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NEDlUZHIY, A.A. Structure forming proce0o in otarch glueo. Trud7 XTIFF no.19:119-122 158. (KRA 12:12) (Glue) (Starch) MIMNKO, O.D.; KAIAN, A,P. ITw Antigating tho lieloctric properties of aquenun nMIose nolutions. Izv.vyn.uchnb.tav.; pinlich.tokh. n0-1:3.2-36 Isq. (HIRA 12:6) 1. Kiyovskiy tokhnologicheakiy inatitut pishchovoy proqrshlonnosti, I-afedra fizichaskoy i kolloidnoy ldhimii. (AftvloaRe-rolactric properties) KURIT,F,IIYO, O.D.; YtIKOVKINjl, YO*A. Detarminirg contraction during, noistening of starch and use of this data in the study of the hydrophilic naturn of starcb. Izv. vys.ucbnb.zav.; pinhch.tokh. no.1:130-134 '59, (MIRA 12:6) 1. Kiyovekiy tel:hnologichookly institut piebehavoy promyshlannosti. kafedra fizichaskoy i kolloidnoy khimli. (Starch) (Heat of wetting) 5 ( SOV /6 9- 21 -2- 12122 AUTHOR,;: Xurilenko, O.D. and ?.'ikhalyuk, R.V. TITLE: The Adsorption of Aliphatic Amines on Bentonite from Aqueous Solutions (Adsorbtsi a alifaticheskikh aminov na bentonite iz vodnykh ra.9tvoi ~ PERIODICAL: Kolloidnyy zhurnal, 19_99, Nr 2, PP 195-199 (Uja) ABSTRACT: This is the report of an investigation carried out to study the adsorption of rhe higher aliphatic amines on bentonites in quantities exceeding by several times the exchange capaci- ty of the latter. The investiEation established two types of adsorption - irreversible ionic and reversible physical ad- sorption. It was further ancortained that an amine adoorpt- ion on sodium bentonite exce~,(1.3 by several times the adsorpt- ion on calcium bentonite, which partly is explained by the fact that the first disperjt~s in water to a far higher de- gree than the second. Another possible-factor of' this phe- nomenon is the different solidity of the linkage of sodium and calcium ions with the montmorillon4te surface, i.e. the t Card 1/2 exchange of the orfranic cation with Na is more easily per- 071/0' -0, - 21 -2-12122 The Adsorption of Aliphatic Amines on Beritonite from Aqueous :)oll,,tions 11 4 formed than with Ca4--. 71hen measiiring the heat caused by wetting the dried a:,ine-bentonito romploxc-s of various amine-clay ratioi with va-11tor, the atithors oboerved that in t1lis concentration are,~ (80-100 ::~1--oquv) the hrdronhilic pro- Perties are reduced to a mini,:~um. Thf- follo,.-rim- scientists are mentiz)ned la R. Grim, ~W. H.1 Slsbavgh (Sleybo), and P.A. Rebinder. There are 3 L-raphs and 15 referpnces, 12 of which.are English and 3 Soviet. AS30CIATION: Kiyevskiy tekhnoloUiche3kiy institut pichchevoy promyshlonn- osti (Kiyev Tezhnolo,-ical Institute of the Pood Industry) SUBMITT7D: December 4, 1957' Card 2/2 5 (4) AUTHORS: Mikhalyuk, R.-V., Kurilenko,.O. D. SOV/153-2-2-9/31 TITLE: Investigation of Lyophilically Aminated Bentonitea (Isaledoyaniya liofilinosti aminirovannykh bentonitoy) PERIODICAL: Izvestiya vysehikh uchebnykh zavedeniy. Khimiya i khimicheakaya tekhnologiya, 1959, Vol 2, Nr 2, pp 196 - 199 (USSR) ABSTRACT: Bentonite can be looked upon as an inorganic hieh polymer. It ' disperses itself in water and has ion exchanging properties. As is known, exchange cations have an influence on the hydro- philic nature of bentonite (Refs 2-8). The influence of the or- ganic cations on the molecular nature of the bentonite surface has not been investigated sufficiently (Refe 9-11). The pres- ent article deals with the examination of the originally h~rdro- philic bentonite surface dependent on the nature of the or6anic exchange cations (amines) and on their c*oncentration. A zA water dispersion of Asknngell (sodium bentonite, deposit of Teikhis- -Ubana 'Gruzinsk%raSM)Yias prepared for the investigation. The amines were first transferred into HCl salts and dissolved in water. imination was carried out in the mentioned dispersions. The authors found that the minimum hydrophilic nature of Card 1/4 the bentonite surface lies within 100 mg-equ/100 g. This role- Investigation of Lyophilipally Aminated Bentonites SOV/153-2-2-9/31 tion therefore served as a fundamental. After the diluted amino salt solutions in water had been added to the dispersion, a quick flocculation occurred. Table I gives the figures of the heat of wetting Aekangell with water in which the cation is re- placed by various inorganic and organic cations. This shows that these heats were considerably reduced after treating Askangell with various organic cations. The hydrophilio nature of bentonite Is apparently least reduced by the 1-charge cation which is smallest in size and most compact. The tri-isoamyl amine ion reduces the mentioned heat much more. The greatest reduction of the hydrophilic nature of natural bentonite is caused by cations of the salts of quaternarily dispAr-ed ammo- nium. Thus the branching of carbon chains plays a role, as well as their length. The analysis given in table 1 leads to the conclusion that the cations form a sequence according to the degree of their influence on the hydrophilic nature of the ben- tonite surface: Ca>H>Na) large organic cations. From this table the fact results that no continuous monolayer seems to develop on the bentonite surface, at least not by the amines used there-, The information won in connection with the heat of wetting also Card 2/4 proved right by measuring the absorbed amount of water, on the Investigation of Lyophilically Aminated Bentonites SOV/153-.2-2-9/31 basis of the varied tensions of water steam (Table 2). Figure I shows the adsorption therms for bentonite, the cation of which was replaced by organic and inorganic cations. The or.j':,anic mont- morillonite derivatives on the whole, are less hydrophilic than the inorganic ones. Table 3 shows the measuring results of the adsorption of benzene vapor with uminated bentonites. Theae statements show that the amount of the absorbed benzene increas- es with an increase of the hydrocarbon radical which is a cum- ponent of the amine added to bentonite. Figure 2 shows the mea- suring results of the adsorption isotherms of benzene vapor (at 200) on specimens of natural Askangell and Askangell dis- persed by cations of higher amines. This shows that the oleo- philic nature of bentonite is increased by the latter oubsti- tute. The hysteresis takes place in the whole sphere of the rel- ative pressure. The adsorption of benzene vapor proves the in- creased oleophilic nature of aminated bentonites. The isotherms shown in figures I and 2 change places, so to speak: natural bentonite which swells in water, does not swell in benzene, and aminated bentonite swells in benzene, although it does not swell Card 3/4 in water. There are 2 figures, 3 tables, and 15 references, 7 of Investigation of Lyophilioally Aminated Bentonites SOV/153-2;.2,9/31 which are Soviet. ASSOCIATION: Kiyovskiy takhnologicheskiy inatitut piahohevoy promyshlennostil Kafedra fizicheskoy i kolloidnoy !Aimii (Kiyev Technological Institute of the Food Industryl Chair of Physical and Colloid Chemistry) SUBMITTED: February 15, 1958 Card 4/4 5(4) 307/153,.2-3-10/29 ATJTHOR3! Mikhalyuk, R, V.., Kurilonko, 0. D. TITLE- Sedimentation Volumes of Aminated Bentonites In Organic Liquids PERIODICAL: Izvestiya vysshikh uchebnykh zavedeniy. Khimiya I khimicheskaya tekhnoloe,,iya, 1959, Vol 2: Nr 3, pp 366-368 (USSR) ABSTRACT: The object of the pre3ent paper was to investigate the capa- bility of swelling of am-inated montiaorillonite in organic liquids. In this :ase Jntermicellar swelling was conoerned which may be measured by the increase of the total volurie. The swellilng of montmorr,~Kon_`t~~ which was aminated with dimethyl decyl octadeoylammonium chloride in water, ethyl alcohol, isoamy-1 alcohol., ariline, ethyl acetate, ethyl ether, acetone, benzene, and nitrobfinzene was measured (Table 1). The capability of swelling and heRt of wetting of the alcohols depend on the length of the chair, (Table 2 *- Figs 1 and 2). With increasing chair. length- ilgr'1 the oleophilic properties increase. In a further test sexles montmorillonite aminated with trimethyl octadecylamine (TMO) was used, benzene and alcohol Card 1/2 served as solvents (Table 3), . hiontmorillonite sankples with Sedimentation Volumes of Aminated in SOV/153-2-3-10/29 Or~,anir Liquids different occupation w~,th TMO were Investigated. The maximum of swelling is at ar. o,~cupa-,;-.-ja of approximately 100 mg-equivulent/1-00 g, '~-t was found that in a serien of organic liquid&., espoclialll-~ Ir n!.robsnzone, thixotropic gels were formed at certain concer~"-7ations. There are 2 figures, 3 tables, and 4 references, ASSOCIATION: Kiyevskiy tekhnologioheskiy ii.stttut pishchevoy promyshlennosti Kafedra fizicheskoy '- ko1-'1---'-dnoy khimii (Kiyev Technological Institute of Focd lndus-~~zi - Chu.,_7 of Physical and Colloi&L Chemistry) SUBMITTED: February 1F: 19~8 Card 2/2 _J~;I=-g--O.D.; SUKHOYMN, R.I. Dielectric properties of activated carbon ouBpenBions In bauxene. Trud7 KTIFF no*21023-226 159. Wa 14: 1) (Carbon, Activated-Blectric properties) OYCHARRNKO, F.D..; MILANKO, O.D., doktor khim.nsukv red.; HAYRARK, I.Ye., do1a-o1-nVff-.-h*6uk1 red.; ROYTER, T.A.. red.; MIKHALYUK, R.Y., k&Ad.khim.nauk, rod.; MININ, A.Y., red. izd-va; KATTETCHUK, A.A., (Natural mineral sorbents: proceedings of the conference hold June 9-12, 1958 in Kiev] Prirodnye minerallaye sorbenty; trudy soveshchanita, soatoiavehagosia 9-12 iiunia 1958 goda v g. lieve.. liev, 1960. 370 P. (MIRA 13:7) 1. Soveshchiniye po prirodnym mineralluym sorbentsm, Kiev, 1958. 2. Chlony-korrespondenty AN USSR (for Ovcharenko, Royter). (Sorbents) XAIIIN, A-P-. KURIIXIIKO. O.D. Electric conductivity and dielectric constant of amylopectin solutione. Jzv.vy9.%icheb.zav.; piehch.tekh. no.1:43-47 160. (MIU 13:6) 1. Xafedra fisicheskoy i kolloidnoy khimii Iiyevskogo tekhnolo- gicheskogo inBtituta pishchevoy promyshleny,osti. (Amylopectin--rlectric propertins) 0. D._-_YAKOVKINA, Ye.A. Equilibrium in the system starch - alcohol-water mixture. Koll.zhur. 22 n0-3:282-287 YV-Je 160. (MM 13:7) 1. Kiyevskiy tekhnologicbeekiy institut piahchavoy promy- shlennosti. (Starch) (Ethyl alcohol) (Heat of wetting) KURILE14'KO, O.D.; ABAN, A.P.; NEDUHH, A.A. Investigation of the rheological properties of paBte-yielding starcht amylonel and a!nylopectin solutions. lzv.vyn.ucheb.z&v.; pishch.tekh. lrl2-16 161. (MIRA 14:3) 1. Kiyevskiy tekhnologicheskiy institut pishchevoy .romyshlennosti, Kafedra, fizicheskoy i kolloidnoy klomi!'- (Starch) (Amylose) (Amylopectin) RURILENKO 0 D ; SUKHOMLIN, R.I. Possibilities for the use of high-frequency'conduc~*Wotr)a~4BV-tW in studyiAg saturati4n. Izv. vys. u6heb. zav.; pishch. tekh. no.4:142-145 161. i (MIRA 14:8) 1. Kiyevskiy tekhnologicheskiy institut pishchevoy promyshlennosti, kafedra fizicheskov, kolloidnoy i analiticheskoy khimii. (Conductometric analysis) (Sugar industry) GC.RDNOVSKIY, Igor' Trafillyevich; NAZARENKO, Yurly Pavlovich; NEKRYACH, Yevgeniy Fedorovich; KURILENKC, O.D., doktor khim. nauk, prof., otv. red.; IMAS, R.L., red.;__KADASHEVICH, O.A., tekhn. red. (concise hindbook of chamistry]Kratkii spravochnik po, khimii. Kiev, Izd-vo Akad. nauk USSR, 1962. 659 P. (MIRA 161l) (Chemistry--Handbooks, manuals, etc.) GOLOVNYKP Tu. D.; KARTASHOV, A. K.; KURILEHKO 0. D. Improving ~he separation of the solid phase in sugar manufacture suspensions by means of high-omolacular flocculenta. IzV. Vyad ucbeb. zav.; piahch. takh. no.5179-83 162. (MIRA 15:10) 1. TSentrallnyy nauabno-imaledovateltakiy inatitut aakharnoy promyahlennoati 3 riyovakiy takhnologicheskiy institut piBhohavoy pronyablennosti. (Sugar manufacture) (Flocculation) KUPLILENKOY O-D-;, GVCHARENKO, F.D.; YAKOVKINA, Ye.A. Problems in the thermodynamics of wettiAg. Izv.vys.ucheb.zave; khim.i khim.tekh. 5 no.1:87-90 162. WIRA 15:4) 1. Kiyevokiy tekhnologicheskiy Inntitut pishchevoy pronWshlennosti, kafedrt fizicheakoy i kolloidnoy khimii. (Wetti%') PRILIPKO, L.T.; KURILENKO, U.D. Technical application of polymer flocciaants. Trudy KTIFF no.25. 27-31 162. (14DA 16:5) (Polymora) (Flocculation) PRILIPKO, L.T.; KURILLNKO, O.D. ~bcbanism of the reaction of polyelectrolytes with suspensiona. Trudy KTIPP no.25:31-36 162. (MIRA 16:5) (Polyelectrolytes) (Suspensions(Chemistry)) (Flocculation) KOSTENYUK, N.H.; KUR1LENKO, O.D. Investigating the kinetics of saccharose hydrolyBis in the presence of cation exahangers in H-form. Izv.vys.ucheb.zav,; pishch. tekh. nql3t46-49 163. (MIRA 160) 1. Kiyeyskiy tekhnologicheskiy institut pishchavoy promyshlennosti, kafedra fizicheakoy i kolloidnoy khimii. (Hydrolysis) (Ion exchange resins) (Sucrose) KOVJT,ENKO, S.L.; KURILENKO, O.D. Modern concepti concerning pectin substances. Izv.vys.ucheb.zav.; pishch.tekh. no-5:28-32 163. (MITZA 16:12) 1. Kiyovskiy tokiinologicheskiy institut pislinhevoy promyshlennosti, kafech-rt fizichaskoy, kolloidnoy i analiticheskoy khImU. KURILENKO, O.D.i PRILIFKO, L.T.,; MIKHALYUK, R.Y. Interaction of polyacrylardde with bentonite suspensions. izv.vys.- neheb.zav,;khim. I khim.tekh. 6 no.2t248-251 '63. (HIRA 16:9) 1. Kijrevskiy tekhnologicheskiy institut pishchevoy promyshlennosti, kafedra fizicheakoy, kolloidnoy i analiticheskoy khimii. (Acrylamide) (Bentonite) KOVALEVSKAYA, Ye.I.; KURILFNKO, O.D. Structural and meahanical properties of starch gluos. Izv.,rys. uoheb,%av,;,pidwh.tekh. no.1:40-42 164. (MIRA 17i4) 1. Kiyevskiy tekhnologicheskiy institut pishchevoy promyshlennosti, kafedra fizicheskoy i kolloidnoy khimii. CHISTYAKO" , Ye. A.j KURIIENKO, 0. D. Determining the isoelectrical point of egg albumin by high- frequency titration. Izvvys.ucheb-zavsj pishch.tekh,noo 2,-, 153-155 164. (MIRA 170) Is Kiyevskly tekhnologicheskiy institut pishchavoy promyshlon- nosti, kaf.edra fizichaskoy i kolloidnoy khimii.' ACIIIESSIO.11 D in: AP4022107 S/0073/64/030/003/0244/02li7 AUTFOR: Parlklhomenko, V. V.; Kurilenko, 0. D. TI"LLS- Water content in ionites by the present indicator method. SOURCE: UArainckiy khimiche8kiy zhurnal, v. 30, no. 3, 244-247 TOPIC TAGS: ion exchange resin, cationite KU-2, cationite KU-1, cationite KV-4-P2, water content, water determination, adsorbed water, cross linked resin ABSTRACT: The water adsorption of various ionites was investigated in order to evaluate its effect on the properties of the ionites. The amount of "bound" water was determined by an indicator method (A. V. Duman8kiy. Liofillnost'dispersny,*kh system. Izd-vo A11 USSR, 1960) based on the concept that water adsorbed (X1) on a hydrophilic material loses its solvent action: b - b X1 = aP + B 2 1 X, = 100 x1 100 b 2 PF10-0-a) Vne re a is the moisture content of the cationite (~), P = cationite weight in gm. B - amount of indicator solution in gm., b initial indicator concentration, Cord 1/5 AccEssim :,-R: AP4022107 b2 - equilibrium indicator concentration, ~, and X = number of grams of bound water in which the Indicator does not dissolve, per one gram of dry material. Determina- tions were made of the amount of bound water on cationites KU-1, Kb-4-P2 and KU-2 in the H, Na, Ca and Fe forms (figs. 1,2) and on KU-2 having different degrees of cross-linking (different divinylbenzene content). The amount of water adsorbed on a given ionite depends on the nature of the exchange ion, with the effect decreasing in the following series, H) Na, Ca, Fe, The effect if more pronounced on a strongly acid cationite (KU-2) than!on the weak acid cationites. Increasing the cross- linkage of the cationite KU-2 reduces its water adsorption to a slight extent. Orig. art. has: 3 figures and 2 tables. ASSOCLATION: Kiyevskiy tekhnologicheskiy institut pishchevoy promy*shlennosti (Kiev Technological Institute of the Food Industry). SUBle-MaED: 1574ay~- D= AcQ: oqAPr64 SUB CODE: CHj MA NO REP SOV: 004 Cord 2/5 ENcL: 0 3 MWR: 004 j,CCzs0-jo*.q ni AP4022107 ENCLOSURE s 0 1 1,0 0,0 Fig. 1 R.elationship betwe.en the amount of water, bound on cationite KU-2 in different 4r rm, and the equilibrium concentration of indicator (sucrose)- 10 1--li-form; 2-Nia-form; 3--Ca-torm, 4--Fe-form Card 3/5 ACCESSION NR; AP4022107 ENCLMURE s 02 4'/ky- - 1,2 10 234 0 4 a Fig. 2 Relations~,'p between the amount of water bound on cationite KU-2 in different form, and the equi librium concentratio'n of Indicator (glucose): 1-1-1-forrn; 2--Na-form; 3--Ca-form; 4--Fe-form Z_L4 4/5 I.CCESSION N"U AP4022107 ENCLOSM: 03 A. t-:- 1,4 LI 1,2 6 12 16 zo 6"!% Fig. 3 Relationship between the amount of water bound on cationite KU-2 in the H- lorm with different degrees of cross-linking, and the equilibrium concentration of indicator (sucrose): 1--KU-2 with 4% DVB, 2--KU-2 with 2016 DVB care, 5/5 PARKHOMENKO, V.V.j, KURILENKO, O.D. Water content of ion exchangem from tho data of the Indicator method. Ukr. khlm. zhur. 30 no.3:2"-247 164. (MIRA 17:10) 1. Kiyevskiy tekhrologicheakiy institut pishchevoy promychlennosti. .1 . _ .; Yn.~ DUII,V~SKJY, A-V.; AVRAVCHUK, L.P.; KURIIZTKQ Qj Ifeat of reacticns between a sulfonated styrene tLr~,, water. Dokl. AN SSSR 159 no.r..,1120-1122 D 164 ( m I P6 "i ; ? ~ 1 ) 2. Institut obahchey i noorganicheskoy khImli MN SSSR. 2. 1--h-ken korrespandent Pll SSSR (for Dumanskiy). (Iforonovelk,ri, I.T.]; GNMOVSKIY, Igorl Trefillyevich IIAZAR7,,NKO, Yuriy Pavlovich; NEKIIYACH, Yovgerd Fedorovich; K~~ILEIKO D.(Kurylenko, 0,D.1, prof.. j doktor khim. nauk, red. [Handbook of chemistry] Kratkii spravoclizilk po khirr'll'. 3. ispr. i dop. izd. Kiev, Naukova ciumka, 1965. E35 p. (F.I.-A 18~7) KG,V,'.LENKO, S.L.; KUI-dLENFO, O.D. Vl,,3co3,.t,y of pectin so-Ilutions. Ukr.k.~Am.zhur. )l r,r,.2!i?5,-l79 (M-'RA 18:4) 165. 1. Kiyf.,,jsk-!,y tekhnologi z.-hes',~y Ins t! tio, plshchevoy i Innnos t' . PARKHOMENKO., V.V.; KURIIYNKO, O.D. Sorption processes on cation exchangers from alcohol-aqueous solutions. Ukr. khim. zhur. 31 no.4072-375 165. OGRA 18:5) 1. Kiyevokiy tekhnologicheskiy institut pishchavoy promyshlennosti. PRILIPKO, L.T., KTJRILENKO, O.D. Effect of polyelectrolytes on the stability of aqueous ouBpenalono of bentonites. Ukr. khim. zhur. 31 no.4:376-378 165. (M RA 18 t 5) 1. KiyevBkiy teklinologichookiy institut pishchevoy promphlennosti. KABAN, A.Peq inzh,; KOVAIZVSKAYA~ Yejo.. Inth,j KURTLENKO) 0,D,y doktor khim, revk Electron microscope analysis of starch fractiormi in the presence of po2yelectrolytes. Pishch. prom. no 206-31 165. ~MIRA 18:11) 1. Klyevskiy tekluiologisbeakly InniAtut pishchevoy promy-hIen nosti. qoi.l T7 MKRUCH, Ye.F.; KURII,FNRqp 0,,D.; DUMANSK.11, A.V. Thsnuod7namic.4 of ionAto hydrition. Dokl. AN SSSR 165 mo.3-611- 614 N 165. (MIRA 18:11) .1. Institut obvhobe7 i r.-- organ Uohes key klil-i;tl AN SS3R. 2, Chlen-korreopondent &N SSSR (for Dumn-nskiy). KOVALEVSKAYA, Ye.T. (Kovalevolka,, IJC.I.]j KOM, A.P. (Kaban, O.P.jj KURILENKOP, O.D. [Kuryleakol O.D.] Electron microscope studies of carboxymetbylealluloses Dopo AN URSR no.11:3490-14931 165. (MIRA 18:12) 1. Kiyevskiy tekbnologichookiy inatitut pishchevoy promyshlen- nasti. KOVAL&NKO, S.L.; KURTLENKO, O.D. Ukr jjjj,7,.zhur* vity of pectin r3olutlons In watol'o - o, Electroconducti 165s (MIRA 18.12) 31 no.5t457-461 1,, Kiyevfskiy tekhnologichookly institut pighchevoy p-romyshierinosti. Suhnitted Jans 23P 1964a MARCHEVSKAYA, Yu.M.j KURIIENKO O.D. Determination of the contraction and heata of wetting of ion exchangers. Ukr. khim. zhur. 31 no.10:1074-1078 v65. (MIRA 19.1) 1, Institut obahchey i nearganichaskoy khimii AN UkrSSR. Submitted May 18p 1964. KUPILDIKO, C.D.; MARCHEVSKAYA, Yu.M. Kinetics of swelling of ion exchangers In wator. Ukr. khiir. zhur. 31 no. 11:1157-1161 t65 (MIRA 19:1) 1. hntiLut obshchey I neorganicheakly WrAl AN RrSSR. MARCHIVSKAYA, Yv.M.; K'JRILOJKO,,.O.D.; KLOCIIKOV, V.P.; SHPIGUN, A.A. X-ray diffraction examination of Ion exchangerp. Ukr. kbim. zhur. 31 no. ll,*1.161-1164 165 (MIRA 191l) 1. Institut obahchey 1, neorgarilchaskay khlmii AN UkrSSR. ACC N~Z; AP7010716 ';Gu"'C"' COD:'~': U,,!'-,02r,/66,171/006/1373/1375 V.; Avranchulk, L. 1~11viloil!fo, 0. D.; Durmnsl