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On the Pos3ible Kindn of Crack 'Pith a Conductivity SOV/179-59-4-16/40 Jump obtained. It expreanes the connection between the volume v and the magnetic field strangth fl. It is shown that - if the structure of the discontinuity surface is investigated at 6- G(T), the conductivity 6beirg elualto.zerq, for T-values smaller than a certain T - there is only one point on the ABC-curve which depends on T*and the initial values of the parameters, and from which the motion can be continued until This points to a certain connection between H 1 and H 2' which is not a consequence of the conservation laws, formula (1). This additional relationship, together with the conservation I%ws in unsteady problems, determines the intensity of the electromagnetic wave emitted, and makes the solution of such problems a unique one. There are 1 figure and 3 Soviet references. 3UBMITTED: February 19, 1959 Card 2/2 KULIKOVSKIY. A.G-,. LvuBIMOV, G.A. article "Permanent strimmiro In connection with V.A.Bolokon's of chock waves with Joule disnipation." Zhur.elzap.i t,3or.fizo 37 no.4:1173-1174 0 159. (14IRA 13:5) (Shock waves) (Belokon, V.A.) SOV/20-129-1-13/6,',r '7 '3? i'yA .k"'T!K;-;-iS Kii I i k (o.) 11 :3 ? i',, G ,Lyu.1bimov, GA ITLI"; Gas-ionizing Shook 7;nv,~s 11 PZHIODICALi Doklady Akademli nauk SSSR, 1959, Vol 129, 1;1' 'r, pp 9'~ - C'5 (USSFI) k B S T H Ar P. n e I ~, c t r o mr, jf ii #~ t i r-- wa v e iz~ a y m o v,~ i r i f r o nr r awavr. in iinvf~ady probl%Lq, in which shock wav~~a presprit. in an olectromagnetic fi(~,Id For known. velocity of tho~ ,E,as behind ths- shock wave, the boindary conditdons ,n the shock ki-xpressing thp continuity of thp tangential component of Wavc, ~n-.Ioctr,-r. field as well as the fluxes of ;rat'(-!~, and Qriergy) are riot gufficient to detc-riuine aiz:uItaro-o.~sly the int,~nsitiefi of the shock wave and of the einitted W ~I v PAn additional ~relation betweor, quant itim 1)0'~)ru an," b~ hi rid the chock wave is f urnished ty the -1 on cf f he ,~tr,,icture of the shock waves of th.-~! ab3ve typr~ T) rola' and, in con.9eq,1;ence, the alterat top. all ai I qi ! shock wav,:! depends essentially on the amount -)f t1:4,- ,ition coefficiprit. (vi,--osity, bet-a~!~~n Ole dig.,3 i p r 9 13 duct ivity , and magnetic viaco~,3ity) in the icir "agnetohydrodynamic Gas-ionizing Shock Viaves t C, 4 61 SOV 120- 112Q .1 - 13 '64 Thp electr4ical conductivity of the gases is con~;idered a'~. a function of temperature in the present paper:c~c(T), T~ that (1"0 if T< i* and C>O for T>T% . iPh-c- str-,r-t,,;re f a d r d, namic shock wavp . which moves in a ga!3 at a temrjerat- -r- T ~_Ovm Q 7~ym 0 m ~Q_m Card 5/7 89394 S/04 61/025/001/013/022 The structure of an inclined... B12-%B204 and may also occur on an infinite number of integral curves. The structure of the "evolution" shook waves (in the sense of A. 1. Akhiyezer et al.) differs from the struoture of the non-evolution shock waves by the fact that only they have a structure at any ratio between the dissipative coefficients. A. N. Voynov is mentioned. There are 7 figures and 4 referencest 2 Soviet-bloo and 3 non-Soviet-bloo. F SUBMITTEDs july 16, 196o I,, zer, - - - - - - - - - - - - Fig. 1 C Card 6/7 3. S/020/61/137/004/010/031 )0,8100o B104/B2065 AUTHOR: Kulikovskiy, A. 0. TITLE. Structure of slow magne~to-hydrodynamic chock waves under barotropio conditions PERIODICAM. Doklady Akademii nauk SSSR, v. 137, no. 4, 1961, 810-813 TEXT: In a study of the structure of shook waves Germain (njblf. 2i P. Germain, Office National d'Etudes;.et do Recherches 911bronautiquos, P"'Ibl- NO 1, - 97 (1959)) showed that in foiir common equations -which deficriVb the one-dimensional steady motion ofla gas, no more than four singular points S and S exist. (They are arranged according to increasing 1' S2' S3 4 density In the points). He studied the behavior of inte6ral,curvfs in the vicinity of these singular points and wan able to show that sinple inteeral curve always exists, which realizes the.transition Ell ___4 S2 corresponding to a fast shock waVO. LUnder assumption of barotropy, it in shown that slow waves always have a structure, i.e., the points 53 and S4 are connected by a single integral c4 jrvo at arbitrary dizzipative Card 1/4 Structurp of slow magneto-hydrodynamic... 22485 S102 61/137/004/010/031 B104YI32o6 coefficient's (viscosity, thermafoonductivity, and me,-netic viscosity). The assumption of barotropy is similar to that which traces the prob1cm 1~ack to the finding of integral curves in the three-dimensional, but for this some singularities of the four-dimensional case remain. The eauation which describe the one-dimensional steady motion of a barotropic medium ulon,- the x-axis, are-, VM Off Irv 77 M (-L4w- - Il"'t, + Er) _= F11, M2 M (V - (4) dx MIM2 dV = M [P (V) + MIV + P] =. F,, dX 8n I-1 is the mass flow, P the x component of the pulse, H and v are the field intensity- and velocity components along the y axis. All surfaces are studied which are obtained by equating to zero the Eqs. (4). The surface FV = 0 is represented by the surface v - H*H (H* . HxIA'~_'? - const) whdch 0 0 passea through the V axis.. The surface F. - 0 is a cylindrical surface parallel to the v axis. The intersection of F11 - 0 with the surface Card 2/4 z J4 a.5 S10201611137/00410101031 Structure of slow maeneto-hydrodynamic... B104/B206 v - const is a hvnerbola. These surfaces divide the spice li.,~ 0, v , 0 and V~ 0 into Anmoinq- Under the sets I - VIII the inequalities; 1. Fit> 0. F,, > 0,~ Fv > 0. V. r',, 0, Fv > 0. IL Fn>O, F, > 0, F~, < 0. V1. Ftj t). IV. Fit > 0, Fu < 0. Fv,-'O. Vill. F/I of The gas is ideal with constant conducti !T, obeying Ohm's Law in the form iFlt+Y Additional parameter6 are the magnetio Reynolds number and the interaction parameter,-- 4"U4 -c.,d 1/2 PP L 2802-66 JACCESSION NR: 129 and the magnetic field is described by (4 Ji'r, (kI + 1) "WO (t + kit-,ar, for 9 0, IM h(w) - 0 A connection is then established beiween global instabilities and absolute instabili- ties (the unbounded problem). The author sincerely thanks S. V. Iordanakiy for evaluating the subjects touched upon in thia work. Orig. art. hasi 14 equations. SUB CODE: /-7# ;Wsm Dm: 16oct65/ ORIG REF- 0061 OTH REF: 002 IORDANSKIY, S. V.; KULIKOVSKIY, A. G. General condition for the stability of higher correlation functions in a plasma. Dokl. AN SSSR 156 no. 1:35-37 My 164. (MIRA 17:5) 1. Predstavleno akademikom L. I. Sedcyvym. ACCLSSION NR: AM18433 S/0179/64/000/00110141/0142 AUTHOR: B a ranov, V. B. (MOBCOW) I Kulikoyakiy# A. Go (Moacow); Lyubimov, G,* Av (Moscow) TITLE: The boundary layer on a flat plate in anisotropic magnotohydro- dyn-amics SOURCE: AN SSSR. Izv. Otdo tekh. nauk. Mekhanika I mashinostroyeniye, no. 1, 1964, 141-142 TCPIC TAGS: flat plate, boundary layer# boundary layer condition. thermal boundary layetp gl:tingshausen effect$ aerodynamics.. ABSTRACT: Expanding the subject of a previous report (aaranov, V. B., Izv, AN SSSR, OTN, Mekhanika I mashinostroyeniye, 1962, No. 6), the authors consider dis- turbances to an external flow caused by'a boundary layer to show that temperature at the latter's bouudarycan be considered fixed despite the presence of the Ettings- hausen. effect. Further, it Is shown that the Inequality M R (where M Is Hartman's number, R Is Reynold's number, as related to the characteristic length I along the plate) can be diminished and the form M r;~ R. can be used for the jexjs~y3ce of the Blaslu.s velocity profile. The thermal boundary layer'Js 99 rSL ACCESSION NR: Ap4ol8433 calculated with consideration of Ettingshausen's effect (see Fig. I in the Enclosure). "in concluslon,the authors express gratitude to M. N. "an for call- Ing their attention to the problem and participating In evaluation of possible solutions". Orig. art. has: I fLgure and 10 formulas. ASSOCIATION: none SUBMITTED. ATD PRESS 1 3046 24sep63 ENCL; 01 SUB CODE: HE NO REF SOV: 003 DTHERt 000 2/3 Card AP4018433 ENCLOSURE; 01 16 psooz 4y. 40, LS 7 12 r Lol ..Rasulto Of C&IculatLons 3/3 "M U~ M ~ - - -~- . ~ - ~-I--, i . I- FVWDp. I, -~ . U. III-11-AterLi on the vascular R,tioloU of the putlents." Kiev Order of L;bor Rect i--.-An;icr ~cadcridci.An it. i. :3opmolcts. Kiev. 19,1,6. 0 the Degree of C"adhLatt in r~edlc:.l Science) ur;AIa in ei,,ducjr(litis Ledic-i Imst irnerii (ULsjcrt.,tiorL,3 for So: Knizhaya latorAs', No. 16, 1956 IKOV-J.Xlv-A-G-; (Kiyov) Positive serological syphilis tests in endocarditis patients. Vrach.delo BUDPlement '57:43-44 (MIRA 11:1) 1. Ukrainokiy nauchno-iseledovatellskiy institut klinicheskoy meditoiny imeni akAd. B.D.Strazheako. (SYPHILIS) (FMOCARDITIS) KULIKOVSKIY, A.G., kandidet maditsinekikh nauk (Kiyev) Cerebral hemorrhages in andocarditis. Yrach.dolo no.7:685-687 Jl 157. WRA 10:8) 1..~krainakiy nauclino-iseledovatellakly institut klinichaskoy meditsiny ime akado H.D.Strazheako (IMOCARDITIS) (BRAIN-HEMCIRERAGE) - KULIKOVSKIY, A.G., (Kiyev) Abdominal oyndrome of rheumatic fever origin. Vrach.delo no.6:639- 641 Je 159. (MMA 12: 12 ) 1. Ukralnskiy nauchno-iseledovatellskiy institut klinicheskoy meditainy im. akad. N.D. Strazhesko. (RKgMrl 10' FETER) (ABDOIM--DISFAASES) KULIXOVSKIY, A.G., kand.ned.nauk (Kiyev) Difficulties In the diagnosis of andocarditis combined with cerebral pathology, Vrach.delo no.6:633 Je 160. (UM 13:7) 1. Ukrainakly nauchno-issledovatellskiv institut klinicheakoy meditainy in. akad. N.D. Strashasko. (INDOCARDITIS) (BRAIN-DISMS19S) 1,t4KARCHENKO) A.F., prof., otv. red.; KULIKOVSKIY)_A~G~; kand. med. nauk, red.j LITViK, L,B., profav red-j --I'IRT--Q'- V Sk IY-','- fl.V, prof., red.(deceaseedli MINTS, A.Ya., kand mod. nauk, red.; SLON114SKAYAP V.M., prof., red.,- SA- VENKO) S.N., prof.9 red.; FRWKIN, Ya.P., prof., red.; SHAROVSKIY, S.N.,, prof.., red. Ideceasedli BYKOV, N.M.0 tekhn. red. [Problems in clinical neiirology and gsychiatry] Problemy klinicheskoi nevrologii i psikhiatrii. Kiev, USSR, 1961. 308 P. (MIRA l4sl2) 1. Ukrainskoye reepublikanskoye obahchestvo nevropatologov i paikhiatrove (NERVOUS SYSMi-DISEASES) (MENTAL ILUTESS) KULIKOVSKIY -* A.G., (Kiyev) Apropos prof. L.I.Gefter's article "Some critical comments concerning extensive diagnosis of rheumatic lesions of the brain.0 Vop.revm. 1 no.3x87-89 Jl-S 161. (MRA 16t/+) (PMUMATIC FMR) (BRAIN-DISEASES) NO ........ .. V a' 'ej: -A-Z, 4 Il'--".M ~4 77,1 4 g g~%~ ACC NR.AP6033200 SOURCE CODE: UR/0040/66/030/005/0822/0835 AUTHOR: Kulikovskiy, A. G. ORG: none TITLE: On stability of Poiscuille flow and several other plane parallel flows in-a plane tube of great, but finite, length at high Reynolds numbers SOURCE: Prikladnaya matematika i mckhanika, v. 30, no. 5, 1966, 822-835 TOPIC TAGS: pipe flow, plane flow, flow analysis, plane parallel flow, symmetric flow ABSTRACT: This paper studies stability of plane-parallel flows in a plane tube of great, but finite, length at high Reynolds numbers on the basis of assumptions on the st ability of uniform states. It is demonstrated that plane-parallel flows of convex symm.etrical cross-section of unperturbed velocity are not entirely unstable. An ex- ample is plotted of an unstable flow with a velocity profile which has points of de- .flection. This paper examines the stationary flow of an incompressible viscous fluid in a tube of constant cross-section and of great length L 1 x 1< L. We will assume that the Reynolds number figured from the width of the channel is rather high. Except for sectors close to the ends of th& finite tube the velocity profile may everywhere be regarded as Poiseuillean and independent of x. We call this the basic portion of the flow. We will assume that at the ends of tube x - +L are exhibited certain boundary conditions (independent of time) which interco-nnect the perturbations of SR~tl/2 ACC NR: -7 AP6033200 hydrodynamic magnitudes and their derivatives, while at each end the values of these magnitudes at the same end enter into the boundary conditions. An example is the con", dition that velocity perturbation is zero when x = �L. It may be considered fulfilled when the fluid flows in and out through the porous walls at the tube ends. Note that an essential condition of the setup examined is that the fluid flow in and out across the boundary of the region in question. The paper demonstrates that if the cross- of unperturbed velocity is symmetrical (U(-y) - U(y)), convex (U"(y) > 0 with any Y), and the Reynolds number is high enough unperturbed velocity is shown to involve entirely unstable flow. The author thanks S. V. lordanskiy for discussion of the problems and 1. Ye. Kireyeva for compiling the program of numerical computation. Orig. art. has: 29 formulas, 2 tables, 3 figures. SUB CODE:. 20/ SUBM DATE: 13May66/ ORIG REF: 005/ OTH REF: 006 /~u )- 1K6TSW / ~ d-Is. SKIT, A-S-*, 14LA'WJ"T sZV, G.D. ', laROLTull, L.F.; IVAlmoV. L.I.; 'FAT IKOV, - Ozkazgan deposit and new GeolOgiCal cWacteristicG of the Dzhe 1 aerviCee TrUdy Ingt, geole facts obtained by the mining geOlOgic~~ (MIn 11:4) AIT Kir. SSR no., 9;253-z63 157- jtce--()re deposits) (Neat Kazakhstan Pro IOx, V.0 red.; KAIZCHI'TS' G. 9 , UOVSKII 9 Anton Vikentlyevicb; KAUC10 m - :-~- I livestock buildings] 114'bolee ekouo- [The most Scollom'Cal types olcikb pomeshchenii. Minsk9 Gosjmjzd-V* micizve tipy zbIvotnovodcbeel 60. 122 p. (Km 1416) BSM, Tt.d.sel'kbO7,;l:Lt-ry' 19 - (Farm buildings) LUTSEVICH~ P.A.; MOKGALEV, G.F.; MIKHALEVICH, N.G.; ZINOVICH, K.F.; SAFRONENKO, A.P.; KLIIIENKOV9 P.A.) CAYDIIKEVICII, N.M.; SILINp M.S.; BRAZOVSKIY, P.V.- KOVPAK, M.D.; MELESHKEVICH, O.A.; KAMENTSEVA, V.N.; KULIKQ'L4~jj.,.,Aj,; TARAYKOVICH, ?.I.; ALEYNIKOV, G.A.; SMOUVICH, Sh.S.;GRACIIEVA, K.I.; NIKOLAYEVAq Yu.N.; VOLOKHOV, M.A.; DOMASHEVICH, 0., red.; KARKLINA, E., red.; ZUYKOVA, V., takhn. red. (Manual for livestock ralsers] Spravochnik zhivotnovoda. 2., dop. i parer. izd. Minsk, Gos.izd-vo sellkhoz.lit-ry BSSRF 1963. 462 p. (MIRA l6t8) 1. Glavnyy zootekhnik Upravleniya nauki Ministerstva-sellskogo kh02yayatva Belorusakoy SSR (for Safronenko). (Stock and stockbreedfn4) KnIKOvSKIY. B.N. (g.Shelkovo) --------- Connecting the teaching of a chemistry course with work of students in school shbps. Khim. v shkole 13 n0.5:70-71 S-0 '58. (MIRA 11-.9) (Chemiotry--Study and teaching) ITONEV, V.G.; Ku~~K.OVSKI.YB..11. Products of the Te oxidation by oxygen under pressure in water and aqueous solutions of MO. Zhureneorg.khim..7 no.9:2278-2280 S 162. (1-41RA 15:9) 1. Institut obahchey i neo--ganichoskoy khimii imeni N.S. Kurnakova All SSSR. (Tellurium oxide) KULIKOVSKIYY B.N.; MIMLAYWVP YU.N.; KUZNETSOVI V.G. UNNOW. X-ray diffmotten study of the oxidation produots of tellurium* Zhur. neorg. kbim. 8 no.6:133",41 Js 163. (MM 16:6) 1. Inatitut, obehcbey i noorganicheakoy khimii imeni Kurnakova AN SSM. (T03-juri,um) (Oxidation) (Z raya-Diffraction) , KULIKOVSKIY.,. B,,.N., MIKIIAYLOV, ru.N.-, TRONEV, V.Q. 11 Products of the oxidation of Te by oxygen under pressure in aqueous solutions of KOH. Zhur.neorg.khim. 8 no.9:20813-2092 S 163. (MIRA 1000) 1. Inatit-at obshchey i neorganich6skoy khimii imeni N.S.Kurnakova AN SSSR. IMPAYLOV, YU.N.; TbON'FVf V.C,. Double arthotel.larates. Zhur.n,?orp.kliim,. 10 nf),.)?.., 2F 1 /,12.817 1) 165. 1. Institut obshchey A neorganicheskoy kh~mli ltrr,~rii Kurmikova AN 3,S)SIl. Linearized problem conf.-ernir .. ... 11,f~-L-on'(: I*i(,,,i aL "he n 1L the cl~-ctrode zone of a k,' ruit. i mckh. 29 no.4:611-6.15 Jj-P-.9 165- ROOM KULIKOVSKIYI G.V. Relay circuit model. Avto-m.), telem. i sviazi 8 no.12-20 D 16 (mIpA J&,l) 1. Starshiy elektromekhanik 3-y distantaii Yugo.,Zaradnoy dorogi. CHERNYSFEV, M.P.; ROZHKOV, L.P.; SHULIGINA, Ye.F.; IGNATOVICH A.F.; LABUNSKAYA, L.S.; FOMINA, T.V.; CHERYYAKOVA, A.P.; S4AKOVA, L.N.; TARASOVA, M.K.; ANFILATOVA, A.I.; SLAVIN, L.B.; BARYSHEVSKAYA, G.I.; DERIGLAZOVA, N.V.; MATUSHEVSKIY, GA; ALITMAN, E.N.; KROPACHEV, L.N.; CHEMDILOV, B.F.; POTAPOV, A.T.; DUDCHIK, M.K.; REGENTOVSKIY, V.S.; YERMAKOVA, L.F.; SEMENOVA, Ye.A.; KULIKOVSKIY I I KIRYUKHIN, V.G.; AKSENOV, ~-~re SERGEYEV, A.N., tekhn. A.A., red.; NEDOSHi~ii;~, F.Z., red.; BRAYNINA, M.I., teklin. red. [Hydrometeorological handbook of the Sea of Azov) Gidrometeoro- logicheskii spravochnik Azovskogo moria. Pod red. A.A.Aksenova. Leningrad, Gidrometeoizdat, 1962. 855 p. (MIRA 16:7) 1. Gidrometeorologicheskaya observatorlya Chernogo i Azovskogo morey. (Azov, Sea of-Hydrometeorology) VITTIKH, '1.A.; GPIZFURC,~, A.R.; )rUI,Tr()V.9YTYp Y*L- Ntermining maxi=m angle of deflection of the movable part of an electrometer# rzv. So All STSR no. 10. Ser. tekh. nauk noo 307-41 165 NTRA. 19:1) 1. Thatitut avtomatiki I elektrometrii Sibirskago otdeleniya AN SSSR, Novosibirsk. Submitted March 23, 1965, NR. AP66~ffdY dk&i6ODE: UR/0410/66/000/003/0128/0130 AUTHOR: Girgorovskiy, B. K. (Kuybyshev); (Kuybyshev) ORG; none TITLE: The measurement of the components of complex voltages by a SOURCE: Avtometriya, no. 3, 1966, 128-130 1 m TOPIC TAGS: voltmeter, photoelectric detection, photoresistor ABSTRACT: A method for themeasurement of components of a cor, plex voltage based on the photocompensatlon approach Is described, The photosensitive elemeni is incorporated within a comparator circuit (see Fig. 1). This photoelectrometric comparator is distinguished by a d-c output unit. It yields more accurate measurements and simplifies the determblation ot the complex voltage quadrant. The use of a 0. 5 accuracy class milliampere Instrument with a total Card 1L2 Figure 1. photoolectrometric Comparator E- electrometer sensor; Ph C, - photo- resistance; M- liglit source; Rfb- foed- back resistance 6 ma deflection yielded errors not exceeding 1% in the 100-2000 mv region. Orig. art. has: 7 formulas, I table, and 1 figure. SUB CODE: 09/ SUBM DATE- 04Nov65/ ORIG REF: 002/ OTH REF-. 000 Card 2 Pritef'rLava teklinika I IM vv P IS WI-. thf, (,iro !S -L 11119-66 ACC NRiAP6002011 SOURCE com Wom/65/OWOOM0037/6041 AUTHOR: Vittikh, V. A.; Ginzburg, A. N.; Kulikovskijy,#.,,X,..L. ORG: Institute of Automatic and Eloctrometry, Siberian Branch, AN SSSR (Instit t~ avtomatiki i elektrometrii Sibirskogo otdoleniya AN SSSR) TITLE: Determining tho maximum deflection angle ef the moving component of an electrometer SOURCE: AN - SSSR. Sibirskoye otdeleniye. Izvestiya. Seriya tekhnicheskikh nauk, no. 3, 1965, 37-41 -T--0-P1G TAGS: electrometer, electrometric amplifier ABSTP-kCT,. Sensitivity of an electrometrie amplifier depends, imong other things, on the maximum permissible angle 8 of deflection of the moving',.-omponent of the electrome*ter; hence, increasing the electrometer range may rfisult in considerably higher output of the amplifier. Formulas are developed which permit determining 0 from a specified nonlinearity of the torque-deflection angle ratiol the torque max curve is approximated by Chebyshev polynomials. A 9-step computation procedure is suggested. Orig. art. has: 20 formulas. SUB CODE: 09 / SUBM DATE: 2N4"65 MIG REFt 002 / OTH REFt 001 UDC:621-317.745t621-317-723 14- N E, 0 MIDROV, G.I. (deceased); 140111CH, V.K-. (deceased]; K!jLIFGVS?-IY K.T.; BRAMENTSEVA) A.F.; PETItOVA) Intruoion of Toparsk complex in Shetokiy District of central Kazakhstan. Trudy Inst. geol. nauk AN Kazakh. SSR 12:43-73 165. (min UMAloo,tricity YAT 49 Resistance Instruments "An Inatrument for Direct Measurement of the C~ Specil-io Resistance of Electrolytes," Doceat L. r. KUlikoyekiy, Cand Tech Set, 2 pp -4 "Blektrichestvo" No Author Aiscribes a direct -indicating Instrumentbe develoDed to aetemine speoific reBiSt4=Ce Of e.Leutrolytes. Gives principal schematic diagram and general view of instrument. Instrument has been utilized In petroloun industry to measure _UWR-/B1"+.ri01t7 (C=td) specific7resistance of vate~ occurrIng below petroleum layers. Sulmitted 13 Jan 49. 55/49T43 USSR/Zlectricity - Measuring Instruments . Aug 50 Coatings, Nonmagnetic con fi- eA "Measuring the Thickness of Nonmagnetic Coatingp," L. F. Kulikovskiy, Engr, A. M. Melik-Shakhnazarov, Engr, Baku "Elektrichestvo" No 8) pp 67-70 Discusses practical application of equipment with ferrodynamic measuring instrument for direct meas- uzvswnt of thickness of nonm gnetic coatings on magnetic bases. Describes properties of induction transmitting element. Gives theory of instrument's 167T30 USSR/ Electricity - Measuring Instru- Aug 50 ments (Contd) operation and data on parts. Conclusions can be used in developing measuring circuits with phase-sensitive devices. 167T30 -C4 7. C f7~ rN IRA, F. 1, 1 i-C..- ~ .'I, -f3 :1. Ll-c rical measuriw; inst.nmonto for cnntrodlin-Y of' `-crim-, I *x- -, - V, _1 So s . nauchnotr-k*,M. iz(,-vc) rieftiarvA i_ lit-r,; Yjrl~. Ir 'r) .. .1 1 -It -1 P. (53-l8,',112) Tii(571.K63 MULIKOVSKiy, L la "Science in the Service of the National Economy," Sovetskga Litva, 21 h y 1953. Dr. Tech. Sci., Director of the Kaunas Polrtechnic Inst. 4-j: LU ii I I ~ 11 , L. ; H. Jr.,luction vector reters. n. 395. Vol. 46, i.o. 3, AuE 1.957, Praba, Czeeboslovakla) -'J: Yonthly List of Last !Luropean Accessions (1-1-PItL) LG, Vol. ~ I -), No. 12, Dec 1957. Uncl. 4cve!~ient!w corv~erniq- rill[, ar,")L"J"01. ('ecti t, I- IIPIiotoeIe,,Lr-!.c a:i; lifiern" (SectIon Til I' )' -en,)rt tted for lle;;nireaent a nd j~ut,:irat_on, S3 j.Cl,tif le jf_)C' (3 t-,. for ('IT MIKOVSKIT, L.F. prof., doktor tokbn.nnuk; VII)MOM, Yu.1".., a-i's- ie~n`il Photonlectrometnr amplifier nnd Itn usn. Izv.vys.ucbnb.zav.; prib. no.5:37-45 158. (MIM 12:6) 1. Kuybyshevskly industriallrwy institut im. V.V. Kuybyshova. (Photoelectric measurnments) N 1UTHO21 MIS, A. F., candidate of Tochal ca I Scloscoollocvct TITIAS later-University Scientific Coal* rs no on Ilactrie JdQ:;Urlnj5 1ASWUMenTO GA4 7oohnical Vegas of Autoadtloo (V hvusovakxya nouehn4ya konf*rtntoiyjk p* olektrolimoritelOnym priborom I tokhntchqskin orodstvax avtow-ittki) MIODICALs Izvestiya Vyoshilrl Uchebnykh Z&v*donJj,XI*ktrom.khan4k&, 1950, Nr 9. pp 130-135 (USSR) ABSTRACTs The conference we% hold at the loningrod0ty staktrot*khnicheakil InOltut tmoni V. I. V11yanoVs Umnino) (LAningrad k;lectro-tochnical Institute imeni V. 1. Ullyanoy (Lonin))on Ilovember 11-15. 1958. The representatives of slevea higher teaching establishments and three research Institutes participated and a large number of specialists of various Industrial undertakings war* present. an Docent A R kl~oat; (Xv..or ... r I.otltuts lm*ui 1 1035 . nin n In paper 'Automatic, ridges and compensators- emphasized the acute 4 for automatic instruments for comparing alternating currents. The fields of app Iication of ouch instruments could be considerably extended It they would be designed for *"rating at a older fro,".cy range, He con.11orod It advisable to base the automation of such comparison instruments on using a phase sensitive indicator &M has described a bridge or this t"0 whiCh was built at the lwanovcftwer Institute. (Kiyov Polyteewcal Institute) Rhmse sensitive switch indicator of ,!emi-equilibrium of a.c. bridges. Prof* seer I_] PIN4W tut & . . yjKuTbyohsv Industrial IMI . Soft now) presented a paper an a*" maw t r a.*. compensator**. As:Ietant 11 11 "L 14, OA OT (Novooborksak Polytechnical in tl%'Qto Wour 31 ZWOWalklAso) presented the paper .certain problems of deal lag sotoastla d.o. potentio- as tars of hJ4h maoursc~ -ftb auxorloal reading ?ffl. 103-19-3-919 AUTHORS: Kol'tsovg A. A. Kulikovskiy, L. F. (Kuybyshev) TITLE: A Telemetering Compensation Device for Linear Displacements (Telemetricheskoye kompensatsionnoye ustroystvo lineynykh peremeshcheniy) PERIODICALs Avtomatika i Telemekhanika, 1958,Vol-19,Nr 3,pp-280-284(USSR) ABSTRACT: One of the many possibilities for the use of a ferrodynamic measuring mechanism with independent excitation and recti- linear displacement of the mobile part is the application of two such measuring mechanisms in one set. This set is a telemetering apparatus for the reasurement of small and large displacements or of other quantities convertible into these displacecents. An induction servosystem of linear dis- placements is investigated here which can be used in auto- mation and in remote control. The measuring mechanism was nuC;~;cztad by L. P. Kulikovskiy and A. A. Kolltsov and worked out The test sample was produced in the Laboratory of the Chair for "Automatio, Remotely Controlled and Measuring Instruments and Devices" in the Institute of the Industry, Card 1/2 Kuybyshev. A short theory of the system and the technical 103-19-3-919 A Telemetering Compensation Device for Linear Displacements data of the construntion are given. The experiments on the model of the apparatus showed high efficiency of the magnetic circuit. The factor of utilization of the mag- netic flow was equal to 0.7. There are 7 figures and I reference ~rhich is Soviet. SUBMITTED: HaY 31,. '1957 Card 2/2 USGOW-DC-60608 14(5)t 20(l) 31,41 :5 2-5. )- 1-27/31 AU'-11(,;~S: Kulikovs%iy, L. F., Kolltoov, A. A., Tsiber, A. L. L. E Automatic RocordinG (,f M.-.e Prodl ct-volu..,.o in Moe Diotillation of Liaht Potrolewi Pr(Alicts (Avtc)::rAi*c!,2,3'- ro.,,Jstratsiy-o ob"yera re.--gon1ki :1-vetlykh PL --'I r. DTCAL: vysshikh uc'.eI.;ryI,-h zavedoniy. Nef tI i caz, lq~'f) 'Ir 1, 1)11 105 - 111 (Us3a) ALS-2-'.ACT: TIc researchers f the Kiiyb7,shevs-I-Ay ushchiy zavod (Kuybyshev Petrolaum '?efinory) (Ref 1) con- ot.x-cted :in iipp--ratus f,,,i- the autoiatic ai;d acc-.-leratod distillation of li.-ht oil prodilicts. Thil- ap:araatus draws samples in prescrited distils records the tempei-ature preva-Jlii-ig duriiir- nt-cam -t~ne.ratinn aS a 'Lunction of time. Th.- researchers of the chair f*,.r Avtoratic],oskiye, telem,ol-hanichQskiye i pribory i ustroystva (Autortatic, Telemechanic a-rid and Devices of the Kuybyshe Mudustrial Institute) devt3lopcd a device for automatic moasurinL~, and recirl-linb of volume of distillation Card 1/3 prod,.-,cts as a, function of temperature, This, device ir, used Autoriatic Flec(,rdinE; of the Produft-volwIni- in tj'.r-, Distillation of Light Pet--olcum 11rod,.ct3 in conjunction with 'Aho ful- U.11 tion. An aiaratus equipped aith -uch a do~,,ice is locat')d dir-nctly at the place of Oan 1e -tal-ill whore it r a- - a a perf-301; automation (',f V.0 Cru(.111C, bi~iiziil;-~ ('11-ality Coil~rol possiblo~ 'Phis ap,~ara!uo reduces tloj time required f,,r in- opecl-ion and increases the, accuracy of cuntrol. In al-,.dition, the number Df persons required for operating can be reduced. Based on fiL-uro 1, operation of the ;Iovice is iilustrat:~rl 11nd a dotailcd dcocril tion it, C;iven, An iii., -~?ction carried out under operatin '- condition:; prur--f o its reliability du---ing oporation, The advanta:-e of this device is the facl. that, -when used in conjunction with an autoL~atic electronic potcntiomt~tcr, the lttt(.,r riot Lave to be rebuilt, Other compliances conr3tructed f,,r similar purl~os--~q by other or,--aniza- tions (Refs 2,7) do not offer this advanta--c. The device can be emijloyed also Whenever an othor quantity, (apart from temperature), ,-,hirh is al3o a function of temperature is to be recorded. There arc 7 fi.-uros and '.4 Soviet reforerres.. C ar d 2 /3 Automatic Reccrdi.,,,C.; of the Product-volume in the crjr/ ~ -r;G-1 .1 - lc~2 -27/7, Distillation of Light Petroleum Products ASSOCIATION; Knybyshevskiy irdustriallvvv iristitut im. V. V. Kuybysheva (Kuybyshe~ Tndustriej Institute _ ',mcni V. V. Kuybyshev) SU131,11TTID: September 26, 1958 Card '3/3 j0 VuTn,,Ojd Ott; -MVI-I *Vr-7-A V-0 ;0 pulp-. %-.0 q% Zq ... TIP SO . .. ...... .q.jq.) ftj.. * I : n T qsl q in q% qJ7. : ~Pejr ... 7% TO---- V.$ ...-,q JOT r- It I A V--lAlTa .... ... A =1 1 TO ... .. t. r 4 . 0V~1 Xq ;.j ... ;.T9. " T %.I% .... 3; V 12-Tv"... ' .$*A)1 .2.j..Tv 'A 'WL 't. qj 1,.tj.g .q% I jo u.13.1-1vo OR% jo; P.T.- T.W%=.j. M%1. 1..P :Trq:.Cq:Zt *c 'A Zq J..d.j A.S~d_ nl 4n; r. 27. p j,d-2 2.1 J. % ... dj.A.P : _ .1 true,% I.. On3 .."q.11 -q a -"* "*j'*T' J. 1jjjTq.%s j~ ... A'Plff '1 -2 Iq -3..l ql '.c:.j.A'j I " A qJ .6 'A ml 9- .I s.-Ijild" jo nOjj..jjddv 4% j. ."Iq*Ad y -X .1 ~oxo.. A j, !.V!2. T jOjq .A,:j ; .; "'. 11Q4% IT _ DO XA..q PUT---.. : : q ' P.ql.. - . no" jwmft T .2 - - 'Rf "I :D To . 1 resod ..Iuoo tj._ .7 P.q%o. 1 73lYT' -AT---%-- -q.4 P--TT 1- rov -3 ' 4 5A 1-3 r" jo P.M.. in 2. .;d .A:' a" _T -tl Ilm;g . X it jnj Obyq,.% PnT~"`* q-. P..Tr-r~. t".4r=5 .A Is A--- lp IT. T Cf j.q%. (:,1 0 9CIS -11 J ; :! ' 2. On's j"'' ""I l '--ITT v.. jo JT4 : Ilv . --24v jR"-9 =.j 00; "41 ej.. Z4 P:p A.".C.1a 'I 'A 1- -1 S-T T.*Ijt Ill ( : Tfl -1 JL -.7 1,n% 44 -T.m It .,.,z IT I- rTx-pjPl--1 us tv V1.4 evil -&Misty 11ST'n) I(-CK d C -9 16961 si"raorni I_j.qT'd .... . .. R .42 no r- 1..Tzs* 3r .. -Inzil TPOX "I 'A '--l-T-T 1901fLay (9)6 'W9 CA P-2 VJ 'A o;2 .7ma 1:,: Tq..jprjjv.o& ~T.qTTT~b-jvraf 'a xs"=TD -zzz -T "'vp -::7;l T 1; A.Zp .. a -T -9 l-oTl.m4_ V~ ro.. q ". q~lqs_czol" V.71-PUT to"T. "-v - -'s "'I'ls .2 -I 'no Ilby,1_6 .*Ij " vjol.~~d q% ;. joij.0, 0-41 '1.; po'T's 1-3plv; Jwt~j,v .. - 01 1"j- Iq d~ ... TTrvoo 071..ftt ..Iq ft"la-.3-P jo op.qlox -M--40-ta-w -1 -t3. I "I-2TV T dlj-40.11~rab I" T"~ 11.1. *:.I.UO.r- PvT=x rvu,..Ts CtAl-C-65-6, tIA09 qz 8(2) AUTHORS t ,,ctor of Technical 30V/119-59-5-3/22 .Ociences, Professor, Malik-Mmkhnazarov, A. M., Candidate of Technical Scienc&s, Docent TITLE. The Automatic Regulation of the In-tensity of Alternating Current by an Electrostatic Comparator (Avtomaticheskaya ustanovka velichiny peremennogo toka elektrostaticheakim komparatorom) PERIODICAL: Priborostroyeniye, 4.959, Ur 5, PP 7-8 (USSR) ABSTRACT: The use of voltage stabilizers with a high stabilizing coefficient in the d.c. and a.o. compensators with hand control requires an increase in accuracy of the stabilizers. The operating personnel need not periodically regulate the operating current, thus increasing the rate of the measuring process. The accuracy of stabilizers can easily be increased by means of a current circuit in which an electrostatic comparator is installed. This comparator consists of a differential electrostatic sensitive element, a source of a stable constant tension, a battery of normal elements, and a photomaltiplier. The mode of operation of the electrostatic sensitive element7and the corresponding equations are briefly discussed. A drawback of the do-vice dis,~ussed here is a certain Card-1/2 oomplicacy caused by the servomechanism for the regulation of the i' ~Ni I' Rt The Automatic Regalation of the Intensity of Alternating SO--/'-!)-59-5-3/22 Current by an Electrostatic Comparator resistor. Also the vary construotion of this resistor increases the complicacy. The resistor oonsists of a cylindrical element with a w-Ire attached tc it on whioh a contact is shil fted. The shot' ooev&s j'ast po"Ited out are avoided 11.n anrther device dist)ussed haro. 111's devios was alr.3ady built and tested. Ln this naw devica, the plates in the electrostatia differential apparatus are arr&aged vertioa2ly. The m-~al, important technioal data of this deiioe are as follows: 1roltage of the Lattery 15 v, altemating vol-tage I!_-- '150 to 250 v. phot,)re3lator :)f the FS-Y2 type. At a ohiuV In the voltagra U., viV-Un the Umi ta -150-250 v, the current intensity varied by:tO.'l% at the most, which is, however, by no muw,ui the lait af E%ffi,,1,3=y of this devica. With the use of itablc-~~: photoraeistor3, the I-atenalty ,-an be kept constant a,qen Letter. The abo-,re-metit-lar,ed electrostatic differential device wai 4,zavelopad ')y A. 11. Melik-Sha~~-iazarov ~Lnd Yu~ I. Vidman. Th6ra are 2 I.Iguxas end 3 So~'Ibt referonci~B- Card 2/2