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KUL-MAX. Te.M.; KMIN, A.1,; TrrRMVA, K.p. Increasing the wear resistance MIMMGP no.24:156-169 159. (Boring machinery) of bits by har4 facing. Trudy (MIRA 13:3) (Hard facing) "N, NNER` V KURDIN, A~ Pa, SHOLIN, G. V. I 'New Methods of Plasm& Diagnostics from Spectroscopic Data," report presented at the 6th Intl. Conf. on Ionization Phenomena in Gases, Paris, France, 8-13 jui 63 XMIN, B.A. Xechanical dismantline of Iron stators and rotor#. Strot. I dor. mashinostr. no.11:36 N 156. (MM 9:12) (Mlectric motors) (Xachine-shop practice) MYAKIII-'IIY.r)V, N.A. . I-and.W.-hn.nauk; KURDIN. G.K., linh.: GRODETSMY, I.A. , inzh. Dnvien for measuring alopen. Transp.utrol. 8 no.4:.31J-31 Ap '58. (MIRA 12:121) (Laval(Tool)) MADIN, K. *: A policy of noninterference. From.koop. no.11:49-50 R '55. (KLRA 9:5) 1. Zaveduyushchty promyshlanjio-transportnym otdolom Namangaskogo obkomA X? Uzbekletana. (Namwgan Province-Cooparative societies) 4 1 .4 This extends the-, assortmaut----Qf (L ASSOCIATION: none SUBMITTEDr 2tDer-62 ENCL: SUB CODE: Htf- OC NO' REF SOV* OOG OTHER: 000 ATD PRESS: 3231. jCard Ai r W 11URD.By N. S. "Ihe Plastic Condition and Stability of Rotating Discs in the Presence of Resisting Forces." Cand Phys-Math Sci, Inst of Mechanics, Acad Sci USShp 16 Dee 54- (VY,, 6 Dec 54) Survey of Scicntific and Technical Dinsertations Defended at, 1JSSR Higher Educational Institutions (12) SO: Sum. No. 556 Jun 24 55 MMDIII, U.S. (Monkva) 4- ximAte solution of a problem ralAted to the pure plastic state of a disk. Izv.AN SSSR Otd.tmkh.xauk ao*8:117-119 Ag 136.(MIRA 9:9) (Plasticity) -Ur- z4, ii. j. 'DI "Symmetrical Deformations of an Orthotropic Shell of Parabolic Profile," by N. S. Kurdin, Institute of Mechanics, Academy of Scienceri U35R, Inzhenernyy Sbornik, Vol 23, 1956, pp ~~,4-9,) The problem r:)ncerning symmetrical deformations of an orthotropic shell of parabolic profile is examined. Two types of loading are studied: (a) a shell under tensile stresses uniformly distributed along its edges, and (b) a shell under the action of a uniform externa? pressure. The basic equation, its adaptation in the problems, and tables, graphs, and results are presented. Sum 1239 ljl tw VIA AUTHOR: Kurdin, IT. S. (MOSCOVI). 21~-2-18/28 TITLE: ontribution to the appro.,.,imate solution of differential equations in the theory of elasticity; the tor.,Aon problem. (K priblizhennomu recheniyu "I ifferentsial'nyhh uravneniy v teorii uprugosti (zadacha o Lrucheriii). PERIODICAL: IzvetiLlya Akademil Nauk SSSI? Otdolcni~(-, To-ki,iiiol,ookikh Nauk, 1958, No.2, pp. 133 _135 NSSR).' ABSTRACT: A numerical raethod for solving a non-liziezir t1ifrt-r(,-1Ain1 equation in partial derivatives of Lhe :;(,cond or,lor is described. The equation treated is th,,-,t of tor~;ion of a bar with a square cross-coction. The colutioji sought must fulfil the boundary condition (namely Lhe vanis-bing of the stress function all, alonj-., tho, poripherY) rij.-orously and the differential equation of aquilibriuj-,i (Eq.1.1) with any degree of accLtracy desired. The crons-section is covered by a grid vihose corner points are associated with values of the function required. Finite ~Iifference equations are derived from the differential equation. Successive approximations are derived startin,!~ -.vith a first approximation stated in the poper. 'Phc- ,,valuation of the orror of this procedure Is mace, usin(F tt propor~al Card 1/2 by V. Mises, reported in the well-R-novir, work of Coilatz 221-21-18/28 Contribution -to the approxi-mate solutior, of diffej-Ujjt_i,,,~j equations in the theory of elasticity; the torsion problem. on nwnerical analysis. There are 5 Rust?ian references. SURAITTED: October 5, 1957. AVAILABLE: Library of Congress. Card 2/2 i~ w4i, "u AIJIIHOR: Kurd fie ov/) -,V/24-~8-8-21/37 TITLi,,: Large Deflectionn of a RectanE;ultir Membriine Reinforced by an Elastic Rib (Boll-chlyo pro6iby pryamou6ol'noy inei,.ibr,any, podkreplennoy upru6iia rebro.-.,I) PERIODICAL: Izvestiya Akader,lii Nauk SSSR, Otdo1c.-niye T6-hjUc1Wi:,,kikh 0 Baukl 195~ , Fir 8, pp 137-119 (USSR) AB31hZACT: The solution of -this non-linear proble~i is obtained by the energy iaethod. It is ascumcd that the displacements at the edLres of the membrane are zero. The deformed surface is taken as saddle-shaped. The rib is assumed to function under both bendin6 and teiision. A nuLierical exa;,,.ple is considered in order to study tbe effect of the stren,th of the rib and of LhQ iae~;Lbrano OTI itc, deformed state. Larbe deflections of rectan6ular plates reinforced by several elastic ribs in the directions of two adjacont sides have been considered by Vollmir, A.S. in his ,,ionoGraph (Ref 1). There it was assumed -that a rib has no effect on the forw of the defor;:ied surface; to within a factor the deflection function is taken to be thi,, same as th-at iii the absonee of ~j rib. '2~c total area U Card 1/2 Of '-he trarLoverse cross-section of all the ribs in one of v. Roct;j.niiular F(Ariforc(A b,/ wi i,LwAlc Rib (1irectiont is ascizied -to be unlforial~~ disUributed alotlL_, the I ri,, I!i of the curvos,~,ordj_r,!j, c;id(, -Ind L~le rtb arl a preventii)j; bound'u'i-cs of the plato ar;!~oroachinf,~ ~'i ott-,'rr. The place cc)-usd4d(!r(,d iL3 r(?ir.force-1 'by a rib - o ~', lo ~,- , sid i.cul-, r IV .11 c r~ol - a :L- is aosuiae,711 that a i-mifor,ily distributed tr-,,Uisverse, lo~id acbs on tlic Fro-i the coluuion ebtaiiied fc).L, tind defuv.~(3d otato of W,(! it is eacy to C);-A;.dn the solutioii of LueLibraiie iic)t. re-Laforced by a iib. Thero, are 2 Soviet SUB:.illiTi~i): Fe-bruary C.), 1958 1. Membrwies--Defiection 2. Membranes--Stresses 3. Mathematical analysis Card 2/2 :~OV/24-58-12-21/27 AUTHOR: Kurdin, V.S. (MOSGOW) TITLE: Stability of a Rectangular Flexible Plate Supported by a Rib (Usto~chivost I pzl-yaiziougo! Way gibkoy plastinki, podkreplennoy rebrom) FERIODICAL:Izvestiya Akademii Nauk, Orldoleniye Te~dini(.Iheskikh Hauk, 1958, Nr 12, PP 128-131 (USSR) ABSTRACT: A rectangular flexible plate of thickneso H and lateral dimensions 2a x. 2b is supported along one of the axis by a rib a.d. (sr'3~,tch p 128). The compressive stress acts in the direczion of th,3 rib and is uniformly distributeJ aloriG tjne cid3o AB, CD. Using, 1~osillts obtained in an Qarliar paper (Ref.,j) which takes large dufurmations the critical load is derived _ IT a [M E (1.12) 2(l N h2 2 M -jfflo~a k32 kl,')-OL2 [v(Iv-2)-2-30(1 + +LL'-(4%--13--l5C0-288Qv) ..3L4[L2(l+200+24J(40v+L2 Card 1/2 ;SOV/24-558-12-21/27 Stability of a Rectangular Flexible Plate Supported by a Alib 2 N = 7?7-69(384O;r2+C- 132v(13+1"oO+3 L2 , _ LO(81-10;-.3v . [~q 2) + C [3 L' 2+ 32 (26-21-v3 + 1, =A~A~ Govit. 4320 ~, 381~ +11v~ ~ (1920+8 0 L2+ L4' )]) (1-13) and E' = Young's modui%is; v -r Poisson's ratio; h = H/b; L= YLb/a; cA = F/bH; VI 1/bH3; F = ama of cvoss-z,;~-tion of rib; I moment of imertia of cross- section of rib. There -4s I f igur-- and 4 Sovi4,t ref eix::nck? s. SUBMITTED: 8th May 1958., Card 2/2 '41 S-,-- Sl! ;i AUTHOR: Kurdin, N. S. (Moscow) SOV/1-79-59-3-25//15 TITLE: E1-a--.q-t--o----j;1~a7sCL'c State of a Hod Undor the Action of Centrifugal Forces nnd Twititing Momontu (Uprugo- pInsticheskoye mostoynniye sterzlinya, nakhodyashchegosy.-I pod deystviyem tsentrobe-zlinyl0i sil i krutyashchego momenta) PERIODICAL: Izvestlya Al(ndviiiii juml. SSSR, Otdolenlyo teldinichomkitch nauk, Mckhanikit i mashinostroyonlye, .1959, Nr 3, pp 152-154 (USSR) ABSTRACT: The rod is assurnod to be of circular cross-section, to be .411bject to tile Mises plasticity condition, and to be incompressible in the plastic zone. It is shown tilat a plastic state can ariso tit tit(.! contour of the rod, or at tho centre, or at both mimitIttineously, but never botween tile two. The stresses, strains and displacements in the rod are alno analysed mathematically. There are 2 references, both of which tire Soviet. SUBMITTED: June 23, 1958 Card 1/1 67607 9,1141 4100 SOV117 9-5 9-5- 3 1/4 1 AUTHOR: KurdjA,--b1-.jJ. (Moscow) A~u 1.10 TITLE: * Deformation State of a Sinusoidally J.olded Shell (Compensator) PERIODICAL;Izvestiya Akademii nauk SSSR, Otrleloiiiye te-khrlicheskikii nauk, Melchanika i twkshinosLroyeniye, 1.959, Nr 5, Pp 149-153 (USSIO ABSTRACT: The paper is a continuation of previous work (Ref 2). The deformation is considered of' a sinusoidally folded shell of revolution, symmetricaUy loaded by j.nteriial pressure with tensile str(,sses applied to its ends, and with unequal heating through its thickness. Ta Ir i i Ig account of these conditions, the differential eqtiations are set up and solved. soltition is applied to an example for which Young's modulus = 2 x 106 Kg/cm2: expansion = 1o x lu-6 Oc, coefficient of linear Poissonli ratio = 0--3 and the nimther of' wavc.4 in tho Shell = 10, Tile results of tile calculation are shown in a table and a graph; they emphasise the large effect of the thermal conditions oil tile. hVl1AViO111- of the shf,,ll. Card 1/2 There are 2 figiirom, I tablvi arid 4 refq~rsmicvS, 3 ot: which A 67607 5()V/179-59-5-31/41 Deformation State of a Sinusoidally Folded Shell (Compensator) are Soviet and I Czech. e SUMMED: January 21, 1959 dard 2/2 KURDIN, U.S. (Hoakya) Bending of a partly loaded rectangular plate having two supported and two free edges. In2h. sbor. 25:104-110 '59. (MIra 13:2) (Ilantic plates and shells) H.S. --(MoskvR) Lower boundary of permisnible limit load from the point of view of kinematics, Inzh.sbor. 27:200-202 16o. (MIRA 13:6) (Blautic plates and aholle) KURDIN, N.S. (Foskva) Expansion of plastic zones in joined annular plates. Inzh.zhur. 1 nu.2:136-144 161. WIRA 14:12) (Elastic plates and fhells) (Plasticity) (Voskva) Theory of self-cemented nonuniformly hent^d pInter. (cylInders) made of a hardening material. Inzh.zhur.2 no.1:130-137 162. (MIRA 15al) 1, Inatitut makhaniki AN SSSR. (Elastic plates and shells) 10, 61 oe') AUTHOR: Kurdin, N. S. (Moscow) 40037 S/258/62/002/002/016/018 1028/1228 TITLE: On the evaluation of the kinematically allowable limit load PERIODICAL: Inzhenernyy zhurnal, v. 2, no. 2, 1962, 376-378 TEXT: The kinematically allowab!c coefficient 1, is dcfined by 1h = DdVI EdF, E = uX + vY + wZ (2) jV f Jr and, as can be easily shown, satisfies the inequality 1,; _--~ / V -fD2d V / f EdF (5-6) where u,v,w -kinematically possible velocities, X,YZ -components of the external load, D-velocity of dissipation of the mechanical energy. The integrals in the numerators being difficult to calculate new inequa- itics arc established in the paper for the assessment of 1&. It is proved that: M11 6 MA;5 M12 for N>0 (10) Card 1/2 On the evaluation of.. S/258/62/002/002/016/018 1028/1228 1146 M I 16 M 12 for N