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MIRCU, Ludovic; PACWRIJ, VasIle
General control of the social insurance activity in the
Bacau rogion. Munca sindic 7 no-802-54 Ag 163.
1, Membri al birorlul executiv al 'Conniliulul regional al
sindicatelor, Bacau.
BUC, Jerzy) KLARCYR, Tadeusz; "21UNt Slawo-rar; ZIELINSFI, PygzLrr'
11~1,-'-~;-"-.- - 'I'll.
Use of program controlled machine tools in small and tedium
lot production. Problemy prcj hut maszyn 12 no.11:321-339
11 164.
1. Technical University, Warsaw.
MJRCZ, Axpad, dr., allatorvos (Villany)
Ifermaphroditiorus spurlus mancullnun in swino. Magy allatorv
lap 19 no.4:162. Ap 164.
15 (8) POL/24-60-2-1/13
Eugeniusz, Graduate Engineer
TITLE: Polwinit!' as a Plastic Material for the Cable Industry
PERIODICAL: Wiadomobei Elektrotechniczne, 1960, Nr 2, pp 33 - 36
ABSTRACT: The article describes the advantages and disadvantages of vinyl polychloride
a plastic manufactured in Poland under the name "polwinit!', in the pro-
duction of electric cables. Of Its two varieties: an emulsified and a
suspension type,the suspension type has better dielectric characteristics,
is more resistant to water penetration, and withstands better d-c loads.
However, until its production is fully developed In Poland, the emulsi-
fied type may be used provided that It is the equivalent to the East
German PCU_K and not to the FCU-0, also a product of the GDR.
The addition of plasticizers for improving the mechanical properties of
vinyl polychloride Impairs its electrical properties, especially at higher
temr~eratures. The plasticizers most suitable for cable manufacture are
bioxalph Lhalein, diethyl phthalate and tricresol phosphate. The resistiv-
ity cf the polymers of vinyl chlorides amounts to appr. 1016 R cm at 200C
and decreases with higher plas ti cizer "contents (Figures I & 2). Dielectric
Card 113 losses due to dipole relaxation,reach their peak value at not more than
"Polwinit" as a Flastic Material for the Cable Industry POL/24-60-2-1/13
300C, Beyond this peak the losses decrease first, but then rise again
due to ionic losses caused by decreasing viscosity at higher temperatures.
This loss factor at 50 cps is between 0.045 and 0.1.(Fig. 3). The di-
electric dissipation at 50 cps and 200C amounts to 11-5 and grows with
rising temperature, at first slc-oly, then suddenly (depending on the
am,-,,unt -,f plasticizer, pig. 4). The dielectric strength of the Polwinit,
in spite of many experiments aid theoretical studies, is not well known yet,
owing to strictural irregularities in the material. The value of 25-50
kv'/mm a- 200cC decreases with riaing temperature at a speed depending on
the plasticizer content. In practice a value of 2.5 - 3 kv/mT is accepted
a_~ zztandard. Water absorpticn is Pruch higher in the ~nrulSlfied Polwinit,
thar, In the suspension type. It results in a sudden drrlp of resistivity
(Figure 5). The mechanical propertiles of both type5 of Polwinit do not
sh~~w great differences. Between 40 and 800C the tensile strength de-
creases more than 10 times, compared to only 2 times if 110% of plasticizer
Is added instead of 25% (Figure 6). Ability to withstand high and low
temperaturesdetermines the application of Polwin.'t: In practice it Is
not used at temperatures above 6.5 or 700C. The plasticizer ccntent ef-
fects thI5 ability (Table p. 36), Ite main advantages of using Polwinit
for the Insulation of cables ares getting rid cf the heavy and unwieldy
Card 2/3 lead eheating; filler leakage (especlally Important when using continuous
"Polwinit" as a Plastic Material for the Cable Industry POL/24-6o-2-i/13
cable at various levels); in many cases no need for cable potheads; t_1
simplified cable production; easier transportaticn and installation -
work. A much wider use of Polwinit for high-tension cables will be-
come possible in Poland in a few years, when the production of the sus-
pension-type Polwinit begins (in the Chemical Work3 In Ohwigcim).
There are 7 graphs and 1 table.
Card 3/3
KURCZ, Eugeniusz, mgr inz.
Welding cables with aluminum vires. Wiad elektrotechn 28
no.7s214-216 Jl 161.
tA 1A
KURCZ, Ida (Wanom)
Semantic gFinamlization of sentence-.3. Pr?,,~Vl i'mychol
no.8:51-19 164.
KURCZ, Idst (WikrHAaWa)
Semantic generalization of voluntary rew!tionB. Studia psychol 525-72
L 15516!.66 fdM-05-/65/O20O0X/OO6 /606 0
ORG: Endocrinological Laboratory, loomQnosoy University, Moscow
TITLE: Disturbances of pregnancy, labor and lactation in "hypothalamic obasityl'
[This paper was presented at the 29th Meeting of the Hungarian Ph siological
SociS~y hold in Szeged from 2 to 4 July 19641
900ACE i Academia soientlarum hungaricae a Act& physiologic& v 26, Su
1965, 61 pplempnto
TOPIC, TAGSt' biologic reproduction, andoorinolomr,.rat, brain
ABSTRACT: DGpendin- on' thp location.and-
-,cxtp.nt- of 1--sibit-in--ihe nay-
prespnt, without interferonce with the sexual cycle. The course of restation,
,labor and lactation of such animals has been studied in order to characterize
:the neuroendocrine system of such animils. It was found that such females
copulatc but only about one third of the number of controls become pr%iqnant.
Of the 11 extremely obese rats, 2 could not deliver and died, whJlf. the labor
of the other 9 was difficult and prolonged. A lari-P number of stillbirths
occurred. Slkg~~jy obese rats, or those operated on durin~..p Fq: C3~ and
Card 1L2
L 15516-66
ACC NR: AT6007468
,becominG extremely oIx.-sn'late'E,- had normal deliveries. The rc*3ults indicate
that abnormal parturition of excessively obese rats should be ascribed to
some mechanical, somatic causes rather than to endocrine disorders. The
maternal instinct was present in every rat followinr,- delivery but most of
them could not nurse. This led to the conclusion that theru oxists an area in
.the hypothalamus, or there are pathways near the satiety conter, the intactness,
of which is essential for lactation4 Pregnancy was shown to havo no effect on
the developmfpt ot state of obesity. EJPR-S7
I_Card 2/2
KURCZ1 Rihaly, and KABAK, J.M., Laboratory of Endocrinology, National Lo-nonosov
University, voscow [original-languago version not given].
"Prolactin Content of Rat hypophysis After Destruction of Middlo Part of
Hypotha-lamu SO
Budapest, Kis orletes Orvostudoma~4, Vol 18, No 6, 1966; PP 561-565.
Abstract: After isolated destruction of the ventromedial nucleus of the hypo-
thalamus the uterus was traumatized, in order to release the dociduoma reaction,
and the prolactin content of the hypophysis was determined. In the genital
cycle of the damaged animals the diestrus phase was prolonged, but the do-.i-
duoma reaction was riot positive. The weight of the hypophysis significantly
increased after the operation. Both the concentration and the albsolute weight
of the prolactin in the hypophysis was increased. On t-he basis of these
results and of previous data the authors bellieve that those nervous struc-.ures
which aro responsible for the inhibition of the prolactin socretion of the
hypophyz;is are either present in the vantromodial nucleus, or t.ho ~--ths
connecting the "centers" inhibiting the prolactin production and t~o hypophysis
pass through the ventromodial nucleus. 14 Roferoncos, 7 of which Eastern.
Manuscript received 28 jul 65.
NAGY. Ivan, OROSZ, Antal, KURCZ, Mihaly, BARANYAJ, Pal, and AJTAI, Vataij-
of the Central Laboratory OMW"961A'Pal Children's hospital (He-L-."Pal
korhaz Kozpinti Laboratoriuma), and the Department of General Zoolo;,y (Ai-alanos
Allattani Tanazek) of the Eotvos Lorand University of Sciences (---otv4os Lor-ard,
Tudomanyegyatem= ELTE).
"Study of the Immunological Properties of Anti-Prolactin Serin Formed Upon
Simple Prolactin Treatment"
Budapest, Kiserletes Orvostudoma , vol 18, ho 6, 1966; pp, 640-644.
Abstract: After injection of purified sheep prolactin preparation without
adjuvant anti-prolactin (Pr) antibodies appeared in the blood of experimental
rats, which showed a precipitation reaction with Pr on an agar gel plate. and
which agglutinated sheep erythrocytes sensitized to -Pr in a high titer.
,The antibodies may be detected in the gamma globulin of the tmmune serum by
means of immunoelectrophoresis. on the basis of authors' studies the sheep-?r
and anti-Pr are considered species-specific from the Innunalogical point of
view. The antishoep Pr serum reacted only with extracts of sheep and bovine hypo-
_physis, and showed no reaction with aqueou5 extracts of htLian, doZ, rabbit,
rat, guinea pig and pigeon hypophysis. On the basis of thase results it is
believed that Fr may be quantitatively determined by an LTnunological method, but
to do this it is absolutely necessary to take into consideration t'-a species-
specific property of Fr. 28 References, mainly Western. Xanuscript received
mian 66.
CZECHOSLOVAKIA uDc 616.248-053.2-07:616.,-4-072-7
,ont of Medicine of
,Ejj4~0 ~OV I j lgjRES, MACEX M.; Departri
~s 'harle3 University
ca -- -117culty of
I -ZJ ~T~ ~ t~rorr, ~ediatricop
(Katodra Tolovychovnoho La!(nratvi Fakulty Dotakeho Lekarstvi KU),
Ilead (Vedouci) Docent Dr M. 1,1A8EK*
"Hyperventilatory Chaagos of the Endoxpiratory Level in Asthmatic
Pra,a,ue, Casopis Lekaru CqslS~Lch, Vol 105, 11o 49-50, 9 Doc 66, pp
1377 - 13b1
Abstract ZA-uthors' 1~nglish summary modified-_7* Voluntary hyper-
vonti I ion with active expiration was atudiod uaing 6 various
frequencies in 2 groups of children: 53 healthy onenj and 53
symptom-froe asthmatic c1lildron. The hyporventilatory response
depends on the frequency and was different in the two groups*
The most characteristic differencon botwoon tho two groups were
found in a frequency of breathing of 37-5 cycles per minutco
At this frequency the pathological functional changes in asth-
matic children are most obvious* 2 Figures$ 2 Western, I Czech
KURCZ* Maly (Budapest VIII0 Pushkin u. 3. flungary)
A-comparative study of the spontaneous activity of the white rat and
the brown or wharf rat. Acta biol Hung 11 no.3:271-28) 160.
(EEAI 10s4)
1e Institute of General Zoology, Eotvos Lorand University, Budapest
(Head: G.Modlinger)
E. [Bakncs-Polgar, E.);- KURTS-CHIKI, 1. [Kurcz-CsikZ, 1.)
S.Imple mathod for the isolation of ralioa!~Iivr. .3trontium and
barium. Zhur.anal.khim. 18 nc).10:120(-I;IIO 0 163. (MIRA 16:12)
1. Institut zdravookhranenlya, Budaposht, Vangriya.
.r\ v
h I rL lo~Actlou of Prostividue durinc and after colic 'or utony
of the alimoulary tract, complicating Pseptic pododermatitis or
paralytic uiyoglobintewia of horses. '. W K uri /-b ( I im. Uaj,, - 11.
lif 111) to 12.5 111g. of PrIM11zlitillo titillitI1.01i iIII-WiJ. I'alli.k1j.'lly
.-I D 't-4,11 0 4d it --,J. colimic, lictittil6k, and ii r-mumf mi-I f-,r tit-m-, tit a t,t-il (I%',,
~ "I Culi(AY Cualliti"11-4 ill lmrs~-s. R I
KRYJ'ZFW.';Kl, Marian; XURULW"FA, 11alina; SUMANSM, Alakoander
D.C.current conductivity of organic dielectric polymers, depen-
ding on the work conditions and external factors. Ft. 1.
PrzegI elektroniki 5 no. 4:190-198 Ap 164.
1. Department of Physics, Division of Chumintry, Technical
Univeraity, Lodz.
AUTHOR, Kurczewaki, Alekfjnnd,:~r
TITLE: PD-56 Electronic
PERIODICAL:: Nukleonika, 1959, Nr 4, pp 151-453 (Poland)
ABSTRACT: This piece of equipment (shown in fig 1) is used to
count electrir impuloes of P..I typecs and finds various
applications- in nuclear phyjics, rtidiochemistry, ra-
diobiology, industry, medicine, el.c, Fig 2 shows the
circuit lay-out, its variouz parts (reading from bot-
tom left to bottom right, clockwise) being: pre-ampli-
fier, high-voltage, oupply, 2 and 20 11z control geriera-
tor, discriminator, lot and 2rid d,~cnde, separator and
amplifier, electromechanic co1jnt,:-r, Pcwe-- SU 1
pp Y.
Bottom cenier is the connecticn tc a Geiger-Mueller
counter,. The symbols "well and Ivy" signify input and
output respectively. The fc1lonJ Lne technical data
are given,, Measured impulses: negative - U - =0.1 V,
u-ion tT~gz ne-
positive - Umin=5 V. Impulse distrib
Sec, pos
C,rative T
Card 112 n
PD-56 Electronic Counter
POL/4 (-59-4- 11/18
Tension is stablized to within I1% mains deviations
from 180 V to 240 V and rogulat,vkl In fi%e t3ub-ranges:
200-400 V, 350-600 V9 500-800 V, 700-1,200 V and 1,100-
1,800 V. The power supply is 220 V; 150 VA, 50 Hz.
The counter weighs 25 kg and measures 'J7.5xrll5x325 mm
in a metal casing or 48Ox268x320 rim in a viooden casing
which is adapted for use with a stand, Counters of
this type may be connected in series and in this %vay
it is possible to count regularly repeated impulse
with a frequency of 2~10) inD/opc,.
ASSOCIATION! Zaklady 71ybrobow Elektroteclinicvnych "Eltra" Bydgoszcz
("Eltra" Electrotechnical Equipment Plant, Bydgoszcz)
CarL 2/2
9(2) POT
~'/46-59-4, .121/18
AUTHOR: Kurczewski, Alek3ander
TITLEt ML-56 Portable Monit6r''Counter
PERIODICAL: Ilukleonika, 1959, Nr 4, pp i"Fol.and)
ABSTRACT: This Diece of equipment', illustrated in fig 1, is
battery powered and used for detecting sources of
radio-activity and meaouring do3es of beta and gamma
radiation. It may also be used for detecting radio-
active contamination of solids, liquid3 and gases.
Hence it can find many uoc,,3 -in mining and industry.
Fig 2 shovis the lay out of th(! circult, the left, half
repre3enting the sounding rod, the right half the
counter box, Reading clockwise from the bottom, we
have in the sounding rod. the high tension suDply,
the Geiger-Mueller counter and the limiting amplifierg
and in the counter box. battery supply, integrator
and tube voltmeter. At the top, center, Is the ear-
phone connection. The following telchnical data are
given, Measuring range with a BCS-4 G-M counter-
Card 1/2 0.03-20 mr/h. The following are the column titles of
ML-56 Portable Monitor Counter POL/46 - 59....4-121/18
the attached table: sub-range, radiation dose in mr/
h and beta radiation depending or. positions B and B
of the sounding rod. Measurement accuracy offl+ 5 0% 2
is maintained 0under the following atmospheric condi-
tiona~ 10-30 C, 55-75% humidity and '730-770 mm pres-
sure. The life span of the battery is about 50 hours.
Out-side measurements: box - 225x85x!65 mm, sounding
rod - 1,000 mm, cable length - 1,000 mm, total weigh'.
5.4 kg. Measurements taken may be converted into
radiation dose values with the help of tables printed
inside the cover. When the cover is down, readings
may be taken through a glas-9 panel. In view of its
uses, the sounding rod is water- and gas-proo-jr.
ASSOCIATION. Zaklady Wybrobow Elektrotechnicznych "Eltra" Bydgoszcz
("Eltra" Electrotechnical Equipment Plant, Bydgoszcz)
Card 212
9(2) 7-.
AUTJIOR~ Yurczewski, Alek3anll.::
T I T L Et ML-57 Pcrtable Mcn-_*.Gr
PERIODICAL: Nukleonika, 1.959, Nr 4, pt; "~-lanl'
ABSTRACT~ This p1lece of equIpmcn,_ ~A in J,_i bat-
tery Powered and 10 ftlqptel f c-i- it-, prospectlng
,'L't!3 conetruction 11--. an )
-e.-Ion cf the ML-56
counter pre-.,-joU.,,,jy T- i~, use-! for detect-
ing radioactive elemen- and fcr measuring -ainma ra-
diation doses. The circu_,~,ry -19 exactly the same as
in the ML-5-6 counter.. The f,., ' 'echnical data
are given Measur-mew. in two
sub - ~ u
- . r a r! g e aM e a E3 u rn m e n 1, w: r ti:- .!3 achievei
andr~r the game atmosphetic c,~ nditlcns as for the MI!-
56 coi;nter. The tattery, itr3 I-Ife 3pan and outside
Ibox measurements are the sam,:- Ps 'for the ?,TL--56 coun-
ter,, The sound 4
_Lng rod togoth
er wl*h extension meas-
ures 1,740 mm and the cible 1 '-00, mm, 'he weight is
aboui 5 kg. Readings may Irp
' triken through a glags
Card 1/2 c' cl;~, -~
pan e1 whe n the c ove r 1. s d ,Thc- soundirg rod is
ML-57 Portable Mon.,+W,,,,,, Counter !~01%14r, .59 4-23/18
water- and gas-proof and may be extenied thanks to
its t-elescopic construction,
ASSOCIATION! Zaklardy Wybrobow "Eltra" Bydgoszcz
"Eltrall Electrote,21inical Equipment. Plant, Bydgoszc7)
Card 2,12
21(3) _10L/46-4-5-10/16
AUTHOR: Kurezewski, Aleksander
TITLE: ML-6 G-M Laboratory Nionitor
PERIODICAL: Nukleonika, 1959, V 0 1 4, lir 5, pp 573-5 (POLAND)
ABSTRACT: This is a portable counter designed for measuring
temporary dosages of Pand -y radia'u-ion and for detec-
ting radioactive contamination of solids, liquids
and gases. The apparatus may be used universally in
isotope, radiochemical, radiobiological, medical etc..
laboratories, The counter is illustrated in Fig 1
and its block scheme is shown in Fig 2. The appara-
tus is made to measure 0 and radiation in 3 ra es
f ~
as s
n accuracy o
e on P 5
is mainta ;ned in the following conditions: tempera-
ture 20
-5 C; relative humidity of the air environment
- 65-5P; atmospheric pressure - 760-20mm Bg; power
supply - 220 V (gr1d), 50 11z. Complete with 5m cable
and sounding rod, the monitor weighs 12 kG. A BOS-4
type Geiger-MUller counter is incorporated in the
sounding rod. There are 1 photograph and 1 layout.
ASSOCIATION :ZakXady wyrob6w elektrotechnicznycii "Eltra", Bydgoszcz
Card 1/1 ("Eltra" Blectrotechnical 1,roducts Ilant
Bydgoszcz) e
P.2- 0 0
AUTHOR: _Kurczewski, Aleksandrr
TITLE: Laboratory Area Monitor Type SL-8
PERY)DICALt Nukleonika, 1960, No. 1-2, pp. 92-94.
TEXTt The area monitor briefly described by the author is intended
as a warning device for the protection of personnel handling radioactive
materials. Transgression of a permissible radiation rate is indicated by
a red light signal. The block diagram of the monitor is shown in Fig. 1.
Ionized particles induce discharges in the counter BOS-A and, as a result,
voltage pulses on the load resistance. The mean value of the pulses is
measured by a recording system. The system consists of amplifier and pulse
limiter, an integrating circuit charged by pulses from the amplifier
through a diode, and of a signaling circuit with a relay. which controls
signal lights. The device has 2 radiation detectors, one in the monitor
proper and another in a cable-linked attachment, and two signaling lamp
sets, one of them in another cable-linked attachment. Technical data of
the monitor: threshold sensitivity 6.25 mr/h; signaling accuracy t 15%
Card 1/2
P/04 60/005/001-2/007/008
Laboratory Area Monitor Type SL-8 A222YA026
(at an air temperature of 20 1 50C, humidity 65 1 10, and atmospheric
pressure 750 4 30 mm Hg); operates on 220 v, 50 cps, 25 w; gabarite dimen-
sions, monitor 333 x 223 x 195 mm, attachment 216 x 110 x 73 mm; length
of attachment cable optionall length of counter cable up to 4 ml net
weight 12 kg. There are 2 figures. x
ASSOCIATIONt Zaklady Wyrob6w Elektrotechniczn Ch "Elt ra 11 (Electric Equip-
ment Manufacturing Plant "Eltra Bydgoszcz
Card 2/2
KULISZ, Stanislaw; CZECHOWSKIp Zdzialaw; KURCZEWSKI, __ Z.biKniew,---
Application of wood-oils for the removal of naphtha2ene from gas pipe
lines. Koka 6 no-31lOO-102 My-Je 161.
1. Fabryka. Rozkladows-j Dentylaoji Drowna, Gryfino(for Kulisz)
2. Wyzaaa Szkola Rolnicza, Poznan(for CzechowsRi) 3. Zaklady
Gazownictwa Okregowsgo, Walbrzych (for Kurczewaki)
KLUZU, Danuta, 12gr.
Tho Polish frni-r,ht nqrkot, 196)- Tech go3p morska 14 no.2:
36-38 :' 164. - -- . I. - I .
1. Polfrachtf Gd~nia.
KURCZOK, Danuta m r.; REJEVSKI, Boleslaw, mgr.
Polish freight market 1962. Tech goop 4rska 13 no.3:65-67 Mr 163.
1. Polfracht, GkYnia.
KTJRCZOK) Danuta, m9r
Stabilization planning in capitalist tramp shipping.
Tech goop morska 13 no.10:316-317 0 163.
KUftCZOK, Danuta, mgr
A new Dutch freight indox. Tech gosp norska 1t, no.10.--.119-
320 0 164.
F! N~
-it- and ad~~z to thcm mmall ;,mt- pr
fiutb ELs (1 0., Zri!-
c--cf,,-ts ~re . I - ... -
fir - --ir-Ilaing. Tfif!~- vcl, Is incmLibi vnly
e.!;rimL-ge does rrt t--Le !~- erit u! 4"~!-
fate &CU'vamrs is t=llly 0.1-1 () kr.,l(Xj k;; -:1
The (ofmad--m 3'
C~',O..DtO and the!: gutiv!quent Li rwi tl.~
of acreleratj Fydratl" of anhydrott ce=-.Crit, The C:.Us,
In qhf. pr"trct of znhy"Srilc [m T--O.C
walr7 and tM ~Ystatzm ncre C.!:Iy 171~h
!ht V'r-7-.1t af
-.t~ -!n ",r"w
0,0 q mfy 1wice .61" - ,nr,
if, ~!t~% ~,t-
fa 17:-Z t,:-C j
fl,, Y.
KURCZYK, i;. Automatic control of rotary 'kilns. p.7,46. Vol. 22, no. 11, Aug. 1956.
C~,VEI:T, WPFC, Gl'~'. Frakow, Toland.
--CZ:RCE: Ea.-~t Europ-,an Acees5icn3 List (EHAL) Vol. 6. 1:o. 14-Alril 1957
I L,
KURDADZE) Sit. I.: "A study of the creative activity of G. Leonid?.e
in the eighth and ninth classes". Tbilisi, 1955. Sci Res Inst of
Pedagogical Sciences, Min Education Georgian SSR.
(Dissertation for the Degree of Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences)
SO: Knizhnaya Letopial No. 51p 10 December 1955
3nlarged brigade In tailoring shops. From.koop. 14 no.8:24-25
A9 160. (MI" 13:8)
1. Produedatell pravleniya arteli, "Kollaktivnyy trud," g.Kalinin
(for Kurdasova). 2. Tekhnoruk urteli "Kollektivrqy trud."
g.Kalinin (for Tablonskaya)
(Kalinin--Clothing industry)
KURDASOVA, N.; YABLONSKAYA, Z., takhaicheakiy rukovoditell
Sectional brigade production method fcr the manufacture of wormen's
light drevaes. Mest.prom.i khud.proz7B. I no.2/3:51 X-D 161.
(MIRA 14:4)
1. Dircktor fabriki individuallnogo poohiva No 1p Kalinin (for
(Dressmaking) (Asaembly-line methods)
XURDASOVA. P. (Kalinin); UBLONSKAYA, Z. (Kalinin).
Brigade method in action. Prom. koop. 12 no,31l2-13 Mr 158,
(MIRA 11:3)
1. Prodeadatell pravlonlyn arteli "Kollektivnyy trud" (for
Xurdasova). 2. Tokhnoruk artoli "Kollektivnyy trud' (for
(Kalinin-Cooperative, societies)
Soij.~P atipocts of the nonliri,--ir
Part 2. Izv. %rj:j. ucheb. zav.; fiz. 'I nr,.6-96-i(j3 164.
Som aspects of the nonlinular *theory of elementary ;.,A r Lie le s
Part 3. lbid.:104-110
1. Moskovskiy gosudarntvennyy univi-i-sitet irnenl T.Omonosova.
0 F D~ 1, *, 1 ',)7 E' G . IM.
Glaciological observations on the Adi S114 Glacier. Trudy Inst.
geog. AN Gruz. SSR 20:261-291 164. OMIRA 18:5)
;I,Y;Iyrc) , (Vinnitsa, KIyEvakaya ul. 101, kv. 61) ; ?V~DELR'F, !'. J.
Pneum~tosis of' the large inte3tine. Veot. khir. 92
14Y 16/,. W11,11, 18:1)
1. Iz Luka-Barskoy uchastkovoy bollnitsy (glavny-y vrach P.I.
Kurdelyuk) i fakulltetakoy khirurgicheskoy klinLki (zav. prof.
1.M. GraLchenko) Vinnitakogo meditsinskopo instituta.
RYB'YF,V',I.A.; KURJENKOV,, B*,I,., redaktor; KOVALDMINA. N.7., takhnichookiy
redaktor-. - "- " " ~ 'I ~
(Bitumen and tar for road coverizo Doroshays bitumy i degti. Koskya,
Izd-vo doroshno-takhn.lit-ry gushosdora. KTD SSSR, 1952. 62 p-(PopU-
liarsala tekhaichasksia. bibliotechka rabochego doroshaiks) (Merofilm)
(Bitumexcum materials) (MIRA g14)
KURDMOV, B.I., Inzhener; IMMIF, Ta.B.
for road mirf&ce work. Avt.dor. 19 no.4:29-30
Ap 05 6. (Great Britain--Road machinery) (KML 9: 8)
KIPTMITKOV, D.I., 1-and.follin.rutilk
Using vibratorn In packing cold asphalt concrete. Trudy 14ADI
no.23:139-143 '58. (MIRA 12:1)
(Asphalt concrete) (Vibrators)
VOLKOV, X.I., prof.; IVANOV, F.M.kand.takhn.rLauk; KLIMASI[XV, F.S.,inzh.;
KOROLEV, I. V # , i n z h. ; XURIMOVjt_ B Jj_ I n zh, ; KYWCOVSKAYA, S. A. ,
kand.tekhn.nauk; NEMSOV, V.K.. kand.takhn.nauk; SPIRANTOV, N.A.,
kand.tekhn.nauk; TAKUNIN, O.A., inzh,; MOTTLk-V,'Tu.L., rqd.;
[Ketallurgical slags in road construction] Metallurgicheekle
shlaki v dorozhnom stroitalletva. Moskva, Hauchno-tokhn.izd-vo
M-va avtomobilinogo transp. i shossainykh dorog RSFSR, 1959.
182 P. (MIRA 12:4)
. (Road materials) (Slag)
KURDR-NKOV, B.I., inzh.
Util Zing local stone for concrete pavings. Avt.~Ior. 22 no.?:
9-10 11 159. (141RA 12:9)
(Pavnmqnts, Concrete) (Stone. Crunhed)
RZZMX, Vauiliy Kakarovich, doktor geol.-minernauk; ZASHCHEFIN, Alaksey
Nikitich, kand.takhn.nauk; IVANOY, Fedor Kikhaylovich, kand.tekhn.
nauk; MIMTLOV. Valentin Vasillyevich, ksnd.takhn.nauk; NxMWV.
Vladimir Konstantinovich, kand.tekhn.nsuk;-wng~=0-11-~ ~Iva-
.novich _inzh.; ZASHCHUK, Igor' Vaevolodovich. kand.takhn.neuk;
HILTSM, N.V., kand.tekhn.nauk, red.; TZGOZOV, V.P., red.;
(Handbook on laboratory testing of road materials and soils]
Spravochnoe rukovodstvo po laboratornym, ispytaniiam dorozhno-stroi-
telInykh materialov i gruntov. Pod obahchei red. N.V.Gorelyaheys.
Koskva, Nauchno-takhn.izd-vo X-va avtomobillnogo transports I
shosseinykh dorog REM, 1960. 381 (MIRA 13:11)
(Rqpd naterials-Testinjo
Conference on the increased use of local rock materials In
road construction. Avt.dor. 23 no.2:30-31 Y 160.
NIRA 13:5)
(Road materials)
'I, -
KUBMIKOV, B.I., inzh.
Improving properties of rock materials of various strength.
Avt.dor. 23 no.6:22-23 Je 16o. (MIU 13t6)
(Road materials) (Stone, Crushed)
KLD4ASHEV, Fedor Sergeyevich; KURDEJKOV Boris Ivanovich; NEKHJUOV, Vla-
- t!L" __ e -KIKOLUEVA, L.N.,
dimir KonstantJmavich; Yjg~OVIIVA, r_47.;
tekbn. red.
(Construction of base couses of low-strength coarsely crushed stone)
Stroitel'stvo dorozbrykh oonavanii iz krupnogo shchobnia ponizhemoi
prochnosti, Moskva, Nauchno-tekhn, izd--vo M.-va aytonobillnogo transpo
i shosseinykh dorog RSFSR, 1961o 43 p. (MIRA 3-4:10)
(Road construction) (Stone, Crushed)
'KURDEIIKOVI Doriajvanovich; POLYAKOVA, Antonina Ivanovnaj FIIATOV,
. kiatolly Petrovich; RUDENKO, K.G., red.; GAINUSHIN, A.Lp
red.izd-va; DOIISKAYA, G.D., tekhn.reds
(BeneficiatiQn of stone material for road nonstruction]
Obogaebehazie kamemnogo materials. dUa do"sbxogo at"i-
tel'stva. Moskva, Avtotransizdatp 1962. 59 p. (MIRk 15:4)
(Road construction) (Stone, Crunhed)
6MMUL -", S.P., 7-
Wt-rtr, ronjoLatiftj of 7..,,bjj't3 iml th- ,,(
I . ' . rl or.
27 rio.12~.,115-17 D 164. 0!l RA 28:2)
LAVUTSKIY, Alekoandr Kellmanovichp kand. teklin. nauk, doto.;
YELENOVICII, Aleksey Savellyevich, kand. tekhn. nauk.,
dots.; KURDERKOV, Boris Ivanovich, inzh.; WMADANOV,
aiiH. nauk; Prininali
Georgiy itanaslyevieff, k E6kllii.
ucha.qtiye: BRYKALOV, I.I.j inzh.; MASHIN, K.P., inzh.;
SOROKIN, I.G., Inzh.; SlIGIMBAKOV, Ye.'I., inzh.;
ILIJNA, L.N., red.
[Road toppings made of local materialq] Dorozhroe odezhdy
iz jrastnykh materialov. Mookvao Transport, 1965. aO p.
(MIM 28:7)
N,' 'D
--go, lnzhrmpi-pcl~.wrnl~; VCS~'ITIX, M*j nzhfrer--rvdpclkmvnikj
r!EHMIN, F., miq~~r ol-azIaby
CharacterimUcs of opjr~.tliig a -tjJf-;:rt)p#jl'led mo-unt. Takh. i
vonnah. no.6i67-70 JOel. (MIRA 1.717)
--- I f-
"Tandem-propellers." Voen.%nan.31 no.8:28 Ag'55. (KUIA 8:12)
(Ship models)
Nquipment of a workshop for building ahip models. Voen.2nan. 31
no.10:26 0 '53. (HLRA 9:3)
(Ship models)
I - --00- ---
What's new on model ship building. Voen.znan. 31 no.6:26
Je 156. (MLRA 9:10)
(Ship models)
Work of the ship modelers group. Yosa.znan. 32 no.2:13 1 156.
(KEA 9:5)
(Ship models) -
.__=__XQI,Jrjrjjj' JVJM;~q~ h; IGOSHIN. M.G., red.; TSIGILIKAN, P.T.. tekhn.
[Painting ship models] Okraska morakikh modelel, XDnsul Itatells,
TSentrallnoi laboratorii morskogo modelisma DOSA" SSSR. Kookn4
Izd-vo DOSAAY, 1957. 38 P. [%KXRA llt8)
(Ship models-Painting)
KURMNKOV, K. (Leningrad)
a beat. IUn. tokh- 3 ne.6:49 Je '59.
(Boatbuilding) (MIRA 12:f',
KURDENKOV, Kirill I'likiCorovich;
Viktor "orgoyevich; YU.JV.N, Yur-ly
LWIiIIIIIM, :3.T., inzh., retorjn,,,,int;
G.Ye., nauchri. red.; Ye.Yo.~ rod.
["In are bullding ships ouroolves] ;u(la ;troivL s~linl. U:nin-
grad, Sudostrocnie, 1963. 114 1,/:
Elect re-cons olidat ion of weak clayey and *azy subsoils in installation
bases. Trudy HII son. i '52. MW 9:9)
(Soil stabilization) (Clay)
R", 6A,
1, - , I ~,- - ,
".-1-41- ~ - ,
Compacting vater-eaturated clavev soils using a direct electric
current. IIIIOSP no.31:12-32 157. (MIRA 10:12)
(Boil stabilization) (Blectroosmosis)
-Status of research for and practices in foundation engineering
abroad. Oen., fund. i mekh. grun. no.2:30 159.
(MIRA 12:7)
l.Ucheny7 sekretarl lomisaii po mekhanike gruntov I fundamento-
(Soil mechanics) (Youndations)
.. KUDMIKOV. -L I* - - -- --
Investigating determinative factors of the movement of water in soils
under the effoct of direct electric current. [Trudy] NIIOSP no-39:
37-60 160. (MIRA 24:1)
(Water, Underground) OKLectroosmosis)
-RD Prinimali tichastiye; RZHji*I1T',Y'N. B.A.-
kj,jRBU4Y)V ,P . P . ; Y:,V kiL
,__DjjQI I
Electric meanij of melting and compacting pirmafrost foundation soils
before construction. Osn., fund. i mekh. prun. 3 no.4:3i '61.
. (MIRA 14:8)
(Frozen ground) (Soil compaction) (Soil heating)
KUFYAC_1fIY, A. It.,
"Pre -cons tructi on thawing and strengthening of permafrost
report to be submLtted for the Intl. Conferevee on Pf-'ITIftfrost, Purdue Univ.,
Lafayette, Indiana, 11-15 Nov 63
Electrooowaiu Iii fj I*t,udy) NII oun. no, 50:20-27 162.
Electric method of thawing and uompnting permafrost foar4aWn
soil before buJ.I(IixW,. 53-71 (KIRA .160)
GORBUNOV, B.P.# tit. nauchn. aotr.j ~VJWRMOV,-L.I., glav. lnzh.;
D;(OZD, T.A., red.izd-va; PAVLOVA, V.D., tekbn. red.
[Instructions for using the electrical method of thawing
and compacting permafrost soils before laying the founda-
tions of buildings and structures] Ukazaniia po primene-
niiu elektricheskogo metoda predpostroochnogo ottaivaniia
i uplotneniia,vechnomerzlykh gruntov osnovanii zdanii i
sooruzhenii. 14oskval Goostroiizdat, 1963. 66 p.
1. Moscow. Nauchno-ionledovatellskiy inatitut onnovanly i
podzemnykh sooruzheniy. 2. Laboratoriya zakrepleniya gruntov
Nauchno-iseledovatellskogo instituts, oanovaniy i podzemnykh
sooruzheniy Goestroya SSSR (for Gorbunov, Kurdenkov).
V.qlxratox-,i nixora for thn vrajALrutlon of road w4 conatructiall
-ateriala, Nauche tn.dy il.F,, .
- - _____MD%IIFDVI V'I_. , Inzh. -,- V11ATOV,- A.P., - inzhd -
Mechanical device for grading crushed stone according to strength.
Avt. dor. 21 no.12:27-28 D '58. (MIRA 12:1)
(Road machinery) (Scone. Crushed--Grading)
Using bentonite for drying air. Bent. gliny Ul-r. no.2:116-127
158. (KRA 12:12)
(Bentonite) (Air--Drying)
This does not only concern 'us ... Sov.profsoiusy Cel
n0-3:29-10 IP 160, (MIRA 13:2)
1. Brigada komiminintihaskogo truda instrunentallno-shtampo-
vochnogo teakha Minsk9go aytozavoda.
(Minsk--ktomobila induatry)
Problem of the complete treatmcnt of TSnelisak aepentinitaB.
Trudy Inst.prikl.khim.i eloktrokhim.kN Gruz.SSR 3173-85 162.
(KR A 16 11)
G A i F" JN I V,~; It Vf P
Fractional separation of hydroxidon of somn metals from
tiolution-i obtained in the acid leaching of local serpentinites.
Trudy Inst. prikl. khim. 1 elektr.okhim. AN Gniz. SSR 4:45-52 165.
(KPI, 1.7. ,,
1; Owl-,
100" War li
A 4 16 ILL1,461-AA Last r a v v A I I ill 'I- i t I
ft t'll to
41 rttL A. I AVOUSTS041111 AND
A. r, c
half. P"blool, Kid". to (121
4 A, 0 K, xirl:~l All 014,11MV IMA4111410MV .4 the 441inn. 14-h
to 1219-= ftV4"'~~ Ivinovirskitor W quarts antl chaltv4any Ird%lurr *40 Ion-Atttl 1-4 A fir too 1.4111' .1t.1 14441' SMI Impt
00 4 in the, prrwwf 4 sline minAr"Haws "Vis la"AAli"Ird tv Of thv 4volilIlaturr ftir I An't 2 for rhr vttk-i." mixtuo, '
rest the Validity 04 the gittillrodly 4k'%"Jfd 11WW 41Mt witio Corijunt ta jus* & awwr tit ~nkl tApetangs per ttn '. ALFAI
Ititarvilism Iola the flattlollim tit ovwlt* at Itigh tempers. the tairr"knos was Melillivie4f Irnm the sp It. mr*%Ule~', In Poilt
lures An,) lu**-t their y6ocnVolotin to that k"w stable Art"tal- 144unig, Cak-al4liq)". werr made (ort"ll A IR) - X) 210
Ime ph4A,r* 41"4vv therrin 111"I MMT Ataw PMWS ""Al. Air TAM + X,,23ot - Illol 4, vsh-v X t. Swit"swer .11 in Ve
*0 J! I The ItAhonvii-m Illattlial- were loloonf: (1) writot v"t"I 13"teri4l *not At I. I" 11U. 114vity In W1,111U.N. the '00
log " !;UllACttr, attaltret"If IS41 N ON 14M. Moth 0*1, FvAX 0 21. CaO 111ter"itwi #x( quatior dful chah-hmy 'Alltord bw 2 fir 4t
94111 J 11 13. 1,100040. 1j)111io** Ins. il'ul viovily 20S. 144N)'C W"dClelMhMIjAA`tllljfAPhWAIIy Thornewpho-
Ch.h-1141y, Allslrolki,;g -44~ A`111, AMX 11M. Pevith ctionsisis ul There ws. mage r4 the im. 11111,
0 off, 11:M1. Co 41 No. M11) 4) '-" 0 (Pl. imsition to" 1.27"; -, tropic phaw IN the inotwil"I hA,,Ics%y thAn in unmoteti -1909
.1~oofk liavity ;I AK The quarts anti ekak"Way 111,11'" quarts Wit 6jus min"-411m. the invorrum of cha"lany it
00 Crtourvi tollssti a kievr(of fierrm land mixed IS MVMJ IIMC~ It- i0tT"QVT than thAt tit qtWtg, the
Jr. with I" tA Aturly SimnA N401). CUtC6 AgNO., maw was Into with the nainmlitz" This vann,* tw c%.
NOX. *01'.. .1411.9olk for graphite. Thor-ot cmmpuwulq 14ahnA by the istoonyr-mvnikvitnt generally &,wgoVrAt www.
wetr auveu Iitvau.- od (a) witle thervelsves between tht No relmiormsbolp was fo~tui twitween the mincrAitinS ca. 411111114110
-ffrllvr loollit J Or vAtinon.. (4) laule rharle OVA high parity,st %he calinnsdnd their Atrtivity fir K
I %64,jet 40 AAV 44l( A. owl 1PO
. '"i r 4 -or, 1 -1 0--T--vizr Mv A to 6 Ph# 0*111111111651110 1
U a 1, is n it 0 N 11 A 111 a K 01 a it a "a a I 1 84 444.
00 0 0 * 0 0 4 * a 0 0
00 0 00 0 * 0 0 * 0 11, 0 41111 0 0 0 0 0
Rffect of electrolytes on the adhenivo properties of cements. Soob.
Ali Gruz. SSR 24 no.6:669-675 Ja 160. (HMA 13.9)
1. Gruzinskiy politekhnicheakiy institut Im.M.Lenina, Tbilisi.
Predstavleno chlenom-korrespondentom Akademii P.N.Tavadze.
KIJ RDI V.11,10
frcdut~,f..icr cr Htrong r, w
bas cr.
MaU-Hulfi. Tridy GPI [rT-uz.j nL.5-:,;?3.-j;)8 t~2.
Pr,)rlu- t'Or- Of uIr-ttght cement ba3ed on local
riw iratirl als. Ibi,.i. 3139 .~47 ~(MIRA 17,10)
2. USSOR (600)
4. Mesotronn
7. Comments on nonlinear meson dynmnics. Dol.1 AN SSSR No 2 1953.
9. Monthly List of TRusstrin Accessions, Library of CGjjgj,o,,,!, AVril 19r)3, uncl.
I -k, I
mathomatical Roviews
Vol. 14 No. 8
8apt. 1953
MathematioRl Physic5-
).,nnd'I:uk.&--Remark9 on
imidiiienr mcsodyltmics. DiMady Mail. Nmik SSSR
(N.S,) 88, 245 217 (195.11.
lit Ihe c(Itiation AV-k?jr--A~--4vgp. for the milar
I'mirtion ir, file (Icilsih, p ig rrphrcd 11), iti;Thomas-
1), fit
I,crmi ;iplifoxim,itioii awl the 1whaviour of die -soltiflion iin
flit, eflicnic relativistic and non-relativistic cases is bricny
!I'-- -T
-1 F
"'-'onlinoar Effecto in Eluctrodynai-lico ind ~',(-,zolynwnir3.11 ",InL; P, -,?;-ith (3-ij
Moscow Onder of Lr-nln State U imeni 1.11. V. LononocGv, 16 jun 511. (Vuchcz7~,raya Ll-,'o3k-.ra, ".,03cod
7 jun 54)
SO: SMI 318, 23 Dee 1254
USSR/Nuclear Physics - Nonlinear cesodynamics FD-1205
Card 1/1 Pub. i2g-8/ig
Author 'Kurdgeladze, D. F.
Title lfaiin~ear ac4tt rIdg'in electrodynamics and mesodynamics
Periodical : Vest. Mosk. un., Ber. fizikomat. yest. nauk, 9, No 6, 1-90
Aug 1954
Abstract : The relativistic quantum field theory leads to nonlinear additions to
the Lagranglan of the field. Author analyzes these nonlinear terms
hinting to peculiar effect, e.g. scattering of light on light ormesons cn
masons In a meson field. Indebted to Prof. D. D. Ivanenko. Six
references including foreign.
Institution Chair of Theoretical Physics, Moscow University
Submitted July 25, 1953
Ivancr.ka, D T) and KurdgeWflre. F) F Thc ~ri~iz
V, i" t
TITLE 6iT I linear Generalization of the Equations of the Meson
Field and of the Spinor Field.
(K nelineynoma obobahchaniyu urayneniy mezonnogo i spinornogo
polay - Russian)
FERIOL~'CAL Zhurnal Eksperim.i Teoret.Fiziki,1957,Vol 32,11r 5,PP 1156-1162
(U.S.S.It. )
ABSTRACT In the paper under review its author examines a purely classical
not quantized scalar or paeudosomlar menon field.In this context,
he employs the exact solution of the nonlinear equations of the
wave type which is expressed in elliptical functiona.With their
aid the author then proceeds to compute the total energy and the
momentum of the system.The expression thus obtained is represen-
ted in the form of an expansion into series with respect to a small
parameter of nonlinearity.The case can also be considered with a
large parameter of nonlinearity.
The nonlinear mesodynamiost The author of the paper under review
bases his com utations on the La
rangian of the neutral scalar
field: L- -(M) (VV)2. 2 In this context,the nonlineari-
ty is assumed as ~iyen 1, itrary function (y).The an-
satz of the solution of the relevant nonlinear equation 9tt-9nn+
+F(-p)-Q F(9 1 1 d 100 is made in the form
2 d?
(k = 1
"'r'31x4-'t1 0 - ). In this context, the author limits his ex-
ation to periodic solutions y(6); their existence is at least
Card 1/2 then known if 4 (?) in a polynoiial of,at most,the fourth order.
On the Nonlinear Generalization of the Equations of 56-5-27/55
The Meson Field and of the Spinor Field.
The following mean Yalues,with respect to time,of the energy den-
sity and of the momentum density are foundi
T)2+IF 2+1(7)1Idt, ~T (7 9)Ttdt.
2T L t T
After substitution of the aneatzes descrYbed ab ve
into the latter
formulae and into the field equation we obtain -ak, If-a(k2+k2 )AJ
112 2) 2+q 2 t 0
-h-!-;-._oonst, K2-h,J/2a, a.("/T) d . The gone-
-k T
ral interrelationships thus 8btain d a5e than applied to so-
me concrete cases: Py-OT, p(y)-k2 T a k It is also
+ T p(q)_
0 0
possible to investigate more general cases of nSnlinearity.The cla-
ssical and the quantum results are virtually the same.
The solution of the nonlinear spinor equations This chapter deter-
mines the connection between the nonlinear equations by Dirac and
Klein-Gordon.Furthermore the paper under review also finds some
exact solutions of these equations; they can be expressed by ele-
mentary functions. (No reprodution).
ASSOCIATION '.'oscow State University.
SUBMITTED 29.8-1956
AVAILABLE Library of Congresi.
Card 2/2
ZPkenomimological gisceralizadep of the Thomas-Fernd.
Ditac (T.Y.D.) equatloa In came of the 9 1 =4
Its voluflons. D. It. Kurdsel
A as PAy . la. .9m.
(in Ru%ALin).--The elLchange Intewtion betwten metal Ivi
atoins is takcn Into nrcotint pbewha"infogiLany by writing
the TY.D. eqution In the form: Ave - 4 (*'Is + WO + A4.,
Ifere a. fs. and )4 skre trvated as firee parameters to be ad-
Ju9ted to the following ptoWtles of the metal- lattlec coust.,'
work function, aud av. d. of conductim electrons. The
QW eqtvuou poss"ns periodic solutions and the pfoWtIes of
theL Are discuned. As w.-illustrative example, the cvw-
pf Fa is lavestirated In detail. A. Krembellow:25i
Dii3txs 4Mc
36 ~M
p I
-30 u"IN
AUTHOR: Furdgelaidze, P. F. SOV/56-34-6-27/51
TITLE: The Periodical Solutions of the Non-Lirear Dirac Equation
(Periodicheakiye resheniya nelineyno o'bobshchennogo uravneniya
PERIODICAL: Zh~irnal eksperimentallnoy i teoreticheskoy fiziki, 19~~/8,
Vol. 34, Nr 6, pp. 1587 -1592 (USSR)
ABSTRACT: This paper does not deal with the derivation of the non-
linear generalized field equations. Considering tnese
equations an given, the author investi6atea the possibility
of their analytical solution. In the first part of this
paper an expression for the non-linear generalized Dirac
equation in given and discus3ed:
1 a;~' - AW', 0 0. The complex conjugated
1014t - 1 ?
equation has the form
Card 1/3 - 1 " V 0 with
Alt i +
The Periodical Solutions of the Non-Linear Dirac SOV/56-34-6-27/51
By introducing the Neuman matrices
it is obtained ~/a X ;I + AW'O~ ~ . 0,
+ [Y ~/az + Y - 0. The nonlinearity of these
r P 4 040,0741
equations is represented by A(~4*,~.). The author gives an
explicit expression for this term A(~At,~). The solution of
these equStions are given as products (xV),
"(s)q*(x with the condition 1. The
solutions of the non-linear Dirac equations are assumed to be
periodical functions:Lf(x 9) - y(a), 6-k PxP9 OkA(kn k4), k 4-iW.
The calculation of the solutions is discusae& atep by step.
Also in the non-linear theory it is ponsible to present
arbitrarily two of the four amplitudes, the rem%ining two ampli-
tudes may then be calculated by an equation for the spin parts
of the solution. In the Newton (Nyuton) approximation two
amplitudes maj)be neg'ected with respect to the two remLining
Card 2/3 ones. The last part of this paper derives a relation between
The "eriodical Solutions of the I'lon-Linear Dirac SOV/56-34-6-27/51
the non-linear 3quationa of Dirac (Dirak) and Klein (;'Ieyn)-
Gordon. For the non-lineur theory thia -.'~Iatlon i3 6iven by
ordinury differential equ-ttioriu, wl~er,_as in the linear theory
this relation has a purely alj-,ebraic charr~ctnr. The author
thpnks Profensor D.D.Ivanenko for Me constant intorest in
this investigation. There are 6 references, 6 of which are
ASSOCIATION: Moskovskiy gosudarstvennyy universitet (Moscow State University)
SUBMITTED: January 15, 1958
Card 3/3
24(5) SOV/56-35-6-36/44
AUTHORt Kurdgelaidze, D. F.
TITLE: Solutions of Nonlinear Generalized Relativistical-
ly Invariant Equations (Volnovyye reaheniya nelineyno-
obobahchennykh relyativietakiinvariantnykh uravneniy)
PERIODICAL: Zhurnal eksperimentallnoy i teoreticheakoy fiziki, 1958,
Vol 35, Nr 6, pp 1572-1573 (USSR)
ABSTRAM According to the general idea of the uniform nonlinear field
theory the total world of elementary particles is based on a
fundamental spinor field. When a nonlinear spinor equation is
used, also the fields of other particles become nonlinear. In
the linear theory the general relativistically invariant equa-
tion is (r ~J/ax + k )f - 0, where F denotes a matrix. In the
e, t. 0 ~A
special case r yt, the Dirac (Dirak) equation, and in the
special case ~- N, the Duffin (Daffin) - Kemmer equation is
obtained etc. For the finite-dimensional representations of the
complete Lorentz (Lorents) group there always exists a non-
Card 1/3 degenerated invariant form y (t*Tt), where T denotes a matrix.
The Rave-Like Solutions of Nonlinear Generalized Relativistically Invariant
If, therefore, k 0 in replacod by C(y) - k 0 + f(y) in the above
e~iuation, the relativistically invariant equation
+ C(y)),k - 0 in obtained, which is already nonlinear.
This form of equation in obtained e.g. by the "fusion" of
particles on the basis of the nonlinear generalized Dirac equa-
tion (y ~/3xe + A(y))t - 0 by group-theoretical deliberation.
This equation in given, like in the linear theory, by the ir-
reducible representation D 112 in the space of the basis vectors
ffkj- By forming the product D 1/2 x D1/2 for 2 spinor equations
of the last-named kind the irreducible representation Do + D1
in thqspace of the basis vectors fant k1m fTikj is obtained. The
equation thus obtained can-be written down in the general form
(P,,,a19x, + B(y))-p 0. The author then gives a solution ansatz
Card 2/3 for the equation 9/ax e, + C(y))f 0. The solutions mentioned
The Wave-Like 3olutions of Nonlinear Generalized Relativietically Invariant
in this paper comprise all wave-like solutions of the required
type. The author thanks D. D. Ivanenko and G. A. Sokolik for
discussing the problem dealt with by this paper. There are
3 references, 2 of which are Soviet.
ASSOCIATIONt Mookovskiy gosudarotvennyy universitet (Moscow State University)
SUBMITTED: July 8, 1958
Card 3/3
AUTTIO-11: Kurdgelaidze, D* F, Z07/5' I
TITL-*~': Theory of the Nonlinear Field (D - 2 0
(Teoriya nelincynogo polya ( c3 - A 2 c,
PERIODICAb: Zhurnal eksperimentallnoy i tooretichoskoy fiziki,
1959, Vol 3~, ITr 3, PP 842-849 (USSR)
Al"STPACT: The author, partly in cooperation with D. D. Ivanenko already
investigated the field (0 - A 1 2) it = 0 (Ref 9 1 , 2) and gave
a solution for the wave-field equ;!tion. fie showed that a
nonlinear state can be represented an a set of linear states by
using integral multiples of (2n+1 , where n = 0,1129,
Heisenberg (Gayzenberg)(Refe 3P 4~ recently investigated mans
spectra of particles, especially of mesons in the linear theory
by different means and obtained a spectrum which is a very near
approach to the (2n+l)-law.-Alsofor this form of the spectrum
the ratio M (n)/,(o) is nearly independent of the nonlinear
0 0
C,Lrd 1/3 parameterg just as in the case of the (2n+l)-law.
Theory of the Honlinear Field ( (3 _ ;k ?2) 1 _ 0 SO'1156-36-3-29171
In this connection the present paper gives a more detailed
derivation of the (2n+l)-law for the mass spectrum by means of
a spectral expansion of the energy of the nonlinear field. In
the first part of this paper, by proceeding from the Lagrangian
of the nonlinear field, the spectral expansion of the energy is
given on the,basis of-the 9xact solution of the field equation.
A mass spectrum of the form M(n) - (2n+1)M(o), n.1,293..* ....
0 0
is obtained; for mesons, for instance, it is
M(n)/k 4::&On-~I)60-36. Por n-1---5, the numerical data are
0 0
given and compared with those obtained by Heisenberg. In the
following, the radially-symmetric solution of the field
equation is given# The second part of the paper deals with the
squaring of the nonlinear Dirac (Dirak) equation. in the
nonlinear theory it is possible, like in the linear theory, to
use the connection between the Dirac- and the Klein-Gordon
equation in order, for example, if the solution of the
Klein-Gordon equation is known, to construct a solution for the
Dirac equation. By utilizing this fact, the author develops
Card 2/3 a goneral method of integrating the nonlinear Dirac equation,
Theory of' tho Lonlinear Field 0 S~J,1/56- ~,-6-~A-29/71
and ho tl:pt in som., ccson it ic poosible to Ca ovol, to
tvio-co:,.i,poa.,nt ,;pinor equation of the corond order. Tho .uthor
final!,' .~ro-fcssur D. D. Ivancriko for flircuosin,-, --. number
of' probl-~.mzi 7 raferoncoo, ii of which are
A5 SO Cl AT I ON :!..oslovr;kiy gocu,,tar:jtvcnnyy univerlitet
(mocco."I,tc Univercity)
UB'sl 1 '2 , D: June 9, 1958 (initially) and November 5, 1958 (aftc.- :1,,-vision)
Card 3/3
S/05 60/03efd2/23/061
Boo6yBoi 1
"2 ~5-0 0
AUTHOR: rd elaid--
TITLE: On the Nonlinear Theory of Elementary Particles Iq
PERIODICAL: Zhurnal eksperimentallnoy i teoreticheakoy fiziki, 1960,
Vol. 38, No. 2, PP- 462-474
TEXT: In the paper under reviewl the author oaloulatee energy and
momentum of spinor fields with nonlinear peoudovector and scalar oorreo-
tions on the basis of equations of the unified nonlinear field theory
(8/ax + 12 101g'0)) + A(~' fl)(~ - 0, where x = (x 9it)9 t - 0 - 11
A is an arbitrary function of and D~ tL (a/ax tL + 12T5 6 74YO) )~ '0
2 0.
and 0 (YA0/axA + 1 From the two latter equations,
Heisenberg calculated the mass spectrum and the charges of elementary
partioles by using the Tamm-Dankov approximation method in the quantum
field theory. The author shows that the mass spectrum can be obtained
also in a simpler way, by a semi-classical method by the use of approximtion
Card 1/2 OK
On the Nonlinear Theory of Elementary S/056 60/01287022/23/061
Particles B006YBol 1
equations equivalent to a quantization. By this oemi-clasaical quantiza-
tion method, the auther investigated the dependence of the mass at rest
of elementary particles on the degree of nonlinearity2 and for the
nucleon mass he obtained
k01 - _V-2 R3/2 f~* 7-84- From the nonlinear spinor equation a nonlinear
"undor" equation is deduced whichp on certain assumptions, can be reduced
to a nonlinear meson equation of the Klein-Gordon type. The final part of
the paper deals with the homologio invariance of nonlinear meson and spinor
field equations. The author finally thanks D. Ivanenko for his discussions.
A. M. Brodskiy is mentioned. There are 9 referenoest 5 Soviet, 2 German,
1 British, and 1 Italian.
ASSOCIATION: Moskovskiy gosudar tvennyy universitet
'OLO-Scow S~ate Univ:rsity)
SUBMITTED: June 10, 1959
Card 2/2
Some applications of the method ot the fuaion of nonlinear fieMB.
I.%v,Vyaouchab,zav,-.,, kiz, no.10-16 161. KIRA 14:7)
1, Mcakovskiy gosudarstvennvy uhiversitet imeni MOTO Monosova.
(Woons) (Q=tum field t~iory)