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90 7.4 744o-25 2 80 11 706D -3.1 5 Orig. art. bao: 1 tabla on 1 fiPre ASSOCIATIM Institut kh'mJcheokoy Mild Akademii nauk SSSR (Institute of ~ ' .';-Chemical Physics., Acac~eW of Sciences SSSR) BUMaTM: 3ODec63, J, ENCL: 00 SUB CME: FP NO FEF SOVs 002 OTWI 002 ACMICH IM-6 AP4035820 ,of detonation vere recorded by the optical motbods The results of these measure- Mento an as follows-. concentration of dismetet of rate of detonatioa No* of Imp vt charge, M/Dec - experimante -14 751T - r/TJ -- UR/Ok4-"'--- 29752 SOURCE CODE: 14 /66/r007a6V0Mf 7002 7 AUTHOR: Gor'kov, V. A. (Moscow); Kurbangalina,_R. Kh, (Moscow) ORG: none. TITLE: Some data on the detonability of ammonium perchlorate 'A - SOURCE: Fizika goreniya I vzryva, no. 2, 1966, 21-27 TOPIC TAGS: em ---Im perchlorat-,, solid propellant explosive, ABSTRACT: Considerable differences in the critical diameter of ammonium perchlorate have been observed between batches produced in winter and summer.~- This Is attrlbmted4 to the differences in water content. To Investigate this problem, experivients were made to determine the effects of initial temperature (20-220C), the water-contemt, the grain size, and the density on the-trit-kca+-divmeter of -0~~ P W results showed that the critical diameter is an exponential fftctioq of the InitiaL-W temperature. The critical diameter of 4immonium Perchlorate increases considerably- even at low water contents (0.5%), while the critical diameter of trotyl to affectiew foul... only at high water contents exceeding 4%. OriR. art. hast 6 figures#_. SUB CODE: 21, 19/ SUBH DATE: 12jan66/ ORIG REF: 0031 OTH REF: 0 MD pwn.4 Jaw f'-.4 1/1 Af UDC: M12212 4-M~BAIIG ~IYA Kh.M- ~J 11 O~m -%, . - ands imindated by K"ybyahmv Reservoir Waters of the Volga bottoml food. Uch.zap.KAI.un. 113 no.1:151-160 and their resources of fish (mM 10:3' '53. (V,)Jga valley--presh-water biolorT) (Fishes--IrOOd) KuRBaGALITNVAP Kh*Mo as fish food in SOMS cance-Of Pla 0 and benthos Kaz.,4n. 116 n0.1,217-220 wowm~_, Signif i re. Uch.%OPo (mLEtA 10-5) jolem and Kawn Valley wate 155. i /', ~,, l.Kafedra 900109" PO%Vonochnykho hes--Food) (Volga valley--?'a --V;r KUP, 6f)N crr) L- jif yc-- og, I' I, USSR/General Biology - General Ecology and Hydrobiology B-5 Abu Jour Referat Zhurn Biol. No 16, 25 Aug 1957, 68166 Author Kurbangaleeva, Kh.M. Title Results of Hydrobiologic Research of Some Reservoirs in the Volga Basin in the Tartar Republic. Orig Pub Uch. Zap. Kazaask. Un-ta, 1956, 114 110 5, 170-174 7 Abstract Results of hydr;obiologic examination of lake B. Gryaznoe and Yunusov backwater in the mixed basin of the Volga and Sviaga of the Verkhneuslon (upper Uslon) region and lakes Rzhavtsi, Vetlyanka, Prorva Kovalevs- kaya, Ershikha, Peschanoe, situated in the Volga basin in the district of Stolbishchensk. Card 1/1 - 7 - io i s .1J 4 1"7 1 or. r)!. 1 L ORIG. PO b. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . J 61- I-If Al KU.RUI;GALIYZVA, Xh.M. Kovali lakes and their hydrological and hydrochemIcal features. Uch. sap. Kas. un, 117 no.9:246-250 157. (MIRA 13:1) , I.Ka2anskiy goeudaretvannyy universitat im. V.I. U117anova-Lenina. Kafedra zoologii posvonochnykh. (Tatar A.S.S.R.-Iskes) KURRARGALIMA, Kh.H. Plank.ton and macrobenthos of the lovall lakes and their Importance &a food. Uch. zap. Ka2. un. 117 no.9:251-255 '57. (MIRA 13:1) I.Kazanskly gosudarstyanM7 universitet im. V.I. U11yanova-Lenina. Kafedra zoologii pozvonochnykh. (Tatar A.B.S.R.-Presh-water biolog7) (Fishes-Pood) KURBAITGALIYEVA, Kh. M., Doe Biol Sci - (diss) "Plankton and benthos of-evbwgdx-n3m3- Volga bottomland reservoirs flooded by the Kuybyshev reservoirwithin boundaries of the TASSR." Mosp 1958. 27 pp (Min of Higher Education USSR, Moo Order Of Lenin and Order of Labor Red Banner State Univ im Y. V. Lomonosov), 100 copies (KL, 15-58, 113) AIRIFOV, FORBANIYAZOV, K.,- AYROWTAY~',V, Corioi tIoniq governing th formntion of Jura.",,31c In the I a lfstyurL wid regions adja 3nt to it. U-,b.gooj,~~hur. 81 110.3-:0-55 1 6-Ij . (MIRA 1-3:12) 1. Tris t I I. ut gen I of, iA I georiz! Id Lmm! A -1,'; Culzni Omd Febr. 10, 1964- A111110V IAsA,,- AKHMEDUAW)VI M.A.; BORISOV, O.M.; KURBAIMAZOV, K.; " i A. if I ZNALIN, F.Sh. Oil nnd gan potentialm of Paltiozoic ordimnnts in Ustyurt and arpas odjaonnt to It. Uzbo geols zhur. 8 no*4:30-37 164. (MIRA 18:5) 1. Institut geologii. I geofiziki imeni Abdulleypva All TJzSSR. KURBANIYAZOVJ, K.K.; POLYAKOV, V.N.; ROLOVILISKIY, M.S. -- M.-SMOMM"OnwMao Senonian sediments in the southern Ural Mountain region. Uzb. geol. zhur. 8 no.1275-83 164. (MIRA 18:5) 1. Inatitut geologli i geofizlki Im. Kh.14. Abdullayeva AN UZSSR. KONDORSrIY, Ye.l.; CHEREWSHKINA, A.T.j KURBANIYAMV, N. [fall effect in ferromngxetic metals and alloys. Fiz. tver. tein 6 no. 2039-548 F 164. (MIRA 17W 1. Monkovskiy gontidnretvennyy universitet imeni Lomonosova, KtMR&NKM Some special characteristics of formtion vaters of the lump.-Dag oil field, Isy, AN Turk. SBR noo5:78-8Z 138.. (MIU 11:12) l.institut 'ologit AN Turkmenakey SSR. fAshkhabad Prov'ince--Oil field brines). ' -I) Ii Cand. Geol-114ineval. 55cl. (diss) "Deep Waters A of 6outhweetern Turkmenstan and Prospects I*or Oil Zones of this Region on the Basis of Hydrogeolo Acal Data," Moscow, 1-961, 1? I f:~ pp (Scient. Iles Instit. Hydrogeolo,~~y and Em". of -~eulo7-, IIVSEG- !Z -Y INGEO, Acad. of Oci. Turk. SSR, In-st. of Geol.) 12b copies (KL Supp 12-61, 259). il mm- INN- Am MALITSEV, L.M., glav. red.; VAKIITANOVA., A.N., red.; DAVYDCV, I.Ya., red.; ~ .1-4. red.; KUZIMENKO, A.I., red. izd-va; I VON-, -YET". 01, red. (Problems in the hydrogeology and engineering geology of the Turkmen S.S.R.] Voprosy gidrogeologii i inzhenernoi geologii TSSR. Ashkhabad, Izd-vo AN TSSRJ, 1963. 93 P. (MIRA 16:8) 1. Akademiya nauk Turkmenskoy SSR. Ashkhabad. Institut geo- logii. (Turkmenistan--Water, Underground) _,.ALITOVSKIY, M.Ye., doktor tekhn. nauk, prof., fflUARIVROPY,_A~, nauchnyy red., VAYOROVA, Yu.M., red. izd-va; ARYKCVA, G.A., tekhn. red. (Bottom waters in southUestern Turkmenistan and hydrogeologi- cal data on oil and gas potentials of this fegion] Glubokie yody Iugo-Zapadnogo Turkmenistana i perapektivy neftegazo- ifosnosti etogo raiona po gidrogeologicheskim dannym. Ashkha- bad, Izd. AN Turkm. SSR, 1963. 143 p. (MIRA 16:7) (Turkm"istan--Oil field brines) (TurkifARistan--Petroleum geology) A, ' I I . I 1*- 11,Yair'od~~c efficiency in Via inaltiplo devolop;:;unt of horizons with difforant regimou. Izv- vYn. uchol . zav.; nOft' i I*ln-. 7 no. .1 5: /#~)- 53 164. (:'lIiUi 1'1:9) 1. Noskovs:dy inatitut i gnzovoy Im. akadloi-dllui I.,% Gubkina. KURBANNIYAZOVP N.; CHEREWSHKINA, A.V. Hall effect and the electric re,jist--cn of Fe - Al alloys. Izv. AN Turk. SSR.Ser. fiz.-tekh., khim. i geol. nauk no.4:113-115 163. (MIRA 17:2) 1. Turkmenskly gosudarmtvannyy unim-sitet Imi-ni Gorlkooo. I L h Am E~OXMZ nlq~ ROMER Pal. till OR~ PM 7- T - T~'- - -' Vi' $ 0. R.) V. D.0 STAROSTIN, S. M., XWWOVp A. and SHKCDTP V- S, I'chemistry of Radiorutbenlum." paper to be prenneted at 2nd UN Intl. COnf- on the peaceful uBes of Atomlo Energy, 1 - 13 Sept 58. AUTHOR'"; Zvyaeintos~v, 0. Yp. , Kurbunov, ,%. SOV/76-.21-10-13/35 TITLE: Bli2ctrolytic Reduction of Some lNitrono Compounds of Ruthenium (Zlektrolitiche.ikoye vonntanovleniye nokotorykh nitrozo-soyedi- neniy ruteniya) PERIODICAL: Zhurnal neorganicheukoy khimii, 1958, Vol 3, Nr 10, pp 2305-2308 (USSR) ABSTRACT: Thf,- olectrolytic roduction of nitroso compoundo of ruthenium wan ariuly,zod In order to ascertain the otate of val.c.-ncy of ruthenium compoundo, The method of ulectrnlytic rodlir,-tion vins applied ',,c~c.Luno no impuritics are involved in it. An investigation was carried out of the electrolytic reduction of compounds of nitroso- .-julfato ruthenium, nitroso-nitrato ruth,.~nium, nitroio-oxalate rnthr.~nium and nitroso-acetate ruthonium. In the electrolytic reduction of compounds of nitroio-oxalate ruthenium with the formula F 1.1110(c 0") three Jumps qpl),,-ttr in the reduction 2 IR 2 4 21 curves. The firgt indicates the reduction of the 11;0-group, the second indicates the reduction of Ru-(II) to Ru-(I) and the third indicates the reduction of Ru-(I) to Ru. Thr. c-lectrolytic re- Card 112 duction of nitroso-nitrate ruthenium -with th,,, formul% RuNO(110 3)2 307/7e-3-10-1'J/35 E1.4,-Arolytir. rt'!,111otlorl of Some 111troso Compound3 of Rutherium r,hows only one jump in the reduction curve, probably in the re- duction of 110YThe electrolytic reduction of nitrooo-acetate ruthenium shows also three jumps in -the reduction curve. llh,~ fir3t of them is probably not caused by the reiuction of the 110- C-roup, but by the CH3COO- Ion. Thcre are 3 fieure3 and 14 references, 4 of which are SUBMTED: Apri 1 28, 1958 Card 212 ZVTAGINTSBY, O.Te.: XURBANOT. A. Characteristic of the ruthenium bond with the NO group in nitreso compounds* Zhur, neorgs khim. 3 noslOsZ424-2427 0 '58. (MIRA 12:3) (Ruthenium compounds) (Chemical bonds) AUTHORS: Zvyagintsev, 0. Yo., Kurbanov, A. SOV/78-3-12-12/36 TITLE: Concerningt-be Degeesof Wd tion )f Ruthenium in Acid Nitroso Compounds (0 stepenyakh okialeniya ruteniya v ataidonitrozo- soyedineniyakh) PERIODICAL: Zhurnal neorganicheskoy khimii, 1958, Vol 3, Nr 12, pp 2662-2665 (USSR) ABSTRACT: The step-wise oxidation of ruthenium in nitroso-oxalates, nitrates, and acetates with potassium permanganate was investi- gated using the potentiome' 'ric method. By these Investigations it was possible to determIne the valence state of ruthenium in the following acid nitroso compounds: H 2[RuNO(C204)2]1 ruthenium nitroso nitrate - RuNO(NO 3)2 -3H 20; tind sodium ruthenium nitrosotriacetate - Na (RuNO(CH 3C00) 31H20. In the oxidation potentiometric curve for H 2 [RUITO(C204)2] there were found -five clear and definite jumps in potential, indicating the oxidation of ruthenium from Ru2* to Ru8+ . The last jump ) 2- group. The end-product indicates the oxidation of the (C 0 Card 112 2 4 SOV//78-3-12-12/36 Concerning the DegramofOrldatiza of Ruthenium in Acid Nitroso Compounds of the oxidation is RuO 4* On the oxidation curve for RuNO(NO 3)2' #31120 were found potential jumps corresponding to the oxidation 2+ 8+ of RU to Ru . The end-product of this reaction is RuO 4' The potentiometric oxidation titration curve forlia [RUNO(CH 3C00) 31 H 20 is characterized by four jumps in potential, indicating the 2+ 8+ oxidation of ruthenium from Ru to Ru . The end-product is again RuO 4* The ruthenium in all the acidonitroso compounds investigated was divalent. There are 5 figures and 5 references, 3 of which are Soviet. ASSOCIATION: Inatitut obshchey i neorganicheakoy khimii im. N. S. KlIrnakova Akademii nauk SSSR (Institute of General and Inorganic Chemistry imeni N. S. Kurnakov of the Academy of Sciences USSR) SUBMITTED: July 17, 1958 Card 212 KLIRRANOV., A.: Mater Chem Sci (diss) -- "The oxidation-reduction propertiaL. of cortstin acidonitroso compounde of ruthenliun". Morcj~Tr) 1959. 11 pp (Acad FAi USSR, Irwt of Gnn and Inorganic Chmm im Il. S. rurTvkov), 150 coplen (Ta,, jqo 15, 1959, lilt) ZVYAGINTSEV, O.yP.; KURBANOV. A. Electrolvtic reduction of some ruthenium acidonitroso compoun~-Is. Zhur.naorg.khim. ( no.9:221f-2218 -S '(].. (MIRA lit: 9) (Ruthenium compounds) (Reduction, Llectrolytic) K1JR3AN0V,- A. A. Gand, Geolog-M.1neralog Sci. DiBBartationt. "Genosis and Industrial Outlooks of the Chcchek-Dzhora Deposit of Kabar*ii. ASSR." All-Union Sci. Res. Inst. of Mineral Raw Materials. 26 Fgb 47. So: Vecher2yaya Moskva, Feb, 1947 (Project #17836) RODTAKIN, N.Y.,dotmeat; MCZHAR, B.S.. kand. m*d. nauk; YURKEVICH, A.Y&,, kand. mod. nauk; BOBROV, S.M.. mlad. nauch. sotr; RUSTAYIVA, T.P;, mlad. nauch. sotr; KURBANOV, A.K., trach; GADZHITNV, M.G., vrach: VASILIYMVA. 0.A.. Use of adhesive tape caps in treating dermatomycosis under rural conditions in Turkmenia. Vast. von. i dem. no.5:48-50 S-0 '55. (MIRA 9:1) 1. Iz Turkmenskogo n&uchno-iteledovatellskogo kozhno-venerologichs- skogo instituts, (dir.-doteent N. F. Rodyakin). (SKIN, diseases. fungus din., ther. use of adhesive tape cap in rural conditions In Russia) (RURAL CONDITIONS, in Russia. ther. of fungus die. of ski~n, use of adhesive tape cap)* (BANDAGING AND DRESSING, adhesive tape cap. us* in ther. of fungus die. of skin in rural conditions in Russia) E-1,TFA!M-;j It. A. urkm;~nski:,, Gosivlarstwmnyy UrAv-sit"t, -~- Io , ". Z by _7 P. Azimov ~ ,C3-t/ Ashl-linbud, Turkmanuchpodgiz., 10(0. jI f 3-7 P. 11).u9., cluirtr, porti, tablen. AkId(:d title in Turkmen. Bibliographical footnot-s. ~ L Llj..LL. I/ I YTIRI)AIWN, &.K. , Cand lech -ici -- (rhs:-~) 11 i~'"IvAtntl-"n V , t i.A." " .1 P en of subgjs petroleum depo.,;-its." Vos 195h, 10 ov (,(in of digher twitication IJSSI!~. !Ios Orddr of Labor lied Hanner t,etroewn Inst im Acadimiclan I.V. Gubkin) 160 coAes (KL, h -%~ 11~) - U - rMB?.'IOV, A.K. Oil flow into gas-water contact Pools. Izv. vVs. ucheb. zav.; neft!:i gaz no. 5:75-84 156. (MIRA 11:.B) 1. Hookovskiy neftya noy institut Im. skad. I.M.Gubkina. (Petroleum engineering) -,-VlfM 213'z 1 11011, V t I LCURBAROY A.K. Xxploltation of eaturatod pools. Isv. v7a. ucheb. zav.; neft' i gaz no.6:43-50 '58- (MIRA 11:9) 1. Mbakovakiy neftyanoy Inntitut imeni akad. I.M. Gubkina. (Condensate oll wells) KURBANOV, A.K. Some generalizations of the equations of two-phase fluid flow. Hauch.-tekh. sbor. po dob. nefti no.1502-38 161. (WRA 15:9) 1. Voesoyuznyy neftegazovyy nauchno-isoledovatellskiy institut. (Oil reservoir engineering) KURBAIJOV., A.K. (Mbakva); FATKULLIN, A.Kh. (~bokva) .Percolation of a two-liquid mixture. PHTF nO-lzl6O-l62 Ja-F 162. (Percolation) (nuld dynamics) (14MA 15:4) KURBANOV, A.K. Calculating the flooding of oil layere. Nauch.-tekh. obor. po dob. nefti no.16:56-61 162. (MIRA 15:9) 1. Vaesoyuznyy neftegazovyy nauchno-issledovatel'skiy institut. (Oil field flooding) I:;-; , G. Yu. 11., .. KURDATIUI).j~,J~.; M.D.; ZIL-wov, YU.P.; S'l- - . "ly I -dy madiwi. otion of multiconponent h1drocarbon i. -turt;:) in ;: porous M Nauch.-toldi. sbor. po dob. nefti no.24-.Ia-43 164. (!"IILA, 1,1:10) 1. V.3anoya7myy nofteUazovyy nauchno-iosiodovatollaldy institut. "UMUIOV, A.K.; KIJIW,'OV, I.F. Effect of wottability on water drive. Nauch.-toldi. olx)r. po dob. nefti no.24:47-54 164. ("MiA 17: 10) 1. Vuesoyuznyy noftagazovyy nauclino-ionledoviit(.-Il:j',,Ay Institut. 7xl'-p R Sinuiltarieous withcirr%fl of oi.1 and wat/.,r from planktoric oil pools with a gas cap. Ilauch.-tekh. sWr. po dob. zi,-,-fti rio.24:57-62 t64. (mipi 17: 10) 1. Vaesoyuznyy neftegazovyy nauchno-issledovatallskiy institut. Ef fe c tof capillary forc,~-s on water oil. drive. ~!aucj,.-terkh. sbur. po tiol). riefti no.e".5:43-46 164. (NUTIA 17:12) V,9(,,ioiii-,,r,yy rieCtpgazovyy Iski", jr.-tit"A. WRIIANOVI A.Y.; KIMAIKI, I.F. Mki-voment of the water-oil contact ~n a double-layer reservoir. Trudy VNII no.42:93-111 165. (MIRA 1F: 5) -11 K UR BUI Q~j j11 YT j I I A 1; UN , I . F . Efruct of tho permeabIlIty ratio of interlayers oil t~e steadiness of the displaegment of water-oil contact In a two-layer formation. Faucho tekh. sbor. po dob, naftl no,27%39-4.2 165, (MPRA 180) 1. Vse,3oyu7,nyy nefteguzo~qry institut. KMANOV, A.M.; TROMWTM, I.F. Modernizing oliver machinery. Tokat.prom. 18 no.5:65-67 *1 '58. (Cotton mnehinery) (HERA 11:5) KURBANOV, A.R.; SUVOROV9 A.V.; SHCHUKAREV, S.A.; ITOVIKOV, G.I. Thermodynamics of tantalum chlo,,ides. Zhure neorg. khim. 9 no-3:520-525 Mr 164. (MIRA 111:3) TALIIIOV, Sh.T., prof,, doktor khimichookikh nauk; KURWIOV, A.R., Otarshiy propodavatoll Determining manganese in the wil. Uch. zap. LOPI no.6.-109-115 158. WRA 13:9) (Manganese-Analysis) (Soils-Analysis) k K"~ AUTHORSs Shchukarev, S. A., Kurbanov A. R. tantalum chlorides investigation of some TITLE: Thermodynamic PERIODICALs Leningrad. Universitet. Veetnik. Seriya fiziki i khimii, no. 2, 1962, '144 - 151 TEXT: The pressure of saturated and unsaturated tantalum pentachloride vapors between 425 and 10200K and the thermal stability of tantalum tetra- chloride were investigated. TaCl was produced by direct chlorination of,, 5 metallic tantalum with chlorine at 300 - 3500C. TaCl was obtained by 4 reduction of TaCl with metallic aluminum and sheet tantalum. Sublims.- 5 tion and evaporation of TaCl were studied at 425 - 5300K. It was found 5 for the sublimations 6H - 22.7 kcal/mole, AS - 45.2 entropy unite (eeu#)~P for the evaporation: 6H - 14.9 kcal/mole, AS - 29.3 e.u. A melting temperature of 2160C and a boiling temperature of 2350C were determined from the equations for sublimation and evaporation. The difference in Card 1/2 S/054j62/000/002/011/012 B117/B101 'M-11~-~- ---7 S/054/62/000/002/011/012 Thermodynamic investigation of... B117/B101 enthalpy and entropy of these two processes was used to oa-lculate heat and entropy of melting of TaCl 59 6H - 7.0 kcal/mole, AS - 15-9 e.u. For. the dissociation according to the reaction (TaCl 5 )gas - (TaC1 4)gas +1/2 C1 2P the following was founds 6H 33-55 kcal/mole, As - 31.3 e-u- For the very slow disproportion (32 36 hr) of TaCl 4 according to 2 (~aCl 4j [TaCl~ (TaGl j 6H - 27.0 kcal/mole, solid ' solid + 5 gas LS - 48.3 e.u. When measuring the pressure of gaseous,TaG1 over solid 5 the conproportion reaction ,TaCl 3j in the absence of IT acl at 4500C, aCl + (TaC1 2(TaCl was observed. In this case, IT 31 solid 5 gas 4 gas 6H - 33.4 kcal/mole and 63 32.3 e.u. were determined. Enthalpy and entropy of sublimation of TaCl were calculated from the disproportion 4 and conproportion prooessess All - 30.2 kcal/mole, AS - 4b.4 e.u. The results show a satisfactory agreement with published data. There are 2 figures and 2 tables. SUBMITT'LD 3 July 7, 1961 Card 2/2 % 0 BAYMUKHAMEDOV,, Kh.N.1 ZAKIROV, T.Z.; ARIFDZHANOV, T.Kh.j_AURMOV, A.S. Geology and conditions governing the distribution of minaralization of some gold-ore deposits in U2bekistan. Uzb. geol. zhur. 7 no.31ll-18 163. (MrRA 16all) 1. Tashkentskiy politekhaicheskiy institut. -1q TD, MAN _V9~00,Tv -B,P. Use of lossetal soils for hydraullo-fill earth structures. Izv. AN U%.SSR no.ItIO4-119 153. (Use) (Dams) (MIRA 11:13) SOV/1 Z4-57-5-60OZ Translation from: R(!ferativnyy zhurnal. Mckhanika, 1957, Nr 5, 1) 143 (USSR) AUTHORS: Kurbanov, B. P., Pesikov, Ye. S. TITLE: On the Shear Resistance of Alluvial Loess-type Soil (0 soprotivlenii sdvigu namytogo lessovidnogo grunta) PERIODICAL: Tr. Tashkent.-sk. In-ta inzh. irrigatsii mckhaniz. s.-kh., 1956, .Nr 2, pp 187-195 ABSTRACT: Bibliographic entry Card 1/1 F S p zrs_ SOV/99-59-1-10/13 AUTHORS: Kamenev, N.G. and Kurbanov, B.P.t Engineers TITLE*. The Use of Prefabricated Reinforced Concrete for Strengthening the Upper Bank of Dams (Primeneniye sbornogo zhelezobetona,dlya krepleniya verkhovogo otkosa, plotin) PERIODICAL: Gidrotekhnika i meliorataiya, 1958, Nr 1, pp 46- 51 (USSR) ABSTRACT: The authors describe an experiment in strengthen- ing the upper bank of the dam at the Tyuya-Buguz water reservoir with prefabricated reinforced concrete slabs. A detailed description of the pro- duction process as well as the composition of the concrete and the production costs are given. It was found that the factual cost of production was 22% lower than estimated. A further reduction of Card 112 SOV/99-59-1-10/13 The Use of Prefabricated Reinforced Concrete for Strengthening . the Upper Bank of Dams costs is possible. There are 4 photographs, 2 sets of diagrams and 1 table. Card 2/2 EJRBABDV, B.P., inzh. Some problems concerning tho straineii state of loose soils. Trudy sANizRr no.95 .17-41 158. (MTR&13:6) (Soile mechanics) On M.P. Kuslminov's book "J~vdraulic structures made of earth". Izv. AN Us. SSR. Ser. takh. nauk no-5:78783. .'59. . (MIRA 130) (Dame) ROZHDESTVEVSKIY, Ye.D. Prinimali uchautiye: GORBUIIOV, B.P., kand. taklin. nauk; SHULIGINA, V-.P,, kando takhn. nauk; OBBLIGNETIKO, A.11., kand. tekhn. nauk; KUDRIR4 S.A., kand. khim. nauk; ~URBAVOV, B.-P-) otv. red.; BAKLITSKAYA, A.V. red.; BARTSEVA, V.B., iekhn. red. [Physical properties of -the loesB soils of Uzbekistan] Fiziko- tekhnicheskie evoistva lessovykb gruntov Uzbekistana. Tashkent Izd-vo Akad. nauk Uzbekskoi SSR, 1960. (miu 14. 269 P. -9~ (Uzbekistan-Loess) KMANOV B P inzh. (Tashkent) ~ - Preferential rates for electric power used for drainage and irrigation pumping units. Gidr. i mel. 15 no.3:45-47 Mr 163. (MIRA 16:4) (Uzbekistan-Electricity in a riculture) Wzbekistan-Pumping atat 5 KUREIANOVp B,P* "Fergan-type water -intake units" by A.P.Ushakov; V.N.Sholokhov, I.A.lAkshtas. Reviewed by B.P.lurbanov. Izv.AN Uz.SSR.Ser.tekh. nauk 7 no.2s7l-72 163. (MIRA l6t4) (Intakea (Hydraulic engineerinf)) (Ushakov,A.P.) (Sholokhov, V,N,) Ikkahtas', I.A.) n r lu r t 1 ~G r Orif, 2u'-, Iz, li c; rd j c A z o r b.,) J'.-Z1 7 7 - -3 7 i-b t r:,. c t V.~ lc.v- ir:c -,,j knai., -P ur tuo, c. ijy , _r In t-11- -zl"J iu:-1- tll-~; t~.,!Jt plot w-lt'l DID2 r.-(.,Luc,cl tll- I J.., ~r; in,,i-ct3 by Z,,3,,. Ti- -w b-r .Jt,j on th- t-A p1 !'L" 3a 23 July 'it*-) -6i ..-s r6. 2'( P-2 5j tr".,-6 30 j -ru. /2 BALEZIN, S.A.; PODOBAYEV, N.I.; GLIKINA, F.B.; KURBANOV, F. Inhibitors for the hydrochloric acidization of oil wells with high bottom hole temperatures. Neft. khoz. 42 -no. 3: 35-38 Mr 164. (MIRA 170) 10 ~j y V , N .E, ff r;f _,~.nh, b I tc :-,u o r r t s' n of c ~~ I r b~~ C. t *Ao a rl n f I J In ur Z-ffcc't of oxyj.-ull Ofl the J)rotpEt'ivfl acUon of ac-ld corropion in hydrorliloric acid. 'Implocnergf-tika Ul no.4.- 7~- .75 IT. 164. (.14-11PA 17-.6) 1. 1-looko-inkly imsud-irstvrnnvy `-Chi~okiy imAJtut, imniii lx!nina. ot L 378046 Eva (m)/E PF (c)/EIV (j )/T/E',NP W/Mq P WJD 1ACCESSION NRI AP5014139 IJR/~,3~'t6~'i~j/""6B~A/PJOAOI/003/0331/0340 620,193o41 620.197.3 !;AUT11OR: Balezin. S. A.; Kurbanov. F. K.; Podobayev, H. 1. -777, JITM: Investigation of the protective action of steel cor sion IpL~~b#qrgq I ro n hydrochloric acid as a function of temperature, pressure a~ac n ;SOURCE: Zashchita metallov, v. 1, no. 3, 1965. 337-340 TOPIC TAGS: corronion inhibitor, steel, hydrochloric acid .ABSTRACT! The authors study the protective action of PB-5 (a product of condensa- ~tion oV analine and urotropin), Katapin A (paradodecylbenzylpyridinium chloride)# proparlayl alcohol, and mixtures of P8-5 + urotropin, I-I-A (a byproduct from manu- ~Facturo of 2-methyl-5-ethyl pyridine) + itrotropin, and Katapin A + BA-6 (a product iof condensation of L-4,-nzyl amine and upotropin) In 0-20% hydrochloric acid at tem- Yeratures of 22-1550 and pressures of 1-500 atm. The specimens were made In the iform of cylinders 5 mm In diameter and 50 mm long and had the following composition I ;(in wt. U: C-0,47; P-0.022; S-0.030; SI-0.019; Mn--0.70; NI-0.06; Cr-0.05. ilt waa found that propargyl alcohol, Katapin A. 1-1-A + urotropin and FB-S + urotrom Card 1/2 1-4 r -66 " 3780 :ACCESSION NR.- APSoII4139 and Katapin A t urotropin are effective at 1100, 01110 a mixture of 1-1-A+ Ha2rO4 is most effective at 1300. A temperature maximum for the Inhibiting effect Js characteristic of the agents studied. ror Katapin and PB-5, this maximum is Jn the 60--700 range, while thC other Inhibitorn r3how a temperature maximun at 180-900. A reduction was observed in the protective action of the inhibitors an the .pressure was increased. All higher acid concentrations, the corrosion rate In the :presence of inhibitors in also higher. This effect Is more pronounced as the tem- perature is raised. Orig. art. has: 4 figures. ASSOCIATION, Moskovskly gosudaratvennyy pedagopicheakly institut Im. V. 1. tAnina ~e Pedagogical Institute) MMITTED! 26Sep64 ENCL. 00 SUB COM RH REF SOVt 002 OTHERt 007 2/2 W! A _aa ) r~4 Pj- j-iF I J F J D/WB i NR, AP6009526 (N) SOURCE CODE: U-I--I)FO41-3/69/(i66/005/00)ig/0049 AU'rITOR: Pqdqbpqqv,_ Dalez1n,,. hlyev _tqf. A.; Z.; Kurbanoy,,,.F..~_ OjIG: none TITLE: Corrgai for steel In hydrochloric acid. Clasa 22 No. 1794!L6. (Announced by the Moscow State Pedag gical Institute Im. V. S. Lenin ~M(~-s'k-o-v-Wly goaudaratyennyy pedagicbeakiy institut)) SOURCE: Izobretenlya,, proVablenny)e obraztoy, tovarnyye znaki, no. . 5, 1966, 49 TOPIC TAGS: steel corrosions corrosion inhibitor, acid corrosion 6 ABSTRACT: An Author Certificate has been Issued for a corrosion InhibLiar for steel In hydrochloric acid. Consisting basicnlly of dipropargyl methyleyelobaxylphosphi- nate, it contains several other additives preferably in amounts of inhibitor BA-6, r-J*O-%; 1-hexYn-3-01, 0.25 -- 0.5$j Potassium iodide, 0.02%. (LD) SUB COI)E: 131 SUBM DM: 07J&d5 - Card 1/1 13, LQ- wat 62o.i97.3 y V- IF KURBANOV, G. I'i Annwil Yariation in tho location of the sone of discontinuity of the tropopauee over Eurasia. Trudy Inst. mat. AN Uz. SSR no.25:67-95 162. (KMA 16 18) (Eurasia--Atmosphere, Upper) -M,; M3 ------ ----- - - ~ . I . .- . - --- - : -1. --- -- -, 1.11 -I , ~. .- 1 ;, 4 - - .. -I ~- .-- -- -II- - ~ ~ . 1-1 ...I--- . . - I I - - - - . --- - . - - --- - ."- 1: ~ --- 7~ - !~- ullfgs~ I L F C-7 n (i r(?r t1irleren', periods t u ,3p, , ai vk*v ACC NR: SOURCE COD E-.-- -U-Ii/6)66/6-6/C~0/dCO/GO50/CG54 U Kurbanov, G.; Khafizov, Kh. ORP; none TITLE: Calculati~n of or.-yirical influence functions for H500 forecasting ovor Tas!~,kont from syn6ptic processes of Contral Asia i 80U'.'ICB: AN UzSSR.' Institut matomatiki. Roshoniyo uraviieniy gidrotormodinandki Prinunitellno k zadacham matoorologii (Solution of equations in hydrothernodynamiC5 applied to problems in meteorology) Tashkent, Izd-vo FAN UzSSR, 1966, 50-54 WKC T&PGS: Green function, mithomatic matrix, atmospheric goopotential, i3obar, woathor forecasting, anticyclono,. least square mothod, ;weather map J~.BSMJLCT: Forecasting of the geopotential field by using calculated empirical influence functions is applied to the eastern regions of the SSSR. The em;~irical inl"luence functions for calculation of H5CO over Taslkent are ccmputed for the northwestern cold-air outbreak and the southwestern periphery of the anticyclone. Tlha data of 15 aerological. stations at levels of 850, 500, and 300 mb were used. System of 45 equations with 45 unknowns is solved by transformation of the matrix. 77777,!"' N ACC Nil, AT~0028-1.3 1:2 4~j 1/1 ~d 'P2A Flk 4P3kFjk A.d >1 F454 I* A-1 k-I k-1 06 'Pik F2k :S'F'2k F F F 3k'F2A 1 454 24 A-I *-I. &=I *-I . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Do Do 96. AW F2A F F1, F454 45k :S'P3I$F4SA .iod 45k k-1 k-1 k-I A-I by the Gzuss mothod. Aere F is the meteorologic-element function, and its first and second subscripts are the number of the point in space and the number of the case, respectively. The results were satisfactory, although not final. Orig. art. has; 3 '& o.-.,alas and 2 maps. SUB COME% 04, 12[ SUM DATE i 26May66/ ORIG REFz 009 1.~.cird F ACC NR; Suuiz~ coDr-I-. -uR/oooo/66/0OO/OCO/G062/W72 A'V'UEOR. Kurbanov, G. OIIG: nono Study of the subtropical tropopauso discuntinuity over tho northern hez.1irphera SOURCE: tOl UzSSII. In3titut matomatiki. Roz;honiyo uravnoniy gicLrotermodinc.;-,iki priaan--4tollno k zadacham moteorologii (Solution of equations in hydrothormodynamics a;opliod to problems in meteorology) Tashkent, Izd-vo M, UzSSR, 1966, 62-72 TO?IC TAGS: tropopauso, atmospheric model, atmospheric wind ABSJTR~-.CT; Discontinuity between polar and trop-ical tropopauso over northern -is~)hcra waa investigated by plotting the chcxts of tho southorn boundarios of the polar tropopause and the northern boundaries of the tropical tropopauso. 'I'Ao mat;'od con~;isted of replotting the latitude of the points of intersection of tale extreme southern isobars of the polar tropopause with the meridians (ir, railtiple3 0 of the longitude, using the data from daily maps of tropopauso. of 5) at every 5 Tiio chartG of recurrence of the locations for the southern boundaries of uolar tropopause were obtained by replotting the latitudes of the intersection points daily for a month. The results are shown in Fig. 1. The recurrence charts for the nortnern boundaries of the tropical tropopause were drawn in an analogous manner. those charts it io possible to establish the number of cases of double tropo- Card /3 -1 ACC NR: A-17002816 j r~,j I-1--z Card 2/3 Fig. 1. ROcU=O,,QQ chart of the southern boundaries of the polar tropopause., 1,,,arch 1964 ACC NR- ATW626-1 6 Z; 0 .By Uc) rocurronco ir-* of t,~ju ,;outharn bou,-,Jary of t,~irj pu-'ar U V A 4 A. t1%;3UPau:;Q GVQ;. zxp~- of tho northern boundary of the tropical tropopause (for it is possible to estimate the average monthly width of an over- zone for Voth tropopauses in their discontinuity zone. The -,.ain boundaries of.the trooopauzo i;ore found to coincide with the location or the average current flow (of d-le r,..Lxim4l wind) at subtropical latitudes. It was also established thato -',;o overlapping zoho of the tropopauso is to the north of the axis of tho current flow. Orig. art. has: 4 figures. SUB, CODE: 04/ SUM DATE: 26,May66/ ORIG REF: 010/ OTH REF: oo4 rd C- -3/~~-- L -N 110t,~, 4T 1M, T t F~ N ao a Cotton ij..,: af.,in - In Zoll,-) of" 1:,Iailur ,,, for Ineit of Zc)olo,-,-Y, Acad Sci Az-orbaydzhan SjR, Lahl, C) SO: 3LL~- 4P, 2~) hAr 4.5 VJRBAMV, Me -- -MMWARMMM%%WM- I The red spider Tatranychus urtie" Koch as a cotton pent in the Shftvan region of Azerbaijan. WTy Inst. zool.AN Azerb.SSR 18:17-108 $53. (KIBA 9:7) (Kura Lovlend-Red spider) (Cotton-Diseases and posts) KURRANOV, G. G. Study of thripa upeclefl injurious to cotton and grain crops in Azerbaijan. Izv.All Azf)rb,,SBR,Ber,biol.i sel'khoz.nauk no.4:63-69 159. (MIRA 12:12) (Azerbaijan-Thrips) (Cotton-Diseasos and posts) (Grain-Diseacos and posts) F1,15UTUNOV )U.G. ; KOULUKV, G.A. Study of predatory insects and paraoitoo exterminating the cotton spider mite (Tetranychus urticao) and the inalva moth (Gelechia malvolla) in the flakhichovpn A.S.S.H. Izv. All Azerb. SSR. biol. i med. nauk no.601-58 160. (MIRA 14:9) (NAMICHEVAN A.S.S.1"RED SPIDER) (IJAKHICIIEVAN A.S.S.R.-MOTHS) (COTTON-DISEASES AND PESTS) KURBANOV9 G.G.; KULIYEV, G.A. Biology and economic significance of some parasites and insects proying on the malva moth in the Nakhichevan A.S.S.R. Izv. All Azorb. SSR Ser biol. i med. nauk no-5:65-71 161. (MIRA 143) 0 (flAKHICHEVAN AiS.S.R.-FARASITES-MOTHS) (COTTON-41SEASES AND PESTS) A.GG.; KULIYLV, G.A. 'Research on mass rearing of the ichneumon fly Habrobracon brevicornis I(eame under laboratory conditions and some of its results. Izv. AR Azerb. SSR Ser. biol. i med. nauk no.800-50161. (~MU 16:8) 1. 1. 'ILUMON MES) I (IGH, (IMIGHEVAII A. 3.S. R.-GOTrOl~.-MEASES M FUSTS) (MOTILSo-BIOLWICAL GONTROL) 1' G.,O.; OLM-01, G.A. 'I I of tho 1""hilouirlon fly (lip 11 deoLroying thfj mallow moLh in thp Nal,.hichwan Tzv. Ali Azerb.SSSIt.S,--r.LIo1. I med-nauk ro. -',2;5.,-58 '61..' ' N 14A 17. 5) ,~~Iect of agrotecl~nicf,,,,- or lrjurilcus und baneficial en L ornofauna o f co I- ton ii ndr, r i,", e c ord (,,n:j c-" th -'(,.-,evan IZV. ;,I", Azorb. ~,,2 1. , A': A--~-,7 .It. KurbLno-L,_g. R. "Rp;;torative operations in the lacerwitiun a"i of t:,e C~,In aj-1--a duc to ruriso,o~ wo-incl," (Report)p TnidY III Zakavkazuk. allyew1a kidrurpu,t, Yf-ro..,Iarl, 19).v (,,-n cover; imk)), 1,. 1,0473 SO; U-5240, 17 Dec- 53, (Letopis 'Zhurnal In.vkh St4tey, No. 25, 194,)). - . - . . ~ II ..c . Li7iti;.-Ttu ;A I I I . -1, , - . 1-,. Nosu - Surgory Correction of total defect of the nose according to auVior's nethod. Khirugiia, No. 6 1952. Yon -v LI,5~ 9f lluut3ian kcf)psiong Librury of Congress October 1952. UNGLWS. GASAN-a~. A.I.; KUMWIOY, G.R., profesuor, zaaluzhenrqy deyatell nimki. zaveduyu- alichi.v; ALIYZVO,A.M., direktor. Three caaes of anodontla. Stomatologiia no.4*52-53 Jl-Ag 15). (ULRA 6:9) 1. Illnika chelyustno-litsevoy khtrurgil Aserbaydahanskogo nuuahno-laulado- vatellskop inotituta ortopedii i vonstanovitallnoy kh1rurgii (for Kurbanov). 2. Aserbaydzhanakly nauchno-iseledovateltakiy institut ortopedii i voestano- vitellnoy khlinirgil (for Aliyav). (Tooth) EY.CIERPTA YY-DICA SEC 8 Vol 12/2 Neurology Feb 59 1037. MORPHOLOGIC CHANGES OF BLOOD IN CLOSED TRAUMATIC LES- TONS OF TIIF SKULL (Russian text) - Kur ba no and Mame- dnv D.M. - AZ,MED.ZII. 1956, 8(67--tiu) !-V Blood examinations were done on 61 patients over A period of 5 days after the skull In,ury, The total leucocyle count In patients with skull and brain injuries was elevated, proportional to the severity of the injury; in the majority of patients the number of lymphocytes was decreased and the ESR was elevated in 44.2% of Cages. (S) -771 MBANOV, G.R., snal.deyntallnetuki, prof., DAVIDUN, A.L. kand.sed.nauk Primnry bone surgery of the.lower jriwg Averb,mod.zhur-noo71m-n6 .Ti 1,58 (MIRA 11:8) (JAWS--SURG)MY) KURBANOVj G.,R.; MAMF-DOV# D.M. ".~Wro- Role of pathogenetic therapy (vagocarotid block and medication deep) in the treatment of patients with closed skull injurieu. .Azerb, mede zhure no, 503-55 My 160* (MIRA 13:7) (SKULL-NOUNDS AND INJURIES) (NOVOCAINE) (SLEEP-THERAPEUTIC USE) th- -4a~. ~nd. C7 Inniltut L 24212-66 FWT(1-J/T jK ACC NRi AP6015173 N) SOM CE COD?,-. URIOY~616510001011100451OV416 AUTHOR: KjEbanoy A. ORG: Institute of Virolo&Z im., Do I. Ivanovs ' /headed by Professor Is Ie'Tersldkh/ (Institut virus TITIE: ur-Jr-Mot ~rsslbilities in the case of ornithosir.4of parrots SOURCE: Vaterinarlya, no* 11, 1965, 45~J46 TOPIC TAGS: mouse, animal disease, virus disease ABSTRACT: - After an outbreak of oraithosis among parrots of three varitiss kept in common quarters with other birds,, one apparently healthy parrot of each variety wis examined. A auspension of lungsp liver.. and spleen was Injected intracerebral3,Y into white mice. Once adapted to white mice#. the virus was inoculated into a culture of chicken fibroblast calls for. a study of the development and morphology of inclusions. It was found that the virus of ornithosis was isolated from the spleen of apparently healthy parrots and that healthy parrot* could.serve as vactors. The . author concludes with recormwdations for quarantine and treatment with antibiotics. fJPRS7 SUB CODE: 06 / sum DATEs none ORHANOV, I.[. . to oynt,hools of linkagr-,3 b.( tl.-,, me,,"hw; A pprox 1 rria analyols. Toor. imish. i mokb. I e,4. .1,7:9) KURBALOV, 1.1, Structural and metric syntheeis of plane hinged mechanisms y the harmonic analynia method. Izv. All Uz. SSR. Ser. tekh. IT nauk 8 no.207-49 164. (MIRA 17t6) 1. Tashkentskiy politaklinicheskiy institut. 7 2 , 1. I., 1;'..v .. _i. x - r (ij, marci1r),gi of probl-CimV of harmonic arrilynis of nonintegra table functIonn. Izv. AN Uz. Sjfi. Sor. tzjkh. nuuk 1) r.,o.2:32-413 16,50 18:8) 1. Taohkontskiy politakhnicheokly inst.1tut.