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-- KUHMOVI-F.F..- -- Advice pertaining to the maintenance of ail &.a. locomotive. Ilek.i. topl.tiage, 14 no.307-38 Rr 16o. (KLBA 13:7) 1. Mashinist-instruktor elektrovosov paremennogo toks depo Osherellye, (Ilectric locomotives-4taintenance and repair) - ~- - ~ a,--, -1 -1 . I - ~ ~ - - --~, - - - I KtM-NKOV, 1. 1. "Dynaaics of Moisture and Dimensional Variability in tho Wooden Parts of Wagons Under Manufacturing Conditions." Cand Tech Sci, Leningrad Forestry Engineering Acad, Leningrad, 1954. (XL, No 2, Jan 55) Survey of Scinetific and Teohnical Dissertations Defended at USSR Higher Educational Institutions (12) SO: Sum. No. 556, 24 Jun 55 KURENKOV, I. I. Cand Jiolog Sci Dissertation; "Biology and Ecology of Certain Fresh-Water Decapoda in Respect to the Po.,aibility for T*,,air Acclimatization." lh/050 Moscow Technical Inst of Fish Industry and Eccnovy imeni A. I. Mikoyan 58 ( 0 Vecberyaya moskva Sum 71 J . . j )'J'. 2. (600) I ~'h;h culialr~) - 7. Acclirmtization ~..ork on Kamchatka, tyb.kho7. 20 no. 4, 191)-' 9. Monthly List af- Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, 1953, Uncl. KUR.ENKGV, I.I., kandidat blologicheakikh nauk. Regults of acclimatizing crucian carp In Kamchatka bodies of water. Trudy sov.Ikht.kom. no.3:130-134 154. (KLRA 7-8) 1. Kamchatakoye otdeleniye Tikhookeanskogo nauchno-isiledo- vatellskogo inatituta rybnogo khozyaystya I okeanografii. (Kamchatka--Carp) (Carp--Kamchatka) POKROVSXAYA,Vera Nikolayevna-, KURINKOY.I.I., redaktor; KGROVINKOVA.Z.A., tekhnicheakiy redaktor [Mechanizing the purification of a mine's water supply] Mekhanizataiia ochietki shhkhtaykh vodoebornikov. Moskva, Ugletakhisdat, 1955. 109 p. (Water--Purification) (KLHA 9:1) AUTHOR: Kurenkov, I.I...-Candidate of Biological Sciences 26-12-10/49 TITLE: Volcanic Influence Upon the Fluvial Pauna (Vozdeystviye vul- kanizma na rechnuyu faunu) PERIODICAL: Priroda, 1957, No 12, 49-54 (USSR) ABSTRACT: The article deals with the Kamchatka river on the Kamcnatka peninsula and the influence of the eruptions of the Bezymyan- naya volcanoe's on the fauna of the Kamchatka river system. The eruption b6gan in the fall of 1955 and lasted until March 1956. Heavy ash rains and red-hot agglomerations caused an enormous melt:Lng of snow and ice on the mountain slopes, and layers of ashes covered the area over a distance of 50 km. These ashes sank to the bottom of rivers and lakes and had a disastrous effect on the benthonic organisms in them, causing, for example, the complete disappearance of mollusks. As the eruptions continued, the water in the rivers became gradually poisonous by soluble salts contained in the ashes and lava, thereby causing the death of masses of fish and roe. The culminating eruption took place on March 30, 1956. The thavr water from the mountain range raised the level of the rivers considerably, inundating vast areas. Torrents carried away Card 1/2 uprooted trees, rocks and fragments of frozen earth. In the Volcanic Influence Upon the Fluvial Fauna 26-12-10/49 Bolshaya Khapitsa river, a tributary of the Kamchatka river, which is about 100 km long, all hibernating fish, especially calmon, perished. Their gills were clogged with dirt, which proves, that contaminated water was not the only reason of this mass perishing. The author mentions also the damage caused by underground spring& originating near the Xlyuchevskiy volcano. In times of eruption their waters change color and swell of sulphur. Such contaminated water is disastrous to roe and young fish in nurseries. Similar effects are caused on fish in an early stage of development by earthquakes. There are 2 figures, I chart and 2 references, of which both are Slavic (Russian) ASSOCIATION: Kamchatka Branch of the Pacific Ocean Institute of Research on Pisciculture and Oceanography (Kamchatskoye otdeleniye Tik- hookeanskogo nauchno-issledo-ratellskogo instituta rybnogo khozyaystva i okeanografii) AVAILABLE: Library of Congress Card 212 30 30(l) 3z 0712 r, 2- 4 -V5 7 Kurenkov, I.I. (Petropav1ovnk-Kamch,,0,8 AUTHOR: kiY TITLE: On the Causes of the LarGe Reduction of Kamchatla Salmone (0 prichinakh znachiteilno,~o ~-nizherli,,a.- chislennosti kainchatskikh lososey) PERIODICAL: Priroda, 1959, Nr 2, p 123 (US2R) ABSTRACT: In a letter to the editors, the author ansverq. readers' comments on his article "The E.ffect of Vol- canism on the Water Fauna" (Vozdeystviye vulkanizma na vodnuyu faunu) published in Nr 12, 1957, of this journal. Ile states that the conripl,,1-io~is i,t_,duction in number of the salmons In the Kamchatka and other rivers is not due to valcanic activity but to the fact of increased fishing with dragnets near the river's mouths during the salmon spawning period by Japanese fishermen. This statement is based on many observations which recorded an ever increasing per- Card 1/2 centage of salmons - 15 to 20~ in 1958 and up to 50% SOV/26-59-2-48/53 On the Causes of the Large Reduction of Kamchatka Salmons .0 in certain rivers - that had managed to slip through the nets but were injured while wriggling in the meshes. There is 1 Soviet reference. Card 2/2 F . KURRIKOV -9-i.11 . Warm springs on the shore of the 6emlyachik Lagoon. Biul Vulk. eta. no.29:51-53 160. ~MIRA 14:3) (Bollohoy *mllyachik Volcano region-Springs) YEGOROVA, T.V.; KROGIUS, F.V,; KURENYOV, I.I.; R~S, Causes of variations in the abundance of sockoye oalmon in Lhe Ozernaya River. Vop. ikht. I no.3:439-447 161. OMIRA 14: 11) 1. Kamchatskoye otdoleniye Tikhookeinskogo nauchno-issledova- tellskogo instituta rybnogo khozyaystva i okoanografii - TINRO. (Ozernaya River (Kamchatka)--Saliaon) I 0 Lkademik, giav. red.; Ctllv. red.; A.I., vil"I. ot"r. red.; FIGAII70VOM, A.G., red.; :'-"l'UGIUli'.y F.IVII., rea.; Ye..X., red.; KU-CEINI:uV) I.I., red; LAGIR:(A', I.I., A FAI21; ,K.I., red.; ved.; I n3d. [Lahwn fisheries of the Far East; rmterinl,-] Z'-'.l3tV0 Dal'nE![,?O Vol.-'.tGkIL; miterlal.~. ~Vo-.;kva, Na-lika, 19(1!, i. Soveohchaniye po vopro.-am lososevoi7o khozynyst-va F-allnego -1 -u- I'mAckq. 'd., institut iu,,ro~ogo rybrioll-v Mio-.ply- ,;tva I hainch!.Lokove ot,itole- A (for 1PUL-O.vev). 3. niye Tikh,,okerinskogo nauciir,(j-i.,~.,,iedov,ttelloko~,o ln:,tituta i~ibnogo khazjaystva i okeanograf-ili (for Ser.?O) Jimnnl Krokhin, Kixcr~-ov)- 4. Eafelra ikritlolloi,ii uii- (fcr KUTIMIKOV, T. T. Lake 1),,rukhyurtochnoye. 'lop. geog. Kamch. no. 2t63-69 164 (Im"I 19:1) 1.T.; OS'.MOMMV, A.G. nic Yaranhatka [Ake whitefloh Corei:mun sard!nella klimchatIca. Yxflrcli. no. I'rI15 164 .19 : 1 7-71 - - - - - - - - - .- .).,- . I , . I . . . , , T I I - ...... ~ , - -11 -1. - - r.11.1-c! I.-. .- vI - . - . - " A r-- 1, 1 ~- :- ',- :~, I c a , '-on .-, , , , ll.-~ - ,,, l.,C- -,~Tl ',7 ' 7 i . I., .. - - 9 - I .. I - , - Zj, . ~7 -,-~ ir,l ' I ',- :L:- , , I k . . - z - - - . . . 33-3,', "-: --- A 2.2 r*- - -, ~ SO; U-3i`.Iv~, 17, "arch ~,3, (Le,opis 'Zhurnnd Stato~-, 'No. :', 0-7- 4 1 a 39 11 11 1) 14 If If 17 if V a 39 31) 31 32 1) 0 X it V is as fifp, -I A A L t L,J 6. jh-.,L-k -L 0 14 l' 9 1 1 1 4 Of A-M. Kok 9,11 G&W$ An4 New Ke- ! gents In FUtation Provesse%, h I Rus. A Man.) 1. 1. Kuxw*ov- Vrstmik Akadr- frill Nauk S$Sftt(Ntws of the Academy of 8ciencei of he USSR,. Apr. 1%9. P. 67-69. ftwtedings of meeting at %filch 0 a 15 papers covering all I llu- Ition prucrMes were V=7111 go A, 09 Arl. -00 400 zoo Coo Coo 004, 00V zoo 00 a WOO *0 1 see 009 coo '- - F0091 1109 ago 1100 .-0V, too A I., I L 1 .1 IALLXK(,KAL 1.111100%,41 CWSIO'KA1110M 9 Z'T' 0 u 11 1" to up u u it it it It it n it got w ft of 0:000,06,00000000*000009 419 0000000000*0000000* IF T48 100 0 el 00(o 0 0 0 000 0000000 0001", 1, '0~0 000000000009000411411041 7 7 USMAnneials Apr 49 Flotation Academy of Sciences to "Results of the Conference in Mining Institute of the Academy of Sciences on the Problem, 'The Role of Gases and New Reagents in Flotation -4 Processes, I" 1. 1. Xurenkov, 3 PP Iz Ak Nauk SSSR, Otdel Tekh Nauk" No 4 7urther development of flotation processes is linked with study of the role of gases and chemi- cal intereetlon of - reagenter -v1A)h, minereas- search,for new forms-of flotatlerr. to -an& 5 Aq;;~ WO/Kinerals (Contd) Apr-49 .6~udy of kinetics of flotation processes, in particular minejali%ation of flotation foam. Conference notes that Soviet scholare have do;- voloped a new division in their study of inter- action of minerals with oxygen in the enriching of sulfIde-and other ores. Ndtos work of institute of Makhftn In developing new col- lectors and frothing agents and roccomends that industrial productionsof*these reagents be organizod as quickly-'as possible. 45/49T98 Intansilkatim of Gotatift granulation. I N. PUktin and 1. 1. Kurenkuy. Gorayf ZAxr. 123, No. 4. 34-5 (MM.--41lotat ton Vanulation consists of conibinitis 9flavityewen.witbfintation. Such condit Ion it OhtAint4l f when ore Is tahled while air Is supplied to the tfeAted MA- terial. Smne of the principles Involved in tabling are fis- cutted. M - Howh ?71 , R ~-j Ff. 1 -, ~T .T ~ a:-),i - - ~ T -,IT, T t" . A -- I - -- - ;.~ .1 . - "Soviet Conference on Conatruction lToblemo of Water-Well Filters," Izvestlya 05 :a -9 Akademii Naull, ' SR, Otdelenlye Tekhnicheakil-11 I uh, 110 5, 1950, pp T;-~2-7 5. Digest W-15118, 10 Nov 50 W-khment of useful minerals by ftlitaltilia gmulatwo N. IlAkimn and 1. 1. Kurenkov. Inwit. Akid. Aao* S.S.S.R.. Otdl. 7`rkAr-.Vi.A-jM,'TISD-97; cf. C.A. +4, ?r,1, -A met hod anti slip. I)Awd on A combination O(JpAli it A - timial 461141 flotilliou PirinvillIC4 of irtill 4,( IllincrAls 'A4% p1w IXV,nl. 'I'lit! I.A.1c &141%1.1441 Of A ONICH. 1.414r. wriv 6uTAntiviovolit Aw firs,litis 4n. i,%,.ihrr vbtih itit if wArf, Into tile IAI)lc. Al-j I!w whlv was so tmi-Ittivini Owt gAs couhl he fell froin the oidrs fif its workins tAj.v. tt WAS positac to olitaitt the orc ct"wtittrAtes itt lugh dc- %fillictl and 114MA-41rlifil"I form. It was lim"'I that prr- liminAry ttrAtincilt of the tire pull,$ "fill 0 (W .11F oill-14'r- Ally incirrAl"I tile gr.&,Ir ,I AIM Ow rivin"Y .,( the useful minerAl, S. Macy (14, 20 11, 10 1 1 All 4 1 1 7 0 A 4 I ML. - . - or ..a J.0 I.W.1 112371 4 61uns 04 the Problent to( Ira lion of 1110: i i J , 1 munmets Ail Mirwrals by 1h, ",Ihf of t1olistion. (11, HUSSLI11.) L I Rurenkov ' Izvesti Ak d . va a ernio Nauk Ssstj (Bulletin of the A Scjcuc"vf tile USSH) N j see i v ,,tj,,n,, %IAK. 1951, p. 4W 172. revic., :17 at -09 Wt. 1, 19"Al, ;0 0 40 I* 09 00 CLAS%VbC&TICN OINATUR a I s 1, A ACTACLUAZICAt L E to 41 U AT 00 0 0 0 0 00 O 0 a it at 41 K A 9 0 0 0 4 0 0 0 0 411 0 0 00 a a a two a a 0 0 111 0 0 0 Its 0 0 a 0 0 a 0 0 4 0 9 0 411, 411 0 4001 41110 a USSR/Mining - Mineral Dressing Feb 52 "Seminar of the Mining lutitute of the Academy of Sciences on Kineral Dressing," I. I. Kurenkov 1~ "Iz Ak Wauk., Otdel Tekh Nauk" No 21 pp 323-326 Semi-na has been functioning under supervision of _21AX&X, Corr Mem, Acad Sci USSR, since 1947. Brief review of activity for 1950 - 1951 is given, listing all scientific and tech reports delivered and discussed at sessions of seminar for that period. 1. FLRENI"O"I$ T. 3'. 2. USSR (600) 4. Yining Engineering 7. Conference of 7oung scientiots of the Yin'nr Inmtituta of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR. Izv. JVI -"~~"R. OW tekh nauk no. 7, 1952. 9. Monthly List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, january, -1953, Unclassified. KUR:q,'NKOV, I.I. I Training personnel at the Mining Institute of the Academy of Sciences of the U.S.S.R. Izv.AN SSSR Otd.takh.nauk no.6:943-946 Je 153. (MLRA 6:8) (Mining engineering--Study and teaching) -&=i= cit Pri xrt -alrA c5 [r-, OIL KURENKOV, I.I., kandidat takhnicheakikh nauk; BESSONOV, S.V., dotsent. 1-1~-----,--.--",-""."-,--. "Concentration of ores* by S.I.Pollkin. Revieved by I.I.Kurenkov. S.V.Bassonov. TSvet.met. 27 no.5:76-78 S-0 154. (MIRA 10:10) (Ore dressing) (Pollkin, S.Z.) 15-57-12-17326 Translation from: Referativnyy zharnal, Geologiya, 1957, Nr 12, p 95 (USSR) AUTHOR: Kurenkov, I. I. r----- TITLE: Properties of Diamond Surfaces and Their Relation to the Separation of Diamonds (0 svoystvakh poverkhnosti almaza v svyazi s izvlecheniyem iz rud) PERIODICAL: Tr. In-ta gorn. dela AN SSSR, 1957, Vol 4, pp 241-251 ABSTRACT: Crystals of diamond (A) exhibit different properties when they are extracted from the gravels either by flo-tatibn or by concentration on viscous surfades. The study of surface properties of A in relation to the extraction of A from the gravels involved the investi- gation of their surface structure, their physical and chemical characteristics, their composition and their origin. Material composition is very important in the process of concentration of A. The crystals, even when transparent and of a perfect form, contain admixtures Card 1/2 which are mainly Al, 31, Mg and Ca. Some chemical 15-57-12-1?326 Properties of Diamond Surfaces and Their Relaq- on (Cont.) elements which participate in the development of a crystal penetrate crystalline lattice of the mineral. Other extraneous substances are found in A in the form of isomorphic impurities, as surface films, or as either solid or gaseous inclusions. The presence of impurities in A is responsible for the hydrophillic properties of its surface, while the surface of' pure A is hydrophobic. These properties determine L-he behavior of A at the time of its physical and chemical concentration on viscous surfaces. Surface properties of A differ somewhat in the sources with dissimilar conditions of crystallization. Pebbles of A from each deposit or group of deposits possess specific hydrophobic properties which vary with the nature and the amount of impurities. Card 2/2 0. V. Karpova Weighting compound for heavy suspensions. Kolyma 21 no.):25-28 Mr 159. (MIRA 12:6) I.Institut gornogo dela AN SSSR. (Ors dressing) I.I. ALnori.-id chouical compo3ition in Ue Kwwhatka il-iver basin. Vol). jI-fjo,;. nc.1-T,-62 163. (. =u iv : 10) ALEKH 11'. , S,N., , dokt,~r nauk, pr-~f --",'-'Y kand. tekhn. rwAk., ZUCYTNAW, nwilk, Jots,,,, KOOMIGOV, P.I.F kand. tekhn. ivolkp CIC.)LB.j! 11 1 kana. tek'hn. nauk, p-c.,f.; VALYSITV, X.P kmid. teklm. nauk, retsr!nzent, VISLEV, N.G, nauk. dots., retoenzi~,nt,~ ODING, LA- kari-,~. dots., ratsl~-.,m~nf kan-;. 11-,-4,~!-n. r v t o e n., ~ n. fi 1 aO Fv k, 'Y I I') Z h, . ro ~, o, i,.,.y'Y A I I, ': L.,"Pt.Sc-nventi SERCEYEIVA, 1.11'- rea. D~A.~ [Ver,jgm of lte hic-logical pro~!t'sv(15 ful. 'ho of blalet:j and pull:3 for tho rolling stock of - 111 mw.u;-I -ii 0--p pluira prL-je,-.t..g prer)~u-ed in InAJA-Litl nfj ~,fI I i !r- of railroad tranvprtati,~.nj Prooktirovante P r() tSP!JSC,7 PI-3 i 2~7L!fJ."t-VP Iquo tf,vok i do ta I -I J:~,d ~I stava zhelezriykh corog '.e kh- nolcgi.-zheskoi chas-.1 proektlrovrofll-~ vu:a~~--r, 2,~ I't " I.A Cord U I n 111,, KURENKOV, Ivan; FEIROV, B.D., prof., otv. red.; MAUD'.0VA, T.G., -- red. ["Black death."] "Chernala smert'." Moskva, Nauka, 1965. 69 P. (MIRA 18:12) W W,.Ivj to c- In, '-.e --a clk ft 4- ng rt rc rm T eir, he L; n c. 7 ; "1717- 2',11 'r, k I III( I Owlo~: tvunrio-kcino truki-cr,Af1p: 1; 1 - Loninf,radob-csi;() sevett; narocinugo khcZyayL;t'Vfl. SOV/111-50-3-24/26 AUTHOR: KurenLov,_U.1i, Chief TITLE: Delivery of Parcels -to 'the Population by Rural Com- munications Offices (Dostavka posylok naseleniyu sellskinii otdeleniyaF'11 ovynzi) PERIODICAL: Vestnik svyazi, 1959, Nr 3, p 40 (USSR) ABSTRACT: This short item is concerned aith parcel. delivery as performed by the Yenkayev rural communications of- fice, a supplementary service introduced t-.,io years ago, and carried out throughout the year in all districts served by the office. About *350 parcels , additional income are delivered monthly, supplying to the office of about 500-600 rubles p~-r month, which has provided the i:ieans of purchasing bicycles for the postmen. The author states that not only is the population satisfied aith this ioervice, but 011- postmen benefit i:iaturi ally from the oervice L"hey perform; postman A.P, Baslakova receives 50-100 rubles extra per month, and A.G. Shara%-hova 40-60 Card 1/3 rubles extra. Delivery churt,es anLi renurioration "0V/ 11 Delivery of Parcels to the Population by Rural Co-=.Unications Offices for postmen are fixed by th(-,, local council (Soviet) of worker's dewities. The autl,or exj).-es,~es re,;ret that only half of the offices in his rayon delive.- parcels. Ile adds that, communications offices in the Tambov district, which Ile visited last sur.,imer on assignment of the Ministry of Communications of the RSFSR, do not deliver parcels, in which the Chief of the Postal-Telegraph Bureau, Lyaskirla. is at fault. Hence income from supple!:.,entary services at the Tcqmbov district offices does not exceed 20 rub- les per month. He concludes by saying that parcel delivery can be orgarlized at every rural communica- tion office, which is advantageous both to the popu- lation and the postj,,ien, and supplie's additional func's, which can be used for purcha.,AnG bicycles for the Card 2/3 , - t Ij/ ]- -! .1 - ,,, , .1 1. -11 Delivery of Parcels to the Ilopilation by Rurril Comiun i t ions Offices postmen, and improvemento in thq ofilices themselves- ASSOC I ".-T ION: Yenkayevskoye otdeleluye ovy~t7i v"Iyonn'. Rya-an.okoy oblantL Offico, of the Kadomskiy rayon, Ryazanskaya oblast) Card 3/3 . FAKIMUDINOV, V.Z.; KURENKOV. N.P. Preventing car derailing on croso aititches. Put' i put,khoz, 7 no.4: 35-36 163o (MM 160) 1. Glavnyy insh. stantsii Yudinop Gorlkovskoy dorogi (for ' tdinov). 2. Nachallnik distantaii aignalizataii i avyazi) at. Yudino~ r1kovakoy dorogi (for Kurenkov). (Railroada,-Hump yards) 17 i V DOE( A. T. TRI I I KIIiiii, (,. "Tectonics ot, ()11.- b'-'EirJIIg and In tojtI, 'C' 1'0~,Iiulif; of' Siberia and tile Far ZA t report subiriLtLed for 2L)n(I Sess, Intl GcoIoj-,,.f(.uI- I.'cjm-r, New D211ii, 14-22 Dec- L MMDOVSKIY, V.T.; KURMIRIV, H.161. ~-* Correlntion between the r,oof relief of a anliferous atrAtUM nnd the tectonics of its bed in the central pnrt of Lena-Anenra eyncline. Dokl. AN SSSR 110 no.4:638-641 0 156. (MLRA 1021) 1, Predetavleno nk-'smikom 8.1. Mironovym. (Lena Vnlley--Gt,oloa. Structural) (Angnrn Vnlley--Geology, Structural) VARENTSCI, 14.1.; MtOSILKO, Geology, an-~ oil and' gas potent.1-.1:~ ~,~the i goofiz. 10:3-32 160. 1. InAitut goologii i razrabot.'.' (Zer, -Bureya Plain-Potro' 'otim (Zeyr---,9wuya Plain-Gas, Naturaj-Gcc~orj" KUFSNKOV, 11.9% Posolblu gna and oil occurr6nceD in the continontv-1-luko formations of the Zeya-Bureya Depression. Ileftegaz. iccl. i Ccofiz. no.6:12- 15 '63. (MIRA 17: 10) 1. Inotitut, Geologli i razrab-itki ;;cxyuohikh iskoi,ayo:~,ykh AN SSSH. U.T. Formation of Plenozoic And Conozoic troaghs in th,3 Frtr East. Geol. nefti i gaza 7 no.7t22-25 Jl 163. (MIRA 16:7) 1. Institut goolo ii i razrabotki gory-uchikh iakopayam kh AN S)3SR, &TiOt Far East--Cmology, Struct KAMENETSKIY, S.G.j KURIYKOV, O.V. Tntegral method for determining the reservoir compressibility faitor from field data. Nefteprom. delo no.7s7-9 164. (MIRA 17:8) 1. Vaesoyuznyy neftegazovyy nauchno-limledovatel'Bkiy inatitut. AY =',WV, P.- I -pod P-O-Iko-vnlk;- - VAST L'T EV V.,-mayor Innovators In thn military acadomy. Voen.vaet. 36 nn.8:41-43 Ag 156. (MMA 9:10) (Military education) KMNKOV, Ple-trAleksoyqvich, podpo .lkovnik; VILICHINSKIT, I.K., polkovnik, red.; MMIXOTA, [Night firing of small arms; training advice] Strellba nochliu Iz strelkovogo orazhila; sovety po obucheniiu. Moskva, Voen. izd-vo PI-va orob.SSSR, 1960. 140 p. (KIRA 13:11) (Shooting, Kilitary) -'DRMOV I P. POrfect the organization and method of trainJmgo, Voenoznans 39 noalOt25 0 163, (MIRA 16:1" 1, KURFIIXOVY P. Courses and life. Voen.znan. 41 no.U:17 N 165. (MI RA 18: 12) 1. Nachallnik uchobnoy chat3ti Kharlkovskikh ablaztnyYh kurvov grazhdanskoy oborony. Vf~-V62/000/007/004/016 A004/A101 AUTHOR- Kurenkov, V. F. TITLE.- Corrosiveaggressiveness of industrial oils and oils with additives PMODICAL: Referativnyy zhurnal, Mashinoatroyeniye, no. 7, 1962, 43-44, .- abstract 7A265 ("UCh, 2ap. Michurinskiy gos. ped. in-t", 1961, v. 8, 53-64) TEXT: The author presents a description of the methods and the results of investigating the quality of some industrial oils and oils with additives from the point of view of their corrosive aggressiveness. The investigations were carried out with radioactive Isotopes. The mineral oils viscosine and bright stock in a pure state were investigated at 600C, and also the same oils with K-2, Kap. -3 (K-obr.-3) and R"M~117-0 (namly-117-0). The tests showed that the corrosive aggressiveness of pure bright stock, the conditions being equal, is nearly the double of viscosine. Oil temperature increase results in an intensification of metal corrosion. Thus, a temperature Increase by 20 OC of viscosine increased the corrosion process after 8 hours work of steel radioactive pins by a factor of 2. In the presence of water the corrosive aggressiveness of Card 1/2 S/123/62/000/007/004/016 Corrosive aggressiveness ... AOOVA101 the oil considerably grows. Water added to bright stock (20%) increases its corrosive aggressiveness by more than a factor of 15. From this follows that when machines are being serviced, it is absolutely undesirable for the oil to contain moisture. The additives were investigated with bright stock plus 5% additives plus 20% water at 600C. It was found that the K-2, K-obr.-3 and namiy-117-0 additives in the presence of water did not contribute to reduce the corrosive aggressiveness of bright stock, but, on the contrary, somewhat increased it. The corrosive aggressiveness of oil in the presence of water and additives in the course of the first 10 hours of operation of a steel radioactive pin showed approximately the same value. After 10 hours operation, the viscosity of the oil with namiy-117-0 additive was reduced, a resin-like precipitate of yellow color separated and the corrosive aggressiv6ness sharply increased. Most probably, the separation of the resin-like precipitate, being the natural inhibitor of the oil contributed to an increase in corrosive aggressiveness of the bright stock. [Abstracterin note: Complete translation] _-Card 2/2 awl b1b.1logrm,fiy. pron. '/ no.1:34-35 Ja 165. 8 3) Kululd'ov, V.P. ~ glectric auto,-Atic control in chacl=nwing, bawid on tho perfor- manco of thn potate planter. Dokl.A)md.sol'khnz. 24 no.6:44-48 159. (14IRk 12:9) 1. Hookovskly inatitut mnkhanizatntl i elektrifikat9li sel'skngo khozyayatva. PrAdstavlana akademikom M,G.Ynvr(Anovy%, (Plant era (Arricultural viachinery)) (Auto-Atic control) 1, AM, 'T -'~' V*f'o SInpliflod rot' exl for t* c cu,ull~-vi,- -1-7 tact Vasea from WtylOve delVdrittlw. 'I'Alm. frms la no. 12028.-M) V 165. (11IF"A 1911) KURERKOV, ruj. .4 Using the methods of large-scale and mass production at textile- machinery plants. Sbor. at. VIILTEKMASH no.3:166-W7 '57. (MIRA 12;10) (Textile machinery) (Factory management) f KOKOREV, V.A.;.--KURENKOV, Yu*Vo --- Types and dimerwion series of automatic lathes* Standartizatsiia, 25 no. 5:13-i1.5 MY 161. (MIRA 14:5) (Lathes-4tandards) MiCHUMOV, V.V. ; A.,)-"II(GV 0 V. VOLKOVA, O.D.; YU1~111KOV).-Yu V.; 5YitOV!;G1j;A, G.G.;_ SAVO,:OVA, I.V.; SAFRGIR~VA, L.I.; HADUSHINISKIY, L.A., kand. tekhn.nauk, rotsenzeAtTILLEEES, S.A., kand. tokhn. nauk., red.; POTUMOVA, G.U., red. izd- va; D'_'I,I;KDIA, N.F., trjkbn. red. (Economic efficiency of the autoration of production proces- ses in the textile industry]Elconomichcakaiia effektivnost' av- tomatizataii proizvod&tvennyI:h protsessov tokstillnoi pro- rrVBhlennovti. (By] Zubchaninov, V.V., i dr. Foskva, Mashgizz, 1962 198 P. (14IRA 15:11) iTextile irxiustry-Costs) (Automation) .~UHNKOV, Yu.V.,, kand.okonomicheskikh nauk; KOKOREV, V.A., inzh.; LIFSHITS, V.B., inzh. Standard types of reeling, warping and dressing machines. Mekh.i avtom.proizv. 16 no.802-37 Ag 162. (AURA 15:9) (Textile machinery) KURENKOV, Yu.V., kand-ekonom.nauk; KOKOREV, V.A., inzh.; LIVSHITS, V.B., inzh. - --- - Standard *pea of'Y'eaving equipment. ~bkh.i avtom.proizv. 16 no.1209-41Y D 162. (KRA 16: 1) (Textile machinery) KOKOREV, V.A.; M,~~!IKOV, Yu.V., kand. ckonom. nauk; BELOGUR-YASNOVSKAYA, R.I., naijchnyy red.; BOBAYOV, A.H., red.; KOVALISKAYA, I.F., tekhn. red. (Structural dimonsional diagrams for loomn.] Konstruktivnye razmernye riady tkatskikh stankov. Moskva, 1963. 106 p. (Moscow. TSentrallnyi institut nauchno- tekhnichenkoi infor- mataii po avtomtizatsii i mushinostropniiu. Seribi III-. Novye mashiny, oborudovanie i sredstva avtomatizat,Bii, no.67). (MIRA 16:12) PAPUSHIN, L. L. ; KUREUOVA, L. Ta. Use of polyacrylamide an a coagulating agent for the clarification of slurry-containing vashery waters at the Taolnovkm By~product Coking Plant. Koko i khim. no.10slO-15 160. (MIRA 13:10) 1. Stalinakiy oovnarkhoz* (Tasinovka--Coal preparation) (Acrylamide) BUTOVETSKlYp V.S.;,PJREN'KOVA, L.Ya. Modernization of flotation machines of type "520 deuigned by the State Institute for the Design and Planning of By-Product Coking Plants. Koks i khim. n0-4:54-56 161, (Turk 14:3) 1. Ukrainskiy naucbno-issledovateliskiy institut Ugleobogashckeniye (for Butovetskiy). 2. Yasinovskiy koksokbimichoskiy zovod(for Kurankova). (Coal praparation-Equipment and supplies) (Flotation) BUYANOV, Yu.D.-, kand.tekhn.nauk; Prinimali uchastiye3 HIKHAYLOV, A.G., proff, doktor tekhn.nauk; URALISKIqB.P., kand.geol.-minerl.nauk; XUPER074, If, y tekhnik 11-11, ................" --I 1_'gornr Uaing lacruatine-glacial'(sub-ourface) clays and clayey soils at the quarry of the Odintsovo brick plant. Sbor. trqd. WfMelezobetona no.7sl64-17? 162. P (MIRA 161l) (Odintsovo region (Moscow Provinc4)--CIeV,) BERG, ".,- NDCIIAWV, K.N.;_XUHFNI.VAt A.; ANOSHINA, N.p. ..~q ~'JZ Titermographic invontigationn of brompIntinic acid. UY.Kazan, fil.AH SSSR.SerAbim.nank no.4:127-132 '57. (WRA 121-5) (Bromoplatinic acid) (Thermocbomiotry) OUNKOVA, V -A.. aspirantka. Morphological characteristics of the stomach of Kazakh fine-wool sheep as compared with their initial forms. Trudy Inst.eksp.biol. AN KazakhoSSR 2:113-124 154. (MLRA 10:2) (XAZAKH TAY-SHUP BRUDS) (STOKACH) a 00 0 0 4111 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 004 A I '1 1. 01 to a 4 11 tj b ;o A A A 11 V It At A st c a L F t AA 14 1.k X (f j _4.9 4 f I A I The chemakal compodtlems of cottise Abatis M varlossm Wages of mAludq. V. I " 5 I i . VANIIVA A4D A M Kv&pmassmi 1 Fadm rodamsialikogo Namork -hxwmold~ for$ Pritivit Irrit4hii (TFang. 16IWdle A%Utic Sd. Init. C(Aton Culture. Ind Irvigritim) ByWr. No, K 57-7t(19311 -Cellukme accumulatris rapidly 1 9r a uptotiOcIA"ofthraVoiftbefib". At 45dayi K1 70 of the Owl issmilidomr. whkh I~ Alment rqual to the atoms tol (elfulow, to the mature cattm Tlartotaland . N' pews" , thvnaw with age wW at 25 dap the tDW N Is 6 Orrin and the protein N 6 6 5 tinwq W much to in the mataft cottem The N coolinuca to drcmw sip to The t0h day #;1 tbr N M 73 6 ofg the red Iss nitrate muss! nitrite The amount of Pj(h decirrattes with " X pt-vit maturity it content deervismea with mia vW after 40 dare it remains contit It Imt ny"cludrd that "tun at 501 days Is just as gnod for industrial purpo" as inaturt cvAtnn. jorris 00 1260 SO* &40 9 it U on 11 9 it 4 a PC it t1 11( ~11 A I a 9. 1 0) 1 t?. n 1 1. 1 1 1 A ' Ire A AC 9 L~ I fi a j 41 16 17 to 1vx,;,D Oka AUX to! 39 P v u 34 5 i L a 11 P 4 0 1 1 V 1 1 A 1 A OIF t b 11 ii A A; 41 Q I a at* 09 .1 ~ - . A CC VP Utj A I 1 0 , 00 A! astlas"*4 buU# with roageats In order to d A M T I V u . . vanove ail . . Lamm MW tGodwa 4m ty. .60 96 Xureawwa. Trw Xhlopitachistiteltull JIT(nn. (Colt,un " ' 00 C*Usdift ~ pa's No. 1, 115 -240M. - Triiit) Ind with subar uent M. Ila f 48l Q6 50 ~ - s 00 ur.. . or . q .01 Ext weithing and beating in the autoclavv for 2 hts. under a - o 00 pf"MM of S atm, appcam to tw the mom mailaWe pro- cedum for converting the hulls into ltvd. An int-traw in 00 00 time olcontart with" drcfcascs the starcls equiv. [be 00 tvA of arld followed with an axidiluut agent. like Ca- ' 11 d l Es. 1r& vautalc 1)8. has TWt given "tWact,WY 1"u OL ( 0 06 3 of the add irratment b that it deiints the vottonverd. Go The traidus of hulls aftei rrokival of the Itultual and .. tWUtMUUIIM Ul Ill* EPAVIS Ul Add Is %Ulldltlr 114 11 -'d. J. S. juilt 00 ,: ;.Zoo see 00 :1 '00 so 9 09 :1 00 Off LIMIT1,11t CLISVIKATICO. go oes 0 q so 0, U -0 A, 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 4-~ 4i_' 0 ~we 0 e :: 00 09 f -O- F# 0--4v a a 0 0 0 a 0 o o 0 4 0 1 o a oe o 0 a 0 0 0 4 f b, it If U It 16 1) 4 J" All A 12 a je a Is I-P a I* ill 11 W1)W 1 16 0 At ill al it a Al a 6 v 6 0 A It 1 1A 0 U W It 2 1 aII I j 4 a 7"00 . 90 - 00 A go - Production of halfatuff, from the wt,,xi and babt ut mul 00 brtrybranches. NI.N, I I-dut'na. J:fwr~j 00 00 a 1934. N.- 4. 1- , Ihv 1.-1, "' .00 , so . q- I"N # t no* 'v ..." I 1, p 0 so Oj litutbt Iw% of 1140 1'. .1 1- "1. so N.Off .-I -I-q-rit 'I.- .,..I .-I I---. "=00 Wilb 11,41 all A 4-I"lly 00 go Ilw 00 .1111,111KIWi.-if 111111- 91111 Ill- lose ImIp. Ill, I-L "* of ON K 114"'ItUtf I% t"tillt-d M U" ~ VIA III RI-411killS 1-1 b411 M A or it ill ljivt~;wvir re4ull%. If the'6 ~l fill I 1."I of I III see 00 W.-I.. PIt,'t pulp, 1.1-0-1 .1111 ptNw d 4, 1. 300 "it It it.%-(Intent of Kst; W.S",4 -11lul-t. Cil III,, is ~N ' No* Sl and fillwir lench 4-1 ~ ~A 4 111m. , in% liall,11111 Cf,,,. IlLiw -00 00 1 00 , 00 f -_ 4%. it A #ff&L1Lr(,KAt W144441 (t4lilfl(ST10" Woe Its I u is AT W) it a lid o it It I' 14 0 As a 3 2 0 0 0 0 : 0 0 0 o a 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 4 0 ";Goo 0 111-0-6 L ~6 A P, F id 0 1 1 Y A Do j ' go ~A Aj 'i 00 fm b-P Go -1O CAI 00 j6nin"Y lepoet 4DU Waste go hct"PtIldustrYinUlbeltist ti ~,!jtPhntslsdcwr o," f d i e nto the the water 's '-By WrItAun into the Syr thya. The by ilself. j *4 "J4ab&k"Af -L an. ibcd. ht-P inated. f A S S L A .(?AtLUR(.KAL LITINAILS1 CLAWOKATOGO U x AT A it W A( X 11 R Ig K is n 19 111 0 0 0 0 9 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 41 * 0 0 0 0 0 0 4 ~440 0 0 0 0 *;G 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 a 0 0 0 0 0 0 4 0 0 0 0 0 00 .00 W" ". I,. K Allevy -00 . i Senil. Itkb. 13 ' Zg-&. 194i. 1. in 4.-II,e .0 0 W~tef ItMing initiated in thr u4 Tbel:il tiottandpeculiari. &na Iler or larger Ntrcam* f0fulifilmling fads I., =of Thew stream, empty wuc water rtgrn"a " mo,gly roo 00 ~00 0 0 ~00 go* zoo aro 0 ;Go r3 0 0 too k13 n 0 00 00 0 0 * a 0 a 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 010 0 0 0.0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ZAMIDOV, A.Z.; KUMNOU,. A.M..; SZLITRMIKOVA, M.B. Experience in planning a protective zone for a vater conduit fed by irub-channal vatere In the Uzbek S.S.R. Gig.i san. no.11:16-18 N '53. (MLEIA 6:10) 1. Uzbekskiy nauchno-ionledovatellokiy sanitarno-gigiyenichaskiy institut. (Uzbekistan--Water supply) It J r 14AM/,UIA, 1-1~ , inzh. J,, KURENNOY, G. , inzh. Replacanent of shaft conductoru. Sorv.vhakhts 10 nos7:17 11 161. WM 14:8) (Electric wlri-ng--W~tenarica and repair) USSR / Farm Anirmls. Silkworms. Q-7 Abe JUur :Ref Zhur - Biol.p No 10., 1958, No 45344 Author :Kurennoy, 1. N1. Inst Title The Influence of the Regimon of Fx!edin6 an the Productiveness pf the Malbarry-Fooding Silkwom. Orig Pub Tr. Stavropollsk. a.-kh. in-ta) 1956, vYP. 7, 195-204 Abstract In all the variants of experiments, the larvae of period I of growth were fed every 2 houra. On the Ist day after moult, the larvae of period II and III were fed every 2 hours, those of Period IV and V - every 3 hours, and during the subsequent days the larvae of periods II-IV were fed, in proportion to the consumption of leaves, as follows: in the let variant with one 6-hour interval, in the 2nd variant with two intervals, and in the control every 2 hours (yuunger larvae), and every 3 hours (older larvae). The harvest -nd Card 1/2 USSR/F, r..l - H jitcybec Abs J,ur Ruf ziiur - Bir)l., ,i. lz:, 6944.1~ A,~ltll w Kiirc:::,..,y, N.M., ;c~kii., jvic:i, G.B. I! ~st Tii.ilry-azov A_vic,.iltural ;,cadc,iy Title Hxicylicos cv~d Seed Qualitic!s -.f *,c ris OrL, * 1"A Izv. Tinil'yUzuvsk. alf--id., lq~`, 111) '1, 2`7-23'( ,'Lbstract SeQ Rof Zhur Biji, IT-, 7, 195(, N) 39-372. Car(I 1/1. Cl. - 69 - U~,SR/Frrr, Anii-.irlo. ilonoy Bee f -6 Abe Jour Pof Zhur - Biol., 11c 81f'58, 11o 35775 Authcr :-44gonncy Inst t lict GIv7en Titlu : Exporionco in the Incrorro cl' tho Effectivoiiso of th(; Fol- linrtion of Sunflcwer by licney Bees (Oryt p---.vyshcniya offek- tivn-)sti pchelocpylcniyP rodr,:-Inachnikc) OriF Fub i ~chclovodstvo, 1557, No 1, 42-48 Abstrrct DurinF 5 days of the nupplo-entrl feeding of bees with suFpr syrup flrvered with "int, rn~ the ocnttoring of wnter- socked erwdust or-,mrtizad with the srmc odor on the field, the frequenting of thu sunflcwor blossoms by the bees in- crovsod by 42-92%. Thu Fcllinrtion of the sunflouer by th3 booE, undor tho conditicnsof unqtrblo hu-iilific!,tion pro- vc-iling in Str-vr(.,F-l'yo, incro~,sc~ its fertility by 27.8-32.8%. Cord 1/1 11-F w - YAMPOLISKTT. V.L.; KURE21NOY, N.V. Intenmscular approach through the Grynfelt-Lesshaft triangle in the excision of renal calculi. Urologiia 28 no.300-52163 (MIRA 1-70) lo Iz urologicheskoy ordena Lenina akademii imeni S.M.Kirova. o Tj r,,d hormf,;r;,,i :i , ri 1 i"'t 17: C. ,z kar(,(Jry- fitivj,' 1"Wr1r,"ji ogc, LAPIN, A.A. - leningrad, ul. Hakrasova, 40, kv.22); KURENNOY, N.V. Late results of prostate cancer treatment. Vop onk. 8 no. 10: 96-100 162. (MIRA 17:7) 1. Iz urologicheskuy kliniki Voyenno-meditsinskoy ordena Lenina P-kademii (nachallnik - prof. G.S.Grebenshchikov) i kafedry fakill'tetskoy khirtirgii (zav. - prof. A.A.Rusanov) Leningrad- skogo pediatricbeskogo medit3inskogo Instituta. ZUREIR10Y., N. V. Results of hormone therapy ofprostate gland of cancer with metastases. Vop.onks 7 no.5t88-90 161. (14IRA 15:1) 1. Iz urol.:gichookoy kliniki (nach. - shchikov) Voyemo-moditainakoy ordona Kirova. d-r med.nauk G.S. Greben- Lenim akademii im. S.M. (FRWTATE GLAND-CANCER) (11OFMONE THERAPY) DOMNIN, H.A.; KUfTQlNAYA, L.N.; CHERY[ASOVA, V.A. Polymethylene rings. Part 39: Conversion of 1-chloro-l-cyclohexene by the action of bromine. Zhur. ob. khim. 34 no.9:2848-2851 S 164. (MIRA 17:11) 1. Laningradekly gosudarstvennyy universitet. KURENNOY, V. V. Wator-bearing horizons in the sediments of the Verkholonskian series in the south of the Angara-Lena artesian basin, Mat. Kom. po izuch. podzem. vod. Sib. i Dall Vost. no.2!130-137 162. (HIRA l7j8) DRUNININ, V.V., kand.f12iko-m-ite--iatic',if3skikh nauk: KURRIUM, L.K., lnzh.; KOZHUROV, A.A., 1nzh. Increase of lessee in electric steel due to aging. Vest. elektroprom. 28 no.8:37-39 Ag 157. (MIRA 10:10) l.Verkh-Ifietskiy metallurvichaskiy zavod. (Steel) (Electric conductors) AUTHORS: Druzhinin, V. V. and TTTI,i-;: On tbe Influonce of )'calo oil the Unt"notic Froportle-.l of Hot Rolled Electrical . Steel (K vopro,,u o vliyallil okaliny na ma6nitnyye svoystva 6oryachukat~--noy PERIODICAL: Fizika Motallov i 11~et--Jllovedeniye, 1.05'3 Vc,!,.C,. 140.1 pp LI-0-45 (USSR) ABSTRACT: The increase of the s-oecific loss for axi in,_;7Lic':i"on of 10 000 Gauss is inoij,,nificant (a fe,~; percen'u-) ,-;h 4 :3t at 15 000 Gauss it 4, appreciable (over 5 luo IN) this phenomenon is explained by Spuner., T, (Ref.2) by the differing permeabilit., of the scale in medium and strong l-aagnetic fields, llorever,, direct investigations' of the LiaGnetic properties, in such steel have not been carried out and, therefore, this was done by the autho!- of this paper. The authors have chosen s1leets of ,jnpickled dynamo and transformer steel 8ftler the norm.,',,_' process of rollinL.- axId ujinealing at E150 C; fro--I each sheet strips of 250 x30 m,-a weighing about I kg uere cut. After testing the mechanical propertico, the scale -i~!-,'_q Card 1/4 removed by pickling in a 20clo' sulphuric ,'tnid solutioD to :;OV/12G-6-'-4/_z3 On the Iriflilf-jice of Scale an the lla,,"netic Properties of x1r,~ Rolled Electrical Steel which corwaon salt Yas added -~.hich stopl)ed almost entirel,-,* the dissolution uf the -metal itself (less thLn 2 graas). The specific gravity of thL pickled and -1ho unpickled steel as well as of the scale arid also the Si contents of the respective steels arc. entered in Table 1., The magnetisation cul-ves without scale, with scale and of the scale ituelf are graphed in Fig.1 for dyn.-uno steel and in Fig.2 for transformer steel. FiG.3 Ei-~s the hysteresis loop for dynamo steel vi-ithout and -writh scale; the chanSe of the total specific losso-, ~~nd the hysteresis losses durinE; pickling of electrical ;3toei are entered for four specimelis (Si contents 1 to 4%) for 10 000 and 15 000 Gauss in Table 2,, Table _fj contains data on the thicluiess ~_uid the cpccific cl._~ctric resistance of tLe --cale of electriczal steel (I 31-Ld LJPI~ 5j), The obtained results lead to the followiru 1) In the invetotij6ated sl,,eets of hot rolled dyna::,o Lnd transforz,er steel the decrease in the spegific wei6ht due to the presence of snAe is 0,06 ~S/cm tlle zpecific Card 2/4 ,ciEht of tho scale itself is 7.0 't'Vem-) for d~-nino stec:1 "( )V/126 -C-1-4/33 On the Influence of Scale on the MaU:_rLr_LiC Of" Hot Rolled Electrical Steel and 6,0 g/cm3 for transforater steel,. 2) The permeability of the scale in weal, ani~.-netio fik!ld~; (up to 0.2-0.3 AT/cm) approacher, that of stFel, in medium and fields the permeabil-Jty oi, t',Ite 6-CA-C 4-!i, coyisider-bI7 lover thar, that of .T h 31' 300 Of sc --1e =, ounts -to 1.4 000 Gauss for dyna.-io and cl 000 Gauss for transfor:aer steel, 3) R,--duction of -the full specific losses -C DiC"li-I is insi-.-,nificant at 10 000 GaLISS (0.10 Vl/]-",~ "or d-vi-1:117,,C) steel and 0.05 for transforuier ste-o-1) due predoilinantly to a reduction in the edd-j currcllt losses. The rediLcticn of the full s-,)ocific :-J 11"_ 000 rrav: is gr_--uter'0 5 t o 0 ~ 8 Wlllz t~' for d37niuio st,~t:,] :nA 0.2 to 0.11 for tran,ofo2:-ior stael ard I`o du,:; a reduction in the hysteresis losses as L, reduction of the eddy curverit lossos, Thr~ Card 3/4 the hysteresis lossen a-, a result of is caufea SOV/126-6-1-4/33 On the Influence of Scale on the Magnetic Propert-'~-es of Hot Rolled Electrical Steel by the reduction of the Liiaximum- mat~netisiriL; field md not by reduction in the coercive force, There are 3 figures, 3 tables and 6 rufurcncco, 5 of uhich are Soviet, 1 EnGlish. ASSOCIATION: Verkh-Isetskiy metallurEiche-ckiy zavod (Ver1cb-1set91&y Metallurgical Vlorlks) SUBMITTED: Povember 1, 1956. 2. 01teel-Magrietic properties SHUBINJI G.N. [deceased); DRUZHININ, V.v.; KOHOLEVA, V.A.j PRASOVA, T.I.; SHERSTrUKP M.1.1 KUPLNNYKH, L.K. Effect of carbon on the magnetic properties of electrical steel. Stall 21 no-5:445-448 My 161. (MIRA 14:5) 1. Yerkh-Isatskiy motallurgicheskiy zavod. (Stbel-Magnatic properties) DRUZHININ V.V. P kaM. f iziko-matematicheskikh L.Y. , inzh. jP Comparison or the magnetization curves of electrical engineering steel obtained from a.c. and d.~.,. fields. Elel:trichestvo no.4i 67- 70 Ap I L). (IMLk 15- 5) 1. Verkh-Isotskiy metallurgicheakly zavod. (Elertric ongineering-Materials) (Steol- &gnetic properties) AV1L(YV-KARNAUKHOV,, B,N.; BOGUSH,, MALOV, D.I.; SIMLINIKOV, PALISHAU, M.V.; POLYAKOV, GORDEYEV, V.I.; KAZHDAN, POTAPENKOO V,Ya, A.G.; GIKIS, A.F,; DRUMM, A.D.; Ye.M.; BRUSENTSOV, L.'V.; DENISOV, A.A.; F.I.; CMNYAVSKIY, ?.I.; BDROK, 7.5%; A.B.; KOVAUS, V.Ye.; KURENNYY, E.G.; Profeasor Georgii Mikhailovich Kaialov, 1905- ; on his 60th birthday and the 37th anniversary of his theoretical ard educa- tional work. Izv. vya. ucheb. zav.; alektromekh. 8 no.10:1181- 1182 165. (MIRA 18:111) W9, KAYAP")VI Coiovgly a"3111.1-1111 t Use of tho qLIOUOJI)g theory in ralr!ulat.inr trial olectrin powor dintv%~tlon networkr. elektromekh. 8 no.7:803-815 165. (MIRA 18:8) 1. Honlxwnkly itint' tuL in.-.1if-nor-ov (for Yjiyalov). :). Kafodra 1.)r(,,dprjytxtiy Kurenn,-j) . f Ak~ ~RQJC3582 SOURCE CODEt AUTHOR: Avilov-Karnaukhov, B. N.; Bogush, A. G.; Gikis, A. F.; Drazdov,, A,-Dt; Kalov, D. -L.; Sineltnikov, 100 M.1 Brusentaov, L. V.; Deniaov# A, A.; Po1.yakov#_P._L.; Chernpqkiyj F. L; Burok, V._S.; Gorde _-fj,.V. I.1 Kazhdan, A. E.; ye Kovalev, V. Ye.; Kurennyy, )~t--Qtj Potapenko, Vo'_ia. ORG: none TITIZ: Professor G. M. Kayalov on the occasion of his 60th birthd and 37 Years Of pedagogical actO Ities ay SOURCE: Izvestiya vysshikh uchebnykh zavedeniy. Elek-tromekhanika, no. 10, 1965, 1181-1182 TOPIC TAGS: electric engineering personnel, academic personnel ABSTRACT: Doctor of EngineerIng Sciences, Professor of RIIZhT' ,CRostovskiy Institut Inzhener'ov zheleznodorozhnogo transporta; Rostov Institute of Railroad EngilieerZ7, Georgly Mikhaylovioh JUMP was born on-26-September 60 years ago. He began his working ca'reer as a standby electrical construction worker at the Novorosslyak cement factory# In 1929 he graduated from the Novoeharkaosk Polyteohnioal Institute, and between 1928 and 1947 worked In the designing sootion of the-1131ektropron" trust. Sub- Card 1/2 7-1 1, _2A2_16766 ACC NR, sequently, he joined the Rostov department of the GPI ZG_osudnrstvenniY proyektnyy Institut; State Designing Institut.,-7 11TYazhPromele1ttro- proyelct" where he advanced from a technician of the designing de- partment to Its chief engineer. From 1933 to 1962 lie was docent of the department of electrification of Industrial enterprises of the NPI /Kovocherkasskly politakhnicheskly InstItut Imeni Sergo Ordzlionikidze- Novocherkassk Pol1techn1c Institute Im. Sergo Ordzhonlkidz;,~; he taught as professor until 1965 and presently Is a professor of the R11ZhT. He published more than 70 scientific works, Including studies of flywhc6l-contalnlng electric motors, investigations of electrical loads of Industrial enterprises, analyses of basic features of real load graphs, (including their probabilistic modeling). proposals.for peak load calculation methods (based on the theory of mass servicing) and developments of methods for the ealoulatlon of extremal loads of heavy consumers, for the study of random graphs of reactive loadsi for the evaluation of . electrio load fluotuations, and the like. G. M. KAYALOV was also active In the Party, professional. and saientifie organizations. He is a holder of the "For Outstanding Work During the. Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945 gg." modal and the "Ba!!ge of Honorlo, decoration. hast 1 figure. Cjpllsj SUB CODE: 09, 05 / SUBH DATEI none . q., ,I III r I r ".01. 1 yev ir.1) a op I. ral It detc"l-millation of' thr, c t r c load t,nipllo. ],-,v. vys. Uebelb. ",av.; 5-, Tio. 165- Ira PONOMARENKO ' N.A. (Chelyabinsk); BREDYUK. G.P., kand.tekhn.nauk (Chelya- binsk); KURENITYY,K.I. (Cholyabiiink) Asbostos ballast a8 a means to prevent heaving. Put' i put.khoz. 8 no.3;9-11 164. (MIRA 173-3) 1. Nchallnik sluzhby puti, Yuzhno-Urallskoy dorogi (for Ponomarenko). 2 rNuhaltnik Bredinskoy distant3ii puti, Yuziino-Urallskoy dorogi rennyy), KUREITINY, K.I.; NEVEROV, L.R. Use of slag for treatment of the subgrade. Put' i put. khoz. no.6:39 JO '59. (MIRA 12:10) l.Nachallnik distantaii puti, stanteiya Brod7, Yuzhno-Urallekaya doroga (for Kurennyy). 2.Inzhanor distantsii, stantsiya Bred7, Tuzhno-Urallskaya doroga (for Neverov). (Slag) (Railroads-karthwork) 7-c., K Tr' so-. U-32~~.i, 'it) ik,)r.*,-l (Letopis KUPENSKAYA, N.M., Cand Of Yed Sci - (disS) 111he Efficacy of Hormonal 'IT)erapy in Children Afflicted with libeumtism,," Leningradj 1959, 13 PP (Leningrad Pediatric Medical Institute) (KLI 2-60j 117) KURMUSOV, A.I., doktor biolog.nAuk-, KOIXSNIKOV, B.P., BBLIKOV. I.Y., kand.biolog.nouk, red.; KARASIV. I.I., kand. khimicheskikh nauk, red.; RHA LIOVSKIT, V.Y., red.; SHIPULIN, F.K.. kand.goologo-mineral.nauk. red.; OONCHA2, G.V., [Zoogeographic zones of the Maritime Territory] 0 zoogeografichaskikh okrugakh PrImorskogo kraia. Vladivostok, DY bass AN SSSR9 1947. 34 p. (Komarovskie chteniia. no.1) (KIRA 12:7) (Maritime Territory-Zoogeographv) KU,9MTSGV, A. I. Kurentsov, A. I. - "Learning about the bark-eating animals of the Far East from the injuries they cause"s Nauch.-metod. zapiski (Council of Ministers., RSFSR,, Main administration for natural reservations), Issue 11., 1948., P. 99-129. Sot U-30429 11 March 53, (Letopis 'Zhurnal Inykh Statey, No. 7 1949).