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MISIKO, Al--i I Now type of finishing for highwa7 tunnels. Avt. dor. 22 no.5-.21 M7 '59 iTunnals) (MIRA 12:8) PHASE I BOOK EXPLOITATION SOV/4903 Arkhangel'skiy, Mikhail Mikhaylovich, Dmitriy Ivanovich Dzhincharadze, and Arkadiy Stepanovich..,K!4rislko Raschet tonnelInykh obdelok (Calculation of Tunnel Linings) Moscow, Transzheldorizdat, 1960. 344 P. 3,000 copies printed. Ed.: P. M. Zelevich, Engineer; Tech. Ed.: Ye. N. Bobrova- Ed. (title page): M. I. Dandurov, Professor, Corresponding'Member, Academy of Construction and Architecture USSR. PURPOSE: This book is intended for students in transportation and other departments of Soviet schools of higher education. COVERAGE: The book presents problems in the calculation of tunnel linings for dneuring economical construction. The authors dis- cuss loads acting on the tunnel lining, calculation of concrete linings by methods developed by S. S. Davydov and Metrogiprotr3M (State Subway Design, Planninggand Research Institute), and con- struction and calculation methods for block lining. Detailed Calculation (Cont.) SOV/4903 examples for the calculation of different types of linings are given. Ch. I (except Sees. 4 and 8) and See. 17 of Ch. III wakws,written by Docent M. M. Arkhangel'skiy. Chs. II IIIA., (except, Sec-. 17), and "IV and Secs.-A-and 8 of Ch. 'r-746r"e" wr;i'tt'e'n" -by'- A-. S. Xu-r1_s-W6-.' -Cfi*.' V was written by Caudidate of Technical S_cTe'EB~6'*b .'t Dzhincharadze. The following per- -sonalities are mentioned as having contributed to this field: 0. Ye. Bugayeva, whose design method is included in the book, G. G. Zurabov, Academician B. G. Galerkin, Professor S. S. Davydov, and S. A. Orlov, Candidatj of Technical Sciences. There are no references. TABLE OF CONTENTS: From the Authors 3 Introduction 4 Ch. I. Loads Acting on Tunnel Lining 1. Introductory information 7 CardltM Calculation (cont.) SOV/4903 2. ClaBsificatfo4n of active loads to which the lining,-11 subjected 8 3. G~petal information on pressure exerted by the oVerlaying ground 10 4. Vertical overlay pressure according to the hypothesis ofProfessor M. M. Frotodlyakonov 19 Lateral pressure in Itunnell workings 21 Pressure originating in the base of the workings 21 Rock pressure on the linings of- curved profiles 25 8 Vertical.overlay pressure acting on underground subway stations 26 Rock pressure acting on structures covered with ~\backfllls 29 10. Ner pressure acting on tunnel linings 29 11. assJve pressure of rock 32 12. Exper'l en tali methods for determining rock pressure in und%e ound workings ~ 38 13. Supplemen remarks on the purpose of the loading scheme 44 Calculation (Cont.) SOV/4903 1. Formatiort of the equilibrium arch 45 2. Overlay pressure acting on parallel workings 45 3. Selecting the calculation value for rock- strength coefficient 46 4. Effect of water on the change in rock pressure 46 5. Unsymmetrical action of loads 47 Ch. II. Calculation of Monolithiq Concrete Linings by S. S. Davydov's Method 14. Calculation of the lining for an underground rigid- wall structure under conditions of mobility of skewbacks. (Example 1) 1. Project problems 2. A working project 15. Calculation of-the lining for a two-way highway tunnel (Example 11) 1. Project problems 2. A working project 16. Types of linipgs for one-track railroad tunnels _Qgrd~ 4/b-- 55 55 59 85 85 88 108 Calculation (Cont.) SOV/4903 Ch. III. Calculation of Monolithic Concrete Linings by the Met rogiprotrans Method 7 _ped 11-nin vith-z lde-watT 'rle~iure '(Metrogiprot.rem.a.l....., JwthadL.taken Anto-ae count 118- 18. Calculation of the lining for a one-track rail- road tunnel with side-wall flexure taken into account (Example 111) 124 1. Total stresses in the lining due to external loading 126 2. Total stresses in the lining due to unit moments 130 3. Determining displacements of the lining 141 4. Verification of unit stresses 151 19. Calculation of monolithic concrete linings for railroad tunnels by means of the limiting states 152 Ch. IV. Tunnel Linings Made of Sectional Blocks 20. Combination-block linings with no expansion tie pieces used In joints 158 C akL5/_&-, calculation (cont.) SOV/4903 21. Block linings with no expansion tie pieces used in joints 160 22. Block linings with expansion tie pieces used in joints 16l 23. Lining made of entirely closed blocks 163 24. Prestressed linings 164 25. Characteristic features of designing lining for one-track railroad tunnels 166 26.- Methods for designing tunnel linings made of sectional reinforced-concrete blocks 172 1. Methods for constructing sectional linings 172 2. Methods for calculating sectional linings 174 27. Calculation of the lining considered as a freely deformable ring 175 28. Approximate calculation of the lining, considered as a ring in an elastic medium, by the method of 0. Ye. Bugayeva and G. 0. Zarubov 178 29. Calculation of the sectional prestressed lining of a subway tunnel for vehicular traffic (Example IV) 181 -C-afiL-6" - Calculation (Cont.) SGV/4903 30. Calculation of a sectional lining, with vertical walls made of large reinforced-concrete blocks, for a one-track railroad tunnel (Example V) 185 1. Project problems 185 2. A working project 187 31. Example of a calculation of the lining for a vehicular-traffic subway tunnel, made of small blocks, with Initial clearances In joints along the internal profile (Example VI) 205 32. Example of calculations of circular linings during assembly 216 Calculation of a 1~ S -%'j4edium (Example ,ing- haped Lining in an Elastic oductory Infoi'l".' 217 33 matlvn 34 Dete Uation of total s~'reases in the lining ring due~`Aq external loads 221 35. Determinatib of total 8tresses"'in the basic system due t 01' moments 227 De term ins. tioNo%4;t 36. n of TapJacements 237 KURIS-1 KO-., -A. S.- (Tbili si) Designing anchor timbering. Osn.t fund. i mekh. grun. 3 no.lo.19-20 161, (MITLI 140) (Tunneling) KURISIKO) A.S., inzh. Follow-up of the comment of Engineers P.D. Mkov and V.S. Petrov on Candidate of Tecludcal Sciences A."I. Piatkin's article. Shakht. stroi. 5 no.7:24-25 Jl 161. (MJFA 15:6) 1. Kavkazskiy gosudarstvonnyy inzhenorno-proycktnyj inotitut transportnogo stroiteltstya. (Kire roof bolting) (Kii1cov, P.D.) (Petrov, V.S.) SOVI/l 24- 58-1- 503 Translation from: Referativnyy zhurnal, Mekhanil-a, 1958, Nr 1, p 61 (USSR) AUTHORS: Kurits, A. A. , Simson, A. E. TITLE: How to Increase the Power of CoTy.,pres sion- ignition Engines (Puti povysheniya moshchnosti dvigateley s vosplameneniyem ot szhatiya) PERIODICAL: V sb. : Povysheniye moshchnosti dvigateley s vosplameneniyern ot szhatiya. Moscow, Mashgiz, 1954, pp 123-1,12 ABSTRACT: The authors examine the limits oi the rational use of various schemes of low-pressure turbosupercharging for compression -ignition engines in which the thermal stress and the maximurn combustion pressure are nearly constant. The investigation is conducted for an exhaust-gas turbosupercharger system in which the backpressure in the exhaust pipe ahead of the turbine is either variable or constant. Utilizing a parabolic variation of the pressure of the gas in the exhaust manifold, corresponding to a linear variation of the flow velocity, the authors derive approximate equations for the determination of the effectiveness of the turbosupercharger. Formulas are also obtained for the mean indicator and effective pressures. The analysis of the results of Card 1/2 vElrious schemes of turbosupercharging in four- and two-stroke How to Increase the Power of Compression--- ignition Engines SOV/1 24 - 58-- 1- 50 3 . engines reveals that the tow range of turbosupercharging (up to 2 k.g/cm2) does not require any structural changes in modern engines and yet. can accomplish a worth.- white increase over their unsupercharged power, namely, by about 1009'o in four- stroke engines and about 400/o in two-stroke eng'VOC-1. B. D. Zaloga Card 2/?- EMITS, A.~I)kand.tekhn.nauk; V)IRIWR. N., insh.; SIMSON, A.. kand. tekhn.nauk Modernization of dienel locomotive erWinoa. Zhel.dor.tranap. 36 no-3:51-53 Mr 155. OGRA 12-5) (Diegel loconotiven) PHASE I BOOK EXPLOIUVrION 323 blagOlevi, Nikolay Matveyevich, Professor; ~~ts Aleksandx- Adr-rAchi - Zi- Vodolazhaheako,, Vitally Vasillyevich; and Barto , YevgerLiy Tarasovich, Candidates of Technical Sciences Teplovozayye dvigatell. i gazovyye turbiny (Diesel and Gas-turbiae Locomotive Engines) Moscowj, Transzheldorizdat,, 1957. 463 P- 10,000 copies printed. Ed.: Girabberg, N. )4., Candidate of Technical Sciences; Tech. Ed.: Bobrova, Ye. N. PURPOSE: This book is approve& by the USSR Ministry of Higher Education as a text- book for institutes of railroad transportation. It may also be usef 1 to engineers specializing in internal combustion engines, and gas turbines. COVKWE: The book deals with basic theory and design in the construction of the modern diesel and gas-turbine locomotives. The following subjects are discussed: working r-ocesses and cycles, engine dynamics, principle of work, econoW and perfonmee cbexacteristics, automation of control systems, engine output control, locomotive operatim., and safety. In addition tO these topics the author also gives a brief history of the developavent and uses Diesel and Gas-turbine 323 of internal combustion eagimi, and gas turbines. The author claims that gas- 'turbine engines require less -time to davelop fall power capacity than steam turbine engines. He also claims that aircraft gas turbines a-re able to develop full power capacity within 1.5 to 2 minutea, and that gas turbines In the air- craft industry are fully understood and am widely used on many types of aircraft. According to the author, the 1956 statistics show that Soviet gas turbine engines., not considering those used in aircraft, are able to develop power of about one million hp. A special chapter is devoted to discussion of free-piston gasifiers and Prospects for their development and use. The author states that the Voroshilov Diesel Engine Locomotive Plant has developed a free piston-and-turbine empound locomotive engine with a capacity of 6,000 hp. and an efficiency of 29,4 Percent. 7he book contains numerous tables, graphs, diagrams and detail dravings of various types of Soviet and foreign internal combustion engines and gas turbines. There am 84 references of which 82 are Soviet and 2 En g3 I sh. Card 2/ 12 0 KURITS, A.A., kand. tekhn. nauk. Technical and economic reasons for the development of diesel locomotive engine manufacture. Zhel. dor. transy. 40 no.12:40-43 D 158. (MIRA 12:3) (Diesel locomotives) , KURITS# A.A., kand.tekhn.nauk; SINSOIT, A.Z., inzh.; GRINSBEW, F.G., inzh. Characteristics of D50 engines. Trudv KHIIT no.35:228-137 160. (KIRA 13:10) (Diesel engines) ORITSI A,A., dotsent Problems in the development of diesel engine power series. Trudy KHIIT no.46t89-99 161. (MIRA 15312) 1. Khartkovskiy institut inzhenerov zheleznodorozhnogo transports. (Diesel engines-Design and construction) dotsent, kand.tekhn.nauk Automatic control of water and oil temperature as a means of increasing the motive power resources of diesel engines. Trudy IUIIIT no.50.359-65 161, KU 15,12) (Diesel engines-Cooling) (Autoratic control) KURITS, A.A.j, kand. tehhn. nauR; ZAr;I,AVSKIY, GOI,, Inzh. Investigating the pressure charging aptem of the D50 engine in connection with the Increase of its power (up to 1200 hopo)*,Sbor. nauch. st, KKIT no.63:13-20 162 ~KIRA 16: 11) KUHITS, Aloknrindr Ariyovichj- VODOLANCHITYf), Vitally Vaoillyc"vich; GRINSBERG) Filipp Grigorlyevich; '-iOZE2,BLIT, Gennadiy Borisovich; SIMSON, Allfred Eduardovich; PAYDENKO, O.A., kand. tekhn.nauk, retsenzent; RABOVSKIY, V.V., inzh., retsenzent; VOLKOVICH, G.F., retsenzent; ZAKRUENKO, B.A., kand. tekhn. nauk, nauchn. red.; NIKITINA, R.D., red.; SHISHKOVA, L.M.p tekhn. red. (Diesel engines on ships with electric propulsion] Dizeli na sudakh s olektrodvizhonlem. [RyA.A.Kurita A dr. Leningrad, Sadpromgiz, 1963. 276 p. (MIRA 17:1) r) - -1 L 6912_66 ACCESSION NHi AP5000439 S]0231/64/000/006/0025/0027, AUTHOR, Vodolathchonko, V. V, (Candidate of technical sciences); Xurits A. W-. ___ faa-ti-o-f-fe-chaical sciences); j~A~nSt v, T, te 11 - ., Wand _k9 (Candt of technical aclencesi), Shedey, A. I-. (Candidate of technical sciences); i Zaslavakiy, 0. N. (EnZineer); Plakhtyurin, V. M. (En&eer) TITLE- Inc-casing the economy of tylie D50 diesels SOURCE- Moscow. Wee. n. -L inst. zh. -d. transporta. Veatnik, no. 6, 19G4. 25-27 TOPIC TAGS: industrial equipment, diesel engine, turbacompresoor/D50 diesel, TK-30,turb2compressQ Astraciz Ydaiures ari listed uhich =y be taken to increase tho efficiency 'of the D50 diese14 Caming out these twasurao Vill increase tho CA"."Idiency or supercharging, arA also icaprove gas distribution and re. ducing the specific effective rual consumption by 20 gr=2 per.effective horsepover how. This vill place D50 dierela (vith mapect to'qconor"V) n- nZ modern locomotive diesels. The nacessary structural chantes in the Card 1/2 L 6912-66 ACCESSION -Nn-.-- - APS000439 piston bottm, d s I tributer ghat exhaust c4ms, fuel pump dalivcr~,.yalve and c=, Wactar nozzle, and aloo In. ,je the nstallation of type 1 :30 t~60_ be on now ZCcZTT_"Mc1B arA on those in cy-amtloa without L=~~airirig the interc~arZcability a,' maca producel ~,-units and c=powntc. Tho usa of hIgh te--yeraturar cooliag, ra"In'a tho 1;efflciency of cuperchnrgiaa and coveral other --ca:;urca =Lko It pocalbla to 1,counnt on the potential for a furtbar increace in the efficiency of the dle-cel. ~ caving of 0-16; -In- rual in a with 1000 hp repre Icents an ecozomy of 60-1W tons of fuel, per year per io=_-otiva, so tl:at the 1~couey apent, in mmdarnitation of the loc=otiva fl".t will bo paid back in I-leas than a year. Tham will be no Increase in tba coat of diczel pro- ag.out tb_-za mcaaurca. Oric. art. I figure And 2 ductiou In.carrA El-ir'Lovaiki L-istitut inzhencrov zhe1eznodorozh:wZo t. am rtaL Po IASSOCIAMOT harlkov Institute o1 RaUrcad Tramsport En,,drcers) SUB CODE: P111, 1E SUBMITTED: 00 LINCL. 00 NO REF SM. 003 OTHER: 000 JPRS Card 2/2 1- kL- 7 T. GLAGOLEIV, Nikolay Ma-tvoye,;ich; KUHITS, Alakt;ar~dr ': VOMLAMICHENKO, 'Vitaliy Vp.:3'LI.'ye,.ricb; 'Yevi-enly Tarasovi:h; rAZOI'OV, A.G., red. (Intornal combintion an(74-r,e:j af;~j pas turhiluos for diesel locomotives] TeplovozrK7n dvigateli vriutrennep nf*oraniia i gazovye turbiny. Izd.2., perer. Mioz,kva, TransFort, 1965. 400 P. (1,1111,A 18~h) I . ( . , k ~ ~ - ~ . '.~. ~'; - ~ . ,~ ; ZHORNS"ll"Kilyl kand.tckhri.nauk; E'RN;N-j7jrlY, ". I .. I - I -- LUKIYAWFIK, P.M., In7.h.; KUH775, F.-K., ln7h. Roofing for induBtrial buildIngs rrom gaL3-Fti3i, Prom.stroi. 43 no.12-:33-35 165. GOKHSffgYll, Daiid Petrovich; VERXHIVKER, Grij,oriy Petrovich; S.Ya., red.; SHIKIN, S.T.,; LARIONOV, G.Te., I------ [Problem of increasing the efficiency of steam power plants] Problems povyaheniia K.P.D. paroturbinnykh elektrostantaii. Moskva, Gos.energ.izd-vo, 1960. 206 p. (MMA 13:11) (Steam power plants) YURITS) S.YLL., inzh.; KAI'UtSiW, V.I., inzh. Using the hydroatatic level to rupeLt results of factory welding of the ITY-150 turbine in assembling a State Regional Electric Power Plant. Energ. stroi. no-3:21-24 (13), 1960. (IMO. 14: 9) 1. Moskovskiy filial instituta "Orgenergostroy". (TurbineB--Welding) qT.- 77T KMITS, S. Ta., iw:h. New high precision apparatus for assembling equipment. Stroi. traboprov. 5 no.1:25-27 Ja 160. (MIRA 13:8) (Gas turbines) (Liquid level indicators) SI'LYAYIM,', Pavel flikolayevich; DERSFADSKIY, Milchail Leonidovich; -OIGT,13~ S Y -red. I hUt',UhOV, I I., teklm. red. -L- , a,, N (Brief manual on ste&ry-turbine systems) Kratkii spravocbnik po paroturbinnym ustanovkar,. Moskvap Gos. energ. izd-vo., 1961. 127 p. (Steam turbines) (MIRA 15:2) KURITS, S.Ya.. inzh. I Experimental "block" delivery and assembly of a gas turbine unit. Stroi.truboprov. 5 no.10:16-18 0 161~ (,'U-rA .14:10) 1. Voesoyuznyy nauchno-iseledovatellskiy institut po stroitellstvu magistralln7kh trubo rovodov. (Gas turbinZ j__~qrEqy Yakovlevichp lnzh.; PASIOWN, Leonid Ivanovicho inzh.; KURITS -'i~enovich, inzh.; KIWASTOV, so CCIiH Y, ur �e Yu red. (Use of open arrangemente of compressor and pumping stations driven by gas turbinesjPrimenenie otkrytykh konponovok kom- pressornyk-h i nasoanykh stantsii a privodom ot gazovykh tur- bin. Moskvap VNIIST Glavgaza SSSF, reaktsionno-izd. otdel, 1962. 47 p. (MIRA 15:12) (Compressors) (Pumping stations) KURITS, 3.Ya.0 inzh, Letts pay more attention -to assembling the equipment of compressor sT,ations, Strol., truboprov. 7 no.1:3-5 Ja 162. (MIRA 16:7) (Pipolines-Buildings and' atructures) KURITS, S,Ya,O inah, I Preparation for ublock" deliver7 of equipment for compressor stations on the Bukhara - Ural Mountain Region gas pipeline. Stroi,truboprove 7 no,916-7 3 f62. (MIRA 15111) (PipelineB-Bui.ldings and structures) MITIS, S.Ya. , In,,,,h. Improve the organizzaticri of as5c-!.-,bly operations. Mont. i spets, rab. v stroi. 24 no.7:le-7 JI 162. (MIRA 15:6) (IFactorica-Equipmont and supplies) K."PT.T-J9,_~ergey Ynkovlevichl_YCVIKOVA, M.M., ved. red.; STARDSTINA, L.D., t_ekhii,-_"_rid' .- -'-- '_- [Hiock installation of pipeline turbocompressors) Elochnaia po- stavka turbokompreasornykh ustanovok magistrallnykh truboprovo- dov. Moskva, Gqstoptekhizdat, 1963. 130 p. (MIRA 16:5) (Pipelines-Equipment and supplies) (compressors) KURITS? S.Ya. Block delivery of equipment for aurface structures of pipelines. Stroi. truboprov. 9 no.6:5-8 Je 164. (14IRA 17:12) 1. Vsesoyuznyy nauchno-Issledovatellskiy institut po stroitellstvu magiotraltnykh truboprovodov. KTMIT3, 33a. Certain organizational problems in the ccnstruction of compressor stations. Stroi. truboprov. 10 no.1:9-11 Ja 165. (AURA 18s4) KURITSIlu'. 0.A. Geological and petrographic characteriatice of the enclosing formation in the northern Imrt of the Krannourallsk rtigion. Trudy Gor.-geol.inst.1MIN SSSR no.33:161-295 159. (MM 13;4) (Krannourallsk rogion-Petroloff) I in f thl n n-,w Ir.- rt]. of er clod; I n, -ccki in 1%dijI, pyrite iist. SSR no. E-6 14:-2) (Jvi~i-(dow;k Vrc,, j -Eaol In) -.KURIT31NA, flyrophyllite from certain pyrite deposits of the Kraonouralleir region (Central Urals). Trudy Gor.-geol. inst. UFMI SSSR no. 35:123-127 -60. (MMA 14:1) WaBnourallek region--Pyrophyllite) T ',- KURITSINA. G.A. --- ---. - Paragontte from quartz-eeriette Bchtsts of the Krasnourallak deposit. Trudy Gor.-geol. inst. UFAII SSSR no. 15:129~132 160. (MIRA 14:1) (Yr,,~snourallak region--Parag6nite) IMIOV, S.N.; XURITSINA, G.A.; GUBOVSKAYA, Ye.A. Bitumen in pyrite ores and ore-bearing tocks of the Urals. Gookhimiia no. 3:208-273 161. 0,01 14:4) 1. Gorno-goologicheakiy institut Urallskogo filiala All SSSR, Sverdlovsk. (Ural Mountains-Bitumen) ALEKSANDROVICHp I. F.; if. Method for determining the-glycerol content of a cellophaps it, film. Xhim. Yolok. no.6:57 162. (MIRA 16:1) Iv-44 (Glycerol) (Cellophane) RCZENBERG, A. Ya.: KITRIPINA G. N. Quantitative determination of the oiling preparation In silk by means of the SF-4 apectrophotometer. Khim. volok. no.6: 63-64 162. (MIRA 16:1) (Rayon) (soectrophotometry) /,A1 A 'Pathcy, enic and O..O:.j -L- Ref 'h,,ir - Bloi., NO 5) 956, -)r Chcrn,;ni,3rdJ.k, Kurltslxr%.. 17. of GI ~~.Id Blue 'Py)i-enic iv.,T,,in,)bif)!oc.;.I, i95U, (1-5 1 ~~.r-)(Nccd ~ T)Osit,.,;c ixac (bl~,r-~% serum -,,itn 4 o,L -14 -,era againct blue il,,r;c-nic bacilli. rec sera fr,-m ~~Iandcrs- infectcd ~%gf4utlnated a number of -tralns of blue ryD-ci-,~,.c in dilutiono of 1:25-4.1010/ and formalini-ed cu..i.- i;urcs ~Lr- dilutdons of normp-I horz:c aid not agglutinate these 'rhe!-,c rcsvits, in L:,~c at.thorsl oninion, verify the relationship be-L,.:ee;, 1 . - -if ~z i i-A 'n.L - - , i 2. USSR (600) 4. Woving-Picture Projectors 7. "York at motion picture projection repnir stntion, 1 Inomekhanik., I.o. 10, 1952. 9. Monthly List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, Februnry 1953. Unclassified. I MF KURITSINA, Ye. Iloving-piebire Projectors Work of' moving-picture a-xiral us repnir s1lop. Kin no. 11, 1952 9. Monthl List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, May -1953, Uncl. A V" f7 1-fovine-1-licture FroJ~)ctorj Complaints. Kinomekhanikp No. 2, 1953. Mlonthlv List of Russian Acce sions, Library of Congress, J-um 1953. Unclassified. fthovoy delegat FAMMAP A., strakhovoy delega~-,.~ TSINA,--Ie.,,. a* Concern for workerof health. Okhr. truda i sots. strakh. 5 no.9t19 3 162. (MIRA 16:5) 1 v 1. Lozhnavskoa,4pryadUtno-tAcatakaya fabrika. MWNEVO (I'MOVO PROVIIICZ)-!~EXTILE INDUSTRY-HYGIENIC ASPECTS) 1, , - , , ~ --i ~ i -. - i-- , - . .11) 1, ." . 1 r, , ~,, .":, " j- c , r: . Ii. nl-L-,cle i 1! " ~'7)tlcs "or ~ -', , !;~J,.,7 ~ ,: ", I I , - ~ .1 ~ I-e - I . I I o f, , . , 'Orl", I ~? I f, V-J~. iv~~l . - .. .11 -, . 1, ANDROUNIKOV, X-S-; BAIAKOV, V.V.; BUZHIIISKLY, A-N.; BURAGO, A.H.; VINTKAH. L.A.; VISHNXYSXIT, A.A.; VOLOSOV, D.S.; GASSOVSKIY, L.N., professor; GIRSHUN, A.A., professor; TILITASHVICH, M.A.; TL75TROPITNV, K.S.; GURIVICH, M.M., professor; KOLTADIN, A.I.; KCRYAKIN, B.M.;-KMITS- XIT..A.L-; PAPIYANTS, K.A.; PROK(W'YZV, V.K., professor; PUTSNYKO, U.K.; RAZUNOV. M.A.; RITYNI. N.A.. SAVOSTIYANOVA, H.V., professor; SEVCHNUKO. A.N.; SAMOV. H.I.; STOZHAROV, A.I.; FAYEMN, G.P., professor; FZOFILOV. P.P.; TSARIVSKIT, Ye.N., professor; CHZEHKATAM, D.P.; TUDIN, Ye.Y.; K&YRAYSKIY. V.V.. professor; VAVILOV, S.I., akademik, redaktor LOPtice in military science] Optika v voennom dale; abornik statet. Pod red. S.I.Vavilova i X.V.Savontlianovoi. Izd. 3-e. zanovo parer, I dop. Moskva. Vol.2. 1948. 387 P. (HLRA 9:9) 1. Akademiya nauk SSSR. 2. Sostaviteli - sotrudniki Gosudarstven- nogo Opticheskogo instituta (for all except Vavilov and Kayrayskiy) 3. Voyenno-morskaya akademiya (for Kavrayakiy) (optics) U&6/Optics Scientific Photography, K-11 Abst Journals Referat Zhur - Fizika., No 12, 1956, 35987 Author: Stral=, G. I., Xuritskiy, A. L. Institution: None Title: Special Photographic Camera with Mirror-Lena Object!me Original Periodical: Tr. Voes. n.-i. in-ta metrologii, 1955, No 26, 75-84 Abstracts Description of photographic camera for photographing an :~ntAr- ference pattern and a procedure for adjusting the mirri-Llans C rrolr asymmetrical objecti -L;- apochromatic tt in . ve of camera. Methods of manufacturing asymmetzical lenses are de- scribed and certain investigation results obtained with a camera are given. The optical characteristics of the objectf ves ax*: pA z 40. The v-1 ually-:1,beerved re- F 2 500 mmi ls6-3J field 2f, .6.8 solving power of the objectives over the entire field is appr,if~- mately equal to the rated one (230 lines/mm), and is apprax!.mately 200 lines/mz at the center of 'the field. The minimum res~-lvabie Card V2 USSR/Optics - Scientific Photographyj, rill Abst Journali Referat Zhur - Fizika, No 12, .1956, 35987 Abstracti object corresponds to an angular magnitude on the order -,t 21 (in linear measure, approximately 20 mm frcm a ri-f 2 ~n upon visual observation). DiagranB of the objective and :f the camera are given. Card 2/2 KURLTSKIYt A.L., kand.tokhn. nauk. Use of the spectrophotometer in the paper industry. Bum. prom. 33 no*30-11 Mr 158~ (NM 11:4) 1; TSentralluyy nauchno-isoledoTatellskiy institut teellyalonoy i azhnoy promyshlennosti. (Spectrophotometer) (Paper) ~MITSKIY, A. L.; IaGYUROVA, E. P,~ Complex,umetrie-method, of determining calcium content of woodpulp. Trudy VNIIB no.47:95-102 161. (MIRIA 1611) (Calcium-Analysis) (Woodpulp) MMITSUT, A.H.: SHPULYANSKIY, V.A. Approximate analysis of the dynamics of escapement regulators. 1fauch.dok1.vya.Bhko1y; mash. i prib. no.1:150-162 '59- (MIRA 12:8) I. Statlyu predstavlena kafedroy "Pribory tochnoy makhaniki" Monkowikogo vysi3hego tekhnicheekogo uchilishcha Im. Baumana. (Clocks and watches-Eiicapement) KURITSKIY. A.M.; SHMLYANSKIT, V.A* Effect of various nonlinearities of escapements on their dynamic characteristics. Nacuch. dokl. vys. sWkoly; mash. i prib. no.2:248-260 159. (~qRA 12:12) (Clocks and watehas-Escapaments) KUPITSKIY1 A.M.; 5HPOLYMISKIY, V.A. Transient conditions and the stability of natural vibrations in escapement regulators* Izv.vys.ucheb.zav.; prib. 3 no.2:52-59 160. OMU 14:4) 1. Nauchno-issledovatellskiy institut chasovoy promyshlennosti. Rekomendovana kafedroy tochnoy m8k1haniki. (Clocks and watebes-Becapements) KURITSKIYj A.M.; GHERNYAGINP B.M.; SHPOLYAUSKIYO V.A. Current state of the theory and methods of the design of watch and clock mechanisma. ?riborostroenie no-5:5-8 MY 161. (MIRA 14:5) (Clocks and watches) SHPOLYANSKIY, V.A.; KURITSKIY, A.M.; HAUTIN, N.N., doktor tekhn. nauk, prof., retsenzent; CHMiYAGBI, B.M., kand. tekhn. naukp retsenzent; KUNAYEVp I.P., kand. tekhn. nauk, red.; BARANOVA, Z.S., inzh., red.izd-va; SOKOLOVA, T.F., tekhn. red. (Release controllers of timing deviaes] Spuskovye regu- liatory priborov vremeni. Moskva, Mashgiz 1 1963. 463 p. (111RA -17:3) KURITSKIY.. A.M. The"214ZKh miniature expedition chronometer. Priborostroiniq no.2: 23-24 F 163, (KIRA 1615) (Chronometer) ti , 'I; I 438 AUTHOR: Kuritskiy F.I., Engineer. TITLE: Conference on improving the techniques and technology cif production at the Works of Glavelektroapparat of the Ministry of Electro-technical Industry. (Soveshchaniye po sovershenst- vovaniyu tekhniki i tekhnologii na zavodakh glavelektroapparata tqEp) PERIODICAL: "Vestnik ElektroproWshlennosti'r (Journal of the Electrical 1ndusti75 Z57, Vol. 26, No. 5,7pp. 78 - 80 (U.S.S.R.) ABSTRACT: This article is a report on a conference held in December, 1956. It consists of a brief account of each of a series of reports dealing with procedures that have been adopted to improve production methods in a large number of factories. The products covered are capacitors, general electrical equipment, welding equipment. Particular processes considered include a new merthod of friction welding, press tool design, manufacture of plastic parts and others. No figures, no literature references. S/137/62/ooO/002/021/144 A006/AlOl AUTHORS: Sladkoshteyev, V. T,, Potanin, R. V., Akhtyrskiy, V. I., Kuritskiy, M. A., Bat', Yu. I. TITLE: Experimental industrial unit for the continuous teeming of steel PERIODICAL: Referativnyy zhurnal, Metallurgiya, no. 2, 1962. 47, abstract 2V282 C'Sb. tr. Ukr. n.-i. in-t metallov", 1961, no. 7, 143-150) TEXT. The authors describe an experimental industrial continuous steel- teeming unit constructed at the Ukrainian Institute of Metals. The design of this unit provides for the casting of round and square blanks, 60 - 200 mm in diameter. On the teeming platform located at 11.5 m height from the shop floor, there are: an assembled water-cooled Cu-crystallizer with a mechanism for its reciprocal displacement, and an intermediate teeming device vithout a stopper and with a metering zirconium nozzle of 14 - 19 mm in diameter. Directly underneath the crystallizer on a 3 m long section there are the secondary cooling sprayer unit and the guide rolls. To pull the blanks an electric-driven drawing stand is used, which makes it possible to regulate the speed of drawing the blanks within a wide range. The roll pressure on the blank may also vary from 1.0 to Card 112 S/137/62/000/GQ2/021/144 Experimental Industrial unit ... A006/A101 5.0 tons by adjusting the springs. Below the drawing stand there is the gas- cutting cabin, which moves during the blank cutting process along vertical guides at 3.2 m pace. The cut-off blank pieces drop into the collecting device pocket where they are accumulated. The metal intended to be teemed on the unit is cast In a 1.0-ton electric furnace and is supplied to the unit in a ladle without a stopper. The ladle is lifted to the unit with the aid of a telpher line. The unit is controlled from a desk located on the teeming platform; the gas cutter and the collecting device are controlled from a second desk located In the gas cutting cabin. The unit is equipped with a control-measuring mechanism. There is a templet shop near the unit. I. Granat [Abstracter's note: Complete translation] Card 212 S/1371'61/000/012/081/149 A006/A101 AUTHORS- Trishavakly, 7. S,, Kuritskly, M. A., Bat', Yu. I., 3kokov, F. I., Podollskiy, 1. Ts, T 111EE: An experimental industrial oroflle-bendir.3 machine of the Ukrainian Institute of Metals PERIODICALt Reforativmyy zhurnal, Metallurgiya, no. 12, 1961, 10, abstract 12D63 ("Sb. tr. Ukr. n.-i. In-t metallov", 11961, no. 7, 178-195) TM A technology was developed for the production of 1-sent profiles and an experimental industrial profile-bendipg machine was designed for the shaping of up to 8 mm thick and up to 300 - 400 mm wide sheet metal. lte type of the idle-stand mill is continuous > 10 with guiding rolls. The rated shaping speed is 18 - 20 m/min. A schematic diagram of the mill is presented and its cDmpo- nents are described in d4tail. The strength of working rolls and stage of the roughing stands are calculated. .The power of the mill motor Is determined. Tn 1959 the manufaoturo of some bent profiles wae tested on this mill. Ni Yudi"~a [Abstraoter's noted Complete translation' Card 1/1 S/193/61/000/010/002/OC8 Aoo4/Aiol AUTHORS: Sladkoshteyev, V.T., Candidate of Technical Sciences, Kuri~skly, M A_. I Shatagin, O.A. TITLE Continuous bronze casting on the horizontal .7111YIT101 (UNID.1) machine PERIODICAL: Bp-illctcn' tekliniko-okonamicheskoy informatsti, no 10, 1()()l, 11-12 TEXT. Since the methods of producing blanks from bronze and t-rasG, cas'. in chills and on vacuum suction irrstallation3 yield an insufficient output of servv:e- able castings (75-80%) and are of fow efficiency, the Ukralnskiy institut metallcv (Ukrainian Institute of Metals) in cooperation with the Khar'kovskty zavcd-~svs~,t_ nykh metallov (Khar'kov Non-Ferrous Metal Plant) has developed an entirely new technology and designed the horizontal UNIIM machine for "he continuous cas'.ing of bronze, yielding an output of serviceable blanks of' 98-99% The new technol.:)- gical process is characterized by the following.. a graphite crystallizer heated on one end and cooled on the other Is connected to the metal oontainer and to the chamber of secondary cooling, this assembly being set into reciprocal 'inG motions ty a special mechanism. The reciprocating motion prevents the blank5 being cast from disrupting. To cool the blanks being cast down tc 120-1500C tht~ water flow Card 11.2 S/193/61/000/010/002/008.. Continuous bronze casting ... A004/Aiol In the channels should not be less thein 1.25 m/sec. The test material fcr -hf- contact walls of the crystallizer, having a length of 180 mm, Js sof, elec*ric graphite. The water consumption of the crystallizer cooling section is 2 - 5 liter/min, On the pilot horizontal UNITM cas' trig mactfine round cfuit. Nanks I J1~ mm In diameter and up to 3.3 m long are produced from Dn GUC -555 (Br, 0--~S-5.,~5) bronze. Surface, macrostructure, chemical nonhomoge~eitv and mechinical rlro-r ties of the bronze blanks meet the requirements of 11'GCTkGOST) 61 .3-C)CI "r I t, Tr, 1 industrial horizontal casting machine under construction at. the Ydiax-"?ov-3?.y za- vod-aly-uminiyevykh 1, bronzovykh splavov (Kharlkov Aluminum and Bronze Allc.y Plan,) will produce blanks 25 - 150 mm in diameter from Br OT6S-555 and Br OT~3-663 bronze. Depending on the blank diameter, the machine has a capacity of' 1.221-4,6, 4.6-18.6 and up to 41,8 tons/day producing blanks of' 2r) - 50, 1.~o - 1()o and 100 - 150 mm in diameter respectively, 7he machine overall dimensionz (leng"n x w.,d!h x height) are 9.5 x 1.2 x 1,3 m;it weighs 11.2 tons, There is I ffigire Card 212 S/136/62/000/003/005/008 111jo E021/E435 AUTHORS: Sladkoshteyev,'V.T., Kuritskiy, M.A., Shatagin, O.A., Vartazarov, M.A. TITLE: Continuous casting of bronze on the horizontal Yin~iWM (UNIIM) machine PERIODICAL: Tsvetnyye metally, no-3, 1962, 67-74 TEXT: Production of bronze and brass billets by casting in a mould by normal means has the disadvantages of low production rates and inability to produce billets less than 60 rTim in diameter or more than 1000 mm in length. Vertical continuous casting seemed unfavourable for bronze and brass with small cross sectional areas and therefore experiments were carried out on a horizontal continuous casting machine developed by the Ukrainskiy institut metallov (Ukrainian Metals Institute) and the Kharlkovskiy zavod alyuminevykh i bronzovykh splavov (Kharlkov Aluminium and Bronze AlloysWorks), The method used is based on a graphite crystallization mould, induction heated at one end and cooled at the other, connected with a metal-reservoir and a chamber for secondary cooling. The whole is capable of reciprocating motion. Card 1/2 S/136/62/000/003/005/008 Continuous casting of bronze E021/E435 Liquid metal is fed from the metal-reservoir through the heated part of the crystallization mould into the cooled part where solidification of the metal takes place with continuous extraction of the billet by 4% pulling device. The main technical parameters for continuous casting of tin bronze in a round billet were worked out. The quality of the metal completely complies with specifications. A semi-industrial horizontal machine for casting round billets of 25 to 100 mm diamptcr has been constructed in the KharIkov Aluminium and Bronze Alloys Works. This enables an increase in annual. production of up to 985'D and completely mechanizes production. Continuous casting of brass, copper and other non-ferrous metals can be carried out on a horizontal machine. There are 5 figures and 2 tables. Card 2/2 SLADKOStiTEYEV, V,T,, kand.tekhn-,nauk; SHATAGINI O.At. Inzh#j XURITSKIT M.A., inzh. ... Horizontal continuous steal casting for electric Blag refining. Ket.i gornorud.prom. no.5t20-23 S-0 162. (MIRA 16sl) 1. Ukrainskiy inatitut metallov. (Continuous casting) (Zone melting) ~014 7v ---, and mm in dismetctr-. The ingot aurface wto found to: .kr Te i:riol !)jy of I ~7) r r 9 79~ 797 S 164. ON "-L:-!!KG!Sl[TE7Y-v,V, V.T.; ' '' ' - .' .1 . - ~ -t.;. -I I . - - . I . ."'.; Ydfl*. Il I if.,) K iy 1 .1 . F. Expr.-riv,orit in op.ratlnj7 a l-'achinc. i'or , 1611 brorize oltatillit. T,)Vot. .3", 1,17'.2:90 k 'I. (:I - ~ .1 '' - 16: " , Mfg KMTSKIY Yaliazar Isayevich; 100SHIN, Sereey Vladimirovich; UITIK, I.V., redak-f&;-`~Tl, A.M., takhnichaski7 redaktor. [Safety measures in electric industz7 plants] TekhnikA bezopasnou"i na zavodakh alaktrotakhnicheako7 promyshlennosti. Hoskva, Goo. ener&etichaskoe izd-vo, 1954- 336 p' (MLR.A 8:4) (Electric enginaering-Safat; m,easures) XURITSKIY, To., inshener. Industrial.efficiency and progressive Aschnology in plants under the Office of Alectrical Apparatue. Yest.91ektroprom. 27 no.11: 78-80 N 156. (KLRL 9:12) 1. Ministeretvo alaktroprowyehlonnosti. (Electric machinery Industry) (Technology) KURITSKIY, Te.I. inzhener. Conferenoe on Improving the equipment an-k-technology of plants of the Main AAMnistration of Blectric Nquipment under the Ministry of Illectric -Industries. Test. elektroprom. 28 no.5;78- 80 My '57. (K= 10.-6) (Bleotric industries) ~. ~- 1--a- v-, - MMUTSKIYjalizar Isayevich.; LINKOV, Alakoandr Vladimirovich,; TIMOKHINA, - 7.1.,Rd.; rR Dryg-i-A.M., I (Safety measures in plants of the electric machinery industry] Takhnika bazopasnosti na zavodakh alaktrotakhnichaskoi promyshlennosti. Yoskva. Goo. energ. izd-vo. 1958, 439 p. (MIRA 11:12) (Xlectric machinery industry--Safety measures) KURITSKIY , Yolizar I sayevic_hj_ YJMrOVSKIY , Abram Adol I fovich; VAYNTSTAYG, G.Xe., red.; ZUY"A, II.K., takhri. red. (Induotrail hyalene in gas welding and cutting] Gigiona truda ga- 0 zosvarshchika i gazorezchika. Voskva, Yedgiz, 1960. 30 P. (1AIRA 15: 1) (Gas welding and cutting--Hygienic aspects) lizar 'Ls~vic~h*SAVELIYEV, V.I., red.; LARIONOV, G.Ye.,, tekhn. roa. (Safety engineering in the electric equipment industry; manufacture of electrical machines, apparatua,.and devices) Tekhnika bezopasnosti na zavodakh elektrotekhnicheskoi pro- myshlennosti; proizvodotyo elaktricheakikh mashin, apparatov i priborov. Izd. 3., perer. Moskva, Gosenergoizdat, 1963. 271 p. (MIRA 16:7) (Electric equipment industry-Safety measures) KMILTSYIT. A. Docorative photographs. Sov. foto 19 no.10:67-68 0 159. (Photographs on porcelain) (MIRA 13:1) RULIIITSKIY, F.M.; ZILIBERG, Yu.Ya., kzirji. tekhn. nauk, retsenzent; PUTSUIAj A.,Dj, kand. tokhn, muk, retsenzent; YOZL4)VSKIY, I.S... kand. t-khn. nauk, red. [Materials for sliding bearings jrd in r.,;otor vehicles and tractors) Haterialy avtotraktornykh podshipnikov Aoll-shenita. Moskva, Mashinostroorite, 1965. 163 p. (mu"A 1s-.7) SUKHORUKOV, T.Ta.; REMY. A.; KURITST11, A.L., dorozhnyy riaster (raro- slavj 1); MAYMSHIN, A.A.; VARNAKOV, I.A., kuraant (g.Ugllch): ALEKSEYEV, Tn.V., mostavoy naster (atantutya Bolev. Mnskovsko7 dorogi); CHIGRIbOV, A.P. Letters to the editor. Put' i put.kho2. 4 no-3:45 Mr 16o. 04IRA 13:5) 1. ffhc~-allnik otdoln nekbanizatsil sluzhby putt, Smolemik (for Sukhorukov). 2. Brigadir putt, stantsiya Penzg III, Kpybyshevekoy dorogi (for Nemav)* 3. Starshiy dorozbrq7 mothr, g.Sdvantopoll (for Haymushin). 4. Doroshnyy manter, raz'yezd 225-ro kilometra, Kazakhekoy dorogi (for Chigrinov). (Railroads) MITSY11, D.A. Clinical epidemiological characteristics of secondary scarlet fever in patients treated and not treated with penicillin In the primary disease, Trudy LSGMI 32:77-78 '57. (MIRL 12:8) 1. Xafedra opidemiologii Leningradskago sanitarno-gigiyaniche-7 skogo meditainskogo institute, (zav.kafedroy - prof.V.L.Bashenin). (SCARW Fig recur. statist. (Rug)) (PUIGILLIN, ther. iise recur. statist. (Rus)) Z~UJA-LIO ILI r AUT11OR: An Editorial note on p 18 is followed by ~2untributicns' to the diccussicn by a number of authors. TITI,E* Discussion on the Design of Medium and Low (Xitput Industrial Power Stations (Diskussiya po voprosu proyektirovaniya promyohlenayll~h elektrosta--tsiy srehiey I maloy moshchnosti) PERIODICAJ,: Promyshlennaya Ener-etika, 1958, Nr 6, PP 18-33 (USSR) ABSTRACT: Editorial note p 18 The unsatisfactory position in the equipment, desilgi and construction of sn-all and medium industrial power stations Is seriously retarding power development. In Promyshlennaya Energetika, 1956, Nr 9, 14. 1. 1,cvrov published an article for discussion on this subject. We must agree wi-,;Ii Lavrov that the standard designo issued by Promenergoproyckt tire Lmoatisfnetory and new types of in- dustrial Heat and Electric power stations tire required. Smull, costly, inef- ficient power sttLtions are displacing sNnll and medium heat and electric power stations simply because these latter are too big and co=licated. Small and medium power stations should be cheap and simple and their design should be thoroughly reviewed. Industrial gas turbines should be introduced. In the discussion published below there are no contributions from Works making power equipment and they and staff of Councils of National Economy are asked to join in. Discussion on the Design of Me(-14um and, JOV,, 0,,4-pjt I11dUStrial Porer Stations be uoed for power station.- ,-)f 8 - 12 IMVI~ 'Unit feed axe desirable, but there shc)ald be automatic connection of sp,~Lrt- feed pum-p-7. '-FLc1 hardiinZ nqiipmen-~ can be U 3implified, The standa-i,d,3 of ~1~1- B,~il,-r shwild be simplified, Kuritsyn. F,, F, pp 2,3-2ci, It 10, most-Impotta-rit 'to e-,A lmat-& lz~~dZ ~,-orrrecrly Dr the station w!".1 be u7ide~,Ioaded, forms, Cf power and hi~'at supply should be ful-,'y Cuns~~drr--d- ,fre.14 need of Ex4..Fting constructicnal st-andan-is rtr,~ -U- - - revision and are ret:)-rding tho irorh of de-,J,-~n :,rGanisart..on~,1. Not enough attenti -on in paid t--() Une dc-nands of the final customer. In Liglit Indlist-ry durin,-7 the 5th F-ve Y--~!ar Pl,~ia not a sinGle project put up by TEP and Promt,-ner.17,oproycht for power stations paosed without important cht-mSes of output or construction and in some casp-n they rejeci,~~] !"a rd outright. A number of industrial povier st.~af.-Lon- started up in the last few years are only ru-nning. or, load, TORIKOV, L.P.; KURIT61N. G.V. Hardening olitting cuttoro with high-frequency current. Sbororats. predl.vnedr.v proizv. no-5:42 160, (MIRA 14:8) 1. Revdinskiy motimo-metallurgicheskiy zavod. (Induction heating) ULITIN, kardidat tekhnichankil-h nan1c; KMITSYN, I.G. Vibration boring of small-diameter holes. Avt. i trakt.pron. no.I: 36-38 J& 156. (MM 9:6) 1.14ookovskiy avtomakhanichaskiy inctitut i Hauchno-iseledovatel'skiy inatitut Traktorosallkhozmash. (Drilling and borlun) KUMETSOVA, Zoya Vladimiravna;. h-WRITSIN, Igor' Ivanovich; OSORGD, AN, SiF, ., retsenzent; ITAU-01KO, I.M.,, retBenzent; GIkDY' VA,, 10.11., otv. red.; POPOVA, G.Z., otv. red.; KOROTKOVA, Ye.A.p red.; ALFEROVA, P.F.,, tekhn. red. (Semipalatinak Province; economic and geographical featnres) Sem1palatinskaia. oblait'; ekonomiko-geograficheskaia kharakte- ristika. Alma-Ata, Izd-vo Ali KazSSR, 1962. 223 P. (MIRA 15:7) (8amipalatinsk Province.-Economic geograpby) RE ,~~RITUN, Ivan -Vasil:-' yevieh~ TEVDOKIM(jV, V3, Md.,- SALAMN, N.P., (Labor productivity in repair and construction work; methods for measurement and planning] Proizvoditellnost' truda na remontno-stroitellnykh rabotakh; metodika izme- renila i plnnirovanila. Moskva, Izd-vo F-va kommunalinogo khoziaistva RSFSH, 1963. 58 p. (HIRA 16:11) M1ding-Repair and reconstruction) (Labor productivity) ~ ofin'.~-N.V 'il.."V ; V-tT:ENK-.;""A, L :l mixture, of P.,viline erld benzoyl ~hloridEj with s=e jrg,aril~ eiolvmts,, Izv.7ya.licheb,zav. , 'ichi.n.i khim.tekh,. 8 nc,.4%592-59i-~ 165. (MIRA 18:11) !a lvanovakly InBtitutj kafedra fizlchesV,7y I kolloldno7 khlml,'-. KURITSYNI L.V.; VOROBIYEV, N.K. Kinetics of high-rate reactions in nonaqueous media studide by the potentiometric mqthod. Izv.vys.ucheb.zav.;khim.i 'Ahim~tekh. 6 no.103-57 Io3* (MIRA 16:6) 1. Ivanovskiy Ihimiko-tekhnologicheakly institut, kafedra fizichgakoy i kolloidnoy kldmii. (Chemical reaction, Rate of) (Potentiometric analysis) VORCBIY,FV, N.K.; KURITSYN, L.V. Reaction kinetics of aniline acylation w- !-th benzoyl chloride In non- aq,teous, medin. Part 1. 1zv.vys.ucheb.zHv.;khim.i khim.tekh. 6 no.4: 591-596 163. (MIRA 17:2) 1. Ivanovskiy khlmiko-tekhnolol:;iche.-'F-.,-y institut. Kafedra. fizichaskoy i kolloidnoy khimli. VOROBIYEV, N.K.; KURITSY14, L.V. Roaction kinetics of aniline acylation with berizoyl chloride in nonaqueous media. Part 2. Izv.vys.ucheb.zav.;khIm. i khim. tekh. 7 no. 1:34-40 164. (MIRA 17:5) 1. Ivar vakiy khImiko-teklinologicheskiy institut, kafedra fizicieskoy i kolloidnoy khimii. L. V V I jli-.~k , 7i, Kin"t (if coac w". of ~m -1-no !u, fury! chlorldo In ncjnrt,-juf-,o,;i, 3. T-zv. vy.3. 1-ir" J) VOROBIYEV, N.K.; KURITSYN, L.V. Kinetics of aniline acylation with benzoyl chloride in nonaqueoun media. Part 4. Izv.vys.ucheb.zav.; khim.i khim.tekh. 7 no.61930- 934 164. (MIRA 18z5) 1. Ivanovskiy khimJko-tekhnolog1ch-jBkiy institut., kafedi-a fizicheskoy i kolloidnoy khimii,