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~WIIROV, L.P. Rxpedition for the study of radio wave propagation. Vrobl.Arkto no.6:138 '59. (MIRA 13;6) (Arctic regi one --Ionoopheric radio wnve propagation) KUPEROV, L.P. Obaervation of [signals of the third Soviet artificial earth iatellito on Cape Cheliuskin. Iskosput.Zem. no.5:66-70 6o. (MIRA 13-5) (Artificial satellites--TrackiV,) pow 141 d" W I-, '8"IF 10iz: r,--u i N Ow-m AUTHOR: SOURCE: 3/56 61/000/009/002/003 D207YD308 On the problem of nonlinearity of electrical characte- ristics of the ionosphere Problemy arktiki i antarktiki, no. 9, 1961, 59 - 61 T-EXT: An analysis was made of transmissions of dashes by tele- graph botween the Moscow Radio Center, Dikson Island, and Shmidt %.,ape in September and November, 1951. The transmission viere recei- ved with an ondulator working at B-13 Mc/s. The results indicated that the iunosphere can be regarded as a partly nonlinear dielec- tric medium in agreement with the suggestion of X.A. Bonch-Bruye-;- vich (Ref. 2: Zhurnal tekhnichcokoy fizikir vol. 2, no. 5, 1932) Bonch-Bruyevich defined a nonlinear medium as that in which the permittivity and the conductivity depend on the amplitude of the electric field in the e.m. w9ve. A nonlinear region of the ionos- phere was found in the path of the transmitted signals close to Dik.son Island. SUBM11TT331); December 10t 1960 Card 1/1 KUPFROV, L.P., starshiy nauchnyy sotrudnik Absorption of long rAd1o wAves by the ice massif in Antarctica. Inform. bilil. Sov.antark.eks ?- no.43:49-52 163. (MIRA 17il) 1. Shestaya kontinentallnaya ekspeditsiya. -TT -T" - :M 177f TP-f. zh. Plzika, Abu. 2Z-'h!50 ! Kupprov, L- P. M-- Ol 1 --6&0 kcs b~arid as ob,- IIILE. ro aqation ot radio waveg iii the 14 he Byrd station in the Nnf-arc~ i T I CZ a nern --xr. L~ F- z u zt- or 16u-vo kcf; band, gfgjj&jS from gcrwerful Ertations of the northemnfie~W";- AR5009715 Cclrd 2/2 (L I C1,19 I..;,o I -,n:1 (Milk ok!~y lp,!Ilt~uto Arc-9`M25028700 SO~RCE CODE: (Jfl/317ii/6h./000/0h.7/001~5/0049 'AUTHOR: KuDerov. L. P. (Senior Research Associate) JORG: Arctic and Antarctic Scie (Arkt c aski i rkf a'_u-cb_n_o__-i s- an t a sledove tel I okly I no t I tut TITLE: 'Radio wave propagation'in the 11~ ti 600 kc band based on Staition In A_nt_a,r.c.,tica._ s aye __ ant 5- SOURCE:--Sovet k arkticheskaya ekspedital7a,, 195 Informatsiorn ~by_ulletenl. no. 47, 1961~. 45-49 TOPIC TAGS: radio wave propagation, Antarectic olimatoo ionospheric absorption, ionospheric electron density ABSTRACT: Radio w9ves in the 14 to 600 ke frequency band were studied at the Byrd Station (800 lat S, 1200 long W) in the interior of Antarc- tica during Marob 1961; (Equipment for measuring field intensities, in- cluded a radio receive 14 to 600 kc)o a signal-generator# an elec- tronic osaillograpb, and a 10 m aluminum antennao Findings show that the distribution of the frequency band spectrum received at the station is rather peculiar* Radio signals from 14 to 20 kc were received under night conditions, and signals from 20 to 23 ko were raosived under Card 1/2 - - - .1 ACC NRI AT5028700 twilight and day conditions, Radio signals from 2 to 43 ke were received under night conditions* and signals from 43 to 60 ke were received under twilight conditions. It is Interesting to note that 23 kc radio signals were not even once received under day conditions. Radio signals from 43 to 143 ko under night conditions and radio signals from 60 to 177 ko under twilight conditions wore re-~elved only March 15# 17, and 18, which coincided with the time of aurora australis at" the Byrd Station, No other frequencies were recorded. This distribution of radio frequency bonds is explained by ionospheric reflection conditions when electron collisions with neutral particles at a given altitude may play a more important role than electron donsitys Absorption.of radio signals with different electron densities Is discussed, Radio signals in the 15 to 23 ko band were received from the northern hemisphere (Now York, London, Moscow* Pearl Harbor 6an Francisco) and radio sig- nals from 43 to 177 ke (March 150 17, 16) were received from the south ern part of South America and the Falkland Islands, Further studies of gn__ -li-in or -Ant~.vatDca-ma" -yield--new-datov-on radio s! t a - so the 7) and E layers of the topoAphue, Grig, art, bast 2 tables, SUB CCIDE: 17/ SUBM DATEt 29Jun63/ ORIG REFt. 004/ OTH REFt 000 L 21925-66 EWT (1) RB/GW ACC NR, iT-60,1462() (N) SOURCE CODE: UP/3174/65/009/052/0048/0050 AUTHOR: Kup2rov$ L. -Po (Candidate of physic omathematic al sciences) ORG: Arctic and Antarctic Scientific Research Institute_(Arkticheskiy i f antarkEl:-c-heskiy nauchno-iseledovatellskiy institut) TITLE. Som results of audibility of short-wave radio stations in Antarcticalvi SOURCE: Sovetskaya antarkticheskaya ekspeditsiya, 1955-- InAmIr" atsionnyy byulletenl, no. 52, 1965, 48-50 TOPIC TAGS: radiowave propagation, ionosphere, radio signal, radio reception ABSTRACT: The following is representative of the results of studies of the audibility of short-wave-radio stations at Byrd station in Antarctica. Radio signals in the short-wave range were not propagated by a reflected ray directly thro h the region of total darkening of the ionosphere (where the sun is at the nadiir . Such stations as San Francisco, Vancouver and Clearwater, situated almost on the same meridian as Byrd, in some cases could not be heard at midnight, but could be when the position of the solar nadir was situated far from the radio link. Radio sign,:1s were propagated by a reflected ray directly through the region of the zenith position of the sun at high frequencies at midday and in evening At midday t.--. radio signals from the illuminated hemisphere were absent. In t~e evening the signals reach the reception point only from the afternoon directions Many similar cases are considered. It is pointed out that Antarctic stations have many advantages in the study of the paths of radio propagation on a global scale@ L 21925-66 ACC NRt AT6014620 At Arctic stations and points in the northern hemisphere there is no reception of radio ii)f ormati,-,n through the region of the tropics, since almost al-I the space beyond the Tropic of Capricorn is covered by the world ocean. Orig. art. haai 2 figures. [JPRS1 SUB CODE: 17t 04 SUM DAM 26Jun64 / MIG REF: 003 Card 2/2 net - , j : f ~ I - , - , - - . . - L zi~C6. WAW.6 .4i, i. I !-,nj,,.. vjj-,I, tq:m if ii! *~ !, . I 1~ I - --! . r . furv --- Un _- - --- -1- -1-- J II .. I - -- L-\- p n ugw KUP-ESH11YAK, A. G, MFILSHLYAK, M. G. "Clinic and Treat:jm-Llt )f Clunshot Wounds of the -bladder." Dr Red Sci, Central Inst for the Advanced Tralniig of Physicians, Z6 JIM 54. (Vecherayaya Moskva, 7 Jan 54) SO- SUM 168, 22-'JUIY 1954 KUPYRSULTAK II.G., dotR, SAVINKOV, II.Y. - -'. -'. - I Trentment of tumoril of the bladder. Urologiin 23 no.4:24-29 Jl-Ag 158 (MIRA 11:8) 1. Iz fninil'tetakoy khirurgichaskoy kliniki (zav. - prof. 1.D. Korabell. nikov) Chelyabinakogo maditainalrogo institutn. (BLAMER, neoplasms ding. & ther. (Rue) KUPERSHLYAK, M. G., dotsent Renal colic in peoitis. Urologiia no.3t54-56 161. (MIRA Lol2) 1. 1% fakulltetskoy khirurgicheskoy kliniki (zav. - prof. I. D. Korabellnikov) Chelyabinskogo meditsinskogo instituta. RETROPEMTONEAL SPACE-DISEASES) DNErs-DISKASES) (MUSCLES-DISEASES) M KUfULSIfLYAK..j-I.(~..,doktor mE4.nauk Errors w4 hazards In tile surgical troatment of aephro-" ureteroliihiazim. Urologiia no.1:23-27163. (MIRA 16:7) 1. Iz faJmlltetakoy khirurelcheskoy kllniki (Zav- - prof. I.D. KorabollrAkov) ChelyabinnkT meditsinakogo instituta. (CAMULI , URINA KUPM115111JAKI M.G., daktor mod. nauk Diagnostic significance of vasovesloulography. Vast, rent. i rad. 39 no-3:41--45 MY-44 164- (MIRA 18:11) 1. Fakulltetskaya khirurgicheskAya klinika (zav, - prof. I.D. Korabellnikov) Chelyabinskego meditsinskogo in.9tituttAO BEREZ111, I.Ya.; KUTIINI, K.K.; KUYfM]ILYAK-ME.FCVICI.I,.-G.1-1, Device for measuring the displacement of working parts on forging machinery. Kuz.-shtam. proizv. 4 no.7:42-43 Jl 162. (Forging machinery) (Automatic control) WIRA 15:7) Inzh. pFoj:r,,I.tP)3 of' auntenitic, met~il ard their anisotru YO L!:C,:-,l 1) IAI. NTRA 18:4 1- Che I ynbinskiy po! i U klinichq.,kly Ins Utut (for Baksh! 2. 1 1,11:3titut livtom"ItNat-11i I vAlvinizat5ii ma.,ihinc-troynniya YwOmo- UrnI.I.Augo )ovtjta khn,,,.yziyntv-u (fur Kupershlyak-Yunefo- v 1,-, Q . G.H. Realluromurit of caforctat.iorw on uio bft~es of lea.-, than 3=. Ztv.l,-.b. ;~9 no.9:993 163. (,",IIZA 16:r)) 1. 1 insti- tut avtonatizutsii I makiianizatsii r.,,ajli.lnovtroyciAyn,, ) C! 'I:'?' li 1. o" -: , i*.-Yi,: B! G.A., kand. teklin. njul ; Def'orTittion ol laitt, wfilAa onder pulvation J. ,")viiz,. prol2w. lio-1:10-13 Ja 165- 0-11!A. 18:3) 1. Chalyabinskly politeklinichookly Institut. SI-JESTOPALYUK, A.p I., lnzb. MDvable electric power station. Av.1 kosri. 46 n0-1:84 Ja 164. (~= 17-3) '14 --vi4tV ;M., V*rN BRODYAIISKIY, Y.M., kand.tekbn.nauk; KUF=11HIDT, A.Te, inzh. Graphic method for calculating temperatures in heat ex- changers at variable heat capacities. Kialorod 12 no.4: 23-27 '59. (MIRA 12:12) (Heat exchangers) (Heat--Transmiseion) M, OS, V.V.; KUMSHM LIj B.L,,;.nTROV, G.S.; TAHASOV, Yu.N. Investigation of the D-Z4 engine provided with an electric starter. Avt. i trakt. prom. no*217-10 Ir '57, (MM 1013) 1, VladlmirskI7 traktornyy zavod. (Automobiles--Zngines) ~!hortclrrulting (!Qvi-o clitriiri(! lho 7one of cliffo!~tmUnI protrietion ry.-3t,';tn or h 165. (MIRA 18:7) gf 0-21 VIN, A. 5 31,,,.r~V, V(1;3i.1lll INIJ 1 1) 1 fJY(--VlCll, prof, , doktor i,ekhrwirvi, I It' I D , I vari Yijkov lw/i ch, d.-An , , khlA It, 11.1.04kj TMIlLAIG-11, Guargly Rodloriovirhp inzh,,; Vamlliy 1,11troftmovich, karl. t,okhn, rifitik; `)1fVl()Fl;K0, V.N., prof., retnonzent; Dkill.FVSKlY, A-5,, ln?h.., rot,non?.ont; KUPFRS124IDT, L., rod. [Techriology of cnnatruction] Tekhnologiia stroltt~.llnogo proizvodstva. [By V.I.Sizov I dr. Mo,,;kva, Vysmbaia nhPf7da, V) 6 4. 6 1.3 r; . (".!I i~.k I') , I ) HLSIIETO%'p Dr,,.itriy Ilikolayevich, dok+.or tekhn. nauk, pro.".; G~-TJCLIT, Viktor Leonardovich, kana. tekhr.. rau2, rjot2.; ZL Nikolay Alokoundrovich, kand. tekhn. nauk, dots.; N! Vladimir Vasillyevich, kcand. tekhr.. nauk; ~AIUVALOV, ~ergey Ar2enlyevich, kand. tekhn. nauk; L.S., red. [Diborator,j mcinual on the ccur.,.e 11-ae.114n,- -,qrtS'I] Labora- torriye raboty po kursu "Detali, risshin. 1,',oskva, Izd-vo "Vysuhaia shIkola," 1c)64. IC 6 p. (I'.DA 17:7) 1. Kafedr,,~ "Detali mashin" MoAovskofro vys,-hcgo tek~miche- skogo uchilishcha imeni V.Ye.Bauraana (for L11 except Kuper-shnlidt). 1e" Ge()r9'Ycvlr-h, kand. KRL;I-I'~)MY UlIhnotlyu 6pulilll) 1,.F.; teklin. riao.; ipivo: Viktor Yovj,en",~-vfr.,h; Prini..fal FXikil,;A 1~1-1,i rcd. (;ublic and induotrial builrlinp; arch! tectura..' F-rid construction de.,;IFns and builainf, elf;i:-.entoj GrazbdaT..!41r i promyshloraryo zdaniia; ark hi te Lu mr)-kon.9 t--ukti vnyf,~ ski,emy i elementy zdanli. I zd 3 pe r-3 r .Mo Ava, V.,'S- shaia slik-rila, 1964. 483 p. (.I,'Ii,.A 17-8) LUKAYEV, Lazar' Panayotovicb GALKIV, I.G., prof., retsenzent; KUPERSWIIDT, L.S.J. red. [Cranes for construction assembly and loading and un- loading operations] Krany dlia stroitellno-mntazhnykh i pogruzochno-razgruzochnykh rabot. Moskva, Vysshala shkolay 1965. 231 p. (MIRA 18:7) 1. Moskovskiy inzhenerno-okonomicheskiy Arntitut imeni S.Ordzhonikidze (for Galk-1n). Vladl.,~olr A~irfzovich; (AVI'Div, V.G., nauchn. red.; F t J N', iL~Ll V I DT, LA. ", rF [I'rinciples of cowl but1ding] Ocnovy dorozhnogo siroitell- :; t va. ! ;!o::kvp. Vyoshaia ,3)ikola, 1965. 270 p. (MIRA 18:9) ZALICHNOK, Gwvrlil GrJgorlyevlch, kand. tekhn. nauk, laurehi., Gor'. prenill SHCHEDROVITSKlY, S.S.p kand. tek~jl. nauk, nauchn. red.I.KUPERSHMlDT, L.S.p red. (Automating enterprises of the construction industry] ATtomatizataila predpril.atii stroitellnoi industrii. MoBkva, Vysshaia shkolap 1965. 419 p. diagr. (MIRA 18:12) F. U7 1: " 1 1 I-T V. j . k)1, tilf, .4hririlvipe tno :, cf ,-. t,,J c) r t (I c- 1 Inul trwr. f I a s I, mat, s y n f-,). Ill 60-~, iI i V,(11841) IKUPERSHMIDTp-M.L., Inzh.j SURKOV, V,I., inzh.; DYKOVp A.S., inzh.; DANTSIN, M.I., inzh.; NOVIKOVA, B.T., inzh. Preparation of highly filled linoloum using improved techniques.. Stroi. mat. 7 no.406-29 Ap 161. (MIPA 1415Y (Linoleum) K,UPFRS1!'v!1DT, M.L.; SSURKOV, V.I. Setting of poly(vinyl. chlorllde) linoleum, Plast.rnas--y !-,o.20:3 ,3-3~ , 61 . (11/djul 1-:1) .-$ (Linoleum) sl-~- NQP-~.o ISO jel' P evs te C, O'c O'c 0 IN Ste, OIN ,C.4elc 0 Z .4 Oce love To too cec veo, 00 co f o0 5 Vol' e; t e INPO st'-v, eT5 On, X, OS ts. ~,s t IDe Z~65 5c, ~Opc so 0. v Aspe C-C V~~ toe ses CO'P 13rj$ . et v%,.o ~p 0 r ~,,ve zs~ - 1313 Coqc ,k:,o'C't SN" Z.13 10 Oe c~ VQ'- 0, vO, 2, -j,.#- 19 lcl~ c0 I% V\Z.,3 o -NNZ.- t G-c er- teo C osc,-- mot 0 are 00 to 014 6~~t~ X O&vce ,,\e t T ; e .p Card 2/2 KODERMIMIDT, ".b.% Entablinhinq R LTGIN-;~M inar.,hine 1~,,,Jq .,! .- ~l ~- - , ! 0 -1 1 J! --0- -gm eon l,r,)I. ' tail-I Irl' t!-,, 35 ;g Itn'. Om r t , , " :~ ) . I . , KJ)fERSfff,IIDT, Sh.N.; SARKISM, F.F. Effect of d.c. magnetic fields on tho performanc-u of polnrlz~;:i relays. Stan. i inBtr. 36 no.9:20 S 165. (MIRA 18:10) KUPERSHMIDT, V.L.; E M S, V.V. Using liquefied oils in tractor diesel engines. Trakt. i sellkhozmaoh. 8:13-16 Ag 158. (MIRA 11:8) I.OGK Vladimirskogo traktornogo zavoda, (Tractors--Engines) (Diesel fuels) MOKHIN, Nikolay Georgiyevicht msw DT Y.L.; MOS. V.V.; nSTRTAXOT, A.I., red.; ZURRILINA, Z_.P., [Handbook for "UniversalO W-24, T-28. T-28H tractors] Spravochnik pe traktoram *Universal" DT-24, T-28, T-28M. Moskva, Gos.izd-vo sallkhoz.lit-ry, 1960. 215 P. '-ERA 13:12) (Tractors) - K-UPERSHMIDT, V.L., inzh. Lffect of the closing angle of an intake valve on the starting qualities of diesel engines. Trakt. i sellkhozrash. no,9:12-1), S 164. (RIRA 17:11) 1. Nauchno-issledovatellskiy i eksperimentallnyy institut avtomobillnogo elektrooborudavaniya, karbyuratorov i priborov. ?Ajili..P.JiMi r..,!, Effect of the escape of 'the air charge on the proca-9.4 of' compress.,on during the starting of a dJesel engine. Trakt. J nellkhe2mash. no.Hlil2-14 Ag 165. (MIRA 18~10) 1. flaiichrc.,-Iofiledovattillskiy I eikoperlmontallnoy InnUtut avtomobillnogo clektroobomdovanlya, karbyuratorov I pdborov, T 7T 1, OcIA(--ra f.~nd Der-Aere I ri P,i I Tol tfin~~- ter; rp, torrA (Kodivulfu8nchiyp i dekod) ri:lv )!?hr7h vv -iyn - vii k:)do -impull -n:vkh j , 13 ci:jr tel ej 2merpniya rA? i i,;') 1 .~.vtomrkt,.I