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KUKTA, 3-M. CKUkta, II.M.]; B011MUMIKO, M.G. (Bondarqnko, H.H.] Comparative evaluation of the performance of ensilage harvesters. Mekh-IIII'AOSP- 10 no'07:20-23 Jl 159. (MM 12:12) 1. Gjavny7 Inxhaner laboratorii UkraInsko7 masbinoispytatallno7 etanteli. (Insilage) (Harvesting machinery) 4"-* '-* ~, Basir- for obtainiag, Fqw-n,- ir, T.Ir. Vl,*,~,.-"I n1al-.r 1-~,- i a) ., r. 17 no.4:20-24 15,C). 1. UlupinsLmya mashipoispytatollnoya ntantsiyn. (Plantors (ArlActilturp.1 KUKTA, G. 11. Cand Tech Goi -- "Study of technological procet;ses of the complex .mech aIni z at:L on.of Lcultivation JU corn " Kiev, 1960 (Min of Agr UkSSR. Ukrainian Aoad of' A~c~- (KL, 1-61, 194) -202- KUKTA, G.M. KITAYT.';VVA-O Z~P. Results of testing new machinery for sugar beet growing. Mekh. i elek. sots. sel0khoz. 19 no.3:55-59 16:1 (MIRA 14-6) (Agricultural micniner3 --VAInig) (Sugar beets) KUKTA, G.M., k:,.nd.tekhn.nauk Investigating the performance of the feeding machanisra of the KKKh-3 combine. Mekh.i elek.sots.sellkhozo 19 no.5:23-25 '61- W.RA 14:10) 1. qkrainskaya mashinaispytateltnaya stantsiya. (Gombines (Agricultural machinery)) KUKTA, G.M., kand.tekhn.nauk; BONDARENKO, N.G., inzb. .Methodology for a comparative evaluation of high-precision planters. Mekh. i elek. sots. sel#khoz. 20 no.1:13-16 162. (MIRA 15:2) 1. Ukrainskaya mashinoispytatel'naya stantsiya. (Planters (Agricultural machinery)) -,-. T !- r " , -' M kand. tekhn. nauk; BUDKO, A.I., kand. takhn. nauk,, -I, --T. L111~ ~--"Rtsenzent; [Testing agricultural machinery] Ispytaniia sel'skokho- ziaistvennykb mashin. 1.!oskva, Mashinostroenie, 1964. 281 p. (MIRA 17:8) KUKU, Aleke. inzh; ZAKHARIIA, D. Rationalizers and invention movement in the Pec)ple'B Republic of Rumania. RatsicnalizatsiJall no,10:20-21 161. .r , AUTHORS: KyullovskiL. '023 . Engineer, �etko S/105/60/000/03/008/ _ Kukuchev, Khristo, Engineer B007/BOO8 TITLE: Determination of the Optimum Dimensions of a Transformer PERIODICAL% Elektrichestvo, 1960, Nr 3, PP 43-46 (USSR) ABSTRACT: It is the purpose of the paper under review to show a method for the determination of the optimun dimensions of a transformer which is more convenient for the practice. This method allows to obtain the given no-load current more ai~.sily. For determining the optimum transformer dimensions it was started here from the rated power, the losses due to short circuit and no-load, as well as from the short-circuit volta-e. Core induction, current density, e.nd no-load current are checked for the dimensions determined from the formulas. The final optimum dimensions are then determined by several consecutive checks. It is not necessary to alter the constants in the equations when checking the no-load current. It is sufficient to assume new dimensions which :iutisfy simultaneourly Card 1/3 the assumed no-load and short-circuit lossc!7.dith a given Determination of the Optimum Dimensions of a Transformer S/105/60/'000/03/008/023 B007/BOOE; quality of the electric steel, given losses and no-load current, the specific electromagnetic loads which are necessary for the computation are determined. The following was taken as a basis when deriving all formulas: 1) Trans- formers with m-phases and a number of cores equal to m are investigated. 2) The coils are concentric, have the same height and an equal number of windings, vi.z. w, = V2= W and U1 . U2 ' U are assumed for the computation- 311 The weight and the price are only related to the active material. Formula (19) is derived first. It is an ec*uation with 3 un- knowns, the main dimensions of the transfcrmer. Formulas (21) and (22) are then written down. These contain the same un- knowns as formula (19)~ Formula (21) is the equation for the active component of the short-circuit voltage and formula (22) that for its reactive component. The width of the window P is determined from formula (23), only 2 unknowns remaining then in formula (19). These can be determined by assuming the Card 2/3 value of one unknown and determining the other from formula (19). Determination of the Optimum Dimensions S/105/60/000/03/008/023 of a Transformer B007/BO08 Induction, no-load currentv and current density are then checked. The lowest price of the active material for a given no-load ourrent and admissible current iensity forms the criterion for the optimum dimensions~ All :-~he formulas given here can also be applied for three-Dhase and single-phase core-type transformers, as well as ior single-Dh-qse shell- type transformers. The details to be considered here are indicated. The method given here is illustiated in the appendix by an example. There are 2 figures and 1 reference . ASSOCIATIONt Nauchno-issledovatellskiy institut mashinostroyeniya i elektropromyshlennosti~ Sofiya (scientific Research Institute for Machine Building and the Blectric;tl L-1-lustry, 3ofia) SUBMITTEDs September 6, 1959 Card 3/3 KUKUCOVA, Marta Use. of the collection of technical standards in the Slovak Technical Library, Normializace, n no.61184--185 Js 163. lm~ . 1. Slovenska, technicka knIznicaq, BratJolava. TAKAGS, L.; KUKUCSKA: J. Technical assistanttst ALBERT, Karcla; VAJDA., Vera ~ -~ Effect of chronic anaemia on cardiac output. and orjM blood ;r1ow in the rat. Acta med. aoad. sod. Thwg. 20 no,'L:71-77 164 1. Second Department of Medi-;!iie, Uhiversl',~-'7* Medical Schoep Wdapest. TAKACS, Lajos, ctr.; KALLAY, Falman,, dr.; GOIVIORI, Pal,, dr.., technikai W=kZn- tarsak: VAJDA, V.; IMOSKA, J.; ALBERT, K. Effect of synthetic angiotensin on the redistributior of eiremlating blood in rats.- Om. hetil. 102 no.48:2272-2271'L 26 N 16a. .1 TIC., TH B r- la ~'c 11 1 w c rk P r f, T 7, C A ~j tTanos SAV,~ i,3 rs P, *71 Oxn!nrUdo,qanyI ,,-~vyetejn, II. I. Ave t 4 Ja (Vael-VUL HeN.-tit-Is Korham) Colloidal Gnbj E d Vol 10!'~, I-o 1 14 Apr epiZIs 61i_~". CSCI~,_, w~ liver perfu.-io,,i IC. C).LUTI; al Au 1z a valu~tble a"Iditior, to the wum;nt ti'xh' I C I iwue (I t,~, 3 L il~ ~i -a 5 v Cr, thc pri Uomt 'he cxrrii~(' -i.,.t dp,~:ree Of the hv~11, j.vcu~L~ticn '0 Ere- III ~Ihe couriers of Uv,.Ic I Ci.." i'vid Lial ~4 'a';, mlh,~I_nh -1. with, -'s :tn& it wa.,, 'j,30_380 and, -- rej ir12 7.,)C- t:~ con~~1(1:4Z-ed -0 .0 f L J...W III tho df- Lw-r..'I t!% tion 014, -!,~f-zcLivenc.-s o! ~reat- 0 ~fe~4,~m rr~-rcnci%s. TAKI('S,Lajos, dr.; MfORI, Pal,dr. TecImikcai munkatarohk: ALBERTiXarola; KUKUCSKA, Janos.; VAJDAp Vera Effect of a1dosterone on the redistribution of circulating blood in rats. Orv. hetil. 105 no.16:737-738; 2.9 Ap'64 1. Budapesti Orvostudomanyi kayetem, II.Belklinika, KUKUCZKA, Antoni.,-mgr inz. Causes of fire and fire-fighting action in the B mine. Wiad gorh 14 no.10:323-325 0 163. KMIUCZKL, Antoni, mgr inz. Way of drawing s*e schema of ventilating mining haadings Pt, 2, Viadom gorn 14 no,-5:149-153 My 163. KLTKUGZKA, Antoni, mgr inz. Better affIciency of a ventilation pipe through the application of adjusted pipe fittings for the air flow at the ond of-the ventilation conductor. Wiadom gorn 14 no. 7/8:291,.'.1-242 Jl-Ag 163. C, -- - - - - --4 -- --- -- --- - KUKUCZKA, Antoni, mgr inz. . Conclusiona.drawn from studies on acidents caused by staying in a hazardous gas atmomphere (G02) in collieries. Pt. 2. Wiadom gorn; It 15 no. 6:204-206 Je '64. KUKUCZKA Antoni,, mgr inz. . - . -,~- --.. I - Combat against accidents caused by the presence of carbon dioxide in mine headings. Pt. 1. Wisdom gorn 15 no. 4: 134-137 Ap 164. XURUCZY'A' Ant-mif--w '~.Jnws Methods of detecting diciturbances In the ventilation netwcFk of a mine, Viedsm cotm 1.5 no*2:48-54 Ff64 N KIIKUCZKA, Antoni, mgr inz. Liquidation of fire fields through recirculation of - - neutralized fire hazard gases. Wiadom gorn 15 no,,51 171-173 My'64. :; KUKUCZKA, 9 , I ~ _ ~p~qqi~ rt r Inz. Use of neutralized fire 1fases for accelerated liqlddation of fire areas. Przegl gorn 20 no.9r428-431 S 16j~. KUKUCZV., Antoni, mgr. in7. Selection of a series of main mitne fans to meet th6 conditions in Polish mines. Przeg]. gorn 20 no-11:558-c.62 IT 164, KUKUGZKA, Antoni, mgr inz. Ventilation of underground explosive storages. Wiadom gorn 15 no.11:360-366 N 164. TAKAGS, T-aji2.,, dr.; Technikai munkatareaki VAJDAO Vol XUKUGSKA, J.; ALBERT, K. Mf ect of hemorrhage on the blood eiroula-bion In the organ or of rats followIng removal of the kidneya. Orv. hatil. 106 no*361 1692-1694 5 S165. Is Budapeati Orvoatudoman7i Emtem, 11. Pelklini:ea (igazgatot Gamort, Pal, dro)s I-- -KUKVij";:LViO7j 1. --- - - - Kukud~:-,!anov, .i. I. 117he tiethod of rest-oriTig tr~Luiatic ' reaks a.,id the insu- , a- lit.!-- 11, . lnP .3 ation of deep rear nections of t:ia uxethra)" Tr-,diy III Zakavka,~u?. Ojrezda ;aiinargov~ Yercwm, 191t8 (ort ce.,ver: 19459), P. 1-0-417 SG: U-52L'10, 1:7 Dec- 53, (Letopis lZhurnal Inykh StAtey, No. 25,]Z-49). Surrical therapy in pr1rutry inguinal berni,a Sverdlovsk, 44edgis, 1949. 182 p. DAFM L. Hern.1 a - urgery. AUTHORS: Darevskiy, V. M., Kukudzhanov, S. Y. SOV/20-123-1-12/56 TITLE: The Stability of an Orthotropie Cylindrical Shell Subjected to Torsion With Internal Pressure (Ustoychivost' ortotropnoy tsilindrichoskoy obolochki pri kruchenii a vnutrennim davleniyem) PERIODICALz Boklady Akad.emii nauk SSSR, 1958, Vol 12'.3, Nr 1, PP 49-52 (USSR) A13STRACT: The presentpaper solves the problem of the above mentioned stability in the DaGe Of 4-orsion with sufficient internal pressure. This sh-911 is a-,1:,_n=9d to have an "average" length, which term is defined. The edges of the ehell are assumed to be fastened in a hilnj~e-like manner or to be embedded. The here discussed reaults are a generalization of' the corresponding results derived in a previous paper by V. M. Darevakiy (Rafe 1t2) for an isotropio ohell. As initial equations, the equations for the equilibrium of the shell in consideration of their deformation and the usual relations between the internal force factors (silovoy faktor) and the deformations expressed by the Card 1/:t displacements are used. If axial- , radial- , shear stress The Stability of an C,-..-thotffopia Cylindx:~,,al SOV/20-1623-1-12/56 't Prebirare Shall Subjected to ,n With Interna. T0 and re specti vel y do not depend an the dimensionless 21 coordinates ~ an(i ep , _z5he --additional displacements can be ascertained in a previour~ly ment-oned fonn (Raf 1). A rather voluminous equation fox tl,i; additional di;3placement w in a radial direction is written down. In the case of a simultaneous action of the torsional moments Mt and tho (internal orexternal) pressure c4 the problem of the stability of the shell may be raised as in the p:?evicvq pappr by V. M. Darevskiy (Ref 1). In that case the prob",em. is te daterntinilng the value smal's c=.1t (of the I et e-~genvalce) of t-he posit-;-re parameter A in the case of a simple atre,_~e brought to bear upon the shell b:v Ahe moment- M -- XM* and. by the press,)re q = Aq. . if il- Is knnn%,1- h-,~w I:r eletermine ~C:rit' critical str9sa can be a:eo flf P:,.assure ramains constant .during stress and if o-itly t'-,e ~moments vary. A P.)rmula is derived for the eigeiriplue A and the corresponding computations Card 2/3 V- The Stability of an Ortho-tropic.. Cylind=i,,FA .1110V/20-123-1-12/56 Shell Subjeoted to Tozsion'With Intei-Lal Prass,,,-re are followed step by star. lphe f,:~rYmz..ku derived here apply only if they lead -14-ci C:~-, t1 qtreas~a that are lower than the 'a flow limit. The so" f,)-,,r:,A -n 'Jha preeent paper sa-',-isfies all boundary c%ond-.,.IV*.J-.--:a of blae gi-,(er, pr,,btm. There sre 2 Soviet referer-~-aq. PRESENTED: Jup-,g '12, 1958, b%vo Ral~ot-7.,~,",r, Ae;~Jem~aian ,je A SUBMITTED: 1958 Card 3/3 FIT, 14(10) PHASE I BOOK EXPLOITATION SOV/22-276 Prochnost, tsilindricheskikh obolochek; sbornik Btatey (Strength of Cylindrical Shells; Colleation of Articles) Moi3ca*ii, Oborongiz, 1959. .157 P. Errata slip inserted. 2,400 copies printed. Ed. (Title page): V.M. Darevskiy, Doctor of Physical and Mathemati- cal Sciences; Ed.; S,I, Bumshteynp Engineer; Ed. of Pubiishing House: A.P. Starykh; Tech. Ed.: V.I. Oreshkina; Managing Ed.: A.S. Zaymovskaya, Engineer. PURPOSE: This book is inten.led for aircraft jet-engine designers and production engineers. COVERAGE: This collection oC nine articles covers problems of stat;Lcs and dynwaics of cylindri-cal shells which arise in the caWulatioh of stability of jet-engine cases. Results of new theoretical and experimental investigations are included. No personalities are mentioned. References follow some of the articles. TABLE OF CONTENTS: Foreword 3 n ard 1 /6 Strength of Cylindrical Shells (cont. SOV/2276 Zaldiarova, A.P. Calculation Of a Circular Cylindrical Cantilever Shell Loaded, at the Free iMd by Uniformly Dlst-cibuted Transverso Forces 5 The gbove problem is representative of ji jet-engine cases sub- Ject to stresses and defo:.,,mationa due to forces of inertia of th.e rotor in nonlinear flLghts. In the general case the safety coefficient' wid the clea:t,,ance must be determined. The article is primarily coneerned witA stresses and deformations. Zaldiarova, A,P. Flexure of a Cylindrical Cantilever Shell Rein- forced*W-1t,h a Rigid Radially Loaded Ring 43 The cylinder is reinforced wit'-'i a rigid ring at its free end. The force is applied along one of the diameters of the ring. The problem is similar to the problem described in the first ~,rticle and was treated analogously. Displacements due to flalexure differ but little from displacements determined in the first article, and the category of the displacement is nearly momentless. lleknyakin, R.I. .- Influence uf an Axial Tensile Force on the Sta- b15.ity of Cylindrical Shells Subject to Plexure and Normal Exter- nu-1 Hormal Pressure 55 Card 2/6 Strength of Cylindrical Shells (Cont.) SOV/2276 According to the aurhor the simultaneous action of an axial ten- sile stress And external pressure has not been thoroughly analyzed. He conBidersa -thin, circular, closed shell under torsion. Other loadel produce a momentless stressed state. The expressionSof stresses and deformations are gi~,en~ Dar,evskiy, VA. Stability of Circular Cylindrical Shells Under Flexure by a Transverse Force Combined With Torsion and Internal Pressure .72 In this article, the results of the author's former work are used to simplify the evaluation of the stability of cylindrical shells under the simultaneous action of torsional moments, in- ternal pressure and.tranEverse rim forcis. The author describes conditions under Which the evaluation o~~ the stability of the jhell may be determined by simple formula:s. The above analysis is applicalbe to the calc:ulation of combustion chambers of jet engines. Darevskiy, V.M., and S.N. Knkudzhanov. *tability of Orthotropic Shells Under Torsion and No:7.%al Pressure 95 Card 3/6 -5 trength of Cylindrical (cont.) SOV/2276 S The authors establish baijic equations for the determination of atresseB, moments and det-~ormationsp and then analyze separately cases of the uniform trwisverse compression, torsion, and torsion with pressure. The established formulas are valid only within the limits of elastic de:~oxMations. Eukudzhanov,__&1L Stability of an Orthotropic Cylindrical Shell V Md 'er --- lEt-ernal Transverse P:?essure With Axial Tension and Torsion With Axial Tension 109 In this article, resulta obtained for an Isotropic shell. by R.I. Kshnyakin are generalized for ortho~ropic shells. In or- der to establish final f,)rmulas, the author considers the sta- bility,of cylindrical orbhotropin. she"Lls under outer transverse pressure with axial tensLon, and the stability of cylindrical orthotropic shells under torsion with axial tension. Serdyukov, V.V. Stability of Anisotropic CylindrIcal Shells Under Certain Loads 118 The author considers the stability of anisotropic cylindrical shells under the action of outer pressure, toraion and simulta- neous action of 1;orsion P-nd normal pressure. Stability is studied on the basis of.more complete equation.s than those esta- Card 4/ 6 Strength of Cylindrical She' (Cont.) SOV/2276 blished by Kh.M. Mushtar-'. in his theory of thin shells (1938). The established formulas provide a method for determining critical stresses under simultaneous torsion and normal pres- sure, kikulin, M,V. Influence of Axial Stresses on the Frequency of Natural Vibrations of Cylindrical Shells 131 The author is concerned with natural vibrations of near-cylin- - drical. shells, due to the dynamic action of an unbalanced ro- tor or to gas-dynamic impulses. In both cases the determina- tion of natural vibrations of the system is important. The in- fluence of axial stressea on the vibration frequency is.con- sidered "generally speaking, as Independent of pressure. For- mulas and graphical reprEsentations are given. Nikulin, M.V. Natural Vibritions of Cylindrical Shells Prestressed by Torsional Moments 146 This article is a continuation of the preceding article, The author reduces three differential equations of vibration to one differentail. equation of radial displacement. Thus an Card 5/6 Strength of Cylindrical Shells (Cont.) SOV/2276 algebraic equation of thet third order Is obtained for deter- mining of the square of the frequency without solving the third order. The boundary conditions are considered in detail. AVAILABLE; Library of Congress IS/bg Card 6/6 10-8-59 82801 S/124/60/ooo/Oo4/020/027 2~' 9/00 A005/P.001 Translation from: Ref erativnyy zhurrial, Mekhanika, 1960, No. 4, p. 110, #5042 Kukudi;hanov S.N. AUTHORSt ))arevskiy, V.M,,,,,,.- TITIE- The Stability of a Cyl:'Lndric Orthotropic Shell in Case of Torsion? and Normal Pressure PERIODICAL: V sb..- Prochnost' tsilindr. obolochek. Moscow, Oborongiz, 1959, PP. 95-108 TEXT: The authors consider Uie stability of an elastic orthotropic cylindric shell loaded by torque M and riormal pressure q. The investigation is performed analogously to the investigations of an isotropic shell considered by V.M. Darevskiy (Izv. AN SSSR, Otd. tekhn. n., 1957, No. 11, PP. 137-147 - RZ124ekh, 1958, No. 9, 10,285). It is assumed that the shell satisfies the conditions 1/2'< -1/2 j R 2 < (I 12 R2 1h2 V2 Card 1/5 828ol S/124/60/000/004/020/027 AOO~/AO01 11be Stability of a.Cylindric Orthotr6pic Shell in Case of Torsion and Normal Pressure 1/2 LIR 2 fE -1/2 2 4 2 Here, h, R, and'l are the thickness,~radius, and length of the shell, respectively t1, E2, V, and V2 are elastic moddLi and Poisson coefficlients if axial and peripheral directions, respectively (El. V I = E2 \72) - FLrthe3~ such shells and such loading cases are considerel, in which the dtitical value of the load paramker Lis defined by: 1) either the number n, a few times larger than the it-lity; 2) or numbers X i, also a few times larger than the =ity (where n is the'number of waves in the peripheral direction, /J-2 - Y&I = 2 Jrimtl/l, m = 1,2,...)3' 3) or the number n, equal to zero or 1. It is assumed that the shell edges are h1Dged or stiffly restrained. Based on the conventional assumptions of the elasticity theory, a system of linearized equations of -She equilibrium of the orthotropia cylindric shell is obtained; the equations are simplified further on the assumption that the shell represents a membrane. This system is reduced to one linear differential equation with partial derivatives cf the eighth order f or the additional radial displacemont. It was assumed at. deriving the equations Card 2/ 5 82801 3/124/i5o/ooo/004/020/027 A005/AOOI The Stability of a Cylindric Orthotro.pic Shell in Case of Torsion a:rld Normal Pressure that, in addition to the torsion and the normal pressure, the shell is loaded by an axial compressive force.P which does not appear in the further consideration. The expression for the critical stress is obtained for one transversal compression acting uniformly, whereat the flexure in radial direction is prescribed in the form: w C Cos in' n- m ~Fj-'R x ~ = 3 S 1 R R (m 3, ...). Here.. are coordinates in axial and peripheral directions, C is an arbitrary constant. Hereat it turns out that Ihe complete system of boundary conditions will be satisfied. The radial'~lexure is represented in case of pure torgion in the.form: w C, sin (lAi n (f Hereat, only one of the boundary conditions is satisfied, that is w = 0 at the shell edges. The expressions for thei critical ,3tress and the critical value of Card 3/5 82801 S/124 160/pW/004/020/027 A005 AZI The Stability of a-Cylindric Orthatropic Shell in Case of Torsion and Normal Pressure n* were obtained. Further, the case (f simultaneous action of torsion and normal pressure is considered; hereat, the critical value of the load parameter A, for arbitrary,values of M and q may be obtained graphically by plotting the correlation ~ = A,- f Qz) in the upper semiplarie for various integral positive values of n and.:by inserting the ho37izontal chords of the length 2m T-R/1 W~ 1, 2, graphs. The ordinate of the lowest of these chords yields the val.*e of~~ In case that the.presoure is internal and sufficiently large in comparison wlth,th6 value of the torque, approximate expressions for the critical value of the load parameters and P%, were tound, whereat the pressure. is assumed to be constant during the loading proces!. It is assumed that the equality G 1 (2 YE V E V E 4 1E2 1 1 2 2 1 2 takes place, where G is the modulus ofrigidity; this equality is a generaliza- tion of the known correlation between the modulus of rigidity &id the modulus of elasticity for the isotropic shell. 9he case is considered, whan the equality Card 4/5 82801 8/124/6C,/000/004/020/027 A005/A001 The Stability of a Cylindric Orthotropic Shell in Case of Torsion and Nomal Pressure is not satisfied and the internal. pressure is not very high, in this case, a simplified expression for was obtained. P.I. Zheludev Translator's note: This is the full translation of the original Russian abstract. Card 5/5 KUKUDZHANOV, S. N(TbW-%Q Stability of a,eylindrical shell subjected to the action of torquos varyini; linearly along the length of the shell, Izv. AN SSSR. Otd. tekh.nauk Mekh. i mash:Lnostr. no. 1:180-182 Ja-F 161* (MIRA. 14:2) 1, Institut matematiki AN GruzSSR. (Elastic plates and shells) OODZUNOV, S.N. Stabi3tty of a. cyliridrical shell under the action of torsional moments evenly distr.1 buted. over its surface. Soob, AN Gruz. SSR. Soob, IN Gruz~ Wk,26 no-4:389-395 L, ISI... (MIRkl4:8) 1. Akademiya nauk Giouzinskoy SSR,, Tbilisski~ riatematicheakiy institut imeni A.M. ltazmadze. Predstavleno chlenom-korrespondentom AN GruzSSR O.D. Oniaiihvili. (Blutic plates and shells) -04 J,,4~q-o, vara Ormatm, 'O'S'sur loading- donditi bt-- toat,6 t--, 1 41-1 MastIer Phys-Math Sci (dif3s) "Stress waves in elastic- viscous-plastic and viscous-plasbic media". Moscow, 1958. 5 PP (Min Figher Educ, NMcow Physicotechnical Ingt), 170 copies 01, Vo 2, 1959, 117) KUK=1MOV) V , N. I - - ---- -- - - -- - -- "Perpendicular Impact on a.Plate by a Rotating Cylinder," Research in Physics and Radio Engineerin , Moscow, Oborongiz, 1958. P. 115. The book is a collection of 13 articleB written by instructors and graduate ana uncler gracluate stuElenta of the Moncov Inst. of Phyeics ima Technology. The articles discuss problems in radio physics, optics and physt s I IJDZ Elastio and plantic bending of thin--walled rods wit'l tangential ntreasne taken into account, Trudy MITI no.D97-114 ' 58. (MIRK 12:1) Mastic rode and wires) Lu;" 7IT&WOV& VOILaepirant Propagation of spherleal. vayes in elastic viscous plastic media. Izvovya,uohebozav,*,rAiihinostr, no.21l4-20 '58. (MIRA 11112) 1. Moskovskiy fisiko-tekhnicheekiy institut, Mwitic vaves) xummoov, v.N. . I Transverse Impact of a rotating cylinder on a plate. Trudy WTI no.2: 115-122 ' 58. (IGRA 11:12) (Biastic plates and shells) 10(i) AUTHORs Kukudzhanov, V.N. SOV/22-11-6-5/10 TITLE: ~h6~k Waves in a Compressing Viscous-Plastic Medium (Udarnyye volny v uplotnyayushcheysya vyazko-plasti-cheskoy srede) PERIODICAL: Izvestiya Akad';~7~_dd nauk Armyanskoy SSR, Seri-~-A fliziko-matemati- cheskikhp. Nauk, 19561 V'01 11)' Nr 6, PP 3-w14 (bJSS_R) ABSTRACT: In the undeformed initial state the medium is assumed to have the density ~ 0 and to be incompressible up to the pressure P.. For Ps the density is assumed to Jump from 1 0 to and then to remain constant, whereby the medium is incom- pressible again and obeys the laws of the viscous-plastic flow. Let the deformation of the volume te reversible only for O< P Ps it is assumed tc form permanent de- formations. In tho medium with the described properties the author considers the propagation of a shcck wave which arises by the explosion in a spherical or cylindrical volume of the radius a . Let the initial pressure P be >> P~F. Applying 0 0 S - Card 1/3 the results of A.A. Illyushin the author obtains the equation, 7 Shock Waves in a Compressing Viscous-Plastic Medium SOV/22-11-6-5/10 a ?X __�o 2 1 2_ lnj, ~_ + I)- in x P (a) + 1 - m in rA, - da 31-30 da 2 _1) y x x . , . A a (.C2 dt R where a is the radius of the cavity, R the radius of the shook 3 3ja3_joao3 2 wave (it is IR I, - So _3 The equation holds for cylindrical symmetry and generalizes a result of A.Yu. Ishlinskiy [Ref 11. A similar longer equation is given for the case of spherical symmetry. The eqrtion.s are investigated numerically and under neglect of a alec analytically (ap- proximativel~. The results (the in?egral curves are similar to hyperbola) are graphically represented. Card 2/3 Shock Waves in a Compressing Viscous-Plastio Medium SOV/22-11-6-5/10 There are 2 figures, and 5 Soviet references. hSSOCIATIONt Moskovskiy fiziko-tekhnicheakiy institut (Moscow Physico- Technical.Institute) SUBMITTED: June 6,1958- Card 3/3 KUKUDZHANOV, V.N. Propagation of cylindrical shock waves of stresses in a plate beyond the yieldpoint. Trudy MYTI no-3:108-120 '59. (MIRA 13:5) (Shock waves) N 6) V N. - Id 1V :1, al 1, AIL A o i io :-is 4.1 zi J A all 5v 39i JI is, Ill ju 3 U;J~l j 11 a ;] .11 ;j ali .3 An 41 A 0 4 J A ...... ............ T 7.. r S/179/60/OOOA04/008/027 .2J/3 H081/Ell+l AUTHORS: Kukudzhanov, V.N., and Nikitin, L.V. (Noscow) TITLE; Propagation of Waves in a.Rod of Heterogeneous Elasto-visco-plastic Material' PERIODICALs Izvestlya Akademii nauk SSSR$ Otd.eleni3,e tekhnicheskikh nauk, Mekhanika, i mash1nostroyeniye,19605No 1+,pp 53-59 TEXTs The rod is assumed semi-infinite in length and of constant cross section S. The origin of coordinates is at one and of the rod and the positive x ~directlon is along the rod. The stress a is-positive when tensile; positive displacement u corresponds to increasing x; the density of the mat6rial is The differential equation of motion of the rod is 'then: a a a2u ax C) t2 The propagation of waves arising from shook loading is considerodj corresponding to rapid changes in the stress and deform&-.`_,,~~:i. sta-tes in the rod. It is known that Young's modulus and Poisson'--p, ratio are practically independent of deformation velocity? whereas the flow limit as is appreciably affecte,~,. The flow law is wTIttran Card 1/3 S/179/60/000/n,14008/027 B081/El4l Propagation of Waves in a Rod of Heterogeneous Z~Itas to -vis co-plas tic Material in the form of Eq (1.2) subject to the conditions E.:, -t the foot of page 53, where E is Young's modulus,, k is a constant of the material (k 11~e 10-6 sec-1 for metals) , and a = f (s ~ x) is. the static relation between stress and strain at the section x of the hetero eneous material, Changing to dimensionless parameters Fiven by Eq U.10 I the wave equation U. 6) is. obtained if the stress does not exceed the yield point as(x), whereas if a -,,Is(x) the telegraph equation (1.8) is obtained, where a and p aTa given by Eq (1.7). (In equation (1.~) and subsequent equations, the dimensionless-parameters in Eq (1.1+) are written without the bar If an instantaneous disturbance is rapplied to the end x = 0 the rodt application of the Laplace transform and t' conditi(-;-~. (1.12) leads to Eq (2.1) of wh:Lch the solution is 51 (2,2), wi'j~'a C(p) is an arbitrary function of the complex variable p, an,' TO in the representation of the function T. Expressing To as the series (2.3) and inverting, TA is finally obtained as (2.12). Fig 1 shows the lines of equal stress In the (xl t) plane for vo = 2, m = 0.1 (v0 is defined after Eq (2.14) and m = peSAX Card 2/3 8/l79/6o/ooo/&/oO8/027 Eo8l/El4l Propagation of Waves in a Rod of Heterogeneous Elasto-visco-plastic Material where a is the velocity of elastic waves in the medium and K is the mass of the body producing the impact). Finally~ a brief discussion is given of the conditions existing in the rod, when the shock loading exceeds the yield point as, with special reference to the determination of the boundary between the plast'Le and elas,tic regions. It is concluded that although disturbances.exceeding as in magnitude extend to infinity in a. semi-infinite olasto-visco- plastic rod, and tend asymptotically to ast, this tondency is so rapid that the zone containing strains of practical importance is quite limited and is concentrated in the immediate neighbourhood of the end of the rod. There are 2 figures and 5 referencesz 1+ Soviet and 1 English. SUBMITTED: April 11, 1960 Card 3/3 - -- - -- - - - - - -- - - - -I KUKUDZHANOV. V.N., kand.fiziko-niatematichesklkh nauk Elastic flow of a plane specimen weakened by cl;rcular cut-out holes and subjected to stretching. Trudy WTI no.7:64--70 161. (MIRA 154) (Plasticity) (Deformations (Mechanics)) _Skq4A,-F., "Aerosolo" by K.Spurny, 0,Jech, B.Sedlacok and O.Storch. Reviewed by F.Kukula. Jaderna energis 9 no.106 A 163. 1 :Frnrltisek; SLUNFCKO, Jaroslav; KRIVANEKq Miloslav I Determination of some trace Ampurition in zonal maltud bismuth and tin. Jaderna energie 10 no.l.-20 -Ta'64. 1. Ustav jaderneho vyzkumi, Ceskoqlovenska akademle ved, Rez. I 1 0 SIMKOVA, Marcela; ICUK=, Frantisek-z STEJSKAL, Rudolf "WAw--MWAWMMM~ . Determining iron in antimony by activation analysis. Jaderna energie 9 no,5U65 Ky ^~636 I* Ustav jadernsho vjzku=, Ceskoslovenska akadeiaie vedp Rez u Prahy, KUKULL, Fraxytisek~ SLUMCKO, J&rosla-v~ S;IfKOVA, ILarcela -Copper datendnation in al=in)jm. Jaderna 6norgie 9 no,5:166 MY 2 63 - 1. -Ustav jaderneho vyzk-umu, Caskosla7enska dkademie ved, Rez u Prahy Sill-a0vil., Marcelar- KUKULA, Frantisek, SUR-iECKO, Jaroslar Determining iodine in organic polymers by activation analysis. Jaderna energie 10 no.12:141.-446 D 164. 1. Institute of Nuclear Research of the Czechoslovak Academy of Sciences, Rez. SIWOVA, Marcela, prom. chem.; KUKULA, Frnntise~.. inz.; SMNECKO, Jaroclav, inz. Iodine determination in organic polymers by act:~vation analysis. Chem zvesti 19 no.2:115-119 165. 1. Institutq of Nuclear Research of the Czochoslovak Academy of Sciences, Rez near Prague. CORN ACC Np AP6001101 CODEg (,17/0043/65/C()0/002!'Dr,,/0119 vj~ f; W1 HO R I Simkolra ulova., Me -(Graduate cherd. t); sluneckop-. J.-_ unechko, Ya. (Engineer) q4k ORG: Institute of Nuclear Research, Czechoslovak Acadew of Science's'j'it4ti near Fra. gue tav. j ade rne ho Vy%kumu C-eakoslovenske 4ende Ved) TITISs Determinat -P =tivation ana3lais ion of:iodine in organic ?4�~i!s by SOURCE: Chemickezvesti. no. 2, 1965j 115 119 TOPIC TAGS: iodi nee polymer,, anqilytic~ chemistrys gum ray,, radiation cheud8tryp ran"i oisotope,, irradiation ABSTRACTs- Nondestructive- aeuivation -analysis- nothod -perfectAid- by -the authora__ is- G activity of.I128 is,measured. -test fianples. weighed,O 2 -- 0 5 g described. aiima The 0 'P -, I' '. . irra or and were plalced together- with 1KI_ in polyethylene'?1n.-rtridges, and imre. diate&'f 20 mi:nutes by a neutrow-flowt -M8- uas- identified by its: gaiwa-erFergyp and - ur.- ths half-3-ife period determined from ph9topeaks. Amo'Lmts of I ot 0.0001 g can, be detar-w -6 mined.: Orig, art, bass 2 fi s,"1 table. gure -SUB CODE3 07..-15s 20-- SUBK DATE, -190et64 OTH R9Fj 017 Lc_ard CHUDZIKIEWICZ, Ryszarcl;-KUKULA.. Tadeusz Stack radiation recuporators for cupolae. Slevarenotvi 11 no.4sll#.17 143 Ap 163. 1. Stetinska polytechnika, slevarens~a katedra, :Polpko. KRUDZIKEVICH, R,; MIJLA. T.t. OBINISKI s. Recuperators mounted in a cupola fux-nace smoke stack. Lit, Proisv. no.10:20-21 0 162. Offn 15:10Y (Cupola furnaces) (Beat ri)generatoris) ~UKUU, Tadeuszn ZMAC, Wikior _ I Radioactive isotope charge level indicator adjusted to cupolas with stack recuperators. Przegl. odlew 15 no.3:82-85 Mr 165. 1. Submitted December 14, 1964. ACC NRt AP7005591 SOURCE CODEs UR/OD20/67/172/002/0403/0406 AUTHOR: Dashovskiy, M. V. B.; Mirgalovskayap M. S. ORG: Motallurgy Institute im. A. A. Baykovl, Academy of Sciences, SSSR (Institut metallurgii Akadomii nauk SSSR); Institute of General 'and Inorganio Chemiatr7 i=. N. S.'Kurnakov, Academy of Sciences, SSSR (Institut obshchey :L neorganicheskory khimii JJ,..Qdemii nauk SSSR) TITISI Surface phenomena and crystallization processes In gallium antimodde malts SOURCEt AN SSSR. Doklady, v. 172, no. 2p 1967, 403-406 TOPIC TAGS1 surface tension, gallium compoundp antimonidel crystallization ABSTRACT: In order to determine the general applicability of the regularities characterizing the relationship between surface phenomena and crystallization pro- cdssos in indium antimonide malts, the following phenomena were investigated: surface tension of melts of the ga.Uium-antimony system, ini'luence of zinc and tellurium an the surface tensicn of.gallium antimonido, and influonce of those admixtures on the supercooling of Ga-Sb melts and on the growth of crystals fron the melts. It is suggested that the behavior of the impurities in the solvent rielt can be predicted from the difference of surface tensions in the case of type A-LII$b antimonides. In- AIIIB'V compounds which crystallize in a zinc-blande-type lattice, a correlation exists between the mean atomic number of the compound and the surface tension at the 1/2 uDcs 346.682,8611.,-)32.6 XCC NF~. AF~66'5591 malting pointl the higher the mean atomic number, th~ lower the surface tension of the compound. Data on the effect of Te on the supercooling of indium antimonide in- dicate that surface-active acbmixtures increase the probability of formation of a solid phase nucleus. At: a certain concentration of Tag the growth of lamellar den- drites of gallium antimonide was hinderedp causing distorted dendrites to growp then was stopped altogether as the To content increased further. The introduction of zinc in appreciable amounts did not interfere with the growth of lamellar dendrites of gallium antimonide. The regularities found by studying the role of surface phenomena in the crystallization of indium antimonide melts were found to apply to gallium antimonide as wellp and am therefore thought to cove r at least all compounds of type AIIIBV which crystallize in a zinc-blande-type lattice. The paper was presented by Academician Sazhiny N. P.1, 4 Apr 66. Orig. art. hasI'3 figures and I table* SUB COM; I I~O/SUBM DAM 04Apr66/ MM RM 009/. 0TH Fart 001 2/2 7161 163 ij~ or liqlaid-- ni-tr t- ger~ -I,gm _per -C.V.; !C"jl"(;AI,UvsMyAj ~4'~,nohardneas of Ab-Wand bill.13 wxf acas of galliurn antLmonida ys tals. Izv. AN SSSR. Neorg. ma, . I no.'7: LO, 0, T.1 165. 1- 25-1 "6 - .- (*MLRA 18:9) .!" nnUtut meUdlurglJ Imeni, rlaykova Moskvit. KUKTLADZE, 1-1. N. "Dotorinimtion of the Oscillation Charjct4,,,,.'Lst:Lcs of Folded Comstmotions I by the Method of V. Z. Vlasov." Cand Tech Sell, Georgian Polytechnic Inst, Thi! Isi, 1954. (RZUleldi, Nov 54) Survey of Scientific and Technical Dissertations Defcnded at USSR Higher Educational Institutions (11) SO: Sum. 140. 521, 2 Jun 55 KUKULCZMIKA, - - -1: .... .11.11 Obaervations on the influence of temperat-jre on ttie germina- tion and growth of Cocos nucifera La Viadom botan 7 no.3/41 233-236 163. KUKUL CZANKAIKrystyna Remarks on the germination of seeds of the plant family Bromeliaceae. Wisdom botan 7 no.lt7344 163. 1. Ogrod Botaniczny, Uniweraytetv Wroclaw. KUKULCZANKA, Krystyna Morphological affinity among the needle varieties of Callistephus chinanaiB Keen. Acta agrobot. 15:109-125 164. L.Botanical Garden of the University,-Wroclaw. JaIKUTiV10H, L.L.; MJBIN, N.A.; ROTINA, A.Ya., kandidat tekWcheskikh nauk, redaktor [Wage organization at local indmatfial enterprises3 Orgamizatsila varabotnoi platy na prodpritatiiakh mestuoi proviyahlounosti. Moskva, Gos.141-vo mestuoi pronyahLESISR, 1950. 195 P. (KEsA 6m) (Wages) (Industry) N ,000000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 *0100*000 11111 of 0A .0 0 0 41 0 40 0 0 0 0 0 0 10 to 0 0 Is 4 fil a a N It 9 a is a b 1, a 30 0 .2 c 43 it 4't* I I I - I - I - 11 2 . . u . I" r U" ; ~1.1.1 Rt .1 r . . . . . . . . . . -.A ii 'a 4tnal- pettflus "Cl 01"Co"fs 4141 of I ; I -'.~ i. )WyAR TZc"jU HUWjARrM YXIIINMIAG 3 (1 2930 00 .~-j NO. 91 septe -Tl 00 .,go* ee a ;eO 00 no* zoo A$ik.$L& MITALLUNCKAL ILMNATWE CL&nWKATIQil WOO i r F An I 1 11 ?w it 0 v I N so 5 a a 3 1 v t seat Ra it a tPol, a 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 to 0 to to 0-0 0 e 0 too 60 0 6 6 to st 0 a 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 * 0 0 0 0 to 0 0 0 0 0 to 0 * 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 to 0 0 6 6 6 0 0 to 0 0 a 6 0 a a a 4 1 4 t 1 9 10 It U 12 14 Il III U 4 10 A A--L I I U v 00A 00, Maryar Tachnika 00 Hungarian Engiseerin., 001 1950 0o I oe -e sod 460 W i I M t I Aid-ILA SITALLOCKAL LIVINAIM CLASWICATWO two M0.1 INIGOO .10 (WV got -4F-e- " 0 0 0 WOW- *0 600004 00000000,18 311 All) 14D 1617 silo 41 a:43 04100 =00 coo woo Woe 1131111 Cot cpv sit s a nd 0 it a I W IK 9 a a I v Eii-U-st-j'T to Ll I-V t-P 1-t O-P Jc K, 411 it mit U it it 000414104000000- '00 0 0 * a 0 0 0 0 0 00 v JIMIZVIGH I.L.- LYUDVIG, A.A.; SHABARIN. A.K., redaktor; GIMLISON, A.Z., *LYUDKOVSKAYA, II.I., tekhnichookiy redaktor I [The organization of wages in enterprises furnishiAg local building Materials3 Organizataiia zarabotnoi platy na prdprilatliakh mestafth atroitellnykh materialov. Pod red. A.K.Shabarina. Moskva, Goo. izd- vo lit-ry po stroit, materialam, 1956. 229 p. (MLRA 9-8) (Building materials industry) (Wages) AJjLIoeyb&,qc4- MACHINHIN Viktor Favlovicb,, --&1WWnCH Igr A.I.v red*; !FOIB1L9VA-,L.V.0 red.; MASDMVA, Ye.S.,, [The wage systems in enterprises of local ind-=U7] Organizateiia zarabotnoi platy na predpriiatiiakh mestnoi prorWsUennosti. Moskva,, Gos,izd-vo planavo-ekonomichaskoi lit-ry, 1961. 355 P. (wages) WU 314:6) Glyc~ogen disease. Sov. med. 28 no.6;134-58 (~f-7R-k 18;8) 1. Kafedra gospitallnoy pediatri-I Gmv, deystv-'!- tel'nyy chlen AMIN SSSR prof. A.F. Turl Leningradskogo, pedia--riotheskago mrdlt,~Inskogo -InatifuVi. KIJ Ell UVICII it a re f ora, o f a iicro (;,,I, a nr-,mn i Vap F~o-= c v pedi at. 110,3 -210-213 16,4. (441WL 18:7) MUUMUU, N.Y. Relapsing feVer caused by ticks iu the Ukrainiem S.,111.R. Ned. paraz. 25 no.146-17 Ja-M 156 (KLRA 9-6) 1. 1z 1(hersonskoy oblastnoy oanita=o-apidemiologicheskoy stantaii. (UKRAIIM--RFJAPSMG FEM) KUKIJLMVA. A. I Mechanization of the trimming and -knockLn,,-,-mt of pipes -from -~4 U Z- be bundleo. Mash. i neft. obor. no.4235 161, U (MIRA 17x 8) 1. TSentrallnoye byuro tekhnicheskay intorm6t.9ii Bashsovnarkhoza, go Ufa* -.J;UKVL ~. MY44-To ...... Machine for cutting disk patterns. Mauh. I neft,, obor. m*4t36 163. (MIRA 17W L TSentrallnoye by-uro tekhnicheskoy in�orrAtsil Bmahsay-narkhoza, g. Ufa. KUKIIIJAN Ante Business management of Yugoslav Postal,, Te3egraph, and Telephone Enterprises. PTT Zajed 6 no,.~" 164. ~j ~~" Ecotomid mits in fugoslav Postal. Telegraph, anil Telephone Sordee. PTT UJed 6 no.4a34-40 JI-Ag 064. ---- -- - KUKUIXA, X. Coal economies and the state of measuring instruments in Polish industry. P-417 (POMIARY, AUTOMAYM,, KONTROLA,, Vol. 2,, No.11., Nov. 1956., Warsaw, Poland) SO.- Mbnth3,y List of East European Accessions (EEAL) W, Vol. 6, No. 9, Sept. 1957, Uncl,