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December 31, 1967
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Remarks on the quantum theory of a nonlinear meson field. Izv.vys.
ucheb.zav.; fiz. no-3;109-121 161. (mA 14t8)
1. fbakovskiy gosudarotvennyy universitet im. M.V.Lownosova.
(Quantum field theory) (MOS010)
Commutation functi,,n of a ninlinear meson field. Zhur. eksp. i
teor. fiz. 40 no.4.,1072-1075 Ap 161. (MIRA 14:7)
I. Moskovskiy gosudarstvennyy universitet.
(Mesons) (Electric fields)
AUTHOR: Kurd-elaidze, D. P.
TITLE: Kinetics of charge accumulation on the surface of a so-
lid body moving in rarefied plasma
SOIWE: Akademiya nauk SSSR. Energeticheskiy inatitut. Pizichc8-
kaya gezodinamika, teploobmen i termodinarlika &izov vy-
sokikh temperatur, Moscow, Izd-vo AN SSSR, 1962, 275-289
TEXT: The body is assumed to be spherical and conducting. The au-
thor formulates an integral equation for the accumulated charge
0 (t) e o(i No -V5!T_j7m_j e
i=+ i 4
e j
i t ~ e a iV- kTi R dt +
Card 1/ 3
Kinetics of charge ... D234/D308
+ (1 - exp (13)
6 1
anddiscu8ses in detail the cases of small velocities of the body
u ~ c-,~ c+
and intermediate velocities
a U c
Card 2/3 +
Xinetics of charge 1)234/D~Oa
where c0 is the velocity of light in a vacuum, c_ and c+ are mean
velocities of electrons and ions. (13) can be solved by successive
approximations using the expressions
Ieg(t)/kT+Rl< 1
as a small parameter. The author solves the equation Jn the.fir!it
approximation and determines the maximum charge and the saturation
time, also for the case of inhomogeneous plasma.
Card 3/3
Y . . J, ~ - Y
Clasolfication of elementary particloo. Part 1. IZVOVY8.ucheb.zav .
fiz- no.3sl53-165 163, (MIRA 16:i~i
lo Moskovsk-iy gosudarstvennyy universitet imeni Lomonosova,
AUTHORS: Ivanonko, D. D., Kurdgolaidzet D. F.
TITLE: Classification of elementary particles
PLRIODICAL: Zhurnal, ekeperimentallnoy i teoreticheskoy fiziki, v. 44,
no. 21 1963P 587-591
TEXT: The present paper represents a lecture read at a conference on
theoretical problems at the OIYaI in May 1962. An attempt is laade to
classify the elementary particles and to calculate the mass spectrum of
baryons, mesons and the resonance particles termed as "resonons". The
calculations are made on the basis of Kurd&elaidze's nonlinear field theory
(ZhETF, 38, 462, 1960) by applying the Lagrangian
IP (~Y)P
2 + where 1 is a nonlinear
ip Ox ax
parameter and P the degree of nonlinearity. Chargel spin and field energy
are calculated by u8ing the total wave functions V - 1(s) exp(ikPx
Card 113
Classification of elementary ... B102/Bia6
*(a) I(s) - NO (for N - 1). En a (kol)P/(3P-4) 1- (41, -a) OP-3)/(30-4),
U 1 2 0
2n 2~n 3
L n - T 0 1 k 0 is the rest mass of the field per unit volume L
6) the-frequency; or k - 0 and N - 1, w . Pko. When the reaonons,
characterized by the quantum number r, are considered, one obtains
E + q/no] OP-3)/OP-4) a 1 (4nn /P) OP-3)/OP-4)
n0+q ' En0 11 and % 0 2 0
where q w p + r (1) being the hyperon quantum number). Numerical calcula-
tiona were made for P : 7/2. It is shown that the baryon masses as a
function of q, (E 9/En f(q)) or as a function of J - (2r+1)/2,
(EIE n ' f(j)) lie on straight lines with almost the same inclination. In
all cases the relation E n - 1+n/6, where n - 2q9 can be used to represent
the empirical mass spectrum. The transitions are given by
Card 2/3
Classification of elementary
= Ep.. r. - Ep. r = 1:1, ((70' A - 2q')'Il,- (70 + 2q)"i,,) lzz~
E. (7 (0' - 0) + 2 (q' - q)) ~= E. (76* 2q'),
q* --- q'- q, q* - p* + r'. P' - p'- p, r* ~%, r'- r,
E p 7-"/,, = 0, 106, E. E, =-- 0, 147, r.,,. E,.VKA
(P - 7/2) and the aner6y BM . I., -1-�-22 + A j~ 15 /13
,::~ L
n0 7 7 --, .A(5 + 21, + 4J).
The lepton Croup is obtained by settinG 9 - 0 in Lqo. (5). There are
2 figures and 2 tables.
ASSOCIATiON 14ookovskiy Coaudaretvennyy univorsitet (moscow state
SUB*..:ITTI;D: July 10 P 1962 (initially)
November 1, 19621 (arter reviaion)
Card 3/3
ACCESSION NR: AP4014440 8/0188/64/000/001/0011/0017
AUTHOR: Kurdgelaidze, D. F.
TITLE: Two-sparameter nonlinear field theory
SOURCE: Moscow. Universitete. Vestaik. Serlya 3. Fiz. astron., no. 1, 1964, 11-17
"OPIC TAGS: field theory, fionlinear field theory, two parameter field theory, spinor field
ABS'MCT: The author previously has proposed a theory of a nonlinear spinor field involv-
ing one nonlinear parameter/. (ZhETF, 38, 462, 1960); this Is called a one-parameter non-
linear field theory. The results are dependent not only on4but also on the Integratiori
volume L3. Certain shortcomings of the one-paramoter theory have Induced the author to
formulate a two-parameter field theory. This theory has two nonlinear terms with the
degrees of nonlinearity X and 13. The stability condition is determined. It is shown that in
a general case of the two-parameter theory the results are dependent on the three para-
meters),,~. ~ L3. The stability condition determines one of these parameters through the
other two., We theory thereby becomes similar to the one-parameter theory, but requires
an additional assumption. If the volume L3 is determined as indicated, another additional
condition is required for determination of the sooond nonlinear parameter and determination
of volume requires use of the assumption already made in the one-parameter theory. These
Card 1/2
two possibilities are discussed. It is shown that the only difference from the one-para-
meter theory Is a change in the length scale, which is insignificant due to the invariance of
the theory. "The author wishes to thank D. Ivanenko for useful discussion of the problems
involved in this study". Orig. art. has: 18 formulas.
ASSOCIATION: Moskovaldy gosudarstvenny*y univorsitoti* Kafedra statisticheskoy fizild I
mckhaniki (Department of Statistical Physics and Mechanics, Moscow State University)
SUBMITTED: 21Dec62 DATE ACQ.- 12.Vqx64 ENCL.- 00
5,v. T."
.Lul~;CLL V5 I - -- , Nft.,,AO O-tT io~A.,t~h xik4Q, When - - - - -
1 -i -A i- f, i- f
---,4 ---t ~ 4-" - -l' nin,!c- it. - -11+1- - ---
I ~ -1 .. - -- -
- 1, nlir-":--,.,! nrl! nn, 11- - - I - 1-1 -L-----"! '.r'-?l
(j)/Ew7(M)/T rw
ACC NR. AP6012816 SOURCE CODF: UR/0383/65/001/004/0479/0482
VDI-ty-MIOR: -1vananko, D. D.; Ku~~qLelaldzc,-D'-Fl
ORG: Department of Physics, Moscow Univers,ity,. (Fizlxhcsl.~.
194 1 104:- 11 C. 3.% 39S3. 27.10.
3.w 1944. 12 a. 782. 6~06.. 3.6a.C
j-.d.b.. 1631-43- J-~- S-6-f 21
6 d ~ &-A-U e-nJI" t-r-&-6-rb a , 1 ~
1w -4, - L'. Ot'j. 3-"JP3" 1 'mr 195-L 77
a-- 1940. 23.C *C, ISO LOA. (a-0-b 32it- -6hw-
X.p ...... N.,P.qp.. 0...- IVA. "
O~ . 3--a rp, 4-.. M-- A ....... P_
c., To.- K -.P..y P_
b 3.%. 19Q. 23.6.
vlooliftatIm rw
Theory of the alcohol psychrommtor. Soob.AN Gniz.SSR 9 no.2t
107-114 148. (MIRA, 9:7)
i.Tbiliaskiy gosudaretvawqy univf-roitat imeni Stalina. Predstay-
leno daystvitellsym chlenom Akadamii A.I.Dldobulidzo.
KURDIA.,d) 1. G.
Kurdiani., 1. 0. - "On errors in determining the moisture content of the air by
August's psychometric formula". Soobshch. Akad. nauk Graz. S5Rj 19481 Nos. 9-109
P. 555-59, - Bibliogs 5 items.
SO: U-411, 17 July 53, (letopis 'Zhurnal Inykh Statey, No. 20, 1949).
USSR/Meteorology - Rmidity, Nov/Pec 50
"Concerning Possible Relative Humidity Minima,"*I.
G. Kurdiani
If 1z v-s Geograf Obahch" Vol LX)CKII, No 2, pp 620-622
Attempts to prove very low values of relative humid-
ity which are sometimes measured, e.g., the 1% meas-
ured by Przhevallskiy in southeast Mongolia 29 ~Iar
.1872 and the 0% found by Rethly in Ankara 9 May and
30 Sep 1926, are not reliable. Shows curve for rel-
ative humidity is asymptotic with respect to the ab-
scisBa (values of t -T7, where tau is the dew point
and air temp t is assumed const) and therefore hu-
midity of 0% is impossible.
4" - 175T63
1 : 1TF T)TA I I , I . '-, .
L-. Hygrometry
7- Psychrometric method of determining dew poir-t, Soob. AN Gruz.
SSR 12 No. 8., 1951.
9. Monthly List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, 11197 1953. Unclassified.
t6 b iu
lfj w,ved on in forf.-JiLL b'y '.'T:c-nur-
the r; tlu of olvoticity ,f s;,turvt,:,o v, -Ijr to
Vure. dccuced ex,,)rei~sif)n, :.-elptiue rel, tive Luj..J~,Jty t~~ t-,,- rl-tilre
~Aff,~r(-nce .)f ory ,Ind .,~Atxt idr, is u,~t-(i frjr CLA,f1trilrl Jon ',!,it :-1-0-
er., Ti~e no,;~(,Cmsm fre I I i tatetl hlL! 14i ty 6.Af,i- Ari. tioil w 1n npo
1' IJ -:,) to No 6, 19"j)
'No. 6"I'l, "Xt ")5
Lr S Cl?,C ' 4 1 ) tl~L
VMI*, I.G.
On the problem of ventilating a standard psychrometrical box.
Soob.AN Gms.SSR 15 no.412l5-218 154. (MLRA 8:5)
1. Akedemlys nauk Grusinskoy SSR, Institut geofiziki, Tbilisi.
Predutavleno deyetvitelinym chlemom Akademii A.N.DzhavWchishvili.
Centennial variations In the cliviate of Georgia (in Georgian
with summovy In Russian]. Tomdy Inst.geof Is. AN Gruz.SSR
15:217-231 156. (KWA 10:7)
Trarjolat.lon from., Referativnyy zhurnal., Geofizika, 1959, Nr 2, p 114 (USSR)
!5 S ( J ID ()
AUTHORi Kurdiani, I.G.
TITLE-,, Investigation of the Kinematic and Energetic Elements of the Thermal
Convection as Bases of the Development of the Thunder Activity in the
Earth Atmosphere NY
PERIODICAL. Tr. In-ta geofiz. AS GruzSSR, 1957, Vol 16, pp 245 - 267
ABSTRACT- The thermal convection developing in the atmosphere under the influence
of temperature gradients arising between the par es moving upward and
the surrounding air, is treated. The kinematic characteristics of an air
particle moving In vertical direction, obtained earlier by A.F. Debyuk
(Meteorol. I gidrologlya, Informatsionny-y sbornik, 1946, Nr 6) are
generalized for the case of an Initial heating of the particle relatively
to-the surrounding medlum at the same level. The solutions of the linear
nonhomogeneous differential equation for the vertical motion without
friction and, moreover, taking Into account the friction caused by the
initial heating of the particle relatively to the surrounding air and by
Card 1/2 the character of stratification for the cases T
are investigated
Investigation of the Kinematic and Ebergetic Elements of Oie '11iormal Convection as
Ba,rgs of the Development of the Thunder Activity in the Earth Atmosphere
( oc am Tare the real and the drj adiabatic gradlerit of the air temperature).
Particular examples of the computations of the ascent time of the particle, the ascent
.altitude, and the vertioal velocity for a given initial velocity of the particle, the
tempc-rature of the particle, and the temp,~rature of the surrounding air are given, The
expressions for the kinematic elements of the motion are used for obtaining computational
formulae for the energy of instability as a function of time. By m6ans of the proposed
method, the energy of Instability can be computed for individual layers depending not
only on the distribution of (x and but. also on the vertical velocity of the motior.
of the carticle~
G.P. Kurbatkin
Card 2/2
Sectorial velocities of pilot balloons traveling in apacep Soobo
All Grux. SSR 19 no.61677-683 D 157. (MIRA 11:6)
l.Tbilieskiy gosudarstvennyy univorsitet imeni Stalina. Predgtavlono
akademikom Ye.K. Kharadze.
(Balloons, Pilot)
Kvsratskheliya, 1. F., Tsutakiridze, A. Ya.. and Xurdiani, 1. G.
(State University Tbilissi). "The Results of Works in the field of the
Aeroclimatic Characteristic of the Free Atrn5pbel-e, on the Analytical
Method of the Treatment of Observations ~-jjth Pilot balloons and LiAribution
of Clniidn in Georgia."
Report presented it the Scientific Session of Tbilisi Scientific Research
Institute for Hydrometeorology, MaY 1957. (Mateorologiya i Cjidrolo~lya,
110. 1. 1958.)
Errors in pilot balloon obsorvations. Trudy Inst.geofiz.Ali
Grux.SSR 17:469-505 158. (YaRA 13:4)
1. Thilieskiy eosudaretvennyy universitat im.I.Y.Stalina.
(Ballons, Pilot) (Errors. T'heory of)
- ~-
- ~- Theory of pilot balloon observations made with onn thesdolito.
Soob. AN Gruz.SSR 20 no,5:533-539 MT 158. (mru litio)
1. Tbilimskiy gomudarstvannyy univerRitnt im. Stalina. Predt:tavlono
akademikem Te.K. Kharadze.
(Balloons, Pilot)
Analytical method of working up pilot balloon observations. 2rudy
Inst. j;eofiz. All Gruz. SSR 18:267-308 160. (MM 13:10)
(Balloons, Pilot)
-Z" ir
Anatolij Georgievich Bal.abuev; on bin 7()th tdrthday and 4.;-th anni-
versary of his scientific and nedaropical activities. Trudy Inst.
geofiz. AN Gruz. SSR 19:265-2~7 '60. (YIRA 14:9)
(Balabuev, Anatolii Georrievich, 1289-)
,L L- 1 , i . -' .
lnglne,~rs; Didabulldze, Alekenndr Ioellkovich,
A.I.Didebulidze; on the occasion of the sanivereary
of his death. Eolektrichestvo No. 4, 1952.
SO: Month List of Russian Accessions) Library of Congress, Ayust 1952-219~ Uncl.
nWIANI,I.S., kandidat takhnichookikh nauk; RUJONAVU.Je.H., inzhener
Generalization of experience in using the two-vire--earth system in
Georgia. Nauch.trudy VIISKH no.1:5-21 '54. (HLR.A 8:11)
1. Tbllioakiy filial Vsesoyuznogo Instituta elektrifikateli sell-
skogo khozynystva
(Georgia--Zlectric power distribution)
XURDIANI, I.S., dotaent, kandidat takhnicheskikh nauk; KHOKERIKI, O.K..
Operation of a three-phase ractifier fed by a transformer current.
&Iektrichestvo no.3-.66-71 Rr '54. (KLRA 7-4)
1. Tbilisskiy filial Vnesoyusnogo nauchno-iseledovatellskogo insti-
tuta elektrifikateii aellskogo khozyaystva.
(Zlectric current rectifiers)
C', h - -- --- ---
, - --o yj - I . - - - .
- - ---- --- --- -lilirg "IA .1- - -- --- - - - - - - -
--=- --!:0!: 1. 11
I I- N~..-.- -.. - ~ . - -,
. .1. ~.1 - , ~ "r, '~.~ 1,.
.~ ~~ , I -' ~ A--' - I - ':-! --,! ...
IMLANI. I.S., Inzhener; RUMADZF#, Te#X,, Inshener.
Xzpanding the field of application for alternating current. Blek.sta.
25 no 5:44-46 Hy '54. (KLRA 7:6)
iBlectric currents, Alternating)
Automatic rural hydroelectric power station. Blul. nauch.-takh.
inform. po elek. sellkhot. no.1138-39 156. (KLRA 100)
(I~ydroelectric power stations)
SOV/1 12-57-6-13143
Translation from: Referativnyy zhurnal. Elektrotekhnika, 1957, Nr 6, p 212 (USSR)
AUTHOR: Kurdiani, 1. S., Khomeriki, 0. K.
TITLE: Asyiiiiih'6tr1'c'iL1 *6~ e rating Conditions of a Three-Phase Rectifier Supplied
by a Sinusoidal -Waves hape Source (Nesimmetrichnyy rezhim raboty
trekhfaznogo vypryamitelya, pitayushchegooya ot istochnika sinusoidal'nogo
PERIODICAL: Tr. Gruz. politekhn. in-ta, 1956, Nr 2 (43), pp 91-98
ABSTRACT: An analysis is presented of the operation of a three-phase bridge
rectifier circuit supplied by a sinusoidal-waveshape source under asymmetrical
condit.-ons. To solve the above problem, a grapho -analytical calculation
method was used, as the classical method of symmetrical components would be
unjustifiably cumbersome and less demonstrable because of the nonlinearity and
switching conditions of the r ectif ying -bridge operation involved. The degree of
the current asymmetry of a three-phase system is determined as a ratio of the
negative -to -positive phase-sequence components 12, where Il is the RMS
Card 1 '2
SOVI I I Z-57-6-13143
Asymmetrical Operating Conditions of a Three-Phase Rectifier Supplied by a . . . .
value of positive -phase -sequence current, IZ is the RMS value of negative-
phase-sequence current. The above factor A and the angle a between the
vectors of positive and negative phase -sequence currents can serve for single-
valued determination of an asymmetrical act of currents. Curves are
presented for determining the rectified -current mean values on the basis of
A and a . Analytical expressions are presented for phase-to-phase voltage,
as well as oscillograms of voltages and currents for certain conditionf;. The
results of the above analysis can find pmctical applications in investigations of
asymmetrical operating conditions of synchronous generators with a
compounding scheme, in an investigation of a relay protective system that has
an AC control circuit and is often called to operate under asymmetrical short-
circuit conditions. Bibliography: 3 items.
1. L, R
Card 2/2
KURD!ABI, I.S., kandidat takhnichmakikh nauk, dotomnt; KHOURRIKI. 0.K.,
toftninhook,1kh naijk.
Aspects of the operation of a compoundirg arrangeweat for
synchronous generators. glektrichestvo no.11:62-64 N '56.
(W-aA q: 12)
(Electric current rectifiers) (Electric generators)
8 (0)
AUTHORS s Ananiaahvili, G. D., Gabashvili, 11. V., lo-ov/105-59-11-31/32
Gortinskiy, S. M., Vurdiani, I. S., Mimikonyants, L. G.,
Syromyatnikov, I. A.-O"Ter-Khachaturov, A. Ya., Chkheidzc,
D. IT., Ebin, L. Yo.
TITLE: Ye. Lt. hukhvadze (Deceased)
PZRIODICALs Elektriqheetvo, 1959, Ur 11, P 95 (USIMO
ABSTRACT: IYeeor -V _.',.ukhvadz1 died on August 9, 1959, 45 years
o d. ::x;in, completed hie studies at the cloktrotekhni-
cheakiy fakulltut Qruzinokogo inductriallnogo instituta (De-
partment Of Uectric.]. .,ngineering of the Georgian Industrial
Institute) Ye. M. Rukhvad:.,e worked in Sevastopol' and Tbilisi
in the central laboratories of the Gruzenergo. In 1948 he
assisted in the organization of the Tbilisskiy filial
Veeso,yumogo nauchno-insieawatevoko-lo institute. elaktrifikatdi
sellskogo kho7yaystva (Tbilisi Branch of tile All-Uaion
Scientific lwaearch Institute for the Electrification of
Agriculture) which was later reorganized into the Gruzinskiy
nauchno-issledovateltakiy institut mekhanizatsii i elektri-
fikatsii sellskogo, khozyaystva (Georgian Scientific Tlesearch
Card 1/2 Institute for the Mechanization and Electrification of Agriculture).
Ye. M. Rukhvadze (Deceased)
Since 1944 he worked at the Kaf edra Tsontral I nvkh elektrichaskikh LI
stantsiy i aetey Gruzinekogo politekhnicheakogo instituta
(Chair of the Central Electric Power Plants and Networks of
the Georgian Polytechnic Institute). There is 1 figure.
Card 2/2
-lamoRukhvadze, Makh.i alsk.sote.sallkhot. 17 no.6:59 159.
(Rukhvadso, 7~pr Mik-hailovich, 1914-1959) (MIRA 13:4)
Transistorized moavuring element of an automatic excitation controller.
Trudy GPI [Gruz.) no.301-82 163, (14IRA 17:6)
ACC NRi A77008868 SOUACZ COM UVOL05/66/000/008/0095/0095
AUTWRI Abolishvil:, L. G.; Alftgauzen, A. P.; Baychar, M. Yu.; Gabashvill,
14. V.; Dididze, M. S.: Yofroymovich, Yu. Ye.; Kotlys, A. K.; Kupradze, G. D.;
III J, Nikollakly, L. Ye.; ROZMadZe, Sh. M.;
_4,; Natushil, A. V.;
Svenchanakly, A. D.; Smtlyanskly, M. Ya.; Tkasholashvilt, G. K.
OMt none
TITLEt Professor GrIgorly Artamyovich Sisoyan (on his 70th birthday)
SGURCZ3 91oktrichestvo, no. 8j 19669 95
TOPIC TAGSs electric ongins4ring personnel, electric furnace, academic
ABSTRACT: G. A. Sisoyan graduated from the Moscow Power Engineering Institute
In 1931. In 1932 he wont to work at the Georgian Polytechnical Institute in
the theoretical And general electrical engineering department. Stsoyan has
worked and published many works in the area of electric furnaces. He has
also worked In the area of Investigation of electric spark action. He has
published over 50 scientific works. He ha &1s been In university
eJ?RSt #336/
level teaching. OrIS. art. has$ I figure 38
UDCt 62
Doc rl,,ysicomath Scl
Dissartation:"New Psychrometric Method for Measuring the Air Humidity for All
Temperature Conditions of Earth's Atmosphere."
Central Inst of Forecasts
FC V-O.Chervaya Moskva
Sum 71
-vij of
im"no in
AN Gruz ,
flyo,:t , r t i um n -.4 r r L flif. i-.
Ko ri,.r .. k,iri
tl t kikr i ov
Inv" 11 tq-All. 1, 1
~y A/
131c-A circulati-m. T-6
The I-erwt.
J-,).Ir 11of V1 our - Dinl... :17.,, 10, 111'53~ 46J3o
T I Ue Studyint, S,wac of tl~.v )f C,,n-(!-J.--ic :-hincle
with Vtc hrkcd At,~;i in ExjciAmcrital
Grij~, Jul) : Tr. 1-y k-~:X(~?-k~ntnii ,,,) j.~-,J. ravl-;(A. V~11iri,
G'-!,Z,,--CdJz., i~56) 193-1~)7-
J11botract : Experinentil h3ry,t,iyrc,~;is (If) wan i_;,. rabbits' ad-
minlstcrin~: to t!,i 6-nothylthiouracil. in olf 100
-)f wci,',,t fcr 60-70 (1-lYs. After 1.11 fir3t syrrij-
tonis of H wer(; dctectc~1, aft'cr 30-140 dv,*~-,, chaar-,cL; -)f tile
11CG Mnriv I i- c ell n-
Z ~ c.Luctr,)c,,%raijf:xwl_7 were )uscrvc-~. 1, j a _,i a
r~c-, (,,f the thyrAd wcvc, altw nAed w'-.ic:i cxc cl,aractcristh
f( ) rH. A'Xter 60-70 daY3, a 11,1 1,32(j) (',).I
/k,,-,) was introducc~l. TWr.Qty-R1lr thf-, animaln,
C~lnj 1/2
U,'SR/!Ilz.nn !--Ind ilmirral Fhysir)j,-,,,-y - LloA Circulati,)n. T-6
The Heart.
Ab~; Jour ,WI: Di )1., i1, J.(), Y)53, 1,;"-30
wurc klllc,,I, and the 'icart was sWaJected to freezin-r;
within the tooracic cavity witl- a rxixtixe of fluid C09
and alcohil. ViLrmls witli 11 clisllfiyed incrensed c(.)I)tciits
,)f :.~klncral P in the cm-dil-c i.iusclc (407 Percent) as
C')F.~,~arcd vit'l allimls 350 7)cvct2!'t).
,'loo n.Acd were inercaocs of 1132 lnc.LurA(-,-,7, in all frac-
~ionsjl especially in ATP Z_adciminc
(OPOcific activitY ~)f 42-137 perculit a-- 25-03 under ri,:)mal con(liti,)ns), I woll ris i.1to tLc
celleral acid-Soluble P (s,)ccific azti/it., --f 35.7 '-')crccnt
as aL~ainst 21.19 percent under conditiollo.).
Morphol,),,.-ic licart were not obsQrvL-d. -- 11.Y:,..
Card 2/2
'; 53 ~?
S/1 81/63/005/002/048/051
AUTHORSi Dzhanelidze, R. B., and Kurdiani, N. I.
TITLE: Temperature dependence of antimony and indium yields from.InSb
PERIOjICAI,t Fiztka tv,erdogo tela, v. 5, no. 2, 1963, 688 - 690
TEXT: The In and Sb yields from crystalline n-type ln~3b were investigated,
as regarde temperature dependence on heating over a wide temperature range.
InSb crystall.ine powder was evaporated at 10-4 mm lfg between 250 and 8500 C.
The films obtained were analyzed by a pho tonal orime tric method without
prPvloua separation of In and Sb. The standard nolutione used covered the
concentration ranve 40 - 51-- The results obtained are shown in a diagram
and are compared with those obtained in FTT 3, 535 and 1456, 1961. On the
basis of these results it is assumed that in InSb Sb has a positive and In
a nef-ative effective char?-e. On annealing due to Sb evaporation vacancies
with negative effective charro are formed in the In!;b lattice and holes
appear in the valence band. An a result of In evaporation positive --
vacancies arise. At 4600C the Sb vacancies exceed the In vacancies by a
Card 112
8/181/6 3/005/002/048/051
Temperature dependence of ... B102/B186
factor 3.7. This difference as well ,In the possible migration of impurities
to Inner surfacen, mirrocracko and coagulation centers are hold responsible
for the n-to-p-type conversion at 4000C. Those assumptionn explain also the
results given In the above-mentioned papers. There is 1 figure.
=XCIATIONs Tbilisakly gosudarstvennyy universitet (Tbilisi State Univer-
:31jBMITTEDs July 28, 1962 (initially)
October 22, 1962 (after revision)
F;~gure. Temperature dependence of the 3b and
In yields from In6b crystals.
Legendi (1) N Sb' (2) NIn' (3) NSb IN In*
Card 212
W ego fooo
L 16~811-61 LrWT(!)/ (qj1EWT~_M__j1R~__ _A_WE1S-Sb'___ji_'_'
ACCESSION NR: "3003871 8/0181/631005/00711797AM C
AUMOR: Kurdiani, N. 1.
TITIZ: Optical constants Pf InSb in the visible and near ultraviolet regions of
the spectrum
SOURCE: Fitika tverdogo tele, V. 3, no. 7, 1963, 1797-1799
TOPIC TAGS: reflectivity, absorption, refractive index, ultraviolet, visible
spectrum, dispersion, wave vector, In, Sb, transmission, wave length, short wave
ABSTRACT: Because of excessive light absorption by InSb, the author prepared
thin films of the compound from vapor. These were polycrystalline, and the trans-
mission spectra displayed some indistinct structure in the visible part of the
spectrurn, such as broad and weak transmission minimums at 760 m,~" (1.62 ev) and at
i 540 mLL (2.28 ev). 'More reliable data on the nature of absorption in single
crystals in the short-wave region were obtained by metsuring reflectivity for in-
cident angles near zero. Results on reflectivity, absorption, and refractive in-
dex are shown in Fig. I (see Enclosure 1). Etching of samples affected only the
value of reflectLvity, increasing it relative to unetched samples, but it produced,
Card 1/3
L 18384-63
no change in the spectral distribution of the reflectivity. The author concludes
that the first peak on the absorption curve to possibly associated with change in
the d16persion law for large values of the wave vector. The second peak is
probably nasociated with transition from a third, split by a spin-orbit inter-
action between valence and cc-nduction bands. The energy interval between absorp-
tion, equal to 0.66 ev, may be due to spin-orbit splitting of the valence band.
I "The author considers it his duty to express his thanks to Professor L A-
Mirtskhulava and Professor G. R. Khutsishvili for their interest in the work and
for their valuable remarks." Ocig. art. has: I figure and 5 formulas.
ASSOCIATION: Thiliaskiy gosudarstvenny*y universitet (Tbilisi State University)
SUBMITTED: 2lJan63 DATE ACQ: 15Aug63 ENCL: 01
liCard- 2/3-1-
L 13-82-61- V !D/AFF-1 CIAS D/kM CIAW Ws-,W
Fi'j- WIjP(01K
ACC33SICIT 11R: AP300."Mq 13/0183/63/005/C07/20jr-2/2023
ATIM0.1h Kurdiani, -N-1- 10
M1 IR: Transmisaion of infrexed mys by Indium antimanide irradiated by neutrons
SOTRC"', T'izilm tverdogo tela'. v. 5, no. 7, 1963, 2022-2023
TOPIC TAGSi indim antimmide, neutron irmdiation, radiation dfumaZe, Infrared
trana'=*ency, semicoaductor monocrystal irradiation, transparency irradiation
respa.ise, cenicotductor annesUng, cryetal defeat
;,DSMOT: N-type indi= antimonide monocryotala with a carrier concentration of
3 X 1,)" cm-5 and mobility of 4.8 x 104 cm2/V-aea have been Irradiated at roam
temperature in the reactor of the Inatitut fiziki AN Gruzz- BSR InmUtute,
--PX-Ge,.)rr,71an SSE) with an integrated neutron flux density of 8.16 a JO16 CZn-2.
Vrans_yarenzy to Infrared radiation vas measured at wavelengthn within the ran&-*
f-cm L71 to 5 ji. Irradiation did. not affect tranaparenoy at 300,K; harover, at
100K ~he trann.,mIttivity of Irra6lated specim,!ns increased by 101,t. At the latter
temperatuzre a well-&-flned trancmittivity minimmm wes oo'3 erved at about 13.2 g;
thio -ainlinu-i widened and shifted In the lonTwave direction when the
u~~r, rlicerl to 1351". No definite theory can ao yell, be advanced to explain this
Ca7d 1/2
ACM;S10,1 1M: AP3003909
miniiim. Vacuto annealing of the neutron- irradiated spacimens at 350K for 40
ho,2x-, totally eliminated the defects observed In the longvave miesion apectrum,
that the pivncrnent. vei-_ due. to cr-
yctallina d-efects cmated, In turn,
'~.v! col-linion of f&3t neutrona wIth the LiLticG atcrna. "The &uthor ia
%-Iul to Prof. I. A. Kirt4khttlava for his Interest in, the vark eand his vmluablA
-e ~.,nd to the otaff of the atwic reactor of the Fhyaica Institute for
1--ra,liation of the crystals." Orig. art. has: I figum .
PS30(,*IAT10TT-. Thil-isaki go3uftratvenny*y universitet (Ibil-ii3i State Univers!,--~
3 UBI'T '- TMED 21Jan63 D= ACQ: 15AuZ65 ENCL: 00
SUB CCDE: PH. NO RE*j? SOV: 000 mum 00-_2
Cord '2/2
ACCESSION NR: Apho39676 S/0181/64/OD6/006AB25A827
AUTHORS: Kurdiard., He L; Khavtasi,.L. G.; Baramidze., N. V.
TITLE: The effect of doping on the reflection spectrum of inlium anti=nido in
the fundamental band
V)UPICE: Fizika tv6rdogo tola, v. 60 no. 6, 1964, 1825-1827
IK 12
TOPIC TAGS: indium antimonidej dopingp semiconductor, IPO 12 attachment S
spectrometer, SF 4 spectrophotometer, light reflectionj Brillouin zonep conduction.
ABSTRACT: The authors measured the reflection of light from carefully polished
surfaces of IrGb doped with Zn and Te during growth, The measurements were made
oa an IPO-12 attachment to an IKS-12 spectrometer, and also on an &F-4 spactropho-
tomoto.- in the visible and near-infrarod parts of the spectrum at room temperature.
Moasuremonts on both p- and n-type samples indicate two peaks in the reflection
coefficient. These are related to the optical transition (Ly~ Ll) between the
extremes of the valence and conduction bands and to the transition from the Valence)
band, split off by spin-orbit interactionj to the conduction band at the same
values of the wave vector. The energy gap between the peaks corresponds to the
valuo of spin-orbit spUtting at the edge of the Brillouin band., which is equal to;
two-thirds of this splitting in the center of the band. With inci-ease in impurity!
concentration, the reflection maxima shift toward the longer wavelengths. The
orgy gap is preserved in this shift, indicating that. the value of spin-orbit
splitting at the odge of the Brillouin band does not changewith doping (within
the invostigated limits). A reduction of the energy gap during doping may
associated with the appearance of a "tail" in the density state in the forbidden
band. It may also be due to Coulomb interaction between carriers during strong
doping. "The authors express their thanks to Professor I* A. Mirtakhulav and
Professor V. L. Bonch-Bruyevich for their interest in the work and for valuable
romarks. They also thank Docent Yus V. Chkhartishvili for usefu3. discussions."
Orig. art* Mat 1 figure,
ASSOCIATIONs Tbilisskiy gosudarstvonnM universk~,ot (Tiflis State University)
SUB14ITTED3 28Nov63 ENCL 1 00
C'~Z-, 2/2
OTHERs 004
ACCESSION NR: e4045203 6/0251/&1/035/002/0299/0302
AUTIIOR: Mirtskhulava, I.A., Chigogi(lze.Z.N., Kurdlanl. N.J.. Hhvcdclidze, L.V..
Dzhanclldzc, R. B., Mirianashvili, M. M,
TITLE: The possibility of obtaining high- resistance, compensated crystals of Indium,
antimonide by heat treatment
SOURCE: AN GruzSSR. Soobshchenlya, v. 35, no. 2, 1964. 299-302
TOPIC TAGS: Indium, antimony, Indium antimonide, compensated crystal, crystal
electrical resistance, electrical conductivity
ABSTRACT: The resistance of indium antimonide is low primarily because of the
I)rcscnce of Impurities. Heat treatment of n-type material generntes acceptor levels at
1. 6- 1. 8 x 10- 2 eV, leading to compensation of band electrons at the residual donor
impurity. A diagram shows the conductivity wid Hall coefficient In relation to temperatura
before and after heat treatment (450C). Because of the depth of the thermal acceptor
levels, it should be possibI6 to obtain compensated indium antimonide with a resistance
of several kilohm, but this turned out to be difficult to achieve because of sensitivity of
the material to temperature, time of holding the temperature and the Initial donor con-
egntration. A graph of resistivity against time of heating showed a sharp maximum at
Car 1/2
ACCESSION NR: #4045203
about 2. 5 hours. Up to the present, the authors have only managed to obtain 100- 130
ohm-cm in p-type InSb having a hole concentration of 1013 cm-3, while maintaining a
high carrier mobility of 5 x 103 cm/V-sec, but higher resiBLivities are e)q)ccted In the
near future. Crystals of the material were tested in fast, clamping switches of tile
breakdown type. ne low breakdown Voltage (40V/cm) and fast recovery time (microsec.)
hold considerable promise. "The authors acknowledge aid from L.S. Xhitarishvili,
L M. Purtselaadzo, Ye. K. Nemsadze, A. V. Matveyenko and V. G. Avalinal. " OrIg.
art. has: 2 figures.
ASSOCIATION: Tbiliaskly gosudaretvcnny*y univorsitet (Tiflis State University)
NO REF SOV: 001 OTHER: 001
Card 2/2
L 1723-06 i!~IT(m.)IEPF(c,),IFPF(n)-21B.,IP(t)lg4p(b) 1JP(c) JD/GG
ACCV-SSION NR: AP5022717 tJR/0181/65/007/009/2749/21153
AMBOR: Vodoplyanov L. K.; Kurdinni, N. 1.
TITLE: Electric properties of InSb Irradiated with neijtronq At 77K and electrons
;F -3
At 30OK v
SOURM Fi;P1kn tverdogo tela, v. 7, no. 9, 11465, 27/#-.;-2753
TOPIC TAGS: neutron Irridintlon, Irrndiation ef fec 1~
t_,..,elertron radintion, semiconductor
ABSTRAur: Specimens of n- and p-type InSb crystals were irradiated with neutrons
at low temperatures and electrons at room tempernture in a p0se reactor. Cd
filters were used to prevent nuclear trnnsformations ~,;hlrh can occur when tile
substance Interacts with slow neutrons. To detach I-ev neutrons, which can be
resonance-absorbed by indium and can produce transmutation impurities, an additional
filter made of indtum was applied. The Gpvclfic res~stanve of the specimens
.was m4~!asured at 77K during irrddiation. ror p-type speciAens'the tesistan6
,increased with an increase in the integral irradiation dose and then, apparently
because of a change of conductivity type, the resistance decreased, approaching
saturation. For n-type'apecImens the resistance increased, also approaching saturation.
Card Ul
L 1723-66
ACCES' ; I ON N R -AP5022717
conductivity type did not change. During ainneating the p-type speclnen:3 under-
inversion, the reverse of what occurred during irradiation. The annealing
of n-type specimens consisted of two ntriges- from 77 to 150K and from 150 to 260K.
f'or the first stage Lite activation encrj;y of defects was 0.11 ev; for the qecond,
:0.16 ev, After -irradiation tile dependence-of WI) oil 11 (P beil"g tile specific lesistance)
did not chringe, although the absolute value of ' magnetoresistance Increased. Thus,
this increase was more substantial for p-type specimens than for n-tvpe. Irradiation of
~InSb n- and p-type crystals Oth Plectrons was carried out at 300K. Electrical
.properties were measured at 77K. An clecttostatic Fenerator was the source of I-Hev
,electrons. The electrical properties of p-type speciwnr, were virtually unaffected
by irradiation. Tile specific resistance of n-type specimens Increased as tile
irradiation dose was increased. No Inversion was observed. Pndiation defects
stable aL I
s 'OOK were not detected. The Increise in magnetoresigt;ince was not an
strong as occurs during neutron irradiattoit, although it w;v- observable and lncreat;ed,
with Lite size of the irradiation dosc. It is conctuded that In ~1 two-componvnL
InSb semiconductor, unlike nn ntomicsorniconductor (e.g., Ce, Si), electron and
neutron irradiation creates radiation dt.[ects which affect electrical properties in
.various ways. Orig. art. has: 4 figures and I tnble. [JAI
ASSOCISHOV: Fizichenkiy inatit-it im. P. N. Lebedeva AN SSSR' Moscow (Physics
.Institute AN SSSR)
Card 2 [j
1- 1723-66
7 t~~d3
ENCL: 00
OTHER! 008
L 1876o-66 FjjT(m)/EPF(n)-2/Z4P(t) IJP(c) JD/GG
ACC NR: AP6003764 SOURCE CODE: UR/ol8i/456/oo8/ool/0O72/oo76
AUTHORS: Vodoplyanov, L. K.; Kurdiani, N.J.
ORG, Phygj~as Institute im. P. 11. Lebedey AN SSSR. Moscow (Fiziki
i n s i I E~ t A _N_S_S_S_RT__
TITLE: Nuclear doping and optical properties of indium antimonide
,SOURCE: 1?1.zika tverciogo tela, v. 8, no. 1, 1966, 72-7
iTOPIC TAGS: indium. antimonide, tin, optic property, semiconductor
crystal, neutron bombardment, neutron irradiation, absorption edge,
light ab*-orption, forbidden band
ABSTRACT: The purpose of the investigation was to determine the in-
':fluence of Impurities introduced by nuclear doping on certain electric,
.and optical properties of InSb. n-type crystals of InSb were j.rrgAj-_'
ated with large in~eg!La_j__L1,u& -ons/lin the experimental
of a nuclear reactor. The fast-neutron background was small
,compared with the main flux of slow neutrons. The maximum temperature:
fluring irradiation was not higher than 70C. In view of the large In-
I Card 1/2
L- 1876o-66-
ACC NR: AP6003764
duced P and y radioactivity of the samples, the measureffr_nts were
made 10 -- 12 months after the irradiation. It was found that ir-
radiation Introduces tin into the InSb lattice, and the tin acts like
.a donor impurity. This was manifest by the appearance of 3even W
spectral lines of Sn (21129, 2706, 2840, 2863, 3009, 30311, and 3175 A),!
,which were not observed in the samples prior to irradiation. The ir-
radiation was found to shift the edge of the optical absorption band
towards shorter wavelengths. The shift increased with increasing
radiation dose. This result is attributed to the Burstein effect
(Phys. Rev. V. 93, 632, 1954). It was also observed that the for-
band --of: -irradiated -InSb --- is- ef fee tivolyn, Prowed-
bidden C%
case of compensation of strongly doped p-type samples by the trans-
mutation method. This narrowing down Is attributed to the appearance i
of stails' of the state density In the forbidden band after strong
doping. Authors thank V. S. Vavilov, V. L. Boncb-Bruyevi an
V. Keldysb for a discuqs16n761'_'iFje_resuiLs and for valuable hints.
i0rig.-a-FE7. bas: 3 figures and I table.
SUB CODE: 20/ SUBM DATE: 28Jun65/ ORIG REF: 005/ OTH REF: 008
L 215517~64 . -W.Ti CU /WACU- ---I Q
C UR/0181 a' "'/Oi54 ldz'~6
ACC--RTs--KP600380 .60URCE 166/00 /001
AUTHOR: Vodoplyanovt L. K KurdisnL, N# 1.
ORG* Physics Institute im. P. N. Lebedev, AN SSSR, Moscow (FizLcheskiy
instLtut AN SSSR)
TITLEt OptLclai &boor tio-a-- -i-n-Mallium arsenide irradiated with large----
integ ra ted-fluxes "7
8 1 .1966. 254-256
SOURCE: FitLka tvardogo to a, v. .
TOPIC TAGSs semiconductor cryatal, neutron irradiation, irradiation
damagag irradiation effect
ABSTRAM An investiRation was made of changes in the properties of a
GaAs semiconductor after strong irradiation with fast neutrons. The
specimens used were of nonalloyed,'n-type GaA . which before irradiation
at 77K had a carrier concentrati n (n) of 2 x 1017 cm-3 I a specific
(p) of 9 x 10-3 ohm.c
resistance "- - Z, and a mobility (p) of
3 x 103 CM2.V-1-see-1. The 8 e imens were irradiated in the central
channel of a nuclear reactor fter irradiation with large integral
fluxec of fast neutrons, the-~WAO-component compound GaAs retained its
fundamental semiconductor pV6pertles, Hobility and the concentration
of current carriers, however,, decreased. Heasuremento of the optical
_k C:L221~-00 _ __ ___ _
ACC 1ARt AP6003803
-_ --- -i
absorption shoved that after strong irradiation the periodic crystal-
line lattice In GaAs specimens was preserved and that the general Idea
of the zone model was applicable. Such Irradiation caused no remark-
able change In the width of the forbidden zone, OrLg. art* hast
1 figure. (JAI
SUB CODE: 20/ SUBH DATEs 27Jul65/ ORIG REFt 001/ OTH REFs 003
ATD FRESS:ij2-(j
KURDIAld, Ye. K., Cand Med Sci -- (diss) "Problei.-, of operative
access to the cavity of a small pelvis and local anesthetization
throu-h the obtur,,,,tor orifice in -orostutectomy." libilisi, 1960.
1~; pp; (Tbiliskiy State Medical Inst); 200 COTIiC-3; fro(-.~; (KL,
1C) - C, C) , l.3 8 )
-oping 4-c-
KURDIM, F. [Kurdym, F.3, dotsent,
'Usefullness and harm of mineral water. Nauka i zhyttia 11
no.2%46 F 162. (MIRA150)
1. Direktor Ukrainskogo nauchno-issledovatellskogo instituta
'kurortologii i fizioterapli.
(Mineral waters--Therapeutic use)
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
RX fl,
oj Mot t VOW It, It
a 4
soA 0'a ('44441
00 "Eletrtno-WadI4 of Big'"* with Altwulluas Cuffact. A. hunlan (_w.. 4-* 0
00 (Aftt,v'~Q' rniclic'), IOU (9). PrVIIIIII.
00 nArv re-sul", jorrinirnts tin the ekx.wc welthilp.,q 1.nqjj.~ %,(h s., at%.
oo mv,-nled. of ow 4rivetrAra teawd. the Is-pt
K:I III, tin 15-59, zinc A-04. leml 3 3, ifun 2' 24. &ulphur 6)s. mils-if If 1, aryl goo
IN 0 t'ar". 1). N.
it I
u xa I'll It III It Ina A 1 '14
00 o 00 00 :* 0 a sio 0 0 0 00*4 a60 .0 00
09 00
0 0 0 0.
006 goo of 00 0
t 4 1
0 41 *0 0 go"
g g a a
so 00
It it 21 A A
so Af
i ulldlug UP of a Ilard Metal Alley by Welding with
go 11, llisli-rivquemy Current. (fit RuxWsn.% F. M. Klizinak
and A. 1. Kurdln. Artovennue Dirlo (Welding). im.
1947, p. 1-4
A method of hard surfacing fur (;rill bits. Using
hiffh-frequency current, is described. Basic ra,-
turm Influencing the method were thumughly in.
VrAtl ted. Different methods for delmisiting hard
Metaf-I and AIIO
I ar
of U e compare
ia 40 4VW
Lis 0
a I T' t if" AA it S arw a 0
t 11 dt J-
L Not Hit" it N14141% I ~14
U 41 N A 00 0 0 1
o00,900 we 0 Ali 000
0 000 1
o4) 00 0 0
Hard fanine by neans of high-freq"oncy ciirrontn. Tmdy 1-151 no.7tl28-138
47. (MIRA 12:1)
(Hard faclng) (Boring maebinery)
A - -h '~' ' / ) j I-L- . -L-
KUZMap Ye*M#;.KURDIN. A.I.; CHISKIS, Kh.I.; TMHOV, P.R.. redaktor-,
PODWINAO"A*80"t tdkhhicheskiy redaktor
(Technology of'using hard alloys for well-boring bits] Takhnologiia
onnashchenila tyardymi oplavami tolot dlia burentia. Moskva, Goo.
nauchno-takhn. izd-vo neftlanot, I. gorno-toplirnoi lit-ry, 1954. 171 p.
(Boring machinery) (MLRA 7:10)
Using hard alloys for throo-dimonsional reinforcement of bit
id1ling cutters. Haft.khos. 35 n0-1:31-35 J& '57. (MLRA 10:2)
(Cutting tools)