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Stilt] N, OF I, I I p- i.rltnw; j ty 0 J, ,%-rily ... S/ I ~.,()/O,!/o I -,/oo 1 /o I ~~/o I
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to 'N
U M I ['T 1' 1) a~ 1) 1 ('tit 11)
Card ?/:~,
A ', CIASDIM-3 Pi-4/
L 12607-6), E1dT(1)/EWG(k)/BDS/EEC(b)-2 AF-'
Pz, 4 AT/1JP(C)/JT__._
ACCESSION hMs AP3001(,15 S/0030/63/000/005/0007/0019
V (Academician);.
AUTHORt KurdT _QA~M!yaTI, YqA.(Candidate of Physical and
'ITLEt Some aims and groaLle in the istudy.or solid-state physics
~SOURCE: AN SSSR. Vestnik, no. 5, 1963, 7-19
~TOPIC TAGSr olectronic structure, crystal formation# magnetic phenomenon, high
~ABSTWXT: The Academy of Sciences Is undertaking extensive reoraaniza-,.;ions of the
iinstitutes concerned with solid-state physics, These are to deal with the extra-
,ordinary increase in the scope of this sciencep particularly In the fields of
microwave spectroscopy, quantum microwave electronics, marmetic and structural
,neutron diffraction snalynis, semiconductors, low-temperature physics, spectroscopr,~
band the phenomonoloTical mechanics of strenath and lasticity. Soviet science must':
:make an increased effort to study the followinot I~ the electronic structuro of
solid states, emphasizing the energy structure of the electronic spectrum in solid
-states; 2) the influence of inclusions and defects in the crystal structure on
solid-state propertien; 3) crystal formation, where the study, aided by chemistry
Card :L/2
L 12607-63
ACCESSION 11R: AP3001615 0
and mineraloV, falls into two win groupst (a)-theoratidal and experimental studiesl,
:of the genecis and iTrowth of natural crystalst and (b)-their synthetic production;
the physics of ma-,netic phenomana--of importance in geophysics and still poorly
,understood; 5) solid-state physics at high prossuroap and 6) the physics of
strength, concerned, among other things,, with the effect produced by high-energy
radiation on solid-state structures and their properties, The Frosiditun of the
Academy of Sciences, SSSR, strongly supports these endeavors and solicits the help
.of the various chemical institutes. It has long been evident that the Academy
~nteds a special design office and an experimental station to pfroduco special 6qkdP-1
ment for the study of solid-state physics. The lack of specialists and technicians
,in this field Is drawn to the attention of all concerned.
SUBMITTED: 00 DATE AM 21Jun63 F_4CLz 00
OThERz 000
Card -212
Fine crystal structure-of mld-deformed, high-carbon at-eel.
Fiz, met. i metalloved, 15 no,2%241,-253 F 16.1.
(MIRA 16-W
1. Institut metallofiziki TSentrallnofro nauchno-issledovatel'--
skogo instituta chernoy metallurgii.
(Crystal lattices)
-K~VX c~ OSIPIYAN Y-a.A., 1,,,,ind, nauk
_ZNQV,$ G.V.,- akademil
Some results and future prospacta of DoIld tjlwit~) pbyvica.
Vest. AN SSSR 33 no.5:7-19 My 163. (MIRA 16:6)
AUTHORS: Kardonskiyj V. M.; Kurdyumov, G. V.; Porkas, M. D.
TITLE: Influence of size and form of cementite particles on structure
and properties of steel after deformation
SOURCE: Metalloved. i term. obrab. metalloy, no. 2, 1964, 2-8,
plus insert bet. pp. 24 & 25
TOPIC TAGS: steel properties, cementite particles plastic flow,
lamellar cementite, cementite) cementite cryotal
ABSTRACT: The purpose of the present work is to study the influence
of cementite form (lamellar or globular) on the formation of the
fine steel structure during plastic flow (including dislocation).
Steels with a carbon content of 0.1, 0.4 and 1% were studied. After
various degrees of deformation the steel structure was studied by
X-ray and electron-microscope methods. After deformation, the shape
of the cementite substantially influences the structure of steel
and its mechanical properties. During plastic flow of steel with
globular cementite, the fine structure of ferrite is similar to the
structure of deformed carbon-free iron, and their dislocation
structures are similar. The shape, size, and internal structure of
cementite cr-Istals are only sli,~;htly changed in the process of
plastic flow. It was determined that the work hardening of steel
during deformation is not related to carbon content and corresponds
to the increase i:i strength of carbon-free iron. Lamellar, unlike
globular cementite, contributes to the derivation of a more dispersed
ferrite substructure during deformation. Plastic flow of cementite
crystals also occurs, resulting in the formation of a fine structure.
Most of the eutectoid grains are crushed in the deformation process,
with lamination disappearing. In those areas where lamination is
maintained, there is a thinning of cementite crystals and a decrease
in inter-lamellar spacing. The effect is more clearly expressed than
the dispersed eutectoid before deformation. Increased eutectoid dis-
persion contributes to the derivation of a more developed'fine struc-
ture of ferrite and cementite. Orig. art. has: 8 Figures, 1 Table.
Card 2/3
Card 3/3 -
DATE ACQ: 03Mar64
-P I
ENCL: 00
OTHER: 003
T QW 1 F.
ACC NRs AR6017263 SOURCE CODE: UR/0058/0O0/Ol2/Eo65/Eo65
AUTHOR: Kurdyumov,_G. V~._
TITLE: Hardened state of metals
SOURCE: Ref. zh. Fizika, Abs. 12E508
REF SOURCE: Sb. otr. In-t metalloved. i fiz. metallov To-entr. n.-i in-ta chernoy
metal.lurgii, vyp. 36, 1964, 7-27
TOPIC TAGS: metal hardening, steel structure, plastic deformation, alloy steel,
martensitic transfomation,.austenite
ABSMACT: Th article gummn izes the results of research on the nature of the
hardened sta The following questions are #nsidered: 1) hard ing of steel
by quenching~,2) hardening of pure metals an ingle-phase so i ns: 3)
g 0 , ) the saw xuider thermomechanical
harde:in f tiel under plastic deformationfl +
worki g in th: ~ se of alloyed steel; $) hardening as a result of a martensitic
transformation ollowed by aging in the case of carbon-free alloys of iron; 6)
hardening of austenite of carbon-free alloys. Bibliography, 39 titles.
[Translation of abstract)
SUB CODE: , 11
;,-,-7 - - TV I -,
~v 4
, j - - i I
. . .., ii t)~iliavlov In ha-rdenod atool. V!AaLioved. 1. term. obr, mote
ro .,' - 3-8 Ag 165. (MIRA 1839)
..~.. T,~t~ntrallnyy naucchno-tassledovatellskiy imititut chernoy
mo tal Lurgli,
.-L -- - 03/JD/GS
At-I.; NKi 1Vr5023'9 SOURCE CODE: UR/0000/62/O00/oou/oi6u/ol67
ALITHOR: Batenin.j. V.; Illina, V. A ; Kritskaya, V. K.; Kurdyumov. G. V.;
. 1B. V.
ORG: none
TITLE: Investigation of the esfect-of neutron on the fine crystalline structure and
properties of twtals and alloys
SOURCE: Soveshchaniye po prcblenx- r~-ystviyc yndernykh izlucheniy na materialy.
I.bscow, 1960. Deystviye yadernykh iziucheniy na mLterlaly (Tne eff*e'ct-qjt_qM_qj~~4qr.
radiation on materials); doklady soveshchaniya. Wscow, Izd-vo AN sssR, 1962,
16o-167 14,
TOPIC TAGS: copper, iron, chromium, iron alloy, nickel containing alloy, chromium
containing alloy, tunasten containing alloy, metal strucLure, alloy structure,
neutron irradiation, irradiation effect
CT: Copper iron ' al chromium annealed at 1#00, 600, and 900C, respectively,
n~!Fe- 17
'0and Fe-W hIloys annealed at 600, 6oo, and 650C
Lk, Fe-Cr, respectively,
were irradiate-d with an integrated neutron flux of about 1020 an~ 102 11/CM2 at
80C. Irradiation caused a noticeable widening of interference x-ray lines in copper
and iron resulting from fragmentation of coherent portions of the crystalline
lattice (block) (5 x 10-6 and 8 x 10-6 cm in copper and iron, respectively) and from
t~ie presence of elastic microdeformationa (1 x 10-3 and 0.65 x 10-3 in copper and
Card 112
ACC NRt AT5023793
iron, respectively). In the Fe-Ni alloy the widening of interference lines was much
smaller, and rione was observed in chromium and in the re-Cr and Fe-W alloys. Irradi-
ation increased the microhardness of all the Investigated metals and alloys; the
increase varied for different metals and grew larger as flux density increased from
1020 to 1021 n/CM2. The microhardness of the irradiated Fe-W alloy practically did
not increase with a cold deformation of up to 60-70 deg, while that of the unirradi-
ated alloy increased significantly with deformation, regardless of its magnitude.
In the irradiated and iLiirradiated Fe-Ni alloy the changes in microhardness with
cold plastic deformation were practically identical. The initial difference
(AH;~45 units) in the microhardness of the irradiated and unirradiated Fe-Ni alloy
practically disappeared with a 30-40-deg cold deformation, after which the changes
in microhardness followed a conveqtional course. A similar pattern was observed
for irradiated and unirradiated chrorrium, except Viat the initial difference (AH)
was 30 units and it decreased to zero after a '(0-80 deg deformation. Investigation
of the dependence of the microhardness onfhe annealing temperature showed that
the nature of the crystal lattice defects 1ereated by plastic deformation differed
substantially from the nature of the defects creatted by neutron irradiation. The
former were much more stable-, hence, weakening of irradiated metals began at appre-
ciably lower annealing temperatures. Orig art. has: 15 figures.
SUB CODE: 11, 20/ SUBM DATE: l8Aug62/ ORIG:REF- 001
Cord ~P 12
..L oo850-66 INP C) JD
ACCESSION NR: AP5020702 UIR/01P-9/65/000/008/ i 0008.
AUTHOR: Kurdyumov, G. vw'_.r~
TITLE: Behavior of carbon in hardened steel
SOURCE# Metallovedeniye illerrAcheekaya obrabotka metallov, no. 8, 1965.-, 3-8
TOPIC TAGS: carbon behavior, hardened steel, martensite transformation) super-
saturated solid solution, carbon segregation, Epsilon carbidep Alpha ironp face
centered lattice, body centered lattice, dissolved carbonp tetragonal Martenoite
ABSTRACT- A result of the rapid change from a face-centered to a body-centered~
iron lattic ~Oaccurring in the presence of a martensitic mechanism of austenite i
transformation,, the entire carbon dissolved in the austenite is retained in the
solid solution and in the martensite. In this strongly si~persaturated solid solu-':
tion) immediately after its formation, processes of carbon segregation begin to
take place. The rate of this process in largely a function of temperature. In
the presence of a high initial temperature of martensite formation Mi these pro-
cesnes may occur to a marked extent afl early as during the cooling involved in
hardening the steel. This may account for the fact that the roentgenograms of
simple carbon steels containing less than 0.6% C do not show the split lines char-
acteristic of the tetragonal lattice of martensite. Studies of hardened steel and
Card 113
L oob5o.46
ficanion NR-. AP502070P
of the ProCeSSCS occurring In martcnaite durir~3 heating have so far paid little q
attention to the effect of defeats of the crystalline structure on the behaViOr IfJ
dissolved carbon. On the basis of a literature survey and his own experiments)
the author concludes that the carbon in neutron-irradiated iron gets segregated at
temperatures as low as 500C; no Intermediate e-carbide in observedp and cementite
forms In the region of -250*C* Thus it may be assumed that in irradiated iron the
C atoms in the region of -50% are absorbed by the vacant sites. A calorimetric
investigation has shown that thp bonding energy between the C atom and the vacant
site exceeds its bonding ener;af't1n e-carbide: this rccounts for the failure of c-
carbide to form in irradiated iron, The transition of the tetragonal martensite
lattice to a lattice close to t)p lattice of a-iron) observed at room temperatures
particularly in nickel steels.,), tq JkWibutab 1e, to the decay of martensite and seg-:
regation of e-c bide, the migr of C atoms to the defects of the crystalline
lattice of martensite dislocat ons vacant sites, boundaries between twins)p and
the transition of the or ere a gnment of C atoma in the solid solution to a dia-:
ordered alignment. Further Investigationa are still needed in orderto solve the
question of the nature of the transformation of tetragonal Martensil(e. This is of
major practical Importance considering that the tempering processesFtould then be
varied according to the state of carbon In the iiir_te_nsiV_e_p_r1_o_r__t_o tempering. In
Card .2/3
CESSION NR:~ AP5020702
i particularo the prior plastic deformation of martensitep leading to its major
1 1
structural changea, results in higher strength properties on subsequent tempering.
Orig. art. hati: 1 photo.
KH Ru sov: o14 OTHEM 007
-ardan(~d 3tato of umitaIg
r s 3 u c; r,
~i 7
heurianical pro"'Ortioa wore Investigated between
'I~kcl no, afii nc, t- Lon of rnuart-.P~),,
13 qI 't7~
--y cx--.Tu va-uu P-LuE;u T-juvu i-m -mcructse
4 iardnoa,- is obv iously oonno atod wi t. h 0 1 oil -oc in thn
i I,)'
ion of tho dis'-nivel r,.I-t~ms ani
lar, t` tu t me ta I love-jen i YT, ii
-ice! MetallurFy rald
~D-11, Ell.
Card 3/3
a re~,~on
TSYGANOV, R.Ya.; ULAZOVSKIY, V.A., red.; TOK111, A.N., red.;
KADIL'RIKOVAp A.F. . red.;_jXRDXUKQ7V, G.V. , red.; YGU110 I
Ye.1.1 red.; BA11UNSMY, A.Vop red.
[Introducing new e uipment and the achievements of sci-
ence into industr-yi Vnedrenie novoi tekhniki i dostizhe-
nii nauki v proizvodstvo. Volgograd, 1963. 215 P.
(MIRA 18:3)
1. Volgograd. Institut inzhenerov gorodskogo khozyaystva.
ON NR: AP5005888
Doklady, v. 160, 3
q A- z n
cobait allo-v, temperature
t: ov wi th L t ompi, r
AGIKIEV N'ikoluy Vladimirovich, nagrazliden ordenom Lc-nina, dvur-~ru
ordenami Tmdovogo Krasnogo Zrumeni, mr-dal Iyu Za dlo~'-
leotnyy trud v Velikoy Otechestvennoy voyne, otv. red.;
KURDJU~'-OV V,,_Akademik, red.; ODING, I.A., red.
-T-de-ce-aseld; PAVLOV, I.M., red.; ZUDIII, I.F., hand. tekhn.
nauk, red.
LOtudy of steelo and alloys] Insledovaniin ctzLlei i spla-
vov. 1-I'oskvaj Naukaj 1964. 390 P. (IMIRA 17:")
1. Moscow. Institut r.,etallurgli.2.Chlen-koi,i-espondent
AN S~-SR (for Odin, Age-vev, Pavlov).
Effect of size and shape of cementite particles an the structure
and properties of steel following deformation. Metalloved. i
term. obr. met. no.2:2-8 F164 (MIRA 17:7)
1. TSentrallnyy nauchno-issledovatellakly institull- chtrno7
mot&llurgii imeni Bardina.
AUMOR: Dckhtyar, 1. Ya.; Levina, D. A.; Mikhalenkov, V. S. - Kurdyumov,
G. V. (Acadernician)
TITI:E: Annlhilntioa of positron and electrons in plastically deforme4 spectra
SOURCE: All SSSR. Doklzdy*, v. 156) 1100 41 lg(-)fp 795-798
T,Or'LC TAGS: electron positron annihilation apectra, plastically deformed matal..
nickel iroa alloy, electron energy distribution
PURSMICT: The authora used flie incithod of clectron-pocitron annihilation in
mctals for the studY Of the effect of plastic det'ormntioa on electronic,ptructurel
since the jr~xanihilatioa spectra gives infomation about the energy distxributio'n~of
electrons in meta:~,7,. The study wa-,; conducte-d on nickel and iron-nickel alloy of
invar com- th
por,ition bccausa I e physical p-Lope;_-I;ies of there metals- axe determained
'by the interaction wad distribution o:r d- and a-clectronc, and because the contri-
bution. of (1-clectrons to the annihilation Bpectra. in considerable. The =thod was
de-sc,ribed by the authora earlier ~Voprooy* fiz. uot. 1. metalloved, no. 12, 46 .
(1961)) The positron source was Nd"-2. The cpecimen were deformed by rolling to
about 7~p iwA ware omealed in exgon at 950C for 3 hours, The angulox distribution
;of gamma-rayo vas measured vith a scintillation counter. In the region of
=ximaun, the annihilation radiation was larger for deformed specimen than for the
annealed ones. The results are qualitatively interpreted in temB of the influence
of the redistribution of s- and d-clectrona in the distorted regions of the
,crystals --round dislocations., and a subsequent redistribution of electronic
,MM,:,Mt06. orig. art. hast 1 figure.
;MOCLUI qM - InGtitut metallofiziki., Akadt--mii nalik USSR. (Inatituto or PhyDica
of MletalB ~ Academy of Sciences WSR)
SU-ZIaTrM: Waa64 KiCL: 00
SUB CODE-. NP, M NO Pa GO1h* 005 003
-AleaSSION NR; APId4-1146 8/0020/04/156/004/0792/0794
AVMOR: Alfintsev., Ge A, Ovaiyenko, D. Ye.; Kurdyumov, G. V.
TITIZ: Study of the macbenJ am of growth of gallium crystals from the melt
SOUZM AN SSSR. Doklady*,, Y. 256, no. 4, 1964,, 792-794
:TOPIC TAM. crystal growth, Rallium crystal growth, crystal growth theoryp
C17stallographyp deformation affect
ABSTRAM Tba purpose of this work was an investigation of the kinetics of gallium,
crystal growth. The spacim= was 0.5 mm Uick. Liquid gallium was maintained at.
a desired constant temperature by nw-ana of a ultrathermostat. Tba growth of tba
(001) face of the crystal was observed with an MIX-6 miscroscope. It was found
that tba rate of growth, at the same mount of undercooling &Tp is very eensitive
to deformation of the primary crystal* If vibratfoas which levA to deformatioa of
solid gallium ar-a avoidedp the crystals did not grow even at a considerable A T.
For Instance# at AT -_ 0*4W,, no growth was ob arved during ovA hour. At
d T - 0.760o -Pa. rate of growth was 1-56 x Mvsac At A T a 0.63C,, :Um growth
was -le28 x-20"Weeoe befom defoncatAmj, ania 2 x 10~~xao. after deformation*
AccE=cm NR: Ap4o4n46
:The grovth an a function of A T Is In agrommt, vith the tbeory of grovtb b
y t"
(ZS - Pb
dl=ntional mucUl ouggatood by VQlmwr olo ale -Yv- Chm- A 354, 97 (1931))-
'Tha periphaml awrgy Is a=pdad to be 4e6 x 10"`7*rSfam* 'orig. art. base. 3
sumaTm: 96.Tan& ENCL.. 00
so CME: 10 IUW SWs 002 004
Arch-frame livestock barns. Zhivotnovod3tvo 21 no.11:66-68 N '59
(HIRA 1):))
1. Glavuyy inzhener Altayakogo krayevogo, nroyektnogo inatituta (for
Toporov). Naeballnik otdela E~eIts1kokhozyayatvennogo proyektirova-
niya Altayakago krayevogo oroyektnogo initituta.
(Barns )
ACC __ N-R.- rA-- - --- --------
I AP601962'. I A9_ SOURCE CODE: UR/00,18/66/030/002/0292/0300
AUTHOR: Kurdyumov, I.V.; El I Samarai, S.Kh.; Smirmov, YU.P.; Shitikova, K.V.
'ORG: none
'TITLE: Dipole photoabsorption in U-6 /Report, Fifteenth Annual Conference on Nuclear
:Spectroscopy and Nuclear Structuri-,-hold at to 2 February 1
:SOURCE: AN SSSR. Izveatiya. Seriya fizichoskayA, v.30, no. 2, 1966, 292-300
iTOPIC TAGS: nuclear reaction, nuclear structure, nuclear shell model, gamma ray
absorption, lithium, nuclear energy level,
:ABSTRACT: The authors have employed the translation invariant oscillator potential
shell model of Yu.F.Smirnov lpd X.V,Shitikova6 (Izv. AN SSSR, Sor. Fiz., 27, 1442 (1963)~
to calculate the dipolo photoubsorption of Li as well as ~he cross section for the
6 ;'E-K76:Cfiit-i-o-n-~~babilitios in the Li (p,2p)HO6 reaction of odd
U _,LjLi rcactiop,..~,
1106--states analogous to the M6 states of interest in connection with the photo-
;absorption wore also calculated by the method of V.V.Bolnshov and A.N.Boyarkina (Nucl I
lPhys. 38, 629 (1962)) and X.Diotrich (Phys. Lett., 2, 139 (1962)), and the energies of
ithe LO states were determined by compari-ig the Ho6 calculations with experimental
;data. The photoabsorlition calculations wore effected by diagonalizing, togother with
the spin-orbital interaction, the matrix for the residual two-particle interactions,
Card 1/2
ACC NR-. AP6019621
!assumed to have a Gaussian radial dependence. The calculations were performed for the
;two exchange force variants of Serber and Rosenfeld and for several values of the spinJ
!orbital coupling constant. The results did not depend strongly either on the spin-
:orbital coupling or on the exchange force variant. The energy of one LO state was
!evaluated as 16.6 MeV by comparing the He6 calculations with the experimental data of
J.P.Garron et al. (Phys. Rev. Lett., 7, 261 (1961)) on the L17 (p,2p)Ho6 reaction,
;and three groups of LiB photoabsorption levels were found in the 10-12, 16-25, and
.~1-35 MeV regionr. It is concluded that it is possible to locate in a unified way
!with the aid of the present model all three groups of Li levels that arc observed to
~bo excited in dipole photoabsorption. According to the present calculations the only
i 6 3
~Li levels that can disintegrate into a He nucleus and a triton have energies between
1,16 and IS MeV;, therefore the conclusion of Ye.D.hiakhnovskiy and A.P.Komar (I)okI.AN
iSSSR, 156, 774 (1964)) that these levels are located in the 21-23 ideV region is
Idoubtful, and further experimental investigation of the photodisintegration of L16 ~s
Idesirablo. The authors thank V.V.Bulashov, V.G.Heudachin, and N.P.Yudin for dlscuu�~ons
land valuable advice. Orig. 4 figures and 2 i;ables.
Card 2/2 hs
Spray gun for lubricating molds in the manufacture of glass
containers. Stak, i ker. 13 no.9:29 6 056. (MIJIA 9 110)
(Glass manufacture--Equipment and supplies)
(Spraying squIpmant)
d k'
iAUTHOR: Kudryumv, K.-P,
TITM An Improved Conveyor Grid for Annealing Furnaces (UsovershenBtvovanraya
konveyernaya setka d1ya otzhigatel'rWkh pechey)
PERIODICAM Steklo i Keramika, 1957, Vol. 14, No. 1, pp. 26-27 (U.S.S.R.)
ABSTRACT% The proper operation of annealing furnaces In glass plants depends upc-i
the rate of wear of conveyor grids. Due to their erroneous design.,
the existing grids elongate and narrow down to 800 and 900 mm.,, instead
of to the required 2.100 mm.,, which results in a 20% decrease in pro-
duction,, and the grids have to be replaced every 5 - 6 months, Fig, 1
shows the standard type grid made of 3.0 - 3.5 mm. wire interlaced
into loops 600 mm. wide and interconnected with ramrods 3.0 - 3.5 Mai. in
diameter. Fig. 2 shows a new type grid designed by E. M. Voykhanskiy,
1. P. Andreyev., and M. A. Nikitin, employed at the Moscow Mechanical
Shops (Rosglavkonserv). This grid, by virtue of its design, will in
the opinion of designers eliminate all of the above-mentioned short-
comings. Data obtained from soveral glass factories using this now
Card 1/2
An Improved Conveyor Grid for Annealing Furnaces
type grid indicate that this grid has been used satisfactorily for
over a year without replacement., and has resulted in better per-
formance and efficiency of annealing furnaces as well as a
significant saving of metal,
There are no references.
Card 2/2
KURDYUKOVI__~.~- pskya)
A~_ -
Problem of reliability of switching devices. A70M.i
talem. 21 no.4:533-541 Ap 160. JKIRA 1):6)
(Switching theory)
USSR /Engineering - Hydraxxlics, Water Jun 51
"Structure of Natural Water System," L. D. Kurd-
yumov, Sec on Sci Study of the Problems of Water
Econ, Acad Sci USSR
"1z Ak Nauk SSSR, Otdel Takh Nauk" No 6,
PP 887-899
Attempts to establish theoretically definite regu-
larities in structure of water systems, erpress-
ing them by formulas connecting discharges and
drainage areas of tributaries. Discusses classi-
fication of rivers and effect of pbysicogeographi-
cal. factors on structure of water systems.
USSR /Engineer ing - Hydraulics, Water Jun 51
Sources (Contd)
Demonstrates application of formulas to calcg
hydraulic power resources of small vater streams.
Submitted by Acad A. V. Vinter.
SA.MOYIOV, I.T.. otvatetyennyy red.; XURDYUKOT, L.D., otvetstvennyy red.;
TIRKAW, M.S., tekhn. red% '
(Problems in hydrology] Toprosy g1drologii. [Moskral 19R. 231 P,
(MIRA 1117)
1. Moscow. Universitet. Geograficheskly takulltet.
;x ~[ r: -v T 7 V I , -I- i I
. , - -N -I- - -,-- - .
Structure and homogeneity boundary of tantalum carbides. Dokl.AN SSSR
96 no-3:557-560 My '54. MRA 7:6)
1. Pisiko-khimichaskiy institut im. L.Ya.Karpova.
Predstayleno akademikom G.V.KurdyumOTyM.
(Tantalum carbide)
GIBSHMAN. Yejq., redaktor; DZHUNKOVSKIY, N.N., rodaktor; YEGOROV, P.A.,
inzhener, redaktor: NITROPOL'SKIY, N.M., professor, redaktor;
FUSHTORSKIY, Ye.I., inzhener; ROYER, Te.N., inzhener;
POLIVANOV, N.I., dotsent; KURDTUMOV, M.D., inzhener;
OSTROVIDOV, A.M., lnzhsner-~ inzhener;
VOLKOV. V.P.. dotsent.
[Handbook on the planning. construction and operation of
city roads, bridges and hydraulic structures] Spravochnik
po proektirovaniiu, stroitelletvu i ekepluatateit gorodskikh
dorog, mostov i gidrotekhnicheakikh sooruthenii. Pod red.
X.1d.Gibahman, N.B.Dzimnkovskii, P.A.Igorov. Moskva, Izd-vo
Ministerstva kommunallnogo khoziaistva RSFSR. Vol. 1.
[Bridges] Mooty. Pod rod. N.M.Nitropolinkii, 1953. 984 P.
(MIRA 7:1)
(Bridges) (Tunnels) (Retaining walls)
-! )'~/' r -v'
AI&TFRIYNV, V.Ye., dotsent, kand.tokhn.nauk; KURDYUMOV, M.D., insh.,
ratnenzent; SiffSWV. V.V., kand.tekhn.nauk, retseozent; KOSYYURA,
G.G., kand.tokhn.nauk, retserizent; RUIAVA, M.M., dote., retsenzent;
DRAIalIKOV, A.M., doktor geol.-mineralog.nauk, reteenzent; KIRICHKO,
I.M., doteent, reteenzent; PCOEGAY10. I.M., inzh., retsenzent:
[Hydraulic engineering structures for cities] Gorodskie gidro-
tekhnicheakie -sooruzhaniia. Roskva, lzd-vo M-va ko-mun.khoz.,
1957- P64 P- (MIRA 11!7)
(Hydraulic engineering)
ANMIYNV, V.Ye., kand, tekhn. nauk; red.; PROTSIM,
D.Ie, red. Izd-va; GUROVA, O.A., tekhn. red.
[Protecting inhabited ~lac6e from floods3 Zashahita naae"-ennykh meet
ot zatopleniia. Moskva, Ixd-yo X-va kormin. kho7. RSFSR, 1958. 145 pq-
(Flood control) (MM 1197)
ITSKOUGH, L.B.. red.: PROTSMO. D.1.,
red.izd-va.. RAKITIN, I.T.,;
[Outoide wnter, sewer, nnd drainnge networks in relntion to city straRts;
referenne mnnual for contrnatorel Waruzhnve seti vodaprovoda i kanali-
zataii, vodostoki i porodnkle dorogi; onrnvochnoe uosobje proizvoditellu
rnbot. Moskv*R, lzd-vo K-va kommun. khoz. RSFSR, 1958. Mi p.(HIRA 11:9)
(Hunicipal engineering)
BORISOV, Aleksondr Prokoflyevich, kand.okonom.nauk; CHISTYAKOV, Pavel
Kikhaylovich, inzh.;-XUFX
_ MOT, K.D., red.; UCHITEL', I.Z., red.
iad-va; LELTUKHLI, A.A.,
(Hunici 1 economy in reservoir areas; technical and economic
a8pectale Gorodskoe khoziaistvo v zone vodokhronilishch; tekhniko-
ekonomichaskie voprosy. Koakva, lzd-vo K-va kommun.khoz.RSYSR,
1960. 286 p. (MIRA 13i9)
(Reservoirs) (Flood control)
ITSKOVICH, MqXk Leontly6ich; ~~~ Mikhail DmitrVeyicb,- GE2EITSVEY,
L.B.p red.; BOLOTIVA, A.V., red. izd-va; LELYUKRIN, A.A*, tekhn, redo
(Underground sewers and water pipes and their relation to m=Icipal
streetsj Podzemnye sanitarno-tekhnicheskie kommnikatsii i gorodskie
dorogi; spravochnoe posobie proizvoditeliu rabot. Izd.2o, perer, i
dop. Moskva, Izd-vo 14-va koumm.khoz.RSFSR, 1961. 286 (%.P!IRA 14:12)
(Sewerage) (Water pipes) (Streets)
G:I,U-,SIAI,SKIYt M.N., kand. tokhn. pauk- KCISTWAIROV, V.M., kand. teklin.
nauk; IJSKSAIiD.iOVSKIY, Yu.V., kand. telchn. nauk; KAIUCrODIII,
V.L.~ inzh.; KARAGODIRI, A.L., inzh.; ANUYIIYEV, V.Ye., karld.
tekhn. nauk; KUIMIREOV, M.D., inzh.; DZI[MIKOVSKII, II.N.j,
doktor S.K., kand. tekhn. nauk;
KEDROVI V.S... kand. tekhn. nauk; GIBSIMIN, Ye.Ye., prof., red.;
YEGOROVY P.A., inzh., red.; VARGAIIGVA, A.N., red. i2d-va;
LELYUKIIIN, A.A., tekhn. red.
[1..anual for the design, construction and operation of urgan
roads, bridges and hydrotechnical structures) Spravochnik Po
proekti-rovaniiu, stroitellstvu i ekspluatatsii gorodskikh do-
rog, mostov i gidrotekhnicheskikh sooruzhenii. Red. kol. E.E.
Gibshan, VX.Dzhunkovakii, P*A.Egorov. Iloskva, Izd-vo M-va
kom=.khoz. RSFSR. Vol.2 . [Hydrotachnica.1 structures] Gidro-
toklinichoskio sooruzheniia. Red. toma: N.11.4hunkovskii.,
I-I.D.Kurdiurnov. 1961. 706 p. (I4IIU 15-3)
(Hydraulics) (Hydraulic engineering)
040 million Americana threatened.* Sov.profsoiuzy I no.4:86-90 D 153,
(KLRA 6;12)
(United Statee-2migration and immigration law) (Bmigratiou and iml-
gration law-United States)
Awakened volcano. Sov. prof'soiuzy 19 no.l/,.s40-42 Jl 163.
(MRA 160)
(United Statefi-Negroes--Givil rights)
P, _:y - N-r,-z! a:,.d Pathol,,CIcal. S
USS, /Hunn.1 *.;1i11.1l
Lpiphatic Systen.
Abs J;ur Bef Mur Biol., ND 23, 1958, 1o5964
KrAyumov, 11,A.
Inst Da.,,cstan Medical Instttutc
Title F,nis Df Lyuphatic C-)nnectiois of the Orp-.~a of the
G-.v�-~-,j with the Kain Lymphatic C.)Ilcct:Drs
atid witI~. the Venwo Systcia
Ori[; Pub Sb. nauchn. tr. DaL;est. iicd. ill-t, 1956, 6, 189-191
Abstract In 22 cadavers 3f nowbDri and fetuses, it w3s sh3v-i
that the efferent lyrr
phatic vessels (ELV) in hwma leave
some )rGans by one r,);,,te (sex Glands), and Al-=5 by
several rititea (liver; the ELV leave it by throe r'LtCS).
The c--)llcct~)r lymph ducts comicetinC; the .)r(.piis with the
veaoLis systen con be of three types:
Card 1/2
- 20 -
USSR/Ilurmn and Aiii-,;al M:)rphjloLy - Rmml am! Pith,A)(,ical. S
Lymphatic Systen.
Ab s Joar Rof Zhur Bi-A., P.) 23, 1958, 1CJ5964
1) several (2-8) ELV --f an :)ri~an fluw LA3 XIO StOLI,
passinL; int:) the ve-.i-)us system; 2) )no ELV branches
out in several (2-8) collector vessels which, then,
unitinrj into one stem, pass into the venaus bad; 3)
several ELV ~)f the :)rj;.m unite in one c;)llcctDr vessel,
which aGain subdivides into 2-8 c.-)llect.jr vessels and
thell, after their c:)rtfluence, -.)ne sten is f)rued V-ich
jDins the ven-jus systeri.
Card 2/2
"I. PC
-..'I n
~TT 'r,
bration isolation, fuLmdatirn v I L,t
vIbratimial effecto c)f
.11V t
- f! n,%r-i ~o prrrridf, vlbr%` -Dn-I
1-4~ n fla -: o I~f~vxl
11501 7 696
ProperT-106 or Uiese springe &re (appra-dr-ately)t far v,f,p.
LC.- hoii~ht 380 M; ditiaoter 140-260 maxim-t Inn*
VOLOSEVICH, P.P. (Moskva); KMDXMW .- (Moskva); BUSURINA, L.N.
(Moskva); KRUS, V.P. (Moskva-V2--P
Solution of a one-dimensional plane problem involving the
motion of a piston in an ideally heat-conducting gas, Zhur.
vyoh,mat,i mat.fiz. 3 no.ltl59-169 U-F '63, (MIRA, l6j2)
(Gas dynamics)
A. A. (Mosca4); Kur-dyumoov. p
n g n a T,* unj w 'h
L'lUrnal Vy,~:hjSjjrCj'rjr,,-
-'i (j nq I Q7
ab n waves constructed.
c authors are gi-ateful to L. N.
OF 1W7
A " ~xo
a 016- 0 -i Ch 0-0 0 a to 0 0
0 ori-OW-6- 'luo-liIA-Co 0 6 0 0000 * 00 0 9 0 0
0, " 4 If i$ if 14 It x
! x k 1, M Ps 4 V a 11 -re
0 4 -
I r -L-L. a 0 r I 1 111 V t- PA 111 LX IV It, I aI F
c" A,- J!"t. 1 A 2, k 'I A --l'
0i Yefras In wbkh trater occurs in post is connection with
dryLo3 problems S. V. Kutdril""v. T~fyo.woj
- if the
ZO. No. 4. 18-220947T7
drying curve of peat,
oints err the %strr conirrils (11 of %&Ill
0 .
al in the depolit, (2) of the drained th-pollit, W) of the
A 1yaroft"pic. tit first ctilic-al point Ito which point life
0 frvifig rate 1% fairly cotist.). (4) of a 2nd critical polint ifn
00 %hikh the drying rate det-tkows %factually anti bryon.1
0 which it de"ca" sharply let the equil. moillture confecit,
00 where the rate becomes zero). To decfra%e the water
below this rqud. mitent, artHicial drying ill urce,-Ary.
9 .3 Z! ne water contents of peat at thew. chate,tcri%fic twinfli
! ut%rcl cut t
rry ituatirr) err, Imp., 1
, 2
The water Irlainvil by )Vat up to file fir.1 critical
point fre"rsat -1.A
; thatretitiordat the secorld critical
point Icapillary critter) freezes at -73% that retained at
the equil. point (adiforbed and chemically bound) cities P too
: not freeze at -75'. N1. lfc"eh WOO
tlo 0
is* 0
r I*
C I tloo
l6 I 'It.. 11.31, 63.01, 0
%to- 11 10
-3.~ .11 list 1jAlIl`]P`94
.1~111 lit a- lli
U 6 " so Is it I, a Is JA I 1 0 1W 0 a a I It of
0 Ka a a K a a If Ill KW A 1 1 X4
00 V: 000000 0 0 0 0 *io 0696 000600 0 0
SHEVCHEITKO, fa.O.; KURDYUMOV, S.V., redaktor. professor; RUDNITSIKA, P.P.,
redaktor; RAIdIliA, *j4._P.,__'t_ekhnicheskIy re"ktor.
[Local fuel resourcen of the Ukrainian S.S.R. and ways of using them)
Histeavi palvyni resursy UMR i shliakhy ikh vykorystannia. Kyiv,
Vyd-vo Akademii nauk Ukrainalkoi RSR, 1953. 25 P. (HIMA
CC E:7!: t I ,: 1 Qf- I- L. 7 '1 r-, 7
Ycii i 0 kFA
n Ti:.rL
1 '.rr. jli,,i puxt vr -mill
fh,allLcl V.,Ith 111c,111,71tirro, -,n1 rlla~~Xl arL
r o, AI -j-c
on a system of mechanizing operations of peat drying. Torf. prom. )0 no.
5:26-28 Xy 153- 44. (XLHA 60)
1. Ukrinstaplivo.
(Peat industry)
KLJRDrUMOV, S.V., kandidut tekhnicheskikh nwLk.
Kacbine for turning over excavated pent blocks.". 30 no.9:20-21
S '53. (MLdA 6:8)
1. Ukrinstoplivo. (Peat inctustx-.()
-- , I " f
iN J, ~ t, 1 1 )e 1, 7" -,. 71
GOLOVANOV, N.G., kandidat takhnicherkikh nsuk.
'Over-all mechanization of the winning of peat.* S.Y.Kurdiumov.
Reviewed by N.G.Golovanov. Torf.prom. 31 no.4:31 154. (XLRA 7:6)
(Peat machinery) (Kurdiumov, S.T.)
KMTUMOVI S.V., kandidat tekhnicheskikh nauk.
Over-all mechanization of peat enterprises of lov and medium ua-
pacity. Torf.prom. 31 no.6:1?-19 154. (MM ?:g)
1. Ukrainskiy nauchno-iseledovateltakiy institut mesinoy i toplivnoy
(Peat machinery)
MlEi rAMINC-73. i~crr. rculp Ind., rUccri),
Apro 13-15);" 11-0;---4 v~xtIolihns ar-) given cf u'.j
GIM-2 i-,a~.Ninnr. Trio Er-l fl,,Ij jz*ol
r c o,:!r rc. nd c
KMWYUMOV, S.V., kwididat tokhnichesklkh nauk.
Over,-all mechanization of unalectrified peat enterprises of small
and medium capacity. Trudy Inst,torf. AN BSSR 4:78-90 155.
(MLRA 9:3)
1. Ukrainskiy nauchno-issledovatel'skiy institut mestnykh vidov
(Peat machinery)
idat tekhnichegkikh nauk.
Ry - V.
Experiments with a now peat digger-roller. Torf.prom. 32 no.l:
11-12 155- (MLRA 8:3)
1. Ukrnitmeattopprom.
(Peat machiner7)
i `,~ I VV
FU',TIKDV,S.A.; CHMUIENOV, D.P.; BULATEVEM, N.V.; kandidat tekhnl-
Phaskikh nauk: SMIMARINK, K.K.: TSUPROV, S.A.: GIMIURG, L.N.*.
Sciontific and tacbnical conference on the work of the post Industry
of the MinistT7 of Electric Power Stations. Torf.prom. 32 no.2:1-20
155. MRA 8-5)
1. Zamestitall ministra alektrostantaiy (for Bausin). 2. Zamestitell
direlctom VNIITP (for Snkolov). 3. Zamestitell direktora MTI (for
Antonov. 4.2amestitell direk-tor "Okrniinanttopprom"(for lurdyumov).
5. Diraktor Inatituta torfa All BSSR(for Balikevich). 6. Uchallaik
Glavemergazapchasti MES(for Savirqkh). 7. Glgvvry inzhounr Iv&novske
go torfetreRt& (far Karakin). 8. Zamestitel' direktora MTI (for Soll,
Pov) 9. Upravlyayushchiy Shaturskogo torfotresta (for.Tefimov). 10.
Glavrqy makhanik Invanoovkogo torfotresta (for Tarovitsin). 11.
Gl&vny.v makh&nik Lentagradskogn torfotrmsta (for Rabkim). 12. Glavvyy
Inzhennr Ozaretzko-NaplyWevskogo torfoprodpriyatlya (for Babariz).
13. Glavn" inzhanAr Gorlt:ovskogo torfotresta (for Matveyev). 14 RU-
kovodit"ll laboratoril VNIITP (for Funikov). 15. Glavu" Inzbener
trmsta LnittorfoRtroy (for Chernankov).
(Continued on next card)
, i ~:." 1. ~, I, , f ., ! ~ " , , . , 1; ,1. :, .
I : 1: -]~] I ~ f ~~: ~ ~:~ ': - ~~ , ~
. .1 J ,
. : . .1 ~ ~:1 , , - -
Y*I- -~ ~- -- . .- - ~- ---- - - - - -
Sffl',7CffP,?TKO, Takov Aleksandrovich (Shavehanko, IA.0.1; KURDTUMOV. S.Y.. prof.,
red.; HOVIKOVA, G.O., red.izd-va; ZHMVSKIT, A.D.]
[Ways of devalnping the local funl Industry in the Ukraine]
Shliakby rozvytku mintnevoi palyvaoi pronyslovosti URSH.
KYiT, Vyd-vo Akad. %aulc URSR. 1958. 134 p. (MIRA 11:12)
(Ukraine--Coal) (Ukraine--Peat)
USSR/Chemical Technology Chemical Products and Their Application. Wood Chemistry
Products. Cellulose and Its Manufactize. Paper., 1-23
Abst Journal: Referat Zhur - 1(himiya, No 19, 1956, 63345
Author: Kurdyumov, V. A.
Institution: None
Title: Intensification of Production of Oxyterpenic Resin and Solvent
Periodical: Gidroliznaya i lesokhim. prom-at', 1955, No 3, 18-19
Abstract: A diagram Is aho~m of a continuous operation unit for the production
of oxyterpenic reBin and solvent and its operation is described. Out-
put of the unit on continuous oxidation of turpentine in coluans has
been increased more than 4 times. lacquers made fram the resin pro-
duced in the unit meet the technical specifications.
Card 1/1
Intensifying the production of ojqterpone resins and solvents.
GidrolizA leaokhim. prom. 9 no.3:18-19 '56. (W.RA 9:8)
1. Nachallnik teekha opytnogo savoda TSentrallnogo nauchno-iseledo-
vatellakogo lesokhimichaskogo instituta.
(Terpenes) (Gums and resins)
Card 112
Kurdyumov, V.A., Engineer,
In Reference to the Suggestions of E.I. Lyubomirskiy
(Po povodu predlozheniy E.I. Lyubomirskogo)
Standartizatsiya, 1957, # 4, pp 69-71 (USSR)
The article is a critique of the work by E.I. Lyubomirskiy
"On the Problem of Standardization of Spline Connections" in
Standartizatsiya, 1957, # 4. Lyub0mirskiy points out short-
comings in the dimension system by international standard
recommendations, without mentioning that this system is ac-
cepted in the national standards of Germany, France, Czecho-
slovakia, Poland, Hungary, Rumania, Bulgaria and others and
is used by the majority of Soviet machine building industry
branches (transport, coal industry, road building, heavy
machinery, tractor and agricultural machinery industry).
Comparing the projected international standard with the rOCT
6033-51 for involute spline connections. He gives the ad-
vantages of the Soviet standard's 300 pressure angle over
the 200 pressure angle of the international standard, without
mentioning the disadvantages of the Soviet standard.
Lyubomirskiyls statements do not go beyond geometric con-
siderations, whereas the problem has other aspects, such as
In Reference to the Suggestions of E.I. Lyubomirskiy 28-4-22/35
strength, rigidity, accuracy of machining. Also he cannot
support hie statements by convincing references to completed
investigations of spline connections. As is known, the radial
loading increases with an increasing 0 involute profile pressure
angle, and with the change from a 20 to 300 pressure angle it
would increase 1.58 times. It is questionable if such an in-
crease of radial loading is practical. It is not true that
interchangeability of straight-line tooth profile spline
connections between USSR and the People's Democratic Republics
is impossible. Tolerance systems can always be coordinated,
particularly when such systems do not as yet exist.
In general, engineer Lyubomirskiy strives to defend existing
state standards, ignoring their shortcomings, and dismioses
the ISO project,without being able to give sufficiently'grounded
arguments for this rejection.
ASSOCIATIONs Committee of StandardB, Measures and Measuring Devices (Komi-
tet standartov, mer i izmeritellnykh priborov)
AVAILABLEt Library of Congress
Card 212
Extraction of acetic acid by wood-tar oils from vapor and &%a
products obtained In a vertical gas-circulating retort. Sbor.
trud. TSNIIKHI no.1306-59 159. (MIRA 1,3310)
(Acetic acid) (Wood-Chomintry)
LITCVCHENKO, N.V., dotsent, kand. tekhn. nauk; MUMMY V.A.,
dotsant, kand. tekhn. nauk; DICMIDOV, B.B., dotcent, kand.
tekhn. nauk
Review of A.V. Tretliakov's book "Cold rolling mil.1 poten-
tialities." Stall 24 no.1:67 Ja t64. (WRA 17:2)
Electron-microsnoj* stiidy of Uim d1ilocation structure of the al-
10Y COJ5% Fe. Fiz. tvar. Lela 6 no.1:279-281 Ja 164. (141RA 17:2)
1. Institut fiziki metallov, MoAva.
AUTHORS: Kardonskiy, V.M., Kurdyumov. V.G., Kurdyumov, G.V.
and Parkas. M.D.
TITLEt The Effect of the Grain Substructure and Crystal
Properties on Strength. I. The Fe-Ni and Fe-Si Alloys
PERIODICALt Fizika metallov i metallovedeniye, 1961, Vol.11, No.4,
TEXTs The object of the investigation described in the present
paper was to study the effect of the thermally induced variation
of the properties of crystals on strength of metals in the hard
condition and on the magnitude of the elastic deformation of micro-
domains (distortions of the second type). The experimental work
was carried out on two Fe-base alloys, one containing 25% Ki
and the other 1,15% Sio (The Ni-bearing alloy was chosen for this
purpose because of its specific characteristic, consisting in that
annealing of this alloy at 45O*C brings about a complete removal of
the distortions of the second type without significantly nffecting
the size of the regions of coherent scattering.) The Fe-Ni alloy
was hardened by quenching, the Fe-Si alloy by cold rolling to
50% reduction in thickness. In addition to the determination
Card 1/7
The Effect of the Grain ... E193/E483
(by X-ray diffraction analysis) of the magnitude of distortions of
the second type, ifta/a, and the size D of the regions of
coherent scattering, the yield point (a.), U.T.S. (aa) and
Vickers hardness number (HV) of both hardened and partially
annealed alloys were measured, and the temperature-dependence of
these properties was determined for both hardened and fully
annealed specimens. The results of the first series of
experiments, carried out on preliminarily ha.-dened Fe-Ni_%lloy,
are reprodue e~31n Fig.1, where HV, as (kg/mm2), D (10 , cm)
and & a/a (10 ) are plotted against the annealing temperature ('01
in addition, the diagram shows the temperature-dependence of HV
and as (curves, marked HVW and 03(t), respectively). It will
be seen that the temperature dependence of 0. and HV is quite
different from the relationship between these properties (measured
at 200C) and the annealing temperature. Thus, as measured at
450*C is 25 kg/mm2 lower than an measured at 200C after annealing
at 450*C, the corresponding difference for HV being 90 units.
On the other hand, the temperature-dependence of as and HV is
almost identical with the relationship between da/a and the
annealing temperature. The fact that as of preliminarily
Card 2/7
The Effect of the Grain E193/E483
hardened specimens is practically constant after annealing at
various temperatures indicates that as, measured-under these
conditions, reflects mainly the character of the variation of the
grain substructure during heating; in fact, 0 of specimens,
annealed at various temperatures, also remains practically constant
(see Fig.1). In the next series of experiments, preliminarily
hardened specimens of the Fe-Ni alloy were annealed at 4300C to
attain almost complete removal of the distortions of the second
type, and then the temperature dependence of a. of these
specimens was determined. This was found to be identical with
that of fully hardened alloy, whereby the view was confirmed that
the resistance of an alloy to deformation is not increased by the
presence of distortions of the second type. Owing to the
comparatively low temperature at which the reverse a -.)y
transformation takes place in the Fe-Ni alloy, it was not possible
to use this material to study the relationship between Aa/a and
the temperature dependence of annealed specimens. For this
purpose the Fe-Si alloy was more suitable. The results of
experiments carried out on this material are reproduced in Fig.4
which showsi temperature dependence of HV of cold-rolled alloy
Card 3/7
The Effect of the Grain ... E193/E483
(curve HV(t), whits triangles)l temperature dependence of HV
of specimens annealed at 7500C (curve HVW, white squares)~
variation of HV of preliminarily hardened specimens after
annealing at various temperatures (curve HV, white triangles);
variation of n (dots) and 46a/a (white triangles) after
annealing at various temperatures. The temperature dependence of
HV of the annealed specimens reflected the decrease in the
resistance of the alloy to deformation due to the variation of the
properties of crystals with rising temperature; since the
specimens were annealed at 7000C, their grain substructure should
remain unchanged during subsequent heating and should not affect
the variation of HV. In the case of tne cold-rolled specimens,
whose RV was measured at room temperature after annealing at
various temperatures, the variation of HV reflected only the
changes in the micro- and sub-microscopic structure of the grains,
brought about by heating to progressively higher temperatures.
This means that in the temperature dependence of HV of cold-
rolled material, HV at each temperature should be determined by
the changes in both the grain substructure and the crystal
properties that have taken place as a result of heating to this
Card 4/7
The Effect of the Grain E193/E483
temperature. Starting from these considerations, the present
authors constructed a "theoretical" curve. illustrating the
temperature dependence of HV of cold-worked alloy, simply by
adding (for each temperature) the decrease in HV due to the
change in the crystal properties (found from the experimentally
determined temperature dependence of annealed specimens) to that
due to the variation of the grain substructure (found from the
experimentally determined variation of HV of cold-worked
specimens after annealing at various temperatures). The results
plotted in Fig.4 (blnck triangles) were in good agreement with
the experimental curve (white triangles). The results of the
present investigation confirmed the view that strength
(resistance to deformation) of a hardened material is determined
by two factorai (1) the properties of the crystals (resistance to
the movement of dislocations in the crystal regions. free from
15 ub-boundariea) and (2) the substructure of the crystals (size of
the sub-micro-regions, presence of sub-boundaries, degree of
misorientation of the mosaic blocka). There are 5 figures and
9 Soviet references.
Card 5/7
The Effect of the Grain E193/E483
ASSOCIATIONs Institut metallovedeniya i fiziki metallov TsNIIChM
(Institute of Science of Metals and Physics of
Metals, TsNIIChM)
SUBMITTED: August 26, 1960
Card 6/7
Thinning of metallic samples by electrolytic polishiLng for inspection
by means of a transmission electron microscope. Zav. lab. 27 -
no. 12:1490-1494 161.. (MIRA 15:1)
I* Tqentrallnyy nauchno-issledovatellskiy institut chernoy metallurgii
im. I.P. Bardina,
(Metals) (Electrolyting polishing)
(Electron microscopy)
HATSUK, Yu.F., Jnzhener; KURDYLJHOV, V.N., Inahener: ULYY, G.D., inzhener:
BLZUGLOV, 14.1.,
Mechanical removal of jolvent from oilseed meal. Mael.-zhir. prom.
23 no.3:6-7 '57. (MIRA 10:4)
1. Veasoyuznvy nauchno-iosladovatel'skly inatitut zhirov (for Matauk).
2. Lenzhirkombinat (for Kurdyumov). 3. Poltavskiy zhirovoy kombinat
(for Malyy). 4. Krasnodarekly rvtolozhirovoy kombinat (for Bezixglov).
(Oils and fats)
B2ZUGLOV, I.Ye.; KtMDYTJIIOV, V.11., inzh.; V rabote prinimali uchasti7e:
Operational experience with a newly introduced oil-extraction line
equipped with the DS-70 belt-conveyer extractor. Neol.-zhir.prom,
26 no.3:29-31 Mr 16o. (MIRA 13:6)
1. Vaeso7uzn7y nauchno-ionledovatellokiy institut zhirov (for
Bezuglov, Gabrilenko, Grabovskiy, Neshchadim, Beloborodov,
Vishnepollaknya, Mateuk and Gaytakhoki). 2. Leningradskiy
zhirovoy kombinat (for Kurdyumov, Uoachev,.Abkina, Rumyantseva,
Koshelev, Grigorlyev, Ikikashavich, Styazhkina, Mikhaylovich,
Yedemskiy, Maslov, Kudryaeheva, Prosmushkin)- 3- Leningradskoye
otdalenlya treata "Prodmonta2h" (for Shtallbarg and Boytsov).
(leningrad--oile aud fate)
(Extraction apparatus)
139ZUGLOV. I.Te.; KURDYUMOV, T.N., inzh.
Bxperience in operating an extraction line with the DC-70
belt extractor. Masl.-zbir.-prom. 26 no.4:30-33
Ap 160. (MIRA 13:6)
1. Veesoyuzryy nauchno-iseledovatellskiy institut zhirov
(for Bezuglov). 2. Imeningradskiy zhirovoy kombinat (for
(Nxtraction apparatus)
(Oil industries-3quipment and Bupplies)
AUTHOR: Kurdyumov, V. N.
TITLE: Reaction Forces Produced by a Cherenkov Radiation in a
PERIODICAL: Doklady Akademii nauk SSSR, 196o, vol. 134, No. 3,
PP. 563 - 566
TEXT: The author studied the Vavilov-Cherenkavradiation in the case of
a uniform motion of the charge in an arbitrary direction in a monoaxial
nonmagnetic crystal. The expressions for the forces causing a deviation
of the charge from their straight-lined path, are analyzed. Using the
premises laid down by V. L. qinzburoz (Ref. 1), two expressions are found
for the slowing-down force and for the deflecting force, that act upon
the charge, by starting from formulas (1) holding for crystal potentials.
The emission of ordinary and extraordinary waves is examined next. For-
mulas (5) and (9) are derived, considering both wave types, for the
above forces acting upon the charged moving particle. Finally, a special
case is considered, for which it is assumed thatf 0(W) > 1 and > 1
Card 1/2
Reaction Forces Produced by a Cherenkov S/020/60/134/003/007/020
Radiation in a Crystal B019/BO60
It is further assumed in this case that the emission condition (8),
2 2 eof
namely, B > C + AC, where the relations A _eP2 a
2 2
sin a sin T' B - (F- 6.)sinacosasinfl and C
2 2
)sin asin V holds is fulfilled. The authors observe from th,)
a 0
formulas obtained that at small angles a between direction of particle
motion and the Z-axis of the crystal, the Cherenkov emiaslor stabilizes
the motion of the particle, if % > ~ 0- if ~e < ~0, the Cherenkov emission
has a de-stabilizing effect. The author thanks A. 1. Morozov for his
assistance. There are 4 references: 3 Soviet and I US.
ASSOCIATION: Moskovskiy goBudarstvennyy universitst im. M. V. Loraonoeova
(Moscow State University imeni M. V. Lomonosov)
PRESENTED: April 26, -ig6o, by M. A. Leontovich, Academician
SUBMITTED: April 19, 1960
Card 2/2
NE SHCHADT, A.G. , inzh. j n,1RDYUMOV j Y.11. .- inzh.'; Prinimali uchastiye:
Influence of temperature on the extraction of prepressed aunt-lower
cakes in the DS-70 extractor. Mael.-zhir. prom. 27 no.6:35-38
Je 161. (MIRA. 14-6)
1. VoronezhBkiy tekhnologicheakiy institutj Leningradakoye otdeleniye
(for Neshchadim). 2. Leningradskiy maslozhirovoy kombinat (for
Kurdyumov., Yedemskiy, Fadeyeva, Sokolov Petrova, Mikhaylova, Sergeyeva).
(Sunflower oill
L h217-66 )/EPF(n)-2/ZPA(w)-2 DRAPIIJP(c) -- AT
AMMISM WR: AP5025888 UR/0057/65/035/010/1771/iiii
TITLE: On the theory of the Cerenkov radiation of ot charge in a cR"imana_
SOURCH: Zhurnal tokhnicheskoy fitikil v. 35, no, 10, 1.465, 1771-1781
TOPIC TAGS: Cerenkov radiation, charged particle, plasma dynamica, plaBma elec-
tromagnetic wave, plasma magnetic field
iABSTRACT: The author calculates the Cerenkov radiation of a point charge moving
iparallol to an applied magnetic field throtigh an infinite cold p1roma. The calou-
~lations were undertaken because of recent interest in possible practicnl applica-
Itions of the effect (P.D.Coleman, Report at the Fourth International Canterenco on
ITUcrawave Techniques, Scheveningen, Hollaryd, 19621) nrKI because of errors in the
Icalculptions of 11.3.Tuan ard S.R.Seshadri (Trans. IEE, MTT-II, 6, 462, 1953) Which
I.c.,cl to an overestimate of tho energy radiated in the ordinary wave wher. t-,,,o
!CarepRov cones are simultaneously prenent, It Is shcwn that when two Cerenkov
lcone3 nre present, cnly one corresponds to radiation of energy, niul the other cor- I
1 rtmponda to hboorption. In the present edloulat ions, collisionq ationg the plaarna
Card 1/~2
ACCLS~ 1011 UR: AP5025888
ptirticlos find the motions of the Ions are neglected. Conditiowi are dorived fo
radiation of the ordinary and extraordinary waves and the spectral density of the
rntlintion is presontod graphically for certain values of the pararaetera~ Formulazi
nra given for tho total energy radiated in tne ordinary and In Ilia extraordinary
wave uLs functionn of the particle velocity and the mrfnetic fiell strongth, Gri
art. bast 35 forniulaso 7 figures# and.1 table*
sunmrrTEDt 04jan65-1 ENCL: 00 SUH CODE: HE,
L_Cay~d 2/2
ACC NRi AP6013111 SOUR-CS CODE: UIR/0057/66/03(1/004/0588/0594
AUT11OR: Kurdyumov,V,K,~
ORO: none
TITLE: Corefikov excitation by a charge moving in a cold vagnetiz plasma of the
ionic branches of the oscillations
SOURCE: Zhurnal tekhnichaskoy fiziki, v. 36, no. 4, 1060, 568-594
TOPIC TAGS: plasma magnetic fielde plasma oscillation, plasma wave, Cerenkov
radiation, charged particle,
ABSTRACT: The author extends his'earlier cal&ulations (ZhTF, 35, 1771, 1965) of the
~Cerenkov radiation of a charged particle-moving parallel to an externel magnetic field
in a plasma to take account of the effects of ion motions. Ion motions are signi-
ficant at frequencies of the order of the Ion Larmor frequency, and their influence
is predominant when the ion Larmor frequency is comparable wlth the plasma frequency@
The calculations are performed as In the earlier paper, the notation and results of
which are freely used without repeating the derivations or, in sow cases, the defi-
nitions. The ion motions are taken Into oczount by suitably modifying the earlier
expression for the dielectric tenser. The corresponding dispersion equation has give
branches, for three of which, corresponding to Alfven waves, fast magnetic sound;qLnd
UDC: 533.951
L 2849-1--,-,6
ACC NRs AP6013111
slow extraordinary waves# the refractive index can exceed unity. Zon motions have
little influence on the extraordinary waves and these are not discussed further.
Critical velocities of the particle for radiation of different types of waves are de-
rived, and the characteristics of the Cerenkov radiation in the different velocity
ranges are tabulated. An ultrarelativistic particle in a strong magnetic field can
emit two cones of Cerenkov radiation of the same frequency but of different types,
both of which carry off energy from the particle; In all other cases when two cones
are present, one of them corresponds to absorption of energy by the particle from
the plasma. Extraordinary waves are responsible for most of the energy loss of the
particle in comparatively weak magnetic fields; fast magnetic sound caeries off most
of the energy in stronger magnetic fields, and Alfven waves are the raost significant
in strong fields. S.R.SpOndri and H.S,Tuan (J.Research NBS Radio Science, 69D#
Ho.5, 767-785,1965) have recently discussed problems similar to those treated here.
Orig. art, has: 14 fororalas, 3 figures and 1 table.
SUB CODE: 20 SUBM DATE: 02Jun65 ORIG, REF: 002 OTH REF: 002
Card 2/2