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Ori the relation between various . . .s/i-,,6/62/oii/oo1/01.6/0l8 E,073/11535 between 0.1, and 0.82 mm. It was round that the dependence of the thermo e.m.f. on the specific deformation work can he expressed by means of a single general curve for torqiori, tonsioti, rolling and cutting. For all these types of' def'ormatlozi, approxim; tely the same indticed e.m9f. correspoilds to equal deCormation work. The assumption that the e(lijivalence of deformation should be evaluated or. the basis of eqitivalence of specific deformation work was confirmed by the tliermo v.ftl.f. method as being valid also for the case of the machitting of copper. IMeasu rem ent.-3 of the induced thermo e.m.f. of chip may prove iiseful for finding generally valid relations inter-linking, the process of nuicilining of metals with otiler well known types of deformation. There are 3 figures. ASSOCIATION: Chelyabin.41-dy inBtitut mekhanizatsii j. elektrifikatsii sellskogo khozyay,,jtva (Chelyabinsk Institute of Mechanization and B,lectrification of Agriculture) SUBMITTED: April 3, 1961 Card 3/3 ""r)69 S/057/62/032/004/015/017 0 0 B116/B102 AUTHORS: Kunin, N.*F., Kunin, V. N., and Grishkevich, A. Ye. TITLE-. Thermal ionization in the gasoline flame PERIODICAL: Zhurnal takhnicheskoy fiziki, v. 32, no. 4, 1962, 485-487 TEXT: Ionization in the gasoline flame at 1100-17000K was investigated. The flame resistance was measured perpendicular to the gas current. The air compressed in compressor 1 (Fig. 1) was conveyed to combustion chamber 2 (with 1-05-1.12 atm excess pressure). By compressed air (compressor 6), gasoline B-70 (B-70) was injected from container 3 into the air conduit between compressor 1 and combustion chamber 2. The flow rate was about 120 M/sec. A transverse magnetic field of up to 7500 oe was generated with electrodes between pole shoes 4. The resulting transverse emf E was taken off by means of graphite Plates 5, which were also used to measure the electrical resistance. Automatic electronic potentiometers and bridges with suitable pickups were used to measure the flame temperature T between the plates, the air consumption, G, per second, the gasoline consumption, DB' per second, and the pressure, p, Card 1 S/057/62/032/004/015/017 Thermal ionization in the gasoline ... B116/B102 in the combustion chamber. The resistance, R, of the flame between the plates was found to depend on T as U R - CT -3/4a 2kT W- C is a constant, and U is the activation energy of ionization. The activation energy was determined from the slope of Eq. (5), which is represented as a straight line. It amounts to 1.09 ev., and is thus closest to the formation and decay energies of negative oxygen ions* There are 3 figures. The most important English-language reference reads as follows: A. Cherman. ARS J., 30, no. 6, 41, 196o. ASSOCIATION: Chelyabinskiy politekhnichaskiy institut (Chelyabinsk Polytechnic Institute) SUBMITTED: January 28, 1961 (initially) April 5, 196V(after revision) Card 2/0 2 GRISHREVICH, A.Ye.; Kum. II.F. Flastio tension of copper at various speeds and temperatures. 42 . (IJIM -11) Fiz, mot. i metalloved. 16 no.3. .7-434 S 163 16. 1 1. Belorasskiy gosudarstvamy univervitet imeni Lenina, i Chelyabinskiy pedagogicheskiy institut. KUNIN, N.F.; NILOV, A.S. Recovery of induced thermal forces in copper deformed at speeds. Fiz. met. i metalloved. 12 no.6:921-923 D 161. (MIRA various 16:11) 1. Chelyabinskiy politekhnicheskiy institut. I y1j.114, I i'. ~-,. . ;, Y URC HEN K oy 13. D. Regrularitle.9 in tho Pack-ing of po%d(,r]iltl Fli"":!_%q,.'_qv. I no.6:28-3"' 164- k'MIR-A ISS-4) KUNIN,- N.F., (Moskva); YURCHENKO, B.D. (14oskva) Compressing metal poWers. Porosh. met. 4 no.6-.1-11 N-D 164. (MIRA 18:31) KUNIN, N.F.; KISLYAKOV, S.A. Dynamic effects of plastic deformation in copper and its alloys. Dokl. AN BSMI 8 no.2:124-126 F 164. (MIRA 17t8) 1. Belorusskiy gosudarstvennyy universitet imeni Lenina. Predstavleno akademikom AN BSSR R.P. Severdenko. KUNIN, N.F.; KUNIN, V.N.; GRISHYINICH, A.Ye.; KOU-NCHENKO, Ye.S. -1 - -1 Energy absorption by, copper during small deformations. Fiz. met. i metalloved. 17 no.5t789-792 14Y 164. (IffRA 17:9) 1. Belorusnkiy gosudarstvennyy universitet imoni Lenina. I - _213a-66-- -T`1-ML(e)/�,iT k JD I ACC-Mr-fd9,6007283 SOURCE COD--E--:--UR-/0-22,6--/-,66-/-O-o,o-/-o"o-2-/-0-0-2--l,-/0026 I i A AUTHOR: Kunin, N. F.; Yurchenko, B. D.; Wshkina, N. V. ORG: Belorussian State University-im.-V. I--Lenin. (Belorusskiy gosuniversitet) TITLE: Absorption of energy in pressing powder mixtures SOURCE: Poroshkovaya metallurgiya, no. 2, 1966, 21-26 TOPIC TAGS: energy absorption, solic solution, powder metal, zinc, copper, tin ABSTRACT: The authors measured the energy absorption in powder mixtures of Cu+Zn and Cu+Sti. The value of the specific energy absorbed increases with compactness, reaches a maximum and the falls. The differential relative absorption varies in the same way. With high compactness the latter value if negative. The maximum specific absorption of energy for mixtures is lower than that for powders made of pure metals. Reduction of absorption is explained by the formation of surface solid solutions in contact regions. The thickness of the films of surface solid solutions, calculated from the reduction absorption and the constants of formation of solid solutions for a 60 to 40 mixture proved to be of the-order of one hundredth of a centimeter. Orig. art. has: 6 figures, 2 tables and 4 formulas. [Author's abstract.) SUB CODE: 1l/ SUBM DATE: 25Feb65/ ORIG REF; 005/ L 332,9-66 i~~Cm Q) idp-c TA.I/RM SOURCE CODE: UR/0314/66/0W/003/0024/0027 ACC NR: AP6024587 AUTHOR: Kunin, N. F. (Doctor of physico-mathematical sciences); Yurchenko, B. D. f -iences) ~Doctor of--technical sc 04G: none TITLE: Analytic ire-thod of calculating the work of pa2Kg powdered plastic SOURCE: Khimicheskoye i neftyanoye mashinostroyeniye, no- 3P 19660 24-27 TOPIC TAGS: job analysis, mathematic analysis, plastic I ABSTRACT: . The article presents illustrative values of the specific work of packing several poudered. materials, measured and calculated by different methods- As shown in a previous study, the relationship between packing pressure p and density of the pellet ~( is described by the equations OV max-dens k0 - b(p., w"'o-o Y max-dens = given maxbium density; k '~ initial.packing co- off i1cient; cL = coefficient of compressibllRy losses; and e = base of natural logarithms. This equation makes it possible to derive an analytical expression for the work of packing. Transforming equation'(2.) into logarith--' mic form, and solving it relative to pj,- wo.obtain: p I In Y max-dens -.Y (2) k where B -:aL. Orig. art. has: 7 figures, 9 formulas and 2 tables. [JFRS: C4 35P72~-] SUB CODE:/ P5, 06, 11 /. SUBM DATE: none / ORIG REF- 001 T/Ewpit _LQ0650-67 EWT(m)/ Cc '4R' AT6016346 IJP(') GD/JD -C SOURCE CODE: UR/0000/65/000/000/0104/0109 AUTHORS: Kunin, 11. F.; Zhilik, K. Ki Voropayev, A. G.; Samokhval, V. Vs ORG: Belorussian State UniversiY im. V. I. Lenin (Bolorusokiy gosudarBtvennyy universitet3 TITLE: Thermal treatment of silver, opTperp and tjA vacuum condensates 1'7 C-i -2-7 SOURCE: AN UkrSSR. Podvizhnost' atomov v kristallicheskoy reshetke (Mobility of atoms in crystal lattice). Kiev, Izd-vo Naukova dumkap 1965, 104-109 TOPIC TAGS: :bhi= metal filmp silvert copper) tin, metal heat treatment, activation ener,sy ABSTRACT: The laws for stabilizing the properties of silver, tin, and copper thin films are investigated in order to remove the data scatter in their properties caused ,Cby the method of film preparation and to study the nature of the defects present in the freshly deposited films. The films were deposited on a glass substrate at room tomperature in a lo-4 mm lig vacuum. After deposition, the metal filmn were spontane- ously aged at room temperature for 50 hra during which timo their rouiattinco docroaued gradually. The heat treatment for tin was made at 150C in hydrogen as well as in air, without an irreversible change in its resistance. The heat treatment for silver was at 70-120C and for copper at 150-200C. The results are shown on graphs and tables. Plots are given of resistance versus time, relative change in film resistance versus Card 1/2 L 00650-67 ACC NRs AM16346 timo, activation energy as a function of temperature, and curves of resistivity versus film thickness. The results show that in freshly deposited silver and copper films there exist many structur 1 defects with widely varying spectra of activation energies. Also. the heat treatmentKtabilizes the film properties of all three metals. Orig. art. has: 4 form=ulas, 4-kigures, and 2 tables. SUB CODE: 11 / SUBM DATE 1 1 ONov64/ ORIG REF 003 WH REF'. 002 Card 2/2 pb ejivl % A. ACC NR- AR6033777 SOURCE CODE: UR/0058/66/000/007/GO14/C,014 AUTHOR -. Kunin, F Nechayev, I. S~3 TITLE: Relationship between current and reaction in point discharge SOURCE: Ref. zh. Fizika, Abs. 7G106 REF SOURCE: Tr. Chelyab. in-ta mekhaniz. i elektrifik. s. kh., vyp. 22, 1965, 103-111 TOPIC TAGS: ionized gas., current, reactive force, point discharge space, ionized gas flow, electric current, twist angle, momentum - ABSTRACT- A study was made of the reactive force as a function of current in a point disc arge in gas. A pair of points was mounted on a rigidly fixed axis and the angle of twist produced by the reactive force of the momentum was measured. The experiments were conducted by varying the pressure, the type of gas used, the intensity, and the geometric configuration of the points. The relationship between the reactive force and the current in all cases was found to be close to linear. ThP ratio was found to depend on the conditions of the experiment: according to the authors, this relationship may be qualitatively explained within the framework of thl 112 SOLOVOV, A.P.; KUNIII, N.Y"e Moiallomotric surveying of dispersion halos in mountainous arso.s. Sov-gool. 3 no.5:32-46 My 160. (MIU 13: 7) 1. Kazakbskiy geofiziebeskiy treat Miniaterstva geologii i okhrany nedr Kazakhskoy SSR. (Geological surveys) (Ore deposita) KUM') III.Ya. Tectonics and gas and oil potentials of the southwestern Chu-Sary-Su Depression. Izv. AN KazaXh. SSR. Ser. geol. no.2:3-17 161. (MIRA 14:7) (Chu Vallc V-Petroleum geology) (Chu V-Iley"-Gas, Natural) (Saxy.-Oli Valley-Gas., Natuaral) (Sary-Su Valley-Petroleum geology) KUNIN, N.Ya. Analysis of-the distribution of Mesozoic and Cenozoic thicknesses in the depression in the middle of the Syr Darya Valley based on geophyaical data. Izv.AN Kazakh.SSR.Ser.geol. no0'4.*26-35 162. (141M 15 s7) (Syr Darya Va.1ley-Petroleum geology) 9 (Syr Darya Valley-Gas, Natural-Geology) I MINIFI, 114ya, Method for the objective evaluation of the gravitational field in a qualitative 4ntorpretation; a topic for discussion. Izv. All Kazakh. SSH. Ser. geol. nauk no-5.%-102 163. (MIRA 17:1) 1, Turlanskaya geofizicheskaya. ekspeditsiya, g. Chimkent. KUNINP N.Ya. New data on the tectonics of the southwestern section of the Chu.-Sarysu Depression.. Naftegaz. geol. o geoflo. n0.8:49-52 163. (MM 17:3) 1. Turlanskaya geofizichaskaya ekspeditsiya. I KUNIN,:N.Ya.; MIKHEYEVA, I.G. Using variation curves In establishing a law for the change with depth in effective velocity. Razved. I prom. geofiz. no-47: 29-34 163. (MIRA 16:8) (Saismometry) ACCESSION NR: AT4016748 S/2604/63/000/049/0094/0100 AUTHOR: Kunin, N. Ya.; Davy*dov, N. G. TITLE: The accuracy of gravimetric prospecting and the sources of error SOURCE:- Moscow. Vses. n.-i. inst. geofiz. metodov razvedki, Razvedochnaya i promy*slovaya geofizika (Prospecting and industrial geophysics), no. 49, 1963, 94-100 TOPIC TAGS: gravimetric prospecting, probability theory, error source, gravimetry, prospecting ,'ABSTRACT: The article discusses and compares the errors in highly-accurate and ~double milligal prospecting. Analysis of a 167-point sample shows that the large .;errors in determining anomalies of gravity (1.3 milligal) are not caused by in- '~adequacy of the formulas used for estimating accuracy, but by incorrece iiethoda of prospecting and checking. The authors suggest that a similar analysi- sl~ould be performed in other places where prospecting of higher accuracy is performed. In order to determine the accuracy of measurements, repeated observatioLs &re made, and the accuracy of interpolation is determined. A comparison of the results of ~-Card -1/2 :ACCESSION NR: AT4016748 double-milligal and accurate gravimetric prospecting allows one to estimate the equality of the first and to analyze the observational errors. During this -comparison, the mean square error in the anomalies can be found and interpolated 'by the gravimetric map. These errors show the quality of operations and the ~accuracy of the plotted map. Errors in observation of more than 1.5 milligal are i ,connected with measurements of over 3 hours and to the use of a zero point of over !0.75 milligal/hr. Observations should therefore not exceed two hours, and errors at the zero point should not be over 0.75 milligal per hour. Orig. art. has: 7 figures and 3 equations. ASSOCIATION: Wes. n.-i. inst. geofiz. metodov razvedki, Moscow (All-Union ,Scientific Research Institute of Geophysical Prospecting) SUBMITTED: 00 SUB CODE: ES Card.2/2 DATE ACQ: 13Feb64 ENCL: 00 NO REF SOV: 000 OTHER: 000 4h-~~ local uDlifts '!el. i geofiz. no (MIRA 18:3) Y, IS, I I i~.r, I f;~~a n~i z, s t~ c,,- ,,nd r c t s ':'I-- finding oll and guc ~n -,.Ile Me~sozclc ned-iment-3 oF southern K~,.zakhstun. Geollektonika 165. (I-SR-A 18-6) KUNIN, N.Ya.; SAPOZHNIKOV, R.B. Structure of the southeastern margin of the Caspian Lowland. Gootektonika no.6:91-94 N-D 165. (MIRA 19:1) I. TurLanakaya geofizicheskaya ekBpeditaiya, Chimkent. Submitted May 26, 1965. L 13860-66 ETYYT(1)-, GW ACC NR: AT6 104 SOURCE CODE: UR/3152/65/000/008/0109/0113 AUTHOR: Da dov, N. -G. ; Zillbershteyn, S. I.; KiApin, N, Ya, ORG: none TITLE: Use of the MBNP mi-crobarometric level -,*ndicator"in precision surveying SOURCE: Razvedochnaya geofizika, no. 8, 1965, 109-113 TOPIC TAGS: _ pressure measuring instrument, surveying instrument, altimeter ABSTRACT: The author gives data from tests of the MDNP microbarometric level indi- cator developed by the Moscow Gidrometpribor Factory in cooperation with the All- Union Scientific Research Institute Tests at the Institute and at the i i ~ "Sir.-_Aiq ~,ea- have shown that the MB14P instruments may be used for de- termining altitudes with an accuracy of �(0.7-0.8 m). A comparison of various i,)- struments in the MBNP series showed an average deviation in readings of 0.015 mm Hg with deviations of 0.03-0.04 mm Hg in individual cases. Experience has shown that the following requirements am necessary for accuracy in using these instruments: 1. Station readings should be taken every 10-15 minutes. Use of a self-recording Card 1/2 L 1386o-66 ACC NR: AT6004104 microbarograph is recommended'for optimum accuracy. 2. Distance from the station should be kept to a maximum of 10 km and for more accurate work to less than 5 km. 3. The instruments have a low zero drift and may be used for protracted observation on long runs. 4. Repeated control readings are necessary for checking accuracy at fixed points which make up a volwrp- of no less than 20% of the number of coordinate points. The instruments are small, shock resistant and accurate and am recommended for use in gravimetry and precision surveying. Orig. art. has: 3 figures, 1 table. SUB CODE: 09/ SUBM DATE: 00/ ORIG REF: 000/ OTH REF; 000 Card 2/2 ACC NR' AT60213379 SOURCE CODE: UR/0000/65/000/000/0142/0154 AU711OR: Bachin, -A. 1'. ; Bekzhanoy,_ 0. it. , ~r~qd-oVqy'j - V. V. coltdahmidt. V. I.; Zhivoderov, A. R,i Zlav.dinov, I.- Z.: lvanov,*.O._D.; Klenchin,,I._N.; KolmogqKgv,_ Yu. A. , 1~p.tjy.2_rov, V. M. Ktiz'min, Yu. I .Kominova, M. V. ;Kunin,.N. Ya.; LyubeLskly, V. G.; Mclent'vev, 11-1. 1.; Trc.L1-7n=n-'v- i~--V.-;--T9-arcgradskiy, V._A Fyq'Iln-, V. A. ORG: none TITLE; Geophysical sketch-map of~ FazaMintan SOURCE: InterrIatibnal Geological Conprcqs. 22d, New Delhi, 1964, Geolo i eakiye . - . . -1-- -_ -- 8 ch rezull taty--p-ri-k--l-n-d--n-o-'y'-gc-o'-f-lz.1-k-l- -(Gcot )gjpal esults of applied geophysics); doklady sovetskikh geologov, problema 2. lz'A-~vo Nedra, 1965,'142-154 TOPIC TAGS: VJ"R;WnW--Au- geophynic9. map, #:v.,op tectoni t*= - A.,7 ABSTRACT: On the basJs of rv),,Ional geophygient qnd geological investigations %,(seismic, --gravime,tric inngneLoelectric), a romponite geophysical sketch map of the - . - - P -- physical fields of Kazakhstan has been compiled. From this map, the major tecionic zones, deep structures, and gcolopical structural zones are defined. Long zones representing high field pradients in the gravitatiofial and magnetic fields reflectt deep.geosutures, which seismic sounding data suggest are scarps in the M-diacont#ui -L,~ " 1 ~ i - 6 ACC NR, AT6028379 Among the major striiatiral zooes of Kazakhstan deflneo are: 1) the Turgayokaya, 2) the Petropavlovskayn, 3) the Uspentikaya, Is) the Tokrauskaya, and 5) the Dzhalair- Naymanskaya. Regions of magmatism are also defined. In the tectonic depression zones, contour lines indicate the thickness of the sedimentary cover, overlying the folded basement, and possible otl-Vearlng formations. Orig. art. has,. I figure-IDMI SUB CODE: OB/ SUBM DATE: 06.1nn65/ ATD PRESS:,S-V -3 /"P'~"':_ 11~' ACC-NR. AP6030452 SOURCE CODE: UR/0031/66/000/008/0057/0060 AbtHOR. 'Ktinin, N..Ya. ORG: none TITLE; Ba:~ic structural elements of closed regions of "southern Kazakhstan along the Karatau Range SOURCE: AN KazSSR. Vestnik, no. 8,1966, 57-60 TOPIC TAGS: geologic exl~ldrafton, physical geology, seismic prospecting, sediment, basement, metamorphism, ~/Kazakhstan ABSTRACT: The results are described of the 'deep-borehole geophysical exploration .of t~e closed regions of southern Kazakhstan adjacent to the Karatau Range. The geophysical data are differentiated by the components of the basement, the inter- mediate ~;tructural layer, and the sedimentary cover of these regions. The hetero- geneous basement of the region is dissected by deep-seated faults and block faults into large blocks and linear fold-block systems. Geosynclinal developments of the Karatauand Nuratau regions are related to the Hercynain cycle.' The accumu- lation in southern Kazakhstan of sediments forming the intermediate structural .layer took plac'e during the Middle and Upper Paleozoic and the Lower Mesozoic. The degree of'dislocation and metamorphism of this layer decreases upward and with'the distance from the Hercynian layer. The lower boundary of the inter- mediate structural layer is tentatively taken as the Middle and Upper Devonian Cora 112. -XCC-~I~.-ii60304 5 2 while the upper boundary is in.the Middle Jurassic. An analysis is made of four large regions of accumulation of major series of the intermediate structural layer. The Kokpansor-Tesbulak layer has a Dzherkazgan-type cross section. The Syzak-Muyunkum region has a relatively minor sedimentary layer in the Lower Carboniferous and large Permian salt beds with thickness increasing east to 300 m and more. The-Arys region. is characterized by considerable upper Devonian- Carboniferous sediments related to the transgression of the Central-Asiatic basin. The Dekantash region has primarily terrigenous and terrigenoeffusive -formations. The structural regionalization of the Mesozoic-Cenozoic sedimentary layer and the study of central Syr-Darya depressions in which the most stable sedimentation took place make it possible to consider them as probable oil and gas bearing layers. Orig. art. has: 1 figure. SUB CODE: OB/ SUBM DATE: non.e/ Card 2/2 ACC NRi AR6024837 SOURCE COM UR/0169/66/000/0041GO03/GO04 AU-111OR: Bckzhanov, G. R. ; Brodavoy, V. V. ; Col'dahmidt, V. 1. ; Zhivoderov, A. a. Zlavdinov, L. Z. ; Ivanov, 0. D. ; KlAhin , I. N. ; Kolmogorov, Yu. A. ; Bachin, A. P. Kot~arov, V. M. ; Kuz'min, Yu. 1. ; Kilinova, H. V. I Kunint H. Ya. ; Lyubetskiy, V. G. Helent'yev, M. I.; Morazov, H. D.; Tret'yakov, V. G.'; 4a, T. V.; Tsaregradakiy, V. A.; Eydlin, R. A. TITLE: A schematic geophysical map of Kazakhstan SOURCEt Ref. zh. Geofizika, Abo. 4G17 REF SOURCet Sb. Geol. ratul'taty prikI. geofiz. Goofit. tooled. stroyeniya Sevin. kory. H., Nedra, 1965, 142-154 TOPIC TAGS: geologic survey, geologic prospecting, map ABSTRACTz Regional geophysical surveys are conducted in Kazakhstan to divide the territory into tectonic regions, to study its plutonic structure, and to solve some problems of geophysical mapping. The results of these ourveys will make it possible to establish structural belts and regions in which minerals are likely to be found. The basic material will be obtained from investigations of the magnetic and gravita- tional fields in combination with seismic studies. In the magnetic and gravitational fields, tectonic and plutonic sea= are isolated which correspond to terraces in the AR6024837 Mohorovicic discontinuity. Hethods of regional geophysics are used to study the plu- tonic structure of a folded bass, the structure and thickness of sedimentary sheaths, and to indicate prospectivi petroleum bearing upliftse *[Translation of abstract) H. Speranakiy SUB CODat 08 Card 212 AccEssim; uR.- AP3007869 S/0197/63/000/008/0057/0062 .kUTIiORS, 'Kuninp P.; Taksar, L; Shilter0p Hit; Shilt8r. F. TITTLE: ()a energy spectra aAd Oaci.1140r forces in Bi'410 valence atoms SOUM: All LatSSR* lievestiYa" no. 8, 1963s 57-& TOPIC UIS: ShAdingir equation,, single valence atom, potential field,, neutral aton, odium Atom., potassium atom single cl=ge ions lithium atom, s ABSTRACT: The Shrkinjer equation has:been solved for single-valence atoms in two effective potential fields given by 2r' where B 1 for n~utral.atoms, B 2 for single-charge ions, ate., wA by a second, more complicatedj one given by U= -2t*--4ar+ s (s4-1 I b (2) 2r2(r+b) Cord 1/2 ACCESSION NR: AF~007869 A closed form solution is obtained for (1) and a three-term recurrence fomula, i roprosented by a series., for (2). Dotpiled numerical computations on an eloctronia'. Puter are obtained for lithium c onr .1 sodiumj, and potasaium atoms and in isooloctron .series of lithium, The various parameters appearing in the equations for various energy levels are, deterndnod from expeFimental 'data. All computations were per- Aormed on the BESM-2 Ws*computer at Latviyski,~ gosudarstvennogo universitet IM. P. Stuel-ad (L4tvian' State University)* Orig,, 4rt. hasi 12 formulas ar;d 1 table., ASSOC=710N; none SUMVE).- 26Dec62 DATE AGQt 220ct63 MCL: 00 SUB CME: PH N0,RV SOVI 003 OTHER& 000 Cwd 2/2 KUNIN, P.; TAKSAR, I.; SHILTER, E. [Silters, E.] Effective potential method for determining the sodium atom. Izv. AN Latv. SM no.10:49-53 163. (MIRA 17:1) ZAPOLI, B.;.~IN, P.; TAKSAR, I.; TSIRULE, Z. [Cirule, Z.1 Effective potential method for calculating the energy spectrum and wave functions of univalent atoms. Izv. AN Latv. SSR no.10:54-56 163. (MIRA 17:1) DALISKIY, A.!!., kand. tekhn. nauk, red.; 041i'lli, P.A., inzh., red. [Me tit Iworking by cutting and profj.,mro] Obrabotl-a matallov rozaniem i davleniom. Eoskva) Mashinostroenio, 1965. 138 P. is-.9) KASIIEPAVA, Moisey YakovIevich; ACHERKAN, N.S., prof... dolctor tekhn. nauko retsenzent; KUNIN, P.A.., inzh... red.; CHMIOVA, Z.I., tekbn. red. [Modern jig boring machines] Sovremennye koordinatno-rastochrqe stanki. Moskva, Maohgiz, 1961. 279 p. (14IRA 14:10) (Drilling and boring machinery) FRLT14IN,Yu.I.;LUKASHEVICH,G.Yo.,inzh.,reteenzent, KUND j,P.A.,inzh.,red.; T-PIAROVA A. F. , tekhn. red. (High-production thread-generating tools] Vysokoproizvoditell- nyi rezlboobrazuiushchii instrument. Moskva, Mashgiz, 1963. 162 p, (MIRA 16:6) (ScriW cutting) (Screw-thread rolling) PER, Abram Grigorlyevich; KHRULIKOV, V.A., kand. takkn.nauk, retsenzent; KUNIN P A , inzh., red.; STEPANOVA, A.A., red. izd-va; i6~i ~'A:Ya!., tekhn. red. (Diamond and fine machining in the manufacture of instrumental klmaznaia i tonkaia obrabotka v priboroatroenii. Moskva, Oborongiz, 1963. 186 p. (MIRA 16:4) (Metal cutting) (Instrument manufacture) RAUZIN, Ya.R., doktor tekhn. nauk; P;-inimal uohastiye SPEKTOR, A.G.p kand. telr-hn.nauk; SHEYIN, A.S., kand. tekhn.nauk,, retsenzent; KUN.IN P A inzh., red.; MODEL', B.I., tekhri, red. (Heat treatment of chromium steel; for bearings and tools] Termicheskaia obrabotka khromistoi stali; d!J-a podshipnikov i instnimentov. Izd.2., perer. i dop. Moskvit, Mashgiz, 1963. 383 p. (MIRA 16:8) (Chromium steel-Heat treatment) DANILEVSKIY, Vladimir Viktorovich; GAVRILOV, A.11., prof., doktor tekhn. nauk, retsenzent; KHOLDI, V.A.; inzh., retsenzent; KUNIN, P.A.~ rad.; VARGANOVA, A.N., red.izd-va; MIURASHOVA, red.. [Technology of the manufacture of machinery; general course) Tekbnologiia mashinostroeniia; obshchii kurs. Moskva, Vysshaia shkola, 1963. 505 P. (MIRA 17:2) ZAMALIN, Yu.S.; DITISHITS, Ye.S., in--h., retsenzent; OUN', P.A., inzh... red. [Drilling holes in paAs of machinery housines] Rasta- chivanie korpusnykh detalei. Moskva, Izd-vo "Mashino- 1,- stroenie," 1964. 109 P. (VIRA 17:6) BAIYURA, P.G.; KATSEV, P.G.0 kand. tekhn. nauk, rot-mizent; KUNINI P.A., inzh.j red. [Broaching of grooves] Protiagivanie pazov. Moskva, Ma- shinostroenie., 1964. 170 p. (MIltk 18-3) KHi"ISITICIfy dotri., kand. tokhr.. nauk; ri-AIGLYAK, L.A., i~~ 1) t- - -(,,d. retBenzojjt , i ii inzh. , i (Autowition of the manufacture of u4tal-outting tools) Avtoynatizatsiin iristrumentallnogo proizvodstva. Moskva, Xashinostroonio, 1964. 215 P. (FURA 17:10) CHEWIMSELM, G.N., kand. teklin. nauk, dots. (deceased] ;YARKOV, A.M., inzh., retsenzon~t; KUM, P.A., inzh., red. [Fundamentals of an efficient use of automatic and semi- automatic lathes; machinipg ring and bunhing type parts] Osnovy ratsionallnogo iopollzovaniia tokarnykh avtomatov i poluavtomatov; obrabotka detalei tipa kolets i vtulok. Vaoskw, Izd-vo IT'lashinostroenie," 1964. 214 P. (14IRA 17:7) SEMKO, M.F., prof.; BASKAKOV, I.G., kand. tekhn. nauk; LHOZITZHIE, V.I., inzh.i KAUX-R, V.A., kand. tekhn. nauk-; RUDINEN, L.V., kand. tekhn. naukp retsenzent; OWL, P.A.) inzh,, red, - ----- '' (Machining plastics; milling] 14ekhanicheskaia obrabotka plastmass; frezerovanie. Moskva$, Mas-hinostroenie, 1965. 131 p. (MIRA 18:3) BROMBERG, B.M.; DASHEVSKIY, T.B.; LANBON, E.A.; LWIAUJI, V.K.; MIKMEV, Yu.Ye., inzh., retsenzent; KUNIII, P.A., inzh., red. [Diamond boring machines; their design and adjustment] Almazno-rastochnye stanki; konstruktsii i naladki. Mo- skva, Mashinostroenie, 1965. 243 p. (MIRA 18:8) YEGOPIOV, 11-2khail legorovle!np dektor t--Yhr). nwuY,. prof., DMAITIYEV, Vladim-Ir lvarjov~',-hi. ka,,Ld. tckhri.nauk, dot::.; Tl."Fll, Sorgay llidtrlyevic~-h., hand. taklm. naulk, dotn.(dv-coaz3od' ; 1,1411PIMFIr Vitaliy Llvovioh, kand. naiik. doti,; VLADZIYEVSKIY, A.P., doktor tekhn. naukl~ prof.., rots-onzent, KUNINP.A., inzb., red. ll.'Tef-11110-1~g"i Cf Tril.-hinery Teklinologila mashino- strotiniia. Vy,,,,rh;-iia -Ot'-6. 589 P. (Fill(A 18:8) KUNITI P. A. International Unit System in the literature on mac-Jner~,,. Standartizatsila 29 no.10:47-1,9 0 165. (KIPA 18:12) 1. KUNIN' P. YE.; TAKSAR;, L M. 20 USSR 600 4, Quantum Theory 7. passage of a particle with j spin theough a potential barrier in scalar interaction, Latv. PSR Zin Akad Vestis, No* 10j, 1951. 9. Monthly List of Russian Accessions,, Library of Congress, April 1953, Uncl. 1. KUYIN, P. YE.; TAKSARY 10 M.-- - 2. USSR 600 h. Quantum Theory 7. Presence of stable states in a particle with j spin in a central field with a pole of high order., Latv. PSV Zin Akad Vestis,, No. 11, 1951. 9. Monthly List of RuBsian Accessions, Library of Congress, April 1953p Uncl. 1. T~fimf'- i. Y-r.-I TAY,%Mj T. M. 2. USSR 600 4. Particles 7. Behavior of a particle in a central field with a pole of high order, Latv. PSCR. Zin. Akad. Vestisp No. Up 1951, 9. Monthl List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, April - 1953, Uncl. KUNIN, P. Calculation of relativistic effects of prot6n-proton scattering. Iatv. FSR Zin.Akad.Vgetis no-Z:121-135 '52. (W-RA 6:6) (A-lectric discharges) (Protons) KUN 1N, P. i~~-,frzfwi &~Z- Proton-proton scattering in P-states. Lutv. PSR Zin.Akad.Vistis no.4;101- lo6 152. MRA, 6:7) 1. Latviyakiy gosudaretvannyy universitet. (Protons) (I;biantum theory) KtA 41AJ 1 '0 Y6 . 6SR/Theoretical Physics - Quantum Field Theory B-6 Abst Journal : Roforat Zhur ~ Fizika, No 12, 1956, 33799 Author : Kunin, P. Ye., Taksar, I. M. Institution None Title Nucleon Interaction with Allowance for Isobar States Original Periodical Latvijas PSR zinatnu akademijas Vestis, 1956, No 2, 105-115. Abstract Nucleon interaction is considexwd with allowances for the isobar state of the nucleon, which is treated from the point of view of the semiphenomenological theory of 1. E. Tamm and others (Referat Zhur - Fizika, 1955, 13184). The state of a system consisting of 2 nucleons is described by a wave function, which has many components, so that one or both nucleons can be in the isobar state. A system of integral equations of the covariant type is obtained Card 1/2 USSR/Theoretical Physics - Quentum Field Theory B-6 Abst Journal : Referat Zhur - Yizi~a, No 12, 1958, 33799 for the components of the wave function. Next, one ignores in this system of equations those components which vanish in the absence of a field. Inasmuch as the interaction with the isobar can be con- sidered small, these components yield correction for the next ap- proximation of the perturbation theory. A transition is then ef- fected from 4-dimensional functions to 3-dimensiouftl ones for which a system of 36 integral equations of the Tamm-Dancoff type with 36 unknown functions is formulated. This system can be applied to processes in which the nucleons are both in free as well as in bound states. Card 2/2 AUTHOR KUMN, F.E., TAKAR, I.M., PA - 2962 TITLE Sone Relativistic Fecularities of the Behavior of the Particles with t;pin 1/2. (Nekotoryye relyativistikiye osobennosti povedeniya. chastits so spi- nom 1/2 - Russian) YERIODICAL Zhurnal k;k3perim.i Tooret. Fizild, 1957, Vol 32, Nr 3, Pp 5o6-5o9, (U-b-b.R.) Received 6A957 Reviewed 7/1957 A&AUCT In the case of scalar interaction the potential of the interaction bet- ween the particle and the field is invariant, whilat in the case of el- ectrostatic (vectorial) in4oraction the potential consists of tile fourth component of a fourdimensional vector. Therefore the DIRAC equations which describe the behavior of a particle with spin 112 in the scalar field, have the following form,, a + + a2ay "3raz-)+ 53(k'0 + U~-T -C) Here E denotes the total energy of the particle, Eo - its rest energy, U - the potential energy of the particle in the scalar field, aj,a2,a3, and ~, - DIRAC matrices. FUNICK'S constant and the velocity of light are re put equal to 1. The authors here examine the onedimensional mo- tion of the particle in the direction of the Ox-axis in -~ field, which represents a straight potential. barrier of the form U=O(x 0) here also the solution of the SCIZODINGER equation is set up in the form Cara ~/2 of the plane waves*W4 - aieiPx + bie-iPjx(x~O), i - cieiW(x'-O), ard by J.L .11* :Jome itelativiatic Pecularities of the, Behavior FA - 2962 of the Pirticles with bpin 1/2. means of this ansatz the following relations aro obtained -1E + Uo)n. With t h;O+Uo the reflection coefficient is qual to 1. k 0 There is no passage of particles through a sufficiently hitn barrier (and no YJLIN$b paradox) in thu case of scalar interaction. But also in the case of pseudo3cwlar interaction there is a paradoxical phenomenon, the particle is also not able to penetrate into a sufficiently deep llyrcjUll. These results do not only apply to an even, but also to a f'smoothad" r)ar- rier. In Lha case U(x) & V(l+a-"), V - const the exact solution for DI- RAC'o equatiow can be found by means of hypergeometric functions. Also for the reflection coefficient an explicit expression is given. In a sc~ilar centrally symmetric field with the potential energy U - a/rn the particle does not tend in the direction of the attracting center. This pho"omen is not a quantum effect but it occurs also In the clas3ical relativistic theory. (No 111.). ~.3SOGIATION Latvian 8tate University, Fhy31Cal Institute of the Academy of bcience of the Latvian jbR. Ml?;'~LNITLD 31 6UBMITTa 7.1.1956. AVAILABLE Library of uongress. Card 2/2 L 01h65-66 ACCESSION NR: AP5016658 UR/0382/65/000/002/0101/0110 538.4+621.689 :5~1 AUTHOR: Valdmanis, Ya. Ya.; Kunin, P. Ye.; Mikel'son, Yu. Ya.; Taksar, 1. TITLE: Conducting slab in a traveling electromagnetic field.of a two-sided in-w ductor -7/' f f, SOURCE: Magnitnaya gidrodinamika, no. 2, 1965, 101-110 TOPIC TAGS: NHD, electromagnetic field, current density, magnetic induction ABSTRACT: Theoretical study of current density and magnetic induction in a slab with conductivity a and permeability po is reported. The slab is placed between linear round conductors; the slab and conductors are between regions characterized by infinite pemeabiiity. These are denoted as regions I, II,,_j-7_in_fig.-l-oVthe Enclosure. The conductors MV connected to- -three- nerator. ~The~solutfonfor viagnitie-vector-potential and current den- sity, tained by -writing' out --boih as -infinite - series -and-appropriate boundary condi 16 are applied. The resulting magnetic induction (and current density) the Card 1/3 L 01h68-66 ACCESSION NR APS016 658 lead to the expression for the magnetic force density components along and across the conducting slab. The conditions for minimizing the effects of various harmo- nics. on the magnetic force density are given as well as its dependance on the skin i depth in the slab and separation of conductors from -the slab.. Change in force den-1 sity is also considered when N conductors are connected to a given phase. The dif-I ferences between the two cases are pointed out and it is noted that only a small increase in force density can be achieved. rinally, two more cases are considered ,where the current-carrying round conductors are replaced'by flat plates with and without separation between them. The average force density is computed to within 0.1%. Orig. art. has: 46 fomulas, 4 figures. ASSOCIATION: none SUBMITTED: OlOct64 ENCL: 01 SUB CODE: EM, NO REr sov: 002 OTHER: 000 Card 7= ~i!CESSION NR: APS016658 ENCLOSURE: 01 Fig. 1. I_-Infinite conducting-slab with 0 0 0 0 0 4) 0 0 0 0 0 0 2r conductivity and permeability LC-OD a --Region with conductivity 0 and p rM III--Pegion with v= and a 0 A's. 0.'o 0 0 0 0. 0 0 0 0- 0 0 0 77 Study of electrical loads. Trudy LIN no-51:109-121 164- (MIRA 18:11) KEJNIN Samuil Karpovich; ZOTOV, V.A.. rodaktor; PITROVA, M.D., tekhniche- (Problems of pre-school hygienel Voprosy doshkolnoi gigieny. Mo- skva, Goo. uchobno-pedagog.izd-vo Hinisteretva proaveshcheniia nsm, 1954. 212 p. (MLRA 8:5) (Children--Care and hygiene) KUNIN. Sumil Karpovich- DANILOVA, M.P., red.; XRM, I.G., (Preschool hygiene] Doahkoltnaia gigiena, Ind,2. Moskva, Goo.uchabno-pedagog.10-vo X-va proav. RVSR, 1938. 205 P. (MIRA 12:3) (CHILDREN--CARE AND HYGIENE) S.K., dotoent -----,~Tjrgent problems in the hygiene of preschool education. Gig. i oan. 24 no.7:31-37 J1 159. (14M 12: 9) 1. Iz kafedry fizicheBkogo vospitaniya i ahkollnoy gigiyeny Leningrimlelcogo pedagogicheskogo instituta ineni A.I.Gertsena. (UCHOOL HULT11 Nvg;)3robleme of preachool oduc. facilitIoB (RU MUN, S.K., dotsent; KRIVITSKAYA, EJ., dotsent Physiological and bygienic 'evaluation of various forms of artificial illumiration in classrooms. Gig. i san. 26 no-4:32-36 Ap 161. NIRA .15; 5 1. Iz kafedry toorii i metodiki fizicheskogo vospitaniya i shkollnoy gigiyeny Leningrads',ogo pedagogicheskogo instituta imeni A.I.Gertdem . I tSCHOOLHOUSES-LIGHTING) MITROFANOV, V.P.; KUNOV,,,. _red.; POTIKAIDVA, G.M., tekhn. red. (Life-giving waters of the Kuban; construation of the Kuban-Kalaus Irrigation and Water Suppli System) Zhivitell- nye vody Kubani,- o-stroitellstve Kuban'-Kalausskoi obvod- nitellno-orositallnoi sistemy. Charkesak, Karachaevo- C4erkesskoe knizhnoe izd-vo, 1962. 39 p. (MM 16:4) (Kuban-Water supply) 'A. A- -rile 0 OtOCIS"I AND 0110"Ifits -De- *as, 1-00 00 00 - 00 '00 00 -a* ftbAkuUm of SOO= Carbooste *W Pma"Im 00 carbonas in Ow preparmim of bnocysudilte. -60 W9 T. 1. Ky~yqx ATts" Ina. (3wm, T~ch. IYXIMIT". RON -00 %ocis f.W Kiel), in th, see ZOO of FeWN4.... tlvm blood involva lower yields, zoo AM rendm it diflitetalt to obtain A product uncon- taminaud with S&^ Additim -f Nab vandeft th- as* larssly climinates ooj 41iffiruhiem, but 4two not inermw ibe yi#kL X T, 0 0 it : 13 00 '1400 MOO 4110-9 .11 I Is 0 06900000*00000066000411 a 000 9009000600606096 0011 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 00 0-A4P-o'O *! *,a 0 0 0 0 0 0 111 0 * 0 00 &0 0 OA 90 f3- T- V- Cal. chm T. Tjjjwm~ A C. Rimmmy (Tram but awm INN 77-46).--3w. d 06'N of OWN i0 ff"Overed as NWN b y1b"Ov Abftm of. N 34-11 Nan-11.14 "act 44 10;.L; ~xnd N%T~C)% by addbW it "'exiia of FoW6 to the &q. otW. &W no dMmhko &Am owiq -to tho -Ni^101160. Cmde N%008 is Appo'" 66 th, R. T. A 14 - I L A MULL KAL WINATW112 CLUWCATIN r too. 91"514" 1611163 Nit O-V 94`1 Z -wo- _.T- 000000000000000400 un:16990009090666944 Isom b-3NIAW bills, UK M. Is, N it 0 a S 4 1w a to a I - Ina 0000006060600006000 0-000000000000000000 of :06 X*4 see Coo 7, goo 00 are* zoo 00 foo 00 : 00 ties ts 01, WOW 1 ij. r of emb2w 0m inic cyoukif 4*rft- 0w "We - advm V. F. homov &W T. ~. I;vm (Trana. hud. Ivmwo, muvW (Um Tt& 60 . (lvabw. hw(k A*.) is =b)ovl*d to dry dig&tkm at .00 Ott 90 and do pmm )amid ww' W~m 5% athe,\. 00 is ~m H(N' WA Wye as 94w padmix, km awmal 0, an on Soo cowknote &Dd'vmbuAsbk gasm mulivabLe for bmtizX a** the "*aft IL T. 7 roe arse Soo boo LIMATUM CLAMPKATM ties I roe %*saw al, 0410 CAK -Rau" 9" 00 0.. 11-1-- 10 is 1, 1 YA v 1w a 0 5 1 lw it, ; r ; I's T Se 0 1 e6*0009*006041 0 A 1:2 40 a 9-0 * 0 0 a 0 0 0 0 * 0 0 0 40 * *~_q o *00 0*00 sees 900*0 000 - - - - - - Its ip a 9 8 U-8 9 We a 0 4 0 a p 9 a a 9 ffQ 9 -W W1I 10 a w 0 4111 0 w 0 a 4 a 0 0 4 1 6 1 1 1 is it U 11 w 0 0 0 0 00 0 0 0 * A A It F r N -1 U 16 1? 0 toI llbb3dbbvxlo M 9 a so a le At 111 A, aAt 47 4)a6-00 0 04 -A-? -A. a.. __t_JL__A a 14, 1 00 it .0 1 P~ C'so 16 1 'Y06 00 .4 1 ~ 61-IK- of 00 The =stlori of a hi&-parcentMe calclum cyanamide .00 46 f by the of ammonia and carbon monoxide on calcium oxide and calcium carbonate. v. I.,. i,-tuikov, r. 1. -01% a ir A N. A. VirrioccYa. J. Chron.4nd. (Itfutcow) :0 8;1 'The (4,11itnuin cotulitiont for the reacticta ate to tlavi a 0-Ittld c,.cm of Nil, anti 4 On" 00 this wit. of CO over C&O at -..r*) AW, rWoti,1111. of the Nit, 1% favored Ivy the I,tm-txv rd I:C, .11kh hould Ilivirforr tic avokh4l, anti hindered if the zRx Attrarn con- tains U)% N, Addn. of 3% Al,O,anil lo% C cmalyji~ therraction. CaCN,contg.'-'11.81t;\*,i~(,I,Iaiti.-,Itltta,iii go 0:; 2 bix. 71ir traction gor-i twite ca%ily if CaCOa ot natin.&I i ; finimtone it, uwd. In IN, raw. 1he ,pfinitifn i,mp. a- Zoo 13 AN) 1W)", the ratio 44 NIf. to CO 1. 1:3, it., val'Ov'I -o- c Go* taim I.b% A1.0, anti 17% C. atul w1wi coo.litim. at, vitichiengrti. CaCN, cortlit. 2.47, 1%, it Oita- 0-taitimi, A Yield of 5% IICN is obtaitwtl at a lov-1atiduct. At- 0 teinpt,.t to convert the CaO in technical Cai:N, into CaCN, by thiq jMXX-m Were not tort~41111. It. M. lxi,~tm i- 0 U U IV to LI It T a n oil 0.0 0 0 *10 00 10, 110 two 99 ig Rolle loco 0041 9 0 * 0 0 oi* 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 4, j 190 Y--w !7A I I I ad 0 0 1 w of I -a 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 V 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 o *I 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 At 0 0 0 0 0 13-0% N /16~~ h7. -Aig K- - ;d so 0 9 W, 1-2% at 110r. ris; N 0 o em.). Adv&wv b Obw 1~ Ob"t 60 mm' Mid. 43 0* sea" ood 094 00 ". 00 00 r', . 00 too Small ti 10493 414P Awl 00 go It u v &V 10 1, 0-6 0 0 gill 401 on- 411 1ASM011 GO a 0 v I w a9 a a 3 6 1 Lit L--L- a. it jr-, 4 1, 0 A I w, INP 0vtol :0 C404U" PCOPMOS 01 CktoWUM 611" ill the GXW&tioa Q( 99 9 tultu: dlo3dds, V. F. Postnikov, T-L-XuaW and A. A. Asht"heva. 1. Atpia c". (It. S. a. R.) 0, 1373--, 00 a On Girman 1377 maM.-Tho t&tWytk = of ClAh 00 in the oxidatim of S(h depends up(m the mattliall 0* am the -thad of Pmrs. the ed. The get pirid. with NUOH from a 10"' CrCls or Cr(NO&), sola. has the h4h. 00 "t activity; acti4y -1 that pptd. with KOH or NoOll ifi very Iw. Water vapor increased the activity a( pure o* Z CrA. dmwtwmmwy shittlas the Contact curve to the ":-, (A higher tmp., tu comparison with thgt obtained its the 00 3v absence of water %-spot. Activity of CrA get pptd. irith NH.Oll is not iwremed by ocetatet of Co. Zo. At and Ni. Activity of the rel pirld. with NoOli was Improved by these aectakto, bat It was always Im than that of pure CrA lj$itd. witi, N11,011, Twelve literature and four 09 -a patent tvftf"bm. A. A. Pmfronsv 00 Or a if J, 4; .17ALLUPICKAL 1.11TRAUJIF CLOSIM&TICk U .0 Q1. 'T r i-T-r n IN I a All I %11Ua 43 09 n IK4 Is 0 17 it 0aon a 0 0 0 0 0 & & 0 0 " : 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 # 0 0 0 0a 0 0 0 - 0 1 1 , t ? I uiv 1 : o . . WD4 I 0o go 00 OF ckwm PHWH'7r, IN AQubm 00 RUCTIONS N. V. yorobovp OLUTION AT HIGH IMIMIURM' m Ch 00 0 . a S (a* Appl. WA B, re postaikov To 1. Ivnin, 1920.1,925). Ths cantont of P20s 19365 95 (PO ) 1kith Sq. ki~ii a C; tine CA &nor hem, in &q. HH4 citrot i~ 'at UO 0l :Lr 00"I . S its, y C~2 as p _q guopmaians of SW2 (S' uar btlt is increased e w1th %0 8,lono bl a t :6 idera y is sut7 2 50't 10 cons or (WH -'W ~r'0 00 u , 0 4 &2 3 3$ btan Ma % "230jo, 11 tod f; #SL02- it 09 u st !-Ww . ,,46 -06 -00 goo goo! 11 .00 so 0 see woo Weis too 00 go g 0 a A quip-A-0 0 ~A~ ~go 0 0 Wkerb P. fir, MA X A~'AWAWCOWA (JAMM. Ind7jull-I-C U **8 In 00 IPW&W oumlAnm is tbon ad". in grA Ow pvoduA d at 4r. &W,*duvf is, tmbV granulabip awl o" non-b : It ow*aim SWM%B" P104 51 -M, N ( mx-~. as um " NHO W&-13%, and trat" of R. T. foils ~Pjofse Nlei** 00 0 000 0 0 0 0-00 0 00 a -0-0 0000 0 90 0 0 tie & got* W-'~A of A 00 a 001 0o t 008 00 0. : 0 sow 00,4 1 W Was iod 1937 771 P,- 7-~ flow 4001059 woom .6 tonso "At cov dot out" off OAlli" ORV M u a AV so a r9, 11 & 9 1 #A L I I ow 0 0 If I w V 6 d3 4 3 6 V *49 1* 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 * 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 -1 0 0 q 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 & 0 0 a 0 1*0 .00 *00 .00 00 .00 coo woo 1*00 150* 1100 =00 2-4 1 1- 0 v ft u 1j m It a 11 to It M! Ia i itIA. w A'A kf.~( "s AND "Uptot'll '~v MOCILL buf*IAI pyflim. V. F. poomikov, T, I, S. s (11 Ind Ch J H . . rm. . assuov, 00 00 00 00 Vill mi 13 34 15 16 It 10 10 W #I U U At 0 L-1 1-J! At 0'rens lot .00 no 2*0 a** '46 !it US 0 *97ALLURGICAL 1.111114TUSE CLAHVICATWX slow ISION3 Ll 0- jot u 0 IV to All,, 17 6p s If 04a 0 a 0 000010 41 Sooo 0 o 10 4 0 0 0 0 a o 0 0 0 0 0 1~1 0 000010 0 0 ve 0 0 0 0 Ole 0 0 0 4 0 0 & i-ei 0-ii if ii ii So i ifoii a a. a ism v - . - a 1 4 7 6 1 m if 1) 11 is it If if Is 'v 11 12 J) A b It 27 x N JP it 11 1) 34--n- N (A 9V t(4* 1_s a if I T - 9 Y 1-ttisis 1.1~ to -1 11 1 Increm jinductlem capacity of lumacea for the amplons =fion, Pirilm. % . F. I'll'IfilWy Ali') 1 1 KUM", 'KhOOPI, '11, iliplil'ift(wili, 1938, """, .1, 1 1.1. 00 r KAW. Reffral, zhmr~ 1, Nw 11 U" XP PGA). I if, rIPIL-1. hbn%td (list the Smitwily lit fit,' mlivIlIllif M Ifil dotatkift Ilyf1tv vait N- ifirmimil I-v rethicitiK ill,- tmiq ft,-m If WC. 110f ImIlirriml I-YrifrI to 1, kv.. And thr jut.hwtum Or furlu". firmll -11, 1" 1,01 I"ll., III, Ilytill A wifivel. havlolt Thr '41111 ill th-e Rue jah i4 jll~'! . 'I ?w muip, 4-11 lit, Itirtia- mu% I. I. It 124M)" which is 'I Ill- 1111i'l lit go Vt-tifik-jl fly OltNt' VXjj'ljNi% #'Ijlt. I'% Ill I ij%%4jIjJ%bVIl?;AllI~A so 0 uppik-allims. COMMI Imill , lift- I'Mam"I whril I b'. lbillmil oil ill I)tVIlLatell Ill ;4IkO' 4111if Wilt 11 if j% 114- tj lit ill ,1111 So equal Ili fill- t"t4f Alt. Im ;:o 9 00 'J ;:o * oft 00 (Do 100 *0 00 rig 6 of j-j 41 K it 91 a It IT It fill4 0" 1; if Ill go v 0 90 69 0 - w ; ;o l I I I A 0 9 a w o 0 1 1 I 1 0 a 8 to I I ft I A 14 14 it 0 Of A d IJ 01 It Oc I? A $1 11 .1 :4 A 14 1 1 1. 1 4 I I l Af W 1 ; 1 i A A L _2 ._k -J . V ' 1. 1. a M, .? It s I Y A t I AA ft ! M V # . : l Flecwysls of Aquallus bolullobs of mulfurvils mild 1. Kunin, V. 11. I'd.tinkliv dild P. 1, D, On firv's I 7711 KI(m 11irricli 7h~.) ju-ch S S H ) 11 C W . . . . em. ' , f/ #4 siti, wJil s,( '4), Wfli"I Ifr .4), and S. ()j'1jj2jWI "MJ11114111k fia 110 0 11 - IMIYM~ AM$ r. d, 0.1 amp.1ml, rm., 2W. The V), rittpw mav lo *atictividtly, Il, ricomilct are tiwd (411nif rllivirticv 1. alk-of 10' A A h-le-m -.40 C. 40 ' s s - r '00 e T_ i I U T j , u 1% AV 00 it , 1 O " " ' ;of, I *1 'D G 0 4 0 . 11, 9 1 e 0 0 00 0 0 so 09 0 0 * s 0 6 0 * 9,47 T T 7 7 T 7 7 TT# Tr ;'ii i w 0 so 06 1 caftimt pamuft V. F. po"Wilow MA T. I. O*U. Twh- InAL. 1039, 56- 0-t*)%Wil* Uiboline M. am fi& w" "ns IMP. 0 dh"908*68=04 Onwy. but mtkuwa to 0 0 &W i M 7U . Yr r seWUUMm of SO and - -6 "Y p -7 W 0 f 7 0,2_ a4 % o 5% 0 of 80~ ba" bm MMOWW at 170&W 4r. F4 t ft6awy of 0% ffm axis saw ism MCA prMlVame mlvmt mom to to a I : I ut f 1 A 11 0 m m O ) M , but ( 0 It 12 ww"A hOw for ammuktion of 80, MUM ",a rt, V 9 1 A%b ILA ftIAL%bl:',KAL LIMAYW9 CLAIWOCAM* 4w u % tPPOPOllad units 4611c4 if RZO; ;11: 0.-z 00 *goo* 0 0 P* 0 0 40 0 0 0 0000 go :-G--* 0fig 0 0 0 0 00 o 0. 0 0 *goo o e 0 f- 00 0o nos 0 zoo ase (CO (400 to IP too woo = A - ~Mv- ~W~ It f6cf(violl .4 f. Joe A 1 *00 000 .00 -00 Iser"SiAs the city of fur"Ces rwcitlz C~L!Ciuno OStnikov and T. 1, viurt I ..... 0 t . . Tnk. ITUMOM (U. S. H. R,) 117 - ngo I 26.-Sovrnd tiectrodes can be uwtj in cylindrical furnavt I for C&CNI productian. nir nj(rijjijAjj(jn pctj(Kj cull ix, Atirtened apprrctatAy if 3 Orcifodrs sic u%rd, roe if thne(%$ ctitilpairrd With the little tcqtiifr,i With I Tlerl tMv 04 0 iklirprox, 111.11% with 3 ri"-frodra sand api-fos. w 4. The htAt "tices caled for luittax s ith I I 0 . e w tit clectrodes do ittit repreftut the true Urat OXinie. owing it, the abarrAt tit amrsic data for the beat tif rraction tit 0 0 0031 CaC, + Na, the brat capacity of CACNI, c1c. Probably rscessive temp. at any point of the charge in ful-nares with 4 clectrod" is avoiAkd Five r f W . r ermcs. , R. W inip* (so* 11500 boo T 147 ALLURGICAL LITIERAIURt CLAUVICATIC" Clog a. I L A O ire l 0o k , 7-T -r-F-r- r 'Mo An A to 0 M - to 411 so 0 0 0 0 so 00 0 so 4 4, 0 *31 T 041 a 040 s 09,3 00 lit rrrrrTr 171ZTT _Jl J, a K Investipt!"s of the tactims of ro"alte, V. F. Pusinikov and T._L-XwmJm~- Ttaxx. Init. Chrm. 7'efh. (U. S. S. R.) MO, No. C. A - 35, -I)II W. R. lit A *kIALIW!GKAL 11110AILAt CLASSIFICATiOR f4s"I'l -01 f.. eat lit$, two 4., is u it AT so It AAA %*two p 9 iv is tp it 0 id a R is m a u it it w n 0 .00 Iwo 0 - W w w - W-V-W-lw _W ~m Pl- A r , W Qfj_j AL fit & 00 0 1" 00 tj 00 J. A W Chm. (u. S. S. R.) 11010-110) N&Mith l t R ZO of - j ),_ Cmp FrCWh. I00)( v ~ If the lictim of Zn t ust on NallSO, in the 00 .4y. liclik. The 1W,,t Its"lls WvfC 1,11141f ' 1 ,7r Nttk(h at N 'y redticlud NallSOt In Oft PIC-19T 44 1 An tuvois of &q. HCHO retards the reaction Withotit in- intr1hunism is prop-d'. in 41 Th 1 ld 00 , e ow . g Ctessivir the yie 41 S(h + NPS(A -+ 211 Z ~i 0 0 , . n 4 + NallSOs + Zit - Nmt , C N&A0. HOW + 11,0 - NallSOplICHO + Nali.SA) : Nat,'" No,.%O, + ZnSO. and NallsO. + 11CII, 0 A, A. INIANIN& 90 '31 : of 0 _rx MATALLU*r JCAL LIMANIC CLAMPICATMO ;it tic- ma"I'V4, 1.1041.1 .,. 0... off - ","i U x iv 10 IS . -0 - - t.. A I ftd da;v, Aj I- I -V,7 - - - ---- Off U, 11 it T 14 g a 11 is IS 11 n 11 is W AA I 1 6 CW 0 q It I W IF 0 0 0 & 0 0 0 0 * 0 0 * 0 0 0 0 a 0 0 0 0 41 .60 .00 .00 000 age *0 L 0 C:0 0 400 Uwe 9, i I -1torss wwwwo IN Stwoof, a of 0 60010-wo-v*00*0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 23 it 23 Is 1? .10 .11 jo 1 v it &I Is lt Wil 34IS UP 16"t 4 -A -L -LA AA 0 Ur ff~ . I, ,1. , --, - - 0: d I 0 The rate of burning of flotation pyrites. To. I. Kunin, 1. 3 Lapohm 0 and 0. D. Sirotkin. J. Chem. Ind. (Us B. S. R.t 1 7. 4 504940).- No. 1. 9- The rate of burling Incromen with to ma. At 11000. 97-T% of the S to a burned In 0.9 1.0 sec. H. M. Leicester Ar *a zoo let 0 X00 09 LITURATURIF CLA111IRKATION A SINTALIVItSKIII I I , , l ve* -j I solos.) tv a-- off -- 4-1 , b-114, 'I. d., q. j mout, Rb U a - ; 1, 0 6, ; S 0 0 00 Its 0" *a 41 0 1 41 1 '14 0 0 0.0 0 10 0 Ire a' 111 0 0, 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 000 0 0 70. 4_0 a * 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 031 i 2 -3 00 09 $0 00'v 00 I-Ir of afirm. T, 1. guair, and I. P~ Kifid( J. Atpliod Chtm. (US.S.It 115-18(1944)(Unglist -Tbe effeets of temp. anil compu. on tbt vit- = mr).~tmyc% was detd. in file mmgc of 63 WIP ill-sol and 0-5-4.00,0' NsOa. Variottian,,[ vL-t~ItY With tM111). 4 OUT 1~ty Of nitrow. Thr firs-ult. atc giv 11 ill graplik-al th ;. . c forill. A S a -L A61 TALLO'LW.L LMASTUFf CLASutscAllcm It It K a et tc cw *00 0090 0 * 0 0 a 0 0 *.*~* . ..... "A A11", in 1 4 FW 0 N vI N Is 2 a 110. 0 Dig 0 0 4 0 0000 *-* o 0 0 0 * *too -!IkL - -00 =00 coo Leo 600 %00 rib 0 W-. 0 bell 00 e set 60,3 000 * I Oxidsticim of sulfur dioxido by nitrose In sulfuric AcW. Chriol.-Tob. lost.). Ahim. Pro-,. N.. 12. 14-0. OkLi4ilim 4 141, by iiitrI_- %.%, 'tililk-411 Its ll'mhal diff,frul trillps .1 diff"ent % atiAr 4NMI I tl~ v'" tach tertil'. thrr,, 6 a valur Ul`*%""."'ik IsmCn, In like nittf~ MIA% 11,50.) btlaw which Sth wAs nru nsiIlmml. Fm 150, this crit. Comm, (A NIG, was And for =)- it W4, 4 A4 itorcctirm. of 's'lo, rj-al%jjv lit, t-lit, vjjij,jj,, v0mvily III live 24. -100AT4 III, lWalkId vft~ t - thr t414 afr*xtilioll. Pit, frualval If N.O. ilmil itir ... ou'l. 1160. 1,090-e -An. by lm~sinjt N. N I- SA),, ais j %,11,, '"It PA-1119 1"IY 9-41 wu Irsted lit Z.W. thlbMing N -lilt tHtl th"Vz- tht' NA), et"llorit loel,rw K.M,. Air ,I N 1A)LOO 10SWICt 'Allh tW), thr NP, I-, IV . I I,,: V.& 44 N o1wro 11"1 11) the 41111. jt~r 11001 jot.lowl ~4. 1,..* ll*S(% I'llif-e Own wilh imliti.ty nll#,~, lit. flotwh CL -A-tl* Suv .41I.A %*11asi .&I off #U411 IW491 . I F q - a a F If rw a 0 1 Is Or S 1-2 A~oo is to 0 it OFAC agi "a Riin lit! KLD a 1 14 3 9 T 1~ : 0 0 : * 0 0 0 * 0 0 a 0 0 0'0 ISO 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 00 0000000 0 0 0 &10 0 9 0 a 0 0 * 0 0 0 0 0 - - " *to-A 9A.0 0 0 6 *_* 0 6 0 0 0 0 4b 0 1 .00 -60 40* zoo coo -00 '00 490 11190i 1900 &zl T T T T T 'F T T Z ri '; 117; `V, w` I) A t 11 , ? , 4 it _ I 191-f 1-1.1 4-Ah 1111k, IM cp It I -`ITT Ill _c it k'aptcl LI:nJU and lemPtirstsu"S of tosion of hydroSim- PhAill" al(Ofrthet; 110"CM. 'Rith 11, '"1'l CIA So high as, chipCirIp mixtures in hydrpl. Wd.. I cacti- tirill-i-I dix., (-M-11t tl-tti of J(ff; c (6) W t/r*I1Iyl1k,,V Whruk. 1, ft 111114. loll., lybillov), J In 11, 4- Cf. + Ilcl -t- (h, equiv. It, Cf,. lirewncrIVre. G^. Ckew. W..N N R.) 16. 1421 3Dj 11146)fill Rill-,WO, %Ulf% ill A 10AV11111 ill tile lower lisilits f,w It# Slid cf" 0 *.so PIPI(fti 'IM11) wvornri riplumvr when Ch I. cluill'o lifilits varic l1rid. %ith the AW tif a . lowvF4.11 And 11, I,ii%t. I T1W ral~41, r%alliplP. IICI, Ih, Cf,. ('l,; 71), .4. 14. 2. 11, 13, .10 V., 10-111111, slutok q1twhAttr fur I Sec. 00 truill. litutt- - de'(d. With & Pt *jKfal better OVIllp. Up 1.3,3; 71. ;2, 1:11, A---_ are rNOW11T. Illowem, At tbt 1 in uANI-1, ill cylin'tricki St.%.$ vr-orl. M 4 ern. lAttef I'm Cf,, e%ph.~ 1A,% 1.1my oilly ill ANOnt 4o", ot 4 1111111 diAm., in tjt~ ot4tk. R"tdt~ Are materi4ily afloct"A Isr- it, it IXV( m-urely repTtOticil-le Mly with -o* 00 It Nvtta. a, tile fitec of tailkitic (A ilaors prior to expla. I"';, 0~- If. Pt ti,trA hv~trr, (1) In 11, + =. filk 111), offspalks. Slid thr fair. Ed hfaticig 44 tile I't Cf,. If", lower wid mqwf littul- for It, are ohil" ft-lataw spiral; heluT, t jr lAtil, are vistlit noly for the specific pro- to ttw Ili sihick diwhitrge, Irmn 6.6 to 7#17o Solt frool I' see 00 j cedure u%rd, I. In spArk dilwhilixt. (1) In Its + Cf,, I H7.A (I Me"; ; undi-r 7 still over MA"; Ih, (here is it* ti. the rapil"jV'r rwillm. tatlicr waq fcound to Irr ll(wriewhAt 0-in" evc1l at UNW, Nroi tilt lowirt Iiink, 7-IN-All, -so lrte~kr Own an catMig to Msulrijry WA, $1, 32AII), thr lilt truip. iltir.b4f. ( .,f r%pj.~j,~jj arv fl,,jr, 3N1 1%) sea 14mer litilit for 11, 1. Ing u6no h.hC.. for Cf. alwAit 14" falfills lim-fly itill, in,ms~jlljl It (2) Ill Ill f Ch t )[cf. at rquiv. I[Jcli the KS Mil"', If,, Nt 1101-. 1~11 I" R, 111114t 11W bl"JI. * I t Ch t- IM. equiv. i: lower I.% is. is), :1~1. I - 310,1111), ;13o,3th). LKee tzplmilm litnit lift at 14-1he; C11 CAK'h cotnp0nVkIt;* i . if, 1. 6.3r., hencr,. Ill. f;jr 111,11, clivaillig be CIL. with cuva% Cf,, the lower lienit for was WrICTIM t4 I(CI does not after the explosive rAnge. there I'l-ioll, rAIIWr J11111hil% it; mixt.,- ualla H,-,, Cf, anA Ill. 11 - Is no r%,k,!4v%Joo nixive M`; IICI , (8) In Ill + CIO + *3 " 11tafe (up ill All'i C1,14LAr only we* 116 1 "', I riply, III/Ch. them 1% tin Shift 44 compli, X'rll Cl, i. falwlj 1., 20"; w Ata. IICI. Inalls up to N., tile inki, to estlJ041W dkwr Ill' If., 1, 4,% No Its 11, + Cf. M."'. CIO: no exp1mion above 70" + N V)I t.31 lit 11, f (1, 1 110 f It"Clo, 10411111111 N the &title hillits we valid W lit sent 0, *4 in the ab- tIW efft-vt of (h it tirt.: mixts. "usig. 1.91*~. Ill. lw';~ Ch. see _lue to Nt. ib) In lit + CIO 4- fict + Cos C.qtliy. tv"Ittle tionciphKive mith I-fW; (4 Ilut eegain flo/cir, ptearn-v 0.2`-;, Cf), rai" the lower iiinit to ii~~ with ovrr 101'r" (h. (lit the otticr hawl, I 1`~ 11, aud "!.I ItIr" for vil,h monjumirril; Coo .131.1wTs" 111W, Cl. Cl, milt.. did r%ph.1, i1h 311";. Oil rafod ImAtino of .14tal 4710' Ili 10 Ill.. %1M. I ell It" cf.. a at TA t Lvowest LITINATUOT CLAISVIC00" it -8 lilt 0 U n All -0 0 IS Aft, torwo li$PlvimoAl a 2 Is-, I IV it SID T o 0 0 4 0 0 0 0 0 6-0 9 & q & 0 a 6 0 0 0 o 00 0 SO 0,.h "vir, 49. 11, If. if), louri (1~1, 14, 11. lit, f"ll" 1.1, l" 4b, 'im., Oil" j',jW%pj.,fJvr 00 It"Jus' lis4titill- M NIOLIV 1110 OiIIIWAIM, 1,M. 11, 1 to Cis lx~xioft~ "ith it P I N'; k%jA,.ifmk if, ASAIIII "ith lit' j If,, lit"' If., x'. lit vi. 00 I m Imillef ItIo"jw I it,., lifit'll"UY 66 to 47P; wrtth M`j. N'. rkill-I'M A -111-pli-I I"ll wt. In I -m-Sits lit W, ; If. I IA,, I Off 4110% AITOV1111rd N, 6 00 uv%-l 151'1- (A) 111 11, 1, Cl. +I Icl + CO"WW" CO, e0 tildwiffophialml at "s Of; this Illiat. .ClIn-fivirly IIIIiIIA1441 by 11; c0f. Ow 21 + 21 unitt. is in- i 00 billited by If)"' c4),; ;V3(IAvI% Will-mid"w1wd 00 -X(h 0 # 15 anti U 1. Ii l fi 1 :f P j 0 w 6.4- "m -VI-I . Am lr~ f il I d t ),, ~ I, hill ith yind VIIIIII Ilatirs 111 1101 V41m4inlid 114-1 OtAllsirlliv jilujit in sptyk.hWhAtEr imlialiml. 111 001.11 bf-Alills, 'fly It, + Of + 110 Itthas-: 0 -1. 1.5 + 70, ~A) 1. 21) + W, and .111 + .10 + 40, l4otird t1twiphiaAw stiff vtivf~ air,] fly 1110- N. Th- 90 040 0 0 IS a 0 0 0 0 0 IS 411 0 4111 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 a 9 a 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 * 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 * 0 0 0 0 a 0 0 0 0 0 0 00 04 09 00 00 00 so 00 00 00 so a 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 a 0 0 0 4111 6 0 0 by un ~ln an d V Ser6 i 1, 1- 0v (Zlitnn,fA Cbsl cl~cl Y. I 117' SC.: Jrurnal of (Icner, '2 ~-try 0: 0 Soo 0*9 00 0400 0043 001, IT 00 OP I ~MIJVJMI' I *I.-. - - - ~ . - - - - - - - -- Inflame to( *ome factwe an the vincialty of Coacen. Inted suft of Ums. T. 1. Kunin and V. P. ustww'kil flonm Chrm.-TrchtW:"1AV'.*T.' f. Appiki Ciem. (IJ,R-5,53 to. Rt4talatil.-TIct vii- V, (11114*14MV) A C&(OI I 1, web slistincliy bixtwf vicar" Ihv wat" was 4(14"1 In Aww blep in the lw*ttrr arldni to Ow water IM% ubcrA states w&: &Jtlnj by Pvtions, with %tirling after vach addta.,. thi efird Is the more nwkrd the blither the Ca(010, content. LeuVh of stirring after prelin. of the milk has noeffect on 1. The loaW the milk Is allowed to stand. . 3o min. and 4s hm. the higher v. e.g.. 3V' . Sualvention q - 2M and (KY7 centitiolses under 100 C./%q. cm.; the varislirm is Very nearly linear. With I"Civa'Of face (It finw. q Arctraw4, e.g.. Ca(0111) (IJIM-mrib w""I 30%. th'. OAVI, 0.2.%R. O.W cc./Pec,, it - M, 167,123 venti. Amrtural vimisity Is Inditleted by a convexity- polvel. v to the abscissas of some rate vs, premrt curves at to* With 1-3 mm- capillaries, v was vtrr nearly Ito the diam. of the "PillarY. Variation of the roorn. of Ca(011), from 30.0 to 40.2", resulted in sit incresar of q from IVA to 349-h Crolilsaiws, at 1,5* *Ith 4M., %up. u is AT P 1, 0 a w (I IN J-1111 it 01 0 111 00 0 * 0 0 0 0 * 0 0 a 0 a -00 0 *.* 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 4 0 .. -,-- - - "D . lm-~I "-ru under 141) X.,v . 1. tin. qjcrp tiqc of v Mth -Mit-jelir conen. firgim at almout t1w Cnj;4aCw Nus"011- at 1-%'. 1141111. (4 cwilfaty 2.4 nmi,, J~ q (c,.ti. 1"1") - f"N'A" - V) "Ahvir x - `,, CO(Olth. A(x)vr T - 42, the tuilk lwhav- wtv sit-urly 11&e a "40. In tMns of tesup.. br1wren 0 alitt :kv, q has a min, at "'*- C-9-- Ca(011)3 IN01 'ne-111 at 0, 13. 306, 40U. 156.442-cend Fine. neu of grain s a %trong rffivt, e.g., 4(1% C , wpeusim 'If COMM, 2-IM-4114K), 41k9t-I0,(0). and paurd lbrmlth frwfo' 0- -90 .00 zoo i 9 1,00 a ago X Sth 0 00 UD a ShAks va the Prodattim of ROOSAUU. 1. Thermal 01 RMS11116 61900" T I Kunio. Y--Wil 7 ~ Z7W'P'7*1--f- KA4.. (J. Arkd C;~,,Yl st, Otm).:'Thr decornpil. prix ~t. of 211.0 (1) in sq. soln., namely NAsSOt(N&)I90#). Nso'VX. and N*4. at well as the unchansed arightai 1. wm detd. Ontbehasholanalyti-I cal dAta, the ey") pr9cm in the deempu. cil a 30%1, som. of I at 100". in a stream of No. 4-10 hn.. b 3N&H.9(h.- 11CHO - 2NalIS%-HCIl0 + 1111010 + NaHS. and NOIS + 110110 - IICIIS + N&OH. 7U droompa. is tormalat I of the cam t $I of the res"lon: I I NallISCh.11010 ** Nei 9D# + It 110. (2) MOM% 2`tlal-140~ + N4113, (3) N&IIISOs + 1110110 0 Nall, S(h.llcllo' (4) NAIIS + 111CHO + lip 0 H*CDIIBII + I NaOll. (6) 2VOISO, + MHSO~ 2.14WAot + HA) - ,\*a,.SA + 21;aliS(h, (6) NWIS(h + NoOll - NavKh + IIA (7) 2.N&IIS - NAPS + HS, and (8) 2110110 + 160 - Mcoll + HCOA. 11st produe-ts evotain sho- some Sint. Cd rarrcaptans. notletablo by their odor. In the pre*a" of 11.9%. thederompri. Is consititrably faster, and is accanipanied by abundant liberation of S. Tht main v--wdons in this case are (1) ALS r-bove. W) NaRS01 I ~ 16S0. - NalISO, + li.%h,, W) 2111SOA - H&SA ~ HgO, &W (4') ilSA - If.0 + 9% + S. At (be dtcomp". is accompartied by attwulant 4voWtim of HCHO. Fm The practica of Predactim of t. thew data rucan Ow. in the mtwuan of NaltSo. to I at 100', partial dftonilln. of the peodtict will remit in air itimase of the alkali'lity. Ithich may stop Mtuction of by Zn and 1"Ot In evolotion of It,. The faivrible eff"t 4d air tkrr%s of HCHO in the woductim of 1 1% due to I-Indwit -J %IkAli fly tive ]IGN11 for.,d, Continuou% contrul of thr pit t~ ir%smtial in the ltrocluction aft. It. Vobdty and tnecbsniamol Uwdoawpaw- 114d. 22, 199 rmirast to W Ortecimph. at lot* and higher, where fnnnmim of MaOll triveltioe to an inrfease a(the pit, The rrtriion At R)* aorl lowirr is arram. pAnIvil by an increAw of the a6fity. The Initial pit of 15, 30~ And fflre OW"S. was 0,15-6.0, srA H.1101-8.05.rr-p- Altv)*,ttiepildrppsmniW-TaL4ydur- ing the Itil hr. of the dectarilm.. then levels off to a prac- iwAlly *tationary vAlu,,; the s.mir, but withon Initial in- crrAw of the fill, io Mixerv,d at I(X,)', The roopecutirr- r~aclkjn Whelfte aermillills for the overall n-4clitm aq so* aod lowvr, Is (1) ONall,4001010 vt + 6 licit(). 12~ 011CM) -4- :111,0 - WCOII + 311CChil, (3) fiNallSOl - 4%*aliR), + 2NOIS. f4) 2.14M + 211COtill - '.'IIC(h.\a + 214S, overall a\aHS%.IIC- 110 + 311,0 - MMSO, + 211C(NINa + 214S + MOW + WWII. At 130". the conwetctive fnetitsno arc (1) ON&I19N.11CHO vt ON&RSO. + 6HCHO, (2) GN%li'.A% - 4NxIISO, + VaIIS. (3) 4NWISO~ - Na,SO, + 2SO, + VIA (4) 2N&HS - N&*S + H.S. overall O.NZaIISO,.IICIIO - 2.'ZaSOj + XajS + 61fCnO + 2SU~ + I1.S + 2160. fit the ~rescncc of HS04. the OVMII reaction cun tv written 2NaIIS%.HCIIO + If,- SO. - Na*SO, + 21ICIIO + 2110 + SO, + S. In agreement with the J~t wheme. the rate of dlecoattm. at No* aud below 4rormases with Intread" VQrAVW R.C.. at 70" the degree of decompn. In 6 his. to I and bl for a 15 and W% soln., few., and at RV, resp.. 8 and 7.7%. llm- rrvem is found at IOD* when, In 6 hm. the degrees of decompa. of Is and 00% wim an 30 and 42%. rtsp.. and at 1100, when for 30 &M OD7~ solas., The dtcompn. is Mandlj%jesp. pow the temp. range at and below 90'. the rate of dermpa, is -de/d$ - At/(pit), where e - conen. of 1; " can be integrated in the const.-pli sta- tionary rmage, and gives, for 15, 3D. mA OVI, solm, the Ist-ortler conxts. A - 0.043, OM. and 0.044 at 70'. and -0,000, 0,067, and OM by,-# at ODO. The reaction %chrme for 100' leads to -de/di - At (pit), with A . 0.(W7, 00M, and 0." be.-'. mp, At 1101, the I st-order k h coast. only for a 3070 Wn., A - 0.12, but rises AutocatalytbeWly with the progress of the reaction in momconed.valas. Comparable rate coasts. for oil temp,. are obtalartl in the form P - k/(pil) for the OD' range, and V - k(PIO at 100% the values, for 16. 30. and DW - solus., are, at 'jO*, 0.010. 0.0M, and O.W7; at 90'. 0.01-11. 0.010. *W 0.009; at 1001, 0.05, O.M. and 0.084 hr. - 1. 7'he varlatiorts of A' with the rant-n. ant In opposite dim- tions at 70-W* and at JODI. .1;* Than 7 7 7 7 00 46P fh_ Oopt!k 004 00 00 -t!0Ntjwd IOMpft &AS T AOjfttv;N.. 1040. NiN 9. '00 at is Tepavocated so M 11116ft Oalbstie +Mt 11)~'Alh4* UAKSO'C41 vuO +'L + + fvn w "d W, The Tate dftmp. of oil. 00, WONUO" We smur ah" that of Cam- to"; at Iw saw a IV, 00 ibs At 00.19wor tmp. a* fage Of &CM1, in it 11"Irc. 110, 'W'IZ-m ag pH at W m4 mvirf. 11w istability to )IV 4*0 A040P. atow v1por"nomil as OWW 3 so am% & 00 led. My*.. md Immill twm an dows"l. WEsimp. out# 00 .3 eman w9h W of pH m6 fiximatim of bluA imil. products. too w H =I, I wNsprd is - nmabw dry afth little IJKGWP kv 00 thim. omww IN= jarm pvv a set jftocl~t sith MKII mo* U IL UVAJWV. goo 000 No* zoo r.. Z: -TI p- Lwv Jet stiii,40'W'It 61AW am "V III AV 10 As!, CA cd altrwa add" and a# water vapor 1. KunIn and N. A. Sugov tl%anav 0hrm. Tw*W. fiGO: 16r. Ptibiiul. KkjLW. j. -Ak"Illed Cbro.) 23, -The following dAla lvr the compet. of the nitrow (% IIwSOj as analyzed. NO~ as analyzed, % Ilto hy the difference), anti the cmespondins pramum (tam. lig) of NO + NO~ at 139. 159. 17.1, and 198': (118-0. 4.114. 7,93) 0.27, -. 1.00, and 3.7.5; (10,9. 8.112. 7.:04) 0M. 1.46. 019. and 11.94; 184.3. M.Wj, 0.148) 4.11, 1 I,V, ZVO, and 3:1.14): (K1,4, to.W. 70A) 27.6D. 42M, 61.8), and 112.2. Wltb the Compn. of the system txpresard In % 11~SA),. NM. Au'l 140. Le. with lbr 11,S(X cows. of the arighul acid mi- 'ide-red coiLit. (92.6%). the system does not obey Henry 'a law. If the compu. is rapresued as a soln. of IINSO, in ll~SO#, in ternks of % lf~SO, IIN90j, and IftO, ix. with tbe IljS0# canca. 4 the original aM falling, the partial T vapor pmsum of H.0 over these nitrous are equ I to the tortial preown of HrO ov" the odgiual ackh. N. T. cov I . r 14 Z Mmr"r. 1! ~- an ve . ~01:ls = 11 1 Wal" 0 am. Chens. TechncA.). . APOW Chtm, U.S.S.R. 13. 13"2(lobo) (gnat. trandadoul.-Sm C.A. " 87Ma. ~t b. L. W