decreasing brittleness of the material. Card 3/3 a 3 ps All 2 A V 0 " I v , I : P Rat -41 o u 2 41 3g . .8 --- ___ ___ - --- - - i \1 . ,4 KLMLYANKIII, F.A., kand.tekhn.nauk (Ieningrad) Iffect of the crystallization of opaque quartz glnss on Its mechanical strength at 4000 - 8000. Sbor. nauch. trud. Bol. politekh. inst. no. 86:42-47 16o. (MMA 13: 10) (Glass--Testing) AUTHORS: Kozlmina, 0. P., Xurlyankina, V. I, 2o-U4-4- 30163 Matveyeva, Ye. TITLE: Oxidation Breakdown of Cellulose Ethers (Okislitellnyy ra- sped efirov tsellyulozy) PERIODICALt Doklady Akademii Nauk SSSR, 1957, Vol,, 114, Nr 4, PP, 789-791 (USSR) ABSTRkCT: The cellulose ethers, as films, coatings and other products, lose their elasticity and mechanic firmness under the influence ,j of external air and heat. This is connected with the active role played by oxygen. In the present paper some results are given of the study of cellulose ether oxidation through mole- cular oxygen. Tho others and the collulooe, out of which these L..' former were produced, were heated by the authors to not more than 2ooOC in an air, oxygen and inert gas current,, Tests con- firmed that the oxidation through atraospheric oxygen has to be regarded as the cause of the aging and the thermo-oxidizing breakdown of the cellulose ethers, Breakdown develops through the state of formation and subsequent decomposition of peroxides, The alkoxyl groups of the simple ethers are separated as the corresponding aldehjdes and alcohols. The complex ether-groups Card 1/2 which formed one of the ethers, however, are separated in the Oxidation Breakdown of Cellulose Ethers 2o- 114-4-30/63 form of acids, furthermore, as acids and aldehydea contain- ing one- C-atom lesn than the acid group of the ethers. Final- ly, according to tho ooparation of othlir t,,roups, carboxyl and carbonyl groupa accumulate. There are 5 figurou, I table, and 4 referencee, 2 of which are Slavic. ASSOCIATION't Institute for High-Molecular Compounds of the AS USSR (In- stitut vynokomolokulyarnykh soyedineniy Akademii Nauk SSSR) PRESENTED: November 28, 1956 by V. A. Kargin, Member, Academy of Sciences, USSR SUBMITTED: November 28, 1956 Card 2/2 SOV/79-28-12-7/41 AUTHORS: Kozlmina, O.P., Xurlyankina, V.I. Matveyeva, Ye.N., Aleksandrovich, M.K. TITLE: Formation of Peroxides in the Oxidation of Ethers and Esters of Cellulose (Obrazovaniye perekioey pri okislenii efirov toellyulozy) PERIODICAL: Zhurnal obahchey khimii, 1958. Vol 28, Nr 12, pp 3202-3205 (USSR) ABSTRACT: According to references 1-4 atmospheric oxygen plays an important part in the destruction of cellulose ethers and esters at slightly inoreaned temperatures and under simultaneous ultraviolet irradia- tion; this fact leads to the oxidation, separation of the oxidized ether-cater groups, and to the decomposition of the chains. These oxidized groups react positively to peroxides so that it had to be assumed that this destruction takes place by way of the inter - mediate formation of peroxidna. The conditions were found here under which the peroxidea accumulate in the cellulose ethers and , and the velocity curves of their formation with a distinct eaters . maximum (Fig 1, Curve 1, in the case of ethyl cellulose) were plot- ted as compared to the acetaldehyde curve of the same experiment. The curvea proved the accumulation and the decomposition of the Card 1/ 3 peroxide groups in the oxidation products in nitrogen atmosphere. .~07/'"~-_13-12-7/41 Formation of Peroxidea in Lne uxidation of Ethera aria: E.,.-ters; of (:elluiose The peroxides of others, especially of eaters, are eauily obtained by ultraviolet irradiation (Pig 2). The peroxides of cellulose others and eaters are rather stable and can therefore be purified from low-molecular impuritie3 by dialyais. Thezio peroxides, ati iNell as their products of decomposition (volatile peroxiues and aldc!*A'XJ_) gradually accumulate on storing and cause a shortening of the in- duction periods of thermo-oxidative decomposition of the ethers, In the destruction of the peroxide groups with hydrogen iodide or hyposulfitewith subsequent removal of the impurities, or on the addition of metal salts of variable valence (YJinO 4' iron and copper acetates) with a subsequent removal of these salts induction periods occur again, which are characteristic of freshly prepared samples (Pig 3). The corresponding peroxides can serve as a source of the formation of formic acid, alcohols, and hydrocarbons, i.e. as secondary products of the thermo-oxidative decomposition of the ethers arid esters.-There are 4 figures and 7 references, 5 of which are Soviet. Card 2/3 SOV/79-28-12-7/41 Formation of Peroxides in the Oxidation of Ethera and Eaters of Cellulose ASSOCIATIONt Inotitut vysokomolekulyarnykh 6oyedineniy Akademi-4 nauk SSSR (Inatitute of High-blolecular Compounds, Academy of ZciencesUSSR) SUBMITTEDs January 28, 1958 Card 3/3 KOZIMIIIA, O-P.; KMYANKrNA. Y.r. i- Thermnl oxidation of the benzyl other of collulofie. Zhur.prikl-khim, 31 n0.11:1761-1762 IT 158. (MrRA 12-2) (Calluloge) (Oxidation) .KUMANKINAt.-Y.I.; POLYAK9 A.B.j KOZIMINA, O.P. Mechanism of the oxidatioft 0t celltLlobe eth,.;ro by oxygen. Part 7: Ester groups in the oxidation of ethylcellulose. Use of infrared spectroscopy in the analysis of oxidized ethylcellulose. Vysokom. soed. 2 no. 12:1850-1853 D 160. (MIRA 14:1) 1. Institut vysokomolekulyarnykh soyedineniy AN SSSR; 14sotekhni- cheskaya akademiya im. Kirova. (Cellulose--Spoctra) KOZIMINA, O.P.1 Prinimali uchasti,ve: YURLYj~NrJNA, jLEYIIANbR0VICI,,, M.E.; PHOSVIRYAYOVA, E.F.; 111,0113-'i.41illp i-*h.; Y.OZI)OV0 F,.P. Mechanism of oxidation of cellulose ethers Ly oxygen. Izv. AN SSSR Otd.kbim.nauk no.12:2226-2233 D 161. (MIIU% lit: 11 ) 1. Institut vysokozr.-)lekulyarnykh soyedineniy AN 55SH. (Cellulose ethers) (Oxidation) KOZIENA, O.P.; KURLYAtTKINA,. V.I.;-ZHDANIPUSIIXINA, S.; YIOLOTKOV, V.A. Machanism of the oxidation of cellulose ethers by oxygen. Part 12: Synthesis and oxidation of ethyl cellulose based on cellulose tagged with radiocarbon at the glucoside C atom. Vysokom.soed. 5 no.4: 492-495 Ap 163~. (MIRA 160) 1. Institut vyaokomolekulyarnykb soyedineniy Ali SSSR i Leningradskiy gosudarstvennyy universitet. (Cellulose ethers) (oxidation) (Carbon isotopes) KU.RLYAI'IKIIIApV.I.; KOZIP11VA) O.P. Machnnism of* the oxidation of Collulose atuherv by oxygen. I'art I/,: Oxidation of ethyl cellulose. Vysokem.soed. 5 no.6:785-792 Je 163. (MIRA 16:9) 1. Inntitut vysokomolekulyarnykh soyedineniy All SSSR. (Calliaose ethers) (Oxidation) KOZIMINA, O.P.; KWUPUNOV, A.K.; KURLYANKINA, V.1. Mechanism of cellulose eater oxidation by oxygen. Part 191 Oxidation of acetyleellulose tagged with radioactive carbon in acetyl groups and in a pyran ring. Vysokom.soed. 5 no.8:1232-1234 Ag 163. (MIRA 160) 1. Institut vysokomolekulyanrykh soyedineniy AN SSSR. (Cellulose acetates) (Carbon isotopes) (Oxidaticn) *,%f ( N,~ ; , , -, ; ,,MT I, YALWIK~ [I. '4 a 1- -, M(,1,( ri KOV, V. A , , S I AVET~',, A YA, P,"~ , ~ md cf ethyl r-ylvri~ sood, 7 flo.6.956- 9tki Jo '65. ~MIRA 18M 1. InotAtut im~ok(mah.~,alprriykh AN SSZF~ R ind Fhyei iolornr Th Xffect, of ,',.b43 Joa- '?ef 'hur - Diol., No 4, ly!-'~,', ..uthor !-".B. ",urilynnf~k~,rr.. N.!.. Pei,, rind Tl,,rr~nova Inot T L Le 'frae Oic;tribution -~na ~7'xcre;.i,m )f' in an Ori-7.mima. L r'~, C L rCce and. !-,uine,. nirrs 4ere _;nje~-.,--~I. j wi-il sinit-le rl-)~;e of 7 uo of '-Iody uriijilt. tiie trreatert rtrl'_'ullL T rlc~ccte,l :.n the ldurwys, Lhen i'll tl-,f-' jcc-.,e-I ri~'lly for of ;.-.-jnth~t 1 .1.6 rier)ourie!l of :",'-"4 ,e-,r lkr, it ci-tri- buted, -ith the e,.-ccrUl-,n .111, llll~" Irur%r. C'k rd rl I -To-Jer. The h';--1- c-.i nj m a n- C-'Irv~ to t'. i.n~cc*A,m it v-7, In rfrv_,.,ltc,(j tl~wes of 5 t) !,,if*-, ; t'p "Y_ Dr L i i f-hc ipr.-nthn. KMYAN:3XIY.,..V.ju.; KO)ULMOVA, Ye.S. Immediate and long-range effects of the use of braces in amphodontoole with prelimlnar7 pulpectomy. Stomatologiia no.6:41-" 153. (MLRA 7SI) 1. 1z kafedry ortopediohookov stomatologil (zaveduyushchiy - professor Y.Yu.Km-lyandskly) Moskovskogo moditainskogo stomatologiobookogo institute, (direktor - dotsent G.H.Beletakiy) i 1-y polikliniki (glaynyy vrach I.S.Mironenko) 4-go upravloniya (nachallnik - professor A.M.Markov) Hinisterntya zdravooldiranoniya SSSR. (Dentistr-j. Surgical) KMTANTSMV,,V.A.,jnzhoner. Protection against breaks in trolley line conductors with separate power supply. From.anerg. 11 no.3:11-12 Mr 156. (KMA 9:7) (Ilectric lines--Overhead) IN v A inshener, .5z-:~z ~1979=u Using rotary dryers. Maol.-zhir. prom. 23 no-5:37-38 157. (MIRA 10:5) 1. Tropotkinakly maelooketraktsionnyy savod. (Drying apparatus) I tu-- can operate continuously fat, fram 7-10 davf;- The atifnmifir -,zf;IhM7-,If-iLIn I REIGHIKOV) 0,3.; BAKHTRI, A..K.; KUFtLYAIiTS"r'V, V,P. Stereophotographic and nim--rical detormination oil the content of oversize in the disintegrate! rock of exploded :--a5se3. Trudy Alt. GMIFII All Kazakh. SSR 15:91-100 '63. (XIPA 17:3) AP,LAZOFiGV, Flikhail Saulavich; &WYNNOV, 14.1 red.; Pld.YKOVA, L., teklm. red. TSiolkovskii. Yoskvap Izd-vo "Folodaia gvardiia," 1962. 318 P. (ZhiZnl 2amechatollnykh Iludoi. Oeriia bio- grafli., no.11(344)) (Mill 15-- 10) (TSiolkovskii, Konstantin Eduardovich, IC57-1935) I.% - GRECHIN, I.P., kand.sel'skokhoz.naukj dotsent; KURLIKOVA~__H.V-,_ aspirant Changes in the proporties of turf-Podzolic soils as rolated to their oxygen and carbon dioxide content. Izv.TSKHA no-03.11-3-16 162, (MIRA 15:12) (Podzol) (Guses in soils) RALIKO, V.A., Geroy Sotaialisticheakogo Truda-, LOBAWY, A.P.; I-MTK, YANUSHEVSXAYA, M.S.; FICDDTKINA, A.I. Introducing scientific farm management on the "Stalin' Collective Farm. Zemledelie 7 no.8:6-11 Ag Irg. (MIR& 12:10) l.Produadatell kolkhoza imani Stalins., Finskogo rayona, Breatskoy oblasti (for Rallko). 2.Nauchno-isoledovatellokiy Institut ekono- miki i organizataii sallskokhozyaystvannago proizvodetva Akademii sallskokhozya7stvenn.vkh nauk BSSR (for Lobanov, Karlypo, Yanu- shavskaya). 3.Beloruaskiy nauchno-issledovatellskiy institut zhi- votnovodstva (for Yedotkina). (White Russia-Collective farms) KURLMOV, N. For effmctive analysia. Fin. SSSR 37 no.loi57-59 0 163. (MIRA 1712) JAMNARK, E.; KUliV, J.: red.; ODAIWS, A., t,--khn. red. [Tho work:Lng class of So-Aet Estonia and the induotrial davelopmnt of the republic 1945-19501 NBukogudc Eesti, tdkisklass ja vabariigi t66stuse areng, aastail 1945-1950. Tallinn, Feati Itifflik Kirjastus, 1963. 188 p. (MRA 16:12) (Estonia--Labor and laboring classes) (Estonia-Industries) "Kffect of the Age of Cattle on Hereditary Characterint-ics and Its Sirnificance in Selection." Cand Agr Sci, F',stonian ACricultitral Acad,~-,-, :L-i ',.i~,her Educat-1--ri Tartu, 1955. (KL, 110 17, Apr 55) SO: Sum. No. 7014, 2 Nov 55 - Survey of Scientific and Tcc~iiical Dissertations Defended at USSR Uglier Educational Institutions (16). A, V A, USSR/Farm Ibo Jour Z-i' ITo j., ,'i,uth,,r K11-- K. Inst 'LWicultural. -ccv.1-~ ~y Titl,~ of th': `i& k') Cat;-.L- on Groirth, o~ Its :T),,,:IIY 01,ir, )1,1. -,1'. Est, . s 7~ S1 r .)-Y, 3, 144-152 Abstract ctxv,d L-,,-) -LI!zit gr,~--tLr in dis-Any,:0. by of a yow-; 0 2' ,'icaii by tho- cid (9 yL:Lir,-. zt,,- of 6 i-.ionths, pi-o- of th': old ,)u11 .:a,: % Card 1/2 im~ I USSR/Farri - Ca-.,~Icu. -,,-2 I iCOS -TCUr '. - *,- - . I ii - I j , " ., I - ., . I . ,o - - ,f~ t',r " ;~z *, .. . i n 'il - ~- tL~l - -,l ~, -c! ,--in th- !L:J&~Ily -)-. I yolj,-L~ 11111 . ccwd :?,/ 12 VEBER, K.; KURM. Kh.; LAASIMZR, L.; RAUDSM, A.; TRUU, A. ~Y~- 11, ''- Peat resources of the Estonian S.S.R. Zbor. st.po izueh.torf. fonda no*2:88-107 157, (MIRA 11:8) (Notonia--Peat) L 1833-66 _ JIn7(m)/H~W(t D _)1XvR0)- KF CC). ACCESSION NR: AT5021776 X UR/2613/6b/000/026/0061/0079 AUTHORS: Allsalup M#-L. Yu.,- Kurm, V. E.; Moldau, M. E. TITLE. Conditions for the formation of luminoscent"8rbb 206-11n SOUPLE: All EstSSR. Institut f iziki i astronomii. Trudy) no. 28, 196h. Issledovaniya po lyuminestsentsii (Research on luminescence), 61-79 TOPIC TAGS: luminescence proper4y, lwainosconce research, luninescon06, lur.Linesconce spectrum, luminescence yield, lumirio5cent cr-jstal, phosphor ABSTIMICT: Tho conditions for the formation of lu.-ain jc.: In were 0 e i~ Srs.b 06 _11 studiod. Tho inveatigaLion is a continuation of ttio work of M.-L. Yu. A113alu (Izv. A11 SSSR, ear. fiz., 23, No. 11) 1360, 1959). The phosphor was obtained by n an 0.05% thoroughly PLLxing SrGO with either Sb2O5#O.61120, "')b2041 or Sb203 3 aqueous solution of "nS04 and subsequent heating of the resijlting mixture to 110W. The reaction was carried out at ti-wee different ai-,A)iont conditions; in air, in C02 and in air free Of C02. The experimental results are shown graphically in Fig. I on the Enclosure, The nature of the products formed, their luminescent propertiesp and the rate of reaction were also studied as a function of the Card 1, 2833-66 ACCESS10N Nfi: AT5021776 temperature, period of annealing, and the ratio of reactarits. The oxporimental results are presented in tables and graphs. A reaction machanism for the formation of SrSb206 is proposed lt6~03-- Sb2O5 + 2SrO SrSb2O4 - SrSb206 It is concluded that best results are obtained by heating an oquimolar mixture of S`C03 and Sb205 for a period of one hour atROOC. By following the procedure of R. Bernard, (Dissertdionp Lyon, 1956, p, 9) crystals of SrSb206 - 'Ln were obtained directly from the gaseous phase, The authors thank A. V. llioskv-in for his helpful advice. Orig. art. has t 4 tables# 8 graphs, and 'e-jiiit-io-na. ASSOCIATION: Institut.fiziki i astronomii, AN Est= (Institute of Physics and Astronomy, AN EstSSR) 1~ .5) 0e SUBMITTED: J5Wc63 E24'CLt 01 SUB COD33 NO REF SOV3 003 OTHERs 006 Card 2/3 --- L 2633-66 ACCESSION NHI AT5021776 ree %.,I-iber abed 10 rcoR 100 0 50 200 ENCLOSUREi 01 1000 Ic Fig, le Reaction path for a 1-hour heating of the system SrCO3*Sb2O5t 1- in an atmoophere of C02, 2- in air., 3- in air free of C02 (Cu~#-3/3 115)LIS, -/ Kh.; i~B. - ------ trijf~llurf.- and dynamiem of c,05MIC. MyStClMn In tht' Mf-ltFlflftllJ7.y. I "I, V . p I AN Kazakh. 33R. Sor. no. 1.: 3-14 163. (SERA 17.,4')' IDLISP G.M.j GAYNULLINA, H.J[h.; -KUIUUUYEV., I.Kh. Visible contraction of far spherical components of multiple galaxies due to the Einatein effect. Izv.Astrofiz.inst.AN Kazakh.SSR 14:3-18 162. (MIFA 15:8) (Galaxies) KURMAKAYEV, Z.1h. Evaluation of masses of galaxies b3r,El~ateinls effect. Izv. Astrofiz.inst.AN Kazakh.SSR 13,25-31 162. (MIRA 16-.1) (GalaxiesY -7