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ACCL~SSIONZ Nil: AP4035GO7 subsequently analyzed by the sebond analyzer. Air or noon was admitted to the col- lision chamber, and from tile variation of the C02-~-, G+, Co+, and C+ ion currents with tile gas pressure in the collinion chamber, tile croqs nections for tile various dissociation processes were calculated. The gas escaping from the colliDion chamber through the slits defining the ion beam was removed by fast pumps, and a pressure of 3 x 10-7 mm lig was maintained in the hig'h vacuum portion of the apparatus. All the ion currents were linear functions of the pressure in the collision chamber ov- er the range of pressures investigated (to 2 x 10-4 mm I(g) . Tile & and & currents did not vanish with the pressure but approached the same finite value as the pres- sure was reduced. Those residual curronta were duo to spontaneous dinsociation of C02+, presumably via tho tunnal effect (PeDorman, J.h(orrison, J.Chom.Phyq.j3StS75t 19G2). The MecMUife of C02+ was 4 x 10-4 Dec. of tile possible inclantic collision processes, the moo t frequent was charge exchange with the formation of C&. The cross section for this process was 33 x 10-16 cm2 in air and 18 x 10-1G cm2 in noon. Of the C& ions thus formed in air, nootit one-fifth dissociated either to C4, and 0 or to C and 0*. Those formed in noon did not. The direct dissociation by molecular impact to C4' and & occurred in noon with a cross section of 2 x 10-16 cm2, but it did not occur in air. The other possible process occurred either to a very small extant or not at all# The differences between the behavior in noon and air are ox- 'Card 2/3 ACCESSIO11 NR: AP4035G97 plained in terms of the anorLry levolu of the Lons and molecules involved. The and C+ lines were complex, consisting of a central peak and two aymmotric side poakL When there was no gas In the collision chamber, the central Peaks were absent or small, but the aide ponks romilned. 71te side pctl(.,i arc nccordingly ascribed to dis- sociation of C02+ to & and & with transfer of kinctic energy to the frngmants, and the central pealm to dissociation of C& formed by charge exchange. Similar triplets have boon observed by F.M.Rourko, J.S.Shaffield, W.D.Dnvia and F.A.Whito (j.Chcm.Phy.g.,31,193,1959). Their Interpretation 61 this structure is criticized In sorno detail. "I express my gratitude to A.A.Porov and Z.Z.Lnty*pov for a dis- cusuion of the results of the work." 0 formulnn, 4 figures and I table. ASSOCIATION: Nauchno-iss'ladovatellskiy fiziko-ldilmichosidy institut, Moscow .(Physicochemical' Scientific Research Institute) SUBMITTED: 25MnyG3 jjTj) PRF.SS: 3085 FJIGLI 00 StM CODE: OP, NP NR RU SGVt 000 oniER: oog 3/3 ACCESSION NR: AP4042009 S/0057/64/034/001317/1320 AUTHOR: Kupriyanov, S.Ye.; Ver(ivp A.A4, TITIZ: Cross sections for dissociation by collision with neon atoms of Ions formed from 'propane SOURCE.- Zhurnal tekhnicheakoy fiziki, v.34, no.7, 1964, 1317-132'0 Topic TAGSi ton, dissociation, Ion bombardment, hydrocarbon, propane, netm ABSTRACT: -The cross sections,for dissociation of hydrocarbon Ions by collision with neon-atoms were measurco with a double mass spectrometer. The Ions were formed. by bombarding propane with 120 eV 61octrons and were accelerated to an energy of 3.5 keV. The collisions took place in a chamber containing neon at 1.8 x 10" tor. The mass spectrometer and experimental technique are described elsewhere (S.'~Ie.Kup- re ob- riyanov and A.A.Pemv,ZhTF 33,823,1963). The dissociation cross sections we tained for Cdrmf iona with n = 3, m a 0 to 8; n a 2, m a 0 to 5; and n n 1, m a 3. The tabulated cross soctione.woro reproducible within 15%. The croon section'gor formation of (;dlmt from Com was greater for odd values of at (other than'unity) than for either of tho neighboring even valuesi regaMless of the parity of M9 The ACCESSION HRi AP4042009 cross section for breaking,a C-C bond'of C311m was 13.6 X 10-10 cm2 fora 8 and decreased very rapidly ,pith. decreasing m to 0.65 x 10-16 CM2 for a a 5and 0.37 x z 10-16 cm2 for m a I.The-crose sectlon for breaking one or more C-H-bonds was relatively independent of m and ranged between 7.5 x 10-16 cm2 and 2.1 x 10-16 CM3. The Iona with only two 11 atoms dissociated principally by C-H,,bond.oleavage. It is suggested that the results might 6 explained by a'roorganization of th6 Ions with strengthening of the C-C 4nds during the flight to the colIL41on ahavbera NO ex-! press our gratitude to Professor M.N.TunitBkiy for discussing the results of thor work." 2 tables*' ASSOCIATIONt Hauchno-looledovatellskiy fiziko-khimlobeskly InqtItut ln.L.Ya.Karpovs! (Physico-chemical Holentifto Research'Institutip) ISUBMITTEDi 17Aug63 BNM... 00 !BUD CODE: NP INR REF SOVI 003, 0WRt 002 00 t2/2 SAZHINOV., Yu,.G.; KIII-RiMOVI 3.Ye. Evidtfition of' Jontl if, 0-,-) (it' in-If,-c-ules tjy (31f,-(*Itrons. Zhur. fiz. khim. '16 jy)q-i(~ 7 , 7 2 L-1 (-, -- (PIRA 17~6) I.. FIMk(~-khImlcheakiy Jnmttli,,*. imtq,,, J,.Yrl. Kllrv~-Vtl. S. Y A A "Y anov lilf, ti n 111CCESSION NR: AP4025915 S/0056/64/046/003/0833/0839 AUTHORS: Laty*pov, Z. Z.; Kupriyanov, S. Ye.; Tunitskiy, N. No TITLE: Ionization collisions of electrons with ions and atoms SOURCEs Zhurnal eksperimentallnoy i teoretichookoy fiziki,.v; 46, no. .3, 1964, 833-039 TOPIC TAGS: ionization, ionization collision, electron ion colli- sion, electron atom collision, mercury, xenon, krypton, argon, neon, singly charged ion, doubly charged ion, electron impact ionization, secondary ionization cross section, mass spectrometer background ionization, metastable excited ion ABSTRACT: This is a continuation of earlier investigations (ZhETF v. 45, 815, 1963) of the ionization of singly and doubly charged ions by electron impact. The method of intersecting ion and electron beam was used'to measure the cross sections for single ionization of~, Card N ACCESSION NR: AP4025915 + + + + + 2+ 2+ 2+ 2+ the ions Hg Xe Kr , Ar No Hg Xe Kr , and Ar The parent ions were obtained by ionizing the neutral atoms with a pri- mary electron beam. The variation of the secondary ionization cross sections with the primary beam electron energy is determined. The ionization of neutral atoms by elect=on impact is found to be ac- companied by formation of metastable excited ions with single, double, or triple charge. it is also shown that when the accelerat- ing voltage is 2800 V, the background present in a mass spectrometer is due mainly to various ionization processes in which the meta- stable excited ions take part. Otig. art. has: 4 figures and 2 tables. ASSOCIATION: Fiziko-kbimicheskiy institut im. L. Ya. Karpova (Physicochemical Institute) SUBMITTEDt 14Sep63 DATE ACOi 16Apr64 ENCL: 02 SUB CODE: PH NO REP SOVi 002 OTRERt 015 Card t nor 7 + V + ace, with and Xe ions near a meraii1c SuL Xe Xe f~ho -xi Bt ence 9 a t 9 17 All 4- + A -L*.A + Ad, 4 4 2 3 f, 3 gmg g U'l �R. ~. ggt Z ACCESSION NR: AP4042368 S/0056/64/047/001/0052/0060 AUTHORS: !~u_priKanov, Ye,; Laty*pov, Z-Z. TITLE: Detection of long-lived excited ions of the noble gases and mercury SOURCE: Zh. eksper. i teor. fiz., v. 47, no. 1, 1964, 52-60 TOPIC TAGS: ionization, helium, xenon, krypton, argon, mercury* excited state, excitation spectrum, mass spectrometry ABSTRACT: This is a companion to a paper by the authors (with A. A. Perov, ZhETF, 47, 21, 1964); Accession Nr. AP4042363), and is de- voted to the production of singly, doubly, and triply charged long- lived highly excited ions, and also some metastable ions, by ioniza- tion of atoms of noble gases (Xe, Kr, Ar, Ne) and mercury with elec- trons. Only singly-charged exci ed ions were produced in the case of helium. The lifetimes were >10- sec. The investigations were car- Card 1/4 ACCKSSION NI(i A1.140423611 ried in crossed ion and electron beams in a double mass spectrolneter with electron gun between two magnetic mass analyzers. The method is described elsewhere (Kupriyanov and baty*pov, ZhETF v. 45, 815, 1963; Laty*pov, Kupriyanov, and N. N. Tunitskiy, ZhETF v. 46, 833, 1964). The excitation energy of the ions was determined by the method of secondary ionization of these ions. It is concluded from the potentials for the production of these ions that the excited ions are produced in states close to the states of their subsequent ioni- zation. Orig. art. has: 4 formulas, 5 figures, and I table. ASSOCIATION; Fiziko-khimicheskiy institut im. L. Ya. Karpova (Physi- cochemical Institute) SUBMITTED: 03Feb64 SUB CODEt NP ENCL: 02 NR REF SOV: 007 OTHER: 009 Card 2/4 .qCCF,SSICt; ulls AP40112368 DGLOSURSt 01 Energica of ground and metaotable atates of icne and experimental potentiale for the production of excited ionat in W r,Mund Gtatnr, Ocnotsitwo cnvrommn Vptantnble ntlitaFT OCIIO13111AC COC10111111n card 3/4 IIR4 X14 I Eff I At 4 10,43 29,18 29 - 12,13 li'm 17,.7(; 23 ""' "9, "i 24'm 2 f 1. 62 :13,3-4 24,81; 211,111 :w'XI J 1. 35,34 38,56 4.1,18 31 38 41 Con't on Enclosure 2 ACCFZSICN NRs AP4042368 Con't from Enclosure 1 tqe+ HO 115-t X04 AtIf 21,50 .24.58 29 18 3,3,31 :1-R, -"11 4 -Is 65,42 a),38 .14:49 35,44 39.79 /, M M.HM 37.95 42,65) 47,111, 36,41 47 55,73 61,42 30,73 43,95 51,87 60.32 41,30 49 r"g, 4 5 49,80 53,73 60.28 G2.6 78.98 Rt,68 65,42 75,76 94,29 110A 62 70 G5 110 ENCLOSUREI 02 Card 4A *The very lowest metastable states are no~"shown for some of the ions ~tlmldm F a ms, mill i i-tt'l ~~ ~ : z; ~~ - ~- T"; - ~,-- .g vnzlll, mfv fm i ".. Mall _6 I 4 ELft 4~ -, ~- , 1 1 , , ,- r1 r ~! Al / ~ Irv M. z X! . - - I - On 1. - ~ -1 - ~, -.,W m IN -- - . ~ .. p p, iss 66 FWT(1) AT/GS ACC NR, ATS023429 SOURCE CODE: UR/0000/65/000/000/0023/0026 ~14/' v AUTHOR: KuRriyanov, So Ye. ORG: none TITLE: Excitation and dissociation of ions due to collision with atoms and molecules and their correlation with mass spectra SOURCE: Simpozium po elementarnym protsessam khImL1 v Oscow, 1963. qp,pkikh eneniv.' M Elementat;iy-y-e--p-ro-ts-es-g-y-xfirr-axtl--;Tysokiki~-iiiii-fg-i-y-*cr,l~~entar-.y-'p-r,~o'c' of the chemis- try of high energies); trudy simpoziuma. Kascow, 1965, 23-26 TOPIC TAGS: excited state, ion, particle collision, ion energy, mass spectr=, neon ABSTRACT: Mass spectra of excited molecules and ions and mass spectra of their dis- sociation due to collision with atoms and molecules were studied to determine-the structure, nature$ and energetic state of molecular Ions. Good correlation was found between tNe mass spectra of CjHjN and n-C4H,u obtained during electron impact with the mass spectra of dissociation of the corresponding ions due to single collision with neon atoms. An excellent agreement was found among mass spectra of dissociation Of CZH4 ions which origIna$ed from CZH4, CA, and n-CAQ, and among the mass spec- tra of dissociation Of C2H4 ions which originated from CZH2, C2H41 CAP, C3H3, and n-C4H10. This agreement for the mass spectra of dissociation of tons stems f-row the Card 1/2 L 10835-66 ....... ............. AC R, ATS023429 CC fact that the energy of all C-C in ions is equal. orig. art. has: 2 tables. fac SUB CODE: 07, 20 SUBM DATE: 23Feb65/ ORIG PEF: 010/ OTH REF: 002 SUe ~ 4w -2/' L 108z"i-66 L1,!T(1)/_,:.A.(m)-(~ lirkc) A-1/.;.; ACC NR, ATS023430 SOURCE CODE: UR/0000/65/-0-00-/0-0,0-/,0026-/0027~ AUTHOR. Latypov, 1. Z.; XTriyano, v, S. Yo. Z ORG: none TITLE. Mass-spectra of excited molecular Ions ~.jlementarny_ protsessam khim,i,i,,vyackikh energ~y.' Moscow, 1963. SOURCE: SimpR~Lr p m Elementarnyye protsessyy kh*ii~fi-ii-soktkh*'ei6r-giy'(Eleme'nta-ry' processes of the chemic- try of high energies), trudy simpoziuma, Moscow, 1965, 26-27 TOPIC TAGS: mass spectrumi, particle collision, ion, excited electron state, particle collision ~71, Y V, ABSTRACT: Mass spectra__(reported in the literature) obtained during collisions of molecules electrons photons and slow Ions and those obtained during collisions of ions with atoms and molecules were cross-compared with the aim of finding their common features. A coincidence of mass spectra was found in various collision pro- cesses having a similar average ion excitation energy and a similar ion energy clistri, bution function. Mass spectra of the ion-electron collision coincide with mass Spec- tra of the ion-photon collisions when E e - I r, mass spectra of the fragment.loni resulting from Ionization of molecules due to collision with electrons coincide with Card 1/2 _L Io8~3ti_66 ACC NR& AT5023430 mass spectra of dissociation of fast ions due to collision with neutral particles. Both the established dependence of mass spectra upon excitation energy and the found correlation between the mass spectra of molecule-electron, ion-atom, and ion-molecule collisions, make it possi ~.~'(t4,jjjredlct the mass spectra of'molecular ions resulting from molecular loq-el rbn c6 sions. Thus the Ivass apectra taken during the col- lision Of HH3 and CH' tons with electrons have c=mon features. Orig. art. has- 2 formulas. SUB CODE: 07)a0 SUBH DATE: 23Feb65/ ORI G IMF: 000/ OTH REF: 000 jW Milo HIN All 5 Ir ~4,-N~igaw -1114-1111"11"1~~~L~.-,-"~-Z.~~'~i!Z 6,M~M~, 4j~ RN-M, N '01,"i LATYPOVY Z.,,..; KilFRIY,',I,i'()If S.Yo. MaEs epectra find ex,;Itatlrn en4,-rgier of ](-n.-.. 39 0.1~1!,!572-15'76 J3. "5- (MIRA 18!8) n , I f-j I 1. Monkovckiy ;nstitw Ifu-,ril- ' Ya.Yrrpova. - I ~ Z, - -- ~~, ~~ .- ~ :Ifqzzr, ;.4f ~f~n 'if- ~ f,., . - . . - I . . - - , ~ : tt)e reskiltv, werv ,PN MEMO WIN Mill .... .... .. TP M --Mi R t 'Oft ll,~ URNIMM u~ "P.- APIS 1~-421* WOM I IR, Am LIJ 'WP(b) IJP(c) JD ..U~_~6 kXf(1)/0dT(m)/B4P(t)/h ACC NR: AP6004416 SOURCE CODE: UR/0051/ii6/020/001/0163/0165 AUTHOR: Xupriyanov, S. Ye. ORG: none TITLE: Excitation functions for high long-liveo 141voln In atorro ()f SIOUMT, : OptiYa 1. spektroskopiya, v. 20, no. 1, 1966, 163-165 TOPIC TAGS: excited electron state, inert gas, mass spnctrorirter, ion source, meta- stable state ABSTRACT: The author studies the excitation of high levels In ;.ltomn and molecules of inert gases -to confirm the states in these gases sintilar to those in hydrogen. Tile cyperimental study is based on ioni- zation of highly excited atoms A* close to a tr~-_-tal surface M: A'01p-At. A mass spectrometer with a two-chamber ion source was used. Tile eyperimental conditions were chosen in such a way that the ions forTned in the first charriber- could not leave tile ion source and only ions forvied in the occond cham!)cr could Ieave. The w-st probable reaction for lon formation under thene conditionu lfj that mentioned above. Card 1/2 UDC: 539.196.2 : 661-936 L 15559-66 ACC NR: AP6004416 T'he excitation c~irves show a rapid increaue in ion Curxlt~nt neav flic threshold to a comnaratively Ov-.jrp first maximum located at an clectron enez;F~y tAnse 'to twice flie throc:hold i-,rint-gy. Following this peak 1.~, a broader nnaximurn (or ~-,ovf_,ral broader maxi- ma) in the higher electron enevgy reLion. The fiT-,t ,;harp maximum may bn caused by electi,on transition -to all highly excited leveln to which tr,in..;itioir; arc optically forbiddrin. Thf! broad maximum may be due to optically allowed transitions; to high states of tile atorns. It may be assumed that the shape of functions for excitation of high long-lived levels in, atoms in the cime of electron hipact is due to superpo- siticii of curves which are similar in shapa to known excitation functions for low optical and metaotable states of the atoms. Orig. art. has: 2 figures, I formula. SUB CODE: 20/ SUBM DATE; Mep&l/ ORIG REF: 009/ OTH PEF: 006 Card 2/2 AP7000393 SOURCE CODE: AUDIOR: Kupriyanavj S-.Ye- ORG: Scientific Research fteicochimical InAitute (flauchno-iooledavatellskiy fizik khimicheaki,y institut) TITLE: Mass-spectrometric observation of long-lived auto-ionization states of the ions Cat and Gr+ SOURCE: Zhurnal ekaperimentallnoy i tooreticheakoy fiziki. Pialma v redaktaiyu. Prilozhaniye.. v. 4j, no. 9. 1966,, 345-348 TOPIC TAGS: mass spectrometry,, calcium, strontium, excited state, autoionization, ionization phenomenon ' A~STRACT; Tho purpoce of the irrveatigation war, to check whether Ca+ and Sr+ ions can be produced in auto-ionization states that retain their excitation long enough (> 10'e se'c) to render them observable with the aid of a mass spectrometer. The investigati6i waa carried out with a double mass spectrometer described earlier (ZhTF v- 33, 823p 190). A beam of Cat or Sr+ ions accelerated to 2.8 kev was further ionized in a chamber and the doubly-charged Ca2+ or Sr2+ ions-were separated by a magnetic ainalyzer -ind recorded with electrometric amplifiers. These dvably-charged ionz could be formed from the aingly-charged ions (A+) via three basic processes: (i) auto-ionization e A2+ + e, (11) strippin(S by collision with atoma and molecules of the residual gases + M - A2+ + M + e, (111) ionization near metallic surfaces A+ + Me - A2+ + Me. By Card 3/2 Acc-ro-AP7000393 varying the conditions of the experiment, any one of the processes could be Geparated and the others suppressed. The procedure used to identify the process that leads to these doubly-charged ions is described. The experiments have shown that the ion cur- rent I of the daubly-charged ions Ca2+ and Gr2+ formed from the singly-charged ions changes with gas pressure ]Ake I a k + ap, where k and a are constants. Its intensit) is proportional to the intensity of the innial sin~,Iy-charged ions and to the elec- tron current. The ionization curves of Ca- tind Sr' '~'+ have an unur;ual form,, attributed to rapid auto-ionization processes occurring in the ion source at electron energies corresponding to the binding energy of one of the internal electrons. It can also be expereted that other ions,, iooelectronic to those irrvestigated,, can &Uo haye auto- ionization states with large lifetimes. Orig. art. has: 2-figuren. SUB CODE: 2q/ mm DATzi 19ju166/ oRiG REF: oo2/ oTH REFt oo4 ATD PRESSt 5107 Card - 2 ACC NR: AP603GO,19 SOURCE CODE: UR/0056/66/051/()04/1011/101"20 AUTHOR: Kupriyanov, S. Ye. ORG: Physicochemical Institute im. L. Ya. Karpov (Fiziko-khimicheskiy institut) TIT LE: Scattering of highly excited argon atoms on hydrogen and the formation of ArFI+ ions SOURCE: Zhurnal eksperimentallnoy i teoreticheskoy fiziki, v. 51, no. 4, 1966, 1011-1013 TOPIC TAGS: argon, argon atom, argon atom scattering, argon ion formation, hydrogen molecule, argon atom collision, argon hydrogen collision, collision ABSTRACT: Scattering of highly excited argon atoms on hydrogen is studied in a mass spectrometer with a double-chamber ion source. The total scattering cross section is > 4- 10-14 CM2/molecule. It is shown that ArH+ ion formation occurs durincr encounters between highly excited argon atoms and hydrogen molecules. Orig. art. has: 2 figures and 7 formulas. [Author's abstract] [AMI SUB CODE: 201SUBM DATE: 16Apr66/ORIG REF: 002/OTH REF: 003/ Card- 1.1 ACC NR-- M!~ 7001310 SO-UMCE CODE: Un/0057/66/036/012/2'GI/2163 1 ALM,011; Nupriyanov,s,Y~i,--, 02. G :Scio;,,t'-fic Research Physicochemical Institute im. L*YA.Kapov,,1.:oscow (Nauchno- issledovatul'skiy fizilco-Ithimichoskiy institut) TITLE': Di5sociation of singly charged positive CD oub 5, C1[ sub 5, and Cd sub 4 ions ,by collision with noon atoms and air molecules SOURCE: Zhuraal telchnichaskoy fiziki, v. 36, no. 12, 19G6, 2161-2163 T air, argon IOPIC WGS: ion, deuterium compound, dissociation, molecular property, particle cross section T.-c author has enployed a double mass spectrometer to measure the cross soctions o.~ ar.-on atoms and air molecules for dissociation of CD5, C115, and CD,r, ions. T1 CxPeriz-ontal technique has boon described elsewhere by the author and A A.Porov 33, S23, 1963). Despite the title of the paper, only the CDt and CD4 data are + .reported a:id discussed. The CD ions were obtained by electron impact ionizat4on of C3, -,d t.he CD1 ions were obtained by reaction of CD-4r ions with CDA. Tho cross aections of noon atomz; and air molecules Tor a number of diXfcrent possIble di5- socia-t;ion -,)recess woro measured and are tabulated, The two cross scction~~ (arr,on and t air) for each diflorent process were very nearly equal The t~tzl disLoc43tion cross 2 + -10 sectioz wa.-i 1.6 X 10-10 cm for CD5 and 3.3 x 10 cm for CD4. The fluxes of the Cord 1/2 UDC: 539.196 ACC -NR, A:" 7001310 di~,:;ociation products ware proportional to the prersure in the scatterin.- C 1. ~' W';)v V. "I"i.; illdicaton that thu data rolato to oinglo colli.-;iona, ;and t.-,zit both .1, C:),!, and C:;3 are stable. This finding is in ronflict with data pi:c.;untud by F.H.Field 'A a.-ad j.L.11-'-raal~lin A .(Electron Impact Phenomena ind the +Properties -f of Gaseous lons,1057), find that CDj is unstable, although CD,-iI+, CD2112 , and CDH~ are stable. It is noted that very short-lived unstable CD ions night escape dotectilon in the presont w 4 bacause sone 6 microseconds were required for an ion to traverse .he second analyzer of the riass spectrometer. Tho fact that the dissociation cross is greater than that for Ut is discussed briefly, and it is suggested section Por CD1.1 0 i ill ~A~klltiojl to tho C-D bondg, thoro iwy bu nianificant forco5 botwc!i;4a tho D atoms 4a CD". author chardis Abroteasol, X.S.Tualts-Idy roe diacur'sit.1111, 01*16, art, 11AS., Z) I fiz;uru aad 1 tablo. SIM CODZ: 20 SL"j3M DATE: 05NOV65 ORIG. RZF; 002 CZ-1 RZF: CC12 2/2 KUPRIYANOV9 V.9 kapitan Education of the brave. Komm.vooruzh.Sil I no.6:39-41 Mr 161. (MIF,% 14:8) (Parachute trooPs) USSR/Chemical Technology -- Chemical Products and Their Application. Silicates. Glass. Ceramics. Binders, 1-9 Abst Journal: Referat Zhur - Khimiya, No 1, 1957, 1708 Author: Kupr1yanov, V. Institution: None Title: Some Spe,:ial Features of the Technology of Air-Entraining Concrete Original Periodical: Stroit. materialy, izdeliya i konstruktaii, 1956, No 5, 11-13 Abstract: A description of air-entraining compounds and methods used in ata- bilizing the cellular structure used abroad and in the USSR. Data are presented on the effect produced on the quality of cellular con- crete by the composition of the concrete, the type of cement used) and the type of hydrothermal treEtment applied in the production of the concrete. Card 1/1 AN KUPrLIYANOV, V., lrush. Angular manipulator for the Z11-155 and ZL--358 mitorbuses. A4. tranap. 42 nu.9s32-)3 S 164- (MIRA I?il:i) KMIYJOIUVO V. Meeting of the Kishinev Medical Institute. Zdravookhranenie 2 no.3:63-64 Hy-Je 159. (14IRk 12:10) (MOLDAVIA- -MOIC IIIN) Hi-ld'YANOV, V., inzh. UniL for I-mring bearing sunts Jn gearhox crw,k:!,-Aoljs. 71 7t. transp. 42 no. 5:32 My 164. ~- - "I-~ ~ 0-a- ~ I ~ 4 UDOVWA, V.; KUPRIYANOV, V. Movable machine for pressing rear axle housings In or out. Ayt. transp. 32 no-3:25-26 Mr 154. (MLRA 7:8) (Power presses) (Automobiles--Repairing) ... KUPRIYANOV, V., kandidat tekhniche&kM nauk. Some characteristics of gas concrete technology. Stroi.mat., izdal.i konstr. 2 no-5:11-13 Vv '56. (MLRA 9t8) 1. Nauchnyy iiekrets6r' komisaii po probleman stroitell stva AN SM. (Concrete) GORYAIITOV, K., doktor tekhn. nauk.; VOLCM, I., kand.tekhn.nauk; I KUP]IIYAMV, V., kand.tekhn. nauk; LIZOGUB, A., inzh. Using cinder from heat and electric power plants in making large porous blocks. Stroi. mat. 4 no.8:14-17 Ag 158. (MIRA 11:9) (Cinder blocks) UPRUANOV V. - -- . ---) - p - Will the blast furnace make steel? Izobr. i rats. no.7:27-28 JI 162. (MIFL4, 16-3) (Blast furnaces) 0 BUGROV,, 'N.S.; KUPRIUNOV., V.A. Device for oxygen-powdor piercing of steel-~apping holes. Metallurg 7 no.6:23-24 Je 162. (MIRA 15:7) 1. Vsesoyuznyy nauchno-issledovateltoldy i proyektno-konstruktorWCW institut metallurgichaskogo mashinostroyeniya. (Metallurgical furnaces-Equipment and supplies) .(Gas welding and cutting) 1."EDVEDEV, Yuliy Emmanuilovich; CHARRY, A.Kh., nauchn. red.; KUPRIYANOV,_X.A., nauchn. red.; SOKOWV, 0.1., red.; ATROSHCHENKO, L.Ye... tekhn. red. (The path of metallurgy) Puti metallurgii. Moskva, Izd- vo "Znanie," 1963. 46 P. (Novoe v zhizni, nauke, tekhnike. IV Seriia: Tekhnikn, no.17) (MIRA 16:10) (Metallurgy) CKHM N CBORCTRA RAOTZHOBUX YrJIZSOAOFO;Iiix C AAKKnOn SOKOWR UJEnl6lO my.# TII2 "Madoloy" comdress fw comer" MA Anuo& ChA.Way Battles st Cbmats" o& Cbmlftl Wdmloa at TmU, P61. W, Ammc Got. an, mm"m 17" obstras" se or=%@ odow" fie up I at Om sualemed qmav~w. Mwe", 31 w"b IF". S/081/62/000/001/049/067 B156/B101 AUTHORS: Bashilov, A. A., Kupriyanov, V. A. TITLE: Application of sodium hydride for hydrogenation and deaul- furization of petroleum products PERIODICAL: Referativnyy zhurnal. Khimiya, No. 11 1962, 441, abstract 11199 (Tr. Grozrienak. neft. in-t., 9b. 24, 1960, 8-13) TEXT: Hydrogenation tests on a petroleum fraction boiling at 71-260 oc wero carried out in a laboratory hydrogenation unit; 160 g of metallic Na %ere fed into the reaction vessel; the experimental conditions were: 4130C, 30 atm pressure, feeding rate of crude 1.1 g crude per g Na in I hr, H2 fed at 600 normal liters per liter crude. Results show that metallid Na can be used as hydrogenating and hydrodesulfurizing catalyst i .n the processing of crude oil. A layout of the unit is presented* LAbstracter's note: Complete translation. Card 1/1 KUM V1 V fA - Moll I It,, 60/131/02/045/071 2121,11 21%thouts "4 hopertt.4 of 161%tht.1s, 12410t.04% vith a L.-4 side chat PM(MICLLg or 2. Dkl.U Ahad-11 ... k Be**. 100, V-1 131, pr 361 - 3TO AJVTUCIi s III, ork out 4 general method &ad sonditiess 0 :4 i he 1 0 to Yx as t eabsidal tractleas of the 408twoo milk- ' 4 in the title, at set) as tko , 4y of %be properties of Tit ileam. Pr ARYIORO, koxyloao: Am4 lb f 0 _U11- i hoptyls far purpose, As a resell of the oiler$. %,. isattitie, a 3.4%wjs RA0.6 of 6 : Rthesis gas 9*8205101 . 0 sysibells of 614fins vith a live* ; e"$ %vm%or of a-e- of pelpsyttatko., loolosti.oll. 1. 4,hj4r%%A4 yea tome -sayi '20 treation ties thermal orB~klp4, puzirls, from the sulphur Ited. The solely$% 1&4 skoopkariq Utt on kiesolcar. ata Ch remitted strollers were e%tGia44 to 11 16 06 ~ itsc The kichost rield of isodeetass eorrr*4 at 1" CsT4 1/4 , '0 ?a- roo"r* of 50-10 ato. v ,me rate J-1 K' . Oyleses . ; AABOCILTION1 O"I"waskir mottyano., lastitut (G""77 Svidatifill Research Institute of restate TRU0101 wev"h*T Is, 1~51. Ivy 1. A. Us"Ohly, Aosdamicish 87=IT?nt November 25, 1759 GONIKBERBY M4.G.; DOROGOCHIWKIY, A.Z,; MITROFANOV, M.G.; GAVRILOVA, A.Ie.; KUIIRIWGV., V.A.; MIEIIAYIOISKn,, V.K.; VOVKp L.M. Homogenous demethylation of toluene. Report Noel. Basic indices of the process at 750-790 C. Neftekhimiia 1 no.1146-53 Ja-F 161. (MIRA l5t2) It Institut orgaaicheskoy khimii AN SSSR imeni N,D.Zolinakogo i Groznenskiy neftyaaoy nauchno-iseledovateltakiy institute (Toluene) (Methyl group) DOROGOC,iIINSKIY, A.Ze; GONIKBERG, M.G.; MITROFANOV, M.G.; KUMIYANGV, V.Av; VOVK, L.M. Homogenous demethylation of toluene. Report No. 2. Experi- ments with gas cycling. Neftekhimiia I no.4:501-504 ji-Ag 161. (14MA 16::L1) .1. Groznenakiy neftyanoy nauchno-issledovatel'skiy in.9titut i Institut organicheskoy khimii AN SSM imeni N.D. Zelinakogoo oF vl s/o65/62/000/oG4/OOl/Ou4 LOWE136 AUT11ORS t Gonikborg, M.G,, Dorogochinskiyi A.Z,* ~;itrofanovl ~J.G .1GIvj; il ZA=.A. U., J)ronin, A.P., ' 02Y Kupriyanov, V.A Makarlyev, S.V., Zamanov, V.V., TITLE A process of thermal dealkylation of aromatic hydrocarbons PERIOUICALt Khimiyn i toldinologiYa topliv i mosOl. no.4, 1962, 11-15 TFXT- As a result of investigations carried out in the years 1953-1960 in IGKh AN SSSR and Groz,.111, a technological scheme was developed for an industrial process of thermal dcalkylation of monocyclic aromatics such as toluene and methyl- naphthalonbs. A pilot plant for the process producing 30 0(10 tons of benzene per Annum consists of a small nur4ber of simple unita. It Coritaino a tubular rurnace of only 3 wil. cal/hour cApacity. The main production indices for tlie plant are an followss reactor pressure 50 atm; maximum tomperatur* 790 oCi separator temperature 35 OCI Card 1/2 A process of thermal dealkylation... 5/o65/62/000/004/001/oo4 E075/Li36 pressure in benzene column 0.1-0.3 kg/cm2; temperature in benzene column, top 87 OC, bottom 130 OC; pressure in the recycle stock separation column 0.1-0.3 kZ/cn2i temperature in the recycle stock separation column, top 2600, bottom 304 OC; nolar ratio hydrogen/feedstock 4:1; space velocity of feed 4.0 h-1; consumption of hydrogen 2.11i wt or feedstock; yield of benzene 78-7N wt of toluene. It was calculated that high from petroleum derived grade benzene produced by the process toluene in con3iderably cheaper th(Ln that obtained currently in the coking industry. It was established that thor=l demethylation of methyl naphthalenes (700 oCt 50 Atm) gives naphthalene with a yield of ca.50% wt of fcodstocle after one cycle. The most suitable raw materials for the process are aromatic products obtained during reforming, pyrolysis and catalytic cracking processes. It ifi expected that the dealkyla- tion process will constitute an important source of benzene and naphthalene for the Soviet petro-chemical industry. Thera are I figure and i table. Card 2/2 GONIK13ERG) M.G.; DOROGOCHINSKIYp A.Z.; GAVRILOVA, A.Ye.; KOMANEINKOVA, R.A.; MITHOYANOV, M.G.; KUPHIYANOV, V.A. Determination of the naphthalene and alkyl naphthalene content of stocks and dealkylation products. Neftakhtmiia 3 no.6:916-921 11-D 163. (IMIRA 17:3) 1. Institut organicheskoy khimii All SSSR :U,-i. IT.D.Zelinskogo i Groznenskiy neftyanoy nauchno-issledovatel'skiy institut, KUPRIYABOV, V.A.; DOROGOCIIINSKIY, A.Z.; MELINIKOVA, N.P. Studying the hydrogenation of fractions of Industrial isodecyl. benzene on a nickel catalyst. Trudy GrozNII no. 15:278-293 163. (MIRA 17!5) r1j, q I L . I . . - - I . . 1 1, "~ nef ~nro rc 11) i"'tilt po i-w-* Klil'ii YAI',OVP V.P. t .0 juaps tind CIO ton-rdning thio wo.rkinli~, ',,,,ro in idiolinos. Trtumj~. i kiwan. nufti i ilafteprod. no.,'-1:17-20 I 6-f,. (!:*I"~A 17: ~ ) 1. Conudarotvennyy initiLut po proyru;,tirovaniyu zavodov tyazhelo.-o l~!.-ljhlr,ootj,oyQrliya. ,K-.UPRIYANOV, V.F. Certain proble.7L,3 in pipo).Jnf-~ tram j ortation. Transp. nefti no.813-7 163. (MIRA 170) 1. Gosudarotvonnyy institut ju fjvoyokt.lrovnnLyu mafl3tr!tl'jlykh i.ruboprovodov. V MOR 'I IMM KUPRIYANOV, V.I., inzh. Simplep reliablop and advantageouc. put, I put. khoz. 9 no.11:21 165. (MIRA 18.-J1) 1. MoskovBko-Smolenskaya distantsiya puti. (MI'MANSKIY, I.K.; VAGINA, I.K.; _KUPRIYANTly V.M, Powdered *Holodosti" af=poo based on purified sodium alkyj sulfatP3 of' synthetic secondary alcohols. Trudy IIIISZHIMS& no.305-96 162. (MIRA 16-12) I LWI 1-6b A k h '~~~~50 200 43 SOURCE C01)E: 12jD044/D045- AU171OR: Perevertayev. V.D.; Metolks- M'.S.M n2L,-Y - _0 - r ia ORG; none TMILE: Motoelectronic devic6 for studying variations in the thic1mezo of an adzorp- tion eilm and the surface electroconductivity of fresh mica crystal chips SOURCE; Ref. zh. Xhimiya, Aba. 12D53 RZY SOURCE: Sb. Kratldye soobahch. o nauchno-i.,aled. rabotaldi za lq~Dl g. Irkutwkly un-t. Irkutsk, 1963, 47-49 TOPIC MGS: mica, photoelectric detection eq:tiiWent, electric eLmOluctance MVISIATION: A description is given of a photoclectronic device for the study of variations in the thickness of an adsorption film and of the surface clectroconductiv- ity of fresh mica crystal chips; this device eliminates the shortcoming of devices previowly used. The crystal is placed in - carefully isolated va2uua chamber. Tne chipping of the crystal and the application of Ag-clectroder, are done automatically. The concentration of HZ0 steam in the ch=ber ia done by evaporati:nZ frozen H20 in liquid A continuous change in temperature is achieved by special thermoGtats. The vari~tionr. in the intensity of the light flaw in regirtered by z-ZU-29. The sig- nal is amplified and upon detection It is transferred to the C-191 loop oscillograph. The data is recorded an a moving lbotofilm. 1. Zimakov. SUB CODE: 09 ) ;XP /.) t AI Card 1/1 GETVMSKIY, I.K. lnzh.I_KUPRIYANOV,, V.M-.; VAGINA, I.K.; LE311GIIENKO, P.S., inzh.; SKRYFINA,- T.R. "Astra" ~jashing powder. Masl.-zhir.prom. 28 no.2:45-46 F 162. (MIRA 15:5) 1. Nauchno-isaledovatellskiy institut sinteticheakikh zhirozameniteley i moyushchikh sradstv (for Getmanskiyj Kupriyanov, Vagina). 2. Shebekinskiy kombinat sinteticheBkikh zhirnykh kislot i zhirnykh spirtov (for Leshchenko, Skrypina). (Shebskino-Washing powders) Qj~~Z'_ EWT(1)/BDS AFFTCASD GG/IJP(C) :ACCESSION NR: AP3002752 S10120163100010031019311095 ;AUTHOR- Perevertgev, TITLE: Photoolectronic thickriess gage for thin.films :SOURCE: Pribory* i tekhnika eksperimenta, no. 3, 1963, 193-195 iTOPIC TAGSi thickness gage ABSTRACT: A film-thickness measuring instrument is described which is based on polarization of light reflected by a film-coated body. Variation in thickness of 12-300-Angstrom films ckn be measured; also some other measuremeylts, such as surface electric conductivity can be made. A provision for N370MIracording instru- ment~ft3 made. The process must last 2 sac or more in order -CC6-e m-easuired. Ablock diagram and electrical schematics are presented. Orig. art. has: 4 figures. ASSOCLITIONt Irkut*akiy gosudarstvanny*y universitet (IKKi~~__qtate Utiiversi~y) SUBMITTED: OlJul62 DATE ACQ: 12,Jul63 ENCL: 00 SUB CODE: PH, IE NO REF SOVt 007 OTIM: 001 Card K,r,,-,IyANOV, V. F.. tagginegr OLarge-Shield Yalsework for the Irection of Bulkr Concrete Structureg.0 Sub 11 Jun 51, All-Union Correspondence Polytechnic Inst, Ministry of Higbirr Iducation USSR, Dissertatiom presented for edience and engineering degrees In Moscow during 1951 SO: Sum. No. 480, 9 May 35 USSR/Geography Kakhov Feb 53 "For Assistance to Builders," V. P. Kupriyanov, Cand Tech Sci Nauka i Zhizn, No 2, pp 4-6 Gives general description of the South Ukrainian and North Crimean Canal, and the new hydro-electric power station at Kakhov. This is another achieve- ment of the fifth Stalin five-year plan. USSSR/Sc lent If ic Organlzation FD-1391 Card 1/1 Pub, 41-18/18 Author Domanitskly, S. M. (1), Kupriyanov, v. P. (2), Baron, L. 1. (3), and Demidov, L. G. (4) Title In thf, scientific establishments of the Department of Technical Sciences of the Academy of Sciences of the U.S. S. R. Periodical : Izv. AN SOOSR. Otd. tekh. nauk 3, 155-172, Mar 1954 Abstract : Five articles with description of scientific activity a3 follows: (1) "Problems of the Automatization of the Consumer-Goods Industrjo, -- a report on a conference held 8-13 March, 1954, in Moccow. (2) "Confer- ence on Heat-Insulating Materials" -- a report on problems of production and use of heat-insulating materials in construction industry; conference was held in 1953. (3) "Development of Improved Methods for Determining Content of Free Silica in Mine Dust and Rocks" -- a report on conference called by Commission for Prevention of Silicosis, 24 March 1954. (4) "Au- Union Conference on Coal Dressing" -- a report on conference held in 1953 in Moscow. (5) "Defense of Dissertations" -- report on defense of dis- sertations by applicants for scientific degrees. Institution Submitted KUPRIYAITOV, V.p. Conference ox heat insulation materials. Rauk 10-3:158-163 Mr 154. lzv- AN S= - Otd.takh. (IIOUIAtion(Heat)) (MLRA 7:7) )10 Ifle 01-L!'allization FD-1 105 Card 1/2 Pub. 41-17/17 Author : Syskov, K. I., and Kusakin, N. D. (1), Kupriyanov, V. P. (3) Title : In scientific establishments of the Department of Technical Sciences of the Academy of Sciences of the U.S.S.R. Periodical : Izv. AN SSSR. Otd. tekh. nauk 4, 154-16o, Apr 1954 Abstract : Describes activity of various scientific institutions in four articles: (1) "Seminar of the Institute of Mineral Fuels, Commmorating Academi- cian N. P. Chizhevskiy" -- a report on a seminar held 14 May 1954 on the subject of IGI (Institute of YAneral Fuels) coke ovens developed (1948) on the basis of research done by N. P. Chizhevskiy. (2) "Con- ference on the Problem of the Mechanics of Cloth" -- a report on con- ference held March 1054, at Institute of Mechanics of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR, on construction, technology, and durability of cloth. -USSR/Scientific Organization FD-1105 & ilo6 Card 2/2 Pub. 41-17/17 Abstract (3) "Conference on use of Local Building Materials for Agricultural Construction" -- a report on conference held March 1954 by Commission on Construction Problems and the All-Union Scientific and Technical Society of the Silicate Industry on ways of increasing the use of bind- ing materials from local sources as slag, ashes, gypsum, and lime. (4) 'Vorks of the Institute of Mineral Fuels, Published in 1953".~-- a report, including chapter titles, on two publications of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR: "An Investigation of Contemporary Principles for Coal Coking" (Issledavaniye sovremennykh printsipov koksovaniya ugley), Works of the Institute of Mineral Fuels, vol. 4, Issue 1, 1953, 64 PP- "The Chemistrj and Origin of Solid Mineral Fuels" (Khimiya 1 genezis tverdykh goryuchikh iskopayemykh), Works of the First All-Union confer- ence, 1950, Institute of Mineral Fuels, All-Union Chemical Society imeni D. I. Mendeleyev, 420 pp. Periodical : Izv. AN SSSR. Otd. tekh. nauk 4, 154-i6o, Apr 1954 Institution : Submitted RUPRr-tAnov, V... ',,~ f"", ~ meeting Ou the u construction as of local building mat~rl&lg . rsy. AN sssR (BUildi.g materiallp) Ot d. t O)rh for agricultural . , -nattk no.4:155-157 Ap '34. (aft 7: q ) L Card J./I Pub. 14 1.5126' Authors i Davydov, S. S., Dr. of Tech. Sc.A and Kupriyanov, V. P., Cand. of Tech. Se. Title : Aid of science to agriculture Periodical t Vest. All 83311 12o 73-75, Dee 1954 Ab-stract t -1-finutes wrd pre-sented oi -a- meetinf, held at the Academy of Sciences U6311, at which the aid of sicience to problems of a-riculture were discussed. Jnstitution : Submitted : XUFRIYANOV V P kandidat tekhnichookikh nauk. -.LV~A 0 Consultation on the utilization of fine sands for concrete and solutions. Gidr.stroi. 23 no-3:43-" 154. (MLRA 7:6) (concrete) (Unds) BUDHIKOV, P.P.,- UMZHNOY, A.S.: BOTVINKIN, O.K.: DAVYDOV, S.S.: GNVORKYAII, Kh.O.; GORYAYNOV, K.E.; KUPRIANOV, V.P.; KITAYGORODSKIY, I.I.; KYKOMV, A.j%.; HOSKVIN. V.M.; HIRONOV, S.A.; MCIIEDWV-Pz"TROSYAN, O.P.; PEVMR, R.L.; SKRONTAYEV, B.G.; YUNG, V.N.; TUSIMICH, M.O. Academician D.S.Beliankin; obituary. Zhimprikl.khIm. 27 no.l: )-4 Ja 154. (MLRA 7:3) (Boliankin, Dmitril Stepanovich, 1876-1953) DAVYDOV, S.S., professor; KUMITAROV. V.P., kandidat takhnichaskikh nauk. ,_ - Discussing problems of making calculations for building construction unitts by the method of critical conditions. Strol.prom.32 no.2:46-57 .r 154. (MIaA 7:2) (Building-Istimates) XMIYANOV, T.P., kandidat takhnichookikh nauk. Conference on problems of produstion and use of heat insulating materials. Stroi.prom.32 no.3:47 Mr 154. (KLRA 7:5) (Insulation (Heat)) KUDRYASITAV, I.T., kand.tokhn.nauk. Prinimali uchastiye: POPOV, N.A., prof., doktor tekhn.nauk; YMOFBYKVA. Ye.A., kand.tekhn.nauk; GORYAI.NOT. X.E., doktor takhn.nauk; VOLCHIK, 1.Z., kand.tekhn.nauk; KUPRITAAOT, V.P., kand.tekhn.nauk; YAKM , I.A., kand.takhn.nauk; KXVX '-~*kgfid.tekhn.nauk; ERSHLER, X.Ta., insh.. UUVIN, B.N., red,isd-ye, STZPANOVA, B.S.,; SOLHTSHVA, L.M., (Technical Instructions for the manufacture of prefabricatecl elements from cellular autoclave concrete]' Teckhnicheakie usloviia na isgo- tovlenie abornykh izdelii iz avtoklavnykh iacheistykh betonov. Moskva, Goo.isd-vo lit-ry po stroit., arkhit., I stroit.materialan, 1959. 79 P. (MIRA 12:6) 1. Akademiya stroitellstva I arkhitaktury SSSR. Institut betona I shelexobetona. Perovo. 2. Hauchno-isoledovateltakiy institut betons, I zhel02obetona Akademii stroitelletva I arkhitektury SSSR (for Kudryashav). 3. Moskovskiy in2henerno-stroitelluyv institut imanl- V.V.Kuybysheva,(for Popov, Yerofeyev). 4. Nauchno-iseledovatellakly institut pa stroitelletvu Minstroya RSF3R (for Geryainov, Volchak. Kupriyanov, Takub). 5. Hauchno-iseledovatellskiy inatitut zheloia- betona Glavmo9zhelazobatona (for Kovesh, Brahler). 6. Daystvitalln" ohlen Akademii stroitalletva I arkhitaktury SSSR (for Popov). (Precast concrete) KUDRYASHEY, I.T.. kand.tokhn.nnuk; KUPRITANOT, Y.F., ksnd.tekhn.rwukj "'VEM, P.D., kand.tokchn.nauk. nauchnvy red.; MAIM, Y,I,, red.izd-va; HEMISY, L.Ta.,; BOROVIM. H.K.. [cellular concretes: types, properties, nnd unel I-Acheiatys betony; vidy, evoistva i primenenis. Moskva, Goo.izd-vo lit-ry po strolt.. arkhit. i stroit.materialam, 1959. 181 P. (MIRA 13:2) (Concreta) KUPRITANDV, V.P., kanfl.telthn.nauk Aerated concrete and aerated ailicato made with fnrroullicon. Trudy IIIIZIIB no.B.-210-212 159. (KIRh 1314) 1. Nauchno-issledovatelInkiy inatitut po stroltollutvu. (Lightweight concrote) (Bilicatnts) JXVESH, P.D., kand. tokhn. nauk; ERSI=-R, E.Ya., inzh.; KUPRIYAINOV, V P kand. takhn. nauk _L_!~J' .. nauchWy red.; TYWYUIIIK.. M.S-.'--re-CT.-iz -ye; BOROVIIEV) N.K.0 tekhn. red. (Air-entrained concrete made from perhydrol]Gazobeton na pergidrale. Moskva., Gosstroiizdatj 1961. ill p. (MIPLA 14 z 13.) (Air-entrained concrete) Wchanism of death in animals following ligation of the portal Vein [wi%h summary in linglish). Yisiol.zhur. 42 no.11:953-956 N 156, (MLRA 10:1) 1. Kafedra normallnoy fiziologii Bashkirskogo maditainakogo Institute, Ufa. (VAINS. PORTAL SYSTEM, phyeioloa, mechanism of death In animals aftor ligation of portal vein (Rua)) (DIATHI same) KUPRIYANOV, V.S. Reflex from vetisels of the portal system on vascular tone in the pulmonary circulation. Fiziol. zhur. 49 no.8;961- 964 Ag 163. (MIRA 17:2) 1. From the Department of Physiology, Bashkir Medical Institute) Ufa. Reflexes from in Engliehjo the portal system nffecting respiration [with eu=ary Yisiol.shur. h4 no.411066-1069 N 158 (MIRA 11:12) 1. Kafedra normallnoy fiziologii Bashkirskogo inst Ituta, 'Uf a, (RZSPULATION, physiolo' off. of portal pressure chnnges (BLOOD MSSURE. physiol. off. of portal changen on rasp* (VZINS PORTAL SYSTEM, physiols off. of blood pressure changes meditsinskogo (Rua)) (Rua)) on reap (Rua)) KIJIMIANOVI. V.24 Stme reflexes of the lesser circulatAon.. Biul-ekep..b.A. - i med. 59 nc-5:22-26 165. (,%C, R."! -1. F : I " ) 1. Kafedra nor-maltnoy fiziologil (zav - pref, V.,I.Putrovekly) Bashkirskego meditainakogo institiita, UN, ."alnit.Ted It-2ccat:eT. )2, 1963~ KUPRIYANOV, V. S. Cond Med Sci - (diss) "Reflexes with the system of hilar vein in arteriril pressure and respiration; their role in the mech- anism of death of animal in portal hypertension." Kuybyshev, 1961. 14 pp; (Kuybyshev Med Inst); 250 copies; price not given; (KL, 6-61 sup, 238) - KUPRIY00V . V. S. Cannula and aln for lymph and blood venuels. Fiziol.zhur. 47 no.3s4O3-404 Mr 61. (MIRA 14:5) 1. From tho Vormal Physiology Chadr, Bashkirinn Medical Institutep Ufa. (LYMPHATICS) (BLOOD VESSELS) (PHYSIOLOGICAL APPARATUS) rUPRTYANOV, V. ~ . Effect of changes in the corcmnry blood flov an the vimrilfir tonus of the pulmonary circulation. Blul. okop. b1ol. A -nod. 60 no. 104-17-20 0 165 WIPA IcItIll 1. Wedra normallnoy fiziologii ( zav. - prof. V.V. iletrovsk-'y) Bashkirskogo madits3nekogo Instituta, Ufa. ftbrnitted Aprili 15p 1964. KLFMTANOV, JAYS-__ Runoff and evaporation in drainage basins of Scandinavian rivers. Trudy GGI no-78:93-126 060. (HIRA 13:8) (Scandinavia-Runoff) fix V M77-PA Tj'-, - I fjT T~,' I -ti, , K-1 i M i --,V, ) V . an~', - i . !I. ,;. ) . -- - Y A "Experimental Invectigation of the Elements of the Water Balance in Valday," Trudy Gosudarstvennogo girologicheskogo instituta (TranEactions of the State Hydrological Institute) No. 59, 1957 224 pp. b articles. KUPRIYANOV, V.V. Kupriyanov, V.V. "On the nerve-cell apparatus of Vicussen's suhc1avicillar rirg", Trudy Voyen.-mor. med. akad., Vol. XI, 1948, p. 100-10, - Bibliog: 30 items. SO: U-30112, 11 Flarch 53, (Letopis Irrjkh Statey, No. 9, 1949)