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December 31, 1967
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KU*W of the 44MM of b"ablarow acid to WAINfAft
sea& a Iltdo."U" is" bonfl. V. A. Shiloy - V
Kupiqtiam, anal A. A. Vsaulkov Qnst. 5 ' '-- '
. Via,, SS.R.. Kiev)., P01114d At. Nagi
.N.S.S.R. SI 4W~KIWI) -Addn of JIM to mea4cli.:-
ClWffoN&~, (1) is 11~w enough for a hinmic study.
The pfoiluet of the #Afn. Otarievent for the kinelicar) 1*
taken Via fit MV~CI11OIICIlC1ClI0%'CI0d Is. the sun.
i* anti-Mathavaoxim . eamtrary to Schmat ~Axm. C",
30.44(11M'.5~p. lotheattseacroffICI lbehlurticsofthe
Triarlion is retat"Clated toy -irldi - WIA1106J., where c
concla. of active Cl, with k, - 3,5 at ' atml 1.7 at 16'
(units alcale'1. Min.). The :hall order In IlOCI imadicatts
that the reaction procceds over JCWJ a P1110alf.
If the pit of the soln, is mi" through siddo. of alkali or
buffers. the reaction beacornes slower and mcnes practically
to a bAlt st pit - B.I. Evirlently. the CIO- lon does out
frAct with 1, and its catalytic effect on th- fortnatioa of
Cho from IIOCI is unimporiant. as this step is not limithag
anyway. In czpts. at higher pit, the analytkW activir-Cl
ODOM. C M eq a" by 111001 through f - it + W
11"D1111001 - 1017.11, *be* X Is the clectrolytir
disseen. ta of thisty" -4clill - k.1110111 +
Z/111,1A, emit, ks rervalm salla.
actorily coast. at p 1 4 9 81. with III - O.Wo 0.1, f -
O-OM-003, w - 1-35. X - SA X 10 -4, The ralcus. bwas
out on Assumption of Cho as the active agrut of the Is-
ACtIon. IN 1110prentsmot 11CI (not leas than 0,1 AF), addm
of HOCI is accelerstal very considerably, whkk Indicates
" "Wh, as the actlys Alem; There Is no reason to doubt
that the product of the Main. remains the alanar. The rate
is Wow tomb for Measurement ortly at as low as 0". at
that trump., the rate emit, defintA fly -44-'Idl - latit)
IN Is Aw - 40 -+ 3 (tnolt/L. min.), The values of be ml
as penalt onapsurfam of The anivilim at C40 and C1q. with
.the &W o(tht t"U. IC401/1110CIP - K' - O-OW5 at 0',
&W ke - 0.6 extrapolated to 01. This gives -dcldj -
0.6161[flocilt - (0.810.00W) 1111CW1 - 11101111CW1.
i.e. Is 4.2 titnes as active as C1, with mpect to adau. to
a double bond. X. Tboo
Acyl birpocklark" and the cletarbse cadims as lilklarivAtke
Orrools of "feelversiVemor nk compsommaild is aqueem adw
tim. R. A. $Win ar(I
Chem., Aftd- Mr. 814% IKMVO~~=-y -M:
Sdask S.S.S.R. 81, #121-4(ighl): c4. preceding lobster-
The accelerating effect of cartwxylle secids oil the aukin. of
110CI 1.1 a double build in a pit range high enough (above
3.5) for a direct aadjlu.;~ Cis to be insigniiScant. Is attributeld
to intermediate form tion of highly active acyl bypocklaerit
according to lfOC1 + JIOOCR r-s CICK)CR + 1110. That'
thii claraly-tic section Is due to the un(];**W. owboxylic acid,
not to the carboxylate nation, fullnearq from the fact that It
all-Irifier at 411,11 Around 7 h whorto The milli of
ar~ IRWI W Oill high. Ns "'I
howSulticlant. In the cliturilleattoof of larinsethyleallylaus-
mandum perchkerste A) In the presence of an undisexil.
carboxylic acid (HAJ. the rate law Is -deltfj - A.41110.
Clio -r AM1110CIIIIIIIAtil. whovet - anal.concri.ofsedve
Clinnsole/l.,sand Atmoist.
pit and const. A awl HOCII, the plot of -okildl as I futic-
tiors of IIIAnj should ~ a straight line. This is conArialmalf
by tbe followlal expti. data at 26", with A - 0.1 M (kwtw
e;, essbuloyfic acid levarecri. Mi. pit. jlfAnj. be'): 0.0011,
10 MV end o. 11. 0.46 sOd 0-4'1
'011 10.1 and (11-2 3AA d wil. 11,92-
IAW !0 1 ,CjUCOjtVh-'10 -()23 '"15- and 1 01; 001,
in jjj36. o.(r-w. lend 04341 - 1 -()' " an
J) 3. ArAt 0 71A1 3 6. 44*4 0AW). NA
C161,co," ~JIIIAHC SCial A' Pit :6W mat-Irratt"
0. Ill. a 4 1 and 4-15- 11 512. At the higher PI I - that
.", It ',&%W1, than at Pit C.II,(CL)JI)CCh-; StPll
"italysing Agent is the moil"Wal 0' . In
is Karntly aP-C41 UCO,,11).. camera. IIIAnil
:1M. it a"- b,'Allf(WIL
h, mat, equAlkVil jh~re i* al"
The ".111jar,l all ks, aln', k,
IIIAnJ willk ks' Illy Vtk, "94+ of
evii1ently I"'Tr4w 1111th th, Ontloi Nooriatity
'he cmwitylic sew. Wt th'to W U. dif ?5 it. floct:
race of ljCI. in the 4 1 Of 10'
In ~114 =g Iog. .61 (11,'XO~4.50. or 1140.0.5,
tile ml~ con%t dtflord hr - d' "JI (Clel 14'
U01), li, found
mainis very CIO" to 40- 1 e- to I joelk-stioll,
with Of"11 arolls. Of 110, The"' N,
Oftarncr Of I Cl. ciaticoll.
V IT! , Iyf. T,-F.
7 1! ,I .,
Kinetics and mechanism of reaction of active chlorine with organic comFounds. Fart 8,
Oxidation of' formic acid In nearly neutral and in alkaline solutions. Zhur. ob. khim.,
22, No. 9, 1952. pl~,-7
Yonthly Lis of Russian Accessiong, Library of Laneress, December 1952. Unclassified.
Chemical Ab
t SM 0~
Vol. 48 No
9 with of ds, we ardifie-,
a Oxfd&2ud of formk "III
5 T
.6 an
p r a . J. 6
General and Physical Chemistry ng - raadation),-&-t C.A. 4
25R2b. i ~4i
If. L.
Produation of visoooe ailk by the continuous method.
Xhim. volok. no.2153-59 159. (KRA 1219)
l.Voeeoyusnyy nauohno-iosledovateliski7 institut iskuentvennogo
.A--- '. ? ---I.--
Tachnological layout for the continuoun production line of capron
staple fiber. Khim.volok. no-3:11-15 t59. (141RIt 12:11)
1. YefisoyuziWy nauchno-iseledovatel'Rkiy inatitut iselcusatvennogo
volokna (VIIIIV).
Developing a method of contintious deneration of viscose solutIODS.
Khim.volok. no.6:31-33 159. (MIRA 13:5)
1. Vamsoyusnyy nauchno-inalailovatallskiy Institut iskusstvennogo
SOW/1 4
AUTHORS: mogllevokiy, Ye. M. (Candlda~(- (A" T(--chni.-al. 3I~,jellce-),
Kupinskiy, R. V ., Khor'kovla, 0. G.
TITLE: Machinery for the Continuou.-~ Prc,~,-e-~3 (If Rayon
PERIODICAL: Khimicheskaya nauka I promyshler-ir-ici3f.1, 'Jol 11, fir 6,
I)P TTO-776 (USSR)
ABSTRACT: This Is a review of liAerat-,iwe arirl InJu.;t.riaL data cori.-
cerning the construction and use of machint--ry for con-
t~inuouo proce3s of vlocooe rayori pr,o(jiict-.!r)ii.. Th,. authcra
stated that In the USSR vloco,-,e cord i:1 pr-odiwed by
the contilluous process oil machiiie.; at th,-- All-
Unton ScIentific Research (,f S-rjjtj-.Ct4c Fil-ler~~
arid produced by the Machi.m~ Work~; Knrl Marx
("S. A. Talrov, A. B. Chichkhi.atii., E'q1z1-p,,:ii!W, -,-~f thi-I
Synthe~Ic Fibres Factories, CZl(
The factory equipment of German ccmipanie~; '~Bemberg" an'-1
Card LAII ".1. G. arid U.S. "1iidti.;*Lz,.i:i1 Ra~,. Covp."
are dc-3crilbed. Scheriati-c
h.1ne5 cir'i~
_)f fol lowing mac
"'rov,hriall (do,;;lrrv
~l I ldothQ r L;T1~ i
.3 German, 14 Su'liOl ll~
aro: S. W. Barkor, R , A 1) ~- t ci r,JTf,'Zt- lrl~;',
3), Nr I , ~ I' IcAH, ) ; ib ld . ,~), 111 11 D i i
Pa t11 ", 1 b4 95 , 1 )-0-( ; 0 1 iv e ,C I ,em . Mf1
169 3); Ray. Synthetic Texl~ . , N
Ca-rd 211:J
a2 stve n-
Improvement of aork descriptions on work sheetq.
P. 95. (PRZ-KLAD KOU0014Y DRCXO',1Y) ('~,,farsza,.-m, Poland) Vol. 10, no. 2, Feb. 1958
30: ~'onthly Index of East Riropean Accession U-1- Vol. 7) N't). 5, 1-958
BRZOZOWSKI, Janusz, mgr., ins.; HAJM, Henr7k, dr., KODELSKI, Alokmander,
mgr., ins.1 POZAHZECKI# Zygmunt, mgr., ins.;. KUPISZZWKA)--4rUO-Aeobn-
Building on the grounds of the "Milenium" housing settlement; a tach-
nical-sconomio ana3,voia. Architaktura Pol no.103386-388 161.
Squoezqd in and rnsentful. Rabotnitna 37 no.12:22-23
D 159. (MIRA 13:3)
1. Uchastniki r oydovoy brigady zhurnala "Rabotnitoa" v Tule.
(Tula--Day nuraeries)
Interoceptors in anoxia. Arkh. pat., Moskva 15 no.2:15-24 Mar-Apr 1953,
(CIXL 24:3)
1. Of the DeDartment of Normal Anatomy of the Naval Medioal Academy,
~UPIY,%. ` 7' . L. A.
- w F~.Ij,jcjI7 ol w, .ar fen-el," j, teri-ly ~~i%rbarlyL
KUTAvanor-, L. A. wje Botan.
- -n
In-t, i~i. Kom rov'I A~jvl. il~juk SSSR, Vol. XI, 19:9, p. 1-,
SO: -hf?311, 29 Oct 57, (Lnto,,)Ja 'Zhurn.-d Iny-ii Statey. 'I'o. 16, !9L9).
CZECHOSLOVAKTA/Cosmochemistry - Geochemiotry. Hydrochemistry. D.
Abs Jour : Ref Zhur - Khimiya, No 9, 1957, 30377
Author : Trdlicka Zdenek, Kupka Frantisek
Title Identification of Rammelsbergite from Krizan Bear Luberce
Orig Pub Casop. mineral. a geol., 1956, No 3, 217-223
Abst A study was made, by chemical, spectral and x-ray methods,
of the rammelsbergite which forms scattered grains and
reticular aggregates in veins intersecting phyllites and
quartzites, in the area of the village of Krizan (northern
Bohemia). Minerals of the veins: ankerite, pink barite
and violet fluorite. Chemical composition of rammelsber-
gite (in %): Ni 20.62, Co 7.21, As 66.16, Fe 0-31, s a.66,
insoluble residue 5.29, total 100.25. Spectral analysis
revealed, in addition, in two specimens, Ag, Ba, Bi, Al,
Ca, Sr, Zn, Cu, Mg, Mo, Fb, Sb, Si, Sn.
Card 1/1
KUPKA, Frantiock
Vseobecna technclogia paliv, (General Technology of Fuels. a university
textbook. illun.., bibl., index) Bratislava, SVIL, 1957. 102 p. V019 205 of
the series Docasne vysokoskolske ucebnice (Temporary university textbooks).
Bibliograficky katalog., CSRj Slovenske kUhy,, VdL. VIII- 1957. flo. 9. p. 279-280.
CZECHOSLOVAKIA / Ccsm(,chenistry. Genchemistry. Hydro- T)
Abs Jour: Ref Zhur-i~himiya) No 16) 19581 53281.
Author : Trdliohka) Kupkai
Inst ;lint given.
Title :Bismuthine and Native Bismuth from Tisova in
Orig Pub: rasnp. mineral, a gool.) 1957, 2p No 3, 331-337.
Abstract; In thn series of phyllito rocks hydrothemal veins
are detected which contain pyrito, Rrsonopyritep
chaloopyrite) pyrrhotino, marcasitA, bismuthine
and native bismuth, The major vein minerals are:
quartz and turmaline. By means of a semiquanti-
Card 1/2
CZECHuSLOVAKIA / Cosmonhemistry, Ger-he-nistry. Hydrr, 71
Abs Jour: Ref Zhur-Khimiya, ao 16, 1958, 53283.
Abstract: tativo method in Ri-minerals were discovered (in
%): >> 1 Bi, Cu, and SI; from ~,l to 0.1 Alp Fe,
and A-1g; noin-2 Ag, Pbs and Sh; ovochnor,,o proizvodstva (Present State
of the Prounworking of Motala) (Hoacawl Manhgiz, 1961. 4~4 p. 5000 copies
Ed. of Publiching House; A.I. Sirotin; Tech. M.: B.I. Modall; :rnr,3lng 1:4. for
Literature on the Hot Working of Notaln: S.Ya. Golovin, Engineer.
Title: Kuznechno-ahtampavochnoye rroizvo-Istvo v S-1341 (The Pronworun;-, o~ I'Otmls
in the U3311) by: A.V. Altykis, D.I. ]3crLzhkoYaLiy, V.P. Vol1cm-itaLty, 1.1.
Girnh (deceased), L.D. Gollman, S.P, Granova~-Iy, N.S. Dobrinckly, A.Z. Zl=ln,
3, L, Zlotaik(w. A,1. ragaloynkly, Me loob=hev, V.N. Martynov, Yc.*T. :lo:;h-
nin, G.A. Nav-rotskiy, Ya.M. Okhrirenko, 0.11. Rovinskly, Yo.A. Stc5lx., Yu.L.
Rozhdcotvenakiyv H,V, Tikhomirov, Yc,P* Unksov, V,F, Shcheglwa and L.A. Shof.
man; Eda: Ye.P. Uaksorv, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Profeacorand B,V, Roza,
Title; Kuzncchno-cht=povochnoye proizvodstvc, Y ChSSR (The PrearvorkAns of Nctals
.In the Czechoslovak SH) by: S. Burda, F. HrazdIl, F. Drastfk, P. ZlctohlZ'I,k
Card 1/8
Fr~~7cnt State of the (Cont.) /5799
Z. Kqjvalt V. Frauz, Yu-,.ra, F. :rjer, X. :!:,rrr%n J, No-.,L J.
1. Paul, B. 11. ~.Ionz, J. V. aad J. to.1c;
A. Nejp-j~sa wid M. Vlk.
FV-RCCZ:3: This book is intcrd-:d for cnZinzcra end scientific raroonnei cc--cc.-rcd
with the j;ra:;r,-.1okinF of =ctala.
W,rM',r--: niblichrd Jointly by rnl E:;V., the br),~,% the
state of th4 j)rcas%;o,.-:;Ing of mr.Lalz in tho U~"SR and the czechoalow.% Socialitst
Rc;)ublic. Chopten wero vritten by both :;cr.,Iet and Czacho3lovr% No
1.-,~rLonalltie3 are m;)ntiL-n--,.I. 'Dicro ara Il-) referencca: 93 Soviet, 16..EnZI-Lah,
Gorman, 5 Czech, and 2 French.
TABIZ o? ca.'=M:
rrms*I.T.~N11"G VI VX4 MOM
Ch. I. The Characteristics of ForE:in,, Shc-,3 in UJOIII Plants (A.1 Zi=in r-id
YO.P. Unknov] 5
01. 11. Methodn of Calculating the Preacure for Forging in the Prgsavorking
Card 2/8
Presant Strite of the (Ccnt.) SV115799
or metaio (Yci.P. Unksov)
Ch. III. Die ?orging on Forcing Preszcz IV.Y. Volko-ritakly) Z2
Ch. IV. Die Forging on Horizoutal U;;.otters (1.I. Girah, dj~ccazedj .71
Ch. V. Die Forging an Drop tad fra-r-3crevI Perouzolon Proarea
(Ya. .11. Okhrimenluo and V.P. Shchc,;lwj 41
Ch, Vj* The Making of Forgings and Shr;-J& Blenlc In Forgims Rolla (VaN.
Hartyao-r] 53
Ch. VII. Die-Sl--Ing In Squ-ceze-Formin3 Proaacs [V.7. Volkwitakly) 77
Ch. VIII. Rolling-Out Annular Dlr-nka (Yu.L. Rozhdeatyenskiyj 82
Ch. IX. The Manufacture of Hatal llavlware an Prossworking Aut=aticis
(G.A. flayrotaklyl 93
Card 318
Present State of tho (Cont.)
Ch. X. Ben41ng, and Straightcaing of Lhcata, and Tubes Ile.11.
Ch. XI. Stanpin3 Fraa Shoots and Strlpi (3.L. Zlotnikov and G.U.
Ch. XII. Automatic Presavorkina Lirc-n (3.L. Zlotnlkov)
Ch. X111. 7he Efjulr-:~!nt of Dlvak-Prc't~ci" Gho~ia rnd Scctlcna in
Ch. XIV. The Production of Blrzil:3 for [111cxhinol Parts by 11olical
Cross Rol-ling [S.P. Granovaidy and-Tc. A. Stomhal
Ch. XV. Metal ZxtrLwian on Hydraulic Pre3aea [A.!. KaZalovskiy and
L.A. 3hofMan]
Ch. XVI. PartB Forging 7rcm LIght-",2til A-Uc.,-.; ca Large Hydrwilic
Pronsen JL.D; Coll== and L.A.
Card 4/8
i F,3
Prciont Otate of the (Cont.) F 0*115 7 29
Co. ;rVII. Producti,~a of Parto (Zolill ;'ncrLo md TIroal b.(
Forglng With 3ubacquint Rol]A-,-- (A.V. Alty;do. and L.D.
Ch. XVIII. Forging and Bcadln,3 of riz~tna [Yo.H. 1[cahn-inj
Ch. XIX. Er-king Largo For-InCo cn Eyiraulic Previca (N.S.
DoIbriuskiy. cmd N:V. TiMlic-:11mr]
Ch. XX. Drop-11cin-mor and Crcx,),-Prccc ID.I. Lrj-czhkovrkiy
and V.P. Ghchcglov]
F,Iz-w:;,.;c,I'.'M,,G IN Iza-Z ch;=,
Ch. 1. The Dc-;(-lor--,cnt or Vstal :,rcrzznO.I in the
Czechoolovaldrun. Socimlint 11,z-~.,blic (F. Dra,,st~k, Sailrs~d
En,3incerlng Inutituto, Pmgx;~,]
Card 5/8
pi-cacn'. State or the (cc~-t.) b~l
Ch. H. 1':-~Ar~ ?1,-Zt
nC:--Snt GOtt-.:~Ll, ',,UM~-~iCC]
Ch. Ill. "cr,7ing of fo.- [J. ':at~Ll-
lurc;'-cr-I L=iu,
Ch. IV. 7r.,2 of K. ?ZL'll, C'r.1
M. fiuz, Pl,-,nt L~~:U L:.niu, Plzc;t
Ch.. V. TcL-lini~tu.-2r. Uz~ccl In Vc-:,-jr~; FoLc:." [7.
Ch. V1. Wn Forging of Pir~a fcr G7-3 "I: Ain--~j (J.
V~tkavicc Xptallu-~;lcu rjr--,t 'U, --~nt
Ch. V11. Ilia Fcaging of Lz~.rZ;,, Strzr,-,L~,,Mr.~-j fcr the Funn~n-, c:
1lixcd-Ylv4 Tuxbixico (Y. Plr--it
imcni Klement GQW.%~.ff-UMTTJ
c ara 618
Preaent State of the (Cmt.) Sr,7/575-)
Ch. VIII. Scirntific Rencarch llorl~ in thi Field of Cold
I I -
Forging of Metaln IF. 11randAl, Plr-nt i=,--ni Cnaral, Brno]
Ch. IX. Ucr,,rit.-nce in the Cold Fcrl-,in:~ of Nc-~*,=o= Notalu
[K. end J: Picnt Trzim, Entcr~zrize,
H I oub, 'Vn, r-nd V Ociemtirjc Reocarch Institute of
Vacut::3 Flcctric~a Un~,Inocrlv7, rr~~-,uol
Ch. X. The 11anufacturing Proccria In th'-) St,-n,in!,T of
Bcy.lics at the Autmebile, Vlnmt 2ntnr_~riaa (=.P)
Hlad~ Doloolay" (Z. Kcjral, McZA Doloalav]
Ch. XI. 7ho 11ochanization of 'Obrolct* Entcr~riaen ea 06 11c=-3 of In-
crcczin3 Labor Froluctivity Vitkovica Metallurgl-
cal Pleat imcni Klcmcat Gottuald Oatraval
h. XII. The Initial Presavorking of FcAl Alloys czd Large FeCrAl
Caoti' [F. Major and J. bo1c, Scientific Research Inzti-
-Mfe T Iron,
Card 7/8
KUPKA, Frantieek
I AIutomatic recorder of decrepitation. Silikaty 5 no.1:62-67
1, Ustav nerostnych surovin, Kutna Hora.
t1 L
AUTHOR: Kupka, Frantiiek -
TITLE: Forging large rotor rings
PERIODICAL.- Referativnyy zhuroal, Mashinostroyeniye, no. 11, 1962, 5, abstract
11V16 ("Nutdkll (CSSR), 11, no. 10, 1961, 506 - 507, Czech)
TEXT: The technological process of forging rotor rings at the VZKG plant
in Ostrava (6SSR) Is described. The rings have the following dimensions:
4,700 mm external diameter, 3,105 mm Internal diameter, 200 mm height, and the
forging Is performed on a 6,000-t steam-hydraulic press. The succession of
operations is as follows;. 1) forging the blank 2,240 mm in diameter with a holq'
620 mm in diameter and 620 mm high; 2) forging with a mandrel 600 mm in diamete'~
(for centering and enlarging the hole); 3) heating and upsettipg to the height
of 430 mm; 4) expanding on a mandrel 750 Mm in diameter to the Intermediate and
set diameters; 5) upsetting to the set height. The ready forging goes for the
heat treatment at 6000C minimum. When upsetting to the.height a special device
_is- applied -to the transverse blocks of the press (see figure). Two hooks suspended
C&-d 1/2
Forging large rotor rings
S/ 123/6 PYOW/O ! I A 10/0 11
on the upper block grasp the ring and facilitate its turning through the necessary
angle, which operation is realized by means of a notched mandrel placed under the
ring and a crane with a tilter. For keeping the ring in a horizontal position
and to prevent its warping, it is supported by two blocks-supports, the'height
of which is equal to that of the lower working block. In the figure a) the posl-
tion of the device at the moment of turning and in b) at the moment of upsetting.
Th.ra n"o IL fimi"o=
V. Korab
[Abstracter's note: Complete translation]
Card 2/2
ZLATOHLAVEK, Frazitisek;-KLUPKA, Frpatiaek,-Inz,
Forging of levers for hydraulic turbines. Hut listy 16 no.61391-394 J0
1. Vitkovicke zolazamy Klementa Gottwalda, zavod 3, Ostrava - Vitkovice.
AUTHORi Kupka, Frantisek
TITLE: Some problems of differential thermal analysis of
PERIODICALt Silikaty, no.1, 1962, 58-62
TEXTt Various types of apparatus are briefly reviewed
which are suitable for differential thermal analysis of sulphides,
arsenides and other corrosive substances. Following that, a
description is given of an instrument developed and used in the
laboratory of the author. It consists of a vertical furnace with
a porcelain tube holder fitted with a lid of nickel sheet.
Holes in the lid allow fitting of capillaries with thermocouples,
at the ends of which porcelain tubes are fitted; these act as
containers for the specimen or the standard. Fig-3 shows a
sketch of the instrument for DTA of sulphides (I - porcelain tube,
2 nickel sheet, 3 - twin capillary with thermocouple,
4 crucible with the specimen or standard). The space in the
crucible can be varied within certain limits by pushing in or
Card l/ 5
Some problems of differential Z/012/62/000/001/002/007
pulling out the capillaries, which is important particularly
when only a small quantity of specimen is available. The
equipment is suitable for analysing any current material.
For carrying out a differential thermal analysis of sulphides
the weld point of the thermocouple in the container is covered
with a 1-2 mm layer of pulverized alumina which is slightly
compacted, th en covered by a pulverized layer of sulphide, and
again compacted, Fig.4 (1 - twin capillary with thermocouple,
2 - nickel lid, 3 - crucible, 4 - alumina covered with a layer
of pulverized sulphide). The quantity of specimen required for
a single analysis is about 50 mg, with an average particle size
of about 25 IAi the average heating speed being 12 OC/min.
The furnace temperatureancittedifferential temperature are measured
with Pt-Pt/Rh thermocouples and are recorded photographically,
using alumina as a standard. Although the alumina layer reduces
very considerably the sens it ivity, pit the full galvanometer
sensitivity it is possible to record even the polymorphous a
transformation of quartz, wW-ch has mlya very slight change in
entropy and is usually -,onsidered as being the lower limit of
Card 2/ 5
Some problems of differential ... Z/012/62/000/001/002/007
DTA sensitivity. The author also deals with the heat conductivity
of sulphides and the choice of suitable standards, and concludes
that alumina in suitable also an a standard for DTA of sulphides.
The recorded curves are reproduced for the following sulphidess
antimonite Sb 2S3; arsenopyrite FeABS; berthierite FeS . Sb2s 3;
gersdorffite Ni As Sj chalcopyrite Cu Fe S2; jamesonite
4 PbS . FeS . 3Sb2S 3 , kobellite 6PbS . 2B'2S3 . Sb2S3;
pyrite FeS 2; tetrahedrite Cu 3SbS 3-41 zinckenite PbS . Sb 2SY
There are 5 figures and 12 referencest I Soviet-bloc and
11 non-Soviet-bloc. The four English language references reads
Ref.5i O.C. Kopp, P.F. Kerr. Differential Thermal Analysis of
Sulphides and Arsenides. The American Mineralogist, v.42,
445-454 (1957).
Ref.6. o.c. Kopp, P.F. Kerr. Differential Thermal Analysis of
Sphalerite. The American Mineralogist, v.43, 732-748 (1958).
Ref.73 O.C. KOPP, P.F. Kerr. Differential Thermal Analysis of
Pyrite and Marcasite. The American Mineralogist, Y-43,
1079-1097 (1958).
Card 3/ 5
Some problems of differential ... Z/012/62/000/001/002/007
Ref.8i J.A. Dunne, P.F. Kerr. Differential Thermal Analysis of
Galena and Clausthalite. The American Mineralogist, v.46,
.i.-ii (iq6i).
ASSOCIATION4 Ustav nerostny'ch surovin, Kutna' Ifora
(Institute for ores, KutnA Hora)
SUBMITTED: April 10, 1961
Card 4/5
L f X7j
TRDLIL"KA, Zdon6k- ICVAtEF, yilan; MKA, Frantibok.
Institute of Ravi Materials - Kutna Horo. (Tjstav
nomatnych uurovin -- Kutnd flora) - (for all)
Prujuo CasoAa Dro mineralogii a geolof:ji, No 4, 1962,
pe 432-433-
"The Kinoralogical-Chemloal. Resoarcli of Kobellito
from Sidorito veins of tho 'Metallurgical Region
Fichtenhilpl. (SlAgsko-gomerakI metallurgical
KUPKA, __Frikn . SVOBODA, Jiri
Determining spinslides in glaas Band of the North Bohemian
chalk depoeits. Silikaty 7 n0.1136-41 16,10
1. Uetav nerostnveh aurovin, Kutna Hora.
KVAGEK, Milan; PLHAL, Jujil KATUSKA, Jaromir; XUH4, Frtuitlark
Discovery of berzollanite Cu2-XSO In Moravia, Caa min geol 9
no.3:267 Jl 163.
1. Uatav nerostnych surovin, Kutna flora a Geologicky pruzkum
Jachymovskych dolu, Novo Mesto na Morava.
TRDLICKA, Unnek, promovany geolog; KUPKA,_~.rrintisek, dr.
Determination of the formation temperature of metasomatic
magnesites In the Spissko-gemerske rudohorie by the decrepi-
tometric method. Geol sbor 15 no.1:95-101 164.
1. Institute of Mineral Raw Materials, Kutna Vora.
:,IT pl~ r!
Ccrariic furnl-icc;3 for porv,-lain "j, -1-11 -.1".
A Praha lol . 5, no. 6,
Vr~nthl~ List of -,ist European Accensions, r'0. 141, Ucf.. 195'
KUPKA, Ivan-o~ KAq)LJaroolav; STEPANEK, Stanislav
I~W-f V , fi
In nal. stresses in making pressure vessels for nuclear
readtors. Jaderna onergio 9 noo5:146-155 My 163.
1, Zavody V,I, lanina., Plzen,
ftlolliAL)n r.)!' Vt-,- iilck!-, ljy
SO: Ibnthly Ust of Eant E~jrctp-mn Accessl~:,ris, Vol. Z' 3, I-111'rar, . c' f
Congress, Aur"st 1953, Uncl.
l;onthl.-., List of Accessdons, Vol. 2, Liltzar-" of
ConEress, Atrrust 1053, ~ncl.
11 - I
z 'I ~ 1,
., 1:
~~f ~~
i -., - .,
v~, 7~
"Problems of the genesis and stratigraphic significance of the conglozerate near
Slezaka Ostrava Castle in the Upper Ostrava strata."
VESTNIK, ustredni ustav geologicky, Prague, Czechoslovalda, Vol. 33, No. 4, 1958.
Monthly List of East European Accessions (EEAI), LC, Vol. 8, No. 8, August 1959.
. . . . . . . . pq
-%;z L" g- ~,q g q-gf f~- n
'i-M W R,
4~ ff R I m
v~ 5, 5,0
PolarvKraphic nitrate determination in biological materials, ;-.1.
Cz Chem 25 no.12:3356-3362 D 160. (UAI 10:9)
1. Institut fur Chemie und Phyaik, Veterinarfakultat, Kosice.
(Polarograph and polarography) (Hitrates)
Model of the thalamic nucleus. Cesk. neurol. 27 no.6:36~
369 N 164.
1. Neurochirurgicka klinika lekarske fakulty Karlovy
University v Hradci Kralove, (prednosta prof. dr. R. Petr).
ACC NR, A17,631,310' SOURCE CODE: PO/00122/66/000/005/0141/ow,
!AUTHOR: Kupka. Jan (Master engineer)
ORG: Chair of Telecommunication Fundamentalop Poly-technic Institut2.j Wroclaw 46
(Katedra Podstaw Telokomunikacji, Politechnika)
TITLE: Method of selecting the optimum interwdiate frequency in receivers with
tfrequency conversion
SOURCE: Przeglad telckomunikacyjny, no- 5, 1966, 141-1112
TOPIC TAGS: frequency conversion, frequency selection, radio reception, signal
interference, audio frequency oscillator, radio receiver
ABSTRACT: The article presents a method by whIch the optimum intermediate frequency
can be selected for radio broadcast purpose here is to reduce to a
minimum any interference due to signals oth-er--Uhan the desired ones. The noise
frequencies are low submultiples of the useful frequency, or they beat with the local
oscillator frequencies. The method described here consists in proper matching the
frequency ratios between main channel frequency and those of Interfering transmitters
within a given frequency band. On the basis of this method applied to cover the
Polish territory, it appears that 465 K11z is not the optimum frequency for an IF
oscillator. Orig. art. has: 3 figures and 14 formulas. (JPRS' 36,558)
SUB CODE: 17, 09 SUBIA DATE! none ORIG ITY: 001 / SOV REF: 001
UDC: 621-396.62
"Preakdowns ftre nn enemy of our powor industr---." Strojirraistvi, Praha, Vol. 4, No. 7,
July 1954, p. 481'.
SO: Eastern European Accessions List, Vol. 3, No. 11, Nov. 1954, L.G.
-.1, -11 1. 11-1.1 - -.- - -,, - .": " ~~
:w uu-~
v i - p,:j,., 7.
"Prepara io,i of rochines and c q,i~pment in the ra.-hine-traftor ctati )n:,, ~-)r :-,prir,,g
work in "he 'iclA in 1956.11
Praha, Czechoslovakia, V-,)I. 5, No. 'C"2, Nommler 1955,.
i4onthly Lj-~:t -)f Fa!~t Eur,-),pean txcessL)ns LC, Vol. 8, lio. -), Lertember 1959.
I -['~ T; y AY .
Y'CIPFA ". Lv therJLnp v12 strenr th for hi 1-veotirt- wi thou t loss
Vol. ito. 1-,,, ~unc, 1956.
I'll R L
Fralm, C7CC ~0131OVb Ilia
3o: I-- s t. Lurol,etn Access --', on, Vol. L',o 3 ) 1-!r- -1- 1
i, :.;, i 1: , K .
T:.(~ :rpcidne-tractnr .9tation: ar, im!-,ortarii, f*,~ctr~r in t:,9 fi!rt. i,~r 3evelo7r.--rit of
st nt-ricult,,.ral T,rc-,Ixiqt i~. 'I
Vol. 1,o. I), '~ar. I-If7 Trahs)
C t of Elirc)-~can ,.ccec;s,.on LC, Vol. Tuly
ACC NR' AT7005405 SOURCE CODE: . PO/2547/GG/008/004/0325/0334
AUTHOR: Kupka, J. --Kupka, Y. (Wroclaw)
ORG: none
TITIX : The boundary value problem of thz! heat conductivity theory
SOURCE: Polska Akademia Nauk. Instytut Matematyczny. Zastosowania matema-
tyki, v. 8, no. 4, 1966, 325-334
TOPIC TAGS: heat conductivity, heat conductivity theory, temperature
distribution, hollow sphere, hollow cylinder
ABSTRACT: The problem of heat conductivity theory dealt with in the paper was to
determine the temperature field described by the heat conductivity equation in a
double- connected region, assuming an initial condition and a boundary condition.
The problem arises in connection with a new method of solidification and cooling of
metal and nonmetallic castings, with increased strength properties in comparison
with those in conventional castings. The temperature distribution for a hollow
sphere and a hollow cylinder is used as an example and solution are derived for
Card 1/2
ACC NR- AT7005405
both. The author thanks Dr. A. Rybarski for his interest in the study and
assistance in preparing the final manuscript. Orig. art. has: I figure, 1 table,
and 33 formulas. [Based on author's abstract] [DR]
SUB CODE: 13, 20/SUBM DATE: 20Apr65/SOV REP: 001 /0TH REP: 002/
Card 2/2
HI: Kj,., Z.
In3ufficient veritilation may cause breakdowns In ,;Uations.
P. 21;. (E!;ERG7TIFd%) Uraha, Czechoslovakia) Vol. 8, no. 1, Jan. 19cj8
,30: Monthly Index of East Euro;:(3an Accession (E:L,'AI) LC Vol. 7. INO, 5. 1`:a~, 1958
Effect of molybdenum on ascorbic acid dynamics in planta. Bauch.
dakl.vys.shkoly; biol.nauki no.2:149-152 '59. (HIRA 12:6)
1. Rokomandovana kafedroy fiziologit Moskovakago guoudaretvennogo
universiteta it. H.V.1ononneava.
(Plants, Effect of wilybdanum on)
(Ancorbic acid)
0 0 9 0 0 9 0 * 0 0 0 9 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 * * 0
*91E *d 'L416T '(T)VZ VTTJVUTJOIOA :09
u*GTIIVO uT 7aTJnlvmsHu
QtrvTxvuTjGjqA 40a .9 InNSMONOD I-V *s IRIM
KUPKIN, S,A., veterinarnyy Yrach.
,-.- W ~ ,
Blood of the mother cow in therapy and prophylaxis of diseases in
calves. Vaterinariia 32 no.208-42 Ir 155. (KM 8:3)
l.Bryanskaya, mezhoovkhoznaya votbaklaboratoriya.
ACC NRi AP6006098 SOURCE CODEZ CZ/0053/65/014/004/0319/0319
AUTHOR: Vavra.j.; -Krejci, I i nikFaL Be
(Vyzk=w uatav
TITLE: Vascular effect of some analogs of vasopressin and oxypressin (This paper
was presented during the Twelfth Pharmacologic Days, Smolenice, 28 Jan 6541
SOURCE: Ceskoslovenska fysiologie, v. 14, no. 4, 1965, 319
TOPIC TAGS: hormone, endocrinologyo experiment animal, cardiovascular system#
ABSTRACT: 0..mathyltyrosinNytocin.M10), 0-mothyltyrosin2lysine8vaaopressin
(TMV). Q-ethylt osiWlysina vasopreasin (TEV) and blycylaysteinIO-methyl.
;tyrosin2lysinaZasopressin (GTMV) had little or no vasopressin activity ArA
:antagonized the vasopressor effect otore in rats than in cats or rabbits,* the
effect differed in decerebrated. or despinalized. anima3s. Increasing tbA dose
of vasopressin.could overcome the inhibitory effect of these 4 analogs., (JPRS]
ZNAMENACEK, K.; PRIBYLOVA, H.; t6chnicka spoluprace: VYDLAKOVA, H.;
Effect of glucose and insulin'administration on the glycemic purve
in newborn 4nfants. Cesk. pediat. 18 no.2:104-109 F 163.
1. Ustav pro peci o matIm a dite v Praze, reditel doc. dr. M.Vojta,
vedouci pediatrickeho vyzkumu doc. dr. K.Polacek, CSc.
0- r! UMO X:
I t
Kul'LOVAIA, Z A., in-,h.; S.L.,
L C"':11- w:d
(T peracrAle aciA i:~
polywmide fib;rs. Telr:~A. prom. 24 nf- 5 /,1 -4') 1,: 1
i nn
T. Loningra(bkly in'.', t, i
1:1 (11 i o' . 11. 'K i rova f o r F rc (1 1, 1~:
Amusin :.-bir.
s(.-v-tr. narocLnoi-o kiio,,yay.~Lva (fr3l. Ku~ljle).
AP6019635 -SOURCE COD UA 0, 8/66/630/002/0371/0377
-mikov 60
AUTHOR: Afanas N.G. Startsev, VI ; Smelov, Ye.M.; Kuple, E L
XTV-J. F 7~0
_Lo2HI a_,_Yo. V. ;Petronko, V.V.; Fursov, G.L.
3RG: none
TITLE: Investigation of elastic scattering of 70 MleV electrons on C-12 and Do-9 and
j the mean square radii of those nuclei /Report, Fifteenth Annual Coz~i'ercnc_e on Nuclear
i Spectroscopy and Nucluar Structure, hold at Mins~_K,_25- uary to 2 February 1965/
SOURCE: AN SSSR. Izvestiya. Seriya fizichoskayn, v. 30, no. 2, 1966, 371-377
TOPIC TAGS: electron scattering, elastic scattering, form factor, nuclear radius,
beryllium, carbon
ABUR.ACT: The authors have measured the elastic scattering cross sections of C12 and,
B0 for 70 MoV electrons at different scattering angles between 30 and 15'00 in order
to evaluate the root-mean square radii of the nuclei. The 70 MoV electron energy was
chosen for the measurements because at that energy the momentum transfers are high
enough to permit determining the momentum transfer dependence of the form factor, and
yet low enough to allow of neglecting higher powers than the second (of the momentum
transfer) in the expression for the form factor. The electron beam was produced by
a pulsed accelerator. The primary beam intensity was measured with a secondary
emission monitor which was calibrated with a Faraday cup. J-he electrons that were
L 1-d309-66,
ACC NR.- APGO19635
elastically scattered at a given angle from the graphite, polyethylene or beryllium
foil target were focused with a magnetic field onto a Corenkov counter which recordo
them. The scattering angle at which scattered electrons were recorded could be chana2d
without breel-ing the vacuum. In addition to the wgasuronents with the Coreakov counjor;
measurements were xualized with photographic recording of the scattered electrons. Alai
though some of the corrections involved in the different techniques are different
(the corrections are discussed at some length), the cross sectioas measured by thG tWO,
different recording methods wore in excellent agioement. The values obtain6d from 1',
the momentum transfer dependence of the form factor for the rms radii of Be and C12',,j
were 2.26 1 0.1 and 2.35 1 0.01 formi, respectively. Orig. art. has: 12 formulas,
5 figures, and 3 tables.
6 j" 4D- 0- C. 4C 4 4 6 It
0 pe
"-Irv k V it
Jq q 0
A a L_f 4
00 A*: I __ -
A of
so Ij-
New method of detormlostiou of the caloric value of
:1 food, 4
Giew. 46 --
040 00
60 IF is Williblifini. Ahmolure is deld. with a Dm and Sluk
tube with tNuctir aw a high-bailiftS petru"m flik-th"t;
041 fat Is drid. its the h"hwast-t tat.: jwt*ehm is &M, as
N by Ike kwhlahl owtImml. mad eohhoritividly whon
r'v v -4 n k 4
TS A t 01m 41 x
o;* 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 04 0 0
70..'r1 0 00 0
0 * 0 0 a 9;0 0 a 0 o 0 o 0 0 4 0 0 0 0 0 0
:: 0 of 0"O 000 0 00 0 t 0 0 00
-1 1 wn, rW5~7~
Xhisslhdtq~ metrk deterwIttatill" of FeSIA acids Ul
,,,a ,,I. ~t
V 1, A. A.
Rum,A. Prom. 31. No. 1,
Ili msill Mrx are delli. rillotin106-afly L~ tile Cla NA1 if] ptir.
tAll". Tile U1111. W:11. 60UMI if) 4OWY BOT'.4 L,w at O"i'lk,
Uptolsig.11. Ill tile (it 441 jv~ of i.1 aq.
of d= (O's to 1.0% AP4 40 CC. jwi r. emer are JwLi i:
10 atia. at 110 oscilutims to the Im-tr. tiiicr tit
is added 10 ce ,3'/V Solo. :4~ t1le jolijil.
aUred St2laSt thAt Of
trsgljil !wA gim). aud the. iq f:,~!
cA,Xatsoa curve. The tesc !~~ "'
Ill t(lial tkne of tile ttat Upplivi hm
(i V
'-k - 0 ~lU~)\ Q~ 1) 1 1
0, 1161 croscov, COT 19621 -1.
VLO. see.
r 14
ale -%Ile- 0%-
y e Ul
Bi%~g ul ~00'p '00T,
'Jj~ Y10.
t Ttsl .s.%C, 00, ioll
0i p %W, ejec,%T011% el%t a 'Crola rove
an 0
?Let ati 1%0, a 00%
so 00~ of 10018 13 to sise
Pr .60 Yts- 110 e %y~e
a 0 Of 0: isle IN ~tt ties 0%1$
90, re - t a OP
'Polo or a TOW: 0,0%%
is e7c S. 0 v rtv 0 .0
0-be %yLe a Vese 05 ible I % ,lox sti
~b'rO % 01313 150,% oil of
0691 001, ~, 9 oll 0 ~dq 1 all j 010'a V %YLO We% t 0 %,AT e
V 1pig 0 is Of S a S013 fteo T,~%O
at C, tjLr e '01 e 'cooe ftyLfs e a
a as% A V
a TLO -~Ovk OU
v 11 is Of -0eal.
0r 1310 t-t,04 OVI
kil ike des 10 "011010 8,03.
A A '[VW
teO .409 tjo
of J61k, 1 0,00
'00 seleG %,15.00 lee TiB tj~045 sp4 ,%A.Ie 01 Va,T% ne 'ast a jue J~ee
Or'sve Of V-0
a, i0f
.10-6 10 O'Da, & '01
06t" (X 00,1 eTo %J~e at
aids a-c a O'D
r, 06
Using electron microscopy for studying ... B160/BI86
polyvinyl alcohol is shown. jAbstracter'a note: Complete translation.j
Card 2/2
Mass groups of peasants' fame and their productional
characteristics. Based on the example of sunflower districts of
Saratov Government] Klassovye gruppy krest'lanskikh khosisistv
i i1th. proizvodstvanwia kharaktorintika. Na primers podsol-
noohnyk.h raionov Garatovskoi Oub, Moskva, wNov~i Agronom"# 1950.
(Saratov Govarnment-Agricultura (MIRA 1214)
v 0 0 3/035/60/000/01/07/008
Translation from: Referativnyy zhurnal, A5tronomiya I Geodezlya, 1960, No. 1,
p. 119, # 945
AUTHOR., Kuplenskly,. A. A.
TInE, Approximate Solution of the Main Gsod4tlc Problem
PEPIODICAL., 11-r. Omskogo s.-kh, in-ta, 1958, Vol. 29, No. 2, pp. 121-149
TEXr'; Making use of the connection between Cartesian coordinates of,points
In an Euclidean and non-Euclidean planes, the author obtains conformal projection
cf ar ellipsoid on thr-, sphere of R0-radius according to Gauss. On the basis of
this projecticn, formulae are proposed for an approximate solution of the direct
and inverse geodetic problems in the ca-v.~ of considerable dlst-2-nces between the
points. The direct problem:
Gard 1/3
Approximate Solution of the Main Geodetic Problem S/035/60/000/01/07/008
rzi , ~-; tg a in d. 1 c b ctg5 - b cosdip
R o 1 2
2_E b1 sin
b b a; Sin 6t -
1 k, 2 k 2 sin 6
The inverse problem;
cos 6 - qlq2 + 4 D cos - u (k- Du - d. 'A Du - CA.
k Ik2 1 1 q2 '2 2
Ot + Du- rk ; s 1:~,, d 6R
k I = U I+ Dul k 2 U 2 2 0
tg c( . k sin X tga - k2sin
I qL2 q, cos 2 q2 cos. - q
A i 061+ T A2 - OL 2 - T#
In these formulae the meaning of some symbols Is as follows:
X - d.1 Y, --e 2 Cos4 B 14~1
Card 2/3
Approximate Solution of' the Main Geodetic Problem S/035/6o/ooo/ol/07/008
(o~ - sin B )uU
0- - 0-
D + sin B0 0 FOM-O.
lj~~D sin W sinG sind.
I W sin
B I ths latitude of the nomal parallel Attached to the article are the tables
o? the following quantities: lgu, R, rD and D In intervals of 10' of latitude
ard alzo examples of calculations.
G~ V. Bagratuni
Card 3/3
Results of the Sino-Soviet trade negotiations. Vnesh.torg. 41
no.5il7-18 161. (MIRA 14-4)
(Russia--Foreign economic relation3--China)
(China--Foreign economic relations--Ruse-Ja)
"Influence of C02 on Development of Some Hetprotrophic Bacteria,"
di.nsertation defemled at .1n;qt. Microbiology, V. USEli, 30 Dee 1.953.
Cand. Biol. Sci.
Vechernyziya ',-osk., ?1 Dee 53
Microbiological maceration f sucommis, leaves. Report NO.l: Optlz=
canditions for maceration an active complex of micro-organisms.
Mikrobiologiia, 28 no.6t8VL"O N-D '59. (MIRA 13
1. rafedra mikrobiologii Hosvov
,;kogo gonudaretvennogo univerviteta
I FAuchno-Iseledovatel'skly itut resinovykh Izdaliy shirokogo
Microbiological mweration of eucommia leaves. Report No.2.- Causative
agent of the "formentationw qf sucommia leaves. Kikrobiologila 29
no.1:129-132 Ja-7 160, (MIRA 13:5)
1. Biologo-pochTonnyy fakulltet Koskovskogo goendarstvennoge uni-
vereitata imeni X,V. Lamonos"a.
(PLANTS microbiol.)
Microbiol ogical niaceration of Eucommia leavez. Part 3: Djajni.~Ap
'Ta ti on
of gutta and rosins in the process of fementation of the leaves.
14iki-obiologiia 29 no.2:250-265 Mr-Ap 160. (MIRA 14:
1. Biolo6o-pochvennyy fakulltot Moskovskogo gosudarstvennogo
universiteta imeni M.Lomenosova.
Effect of aeration on the development and Kramicidin 5 forma-
tion in the Bacillus brevis var. G.~B. ciLlture. Mlkroblolo-
[;iia 34 no-5:905-911 5-0 165. (MIRA 18:10)
1. Riolego-pochvennyy fakulltat Moskovskogo gosudarstv,::nnogo
universiteta imeni M.Vs Lomonosova.
of active hydroCen atomg in 116R7oi arid aromatic suillnes.
f and N_D e.0 % - (.NJ ---iv
.S.. .
X-RIV53).-To the ~ampfc add a knmm amt. of dinxane-
M In dioxasir .1. 2,N) ami allow the mixt. tr fitand '.-3
Min. After ad
i. of 10 tril. U.0 and citlicr Congo ird or
tnelbyl orange, rapidly titrate the soln. with standard
Xa,C.00 until the color cliange-j. In llib tminnrr, active
If can 1>e dctd. within 0.02-0.05 uniti. Armnatic amjn-~i
ve Indicatton for but I ac-Ure If atcm within th,! above
limits. Secondary and tertiary aromatic cas)ino6 ga"
poor results (60-60%). G M.
C, '7~~
A Inill'optsAWA of acidophoble compounds a 07-2-
XwMiLhIft.1VI dioxant sulfoilriotfjc~ for
Ono and eg ~hl ~Y 'Aild
drw. twith 2-36'a, ric".Urw'y of 110 rmuris 16 prnol';' by rt-~
acifoll (A R0111 with I 111"k 0(Cll'Cll'W.F0' Ill rilin
Afeq m4dn. rif Jf,0 th, muftiol is (iti4fed c'mVeo-
Ik,u;;lly. The rvagcot i-. pri-pl, by jm~,ing in air littemn
I to *h
h t3 102 it")" tftF,,ri li;rw dit~,taut- 1_5-2N &-Au, is
'ry r
I wr e willi EtOll' Hit.
; '111'2 !,,,tts -lionitnol,
JjVj 1, -prop- atc., Pll(!nyt-
'L _ I., I anot, bvillyl
t"ni'yj 'I, . '1~
and 1.4-hulanvdioli, lJ-btjtyncdi,,l, piuacol,
tat, tuanititol, aitill Tile jl"Iv~st.
alcS. jesmilly Itylire i-2 hts. f"t "oulpitte whOt itt-
dicates (lie viv] of the mwtloti, G. M.
USOR/ Analytical Chemistry lavily3is of Organic, GubsLancc_r G-3
Abs Jour Ref,;xat Mur Khind.yaj, 110 4) 1957, 12163
j'-.uthor Terent'yev A.P., Kupletskaya N.B., Andreyeva E.V.
Title Sulfonation and S;5=fon c =c q7of Acidophoble Compounds.
XXVI. Use of Dioxane -Sulfotrioxide for the Dc~turvdnation
o f Vomatic ;oinc,.,~ ind d.dehydan - 'b IN
Abotraot The posalbility is shown of ift1lizing a solution of SO3
in dioxane for a quantitative determination of w-Line
groups of aromtic aidnao. If the aroimtic anInes con-
tain negativE~ oubstituQiits their determination is in-
posoible. A mothod has been worked out for a quantita-
tive determination of uroixo;ic aldehydes by mL~ans of
dioxane-sulfotrioxide. liverage accuracy of the method
in from - 3 to - 5%.
Co=awlication XXV set! RMIG11m, 1956, 78513.
Card 1/1
USS~/~hy~ical Chemisti-j 14c(`Ule,, Chemical Bond. B-4
Abs Jour: Referat. zhuxmal EhimiYai 110 3., 1958., 6918.
Autho:,.- : N.B. Kupletskaya, A.N. Xoi3t; I.I. Grandberg.
Inst :- - ------- X. ectra
Title Reactions Of 11Ydrazine Derivatives- SP
of Azzines and Pyrazolines.
Orig pLib: Zh. obshc. khimii, 1956, 26, No 1. 3135 - 3138.
Abstract: The u:Ltraviolet absorption spectra Of CH OH solutions of the
following compounds were studied: a) acera~dehyde, butyl-,
isobutyl- and isovaleraldehyde azineS; b) azines of acetone
I). methylethylketone, wy.,hylpropylketone, cyclohexanoUe
I)azines and mixed I and II azine (III); c) substituted pyra-
zolines and their hydrochlorides: 5-CH - 1-CHO 5 cH 4 CH -
- :C
540~-, 4-i'30-C07-5-iso-COQ-) 4)4_RH')2-5-isO ~-CAO_
4,4:(CH3)2-5-isO-C3H7-1 l-CH3tO-4,4-(CH332-5_isO-CA_) 1.4,4-
Card 1/3 -9-
Abs Jour: Referat. Zhurnal Khirrdya, 170 3, 1958., 6918.
V hydrazone (VI) was obtained from 10 g of 96%-vai iIH,.H o
and 20 g of V (about 2oO., 24 liouri), mIttng point 96 to ~io
(from a1c.). IV was synthetized by 2 me-Ghois: I!by the reaction
of 30 g of v and li.4 g of 96%-ual N2YP4.7i2O -in 11~, mlit of C4,H
I .90H
(6 hours' boiling), yield q5.7%, boiling point 141 to 1440 at 22
mm, d?,O - 1.0049, nEUD - 1.5024; by bolling VI -In C4H90H (6 hours),
yield 68%. See report IX in RZhnim, 1957, 51268.
Card 3/3 -11-
I _~L =4_4 N a 13 Dombrovt)ki~, ii. V. 79-11-26/56
AUTHORS: -takay=L
IF.j'r7n~yev, A. P.
TI TLE: Ifaloidurylation of Unuaturatod Coialoundij dith Ar,otjlfl~,ic
Diazoeompounds (Galoidarilirevaniye n#--,)rede1'nykh
soyedineniy aromaticheskimi diazosoyedineniyami).
VI. AbsorpLiOn Spectra of Aryibutt3nes, 4trylbutadienes and
Arylbutenines in the Ultraviolet and Visible Part
(VI. Spektry pogloshcheniya v ulltrafioletovoy i vidi
oblastyakh arilbutenov, arilbutadi~enoy i arilbuteninov
PERIODICAL: Zhurnal Obshchey Khimii, 1557, Vol. 27, Nr 11,
pp. 3041-3047 (USSR)
ABSTRACT: The chlorarylation-method worked out for buudivne-1,3, its
homologues and analo~,ues permits to obtain the chloraryl-
butenes simply und With 3'iulJj ol 50-70 'A. synthesia
is realized by the interaction of the aiene.-, and the
diazotized aromatic amines in an aqueous acetone aolution
in the presence of a catalyin (CuCl). AmonE -.he many
conversions of the chlorarylbutenuj the oplittini_.- off of
hydrol,en chloride which leads to the forr;iution of a-uryl-
butadienes is most interesting. TnI3 3pliLl~irij~ off was
Card 1/3 worked out with the aid of caustic potao'n in dioxane.
lialoidarylation of' Ungaturatea Compound.,~ ioit~i AL-CIMLtIC
Diuzocompounds. VI. Absorption Spuctra of' Acylbu Lurie L3 ?
Arylbutuaienuo and Arylbutenines in the Ultraviolet and
Visible Part
Various arylbutenines (Al elf = OH-C 5 ell) Weru. also
obtained in the same manner. Thanks to the ob-tainva material
of structurally similar compounds it wan attempted to
determine the dependence of the absorption spectra of these
products on their struoture, the results buing in agreement
with those of other authors. Thus the absorption spectra of
the arylbutenes, arylbutadienes and arjlbutenines were
taken. it became evident that the substituents in the
nucleus which are no strong chromophores exert no influence
upon the character of the spectrum, but that this depends
on the position of the n-electrons in the molecule. The
introduction of a strong chromophore chanGes the character
of the spectrum.
There are 6 fij;urea, 5 tables, and 6 references, 2 of which
are Slavic.
Card 213
Haloidarylation of Unsaturated Compounds dith Aromatic 79-11-28/56
Diazocompounds. VI. Absorption Spectra of Arylbutunes,
Arylbutadienes and Arylbutenines in the Ultraviolet and
Visible Part
ASSOCIATION: Moscow State University (blookoy8kiy gusudarijtvennjy universitet
SUBMITTED: September 27, 1956
AVAILABLE: Library of Congress
1. Arylbutenes - Spectra 2. Aryll)utadienes - Spectra
3. Arylbutanines - Spectra
C,ird 3/3
AUTHORSt Kazitsyna, L. A., Polstyankoj L. L.0 SOV120-125-4-32174
Xupletskaya, N. B., Ignatovich, T. N., Terentfyev, A.P.,
_Coi:r~eepor~~fin7ig_le_mber AS' USSR
TITLE: Investigation of the Absorption Spectra of the Alkylimines
of o-Oxycarbonyl Compounds (Iosledovaniye spektrov
pogloshcheniya alkiliminov o-oksikarbonillnykh soyedineniy)
PERIODICAL: Doklady Akademii nauk SSSR, 1959, Vol 125, Hr 4, PP 807-810
ABSTRACTt For the purpose of determining the type of bond between metal
and the donor atoms in the inner-complex compounds the
comparison of the spectra of the initial addenda and the formed
inner-complex compounds is used. The maintenance of the spectral
character of the addendum in an inner-complex compound gives
evidence of a formation of an "ionic" bond: a decisive change
of the type of spectrum in the produced complex, however points
out to the formation of a covalent bond between metal and donor
atoms (Ref 1). In the former cane it is possible to determine
the strength of the forming brond (Ref 2) by the degree of shift
of the bands of the inner-complex compound. The authors
~~ard 1/4 investigated the spectra of inner-com,-;lex compounds of addenda