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FUMLSVI) ZOfIa Promature Closure of 1,~e cranial Eiatlinio- Folla nad. Cractiv. 6 no.4:553-584 164. roUID/Microbiology - Ricroorganisas Patho[;cnic to HL,nans F-4 And Animals. Abs J)ur Ref Zhur - Biol., No 10, 1958, 43328 Author Kukuls Inst Title Frequency of FindinG Prccipitinogen q,,, in Vitidans Strep- tococcia Orig Pub : Zesz nauk, Univ. lodzk., 1956, Ser. 2, No 2, 37-41- Abstract : From 257 strains of viridans streptococci, isolated from the phar~mxes of heal-ttky individuals, a pol3rsaccharide was obtained by the Lensfild method, Serologiccl properties of polysaccharides were checked by anti-CA-serum kthe me- thods for isolating polysaccharides, obtaining the antiseA rum, and arrangements for the precipitation reaction are Given)- 10-5% of the studied strains of viridans strepto- coccus belonged to group A, Judging by the propartics of the precipitinogen (polpaccharide) isolated. Card 1/2 37 POLU7D/Micr,.)bioloGy - Microorganisms Pathogenic to Hwmns r, -4 culd lulimle. Abs Jour -. Hof Zhur - Bioli, No 10, 1958, 43328 These strains did not differ in their biachcmical. pro- perties from other strains which did not contain prcci- PitinOGOn CA- Card 2.112 (IOSCICKI. Janusz; KUKULSKA, Teresa; STWISN, Rysm.-d Behavior of anti-Vi antibodies during typhoid fever. Prxegl. apidem., Wares. 10 no.4:325-332 1956. 1. Z Zakladu Mikrobiologii Szczegolowej U. L. Kietrovnik: prof dr. B. Zablockil z Kliniki Chorob Lakazrqcb A.M. w Ladzi Kierownik: prof. dr. A. Goldschmied. (TYPHOID'YO , immunol. behavior of anti-Vi antibodies (Pol)) KOMSKA-GOSOICKA, Teresa "I - -1 ....... Immunologioal phenomena in tignue transplantation. Postepy hig. med.doew. 13 no-5:531-540 159. (TRANSPTANTATICON) KIJKULSU-OOSCYR,-xfixesA ............ . ................ Im-unological tolerance and tissue transplantation. Poster7 13 no.63665-675 '59. (MOSPL#JMTION immmol) BUKUISKA-GOSCIGKA, Terdsa Immnological itroactivity to streptococcus alltigerts in rabbits. lqauki matem przyrod Lodz no.14:7-13 163. 1. Katedra Milo-obiologii., Uniword~tet, Lodz. t, ZABLOCKI, Bernard; KUKULSKA-GOSGICKA, Teresa Further studies on the frequency of Staphylococci strains resistant to antibiotics occurring isolated from patients and carriers. Nauki matem przyrod Lodz no.7:183-189 160. 1. Katedra Mih-robiologii Szczegolowej, Uniwersytet) Lodz* ZABLOGKI, Bernard; KUKULSKA-GOSCIGKA, Teresa; BEDNAREK, 2ofia; KOZLOWSKI, Bronislaw Frequency of the occurrence of staphylococcal infections in patients as seen from one hospital ward for tramatic surgery. Nauki matem przyrod Lodz no. 15: 3-27 163. 1. Katedra Irlikrobiologii, Uniwersytet, Lodz, i Klinika Chirurgii Urazowej i Ortopedii, Wojskova Akademia Medyczna, Lodz. ISPIRYAN, G.P., kand. tekhn. mau ; KUKULYAH, S.P. inzh - MLLKIMAN, Te.I., inob..; SHIROKOVi B.G., Inzhr--"~~' Tanning hides in butte divided into two portions. Leg,, prom* 18 n0&3: 11-12 Mr '58. (MIRA 11:4) (Tanning) "-, f I - -i~ -- - ----- - ---- -.J_5231~66 -,EWr 1)/EWA(j)/FWA(b)-2'--JK F-ACC MAP5025974 SOURCE CODE: UF;/0250/65/009/00!1/0550/05K _47 Auniol:t: KqL,-L-dZans1~,iy, A.A.; Gaboovich,, L M. ORG: Minsk State Medical Institutp(minsldy_gosudarstvei~nyymeditsinskiy-'ba~fit~t). Belqi~ussia I russkiy gosuclarstyennyy universitet) n State UniyersLt y Irn -V. 11 ' Lenina,(Be o TITLE: Depend?~ce ofthe nucleptide composition of.bacterial DNAn the Iysqgej.iic state of bacteria SOURCE: AN BSSR. Doklady, v. 1, no. 8, 1965, 550-551 TOPICTAGS. DNA, bacterfavvirua, bacteriophage, bacterial ~;enetlcs- ABSTRACT:. The study was-undertakea in order to determine the dependence of Vie. stt differences in the DNA composition o~ Klebsielld4clerornatis on the lysogenic stab) and the type of bacterial virus. To this Lind, lysogenic cultures were obtained by-lysogenests by phages- 6f various types of the-phagosensitive strain Elebsiella scleromatis 380,- whose -lysogenesis could notbe established previously. In the six artificially lysogenic i3trainS thus obtained, the DNA composition was determined and compared with the composition of the original culture No. 380. It was, found that (1) DNA of 380/4133 strain-differs substantially, from the DNA of the original culture in total content of adenine aad thymine, and (2) DNA of the 380/C strain is characterized by a considerkle thymine deficit. The paper was presented by Academician V.A. Leonov of the AN BSSR. Orig.- art. has: -1 table. Card I GABRILOVICHP I,,Mq_KUKUTJANSKIY, W., -1-1 --- 1- - ~ - Chemical speelficity of t-he de-soxyribcnucle-Ic ,LcJ.d frcm bacteria of the Flebsialla genn8. Zhur.mlkroblol., ep!Ld. I Inaw-in. 42 nc.10R139 0 165. (KIRA 18311) 1. Minskly meditainskay institut i lklorusskiy gosudarstvannyy universitat limn.-IL, V.1.1r3nina. Suluittisd September 28, .1964. KUKULYANSKIY. B.1, ~!~e: r t ~ 4-- - ". W.- Need for a unified standard for stamping dios. Standartisatella 77 Ja-Fs 156. (KEaA 9:2) 1.Nachallnik Byuro normalisataii i standardizateii Uslovskogo mashi- nostroltellnogo savoda glavnogo upravleniya mekhanizataii stroltell- stva. (Dies (Ketalworking)--Standards) KUKULYARSKIY,j. Mine onr standtirdi. Standai.tizatel.ia, no,5:82 S-0 '56. (MUtA 10:1) 1. Nachallnik Byuro normnlisateii i standartizataii Uslowxkogo mashinostroitellnogo zavoda :Glavstroymekhanizatmiya.w (Mine haulage) KUKUYANSKIY, B.A., lnxh~ner. Deoigns if mata~ 6tructures. StandartizatmiLa ito.2:84 Mr-Ap '57. (KMA 10:6) 1. Uzlovskiy ma~vhinostr-oitej'ry7'2a-vod, Y(Nechanical drawing-StandarWil rrDEW4AN, RA., inzh.; OONIX, V.A.,gornyy in!3h.-eleIctrotekhnik KSK-30 sectional scraper conveyer with annular link chains. Ugall 35 no-10:53-54 0160. (MIRA 13:10) .1. Kbarlkovskiy zavod "Svet sbakbtera" (for Eyderman). 2.Shakhta im. S.M.Kirova kombinata "151antsy" Uor Kvkunia). (Conveyiq; machinerx) KUKUNOV. 1. M. Onen-nit mininT. 'Moiklm, !"joi. lzd-vo Itt-ry rj,) 3tr,?It, 46 jTI?q] K8 Busenje rupa za mine na dnevnim kopovima. Beograd, Izd. 14iniatarstva rudarstva. (1950) 143p. (Boring blast holes in strip mining. 1.1lus., tables) SO: East European Accessions List, Vol 3, No 8, AW: 1954 TI 00~~! 073en-p-t mim. ng, meti,ods 7,` ch are of i3ri:~:e s-* f! cance. to the rinnral try, inclucti-.17, basLc informa tion.. on Ful)stu.facc; of :1_ncral bz!d--. Conz~ cicra')1e s-z,---co un n- -on ol o of ~ ;nInr ~.,o, an-, i on o a t e St c-r, o I lu ct v L. tc c c s c av at, .0 r 0 'based on utiliz P-Crxt-,~rr:, cilttlnr,~ 1~vlcliiulas, ct -w aw., t 111 pw,.ps, em"il U-1.0s, fac"m-loc. Thc 1,00~:I~A alro and -,ro-_'I-_,cL!.-rn St--'dimer',tes in tho `c.-_~alonnent of t!lc The boo!_Iet dl.s inte-ded I-or studen-ts of minin:-, tec',--cal scilool.s. SO: !=ISLT (_,07,ict Boo!.:s) , i7o. -186 r- ~, I~occo-.,, (U-6472) 1 53 BASKANOV, V.A.; BOROVN, I.P.; GUSFV. S.G.; DOLUCHAM, M.M.; EXWOV, I.K.; PETROV, S.Pg;. DORONICHEVA, I.A., nauchn,Y7 red.; FEDOROU," T*' ., red.izd-ya: GILEIISOU, P.G.,; IUJDAKOVA,, N.I., COpencaBt mining and blasting operations] Otkryl;ye gornye i vxryvnye raboty. 'Pod red. I.M.KvIcunovs. Mosicyo. (k-ta.isid-vo lit-ry po stroit.. arkhit. i stroit.materialam, 1959. 335 P. (MIRA 13:4) (Strip mining) (Blasting) KUKUHOV, Ivan Mikhaylovich; CHESNOKOV, H.K., kand.tekhn.nauk, nsuchny7 - ---GORUZOTA-,--ff.A., red.izd-va; TMall[A, Te.Jj. , .ad. ; (Working of nonmetallic mineral depositv;.special course] Razrabotka mostorozhdenii neradnykh iskc-psemykh; apetakurs. Moskva, Gos.izd-vo lit-ry po stroit., arkhit. i atroit.mate- rialam. 1960. 233 p. (MIRA 13:12) (Nonmetallic minerals) (quarries and quarrying) ASSONOV, V.A.; D00CHATHY, U.K.; MUNDT, I.M.; NIXCULTET, N.A.. rateenzent; ROSSI; B.D., reitsenzent; 6IRTAkIN, P.I,,, retuenzent Edeceased]; DEMIDMK, G.P... kand.takhn.naWc. naucbnyy red.; GOKOZOVA. N.A., rtd.i.zd-va; SMPANOTA, B.S.,; RUDAKOVA, N.I., (Boring and b1hating operational Burcfvzryvnye raboty. Moskva, Goo. izd-vo lit-rypo stroit., arkhit. i stroit.mat-srialam, 1960. 406 (MIRA 13:53* (Boring) (Blasting) 'SHVARTSP AJ., arkhitektor; ixNovp M, in2ffi.j: DOBBMIN, S.N., inzho,- DRAMPOVv Y.K.9 inzh.j MWSOV, I.Ye., kwd.tekhn.nauk; POVAIZAYET, M,I,# kand.tekhn,nauk; SHOLONHOV, V.G.p Jmzh.; TIHKINq L.Ye.9 inzh.9 red.; STRASWKH, V~Pe, red.izd-va; GOLIEERG, T.V~,, (Temporary instructions for designing and, constructing flat tar-paper roofs of industrial buildimgs) Vremermye ukazaniia po proektirt--raniiu i ustroistvu ploskikh tolevykh ]a,ovell zdanii promyshlenrqkh predpriiatii SN 112-60* Pbskvap C'.os,.izd-vo lit-ry po stroit.t arkhito i stroitematerialam, 1961. 23 p, (MM 2436) 1. Russia (19231-, U.S.S.R.) Goqudarstvermyy komitet po delam stroi- tel'stva. 2. Promstroyproyekt (for Shvartsy Kukunovq Dobryrdnt Drampov). 3. Nauchno-isslodavateliskiv insf~tut stroitellnoy fiziki i o zhd shchikh konstruktsiy Ak4" stroitel'stva i arkbitekt=7 ,,Mra (foraffusov, PovalMev, Sholorhov). (Roofs) EYDUK., Yu.Ya., kand. khim. nauk; KUKUR, O.K., kand. khin. nauk Dofocts occurring during the application of onnily meltod frit. Stek. i ker. 20 no.7t33-36 J1 163. (MIRA 17:2) 1. Rizhskiy politekhnicheskiy institut. ANDROVIG, A.;KUKUBA, A* #W~4e5i~T im~' - Headache and its therapy wcording to the Pavlo-rian theory, Gas. lek. cook. 92 no, 3:57-62 16 Jan 1953. (CIRL 24:1) I 1~ KIMM, A. (Trnava, OUNZ) Itiological therapy of log ulcers. lair.obsor 3 no.9009-515 1954. 1. Z chir.'cddelenta OMTZ v Truave. (IXG. uIc'ere, ther.,ettol. factors in) - AV U PTO -R 14) .4. - - - - KUxURA*M Aq LITOMICKA, T. Vxperisace in surgical treatment of pain. Neur. poychiat, cask. 17 no-5:296-302 Oct 54, is Chirs odd, OUNZ Trnave.1%,predne does Dre AsKukurae (PAM, surgery indle., Pavlovian theOi7) KUKURA, A.; LITOMERICKA, T.; JACZ, K. Post-thrombophlebitic syndrome. Bratiol. Rek. 119tY 35 no.6: 337-346 1955. 1. Z Chir. odd. OUNIZ v Trnave, predn. doe. MUDr. A. Kukura. (MMMMBOPHLEBITIS, complications, -post-tbrombopblebitic synd.) I - - - - --- - - - F-KUKU~_?_A- jLITOMERICKA, T. Principles of the t *reatment of open brain injuries. Rozhl. chir. 411 no.9:623-627 S 162. - 1. Chirurgicke oddelenie OUNZ nemocnice s poliklinikou v Trnave, prednosta doc'.-dr. A. Kukura. (BRAIN INJURIES ACUTE) Wravotnicks F;Iuzba na TM v roku 1949. (Health Eervices of the YoutbL Front in 1949] Bratial. lek. listY 30:4-5 Apr-May 50 41o.21. 1. Of the Rygionic Institute of the Ked1calFsenaty of the Slovak University (Read-Pre. Vojtech Mucha, M. D.)." _2 HICKO, L, 3apoyedny vyokimny pracovnik; SINTAJ, ~K., RTAVATY, J.,* IUKMD J." LIFKOVA, T.; SBVCIKOVA, A.; GRUNT, J.; GAZD, H.; MULMO He$ VATJ . V. Prevention of infections In u',uraeriss, Bratiel. lek. 11sty 34 noog: 1021-1045 SOP~ 54. 1. 9 Krajokaho detakeho ustayu narodusho t&ravia v BratteUve, riaditel dr. A.N*Tak (for Hacko, Sintaj, Blayaty) 2. 2 Etrgionickeho ustayu, IYSU Y Bratislava. prednosta akademik V.Mach, a z Uet&v;u bygieny, oblastneho ustayu pro Slovenko v Brett Ilav.,3, riadital doe. dr. P.Kacuch (for KukurA. IJpkova, Sevcikova, Grunt) 3. z Ustaft pre Tyakum vyziv7 ludu v BratislaTe, prednosta dr. A.Bucko. (for Gaze, Muller) 4. 2 Vyskummeho ustavu spidemiolcgie a mikrobiologis v Bratislave, riadital dr. J.Karoleak, z addelardapre parazitologiu, pradnosta dr. M.Dziuban. Spolupracoynlci; a) z detakej kliniky: M.Krupaka a sk-upina medIkor (v ramci studentakej tvortmosti), V.Bohmerova, II.Cernaeek, V.Kovae, D.KrIvosova, H.Lickova, t.ce uz doktori mediciMr. Pred zaciatkom vyekuzmj prace riaditel KUNZ dr. A.Novak vykowLI Instruktaz medikey: b) z Wgienike-epidemlologiejo stanice Uri' BratIslava, X.Utkoya a) z jastel 1. na Blahovej ulict c.4.: N.HlebWcova (veduca sestra), J.Benedekova, G.Skotnarova, A.Nozkova, HJA*ovL.-ova. H.Oriskova, V.Feharova; 2. na, Perieneikovej ulici o. 6t R.Namcekova (veducs sestra)q K.Slobodova, N.Dobrotkova, A.Macotnauerova. B.Stabalova. (Gontivaed on next card) BECK09 1. . zapovednT vyskimrq pracoynik; SI NTA.,T,, M. MAVATT, J. ; KUKURAQ J. LIFKOVA. V.#, SEVOIXOVA. A.; GRUNT. J.; GAMO, M.; MULM, K.; VALAM. V. Prevention of infeetione In nurseries. Bratiel. loko lietr 34 no.9: 1021-1045 Sept 34 (Card 2) d)z Hygionickeho ustaym LIBU a z Ustayu 1qgieny: O.Cikovao X.Rozholdova, L.Haragova, H.Jurcova, T.Orl;hov&-,, a)z Ostav-m pro vyokum vyzi-v7 ludu: M.Popik, A.Kohutoya, L.SintaJova, M.Krenave,$ P.Ambrora, J.Kollarik, H.Asztelosova. (CMMIMI3 DISEASES, in infant emd child, prev. in nurseries) (INFANTS, nurseries, prev. of communicablet die., N 7'. :1. Fo 2/3, April 6i :~mg hoLwe Dr ~&Jlcal LiterAturc 41, %VI). Prur4e' 'S6 (3tatni zdrsvotnickm tm;w&C I 4or~eroas o hygleniito Conce-moid '.*--th Chi1irsa an4 ;.Ao- 'I so IC maugural Ae-rocs.. Docomi J. rlmm?A. aid yauth in C.-6cho5lavakin. 1~~ 1961 - vrstiaslq~_t ~' of tho rac~lt7 of :elical Eygioma. zu 2"Friova univerolls.; Charles Tiniverett,7 (L-karska. fm.- )MIlts, !iygionicka XV) , Preguel ;p 66-71, 5~111_ 3-h 3=X.0--%7 Co=lsslon ca thg RYKIldne of Chill Youth.* Docent _-r*ntsekJkVPA, FM. Dr3c, of zhs In3titu- to of Hysione Oatay hygionyi . Pmvi; p 71- / "Do"loprent of Children Crider Different Cetditioz%o of Li. Ting, Vlsdlslav ZAPALIU. of the I ititute of I(ygiens. Pra,-u:; ;P 72-83.-Zt==s1% w4mr._j - Me *Iopment of Children Up to T hre,: Years of Age;* X.Iroalav 1"Rcumc, of the institute of Hyplent, Pro. " pp 84-94. ~_ -Az77 6. *A.-Al7eix zf thi Zody L&rhTth "- _n C' -' of tho Pre4ohaoj A4e.- 1. FrL!vG ad V I ISUQ_EA ' Of th& L:3ti_- tutd of Etygiscs. BrAZIA13vaj PP 95 102. zZngliah st=_U-41 7. 'Otudy o~ the YanipuLation F=otions ef the zam! in ChIl- drem In r4-A*r.Cmrtons, vVA of 'the 193titxto c.~ * 0. AROCF I* . -r-nalis. A=an~ 333rgio; Bratiolo7al ;; 103-0 , r- - 5 18 *Th& aoicv of Toys With Asgard to t!%* .qo and 5-m of Children of the Pmachool. Age " J. "A~LA_ of tro Ir.3ti tutt at Hyrurus, ?-Aus~ Pp r_iigli3h. -The Grcwth Values Iz Children of School Age Fm= 1'wo 30- _Jected L"as zif Slovukia.- V. of the Inat! -=to mf I~vzlozs. BratIalevas Dp au=r&rv" 0. 'Orzwth Dynox-ics in tho H=! of Ywang ?oopie.~ -1 7.73 of the Znstituts of Hygions. ?rsr-,e; pp 12Z-1226. a2. -SaUtion 130"weem the zm;~Ioymsmt I!illeu and the of P47micia Develo;vemt in warklitt- lauth aml St-41e.-."m J. VIxfjvA _.J. r'. N4XCV-1 C! ot*Nz lkbkreani ustav =rc4 A-jj.n-., Val ?:,1 2-1, '.).ril 0 3-taderms rt the Tiqlva-'~,.ar jr--c-a-ery tlcho3lca~ MIS=L 0:: t:%~ I,.31r-,tl.. of PI _i4is. asx~-.Llmx-e 20. "Snu rw=Tl*m_l Cl-r4.j-t Ir. 9vej-%*.., of the t.O=zl% '-'Urir.C The!.r ~f.rk Ila ti%t (Icnnw-uv;.~n VROZH of %ha I~YLztitut2 or ~~v,.Lcno trA :;p- q=tjC-.'l r.; PA-Ir. Jnuefa, 187.! j14~f 5_,r_rtAj. cosice; ;,? ll,;6-4."~. zt-Iglich 29. -Study of ths 1;ffai% of %.),.a of ~crk ticn !zlj the Cvrrl_clil=," of -It C:-;ir cf the 97.~iez:3 r_md NutrITI.On cl.' CLUJr.In LMv fa_i%:_t% urivi~_i oi* F,d!oal Charlae., U-w.- ra d3~_' a darcitt: Ulr~), :~rrN,. LTZ)Alilh ~,,T~j 30. IDL3t am! rhyalcal Develo~wen% of Children !a, vita C= 2chaals af tha For=-r Ji),-;va V. TItTLl_',lTj of .b* Depurti-en- 4f J'1,031 lly"Ime, M23 iZ-A micacc-e;k~emicalo4richm qtuxUro; Clrcm 3pidamloaq-_7 ltailoi;l ,C4del-ni ak~.)Lml hyrlezy _IFL~3). Jinl&vtA p 134. ,1. I?r3mt L:.r for, CNIZArez: t~l, =re;'k &r.2 'h- I~cb' uf ruw--zr C! ?utL4.",. v3a~,~i~ .;,~7 .1 tritL~n :7. ta* mNtr *2 %1-.3 in LA ran AZ51 ?!&culty of ;,clima-I Fra^A; ?;, 1&5-2eg. 5u=^.0 32. of 3014rdon'a ''-x; in the 7tl._,T 0i: chol S_flCi_'rC ;:!Ui ;.ClW3PCD": ~.Ol Conclu~lm the Ccrafamr~t. t~ EWaLIUUtiQn.- n(,CO=t ,6 1p 4A MUCHA, V.; KUKURA_,_!~,-_ On the development of teaching and education in hygiene by Lhe medical faculty of Komensky University in Bratislava. Cesk. hyg. 7 nol7:399-403 Ag 162. 1. Ustav hygieny Lekarskej fakulty Univerzity Kcmenskeho v Bratislave. (HYGIM education) 60th anniversary of Academic~an Vojtech M-ucba. Bratisl. Lek. Idsty 12 no.1:3-5 162. (BIOGRAPHIES) OKURA J ...-MIKLETIG. T.; NEUSCHL, S,; STEMIEK, Contribution to a method for the study of teachirg proces.-es. Bratiol. Lek. Listy 1+2 no.ltl5-26 162. 1. Z,Uutavu hygieny Lek. fak. Univ. Kmrienslceho v Bratislave, Veduci akademik V. Mucha,, z Katedry automatizacie a reguacie Elektrotechnickej faktaty SVST v Bratis2ave, veduci prod. dr. inz. M. Salamon, a z Ustavu pro lekarsky film a fotografiu Lek. fak. Univ. Komenakeho v Bratislave, veduci S. Stepanek. (EDUCATION) KUKURA, J -j MIKLETIG, T.; BAJUZIKOVA, A.; lW3CHLj S.; STEPANEK, S. ------- --, .... ~k Use of t1le reaction time, assessed clnematographicallyp for investigating the process of training. Cook. hyg. 8 no./+: 202-211 14Y 163- CENTRAL NERVOUS SYMM) (REACTION TINE) MOTION PICTURES) (HEARING) VISUAL PERCEPTION) (PSYCHOLOGY, EDUCATIONAL) ~ I KUKURA J - IIIKLETIC,T.; NEUSCHLS.; STEPANEK,S.; technicka spolupraca: JANCOVAIM.; IVANICOVApE. Contribution to the study of.some life manifestations in stu- dents of the 7th class during the course of leaming. Bratisl. lek. listy 2 no.10:610-619 163. 1. Ustav hygieny Lek.fak. Univ. Komenskeho 1r BrELtislave (ve- duci: akademik V.Mucha)j Katedra automatizacie EL regulacie Elektrotechnickej fakulty SVST v Bratislave (veducilprof.dr. inz-. M.Salamon) a-Ustav pre lekarsky film a fotografiu Lek. fake'Univ. Komenskeho v Bratislave (veducit S.Stepanek). KUKURAP J. The relation of child end adolescent hygiene to hygiene in general. Ceak. hyg- 4 no.5:288-289 JeI64 Methods used in the atudy of encir6nmental factoxio lbid.&295- 296. 1. Katedra hygieny Lekarskej fakulty UK (University Komenslwba)o Bratislava. KUKUFLk, j,; RIURTIC, T.; NOSKOVA,T.; N::UJlaCHL S.* sf)KTh, -P. Group a.-Aography'in the g'-,Udy of the pedagogic process. Brati3lo lek. listy U~, no.~,:1:513-5'17 15 U 164 1. Katedra hygieony Lek. fakulLy Univerzity Yonenskeho v Bratislava (vedur-i katedry akademik prof. MUDr. V. Mucha', D-rS;::.) a Katedra automatizacie a --c?m1ania M.ektrotechnickei fwkulty Slovenskej 4 ry,sokej skoly ~echnickej v Brva-tialave (veduct katedY7 prof. dr. inz. M. Salamon, nositel Radu prace). 71kU:. _NRi APW675 SOURCE CODE: 19 VOISWOM6 j AUTHOR: Kukura. J.: Mikletic T.; Neuschl, S.; Stepanek:, S.. -ORO: -Department of Hygienep--Medical-Faculty,:Comnius University,-Bratislava... TITLE: Cinematographic method of recording,reaction time in pupils under normal school conditions ZT-his paper was presented at the Third Interdisciplinary_ Conference on-Experimefital and Clinical St d of Higher Nervous Functions her(~ iz~ a -.October DY llarianske,Lazne from 19 to~23 1964. SOURCE: Activitas nervosa superior, vo 7, no. 2, 1965# ~'.1861 TOPIC TAGS: man,, psychologyi behavior pattern ABSTRACT: The authors deser-ibe-an arrangement ttj~at'allows record- -Trt~of the -reaction -time without- di .sturbing the. normal courseof I I the-,-- Iessons. Heaotion:-time measurements were'made -With pupils -in 4tki,, 7th, and 10th grades. Reaction times retuim:to the level of tho beginning ot-t.he school, day-at the start Qf' the fourth pbr.t-, od'. after slowing down during the day* fjPR-S7 SUE CODE: 05p 06 MM DATE:~ none L-c-cmd., 1/1 1 2942_66 - SOURCE CODE: _576_o~A~7H8 0188 ACC =R. A79663-676, AUTHOR: Kukura. J.: Mikletic, T.;. Noskova, T.; Sobota, B. dical Faculty., Comenius University, Bratis ORG,,: Department of Hygiene, Me lava TITIE: Continuous recording of motor activity in pupils during lessons by means of a seat electrograph '[This paper was presented at the Third Interdisciplinary I ~ Conference on Experimental and Clinical Study of Higher Nervous Functions held in Maxi.anske Lazne from 19 to 23 October 1964-1 SOIJRCE: Activitas nervosa~superior, v- 7, no. 2, 1965, 187-188 TOPIC TAGS: bodily-fatigue, man, psychology,-behavior piittern AESMACT: Virst symptoms of fatigue are manifested by an increase. in 'motor aotivity.:From the functional aspeet ofthe cerebral: cortex this phenomenon is called protective excitation. Ifhe auth- ors describe an arrangement which they designed to register the, movements of pupils on school benches. The number of,movements increased from the Ist to.the 3rd lesson; there was a drop in ithe kth lesson. InAndividual lessons-the number of movements 'docreased-u to the 15-20th minute, and then beganto increase. again. Orig. art. has: 1.,figure and 1 table. j_PR_S7 su COPE: o6, 05 -SUBM DATE: none ORIG REF: CKXa T-y ,01 1 L c n c o -C e 71 i ca, I F i it clz~s uni-versi"y 7' hy-iollj~r TI Hy~~icna, l'o 5, lJ 6 oi* of i I it 0 Cl I uY U- Ij y ~s lu- , 'd i Ci s tu C, op : Ilv olrno~- It -Tac VO n .o CIO U s t, , - KUKUIRA, S. Prevention of peritonitis in surgical therapy of wate abdomen, Bratiol, 19k. lietY 34 n0.3:274-277 Xx 154. 11 Z, Chir.odd. OURZ v Klcbloyciach, prednosta primar dr. S.Xukara. (ABDOMUO'AC'UTE. surgery, *peroperative prev. of peritonitis) (PARITONXTIS, prevention and control. '*in surg. of acute abdomen) KUKIM, S t a .,YASI N, J.; RIZUCHL, M. 2EW MadiastinAl bronchogenic cysts. Ro;hl. chir. 36 no-Ilt760-762 Nov 57. 16 Chirargicke odd. OUNS v Hichalovaiach, preduosta Stefail Kukura. (MEDIASTINUM, cysts brouchogonia, surg. (Cz)) KUOU.- Stefan-.. ROUGHA., Nil" Arteriography in acute & chronic oateowyelitio. Rozhl. chir. 37 no.4: 273-275 Apr 58. 1. Chirurgicke oddelenie OU.NZ v Michalovciach, prednasta I.MDr. Stefan Kukura, 5, K., Kichalovce, OUNS. (ANGI(*WHY, in various din. arteri6graphy in acute & chronic asteomyelitis (Cz)) (OSTEOMYBLITIS, diag. arteriography (Cs)) KUKURA, S.; REZUCHA, M.; JUHAS, S.; FAJTA, K.; BOZO, IS. S=e conclusione from the analyvl,,3 of InjurleB of the trunk and extremities. Bratial. Lek. Listy 2 no.11:666-673 161. 1. Z chirurgickeho oddelenia OUNZ v Michalovelach, prednosta primar MUDr. S. Kukura. (EXTREMITIES wds & irij) (ACCIDENTS) KUKURECHEt~%,_ UKHAHEV, N.G.; SHOKIN, I.N.; KRASEENINNIKU!, L'-.A.; ; S '--- iODOSINKINt P.A.; POSTOROMKO, A.I.; TROYNIK, G.G. Decarbonization of sodium bicarbonate in a semi-industrial column with submerged packing. Truc~r MKHTI no.,~Ci:186-190 163- (MIRA 18:12) KUMIRECHMIKO., I.S.; SHOKIN, I.H. Decarbonization of sodium bicarbonate susoensions in a column with submerged packing. Tru(tr 'JKl;TI no-40-182- 185 163. (MIRA 18:12) 47;_7 rko, aild V, 1; y: absiibblit X cwkei att'l --tout SU, T he N uVid" ob~ A ilted I Ili In L die of r: CLA5twicklic. ~JTUAIV9 ic tr a X Ur K (W ZE -it v fiA ROUIPWIM./Optics - K_ Abs Jour Ref Zhur Fizika, No 3, !960, 7291 Author mynnu, 1. Inst Title Harnn Spectra of Equimolecular Aqueous Solutions of Acetic Acid Orig Pub Rev. phys. Acad. RM, 1958, 3, No 3-4, 239-245 Abstract On the basis of an investigation of the character of -the redistribution of intensity between corTonents (1674, 1712, and 1754 cm-1) of the Ram-n lines of the C = 0 bond in aqueous solutions of acetic acid, the author has esta- blished the forms of associations both between the mole- cules of the acid, and between the molecules of the acid and the water, on the basis of the hydrogen bonds. Con- clusions fror. spectroscopic data are confirmed by the character of the dependence of the density of the solution of the concentration. BiblioC;ra]~hy,, 8 titles. -- V.M. Card 1/1 Pivovarov - 154 - AGYRBICHANU, I.; KUKUREZYANU, I.; VASILIU."V.; POPESKU, 1. Effect ofnitrogen-on excited mercury atoms. Opt. i spektr. 3-1 no.2:289-290 Ag 161. (M:1RA 14:8) (Photoelectric measurements) '(Mercury) S7051/63/014,fOO1/003/03,1 1~032/E51'k AUTHORS: Agarbichanu, I., Popesku, I. and' Vasiliu, V. TITLE: Determination of the a%rerage lifetiizie of excited states by a polarimetr~c method tPERIODICAL:- Optika i spektroskopiya, v.14, no.i, 1963,.18-22 3 TEXT: The mean lifetimes of the 7 S *states of Hg and'the, 2 1 3 P f Na were determined by measuring the depolarization of flumesocence in a magnetic field using a polarimetric method. The apparatus employed is illustrited iii- Fig.1 in which S i s tile source of radiation', L 1 L2 L 3 are lenses, P 1' P2 are polaroids, C is the sample container, M is a monochromator and D is a photo- multiplier. III the experiment a measurement was made of the reduction in the degree of polarization of the fluorescence when the ma~,-netic field - H was incrensed,with the direction of propagation of the exciting radiation and the light vector perpendicular to the field. This. reduction in the polarization -is a unique function of the mean lifetime (P. Pringsheim, Fluorescence and Phofph6rcscence. Interscience Publ. Inc.,N,.Y.19119). Card 1/2 Determination of the avera"ge S/051/63/01'k/C)01/003/031..--~~ E032/E511t The iesult. obtained for "t6e mercury triplet X 11047, 43738 aild 5461 A was found to be 0'. it 8 +Olt, 0.52 + O..Olt and 1.25 � 0.7$ respectively (in units of- 1u-9 sec). The ilesults for the resonance radiation of-zodium (5890 A) was found to be 8 -id 2tables. (1-595 + 0-4)10 sec. Ther e are 4 figures ai SUBMITTED: April 24, 1962 1Z Fig.1 Card 2/2 Card -17 the degree,of pdlari';nati figures and 2 for=las. =7- 7- -7 7 fdii-dboerved. for the firet time by:*mieasuring ~-6_of'the 4047 PL line. Crig. art. hiez-4 DOBIN, Mendell Aronovich, prof.; 4~KUKqHSY, Pavel Ivano-vich, prof.; - k. - - ~wd POLYAKOV, P.Ya., red.; VARANOVA., L.G., to hn. : .J, FRIDMAN, Z.L., takhn. red. (Laboratory manual on veterinary pathological anatomy and autopsy] Praktikum po vaterinarnoi patologicheskoi anatomii i vskrytliu. Leningrad, Selikhozi2dat, 1963. 239 p. (MRA 16:7) (Veterinary paVhology) (Autopsy) OMENS I.M., aspirant Capacit,iva camponent of f-, ballast rus'IeLan!~t-. Sbo2-,, trud, 1,',IZHT no.205z 8,4-90 16). (M , IRA 18al) -1 A -IrTrIuRrm-- -- - - - - i~- U 11-11 L-1 "Development of a Dilatometric M(ethod far ~ I Expansion Of 1'~aterl' lleasurtig, the Coefficient 0, - als in the Temperature Range from 20 to I ()')0OCu from Anaotat- io s of-Works ComDjeted in JC)055 at the State Union Set. Res-IT" Eno-Ineprina 1-~ - ------ I,i-z+. ;- -P -'. I SO: B-3,080,964 Ochiooll y ar of the VOIUntarY Civil Defense Organiza,io, P,ad-io, .1 d Q - 11 n. -of""P-, `101 2-, "o 11, 1953, in. 8 llt*~:Stern Luropean Accessions List, Vol 3, '0 10, Oct-1951, Idb. of Concgress "E,leMeTAtary training I~y ear of w1reless ope nators. f hadio, 3ofiya, Vol 2, No 11, 1953, ~-,- 9 z~j: Ekistern Baropean Accessions List, Vol 3, LN'o 10, Oc" 1954, Lib. of Comress "First IntqrnatLmal 1'eeting on iiadiotelegraphy." Vol Hadio., 30fiy,-, 2 110 11, 1953, P. 11 ~-,O: ---I-~--tern Eurozean Accessions List, 1101 3, 'vo 10 Oct 1~51 Lit). of Comyl-ess KUKUROV, 0. September 9th and the Radio Amateur Movement. RADIO (Radio) #9:41SeP 54 KUKUIROV, A. Preparation and Participation in the Short-Wave Competitions. Radio Engineering, #5:14:May 55 KUKUROV, 0. The Path of Radio Amateurs to Master HF Technics. II.RADIOll Ministry of Comunications, #10:10:Oct. 55 KUKUIOV, 0. 1 Further development of amateur radio. p. 9. RADIO. Vol. 5, no. 2, 1956 Sofiia, Bulgaria SOURCE: East European Accessions List (EEAL) I4braxy of _ Congress, Vol. 6, No. 1, January 1957 KUKUROV, 0. KUKUROV, 0. Results from the international short-wave radio competition, P. 3. Vol. 5, no. 8, 1956 EMTMENERGIIA. Sofiia, Bulgaria SOURCE: East European Accessions List (EEAL) Vol 6, No. L-April 1957 KUKUROV, 0. International competitions in radio-telegraphy. p. 3. (Radio, Vol. 5. no. 12, 1956, Bulgaria) SO: Monthly List of East European Accessions (ERAL) LO, Vol. 6, no. 6, June 1957, Uncl. LAO 1'02".43), K.0 pl' qIn, 0-10 (0), CIO Z.0 0-32 (OAC-a 25,. ~53), aC6 -1-00 (:2-20-2, KUKITRS, O.K... Cand Chem Sci -- (diss) "Study of the physico- t va;-Iiik~ cnemical properties of 11 Riga) 1958, 2h p.) with gra!:,hs (Latvian State Univ im P. Stuchka) 200 cordes (KL, 23-56, 102) I. - 15 - USSR /themical Technology. Chemical Products and Their Application Silicates. Glass. Ceramics. Binders. Abs Jour: Referat Zhur - Khimiya, No 9. 1957, 31512 Author : Iraivads A., Upite A., Kukurs 0. Inst : Academy of Sciences Latvian SSR Title : Zirconium-Containing Opaque Glazes for Building Ceramics 1-12 Orig Pub- Latv. PSR zinatnu Akad. vestis, Izv. AN Lat;vSSR, 1956, No 8, 121-130 Abstract: A study of the effect of Zr on properties cf boron-free and lead-free glazes, and also cn the propertles of a glaze containing small C ard 1/43 USSR /themical Technology. Chemical Products 1-12 and Their Application Silicates. Glass. Ceramics. Binders. Abs Jour: Referat Zhur - Khimiya, No 9, 1957, 31512 amounts of Pb and B, has revealed that Zr de- creases the coefficient of thermal expansion of the glaze (-., increases its chemical stability antinelting point. Opacity of the glaze increases with increasing Zr-content and decreases with Increasing melting point of the glaze. PbO in amounts of 10-30.1% lowers the melting point of Zr-glazes by 5-85", without affecting the a,,. _ ~rD. In the presence of FbO luster and evenness of the glaze are enhanced, but the opacity la decreased. Glazes containing 39% PbO are transparent. An increase of the amount of Zr, in glazes containing B, causes an Increase in chemical stability and lowers the C ard 24 USSR /themical Technology. Chemical Products ]:-12 and Their Application Silicates. Glass. Ceramics. Binders. Abs Jour: Referat Zhur - Khimiya, No 9, 1957, 31512 refractive index and a?.O-qooof the glaze. Mineralogical and roentgenographic analyses have shown that opacity of Zr-glazes Is due to a sep- aration, from the liquid phase, of ZrSiOq and ZrO2 crystallites. C ard 3A Qt FI-1;G 16i (ifiwi Ica glRen -JtrrLVrr,*jcPn c* aCtIVO-- rg-~ntg. . EiduLq an KUL-urs. j., ifidil~fu",-. SR Z AMI's. V is pressed cylinder of the' glwec contg. the additive was placed on the ceramic surface, heated to the desired temp., and quenched. The contact' an e of the drop Avith the surface was takest as the nicasure a wetting. Cotisiderable decrease of the angle was oL- SelTed with VaOTI. borax, anct HtSiF4 from the %yet addi- '03 from tivei, and with INIfVOa, AlOs and INTH.N the dry, additiv-s. A. Bqid*x-- m - -- - -- - -- --- - -- - -- - --- ---- - --- -- - - -- - --- - - - --- - - - -- VAIVADS, A. (Riga);,_~T~S~,. (Riga); KMUICS, Jo (Riga) Thermography of easily fusible glaze. Vestis Latv ak no.9sl07-118 459. (EW 9:10) 1. Latvijas PSR Zinatnu akademija, Kimijas institutus. (Glazes) KL'KTJP,q, 0.; OOFMAV,B. (Hofmanis, B.) Floating device for determining the t ensil strength of glass fibers (with summary in German]. Vestis Latv ak no.1:75-76 0152. 1, AN Latviyakoy SSR, Institut khimii YUKURS) Osvalds; P-'Ij-KI,-'S, Peteris; Giaa s ,fibers, plastics t -I X ~i 2 a I,dca, ultvijas Latvian] (MIRA 18:1) 1YEVII ISH, A.F.[Ievinb, A.], glav. red.; EYLUK, zam. glav4 red.; VAYVAD, A.Yn#fVfLIvudn,A.j, rorl.~; huhijits, O.K., rod.; MAKSIMOVA, O.S... red.; UPITE, A.Yu., -IMRSWAP 0., red. [Glazes, their production and application] Glazuxl, ikh proizvodstvo i primenenie. Riga, Izd-vo AN LatviAskoi SSIR, 1964. 2-49 P. WIW, 18-4) 1. Latvijas Padomju Socialistiskas Republikas Zinatnu Akademija. Kimijas instituts. ,---KMRUUI T,D. Point method of interpreting vertical electric sounding curves. Ra2ved. i prom. geofiz. n0.36.'31-39 16o. (MIRA 13:12) (Electric prospecting) KUKURUZA V.D. Interpreting three-layer vertical electric prospecting curves. Razved. i prom, geofiz. no-46:49-52 162. (MIRA 16:3) . . (Electric prospecting) UZA., V.D. jqp~~__ _. Example of iwing data from vertical electric prospecting to deter- mine the extent of zones of tectonic faults. Razved.i prom.geofiz. no.44.-86-87 162. OUR& 15-7) (Crlma--Geology, Structur&1) (Electric prospecting) SHCHITOV, N.A.; KIJKURUZA, V.D, Processing tellurograms using rectilinear analogies. Sbor.luch. I rata. predl. pt. 2:17-18 163. (HIRA 17:5) 1. Dnepropetrovskaya geofizichaskaya ekspaditsiya. AL M01S AfAna 4 - r I ts t n Z. u. Ry... TITLX. Use or oxygen in it'. C._t., M.1ting ahop of the ,XrlvorOxhntAL-. Work. WER1001CAL'Stal', 1959. Nr 9. PP 787-792 (USWA) Zl~ ABSTRAM Aft OUtILMO Of =44 -UpIli-00 Gi tn* convertor mej-" :U.p I" luding sceta details regarding oxygen blowing q.,pft`nt &ad the x,othod used for the cleaning of the convertor waste So.. the influence of the .-p..Ltto. or JL~, ,tn. of the finished t..1 ..4 .... O o~ tL ,W p mg --It. a.r. Sir... Kl. pointer Tb. tuyerO pPIY1,n9 :Zygen to the convertor can be ith :u ~ 4 . w pocL&1 ecbanLom vertically up and down a" ratts area" tn* vertical axis by Lao to*12a. (FIX ~ L). sOM leaving the convertor are passed once* .iv.1y through :a q b 0". Ii.,ad -~I% v=zz. ra. ia.i.. "rubb.r ,V.ntury 67410a0 r I an , &CO, the Cblomamy. The scrubber ( 3 a d.J& : k night of the CYLIm'dri..1 P&rt 18 a) ..-.a "Inly, to deal the gas -4 to larger dust particles tIt Obasmo,s. aoo to 300 or water at a promm:ro ." M \I- CAVd 1/4 45 to 9 ato,. Dmo, to the h1ax velocity of tn. go. (60 to 420 0/004) ths, "ter to "Aper-4 into a rize Mist. In %, the Woutery -- with a threat diameter of 510 ~, particles or =Let with ~pemded solids coagulate into samparatIvaly lax's. 'i-P. of . slurry which ". caught In the Y.Lo" "T p ... 4 At. the V-r p..d. No dot. an, %be dg~*. or vlaomlmg of the So. or. given. The 4"p-.4ti.. of pig 1_4 "'d _i.. .1thi. the following SL. C." - 0.80; Mo. 1.0 - 1.&1 3. 0.030 - 0.0351 P. 0.09 - 0.1.1. Th. 1~rl..ccw of Ilico. In pill i-m an the Gooto.t of qbespho~m LA the finLabol stool is ma- A. i6 3. Th. pf;l,- as,,O~t of -Ilic.. in pig -.W ranlad to b' 0' Ak to 0.6%. DomulphurIzation or metal dater"irst.. with d-r...Lcg -g..... content 1. the pig 1'.. . PIS Iran .-t.Laig 0.055% uLpA- .4..I4 ... tai= "I I... tn- I."S Of m-aXam.... Th. quality of Il- %as . "o.LdmrbL* Linflueaco an the rate of Cormation ..4 M.taro, of tn- 1". 1. view ~C a -*L-d.r.hL. W*vortlae, or fired Al.. (up to 20%) A"ItIon or b-,="' (1.5 to 2%) is Used. Che.s.. 1A the oomp..Itlo. of -1-1 d-i.'L bl-Lng ar. h.- L. Table L Card a/4b dma frequency "AcrlbutLoa of cost# Wim various levels ralpb~ ~- pb-.Pb.-. :to:l produced is Table 2. Tar on: tyy- 'f%tuy"w "..I.* for blsw~2-9 ONYX- were t the b -991- .;at result. mews, bt.La-4 with - CYLIA411--l A 6 . dlmmsat~ with th- oot"t "d"&'g to 73 Tb.5ptL,._ "to :f bLowi" ... fo=,to be 0 0 doo to IIDG " b.t-. about 1.0 .3/,al~ t dlxt~ Or the moz~L* ~d onrfec- Or t" metal. Conn"ton of ggatarl,j. par to. or steel ---- weight . d dur.tL.. or a beat or shown ~ Table 3- The -r.g. -ight Of --I heat- with b". ka too,. Indt,2.d . -J. :,, ft. 33. po..LbilltY Of charge. of 70 to 72 tons 4--ftr--d the .. -1 iti. 1 'y h is . !-a- -- -,uXI-9 design' for r Pr..sax. QIpV 91 at a-.rt.r Car 33 to 35 to. her&.. with 11,na pa~jug of Metal "to 6 eight ton LAMA- Is ..led 4 that a- in tn* Productivity C-P a -di-t- lon--L be ob=- tn .J.,.r. ~r 4"s - or '.. 1% C.4 Th. daXbLIIt7 of convertor llulm! v.r 4 170 beat*. Th. q--A.ty " - ... V.-- .*~ampemodod to req.1r---t- -f GOST 3do-50 for Open boiarth steel (-It"&- -",L-t 0. v.r.9- 0-006%). ;40n&&jL degree of damulphur,"ttom obtained -bunted to OX (of the whole sulphur Lt,*d ... d Into th..bth .& tn 50 t loo to. S,41. " I-at".tio. of in as"Lder.4 .4sent....... Tj,.r. or* 'A 3 table*. ABSOCZAT2083B T.3rllCbJg and Z-vQ4 Work&) Card 4/4 LYUDVINSKIY, A.!.; ROMANOVSKIY, L.B.; KOREN, L.N.; KUKURUZNYAK, I.S.; ViTI, Ye.F.; KUDRINA, A.P. TeSting spinel bricks in the lining of converters with an oxygen blow. Izv. vys. ucheb. zav.; chern. met. 6 no.8i; 161-163 163. (MIMk 16: 11) 1. Dnapropetrovskiy matallurgicheskiy institut. APANASIYMF, S. G., kand.takhn.nauk; EPSHMN, Z. D., invii.; KRIVCHENKO, Yu. S., inzh.1 GUREVICH, D. To., inzh.; KOZIII, 0. It., inzh.,- RUIIINSKrY, P, S,, inzb.; JaKURUMIYAK, I. C' inzh.; GULIYEV, G. F.p in2;h.; CHIGRAY, I. D., inzh. Olmiration of the "Krivorozhotall" converter plant. Biul. TSIICM4 no,,5:i2-i.6 161. (MIRA 14:10) (Krivoy Ro 'q--Metallurgical plants) (ConverterO FILICHKTJi., I.F.; KUKURUZRM,, I LIFSHITS, W-.G-. - , , j _~ELITSM, I.G.; VITIN, G.V.; Open-hearth furnaces or oxygen converters. Stall 21 ?jo.9: 792-798 S 161. (MIRA 14:9) I. Cherepovetskiy metallurgicheakiy zavod (for Fi.-Iicbkin). X!, Zavod "Krivorozhstall" (for Kukuruznyakj, Zelltser). 3. Gosudarstvennyy soyuznyy institut po proyaktiro7ranJyu mieta~Uurgicheskikh zavodov (for Vitinp Lifshits). (Open-hearth'furnaces) (Converters) KC) in 'DITIIIS a N A!--.DONIY&V, S.M., dokt,)r tekh:~.ntxk; TSELYU, YU.I., z:-,.; FL I KIY, Y inoh.: KUSEIIELEIMOGEN, L.B... inz" "K'RS_ ""!,YN' A D inzh.; KUKURUPLIK) I.B., inzh. Investigating experimental contours with natural circulation of water in the chimney of an oxygen-blown converter. Stall 23 no.7:664-667 JJ. 163 * (HIRk 16:9) 1. Gosudarstvennyy institut po proyektirovaniyu -?redpri:yatiy po proizvodstvu stali i Krivorozliskiy metallurgichesIdy zavod. (Converters--Cooling) - e-p //A' o I UssnlcultivatcC Plants - Graiiia. Abs Jour Rcf Z',lv-r - Diol. c,246 L . He 9, Z56, 3 Author Kwaiscrllo; F&I'Te. List Title Surmor Corn Sowini~ on Lards of lo AS ia. Ori6 Pub Ku.'-.u-,:uza, 1957, No 8, -30-32. Abstract ITO abstranct. 11-4 Card 1/1 9M SOV/112-59-1-1744 Translation1rom: Referativnyy zhurnAl. Elektrotekhnika, 1959, Nr 1, 246 (USSR) AUTHOR: Kukush TITLE: Eliminating Error in a Ponderornotive Wattmeter Due to Mism-stch PERIODICAL: Uch. zap. Khar Ikovsk. uT,--ta, 19 57, Vol 9.1, Tr . Radiof iz. fak. , Vol 2, pp 131-134 ABSTRACT: Effect of mitimatch in the output arm of a ponderomotive wattmeter ,on the accuracy of measurement of through power is considered. It is pointed out that even a slight mismatch results in considerable error. To eliminate the mismatch-originated error, it is suggested that two sensitive elements be used in the Lristrument, one being spaced in the wavegulde at 1/4 wave from the other. In this case, the instrument torque pract.,cally does not depevid on the standing-wave ratio of the channel. A. V. M. Card I/ I IV. 9. 9(6) PHASE I BOOK EXPLOITATION SO'V/1369 Burdun, Grigoriy Dmitriyevich, Rafkat Amirkhanovich Valitov, Lev Nikolayevich Bryanskiy, yitaliy Dmitriyeviah Kulvash, and Vitaliy Ivanovich Pronenko Radioizmereniya na millimetrovykh volnakh (Measurement of Milli- meter Radio Waves) Izd-vo Kharkovskogo univ-ta, 1958. 121 p. 5,000 copies printed. Ed. (Title page): Burdun, G.D., Professor; Ed. (Inside book): M.I. Prokopenko,; Tech. Ed.: Ya.T. Chernyshenko. PURPOSE: The book is intended as a textbook for engineering students taking a course in superhigh-frequency radio measurements. It may also be used by scientists and engineers working In the field of radio measurement and dealing with superhigh frequencies. COVERAGE: 'The author discusses basic problems of radio measurement in the millimeter band. He describes the methods and instruments used inmeasuring wavelength, frequency, power, attenuation, Card 1/5 Measurement of Millimeter Radio Waves SOV11369 impedance,, voltage standing-wave ratio. dielectric constant, and magnetic permeability. Signal generators and spectrum analyzers are not discussed. The book is the first attempt to systematize the material on measurement in the millimeter band. No personalities are mentioned. There are 56 references, of which 22 are Soviet (including 3 translations), 28 English, 4 French,, 1 German, and 1 Czech. TAKE OF CONTENTS: Foreword Ch. 1. Microwave Generators and Indicators. 3 Wavegulde System; Methods and Instruments for Accom- plishing and Controlling Matching of System Elements 5 1. Microwave generators 5 2. Microwave indicators 8 3. Waveguide system; effect of degree of matching of system elements on accuracy of measurements 9 4. Methods and instruments for measuring impedances and voltage standing-wave ratio 13 Card 2/5 KUKUSH, V. D. Cand Tech Sci - (diss) "Certain Questions on t~p- Use of Pondermotive Iction of Elecbromagnetic Waves Lha-ing the Measwing of **- Force in :the: j4eapp Wave Frequency, It Khar f kov, 1960, 16 PP, 225 copies (Khartkov Polytechnical Institute im V. I. Lenin) (n, 47/60, 103) S/115/60/000/02/020/031 D002/DOO-;; AUTHORS: Kuk-ash,-.,V-.D-, Orlov,-V.G. TITLE: Increase in Exactness of Electrical Calibration of Ponderomotive SFH Power Meters PERIODICAL: Izmeritellnaya tekhnika, 1960, Nr 2, PP 45-46 (USSR) ABSTRACT: The calibration block circuit recomme-jided by A.I. Gullen Z-Ref 1 1 __7 is compared to a ciredit with "magic" coaxial T-connections as described by T. Marita and L.S. Sheingold Z"-Ref 2_7. The latter c-~libration method is recommended for absolute calibration of coaxial ponderomotive power meters, There are 2 diagrams and 2 English references. Card 1/1