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- KULISH, B.A.,..inzh. Determining the efficiency of reorganizing mines. Izv.vyo. ucheb.zav.; gor.zhur. n0-7:35-38 160. (MIRA 13:7) 1. Kharlkovskly inzbenerno-ekonomicheakiy institut. Rekomendovana kafedroy ekonomiki i organizataii materiallno- tekhnicheskogo snabzheniya. (Coal mines and mining-Costs) KULISH, S.A., inzh.; CHWATIM, N.I. Potentialities for the reduction of supp17 costs in coal mining. Izv., ucheb. save; gore zhur. no*10:53-58 160. (KIRA 13:11) 1. Kharlkovaki7 inzhenerno-ekonomicheskiy institute Rekomendovana kafedro.v ekonomiki i organizataii materialino-tekhnicheakogo (Coal mines and mining---eZquipment and supplies) A, KULIS14 S#A- Reducim expovditurfe for equipment procurements Ugoll 33 nooll:59- 6o N 16o, (KIRA 13312) (Coal mines and minina-3quipment and supplies) 1'114~ g KULISH, S.A.., kand.ekon.nauk.. dotoent Improving the organization of equipment and material supply. Ugoll Ukr. 5 no.9:40-41 S 161. OURA 14:9) 1. Kharlkovskiy inzhenerno-ekonam:Lcheskiy institut. (Donets 13asin--Coal mines and mining--~~quipmant and supplios) INAUMENYO), K.D., do-ktor nk-)nom.nau~, prof LI~I; I kand.ekonon.nauk, dotsent; CHUGAIENYO, N.I., inzh. 'IFundamentals for settinp, norme in matprial expenditures in coal mininp" by M-E-Raikher, I.G.Guberman. Reviewed t,y K.D.Naumenko, S.A.Eulish, N.I.Shupaenko. Ugol' 3( ne.P:62-63 Ar '61. OUIU, 1. Ihar'k,-1v!3kiY inzbenvrn,)-ekonomicheskiy in~titut. (Coal mines and mininr-Equipment and supplips) (Coal mines and mininp--co-ts) (Haikhor, I-I.E.) (Gul~ernan, I.G.) KULISHP S. A.# inzh. Limits for enlarging lumber warehouses. Izv. vys. ucheb. zav.: gor. zhur. 5 ne.8:68-70 162. (MIRA 15;10) 1. Kharlkovski-y inzhonerno-ekonomicheakiy institut. Rekomendo- vana. kafedr'oy skonomiki i grganizataii mteriallno-takhni- cheskoRo onabzheniya. (Umber-Storage) KULISH, S.A., dotsent Investigation of manpower used for the storage of lumber and mining materials in mines. Izv. vys. ucheb. zav.; gor. zhur. 6 no.9:72-76 163. (MIRA 17:1) 1. Kharlkovskiy inzhonerno-ekonomichoskiy institut. Rekomendovana kafedroy ekonomiki i organizatsii gornoy pronyshlennosti. j~d A KULISH, S.A., dotsent Using correlation for the analysis of coal costs. Ugoll Ukr. 7 no.11:48-49 N 163. (MIRA 1":4) 1. Kharlkovskly inzhenerno-ekonomicheskiy institut. tgo "d MUSH, S.A., dotsent Correlative an-'ysis of the capital assets of coal mines. Izv. vys.ucheb.zav.t8'or.zhur. 7 no. l.-80-83 164. (MIPA 17:5) 3 1. KharIkovskiy inzhenerno-ekonomicheskiy institut. Rekomendovana kafedroy bukhgalterskogo ucheta i statistiki. -A, !I*':! KU 1.1 5 at., dG 'Is c,-, t U ,llntr the U,ucn( of mt3a handlin(,, lri Q.,e organizatJor. (,,,f' ' ondIng arid ~ 1 .1 imloading operations. rzv.vys.uc'heb.zav.;gor.zhu--. 7 no.7.-53-59 164. (MIRA 17:10) 1. Kharlkovokiy tnzhencrno-ekcncT-lcb sk.5.y tnstitut. Ro4c-mendovana baf-jdroy f;~.oncintki I urganizatcl! go-mogo n c, F'. r, -Ind .6, ono'll. liallt. i ~ I T P! a iining t I ie in"' e rnrO. worti.- 4 - ~-, c ap tal of -~,a i ;mine :,I ---ie banis o~ a multiple correlatlcn~ lzv.vj5.k.,:.~Aheb.zwr.; rc-..zhur. 8 no.ll150-54 165. 1. Klifirlkovskiy i-nzh,;nerno,-.f-konoTrtche-,k-.y Relkomendovanft kafle-droy bukhg;iltprsl:ogo uciv,,ta i stlatl3ti~a. S~.iir%m-,tt~-,-l January 1, US - sp -1. KULISH, U.M.; VYATKIN, A.P. Dislocation structure of alloy contacts between semiconductors and metals, Izv. vya, ucheb. zav.; fiz, 8 no.6;1.57-161 165. (MIRA 19:1) 1. Sibirskiy fiziko-tekhnicheakiy institut imeni V.D. Kuznetsova. Submitted May 26, 1964. vq KULISH, V., sportsmen pervogo rairyada; RULEYA, V., sportsmen pervogo --r-airyada. Record parachute jumps from the stratosphere. Xryl.rod.8 no.11:6-7 N '57. (MIRA 10:12) (Parachutists) GHMNYSHEVICH, Fedor Ignatlyevich) inzh.; GURETSKY, Semen Aleksandrovich, inzh.;J~I~T~ ~~, Viktor Fedorovich. inz-b,; Prinimal uchustiyo MIRUDV, K.A.p inzh.: R014ADI.U,.I.V.; 'AYBASHUA, T.V.9 red. [Safety procpdures in the repair of electric rolling stock] Telchnika bezopalsnoati pri remonto clektr-opodvizhnogo sostava. Monkvn., Transport, 1965. 98 p. (MIRA 18:8) VASILYM. V.A., kand.filosofskikh nauk. polkovnik zapana; KITLAKOV. T.M., kand.1storicheskikh nauk, k&pitan I ranga,-JaMISH,,T.1f.,.kAnd. intoricheskikh nauk, polkoynik; GOLUIIDV, A.T., polkovnic, red.; DOZHDZV, I.M., takhn.rod. [Present-day imperialist military Ideology] Sovremennala impori4li- stleboskais voennaia ideologils. Pod red. V.A. Vasilanko, V.A. Xulak~va i V.M. Rullsh. Uoskva, Voon. izd-vo H-va obor. SSSR, 1958. 495 p. (KRA 12:2) 1. Voyonno-politicheakaya k-l-vkon'641hamennays, akadeni7a imoni V.I. Lenina. - (Military art and science) am/Miscenaneous Card 1/1 Pub, 133 - 21/21 Autbwe Kulish, Ya. K.9 deputy of' the Kursk Line Technical Administration Title I Lino Technical Centers are supplied unsatisfactorily with poles POrlodiciLlt Vest. svyazi 9., the 3-rd page of the folder, Sep 1954 Atatraot I In a letter to the editor the author describes various discrepancies in, supplying the Mis technical centers of Klirsk Oblast' with tele- graph and talephoxna poles, Institutiont Submitted t MILISH, Ye. A, CAnd 0,001-Mil ~-l -- "GeoloLV and pe(-,rnlo~-y of cairartzite3 of Wfe~ I__ .--. ll'U.,4 Archopn rocks of the -4)u-Ehprn dan shield." bon, 1960. (Acad Sci U61JR. Go o 1 'Tuselm Y - ! irl, A. P. Kprpinsldy. Len SlInto Fed InFl, in A. 1. G,.,rtr--n. Chair of (~eo 106"' )(KL, 1-Gl, 185) -89- .__KULISH, Te.A. Quartzites of the Iyengra series and hydrothermal processes in place of low coherence in the Gorbylyakh Valley (southern Aldan shield). Trudy Geol. muz. AN SSSR no.2:82--loo 16o. (MIRA UtIO) (Gorbylyakh Valley--Quartzite) .-., -bLISHY Ye.A. Early Mesozoic alkali granitaB in the southern Aldan Shield. Geol, i geofiz. no..12:112-115 160. (MITU 14:5) ~ .1. Geologicheakiy muzey AN SSSR imenj A. F. Karpinskogo leningrad (Aldan Plateau-Granite) KULISH, Ye.A. Manganede-alumina rocks with 'viridine in the Arcbean of the Aldan Shield. Geol. i geoUz.. . no.1:53-65 .161-4 (MIU 1-40) I* Geologicheski7 muzey AN SSSR imeni A.P. Karpinskogo,, Leningrad. (Aldan PUtean-Viridine) % EJLISH_ Yea.; SOU)NOROV, A.Te. Boring horizontal connection boreholes from an inclined sbAft at the Moscow Basin "Podzamgas" plant. Podzem.gaz.agl. no.i:46-51 '57. (MM 10:7) 1. Podmoskovnaya stantelya "Podsomgas.4 (Moscow Basin--Boring) KULISH Industrial oDeration of the Moscow Basin ':Podzemrnz'-* plant. Pod,4em.gaz.ugl. no.z-.27-31 157. (XLRA 10:7) 1. PodmookovnAva etantsiyR "PodzAmga%." (MOSCOW Bagin--COA1 gasificAtion. Undergroun-1) VP R K U.;_1 S 1A, I e- ~-j e" 21(5) ~p Y, 3 PHASE I BOOK EXPLOITATION SOV/1297 Vsesoyuznaya nauchno-tekhnicheakaya konferentsiya po primeneniyu radioaktivnykh i stabillnykh izotopov i lzlucheniy v narodnom khozyaystve i nauke, Moscow, 1957 Polucheniye izotopov. Moshchnyye gamma-ustanovki. Radiometriya. i dozimetriya; trudy konferenteii ... (Isotope Production. High-energy Gamma-Radiation Facilities. Radiometry and Dosi- metry; Transactions of the All-Union Conference oh the Use of Radioactive and Stable Isotopes and Radiation in the National Economy and Science) Moscow, Izd-vo AN SSSR, 1958. 293 P. 5,000 copies printed. Sponsoring Agency: Akademiya nLuk SSSR; Glavnoye upravleniye po ispolIzovaplyu-. atomnoy energii SSSR. Editorial Board: Frolov, Yu.S. (Reap. Ed.), Zhavoronkov, N.M. (Deputy Reap. Ed.), Aglintsev, K.K.Y' Alekeeyev, B.A., Bochkarev, V.V., Leshchinskiy, N.I., Malkov, T.P., Sinitsyn, V.I., and Popova, G.L. (Secretary); Tech. Ed.: Novichkov, N.D. Card 1/12 Isotope Production (Cont.) SOV/1297 PURPOSE: This collection is published for scientists, technologists, persons engaged in medicine or medical research, and others con- cerned with the production and/or use of radioactive and stable isotopes and radiation. COVERAGE: Thirty-eiGht reports are included in this collection under three main uubject divisions: 1) production of isotopes 2) high-energy gamma-radiation facilitiesand 3) radiometry and dosimetry. TABLE OF CONTENTS: PART I. PRODUCTION OF ISOTOPES Frolov, Yu.S., V.V. Bochkarev, and Ye.Ye. Kulish. Development of Isotope Production in the Soviet Uiri_o_n__-____- 5 This report is a general survey of production methods, apparatus, raw materials, applications, investigations and future prospects for radio isotopes in the Soviet Union. Card 2/12 Isotope Production SOV/1297 Kulish, Ye.Ye. Several Problems on Obtaining Radioactive 10-t-op-eswith a Nuclear Reactor 18 Dmitriyev, P.P., I.I. Zhivotovskiy, N.N. Krasnov, I.P. Selinov, and Ye.N. Khaprov. Preparing Several Radio- active Isotopes in a Cyclotron With Deuteron Energies of r,-, 10 Mev 26 Maksimov, M.Z. Determining the Yield of Reaction Products 31 Karaba8h, A.G.Jand Sh.I. Peyzulayev. Chemicospectral Methods of Analyzing High-frequency Materials Used in Reactor Building and the Production of Radio Isotopes 36 Llvov, B.V.,and G.I. Kibi8ov. The Spectral Quantitative Determination of Admixtures in Radioactive Preparations 50 Card 3/12 Isotope Production SOV/1297 Petrova, M.S. Preparation of Sources of Alpha-, Beta- and Gamma-Radiation Using Oxide Films on Aluminum and Its Alloys 55 Zolotarev, V.S.. Stable Isotopes Enriched by the Electro- magnetic Method 60 Gusev, V.M. Ultra High-temperature Ion Source for the Electromagnetic'Separation of Isotopes of Platinum Group Elements 66 This article describes the basic structural features of an ultra-high-temperature ion source and gives the re- sults of its use in separating Pd, Pt, Ruand Ir in a small electromagnetic separator. A hot cathode discharge is maintained in vapors of the element being separated and isotope ions are drawn from the gas discharge chamber through an aperture. A lateral electron beam with energies of 20-25 kev creates chamber temperatures up to 28000 C. Card 4/12 Isotope Production SOV/1297 Alekseyevskiy, N.Ye., A.V. Dubrovin, G.I. Kosourov, G.P. Prudkovskiy, S.I.. Filimonov, V.I. Chekin, V.N. Shelyapin (deceased), and T.K. Shuvalova. Utilization of Mass Spectro- meters With a NonhoFogeneous Field for Analyzing Isotopes of Light Elements 73 Ordzhonikidze, K.G.,and G.N. Zubarev. Relative Propa- gatability of Palladium and Germanium Isotopes 78 Rozen, A.M. Some Problems on the Theory of Isotope Separation 86 Gverdtsiteli, I.G.,and V.K. Tskhakaya. Separation of Isotopes of Light Elements by Diffusion in Vapors 113 Barvikh, G.F., and R.Ya. Kucherov. A Diffusion Column for Separating Isotopes 122 Card 5/12 Isotope Production SOV/1297 Myulenfordt, Yu.K., G.G. Zivert, and T.A. Gagua. A Rec- tificatio~ Column for Obtaining BF31 Enriched With isotope B 0 A method is described for nsiching natural mixtures containing,--18.6 percent B concentration to,-80 percent B10 concentration by low temperature (- - 100 degrees, scale not stated) adiabatic rectification. Separation capability was BIO of 95-96 percent purity after 480 hours processing; but, as the desired concentration wasr-,80 percent, separation yield was 4 liters per 24 hours. Block diagrams of installations are given. Zhavoronkov, N.M., O.V. Uvarov, and S.I. Babkov. Research on the Separation of Stable Isotopes of Light Elements Tunitskiy, N.N., G.G. Devyatykh, M.V. Tikhomirov, A.D. Zorin, and N.I. Nikolayev. Separation of Carbon Isotopes Card 6/12 127 134 143 Isotope Production (Cont.) SOV/1297 Peshkov, V.P.,and V.M. Kuznetsov. LQw Tem rature Methods of Separating Helit-m Isotopes (HeJ - HM) 149 PART II. HIGH-ENERGY GAMMA FACILITIES Sinitsyn, V.I. Problems and Trends In Creating High-energy Gamma Facilities 160 Bibergall, A.V., U.Ya. Margulis.,and V.G. Xhrushchev. Prin- ciples and Techniques of Using Radioactive Isotopes as High-energy Sources in Radiobiology and Medicine 175 Basic problems concomitant to planning and constructing radiation facilities are systematized according to the purpose of the facility. Descriptiors and schematic drawings are given for some facilities classified as to purpose: a) experimental radiobiology, intended for low radiation of relatively small objects (animals, plants) b) experimental installations intended for radiation of various biological preparations of small size but Card 7/12 Isotope Production (Cont.) SOV/1297 requiring high dosage (microorganisms, biological sub- strates) c) Industrial radiation of biological products requiring sterilization, preservation, disinfection, etc. d) medical and therapeutical purposes. Breger, A. Kh., V.A. Belynskiy, V.L. Karpov, S.D. Prokudin and V.B. Osi v. Facility for Radiation-Chemical Research Employing Co88 Gamma-Radiation Source With an Activity of 21,000 g-ev of ftdium A K-20000 Co gamma-radiation source, cited as the most powerful in the world according to available data, is described and basic parameters tabulated. The unit is provided with a control panel and a system of periodic observation and is capable of 1200 r/sec dosage per 0.4 liters and -100 r1sec per 100 liters volume. Working chamber capaci~6 is,-300 liters. The source, comprising 56 standard Co preparations, the authors state, is safe for attending personnel owing to a "dry" method especially developed for this unit. Card 8/12 isotope Production (Cont.) I SOV/1297 Babushkinj, A.V-s _T.V. Voznesenskaya, N.G. Zhirov, V.I. Zatulovskiy, and Yu.L. Khmellnitakly. Laboratory Employing Cobalt Emitters Zatujovskiy, V-1. Sources of Ionizing Radiation for Use in Radiation Chemistry pertsovskiy, Ye.S., A.V. Bibergall, and U-Ya- Margulis. A pilot Plant Installation for the Radiation Disin- festation. of Grain Chernyayev, N.D. Gamma-Radiators for the Preservation of Food Products PART III. RADIOMETRY AND DOSIMETRY Adrova, N.A., #I.M. Koton,.Yu.N. Panov. Utilizing Scintilla- ting Plastics to Register Radioactive Emissions Gollbek, G.R. and A.N. Vyallshin. Using Soviet Germanium ' in Building Radiometric Equipment Transistors card 9/12 182 189 193 200 206 213 220 Isotope Production (Cont.) SOV/129"j Voroeyeva, L,V,,o K.S. Kalugin, and Yu.M. Shtukkenberg. Seto-up for Measuring Individual Doses of Gamma-rays within a Wide Range 228 Lyapidevskiy, V.K. The Use of a Diffusion Chamber for Measuring Low Activity 235 Gollbek, G.R.,and A.N. Vyal'Bhin. Pocket Radiometers and Dosimeters 238 General desdription and electric circuit diagrams are given for a pocket-sized radiometer intended for ap- proximate determination of gamma- and hard beta-ray intensities above 1 Mev. Time lapse after onset of radiation registration serves as a parameter for the determination of Intensity up to 1000 pr1hr with an accuracy of ~ 20 percent. working principle, components and electric circuit diagram are given for a pocket-size dosimeter capable of detecting approximate intensities of gamma- and beta-radiation from 0.1 to 5000'~4r/sec and Card 10/12 Isotope Production (Cont.) SOV/1297 and above 0.2 Mev, respectively. Lantratov.. M.F., V.Ye. Manoylovjand O.A. Myazdrikov. A Photocolorimetric Method of Beta-dosimetry 246 Baranov, S A and R.M. Polevoy. A Counter for [Determining] the Abs~Dte [Activity) of Charged Particles 251 Lantratov, M.F., V.Ye. Manoylov, and O.A. Myazdrikov. A Galvanic Method of Measuring Beta-activity 254 Kogan, R.M.,and N.K. Pereyaslova. The Use of a Photofilm- Scintillating Crystal System for Registering Gamma- Radiation 260 Kalugin, K.S. and V.V. Markelov. On the Problem of meaburing ~661( ourvenid 264 Card 11/12 Isotope Production (Cont.) SOV/1297 Shtukkenberg, Yu.M., and V.I. Drobot. Employing a Or-Counter for'Absolute Measurement of Activity 270 Shtukkenberg, Yu.M., and V.I. Drobot. A Method Employing a 4,T-1-Counter for Registering Internal-Conversion Electrons 278 Tissen, M.Yu. A Scintillation 41r-Counter With Stilbene Cryf3t4ld-for.-Abs6lute Measurement of Beta-activity. 285 This article describes a counter for the absolute measurement of beta-activity from 0.15 to 3.5 Mev. The instrument uses two standard stilbene crystals (30 mm diameter, 10 mm height) and photomultiplier FEU-19 or FEU-29. Correction factors are discussed and data on activity measurement are plotted. AVAILABLE: Library-of Congress TM/atr 4-10-59 Card 12/12 -T Zi + ~je, 21M PHASE I BOOK EXPLOITATION SOV/1378 Sovremennoye oborudovaniye dlya raboty s radioaktivnymi izotopami; sbornik materialov (Modern Equipment for Working With Radioactive Isotopes; Collection of Materials) Moscow, Izd-vo glavnogo upravleni a po ispol zovaniyu atomnoy energii pri sovete K-va SSSR, 1959. 110 p. ('Series: Atomnaya energiya. Prilozheniye, 1958j no, 5) 8,45o oopiea prInted. Ed.; Zavodchikova, A.I.; Tech. Ed.: Popova, S.M. PURPOSE: This book is intended for personnel engaged in activities involving the use of radioactive isotopes. COVERAOEt This is supplement No. 5 to the periodical Atomnaya energiya for 1958. It.contains 3 artieles dealing with modern techniques, methods and apparatus for handling r3dioactive isotopes and may serve as a handbook in this respect. Schematic diagrams and illustrations of modern equipment for the remote handling of radioactive materials are given, as well as detailed descrip- tions of working principles. Card 1/5 Modern Equipment (Cont.) SOV/1378 Bochkarev, V.V., Ye. Ye. Kulish and I.F. Tupitsyn. Several Technical and Te6hnological Problems of the Production of Radioactive Isotopes and Tagged Compounds in the USSR 5 Introduction 5 1. Preparation of materials for irradiation 2. Irradiation of samples 9 3. Reworking radioactive materials. StandarJ procedures 10 4. Methods of obtaining several "key" and coroplex organic compounds 11 5. Glove boxes, some attachments and apparatis for manipu- lation 1-1 6. Analysis and measurement of the activity of preparations 22 Yakovlev, G.N., and V.B. Dedov. Development of Methods for Distance Work in Radiochemical Laboratories of the Academy of Sciences, USSR 26 Samokhvalov., N.V. Protective and Manipulatablrz Str7.lotures for Working With Radioactive Isotopes 38 Introduction 38 Card 2A Modern Equipment (Cont.) SOV/1378 Ch. Development of Protective Technique in Jobs Involving Radioactive Preparations 39 1. The present state of techniques for working with radio- . active preparations 41 2. New methods of developing techniques for working with radioactive preparations 41 3. New devices, their value and possibilities 44 Ch. II. Mechanical Holding Devices 50 Ch. III Pneumatic Remote-control Manipulators 56 1. ' gtdtionary.pneumatic"mafiipuldt;ors 56 2. A manually operated, angular. pneumatic holding device 61 3. A "double-cavity" pneumatic holding device 62 -Ch.. IV. Measuring Hoppers for Liquids 63 Card 3/5 Modern Equipment (Cont.) SOV/1378 1. Automatic pipette for radiochemical operations 63 2. Measuring hopper for radiochemloals 67 3. A self-drying pneumatically controlled syringe- pipette 69 4. A radiochemical "hydrocolumn" 71 A micropump with radiochemical micropipettes 74 9.0 A pedal micropump 75 Ch. V. Hydraulic Manipulators for Radiochemical [Liquids] T6 1. A stationary, manually-operated hydraulic manipulator g 20 A multichanneled hydraulic mianipulator 2 i . Other modifications of hydraulic manipulators 85 3 Ch. VI. Pneumatic Hydraulic Manipulator for Radioactive Preparations 87 Ch. VII. Geared Mechanisms for Manipulatory Apparatus 88 1. A lifting-turning.gear-screw mechanism go 2. A dual-drive worm-gear mechanism 91 3. Two-profile combined rack mechanism 92 Card 4/5 Modern Equipment (Cont.) SOV/1378 4. Mechanisms with two-profiled gears for omnidirectional manipulating 94 5. Rack and pinion staggered-gear mechaniEms 95 Ch. VIII. Nonwasteful Methods for Controlling Ampules 98 Ch. IX. Some Deactivation Methods 101 1. Hydromeohanical dooontaftnAtion.of Burfaces by remote control 101 2. Multiaolution stationary deaotivators 105 Conclusions 108 AVAILABLEt Library of Congress TmAsv 4 30-59 Card 5/5 A- Ll- V.., KUMS11, E. et a I "Some ZngineerinG Technological Aspects of Radioisotope, and Lalluel,--I Cc.,.,)p,,)u.,,,d rroducticm in the, USSR." papE.-V to bi~ pro:Ient,~(1 at the 2n(l UN Intl. ' Ci,nr, cin puncefil ui;.-.z; c~f At,-A31c Gcnevn, 1 - 1-3 SQpt 56. 21(5) SOV/89S-50-5-1/4 AUTTIORS: Bochkarev, V. V., Kulish, Ye. Ye., Tupitsyn, I. F. TITLE: Some Technical and Technological Problems in t1ie Production of Radioactive Isotopes and Tracer Compounds in the USSR (tfokotoryye tekhnicheskiye i tekhnologicheskiye voprosy proiz- vodstva radioaktivnykh izotopov i mechenykh soyedineniy v SSSR) PERIODICAL: Atomnaya energiya, 1958, Supplement 5, PP 5 - 25 (USSR) ABSTMIXT: In 1958 110 radioactive inotopen viere produced commercially. 92 of them were for,,.ied by neittron irradiation. Prior to the irradiation the initial materirils mun 't be purified, if pos3i- -ble,so that in the subsequent prnaessing of the radioactive elements the impurity activities Oo notyield too much WastD.-ory often it in possible' to carry out th,-~! irradi.-tions with en- Sn1231 Te1271 S,75, v115. The riched isotopes auch as Fe55 , portions irradi..ted fluctuate between 0.5, 1-0, 10 and 20 CM3 and were contained either in aluninum contiiners, boron~-free glass bottles or plastic containerv. The irradiatie,n periods for isotopes With.a half-lif(' UP to 3 days ia 6, 9 or 15 Card 1/4 hours. Isotopea vith a half-life period of 3-30 days tire Some Technical and Technological Problema in tho SOV/09.3-56-5-1/4 Production of Radioactive Isotopes and Tracer Compounds, in the USSR irradiated for ~O days. Isotopes vith a half-life of more than 30 days (S35, Ca45) are kopt in the reactor for 90 days. For the production of the isoto,)es C14 ond C136 the initial material is irradiated for 0' to 12 moriths. In order not to disturb thq mont favorable reactor flux distribution on the feeding of the reactor with the ampoules to be irrudiat- ed a load diagram of the ninglo irradiation chambers was set up prior to the experiments. The feeding in the different channels is therefore carried out in such a way that the original flux distribution is maintained. The irradiated samples are treated riadiochonicalll and the desired radio- active isotopes are separated. In certain cases certvin com- pounds are marked by these radioactive isotopes. The still hi-h amounts of the preparations are thendivided uid filled into smaller ampoules. In th,? LTSSR 280 of the 450 chemical compounds produced in tho usual way wer produced whicn aro: synthesized from c14, s35, H3, p32, c139. For the production of tracer compounds only 1 or 2 initial materials are used for the isotopes mentioned above. In this connection it is Card 2/4 often necessary to build-in the radioactive atoms into a Some Technical and Technological Problems in the SOY/89S-50-5-1/4 Production of Radioactive Isotopes and Tracer Compounds in the USSR cortainplace of a polyatomic mc-lecule. The transition into a complex organic compound takes place by synthesis or other radiochemical methods such an isotopic exchange, reactions with "hot"atoms etc.The production of chemical compounds traced with soft 0 radiators is carried out at a preparation activity of 100 mC until some C are attained; this is done in laboratories equipped with glov boxes. For the production of orgranic compounds marked with C?4 mainly the synthetic method is applied using almost always BaC140 3 as an initial product. The possible intermediate preducts are listed in a table. The possibilities based on the synthetic method are mentioned by which variouc compounds marked with s35 can be obtained from barium sulfate as an initial substance. The diucharge channels and boxes used in the laboratories are equipped with manipulators or gripping gloves. Moreover, they are equipped with filters collecting the acrosole and gaseous impurities. Furthormore, tho,,,e rooms are equipped with own water, gas and vacuum supplies and dispose of special channels Car-1 3/4 for the removal of radioactive wa2i,e oroducts. Photographic Some Technical and Technological Problems in the SOV/691S-58-5-1/4 Pr--i,luction of Radioactive Inotopea and Tracer Compounds in the USSR representations are shown of 4 tY~,er, Of theoc boxca. Other very important appliances used in V-ese radioactive labora- toriea are refaote-control tools such as ton~,n, pincers, mirrors etc. Remote-controlled cutting tools, soldering bits ate. play an inportant part too. For the manipulation of very small volumes of active liquid volumes hydromanipulators, automatic remote-controlled burettes and pipel.tes are ussed. It is pocoible, for Inctarice, to decant volumes 0.1 - 100 ml in accurate doses by means of such a hydromanipulator. Before dispatch each preparation is closely examined. The physico- chemical constants, the conte'ht of the main components, the total and the specific activity, t-,o share of the active and inactive impurities are determined. Ilia "in example it is described how the content of the y-lijomor C136m is determined in a hexachlorane preparation not yet purified. The quanti- tative deturmination of nmall concontrationn is c"tried out mainly by spectrum analysis or by the polLrographic method. Marked preparations used for medical or biological purposes are additionally examined an to their content of physiologi- Card 4/4 cally important admixtures. There are 14 fi6nires and 2 tables. K yt:~ PHASE I BOOK EXPLOITATION =/453(; Tashkentskaya konferentsiya po mirnomu, ispollzovaniyu atomnoy energii. Tashkent, 1959 Tezisy dokladov (Outliaes of Reports of the Tashkent Conference on the Peaceful Uses of Atomic Energy) Tashkent, Izd-vo AN Uzbekskoy SSR, 1959. 229 p. 2,000 copies printed. Sponsoring Agencies: Akademiya nauk Uzbekskoy SSR; Hauchtio-tekhnicheskiy k0mitet Soveta Ministrov UzBSR. Resp. Ed. for this book: L.G. Gurvich; Ed. of Pablisbing House: I. G. Gayc-ira!Laya; Tbch. Ed.: V. P. Bartseva. PURPOSE: This book is intended for nuclear physicists and other members of the dalentifid commLinity interested in recent progress in the peaceful uses of atomic energy. COVERAGE: This Pollection of abstracts of reports and papers read at the Tashkent Conference on the Peaceful Uves of Atomic Energy reports on research on a nimber of theoretical problems in wxlear and radiation physics, practical problems Outlines of Reports of the Tashkent Conference (cont.) sov14586 and methods in the preparation of radioactive isotopes, and the application of isotopes in industryp geology, agriculture, riedicine,. plant and animal biology, and other branches of the national economy and scientif ic researQh. The Table of Contents has been expanded to inclluio authors and titles of abstracted papers a-ppearing in section headings "Plonary Sessions" through 'Wioactive Isotopes and Nuclear Radiations in Chamistry'd, No personalities are wntioned. There am, no irferunces. TABLE OF CONTENTS: Plenary Se.9ado4s (Arifov, U. A., Inatitut yadernoy fiziki AN UzSSR (Institute of Nuclear Physics AS Uzbekskaya SSR) , 2-arspectives for the Development of Scien- tific. Research at the Institute of Nuclear Physics AS Uzbek SSR 3 5 and G. M. fradkin, Glavnoye upravleniye po is- pol'zovaniyu atomnoy energii pri Sovete Ministrov SSSR (Main Mmin- istration. for Utilization of Atomic-Energy of the Council of Kinisters of the USSR). Production of Radioactive lEsotolx.-s in the Sovi~t Union] 6 GRABI&&VSKIY, Y.N.; KULISH, Ye.Yo.; KATYUSHINA, H.A.; POPOTA, G.L.; POTAPOV,' G.P.; SAVITSKIY, F.S.; TkM[OVA, V,H.; FRAIKIN, G.K.; LABA211OV, V.I., red.; VLASOVA, N.A., (Isotopes, radiation sources, and w terials; a catalog] Izotopy, istachniki izluchealia i radioaktivnyo mnterinly; katalog. Soot. avtorskir kollektivom: V.N.Grablev- skii i dr. Koskvn# Izd-vo Glav.uprov.po ispol'toyaniiii oto=oi energii pri Goveto Ministrov SSSH, 1959, 269 p. (MIRA 12:12) 1. Russia (1923- U.S.S.R.) Glavnoys uprnvloniye po lspoi'zova- niyu atomnoy energii. (Radioactive substances) S/089/60/OC9/003/013/014 B006 B06~ AUTHOR: Xulish,_Ye. Ye. TITLE: a-, 0-..arLd y-Radiation Sources for Control nd Automation of Tdohnological Processes 'PERIODICAL.. Atomnaya'energiya, 1960, Vol. 9, No. 3, pp. 241-242 """:T: The present article gives a survey of the instruments and radiation L-ources use-i at present in the Soviet Union. The properties and range of application of the various sources are discussed. Among tho'instruments liseJ at prrsent in Soviet industry are contactlesB, radiosictive thick. ness gauges; densimeters; level-meters; defectoqcopes, etc. These and many other instruments help to solve problems in technology and research. Many of these instruments are now mase-produced: level-indicators of he typc PWY-1 (RIU-1), level-meters of the types YP-6A (UR-6A) andyP-7 (U.2.,I)~ denaimeters of the type [I)KP-2 (PZhR-2), pressure gauges of the tzr,)e M14P--3A (VIR-3A), and other instruments are manufactured by the ,.-1A1-,,hrjkiy zavod pirometricheskikh,priborov (Kaluga Factory for Pyrometer4; gaul-es of the types OTY-495 (ITU-495), 14TY-496 (ITU-496), and Card 1/3 ~i-, and y-Radiation acurces for Control !;/069/60/009/00 3/013/014 and Automation of Technological Processes B006/BO63 rT-1~10 (G-T-150), weight meters cf the type 6OB(11TV), difCerence meters of tie t-,ype P -4 0-4), piece counters of the typePU7-11 (RSP-11). etc, by the Toullinskiy zavod KI-P (Tallin Factory KIP); e-lectrcnic relays by the 4 y K113): gamma instrurnonts fox, Khcr'kovskV zavod K[P (Khar'kov FaRj2j defectoscopic purposes by the Moskovskiy zavod "Mo3rentgQnl' (Moscow Factory "Mosrentgen"), and many other instrument3~ The aemands made- r;, indu3try on radiation sources are particularly high; so thoy are to aa-~,ressive media. shocks, vibrations, and temperatures ten de,?rceo below' zero and 200-3000C. etc. Radiation sonrc'12 firli P:~111 11 in thrce varictics: 1) in the form of' oirce, rods., etc. Th. . .. j al it, ,.-ometimes enclo!jed by Al foil ao, e.g. , in Vne cjv,,- 2) ThQ active material is sealed in ampoules (fer tivities). Single or double conta4ners made c~ glaov or --v.- according to the kind of source. 3) The sources are devo-si.-,:~ cf azt;, materiul laced on backings of diff,~rent materials-, Sr go, P mi4, Pu, etc.)~ More than 200 3ourc-3s of difforcn*, nz: ~ n')te': produced by industry from 14 isotoPes~ In this connecticr, that, as a result of bromastrahlung and radiation due to ;nfzi-nal cori,;, sion, electron capture, and positron annihilation, numel,CIIS IMMIM'i 30u-('1-1 Card 2/3 tind ~'ourcca for Control 4 a,,~,.- luton-ation of Technol,,--ical Procoscoo B006/BO65 ,, s,)(.,ctra that differ lar,-,,?ly from th:~ spectra given in taln2e., for th~ rOSI)CCtiVC iSOtOUCS. FO!' dVfOCtO.ICOPiC Durposc3 the folloein,g !70't ters are recommended for light alloys, metals, ani thin foil-9 of heavy r,,?tal3, au wall as for technological control of materials with -~ lo", atomic number: :-,'ul55, Se75, ce144, and Zn65. Beta emitters may Alpo be divided into two roupa accordi5p, to their spectral "purity": 1) ;'purc' beta omitters (pmM, T1204, Sr b, and Ce144) %hich are particularly ouitable for' piece counters, thickness gaubresioetc.: 2) sourceD -!,ith alues, an~ :;r a large brems3trahlung admixture (CO144 on 1w 6 p1, 90 in Mir- ces of the type 54(B1)), Yjhich are of opecial us) for instrument~3 in %-.1hich radiation penetrates the material. Card 3/5 EUDKI11, G.M.,-_KuLjLH,_Xe~jq.,- PCIFtLINTSTVA, G.M.., red.; FOPOVA) S.M.) tekhn. red. (Sourses of oCjj3#,(p and neutron radiation for the automa- tion and control of industrial processes] Istochniki 00-, -1 (3-) -f- i neitronmykh izluchenii dlia kontrolia i avtor.-atizatsii tekb- nologicbeskikh protsessov. Moskva.. Gos.izd-vo lit-ry v oblasti atomoi nauki i tekbniki,, .1961. 86 p. (MIRA 15: 1) (Radioactive substances-Industrial applications) KUL-ISH, Ye. le. "Got6q Problems of Radioisotope Production in ReBonrch Reactors of the IRT ar.-I VVRS Types." report presented at the Symposium on Programulne and Utilization of Research Reactors, IAEP) Viennal 16-21 Oct 1961. 33()1~1 611001/000/00/056 S/Ob the hV r t lis'n I -to o-.O?e 13 a tots 0 0 r ()TL!5 . tiott 0 ',let 'V e 1959~ of SO .011fer ent 1 9,6.0.1a tails -To it lea a. all eneT9 rta"'t last Sotope TLeN t im'Po th e for I for 40 at omnol 46 the Moe se& it, &OVU sees '~jost 961, 34' ..'rvel of inere .aid, 9 Toce Oved, 'Purit'j a. ree't1l aISO been tion &,.;e1.' 'Righ- thors gj"le has hal 0 the 9 rod,~Xe been'tionS. ,able 10111k. CY, - Tks h,'V e Th a SA t 10 -a 7 . ties- tio years OUnd6S Teo. c ritl 8 -ran% eel t'0 0 6, 00112 diffl V eTI .9T Wle t lle O~ (TU) a? t las 3 OX otoge III 'a 'he labi resul. to tating Vget is become 3.6 TdL D%Jri 9 200 nel . as rTad' t8. " stavAs. a& b$ lh ch the tho& bas va&e tion. bO'ULt O&'ace i !me *ht 3 eined. 'To rod'UG and' a.. are 'PT obtairkl 4,11 's %te'r as also obt ither 1 Ons Is. 'U'p 9 )Os to-pes The e isotol SO areact the re jing Voj,~jcedk- - rk staTtec es ar of otogel - choo, V has 'bee jAe'M isoto? radkiots or bly isotove a, ctor . isoto-peS m tj-, 0 186S t To 90,61-ble sleMent fro the tions ,"S"r since 2U) -reac 90,91t et) and. ~rk ? & 1/3 r'ar 3 3 0,11 S/63 61/ooi/000/003/056 Production Of radioisotopes ... B102YB138 the decay of isotopes produced by (n,j), by (T,n) and (T,2n) reactions and from uranium fission fragments (PM447, C8137, Sr9o etc). They can be separated in the pure state. The new labelled compounds include a large number of complex compounds such as glycerin, glyceric acidgand benzyl alcohol which are im ortant in biochemistry, and pharmaceutical products labelled with ClT Besides the conventional chemical methods of producing labelled compounds increasing use is made of the energy of the recoil nuclei, and the method of isotope exchange is also employed. The activities and dimensions of the Eu152 , Cc 6o 1 S75, Tu170, R 226, C144, Eu155, and Cs137 preparations commercially produced since 1959 are tabulated,. 95,~ of the annual consumption of 5-1o5 curies consists of a-, P-, y- and n-emitter;. Produc- tion of the latter, which have become important in mining and well drillings has been particularly accelerated just recently~ Besides Po-Be, Ra-Be sources are also used, which are produced with different dimensions and with certain maximum intensities between 1.1o4 and 3-1o7 n/sec. The price9of the most important isotope preparations are given, To standardize activity measurements comparative measurements with standard apparatus Card 2/3 330,51 S'/638/61/001/000/003/056 Production of radioisotopes B102/B138 are suggested. Of the short-lived isotopes (t 1/2< 3 d) 52 different compounds of 42 isotopes are being produced at present. The most important 24 31 42 64 32 196 131 32 are Na , Si ~ K , Cu , Br , Au , J , and P . The starting materials are the chemically or analytically pure reagents. Special laboratories are needed to produce preparations of short-lived isotopes. A project for such a laboratory,, produced by the Moakovskiy proyektnyy institut (Moscow Planning Institute), is obtained. There are I figure and 5 tables. ASSOCIATION: Glavnoye upravleniye po ispol'zovaniyu atomnoy energii pri Sovete Ministrov SSSR (Main Administration for the Utiliza- tion of Atomic Energy at the Council of Ministers of the USSR) Card 3/3 3/194/62/000/001/028/060' D201/D305 AUTHORS: Fradkin, G. M. and Kuli8h. Ye. Ye. T1 T LE 3ources of alpha-, beta-, Gamnw- and neutroyi,radia- tion for the control and automation of technologi--a'. processes PERIODICAL: Referativnyy zhurnal, Avtomatika i radioelektronika, no. 1, 1962, abstract 1-2-129 g (Radicakt. izotopy i yadern. izlucheniya v nar. kh-ve SSSR. T. I., M.. Gostoptekhizdat, 1961, 95-109) TEXT: The properties of artificial radioactive isotopes are con- sidered, their characteristics given, ranges of applications shcwn and the classification of f A- and neutron sources, as used in ttie USSR are given. 6 figtes, 6 tables. //-Abo tr,.-ic ter' o note: Corr, plete translation.-7 Card 1/1 SAVITSKIY, P.S., otv. red,;-4UjjSH., red.; FRADKIN, G.M., red.; VORDNOVA, A.I, red.~ POPOVA, S.M., tekhn. red. (Isotopes, radiation sources and radioactive materials; catalog]Izotopy istochniki izluchenii i radioaktivnye materialy; katalog. Izd.2., dop. Moskva, Gosatomizdat, 1962. 218 p. (MIRA 16:2) 1. Russia (1923- U.S.S,R,)Gosudarstvennyy komitat po ispollzova- niyu atomnoy energii. (Isotopes) (Radiation) SLOVY VOL; SHTANIP A.S.; KULISIl Ye.Ye. RUMYANTSEVI S-V-; DPBROMY Df sources from SM145 and Radiation characteristics 1_ ~,5-no.6%511-514 D 163 ~MJRA 17%1) enriched se754 -,ktom. energ KULISH, Yu. S. Cand Geolog-Mizieralog Sci Wssertationt "Experiment for Inveetigating an lnteraction of Grounds with Bitumous and Their Components." 3013150 Moscow Order or Lenin State V imeni M. V. Lomonosov. SO Vecheryaya Moskva Sum 71 Y,,,) L -F 0 E N ~-__ o,,~ A - Z. - USSR/Physical Chemistry - General Problems ef 15ot7,pe Ch-m_'.Btry, B-7 Abst Journal: Referat Zhur - Khimiya, No 19., 1956, 60988 Author: Kulishenko, A. Z. Institution: None Title: Equation of the Curve of AbsorptiIan of Ra Ma Icn In Active layer of Sample for s35 Original Periodicalt Zh. fiz. khimii,,'Xp541 28, No 7, 1186-1j.92 Abstract: On the baite of measurements of activi.ty cf BaSr)4 precipitates (tagged with s35) of different thickness a more precise empirical formula has been derived for computation of the absorption of 3 6-radiation of s : ix/Io = 1 exp ~-231T (1), where ac- tivity of sample of thickness x mg/cm and I. activity of "satu- ration" layer. The error in computation of the degree of absorp- tion of radiation thus does not exceed 2%. PreseDted is a table of corrections of absorption for different x calculated in ac- cordance with e"ti= (1). ShOWD is the n~c:,zessity of making Card 1/2 USSR/Physical Chemistry - General Problems of Isotope Ch%iqt~I-y~ B-7 Abet Journal.; Referat Zhur - Xhimiya, No 19, 1956, 60983 Abstract: correction for absorption in filter paper in thqOaBe of samples of a thicImess below that of the "saturation" layer. Card 2/2 USSR/Chemistry Fuiftbl FD-3239 Card 1/1 Pub. 41-20/22 Author Kulishenko, A. Z. and Medvedev, K. P., Khar'kov Title Use of radioisotope S35 in investigating the thermochemical conversion of sulfur compounds in coal during coking Periodical Izv. AN SSSR, Otd. Tekh. Nauk 7, 145-148, Jul 55 Abstract Gives formulas for computing distribution of active sulfur, added radioactive sulfur, pyritic sulfur, and organic sulfur in the products of thermal decomposition of coal. Explains experimental procedure used to verify theory. Finds results in agreement with those obtained by Eaton, Hyde, and Road (Analytical Chemistry, Vol 21, No 9, 1949). Three tables. Seven referencesp 6 USSR. Institution Submitted 28 February 1955 AUTHORS: Iledvedev, X. 11. and Kullshenkoo TITL-vj.*.- Investigations on-tne-IP-arti-cipation Of Formd ofe. Sulphur the Formation of Carbon Disu phide F rom Coke Oven Durinf l Gas vi h the Aid o-LO Radio-Isotopbs. t Issledovaniye uchastiya form sery uelya v obrazovanii s~rougleroda koksovogo gaza pri pomoshchi radioizotopov). P]NIODIOAM. r - Xhimiya I Tol hnologiya Topliv J i4aoolt 1,~50, Nr 9, l ullaa) - pp 62 - 660 tlj ABSTRACT: These investigations concern the types of sulphur parti- cipating in the forms of carbon disulphide durin,- the - coking of coal and schists. The use of radioactive Iso- topes makes it possible to determine the mature and quantity of each type of sulphur taicinj- part in the pro- cess. Details of experimental procedures and calcu- lations were described in earlier publications GUefs. 1 0.2 - 0.4' CaS04 20, radioactive .2H tag[,-ed vith the 3g 3 3. is added durInU inve tigations or' the thermal chemi- cal conversions. Coals from the Donet3 Basin grade G and PS were used; their composition and also sulphur content are given in Tabla 1. Table 2: data on the con- version of the aulphut~ to sulphur disulphido depondino Card 1/3 on the temperature of heating and the grade of coal. Investip7ations on the ParticipatiQn a,'Rrms of 3vlphur L)urin- tale Pwr- Mation -O.-F Carbon Disulphide From ~Vce Oven 4a's vilth -the Laid of iiadio- Isotopes. It was found that )Awr--tl sulphur tz-0-ces p'lrt in the -for- mation of carbon disulphide. The role of pyrite --und organic sulphur was investigrated. The srtme rrados of oil, coal and standard .0chists comPrisin.7 G, rade PZh, 20~b K and 201C'1111 N grade coal were 'k-lested. k nalysis data*is given (Table 3). The sey--iration of natural sulphur in the form of carbon disulphide pro- ceeds at a greater rate in less metamorphosalcoal gr;.-We G than in the coal grade 23. Results on the role 0__V natural, pyrite and organic sulphur during the forriatior of carbon disulphile'are given in Table 4. Table 5: comparison of the types-of sulphur in carbon disulphide formed during ttq colcing of coals and schists. It vras concluded that the deCrae of metamorphosis of the coal is an iftipprtant Zactor. Details of complex r_~.-,ictions of disintegration and synthesis occurring at high tem- Card 2/3 perattiips in colce ovens can be obtained by u~sing this SOV/65-58-9-12/16 Invest L-~at- ions on the Far"Icipation of Porms 15i, I h Pur p ur Ini the e Gvenosa's' wl,t;h ~Vri-,Iati6n of Carbon Disulphids, Prom Co~.- -the * i of"~'Radio- Isotopes. method. There are 5 Tables and 7 References: 1 German and 6 Soviet. 1. Carbon sulfides--Properties 2. Sulfur--Chemidal react'.:)ns 3. Coal gas--Chemical properties 4. Sulfur isotopes (Radioactive)--Applicatioxis Card 3/3 'her' /21 K rZ 68-53-4-l-, TITLL~: 11-Hic UsIc of Radic)active Level and Den-city Meter-c foi, Cont.-;,ollin- - t I i c., i, oc 1 u, c -I, of FlotOlUel'on Y-achines 1-1,~diOZAktiVilylldl U.-DVIT10111e!OV 1 D1otnO:j--1,o,,r d1ya porcizvoditellnosti A" S'LIZACT For an of U-~-tc feed 01, pul-o to flotation ane. its density, n2,~'ioacUj.-,,c level ~arld .-late,rs wcr(~ uold at the Chumakovskaya TsCF. The, o Operation Of .1-hu lovel ,otpl,- UR-4 LLIU-iOll CO ii;--k a. --ec-liv ,Z~ a.- Z a SOUrC'-a Of Y-r~Ldi ~0 Oil sill ,~ht svnc3i7-oni,.-.5,d1,j "-nd Vie iaidid'ic, ~'h i,, re,; vc L, nu, i u It; wi tho bound-,ry )f ;i(,,-diu;,,u.-: tho :~y,,,`;e-a Is in equilibriwit. i i ~ I I I I16~,e le"It"I 3f lio-ai-I th.1 abso-rpt-ion of y-radift'Uou At~o chan_~3ti, 11'io io -~a-,sod to the servoiao~or ap7-voplaall-cly moves -11-h- ,w,:o,urce and the receiver. Tha dunsilly *,.:az based 0n the vari~atiop. in absorption of y-ra(liation f=1 Co~o CLrd 1/2 I-ITUh the pulp dencity. It wass fou-nd by' contrcllin~.z, the. The Use of Radioactive Level and Density Ileters f..Dr the Productivity of Flotation Miachines Dul-o feed and its dens','ty the .machines can be considerably instruzients can also be used of the flotation machines. There are 3 figures, 5 tables which are Soviet. out-out of flot;ltion increased. The above two for the completed automatioa zmd 3 references, all of ASSOCIATIO11: MIN I. Minerals--Flotation 2. Flotation machine s--Control systems 3. Radiation meters--Applications 4. Cobalt isotopes (Radioactive --Applications Card 2/2 - KULISEMIKO A.Z.: KUMTONOV, A.B.; KUZIMENIO, A.S.; GARYWSH, G.K. Nternination of the viscosity of magnetite in nuopension by measuring its magnetic permeability in conjunction with a radioactive densitometer. Koko i khIm. no.2:13-15 f6o. (MIRA 13:5) 1. Ukralpokly uglekbimichookly institut(for Kuliahenko. Kharitonov). 2. Tasinovskiy koksokhImichoskly unvod(for Xux'- menko, Garmah). (Tasinovku-Coal preparation) (magnetite) ULISHMO. A.Z. Automtization of the flotation division at the Tasinoyka By-Product Coking Plant by means of radioactive density meters. Koks.i khis. no.5:17-19 160. (KI" 13:7) 1. Ukrainskly uglekbinicheskiy in~titut. (Taoinovim-Flotation-Iquiptent and supplies) (Antomatic control) (Densitometers) KULISHMO, A.Z.; MXDVIMV, K.F, Use of the radioisotopes S35 in the study of the process of coal desulfurizations Koks i khim. no.7:5-10 160. (MIRA 13:7) 1. Ukrainskiy uglekbimicheskly institut. (Coal) (Desulfuration) (Radioisotopes) KULISIMMO, A.Z.j WCIMOVp H.G#j UVIEN-KO, A.S. flew flow sheet and automatic control of the flotation process. KokB i kbim. no.3:3-11 162. WIRA 15:3) 1. Ukrainskiy uglekhimicheBkiy institut (for Kulishonko). 2. Yasinovskiy koksokhimicheskiy zavod (for Bocharov, Kuzimenko). (Coal preparation) (Flotation) (Automatic control) KULISIOIKO, A.Z., kand. tekhn. nauk; KIIARIMNOVt A.S.; GRID111t I.A. Capacitance transducer for me4puring the moisture content of the coking charge in the flow. Koko i khim. no.9:16-19 162. (MIRA 16-10) 1. Ukrainskiy-uglekhimichookiy institut. (Moisture.-Measurement) (Coke) GARMASHP G.K.p~.GRIDINO I.R.; KULISRENKOI A.Z.; MARITONOVI A.S. Magnetic de*ty relily. Zav.1ab. 29 no.2:241-242 163. (Automatic control) ( (M:ERA 16-.3) try)) (Electrie relays) SuapenSiOni (ChOmis inzb.; RYBALKO, A.M., inzh.; KISHTE'V, V.P., inzh.,- KIRILYUK, L.V. Automatic supply of molding sand with the use of radioisotopes. Masbinostroenia no.608-59 V-D 164 (MIRA 18t2) RAZIKOV, M.I.; Pr~-imali uchastiyet KHOVANETS, V.K., inzh.; K-ULISHENKO, B.A.., inzh.; ILIIN, V.P., inzh. New techniques for automatic hard facing in an atmosphere of carbon dioxide. Avtom. svar. 15 no.603-38 Je 162. (KRA 15:5) 1. Urallskiy politekhaicheskiy institut Imeni S.M.Kirova. (Hard facing) (Protective atmospheres) KULISHNITKO, V. A word from innovators. Sov.profsoiuzy, 6 no-18:30 D '58. NIBA 12:2) 1. Instruktor Kiyevskogo oblsovprofa. (Kiev--Inventions. Employees') KOZLOV, V. (g. Astrakhan'); KULISHENKO,.V., Infltruktor; GUSAROV, D. (Tatarskaya ASSR)-. GROMADCHEICKO, A.; BAYSV. V.: SHCHRGIDV, A..instruktor With the tra4e union organizations. Sov.profsoiuzY 7 no-3-62-64 Ir 159. 'A (MIRA 12:3) A I.-!Kiyevakly oblaovprof Uor,Zulishenko). ?. Rayprofsozb Karagandin- skogo otdeleniya zheleznoy dorogi (for Shcheglov). (Trade unions) KULISHMIKO. V- rofeniuzy An important point of a collective agreement* 80voP n9.9:48 My '59. (MIR-k 12:8) 1. Starshir Instruktor Kiyevskogo objeovprofa. (Kiev-Labor productivitY) NIGEURIN, Te, alosarl-eborshchik; ALIKSANDROV, A. (g.Dnepronetrovsk); BXLTATh'V, A.-,J~HENKO. T.: Xf2ArOVA, A.; SPIZffAI?SYIY. H.; .. FAZAMKO, P.; (g.Arkhangellsk) letters to the editors. Sov.profmoiuzy 16 no.11:44-49 Je '60. (MIRA 13:6) 1. Moskovskir zavod malolitrasi-nykh avtomobiley (for Hichurin). 2. Redaktor gazety *Za tempyl I:olomenskogo zavoda tekstillnogo mashinostrc7eniya (for BelyayeT). 3. Starabiy instruktor Kiyevokogo o'nlastaogo soveta profe6yuzov (for Kulishenko). 4. ZavediTushchiy uchebao-kursovoy bazoy Astrakhanskogo obleovprofa (for NmAreuko). (labor and laboring classes) DUBYAGA. A.G.; K0790, S.R. &a _; !WSHER, --fA- '- ---- Basic trends In the development of tank farms. Reft.khoz- 38 no.8:57-62 Ag 160. (KM 13:8) (Petroleum--Storago) BONDARCHUK, A.P.;KODNITSKIY, I.I.; KULISRER, M.A.; FEVVIER, V.B.p X te hn red.; GORIKOVAp A.A., ved. 6d-.'-t DACITMOV, G. p k rod. [Automatic control on tank farms and of petroleum product pipelines) Kontroll i avtomatizatsiia neftebaz i magistrall- nykh nefteproduktoprovodov. Moskva, Gon. nauchno-tekbn. izd-vo neft. i gorno-toplivnoi lit-ry, 1961. 193 pe .1. (MIRA 15:3) (Fetroleum-~S~orage) (PetroleurrPipelines) ~(Automatic control) A. Expenditure of forage on cooperative famc. p.28. KOOPERATIVII0 ZF14-EDELIC, Sofiya, Vol. 11, no. 2, Feo. 1956. SO: Monthly List of East European Accessions, (EEAK), LC, Vol. 5, I-Io. 6Tline 1956, Uncl. KULTSIU,-V, A. KULISH"EV, A. "eans of the transitory reserves. p.13. Vol. 11, no. 9, Sept. 1956 YOC)Fn~ATIVNIC, ZP'FDEL1E AGRICULTURE Soflia, Bulgaria SO: East European Accession, Vol. 6, No. 3, "'arch 1957 KIIIIISPEV, A., PONDAROY, 0. New rrethod for making an account of the day's work in plant cultivation. P. 30. (Kooperatvino Zemedelie, Vol. (12), no. 2, Feb. 1957. Sof.Lia, Bulgaria) SO: Monthly List of &.-tst European Accessions (EEFJQ LC, Vol. 6, no. 10, Cctober 1957. Uncl. Mothodu section of the technical subject teachers. Folitekh.obuch. no.5:90 hy 159. (AIRA 12:7) 1. Direktor 14alopereshchepinskoy bredney ohlroly Poltavskoy oblaati. (Technical education) 2. 'USSR (600) 4. Poultry 7. Ralsing chicks in a converted building. Ptitsevodstvo No. 4. 1952. 9. Monthly List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, Fobruar_y -1953. Unclassified. Y"'ILIMIC7, Y. P. and KARSHEIMAM', 0. P. ?I- Ihe Tale-Carbonate Horizon of Krivorozlilyet' Geologichniy Zh., Vol 13, No L, 1953, Pp 83-85 States that as a result of investirmtions which lasted several years the pre- sence of only one talc-carbonate horizon rras established in Krivorozhtye. The authors pive a description of the different kinds of shale which make up the horizon. (RDGeol, No 4, 1954) So: W-31187, 8 ?,far 55 KULI-,HOV, m. P. KULISHOV, M. P. -- "Petrotectonia Investigation of Rock of Krivoy Rog.' Kin H'%gher Education USSR. Dnepropetrovsk Order of Labor Red Banner Mining Inst imeni Artem. Dnepropetrovsk, 1955. (Dissertation for the Degree of Candidate of Geologicomineralogical Sciences.) SO: Krdzhna-y-~s 12tovis' No. 4. Moscow, 1956 T~ ~2 AKIMMIKO N.M.; BMSVTSEV, U.N.; GOROSHNIKOV, B.I.; DUBINKINA. R.P.; ISHCHENKO, D.I.; URSHENBAUX. A.P.; ! LYASHCHENKO, K.P.; MAKSIMOVICH. V.L.; SKURIDIN, SSA-w~~-, R.I.; TOKEMMY, G.V.; FOMENKO, V'Yu.; SHCHIRBAKOVA. K.7.; SEMOV, M.V., red.izd-va; AVMKIYXYA, TOA.: tekhnred. [Geological.structure and iron ores of the Krivoy Rog Basin] Goologicheakoe stroonle i zheleznya rudy Krivoroshokogo bassaina. Moi3kvs, Goo. nauchno-takhn.izd-vo lit-r7 po geologii I okhrane nedr, 1957. 278 P- WHA 11:3) (Krivoi Rog Basin--Geolog7) BONDARENKOV P.M.f inthener-geolog; GOROSHIIIKOV) B.I., kand.geologo-mineralo- gicheskikh nauk; KULIBliOV,__NIPo-g-,kand.geologo-mineralogicbeekikh nauk; KUC OR g V.N.0 geolog Relationship between the Krivoy Rog metamprphic series and'Saksagan plagioclaotic granites. Sbor. nauch. trud. NIGRI no.2:132-142 159, (MIRA 3A;l) (Krivoy Rog Basin-Rocks, Crystalline ano metamorphic) (Saksagan Vs.Uey-Xsr6nite) MAGWYAN, I.G.; AKIMENKOP N.M.; BELEVTSLIIV Xa.N.; GERSHOYG, Yu.G.; G-10',HISHNIKOV, N,P.1 KALYAYEV, G.I.; WtSUNBAIR-1, A.P.; ZROCHENKO, V.14.; KULISHOV) M.P.; IIAFSD,!CJVICII, V.L.; I'-ELfNIK, Yu.P.; PITADE, A.A.; SKURIDIN, S.A.; STRIGIN, A.I.; FEDORCHENIKO, V.S.; FOIENKO, V.Yu. Reviows and bibliography. Geol. rud. mestorozh, "' no.3:113- 117 My-Je 165. (1-11RA 18:7) -- Knismy. S, Practices worth to be diaseminated. SiV. bud. lono.11:17 3 160o (KM 13: 11) 1. Ilachallnik upravleniya stroitelletva Sumskogo oblupravleniya sell- skogo khoz7aystva. (SumT Province-Roofing) C KULISHOVo S. We are increasing the output of fire-proof building materials. Sil'.bud. 11 no.11:12-13 N 161. (MIRA 15:3) 1. Nachallnik upravleniya stroitel'stva Sumskogo oblastnogo ob"yedineniya "Sil'gosptekhnika". (Sumy Province--Building materials industry) ~41 KUISHOVA, A. For those who eat at home. Obahchestv.pit. no.2:19 157. (miRA 11:4) l.Direktor Kiyevskoy stolovoy No.497, (Kiev~-Restaurants, lunchrooms, etc.) KULISHOVAj K. Observations of lumar occultations of stars at the Tashkent Astronomical Observatory. Astron. toir. no. 214:24 S 160. (MIRA 14:1) 1. Tashkentakaya astronomichoLikaya observatoriya. (Occultutions) INLART, Yan GanBovich(Eilartp .1.1; YYGE, Ayno Kbugovnu 16ignp A-1; KULISHOU) V. ltran8latorlj POSTNUVA, V., red, (Viidum;gi, a preserve of rare plants. Translated from the Estonian] Viiduraiagi - zapovednik redkikh rastenii. Tallin, Eesti Raamatj 1965. 38 p. (MIRA 18:11) A M. SlYLIOVAROV, A.) HUL11SHOVA, red. [In thfi sky of E3tonial on the Twentieth Anniversari of the Estonian SepRrate Air Group; 1944-19641 V nebe Estoni:'L,T k dvadtsatiletiJu Estonskoi otdollnoi aviagrupFy (1944,1964). Tall-inn, Estonskoe gos.izd-vo, 1961,. 100 p. (1~11PJ, 180) Is Russia (1923- U.S.S.R.) Mininterstvu grazhdanskoy aviatsii. Estonskaya otdellilaya aviagruppa. KIJLISHOVA, M., red.; TMUSSON, A., tekhn. red. (A high goal; railroad workers of Estonia struggle for a main line of communist labor] Vysokaia tself; zheleznodorozhniki Estonii v borlbe za magistrall kom=istichoskogo truda. Tal- linn.. Estonskoe goo. izd-vo- 1961. 95 P. (MA 15'.5) 1. Estonskaya zheleznaya doroga. (Estonia-Railroads) (Socialist competition) KOZLMSKI) jan; KULISMICM, Jan flew techni. ues of boring deeper with widar diameters; 70% faster,, 3~ 2eoo expensive V= 4 prosent, Przegl techn no.464 16 N 160.