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KUDZIELIV Z,,Iztlilliw Appearance of paraoites of tho ga3trointestinal qyat,'zi in c1d2dren in /,. children's homaj in lCluczbork. Wiad. parazyt. 8 no.3:3/a-31,2 162. 1. Powlatowa Stac a Sanitarno-LpidemJ.ologiczna fUuczbork. iliMIMITHIASIS in inf L child~ I. LM i D Zak. sk.~~' I 1r)crulizi Sit.) On Uctk-riolugIC41 'twidy 'A I o elcf.,d) )jrine and ~'qra I~nA_j flJ k rob io lo, la , Vu 1 14, Ni; &, nnd S of fec.--3 contalrilimp, varying ivocula Isulahillty of the bacterla e~:ip:mls qii tiii r-re-ticiv-., Line Ioefore c-;Izvre pic~.-up, ~4nd prozence, ci' L-actecia :,,.c1-, as E. c~)Ii, ?rolleus r,,-., and roliz'4 tind 4 Wl'.~,L~xn refLrencps, KUfiDZI7.,L, Zdzislaw Studioa on the seneitivity of straina of Staphylocodcuo, Streptococcun faocalis and Froteus to varjous antibiotics. Polski tygod. lek. 17 no.24,:251-253 3.1 J9.162. 1. Z powiatowej Stacji Sanitarno-E idemiologicznoj w Kluczborku. (Pl4TIBIOTICS pharmacol~ (ST&PHYLOCOCCUS pharmacol) (STREPTOCOCCUS phamacol) (FROTEUS pharmacol) Dirl~rict .nti-Tubercular Consulcation Office 'lead Okierot4nik) Dr H. SPYCIIALSKI, Laboratory (kierownik Pracount naktariologicznej) Kluczorek. it-rict, ruf Tuberc-jksis 'Aril,.!, to SIrj-rLcrI,yc).n, 17, Nc 43, 22 Oct 1962; T-F, 167-5-1676. -LY-,o-d,n,Ik- -L-ek.zrski, Vol Or,~,Iirh modifieg: Ir, vitro tests on 142 srr'-Iins, of Mycobacc ter Pum t.uberculosis isolated, from patients with active ntrcy.tomyclv 24 rc-31szant., 9 suni-resistant; 1!,,oniazi.,' 79 r, 1.) rVIS 26 OF 135 te,Ued r, 26 -,r; all of 102 sLraltis testcd to C)f 135 st-raIns, 23 wert, r to both iscrilazid t- strertrrnycin and isoniazid; 4 to streptomycin, iscriazid DI ~1'1 3craiiis, '30 !jere cat,;hs(; ", l' 1;-~ '7 r ia ( in - L e s teblas, 10 Polish refLrcnces. 3 ~URU17iEL~ Zd.-Islaw Occurrence o4 intestinal tract paraslte2lp kindergarsn f children as well as in persons surroundinN11 chl-ldren and mmbers of the nurglng otaff In Klucz*r)o . Roczm panst-.; zakl hig 1-4 no.3:283-286 163. 1. District Sanitary and EpIdemirlogical Station, Kiczbork. 11' T, ,I'd 7, J.,j la W XURD7, '.I / katibiotic resistance of !.3almoriella and lt,if-elia. ~-rzegi. f~pLdem. 18 no.1:119-121 164. 1. Z Powiatowej Stacji Sant w, Filiczbork-11. KIJRDZII-'L, The ln,-Arimcm of digestive p-rnill.on of r-bildr-t-m in the m(bana- tionni In.9t.1tiltions of Kluc bork county. W~fid. '1l no.1% 37-38 165 1. Powatown StIlacja Sari tarno-EpIdeml ol Kluczbor)c. llen5ltiv~ ty of coarif Ilrzerl. lek. ;,l no-9:575-5771 165. 1. Z Powl.atowej Stacji Sanitarno-Fpl-de,-iioloiic,-,,,.e.1 w Kluczborku). KUI(DZIKAUSKAS, A. Competitions bring experience. Za rul. 20 nodl17 N 162. (MIRA 15:11) 1. Starshiy trener respublikanskogo avtomotokluba Dobrovollnogo obshchestva sodeystviya armii, aviatsii i flotu Litovskoy SSR, g. Vilinyus. (Lithuania--Automobile racing) =M-M Paralysis or the right half of the diaphralp. Vest ro.5t 26-32 My"60. V(lou L/s-o 0 B01 DIX0 5 e, AUTHOR; Kur r-d a, P. K. S,~?ri. or r-o-, TITLE: A '-f (x) .-I Ro PERIODICAL: Vost.r.,.k 11960, 11,-j. ',2, pi:. 10 TL"/,ql :Experiments with -,ombined ~omr,%~inicalion stat.-"ora were made at one of +he ob"Yedinerincyp, svyazi K;-1?,-,-h-at-sk)y oblasti Such a station bad install at..i r-idic i---,Iiy j,ir~is; radic. tel,,, and radio telegraphs. In order tc pr---,.Yer~ the of the transmiLter on *he receiver, weak couplangs b~tweeri the Firit-annas and symmetri-, transmitter and feeder inputs were used. Filters were install-d in order tc prevent noise in the telegraph and ki)y cirou~ts. lndt~pende-.!, earth- ing of tranamitting, rocelvirig, telephone, arid translat.'L,-n Crluits were also incorporated for thq suppression of interstatic-i interference. Tests were very satisfactory. Thoro are .1 Card 112 t, Attempt of Combin,-,d Reception ari(4 'With Small RadLo Stations BOI 9B056 ASSOCIATION: Kamrhatskaya DRTS (Kam~-h-utka DRTS) j J~ Card 2/2 KIIREGYAN, V., uspirant Regulation of wages is an important condition for the increase in labor productivity. Avt. transp. 41 no.6:42-44 Je 163. (KiRA 16:8) 1. Institut ekonomiki AN SSSR. KUREGYAN, V.., aapirant (I,Ioskva) For a wider introduction of centralized freight co:iveyance. Sota.trud 8 no.103121-123 0 '63. (miRA 16:12) Artoni OpenirL-.7 of !~,r~,r..y KUkP,3itYIICZ .*iI--jei,.i,-.:m School J,.Y. I Iliad nnftowe " no.2,;I6, -481 F ~02. LUM, N.N.; WTKOVSWA, T.Aj L I. Q~zartziferous rocks In the RudW Altai. Inform. abor. V83GAI no.903-59 139. (MIRA 13:12) (Altai Mountains-(~uartzite) hUREY, 11A,; LUTKOVSKAYA, T.A.: XUREK, A.!. 'k Hydrothermal alternation of rocks of the ZmcinoEorsk deposit in the Altai. Trudy VSIFQEI 60091--No I (I . (mlas~ lr,)I,I) Oltai Mountaim-Rocks, CrystallIne and metam)rphic) KUREKY Crealaw (Pulawy) Studies on carriers of Brysipelotrix in uvine. Rocz nauk roln vat 70 no.1/41250-251 160. (EEAI 10z9) (Eusipelas) (Swine) KUREK,I Creslaw (Pulawy) Feeding and,the biological rexponmes in mine; effecta of a high protain diet on th pathogenaBia of swine er7slpelas Rooz nauk roln vat 70 no.IA6:251-253 160. iEKAI 10:9) (Svine) (Erraipelao) (ProteinB) ---N ',A Kaiega Tatrp Wyd. 1. Warszawa Iskry, 1955, P. 520. SOUPCE: European Accession List (EEAL) Library of Congress Vol. 5, no. 7, August 1956. v VijFrK, Jan; BORMIJEC, Kazimierz-3. Inz. Power losses in electric network3 of thf) Opole Electric Power Plant. Energetyka Pol 18 no.3 t86-91 MrIt 4 1. Zaklad Energetyczny, Opole. KUREK, J.; BUJAH' M. Direct-current electric motors in hoisting machinery. P. 577. (Tehnika, Vol. 12, no. 4, 1937. Beograd, Yugoslavia) SO: Monthly List of East European Accessions. (EEAL) LC. Vol. 6, No. 7, JulY 1957. Uncl. I KMK, Ludwik; LASKOVITICKI, Andrzej UndiaMosed injury of the kidney in n enge of frnature of the humerug. Polski typod. lek. 14 no-31:1442-119;4 3 Aug 59. 1. (Z Oddzinlu Chirurgii Urazowej Pogotowin Rntunkovego w Krnkowie; ordynntor dr Tndeuos Krezol 1 2 Kliniki Urolopicznej A. M. -e Krakowie; kierownik: pref. dr Stanivlnw Laskownicki). (KIDANYS, wds. & inj.) WM7MS, fract & disloc.) DabsWa d kabadam Is bodul mkin by We dirual" Koeowitkl &M M- Xursk Wrace Ba4w. G16WH Imm. "too. L 911"JE; MAWtbd,,, 1951,19,316).-The lam"im In a W.VG-WA# bwa (c 1)-12. s4 0,19, 94 #A sed AJOW by awam of a I =v4h," selme"" Oaw 4etaUw k descrOmd. C Presence of a laminauva 0 shtmo waked reduction ol ampLitude of the cadmAs-ray usullu4mm ;U-Its we confirowd by the BVIR'squrrit ikell etclimm M Me sectionsd plat'r. R. It. LLAxxx POIAND/Aco,-istir-6 - Ultrasonics j-4 fibs Jour :Ref Zhur - Mika, No 2) 1959) flo 4130 Author :Kurok Mioczyniawy Tbrlecki Tadeuoz Inst :- I - I Title Ultrasonic and ISe~tallographic Investigation of 2,000 1W Turbo Generator Orig Pub Proc. II conf. ultrason.., 1956., Warszawa; M1, 1957, 163- 168 Abstract Data are given on ultrasonic defectoscopy for the detection of defects in rotors. Miese data were confirmed by a metal- lograpbic analysis. Card 1/1 99 /5762 020.,17 9.16:621.7 46.7 S and Metallograpfile Tests of Stopper 11cadu of Foundry 1,adics. 0 ,lJJtradlwlqkowe I metalograflczne badanle czop6w labdzl odic-.Vnl- czych". Ilutnik. No. 1-2, 1958, pp. 3"4. 12 fiO3., I tab. AttentJon Is dr-awq to the advantages cyf WtTamynic tests. Eight %lopptT heads were U-stod by this method and lho revults w(Te check- d lby cmvonticinal tnet.1logmphic lechn1clues. It -Ama foui-W tnal the u Indications of the ultra!Km$c delecto3oope contormed to the aict al octurrente of &-fects, 18(5) Cq'_"/8-7/24 AUTHORS: Kucia, K., Kurek, M., and F., Engineers TITLE-, Fracture Tests and Thei.- Ut;efulnec3o iii EN'valuating the Quality of Boiler Plates PERIODICAL. Ifutnik, 1959, Nr 7-8, up _2q-6-301 (FOL) ABSTRACT- Increasing demand for boiler plates 1,,ii-th ever better properties have forced prcducers to turn out plates of increasingly better quality. Th,:- purpose of the present article is to discuss soff,,~ of t-he modern me- thods of boiler plate quality contrcl. According to Soviet and Polish specificat-lons. ~;-qts for resist- ance to fracture of boiler plate- ar~: made in the following wayf a sample tvii"ce ac w:(j,. as ill is thick for plates tip to 30 mm and c!,e arc, a lir~7f times as wide ,qs i! is thick for plat~~.q abo,,re '.~() rm., broken in order to c-titablish the dej_rroe of or decoherence. Samples are ta'Ken a-. both ends, perpen- dicularly to the direction of -- , '..ccording to these norms, a decoherence Of UD to 10 mm may be al- Card 1/4 lowed at the point of fracture.' Yi- tlis method is Fracture Tests and Their Usefulness in tn;~ Q.',a,lity of Boiler Plates not a particularly efficient oric_,. There is also the ultrasonic method, but it has been found that it is not able to detect all caSc-s C-"- de--t.ra'ilpication. It was found in fact that tvio typec d-itratification exlqu~ real and potent;al The one consists of discontinuity in a rollea prcduct and may easily be detected by the ultrason.,r; Th;-- second variety appears when the sarapl,.~ 1,-; fi'.actired and then only near its surface. Thio i~' -inter,esting I dangerous type. Th~- %-i!!:',h arise in a plate sample during fractur- ar,.~ in Afig- ure 1. The important point j -: t 14i- e a 1 d '2ccherlence is oft-en due to metal impuz-I~t,.oo pc.ential deco- herence is ra'her due to metai fa`_~_-;us and is much more difficult to detect, Tt io trlp.~ran- therefore to distinguish between -the~lc- phe-nor,'v7ricl. The au- thor. then proceeds to recount 'J'~signed to discover these phenomena b, analysis Card 2/4 and to determine ~he effect G4-- '_--atment on ',3--7/24 Fracture Tests and Their Uaefulnegs in Evalur,?'i.n- 1 o i y f Boiler Plates the appearance of the fracture. Tes+- we~rp made on plate samples tested previously by the ul-,ra3onic me- thod and showing a teridency towards po-rential. destra- tification. Figures 2-9 sho-a ilhe otate of various samples during these tests, it was found that the degree of potential decolierenci depends on the degree of stratification of the plateis structure, on temper- ature and on the speed of frncfL:rr,~ Al" factors favor.- ing the sample's brittleness ten(! tc de,:rease the ex- tent of potential decoherence or t-, dc away with it altogether. Stratification and hence P,-.ential de8o- herence may be removed by 0homogeni,zation (at 1,150 C) and normalization (at 920 C), But the anplication of these pron-esses simultaneously wa-h mas:~? prcduction is very difficult, The above -eons 3h~;wed further that the stratified structure of boiler Plates does ios n,-r does it not affect welding propert; depreciate the mechanical th._~ platee. Card 3/4 The same iriay be said of the phenom~.non .,)f r)otential i, L," 7 99 -7 8 -- 7 / 2 4 Fracture Tests and Their Usefulness in ~,a!_Ity of Boiler Plates d ec ohe renc e It is imporf.~tnl. to nwto '~.he author conoldero f rac ture teotEl i .., I. n le t- -ft ning lato quality since the.,;e ~;r,~ na-11c. with .9amples taken at random and the fractl.ure :riu-es the appearance Of further pctentkial during breaking. According to the author. the. proper method of testing the quality of boiler plates is the ultra- sonic method. Finally, the aulhor con,,~,Lders it im- perative that all effort~i bc made rolling methods in order to decreaL;-: riu,_h a.-3 po:-sible the stratification of plate str-u,~,turn. There are 2 tab-- les, 8 photographs, 1 i:lagram, I references, 2 of which are Soviet and ;~ Polir~-Ii. ASSOCIATIOM Huta Batory (Me~allurgilcal Plan' F,-.t,)ry: (Kucia and Kwiatkowski) IMZ (Inst.Ltute of Ferrol)2 Metallurgy) Card 4/4 (Kurek) AUTHOR: TITLE: C 4- -4/10 Kurek, M., KticLa, K,,, ,irid,kowski., S)t_, hnginecrs The Application of Ultrasonic in thc Investiga- tion of Plat(; Laminatior,,; PER[Of~ICAL: Hutnik, IJ,'~'), Vol 'rC, Nr 'r. , pp fl)olanld) ABSTRACT: The great number of laminations in boiler ano shipbuild- ing plates leads to(special mcliods of investigation. So far test specimens 0 1-1;i"thick) with a notch of ' 0 'ml' '-~4 .5 mm were broken. DArLng, investigation, it. was decided that the sectional area 11cst docs not. reveal any trend for lamination in the plates; it only zhaws: a) lamina- tions already existent in 'Ehe after rolling; b) laminations aris~_-n 'by b.-cakIng th~ 1.~:SF specimens apart. The laminatir_-n:~ unf.1-- ',b) 1have Proved less harmful than t'--sc. inder 0 are two methods of ultra-sonic platc: It.c.-sts. 1) thc 1111-'er m(7thod (mort' easily ad,_ii)t(_A for autnmatic scrial Z) tho tap- ping method (by tappin[., wll,h a feeler gadgt-t).,, Card 1/3 In the Iletallo-Physical in Gliwlcc, a s 7/ PO L C-r- -4110 The Application of' Ultrasonic Methods In t,.c Invc.-tigation of' Plate Lamination-" cial roll-feeler gadget wai; des!Cn(-,6. Figures 1 and 2 show its methods of operation Failures up to 10 T.:!d (AfV511) 0 call for oscillations, above 10 = the,,- shift the amplitude to the left of the vertical line, The investigation results are described by the aid of os- cillographic diagrams. Hot pourings with a temperature of more than 16300C and cold pourings with less than 16000C. were tested. The results of' the various pouring groups are compiled In Table I/ It was determined that two skilled workers can easil test 15 plates in 8 hours by the ultra-sonic method, 1.5 The ultra-sonic method proved to be qualified for testing laminations in plates; 2) The results during investigation have not proved any dependencc between the paraiLetlers of' rolling laminations and the lamination formation in the klates; 3) Consider- able dependence was established between the -ouring oper- ation and the lamination fr),Imation in the plates; 4) Es- pecially good results were achlcvcd wlti-. graphitized C a r d "2"13 pourinEs; 5) The ultra-sonic method enatles Creater sav- "'J~' 4.-411() The Application of Ulfra3onlc tl,~- of' Plalve- Laminations ings. There are I table, J phofograp-is and f~ diagrams. ASSOCIATION: Inst tut metalurEia zelaza (Mc-,allurCical Stec-1 Insti- ll tutee;, HJa Batory Card 3/3 D405/ .101 "MTHORS: Tabin, J., Nurck, 11 and Glowal'i a, J. TITIE: Ultrasonic device for fast control of thich-sheet iron 1"ER I OD IGAL: Rcferativnyy zhurnal, L;lektronilca i eye primeneniye, no. 2, 1963, A, abstract 21V-184 P Uol'Gh pat., Icl. 42 k, 47, no. 44603, 210.07.61 (11olish patent)) T=O: The -patented devicc '.)criiits f"ast control by the con- tact method, of iron sheets oil a non-worhed surface. it consists of a bo;:-lihc body which moves on rollers; the body contuins 2 groups of trausducers NLihich oi)crzitc uvido.:7 -:_,iieratiou and rcccT?,L-.ion condi- tiono respectively, =4 which arc sc'_':)ar"-tcd from cach other by a soui-A-insulating partit-ion ('6-extolitz, cork) reaching, to the very bottot-A of the body. The cozi-L-.act liq.11id -A.L drivert from above, via a flexible hose incidc the body, into a rc-,crvoir cituated on the transducers. The exccos contact liqaid to-ether i-rith the gas bub- bles rising from it,s surface, is rewoved vla a slot in the up-cr Card 1/2 1-2/175,/63/01)0/002/026/032 Ultrasonic device D405/D301 part of tho side-wall of th-- 'body. the rc--crvoir the Timin liquiC, r.-I-ow is driven via a of fl,,L into the lowcr chambcrr situatcd dir--ct'-Y .-bo-1c., LhL.- sh-let undcr investiga- n. Thc noz:31er; arc pl-,ccd on :)oth of thC tran.-d-u-cers, L io ill 47ront of the roller mounted o-.i Lm,,~,xir.,gs behind ard the uody. The prosence o~-'~ the prcssure cilamber etisurcs the --utomatic uct-tin,,' of the sheet and red-ucer, 'L-hc deaJ zone. Thc ~)Ody is equiP- ped wit.-h P. long handle, used '.)y the o-pcrator for moving the fonler durinr; chcchling. Z-Ab-stracter's note: Completa translation_7 Carc! 21/2 KUREK.) ll'.~ Letts put into priactice the historic decisions of the 22nd Congress of the CPSU. Na stroi. Ron. no.lb2-3 N 161. (MIRA 1637) 1. Zamestitell prodsedatelya Goostroya RSFSR. (Construction industry) 60000400000000* 00 00 4 IMO 00 0 ? TR-~ a 41 a 36 a I I t 1~~ dl~ . 0 a m I a L . U I - - -, A 2--" QA Aj, -- I A I 0401111 -- _ _ -- Phil- , I - . - - ---l. son . 00 Ogg Ogg OOj 004 001) 00, 0 0 0 0 0 o e 0 0 0 0 0 0 *1 211111 1111 SIX lip 1110441assm OPO &~ k--&.-A &.-I ~S,. J k-l-A-1-fi-A I "tc? -,too ;-oo 00 *410 00 .00 "Oo "Oo .00 Local massirklo for. buildings and otrut w"'wayll rr~. land deftmo. N. m X. X). Aird, Jrj4(JQ44J.--WiKW* and "Rimpne. fm scid. 000 pr-Ams Ilion mv dirwrOwd. Goo A 6111AMASKAt kIIIIIATLIS CILASUPKA1001, Is AV is 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 44 0 0 0 0 41 0 0 0 0 0 000 Goo goo NO* U41411 0.0 ~v Alt ---- - - WXTI too - A s 8 a I IN No 0 Al a 3 a I 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 a * 0 a 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 4 a 0 0 a 0 0 0 0 0 0 V.11-1. '. .. , li. F.. 143L-I~,ovc,--j C(.),jtU Collati-I-ICLIoll Developing tho technique of preparing reinforcem9nIts Cor thu reinforced concrete, Gidr. stroi., 21, No. 6, 1952. I;gnthly List pf RusAAn Accesgions, Library of liongress, October 1952. KUJ~W.. S.H.'--kandidat takhnichook1kh nauk, laureat Stal inakoy premill. Prefabricated reinforced concrete construction elements in iatTustrial construction. Makh.trud.rab. 8 no.7:43-47 0-9 154. (MIRA 8:1) (Precast concrete construction) XURY6K, N.M., kAndidat tekhnicheakikh nauk, laureat St&IInskoy premii. Precast reinforced concrete construction in the people's democracies. Sbor,mat. o nov. takh. v stroi. 16 no.9:17-24 154. (MM 7:12) (Rurope, lastern-Precast concrete construction) OVSTANKIN, V.I., latireat Stalinokoy premii, inzhener; KURNK, N.M., kandidat takhnichaskikh n-1 Use of precast reinforced concrete in the people's demorracies. Bet. i xhel.-bet. no,2:56-63 My 155. CuRk 8:9) (Europe, Xastern-P~recast concrete construction) IMM-9, U.M., kandidat takhnichoskikh naulc, laursat Stalinskoy premil; --w-"mTMOVSKIY, M.V., kandidat tekhnicheskiy nauk. Production of pro-otresood reinforced concrete ties. Mekh.trud.rab, 9 no.3:39-42 Mr 155. (14laA 8:5 ) (Railroada--Ties) (Concrete, Prestressed) TURS N.M.. kandidat takhnichaskikh nwak; OSTROVSKIT.K.T., kandidat 'Wdiilcheskikh nauk Prestressed reinforced concrete construction elements. Makh.trad. rab.9 no.9:42-45 S155. (KLRA 802) (ALrope, last ern-Concret a, Prestressed) K(R~W&Mtj kandtdat takhaichaskikh nnuk: OBTROVSKIT,M.V., kandidat '---teTchnicheekikh nauk Construction joints In reinforced concrete structures built in the people's democracies. Sbor. mat. o nov. takh. v stroi. 17 no.5zlO-19 155. (HIRA n:6) (Nurops. Iketern-Precast concrete construction) KURRK.H.M., kandidat tekhnicheakikh nauk; OSTROVSKIY,M.V., kandidat tekhnichookikh nauk Zxperience In using large panels and large building blocks In building apartment houses In the people's democracies. Sbor. mat. o nav.tekh. v strol. 17 no.6:12-21 155. (MIRA 8:9) (Rurope, Eastern--Precast concrete construction) t USSR/Chemical Technology. Chemical Products and Their Application -- Treatment of natural gases and petroleum. Motor fuels. Lubricants, 1-13 Abst Journal: Referat Zhur - Khimiya, No 2, 1957., 5525 Author: Kurek, N. M., Ostrovskly, M. V. Institution: None Title: Compositions for the Lubrication of Forms In the Manufacture or Sectional Reinforced Concrete Structures (From Experience of Czecho- slovak Builders) Origixui.1 Publication: Sb. materialov o novoy tekhnike I peredob. opyte v str-ve, 1955, No 7, 27-30 Abstract: One of the beat preparations used in Czechoslovakia for the lubrica- tion of molds of forms which come in contact with concrete in the manufacture of sectional reinforced concrete structures, is "Betozol" (B) which is an emulsion of the water-in-oil type. Technological process of the preparation of B: into a mixer are charged -700 kg Card 1/2 USSR/Chemical Technology. Chemical Products and Their Application -- Treatment of natural gases and petroleum. Motor fuels. Lubricants, 1-13 Abst Journal: Referat Zhur - Khimiya,, No 2, 1957: 5525 Abstract: naphtha soap and -600 kg water, concurrently therewith there are melted in melting kettles -50 kg fatty acids (oleic, stearic, palmitic acid) together with 100 kg naphtha soap and petroleum (kerosera., gasoline). The mixture in the melting kettles is added to the solu- tion in the mixer and stirred for 30 minutes; the remainder of the water is added and stirring is continued for 3-5 hours. The emul- sion does not separate at 200 for 24 hours. B is used diluted with water in the proportion of 1:5 or 1:10 (for coating wood surfaces) and of 1:5 (for coating of metal surfaces). In addition to B other emulsions of the water-in-oil type are described. Card 2/2 KUREK.N.M., kandidat tekhnicheekikh nauk; OSTROVSKIY,M.V., kandidat '--'t-ekhnI6heskikh nauk Erecting precast concrete structural elements of industrial buildings in the people's demoorneies. Sbor.mat. o nov.tekh. v stroi-17 no.8:13-22 155. (KLRA 8:11) (Surope, Bastern-Precast concrete construction) KURZK, R.H., kaididat takhaichookikh nauk; OSTROVSKI-Y, M.V., kAididat tekhatchookikh &auk. Precast reiRforced coacreto conposents used is, the people's democracies. Sber.mat.o nov.tekh. v ztrei.17 10-9:17-26 '55. (Europe, lastera--~Procast concrete) (MLIA 9:1) KUREK,11-M., kandidat takhnichookikh nauk; 7,AI4(YRIII,P.7., kandidat oldinichookikh nauk. Experience in using brick blocks in constructing industrial buildings. Stroi. prom. 33 no.412..5 Ap 1~5. OILRA 1:6) (Bricklaying) KURRK,14.14., laureat Stalinakoy premit, kandidat tekhnichesirtkh nauk; inzhener "Organizing and plnnnine construction work : Industrial ELM Public buildings! [profaaeor]D.S. 11khov. Reviewed by 11.11. Kurnk, L.S. Livahitts. $trot. prom.33 pq.4;44-45 Ap 155, (IJkhov,BA .) (Building) (MLRA 8:6) KUM N.M., kandidat takhnicheak-ikh nauk; OSTROVSKIY.M.Y., kandidat ~-~e nicheskikh nauk Precast reinforced concrete elements for electric power telephone, and telegraph lines. Strol.prom-33 no.6:39-" Je'55- (MIRA 8:10) (Rurope, Bastern-Slectric lines--Foles) KMK, N.M., kandidat tokhnicheskikh nauk; OSTROVSKIT, M.Y., kandidat tekhnicheskikh nauk. Building heat and electric power plants using precast rein- forced concrete. Stroi.prom. 33 no-11:37-45 H 155. (Hungary-Prouast concrete construction) (MLRA 9:2) KURSK. N.M...kandidat tekhnichookikh asuk; SOKOLOY, N.M.. kandidet asuk; KOPCHUGOV, V.A., kandidat takhnicheakikh nauk; ZAMORIN. PA., kandidat takhnichookikh asuk: SCROCHIN. Te.A.. inzhonar; GAROVIIIKOV. V.1., inzhener, nauchnyy redaktor; BIGAK. B.A., redaktor izdatellotya; GUSXVA, S.S., takhnicheskiy redaktor [Use of orecast foundations in building conetruction] Primenenis zborrWkh fundamentoy v stroltelletva zdanii. Moskva, Gog. itd-yo lit-ry po stroit. i arkhitakture, 1956. 77 P. (XI.RA 10:1) (Foundations) KURNK, Ilikolay-Mikharlovich, karmlidat takhnichmskikh nauk; OSTROVSKIT, H.V., 'kandidat takhnichaskikh nauk; GAROVIIIKOV, V.I., inzhener, redaktor; UDOD, V.Ya., redaktor; MEMIEV, L.Ya., takhnicheakiy redaktor. (Using precast reinforced concrete in the people's democracies] Primenenie abornego sholazobatona v stranakh narodnei demakratii. Moskva, GOB.i2d-vo lit-ry po streit. i arkhitaktura, 1956. 241 p. (Europe, 11astern-Precant concrete) (MIRA 9:6) IN, . Precast reinforced-concrete elements for electric powf..r and telephone and tele[p-arh llln;~.,. Tr. frun the Ru.,-.slan. p. 7. EIZFTTYCKY -'T,V,~Y. (Vinlstt~rstvc stavebnietvi) 7"rz-ha. Vol. 4, no. 1, Jan. 10.56 *,"-'.AL LG, Vol. 5, 71c. 1, Cct- 1956 KURNK, -N.M., kandidat tekhnichaskikh n-,.oik; LIVSHITS, L.S., inzhener. Review of P. Zimin's book "Mechanized handling of wall-tnillding materials in construct4'on work". Makh.trud.rab.10 no.7:47 Jl 156. (Building machinery) (Miah 9:9) kandidat tmkhnicheakikh nauk; OSTROVSKIT, M.V., Icandidat takhnicheekikh nauk. Construction of reinforced concrete bridges in the people's democracies. Mekh. trud. rab. 10 no.9:45-46 S 156. (MLRA 9:10) (Europe, Fastarn-Bridges, Concrete) YLMK,, 11.11,. 1-undidat tekhnicheskikh nauk; OSTRUVSKIY, M-V-, kandidat ..I',..,-- '- i~~nlchenkikh nauk. Cranea for erecting structures. Mokh.atroi. 13 no.2:33-35 11 '56. (MLHA 9:5) (Cranes, derricks, etc.) KMI,JLA.w~.kandidat tekhnicheakikh nauk; OSTROVSKIY, M.V., kandidat takhnichaskikh nauk. Making precast reinforced concrete structural elements in open construction yards in the people's democracies. Noy.tekhA pared. op. v stroi. 18 ne.4:19-23 Ap 156. (MLRA 9:7) (Burope, Bastern-Ftecast concrete) KUM, H.H., inzh.; SHGHXRBAKOV, S.N., inzh. Growth of the production of precast reinforced concrete. Nov. takh. i pored. op. v atroi., no.11:6-12 N '57. (MIRA 10:12) (Precast concrete) KURM, N.M. The industrialization of building In the ~iOV16L Union. hekh.trud. rab. 11 no.11:28-31 N 1,57. 1 (MIRA 10:11) 1. Chlen-korrespondent Akademii stroitallstva I arkhitektury SSSR. (Construction industry) IIOSIZIKO, Nikolay Yovlampiyevich, kand.tekhn.nauk; KIWX, 14. 'M., lmnd.'Gekhn. nauk, nauchnvy red.; GUROV, Yu.S., red,izd-va; HELINICHMO, F.P., [Making reinforcement for precast concrete elementc) Izgotovlenie armgturn.vkh konstruktoii aborrqkh zhelezobetonnykh izdelii. Moskva, Goo. izd-vo lit-r7 po stroit. i arkhIt., 1958. 197 P. (MIRA 11:5) 1. Chlon-korrespondent Akedemli stroltelletva i arkhitektury SSSR (for Nosenko. Kursk) (Precast concrete construction) XURNK. Nikolay Mikba,ylovich. kand. tekhn. a3uk,; CSTR07SKIY, Moysey Vullfovich, 'caud. teklin. nauk,; SKYORTUOIA, I.P., red.; GILKIISON, FIG., teklin. red. [Tranopoitation and storgge of precast roinforood concrote construjtion elemental Transporttirovante i sk-ladirovanie abornvkh zhelazobetonnykh konstruktait. Hoekva, Goo. Izd-vo lit-ry po stroit., Eirkhtt. i strott. materialsm, 1958. 151 a. (MIRA 11:11) (Precast concrete-Transoortation) SOffERBAKOV, Sergey, Mkolaymvich; PROZOROVSKIT, GoorEly Mkolayevich: XMIK,-Pikalay Ift~Nlovich;STOLTAROV, N.T.. lnzb., nanab'77 red.; f ~--r_ z SYVOITITSOVA, I. W-.I-d-~va; PRUSAKOVA, T.A.,, [Building in Czechoslovakia] Stroitelletvo v Chakhn8lovakii. f4nRkva, Gan. isd-vo lit-ry po stroit., arkhit. i stroit. mats- rialam, 1958. 158 P. (NIRA 12:1) (Czechonlovakia--Constriaction industry) KUREK, N.K., red.; SHMMAKOV, SAT., red.; ARSERMT, L.B., red.; BOBORYKIN, Ye.P., red.; VISMIEVSKIY, A.V., red.; GORCHAKOV, A.V., red. GUSHCHrN. V.M., red.; DRUZHININ. B.N., red.; LEPILIN, G.M.. red.; PERNLISHTFUIT, N.L., red.; TESLYA-TESLENKO. V.P., red.; AGRANATOV, Yu,O., [Precast reinforced concrete members; planning and using] Sbornye zhelesobetonnye konstrukteii; opyt proektirovaniis i primeneniia. Kookva, TSentr. biuro tekhn.inform., 1958. 422 p. (MORA 11:5) 1. Russia (1917- R.S.F.S.R.) Mitiiaterstvo strottel'stva. Tekhnichaskoye upravleniye,. (Precast concrete construction) YALUBOVSKIT, Y.B., red.: BUTATEV, B.I., red.; VOLYTANSKIT, A.K.9 red,; XAMINSKIT, D.K., red.; KOLITSOV, A.G., red:', KU.RSK N M . red.; OVSYANKIN, V.I., red.; PRIVALOV, N.N., red ; Hgzi~iiw A9N*j red.; ZRISTOV, V.S.. red.; UDOD, V.Ta., red.ixd-va; Tli~INA, Te,L,, (Papers and reports of the e3ction on industrial construction, assembling and specialized work of the All-Union Conference on Construction] Doklady i soobahchaniia. Moskva. Goe.izd-T* lit-ry po stroit.. arkhit. i stroit.materialam, 1958. 438 p. (MIRA 1217) 1. Veesoyusnoye soveshchaniya po stroitelletvu. Moscow, 1958. Sektaiya promyshlennogo stroitel'stva, montashnykh i spetsializi- rovann.vkh rabot. (Building) J KURASOV, V.A.* profs, doktor tekhn.nauk; HIROHOV, S.A., prof., doktor telchn.nnuk; ALUSA]WROVSKIY, S.V., knnd.tekhn.nnuk: TALI. E.3., kand.tokhn.nauk; DMITRIY3V, S.A.. kand.tekhn.nnuk; WMIN, N.M., kand.tekhn.nnuk; SIGALOV, E.Ye.. )-nnd.tnklm.nnuJ'-.; Ii-EMPROVSKIT, Ta.H., kand.tekhn.nauk; TABMIKIN, N.L., inzh. [decensed]; KALA- TUROV, B.A., ksnd.tekhn.nmik; BRAIM, 2J., inzh.: KRYLOV. S.M., kand.takhn.naiik; FOKIN, K.F., doktor toklin.nauk; GITSEV, N.M.. prof., doktor tekhn.nauk; YAKOVLEV, A.I., inzh.; KORENEV, B.G., prof., doktor tekhn.nauk; DMESWITIC11, Yu.V., inzh.; MOSIMN, V.H.; LURIYE, L.L., inzh.; MAKARICHU, V.V., luind.teklm.nauk; 'MVCHF RIO, V.A., inzh.; VASILIY-W, B.F., inzh.; KOSTYUKOVZZIY, M.G., !cqnd.tekhn.nauk; MAGARIK, I.L., inzh.: IL'YASRNVSKIY, Ya.A., inzh.; LARIK.OV, A.F.. in2h.; SMOV, T.T., inzh.; TRUSOV, L.P., inzh.; LYUDKOVbIIY, I.G., knnd.tekhn.naiik; POPIDV, A.N., kand.teV-Jm. nauk; VINOGRADOV, N.M., inzh.; USHAKOV, N.A., knnd.tekJm.nmik; SYMMOV, P.M., inzh.; TER-OVANESOV, G.S., inzli.-, GL.UXOV. B.N., kiind.tokhn.nauk; KOSTOCHKINA, G.V., arkh.; ~UREK, N.M.; OSTROVSKIY, M-V., kqnd.tekhn.nauJk; PERMIS11730, Z.H., in7.h.: BlIKSHT-IM, D.I., inzh.; (Continued on next card) KURASHXV, V.A.--(continued) Card 2. MIKHAYLOV, Y.G., kand.tekhn.nauk; SIGALOV. E.Ye., kand.tekhn.nauk; GVOZISV, A.A., prof.. retsenzent; HIKHAYLOV, V.V., prof., retsen- zent; PASTXRNAK, P.L., prof., retsenzent; WMIN, K.A., inzh., retsenzent; TWIN, L.Te., inzh., nnucluiyy red.; KOTIX, B.A., red. izd-va; GORYACHKVA, T.V., red.izd-va-, MEDVEEV, L.Ya.. (Handbook for denignorn] Sprovochnik proaktirovRhehikn. Pad ob- shchei red. V.I.Hurnsheva. Moskva, Goo.izd-vo lit-ry po stroit., arkhit. i stroit.materialam. Vol.5. (Precast reinforced concrete con3trixotion elements] Sbornye zholezobetonnye konstrakteii. 1959. 03 P. (MIILA 12:12) 1. Akndemiya stroitelletva I orkhitektury SSSR. Nauchno-issloao- vatel'Bkiy institut betona i zhelezobstonn. Porovo. 2. Daystvitell- nyy chlon Akndenii stroitellstva i arkhItaktury SSSR (for Murashev, Gvozdev, Mikhaylov,V.y.j Pgsternak,'Shubin). 3. Chlen-korresp. Aka- demii stroitellstva i arkhitektury SSSR (for Mironov, Gusev, Moskvin. Kursk). (Precast concrete construction). KURNK, N. M. Developing and introducing technical improvements in organizations of the Ministry of Construction of the R.S.F.S.R. Nov. takh. mont. i spats. rab. v atroi. 21:1-4 Ag '59. (KRA 12:10) l.Nachallnik Takhnichookogo upravlenlya Mini:3terstva stroitalletva RSFSR. (Construction industry) KUREX,- N.M., red.; DODORYKIII, Ye.P., red.1 VINOG;ADOV, K.V., red.; A.V., red.; ZILIDEWLIG, A.L., red.; YJffLOV, V.A.p red,; NAUMOV, V.G.P red.; OHWVI V.M., red.; YJIOYJiLOV, B.A., red.; KIIOTKEVICII, S.G., rod,; FALIKEWICH ', A.S., red.; ItAGAZDA, M.F., red, izd-va; ZIATOTSMOVA I.I., 'YEV, S.A., tekhn. red. red. izd-va; ALEKSL [Manufacture and assembly of pipelines] I.zgotovlenie i montazh trubo- provodov; abornik statei. Moskva, TSontor. biuro teklm. informatsii 1960. 318 p. (MIRA 15-1) 1. Russia (1917- R.S.F.S.R.) TekhnIche:3Jcoyo upravleniye. (Pipe) KURIX, H.H., red.; BOBORIKIN, Ye.P. I Ted.; VINOGRADOY, K.Y., red.; A.V., red.; ZILIBMBARG, A.L., red.; KHMOT, V.A., r ad.; HAUKOV, T.G., red.; MOT, V.M., red.; KHOMOT. B.A., red.; KHOMMIM, S.O., red.; FALIKETICH, A.S., kand.tekhn. nauk, red,; ALEKSHYET, S.A., [Preparation and assembly of "tar p.pes-. a c0lection of articles] 12gOtovlenie i montazh vodoprovodovi abornik statei. Moskvaj Mantr,biuro tekhn.informatsii, 1960. 318 P- (MIRA 14:4) 1, Russia (1917- R.S.F.S.R.) Takhnichaskoye upravleniye. (Water pipeo) 43 -111- , Complete precast concrete construction is an Important trend. Ila stroie Ros. 3 no;5:1-2 1-Ify 162. (MIRA 15:9) 1. Zamestietl' predsedatel,-a Gosudarstvennogo komiteta Soveta Mi4nistrov RSFSR po delam stroitellotva I arkhitektury. (Precast concrete conotruction) 04 KLYAGHKO, A.L., inzh.; ODII"OV, E..I., inzh.; GLUKI;OVSKI'Y, K.A., kand. tekhn. nauk, -inzh., red.; GVCZD--,V, A.A., doktor tekhn. nauk, prof., red.; GORENSHTEYN, B.V., kand. tekhn. nauk, red.; KOSTYUKOVSKIY, M.G., kand. teklul. nauk, red.; ICiYWV, II.A..doktor ',ekhn. riauk, red., KUREK. IIJIU-kand. tekhn. nauk, red.; LEVII;SYIY, L.G., -In-zh., red.; LOBANOV, D.D., inzh., red.; XOROZOV, A.F., inzb., red.; ONIASHVILI, O.D., doktor toklui. nauk, prof., red.; SAKIOJOVSKIY, K.V., doktor tekhn. mauk, prof., red.; FILBI, A.P., doktor tekhn. nauk, prof., red.; YEFEIOV, A.D., inzh., nauchn. red. [Three-dimonsionu^ atructural elements in the U.S.S.P.; materials of the All-Union Conference on Precast Reinforced Concrete Three-Dirnnsional Elements hold in November l)-17, 1962 in Leningrad] Prostranstvenrye kon- struktsii v SSSR; po materialam pervogo Vsesoiuznogo so- veshchaniia po sbornym. zhelezobetonriym pt-ostranstvennym konstruktsiiam, sostoiavshegosia 13-17 noiabria 1962 g. v Leningrade. Leningrad, StroiAzdat, 1964. 461 p. (MIRA 17:11) 1. 14akichno-tokhnichoskaye obstiche:3tvo stroitelIncy indu- strii SSSR. Lenlngradskoyo otdeleniye. , TUTINAS, Tadeusz [doceasedj; KUREX Tad~u . Tadeusz ~j~_s~~,PURWIIIO Electronic signal generator for large telephone exchanges. Przagl telekom 35 no.5/6:133-140 My~Je 163. KUREK, W. How to secure fodder for livestock. p. h. (PLON. Vol. h, no. 7, 1953) SO: Monthly List of East European Accessions, L.C., Vol. 3, No. 4. April, 1954 KUREKS W. The couros and posoibilities of the development of hoopital care in Wardw. Wisdo lek, 18 noJ0001-804 15 IV 165. KURIEF, lel'Judyslaw Apropos of some factorn condition-ng nonnal functioninE of hospitals. 7drow. publiczne 7/8:327-331 165. 'Y' IM 101INSCU, 11. ; ABMIALI , V. ; KITR41"U, 1. ; MA-10. D. ; KAISTA. I. Arterial segments of the human kidne7. Arkh. anat. gist. i embr. 36 no.5:71-78 Mq 159. (MIRA 12-7) 1. Otdel anatomii Bnkharentakogo mediko-farmatnevticheakDgo instituta. (KIDMS, blood sup$ly nrterial segments (Run)) A (in ca~ju); Given Naowaa cr"Latx-y: Yugoslavia Jnot given,/ t A~`Ili,4ticn- Institute for Biology of the University of Zagreb, Department of, an-d-Biochomis-tiy (InstItut Iza. biologiju XXXXX= Sveucilista u Zagrobu, Odio za fiziologiju i bioha=iju), Zagrob Source: Belgrade, Voterinarski 71asnik, No 7, 1961, pp 602-6o6. 'On the Possibility of Treatment of Toaniasia in Dogs and Hens with Yomosan.1 Authors: KURELEO, B. KURELEC , Branko K I I Ion exqhange 86Paration of organic constituento of serum. Biol glas 15 no. 4: 235-240 162. 1. Institute of Biology, University of Zagreb (Yugoslivia). Tj,', TZ 7: ~ : 17. consu.,;!Ftion of oei,urv, alb-,Lrlir.L3 in vitro by l,'a,,cjoja Biol Clas .15 ro.2:103-107 162. c_. 1. Biologii3ches Institut der Universitat, .,-.i,-r(b. 2. Clan Uredrils-,va, "-Dio-ioctki Ljasnik. leriedicun `dcloE;crLm't (for Ehrlich). 001,94 1 - 0 e 0 e a 4 a & 6 0 0 i "- 0 0 :=--ble a a 0 of * so 4 -0-0 w 91* 0 0 a 4 * 0 0 * * 0 0 0 0 0 a 11 111 '1 1 it V Is Dion M17006)9:1011 VU w a Is M a Of a At a f L I AL--" & it I V T 0 A 1 0 ft a ff. I I 1 6, 09 !-00 00 1-** fevigge value of we^" asol &64 loe*fs with 1""&_y );VaxLnr- KoWrig. mg-jibility -d filf6gr io eflooll'y ilfrrvvt~l by a p". :9 listis 4 lurialKAimillLm thVilun the tA.601*1,pt~ *0 .ith FINUI 00 0*0 0041 00 d I '#I& L UF~K AL L IT 1 ..7 1011 C L SSO IC TIC. Z I, I. r, a A 46 LL, r -t ir n !t U flikievot melbois lot the dirtervisnabm of small quanlaies of Iodine. ~112"v 4 "i. J7, !#.I 14LIj NI, 111.4, .4 s I , I X.TlYWY97 h a I t M i 4'~ ~ : 1.11 ".111"4111 1.1 "1 . '4110 A~l' .4 11-.~ ,,, '.41 '-1 """t KA hl'th.ftl (14, I'll, L. A. d"'1 fm 4h'.1 I I'm" A oo lumt,vel. .1111i ttil fi'l . flat -11,. It. 1, -1, '...4 mA, ItAl. t Iljsll I ormilrul. 1wit-thiat ~'. t, mlApt~,l 1,q A,,41t- A liqmd,. -l- , th, 1.1, wil"ll It di'"l. (1111 rtill-ti rvill I.- (twit. villissillittil St, th-.1 I lj~ , mdw I j 0 -444mv, t it walk W1,14i"I J" sttlglk.l~ "1 .111,411 ptillill'.. %kill jillib I I'm1,111 see '04 it 41 0 o 0 1 Of 0 0 0 R Go visee W i 066 o . III li 11 Is It Is it X All M A X 0 11 It U it 0 FA V 8 0 4 40 4) to a .0 0 A as? at A I (MX 0 K It j b a p # s , , Ajo g I.P Iv V'solot of. loplo, Vitamin 1). KINILIt.v, S. A%I v I m 1% kit Its * see 0 0 60 0 0 godl loo z z ~O * v i :Mee 90 7~i we 0 tL too AA L 4 5 f" 0 0 all 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 6 @too 0 0 0 0 0 0: 0 0 0 o 00 0 0 * 0 0 0 * 0 0 4 9 0 t:::* 1 4 1 s I W tf If if u1 14 It 4 N a [it n a x is J* 6 a11 it it u a m a 16 v a a a m a a A a -A-1 -1 -A A 0 F A I I V " L L-J_ II PA M Q OP 91 a - j , .." " . a -72JO 0 4 1 poll go so Acid contents of sour Utda and newest method@ at determination. Vmtos KUMPLAC Mm ad$d ' K JaIdJOA 6, 1" 103) - The P" valut can be uwA a, a "I t of mg, (selor for' lug"= Feed% of good quatity -liwidd not how bighv hwS 00 it; 42- 4,1% K S or t.". &t v 000 09 00 00 90 00 Ofa 09 4 The It 9 "r. 11 11 (0 adKIf 01 'A K 91 UIt 11 -00 00 r 1! too age Woo 00 !,,go 60 As 0600100*#600 o IL w - w;;;-0-;0ioooo 0 " 6-0 ~ ; 0 *0 0 ~4 If ;j 11i jQ P 1) )1 -W 0 As V M P Q C G d N 40 To L t 16, A.-L- 0 IF it A As 141 to"M 1411C.q.,I.- j. 00 A 00 to III. go 00 Rom of awtottl *I "ad and ask Is orahutclast of wheat -00 00 itad qv bms. Layss, fhowt wsd Viktor Xurtkv- KisMelittyi KAdta1a)vk J7. IWI,(IW4).- FUMS. of .00 00-, 4 4M Ifungsuran wheat Imam mad 11 rye braw showed av. see &A rocknis of 6.8 and 4,9%, resp., &M vand contents to '31 4 0.7 &W 0.6%. The degree of Strinding of h-Lu had ZOO 4m&U itifitaract on the r*tio of swW content to ash content. COO Pure brans had sand contemts under 0.30/c and this amount we-, =00 Ins than 6% of thcir asil, content. Indulsiouscaws this latter pementage s"d lie deld. anti brans showing more thin 20% sand consent its the a,h blitiuld Ise dr- clared impure. S. S. de Flintily 00 0 11. A 14TAL.I.00KA& 1.11INA116119 CLASINKODC" TT t. -1013,100,101 11111 *99 Ran 140 so Ole 01, 0 40 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 q 0 0 e 0 0 0 q 0 0 0 0 * 0 0 4 0 0 0 0 * * 0 0 0 0 0 6 9 0 0 o * 0 a 0 O**O-e*O*O[OO *$_see to * 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 9 9 0 0 's sr so s a a 3 9 st n~!;- Z~,3 - e a 0 a 0 0 a 0 0 0 0 0 0 o 06 e 00 Vitainii A. Kurelee. Affiftad4idei KmAahijok with detailed data th. ufr~t.,-. 4. .9. de Finkir It .00 03 ;:;o o 00 '00 -.00 00 .0 04 0 06 0 00 + Joe fn's 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 9 9 0 Ole 0 a 0 0 0 a o 0 0 4 G 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 IS 0 0 6 0 0 9 0 0 0 0 a 9 0 0 0 0 & 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 6 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 6 0 * 0 0 6 6 4 4 0 a 4 1 $ f I f 4 11 11 1# 14 is 16 it 110 b M a 141111 JIM Islas 41 41"Naze 111 L 6 A 4 A A. a 0 F a I I I Aj 00 A I I V 0 .41 t!# I; It$ 0 t 6, ~-00 00 - 00 '00 04 at', Comptiotion of rko fiours &&d their feeding value. -00 i Vikint Kurtkc. 3f#-Jgasd4j4iV Kwum.* 8. IN #At .00 (106) .-Rice flour contain* 8.8- N% immitim A4,,md- ins to (be calm (rolu brown to yellow. gray arof Whitt., X .00 typre of doure were sepd. Cjkkd, to If% [fro, ih~ m types contained crude protein WA-13.7. crtule tat wo 09 P.S. cir-udr fiber 2J)-8.7, and starch MA-49J)" .00 q; dfrirsri- of Wily of starch 65.0--71.0%. Sincr drin. of ifigraijbi),iI, of stalrb by animal rxpts. i- Irdims and complicate,ri sit 09 approx. dem. of values not deviating much fmin lbrorimi- 00 nal values of the rurth(A of Kellnrr tan lie obtained Ijy :00 making a partial smadysix to det. in whkb tyjwof Ow ahovt $0 h standard typrs the flour in questitm lwkmg~. ciao 00 z S. S. dr Finkly coo fil'ii t '01 tleo ACTALLURGICS4, &1T1*AfbRff CLAIJAPICATJON lose Aso-ILA $I, oil. 41, 00 U S AV 00 It 0 "0 at Ill It a a Is it 11 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 a 4 :r6 n9 i;ilo 0 a 0 0 0 PT141 1 .0-: 0 0 0 0 010 0 0 0 0 0 0 9 O's 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 q 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 q v AS Is 0 it a bd n At v a At a A, a #1 0 1 : a. X St A 4 1 I 1 -0 1 -~ (I Qf T ..A M to 4 - 1 . V90JI01 walup fit Lathytils uvivue Aow--k it, 79 :K ( m (;(#I and N.fler r11. :11 .47", 'li "If! I I " lly , x 'h, Idirld. hir .4 -X , '4 tills, ""-f- f"I :L" 411, 44 fill'If fit. r 34 1X1 atul (J . i ~'-V " Air.Irv b2ihrpar stt;lw -j.nfAi,j% #..*.,:~ J.-half and ha%a sidich %-4111C 44 1~1'5 "I '00 ZOO GeV X 00 00 =90 08 80 0 Of , moo 0 ts 00 91 00 1! ' ? '00 00 81 Go ti ts a m U1 9.1 AT -40 tote 4044 's 0 0 00 0 0 KI( Wi 0 0 0 t t 0 a a 0 f -1* 0 0 0 0 o o o 0 4 0 0 ti e 0 0 0 0 O 0 0 0 go go o e Go Go 0 0 0 0 0 4 0 o 0 4 0 a 4 0 0 0 00 0 0 L Iti m L .1 It ALA-1 V 1111 -A- 1, 1, AA 19 Q 10 U46- I I I I f..& lit ... /-D v4plot "PrItti'll .~ .."Pt.p.ts I.W. food volulit of the *xtraded tobitow-oood grits. .,ViktW -Li~,AInfirajdaidli Kia-it,fook. It, vittil. tolmuvo-limi pits contaffird waltr lA hill, 00 crudt ptutrin 1AA-M.7, crud, fat OLK 4 1, "wir h1virf, 11,14-28,11, -17.9 and 4sh $.It 00 a N-Irre ru. 12.4 VM11"S CIP11. on Alerp lifit'"V411 digirtIfittle omir pf"16n 00 a Z7,5"'. tfil"Ohle onitte (at 1.7%, diV%tib1,, clud, h1wr .10, -kmI 'ho'111,10 %'.her r%l 1"; .11 0 * 41%41 jar% Vallie.j.* .00 A 0 .00 01111 00 41110 Joe* It U S 40 00 it I S 5 OW 0 li N Is 0 it to it OK saw* Rfftf unkton 1 14 d"@ III a 0 a * * 0 4 0 4 0 0 * 0 0 * a 0.0 4 0 0 0 9 0 0 0 111 0 0 0 0 6 * 0~ o goo 00 0 00 o q 0 0 o o 0 0 0 o 4 o 0 ~4 a * a o 0 0 00 0 0 0 00 0 111 0 0 f 9 0 707i FO-0 A A 6 1 1 1 111 It U 11 w it N I V axe mvjs)q~wp U a 10 a is A! p IN 0 it 41 it IN ell! 0 A,&,-jL A a I a - . 1 11 11 " 11 1, -AL-L I L A A F 2 It I I . u I m 0 M pp (I i 4 w '.V i.0 (,Not@I IN. The C~mpneltiom mind ft*dh4 value of the hey ot kidney wetcb. y mrilaincd timsturr Id, ctude Pr- IIIJ-11A, pule pruicim 9.4-H 6. cfude IAI 1.14-2 1. Mide fitwr 31 2-4.1, S4tre ell. 9 &,,'1 a-h ', I ll~ With .11rep KAVO K.71~_ Imling r%V. A SIAFJI valliv j kj.'*11. And 4U, ".ditt"llble P.1fr pmt~lrl. S. S. .1, I-I.Ar X00 =Go 00 00 j ass zoo 00 40 go 0 as* ::99 tso --- rig 0 Z- bill, 0 ITAWPOGICAL UltRATU4111 CLAUSIFKATICIN t WOO _UU AV 00- -is J 0 it Of w n _11t-tIFT-~ T--7 it mg mto n 464 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 OT-09 0 0000000!0 0 so 0 0000900000*00101 so 0 0 0 0 :I ! 0 . so 000 0000060 ) * I W t~ 11 11 of 4 jV, * 0 0 00 0,0 9 0 0 0 9 0 #a 0 0 goe If 11 a )A h .~ P M ", k~ 11 00 b 'A -j A -L a a 9 1 v Y -1 1 1 AA f4 ~t Lt 1, 0 -.00 0* so 60 t; A at compositson and NO v1duo of Hootarian Meadow -00 hap. VIIAtur Kureler. messradsill KWWJlok U. originating from dif- .00 ferentp4nsailluviSarywmittvv-.tticated- Thvirchemk-al .00 roompm. ca"Imetl in It%% u"sture omttnt vmiv: cfudtf (a cmdr file, 1'.1. 1 21-0. pyotrin 7~21 12.0. (-rude tritrolm-free ext. 37.2-41M, m,h 7pufr two(tin so 01.8-11.170, disevible protein 3.1 7.17v. starch valut d h i t I 00 z 0j vell the ays are g .1.5 31.1. The IX)ISn" CC)nlpn%. I Mosily Afrostly dibu and Av praMviii were dinninam. . 1 ~J 00 0 fame mmpjc&lW)jkrjWrmj ~Waltmjj, WW M11.4plead', - ,3 VIN't were focind in Wx ,r anvounic S, S. de Finily 00 00 940 0 00 0 -00 00 4 .1 L A SCTALLt)P;K.k L,T1..TL4ff CLASSIFK&IICN lz I tr oil T o so t f 4-11 ' u is AT 00 At A An A s a ^It3 1 W I M 9it 1 4 9 0 * 0 0 0 0 0 00 ; rs 0 0 a 00 v 6 0 0 0 so 00 0 0 0 0 000 0 0 0 0 0 410 T- ell? I Off J. 11 L: U w w V 19 a 41 Q 0 .5 r! 0 I if r g A.- k k I I I a 1 0 1 C-4.s I - - 1. 1 400 Dits cm tho dmakal cmpoeltJoi ud le.4 ;.)us .1 -00 Hunorka Omdaw bayc it, Rosufts fif tavostigntiocs -0 of W04 dtaftib U 0 Vikut KurtLv. oe KWaWA14,1 W-0111~11)j c(. C. .1. 34, 71021.-Altcr- math4my'sawples,'cons6ting :mmly of 1',,.j P~wrmti~ and olber'grawn, rmt6tcd (cakil. W Ifl,", w4i-r cmi. trntl cru4s V~Xeio 9.4-11-1, cru& fAt IA I.I. VIII-491 filer 170-21.1, "b CA 11-9 And o%. , I.J - h i V. I- -21 The di"i4k t-twda o-nutA wAi 4 1 7,7%' Atill stxrcb r4ac cd the h4 y 17.?4 ;1 6. too 60 :,~Coo Zoo 00 r0 9 AAL! zoo I L A OtTALLIJ212KAL WFIOURF CLASUPK4110* c Z- L A I a* if .2 1 a U IS if K) is ri If ft or (C It 9 Ic (I It it x "10 11 1 1& 4 11*064:00 GOGAS 000 00000000000000000*0 *0000*041*000*41 00 0 0 Co 0 0 0 000 0 o o o 0 o 0 0 0 0 0 00000400*A T 31 Ids sly 11MVP Pilware A 4-0 Ikv CEM 6 00.4 mo"M U1. ftd =Iead*". Viktnr Kurviec wanguian faet.~M.44' 11". And P~Jlnl Rapt 0 C j;;C4wwt. Hun A(#Oc4&&iJgi KWWjA is 0-601042): d. rA!33. 76704. 40, MMI.-Tht w4nical and cbem. cwupv. of tt mmpln of hay from vari- m4 = of Huawy as repmed. vi. Viktor Kuiviec *40 wo acdohwK&wPaScbrAurA. Ad.17.143-440944). 00 --4Dri& wW botankW compa. of lnvwipted 6 'A nm(4" .00 sea was.. R) mesanumkno, 34% roe pftkwii 21 - Usa-e it T Bvr-, I , P. PrOkiltig. W%'VACfd$hJ ftf"w 18% 00-t aiva; sumw, 07% A. d1bd., (4) lWo(epussu. of floglobigy chawta, 4()% PsiticrIs poinadm", Wj 00 Kegarid gr"Ws, (6) Turicave, 25% P. Psoa,wiw. 22 ment of L&vu 33 -0 P. Prakwil; (a) Nalykuna, govima F. pwakstis, 2D P. Prakatit; (7) M7. 009 Pwrmns- and (a) Saloravir. 40% 5A'-=.wut 16% P. 0 e Is. chem. goalywo val"I. to 11179 flulitture v.-1. r.4111= romp.: 9.0. 6.3,,12-0.9-2. 10.0, stul A (17? 00 raw protda. 3.6. 1.9. I.8. 4.5. 0.6. 3.9. 4.0, and 3.8'a 000 digntible ein; 2.5. 2.1. 2.0. 2J, 2.2, 3.1, 2.5, and 2.67, MW Vtu 29-V M4-0 jt25.8, 20.5, 24.8, 220.& 23.1. and - MW Abet* I. A, 41.8, 3&1, 3d.4. 38.4. 40.4. 400 19.9 Mimi 13.6% N-fr'" mbet- a 9 10A 7~'I, 7.3. a A Otitrq 7.11, 9.0, " 73% &#b; $4.0 0. *34 23 0 2R U. 29.0 RIF) and 34.1 ka. starth ;Wd;t.* 141'vln Finkly WOO u u 'we 10 As i it A 1i It it a Oil a 00 I's 09 We 0 77~ .. 6::10941600906064169069090 AN I v C" a 31 a 31 14 x a v A If a a 4 S 14 X L M a % ex Ar a Ts I L fly ON 'fuj"I PIPIVINWI 9 91 UJA j z TWjj sIWnj3%d*, A-4 00 pp" -wit of 0, p t1pu3H It 1, '7 -Wjq.I 0 00 W( 'it' 'Yjjftq.,N, _~ so. 'Al 11 aavqq;~ 00 0 0~: WwPwftnH 10 60nivA SAI31JR19 P.. 186POW j" of Ip 00 IP 00 00. or 60 Oo W_ W_ W, -1yr- A 4 1 1 V-I-W- Ir -1 1 W 9 0 11 11 ago 691 41 owl N 00900000000000 of. 0 0 o1 CA I be compoamen and ("ding Tidal of Iluft8firian m*adolw hayll. Wittar Kurt I Moak Scholit (kt-4. tilm. Artimmil Ac-,iPladowany 1, W 9- bS 1949),-Eigbi types of bay. imitin ling it% Nyurlybita, )AL"twirt!"Y' %ttvk. nottrocTUCT. &I-Irntpiltir, Nagy. I"ki. Ka"v6lgy, and Kitiblesk,l weir irsanul. IwAtinbrAll anti chemically and the f"-Jing valuest stetil. in stilits with ,beep. The dominiting plant types I" the X hays were i Arrimilit alW (1), M%, (2) 1 41%t (3) Arepy-am rrprej N)%. (7, ) 1411%, and (S)i 11 rr'l' The led. ost the bani, of lff'~ natoturr cuis- "'W""Us t' . ".64: .if 1-ot I 1d" I'mirio M3. It 1, " :4. 7.4. 7.7. to (I. V. 1, (11r2t7e, Mule fm 6, 1 x. I ~i. 2.2. 2.2, 1.9,3 mitle tjIWT WA, ~11 1. 2-5.4, 2MA. 29.4 n,-N-Irt-c ext. 44.8, 37.5, 4117. 10 0, 42 It, AR H, 39.3,36.4%. ash 7A. S. 1, a 2. 7 N, 7.4, 7.41, 3.3, 6 L"" I.fixtatflile protein 3A, 6.4. 2.8. 2.7, 2.7, 4.0. 3.9, 1 7%: mid starch value 32.3, 30A, Zi 14, '-14 '21. 1-13 1. 2(1 1. 1.14 :1, 1.19 kg, The empa. of feces of sheep 1"I the above hAVv w.ts: water M.W412.00J. ors. m4ttef,11M 0 94, mi-le pro- frin 3.23-4.70, stulde 0. 15-0.53, cirmle (at (-ruile W)" 11 21-17.70, N4r" ext. 14 12 17.41. ind ash :173- it '217%. - - i-tvin Finlow r-A !C#.*,*:;.,Ai.Aixi~i.:..-1951~C4-00ct~ V~, --I VIV w Vs IP- aw i 3 E law i9.4 fil 8',~fll MUM,] A o8f I a bi 01 1 1 5 Z ev ~'R t 6. 1 7. K'Ir,itut, Vki,~r, As 1,161WA baltAga dk Ie&dICytpekfc%. [I-Ifcct if we,ttilo -t 'jJ]Jrd;. '11110alm9t, 58(4):205 213, jmy-'Aug. 19554. A (-.k ~.. 6 AA-, p. YjS. 1.111-DII-It is 4iolvli that f,~' arh niiit;!-P".~cr , i nw~60.1"' 'CC- j ccrt.lir. xiinwit tA dlr. I., the -1c,tation, frWil Lli'Al gllitr-ll ilfTl-litl- 4A t-1, [._5 cuwlitl,m~ and I Jai ill J)'HtUrc gum ill carll d 11"t are defirwd ill t---,rtq c! alb oi'~ .1!;,j 'f Nakv- 'lilisildone"ll tr'Tr.;','j.~t'jjr V~AU;!Llf-r M-1-01- md "f ~' dicinical aaaly~is of a numixt 0 joitw~ Kr.,~:i t.~Rtplt-,q Suticri ift.:Jtr~.v PreciPitation effect8-Traml. abiftij,1.