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K'AROLEVI P.A., Yllb-11KOV, O.F.y YAROVI Ao-~o
ZiLuklying tnt, and eccelpration cf in. IL
synchrotron 'by means cf high-speed ainttor.-pict-.~ra Tbrgogrr'pry.
UEjp,nauchofot, 91192-197 164.
' WER b
ACC NR: AP7013155 SOURCF CODE: UR/0020i66i17i!003/06I6/06I8
AUTHOR: Bragin, 0. V.; Kulikov, 0. F.; Liberman, A. L.; Kazanskiy, B. A.
ORG: Institute of Organic Chemistry Im. N. D. Zelinskiy, AN SSSR (Institut
or-anichaskoy Ichimit AN SSSR); Moscow* State University in. M.* V. Lomonosov
(Moskovskly gosudarst-vennyy universitet)
TITLE: Behavior of benzene and some other organic compounds In a focused
laser beam
SOURCE: AN SSSR. Doklady, v. 171, no. 3, 1966, 616-618
TOPIC TAGS: laser emission, laser bean, benzene, acrylonitrile, hydrocarbon,
chromatography, EPR spectrometry, UV spectroscopy
SUB CODE: 07,20,11
"ABSTRACT: The authors study the effect of laser emission on comparatively
simple organic molecules which transmit light in the visible region of the
spectrum. Benzene, n-heptane, cyclohexane, cyclopentane, cyclopentene,
1,2-dichlorocyclopentane and acrylonitrile were studied by exposure to
.laser emission at room temperature. The experiments were done in IVdrogen,
air,.and a partial vacuum. Chromatogra ic, ultraviolet and electron
Card -.-UDC: .547.532
02 33 OU6-
ACC NR: AP7013155
paramagnetic resonance analysis showed t~a- 1'' r
t e eme-niai-dissociat*ion unde'
the effect of laser emission is characteristic for an entire series of
organic compounds although the process takes place more easily tor some
than for others. The authors thank V. I. SHLYAPOCHNIKOV and A. A.
SLINKIN for taking and id ifYing the ultraviolet and electron paramag-
netic resonance. spectra.', :~P&S: 40,359
C,rd 2/2
-t- jig
GRIGORITAN, G.S.filryborlian, H.S.), dots.; KISTANOV, Ya.A., dots.;
FEFILOV, A.I., dots.,; GENKIIIA, L.S.(Henkina, L.S.], dots.;
VASILIYEV, S.S.(Vasilliev, S.S.1, dots.; SEREBRYAKOV, S.V.,
prof.; DNEPROVSKIT, 3,P.[Dnieprovs'kyi, S.P.), prof.;
PTROGOV, P.V,.(Pyrohov, P.V.], dots.; GOGOLI B I (Hoholl, RI.],
dots.; SMOTRINA, N.A., dots.; KULIKOV, O.C'jKUl'ik*ovJ, O.H.1,
dots.i KUZIN, M.I., dots.; DEMIDTUK,-V:FjDemydiuk, V.F.J, red.;
SKVIRSKATA, M.P.(Skvyrslka, M.P.), red..; LEVCHENKO, O.K., tekhn.
red.; SERGEYEV, V.F.[Serhieiev, V.F.J, tekhn. red.
(Soviet trade economics] Zkonomika radianslkoi torhivli; ptd-
ruchnyk. (By] G.S.Grigorlian ta inshi. Kyiv, Derzhpolitvydav
URSR, 1962. 500 p. (MIRA 16:4
KULIKOV, 0. (flarkov)_
Nev machines for the U.S.S.R. Electroteclinioal Indu6ty7eElectrotehnica
11 no.2:77 F 163.
KULIKOVP 0. (Kharkov)
Automatic lines with circular electric flux, Eloctrotehnica 11
I no.3:111-112 Mr 163.
KULIKOV.. 0.1.
Glue mixer with a dumping mechanism* Iehopromo no*3z6i+ Je 162a
1. Vinnitakaya obuqnaya fabrika im. Shchorsaa
(Unn-Itakaya, -Shoo industry-Equipment and su.p.A,-iez)
KULIKOV, 0. 0. (Engineer)
t'The Resonance Torsional Machine for Fatigue Testing," pp. 147'.177 of the
book "Studies on the Strength of Steel," Mashg12, 1951
Translation W-23621, 21 Aug 52
-1. 0. -- ,IlvestiLatlon of t~ic jurf;;-ce
-":)t o( Is f Or Op--r- At, i,,.Ag at Tor 'iib
~Di7~sxtatior. Cur tlio 5,,-rot of, ' :,ldidatc Ln .,~?C~InLCAI
KULIKOV. 0.0., kandidat takhnichookikh nauk.
Hardenability of qKh7 steel subjected to surface hardening.
(Trudy] TSNIITMASH no.63:128-129 154. (MM 7:9)
(Steel alloys--Hardening)
. , ........ 1, z -~, I. - . - 1 13 . . -" --
I 11~::~~"!.":~ - i~~ - -- - 0 1 1 -.0 ~ , - .
KUIKOV, 0.0.9 kandidat tekbuicheskikh nauk.
Deyice for the running in of hollow chamfers of cranksbafts. [Trudyl
TSNIITIWH no.63:189-195 154. (KLRA 7:9)
(Oranks and crankshafts)
KULIKOV,0.0., kandidat tekhnicheskikh nauk; BILYANIE.Y.A., inzhener
Increasing roller hardness in tinning machines by rolling. [Trudy]
TSNI.ITKaH no-70:163-175 155. (MIRA 8:11)
(Tinning--Equipment and supplies) (Metal spinning)
KUDM , 0.0., kandidat ti-khnichookikh nauk.
Studying the relation between an increase in fatigue limit and the
properties of the cold worked layer of a smooth shaft in rolling.
[Trudy] TSNIITKASH no.74:145-162 155. (HLRA 9:1)
(Maehinery-Testing) (Metals--Fatigue)
L , K
Tsentrallnyy nauchno-issledovatellskly institut tekhnologil i
Pov sheniye prochnosti elementov konstruktsiy i detaley mashin
Mcreasing the Strength of Constructional and liachine_.,Elements'
Moscow, Mashgiz, 1959. 210 p. (Series! Its: ~Sbornik/ kn. 91)
5,500 copies printed.
Ed. (Title page): I. V. Kudryavtsev, Doctor of Tech~ical Sciences,
Professor; Ed. (Inside book): A. G. Nikitin, Engineer; Tech.
Ed.: V. D. ElIkind; ManaVng Ed. for Literature on Transport
Machine Building (Mashgiz - K. A. Ponomarev, Engineer.
PURPOSE: This collection of articles is intended for designers,
process engineers, and acientific research workers in the
machine-building industry.
COVERAGE: The collection contains papers dealing with experimental
work done recently by TsNIITMAqh. The experiments are concerned
with the practical use of surface work hardening in industry.
Industrial practices intended to increase the strengt-1. and
Card 1/10
Increasing the Strength (Cont.) SOV/2885
service life of machine parts and constructional elements are
discussed. Several articles are devoted to problems of in-
creasing the fatigue strength of machine parts by work hardening.
Industrial practices of NKMZ in Kramatorsk in external burn-
Ishing of large machine parts are presented. Tools and fixtures
used in surface work hardening are described. No personalities
are mentioned. References follow each article.
Kudryavtsev, I. V. On the Effect of Residual Stresses on the
Fatigue Strength of Steel 5
This article is a report on an international conference
on fatigue strength held in London in September 1956. The
effects of residual stresses on fatigue stress with and
without stress concentrations, the effect of residual stresses
after welding, and the effect of residual stresses.
Card 2/10
Increasing the Strength (Cont.) SOV/2885
after long-time storage are discussed. The significance of
residual stresses in increasing the fatigue strength of shafts
by surface wok hardening is pointed out.
Zavartseva, V. M. LCandidate of Teohnical ScienceiL7. Application
of the Photoelastic Method of Stress Analyals in the Contact Zone
of a Bent Beam With Rearing Clamps 23
Fringe photographs are shown of stress-concentration factors
and lines of principal stresses in a cantilever shaft of
rectangular cross-section with-fitted bearing clamps made
of IM-44 (phenolformaldehyde plastic), The stress dis-
tribution over contact areas between shaft a-ad clamps Is
discussed. Conclusions are drawn on the basis of an analysis
of the results of an investigation.
Zavartseva, V. M. Photoelastic Determination of Stresses in a
Disk With a Keyway Under Uniform Internal Pressure 39
Stresses were determined for disks with one keyway, with
Card 3/10
Increasing the Strength (Cont.) SOV/2885
two keyways# and without a keyway. Fringe photographs and
lines of principal stresses are presented and analyzed.
Zaytsev, G. Z. LEn IneeZ7 Residual Stresses in Materials and
Welded Joints of lR18N12T Steel Tubes 56
The effect of heat-treatment methods on the amount of
residual stresses in tube walls and welded Joints is dis-
cussed. A technique of measuring residual stresses is
K iikg~~ LCandidate of Technical Scienceg_/. Some
Concepts Necessary for Studying the Fatigue Strength of Surface
Work-hardened Machine Elements 64
The author attempts to systematize basic concepts and
establish terminology in the field of fatigue strength. The
phenomena accompanying endurance tests and the behavior of
machine parts under cyclic loading are described. Characteristic
Card 4/ 10
Increasing the Strength (Cont.) SOV/2885
features of these phenomena and factors causing them 11ro
Khayet, G. L. ZC-arididate Qf Techn 1 ScienceU7, D. A. Sten1ko,
and 3. A. Brusilovskiy, /_Engineery. Practice nt the Novo-
Kramatorskly mashinostroitellnyy zavod (Kramatorsk New Machine-
building Plant) in External Burnishing of Large Machine Parts
With Rollers 76
The technique of conducting experiments, the geometri, of the
tool, the principles of selecting the burnishing regime,and
the devices used are described and discussed, A table with
diagrams of burnished machine parts and data on effects of
burnishing is presented.
Kulikov 0.9, Effect of Work Hardening by Burnishing With
-i-oti~~rsand Some Loading Conditions on the Endurance Limit of
Sec~-Ions of Shafts With Press-fitted Machine Parts 95
The difference in behavior under cyclic loads between plain
shafts and shafts with press-fitted machine parts is pointed
Card 5/10
Increasing the Strength (Cont.)
out. The effect of londinp on the bore and shaff, and f-,he
of the duration of the test (20 and 100 million cycles)
~-!ere investigated. The preparation and burnshing of samples
and the technique of testing are d6scribed. Results of the
investigation are discussed.
Kudryavt.aev, 1. V., and N. A. Balabanov LCandidate of Technical
ScienceIL/. Work Hardening of Stepped Shafts by Fillet Peening 133
Results of fatigue tests on stepped steel shafts are analyzed.
Comparisons are drawn between shafts work-hardened by fillet
peening and shafts not subjected to any work-hardening process.
Fillet peening was accomplished on a milling machine with a
special attachment having a spring-actuated striking pin with
a spherically rounded end.
Barats, A. I. ZTngineeO. increasing the Life of Metallurgical-
machinery Parts by External Burnishing With Rollers 123
Construatkerne of the burnishing devices used are
.described, and some problems connected with the technique
Card 6/1o
Increasing the Strength--(Cont.) SOV/2885
of burnishing are discussed. Results of testing burnished
surfaces in operation are presented.
K.Udryavts I V "* T. V. Naumova,and L. M. Rosenman
/EngineeW'. iff;ct of- Work Hardening on the Strength of
Carbon Steels
Changes in hardness, ductility, yield, ultimate stress,
impact toughnessq and fatigue limit of carbon steels due
to work hardening are investigated. Results are presented
in tables and diagrams.
Zaytsev, G. Z. Fatigue Strength of Teeth of Large-module
Gears 11,12
Fatigue tests on large cast and forged gears are de-
scribed. The effect of surface work hardening on spaces
between teeth is investigated.
Card 7/10
Increasing the Strength (Cont.) SOV/2885
Kudryavtsev I. V., and T. V. Naumova. Effect of Large
Plastic Deformations on the Strength Properties of Austenitic
Steels 159
The investigation described in this article was con-
ducted in order to establish the effect of extensive
strain hardening on the fatigue resistance of heat-
resistant steels. In addition to fatigue tests, short-
time tensile, compression, impact, and hardness tests were
taken. The tests were taken at room temperature (200C)
and at elevated temperatures (5800C). The effect of heat
treatment on strain-hardened steels and the simultaneous
effect of strain hardening and artificial aging were in-
Aleksandrov, B. I. ffandidate of Technical Sciencej7. Fatigue
Resistance of EI723 Pearlitic Steel at High Temperatures 174
The method of investigation and preparation of samples are
described. The influence of temperature and external
burnishing with rollersithe sensitivity to stress con-
centration, and the changes In microstructure due to cyclic
Card 8/10
5~ Z;~F
Increasing the Strength (Cont.) SOV/2885
loading are examined.
Gulyayev, A. P. L7Doctor _Qf Techrilcal_Sciences, Professog,
and M. F. Vorokhanova, /_EngineeZ/. Microscopic Investigation
of Plastic Deformation 188
This article describes an experimental investigation of
plastic deformation with the use of the optical micro-
scope. A titanium model of the microsection was then
studied in an electron microscope. Plastic flow, changes
in grain shape, and generation of cracks are discussed.
Yatskevich, S. I. Z7CgLndidate_of Technical Sciencea-7, and
N. Ye. Naumchenkov /_Engineer_/. Model U-200 Machine for
Fatigue Testing Shafts With up to 200-Millimeter Diameters 201
This machine, designed and built by TsN11TMASh, requires
only 16 kw. for fatigue testing 200-millimeter shafts. It
employs the principle of resonance for loading. Other
Card 9/10
1. Increasing the Strength (Cont.) SOV12885
design considerations and operating techniques are discussed.
AVAILABLE: Library pf Congress GO/ec
Card 10/10 1-26-6o
AUTHORS: Kulikov, 0. 0., Braslavskiy, V. M.
TITLE: Hardening of large-size parts by surface workhardening
PERIO.DICAL:. Referativnyy zhurnal, Mashinostroyeniye, no. 13, 19621 29 30,
abstract 13B181 (In collection: "Kachestvo poverkhnosti detaley
mashin. v. 5". Moscow, AS USSR, 19611 39 - 48)
TM: The authors investigate devices for and methods of surface hardening
by workhardening which have been developed by TsNIITMASh and the Ural'skiy mashi-
nostroitel'nyy zavod (Ural Mechanical Engineering Plant). A multipurpose roller
device, which is mounted on the machine tool, has been devel;ped for the harden-
ing of zmooth and projecting shaft parts by rolling. The optimum conditions of
hardening by rolling depend on the type of the machine tool used. The feed during'
rolling is taken equal to 1/10 of the width of the contact trace of the roller on
the part. Hardening is effected in one pass at a rotation speed of 30 - 80.m/min.
With a pressure on the roller of 6 tons, a workhardened lt~yer of 12 _'14 mm is
obtained ih grade 45 steel and of 5 6 mm in 35XHB (35KhNV) grade steel. In
Card 1/2
Hardening of large-size parts by surface workhardening Aoo4/Alol
this case the surface hardness is increased by 60 and 30,16 rezpec*tively.. The sur-
face hardening of fillets is carried out by rolling with rollers or balls. The
rolling of fillets with a radius of up to 5 - 8 mm is successfully carried out on
a single-roller device. For fillets with larger radii (up to 12 mm) it is ex-
pedient to effect rolling with balls whose diameter is equal to the *double radius
of the fillet. It is recommended to harden fillets with a radius of from 12 to'
100 mum by fullering with strikers developing a high impact energy. A special de-
vIce has been developed for hardening the fillets of cylinders of powerful presses
by fullering with dynamic impact. Hardening by fullering makes it possible to
produce a workhardened layer which is up to 25 - 28 mm deep on parts having very
large overall dimensions. The authors present sketches of devices for the surface
hardening of parts by workhardening. There are 6 figures and 8 references.
E. Spivak
[Abstracter's note: Complete translation]
Card 2/2
ACC NR, AT6000062 tm,/w/ GS
AUTHORS i Djr~91~vskVjp V. 14.1
jqikov, -b.' 00
(Soveshchanlye po
0Rrj: Conference Yachine
- Has-cow
uprochnoniyu detale7 mashin)
TITLE i Surface deformation and residual stresses in cold rolling or heavy a~~s
SOURCE t So"shcharviye po uprachnoniyu detale7 mashino Moscow, 1962, UprochneDI70
detaloy mashin taekhanichaakim naklopyvaniyem ZWork hirdbijine ~1,-.nachine- parts)
trudV soveshchantya, Moacowp lzd-vo Hauka, 196% 78-M
TOPIC TAGSt metal surface, metal hardness, metal hardenineo metal
deformationj cold rolling,, duraluminum, plastic deformation, metal stress, surface
hardening, steel
ABSTRACT: The cold rolling treatment of heavy otal ImLra to pro ce surface deror-
mations aM residual stresses as a result of 4tic deformation~'Ctt the metal surface
is discumsede Details of the rolling procaaa *
ing q_gAven, including the method of
feeding and the t7pe or contact. The nequenco'bIlYbrmation and stabilization of the
Instal "wave" produced in the treatment of a part in oxpl#ned and diagrammade Datm
4are presented on the depth of t4 ;uNQV b a um rolling treatments on
"ad in v
, 5
duralundnim and on stools 20P ase data we used to
obtain an empirical formu-K
L 4 H
Card 1/2
L 11795-66
ACC NRt AT6000062
for the width of the groove, Ifero L In the groove width,, P in the rolling force
in kilogram, and H is the Brinell hardness of the metal in kg/mm?a The diatributt
of surface hardness was studied with respect to tho rolliva I .11T6 d1wa-
aiona and hardness of the rolled aurfaous of several metals are tabulats4o The
method of Mahn ims used to determine tangential end radial residual stresses*
Formulas used we
_,F) d, Fli 4- F
dF 2F
where Tt and Grr are the tangential and radial stresses respectiveI7, F -IT 0 is
the studied. layer's surface area, E In the modulus of elasticity, F. is the area
corresponding to the inner diameter of the disk, and 6 = f(F) in the relative
variation of the Inner diameter* e effects of various stress categories am abova
graphicallyp and residual stre3seelocurring in steels 50 and 34MIDt are (jaVaredo
GrdPhS G" else presented shovilq the Offoot of pressure on hardening aW realdval
Origo arte bass 6 figures, 4 tables# wW 5 oquations.
Ilk ""s V
3UB COM n/ SUBM DWs VAM01 ORI()..R%Fs OU/ 013 MW 1 002.
rfttA 2/2 1~ ~) I . I . 0
L 27235-66 EWT(d)/&'WT(R)AW(a)/EWP(V)/VEWP(t)/E?T/"P(k)/3p('-)/ZTC(mt)-6
ACC NRv E017728 Jjp(c) JD/DJ SOURCE COM UR70-322T66TONW70-03/00ft/0091
AUTHOR., Kulikov, 0. 0- (Candidate of technical sciences)l Mamana!j 14. S. (Engineer)
ORG: n!one
TIiLF,: Scientific and technical conferenceon improving~the strength and longevity
of comDonents
SOURCE: Vestnik mashinostroyeniyap no. 3# 1966, 81
TOPIC TAGS1 plastic deformationp surface hardeningo metal rolling# bending strengtho;
fatigue strength, metallurgic conference
ABSTRACT: This,artiole is a report olithe second scientific oonforencie on 'I
improving tha.atrangth and durdbilityCbf machine components by plmstic surfaco
defornatio 'n which was hold '6;tobers- 1965 in Perm, The conference was Organized.
,by the Perm Oblast Board of NTO Hashprom(Scientific and Technical Organica
the Machine Building industry), the Central Office of Technical Tnformatio
of the Western Urals Sovnarkhoz, the Central.Sciontiflo Resuarch In
~TecNnlimy and Machine PAIdU& the Perm Polytachnical Institute ind the Porta
Hall of Engineering.
Reports were' heard and disaussed at the conference an now research in thehaidi
;of surface- ha-doning by plastic deformation and on technical elcporionoe in the
~uso of this technique. Induded in those reports verat "Now Hosoaxoh in the
Yield o *f Surface Hardo*S16f Cc a by Cold Vorking" by Doctor of Techniatil
Professor I& V4 central Soiantifto Rosoar?h,,''
Xnstituto of Toobw --wehins, Wdsnitg.of Eachize
1097, "Cl
Card 1/2
T. P?QAC~_66
ACC NRj AP6017728
Cot~p6nionts ~y indtiation fteating and RoUing" by Candidate of Technical, Soienced
S. VenzhMa. Candidate of Technical Soiuncos H# Y&*_BoL4n_, Engineer
;G, Pe a aina ind Engineer L. A, Ryabova(Stalro-Kramatorok Machine Buil ~11
t I - ...-1
lan 'Research on Roller "Erdonin-g Chamfors of Multistep Hollers'
iCandid4to of Technical Sciences 0, 0. Kulikov (TbHIITHASh) and Engineer
114amanov (Perm Polyteahnical. Institute); "Combination Method for Increasing'
.-the Banding Fatigue Strength of Gear Tooth" by Candidate or Technical Scigpcosi_~
G. Z. Zaytsov (TsM11THASO I "In~r; Durability of HoUcal Spring 1by ,I
1 P17aitlo-M-r-race Deformation" by Professor V. P. Ostrouirov =%ovsk Institute
.of Mechanics) and a number of other reports$
11n discussing the reports, mention was made of the need for a reliable and
simple method for chooking surface quality when the plAstio surface doformatibn", I
is used for hardening. A, resolution vda made on findins means for further ~16
idevelopmont and more widespread use of this +WohniqUo for surraeo hardening
I ~ .
A co2lootion of t6 mitorials of the aacond donforonoo wiU ba published b
the Perm Oblant Board of 11T0 tfashprovi and tho Parst Polytodhnioal Instituti
,.in cooperation with TsHI=Wh#[
SUB CODE: llp 20t 13 SLMM DATE., none
Card 2 2
KU -P-
Scientific and technical noveltleo at the VNITT-All-Union
Scientific Research Institute. Blektrotechniks 56 no.VZA3
F 163.
CHUVIN, V.P.- KULIKOV O.T., inzh.; LADIN, M.N., inzh.; LATSKIY, V.I., inah.;
LEVCHENKO, K.P., inzh.; LEVIA, S.S., inzh.;
SERGEYEV, V.V., inzh.
"Ural-610 boring machine. Gor.zhur. no.2:53-55 F 164.
(MRA 17s4)
1. Glavnyy instruktor Magnitogorskogo zavoda gornogo oborudovaniya
(for Chuvin). 2. Nauchno-isaledovatell*.ly i proyektno-
konstruktorskiy institut gornogo i obogatitellnogo oborudovanlya,
Sverdlovnk (for Latskiy, Zinin, Levehenko, Levin, Sergeyev).
kR9UZOV, N.,
qlcxtbo for (3-!,is o 1. engine Or)c-r -1 t-il'S 9nd -~pft mor ~-L 24 n (I.
45 5 164. 0-11RA 38-0)
1. Tc4-lhnLr.,hesk_ly OtdCll lZMP-_'.ll3k-,l(l pollt,71 (fol-
KULIKOV) P*A*, inzh.
Experience in using toiler operating on gas and oi2e
Teploonergetilm 8 no.6:2&-30 je #61. (MIRA 14:10)
1. Azerbaydzhaukaya energet4heakaya sistema.
KUL.TKOV, F.B.) inzh.
Present-day methada for nollactinp and treating otatIndcal infor-
rwition and their two In the analysin of the 01:,oraticri C-f electric
cm-rent OuPj)ly systemn of electric railroads. Trudy M11T no.199:27-
34 165- (MIRA 18:8)
IlSfe.-t of phemamLne c,,,i "L17 6)o insi,
Sig-ificance of the piozopalnoggrap~dc =th:,d i_-, thc atudy of
vascular reactivity in newroses. Vop. psikh. nevr. no.10:147-
155 164, (MPA 18:12)
1. Otdeleniye nevrozov i pogranichnykh sostoyaniy (nauchnyy
rukovoditell - Prof. Ye.K.Yakovleva) Leningradskogo nauchno-
inaledovatel'skogo psikhonevrologichaskogo instituta imeni
V.M.Baklitereva (direktor B.A.Lobedev).
n uf
a f
Ritgonevatioa of u"d vogetImble oil. 11. 1 Kuhkov
M Ybom Khm. ?7, No. J. 4 N ft( I IM 1) 1-11 II-f
1,w cooking vihows A #14,11141 11~ 1.1 AIM 110 ..111 1- 1"
ssfilef larrg"Ieffite thooll 11W fliftht-C Ilwalfri .4 u- III III IV,
.4 oIwo-stu"Is like 6.11 trwit's, fh~ 1 14 ..W1.1 all 11,41.
"Allit"I to 14) A'. dild Isciltraluril Widi Stilling Ifv IneAlis (of
LNI-"O N.14111 (tutAl *I,-; Irv 'At.) 411,1 k,%,- Ivv
,it.). The oil is alkyAtil to ortile ar"I after epn. III mmi,i
ftw further tile. 11w irmilibig ukip thwo mi i,y isfi.1 I.
tradi1v wlul The oil) alter m-ovroy %fi,mil.1 Iw wAJ-1 %ith
Nil lt,4) And Ill sclilify I"Int I.+Iv I-4-IfIg .,111 1".. k 1'. thr
OvIlls I.I.Itit. Yhe Im.11 pf'Ou'.1 hav. acki ....
IIII.Iff I.I. G. M K-W-fl
ra of the fish *Pcessing
Scientific-technical conference of worke (MIRA 14:10)
industry. Biul.takh,-ekoneinform. no.7:69-70 161.
(Fish processing plants)
Technical developments in the fishing Industry. Biul.tekh.-ekon.-
lnform.Gos.nauch.-iasl.inst.nauch.i takh.Inform. no.3:45-47 162.
(141RA 150)
(deceased); LUKASH, Ye.G.1 SAMOFALOV, P.Ye.; YASHINA,
Ye.I.; KULIKqV, P.I., dote., retsenzent; MAKAROVA, T.I.,
kand, 1-76' ~7`nal -,`~~r"'etsenzent; MERENBURG, A.N., spets. red.;
[Handbook for the technologist of the fishing industry]
Spravochnik tekhnologa rybnoi proqrshlennosti. Moskva, Pi-
shcheproinizdat. Vol.l. 1963. 5C9 P. (MIRA 17:3)
introduction of new equipment in the enterprises of the food industry.
Biul,tekh.-ekon,inform*Gosenaucho-isol.inst.nauch.i tekh.inform. 18
no.1151-54 Ja 165. (MIRA 18:4)
KULIKOV, Petr Kuzlmich; BURRINSKIY, V.A.. otvetatvannyy redaktor;
'A.Kh., reduktor izdatellstva: ALADOVA, Ye.I., tekhnicha-
skiy redaktor
LKethods of exploring dislocations of strata] Ketody poiskov sme-
shchannogo kryla plasta. Moskva, Ugletakhizdat, 1956. 31 P.
(Coal mines and mining) (MA 9:9)
Tectonics of the western part of Prokoplyevek District in the
Kuznetsk Basin. Izv. TPI ~0:17h-185 158- (MIRA 12:2)
1, Predotavleno profeecorom doktorom A.A. Belitakim.
(PrOkop'yevok District--Geology, Structural)
Re-examining the properties of Kuznetsk coals used in power
engineering. Rasved.i okh.nedr 25 no.M23.24 N 159.
(MIRL 13:5)
1. Kombinat Kusbasougoll,
(Kuznetsk Basin--Coal)
Conditions for the formation of juncture structures of zones of
folding of different age, Dokl, AN SSSR 148 no.61l368-1369 F
163. OaRA 16 3 3)
1. Tyumenakiy filial Sibirskogo nauchno-issladovatellskogo instituta
geologii, geofiziki i minerallnogo syrIya. Predstavleno akademikom
(Geology, Structural)
$A R
K U L 1 KO I.T ~ P. Y.
Determining the positions of massive formations on the basis
of their fracturing. Izv. vy-s. ucheb. zav.; geol. i razv. 7
no.9:123-124 S 164. (MIRA 17:10)
1. Tyumenskiy filial Sibirskogo nauchno-issledovateliskogc insti-
tuta geologii, geofiziki - minerallnogo ayr'ya.
ANAPROYCHIKOV, V.V.; YUI,IKOV) P.P. rt,!.trshiy inzhenor
What should a signaling and communications district be like?
Avtom., tolem. i oviazi 5 no.3:16 Mr 161. (MIRA 14:9)
1. Yachallnik Leningrad-Baltiyokoy distantsii signalizatsii i
avyazi OktyabrIskov dorogi (for Amproychikov). 2. Otdel
signalizatnii i ovyazi Buyskogo otdoloniya Severnoy dorogi
(for Kulikov).
I (Railroads--Signaling)
LF,I;,[.-*: , V.Ya. otv. rA,; v. re~,.
[Irduotrial application.; of ultravor;ic waves; trlinz3ac-
tions] Prom-y-hiormoo primcnenie ulltrazvuka; Lrady. Fuy-
by.-hov, 1961. '38 1). (,,.1 f I i A '11: 1) )
1. V,-,o-7oyu--rayu inezh-,razovskaya koriferentsiya po 1,romyshlen-
noa.u primenenlyu ulltramika,,-,hcv, 1960.
KOISSOV, Yaniliy AlekRnndrovich, tokar'; KULIKOY, P., md.; SPIRIDONOV, N., .........
(Power metal cutting] Sllovoe rezanie metallov. Kuibyehevskoe
knizhnoe izd-vo, 1953. 76 p. (MIRA 12:3)
1. Zrednevolzhakiy stankostrottelluyy zavod (for Kolesov).
(Metal cutting)
GUSEV, Ignat Fedorovich, strogel'shchik; KULIKOV P., red.; SPIRMNOV,
Nachining metals by planing] Stroganis metallov silovym metodom.
Kuibyshev, Kuibyshevskoe knishnoe izd-vo, 1954. 29 p.
(MIRA 12:8)
1. Srednevolzhakiy stankostroitelinyy savod (for Gusev).
(Ketal cutting)
110MIN, Kirill Alekseyevich, tokarl: XV-",.IKOY. P.S., redaktor; KOSYKH. B.I.,
tekhnicheokiy redairtor
(Rapid cutting of screw threade on ucrow-cutting lathes equipped
with thread indIcators3 Skorostnoe naresania res1b na tokarno-
vittoremnom stanke s privienentem restboukazatelia. (Knibyehav)
Kuibyshevekoe knime isd-vo. 1956. 24 p. (KLRA 10:9)
(Screw cuttinr)
BOLM4GEN, I.N., inzh.; VIXOGRADOV, K.Vo, inzh,; VELLEILSHTEYN, A.L,, inzh,;
GOLIDGCF, B.G., inzh.; KTZIMIN, V.S., inzli.;JMIKQYP S inzh.;
T.P.R V. U.N., inzh.; LEVI, S.S., kand.takhn.nauk; ROZANOV"
, M.S.,
inzh.; SIDOROV, V.D., inzh.; SOKOLOV, D.V., inzh.; SLONIM, U,M.,
inzh., laureat StalinRkoy premii; FJIWETN, A.L., inzh.; ANTRUSHIN,
B*Dop inzhav nauchnyy red.-, SIMAKOV, S.N., inzh., nauchnyy red,;
TRUBIH, V.A., glavnyy red.; SOSHIN, A.V., zam.glavnogo red.; GRINFp-
VICH, G.P., red.; MWIFAHOV, S.P., red.; ONUFRITEV, LA., red.;
ZIMIN, P.A., red.; VDOVENKO. Z.I., red.izd-va; SHIROKOVA, G.H.,
red.izd-va; IMIKINA, E.M.,
LPower engineering handbook for construction work] Sprovochnik
energetike na stroitelletve. lzd.2., perer. i dop. Pod red. N.N.
Lebedevs!. MoBkva, Gos.izd-vo lit-ry po stroit., arkhit. i stroit.
materialam, 1960. 736 p. ' (MIRA 13:11)
(Power engineering)
Translation from: Referativnyy zhurnal, Metallurgiya, 1958, Nr 3, p 66 (USSR)
AUTHOR: Kulikov, P..V,--
TITLE: Production of Crude Bronze in Shaft Furnaces in Conjunction
With the Blowing of Converters (Polucheniye chernovoy bronzy
v shakhtnykh pechakh s produvkoy v konverterakh)
PERIODICAL: Byul. tsvetn. metallurgii, 1957, Nr 13, pp 19-22
ABSTRACT: In 1952 a special shaft furnace was constructed for processing
of return slags with resulting production of crude bronze. The
furnace was rectangular in cross section, with a 2 m2 area occupied
by 12 tuyeres (each 150 m,.-n in diameter) situated at a height of
4 m above the charge opening and an 0.6 m deep hearth. The
crude bronze was discharged directly from the hearth into the
molds, while the slags were channeled into a settling tank. The
pressure of the blast was equivalent to 300 mm H20. The com-
position of the charge was as follows: 22 percent coke, 73-70
percent converter slag, 18-17 percent anodic slag, 4.5 - 8.7 percent
limestone, and 4.5 - 4.3 percent quartz. It was proposed that in
the future the crude bronze be smelted in basic shaft furnaces
Card 1/2 periodically and without any interruptions of the basic process,
Production of Crude Bronze in Shaft Furnaces (cont. )
and that it then be cast by means of slag-casting equipment. This
procedure reduced the number of operating personnel and elimin-
ated unnecessary moving of the entire supply of raw material.
The smeltings were carried out on acidic slags composed of 2.5
percent SiO 2' 35 percent FeO, and 7 percent CaO. The blast
pressure was approximately 800 mm. H20. In order to prevent
freezing of the slags, bimetal was introduced into the charge;
this increased the FeO content to 40-42 percent, and reduced
the Si02 content to 20-23 percent. The blast pressure was raised
to 1100 mm H20. The furnace was loaded daily with 7-9 bronze
charges, composed of 2000 kg of coke, 4000 kg of anodic slag,
1800 kg of return slag, 2000 kg of converter slag, 500 kg of
regenerator Cu, 800 kg of bimetal, 350 kg of limestone, and
250kg of quartz. The smelting time was reduced from 24.46
hrs in 1952 to 15.82 hrs in 1956. The average composition
of bronze and slags is shown in a tabular form.
Card Z/2
SOKOIA)v'6.TA..-doktor takhnichookikh nauk; VAMOTOV, T.L., inzhener;
XULIKOV, P.Te.,inzhener; YUKM. U.N., kandidat takhnicheskikh
--n-au-IV';'t&TITM,' N.Y. inzhsner~redaktor I SAYONOY,P.T..rodAktor Isdatel'stval,
PIMSON, M.N., tekhnicheskiy rodaktor.
[Colle0tion of drawings of hydrotschnic installations in rural
hydroalectricrpower statiouej Atlas gidrotakhnichookikh zooru-
zhenli selOskikh gidroolektrostanteli. Hoskva, Goseizd-vo lit-
ry po stroit. i arkhit. , 1956. 53 plans. (MIRA 10:6)
(Hydroelectric Power Stations)
IOSIPTAN, S-G,-i redaktor; SARKISUN. A.M.. redaktor; SMIRmislay.
N.D., rodaktor; TAPLITSKIT, U.S. redaktor; KOKAROVA. V.M*, redaktor;
GURIVICH, N.M., tokhnicheskiy redaktor.
[lbales for the operation of electric installations in rural areas]
Pravila takhnichookoi ekspluatateii oel'skikh elektroustanovok.
Moskva. Goo. izd-vo sellkhos. lit-r7, 1957. 183 P. (MLRA 10:4)
1.'Rusaia (1923- U.S.S.R.) Glyanoye upravleniye eallskikh slektro-
(Blectric power plants) (Electricity in agriaulture)
"0 AD, J.,
Fetr Yegorovich, inzh.; RaINOVICH, Naum Isayevich, inzit.;
.411- ~'Mwd
05it IT TO. Irl". '.'dote ent, kar.d. to khn an auk, ret a enzent;
CHSSNOKOV, A.V., inzho, retnenzent; XRTIXOV, V.L,, inzh., red.;
NAMINSON, V.A., red.izd-va; UVAROVA, A.F.,,
(Operation of faim Irrigation pumping stations] Ekoplustataiia
sellekikh orositelinykh nasoonykh stanteii. Koskva, Goe.nauchno-
tekhn.izd-vo machinoctroit.lit-ry, 1958. 157 P. (MIRA 12:4)
(Irrigation) (Pumping machiner7)
KAKATEV. K.G., kand.tekhn.nauk-, SMIRNOV, A.V., kand.tekhn.nank;
AFANASIYEV, I.V.; VOLOWK0, I.F., kand.tekhn.nauk; BMTAROT, S.A.;
Zh.I.; PANMYEV, V.V., kand.takhn.nauk; KUL1K0V.-P.Ta&.*,. SEWWOVICH,
S.V.; DILITSIN, H.V., retsenzent; BRAUDE, I.D,, retsenzent; BARTSHR,
A.M.i reteenzent; GRIGORYAWS, A.S., reteenzent; IGNATYUK, G.L.,
reteenzent; KALABUGIN, A.Ya., retsen2ent; MMENETSKIY, N.D.,
retsenzent; POPOV, KoV., roteenzent; MOVA, V.P.. red.; LZTIMV,
V.7h., red.; SOKOLOVA, N.N.,; FEDOTOVA, A.F.,
(Handbook for hydraulic and agricultural engineers] Spravochnik
giclrotekhnika meliorstora. Moskva, Gos.izd-vo sallkhoz.lit-ryt
1958. 766 P. (MIRA 1213)
(Hydraulic engineering) (Agricultural engineering)
KOTMW, Ivan T88111yevich, lnzh.-, ORAEMMASHVILI, M.N., kond.tekhn.
nauk# retsen 'nt;,XULIZOV. P.Te., insh., red.1 AVSRMVA,
Te.G., red.,
[Improvement In the performanoo of Xaplan turbines In
agrioultural hydroalootrio power plants] Uluohehanis ra-
boty propellernykh turbin sallskikh gidroolaktrostantaii.
Moskva, Gos.nauchno-tekhn.isd-vo mashinostroit.lit-ry, 1959.
116 P. IKIRA 12&9)
(4draulto turbines) (Hydroolectrio power plants)
A fluorite vacuum monochromator. Izv. AN SSSR. Ser. fiz. 19
no.1:86-87 Ja-F '55. (K12A 8:9)
(Spectrum analysis) (Spectrometer)
J Mali tc
ZO -10 'a
vo to.,
g. ra
& ig
14 35
a Z
gig 3S
zfpi ov
All I a m. OZ.
j a
it go 3
YAKOVLEVA, A. V. .. - -
Inveatigating the reflection and transmission of various
materials in the vaemm ultraviolet. Fiz.abor. no.4:146-148
158. (HIRA 120-5)
(Ultraviolet rays) (Reflection (Optics))
Recording tho moment Of eXPlOsiO4 in deep seismic prospecting.
Razved. i prom.geofix. no.23:21-30 158. 1 (MIRA 11:12)
(Proapectinvi-Geop4alcal methods)
Vacuum monoohromatore and some measurement@ In the ultraviolet
rangs of the spectrums Opt.-mekh.prom. 25 no-1217-24 Ja 158.
I (KIRA 11:7)
(Monochrowtors) (Speotrum, Mtraviolet--Reasurement)
AUTHOR: Kulik4v, S.A.
TITLE: Conference on e
investigation used
apparatus and methods of
in the vacuum ultraviolet
PERIODICAL: Optika i spektroskopiya, v-13,*no.5, 1962, 754-755
TEXT: The above conference was held in Leningrad betweeft
May 17 and 19, 1962. 150 Delegates took part and 32 papers were
read including the following: G.P.Startsev et al: Description of
three vacuum spectrometers [two-meter, normal incidence
spectrograph cn -99 (S13-99) for the region 500 to 3000 A, the
plane;grating spectrograph C n-101i (3P-104) for the region from
1100 A to the visible and the BM-140 (WI-140) monochromator
(oblique incidence) for the 200 to 1500 A region] M.Ye.Akopyan,
I.I.Balyakin, F.I.Vilesov: The 15M-3 (VM-3) vacuum monochromator
with a 1.5 m diffraction grating and its use in the 1050 to
4000 A region. N.G.Gerasimova and G.P.Startsev: Detailed tudy
of the image quality of the 1 m diffraction monochromator W-70
(YM-70). A.Ye.Koleanikov, V.V.Krasavin, N.A.Pavlenko and
G.P.Startsev: Description of a fast, six-channel vacuum
Card 1/4 1.
Conference on the apparatus' ... E032/E414
spectrometer for the 200 to 2000 region. A.N.Zaydell: Exploit-
ation of the OG-5 OWS-51 and AC-5 (DFS-6) spectrographs and
their main disadvantages.' T.A.Klimova, S.4.Orlova, Yu.V.Romanova,
M.G.Fridman and R.I.Tveryanlcina- New vacuum 8pectrometers
developed by the GO,%IZ Worka [jk~C -31 (DFS-31), en-68 (SP-68),
F.M.Ger`aisimov and S.S.Naumov: Technology of
preparation of aluminium and glass gratings,for vacuum
spectrometers. S.A.Kulikov and V.G.,Nikitin: Method of studyirg
the efficiency of diffraction gratings. A.P.Lukirskiy and
Ye.P.Savincv: Working conditions for diffraction gratings and the
reflecting power of glass-and titanium-covered surfaces for ultra-
soft X-rays. M.K.Ivanov and G.P.Startsev: Apparatus for
depositing aluminium films protected by magnesium-fluoride films.
E.I.Levitina: Chemical methods of improving the stability and
reflectivity of aluminium, mirrors. O.M.Sorokin: Indium, tin and
aluminium film filters for the region below 1200 A. S.A.Kljlikov,
Yu.A.Snigirev and G.P.Startsev: A pulse-operated coaxial light
source giving continuous emission in the vacuum ultraviolet.
N.S.Sverititskiy and L.N.Kapor-skiy: Possible applications of a
low-voltage vacuum light source and the effect of the parameters
Card 2/4
Conference on the apparatus ... E032/E414
of the discharge~.circuit on the nature of the spectrum.
L.N.Kaporskiy, F,Z.Pedos and E.I.Shlepkov: Spectral-line
catalogues for carbon, silicon, iron, aluminium, copper phosphide
arid sulphur for the vacuum ultraviolet. S.A.Yakovlev: A xenon
lamp emitting the resonance line 1470 A. Ye.I.Krasnova and
A.V.YakovIeva: Measurement of the relative line intensities in
the nitrogen multiplets at 1492 to 1745 A. V.A.Arkhang'elskaya
and G.S.1vanov-Kholodnyy: An instrument for the determination of
solar radiation energy, incorporating a thermal luminescence,
phosphor. A.%,I.Tyutikov: Secondary-emission multipliers
(conditions of operation and analysis of-errors). O.M.Sorokin
and A.M.Tyutikova: Control of the long-!favelength part of the
spectral characteristics of the photo.cathode of secondary-
emission multipliers with the aid of dielectric coatings.
Yu.A.Shuba, A.A.Guzhev, N.P.Sliabakov and V.L.Hakarovi Spectral
characteristics of the photocathodes of secondary-emission
multipliers incorpornting,semiconductor and dielectric coatings.
M.A.Rumsh: Operalion of secondary-emission multipliers in the
range 300 to 1-5 A. i.,,r,Zhukov and I.P.Zapesochnyy: Photo-
electric apparatus for t,he determination of the optical
Card 3/4 r I
Conference on the apparatLis . . . EO 3 2/E 4 Ili
excitation functions in the vacuum ultraviolet. N.Q.Morozov and
G.P.Startsev: Determination of the relative spectral sensitivity
of' photographic materials in the range 1000 to 2800 A.
V.M.Uvarov: New photographic materials produced by NIKFI for the
vacuum ultraviolet. A.V.Yakovlcv, V.A.Arkhangellskaya,
N.G.Gerasimov and T.V.Razumov: Methods of measuring the relative
and absolute n Y i the vacuum ultraviolet. The vacuum
spectrographs A C -5 (DFS-5 and 176C -6 (DFS-6) did not satisfy
F %.T
modern requirements. * It was recommended that new spectrometers
for the vacuum ultraviolet should be developed and mass-produced.
Card 4/4
ACCESSION MR: AP5017494 uR/o366/65/OO2/oo6/O54,6/O54q
AUTHOR: Krasavin, V. Kuli~TrA_P_. A.; 14ishchenko, Ye.'T.; Startsev, G.-P.
TITLE: Measurement of the density of the radiation spectrum of a pulsed source in
the far ultraviolet reg
t~_, 2_4
SOURCE: Zhurnal prikladnoy spektroskopii, v. 2. no. 6. 1965, 546-549
TOPIC TAGS: UV spectroncopyp emiesion spectrum, flash lamp
ABSTRACT: This is a continuation of earlier work by the authors (PTE Ito. 2# 138
1965) on measurements of the spectrum below 100 nm, where the radiation from a
pulsed source with repetition frequency 50 cps and duration 2-3 4sec was described.
111he original apparatus employed an FM-29 photomultiplier with a luminescent sodium
ralicylate screen, and tha average current was measured witb a microammeter (M-59)-
In the prenent investigation the apparatus was Improved by using a more sensitive
photormiltiplier (M-39) and replacing the microarcmater with an automatic recording
peak voltmeter. The recording circuit consists of -two blocksp a cathode follower
with a set of integrating cells, and the peak voltmeter with its Independent power
supp],Y. The -pealt voltmeter circuit Is briefly described and a sample of the spw-
truin in the 90-20 nm region is given. The described circuit has high sensitivity
Card 1/2
T- '38,91-66
r0001A10011 Of 0-01, Ilm ovar the entlre region of the spectr=* Orig. art.
has: 2 figures and 3 formulas.
SM~11170 I 038epO~
L 266o4-66 iEWT(l)
ACC NRI AP6=451 SOURCE COM UR,,'0368/66/004/003/0267/0269
AUTHORS: Mishchenko, D.0 _lIkoVj.8,.A.j Startsev G P,
:ORG; none
!TITLE: Cathodoluminescent receiver of th~ open type for. short
lultravioleVradiation I
:SOURCE: Zhurnal prikladnoy spektr6skopiij v. 4t no. 3, 19660 267-269
TOPIC TAGS: cathodolumineseenceo uv radiation, uv receiver,
electron multiplier, secondary electron emission, luminophor,'
quantum yield
ABSTRACT: The authors describe a radiation receiver which begins tn-
operate stably at pressuree 1 N/m at relatively low supply voltage.*
of the order of 600 V. At 200 V its sensitivity becomes equiv 1 nt
to that of a secondary electron multiplier of the open type. ;~: re-wl
ceiver is based on the principle of electronic conversion of light,
wherein the Ultraviolet radiation inoident on the cathode knocks out
electrons 'that are focused by an Immersion objective onto a.cathode
Card. 1h 'IM t 621.- 303 a 4
L 266o4-66
00 NR,.
Fig. 1. 'Diagram of radiation receivers.
Braes cylinder, 2 -- focusing rod,
control electrode, 4 focusing
diaphi-&gmi anode., 6 cathodej 7
light pipe) cath6de luminophorj~9
-I_photomult ~,:z
iplier~.~,10,-! -high. )lta
yA ge
L 26604-S6
;-ACC NR: AP60104511
ophor excited by the eleetTina Is
luminophor. The glow of the lumin c
-':'recorded with a pbotomultiplier. The main'difference betweirn this
receiver and the scintillation receiver is.the use of an e,.*ricient
-!lum"nopbor and the absence of an aluminum layer.on the lumAnophor. The
photocurrent is linearly related to the incident light flux and its
'sensitivity depends on the voltage applied to the electrodes. The
.'sensitivity depends little on the pressure. By using different
iluminophors it is possible to modify the properties of the receiver
for Individual applications (registration bf constant and pulsed light
~flux without afterglow, registration of pulsed light fluxes against:
!the background of strong electric interference, and others). Th
!spectral dependence of the quantum yield can be modified by using
'different cathodes. Orig. art. had: 3 figuresj I formula., and 1
ODE1, 2Q/:' SUBM DATEC243065/. OM 'MPt M3,
Collknv hn4 1, Nmbik-
Xj, t 1w "'t'lItty o!
MIM at 2.".'( LA 1,1 ,t
TDITI it 1.7 975 collt.
.:tlkl ~Ilvfl
phavi, 97 f~~f cem, V! tha aluklwuinl~
KULIKOV, S.. G., lnzh.l SHIKUNOV, Ia. S., inzh.
Automatic conveying of fabric pieces* Mekh,i avtom.proizv.
18 no. 5:18-20 My 164. (MIRA 17:5)
Translation from: Referativny zhurnal, Geologiya, 1957, Nr 4,
p 116 (USSU
AUTHOR.; Kulikov, S. I.
TITLE: Sedimentary Manganese Ores of the Middle Maykopian
in the Northern Caucasus (0sadochnyye marCantsovyye
rudy srednego Maykopa na Severnom Kavkaze)
PERIODICAL: Vopr. mineralogli osadoch. obrazovaniy. Books )-4.
Llvov, Llvovsk. un-t, 1956, pp 227-232
ABSTRACT: Data are given on the geology and mineralogy of the
Labinsk manganese deposit. Mineralization is associ-
ated with the arenaceous and arenaceous-argillaceous
stratum of the middle Maykopian. There arb two types
of rocks: carbonate-bearing and oxide-bearing. Each
type is subdivided into two forms on the basis of
appearance, compositon, and origin. Carbonate rocks
are classed as massive bedded and friable concretionai
Card 1/2
Sedimentary Manganese Ores (Cont.) 15-57-4-4848
nodular; the oxide rocks are classed as dense (massive-cavernous,
thin-laminated, and conchoidal-nodular) and friable-earthy. The
carbonate ores have concretional, oolitic, spherolitic, crystalline,
and fragmented textures. The oxide ores have collomorphic, con-
centricz.zonal, cemented and cellular structures. Mineralogically
the carbonate rocks are represented by rhodochrosite, Ga, and'
Fe-rhodochrosite, and manganosiderite. In compositioft the Moxide
ores are predominantly psilomelane; very rarely pyrolusite, verna-
dite, Fe oxides and hydroxides; Ca, Al, and Fe sulfates are also
encountered. The deposition of ores occurred in the marine shoal
water in the area of the subaqueous part of the delta of an ancient
river. The processes of diagenesis played an important part in the
formation of the deposit.
Card 2/12 S. I. B.
KULIKoV, s.j.
Mineralization In the sedimentary formation of the middle Kaykop
in the Northern Caucasus.
2 no.7:27-36 il 159 Izv- VYS. ucheb. sav ; geol. I razv.
kU 13:3)
1- Novocherkaeskiy Politekhnicheskiy inst itut.
(CauCaffus, Northern--Mineralogy)
"Die Ak-ustischen VerhAlitnisse L'Ahrend der IlittaEspause und the Gehorsfunktion
bei Arbeitern Lftrn~iafter Detriebe.." Zhu:-. Fiz.,, Vol.28, N0.1, pp 113-122, 1940
10(0) 1 IBM; 2!5(0" rRA31 I BOOK tXPLOITATION SOV/2035
aft. Avlatsionnyr InstItut
TrWdY. '.. 2. (Traftesetions or the 0rdzhonIkIda* Aloistion Institute,
Ufa) Kr 2. Oft, Boankirskoyo knIznnoyo Izd-vo, 1956. .219 P.
trrat& slip inserted. 1,000 copies printed.
Sdlt4rI41 Boardt I.P. Youslin (Pteep. Zd.), A.X. RakhmanovLah. I.A.
Selatovskir, 3.1. Mallkov. X.A. Boreal,%. V.A. VLnogradov. and
P.D. Mlrko; Reap. Md. for this number: I.A. Salotavoklyz E4. of
ftbliGhing Rm4*2 N.A. Ourvichl Tech. 14.s P.O. Gayfullin.
MRPW&i The book in Intended ror engineer* or scientific and In-
dustrIal Institutions.
COVIRAM This collection is composed or a number of unrelated or-
Using In mechanical, aeronautical (fluid dynamles), metallurgical
and other branch or onglneoring. ?or further coverage see
_--rubie or Contents.
Q~Rtx,kxh.&n1;,, X.G. Torvlon Analyst* or snorts vitn single net
NI I 5--m
1 ecoj-soj7 45
Itas article gives a solution to problems of torsion In cir-
cular soctlor shafts having single flat segments! "oexass.
fte method applied to this solution is similar to that do-
serllb" by the author In Trudy UfLaskogo aviatelonnogo In-
atItatax Nr 1, 1955. There are 2 Soviet references.
EW LkQ7_'t_ -t _v_ Distribution of Circumferential stresses Botw*on
spitting af~~ Splln*d Joint 63
this artiale describes the distribution or Circumferential-
_-.6trnoses botwoen the splines or a apLinod Joint. Formulas
for the determination or transmitted circumferential strtsaea
or the mallstum loaded pair or splines are established on the
principle that clearances between stressed splines of Me
shaft and sloov* chang* according to a alnusoldal law. Data
obtained can be applied In deaigning primary splln*d joints
,axomablies). There am 5 Soviet references.
XavWtay, R.R xrriciency or PAst-mov%ng Belt Transmission* 75
=L& Arc1cL* acraiders aspects. of losses and their Influence
am :rr%cl,ency or piano bolt transmission. Special attention
was given ta aerodynamic lost*& In belts and pulleys in view
of the considerable affect produc*d by then cc general *f-
ricieway, of rant moving transmissions and to internal losses
Which have a decisive affect an the longw of life of the
belt. Par the purposes of checking the accuracy of the ob-
taLnod "to exporimentai rvssarch was supplemented to the the-
oretical. The following personalities working in this field
am mentioned: To.N. Outlyar, X.T. Urasbayev, V.N. Selma'.
S.A. Propln. There, a" a referancess 7 Sovlst~ and I Oerviac.
Tallman. N.L. Increasing the Accuracy of Xechanleal Integration
&r" A~ of Cowan Differential Eqtations by Keane or In-
Pulse Link-rako Integrator 93
The article deals with "search on meahanlows far accurate
WPrQJdJUt0 Integration end dirf9rantlatlon based an new
IrIn"Ples of simulation A detailed description
IS given with diagrams of the IntegraZor. Personalities men-
atoned Includes M.L. Brkhavskly &*d N.G. Bruyevich. There
are 13 Soviet references.
kg2p& AT. Influence or uriw xonunifamIty of th, stmatuxv
and Xiastle Properties of Pig Iran an the Quality of plst*n
The article dIAcru8ses name icportant problems of piston
ring tocZwclogy and establishes the causes or quailtative
irrwguiarztj or piston rings.
R"tores EX.Prw. investigati= or the viscosity of Liquid rig
ran o0dIng On Chemical Composition and Temperature or He,t-
Ing 1h& article describes a method of obtaining exp*rlmontal 125
data an the viscosity or pure double forrocarbon alloys and
triple OL110YA Of Iron. It &160 discusses dettralnation or
viscosity Or various Pig Irons, such as, Bessemer, Open h6a.rth
and cast Irons. PersonalltZex mentioned Include: A.Z. Bach-
Inakirp Professor A.M. Sam&r.n, and L.A. Shwartsman. There
are 12 ref'*ronces. 7 Soviet and 4 Gorman.
...... .....
18(0)1 11(oh 10(d)
9, 3. Vt.. of the Ord'b*-1kl4ft Allmlom
ka"i'" l%&s*1 1937. 222
I'ODO 'rl
ror this 00-t LA BO)AtOvsklyl Iditarlsl
IV- Id.), A.S. j;kh;Z~eh LA.,ekly, a.,
F-D. Mirka, Z&., N.A. G%;;lebj T"h. pA., F.6. 4.;ft;1~11ATv W.A. Vlwgra&o,,
PVV'PWZI The book I- i-t-M-d tor "Oblerm "d fel"jifI4 "ft.. . the n4
of notuwa,
toohnolog,461 pro"4861, am field aftheal.f. Ids
COV13tAol This Vol"* 900tv
.. Ik aftilles 4edle, With Sat'llara weebaweal,
Igo' Pmblftw. adiiduma botra~ia are
~'ftlrflcf, V.I. 0o SOMMI Parameters of Crre't.4 cwa~ wb"ls Gwaonud by a
Rack-type Tool
This P-P.~ 4U."._4 tes CT"%s of the ROU04 of %b4 Cuter
11,06to" or Par Vt*-I#. &be oil* of mutionel rw "d the '"I.. or
tu"t"re of the too, ado, as the a". of Us tiaek'124 davloo W4, moms@.
"*wtir# on the possibility of cormettoo. Wom"~, 5 Soviet. 228
_MMU2r_LL_1n"stl6-t1o% of the Rigidity or Dnil spin4i.m Ubdar T."i-M II!1
Title mor Presents the namits at the ufte arA ex"r1motal pt"146 of
U* tordloaft, rigidity of the ShAfte Of driulad p"'Ood of the
SterlItAmMakly atankoftrqltsIsjWy &4"4 Loss, ZMalsa (Sterlitas&k
x-dhlM* Too, Plant). A eloole ftru ror falftim.4 to rugge."t most ft
amouaT 'kabu rat 4sural" tb* seal. or %"at 14 91"o. no mague
of %"4t or Us Mane or tha drin P-tes am glwm ftr a nominal WON
t tbo to"". The resells of ftli-seals, test$ of the Man *f the
A I" press ft Us U_I_ 04WOO MV &Of1rjboC lkslate of as sx_
p"Umatal 14"Cuouse of the rigidity at Us drive of the .4. .tIft
at Me I A 3," 4ftU prago we p""Et4j. Aqt"goo,"I 3 ftrive~
GOLIDENDERG, A.D.P Otvo red.; MAVLYUTOV, otv. red.;
I.A.p red.
[Reports for the conference "Technical Progress in the
Manufacture of Machineryul Doklady k konferentaii "Tekh-
nicheskii progress v mashinostroanii." Ufa, 1961. 84 P.
(MIRA 17:1.1)
1. Ufa. Aviatsionnyy Institut. 2. Kafedra soprotivleniya
materialov Ufimskogo aviatsionnogo institute (for Mavlyutov).
W=ational trauma in fish industry in Astrakhan. Gig, asnit., Moskva
no. 1:25-26 Jan 1953. (CLML 24:2)
1. Of the Department of Hygiene of Astrakhan' Medical Institute.
KnIKOV, S.I., doteent
"". -:.
a...... 0,.uall --Ap~
Ilygienio nupsotn of the air at the renort of Tinnki. VrRehodelo
no.3.1301 Kr'58 (MIRA 11:5)
1. lCafedra glgiYeny Stnrvo- -pollakogo meditsinskogo inatituta.
.., "ULIKOV) S-L
Vitamin 0 content Of Prepared foods. Vop. pit. 19 no.2.-69-72 mr-A
160. (HIRA 1497~
1. Iz Wedry giglyony (Ziftv. - dotsent S.I.Kulikov) Stavropollskogo
meditsinskogo instituta.
Sanitary state of the ponds of the cit. ok Stavropol. Trudy
Vor. mod. inst. 1+7167-68 162 (MIRA l6tU)
I~ygienic evaluation of gaB-heated furnaces. IbId~&69-70 ,
1, Kafedra g1giyany Stavropol'skogo maditsinskogo instituta*
KULIKOVp B.I., doteent
Fluorine content in the vater and its influence on the inci-
dence of dental caries In Stavropol schoolchildren. Stana-
tologiia 42 no.499-11 JI-AgI63 (MIRA 174)
1. 1z kafedry gigiyeny sav. - dotsent S.I.Kulikor) Stavro-
poll'skogo meditainakogo instituta.
Ramoni Sugar Factory. Sakh.prom- 32 no.9:39 S 159. (MIRA llsll)
(Ramon'-Sugar manufacture)
"".1, V,~ 7
Change-over to the seven-hour day in tho sugar industry; a discussion.
Sakh.prom. 32 no.10:62-65 0 158. (MIRA 11:1)
1. Ramonskaya normativno-issledovatel'skaya laborstoriya po tradu.
(Hours of labor) (Sugar industry)
Improvement of labor conditions and working accommodations,
Sakh. prom. 33 no.4:53-54 Ap 159o (MIRA 12:6)
l.Ramonskaya normtivno-issladovateltakaya laboratori7a po trudu...
(Sugar indumtry)
KULIKOV, Sorgey Mikimylovich; HARTENS. S.L., inshener, reidaktor; SHMELIKINA,
CCollaction of exercises in projectionfil drawing] Sbornik Uprazhnonit
po proaktoionnomu oherchentiu. Izd. 2-oat parar. Moskva, ace. nauchno-
tekha. izd-yo mashinoetroit. lit-rv. 1957- 127 p. IKLRA lo:4)
(Geometrical drawing)
4-~I / ; - / , . P
I I '~- ` //I r 7 7-11711
KULIKOV, S.M., prof.
schanical drawing! Politekh. obuch. no,2:
Give attention to m
92 7 '58. (MIRA 11:1)
(Mechanical drawing--Study and teRching)
--.KUL,IKOT,_Sd,_rgay Kikhaylovich. prof.: KASMOV1CH- N.S.. red.12d-va-,
- -. HOMMI 9-33016'0.-talchh.'red.
[Manual of exercises In engineering driswing) Sbornik uprazhnenii
po proaktsionnomu charchaniiu. Iz'd*3*, parer. Moskva, Goo.nauchno-
takhn.izd-vo mashinostrolt.lit-ry, 1960. 210 p. (MIRA 14:4)