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Luminescence of gamma-irradiated KN03' Fiz. tver. tela 5 no.11:
3334-3336 N 163. (MIRA 16:12)
1. Institut fiziki AN UkrSSR, Kiyev.
L 10155-63 EFF(c)/EWT(I)/gpF(n)-2/BDS--Ar-nC/ASD/SSD--
AC 1 10: AP3000321 S/0048/63/027/005/0679/0662
AWHQR. Yatsewko, A. F.; Kulyupin, Yu. A.
..... . ............
TrP1 : Laminescence of sodium nitrite at low te= (Reports, Eleyenth
Conference on Luminescence held at Minsk 10-15 Sept. 19621
SOURCE: Izvestiya AB SSSR. Seriya fizicheskaya, v. 27, no. 5, 196', 679-682
70PIC TAGS: lwan6scence- 6boorption, sodiura nitrite, nitrites
ABSIRACT: Interest in nitrites, particularly sodium nitrite, bza been aroused
oving to discovery of a ferro--lectric phase transition In NaNO sub 2 at 162Dc.
Sodflin nit--Ite crystallizes in the NSLCl type lattice vith the Cl replaced by t-he
"Dr. T~.,,e vlbra~-Ional frequencies of --h.'s ion i:Lre :,-nown from ~1;lm __S
-rff-a-7~4 aLS3.-V-or. SL'I,es. P P 0-1 " Prev,
~ . -1 - -h-
3f sod-lum r-,*-rL~.e been by Sidnan; J. W. (j. Amer.
-,he-rpresen-~ study Sidman's results have bee-ri corif~..rmed and SoMe DIV
phed on a;~ I e- ro p.-I
broiight out. The spectra were photogrw SP S-D L't- ~7 a
exc4tat'on by t]~~e -~65C Angstrom Hg i1ne. The !U-Min~-sce:--e a~
K and very _nI.,eri.6e at -2~.40K (---4a-.a
tenu)eratu-e, more intenSe at 71.
Card 1/2
L cl%l
AC AP3000321
temperature). r1rhe Ila nitrite luminescence spectrum at 20.4*K is described,
ana.,lyzed and compared vith the spectra of LI, K, CB, Ag and T1 nitrites. (The
other investigated nitrites vere prepared by 1- li. Venercvskaya azn~ N. A. B~70kov
y of Prof. P. 1. Protseril:o at Rostov-on-*,he-Don Stale Uhver3:t4.
_s -'r-'erred 'rom ~oln_'dence5 of the C;-G transI.,_'on I.wids -_,zt alloorp* -:- _-n~~
luminescence spectra, the mirror synniewy of thest: apeQLi-a and
the !,=inescence Is intrinsic (not Impurity) "d is emitted by the -atrItc or-:.
Is I'mDossible to decide on the basis of t-he present data whe--her the dis,,re'x
spectrum is due to excitons or to the emission of some xind of discrete c=ters.
"The authors express their gratitude to A. F. 1>-rikhotlko V. L. Broude a-ad
M. T. Shpak for -making possible the investigation and for their interest in the
work." Orig. art. has: 2 figures,
ASSWIATION: Institut -LPizi-ki Akademii nauk SSSR (Institute of Physics, Academy of
Sciences, USSR)
SUEUTTED: 00 DATE Acq: i2.Tun63 ENCL: 00
L .CH NR RU SOV- 005
.......... -------- ------------------------------------
L 01277-66 :EW(II IJP(G)
ACCESSION NRI. AP5020810 UR/0048/65/029/bO8A407AW9
AUTHORt Kulyupinj,-Yu. A.; Yptsenko A.
TITLE: On the mirror similarity of encenee'and absorption spectra ~0-r*t I
13th Conference on Luminescence held in Kharskov 25 June to 1 July 192
SOURCE: AN SSSR* Izvestiya. Seriya fizicheakayap vo 29, noo 8, 19659 lh07-1409t
and top half of insert facing pe 1408
TOPIC TAGS%. absorption spectrum, lundnescence spectrump nonlinear vibration,
nitritep crystal impurity) cx-ystal lattice vibration
ABSTRACT: The authors briefly discuss violation of mirror similarity of the
I luminescence and absorption spectra of the NO-2 ion. This ion has three internal
vibrations which give rise to three series of lines in the luminescence and absor-,
ption spectra. In NaN02 these series are of roughly equal intensity in the absor-
I ptim spectrum but they differ greatly in intensity in the luminescence spectrum.
Similar results are obtained with other nitrites and with inpurity nitrite ions in
nitrates, These results can be understood as consequences of anharmonicity of the
vibrations with the aid of the theory of AF*Lubchenko (Physt Stat, Solop 6, 3191,
196h)p which was developed to describs the behavior of impurities but can be ex-
Card .1/;
L 01277-66
ACCESSION NR: AP5020810 17
tended to apply to pure crystals, The vibronic bands of NaW at 200K duo to
lattice vibrations conform very nearly to the mirror similari?y rulep but the
structures of the corresponding luminescence and absorption bands of KNO2differ
corsiderably from each other. Similar results are obtained for impurity N ions
in KNO . This behavior can be qualitatively understood 'n terms of the theory of
AeF.L2chenko and B.M.Pavlik (Physo State Sol., 7, 105, 40, 1964). It-is con-
cluded that anharmonicity is one of the factors that can lead to violation of mir-
ror similarity of luminescence and absorption spectray but that there are few quan-
titative characteristics that admit an obvious theoretical interpretations Fur-
ther work in this direction is desirable, Orige art. bass 2 figureso
ASSOCIATION: Institut fiziki Alcademii nauk UkrSSR (Ph s Institute, Academy o~
Sciences, UkrSSR)
-140 REF SOVZ 007
Card 2/2
ENCL: 00
-OTHER& 003
L 28432-66 FBD/EWT(1 )/EEC, (k)-VT/EViP(k) IJP(C'L W31GD
I-ACC NR- AT6015147 SOURCE'COM, UR/0000/66/000/000/0322/0326
i AUT11OR- YatsenYo, A. F.; Xuly~pin, Yu. A.; Stet-senko B. V.
ORG: Institute of Physics AN UkrSSR (Institut fiziki AN UkrSSR)
TITLE. Usir,&_Las~rs f~w studying the kinetics of photoelectric field emission
SOURCE: Respublikanskiy seminar po kvantovoy elektronike. Kvantovaya clektronika
1966, 322-326
(Quantum e ec ronics ; tru47 Nau
TOPIC TAQS: photoelectric effect, field emission, laser appli,~ation, silicon, laser, i
pulse generator
ABSTRACT: 1, method is proposed for using a continuous-duty belium-neon laser to p1lo-
duce short intense light pulses. An example is giveri illustrating use of these light
pulses for studying the kinetics of photoelectric flel.d emission frorn high-resistance
niethods 1. measurement of the i1rop in photo-
si 1con. Two
electric field einission under pulsed illumination, and 2. determination of tbe varl_-
able and constant coraponerits of field emission current under illu.-.)ination by a sinu-
Soidally modulated light. The short light pulses were produced 4y a mcchanic~il sy~'-
tem with a rotating rismatic mirror (see figure). The light source was an LAK-1
Ile-Ne laser 0=6328 K power 100-300 Ini, divergence angle less than 101 ). The Instal-,:
lation gave a pulse duration of 2.10-7 sec with a 1 cm light r~pot at the pickup. The
C,,d 1/2
L 28432--,~6
ACC AT6015147
Mechanical generator of short light pulDes: 1--prismatic mirr-o-r; I
2--light source; 3--light receiver
I C".
distance between plalse generator and receiver may be increased by
an oider of magnitude and a long-focus lens may be used to reduce
the spot diameter to 0.1 w, or less. These measures would uake it:.
sec. The variable.
possible to reduce the pulse duration to 10
and constant component of photoelectric field emission produced by~
exposing an emitter to light modulated with a frequency of 4.6 Kc
were measured to study the fast component of relaxation. The
m*odu,la4Ii'in,g element was a KDP crystal placed between the laser and a polarization
prism. A block diagram of the experimental installation is given. An attempt Pras
made to establish the upper limit of frequencies which may be recorded by a photoelec-,
tric field emitter. The experiments yieldc-I satisfactory agreement between calculat-
ed and observed frequencies although the photoelectric field emitter was not able to
record a signal at 67 Me, apparently due to inperfections in the method. rurther at-
tempts in this direction are being made. Orig. art. has: 3 figures. 114)
SUB CODE: 20/ SUBM DATE: 12reb661 ORIG REF: 002/ OTH REF: 008/
Card .2/2
1, 092-66 an (m) DiAAP m,,
F-ACC NR% AP5028108 SOURCE CODE: UR/0089/651019/0()110675/0076
AUTHOR: Flyankov, G. N.; Darashin, M. A.; Kulyupina, 1.1, Ve
ORG: none
TITLB: Isotop2 Lama irradiation unit UKP-30000
son, C~,) t rMfLya enorglya, Ve 19, no. 1.1965, 75-76
TOPIC TAGS: radiation chemistry, radiation dosimter, ga=a irradiation, radloisotop
nuclear physics apparatus, radiation dosimetry
ABSTRACT: The UKP-~9000 apparatus
,Kiov iirklertrater apparatus, 30,000 gri equivalent R
is cl,~scribed, The "Co source is kept in a tank of water, which serves as a biologic
o1ii.-:10 and as a stabilizer of temperature for long irradiations. The sample to be
ir-.,arliatod is positioned near the source by a pulley system. Results of chemical
dosimotr~r --ciasurements of the dose field in the irradiation cassette are given. The
temperatizre environT,10 1A pf the source and cassette was found to be constant up to
dose:; on the ordor of 10' to-10T_-ad.___Engineo_r_s_J~G_s Davidvuk K. I. Subach, V. S.
Xurennoy, 111. V. Earkov, M. Odnokon , A. Is Silenko, -and N. R. Starichenko of the
--nEo-ratory of Radiation 6'i-evastry participat;a in I preparation assembly ayki adjust
of th,~ IJKP-30000 apparatis, and A. N. 13ordikova the work on the dbsimtryo 'In con-
clusic,n the authors ]Ako t~ ~takn ~thlj_ opportunity to thank A. M, Kabakchi for h
const-qnt intore-ct i.- : .~r work and for valuable advice, Oric, aA_._h_a_v_,_1!j1`guras.,
SUB COOS- "P, GC if ;'IBM DATE: O3Aug64 F: 002 -F:
Card 1/1 UW; ~621-039_*_8_3_
L 1,39o-66 TAs'r (in) DTAAP rrilt POM976576197001700MOW I
AUTHOR: Plyankov, G. No; Kulyupina, No V,
ORG: none
TITLE: fligh-do se -rate isotope garma irradiation unit UK-70000
SOURCE: Atonnaya onorgiya, vo'19, no- 1, 1965, 77-78
TOPIC TAGS: radioisotope, gamma irradiation, radiation dosimeter, radiation dosimetry,
nuclear physics apparatus, radiation chemistry
ABSTRACT: The high-dose7Kate irradiation facility LPS-70000 (Kiev apparaius, '?0, 000 gif
cquivalent Ra), using a OJco source, was constructed for radiation-chemistry research,
Thu ',o+, charbor with water basins, the irradiator, the source remote-handling system,
the shieidinZ, and the ocntrol and ventilation systems are described, Diagrams of the
doso-rate field of the apparatus are presented. The temperature conditions in the
facility are discussed. 1. Go Davidnk. V. S. Kuronngy, M. Ya. Tereshchenko, 1. N.
Fodchishin, A. G. Puchkovsldy, No R, Starichonko A. Is Silenko, ~11. F4.--0d-nqkon-f----
Y'A. I. - a o . n ly abd adjustill'?-
.Egzyrqv, A. P. Meleshevich took part in the prep rati n, asse-b ,
of the UK-70000 apparati%z and K. A~. ~Za~!eva participated In the dosixntry work. Ori
art. has: 2 figures. fil -"A 7
SUB CODE: 'ITP, CC -31IBM DATE i-03Au-64- OFIG RM. 001P
cmd UDC: 621-037-83
KULYUTKIN, Yu.N. (L-ningrad)
Effect of industrial experience on evening (shift) school students
in their assimilation of theoretical knowledge. Vop. paikhol.
8 no.3;131-135 My-Je 162. (MIRA 15:6)
(Educational psychology)
1,'~ u i --'.-QlANf-jv 3illi UsIlbf ~Ayt'vjc'-- `Gy:;h;y!, 107 ". , !"j.:i .
- .1), 1 . - -- Y- ~ - - ,.~-, * .11 , . I
[,;heop fatten', vg j i',oidu z I, a iytta -ou it,' --t liu- PV t;i! --e ,
k,;rgyz mairillekettik basmasy) 1963. 31 ~-- Du KirOAL)
KULIZHANOV, --- ;._x- - ---,
Case of Ileck2bighausen's disease with changes in vision. Zdrav.
Kazakh. 21 no.B.M-73 161. (MI 11 14: 9)
1. Iz Kazakhokogo instituta glaznykh bolozney (direktor - prof.
V.P.Roshchin) Nauchnyy rukovoditel.Itemy - 1.14.
Interoceptive influences from the urinary system on the blood
circulation of the heart. Vest. AN Kazakh.SSR 20 no.11:66-70
N 164. (MIRA 18:2)
Tnteroceptive effects from the receptcrs of the urinary system
on the coronary vessels. Vest. kN Kazakh. SSR 21 no.1:74-78
Ja 165. (1,11P-4 184 7)
Reflex influences from urinary tracts on the minute volume
of blood flow from the --a-Y sinus. Izv. AN Kazak),
Ser. biol. nauk 3 no., 9(~-96' ~Y-Je 165. (MIRA 18:9)
Intproceptive effects of the urinary system on the blood
circulation of the heart. Izv. AIN Ka?,akh. SSR. Ser. biol.
nauk 3 no.4;82-88 Jl-Ag 16-9. O."IRA 18:11)
USSR / Farm Animals. Honeybee. Q-7
Abs Jour Hof Zhur - Biol., No 14) 1956) No 64574
Author KulzhinskaYa, K. P.
Inst i-DIF-rvinianExperiwntal Station of Apiculture
Title : The Role of the Nutrition Frictor in the Formation of
Orig Pub :9b. nauchn. tr. Ukr. opytn. st. pchelovodstva, 1957, vyP, 1)
Abstract :Thking into account that nurse bees feed larvae in amounts
that are directly proportionate to the size of the cell, the
author used larger cells (6 m.) and obtained adult bees
weighing 10.4% more, with a capacity of the honey sack
14.18% higher and a ligula 2.51% longer, as compared with
bees raised in normal cells (5-37 mm.). The average weight
of drones raised in the cells of 7.39 m. size was 22.73%
higher than in the controls reared in the 6.75 m. cells.
Card 1/1
Alginates as clarifying agonto for wines and fermented julcen. Patent
U.S.S.R. 117,159 Dec-31, 1949.
(CA 47 no.19:10i72 153)
k;. A.
Kljll~~'(INSII-AIA, 1,T. A. 03vr.-tl,3niye viri. 'finodel-'ye J VLn~D:7rzl-`.=,f"ro
-- - - - L ~, I
;;o).&,vii, [,:). '3, --,. 1-3-16.
-'-'0: 1 -1 -va, 1949.
LAopi6l "l-U-nallivy!~11 "o. 2-9, -0s1,
.1 .1
to fl-a-rurt n collipirt,
f 135
Wine and Wine Making
Producing Vermouth Vin. SSSR no. 4,, 1952.
9. Monthl List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, Jiily-1951, Uncl.
KULZHpjSKjv.j. ;? kand. teh~zrj. rje~~
, _1.:
Dt'nO,-,ltwr'j,n(ltloa 61.
-:, , .. , i a2,111-larl. -,~O
J:L 164 tl.~, ~ f ,(I'flRX3 17,-8)
"Increasing the Lffectiv..?ness of Sedimentation Tanks 4hen
Treatinv 'dater with Aluminum Sulfate and Sodium Silicate Con-
currently." Cand Tech Sci, Novocherka3 Polytechnic Inst,
'11ovocharkas, 1954. (R7,brhim, :70 3, Feb 55)
Sj: Sum. No. 631, 26 Auf., 55-Sumv of Scientific Technicpl
Dissertations Defended at USSR Higher S'ducational Institu-
tions (14)
izd-va; VOIKOV, S.V., tekhasred,
(Water purification for water supply to machine-tractor stations
and state farms) Ochietka vody dlia vodoenabzhonlia poselkor
HTS I eovkhozov. Moskva. Izd-vo H-va, kommun.khoz. PZFSR, 1957.
69 p. (MIRA 11:6)
1. Akademiya komunallnogo khozyayotva. Moscow.
(Water-Purification) (Vater supply. Rural)
teklm.n , nauchnyy red.; BUTUVA, YU,M,,, red,
(Maltilayer filters] 14nogosloinye fil'try. 1960 6 p. (Akademiia
kommunallnogo khoziastva* Informatsionnoe pislm;, no.1).
(Water-Purification) (Filters and filtration) (HIM 140.)
For the efficient designs of filter drains by the AcademV of
Municipal Services. Trudy NPI 138:37-48 163. (MIRA 16:10)
Study of the operation of the pormis drains of filters designed
by thG A,,;ademy of Municipal Services. Nauch. trudy AKKIf no.22.-
120-131 163, (M-11RA 18:5)
hri. riua 1~
~j` to F 1,
GLUMNOV, N.P., kand. tekhn. nauk; BDGDANDY. V.N., jnzh, ; K=HIVS]EIT, T.L.,
Longitudinal seam welding of large diameter pipes with high
frequency resistance heating. Svar. proizvd no.2:6-8 P 159.
(MIRA 12:1)
I.Nauchno-iseledovatellski.v inetitut tokov v7sok 9y chastety.
(Pipe, Steeli-Welding)
(Electric we ding)
(Induction heating)
KULZIIINSKIY, Yu.I.s kand.tekhn.nauk
Refining beat-engineering calculations for lightened exterior
walls. Izv. ASiA 4 no.2:65--68 162. (MMA 15:9)
(walls-Thermal. properties)
10JDANoVA, V.1.j DOW',YALLO, VrP.; K I IL I';',) JONKOV;_X!q~.D, ; POWV, Y*'1.j
retsenzent; TRIFONOV, V.I., retsenzent; LEVITAS, I.G., red.;
USMKOP L.A., tekhn. red.
(Moscow - Central Asia; railroad guide]Moskva - Sredniaia
Azlia; zheleznodorozhnyi putevoditelt. Moskva, Transzheldor-
izdat, 1962. 205 p. (MIRA 16:3)
KUMACHRHKO P~Uaa&ujo doktor okon.nauk; FAIAlk,YEVA, T.F.,
T ,,prof 9 9
rod.; GUBI.No H.I., tekbnorod,
[Characteristics of the transition period of the Chinese PeODle'S
Republic) Osobannosti perekhodnogo perioda v Kitaiskoi Nsrod~ol
Respublike. Hoskva, Itd-vD "Znanie,l 1958- 59 P, (Vi3eBoiuznoe
obshchostvo po rasprostranentiu politi(;beBkikh i nauchnykh znanii.
Sor. 3, no.s 36/31 (141RA 11:3)
(China-Rconomic conditiona)
~ JCWCHENKO p -Ya. 8 i p prof . t red. ; KOLChWKO 9 N. I. v red. ; 14ASLEM41NOVA 9
1-1 ---
T.A.t tok-bn, red&
[Studies in the economics of socialism) Ocherki po politakonomii
sotsi4izma. Pod red. IA.S.Kumaohenko. Moekvap Izd-vo Mosk. univ.,
1961. 175 P. - (KIRA 140)
1. Moscow. Institut povysheniya kvalifikataii prepodavateley
obahchestve kh nauk Kafedra politicheskoy ekonmii.
76xnomics; (COMMIniffim)
llow we have organized the work of telegraphers. Avtom. telem. i
sviaz' 8 no.1:26-27 Ja 164. (MIRA 170)
1. Nachallni-k telegrafno-teleforuioy stantsii Moskvt,,-YaroslLn.-vskaya
1-loskovskoy dorogi.
AUTHORS- Kumachev,A-,F-. Senior foreman on the 2300-rolling mill), and
--Dm1tr-T_eVq_ I.'D_.tnior research engineer of the rolling group
of the Central Works Laboratory), 130-3-11/22
TITLE: Improved Utilization of Roughing-Stand Sheet-Rolling Rolls.
(Uluchshenie ekspluatatsii listoprokatnykii valkov chernovoy
PERIODICAL: "Metallurg"- (Metallurgist), 1957, No.3, pp'.21-22. (U.S'.S*.R'.).
ABSTRACT-. The three-high roughing stand of-the 2-stand sheet rolling mill
tyle 2300 has cylindrical rolls 750/570/750 mm in diameter made
of type 60 Xr'steel. Since the mill was put into commission in
1953 improvements in performance bf ~the roughing stand have been
attained by introducing a double manipulator for centering the
work before it enters the stand and by changixg all three rolls
every week, instead of a previously-adopted system of changing
the outer rolls every 20 days and the inner roll every 10 days.
An improved system of roll-renovation has also been adopted.
Card 1/1 These measures have reduced the consumption of rolls by 28% to
a value of 0.306 kg/ton-,of rolled_pr6duct.
There are 2 graphs.
ASSOCIATION: Stalinski..- Metallurgical Works (Stalinskiy Metallurgicheskiy
Improved operation of sheet metal roughing mill rolls. Metallurg
'2'no.3.-21-Z2 Mr 157. (KIRA 10:4)
1. Starshiy master stana 2300 (for Kumachev). 2. Starshiy inzhener-
Usledovatell prokatnoy gruppy 75entrallnoy zavodskoy laboratorii,
Stalinskiy metallurgichookiy zavod (for Dmitriyev).
(Rolls (Iron mills))
MIACHEV, yu.j. (Moskva); KRYLOVp A.V., kand.biolonauk
Wires and branches, Priroda 50 no. 3:78 Mr 161. (MM 14:2)
1. Institut fiziologii rasteniy ip.K.A. Timiryazevay Moskva
(for Krylov), (Plantst Effect of electricity on)
K',ZLkK, G. 1-1.
"Implication of Sulfaraide Preparations in a Case of Lung Tuberculosis." Thesis
for degree of C nd. Medical Sci. Sub 7 Jun 49., Central Inst for the Arivanced
'I . .
Training of 11hysicunins.
2W Sm.1mary 82, 18 Dec 52, Dissertations Presented For D fyrees in Science mid
En-!LnourAni- in loucow in 15419. From VocharrLvaya IMoskvil) Jwi-DoT177 -
- , 197.
Km%akp G. M. and Postnikova.. Ye. N. and Rabukhin, A. Ye. - "The use of t)m streptomycin in
pulmorary tuberculoois", Trudy Akad. med. nauk SWR, Vol. 11, 1949, p. 43-53.
SO: U-4329p 19 August 53, (Letopia 'Zhurnal Inykh Statey, No. 21, 1949).
1 J~S6 -1 (3 -
DVOYNIN, L.A.; '3]IW',TFV, S.D. T. - LY1111ill', Yu.A.
, _-1- p
Cliangri In thf-, ocalovcardlac rrfflex -'In people unier tho influonco
of caffe'-no. Nnuch. trudy Ria", morl. inst. 1~tlll-17 162.
(MIRA 17: 5)
1. Kafcd-:-a normallnoy fiziologii (zav. kafedroy - prof.
Rya-zzansk3go n"d-',+---'-nqkogo instlituta irrinni Pavlova.
Uh e a 1.
Correlation of main and secondary shoots of shoots of sprir-F wheat., Trudy Ingt..
fiziol. rRSt., ?, NO. 2, 1951.
9. Monthl List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, March, 1952 _I~T
, Uncl-
2. USSR (600)
4. Oak
7. Effect of late spring frosts on the grovth and resistance of oak and ash in
connection with their balance of carbohydrates. Dokl. AN SSSR 89, No. 6,
9. Monthl List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, April - 1953, Uncl.
MRUSMV, A.I., kand.selfskokhoz.nauk; KTLA ~ov, V.A., kand.biolog.pauk
Effect of the shield bug eurygaster integriceps on the quality
of wheat seeds. Zashch. rast. ot vred. i bol. 7 no,7:24,25
11 62. (MIRA 15:11)
(Russia, Southern-Wheat-Diseases and pests)
(Russia, Suuthern-Eurygasters)
MUSHEV, A.I., kand. sellskokhoz. n&ak,* V.A., kand. biolog.
nauk; ASTAKHOVA, N.K., kand. k~lm. na-Lik
Effect of the damage -caused the shield bug Earygaster :Lnter-
griceps on the quality of the wheat grain in the following
crop. Agrobiologiia noJC110-114 ."9-F 264 (1,aRA 17 :8)
(liven Naro.,s
country: OzechoslovELkia
Academic Degreest DID
I Endocrinological Departm9nt-of.the Faculty HospitO4 Cb'ndokrinolo-
Affiliation nemocnioeJ_j__tr'_n_64 -Directors Heacl Physi-
Sourcol cian D, Rezler, MD# It No 6, June 61p pp 648-655,
Prague, Vfftj~ni Lokaretvil Vol VI
Datat "Carbimazol-Spofap4Hew Thyroootatio of Czechoblovak Manufacture.."
Authorai PFURNTO Ib'
y GPO 981643
AUTHOR: Kuman, V. Ye. SOV/20-125-5-40/61
TITLE: On Some Properties of Sodium Metasomatosis in the Krivoy Rog
Basin (0 nekotorykh osobennostyakh natrovogo metasomatoza v
Krivorozhokom basseyne)
PERIODICAL: Doklady Akademii nauk SSSR, 1959, Vol 125, Nr 5, pp 1100-1102
ABSTRACT: The metasomatosis mentioned in the title in most strongly
developed in the northern part of the basin as well an in the
Saksaganskaya syncline and in the rocks of the Tarapako-
Likhmanovskiy anticline. In the region first mentioned this
is a thorough metasomatosis (saturation). This substitution
removes quartz~ calcite and magnetite. From them originate
albite and alkalic amphiboles. Farther to the south, in the
Saksaganakaya syncline, the amphiboles mentioned and
aegirine originated in thin manner. Here the metasornatosin hau
a selective, strata-like charFtoter. Cummingtonite is substi-
tuted. It wfjs proven by new investigationD under the direction
of the author that still farther to the south (Tarapako-
Likhmanovskiy anticline) the sodium metasomatoois bas shown
Card 1/3 characteristic properties. Here, in the Kalinin pit, 15 veins
On Some Properties of Sodium Metasomatosis in the SOV/20-.125-5-40/61
Krivoy Rog Basin
of alkalic amphibole were ascertained. This mineral is
blue and produces a massive or spongy aggregate with dull
luster, whose lEmellear individual parts contain a silken
luster. All t! 'iese varieties occur together in one and the
same vein. This or that variety can predominate in individual
sections. Table 1 gives the chemical composition of individual
alkalic amphiboles. The crystallo-chemical formula was-set up
according to the method of V. S. Sobolev (see formula). The
greatest distinction in the chemical composition of the con-
trasted, alkalic amphibole minerals, riebeckite and rhodosite,
lies in the relation of the oxides isomorphously replacing each
other. The thermal analyses of the amphiboles (Analyst L.
Rybakova, pyrograph of the type P. V. Syromyatnikov) showed
an endotbermio effect at 930-9530 (Fig 1), It is caused by
precipitation from the water of constitution and by the
displacement of the alkalic amphibole from the vein. X.-ray
structural analyses (Analyst G. Sidorenko) has proven a
structure of alkalic amphibole identical with Cape crocidolite
(South Africa). The veina described are usually accompanied by
Card 2/3 a mineralization by alkalic amphibolite. Fijures 2 and 3 show
On Some Properties of Sodium Metasomatocis in the 30-7/20-125-5-40/61
Krivoy Rog Basin
microscopic pictures of such a sodium metacomatosis. Its
thickness ranges from a few cm to 10-12 m. A definite zonal
intensity sequence of this mfitasomatosis can be determin6d.
The increase of this intensity toward the north agrees with
the intensification of the general metasomatosis in Krivoy
Rog northwards and with the intensification of the magmatic
manifestations. This apparently indicates the hydrothermal
nature of the solutions which caused the metasomatosis. The
front of the sodium metasomatosis moved from north to south
in the course of the entire pre-Cambrian and perhaps also
post-Cambrian history of the basin formation. There are 1
figure, 1 table, and 2 Soviet references.
PRESENTED: November 28, 1958, by D. S. Korzhinskiy, Academician
SUBMITTED: November 27, 1958
Card 3/3
; KU14AN,- V.Ye. (Kuman, V.IE.]
Mineralogical characteristics of Krivoy Rog amphibole asbestos. Geol.
zhur. 20 no. 3:68-71 160. (MIRA 14:4)
(Krivoy Rog Basin-Asbestos)
XUMAI~ I V. , Ye.
._:~ -L
C;grid Geol-'Ndn Sci - (diss) "Amphibol-tj~,bestoLi of the Krivorozl!
iron-ore basin-" Kiev, 1961. 20 pp; (Ministry of Illigher and
Secondary Specialist Education Ukraininn l.-3SR, Kiev Or~er of Lenin
State Univ imeni T. G. Shevchenko); 150 conies; price not given;
(KL, 5-61 sup, 180)
KUMANp V.Ye. (Kuman, V.IE.]
Alteration of alkali amphibole in the rocks of the Krivpy Rog
series. Geol,zhur, 22 no.4tlOO-103 162. (MIRA 150)
1. Kharlkovskaya komplekonaya geologorazvedochnaya skspeditsiya.
(Krivoy Rog Basin,-Amphibole)
, K-DIANEV, uzhenn" uchitell shkol RSFSH.
Don't go to extremes in solving problems of technical education.
Folitekh. obuch. no.8:9-11 Ag 158. (MIRA 11:9)
(Technical education)
KUHM,.._Gaorgiy Alqksandrovi4p-kand. istor. naukj KAPIJJNOV9 A.S., red.;
RANITIN, I.T.p tekhn. red.
(Creative activity of the working class of the U.S.S.R. during the
large-scale building of com=miaml Tyorobe,"ia deiatellnostt rabo-
chego klassa SSSR v period razvernutogo stroitel'Btva ko=mizma.
Moskva, Izd-vo "Znaniev" 1961. 30 p., (Vaesoiuznoe obabehestvo po
rasprostranoniiu politicheskLkb i nauchrWkh znanii. Ser. 1p Istorila,
no.17) (MIRA 14:9)
(Labor and laboring classes) (Socialist conipetition)
hirification of nickel milfate from calcium, sodium, and
chlorine irj*wities. Zhur.prikl.khim. 35 no-5:1008-1016
MY 162- (14IPJ~ 15-5)
(Nickel aulfatc)
of, juire f nr, pur 1 fil ca t J (;ri of c6b a It
wsln)-, ralioisotopov.. Trudy 11' A. no- 10- 122 163
(MIRA 1.8:6)
KARnA.SBVICH, I.N., inzh.; KUWI, B.G., insh.; SIDORM, N.Te., kand. tekhn.
nauk; GHWOT, G~. ~., ~. -
Pi-oduction and use of high-basic Krivoi Rog ore sinterB the H93mev)m
Metallurgical Plant. Bjul. TSNIICHM no.6:4-7 I (Mm 11:5)
(Hakeefta-Sinteringro '
ROSTEMBERSKIY, A.V.; KANFER, V.D.; SOLDATKIN, A.I., kand.tekhn.nauk;
Increasing t.,e productivity of sintering plants and improving
the quality of the sinter. Met. i gornorud. prom. no. 2:20-22
Mr-Ap 164. (NIRA 17s9)
CZ74"-.7' ll-D t,3. h
pn-mo -~,* Aft
f17 SOV/177-58-4-21/32
AUTHOR: Kumanichkin, S.D., Major of the Medical Cor-ps, Candidate
- M_
of edical Sciences
TITLE: On the Oscillations of the Temperature of the Body
in Divers During Training Without Diving-Suit (0
kolebaniyakh temperatury tela U podvodnikov pri
obuchenii legkovodolaznomu delu)
PLMODICAL: Voyenno-meditsinskiy zhurnal, 1958, Nr 4, pp 71-73 (USSR)
ABSTRACT: The author's report is based on observations of oscil-
lating temperatures of the body in 284 divers during
their training without a diving suit, Special tests
were carried out in the first and in the second half
of the day, as well as in abazin and in a tower. The
observations have shown, that the temperature loss in
divers(after they have fulfilled their training task
in a basin at 300to 320 C and in a tower at 28 C)
does not surpass 1 C. These temperatures of the basin
Card 1/2
On the Oscillations of the Temperature of the Body in Divers
During Trtdning Without Diving-Suit
and the tower may be the most favorable for training
without diving suits. Lower temperatures result in
coolinG, and higher temperatures in superheating.
In case no pathological appearances are noted, a 0
temperature increase within a range of 37 to 37 06 C
in divers is not to be considered as a contraindication
to diving. There is 1 table,
Oard 2/2
17(8) SOV/177-58-11-28/50
AUTHDR; __,-Kumanichkin, S.D. Major of the Medical Corps, Candi-
date of Medical_:~qniences; and Voroblyev, F.K.
TITLE: A Universal Apparatus for Determining the Time Needed
for Reflex Reaction
PERIODICAL: Voyenno-meditsinskiy journal, 1958, Nr 11, PP 78 -
81 (USSR)
ABSTRACT: A series of apparatus was suggested for determining
a person's reflex reaction: Gipp's chronoscope, a
neuromobimeter, K.N. Dmitriyev's apparatus and L.M.
Belyank's device. As these devices permit one to
determine the reflex reaction only in the air, the
authors developed a universal apparatus for determin-
ing the time needed for reflex reaction either under
normal, increased or reduced pressure as well as under
water when wearing an insulating outfit. The apparatus
comprises two boxes, the first of which (Fig. al.the
left) having a size of 36 x 24.5 x 9 cm, consists of
Card 1/2 2 sections. In the first section the folded objects
A Universal Apparatus for Determining the Time Needed for Reflex
are laced and in the second - the devices (control
desks. The apparatus is described in detail and tec.h-
nical data are given in a diagram (Figure 2). The
apparatus operates only on single-phase alternating
current of 50 periods, at a 127 V tension. The time
needed for reflex reaction is measured by the oscil-
lations of the alternating current, which are record-
ed on paper by means of an automatic pen and simul-
taneously indicated by the hand of a timer. In the
apparatus there are used stimuli of the first and
second signal systems. As weak stimulus, light is
used and as strong stimulus - sound. The verbal sti-
muli may be transferred in writing and in words.
There is 1 photograph and 1 diagram.
Card 2/2
KUMOICHRINO S.Ds,, mayor meditsinakoy aluzhb.,r
Fitneen for submitrine ditty In malocclut3ion.
no.5:19-20 Kv '59. (MIRA 12:8)
fitness for submarine ditty in nalocclusion
KOMAREVTSEVv L.N., podpolkovnik meditsinskoy sluzhby,;
~_ KUMANIGHKINq SO., mayor meditsinskoy aluzhbyy;
POBOL's Ye.P.,
Nutrition of naval personnel under amergency conditions* Voen.-
med. zhur. no. 1:74-77 Ja 160, (MIRA 14;2)
KUMANIGHKIN, S.-D., mayor meditsinakoy sluzhby, kaAd.medna1qk -1
Preventing the overheating of divers and sulvarine personnel. Voen.-
med.zhur. no-4:73-77 Ap 960, (MIRA 14:1)
q 100 S/177/60/000/011/003/003
AUTHOR: Kumanichkin, S.D. Major of Medicai Services,
-C-5-HU=5 Sciences I
TITLE: The effect on work capacity of breathing under
pressure air-oxygen and air-he-1-Jum mixtures
PERIODICAL: Voyenno-medisinski.y zhurnal, no. 11, 10/60~ 77 - 80
TEXT: The author wished to study the effect on work capacity
of breathing under pressure air-oxygen and air-helium mixtures.
220 experiments were carried out on 22 subjects, 22 - 25 years
old, in a dry hydro-recompression chamber and iinder sea condi-
tions. 8trength, speed of movement and stationary endurance
were measured under normal conditions, and were unchanged when
breathing air-oxygen mixtures, containing 1 - 2.8 atmospheres
of oxy en, for periods of 20 mins. to 4 hours in a dry chamber
at 18-90m/H20 pressure. Air-ox gen misture and air were com-
pared: after 26 - 60 mins. at T80m/H,0 muscular strength and
speed had usually decreased less with a~r-oxygen than with air;
as regards endurance the reverse was true and 2 out of 6 subjects
Card 1/4
The effect on work... D219/D302
even displayed increaoed powers of endurance, probably due to
the disinhibiting effect of nitrogen in the air. The nainten-
ance of muscular strength and speed of movement is explained by
the increased oxygen content in the air-oxygen mixture. Varia-
tions in no cases, exceeded normal limits and hence work capacity
was effectively unchanged. Experiments on divers in hydro-re-
compression chambers, measuring their work, capacity ergometri-
ca.11y, showed tnat breatriing 25% air-oxygen mixture, containing
404110 oxygen at a depth of 60 m, subjects cannot do heavy work
ore than 200 kgm/min), since at a partial oxygen pressure of
2.8 atmospheres sign s of oxygen pcdsoning soon appear. Average
work (117 - 120 kgm/min) could be done under these conditions.
Most subjects could do heavy work in the depth range 45 - 60 m.
but onlv when breathing mixtures with smaller oxygen content
(32,'.-.). Experiments under sea conditions showed that, breathing
25% air-oxygen mixture at depths of 27 - 42m. divers could do
work of 120 - 420 kgm/min. The period Of ODtimal work capacity
Card 2/4
The effect on work... D219/D302
decreased with increase in depth, falling from 00 - 120 mins. at
27m. to 4o - 60 mins. at 42m. In the 1+5 - 60 m range breathing
25% air-oxy en mixture (oxygen partial pressure of 2.2 - 2.8
atmospherM and doing hard physical work of 232 - 250 kgm/min.
signs of oxygen pcLsoning appeared after 15 - 26 mins. Breathing
the above mixture divers can do all tasks down to 42m. inclusive
and the decompression regime may be shortened 4 or 5 fold. Mea-
surements were made breathing, at a pressure of 10 atmospheres,
* 50% air-helium mixture or at a pressure of 12 - 16 atmospheres
* 67% one. 20 - 30 mins. in a dry hydro-rec.:-mpression chamber
under the latter conditions provoked no significant changes in
strength, speed of movement and static endurance. To assess the
work capacity of subjects at depths down to 160m. preliminary
tests were done in a hydro-recompression chamber to study func-
tional movements in weldin- or cutting under normal conditions
as well as carbon monoxide output. These movements were unaf-
fected at depths of 60 - 160m., breathing 50 - 67% air-helium
mixtures, and horizontal and vertical cutting, and welding, was
Card 3/4
The effect on work... D219/D302
done as at 2m. At a depth of 140 - 160m. static endurance of
4 out of 6 subjects fell by 16 - 80% while the dynamic work ca-
pacity of most increased by 8 - 80%. At 120 - 160m. static fa-
tigue occurs sooner than dynamic. Work capcity declines with
increase in deDth. Respiration during static effort (holding
up a weight) a! 160m. is superficial and infrequent a,nd returns
to normal z~oon after lowering the weight. In dynamic work it
is faster and deeper. No pathological respiratory disturbances
were observed during physical work. At 8o - 160m., breathing
50 - 67% air-helium mixtures, the diver could do hard physical
work of 221 - 580 kgn/min., producing 51 - 87 liters of carbon
monoxide per hour. Muscular strength and static endurance were
'unchanged significantly. Cutting and welding was carried out
effectively down to 160m.
SUBMITTED: May, 1960
Card 4/4
ir--r-eased individual predIspositior, of the examtrieu t,,j the effect
of higb partial oxygen presoures. Funk. org. v us". Jzm. gaz. gredy
.3.-260c-263 164. (MIRA 17.M)
ZEMSKIY, A,, master sports (Kharikov), RMANIM, V. (Kharlkov)
Departing from standards. Kryl rod. 15 no.M18-20 0 164.
(MA 18al)
Active members are our support. Sov.shakht. 11 no.4:33-34 Ap
,62. (MIRA 15-3)
1. Zamestitel' predsedatelya shakhtnogo komiteta Shakhty No.4?
tresta Kopeyskugol'.
(Chelyabinsk Basin--Coal miners) (Trade unions)
0 0 0 0 o o o
1. 1. 11 to to All 11 0 m 0mN 1;. 11.'~ 0
0 K I t L oilru, At 1.tA tu W tt o
00 - -00
o0--! a[atadah for Akdolum jounjrWL Kumt-nin (At~,- -00
Srdno.h. (Air Ind.). LOW M,.%42).-11n 111AROWO Arvvirw---N-A- .00
00 t;-.
00 00
00 00
Age 0
0 0
U, vt AV 0u WWI
An I I If Im q 43 13
49 Ka w a rl
0000!000000000960000 010000000600604000040
~00 : 0 0 0 010 00 0 00 0 0000 0 0 0 01' 00 0 O~O 00 0 0 a 0 0 00 0 0 00 0:
The choice of binding InatersAll tot care aultur"
L 11, Kstviuuv,;w,I A. AL V-r-k If.sirwa-
1"k4' 1047. ?4-, oli CAt". /'V'~ i R13"u'l /,,I,r I.A.) to".
I I I q~ - Owe mixl~. awdividell
th, thit-kites, of thc cNwr itud thr irAin, %thich dvvel4j,
disrstig t%ssling, A milt. of qu.1ril -'twld. Ilish-QuAlly -I
arld ;I Might .1111. 44 Illmstur,
for %,,Fy it-III t"ICA ')( Ow sirm
(If I'll'Kild Ite 4.1 1114, ~' ,, q'I'dify .1,L
Illow (if r1j" 1 14"1 ljlu~f "al.1111 A l4g'r .1ut, of I.ImIlug
Illit"iAL An it U)VAiluff., vialfg, hillillml 2V,
..)) 19. Colophuny 2%. and the T"'Milul'T 21c., j~ rm'111-
111clsiled (or this jnjr)XAC~ CA)Fcl, 14 Cli't 3 flive A 10.
vmoi,tute vinitent and contim larm arnto. III ini binding
Cores 44 OA~ 4 must be fnrau~f Ity mixitig :,
flau. %ith . w1fite-ale.-Molaw, Iffixt. with'Aft
Ilm Use of all til billfiffig lls:vIlt. 0." C4 CIj.s !) Cunwin
the 'alm. Inalt-riAl. i* tho-C t4 C14si 4 but "Ith thr furflicl
11666 Svissiu-behir Mairrisly this Sermhnef, (Pinding %b-
to-ii,sh for Con-0 1, 11, Rumanin und A. Nt Liaw 272. I)ajl-,
1919. Owl Ilimpla for fill, Defeme Indil'ifirs.
Nfo'cow, V~S.S.11. I ,lsz'l(5 Will)
11ti-sentc tht-oretical hawn of tIK- action of vore hifiders and
py,it-fit-lil iliflitinalism on their upplication in foundries and vast-
Irli! PrIniertle, and slimal fratwes of individual
llinflff% o"A in fill- V.S.S.R. are dism%wil in do-tail. Slabods
of testing bindeTs are dewril"I at length.
7 T T 7 1-1 -3 4- --7 U 11 a
0 A! laws of Evaluation and Selettlon of Core Hinders.
In Huuism.) A. M. Lyam unit 1. B. htispigin. Vesinik
-tin of the %lachine-Cototrue-
Mashinorfrocnipa (Bulk
$9 tion Industry). v. 30, )am. 19Y), p. 36-4-L
lb-drophobic and hydrophibe organic and inotganiv
binding materials wure iavwigat,,-d for use it, plo-
duction of coms fur foundry use. Fvalujitjugi tit bind-
00 j ing mileriab according to specific strength ro-
i if Iron
posv& Howumiended compositions for casting(
and steel are tabulated.
-11 u-
It AR I '1 4 'W 0 it it -1 W IM
It IT It Dip 44 It Ll Pt t3 n It
0 0 0 4111 0 0 * * 0 40 0 0 0 0
0 oie 00 0 0 00 00 0 0 * 0 0 090*01*00 o11114111111 4111.0041011110 00000
go 0
A 6
tit 0
USSR/Bngineering - Foundry, Equipment Jan 51
,"Quick-'Drying Mixt-jares for Rapid Production of
C6res and Molds," 1. B. Kumanin, A. M. Lyass,
a&ndidates Tech Sci, TsNIITMASh
"Litey Proiz" No 1, PP 23-25
Use of carbamido-fo-f-maldehyde resin as binder
pe=itted elimination of vegetable oils at
aluminum and magnesium foundries, accelerated
process of drying cores (8-15 times) and cou-
siderably increased their strength. Discusses
selection of proper catalysts. Givea compn
and properties of core mixts with MF-17
USSR/Engiueering - Foundry, Equipment Jan 51
binder. Iron reinforcing rods may be elimine!
ated from cores due to high strength of mate-
r1al. Schematic diagram is presented ;or
installation, which permits c=bination of
core-fo=ing and drying processes.
R&Pift VrYiM Nil-ian Coro &ad MouW Mistum. I it.
I" ~
,),~ 1 11111 mad %. M. Ijmm. Will".k. 19,11, 1.
litict.4iii. *nu,-s..,..i, ...... 1-1Z.t ......
svid dryisig Owrowteriotors of con, Inkilln-A 11-1 11 1141W."
t~,t otot%.k~ 4-m. nre jnv~,,. - P. Y.
1. i-t A Ki'lil I i7n, N, 1~ T.
I t
ERCSYPI, Is '3- V-;
2. USZ-R (60c)
4. Sand, Foundry
7. Repeated use of core mixtures., Llt.projz., *,o. 10, 1952.
-Monthly List of Russian Accessions. Library of Congress, February 1953. Unclassified.
RYZHKOV, D., redaktor; FANTAWV, L.I., nauchnyy reduktor; KUKANIH, I.B.,
nauchnyy redaktor; MODBLI, 13.1., tekhnicheakiy reda2T6'f-;'5VMYA,
T.F., tekhnicheskiy redaktor.
(Economizing metals in founding] Zkonomiia metallov - liteinom
proizvodstTS. Moskva, Goo. nauchno-tekhn. izd-vo mashinostroit. i
audoBtroit. lit-ry, 1953. 177 P. [Hiorofilm) (MLRA 7:11)
L t
PANTALOVp L*I*v profeseor', doktor- KLTWIM I.B., dotee'nt.. kandidat
tekhnicheskikh nauk; ISA
t6khnichesk dotsent, kandidat
Akh nauk; PIMN, R.o.9 Inzhener.
Slag incluBione in machine caoting. Sbor.Inst-stali no.32:202-235
Kaf8dra liteynogo PrOizvodstva.. (MLRA 10:5)
(D'e C'%et'ng--(~LmlitY control)
FANTALOV, L.I., professor. doktor tekhnicheekikh nauk; XTJMLNU.,-.j.B-
kandidat tekhnichaskikh nauk; LYASS, A.M., 6~diditt te nicbe-
skikh nauk.
"Special types of founding." N.N. Rubtoov. Reviewed by L.I.
Fantalov,I.B. lumanin, A.M. Mass. Lit.proizv. no.5:31-32 My 156.
(KLR& 9.8)
Rounding) (Rdbtsov, N.N.11
____ _1 , I*
J~N,~ !\.i, . _ lb,
DOBROTVORSXIYI,' Mikhail Hikhaylovich [deceased]; RAZW1011A. Hurshids Salimovna;
kVWII;p I.B., kand.tekhn.neuk, retsenzent; YZDUKOV, N.P.. tekhn.
--red-o-- -
[Manual on inspection and testing of molding materials and mixtures]
Spravochnik po priomke i ispytaniiu formovochnykh materialov i
smeBei. 12d. 2-oa. Moskva, Goa. nauchno-tekhn. izd-vo mashino-
stroit. lit-17. 1957. 220 D. (MIRA 11:4)
(Send, Jfoundr7)
KUKANIN, I.B., kandidat takhnichaskikh nauk.
Shrinkage porosities in castings. Lit.proizv. no.4:18-23 AP
'57. (mm 10:5)
(You3AIag) (Cast iron-Defects)
L *, , , , -
,t:~ - , -. - -
- - I - 'i-Y
- , 1 -4 , - I - ~ , ~ .-I - I . .. .
I I I .
KUWIII, I.B., kand.teidm.nauk
"Holding clays" by A.L. Tumanskii. Reviewed by I.B. Ilumanin. Lit.
proizv. no-3:48 Hr 159- (MIRA 12:4)
(clay) (Foundry machinery and supplies) (Tumanskii, A.Lo)
18(o) SOV/128-59-8-27/29
AUTHOR: Averbukh, 1I.M.
TITLE: Leningrad Regional Conference on Progressive Foundry
ijBRIODICAL: liteynoye proizvods-i'l-vo,,1959, Nr 8, pp 46 - 48 (USSR)
ABSTRACT: December 8 - 120 1959 a conference was held in Lenin-
grad in order to exchange views on progressive foun-
dry practice. About 700 persons participated. G.V.
Malakhovskiv, the chief m!etallurgist of the Lenin-
grad ' gradakiy S6v=rkh&9_j,.M-~e .& general
picture of the foundry industry in the leningraa eeonomic
i-agion. , M,M, Vyshemirskiy, the chief metallurgist
of the leningrad "Stankolit" plant, spoke about pro-
gressive methods in prepaxing cores and casting forms.
h.A, Kremer, spoke on "New trends in the Vieory and
practice of feeding castings7 Yu.A. ITekhendzi repor-
ted on the 3rd Polish Foundry 'Conference. ;~'.Me ge-
stopal described characteristics of Czech foundry
processes. A.D. Goryachev (Kirov plant in Leningrad)
described a new 200 ton press machine. T.A,, Gerasi-
Uaxd 1/5 mov (Kremenchug) reported on precision stamp casting
SOT/' 28-59-8-27 9
leningrad Regional Conference on Progressive _-'curndry- :Practice
in his factory. S.S. Yelistratov (Stalingrad) des-
cribed a vacuum machine for feeding cores# T#T&
Fedorova described a new drying process used for
drying cores& The lectures'of M,A. Kremer, J~*V* Tol-
stikhina, P.I. Pankin, and 2.1. Shportenko concerned
~he problems of exothermic mixtures. N.A. Tolpel,,-in
(Kirov plant in leningrad) spoke about steel castinEs.
1.A. Shapranov and A.A. Get1man (Scientific Research
Institute) reported on an economic casting method
using iron with a magnesium content; further they des-
cribed a cupola furnace with a two-step heating. Ya.
I. Pledvedev (TsNIIU4ASh) spoke about gas blisters in
castings and methods of eliminat-ion. C,A. Kozin
("Krasnoye Sormovoll plant) spoke on the classification
of casting spoilage in manganese steel. i-.-P. Berg
spoke on "New core materials". I_.B. Kumanin (Steel
Institute of Moscow) spoke about'_;~~Corematerials and
thbir influence upon castings". M.A. Kremer sugges-
ted the use of bitumin in sandblowing machines. I,V.
Card 2/5 Ryzhkov (Polytechnical Institute of Rharlkov) reported
leningrad Regional Conference on Progressive Poundry.Practice
on grey iron castings. Rrokhor6v ("Krasnoye Sormovo"
plant) spoke of using liquid glass In cores for V,
Cr,-Wi and No steel castings. I.V Gruznykh (Pol*-,,
technical Institute in Leningxad) ;eported about op-
tJTnU1n parameters for core-blowing of liquid-glass-
cores. 2.1, Shportenko said that 4-.n the Novokrema-
torsk plant the removal of liquid-glass-cores was re-
gulated by a dosage of clay, saw dust and waterless
colors. SJ. Chernysh,gave examples of quidk drying
mixtures. K.I. Shansl4y(lenimgrad Plant for Hoist
Transportation ].~.Luipment ) stated that cupola furna-
ce slag can be ub6d an.-quick drying mixtu*es. B.A.
Noskov and A.F, Nasapkin (Politechnical lnstitu~e of
Khar1kov) reported on using of betonite mixtures for
cores. V.P. Kryuohkov leningrad Mechanical plant)
and Ya. V. ZeleranBkiy Rachine-Building plant) hold
about the transportation of core mUtures. I.M,
Mariyenbakh spoke on "Imp. .
11vvement of imalting agrega-
tes and of melting processesv.and pvoposed using
earth-gazes for air-warming-machines. I.F, Sabaney-
card 3/5 ev (Rostsellmash) spoke about the intention of the
Leningrad Regional Conference on :Progressive Foundry :Practice
plant to increase the output of gray iron. A construc-
tive discussion took place after the theoretic lecture
of BAL& Noskov and IX. Den1gin Oblitechnical Insti-
tute of hharlkov) about the using of earth-gas in the
furnace. Yup G. Rozenberg and S.I. Tsukerman reported
about the successful use of earth-ga5 in the furnaces
of KhEMZ. 1.N. Korchagina and Ro I. Ketcheka discus-
sed the use of such gas in the Rostov radiator plant
and in the "Krasnyy Aksay " plant. On the-subject of
improved melting in Red China A,M. Petrishenko reported.
I.I. Shapranova and B,Ve J?etrova (NII) informed on thB
modification of iron with magnesium under pressure,
G.N. Golub spoke about using iron modified with magne-
sium in his plant . G#I, Koshovnik (11olttechnical
Institute of iyev) reported on the homogenization of
magnesium iron during annealing. M.Ya. Zaslatakl* spo-
ke about the production of grey iron at the Nevskiy
Ship Repair Plant. "Increasing the Quality of Castings,
from Non-Ferrous metals" was the lectu*e of A.R. Ko-
j lobnev and N.I. Belotsov (NII) in which they gave the
Card 4/5 characteristics of the new aluminum alloys (AV 30P
SOV/1 28-519-8-27/29
Leningrad Regional on Progressive Poundry Practice
AV 300p AMg7A a.o. I.P. Yegorenkov (NIIIITMASh) men-
tioned in his lecture "Ways to Increase labor Pro-
ductivity during the cleaning and chopping of Cast-
ings", hydraulic methods of cleaning. V.I. Tarskiy
(NIILITMASh) spoke about foreign equipment, M,A,
Kremer informed on cleaning steel castings with a
gas flame and air-arc method. ViM. Svirskiy mentio-
ned the ' shortclominge - of sand-blowing tools. M.Ya.
Zaslavskiy (Lengiproreohtrans) introduceftsimple ky-
dro-sand-spurl--machine. M.V. Bromley (All-Union
Scientific Research Institute for labor Protection'
VTzSPS) spoke on "Hygiene-Technical Requirements of
the Plans and Building.--of Casting Shops% VeVe
Kucheruk from the same Institute raised the problem
of labor protection during casting in shell-cores
and when preparing the cores from the liquid-glass
mixtures. 0.A. Ratner (Leningrad Institute for la-
bor Medicine and Labor Hygiene) spoke about the pre-
vention of silicosis, At the end decisions were ta-
Card 5/5 ken to increase labor pl!6ftetivity.
0 0 W.
:19 IV 11
ta C9
W 0
10 1"
t4 a
1 be
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Kin. '13 &JIV.
!avg- .-H-.5 a
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r- N r *4
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Review of B,G. Guliaev's book "Founding processes." Lit.
proizv. n0,'1:4445 A 162. (NW 160)
VMIIK, A.I.; KUMANIN, I.B., kand. tekhn. nauk, retsonzent; MARKIZ,
Yu.L., inzh.,, red*- *
[Founding calculations] Rascbet otlivki. Moskva, Izd-vo
lq.lashinostroenie," 1964. 402 p. (MIRA 17:8)
Laflutoce,of titm~iium,s,,Ad Ifou- *6 ths colot of the claly fmgmtnL K~ KV-%Axin.
U. s S K S4 1~4. I!r Satrime (ow"al Ndst Etomemy N,, Ill- Tpjmj Cenim
4#W ZtMtF- 193(l, It. CIAW
R*J~ri 4 In 41 N , Cl, I
. lixilirlstli flittrif
%Q7); (
2 11181 OW1 ill A 1%411&AEV JUC kiihill-A light 1.1 italk 1,111V 1,.Vauw 4 hiol-I I'l ~41joj uhh:ll air
1, It Thc rd n ik nA
quIrd um the Tuttle "I the clAv. "A~Oljoli4m; 1% fik"w"I IsT it I Uri S IL
,ul it (KTUIS sho ill all olithsins dAntr it httlc mt tully 6 admittill, COO. M&O *IW
alkali oqidrs- rrdurr the cohiciuliust. Clsys with suit morr thats LY"r )It %how a Ti -00
cNitirr which delmrmiq 4plairull. on the pmportion of Tit~ 14, the oxidrA ill alkalies and alk
00 'r .it Ill. jurc(it It I"Of is hvelt-41 14 AL If *1111 41vrt ',tk)' It tiffitt brO light mild thm dalk
00 At 1,340' Me tvilqml ,&ttr 14 allm.4 1.144, flullildity hofi m, Influvmv till (fit
rViltwitiou 4 1 RN by It I. Aull. 11187, WIN 16414A ill a Cit. 64111 pul,
ic CAUW %4 thisullauge 1% mil vvt lillovill W-t IW-Wil
00 X;
00 .00
.00 i tit
till-f-I 1 41104 Alf".
40 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 & 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 a 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 4111~11111, 0 4 0 0
1 v If U 11 14 Is It 1? 18 IT a a is 15 N x if v M z M I., is t. k .1 1; 1 .4 4, 11
f r r I I L t
00 _46:
f&L-CIMS ..0 06"W'Is
KVASHMNIKOV, Y., AND KUMANJN, 1. Gas permeability as testing
method for grog bodies. jk_M_. -1 Stoklo, 8 C11 2.4-26 (1932).-
Changes of gas permeability, water absorption, and shrinkage in
d"zidence on ths erain also of the grog, proportion of clay
and grog, and temperature of firing of the grog body were in-
00 zl~ atigated on nine grog masses. The apparatus Is described.
09 ITZ was found that (1) the ps permeability of a grog body in
0601 much more affected by the factors of working than water absorp-- CIS 0
00 tion and shrinkage. (2) The firing temperature has the greatest
influence on the gas permeatility of the body followed by the
size of grains and the proportion of clay to grog. (3) With
increased firing temperature, the pa permeability increases.
(4) In Increased clay content in the mass decroaves the gas
bility and water absorption of the body and increases its
shrinkage, zoo
U AT to A
OT 19P IT P OR 00M sit 1111% Kutt ITOIKW(l fiYA
Kvanheni u., A n m arln X
1 fvr, p I
11'ITV W 'fl vi"
O.m. hul 14-'I. Xn. -10',32 pp. 6(nn
lit va; pclr~*MIA-~jljjv of prog L'Tlics i~' sw~ch
c to(, s of opcvaoln Ovin 1,1, 1 fivir pnrr.,~ily and
ighcr th , lb- Krr"'-Iftr is lllv~
The h fifing IVITIpmIlurc,
%- Pcrinvahility. The gar, pt-mv.Aility antl rap1bilily of~
j-4-,thistr %vilrr iwrr;o~c ~8ilh fh(~ ~i7v of F,,retg pmn~,
hilt "brillk"lu dect(:1"4'q vrly tittle. I'lle, adflitioTt of
,ly V) the ger(L~ mix In,,-.ti ~ th,! r t, pmricability awl wnler~
Iml th~! s~rit&w-'
..x P 0 a J, T LA AA,
A I.D Cable) ..f, .1.
Crucible for making optical glass.
0 a I =40
X4,271. Aug. 31, MM.
C-0 0
of w re 0
00 aof
2. zo
I L 4 -69-TALLUR-6-1-C-A-L -L-1T-f--MA?U4t C-LA-S-SIM-M-Ok to 0
10 0
141043 1. a., 4391 lud all' 0
on As I I .. -
~ n An I I I Od 0 1 ff 1A I a a 3
&I I't ; a, OF 14, 11, W, $It U it mw n I 11A
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A-11 r v R A I v ?-A. -AA 0 W. a U4A I A 0 A
-ell 11# t
illivoilsodon 01 t6-coanvinduro of
1, Tho Pli'Yolfal-chookal wwroof
horsucilrooplailloo. A. 111. fletatima. J, ApplieJ L'Iww
: ll:.'.*.-7(IV34),- -A gvnrml discusiskm with
so I fit rcit-rcums. n. Un aWcathat d filbit in vioul
Of fi;. obsetvadoes of With titimparaturoo,
112" V
96 all .
M o
on o
it With tempo. was in*& "04P by using a 14101-valt
00 Lt. with a ftvivo of triltvicss. The &1q,. I. Jsnitwd
anit illustrated. M. The iatmetlea of apatite and
0 soda. A. 11. Palkin-mul M.P. GAirrkov. -ibid. 1130
00 4.1- 11w Investiotion wafi carried out by fusins ijv the
trietboil. The Invienev of Nn&K%. Call
00 J : and NaP In Ibv reaction proiltbets is dctd. Ity arystal-
00 .,piival methento end by Investijistion of the milus. 71w
rt%ciion ptua*ds thus: 304(floji, C&P, 4 12Na,LO,
004 + May + 12CSO + 32T0" the reaction off
109 v
v dinabir exce"Ung tnorr than IKI% of the apatilir.
~1 -u
ts o
ritple. are s
n tal4-
o prepa-
radea ol "m pboopkiii1c A. P. l"alkin.-W. 1144
r II. - A mi 0. of Wi% NoOll and 45-11 spalite was
in a niuMe furnam and hrated fosr I hr. at
il cooled. b"Ara up and heated in a Pt crucible at Ittim-
11441' for 2-3 him. Tbr temp. was then lowered to -W'
and Ivil f,w 41 8 his.
Mus I%)- of lhr &I-alit, wait am.
v'-rt%A into a state at NIUPO" A1141 a "*I-
tipfilliding wilt, 4.1 NO.' Was also (A.Wit"j. The tritithit.
(xinift. IAh and antounting to W'j, W the dry Feadue
c"-d. on apatite can be used as a firridism of the type 4
A. A. lk"thask
Ale-11. A of
a 4 ad IF If IN
U a a.
ID D it a a K a X 9 9 U U It CC KLO IF 8 !Xjk
a a A a a
!So 0
0 0 0 * 0 0 We 0 0 * 0 0 * III
0*9 * 0 010 0 0 9 010 0 * 0 to 0 IN 0 0 0 111
I c 0 0 4,
0-o- 7,110
L, wA U-salsk -X-O. HIGHLY AIV-
UNLYING OPTICAL GLAs& Keraw. Sfeklo. 10 11.11 13-18
(2934).-Th, candusiow of stul~ are a-% follm": (1)
The Introdualon of finely ground Ityinite into the mix for 00
slawmelting pots contidershly increaws the mistance of
14 the po(* to the attack at the (2) The mo%t 00
z effective method wasthat aftmingprottetivr krAnilecoat%
on the in%xk of the pot.- (3) The thermal ktability Of the
pots in pratly inctru%cd wbM using a dcn%e lining on a 10
Wousbody. (4) Rviralffycky with abilb iron roatcrit
m*y lw tj.*tl for the production of the pDI body withotit
w0rclins the qwilily of the shms, Provided thAt-It 1, "uted
vVith n prmrctjvr layer.
Ir 0
V..,, Ir
it ot 9 -W~ 411W a 9 0 a 12 M a 11 It it 1i a 4 1 1 t I I I IV IN
0*4 101; ON
0 0 0 0 0 0 * 0