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KUN, J. Everyone's plan. P. 97 RADIOCHNIYA Budapest Vol. 6, no. 5, I-lay 1956 SOURCE: East European Accessions List (EafL) Library of Congress Vol- 5, no. 8, August 1956 KUN,Jozsef i The Budapest Industry Fair,May 20-30, 1960;domestic exhibitom. Radiotechnika 10 no.6:162-166 Je 160 1. "Radiotechnikall folelos szerkeszto holyettes. KM, -Jozsef-,-- I Faded letters relate the past of Hungary's radiobroadeasting. Radiotechnika 10 no.101295 0 160. 1. "Radiotechnikall felelos szerkeazto belyettese. KUN) Jozaef Making simple television antennas. Radiotechnika 10 no.ll: 332-334 N 160. 1 1. "Radiotechnika" felelos szerkeszto helyettese. KUII!, JOWOT; STUANIKp Pal "Radictooludkall in prepared this way. Radioteclinika 11 n0.11:324-325 N 161. 1. "Radiotechnikall felelos szerkento helyettese (for Kun). 2. "Radiotechnikall rovatvezetoje (for Stefanik). "I ERCZFALVI, Gyula; Some questions relating to the failure of television sets. Radiotechnika 12 no.5tl46-1/48 My 162. 1. Felelos szerkeazto helyettes, "Radiotechnika.n (for Kun). KUF, JOZsef Achievement depends upor well--organized colleotivn vork, hadiotcchnika i2 no.6:172-173 Je 162. 1. "Radiotechnika" faloloB Eszerkeutto helyettos. --KUN Jozsef Around a letter. Radiotechnika 12 no.7sl98-199 J1 162. 1. "Radiotachnika" felelos szerkeszto helyettese. MI" Jozoef 1, The -F- rst Hungarian-made QSO on 2350 !--Iz. IlLdiotechnilka 12 no.8:234 162. Kull, Jozsef - - -,.- ---- -------- Useful exchange of experioncee r. Radiotochnika 12 no.11 :380 N 62. 1. *Radiotechnika" azak.ozerkesztoje, KUNP Jozsef ... I . i Idi J 06 c~lectronics and the world's econovq. Radiotechnika 13 no.3:82-83 Mr 163. 1. "Radiotechnika" szaksz9rkesztojt. KU-11) JozBef Radio conteat at home, Radiotoohnika 13 nom.6;216 Je 163& I* *Radiotechnika" azakazerkentoJe, KUN, Jozoof - -Z- :.. - --1- -.- Vilnius diary. Hadiotechnika 13 no,,10;374~-375,4 of cmr 0 163. 1. *Radiotechnika* szorkoaztoseg vezatojenok helyetteve, MaPEL.-FRONIUS, N.; VARGA, F.; KMT, K.; VOINOMIff, J. Clinical. aspects and -oathaphysiolog5r of infantila athrepsia and marasmus. Acta med.hung. 2 no.1:58-84 1951. (CUS 20:7) 1. Of the Children's Clinic of Paco University (Director--Prof. B. Kerpel-Froniun). -rl- N ,;Aiit~-xia -in Oa-nM-ed-eFyd5t VarrA.1j. Vonoczky-.and K. Ruir(Univ.-thill en'g ainle, 116C3, Hung.). Acta Paedial, 40 23(ID51X[n ErWish); plurted in the fl,"ites and () consumption was studl-ed 10 dehydrated and !I r ... a infants and compared imilth the arteric,. -aus,,,jifference. Theamt.of Osupplied to the l Chemical Abstrscts tL-vues (cirdLic output X vol. %p of arterial 0) decreased Vol. 48 No- 5 parallel with incmi.sing dehydration. The dmircLuse In 01 supply Iq jamwd by a marked fall in cirdiac output. Tho Mar. 101, 1954 progresivk narrowing Ix-tween 0 demand and supply re-f Biolo ical Chemist sults in a vagnant anoxia comparable in elitent with that In; ry g Anoxia ill dehYdration is aggravated by . factot" C.! -.I'le or Iflemt,olp. .lie tiq%ne deniand for 0, sine eI t (lei, ydrat " , . i.e.. prevetits adjustment of cir P culation to ll;gller turf;j)j(,'jc w, +:. The trentirtent of a oxia ill dChY4jr;ltifIu - I lv~ f-orrection of di--patitv corferthig aulwfl ;:uk Ol INOT ilim-. A? (lie ir-ime' time 0 (Immull I., v. fiey; 1w, I.- 1-1wer(A to baxal leveN fly tri-mi 0 i-Al--nuss. and livoidifir prolvil, 1111th lictrit".11- KRUEL-FRONIUS, 0.; VARGA, F.; KUN, K.; VONOGZKT, J. Relation of function and circulation of the kidney in exeicconis and atrophy. Orv. hatil, 93 no- 32:909-915 10 Aug 1952. (CLmL 230) 1. Doctor. 2. Institute of Anatomy (Director -- Prof. Dr. Fereuc Kiss). Budapest Medical University. URM-FRONIUS, Odon;*VARGA, Ferena; M, Karo17 Eaignifica.nce of anw4ia, hypothermia, and hypoglycemia in the final stage of infantile atrophy. Orv hetil 95 no.14'366-376 Ap '54. (KBAI 3;8) 1. Pecsi Orvostudomanyi Rgyetem Gyarmolddinikajanak (igasgato: Ker-pel-Fronius Odon dr. eg7et. tanar) kozlemsaye. (INFANT NMITION DISORDIMS *marasmus, manifest., anozia. hypothermia & hypoglycemia) (ANOXIA. in Inf. & child *in Infantile atrophy) (BODY TIMPMTURN *hypothermia in infantile atrophy) (HYPOGLYCEMIA, In W. & child *in infantile atrophy) Kun, L. ; Gerencser, J. The small-grain heat-excbanger Kun oystem. p. 573. ENERGIA ES ATOMTFGHNIKA. (Energiagazdalkodasi Tudomanyos F4;Yesillet) Budapest, Hungary. Vol. 12, no. 9, Oct. 1959. Monthly list of East European Accessions (EFAI) W, Vol. 9, No. 1, Jan. 1960. Uncl. KOHEGYIP Imre; BEDI, Gyula; HORVAI, Adam; JAPJiI, Istvanne; ON, 1ajos Accident5 in coal mining, Pecoi musz azeml 8 no. 1:5-11 Ja-Mr 163. 1. Public Health Institute.. Pecs Medical University, and Factory Health Service, Pecs Coal Mining Trust. _KUR,__JAJoa,,_Or. , Some organizational problems of industrial hygiene in agri- culture - bneed on a study in 9 counties. Nepegef3zsegugy 45 no.3t68-71 Mr'64 1. Kozlemeny a2r. Orszagos Munkaegesz-aegugyi Intezetbol. KUN, Iajos Some methods of trade union leadership at the Borsod Coal Mining Trust. Munka 14 no.12:9 D 164. 1. Secretar7, Trade Union Committee, Borsod Coal Mining Trust. inzh. 'Chekhoslo-vatekaya Sotsialiaticbef3kaya Roopublika); k ROMUNII, ') Yfx.,, inzh. (ChokJjoolovatakaya SotairAliatichuakaya Respublika Electric balancing dovices for field use. Vest.elektroprom~ 33 no.6z73--'77 A 162. (MLU 15.7) (Elentronic apparatus and appliances) (Electric meters) oki. b,anyamernok; KONCSAG, Karoly, dr., oki. banyamernok One of the biggest gas outbursts in Hungary's coal mining. Bany lap 94 no.4:229-238 Ap 161. 1. Orszagos Banyamuszaki Fofelugyeloseg cooportmeto fomernoke, Budapest (ror Kun). 2. Pecsi Keruleti Banyamuszaki Felugyeloseg ! vezetoje, Pecs (for Koncsag). (Hungarym-Coal mines and mining) KUN, Laszlo, dr., okleveles banyamernok, csoportvezeto fowernok; -:-KONCSAG, Karoly, dr., okleveles banyamernok Gas and coal outbursts in the Szechenyi Shaft of the Mecsek Coal Mining Trust. Bany lap 97 no. 5: 302-309 My 164. 1. National General Inspectorate of Mining Engineering, Budapest (for Kun). 2. Head, District lnspectorate of Mining Engineering, Pecs. KU, Miklo, %,,A "a 000~wk~ On the problem of diagnostic errors in acute surgical diseases of the abdominal cavity. Magy.sebeezet 14 no.1:1-11 F 161. 1. A Budapesti Orvostudomanyi Egyetem III. szamu Sebeszeti Klinikajanak kozlemenye Igazgato: Rubanyi Pal dr. egyetemi tanar. (ABDOMEN ACUTE diag) 1HUN'GARY M, MM2.r?., Dr, SZILAGYI, Janos, Dr; National Institute of Traumatology and-fFFTIL Surgical Clinic (Orszagos Traumatologial Intezat es a III. sz. Sebeszeti Klinika). "Gomplete Postoperative Opening of the Abdominal Wall." Budapest, Magyar Sebeszet, Vol XVI, No 3, June 1963, pages 145-151. Absti-act: [kuthors' Hungarian sunnarY3 The authors discuss postopera- tive eventeration and prosent 3 cases observed by them. The factors which might play a role in eventeration are prosented. The first part of the lar~icle Dresents the factors which might weaken the scar or suture-line, the second part deals vith the factors which increase the pressure in the abdomen. The procedures aimed at decreasizg further the occurrence of aventeration are discussed. 19 Eastern European, 22 Western references. 11/1 --1 ,,-Rti,-.-Mik-1osp dr.; SZ1LAGYIJ, Janos, dr. On the complete postoperative eventration of abdominal wounds. Magy. sebeozet 16 no. 3;145-151 Je 163. lo Az Orozagos Traumat~logiai Intezot es a 111, sz. Soboszati Klinika kozlemenyo. (VENTRAL HERNIA) (WOUND HEALING) (ABDOMINAL WALL) (POSTOPERATIVE CARE) (CACHUIA) KU, Pqukloa~_ dr,; MMWp Gyorgy., dre Correction of vaginal aplasia with the use of the sigmoid. 0m hetil. 105 no.8:363-364 23 Ff64, 1. Ornagos Traumatologiai Inteazt. 4- -ArLliur dr.; -easu rin I,hA t7e?,Iru rimtlm ez tc-Oor, reflex. 1.06 no.12:5,35-~3o,', -21 5, I "' yin tti r2zagos ldieg- et~~ HUNGARY ..,._Pr,._RITTER, Laszlo, Dr, LANYI, Ferenc, Dr; National Institute of Traumatology (diiector: SZANTO, Oyorgy, Dr) (Orszagos Traumatologiai Intezet)l Budapest. "Some Problems in Re-Laparotomy Following Abdominal Traumas." Budapest, Orvosi Hetilap, Vol 107, No 17, 24 Apr 66, pages 782-787. Abstract: [Authors' Hungarian summary] The problem of repeated surgery, following traumatic abdominal injuries, is discussed. Such operations are divided into two groups: early and late re-laparotomies. Early re-laparo- tomies could be needed because of postoperative hemorrhage, overlooked injuries to hollow organ3, suture insufficiency, leakage of bile or pan- creatic fluid, abdominal abscess, early ileus or eventration. Among the causes for late re-laparotomy are ileus, intestinal fistula, ohronio ab- dominal abscess, foreign body. The experiences related to the complica- tions listed and the mode of their surgical correction are discussed. 4 Eastern European, 8 Western references. 1/1 KUIN, M. 3 - Kun, M. S. - "Fe(Aing the Pacific herring in the northern portion of the Tatar Strait". lz~.-estiya Tikhookcan. nauch.-issled. in-ta ryb. khoz.-va i okeanografii, Vol. XXII, 1-?0, P. 101'-38, - i~iDliog: 23 items. so: U-hllO3 17 July 53, (Letopis 'Zhurnal Iny1ch Statey, No. 19, 190). 0 M, M.S., kand.biolog.nauk Some data on the distribution Trudy VMRO 38:29*2-303 159. (6aspian Sea--Algae) of detritun in the Northern Ca9pian. (NIRA 13:4) Kull, M. S. Causes of a carp divease in the Volga Delta. Zool. zhur. 39 no. 10:1531-1537 0 160. (MIRA 13:11) 1. Caspian Research Institute of Marine Fishery and Oceanography, Astrakhan. (Volga %it,---Carp--DiBeases and pests) kAlgas --Toxicology) KUN' M.S., kand,blolog.nauki ASTAMOVA, T.V.; TEPLYT, D.L. -1. - . Why to tba carp dyinge in the Volga Delta? Prirodru 49 no.5: 100-101 147 160. (MIRA 13:5) I, Kasplyukly nauchno-louledavatel'skiy Institut x7bnogo kho- zyaystva i okeanografit. Aotrakhanl. (Volga Delta--Carp) ASTAKHOVA, T.V.; ON, M.S.; TEPLYT, D.L. Cause of a carp disease in tbe'lower course of the Volga River. Dokl.AN SSSR 133 no.5:1205-1208 Jig '60. (MIRA 13:8) 1. Kaspiyakiy nauchno-iseledovatellokiy institut morskogo rybnogo khozyaystva i okeanogr&fii. Predetavleno akada Ye.N.Favlovskim. (Volga River-Carp-Diaeasee and pasta) (Algae-Toxicology) KUN, M.S.; TEPLYY, D.L.; ASTAKHOVA, T.V. I Causee of a carp disease in the Volga Delta. Vop. ikht. no.17: .159-168 61. (MIU 14: 5) 1. Kaspiyakiy nauchno-iseledovatel'skiy institut morskogo rybno,go khozyaystva i okeaqbgrafii (KaepWIRO)a (Volga Delta-Carp-Diseasos and pests) (Algae-Toxicology) GRAGHEVA, K.P.; ODINOKOVA, V.A.; KUN, V. Analysis of mortality in thyrotoxic goiter according to data from the surgical clinic of the Moscow Regional Clinical iosearch Institute for a period of 8 years (1950-1957). Probl. endok. i gorm. 6 no. 504-39 1160. (NIRA 14: 1) (HYPERTHYROIDISI-1) I II -, -7 , , A' - /~ 1, /) 6 i Aui~/ i/ v, 114 STSOYEV, V.P.; KmT, N.101. ~_JswmioA__141~ The unrestricted breeding of sables In the Far 'East. Vop.geog. '57. (MIRA 10:12) (Verkhns-Bureinskiy District-Sables) Some clinical aspects of sarcomas of the jejunum, and ileum. Vop. klin, pate noo2t69-80 161 (MIRA l6tl2) 1. Iz 1-y khirurgicheakoy kliniki (zav. - doteent N.I.Makhov) Moskovskogo oblastnogo nauchno-issledovatel'skogo kliniches- kogo instituta imeni Vladimirskogo. M, R.. sadovod-13rubitell, mekhanik uchastka Blooming mineral gardens. Past. ugl. 8 no.5:26 M7 159. (MIRA 12:8) 168hakhta im, Stalina, Kuzbass. (Coal miners) KUN, R., mekhanik Good device. Mast. ugl. no.10:16 0 159 (MIRA 13:3) 1. Uchaetok shakhty aXokeovaya-111 Kemarovskogo sovaarkhoza. (Coal mines and mining-3pipment and supplies) GARA, Dozoo, gepesztechnikuB (Godollo, Nlunlkacsy I-Ahaly utca 23/0 MUCSI.. Pal, gepkocsiv=eto; SAM&N, Pal, dr.; KUI., Sandor, gopkoesiveneto Passengers on highways. Auto motor 16 no.14: 23 21 J1 163. 1. Magyar Allwimasutak, Autobusz Uzeme. (for Mucsi). i 26629-66 EWT (m) DIAAP JD/JG ACC NRs 06017114 SOURCE CODE: UR/0048/65/0 012 35 2238 j AUTHORt Grorxyv, K.0, Ma-!`p Zheley, Zh- T.; Kalinnikov, V. G.; j!~L7t~OtGOV V-_V-I* a__ Kun. Syan-+.szin'; ~Iuzioll, Go; Hari', Shu-zhun'; Khalkin, V, A. ORG: none TITIE: Positrono in Gd oup 147 decay 5his paper was Presented at the 15th Annual held In and the St Conference on Nuclear S "OctrqR~oy 0 iiSi7u;;FY0Cff__ 0 SOURCE: AN SSSR. Izvestlya. Seriya fizicheskaya, v, 29, no. 12, 1965, 2235-2238 TOPIC TAGS: positron, gadolinium, spectrometer, scintillation spectrometer, tantalum, europium, gamma spectrum, isoto!~ radioactive decay ABSTRACT: The positron emission of W147'Z~ studied ,dth a scintillatiod ~,Spectr6meter and a triple-focussing beta spectrometer. The Sadolinium-" Y1 sar4,ple was extracted from a tantalum target that had been irradiated for 2 hours at 660 Mev. The purpose of this work,,wasAq determine t1io V~~7 G -levels that are populated by positron decay o Gd This is done by studying the triple coincidence of the 511-53.1 kev gainma quanta End the quanta of the entire gam= spectrum. The equipment used is diagramed in ',the following paper (in the same Journal), Triple coincidence spectra are plotted for two geometries of the _!4ptedt6r3,,- The lone peak at 230 kev leads the authors to assume thata ACC NN Ap6o17114 Ilarge fraction of the positrons pDolbtis the 220 kev i~4eie The remainder ;-Iis showi to go to ground state. The schematic diagram of Gdl47 Eul-47 is I-shown., ~6ig. art. Sii-i-li- figures a-_rA___l_ forrmls fJ.PRs7 SUB CODEt 20 SMI DATE: -none ORIG REF:. 012 OTH REFs 003 L 26653-66 M-(w) DIAAP JD1JG ACC NRt SOURCE CODE: uR/oo48/65/029/0127;~~39/~~2V2--' AP6017i9 AUTHOR: Gromov, K. Ya.-, Zhelov, Zh.: Kun, Syan-Temin- Muzioll. G-i Khan', Shu-Zhun' - - - - - -------------------- - ----: ORG: none -E2qj,trojdLy of Eu sup 147 fThis paper was presented at the 124 AnnII&I TITIE: Conference an Nuclear S_pectroscopy and the StructuTe of the Atomic &qleM, held in Hinsk from 25 January to 2 February 1965J SOURCE: All SSSR. Izvestiya. Seriya fizicheskaya, v. 29. no. 12. 1965. 2-239-2242 TOPIC TAGS: radioactive decay, positron, europtu~ nuclear spectroscopy, gadolinium, tantalum. synchrotron, proton, isotope, gamma spectrum, scintillator -19 ron 8 1 ABSTRACT: The predicted~ ~141 4! SIA.47 decay energy implies posit ' cmi'sion .during decay. The purpose of this paper is to establish e~merimentally the- ;Srnl47 level terminating the bete decay of jDul-47. The sampic was obtained by repeated extraction of Ea from ttke Gd fraction from a tantalum target that had been irradiated witli 660 Mev protons in the Dubna synchrotron and by repeated purification frord_&A42jjBjv&- The sample i,,w stored for 2 months to rid it of Bul-49 and Eal4t). A triple-coincidence ecintillator was used to measure the coincidence of the 511-511 kev gamma quanta and the quanta of the entire gwM spectrum- The construction and operation of the scintillator is described in detail L 2665.5-66 ACC NRj and its block diagram is shovin. TWO angular geometries for the orientation I 'of the detector-were used,, and measurements made with those configurations.. 'are compared. P6ks -mro found at M and 200. A66ording to 06.14=lationai,'tho in- ,tensities of the beta"" transitions to Ground otate, M, and 198 kerv ware .0-15;tOD.7, 0-10tO-03, and 0.13~tO-04% respectively, per event. Results .are compared in detail with those of other authors. The schematic of D-,14'( I I ~to the 0, 121, and 198 levels of SmI47 is shown. I The authors thank V. G. Kalinni3cov and V. I. Nikitin respectively for ~valuable discussions and assistance in making the measurements. The authors give -fUrther-thankB to N*'A,, Labodev " V., A. Khalkin for preparing +,he Eue orig* arta has: 3 figurezi wiFf -tables. /J-PRs7---- SUB CODE: 20 / SUEM DATEi nono / ORIG REF: 006 / MH REFi 006 KUN, Vilem Highly developed agriculture. Sov. profsoiuzy 20 no-4:38-39 F 164. (MIRA 17:3) 1. Glavnyy redaktor chekhoslovatskogo profac;yuznogo zhurnala "Odborarzh". KUN. Vilem (Czechoslovakia'. Development of the sociallat brigade nuvomcrt in C2.PchoslovAkIp.. Munka 14 no.901 S 164. YMPIVAT I MA, A. R. ; IVANOV, L- A- ; 109 V'. V. ; SHPORT, L P. Some problems relative to seismic prospecting III the FaleOzOic foundation in Western Siberia. Trudy Inst. fig. sem. no.12:3-67 16o. (MIRA 13:10) (Siberia, Western-Seinnic prospecting) KUN, V.V. Characteristics of seismic waves in media with tapering layers (according to model studies). Izv. IJI SSSR. Ser. geofiz. no.12: 1749-1767 D '61. (MIRA 14:12) 1. Institut fiziki Zemli AN SSSR. (Seismic prospecting) KUN, V.V. Lateral waves which are diffracted and refracted on the vertical contAct (according to the data of model studies). Izv. AN SSSR. Ser. geofiz. no.7:873-886 J1 162. (MIRA 15:7) 1. Institut fiziki Zemli, AN SSSR, (Sei-mic prospecting) KUNA) I. Various appeoto of the determination of mental activity. Activ. Ner'v. Sup. 5 no-3t289-290 JI 163. (MTAL PROCESSES) (PSYCHOLOGICAL TESTS) CZECHOSLOVAKIA KUNA J.; Department of Marxism-Leninism of Teachers, College (Katedra marxismu-leninismu Pedagogickeho instytutul Plzen flSome Aspects of Determination of Psychic Activity." Prague, Activitas Nervosa Superior, Vol 5, No 3, July 63; pp 289-290. Abstract : Discursive essay on relations between social, biologic, emotional and intellectual determinants of psychic funcLion and behavior in man; lautodetermination' is discussed as a primary factor in social life. 1/1 Val T=, va Is%j,7 15~: pr'.C2" *6?. D-,C--t J. WSZ; 2. w1an.Lsirl 14t, st~L3n ~ a 3. ra A "e-kL, 13 X~ 2. Z" 47-1---- =star ~.t :bn aw. A--, or r7-r-- 6. to 4 :Y;~ e 1--!~.cjmw2j- Ccltrl,~'zL!= t~ Th* IA--4 F..%C%~tuo of ~. of .4. NIST aA=' !L~"Lk 3) V LA-- X"? C., ax~- tor P'- 7, ~Thj A~4-.!= of P~r;.7r!A -ut xe T ~i- to I v;ZAcrA -Drutiar..4 jI* Zn'.,= .1 V. 3t, -BI 1. T- iu--j cz Main. E; tax r-74,e, r7. f,,,r*Aro of ii6xr.- or. th~ of ~od cl--I: or :.1!4r-41 ".Ac" ~A or ~L."r." tL 's ~Ll .7- -A :As. 7~..f LD 611-h lttu~rr,. 13- ~--rt ca tA- Of rl rl.~m!,.-~ :-~, ..zA a!- 3~1 ~~ . 10, prof 1. D 51, dulc~r iLjt~l .7-4 Z, r-A KUNA, L. "IfunCarian-Soviet friendship verving socialirm.." p. 3. (Ujitok Lapja, Vol. 51 no. 4., Feb 53, Budapest) SO:Monthly List of East European Accessions. Vol 3, No 2 Library of Congess Feb 54 Uncl KUKA Iajoa. Prof. Dr. Discussion working capacity in menstruation and climeteric. Pracovni lek. 11 no.1-2:87-89 Feb 59. 1. Glen delegace Madarske lidove republiky. (MMISTRUATION, physiol. eff. on workin& capacity (Oz)) (CLINACTXRIG, Fmaim, working capaci7v-y (Cz)) (WORK, capacity in menatruation & climacteric (Oz)) KUNA, Laszlo;.KUHANE GRABER, Lea Reduction of the solubility of silicic acid solved in cellulose factory waste lye by means of the absorption of carbon dioxide. Magy kem folyoir 68 no.7016-324 JI '62. 1. Botvos Lorand Tudomanyegyetem Kemiai-Technologiai Tanszeke, Budapest. HAVI,~i,, Vaclav, inL.; KUNAP Lilbornlr, .- L-- 1-11, ~, - -;z. I-, 1 -1 7. - t~ nnw ri.--thc,-3 ir, bui lding flf..-, z ~ 4 a viv 1") no.2:53-54 F '65. L 't"awAy 11-1 . Lew-m-t N-ati onal 7n b-~ rpr in t3 , JP i KINA ~ V. KUNA, V. Core-birder with the use of KS3 phenol-formaldehyde resin. Pe 339j Vol. 4. no, 3-1, Nov. 1956 SLEVARENSTVI Praha) Czechoslovakia 'L~ji ~ Iul - 14 - - - a =~-TUCE: IST I T 13T, (,L7-'L) '~OL 6 A-70.4 ~:'A`IL 1157 KUNA, V - Uniformity in the classification of rocks and in the compensation of work durinR core drillinr. p.166. (Rudy, Vol- 5, No- 5, MaY 1957, Praha, Czechoslovakia) SO: ?-Tonthly List of East -European Accessions (EEAL) I.G. Vol. 6, No. 9, Sept. 1057. Uncl. KUNA. Vladimir; STOY, Artur Preventing the formation of incrustations by magnetization of liquids. Chem prum 13 no. 12: 644 D 163. 1. Statni ustav Chemoprojekt, Praha (for Kuna). 2. Ceskoslovenska akademie ved (for Stoy). GURIYEV, V.P.; POGORELOV, V.I.; KUNA, V.S.p inzh,, rel.sonzent; YURKEVICH, M.P.,, inzh.-,-r6d--.-f~d SPLRMISKMA, O.V., tekhn. red. [Hydraulic displacement transmissions) Gidravlicheskie ob"emtrio peredachi. Moakvap Leningr. otd-nie Mashgi- za, 1964. 342 P. (MIRA 170) rvjNACHC,-,;i0z,, K. TEGMT'Ik)jY Periodicals: TTIT~IU Vol. 13, no. )i, Jubr/Auc. 195H I TACHC%,,IICZ, X. Electronic outfit of modern comeritial airplanes. KV! (Conclusion) P. 100 'elonthly List of East European Accessions (F-KIII) W, Vol. V?, 111o. 2, February 1959, Unclass. POURD/Radio Physics Radi ti f Radio Waves. Transmission i-4 Lines and Antennae Abs Jour Ref Zhur - Fizzika, No 4, 1958, n 8888 Author Kun a ch ,qyU;,J~ ;~t f Inst Title : Airplane Antenn s Orig Pub : Techn. lotnicza, 1957, 12, No 4, 103-110 Abstract : aarvey arf.'-cle. Bibliography, 12 titles. Card : 1 /1 CZECHOSLOVAK.IA KRAUSOVA - r%.UNAJEVA L TIROIJT, J.; Nourolorrical Clinic, Fac- ';~H e, Charles University ulty of (Tjeuroloricl~a Kli- nika Fak. Vsoob. Lek. KU), Prague, Chief (11redno3ta) Member of Academy K. HENIJER. "Cinemato,7raphic Examination of tho Dynamics of the Cervical Spine." Prague, Ceskoslovenska Nourolorie, Vol 29, No 6, Nov 66, pp 417 IOR Abstract /Authors' lhglish summary modifiaL7: Cinemato7raphic examination o. the movements of tho cervical spine in 60 patients showed that che dynamics of oacn so[, ent are better analyzed hy .,m this method than by photographs. It showed that in cRses of hypermobility the total pathological shift occurs in a given phase without a transition. The flexion starts in the upper segments by active muscular contraction, and in later stages the relation between individual vertebrae is dotermined by the state of the ligaments. Ito references, (Manuscript received 20 jul 65). ,,Ms* 6615-przw) ChM. Exwt- Co. I.Cluc C:M. %latics-IFT- ):Ft. and C11.1cloll Cool (u). iins acid, ,,Ck,l. 111 't VnIA. we" prcpd. by "filln the C, Ym c(hus U .ith Voll ; ate - -- - ---- - ------ - - -- ---- - - - - - c h-WIAKEBAYEVP - A. 6794. Kunakbayev, S. A. Dziwya rozhliputi povysbeniya yeye uro7haynosti v Bnvhkirii. Ufa, bash1dr. Kn. izd:t 1954. 36 s. s. ill. 20 gm. 3.OW ekz. 50 k.--(55-2793) P 633 14 (47.83) SO: Knizhnayn LetopW No, 6, 1955 USSR/Cultivable Plants General Problems. M-1 Abs Jour Ref Zhur Biol., No 3, 1958, 10643 Author Kunakbayev, S. Inst :--n- Title Utilization of Fallow Land in the Bashkir ASSR Orig Pub Zemledeliye, 1957, No 1, 40-42 Abstract It is recommended that the fallow lands of the northern regions of Bashkiriya and the wooded steppe be utilized for fodder corn and rye, silage and hay, early potato and vetcb-oats mixture for green fodder. Card 1/1 a. 1.,I.;ii",!"I.~.,ff,.Ip--~,A.4-,~and.t3elli3kokhozyayi3tvennykh nauk E'xpand winter crops in Bashkiria. Zamlodolio 24 no.8:4~-50 Ag 162, WIRA 15:9) 1. Bashkirskiy nauchno-iBslledovatellakiy institut sellskogo khozyaystva. (Bashkiria-14heat) GVOZDBTSKIT, Nikolay Andrayevich; KUNAKHOVIGH, N.A., red.;,TARKAKOV, M.S., tekhn. red, [Physical geography of the Gaueasus; a course of lectures] Fizi- chaskaia geografiia Kavkaza; kars lektaii. No.2. [Ciscaucasia. Transcaucasia] Pr~d)mvkazle. ZakaTlmzle. [Moskva] Izd-vo Hook. unly. 1958. 263 P. (MM 1l.-7) (Caucasus-Physical geography) EXTAKHO'Vlrj",~, V. A. - 11 Y'athernatics - Perlodicals "Problema" part of th'is journal Mat. v shkole No. 3, I 'Noveriber, Ic'52 Monthl List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, L 3bb32-66 aTP(c)/EWP(k) /E67(d)/EW (1)/T/EWT(1)/Etgpfv) Jjp(e-, Ta ACC. 14R, AP5022956 (A SOURCE CODE: UR/0317/65/000/002/0052/CQ5'71 AUTHOR.- Artemov A. (Engineer, Lieutenant Ccimmander); IN~i~IfT!kppy .,,Tu. (Engineer, Colonel); Kunakovs A. (Engineers Captain); Gartuov# V (Lieutenant ColonelY. ORG: none TITLE: How to increase operational reliability SOERCE: TekhnIka I vooruzheniye, no. 2, 1965, 52-57 TOPIC TAGS: reliability engineering, radio equipment. training procedure ABSTRACr: Methods of maintaining operational reliabili f radioelectronic equip- ment, methods of testing, and failure detection in conjunction with the training of operators and electronic equipment specialists are discussed and deficiencies in train- ing-methods are noted. It is suggested that the operators be taught the operation of each unit and its component parts, thus greatly simplifying the timely detection of equipment failures. Training the operatora'in the operation and repair of equipment under simulated combat conditions is recommended. A periodic testing of electronic vacuum tubes using LI-2 (IL-14) tube'testers with the mutual conductance .characteristic of the electronic tubes (S) as a control parameter and subjecting them -to-a limit teat In discussed. The use of tho oscillograph for testing radio and elec- tronic equipment and the detection of failures Is also discussed. Orig. art. has. I 'SUB CODE:/Y,05,09/ SUBM DATE: none KUNAKOV, G.L. -r-:, Tocal loucocytosis in chronic tonsillitis. Vostn. otorinolaring. 25 no.3.,106 163 (MIRA 17:1) TT ~~!A al v `1:49-52- t Drlci!;. 3FID 1962 1963/1 SEET ILC JWA~XO ATROVSKAYA. Ye.P., redaktor; RYBIN, N.A., _,NMikhail Yomallyanovich; F [Practical studio@ on the collective form and in school garden@,; (Seventh grade); a manual for secondary-schOD1 teachers) Praktieho- skis zaniatiia v kolkhoze i us shkollnom uchebno-opytnom uchaetke (VII klass); posobis alia uchitelei srednei shkoly. Moskva, Goa. uchabno padagog. izd-vo Y.-Ya prosy* RSYSR, 1956. 118 p. ZAgricultura-Study and teaching) (KW 10:7) KTJNAKOVJ, M. YX Ye. Cand Ped Sci -- (diss) "PrUtical ()eauPatj=M k-~16 xwmwuadl~ e Care of NX Animals aud the-St, , Against /h L414 1 #1 Plant Pests in Connection With the =XXXKI~rse, zoology-f4p- Mos, 1957. 20 pp 20 cm. (Academy of Ped4goglcal Sciences RSFSR, Scientific Research Inst of 2EUI!Qa-t- x4-4-Me-thods), 100 copies (KL, 27 1-57, 111) - 91-- KUNAKOV, H-Ye--,.~ --- Method of conducting practical work in zoology. Biolv ahkolp no.3:21-25 Itr-TO 159- (ItIlUt 12:9) 1. Kaluzbekly pedagogicheskiy Institut, (Zonlogy-Study an(I teaching) Dleoection and preparation of birds for demonstration in the claso. Biol. v ahkole no.5:3-c-33 S-0 '60. (MIRA 13,11) 1. Kaluzhakiy peaagogicheokiy institnt. (Birds-Anatomw-Study and teaching) DM1TRIYEVJ, Nikolay Leonidorvich; MUMMA, L.; KUNAKOV, m.; YERSHOVAP I.., red.., IVANOV, N.,, tekhn. red. (Plant and animal world of Naluga Province) RastitelInyi i zhivot- nyi mir Kaluzhskoi oblasti. Kaluga, Kaluzhskoe knizhnoe izd-yo. No.l. [Plant world] Rastitellnyy mir. 1961. 113 fhRA 15:1) (Kaluga Province-BotwW) DIUTRIYEV, N.,- ZELENOVA, Lidiya, Andreyevna; KUNAKOV, Mikhail I ~ - _-_ - - Yemell,yanovich,. Prinimali uchastiye. F(LESITIK,, I.A.; I-SAKOVSKAYA, O.V.; YERSHOVA, I., red.; IVJWOV, N., tekhn. red. [Plant and animal world of Kaluga Province] HastitelInyi i zhivotnyi Tair Yaluzhakoi oblasti. Ksluga, Kaluzhakoe knizhnoe izd-vo. No.l. [Animal world) Zhivotr,7i mir. 1962. 184 p. (IMU 15:6) (Kaluga, Province--Zoology) W 0 0 0 0 0 0 0-6-0-6-0 A I W 11 -A A b L-1 At Do 00 0 0 i 0 :It 1) As Is, is I? to it nun mj7)ll)vlssn mij will, up must it wo 44-4-t-W a _11it n I T~ 6! IL-AA J'AA MCC to U is. .1 At I't its I-1jo 0 it .111 1.11 ('Alf'JAPI nil It" of cold coke -oven Igars In the Martin tumotell flio, 5 of the Deembinski works KIIIIA"ir still 1, P, N"Ah"I S',lyl 1/0 of tile 1-Iniallni A -I stave I'lulidw Ill trXill'if 'nwlaltol' I 1,,, 1". pow of tile still, Aq a rr'1111 ,I fit,- &-ficl, fit "'W 4 Hit a can be finproved by mitivitig ifir amt. ,I midv I-v ill tile N 4 C of in t ontivat rhkrge or by Incirmsing the stril - of life, = n1milittilm with hiartil mid with jArm-u ra~ -1 w.1 that a longer tWr6f 4)f ol"faltoln %VA% 14-11,11. %jib lb'- latter. see '00 I L A StIALkL'RGKAL 1.111RAIlAt CtAtillPICA11011 0 A A - U TL AV In Is - I T.T T4 A o N 19111711151,41 Nit Ito a r; it 41111 00 00' 4, it m HID n 1 1; o 0 0 0 0 00 of' To 000000.0::::O:O:*:O:Ooooooi:::::OooooI V 11111 0 0 001 0 0 0 6 0 0 0 0 V o o 0 * 0;~ art -4 -11 -,j is U )I; I., 4921h."AN JLP UP Nis ULIN" 4' W .1 A I L A I I., jih 0 R I I v AA, 1* a ;0 It A 1-,A. 0 0 90 Mal 7, 410-M1047).-I"he dcl.mitioli i,f 00 115AP.Mbytill atirmbly and along the path of the p, 00 '00 frovi the funtam to ps-cleaning units, wamth-mrAterduct.. V(C. was Olt-."vA during the war r,,,ri,-d -li,. it F-Shk 00 was'smelted continuously for o%-rr 3 y-,ars. Thequantity 06 Z; and compri. of the (Just deposited at v-Arious Imiints are given. M. to ot 00 to so 00 to to 40, Z ~ tta"' 10 0 Ala ILA -tTALtIj"GK-L LITI*.TLkt 17VAiSIFICATICN .1-, 3o _WX U Is Al tf~ L' tj if C( If 311' b4 5 n It M n i C4 utillution Gi the ogy6on Lastallation In metallurgical works. N. H, X -509,18).-The SW S. ILI utiliwim 44 () at the %146- ultoo,cA metallurilk-al winks ildelicni"l. Tht,OisuscA trgul.40v for fire IvAlahjug. licruji oirlm., ourciat teluir%, 111141 11111por repairs. To pointo of Wilvir it im tm,l texulAtly or ill large vull.. tile 0 is Ill I and WhVir if 11W.41 lxvk%hmLd1v (it 11111V ill 1,111all VIAS.. I V, 1) 1% ddivirt"I NI 11-ch PA19P4 155 Metallurgical Plants Oxygen Canisters "Oxygen Supply Arrangaimante tory," N. Yao Kupa Cand Combiue, 2 3A PP "Stall" No 10 Oct 48 in a Metallurgical Fao- Tech Sol, Magnitogorsk Quotas figures on expenditure of oxygen In various operatlow. Discusses supply to oonsumars and uee of oxygen bottles. Lists oxygen plants uzed and briefly describes each. Discusses acetylene content of liquid oxygen. me l9A9T55 Nor ftrunces, Gas Dust Removal "fttional Norma for the Purification of Blaat-Fur- Ma" .Gas," 1. Ye. Kunakor, Can& Tech Sci, mm9alto- gorek Metal Combine, 41 pp "atoil'" No 11 ltlle~advieabla to differentiate the established UMM for purification of b1set-fuz7aco Ste dust ocatent to-20 mg/an m. Gas intended for heating coke furnaces shou3A be subjected to supplewn~ ta~rcl6anins to 10-12 ng/eu a. Gas destined for steam boilers need not undergo intensive purification USSR/ft9inearing (Contd) Nor 48 but should pass throush =xUloyclones only, bei, ng 010aned. to Ono as/au-M. lgAgT61 PhASE I TREASURE ISLAND BIBLIOC"HICAL REPORT AID 191-1 BOOK Call No. TN','18.K8 Author. Master of Eng. Sci. Full Title: GAS UTILIZATION IN METALLURGICAL PLANTS Transliterated Titles Gasovoye khozyaystvo metallurgicheshi-kh za-vodov Publishina'Data Originating Agen~iyg None Publishing House; State Scientific Technical Publishing House of Literature on Ferrous and Nonferrous Metallurgy. Dates 1951 No. pp.s 290 No. of copiest 3,000 Editorial Staff Editor; Yjxrl -yuv., B.N., Eng. Tech. Ed.i None Editor-in-Chief: None Appraisers Oleynik, E.D., Eng. Text Data Coverages The book describes various methods of purification of exhaust gases from blast and coke producing furnaces before their introduction into metallurgical furnaces, boilers and for other purposes. The methods of computation of dust collectors,- scrubbera and electric separatoru are illustrated with sketches, chartir and tables of data. The purifioation methods are subytantlgl& the ogM au those adopted In American practice. 1/2 Gasovoye khozyaystvO metallurgichankikh zavodov AID 191-1 Purposes This book Is for technical parconnel in the wtallurgical industry and also may be used b3r the students of meWlurgiol technical schools. F ,litiee ~-Gas utilization was studied by the vell known Soviot solentlats aci. . I I M.K. Kwa~qs M.A. Pavlov, 1,P* Bardin, M.B. Lugavtim, P.A. gawmi~ii~ov,- Prof. K.N. 23ia-~orankov, arid'othare. No. of Russian and-Slavio Referenneas 31 (1936-)950) Available; Library*of Congress MAPT,-.A.Ye., kandidat tekhnicheskikh nauk; BOKOV, M.I., retsenzent; MALIKOV, X.V.. retsenzent. [Running automobiles on compressed coke gas] Rabota avtotranaporta na szhatom koksovom gaze. Moskva, Goo. nauchno-takhn. izd-vo lit-ry po chernoi i tevetnol, metallurgii, 1953. 123 P. (KI-RA 7:5) (Coke) (Gas and oil engines) (Automobiles) KUHAKOV,N.Ye., kandidat tekhnicheakikh nauk 1-1 - I- ~ . ~ -,f~ Power problem's related to blast furnace functioning with an increased pressure ratio. Stalf 15 no.7:637-639 Jl '55. (KLRA 8:9) 1. Magnitogorskiy filial Gosudarstvennogo instituta po pro- yektirovaniyu metallurgicheskikh zavodov. (Blast farnace) 11(2) PHASE I BOOK EXPLOITATION sovI2160 Kunakov, Nikolay Yevgenlyevich Razvitiye gazovogo khozyaystva metallurgicheskikh zavodov (Developing the Supply and Utilization of Gas in Metallurgical Plants) M08COWp Metallurgizdat, 1959. 210 p. Errata slip inserted. 3,000 copies printed. Ed.: Ye.A. Nitskevich; Ed. of Publishing House: A.A. Vagin; Tech. Ed.: M. K. Attopovich. PURPOSE: This book is intended for engineers and technicians in the metals industry. It may also be useful to students of vuzes and workers in the gas industry. COVERAGE: This book deals with the problems of gas supply in metals plants in general, and the process of cleaning waste gasj and the outlook for the use of gas-cleaning equipment in particular. It also deals with the development of gas supply and consumption in metals plants and means of eliminating gas shortages by utilizing gas generators, natural gas resources, liquid fuel, etc. The use C aFvd--IT -7- Developing the Supply and Utilization of Gas (Cont.) SOV/2160 of coke oven gas is also discussed in this book. No personalities are mentioned. There are 137 references: 114 soviet, 19 English, and 3 German, and 1 French. TABLE OF CONTENTS: Introduction Ch. I. Effect of the Physical and Chemical Properties of Flue Dust 5 on the Degree of Purification of Gas 1. Granulometrical composition of dust 4 2. Chemical composition of dust 9 3. The ability of dust to accumulate (coagulation) 12 4. Electrical properties of dust N 5. Effect of oil vapor 1 Ch. II. Effect of Operation Methods of Blast Furnaces on the Purification Condition and Balance of Gas 16 1. Change in dust content in waBtegas during changeover of blast furnpce to operation under elevated pressure but with same blast rate 18 2. Change in chemical composition of dust 25 Card 2/ 7 GHUKHANOV, Z.F.; KONDAKOV, V.V.; KALYUZBY'Y, I.I.V.,, RYZHONKOV, D.I.; SPEKTOR, A.N.1 STROKovsKry, L. Kh. KHORZHEMBO, ..L.; YARKHO, Ye.N. KUTJAKOV~ N. Yo. Pilot plant for the study and application of the hear regenerating direct process of cast iron and steel production. Ispoll. tverd. topl., sor. maz. I gazza -10- 5&182-19Z 164 (MIU.' l912) 66514 ,'OV/13'1 -59-7-15693 Translation from: Beferativnyy zhurnal, Metallurgiya, 1959, Nr 7, p 215 (USSR) AUMORO): Borisenho, V.G., and Kunakov, Ya.N.- TI'fl-J,',: The Yffect of the Grain Size on Nagnetic Proi)crties of Cold Holled Ti-ansformer Steel H-21IODICAL: Tchlui.-ckon. byul. O"oviiar1zhuz Z,~porozhs.-.. chlon. adm. r-na, 1958, Nr 'I, P13 45 - 49 !BSTRACT: Investigations were carried out into the effect of the grain size on specific loss and magnetic induction of cold rolled textured transformer steel. It was stated that high magnetic properties of the steel could only be obtained by a homogenous coarse-grained structure. Decreased specific loss and higher magnetic induction occurred with an increase in the grain size up to 80 - 100 mm. Fine grained structure reduced magnetic induction by 10 - 20,1~, and increased specific loss by 20-50%. Finegrained metal contained a higher amount of non-inctallic impurities and 0 1 2" T.F. Card 1/1 I KUNAKQVO Ya.N.; LIVSHITS, B.G. Role of surface energy in the formation of cubic texture in silicon iron. Fiz.met.i metalloved. 14 no.5s727-732 N 162. (MIRA 15s12) 1. Moskovskiy institut stali i splavov. (Iron-MetalloggAphy) (Surface energy) KUNAKOV, Ya.N.;. LIVSHITS, B.G. Cubic texture in silicon iron. Metalloved. i term. obr. met. no.11:15-19 N 163. (MIRA 16:11) 1. Moakovakiy institut stali i splavov, KUNAKCV, U.N.; LIVSHITS, B.G.; SOROKIN, M.N. Deformation of textures in silicon iron. Izv. vys. ucheb. zav.; chern. met. 6 no.5:146-150 163. (MW 16 q) 1. Moskovskiy institut, stali i splavov. (Iron-silicon alloys-Wtallography) (Deformation (YAchanic5))