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.- KURILOV, Ye.ll.; SINITSKIY. L.A. Yreauency error of a rectifying device with a separation Capacitance Izm.takh. no.9:41-42 S 160. (MIRA 13:9) iElectria cmrrent) - KURILOV, Yevgeniy_Ajkolayavichj SINITSKIY, Lev Aronovich; BLAZHKEVICH, B.I-.-,-and. tekhn. nauk, otv. red.; . LABINOVA, N.M.., red.; MATVEYCHUK, A.A., takhn. red. (Frequency dependence of rectifier networks]Chastotnye zavisimosti vypriamitellnykh skhem. Kyiv, Izd-vo Akad. nauk USSR, 1963. 97 P. (MIRA 16:4) (Electric current rectifiers) b~ u"-wa ef ex t",*:J(*,~rl -f~" a 7 Ai P r o b! mit t 4 T'O dlyn "r, KURILOVA) '1U.IV, Poisibilititt3 of the ineteoro-1091c."I lnterjx~3 ta Lien of long-wave racUation. Trudy I-INITS no.8:76-86 165. (MDA Is:?) IVIITCBMIKO, 0.1f., inzh.; KURILOTA, A.A., inzh.; KOWMITCHETEO, G.D., inzh. Coppering anf silvering of aluminum buseo. Yest.elektroprom. 31 no.3:46-47 Mr '60. (MIRA 13-6) (Zlectroplating) (Bus conductors (kectricity~ FEOFILOVA, Ariadne. Pavlovna; LEVENSHTSY11, Mordko Leybovichy Prinimali uchastiyet TIIVFEfF.VA, Z.V.; MAJIUKALOVA-GREBENYUY, X.F.; I1103011A, K 1:; KURILOVA, K,bj_�OKOLOVA, G.W.,; TYAHCHENKO, O.P.; TIYUFYEV, P:P , _orY_.r_S_J_.';_GXtUSHKO, Ya.A., red.izd-va; VOLKOVA, V.V., (Sediment and coal accumulation in the Lower and Middle Carboniferoun in the Donets Basin] Osob~nnosti osadko- i uglenakopleniia Y nizhnem I srednem karbone Donetskogo basseina. Moskva, Izd-vo Akad. nauk SSSR, 1963. 174 P. (Akademlia nauk SSSR. Geologichaskii inotitut. Trudy, no.73). (MIRA 160) 1. Geologicheakiy institut AN SSSR (for Timofeyeva). 2. Treat Artombeologiya (for Manukaloya-Grebenyuk, Inosova,Kurilova, Sokoloya, Rynbichenko), (Donets Basin-Geology, Stratigraphic) (Donets Basin--Coal geology) TI for `,I%0rIdtr;r, -,w-Kync- n1v~,r;sIt7p 13rno (for all)* pv. ~cl,, a aw 5,c ow.ploxes ut uranyl ;,Ith phenol ligand3s jart 11* actro- ,w4otcwxotrLc rosearch on a remotion rith Tiron an]. Diroonto- (t)IOW Of 10, 'r U14 and 77 Mg BLTUIDOVA, P.A.; RMIWVA, L.M.; TIKHONOVA, H.A. Mffect of short-wave diathermy on the funation of the visual analysor. Zhur. nevr.i paikh. 53 no.10:790-795 0 153. NLRA 6:10 1. Fisioterapev-tichaskiy kabinet Instituta nevrologii Akademii meditainskikh nauk SSSR. 2. Laboratoriya fiziologii I patologii irentya Instituta nevro- logii Akademli maditsInskikh rtm* SSSR. (Nervous system) (Ileotrotherapentic8) (Sight) XMILOVA, L. M.. BLYAKHER, S.L. ortiee of cold receptors in Ue skin (with summnz7 in English). Biul.Akep.bioL i mod. 45 no.4:13-17 Ap 156 (MIRA 11:5) 1. 1r laboratorii fiziologii I pntologii orgAnov chuvatv (zav. - prof. P.O. SnyRkin) Inatitutg, normallnoy i Dntologicbeekoy fixiologii (dir. - deyetvitellnyy chlen AMN SSSR V.N. Chernigovokly)s AMN SSBR, Moekvn. Predetnvlena deystvitellnym chlenom AMN SSSR Y.N. Chernigovskim. (SKni 4as iology coitreceptors. pro-oarties (Rug)) (NERVZ MIINGS, physioloff cold rec-eptorn in skin, proDerties (Rue)) I MRIWVA, L,M., Characteristics of functional changes in the visual analysor. Veet.AW SSSR 15 no-105-43 f60. (MIRA 13t6) 1. Institut normalluoy i patologichoskDy fiziologii AM11 SSSR. (ADLPTAT ION OCULALR) KURILOVA L.M. Reaction of thermoreceptoh of the skin to local., reflex, and general temperature changes. Biul, eksp. biol. i mod. 49 no-30-7 Mr 160. (MIRA 14.5) 1. 1z laboratorii fiziologi4 i patologii organov chivaty (zav. - prof. P.G. Snyakin) Instituta normallnoy i patologicheskoy fiziologii (dir. - daystvitallnyy chlen AMN SSSR V.N.Cherz4govskiy) 91N 833R9 Moskva. Predutavlena deyotmitelInym chlenom MI SSSR V.N.Phernigovskim. (SKIN) MMERATUfT,-FICISIOLOGICAL EFFECT) 311-U.-UL, P.G.; PhILOVA, L .1-1. Some cv--ront problew in the physiology and patholoZ(y of the orparg of fooling. Vost. A104 SSSR 16 no.5:78-84 161. 3J,-12) 1. Institut norwallnoy i Eflologicheakoy fiziologii A!""' J~;S'~- (RECEPTORS (IF6UHOL 'Y)) (SENSES AND h-URILOVA, L.M. Reflex variations of tamperature 00nue In man. Fiziol.zhur. 47 n0.8: 965-970 Ag 161. (MIRA Ro8j' 1. From the Laboratory of Physiology and Pathology of Sense Organs. Institute of`~Normal and Pathologio Physiology, U.S.S.R. Academy of Medical Soien6es, Moscow, (TEMPERLTURF-PHYSIOLOGIC&L EFFECT) (NERVE~t, CUTAUEOUS) Rinrtifinal intl-DITPlation of th,3 optic and themal analyrors. T-micly Inst. nonn. i pat. fizziol. IIAN SSSR 6:68-69 '62. (MIRA 1'7:1) 'I. laborat,-,ri,,ru f-zlolofll i yatolot,41 or v .21, ivo t 1. 17an -) -1 3 (,-, av. pr'-,f. P.G. snyakill) Lnntit'lLa norlmllnoy I j-at101-o;-li-'---!z;-,- fl,ziolo;~il AM OSSSR. KURILOVA, U.I.; MAMOPLISH-VILI, M.D. Characteristica of reflex reactionp in the thermoreceptors of febrile patiento. Biulo ekspe biol, i Ined. 55 no~2931-34 F'63- (MIM 16t6) 1. Iz laboratorii fiziologil i patologli organov chuvatv (zav. - prof. P.G.Snyakin) Instiuta nor~.Iroy i patologi- chaskoy fizioloVi (div, - dey;3tw'-'.,I-' X12' SSSR Prof. V.V.Pariii) A'11 SSSR I ImfcLU-. nikh bolezney - piof~ V.A.Alliv) 70sr~:Ov3kogo iluedi- toinskogo mtomatolo,r,icha;;~ogo (10,CEPTORS (IFTIROLOTC)) (~,VIER) MOLOVA, LOM, Changes in the rnfltz adjustment of the V!,mal receptor system in tanperature ridjuitment of tho cimuLl roceptcr sustem in tem- perat-are stimlation of the i3kin. Rild. (,~k.-,p. blol. i med. 55 / i.e. 56/ no.I.C1.10-111 C' 03 (11,11FA 17:8) 1. lz laboraU,rii fiziologii i patolnErii orgmov chimts ( zav, Prof. P.G. Snyrikln) inutitizta nomallroy i p,-,t~.,lo(,,_Jchesl-oy :flzio- logii ( dir. - deyntvitellnTj choln AVIN Prof, Mt. Fftrin)" At-III SSSR. Predstavlena doystvitolInym chlerom A14NS:-:-,R T.V. Parlnym. 'cussioll NR: AP4026372 3/0219/61-,/057/003,/ 103/0J06 '!,AUTHOR: Kuxilovap L. M. TITLE: Effect of visual analYzer adaptation oonditions ti-,i, function of human sIcin thormorocoptora ,SOURCE: Byul. eksper. biologii i meditsiny*, v, 57# no- 3, "964'... 3,-6 ""OPIC TAGS: visual analyzers adaptation condition, human sicin therr receptor,, skin thermoreceptor functional change,, retina plhotoreceptor., reflex reaction, thermoesthosiometer 'ABSTRACT: Literature investigations have establi3hed that stimulation of skin therroreceptors affects the-functional stato of t1he visual anal-yzor as well as that of the thermoreceptors. TI".0 present study attempts to find whether the functional state of tho thez-.--ioroceptor.-changes with the visual analyzer subjected to dif-fe-r-onu- adaptation conditions, Experiments were conducted on human sulojocts u (-number not given) with eye adaptation eonditions changed and lighting ;of room unchanged. Por adaptation to darkness, the subject woro dark Iglassos lined with pioce.s of gauze and sensitivity to OOC was noazuredi Cord 1/3 ACCESSION NR: AP4026372 with a thermoesthesiometer at 15 points on the inner surface of the forearm. Fifteen minutes later the number of functioning cold receptors were measured 3 times at the same points within a 10 min ;period. For adaptation to light, the subject removed the dark glasses and the number of functioning cold receptors was measured 1p 5j, and 10 min later. Results show that the adaptation conditions of the visual analyzer affect the skin thermoreceptors the sww an if thermal:I stimuli were applied. With the visual analyzer adapted to darkness# the mobilization level of the cold receptors increases the same as i with cooling of skins and with visual analyzer adapted to light the level decreases the same as with heating of skin, The fact that; the mobilization level of the cold receptors changes within the first ;minute that adaptation conditions change from darkness to light indicates that the reaction is of a reflex nature with the retina photoreceptors starting the reflex and the skin thermoreceptors ending it, Orig. art. has: 2 figures. ASSOCIATION: Laboratori7a fiziologii i patologii chuvst instituta Inormallnoy i'patologichookoy fiziologii ANN SSSR# Moscow. (sensory I jPhysiology and Pathology Laboratory of the Normal and 'Pathological C a 2 /-3 .IACCESSION ITR: AP4026372 ~Phyoiology Inatituto,MRf SSSR) !SUBMITTED:' 18Mar63 ;'SUB CODE: W NR REF SOV: 012 ~_~cc- 443--- C."'i OTHM: 000 IACCESSION NH: AP4032815 S/0219/64/000/004/0020/0023 iAUTHOR: -Kurilova, L. M.; Dmitriyova, T M. ~TITLE: Significance of skin receptor surface area subjoc'u-od to a thortnal stimulus and Its duration on visual analyzer funct'Lonal changes 4 -SOMICE: Byalloton' biologii I moditsiny*p no. 4. 19640 20-23 TOPIC TAGS: skin receptor surface areat thermal stJmulus effect, %:thermal stimulus duration,, visual analyzer funotional ahange, ;stimulus intensity ~:'ABSTRACT: The dependence of visual analyzer functional change on ~inten3ity of a thermal stimulus acting on a skin rocontor surfaco area was investigated in 6 experimental series. Visual anal yzer reactions were determined in 6 human subjocts by the sensitivity chanGe of retina photorocoptors adapted to darknoss. Sensitivity levols wore measured by an AM adaptometer. An infrared lamp and wator bottles :filled with ice or water (450C) were used as thermal stimuli. The initial level of retina sensitivity was-moasured 25 to 30 min after Card. ACCESSION Nfl: AP4032815 the subject adapted to darkness and 1, 5, 10, and 15 min after a 1. given thermal stimulus was applied. Six experimental series ware staged: 1) hand heated with infrared lamp at a distance of 1 m for 110 min, 2) hand heated at 50 cm for 10 min, 3) hand heated at 1 m for 15 mint 4) hand heated at 50 cm for 15 min, 5) hand heated with .'water bottle filled with 450C water, and 6) hand cooled with water bottle filled with crackod Ice. A total of 150 observations ware ,made, Findings show that shifts in visual analyzer reactions depend .on intensity of tho.thermal stimulus and Its duration. Visual .analyzer reactions are clearly expressed when the thermal stimulus distance is reduced to 50 cm from the hand skin surface and hoating 'time is increased to 15 min, The effect of the thermal stimulus may .still be observed by Increasing heating time when stimulus distance .is increased, or by decreasing hoating time when stimulus distance is 'decreased, Thusp visual analyzer shifts can be observed only with a .stimulus of adequate intensity which is dependent on skin surface area .and duration of the thermal stimulus. Orig. art. has: 3 figures. ASSOCIATION: Laboratoriya fiziologii i patologii organov chuvat Instituta normallno-y i patologicheakoy fiziologii AM 333Rp Moncow Card ACCESSION NR: AP4032815 (Son30ry Organ Physiology mid Pathology Laboratory of iho Instituto :of Normal and Pathologioal Physiology JU-21 SSSR) 'SUBMITTED: ENCL: 00 1814ar63 SUB CODE: Ls NR REF SOV: o16 OTHER: 000 Car .13/3 In 0- DMITRIYEVA, T.M.; KURILOVA, L.M,; SUKHOVSKAYA, N.A. Reflex reactions of thermoreceptors. Biul. eksp. biol. i med. 56 no.8:14-17 Ag 163. (MIRA 17:7) 1. Iz laboratorii fiziologii 'L patologii organov chuvsty (zav. - prof. P.G. Snyakin) Instituta. normallnoy I patologi- cheskoy fiziologii (direktor - daystvitalinyy chlen AMN SSSR prof. V.V. Parin) AMN SSSR, Moskva. Predstavleno doystvitelinym ehlencm AMN SSSR V.V. Parinym. KURIILVA , L.M. Effect of thermal stimulations of Up skin on the functional state of the visual analynor. Biul. eksp. biol. I mod. 56 nc.9: 17-21 S 163. (MIRA 17:10) 1. Iz laboratoril fiziologii i patologii organov (-Yuv:3tv Nav. - Frof. P.G. Snyakin) Institute. normallnoy i patologicheskoy fi- ziologii (dir. - deystvitellnyy chlen AM SSSR L)rof. V.V. Parin) AMN SSSR, Moskva. Predstavlena deystvitellnym chlenom A1,91 SSSR V.V. Parinym. KURILOVA, L.M. Effect of the conditions of adaptation of the vi3ual analyzer on the function of thermoreceptors in human skin. Biul. eksp, b1ol. i mod. 57 no.3:3-6 Rr 164. (MIRA 17: 11) 1. Laboratoriya fiziologii i patologii organov chuvatv (zav. - prof. P.G. Snyakin) Instituta norrallnoy i patologicheskoy fi- ziologii (dir. - deystvitelinyy chlen AM SSSR prof. V.V. Parin) AM SSR, Moak-va. Predstavlena daystvitellnym chlenorm At-III SSSR V.V. Parinym. Ku II , T.I.I. Effect of area and duration oC receptcr surfaceri on functional chrtn,-,-7;-i in the vi.,:uai analyzer. hiul. eksp. biol. i med. 57 nc).4:20--23 IJ) 18:3) 1. Iaboratoriya f--LziologJi i ~)rvanc,-, chuvst'; (.7av. - prof. ~ "esrOy P.G. Snyakin) Instituta nrr-v-aI'nr;v i plata'oi C' I f" iolo~7ii 17 y c h I e. n A:-T! iS Z: !;art S3', R (dir. - deystvitellnv Moskva. Submitted. March 18, L 27277-66 ACC _NR, AUTLIO.~- Kurilova, Le I-f CQ-!": U CRG: L boratory of tho Pbys-*olofy arA Pathology of ie Sense Or s bea-dod a g tm blf i ~ o-s or P gDyp _jj_t_-' /dixeotod "by At~-.-Ivo mmbor MU) SSSR, Profossor V. V& Parln/. 11ARN SSO"R, Voscriw (Uiboratoriya 4 4 -~L i patologii organov cb,uvct-i-fn- f -~y i patoloTIchoskoy stAtuta nori-kil n fiziologil Al-91 SSSR) 2;7-- "I T;' i.LT- : Study of llurvm acoustic analysor Amation tising tho motaod of A-ii7ostigation of functional mobility SOnl CZ: Diulloton I akapeririontal Inoy biologii i1 ir,)ditsiry, v. 60, no. U, 1965, 6-io 1 TOPIC conditioned reflex, vision, -,nan preliminary adaptation to dal-Imcss, the vallic of the horizintal Afte. djamc~tpr of tho subjeobs' viuual field wa~; lig)-it for 15 seconds w;,~d an uncorditioned atilmilus. The lic.1-it in*.rarlably c,-,-u,3c-d the 145113.1 to t'hc o.rit_-,inall fic!Clk to, within 2-3 di t i f) d 4 -ulla n a th"'ll for"wd to "'("'m- a:ld loudlfkc3~ of 10 (lb. alwayn tonc, ki'~ a frequoitcy of 5CK) ruinforccd 'by light. The intensity of the unc*ni3it~.~nc-d arA co-,Jitloacd, reac- tiow was ji;dged from the change (n,-rrmrln,-,) in t1w, horizorkUd edFuaolor of the vi5ual fiela after presentation of the unconditinied (Iilrht) md Conditioned Card 2 7 2 - 7, ..... (vound) in comparison Ath the ori,inal value. he resulto alo,,rcd that acoustic analyaor activ--,ty could be dcbel-,;imed fro-m t ho chmga in funcLioual adju3tm(rnt of th,~ vi.ou;il analy:3or- Thc flunctional adi tment of one rocoptor sy!Aca which chm-w3 as a rc,~~ult of ref',ex, action ipriicates tile degrou of analysis of the other rcceptor Thus, tho r.,Alhod, 010 fw-ictional mobility help to characterize tho functicnal adju-.ti-nent, of a riven receptor oystEva under the influence of both conditioned -Md unconditioned stimuli, and it can be used to s';udy the activity of a;-,-.,, huii,,an analysor4 Thi, papor Was prosontod lyj Active mliber ANT SSSR V',' V, parin, Orig, art-, hant table,, SUB CODE: 06 sual DATE;% 05Feb64 ORIG F.CF1 016 Card 2/2 L 27233-66 AC, C R: 69 SOITtiCE CCDE.- Ijil/0219A5/060/010/0011/0015 A U2. CR Larilwa, L. M.-Hi=J11ovair L. M.; D,-,-kitrdYava. T,-!- Laboratory of FhysioIo;,,y and Patholoa cf Ua Sense Crgans /headed by G. Siryaki x Ingtitute of 'Nur;~~,L p; pnysiology/ X`~ b~ ACU"tj ri-omber SS,3R, Frcf . V. orp +0- y;j fiziciogii 4 pato.Loi- P71.ologii AMIN SSSR) ciaraotaristic.,i of tho okin-temnorati-wo ar.Aynor undor -the influenco of the action of li(,,ht stiriuld on tiw oya,,-, nnd :)kin 3 13yulloten' eksporJi-iontoalnoy biologli i meditsiny, v. 60, no. 10, 19065, TOPIC '11AC13: reflox activity, skin physiology, nourophygiology ASS'l-i" CT- The effect 01' UC,~Lit n the -I'n ro 1 larly tho thomorccoptor c~i out on a nui..'u.--r of peo-,;,.e. Tho ad-pt-0,mi-I -,Y1i I,e 1;3 r. (A aq lig'at st -iTO~Ili 0 Fj CY U3 n, S".Lrfac i~. 3 of he wriat, and face. Th-, J-,,~,tlhod '~110 follo,::3: fi.'4tom ('old points were e5t, 1- 4 oil "roini-r -il 1-faca 0, the 10-Ldnw~-rj Vwiods of to pa-,-'od!3 of darknecs lw3tirigr 25 t10 30 rdn'l-'ris, Vrit', a' cold ~oint5 bring dutermined during tho lst~, 5th)- and 10th minutas o'~' t,-.o light -.'194:612.8,1,-i7 ijD(,, .612 .014.44 CCI,d 11.-1~ .... . .. ... ACC INRi AP6016869 ~10 p,~riodo -The teraporature in the course of the re,"rained at a of "romoreccptor systlle-~n of con3tant lovol. Tho do,reo of the rc-aq the s',drt to lig,-,t and darkaiess was dol-ei-,;iined by ',~he n:)dificatuions in ",he of Cole, point5 affected bythe5e, conditirjn3. 1-L %.i;.o fo-oand thLt, I affects the functional character of t1w uithcr tho Of"L.,ical -Ulalyoor or by diroct action on th., skin rem.),lor U =(.~Iic .1"', d-, sturloance,3 of the "han,.-iore-cept or 3,,5' cm of the in -Cold rccc,),o~s L ~4- 4Vaturd iindor conditions of tht-dr irz,',)or ,,jid fuilctioa~;-l activity docrQA-,c,~ upon ijxFoijuro to The datua oblk-,aincd provide air,(-, a ba!313 foi- the pri~odne of the reflex ef.Cuct of the opuical analysor on t-he them,.O- reoeptor systcoi of the skin causim- changes in 'he functional level of-the i therzore:ceptors. This paper w s presented by Active 2146zilber AIV SSSR V.V. Parin, CridTart. has.- 3 figuxes. ?jF!15-7 SUB COME; 06 SUBM DATE: 02Apr64 ORIG REF-. 0Z2 2/2 QqINL L ACC MR: AT6036608 SOURCZ CODE'; UVOOOO/66/OCO/000/0249/0250 AUTHOR: IWrilova, L. M.; SidorIcina, Z. 1. 022 , none TITIZ: Study of the characteristics of chang-e- in the fimccional state of, tho s!zirj L,,~Jqr natuial copdAJiqns of contarlimation [24Dar qrasnat~d at t;~a Conforonco 0 *11 z In Y is ot ~ pace ,Q c hold in lbsco,.i from 24-2 ~-Iy 1946 SOUaCE: Xonforentsiya po problenam kosmicheskoy meditsiny, 1966. Proble-my ko5n.icheskoy neditsiny. (Problems of space riedicine); materialy kor-farentsill, N 2 249-250 OSCOI;, 19660 -1021C MGS: isolation test, i=-nmology, space hygiene, tissue physiolo3y ABS TRACT: -e nature of chan~yes in the functional condition of the facial c-pi6cr.-nis TA" -under navxal contar.-Aina'ion conditions was s' tudied usinr 'he -0 llow-*- L Io "A,, p.-.ysiolorr-*cal indices: 1) skin temperature; 2) epidermal heat radiat-ion; and i?3) changes in the functional adjustment of heat receptors in the c1acoks during i . t. 0 reflex nez.; react.,ions. Observations were made in the initial state before enterin,,T the chamber. I`periodica~liy -during a month' s sojourn in the chamber, and f0llowin-- Card ACC Nr%'-. AT6036608 ::emergence from the chamber. -A dynamic record of functional shilts ir. ,the staie ol"the epidermis was thus obtained. A record of changes in 6-1amber !temperature was also made. Analysis of the results showed that during 14 days' confinement-to the !chamber, the ambient temperature rose gradually from 26. G* to 25. 61 C. :This rise in ambient temperature was accompained by an increase in ;skin. temperature ol"the cheeks and a decrease in heat radiation from the C..eeks. This is -interpreted as follows: to protect the organism I.-o.-n over- 'heating, therm oregulatory mechanisms act to increase heat loss (s's%-I*n 'e npera'ure is increased by a vascular reaction). The amount of heat radia- Ition declines because of 'he decreased difference Setween ambient tempera- iture and epidermal surface temperature. Chamres lin ti-.e reflex adjustment of heat receptors were the most characteristic. Despite individual differences, a general tendency could be noted in the functioning of the epidermis. The number of f"U.-Ictioning ,~~heat receptors gradually increased as confinement to the chamber cont-inued, ind-icatina increased thermal sensitivity. By the 4th to 6th day, the -eac- tion of heat receptors had begun to be characterized by inertia; in subsequent days, the amplitude of reAl,ex heat reactions also decreased; this continued .1 u nti there was almost no reaction at a)1.., ACC NR; AT6036608. csc 1,QFLl I:, z'*...):)0~-t uj-,-Lclu~-' o-.-. z;o-., .5.."--jo,cts for o~-.c month to a s,-alc--' char.-.*-- 4-M-0ai,-Z LCIZ. the epiden-aa'. cpalyzer mid thereby. greatly linnits the -,ro-,cc.~ivc- [W. A. No. 22; AM Report '66-116] SUB CODE: 06 / SUBM DATE: OOMay66 Card 3 KMIoDVA., M., khudozhnik (Vladimir). ZUROWAO& - Vladimir glassware. Prom.koopono-3tl8-19 Mr 157, (HLRA IOW (Vladimir--Glassware) VOLOVICH. N.I.; GORDIYENKO, Te.G.; KATS, F.M.; KURILOVA, N.A.; MYKINA, A.S. ExperimentAl production And,atudy of complex natural and purified oerA ngninat rnbies and tetanus with summnry In Inglishl. VoT).virus. 3 no.1:23-27 Jn-F 158. (MIRA 11:4) 1. lharlkavskiy institut imeni I.I.Rechnikova. (RABIES, immunology, exper. prod. of complex native & purified sara against rabies (Rue) (TETANUS, immunology exper. prod. of complex native & purified sera ngninat tetanus (Rua) (IMMUO SERUMS, exper. prod. of complex native & purified serums against rabies & tetanus (Rua) VOLUIXII. N.I.j GOiUlYENKO, Ye.G.; KATS, F.M.; KURILOVA, M.A.; KHAYKINA, A.S. Fxporimental study of native and p.-ux,Jfied complox sera agaInst rabioa and tetanuB. flaunh. oan. prolzv. bakt. prep. 10-:21.4-251 161. (MIRA 18%'ll) 1. Kharlkov8kiy inotitut vaktsin i syvorotck- im. 14eclinikova. Fur.,movAl I'l. V. Dissertation: ItMeadows of'the Northwastorn Part of Irkutskaya Oblast (Along the Course TWshet - Ust'-Kut)." Cand Biol Scip BotuAcal Inst of the East Siberian Affiliate., Acad Sci USSR, Leningrads 19539 (ReferativrWy Zhurnal;-~eologiya/ Geografiya., Moscow, Aug 54) SO: SUM 393, 28 Fab 1955 3 64 15 'Arci,tokoikovaya infc';Aslya Voprosy ,.cliatrli I o'xhrany mat rinstva I det,3tvri, Vy; . , S. 2r,-2,? 0. !T. , PA T -!I , I . - . T "IM', -- - I :~ , . .- -1 . , . I . . 11. SC ; Letr,' ZhL:rra-l-Inykh -'-atey, ?',). 49, 1--4? am KOSIWU,OVS)'IY, V.P.; AFAIIASIYEV, V.F., otv. red.; KURILOVA,_TX._p red tMSMDII,~VA, G.P.p tekhn. red. (Metal cutting und rntul-cutting tools; bibIioGrnpYq]jIeza- nic metallov i metallorezbuchchie instrmnenty; bibliografi- cbeak-li spravochnik. Kharikov, Kbarlkov:3kii gos univ 1962. 127 p. (MM~ 15:1~i (Motal cutting) (Motal-cutting tools) VALITOV, Rafkat Amirkhanovich,,prof.; TAIUSOV, Vladislav Lukich; SHISHKIN, Leonid Acirianovich; TSAUNKO, Vlktor Timofeyevich; FIDDNMKO, Sergey Nikonovich, DOMANOVA, Yelena Alekseyevna; BARKAROV, Hikolay Arsentlyevich; SYTYY, Gennadiy T Fedorovich;,"RILM M. red.; TROFIMENKO, A.S.,, tekhn. red. [Measurement of transistor parameters] Izmereniia paramet- rov poluprovodnikovykh triodov. Pod red. R.A.Valitova. Kharl- kov, Izd-vo Kharlkovskogo univ., 1960. 193 P. (MlRA 16:3) (Transistors) VALITER, Anton Karlovich; PLAKSIN, Igor' Nikolityevich; GOWDIN, Mikhail Llvovich; SAVITSKIY, P.S., inzh., otv. red.;.KURILOVA, T.M., red.; TROFIMEHKO, A.S., tekhn, red. [Automatic density bontrol of iron-o're flotation pulps with the help of gamma rays] Avtomaticheskii kontroll plotnosti zhelezo- rudnoi pullpy gamma-luchami. Khar1kov, Izd-vo Kharlkovskogo liniv., 1962. 243 p. (MIRA 16:6) (Flotation) (Ganmw rays-Industrlal applications) NIKOLAYEVSKrY, Georgiy Konstantinovich; PANOV, Vladimir Stepanovich; TOMAMSKAYA. v---nivn ~,f,onf~novna; SITNIKOV, Vladimir Stepanovich; C1fETVMJJKJ11f1, N.E.; L~VITSXIY, V.S.; PRYANISIINIKOVA, Z.I.; TENLIN, A.11%; FELOTOV, G.I.; DEITRENKO, Ye.P., otv. red., &t!~i1LOVA,..T.M.y red.; NESTERENKO, A.S., red.; ALEKSAND-R-OVA, G.P., [Required practice work In doscriptivo joometryj Obiaza- tellnyl praktikum 1)o naebartatellnoi goometrii. Khar1kov, Khaxlkovskii gos.univ., 1963. 122 p. (MIRA 17%1) WRILOVA, Ye.F. Work of the assistance council in nursery schools In Lexerovo. Pediatriia 39 no-3:75-77 MY-Je '56. (MLRA 9:9) (GHIID WXLYARX in Rusoia, work of Assistance Committee in nursery schooln) S/169/63/000/bO3/006/042 D263/Fi)307 AUMRS: Alelcaoyev, r.P., Dcayadoveldy, Ye..',., 13iryul-ova, L.A.-, Golyahev, G.I., Ivanovskiy A.I. ' lzal;oyli." P N S ~ . etrov, ., Fkin, G.A., j4djIva . . Livahito, ,Yu ' ~ i- l V ~ N S i venal . peran- RomUca . .. Solov ., iy yov, skiyt K.Ye., Khvostilwv, !.A., ShVidkovakiy, Yo.(;. and Shcherba, I.A. TITLE: Study of the upper layers of the atmosphere with the aid of meteorological rockets PERIODICAL; ' Reforativnyyxhurnal Qofizikr, no. 3, 1963, 20, . naue n. .1-:eteorol. coveGh- abstract 3A1 6 (Tr., ~. chaniya. T.I.L.,, 1962, 91-103) TMM In the present review-typo rticlo the authors give the results of studies c"rried out at Top craInayn serologichockaya obaervatoriya, (Central Aerolbgical Obse, atory) on atmospheric sound- ing with.motoorological rockets. Hear Ang me 0 bed and the main points am given for obtain' 4 such a spheric character- Card 1/2' r S/169/63/000/603/006/042 Study of the upper layers D263/D307 istics as pressure, temperature, and wind. Certain results are giv- en: data of seasonal temperature variations at heights up to 50 km in tho middle latitudes of the USSR and in polar regions, coacs of sudden warming up, characterization of temperature distribution curves, a tableeharacterizing the temperature inversion below the ctratopause under the conditions of polar night, and data regarding the circulation in the upper atmospheric layers. Information is given on the.constructed meridional sections of temperature fields a 0 on the zonal c npnt of the gradient wind, (23 references). L Abotracter's not:T"Gomplete translation7 L.C 'A' 3 (7) AUTHORS: Kurilova, Yu. V.; Khachatryan, S. P. SOV/50-59-8-2/19 TITLE: On the Structure of Atmospheric Turbulence According to the Data of Rapid Airplanes (0 strukture atmoofernoy turbulent- nosti po dannym 8koros"nykh samoletoy) PERIODICAL: Meteorologiya i gidrologiya, 1959, Nr 8, pp 6 - 12 (USSR) ABSTRACT: In 1956-1957v the problem of turbulenoe in jet currents was in- vestigated at the Teentrallnaya aerologicheskaya observatoriya (Central Aerological Observatory), partlcula~ly friom the point of view of a connection between unsteady flying conditions and aerological parameters and synoptin conditions. The character- istics of the structure of turbulence in altitudes up to 13-14 km are investigated here; the properties of individual distur- bances on the one hand, and the character of the turbulent zone and the dependence of the latter on altitude and intensity, on the other hand. The authors used the data of 54 flights in jet currents. 13 of these flights were carried out by a plane of the TY-104 type, the.others by a rapid plane of another type with.smaller dimensions. The synoptic conditions were about the same in all cases. They referred to tho southern periphery of Card 1/3 weak jet currents with 30-40 m/sec, or to the altitude frontal On the Structure of Atmospheric Turbulence According SOV/50-59-6-2/19 to the Data of Rapid Airplanes zones with small contrasts. An exception were 10 flights by TU-104 with rather intennive jet currents and 45-50 m/aec, where a"o the northern periphery of these currents was part- ly investigated. On the basis of an analysis of the resulte obtained, the following conclusions on the characteriatice of turbulence causing planes to bump in the upper troposphere and lower stratosphere could be made: 1) The coefficient of occur- rence of the turbulence decreases considerably with the alti- tude. 2) At a reduction in intensity, and an increase in alti- tude, the weight of large disturbances in the spectra of tur- bulence causing planes to bump rises. 3) The extension of the atmospheric turbulenoe zone can retach 150 km in single cases, but mostly it.does not exceed 30-50 km. The extension of the sections with moderate turbulence decreases with the altitude. At a weak turbulence, however, the extension increasea with the altitude. In the lower troposphere, the length of the di- sturbed sections increases with an increase in maximum over- loads- 4) Under otherwise equal conditions, the dimensions of -the disturbed zones are smaller according to the data of the Card 2/3 TU-104 planeg since this airplane is more stable, and reacts On the Structure of Atmospheric Turbulence According SOV/50-59-8-2/19 to the Data of Rapid Airplanes to a narrower section with overloads. In the upper troposphere and lower stratosphere, the turbulent sections are character- ized by a discontinuous structure in connection with the meA-. tioned selectivity of the TU-104. There are I figure, 4 tables, and 6 references, 5 of which are Soviet. Card 3/3 KRI LOVA, Yu. V. Investigation of jet streams at the Central Aerologic-al Oboryatorjr. Trudr TSAO no.26:56-64 '59. (KIRA 12:5) (Jet stream) KURILGYA Y -'...,KHACIL-IT RY Ali, S.P. Sono data on the structure of atmospheric tiirbillonce caullirig airplane bumping. Trudy TSAO no-31:79-82 '59. (Atmospheric turbulence) (MIRA 12:9) (Aeronautics in rletooroIO17) PHASE I BOOK MWITATION SW/38a Kurilovap Yu.V. 'Nekotoryye osobennosti straynykh teche4y nad territoriyeT SM (Some Special Feat-aree of Jet Stream Over the Territor-~ of the USSR) Moscow,, Gidrometeoizdat (Otdeleniye)., 196o. 67 P. Weries: Tsentrallneya. aerologicheakaya observ- atorly'a. Trudy., vyp. 33) 850 copies printed. Sponsoring Agency: IMSR. Glavnoye upravleniye gidrometeorologicheskoy sl=hby. Ed.: (Title page): B.S. Gaygercy; Ed. (Inside book): L.V. Blinnikov; Tech. Ed.: I.M. Zarkh. PURPM: This book is intended for technicians in the Hydrometeorological Service. COVERAGE: This book crntains the results of investigation of jet streams over the USSR. The first two chapters describe the characteristics of the t,herwbaric field and special features of jet stream in the troposphere on the basis of texqj>erature and wind data from soundings mad from 1948 to 1954. The third chapter presents general data from jet airplane soundings of tmrb-alence in jet stream at altitudes up to 14 kn. Most of the C ard 1/4 Some 62acial Features of Jet Stream (Cont.) S07/3821 ,t an part, of Vu- t a ivvestigations were conducted orrer the Euivae USSR., bu conaiderable part of the data concerng Central Asia. Imvstigations did not !mcli.te.e t1w jet stre=s over Eastern Siberia and the Soviet F-sar East. The zones where jet streams are the mat aonatant and intensive are indicated., and the differences between the jet streams a7er the VM and those over the Pacific and Atlantic Oceans axe pointed cirat. The co~fflcienta of turbulence for. the upper trop7sphere and for the 1wrer stratospberee over the European pa~rt iof the USSR and Central Asia are given (5 to 1.1,% and 3 to 5% respectively). T"he conditions of tarbAle-nce at high altitr.14a and G-force for the upper tn')poaphere and atrat~aphere bave been deterrAzed. The author states that complete information on the character of tarbulence in jet 9~reams.. particularly in the northern periphery, can be obtained only tlLraugh special experimental flights and special aerological observations. 'the gaitbxor Umulks A.Kh. UTOLan, rAc+.or of Ge3grapby,, L.A. TwaagheTp and A.L. lerasalimakly. There are 49 references: 30 English, and 19 So7let, TAKE OF COMMS: Introduction Ch. I. Present-Day Ideas on-Jet Stream 1. Basic regularities of jet streams 5 2. Data on tiirbulence in jet stream 10 Card 2/4 So~e Special reatures of Jet Stream (Cont.) SOV/3821 Ch. II. Characteristics and Structural Features of the Thermobaric Field of Jet Streams Over the Territory of the USSR 18 1. Distribution of the active upper-air frontal zones over the Northern Hemisphere., and the areas of increased frequency of upper-air frontal zones over the USSR 18 2. Special features of jet streams over the territory of the UBSR 21 3. Analysis of individual jet streams and their vertical structure 25 4. Structure of the temperature field 31 5. Special featuri_-s of the vind velocity field in jet streams 35 Ch. III. Turbulerce in the Jet Streams over the Territory of the USSR 40 1, Characteristics of flight data and synoptic flight corilitions 40 2. Nature of turbulence in jet stream 44 3. Relationship between turbulence and aerological parameters 50 4. Analysis of moderate and strong turbulence in the upper troposphere 5T Card 3/4 1 ) /BDS ASD/AFFrC/ESD-3 RB '00/0 s/i6q/63/0 -04/002/017 "AUTHOR: Kur '1:0 V. T172LE: Aerosynoptical investigations of conditions required for for- mation of luminous clouds Y FERIODICAL: Referativnyy zburnal, Geofizika, no. 4, 1963, abntract 4A131 (Tr. Soveshcbeniya po serebristym oblakam, 1961, v. 3, Tallin, 1962, 131-150; suiraary in English) TEYT: In order to determine the conditions required for forming luminous clouds, diff-erent characteristics of Iwminoua clouds were compared with aerosynODtiCOI characteristics of the atmosphere at altitudes up to 20 1~11omaters. The results of observations of luminous cloudz carried out from 1950 through 1960 were utilized in this research. Information on the place of observations, the number of days luminous clouds appeared, the days when 'tr'.gght clouds appeared, and also the number of hours luminous clouds were apparent constituted the characteristics of different years. In 2ddition, the author made use of a weighted average intensity Card I/Is 0 L 12769-63 sA69/63/000/004/002/017 Aerosynoptic3i investigations of conditions required... characteristic obtained by multiplying the number of hours of radiance by the brightness of the clouds in points. The distribution of dates when the clouds ap,,eared in the year confirms the well known hypothesis that the n um ber of appearances of luminous clouds reaches a maximum in July. Common features and details of baric fields were noted on the dater, that luminous clouds appeared. These comparisons were made separately for the troposphere (up to the 500 millibar level) on the basis for data covering 11 yeers and for the stratosphere (up to 50 millibar level) for two years. Inspections of maps for the 500 millibar level showred that a siGnif Icant maJority of the dates that luminous clouds-appeared could be associated with the conditions of a high anticyclone crest, most often with its periphery. On the 50 "libar level the subtropical high-pressure region in the form of creGts, from the Pacific Ocean in the beginning of the year and from Tibet at the end of the year, extended to the pole and formed a high-pressure region in the second half of the year. As a rule, observations of luminous clouds were associated with the weotern periphery of the anticyclone crest Card 2/4 0 L 12769-63 s/169/63/000/004/002/017 Aerosynoptical investigationa of conditions required... directed from Tibet toward the pole. Moreover, on the days that luminous clouds appeared in the vicinity of the area of observations, observers noted wedging by a cyclonic trough from the west into the main onticyclone. 111be annearance of luminous clouds vas associated with this aituation in 37 cases out of 40 during two summers. The daily Gy-npotic mapG for the 500 millibar level extending over ten suLarners were examined and evaluated at ten-day intervals in order to determine the development of aerosynoptical processes durIng the s-4nmer. The powerful anticyclonal crest directed from the sub- troDics toward the pole was chosen to be the principal object of study. A survey of these maps showed some predominance in the development of crests in different geographical regions. A powerful crest of this sort directed jL tj from the Pacific Ocean toward the pole, frequently through Western Canada, was observed moze often in May. At. the and of May a crest from the Ant- arctic appeared, also directed toward the pole. It was leas powerful end stable. From the middle to the end of sum;mer crests appear alternately from the main Tibetan anticyclone, directed 3A - L 12769-63 s?169 63 000/004/002/017 Aerosynoptical Inveatigations of conditions required... tovard areas of the Baltic, Mfoscov, or the Urals. A study of 30 ten-daY periods with luminous clouds ohowed that In 26 cases a stable crest di- -ec I ted to-48rd the Urals, Moscow, or the Baltic -aas usually formed. An attemot was ma-de tovard a quantitative estimate of atmospheric circulation by introducing circulation indexes (data frorm the Central Forecasting In- stitute). A comparison of the intensity indexes of luminous clouds vith the varve of changes in the mean annual Index for zonal circulation showed agreemf-nt in the course of these curves, The author believes that ',here data do not contradict the previously establiahed role of "lie crest, which may be a mechanism for latitudinal exchange. Circulation is far weaker at altitudes of about 20 kilometers. It was noted, however, that luminous cloudn are formed most frequently when eastern circulation is established at 20 kilometers. EA-bstracterla note: Complete translation.7 Card 4A 8/050/63/000/001/001/007 D218/D307 AUTHORS: Khvostikov, I. A., Izakov, M. N., Kokin, G. A., Kuri- lova, Yu. V. and Livehits, N. S. C----------- TITLE; Studies of the stratosphere with the aid of meteoro- logical rockets in the USSR PERIODICAL: Meteorologiya i gidrologiya, no. 1, 1963, 3-8 TEXT: This review paper was first read to the symposium on meteoro- logical rockets and satellites which was held in Viashington on April 23-25, 1962. The following topics are reviewed: (1) seasonal, latitudinal and longitudinal temperature variations, (2) sudden in- creases in the temperatures of the stratosphere over the Arctic, (',,;) temperature stratification of the stratosphere, (4) thermal conditions in the upper stratosphere during the polar night, and (5) data on winds in the stratosphere. There are 1 figure, 1 table and 14 references (6 Soviet-bloc references). ASSOCIATION: Tsentralnaya aerologicheskoaya observatoriya (Central Aerological Observatory) Card 1/1 Z~" - :. ~J- . , . 1 1. 1 ), . -~ ~! - : , ACC NRi AT7000567 AUTHORS: Kostyanoy, G. N.; Kurilova, Yu. V. ORG: none ff/~-fd~-/66/oOb/C)7-0/00~-f/rjO4-O' SOMICZ CODZ: TIT12; On the radiation properties of cloudiness SOIFICS: Tsentrallnaya aerologicheakaya obeervatoriya. Trudy, no- 70, 1966. Radiatsionno-opticheskiye i ozonometricheakiyo isoledovaniya atmooferj (Radiation- optical and ozonometrio investigations of the atmosphere), 31-40 TOPIC TAGS: atmospheric cloud, atmospheric radiation, radiosonde, atmospheric humidity ABSTRACT; The effect of cloudiness on the long wave radiation field of the atmospherel is analyzed on the basis of 30 actinometric radiosonde climbs during -,,he winter season.1 zr-'r r)f these observations correspond to the lower -cloud layers: St, Sc, Sc op, Sc tran3. 'i~hc rc-iainder correspond to the cloudiness of frontal oyatems AG--Nfi, Frnb. Altitude voroun temperature, specific humidity, and upward (0) and dov,-nward (Q~)~ draft curvea are given. A table is prepared showing the distribution of the effectiye- radiation magnitude F in the cloud an a function of stratifIcation tcmpera-uure These experimental results agree well with theoretical predictions. A second table 3hows the presence of air-temperature stratification in the field of radiation charge.: Strong correlations are found between the height of cloud radiation boundary and the Card 1/2 i UDC; 551_,~21-14~_l ACC NRI AT7000567 altitudes determined by the upward-downward draft ratios by the altitudes of TQ# I discontinuity in the profiles of specific hiLraidity q, and the inversion altitude. From this it is concluded that the cloud boundaries can be determined by radiation Ifields and that the radiation characteristics of the olouds are related to their waters content. Orig. art. has' 5 tables and 2 figures. SUB CODE: 04/ SUBM DATEj O4Fob65/ ORIG REPs 017/ OTR RZ-Fej 003 Card 2Z2 ACCESSION NR: AT4035464 8/2789/64/0001052/0053/0059 AUTHom Kurilova, Yu. V,j Khvoettkovp to As TITLE: Classification of temperature stratification of the atmosphere to heights of 45 km SOURCE: Tsentral'naya aerologicheskaya observatoriya. Trudy*, no. 52, 1964. Rezulltaty* raketny*kh issledovaniy atmoefery* v period MGG i MGS (Results of atmospheric investigations by means of rockets during the period of the Xnter- national Geophysical Year and International Geophysical Cooperation), 53-59 TOPIC TAGS: meteorology, air temperaturn, atmospheric stratification, stratosphere, troposphere ABSTRACT: This study was based on rockat measurements of temperature to heights of 45 km made by personnel of the Otdel stratoafernytkh issledovaniy Toentrallnoy aerologicheskoy observatorii (Stratosphere Research Division of the Central Aerological Observatory) during the ICY and IGC periods. Observations were made at various latitudes: on Kheys island (35 launchings) and in the temperature latitudes of the European SSSR (32 launchings). The results of 23 launchings ,aboard the 'lob"' in the southern hemisphere also were used. A total of 90 stratification Card 1/4 ACCESSION NR: AT4035464 curves for various latitudes and se.aons were obtained. All the stratification curves of the extratropical latitudes in their main features fall quite clearly into three types of stratification. The stratification curves for the tropical latitudes formed a fourth type. In the extratropical latitudes there were three layers identified: troposphere, lower and'upper stratosphere. Cases with a nega- tive temperature gradient in the lower stratosphere (temperature drop) formed type I, cases with isothermal conditions -- type II, and stratification curves with an inversion from the tropopause formed type III, as shown in Fig. 1 of the Enclosure. The method used in computing the stratification curves is described, the principal characteristics of the stratification types discussed and the latitudinal and seasonal characteristics of the stratification typev given. Type I was observed only during the polar night. Type Ir, isothermal in the stratosphere, is observed, like type III, in all extratropical latitudes, but the thickness of the isothermal layer and the height of the isopause differ appreciably at different latitudes. Type 111, characterized by the onset of a weak inversion directly from the tropo- pause, is observed for the most part in the summer months in both the polar and temperate latitudes. It was found that a clear seasonal variation in the types of stratification is observed only in the polar latitudes and types I and IV have a strict localization in the polar and tropical latitudes, while types II and III .Card 2/4 ACCESSION NRt AT4035464 are observed in 4xtratropical latitudes. Rocket measurements an the "Ob"' in the southern hemisphere revealed that identical types are observed at comparable .latitudes of the northern and southern hemispheres. Orig. art. has: 5 formulas, 2 figures and 2 tables. ASSOCIATION: Teentrallnaya aorologicheskaya obsex'vatoriya (Central kerological Observatory) SUBMITTED; 00 DM AM 2MY64 ENCLi 01 SUB CODE: ES W REP SOVt 001 OTHER; 004 Card 3/4 AC'CESSION NRs AT4035464 Moro 40 AI 9NCL06URE: 01 VOhw ot- 300 Fig. 1. Standard stratification curves: :(l) -- generaIL; (2) Kheya Island; (3) middle latitudes; (4) -- southern hemisphere ("Ob"I data). rd 4/4 CZLCHQ3L(WAXl4 30mr,L20 Let KU hlll4"H?%T-,AT 14 OVA Lj JhP4L# T, Institute for An&lytical Chemlgtry# ftrkpifs Univer3it Umtltut fOr analytlgohe Chenjes ,urkynO_"-fhlver-3itfftTv Brno Prague, C LjQ2j;gn Of-~Q160b Gkt- tons's No 3# March 19660 pp 12" 1 *Uranyl Complexes with obonel lteands, ?ert 6% Interaotlon or kojlO and meconlo aold3** FRIDMAN, V.M... inzh.; ZAGORODNAYA, G.A., inzh.; KOZHEVNIKOV, I.F., inzh.; KURILOVICHO L,V,, inzh. Vibration of the rotors of turbogenerators with flexible frames. Elektrotekhnika 34 ao.10:47-51 0 163* (MIRA 16til) TSAY ZIMN-SHEN [TS'al Jung,-chengl; GUN BIN-YUN [Irune, Ping-yungj; BAO TSIN- GHZHU [Pao Ch'ing-Chu]; CHENO LI-TSZTUN [Chlen Lu-chungl; LTAN SMJ_ PAN [Liang Shn-hang]; KURIIA)VICE, V. Antibiotic 956 from the neomycin group. Antibiotiki 3 no,2:27-28 Mr-Ap '58. (MIRA 12:11) 1. Institut lekaratvennykh veshchestv Akademii nauk Kitayokoy Harodnoy Respubliki, Shankhay. (NMMTC IN$ antibiotic 956 from neomycin group (Ras)) HA Ping]; iYU MIN-CH2HAN [Liu Mi Chang] - U DFCHZM [Yu T&-cheng] TSMY TSZMI-TSM [ChIff Ch(ln-chlinl EMIWVICH, V. Iffect of two antibiotics (23-21 an.4 1779) on experimental tumors [with summaT7 in English]. Antibiotiki 3 no.6:5-8 N-D 158. (MIRA 12:2) 1. Institut lekarstvcrvedeniya All Kitaya, Shan1hay. (NEOPLASKS. exper. eff. of antibiotic 23-21 & antibiotic 1779 (Rug)) (ANTIBIOTICS, eff. 23-21 & 1779, on exper. cancer (Rus)) PRONINP V.I.; DOBROVA, N.B.; KURILOVICHy Ya.B. RevaBcularization of the heart by anastomosis of the internal thoracic and coronary arteries. Grud.khir. 5 no.1:81-86 A-F'63. (MIM 16t7) 1. Iz otdaleniya khirurgii sosudov (zav.-doktor med.nauk Yu,Ye. Berezov), laboratorii po primeneniyu polimernykh materialov i protezirovaniyu sosudov ( N.B.Dobrova) Inati- tuta eardechno-sosudistoy khirurgii ( S.A.Koleanikov., nauclinyy rukovoditell - akademik A.N.BaWev,) AN SSSR. (GORONARY VESSEIS-SURGERY) (THORACIC ARTERY-SUICERY) ZUGERMAN, L.S.; KOGAN, B.M.; KURILOVICH, Ya.B. ExpGrimental data on the evaluation of coronarography. Eksper. khir. I anest. 8 no*3:29-33 MY-Je'63 0-11RA 17:1) 1. Iz Instituta serdechno--eosudistoy khirurgii (dir. - prof. S.A. Kolesnikov, nauchnyy rukovoditell - akademik AJI.Bakulev) AI-24 SSSR. 69273 AUTHORS s Aiduanova, M.V. and Xurilltaikova, G.Ye. 5'~IWOOA )LI.SLI10 TITLEs The Infrared Absorption Spectra of Hydroxofluoroboron C5!!~L~~-Ls of Potassium and Sodium PMODICLL: Optilca i spelctroskopila, 1960, Vol 8, Nr 4, pp 498-1104 (IUSISR) ABSTRACTs The authors obtained the infrared (1600-700 cm-1) absorption spectra of K3B3O3F6, K0303F,&OH, WaP303N, KBF3011 and NaBF30H. The ccaiplexes ware obtained using a method deeizribed by Ryss (Ref 1). In all cases the spectra were obtained with the complexes in the solid rstate. Samples were suspen4ed In Isobutyl alcohol (particle dimensions lose than 5 ji) and deposited on KBr pl&tes. An IKS-11 spectrometer with V an EaCl prism and a photo-el ectro -optical fuup.Lixier v;as employed. The infrared spectra arl shown in Figs 1 and 2 and the frequencies of the ban4 maxima (in cm- ) are listed in Tablee 1 and 2. Analysis of the results obtained show thats (1) the K3B303F6 and K2B;303F40H spectra coincide within the experimental error; (2) the KBF30H and XaBF30H spectra are also identical; (3) the spectrun of Na3B3O3F6 differs from the spectra Of KA303Fr, and K2B303F40H. A qualitative interpretation Card 1/2 of the spectra, based on comparison with the spectra of boron and S/05V60/008/04/011/03? 69273 S/051/60/008/04/011/032 9201/9691 The Infrared Absorption Spectra of Hydroxofluoroboron Omplexes of Potaosium and Sodium fluoroboron compounds reported earlier (Fig 3, Tables 3 and 4) is given In Table 5. The results show that in K3B303F6, K2B303F40H and Na3B303P6 cyclic structurea of the oxoboron ring type are present. The values of pH of the aqueous solutions used to prepare the complexes were found to affect their spectra (Fig 4 and Table 6). It was found that the spectra of complexes prepared fran aqueous solutions with high pH resemble closely the spectra of metaboratos and totraboratea of K, Na and Mg obtained by Miller and Wilkins (Ref 8). Acknowledgnents are made to X.Ye. Vaynshteyn and V.L. Barsukov for suggesting the subject and their advice. There are 4 figures, 6 tables and 10 references, 3 of which are Soviet, 6 English and I German. SUMITTEDs July 15, 1959 Card 2/2 KURILYUK, A.D. Milking reindeer in northeastern and southeastern Yakutia. Uch.zap. IAGU no.6:37-W '59- (MIRA 13:12) (Takutia-Roindeer) (Milk) Freser;'~ state P-nd ma.'n prorspc:,~,3 l'07- 5WF f e -~ I ,-,d -A -~-tiltu-n " n t-lie a carplAtil-in. ,~7 F A I? D'.AY , FI, ,;hy.,;i(;i an or o:-,%) -I or. 1,-&F..Y 'L t; - C~. v, s of ~)-n Atdcci!.~l tijury e Ur Y~ K, G t '--a rz v,r A. Ka' nn-ai crh,-,L ,~ie yeti r P. C.". 0l 19 L Vo) l-:, 'To 1, Ji,-,-,%ar tm u nor ' 3 Hur, ~,~i ria n--wLmary :w6:Lfied", Jlirinl-, '),~iruit~rit of ,'-.ntrl*,,. Fllitarj Ho.-Pital C-~~ac-.5 Df CDC"ll ah,-Iominal Of thrlz;e, 2,1 ware 5ta"-. W-nul-A~, an(i I'o.~~t in.ii-irLcs w(--re I.,y autwatic w~,Ach char-act-;rlzec -,-aze time:, is prc,.4omina-It pr;--Ljx~.-Lr..~ry histori4c of the In 2c L, fal.cohol coulo zr.~ In th~~ IAI-Tt aid Of 311"h i,-, of illltll-rr~`t t0 YIOtf~ that Lhe us~- of pa~,. kill.~-rn, -.15 avDLA~-Ii !Irr. - c;n-fton is only -'onnal. ln thp. hospl'Lzal'!~ cxp~r the ...1 :-rmce. prl-~li I - sr.ate of ~,hock is the bP3t ixidicator of the spriousncss 6f t.-,P- injury 'j and cf th,~ prc,7nosis, Mast serlou~~ the:jnjuries of lar~-,e v-azseIE-, 7 Z: lit -M th(.~ spirial colvmn, thc urog,~-nital t~.e u ean L Imp La p.-i e IrS t-w ee r. Lnjury ard n rr-lva wis 2 hou r: tn i c il paratton of surger-y and ot-serva-ticri vi3 2.~ hovr!!. ',or the rf shoc;: an av,~-m7u of '~.5 ilterr, of blood Wl 3 U 5 ed , I-. - ma JI.-) C, f ',I- ;:;r, - was cariied out with. rarcc~--is. Mont difl"Ictatle3 -arcE,!~ "t-h until -~he -.;afez+. operattvp proc~,auv~, zho- lif~ll~i- C'-', "le " I:' L to The L"Irface, was en tal)lli shed. Poz-1 Oni-,As "-e :7")st -i r,-~,,plicaticn. U 15 perforating stab wo'und-', all heal~-Il vithou,~ CT ~C' parfo-atirI4 :~!-o -1 6 . '. wo-,mis, 16 ho--icd !qlt:icu~ di~c~ar;-e~ Tirith lastins, cr.,iplalnT,-- tiod c~ 00~d. '-t shv;!,,~ not.--d 1:11~ res"It'.; wn"I Obtainst 1"alle-ti-me comlit~.on-3. Fo rcfcr~n- arl, A ANDRIAIIOV, S.M.; BARYUTIII. B.3.; BE7,11ITSKIT, M.I.; BOGDAYJV, R.H.; GOIAIVAIX)V, G.V.; JOFR, II.S.; KAPLAN, fl.M.: KIRMV, A.Y.; KOLOBOV, G.M.-, KOROLIVA, M.A.; MIUTNV- M-8-; POZIZIYAKOVA, T.A.; PROKOPOVICH. V-M-; SOLOV'YIV, S-N'*- TRZTIYAKOV, H-P-; CHIKOV, Am.; YILIMDIIOV, N.D. Petr Fedorovich Lelikov.- obituarys Ptitsevodstvo 9 no*8:48 Ag 159. (93A 12:12) (Lellkov, Petr Pedorovich, 1905?-1959) 1" f. ily Lb: NT o0in i-, Jrni zYnoij zd--vr~, 19~ F IRA 18:5) W *OA of 00 e: A -00 so l=ad-t4p-t* ilk rA6 t4$ pbw Ils any FMdwv 11"tw t4kip pwv qohomf, tho 00 000 tia b lwoalwW sA blCh tNIMP. OIXI 00,3 (SmOg, abows, Fe M Ow. Am. P9, No, W), krwier towip. 1;.;; metedab Wh k-nd t. 00" Kicki urstable latawadists empousuls with ve Oft 00 0 ,:J ]he* %99 Cleo 41 III-qfl.. U60 it afti-rai- I w AllIIs 0 of a cr 40 d K a x to lc it 11 it x WA 414 0 0 @so 0 0 0 0 0 0 00 0 0 0 0 0 o a 4*F 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 9 0 :1 go 00 0 0 411 0 6 0 * 4 6 poll low W. bw isteo".$" 0 -1--L m a CL Go a a I A 4 1 A 1 6 a 1 :6 tOPI A$ Ire .f1js o o A -00 a '00 SJUCAW111TRY Of the K&W C&talYst at Atmospheric pges 100 Ir, surpe' NA -Kufin. J. Owal. W. W. S. S. R 1 14. V~ M(l .-Thi ItaitinIt rate at whish it N. + .11, Atilt. can be pams"I Owe Ifils Catalyst to give an t-quil. :m milt, rimrs wj'p tmp. At rats-, of I'll 4 bI of cWtallyW, the�e fertim. are 427, Mt'. T ir t. tj Etbwt Mk lrmp~ it 4W. "c 'Imolognt of NIf, ml the CAWYM 1. unknol. awl hits an atlivnitou rm-tav cut. lwf mot The t,"thelle rrwl6m I, Wowl. .1 Its activation r.,..fgy it 2.%lml cal. jwF to"I, It %I I k -11t AT ,Joe $.ILA a1tTALLURGKAL LITIRATL41 CLASIIPKAIIQN Itz A *)am *"Inv 11"ols, es'.ii 'T -P -al V to 0 &v 10 111 1~0-160-1611 000 0 : o o 0 0 0 6 0 0 a 0 0 * 0 * : 0 0 it 0 ft 0 0 0 0 a 0 0 0 0 0 a 0 ot- ivs -4-* 0 0 i 0 6 I I 1 16 it Ij 13 Is !1 4 U 4 't M , .1 a .0 M a A *; I$ ~v k. ii Ij It P is J4 .1 B P a At a .1 ja a to A I- A A f 9X I A.- ii, 1,~ AA M Cc W tz I s I -a -So 00 A c4bdydc oxidation .of sitrk oxide. 1, .00 so and 1. 0. 111olih. J P-5.1R.1-1111", 734-49(io Frencl, 7i91A%=").!_T'b9 oxidation of NO 0* -! -A silks gd, Cr-Zo and V catalysts Fourtmis rdcrec,"s. Wu*"* of Walter V-90C 02 to NO, in the pre 10-2w. and a Vol. VeWty of the as velocity of axidation in the presto" of silk* p0L 00 was; Investigated Pit milt. of 2w4 vob. of tailt - per unit VVI. of catalyst dwasse tim and vs"mm catalyst. 1W. -00 00 ji o4 he ocliestic Is gives. French 753).-The influence of a The .00 hr ), The A* I, described - ;!;.7=. of rwwe oxidaticin,, the mist. NO 3.0s Or 7.9 and Mm. Ns tion of NO was investigated at wn% by.vd. was dried am c(z-~cd. HA04. AIlLnvvsti- velocity (300); other conditions were the Same IRA balm. .0 69 .idatiou reaction. The The activity 9f Wks Sel decreased with the increase, 600 ga ' tal a promoted the dcz~mmyosft oxidation dirressed with an isserraw of the cown. of water vapor in the gas milt.. but poistams ac. A= _-* * Vol. vejocity of the milt. In all hivc~tijpted iscitherniq; 1~ctw- tion of vapor decrrAsed with an it"rew of WDU p"A- i ever. the degree of oxidation decreased much mote slo" 1y RLJ because of ch-ctcasing admirPticti a Ilgo on I Activr than (he itserraw of v01. velocity. The velocity of rise- soorU: of catalyst. The uxidAtion in the presence of V tion deereawd (the vcd. vrlocitY beIAS earist.) will, in. catalyst decreased with iocrease t4 tem -he ctiocn. of AG rrmw of temp. the effect wet highest for silk* water va;mir In the mixt. of A-Ait D.-M. vol. atul in- too 0 cmlkz get usidited NO best at testips. up to It'()*; created at a ctA*cu. td wattr val.,r of 3JA540.7,.. How. at i8O-2(Aj* the activities of silica jrd and V catallysu were ever, the Abil. VZIUC Of VOUCily In IAA C&SCIP Was &IWUY% Ves 00 hat high" than that of Cr-Zn catalyst. tAft,w The vchicityofitai,Utito L4 the dty rnial. Mies, ,vtodlytj tabulated and pluttrd. A. A Padjutu 00 TVO:Cmj t or expressed by the equa- -00 and 1. the C..Z- 000 Catalyst -d(*po/ds - KCIC.Cift. The KPP-t &C- mtwysu were 0 j: tivation energies for suits grit Cr'U Mid V 4 eolcd. to be equal to -4700, _lbW and -3W cal./mol. well toe t -LIN KAL U71114floAt .CLAll.WKA?1G#1 IV, ottaLL f too --;96 . . ..... 44D U U A* 10 it',' '_ t' I Is onilon 0111 wit w to 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 see 0 0 000 V 0 0 4 0 0 off 00 0 :0 0 0 4 4 SO 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 W to I 111job MMX)f JOPI 1? 11 0 J$ b 0 to J. A, Q it 0 are A A -J."A 2- P L m A A L U-~,A- i A 0 00 AT 00 00 ic 00 09 1 Tb, beat of SSW" of ftbm d4dd4 is MNWU NU. S m e, . N, p, Kwin, It. 0. It.) Is Wn that 1IM7*0, 1 150 4(10" up 1 " f Wh M t L . o a test VWb mi--, a law to VO 'K). la m". to W M40 In "A% )I-MA Od./mul, &fIved (or -liv. 09 W , h. .1 8% in 1100# at vitrims I MW pWtW "U, L d r k vi s r P,*90"s cm to I atm. 00 90 ~T; AV 03 It '71 AA I W 1 .1 . 11 it o 600 so to o 0 0 o 0, 0, 0 0 0 0 9, s o o 0, o oes 000000,00000000000000410, 0 0 616 0 toe .46 -of .00 ZOO gas NO 49 _-O so 0 t;O 0 to 0 do* '00 i J*O too a 3 .9 4, dAq 00 0 0 0 9 0 00 e0:&:, 77:7T771 f!7": - ~;== E!N 0 AUTHORS: TITLv: PERIODICAL: Kurin, It. P., Zakharov, 11. S. 6990 3/15 ' ZD/003/01/039/056 BOI 1 B005 nia Investigation of the Oxidation Process of Ammo In the Presence of Metallic Oxides at Increased Pressure Izvestiya vysshikh uchabnykh zavedeniy. Khimiya i khimicheskaya tekhno:ogiyat 19609 Vol 3, Wr 1, pp 141-145 (USSR) TEXT: By means of the dynamic methodp the authors investigated the catalytic effect of many (16) metallic oxidee at -a preeaure of 8 atm. Table 1 shove the maximum oxidation degrees (a) of ammonia at optimum temperatures (t opt ) and volume rate (v) measured at a steady state in the presence of different oxidea. This table and figure 1 show that there is a certain relation between the oxida- tion degree from NH 3 to 110 and the logarithm of the dissociation pressure P 0 of the oxides used. Oxidation takes only place in the presence of such oxides the P0 of which lies between io-19,5 and 10 atm. (except for Cr 203). From these facts, the authors draw the conclusion that the oxygen of the crystal lattice of Card 1/4 69677 Investigation of the Oxidation Process of Ammonia S/153J60/003/01/039/058 in the Presence of Metallic Oxides at Increased B011/BO05 Pressure the oxide surface plays an important part in ammonia oxidation. Hence it appears further that active oxides must have such P 02 values at which the reduction pro- cesses take place just as easily as the oxidation processes. The maximum oxidation degrees from NH3 to 110 -were observed on oxides the elements of which have un- filled inner electron shells VO" Cc O*~IFe 011) NiOI'/1NiO Cr 0 Mn02 _R_~ 3 2 2 3 , (Lu-0 ,2 3 and others). Among these, the beat catalysts are mainly oxides of metals of the 4th and 5th period of the periodic system (according to Shchukarev, Ref 4). Active oxides of the NH 3- oxidation under pressure have a hole-type conductivity, Oxides having an n-type conductivity are either poorly active (TiO 2' ZnO) or inactive. The authors arrive at the conclusion that in preparing the most active compound catalysts of the NH 3-oxidation, the activating additions must be chosen in such a way that the catalyst obtains a hole-type conductivity by the addition. The catalytic activity of the substances studied here is more dependent on their Card 2/4 69677 Investigation of the Oxidation Process of Ammonia S/153J60/003/01/039/058 in the Preasnae of Metallic Oxides at Increased B011/B005 Pressure chemical composition than on the surface dimensions. Thus, the specific surface of SnO2 and WO3 (Table 2) is larger than that of Mn02 and Cr20 3' In spite of this fact, there was no NH 3-oxidation on the two former. whereas on the two latter NH3 oxidized at 73.8 and 42-3%, respectively. The catalytic activity is also related with the color of the catalyst ~Ref 4). The authors proved that only intensively colored oxides: MnO V 0 Ni 0 Nio, Cr 0 2# 59 2 39 2 31 2 3' Cuo' ?b02jand PbO-Vlre relatively good NH3 catalysts under pressure. Finally, the authors proved by experiments that an addition of oemiconductor with n-type conductivity (Al 20 3) to a semiconductor with hole-type conductivity (CO 30 4) reduces the NO ield. Pressing sucb mixtures reduces the oxidation degree of NH3 (Table 1~-There are 4 figures, 2 tables, and 6 references, 5 of which are Soviet. Card 3/4 o5o' 77 Investigation of the Oxidation Process of Ammonia 3/153/60/003/01/039/058 in the Presence of Metallic Oxides at Increased D011/D005 Pressure ASSOCIATION: Tomskiy politekhniche8kiy inabitut im. S. M. Kiroval Kafedra tekhnologii neorganicheskikh veshchestv (Tomsk Polytechnic Institute imeni S. M. Kirov; Chair of Technology of Inorganic SubstancesT- SUBMITTED: January 22, 1959 Card 4/4 -1-115) ~_6 FPF(c)1E%1P(q)1E-WAm)1B-Da , AFFTQ/A3D Fr-h WdIJDIJO ACCE-SSION LIM: a3OOZZ53 47MORS. Kurin, 11. P.; Tliogdanov' po Y00 V, TITME: IUVOotigatiOn Of tb3 OXidation1proceso of c--z4nia undar prearaxe In ~prar_oaca of Iran-blamuthr- talyat .E~aw ~o* ca a rvl\ S11"MR11113: Kataliz v rj*rzhey shkole; trudy*k1.*qzh,~uzqT;%Q;:o so reshchaniya 10 katalizue aov lo pt. 2. Moscove Izd-vo V a'_'. univ.. 1082, 215-=5 .TOPIC T"'S: oxidation, aav.,nla, iron, blcmth, mangezoaa, Fe sub 2 0 sub 3, ,Bi sub 2 0 sub 3 ABSTA.41T: A dynamic met'hod for-t~u oxidation of a=.onia at a pressure of 8W=2 1;% the presonca of an iron-biemuth-manganese catalyst has been studied, as M11 as tha dapandance of the M02 content in the internal frcm 5.0 to 19*81p' b7 TAIghto T~o ratio of Fe 0 to BLX was equal to 4,# It vao datormiaed that the degree -3 ot oxidation OfEa&nia into nitrous oxide passan through a maxi== when tha =4=1 a-air mixture is passed through ths abovo catalyst at an increased tempora- Itur3 sad at a mami== speed and volu=3 of an--znia. Uith the increace of prersauria from 2 to 16 AM.,'the degree of oxidation decraaaeov At a pressure of Card ----- - --------- --- MOM" _12 L 1353~-63 'AGM, SSION MR: AT3002353 Ihe degme of oxidatioa of arrmomia. as a function of 110 content in ths i=- 'bimauth-manganew catalyst is a complicated function. ~Ilej maxiacm-mi catalytic.- - - -6--- proparty in the inveatigattid system -and. in--tha-ragioa of-%aw-studiel, co# si"o a * by COU On" t Qatal7st of 124~6 -vaight. Tbo.mazimm 2 ~dagrae of oxidation of a.=onia to aitroCan oxido 'was of tha initial rAxturi,. 4 Tile catalyDt3 WOM active evoa after long porioda of mactioa. Tha opti--ua volum 3ped vao 20,000 ,it a 5%oacentratoion of 10.6' b7 voluma. 4 auumbor of ewpiric,tl oquations ha7a boon davelopod which axpreas th3 offoct of voluma sp3o4 ca tho da~,,rr,3o of oxidatione Thow aquations also exproaa cow idoas of tho probablo procass mahaaiam. Origs art* hast 6 tablea and 5 Grapha. AZZOOLIT101,11: TomskiyPolitokhnichoskiy Inutitut (Tomqk Polytoolinical Institute) SUM-11TISM 00 DAIM A0Q., 103*unG3 ENCL: 00 SUB CODZ-. OR NO MF SOV: 012 OTFZR.- 000 Card L 13U~ ~6 EPR/EFFF(c)/FWT(.m)/BRS AIFT01ISD ?S-h/pr4 MIR: 1=10=54 9/29 32/62/00VO02/ozzo/ozzz 76 Kuriu, I.[. P.; Bogudanov,, P. Ye. Effect of the wthod of preparation of an oxi-cobaltous catelyat on its activity in tho oxidatio f aln als, at elevated pressures SOM0, i Kataliz v rjOsohey ahkole; trud-pO I 146zhvuzovskorzo oovashah&MM~~ act 1, Pt. c2, Voacorlp 1.zd-vo Mook. univ,,, 196Z, 2216-23~5 TOPIC TArS: catalyst, oxi-cobaltous oazalyst, =onia, elevated pro s ware I.-U, Bi, Lin 031 %10T; Tho objoot of this work is to study the affect of the rathoi of p-,Gp- ,aration of Go304 on 'to catalytic proporties in the oxidation of e;-=niaA under 8kg/cm2 of pressure. The preparation of Co4e was accomplished by tra mathods: by tharmal decomposition of the aid CoC,,Ol at a tomporature or 550 to GOOC with a oubaoquent pulvorizaLioa~and"comprosi3lo4n at 1000?gl= And by prooip1ta;joa of Cobal; from a nitric doid solution with ME. It was shown that vha catalyst, proparod by the pracipiLation wthod with M11 possoawa greater activity. Tha'\degroo of oxidation of =onia with this catalyst is equal to 95,10 at a voluz-vitric rate of 225,000 and a tomparature of 7200 with a volumtric Card 1/2 L 13535-63 iconcontration of I a the initial mixture of 10471, With an Increase of layer :thielmas3 of this catalyst at otbar temperatures, thu degree of oxidation at first ,'increases rathar than deozoaseso The optimum catalyat thic~mesi is 60 r7a, Tha coaditioaz of oxidation of NY~3 to NO at a anall thicknos:3 of t-W contact layx3r i-mprovod whoa the top later or the catalyst is proroctod from the hoat loss* ;A two layor catalyst consisting of precipitatod Cc 0 and Fe-Bi-11in catatalyats 0 3atalyat with a total~thicl=o3a !has boon iavastigated. By using this combinati a a of 87,nu, the capa4~it'y of Fe-BL-AKa catalyst increases thus, creating a possibility of inerea3iag tha production yield of catalyat withou! tho use of plaziaum. The 11 catalyst obtained by the IMH precipitatio-a from the ENOS solution of cobalt has.a food porspeotive in the oxidatiou process of M3 to N~ at a pressuzo of 81~g/a=4. Orig. art. has: Z tablos aM 7 figures. Tomakiy polite khniaahaakiy institut, (Tomak Polytachnia-ed institute) SUA=ITMD 00 DAM A.CQ,-. 10J*UaGJ ZROL; 00 SUB COM, OH NTO RV SOVi 009 07 =-: 004 Card FWF, q 1"*?f;- ra) bus ~Tr'(,- A92HURS, Kurin, N. P.; ZA-IdIfi-ovp 114. So T 1TV' -. t-malysis of th-!i inf%oae-5 of pare V-5tal oxides an the o-cidation of a=11"aia at clavatod pressures. SoTlnros: Xataliz- v vyashey shkolo; trudy 1 1'*zhvu-ov.-1,4go covashcbeniya po .0 no* 1, pto 2. 11 scov, Izd-vo Mock. Uni 1~00 V VC) 0 V0 0 Fbo motal 0- Yido Al SnO TOPIC TAr e=nia S: 0 ,, - , , , ) In- 2 Y 3'$ 3' 3 ' 3' 2 3 ABSTIUCT: The effect of et sarl6a of mqtsI oxides on thj oxidatiou of MT3 to NO at 8 atm pressure was studied by the dynamic m3thod. '1.13 degree of oridation is depondent on the dissociatioa pressure (p) of the oxide uced as caDalys'.: &12039 '~%, 1,1003, SaO2 havo low p ard do not catalyze 14-113 oxidation. Oxides having p bot-een 10-19o5 and 10 atm. are otential catalya~s, )3pecially If the mtals exe tran.,31tional elemnta vith 4 a-0 lectrons with ui~illed M-Dholls (',rno2p PbOv Pb()-p 17?0Zf Co30,1, Fo2O,, 11j0 %,TJ 0 39 cuot Cr2o ) Tho offectivu o=Ides aze -osi having uol~e conduction ~"o Carl ti~13 excess POSRi;e charge so thn 0-jons rill" ry react energetically with the contact GurfacO to form the intermndiate catalyst- oxygen Complex onto which the N'F,3 may bre ad-lorbedo Any accelerating additi,7es Card 1/2 L 13,669 -63 ACCESSIGIT IM: AT3002355 should also have hole Conductivitys which is a mor-o importmt famtor than co--tal-I 'St Gurvace area. Only tIY3 highly colorod oxidon (hole somiconductors having el#3!~t-cma which roadily pass fromm the normal to tt,- conducti-m zono) are effective cataly;ts for ITH3 oxidation. Orig. art. hast 2 tabloa and I f i8lurc - ASSOCIATION: Tomkiy polite khnicho skiy institut (Tor-sk Polytocbmlo I, a .15t4tUt SUi~417M: 00 DATLI ACQ; 10-TunGZ L"NOL: 00 SVB COD:;: CH M REF SOV: 005 OTr-R: 001 Card ;,_ _J-_L D_- 6-3 F-PF(C)/EWT(m)/BDS 1-r-4 Lrd A C ~ E 37- '-N ", R IAT3002356 5/25~2/62/X'1/002/rD258/0241 1__)_' ALTEHOR3 Kurin, 11. P. ; Zakharov,'M. S. 7 TIME: Investigation of the process of oxidizing a=monia under pressure in the presence of oxidized cobalt-aluminum, catalysts SOURCE: Kataliz v vyashoy shkolej trrAy 1 Yezhvuzovskojzo soveshchnniYe. Do katalizu. no. 1, pt. 2. 1-1030OW, Izzd onk. univ., 1962, 238-2,~l TOPIC TAGSs catalyst, cobalt,- aluminum, NO, FH sub 3, Al sub 2 0 sub 3, Cc sub 3 0 sub 4 1 ABSTIRAOrt Methods wem studied to determine means of increasing yield of NO by oTidizinC ITH 36 Increasing axio=t of Al 0 in the Cc 0 CntalYst tom 0-15 ve~~t 2.3 ' ;,,4 17" lowered degree of oxidation at, 8kg./eq =4 pressla A probably due to increased oxidation of "7H3 to 112 on the A1203' Addition of n-comiconductor ~1203) to the .i D-covi conductor (C0304) levered NO yield; this is explained by the decrease in the hole conductivity of the mixed catalyots. Compression of catalysts reduceg ai~tivity by decreacing surfaces accessible to the reaction. The use of a plati- num grid in combination with the catalyst (C`04+5,~_-11203) increases degree 0 f !;'13 oxidation to NO under pressure, Orig. art. ha)s: 3 fieures r-nd 3 tables. Card nt al., "I'The -nakiw TvIctor ET-12) og:;o,.,r lqh~), 1. cop:'. T-clnrO ral manual oil tractor dwiplop.-I f'or krp iln lmrlbr-rin- operatirms.